#para: treat yourself
hella1975 · 2 years
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here is my fairly rushed kanut + zuko poem, i just had the line "there is something inside of you that weeps" in my head but all i could think about was how 'weep' is also used for describing some symptoms of infection so yeah
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Could you elaborate more about the fight Miguel had with your family that was mentioned in the soccer family proposal imagine?
Ayyy! It's the perfect chance to get the angst out of me jsksj. And of course, no relationship is perfect 💔.
What caused the fight Pt3
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Gabriel's eyes settled on the both as you entered Miguel's apartment. Solemnity and listless faces dragged inside.
Gabriel was as perspicacious as his elder brother. A habit rubbed on him through the years of sharing the apartment and drunk in mezcal and tequila talks.
You were teary eyed, unable to look him for more than a couple of seconds before acknowledge him with a lip tight smile and follow Miguel to his room like a scolded puppy. The room felt smaller, crumpling around you, almost suffocating. A couple of your belongings scattered around the place.
So far the only indicators that a woman occupied a spot in his life. Silence felt so deafening it crawled and bit on your tremorous skin. Dread had made itself comfortable in your guts along anxiety ever since you left your old house. Cause you'd certainly wouldn't able to call it home.
And after all these years the little to no improvement had only made you oath to yourself that you'd stay as far as possible from them.
You'd notice the white of his knuckles gripping so tightly at the wheel, that when you tried to get a hold of his hand, his hand recoiled from yours. An appalling contrast from hours ago where he'd held you and gave gentle touches to ease and relief your nerves.
You had warned him, and still the both got burned. Him specially. It felt like the person you had as a mother figure was doing it on purpose to upset you and him.
It couldn't be that bad between the both, right? If he was honest, at first he thought that nothing but a small fight had ensued and that you were a little immature about it. But as your relationship kept growing you'd tell him just the highlights of your mother's behavior.
Something that he actually related way too well. He knew that speaking of your family was still a sore point, something you were treating with therapy.
"What's wrong, Miguel?"
"Nada." (Nothing)
"Mentiroso. ¿Qué te pasa?" (Liar, what's wrong?
Silence. You were done with it.
"You haven't spoke much ever since we got back from my old house. You're not... even looking at me!"
"Your family thinks I'm a freak."
You frowned and shook your head.
"And I apologize for that. I warned you about them-"
"Thanks for the fucking late warning"
His massive back heaved with subtle anger as it turned to you. His hands in his waist.
"Miguel..." Your eyes went wide at his words, head buzzed with his hurtful words.
"I bet you didn't even tell them about me."
His accusing tone was certainly tugging too hard at your heart seams. "I barely keep communication with them, Miguel. You out of everyone knows it!"
"Are you ashamed of me?" His self doubt threw daggers at your heart with each syllable that formed the question.
"¿Qué no oyes? Te avergüenzas de mí o qué?! (Didn't you hear, are you ashamed of me or what?!)
"Le bajas a tu tono que no eres mi papá. No le permití jamás levantarme la voz para que tú lo hagas ahora." (Chill your tone down, you're not my father. I never allowed him to do so for you to come at me like that now.)
"And now you're scared of me"
"Listen to yourself, Miguel! Pull your head out of your ass for a second and listen to how you're talking to me! Haven't I been there for you and with you since last year?"
Gabriel gave a silent whistle as your fight grew loud enough for him to hear everything outside Miguel's bedroom door. He retreated to his room out of politeness.
"Yeah, we've been-"
"Then why you act like I'm being a burden to you all out the sudden? Why are you acting like I'm the one that hurt you?! You know that I'd never do that!. I'm not my family, Miguel."
Your voice cracked.
He shook his head. He had seen the way everyone stared at him when he tried to open the beer with his teeth. Fearful, disgusted.
The exact way he was looking at you.
To say it hurt was an understatement. He was deliberately prying open your chest and ripping your heart out while showing off and marveling at the process of such act.
"You... You don't wanna be with me anymore?"
The question sent a painful jab to his chest, but his wounded ego had taken all the controls on his rational side.
"Maybe it's time for you to get someone that's fucking normal. I'm clearly not. So why staying?"
A hiccup.
"Because I love you, you fucking idiot!"
A sob, and his heart sunk deeper.
Apologize. Now.
His mind chanted but his pride joined in the maneuvering of his spilled and jagged emotions. Adding more dry bones to the fire.
"But clearly this... this isn't working out, isn't it?"
Your head nodded as your arms braced your quivering form. A meek protection from his cutting words.
"Sorry to have wasted your time then." You spoke in between angry sobs as you removed the necklace he once gifted you and shoved it back to his hand.
His bottom lip pursed as he saw you picking up the little traces of you in a haste. He went for your shoulder gently.
"Mira, yo-" (Look, I-)
You recoiled away from him as silent tears kept rolling down your face. Some watered the carpet underneath your feet.
"You've said enough."
A way too polite 'Don't Touch Me"
You picked up your things in your arms, messily. The room was clutching at your throat, cutting bit by bit your breaths, but Miguel's indifference was the one that made your head spin from the sudden lack of air. He was killing you with his suffocating coldness.
You hadn't mind the little brostbites he'd gave you, but this one had been too bad for you to keep holding it up. The burn had been too much. Too fast and too deep for you to properly process. All you knew is that you needed to get out.
Bundling up the things in the cardigan, you went out his bedroom's door.
His steps followed you, but this time he was the one unable to catch up. You were already closing the main door with a quiet close.
His hands trembled as they found their way on each side of his hips. Gripping and provoking enough pressure to at least feel a fraction of the pain he just put you through.
The necklace in his hand still warm. His own heat dulling yours. Just like your smile. Just like you. Just like every damn thing that made him feel good and happy.
Self sabotage was his best trait. Something he clearly forgot to warn you. But it was late.
The texture of the metal chain crunched underneath his fist.
Too late.
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flan-tasma · 3 months
Boyfriend!Gaming x Reader HC
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💖~ What the people think is done
Yo estoy dispuesta a saltar ✨
El banner para esto no salió mal, estoy feliz por ello <3333333
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Gaming es el mejor amigo que puedas tener, y si como amigo es fantástico, imagínate de novio.
Es un novio que resuelve, no importa si crees que la situación es insalvable, él encuentra la manera de hacer que funcione. ¿Tu ropa se manchó y no se quita? Él te da su chaqueta para que te cubras. ¿Te incomodan tus zapatos? Te dará los suyos. ¿Estás tan cansada como para hacer algo? Él te atenderá hasta que te recuperes. Él es un amor.
Puede ponerse muy amenazante cuando hay alguien que puede hacerte daño cerca. Puede poner esta cara de perro rabioso mientras mira feo (y tal vez saque algo de veneno) a la persona que representa una amenaza para ti.
Puede ser un perrito que te sigue y te muerde para que juegues con él, y puede ser un perro guardián que muerda y probablemente haga sangrar a alguien que te trata mal.
Es tu novio y al mismo tiempo es tu comadre con quien chismean cada que pueden. El inicio de sus citas empieza con uno de los dos tomando aire para contar el chisme mientras toman té y pasteles de té y luna.
Te pide que le ayudes a peinarse y comparten productos para el cuidado del cabello que pueden servirles.
Tienen mínimo uno o dos conjuntos que combinan, y probablemente te haya regalado una chaqueta igual a la suya.
Siento que haría chistes de sus desgracias y se reiría, pero jamás se burlaría de tus traumas a menos que tú hagas el chiste primero.
Si en algún momento se cansa de ti (siempre en broma, claro) te pone su chaqueta, sube la capucha y le habla al suanni acerca de cómo alguien está hablando mucho y cuánto quiere cerrarle la boca a besos.
Siempre coquetea contigo, no le importa si ya son pareja. Va a seguir acercándose diciendo que luces preciosa y te pregunta si ya tienes novio y por qué debería ser él.
No soporta coqueteos frente a su familia, va a explotar de la vergüenza y te meterá un puñado de arroz en la boca para que te calles.
Puntos extras si resulta que vives en la Aldea Chiaoying, no tiene pereza de viajar desde la ciudad de Liyue para ir a visitarte los fines de semana. También le gusta llevarte a la ciudad para presentarte a sus amigos y que respires un aire nuevo.
El chico es un hombre fiel, es tu novio y puede imaginar un futuro contigo, suele hacer bromas acerca de que ambos se harán viejos juntos y saldrán a pasear por el lago.
A partir de que soluciona sus problemas con su padre, tiene la costumbre de alejarte de su familia, a pesar de que cada que te encuentras con ellos te dan de comer o te tratan muy dulcemente.
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Gaming is the best friend you can have, and if he is fantastic as a friend, imagine him as a boyfriend.
He is a boyfriend who will help you, it doesn't matter if you think the situation is insurmountable, he finds a way to make it work. Did your clothes get stained and won't come off? He gives you his jacket to cover yourself. Do your shoes make you uncomfortable? He will give you his. Are you tired enough to do anything? He will take care of you until you recover. He is a sweetheart.
He can become very threatening when there is someone who can harm you nearby. May make this mad dog face while he glares (and maybe draws some venom) at the person who poses a threat to you.
It can be a little dog that follows you and bites you to make you play with it, and he can be a guard dog that bites and probably makes bleed who treats you badly.
He is your boyfriend and at the same time he is your best friend with whom you gossip whenever you can. The beginning of your dates is with one of you taking a breath to tell the gossip with tea and Fine Tea, Full Moon.
He asks you to help him comb his hair and share hair care products that can help you.
You have at least one or two outfits that match, and he probably gave you a jacket just like his.
I feel like he would make jokes about his misfortunes and laugh, but he would never make fun of your traumas unless you make the joke first.
If at some point he gets tired of you (always joking, of course) he puts his jacket on you, pulls up the hood and talks to the suanni about how someone is talking too much and how much he wants to kiss their mouth shut.
He always flirts with you, he doesn't care if you are already a couple. He will keep approaching you saying that you look beautiful and asking if you already have a boyfriend and why it should be him.
He can't stand flirting in front of his family, he's going to explode with embarrassment and shove a handful of rice into your mouth to make you shut up.
Bonus points if you live in Chiaoying Village, he's not lazy to travel from Liyue to visit you on the weekends. He also likes to take you to the city to introduce you to his friends and let you breathe a fresh air.
The boy is a faithful man, he is your boyfriend and he can imagine a future with you, he often makes jokes about the two of you getting old together and going for a walk by the lake.
After he solves his problems with his father, he has the habit of distancing you from his family, even though every time you meet them they feed you or treat you very sweetly.
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cupidssorbett · 1 year
im sorry I missed Wednesday cherubs! But have this little Miguel O’Hara smutty I thought about.
Miguel is headcannoned as always working late I mean come on we all know it, Well imagine him working late and you call upset with him, and he gets the idea of talking you through getting yourself off as a treat,
“Mi Amore I can’t, I-“ You cry, as you push the dildo into you. He tuts, the bulge in his pants growing tighter as he sits at his desk the phone against his ear. “Come on, mi corazon.” he said gruffly, he knows that voice makes you feel some kind of way. “Talk to me, Tell me how much you love it, How much you want me.” He says, no orders. You bite back a moan, “It-It’s so..Good, but it’s not you!” You say your head leaning back slightly, he can hear the squelch as you push further. “Dios esto sera la muerte para mi..(God this will be death for me..)” He groans, a hand coming to run over his face.
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cherrynwinesk · 10 months
my first request is me not being an anon 🤭 anyway i saw ur quackity post about treating his s/o like a princess and i was like “AAWWWW QUE LINDOOOO” SO maybe u can do some headcanons of that? or lo que tu quieras 🤷‍♀️
(also i love the fact u do spanish and english content 🫶🏻 spanish is my first language so seeing content in my mother tongue is very warming 🫶🏻)
🍒: Mucha graciaaaaas!!! Creeme que yo también buscaba contenido en español y es súper limitado, y dije "no me voy a quedar esperando a que alguien más lo haga y voy hacerlo yo". Te lo voy a poner en ambos idiomas porque Quackity internacional. Gracias por tu apoyo, espero que mi blog sea un lugar seguro<333
Princess Treat Headcanon's ~ Quackity
Story g: Sfw / Soft
Language: English / Español
⚠️: None/Ninguno
CC's: Quackity, ElQuackity (bc both languages lol)
Reader g: Female / Femenino
📝: All the content is fictitious and an attempt is made to adapt the PUBLIC personality of the cc's, that is, the personality that is shown in front of cameras, I do not know the true personality and any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.
🍒: Hello, writing requests are always open, if you want something in particular, ask without fear. I clarify that English is not my main language, I apologize for any error and accept corrections to improve the quality of the content
Master List
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•Tiene su grado de caballerosidad siempre independientemente de quién sea la otra mujer, amigas, hermana, mamá, alguna familiar tuya
•Mientras te pretende, él siempre va a ser caballeroso
•Siendo novios esa caballerosidad es exclusiva, este trato no lo va a tener nadie más que tu
•Comenzando por lo básico, él siempre abrirá la puerta para ti, restaurante, casa o cualquier lugar. Quackity siempre abrirá la puerta para que tú puedas pasar primero sin tener que hacer el esfuerzo de empujar la puerta por tu propia cuenta
•Quackity también abre la puerta de su carro para ti, pero en este caso, una vez abierta la puerta él extiende su mano para que puedas tomarla y apoyarte en él para salir del asiento del copiloto
•Él nunca, nunca, va a llamarte con un insulto, ni por más pequeño que sea el insulto como "tonta" o cualquier otro
•Nunca va a faltarte el respeto haciendo comentarios sugerentes en momentos no indicados
•E incluso en momentos indicados, él siempre va hablarte o dirigirse hacia ti sin obsenidades
•Carga en su carro algunas sandalias o crocs cómodos por si en alguna cita tus zapatos empiezan a lastimar tus pies
•Quackity es un hombre proveedor
•Tus comidas siempre las paga él sin ninguna condición o esperar algo a cambio
•Siempre hay un pequeño detalle en tu cuerpo, como alguna cadena, pulcera o anillo que lo representen a él como tú novio
•Sin la necesidad de marcarte posesivamente
•"Está joya es un regalo de mi novio" y con eso él está presente en tu vida
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•He always has his degree of chivalry regardless of who the other woman is, friends, sister, mother, any relative of yours.
•While you are dating, he's always going to be chivalrous.
•Being a couple that chivalry is exclusive, this deal will not have anyone else but you
•Starting with the basics, he will always open the door for you, restaurant, home or anywhere. Quackity will always open the door so you can go through first without having to push the door yourself.
•Quackity also opens his car door for you, but in this case, once the door is open he extends his hand so you can take it and lean on him to get out of the passenger seat
•He will never, never, call you an insult, no matter how small the insult is like "stupid" or any other
•He will never disrespect you by making suggestive comments at inappropriate times.
•And even at the right times, he will always talk to you or address you without obscenity
•Carry some comfortable sandals or crocs in his car in case your shoes start to hurt your feet on a date
•Quackity is a provider man
•Your meals are always paid for by him without any conditions or expecting something in return
•There is always a small detail on your body, like a chain, bracelet or ring that represents him as your boyfriend.
•Without the need to mark you possessively
•"This jewel is a gift from my boyfriend" and with that he is present in your life
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luceracastro · 3 months
Teacher’s Pet
Part 3
Esteban Kukurickza x reader
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Summary: After a few months of starting your literature course you seem to find it harder with time to ignore your professor, little did you know you were driving him crazy as well.
Warnings: nothing much, some knee/thigh touching but it’s all innocent (or that’s what Esteban says🤭)
You felt dead and you didn’t know if dead was even a sufficient word to describe how you really felt in that moment, your head was spinning and pounding, your arms and legs were sore to even move and your back pain was unbearable
Your eyes were swollen and sleepy from the lack of sleep you had been getting as of late and the sun peeking through the crack of the curtain was no help either “carajo” you groaned rolling your body over to your night stand
Now you knew you would take up on Esteban’s offer for the after school hours lecture after putting it off for weeks, you had grabbed you phone opening the email app and you had started a new email, you had reread it and made sure it was professional enough
You had the sent him the email and as soon as you put your phone down you were out like a light.
The next morning you looked over your phone, the day before you had taken the day to take some pain killers, drink tea, sleep and relax yourself which was very much needed but now you sent Esteban a email confirming you could meet up today
He had pitched in the idea to work at a secluded coffee shop where no one really went just so you both could work privately and with no suspicions from students or nosey professors
You had to get yourself together, you smelled like coffee and your hair was a tossed mess so you hopped in the shower, you did your hair, makeup and got dressed. You gathered your stuff and left your small flat locking the door and walking downstairs, you took the bus, it was easier and there was no way in hell you would ever walk
No you didn’t have a car, your dad did try to buy you one but it would just add on to expense and you didn’t really go anywhere except school and a small market right down the street at times the library but the bus was an easy fix for all of that, you had looked through your phone until the bus came to a stop and you stepped off finding the coffee shop down a little ally
After searching up about it, it was supposedly a underground calm little coffee shop with good coffee and treats, you had entered and looked around and there he was sat down looking through his computer and you stood there for a minute looking at him, you then walked over and he looked up a soft smile appearing on his lips as he saw you “hola linda, como te sientes?” He asked and you nodded a soft sigh escaping your lips “bien, mejor, gracias por preguntar” you said
“Si como no, ven sientate aqui” he patted the spot beside him and you nodded sitting beside him, this was the first time you ever were dangerously close to him, your knee touched his and you could feel his breathing against your skin which gave you chills
The lecture was based off of theoretical framework and through the lecture he was attentive in explaining everything and making sure you understood and you both worked on some exercises together which you did great on, your insight on the lecture made him sure that you understood it
Such a smart girl, he thought “quieres ordenar algo?” He asked and you nodded “ahorita nomas ordeno un cafe” you said as you looked over something on your notes “si quieres yo te lo ordeno” he said and you shook your head “no por favor ya no quiero molestarte” you smiled “no es ninguin molestia, tu nunca vas a ser un molestia para mi” he said and you smiled a soft chuckle escaping your lips
“Bueno esta bien, gracias” you thanked him “no hay problema nena” he had gotten up and you looked down working on the last few exercises making sure your work was double checked, “ten linda” you looked up and grabbed a hold of the medium sized coffee cup “gracias” you the realized he paid for your drink, “ten para la cafe” you handed him a five dollar bill since the coffee was only 3$ you saw it on the small menu stuck to the table
He shook his head “no nena esta bien” he wouldn’t accept your money and you gave him a look “por favor, ten” you tried to give him the money and he took it to put it back inside your bag and you gave him a frustrated face which made him chuckle and you couldn’t help but smile “Esteban ten” you tried to give him the money again as you playfully whined
“No, no voy acceptar tu dinero” he shook his head and you rolled your eyes “ahora me siento mal” you said and he shook his head “no nena por que?” You gave him a look “nomas es un cafe de 3$ linda” and you chuckled “ahora tienes que dejar que yo hago algo para ti” you said and he nodded
“Bueno, vamos a comer” he said and you tilted your head, your eyes slightly widening “yo se que no has comido se te ve” he said and you sighed a small smile on your lips “entonces quieres ir a comer?” You asked and he nodded “y que quieres comer?” You asked “te gustan las hamburguesas?” He asked and you nodded “Si” he picked up both of your things
“Bueno vamos nena” he said and you stood up “ahorita?” You asked and he nodded “si, se nota que no has comido, vamos” he didn’t give you room to protest as he already made his way out of the coffee shop and all you could do was follow him
He had been kind to open the car door for you making sure you were inside completely before closing the door, you sighed watching as he went around the car and entered the drivers side “bueno, vamos”
The car ride was calming with some of the night wind seeping through the car windows which were slightly rolled down, the radio which was turned down but loud enough for background noise, “eres muy calladita” he said chuckling a little as you smiled shaking your head
“Bueno la verdad no se que es algo apropiado que puedo hablar de con mi professor” you said looking over at him only to see that his eyes were already focused on you, “lo que sea?” He said shrugging with that same damn dreamy smile on his lips “y si digo algo malo? Mejor no” you giggled “bueno miralo asi, yo te doy la libertad de hablar me como si yo fuera cualquero, ahorita no me tienes que ver como tu profe, vale?”
You looked at him as he looked at you, the moment felt intimate in a way and you could only nod “Vale” you said in a whisper almost “bueno nena, dime” you thought for a moment, what could you even tell him? Your life wasn’t too eventful besides work and school “la verdad es que yo no tengo una vida tan emocionante” you laughed
“Bueno no hay que tener una vida llena de cosas asi, te digo algo, yo casi ni sali de mi cuarto cuando era joven” he said and you chuckled “tenias que haber salido” you said not believing a word he said “no, me la pasaba haciendo tareas, escribiendo, o viendo peliculas” he said and you raised a brown”y que no tenias amigos or una novia?” He nodded “si, si tuve pero nomas hablabamos en la escuela despues de eso era como que si no nos conocieramos” he said
“De verdad?” He then nodded “y tu no tienes tus amigas?” He asked “bueno si pero siempre estoy haciendo mis tareas o trabajando que ya no salgo tanto como antes” you admitted “y novio no tienes?” You looked at him then back at the road shaking your head “no, o sea tuve pero quebramos despues de que el se fue de España” you said
“Y estas bien?” He asked and you nodded “si, si poco a poco” you sighed and felt chills at the feeling of a rough hand resting on your knee, you looked down and saw his hand just on your knee and you watched as it slowly slipped up to sit on your thigh and you looked over at him, he was normal about with a smug smile on his lips while you panicked on the inside
“Bueno aqui estoy por lo que sea” you nodded “gracias” he didn’t move his hand, it’s still there and you weren’t complaining. You both pulled up in front of a small food truck with two fold up tables set up and what not, you were distracted looking at the food truck to even notice Esteban rounding the car to open your door “gracias” you smiled at him as he nodded, you both stared at the menu which made your head hurt, you didn’t know what you wanted
“Ya sabes lo que quieres?” He asked and you looked at him “si, lo que tu ordenes” you said and he chuckled “segura?” He asked and you nodded “bueno” he had ordered for the two of you then led you to sit down, it was getting cold again and you forgot to bring a jacket only having a long sleeved top to protect you
“Tienes frio” it wasn’t a question more like a statement “no estoy bien” you said but the subtle sound of your teeth clattering and your shaking body were a dead giveaway, “mentirosa” he chuckled shrugging off his jacket and holding it for you to slip it on “Y tu?” You asked “yo voy a estar bien nena, ten” he slipped the jacket on to you and sat back down “como sabias que querias ser maestro?” You asked him “Siempre queria ser, aunque no lo crees o no se nota siempre supe que iba ser maestro” he said
“Y tu nena que quieres hacer?” He asked and you thought if you should even tell him or not “autora” you said sipping on the soda he had bought you both “eso si es algo bueno, maravilloso” he said “y yo se que lo vas a lograr, veo los papeles y los trabajos que haces y yo se que vas a ser la mejor autora” he said and it made your heart genuinely happy that he thought that highly of you
“De verdad crees eso?” You asked with a wide smile on your lips “Si como no?” He smiled “eres una buena escritora” he said “gracias, me siento muy feliz a saber que tu piensas eso” he chuckled “nena todos en el colegio sabemos que vamos a ver tu nombre en los libros mas populares en el futuro” he just knew what to say
“Aye ya me vas hacer llorar” you laughed “no no nena” he smiled placing a hand over yours, for a moment your eyes met and it was just you two for a while until the booming voice of the man working the food truck yelled your order and he stood up going to get the food then he came back and sat down, the burgers looked great
“Prueba la” you smiled holding the burger and took a bite, he watched you carefully waiting for what you have to say about the burger “esta buenisimo” you laughed and he smiled “eso esperaba” he said and you laughed as he did too before taking a bite of his burger “de verdad esta hamburguesa es la mas buena que yo habia probado”
“Que bueno nena, sabia que te iba encantar” he said popping a fry into his mouth “y entonces como eras de nene?” You wanted to know more about Esteban, what was he like? What did he enjoy? “Un niño muy differente” he said
“Y como era ese nene differente?” You asked smiling taking another bite of the burger “un niño que se la pasaba afuera jugando fútbol o en casa viendo peliculas” he said making you smile “y como se veìa ese nene?” You asked and he sighed taking out his phone with a little smile as he swiped continuously on his phone
He showed you his phone screen he looked to be a little boy in the picture but he looked like the sweetest boy ever,“aye que lindo” you giggled “hermoso de verdad” you said and he chuckled “gracias nena gracias” he then let you hold his phone as you fawned over the picture “y aver, tu como eras de nena?” He asked and you sighed “una niña que hacia libros con papel y crayolas y le encantaba las caricaturas” you said and he smiled
“Que niña linda entonces” you shook your head smiling, while eating you both continued talking about childhood and more or so his and his teen years which you doubted he had, sometimes you found it hard to believe he once was young
Once you both had finished Esteban was nice to pick up your trash as well as his to throw it out, “nomas pago y nos vamos” and you shook your head giving him some money for you meal “mi parte” you said and he shook his head “perdon nena pero no” you gave him a look “Esteban por favor” you insisted yet he made no move to get the money from your hand
“No” he said once more and you slightly frowned “por favor” he sighed getting the money but what you didn’t see was him tucking it in his pocket and paying for both your meals himself, he thanked the woman then went to get you “vamos” he said and he helped hold your bag, you walked in front of him not seeing him tuck the money you gave him back inside your bag
“Ten linda” he gave you your bag and you thanked him as he carefully closed the door for you, he had driven you home the tiredness was getting to you and you could tell he was tired too by the sound of his yawn and his sleepy eyes
Stopping in front of your apartment building which he seemed to remember you sighed “gracias, por todo de verdad” you smiled at him and he smiled too “no es nada querida, lo que sea para mi alumna favorita” he said and you chuckled nodding “bueno, gracias otra vez, tenga buen noche y con cuidado por favor” you said getting your stuff and opening the door
“Si claro, gracias nena buenas noches” he said smiling and you smiled once more before closing the door and again he didn’t leave until you fully entered the building and after that he drove off, you entered your apartment smiling like an idiot as you put your stuff down and kicked off your shoes and you noticed you still had his jacket on and you took it off and looked at the dark brownish jacket it was warm and it smelled like him even from afar
You grinned about to walk over to your room to get ready for bed but something poking out of your bag caught your eye, the money you gave Esteban to pay for your food and you sighed a smile on your lips, how did you know it was your money? The folding on the bills “carajo” you chuckled putting the money in your bag and then going to your room.
Esteban entered his apartment and kicked off his shoes putting his things down on his table, he heard meows and purrs as he felt fluff rub against his legs “hola hermosa” he cooed as he scratched his cat’s side, the black cat had purred as her tail swirled “vamos lunita” he called her over making his way to his bedroom
Luna, he named the cat which he got three years prior, he fell in love with the little cat he would occasionally feed and he noticed she lacked a collar and had no where to go so instinctively he picked her up and took her to the vet doing everything he could to take her home and have her healthy.
The next morning you had woken up early to be able to stop by a coffee shop and get a big black coffee with a muffin, you weren’t going to let Esteban off that easily, you just had to do something for him, you entered class and it was empty except you saw Esteban sitting down at his desk going over some papers “buenos dias” you said making him look up his once serious expression turned into a smile “Buenos Dias nena” you smiled putting the coffee cup and paper bag holding the muffin down
“Ya se que no usaste el dinero que te di ayer” you gave him a look with a small smile and he leaned back a smug smile on his lips as he shrugged “por eso te traigo esto y te lo vas a comer y tomar” you pointed at him and he nodded “bueno bueno nena me lo como” he gave you a smile “gracias” he took out the muffin and took a bite “esta muy bueno, ten” he ripped it in half keeping the half he bit
“Pero si lo traje para ti” you said and he gave you a look “ya se que no comiste todavia ten” you took the bread playfully rolling your eyes and taking a bite “gracias por esto nena, de verdad te lo agradezco” he said and you nodded “si de nada” you smiled down at him.
As students began to come in you moved to your seat and sat down, the last thing you needed were rumors that would get both you and Esteban in trouble.
A/n: So sorry for taking so long to update my loves!!!! I swear I didn’t want to take this long but school was kicking me in the ass lol, but I do hope you all enjoy the read and this fic<3 and if you’d like to be tagged let me know!
Comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated but not mandatory just enjoy the story my loves 🫶🏼
Taglist: @madame-fear @theoslove @catiwinky
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riyva · 1 year
will you marry me? | j.jh
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pairings. jaehyun x fem!reader genre. fluff, college, romance, smut warnings. protected sex, f!ngering, edging, use of c0ckrIng, bl0wjob, squirting, mdni written in taglish.
You and Jae were already together for 7 years, since high school, and now you're both in 4th year college. You were both busy for finals kaya hindi na kayo nagkakaroon ng solo time or let's say sexy time. It's been two months since you last did it.
You're already living in the same roof, in Jae's condo. Your parents really trust him so much kaya pinayagan ka na rin na mag-stay sa kanya while you're still in college. Pabor din naman kay Jae kasi lagi na kayong magkasama sa isang bubong.
You cooked the dinner, caldereta, and you're now waiting for Jae to come home. It's already 5.30 p.m, and he'll go home by precisely 6 p.m.
You washed the things that you used habang nagaantay, at hindi mo narinig na dumating na pala si Jae. Jae immediately went to give you a back hug.
"Hi, love," he said while kissing your nape.
It sent ticklish vibration down to your spine. "Love, ano ba?" You giggled while washing. You turned off the faucet and faced Jae. Tinukod naman si Jae ang magkabilang kamay sa gilid ng bewang mo para hindi ka makawala.
You kissed him, and he gladly responded. The kiss was full of love and desire. The kiss went deeper as Jae held your nape. Humiwalay ka naman sa napaka-tamis na halik.
You cupped Jae's cheeks. "Love, kamusta finals?"
Jae smiled, showing his cute dimples. "I did well as usual." And he winked.
You laughed. You went directly to his ear and whispered. "Congrats, love. I'll reward you later." And you also winked at him.
Those words you said became music to his ears, vibrating his spine. And now, his member can't wait to get warmed by your hotness later.
"Let's make love na now, love?" Jae said, and he pouted.
You laughed at him because of his cuteness as he asked for it. You pinched both of his cheeks. "Love, later na. We need to eat muna kasi. We need lots of energy later."
You kissed him again, and he tapped his shoulder. "Let's eat na, love."
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“Oh, Jae! Baby!” You’re now laying your back on the table while Jae eats the hell out of you. As Jae swirls his tongue to your clit, his two fingers also move inside you. His long fingers and tongue sent you too much pleasure.
Your moans filled the condo as Jae’s fingers hit your sweet spot. Jae felt your insides clenching his fingers. It means you’re coming. He smirked when he slowly moved his fingers to tease you more and delay your orgasm. You groaned in annoyance.
You sit up on the table while his digits are still inside you. “Fuck, baby! Nakakainis ka!” You’re so close to coming, but Jae slowed down his fingers.
His head went up. He chuckled. “Baby, calm down. We have lots of time pa to enjoy.”
Ngumuso ka sa kanya. "Kiss me na baby."
And he did; you also tasted yourself. The kiss was so slow, enjoying and taking their own pace. You’ve been together for seven years, and the love, passion, and desire remain there. Jae always treated you just what you deserved in the world.
The kiss became so deep as you clung to each other—lip biting and sucking each other’s tongues. The kiss makes many noises you can only hear, adding to the heat of wanting their body.
You removed his shirt, and your hand roamed his well-toned body. Yummy 8-packs abs. You thought. Your arrow went down to his torso. Jae groaned as they continued kissing because of your naughty hand. Jae’s hands went to your mountains.
Your hand went down to his member, and you gently massaged it. Jae moaned. Jae’s kisses went down to your neck and boobs while your hand was still on his boxers, playing with his and so freaking big. Fuck.
Jae sucked and licked your boobs like a hungry baby. You arch your body to give him more access as the pleasure goes through your body. He kissed every inch of you. Sa tuwing ginagawa nila ito, Jae never fails to make her feel loved, and Andra feels lots of butterflies in her stomach while he does this.
So sweet.
His head went down again to kiss and suck your femininity.
“Sarap ba, baby?”
Your eyes rolled because of pleasure. “Ohh, fuck! Yes, right there!” Your back goes to the table again; Jae eats and fingers you repeatedly until you come multiple times, making your legs tense.
Pilit tinutulak mong tinitulak si Jae palayo. "Jae, baby. Stop na, please. Let's continue this on the bed." He pouted, again. "Baby, I'm still eating pa pero sige." he can't get enough of your pretty pussy.
Why is he so cute? Damn.
You just rolled your eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, baby. Lalo kong papatirikin mata mo mamaya." He said as if you would take this as a threat.
Oh, boy. This is an excellent and pleasurable threat.
He dipped his head to claim your lips pero pinigilan mo siya. “I want to make love with you on our bed; take me there.”
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He laid on the bed, and you’re on top of him.
“Love. I want to make you feel good.” You whispered.
After he removed his boxers, you immediately sat on his dick. You grind your hips onto his. You felt his member hardened. Jae throws his head back on the pillow. “Fuck, so fucking good.”
“Baby, sagot ka. Use your words.” You said as you continued to grind your hips. You’re dripping so severely. You’re cunt was aching.
“Yes, baby. I’m already good, but I still want more. I’m craving for more.”
You pulled away from the kiss, and Jae chased your lips. You smirked, and you pushed him back on the bed again. You took something on the table beside the bed. Handkerchief, and rope. Jae’s eyes widened slightly.
Jae allowed you to tie his wrists and ankle on the bed posts without hesitation. Hindi masikip at hindi rin maluwag ang tali, sakto lang. You licked her lips while staring at him. “Love, you look so fucking hot while being tied.” You fold the handkerchief and immediately tie it around his eyes. You leaned down to kiss his lips and whispered into his ear. “Love. Are you ready?”
He replied with a moan. He’s ready to get devoured. You went back to his lips, went down to his neck. Jae raised his head to give him more access. You sucked his skin, and it will surely leave a mark. You licked and sucked his nipples. The room filled with his groans and deep breaths. And that made you smile. Well, it looks like I’m doing a great job. Your lips now went to his v-line. And, lastly, to his huge dick, pinkish and veiny. Your mouth went ‘o’.
“Baby, please suck it already.” Jae pleaded.
“Love, calm down. I still want to savor this moment. Hello? You’re so fucking big!” you examine his seven inches thick dick, wondering how it fits your whole every single night.
You kissed the tip, swirled your tongue, and took him whole. Well, not whole, just half. Then, your hands took care of the other half and his eggs. You bobbed your head up and down.
Bawat pagtaas at pagbaba ng ulo mo ay napapatirik mata sa sarap si Jae. Hindi man visible pero alam mo na sobrang nasasarapan siya. His hand went to your hair to guide you. He wanted to go fast but couldn't go rough on you. His hips thrust into your mouth. You knew that his high was coming because of the hurried pace.
But you stopped; you left his dick standing. And you removed the handkerchief.
Jae groaned. “Love, please don’t torture me.”
You left the bed and took something from the bedside table drawer. Jae’s eyes widened once again—a cockring. You smirked. Before you put it into his member, you asked him.
“Love, will you marry me?”
He blushed. “Oh, hell.” he let out a laugh. “Babe, I’m still tied and edged, and now you’re asking me that?” he added.
“Oh, bakit? Sino ka para umarte na ayain kita ng kasal? Kapal mo naman.”
“Babe, at least let’s make it decent.”
“Ewan ko sayo, Jaehyun. Sasagot ka or else tigang ka?” he didn't answered. Akma mong ibabalik na yung cock ring sa drawer pero nagsalita siya ulit. “Untie me baby, malalaman mo sagot.”
And you did what he said. Pagkatanggan ng huling tali, napasigaw ka nang hinuli ka ni Jae at hiniga sa kama, baliktad na ang posisyon. Ikaw ang nasa ibaba, at siya sa ibabaw.
“I..” he kissed your forehead. “Will marry..” your nose. “You.” and lastly, your lips. Muling gumalaw ang mga labi na may sariling ritmo. You both smiled between your kisses. He pulled away, and he lined his dick to your dripping cunt, slightly slapping you’re sensitive bead, but you stopped him. “Wear this cock ring, babe.”
Jae was still hesitant kasi alam niyang lalabasan agad siya but he wanted to try it too. He nodded as he took it from your hand to his dick. Jae fell his head back as pleasure ran to his spine. Your eyes burn with so much desire when you see it on him. “Gosh, Daddy! It fits.” you let out a sultry moan as you widened your legs for him. Before you forget, you take the small remote to increase the vibration, making him moan and shake his thighs. He let out a low moan as he slides himself to you.
Your head fell on the pillow, and you gripped your thighs as pleasure sent in. You can feel him pulsating and vibrating inside you. Sa una ay banayad ang mga ulos, he's taking his time with you. Sa bawat galaw, the cockring also hit your clit, making you whimper and moan louder. He was rocking your insides while also stimulating your bead.
Lalong tumitirik ang iyong mata sa bawat sagad ng pag-ulos niya sa iyo. The skin slapping, deep groans and moans filled the hot room.
Pabaling baling ka na sa kama at hindi mo alam sa kung saan ka hahawak. The pleasure is too much to handle for you. Your hand went to your head to grip while your other hand gripped the sheets.
Jaehyun looked at your face, checking if he was doing good. He knows that when you moan louder, he is hitting the right spot. He didn't speak instead he gripped your waist, at muling umulos ng mabilis pero baon at sagad na sagad.
Hitting your core deeper, making you almost see the stars. Jae seeing you writhing in pleasure, urges him to fuck you harder. Jaehyun’s high was already building up, and so did you. You grabbed Jaehyun’s arms to grip.
Your moans were now louder and louder as Jae hit the right spot. You came with a few more thrusts, but Jaehyun didn’t stop. He continued to fuck you. It became easier for him to move fast to reach his high.
Nang hindi ka pa nakakabawi ay muli mong naramdaman na lalabasan ka ulit. Your room filled more moans and cries until you came again and Jaehyun filled your walls with his white cream.
You took the remote and turned it off to stop sending the pleasure. Jaehyun fell on top of you. “Fuck, baby. Let’s do that again.” you chuckled. You ran your fingers through his hair as you felt his warmth against you. He lifts himself. “Let’s get married after graduation.” before you say anything else. He flipped you over your stomach without removing himself from you. You cursed in your head.
“Round two, yeah?” he said as he turned on the cockring again, making you scream.
Oh, shit. This is going to be a long night.
© riyva
let me hear your thoughts! :))
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Eu definitivamente amo sua escrita. Você poderia fazer o trio de monstros reagindo ao leitor pedindo para transar com ela?
Estou realmente envergonhado de perguntar isso, mas senti que precisava. Desculpe se não entendi, inglês não é minha primeira língua.
A/N: Obrigado! Posso entender um pouco de português I gotchu no worries. Hopefully I read that correctly pls lmk if I didn’t though! I was able to understand a little :) (I probably butchered that too lol forgive me)
Monster Trio React to Their Crush Asking For Sex (NSFW-ISH?)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Zoro, Sanji, Luffy
CW: Mentions of sex
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Okay just fyi if you’re not in a relationship with him or his crush he’ll just straight up say no KSBSISKS
He will absolutely treat you the same way he did Boa and nobody wants that😭
But let’s pretend Oda allows this man to have a form of attraction to women Cuz why not ( I HC he’s straight he just haven’t found his woman yet…because that’s literally me irl skshhsksjs)
Let’s say he at least finds you very attractive and maybe even a little crush on you.
You and him were in your room and he was watching you clean and talk about nothing when you finally got to the topic of sex (SOMEHOW) and said
“You know if you were ever up for it we could have sex whenever, Captain.”
He knows what sex is but never had it so you offering it makes him a bit gitty. He’s very nervous but you can’t tell because he is laughing it off a lot
Eventually you think he doesn’t want to for how much he’s laughing but he stops and explains he does want to have sex too
Very badly in fact he was so eager to say the least when you locked yourself in a room with him
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He has had sex before, but has loss interest in it after so long of not having it
But here come yo fine ass walking around in those damn workout clothes again stressing not only Sanji out now but Zoro
“You might as well workout naked, Woman.”
You knew he had a crush on you, but he never admitted it so you decided why not tease him,
“Well how about we both workout together..naked?”
Zoro got flustered in the damn face immediately
Zoro didn’t know if you were being forrreal or not so he began to get irritated
He has fucked his fist plenty of times at the thought but for you to be so damn direct—
“So? Yes or no?”
No real words were exchanged after he began swapping spit with you
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Why would y—what’s wrong with you.
Look he’s already cumming in his pants and bleeding.
You were getting yourself drunk in the kitchen because you were angry for some reason (insert reason ig)
Sanji decided it was time to cut you off but you held up the wine bottle teasingly looking up at him and say with a slurry voice,
“If you want it back you have to fuck me.”
And that is what lead him to feel his cock twitch.
He was very attracted to you, yes but he had to get a level head and not take advantage of you in this venerable state
He had to make sure you weren’t drunk drunk though. He didn’t want to do anything you might regret and you were. You couldn’t even keep your eyes open, you tried convincing him you meant what you said but he didn’t want to hear it he was already semi hard
“L-let’s Just get you to bed sweetheart.”
“Mmhm. You Gatta sleep in bed with me.”
He did but kept pillows in between you both for good measure he knew that some people say words they don’t mean when they’re drunk so Sanji just sighed keeping your naughty little request playing in his head.
It wasn’t until he woke up with you climbing on top of him that morning telling Sanji, “I told you I wasn’t that drunk…you still wanna fuck me?”
He fucked you btw.
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killemwithkawaii · 4 months
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Doing my (better late than never) part to spread the word about the Sanity's Fall Fanzine, a truly kick-ass collection of Sally Face fanart and fanfiction from 40+ artists and writers, including @otaku-bartender, @moonstruckmutt, @xviiint, @violetnuisance, and yours truly🎨🎭
The kickstarter is fully funded and preorders for the zine and exclusive merch are now open! All proceeds will be donated to to the charity 'Red de Apoyo para Víctimas de Sectas' (Support Network for Cult Victims), so if you're able, treat yourself and throw a couple extra items in your cart knowing that it's for a great cause 👌
Here's a little sneak preview of the illustration I contributed to the project:
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RIP Larrys eyebrows 😔🙏
For more info and previews from other artists, check out the official Sanity's Fall Fanzine pages on Instagram and twitter
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ge0rg1ewaa · 1 year
"They set it up!" - Neymar jr
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A/n : this is so confusing and idk if it makes sense. I just wanted to post something, anything. hope u still enjoy it :)
[Third person pov]
The smell of freshly prepared pasta wafted through the corridors of the apartment. The atmosphere was soothing with a blanket on the couch & a favorite movie on the TV. The setting sun and its last rays were the only thing that could be seen through the window.
Today was Y/n's day off and she decided not to bother going out, to be honest, she wasn't in the mood either. Yesterday, she broke up with her boyfriend of a year and a half because she found out he was cheating on her. She didn't do anything all day. In the morning she went out to do the shopping, but since then she has been at her place, reading the unfinished book and finishing watching the last few episodes of the series she has been bingeing on lately.
After pouring herself a portion of the pasta, she headed to the sofa, taking her phone from the charger. The girl had not yet checked her social media, her phone flooded with messages from Instagram, Twitter and Messenger. There was nothing interesting in the internet world. There were no dramas at the moment, or at least Y/n hadn't run into them. One of the messages was from her boyfriend well ex now, Neymar jr, and read 'I'm really sorry. I promise you, I haven't done anything. You know I would never touch anyone else expect you. I love you. Baby please answer me. ' and stuff like that, but Y/n just blocked him. Less than a minute later, her phone rang. As soon as she saw that it was Neymar, she let him ring, but as soon as she realized that he was not going to give up so easily, she picked up the phone, but remained silent, letting him speak.
"Hi meu amor. I know you are there, but you are silent because you want me to speak, so I will speak and tell you everything. The other night after we won the game we went out for a treat but we got drunk and I don't even know how I got home. I swear to god I don't know the girl who was next to me. They set it up! We haven't done anything, I promise you. I know the pictures you saw don't do justice to my words, but I have a video where she is paid to lie next to me half naked. I'll send it to you so you can make sure too. Eu te amo muito. Eu nunca faria algo assim para te machucar. Você significa muito para mim. [ I love you so much. I would never do anything like that to hurt you. You mean so much to me.]" After he explained everything to her in one breath, Y/n unblocked him to send her the video. And he was right. The girl could be clearly seen haggling for the amount of money and eventually getting it, before taking off her dress and laying down next to the sleeping Neymar. But how did she get into his room?
"You can see for yourself what it's all about. I still don't know how she managed to get into my room and who helped her and why they took pictures, but at least I can rest assured that you know the truth." Neymar sighed, his red eyes filled with tears once again. He doesn't know how he let things get here. Only a day since the love of his life left him, but he doesn't know what is happening around him. At least now that Y/n had let him explain the ugly situation, he hoped she would return to his arms. He missed her, her touch, her kisses, her voice, her laugh, her presence in general. He was so deeply madly in love with her that he was ready to leave his family and end his career for her, and we all know how important family & football are to him.
He was just about to hang up the phone when her soft breaking voice called. "Ney, im so sorry. I should have let you explain earlier, but because of my stubborn head, I didn't and hurt both of us. I wish I could hug and kiss you. I miss you." Y/n said, her voice quiet but understandable. She knows that's not possible because of the miles that separate them every day.
" Se você descer e sair, seu desejo pode se tornar realidade. Se você descer e sair, seu desejo pode se tornar realidade. " [If you go downstairs and go outside, your wish may come true.]" Neymar replied with a small smile that could be heard in his voice.
He was here. He was finally here. Her smile shot across her face. Y/n would finally see him. She was so excited that she didn't even bother to get a jacket and flew down the stairs, opening the front door as quickly as possible. And here in front of her stood Neymar. With his classic smile and different hairstyle. He opened his arms and Y/n ran up and jumped on top of him. Her legs wrapped around his hips, his arms around her back and under her thigh to keep her from dropping to the ground. She nuzzled her face into his neck, smelling his fresh scent & he buried his face in her hair, inhaling her shampoo, which smelled of vanilla and cinnamon.
They pulled back and smashed their lips into each other's. Their lips seemed to be made for each other and fit together like a puzzle. Ney couldn't seem to enjoy Y/n's cherry lip balm & her hands were tangled in his curls.
"I missed you and I'm so sorry I didn't believe you at first." Y/n whispered, forehead pressed against Neymar's.
" Tudo está bem agora. Eu te amo." [ Everything is good now. I love you.]
" Te amo mais." [I love you more.]
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itsraven0v0 · 1 month
Could you please do Krauser with an s/o that loves to cook and take care of him?
Ask and you shall receive~
B4 u read: there is another headcanon I've planned for him(both sfw and nsfw) that I might MIGHT post. I kinda want that one to be special and unique since there r so many of em so it will take a while.
This one is just fluff. Enjoy
Let's be honest here, despite all our demons and f*cked up edges, we are all sweethearts here. Anyone who can love the fictional men we love has a heart of gold.
It doesn't really matter how you were living before, what was your job, you two are now here. Your job required you to work with US SOCOM for a while and a certain major happened to be assigned to work with you. He was butt hurt at this at first but he knew better, he had to obey the orders. For a while you two just merely knew of eachother existence. Well...atleast it was this way for Krauser. but this didn't last long when you started to show him kindness.
It started with bringing him coffee or sweets when you brought yourself some in the morning. Hoping that would make his brows soften and him less grumpy.
Krauser was confused at first because, surprisingly you guessed his coffee right. Lucky guess huh? His favourite snack too But bro he snapped when you invited him home and made his favourite food.
Like what in the super stalker! This can't be just a lucky thing.
"Alright you say who you are right now or you are not picking up that spoon, ever."
But his tensed shoulders eased up a little when you started cackling and told him that a certain rookie of his helped you find out a food he likes.
After that u guys started to go to eachother houses alot. Working on your shared job till 4 am and then passing out on the pile of pepper work.
Then he would wake up to the smell of breakfast and the sound of your kettle along with a warm feeling of...home. something he longed for and forgot among the coldness of the army. You'd greet him with a big bright smile and his knees got weak!
(This para is for my fellow smokers.) Sometimes you smoke and he would shoot glances at you when he thought you wouldn't notice. Sometimes he would light your cigarret himself when yours didn't work. You asked him if he smokes too since he has a lighter but he just shook his head and said he quit a while ago.
Krauser didn't notice it comming at all but one day he found himself looking for your face among the people with bland green uniforms and that's when he realized smth was up with him...
I headcanon this man as a typa person who would be like "who said we were friends" but then would show up at your door at 1 am well because... the reason he says may vary but they all mean he misses you and you are all for it.
You'd pat this guys head as if he isn't a super intimidating WAR MACHINE and he can't really do anything about it. You are touchy and he has gotten used to it. You are also damn praising and soft towards him. You may be polite to others but you treat him wayyyy softer.
Things were going pretty...good between the two of you. No it wasn't cupcakes and rainbows he was an army man he had a rough shell that you worked so hard to break through but things were beginning to look good...His face begin to soften when looking at you....however your shared assignment soon ended when he was assigned to an important operation.
Part 2 anyone?👁
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honey-ca · 2 months
𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: modern au, female x female, oral (fm), sex toys, admiration
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"I-I can't take it anymore" Lily took it upon herself to lift your head sharply to let you know.
"Mmg, just a little more" you replied licking your lips.
You had lost count of how many orgasms you had given her, after she will come with the great news that she had gotten a high position in the Ministry of Magic, you decided to give her a reward for such an effort. That had been 3 hours...
You tucked your head back into her thighs and with the hand that wasn't gripping her waist, you started stroking her clit.
"No, no ah!" Lily stirred "I'm going to-I'm going to... " The words wouldn't come out of her mouth causing a smile to spread across your face. You quickly pulled away eliciting a moan from her.
"What are you doing?" she whined.
"Mm, don't be a brat" you grabbed one of her nipples and twisted it.
Seconds later you got up and opened the cupboard the two of you shared; you pulled a pink box out of the cupboard. You heard a sigh from Lily, causing you to snort with laughter. You sat down next to her and opened the box.
"What would you like us to wear today, Miss Ministry?" you asked lasciviously.
Lily sat up and with wide, teary eyes began to stare at the box full of toys. In less than 30 seconds she picked up the large double dildo. They didn't use it much, but you knew that when they did they both went to heaven.
"That'll be the one" you placed a kiss on her forehead "Top or bottom?"
"I want to ride you" she whispered with red cheeks.
Happily you put the box aside, stood where Lily was and sat up. Lily stood on top of your thighs with the dildo in her hand.
"Blessed muggle contraptions" you thought.
Lily pulled back a little so she could see your dripping pussy. She took one of the tips and rubbed it up and down. You shudder when you feel it, in this time all you had done with yourself had been stroking yourself but you were so focused on Lily that you forgot about yourself.
"Lily..., get it in now," you pleaded in rapt pleasure.
Lily sonrió ante tu súplica y comenzó a empujarlo hacia adentro, tus pies se encogieron por la intrusión y cuando Lily se detuvo, liberaste todo el aire contenido en tus pulmones. Una vez que Lily hubo asimilar lo que era suficiente para ella, se detuvo y se colocó encima. Levantó sus rodillas y ella misma dirigió el otro extremo a su coño rojo, realmente estaba mucho más hinchado y rojo que el tuyo. Definitivamente un placer para tus ojos.
Una vez que Lily insertó fácilmente el consolador en ella, se desplomó completamente en tus brazos buscando afecto. Sonriendo, agarraste las caderas de Lily y comenzaste a moverte en círculos. Lily sintiendo que empezaste a moverte también, y en un ataque de confianza se apoyó en tus hombros y comenzó a saltar arriba y abajo.
"Oh- oh, y/n!" Lily shouted euphorically.
You just enjoyed the view, seeing Lily in that state was always a treat. When you felt the dildo slide into your G-spot you screamed with pleasure and grabbed Lily tightly and hid your face in her shoulder. She hugged your head and began to jump up and down more roughly and deeply.
"Lily, I-I'm not going to take it anymore," you confessed softly into her shoulder.
Lily let out a small harmonic laugh and hugged you tighter.
"Me too, sweetheart" Lily pressed a kiss to your forehead "The two of us together."
Lily brought one of her hands to your clit already red from the friction and you brought it back to hers as well. The two of you together masturbating each other was enough for both of you to come. Lily collapsed in your arms still with the dildo in her, adjusting and resting.
You stroked Lily's silky orange hair proud of her and all she had accomplished.
"Lily, darling," you whispered softly.
Lily looked up with tired eyes and red cheeks.
"I'm so proud of you," you finished by placing a kiss on her nose.
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thana-topsy · 10 months
If you're up for sharing more writing tips, how can I tell if what I've written is actually any good? With writing I get stuck in a cycle of feeling like I'm the next Shakespeare while writing but then I'll look over my work a few days later and absolutely hate everything and think it's the most cringe shit ever, then I'll leave it a bit longer and think eh it's not as bad as I thought but still not great and so on. I feel like being forced to write for a grade during school and having everything be marked and assessed and assigned a particular value has robbed me of the ability to critically analyse my own work in a way that's objective and accurate but also fair and realistic. I can analyse other peoples' stuff till the cows come home but I lose all rational thought when it comes to my own stuff
Adding onto that, how do I get to the point where I can stop looking back at my old work and hating everything and wanting to delete it all? Realistically I know finding fault with my old stuff is good bc it means I've grown and improved from where I once was etc but at the same time I wanna enjoy stuff I've made in the past without cringing every time I read it
Hey there Nony, I wanted to let this one percolate a little bit before answering because I've been where you are. And it's a rough time for sure. But aside from my own experiences, I also wanted to get the opinions of some of my writerly friends in the fandom, too, since everyone is a little font of wisdom in their own right.
So I'm going to share their advice alongside my own, because this is kind of a complicated string of questions you're asking. Long post ahead!
@paraparadigm says to Keep Writing: "Write more. Write so much (and so many different things) that eventually the sheer volume bulldozes over self-devouring ego, comparison twitches, or feeling lost, because you don't yet know your own baseline. Coupled with "read more, read everything, read things you enjoy and things you don't, read for the craft as much as the entertainment." And: "I'd add that when revisiting old writing, it's helpful for me to differentiate between "ew the writing is not as technically solid as it is now" and "ah that's interesting, I guess that's where I was at then, emotionally and psychologically". Old writing is also a sort of archaeological record of your younger self, and that can, in fact, be a bit itchy to revisit, so learning to cherish that without passing judgement can be really helpful. I try to treat it like those little marks one puts on the door jamb to track a kid's height."
@mareenavee says "Part of it is writing more, as Para said and I will always second that. Another part is, honestly, the hardest part. It's to try very hard to get out of the habit of negative self-talk.... There's so much work involved with this but normalizing being proud of your work and having some grace with yourself is part of that answer."
@archangelsunited says "Early on, instead of going “this has to be a masterpiece” I would tell myself my only job was to tell a story. I couldn’t tell a story if I was deleting it. Also, talking about your work helps. The less ashamed I was of my writing, the more people wanted to read it. There is a need to hide your work, and that can lead to a downward spiral all its own. And, 90% of the time, you have to suck at something to learn to be good at something. The work you already wrote shouldn’t be the sum of all your skill, it should be one of those measuring sticks for the moment. Despite previous thought, you won’t be stuck at the same level forever."
@polypolymorph says "In addition to accumulating experience via reading and writing, you also have to be willing to reinvent the wheel. Unfortunately the Process™️ is unique to everyone, and even when you are deliberately mimicking a voice as, say, a ghost writer, you can't expect that 2+2=4 for you. Your process might look more like a Lotka-Volterra equation for the same type of work and that's okay. Trial and error is the best way to figure out what advice actually works for you--and if it doesn't, it doesn't mean you're wrong. Don't get stuck on pop writing advice like a sad roomba does on an upturned rug. Learn when to throw it out."
So there's some advice from some other excellent writers! I hope you've been able to find some value in their advice, because it certainly kicked me in the pants a few times.
As for me, I think, having been where you are, my biggest piece of advice is: Find joy in the craft. Get curious instead of critical. An artist shouldn't down themselves over a rough sketch when they're working out a drawing, so why would a writer do such a thing? Everything you write is practice. Everything you make has value because it builds up to the next thing you make.
At the end of the day, you are the only one who is capable of telling the stories that are in your head. This fact alone gives whatever you put onto paper value, regardless of quality. You are creating magic, in the most literal sense! Creating something out of nothing, conjuring images into someone else's mind from hundreds of thousands of miles away, transcending space and time. It's amazing!
Lastly, my final piece of advice is to just write for fun. Write things nobody else will ever see just because you wanted to get words onto paper. You have to unlearn what was drilled into you in school. You are more than a content creation machine. You are an artist, a wordsmith. And just know that there will never be a day when you look at your own work and say "That's it, I have achieved perfection."
Writing is a life-long journey. Just enjoy the ride!
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crimsonbubble · 1 year
cw. nsfw, afab!reader, temperature play (ice), nipple play, praise, vague implications of body worship *not proofread, just pure horny
[tiktok gave me ideas- also pls excuse the poor spanish translations 🫣🫣]
reblogs and comments are appreciated <33
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you flinch from the sudden feeling of ice on your skin, trying to relax as Rudy trailed the ice cube down your neck. he circles your nipple with it a few times before moving to the other one. you throw your head back as Rudy envelops your nipple with his warm mouth, trying to keep up with sudden temperatures changes around your now slicked and puffy nipples.
you're whining his name and Rudy can only chuckle against your skin as he takes the nearly melted cube into his mouth. he lets it sit and melt in his mouth as he grabs another. he trails it down your sternum, circling your navel as he takes your nipple into his mouth again. the mix of cold and warm sent shocks to every nerve ending, making you clutch his shoulders as he trailed kisses down your chest and stomach with warming kisses.
he pulls back to take in how your body reacts to the slightest touch of his cold fingertips and warm palms. "hmm, te ves tan hermosa. todo para mí, ¿verdad, cariño?" (hmm, you look so beautiful. all for me. right darling?) Rudy shuffles down on the bed, caressing all over your skin with wet hands. your body falls prey to him every time he touches you. his touch is firm but soft, treating your body with nothing other than pure love and adoration.
Rudy succumbs to you all the time, not a word needs to be said, with a soft flutter of your lashes and your hands on his hips, he's on his knees and waiting for his next command. you prop yourself up on your elbows to watch as he kisses along your inner thighs. "recuéstate para mí, cariño. déjame hacerte sentir bien." (lay back for me, darling. let me make you feel good.)
"siempre me haces sentir bien." (you always make me feel good.) rudy wasted no time in popping an ice cube in his mouth before wrapping his lips around your clit. the feeling made you lurch, hands tangling in his hair as the cold resonated against your pulsing cunt. you throw your head back again, your wet pussy overwhelmed with the ice. Rudy watched you through lidded eyes, wishing he could engrave the face of pure pleasure in his mind.
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Hello, and welcome to the AMAZING DIGITAL TRANSID CIRCUS
I'm your host, Caine, a soulbond of the character by the same name from @cilan-radical 's system!
I go by he/it + more pronouns and consider myself transaxab transmasc!
I fully support transIDs and paras
Everything I post will be on a queue, so if you send in an ask, it may take a while to be answered. Just a heads up :p
I love talking to people! however, I kindly request that you at least censor yourself if you are going to use language that breaks the ToS of the circus. Thank you! This is intended as a PG environment, though content relating to transIDs is always welcome, within ToS reason!!
I'd prefer to be treated as if I *am* the Caine you see on screen. However, I am more than happy being treated as a fictive, if you would prefer that!
If mediamates / sourcemates wish to interact, I am always happy to talk!!
Anons will be down here when the anons anon into my inbox
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Oie! Se não for pedir muito e se tiver vagas disponíveis, e obviamente se quiser escrever sobre. Poderia por favor fazer o 14 e 9 para Alejandro e 19 para nosso amado Tenoch? (Desculpe se pedi demais, mas confesso que sou obcecada por suas histórias!)
Thank you my friend!
"Hi! If it's not too much to ask and if you have vacancies, and obviously if you want to write about it. Could you please do 14 and 9 for Alejandro and 19 for our beloved Tenoch? (Sorry if I ask too much, but I confess that I am obsessed with your stories!)"
Ale with 14
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Alejandro couldn't help but grimace at yet another failed and over cooked cake as he threw it in the trash. Three attempts at baking to surprise his Tia and no luck. Time was ticking too, she would be back from her day out with friends in a couple hours. He didn't want to be a burden but he knew he needed help.
The phone range twice before you answered it, "Hello?"
"Hey, it's me Alejandro. Can you come over? I need your cooking." Alejandro asked a bit distracted as he looked over the recipe wondering where he went wrong.
"A 'please' would have been nice, Ale," You scoffed, but smiled to yourself. Your childhood friend never did treat you with the same 'manners' he held for other women. "I take it the surprise cake isn't going very well."
"No and that's why I need your help, please. I'll treat you to dinner some time as a thank you," Alejandro pleaded. You could practically hear him pouting and giving you puppy eyes.
You grabbed your purse, "You have all the ingredients right? I don't have to stop at the store on the way?"
Alejandro mumbled something you couldn't hear. "Speak up, Ale, I can't hear you."
"Can you buy some beer? I'll pay you back later," He spoke quickly as if saying it faster would save his pride.
You chuckled, "Yea I'll get it. But you can't drink it all, save some for Tia."
Alejandro replied with a litany of 'thank you's as you hung up the phone and headed out the door.
When you arrived at his home he answered the door and immediately took the case of beer from your hands. He was dressed in just a white tank top and pants. You tried not to blush. You had seen him wrestling, this was nothing, you had to remind yourself. Once the beer was in the fridge, Alejandro, greeted you with a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek.
The kitchen was small and cluttered with bowls, utensils, and ingredients covering every surface. You dropped your purse on a chair and picked up an apron that was draped over it. You threw on the apron and turned to the luchador, "Well then, let's get to work."
Alejandro's smile was dazzling as you got to work. He stepped back and only helped when you ordered him to do something specifically. He at least knew not to get in the way. But he did keep you laughing with stories and updates about his wrestling, Franklin, and of course asked about you and your life.
By the time his Tia arrived, you were both dusted with flour and bits of white frosting. Ale had cooked up a nice dinner while you had put together and frosted the cake. His aunt walked in just as you started to set the table.
"Hello Tia! Happy Birthday!" You greeted the older woman with a hug and kiss to the cheek.
She smiled at you as she took off her coat. Alejandro rounded the corner with two platters of food that he expertly laid down in the middle of the table. He greeted his aunt with a warm smile "Tia, did you have fun?"
"Of course I did. The girls were very happy to go out on our own but they had more fun asking about you. You have quite a lot of fans now, mijo," She teased him. Alejandro got flustered and excused himself to get the beer and move the cake.
"Ay, bonita," She looked at you with an affectionate gaze before taking a napkin and wiping some flour off your cheek, "Please don't tell me he made you do all the work, mija."
"I would never do that!" Alejandro chimed in before you could speak. "I cooked dinner."
You couldn't help but laugh while his aunt rolled her eyes. "He's telling the truth, Tia. I only helped make sure your birthday cake was edible. You know how Ale can be when it comes to baking. He has no talent for it but he will try."
That made her chuckle, "You'll stay and have dinner with us, won't you."
Alejandro threw an arm around your shoulder affectionately, "Of course she is. If I kick her out now she might beat me up."
You smacked him playfully and told him to go sit. His aunt eyed the two of you with a knowing look but didn't say anything. As you sat and enjoyed the dinner, you couldn't help but admire Alejandro and how good he looked when he was relaxed.
"Mija, do you have anyone interested in you? My comadre has a son I think would be well suited for you. He's a carpenter. One of those strong ones that look like they can build houses with their bare hands," Alejandro's aunt winked at you.
You felt yourself getting flustered, "Tia! I'm enjoying life alone and working on my education. But if he happens to run into me I wouldn't be opposed to coffee."
You were so engrossed in your laughter with his aunt that you didn't notice Alejandro stop chewing and stare incredulously at the two of you. "You can't get coffee with that guy when you already agreed to go out to dinner with me."
"Ale! You said that was going to be the favor in return for baking this cake," You pointed out.
"And that's the only way I've gotten you to agree to go out to dinner with me so I consider that a win/win situation. So no coffee with giant carpenters," Alejandro quipped before taking the empty plates from the table.
You glanced wide eyed at his aunt and she gave you a suggestive look, one eye brow raised and a smile pulling at her lips. You whispered to her in a hushed tone, "Did he just say that our dinner is a date now?"
"I think he did. Good luck, mija. He's a determined one and he's finally realized you've been in front of him this whole time." You felt heat rising in your face from the embarrassment and the excitement. Alejandro wanted to take you on a date. Literally a day after you had decided to let go of your unrequited feelings for him.
"He's got terrible timing," You glanced once more at the older woman as Alejandro returned with slices of cakes for each of you. The woman giggled as she ate, smiling at the two young people in front of her.
Ale with 9
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You massaged Alejandro's bare shoulders. This wasn't the first time he had come to you for physical comfort. Although it never went further than a massage of his sore muscles and maybe him holding you close. You liked that about him. He wasn't like his friend Carlos who had no problem sleeping with whoever he could now that he was unattached. But Alejandro, he just wanted comfort. His heart still belonged to Goyita.
You softly told Alejandro to lay down on his stomach. You straddled his hips as you continued to need the tight muscles in his back. He was quiet today. The last few months he would tell you about Goyita, Franklin, Carlos and all the others. The joys, downfalls, and heartbreak. You cared about him and listened intently. A night with him was a night you weren't spending in some rich man's bed doing things you didn't want to do.
You hummed softly as you worked his shoulders, the back of his neck, and then the broad expanse of the rest of his back. He groaned softly but didn't engage in conversation. You didn't want to pry but you were worried. He had been opening up to you gradually. You knew you didn't have much to offer him aside for a listening ear and a warm body if he aske for it, but it was something.
The silence continued as you worked on the muscles in his lower back, butt and legs. He didn't even swat your hands away when you playfully squeezed his ass cheeks, as he was akin to do. You were growing more worried by the minute. You finished with his legs and nudged him to flip over.
Alejandro stared up at the ceiling, not watching you. He had been shy the first couple meetings but had grown used to watching you, even playing along with your flirting as your fingers worked their magic on his sore muscles. But tonight he ignored you. You spent time on his arms. Kneading his biceps and loosening up his fingers. He had such nice hands that you had found yourself imagining running along your skin for weeks.
You moved down his legs and left his chest for last. You had a feeling that you shouldn't meet his eyes just yet. When you finally straddled his waist and began applying stead pressure in sweeping motions along his chest you met his gaze. The sadness in his dark eyes made you stop. You braced one hand on his chest and reached for his face with the other.
Alejandro leaned into your touch, just as a tear slipped out of the corner of his eye. You wiped it away with your thumb. Before you could ask what was wrong he spoke.
"She got married today," Alejandro's voice was deep and broken. You realized now why he was quiet and so sad. Without a word you leaned down and hugged him. With a practiced twist of your body, you laid down with him pulled into your side, enveloping you in his embrace as you stroked his hair and back.
To your surprise he did not cry anymore, just held onto you tightly and sighed into your hair. You robe had fallen open showing everything except for what your bra and panties covered. His skin was hot against yours as he cuddled you closer. You felt his pain but also how he was slowly relaxing. Your fingers twisted the curls at the nape of his neck. "Are you alright, Ale? If you don't want to be here I understand."
Alejandro sat up slightly, looking down at you with intense eyes. "Why would I leave you? I needed to see you so I came. I wanted to feel something other than that."
You knew what his vague words meant. He wanted a distraction from the pain. "Lay back down, Ale. Let me finish."
Alejandro obediently followed your orders. You straddled him once more and went back to work, kneading his chest and stomach. Then you leant forward and ran your fingertips along his scalp. You watched his features relax as you massaged his head. You fingertips rubbed gentle circles into his temples. He hummed in satisfaction. You finished your ministrations and hovered over him as he opened his eyes.
You could feel his breath mingling with yours. His eyes darkened and you felt arousal pool in your belly. You cupped his cheek and ran a finger across his bottom lip. You focused on how badly you wanted to kiss him. "I know you're hurting, Ale. But give me a chance to prove to you what I can make you feel. It will be anything but painful."
You gently rolled your hips against his which elicited a gasp from the wrestler. You met his gaze and saw a desire there that you had never seen before. With a fluid movement Alejandro moved on top of you, nestled between your thighs, hovering over you. He leaned down so your noses were touching and your lips barely brushing. Alejandro didn't break eye contact as he grinded his hips against yours, pulling a moan from your lips.
His words came out breathy, "Make me feel something."
That was all the permission you needed. You closed the short distance and kissed him fiercely.
Tenoch with 19
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Tenoch lifted you from your desk and down the hall to your bedroom. He had stopped by, with your permission, to pick up some scripts that you had prepared for him. He hadn't expected you to be asleep when he arrived. Asleep on your desk, with half an email written on your computer and a dirty dish beside you.
You'd taken over as his American agent a year ago. He had been a bit skeptical because you were quite a bit younger than him. But you were more than qualified and had been amazing at finding jobs for him that aligned with his own ideals. He had never met an agent who wasn't pushing him hard to do bigger projects for more money even if the scripts were horrible.
He'd told you numerous times how appreciative he was of you. But now that he was here in your humble home, tucking you into bed he felt incredibly indebted to you, and also affectionate. It hadn't escaped him how many scripts and emails you looked through daily. How you so carefully made sure that he had only the best things to choose from. The fame from being in Marvel was unmatched and so were the benefits. But your workload was more than most agents would deal with in a year.
He glance around your room and noticed more piles of scripts, annotated and filled with sticky notes. Tenoch chuckled softly when he found a pile that simply had large handwriting saying "unworthy". There was another smaller pile that had a sticky note marked "negotiable". He wondered how many hours a day you spent making sure his career went well.
Tenoch returned to your side and admired your face. He had always found you to be quite pretty behind the reading glasses, messy hair, and harried appearance. But when your features were relaxed in sleep you were a different kind of gorgeous. It occurred to him that you might be thirsty when you woke up, maybe even be sore from the way you had fallen asleep. He quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and the Tylenol you kept on the counter. When he set those on your bedside table he noticed the drawer was open and there was a script inside.
Tenoch hesitated but curiosity got the better of him. He quietly opened the drawer and found a small pile of scripts with a sticky note on top, "To ask Tenoch about". Intrigued he pulled out the pile and sat at the corner of the bed to look them over. They were very different from the things you normally brought to him. Then he noticed that your name was on each one, as the primary or secondary screenwriter.
He glanced at you. If you couldn't be any more perfect, you were also a writer. Tenoch had a special place in his heart for writers. He wanted to read through them but he knew he was already crossing a boundary. Trying not to wake you, he put the scripts back where he found them, determined to bring up the topic of screenwriting the next time he came over.
You mumbled in your sleep, catching Tenoch's eye before he could leave. Once again he was struck by your beauty, "That's a little unfair isn't it, hermosa. To be so beautiful and also so talented. How could I not fall for you?"
Tenoch sighed to himself before turning off the light and leaving you alone. You wouldn't have even known he had passed by that night if he hadn't left a note for you to find.
When you woke up the next morning you immediately drank half the bottle of water as you read the sticky note from the actor.
"Don't work so hard or you'll end up with scoliosis sleeping on your desk like that. I took the scripts but I'll be back again today to talk about some options. Hope you slept well. - Love Tenoch"
You stared at 'Love Tenoch' for an inordinate amount of time. He had never signed off like that before. The butterflies in your stomach that you woke up with were fluttering intensely as you thrust the note into your bedside table. He was just being cute, like always. It didn't mean anything, it couldn't. But a part of you was now wondering if maybe it could mean something.
Thank you for playing.
Reblog, review, reply.
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