#parallel play is my favorite activity
wizardnuke · 10 months
sg fics are also insane to me because they're soo autism4autism its literally the dream fr me
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katanasspirits · 7 months
"Oh my god i have so many wips and i havent posted finished art in a hot minute cause im working on so many personal projects-"
Supprise fanart for twitch streamer the PartyDemoness
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olsenmyolsen · 2 months
A**holes With Cameras
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master list
dark master list
Actress AU (Female Reader X Actress Wanda Maximoff) I know, I know! another one??? yes!!!
Summary: As you head to your new gym, you spot your favorite actress and an annoying member of the paparazzi.
Word Count: 2.7K
Content: Fluff, paparazzi, men, flirting
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You sighed as you finally parked your car after trying to parallel park on the street for about five minutes. 
It was Wednesday.
What should be the third day of your workout week was actually your first. You had been too tired to go on Monday, and honestly, yesterday, you didn't remember your promise to yourself until you were brushing your teeth after dinner.
But now here you were at the gym.
Well, technically, you were still outside of it. But this had been the closest you had been to a gym in a while.
And it's not like you were unhealthy or that you lived a terrible diet or life. It's just that you wanted to help your body before it was too late. Plus, if your Almond Mom made one more comment during your monthly FaceTime call, you would actually lose it.
So here you sat in your car on the outskirts of the city of stars outside of a gym your friend of a friend Darcy Lewis hooked you up with.
However, before you could step out, a man in an ugly shirt and fugly jeans ran up and placed his body onto the hood of your car. "What the fuck!" You yelled as the man pulled out a camera with a long lens and zoomed in on a person walking across the street at the end of the block.
An Emmy Nominated Actress and the internets Mother: Wanda Maximoff.
You found yourself stunned to see her as you looked out and to the back from your driver's side window. Your mind thinking of every piece of media and content you LOVE! While the other part of you is squealing on the inside as your stomach does flip after flip.
How the fuck was she a model in just street clothes and gym wear???
Your thoughts of Wanda came to a screeching halt when, all of a sudden, you heard this agitating male voice. "Come on, Wanda! Smile for once!" The man on the hood of your car moved off and took picture after picture of Wanda as she passed by and entered your new favorite gym.
The sight and grin of the bald man made your blood boil.
So, as he admired his pictures, you honked your horn and gave him a good scare before grabbing your phone and water bottle and exiting your car. "What the hell was that?"
The man looks you over and tilts his head. "Excuse me?"
"Excuse me?" You mock back. "Yeah, excuse you, dude! First, you climb all over my car that I'm still actively paying off! Then you just harass and take pictures of somebody??" You bark at the man as you walk onto the sidewalk.
"Chill, it's just pictures." He rolls his eyes and starts walking away from you. "Still not right, you asshole!" You yell even if you secretly love them whenever you see them on social media. But you raise your head high and watch the man walk away before you enter the gym.
The lady behind the desk looks at you with a smile. "You tell him!" She sends you a thumbs up as you smile and shake your head before scanning the special gym card Darcy had to give you.
It was metal. Like what??
Anyways. You smile and walk into the large, spacious gym. It plays quiet music as you step onto the floor. Mostly, everybody you walk past on the way to the treadmill is too busy with their music and AirPods.
Shit, you forgot yours.
You sigh, hating the thought of being alone with your own ones. Still, you set your phone and water bottle down as you hit some buttons on the treadmill. "Woah!" You jolt as the belt suddenly kicks the speed up as it slowly starts.
You chuckle nervously to yourself and look around in case anyone saw you.
No one did but one person.
But they'll show up in a second. Because right now, your eyes found the bald-ass paparazzi douche through the window waiting across the street. You let out a deep, upset sigh through your nose and gave him a glare he couldn't see before your view became obstructed.
A side profile from a face sculpted by the goddesses themselves distracts your pretty eyes as Wanda Maximoff sets up on the treadmill next to you.
She briefly glances at you before she puts in her AirPods and starts up her treadmill. You don't mean to, but you stare longer than you should before finding yourself moving down the treadmill.
You snap out of her stunning trance on you and begin your workout.
Although you'd be lying if you said it was easy to concentrate on anything other than the tremendous and beautiful Wanda Maximoff. Because your eyes kept moseying on back to her again and again, you tried to stop and be normal, but your thoughts became clouded with questions.
Should I say hi?
Do I even talk to her?
How is her garden doing?
Will she ever stop wearing that row bag?
"Excuse me?" The voice of an angel forces your eyes up and over. Wanda Maximoff removes an AirPod from her ear and looks at you before she starts speaking again. "You're the one who yelled at the paparazzi, right?"
Wanda knew it was you. She watched you yell at him before she scurried off earlier.
You nod. "Ye-yeah, that was me!" You immediately feel embarrassed by your overzealous nature before closing your eyes and sighing. You open them back up and smile at Wanda, who has the corner of her lips curled up. "Yes, that was me."
Wanda nods. "Well, thank you. It's awful to deal with them." She says as you nod. You could imagine. Her twin brother Pietro also deals with it. The Maximoffs are kind of a household name after their sister Polaris started on a show when she was a baby. "Yeah, I'm sorry you have to." You politely respond and give her a sympathetic smile before she waves you off. "I chose to become famous."
"Yeah, but that doesn't give those assholes with cameras any right." You speak, making her pull her lips in with a surprised look. "Sorry." You say after a second or two. But Wanda shakes her head. "No, you're completely right. Sorry for my face. It's just... it's just nice to have someone be so candor..."
You knew all about Wanda's ex and how they cheated on her.
You offer a smile before looking at the window. Wanda doing the same following your eye-line. "Well, it appears I didn't tell him off enough." Wanda hums and turns back to you. She looks at her AirPods. "Do you want one?"
The bald man leaves your eyesight as you look at the darling actress of your life. "I- uh, no, yeah. Yeah. Thank you." Your hands shake slightly as you take it and place it in your right ear. Wanda notices the nervousness coming from you but doesn't want to bring it up and make it worse. "Do you have anything in particular you'd like to listen to?" She asks, her voice soft after speeding up her treadmill
"No. I'm down for whatever." You answered honestly as your brain caught up to the fact that you were talking and being friendly with THE Wanda Maximoff.
Wanda hits shuffle on her Spotify before looking up to you. "Well, I hope you like The Guardians." She says as an 80's inspired synth slowly starts filling your ear before an electric guitar breaks through and a man's voice starts singing about his girlfriend. "I've never heard them!"
Wanda looks back at you. "What!?" She looks shocked. "Peter Quill, Drummer Drax, Guitarist Gamora..?" Wanda says, hoping that something would click by offering you some context of the band members.
You shake your head.
Wanda grabs her phone. "Oh my gosh. Okay. I know what we're listening to!" She queues up the band's first album, simply titled Vol. 1.
You can't help but smile.
Fuck she really was as lovely and as charming as everyone always described her.
"I've become obsessed." She says, putting her phone down. "I can tell." You joke, making her playfully roll her eyes.
Was this flirting? Oh god, am I finally doing it??
"Carol Danvers got me hooked onto them."
That name made a ding go off in your brain, and words fell from your mouth before you could stop them.
"Oh yeah, you're doing a movie together!"
You tensed up quickly after saying that. Now Wanda would know you were not just a regular fan or avid watcher. You were an 'I have updates on my phone about things you do' type of fan.
Wanda looks to you before turning down the music one or two clicks. "Oh... I didn't realize you were such a fan." She says a little coldly to her warm words from moments ago. You stumble over your words. "Yeah- no, I mean, yes, I am a fan and know who you are, but- j- just forget I said anything or ruined this nice moment." You close your eyes and feel awful before turning away to avoid her precious green eyes if they looked at you.
The music goes back up with a click.
You sigh.
And a moment passes.
"We actually finished the movie already." Wanda offers, making you look back at her. "Oh really?" She nods, and you can tell in those same green eyes that the moment between you two isn't lost. "So, a fan, huh?" You nod sheepishly as her eyes look over your face. "I would've yelled at the asshole outside regardless of if it was you or not, by the way."
Wanda likes that and chuckles a little bit. "Well, I appreciate that. Is he still there?"
You look at the window and nod. "Well, you can yell at him some more later when you walk me to my car," Wanda says without facing you. She bites back a smile. You feel your cheeks flush. "You got it." You say and focus on getting your steps in as your face reddened.
"By the way..." You look to your left. "It's okay that you're a fan, honestly. It's just sometimes nice to forget and... and to have people talk to you for you." You nod and, after a couple of quiet seconds, stick your hand out to her. "I understand. I'm Y/n."
Wanda realizes she never got your name and sends an apologetic smile. "I'm Wanda." Her soft hand shakes yours before letting go. The touch sends shivers down your sides before you smile. "Let me guess." You start. "You have the look of someone who sings for a living?" Wanda smiles and lets out a loud laugh. Shaking her head and ducking her face when people around the gym look to her. "How did you guess?" She says, making you shrug with a grand look and smile. Enjoying this second chance. Even as you two lie about her profession. "Just had a feeling."
That feeling would transform into jokes and continuous small talk as you two completed your workouts together. Well, actually, you just did whatever Wanda did, which was a struggle. Her past roles in those superhero movies really upped her body fitness.
"So, how come I've never seen you at this gym before?" Wanda asked as sweat covered the both of you while she refilled her water bottle. "Did you just move here?" Wanda asks with a glint in her eyes. You shook your head. "No, I live around." You missed a smile Wanda got for one second. "I know a friend of a friend, and they got me in." Wanda nods. "Well..." She puts the top on her bottle. "I'm glad I got to meet you."
"Me too." You say like that wasn't evident as you hide your blush. But Wanda sees it like all the other ones today. Wanda knows and shares the friendly/flirty smile you send her before she leads the two of you to the doors outside.
"Shit, I almost forgot about him," Wanda mumbles as the egghead starts to take pictures of the two of you. Wanda, putting on her sunglasses, gestures for you to follow her. You join in step with her.
"Just ignore him." She mumbles as you walk closer and closer to her car. And you do ignore him and his need for attention until you feel like he crosses a line.
He brings up Wanda's ex, and you see her cringe and tense up. "It's old news! Now come on and smile!" He shouts and treats her like a dog, sending you into a blind rage as you, without thinking, shove your phone and water bottle into Wanda's hand and turn back to the man several yards away.
"Hey, Blob!" You shout, attacking how he looks. Which you would never do but fuck he deserved it as you stepped closer and closer. The man drops the camera from his eye to around his neck as Wanda and him watch you encroach. "Leave Wanda the fuck alone before the last thing that camera sees is your ass!"
The man sneers. "Touch me or the camera, and I'll see you in court." You watch him smirk and go to lift his camera back up. "That's what I thought."
Wanda watches it all unfold as you look back at her and at the man before you lift your hand. Careful not to touch him or his stupid ass camera but instead the strap around his neck. Wanda watches as, with one simple click, the strap comes undone, and his camera slips out of his hand.
Smashing onto the floor.
The man stands shocked at the damage before he steps forward. "I didn't touch you." You say with a shit-eating grin. "You fucking wrecked my camera!?" He cries out, making you smile wider. "No, I didn't. You dropped it."
You are never one for confrontation or smug comments, but there was something about Wanda and this disgusting man that made your need to protect shoot off like a flare in the night.
Plus, maybe that feeling of justice sent you flying back to Wanda's side.
"I've thought about doing something like that a million times." She beamed to you. Through her sunglasses, you couldn't tell how her eyes glossed over your face, but watching you now, something had changed for Wanda. "Well, I'm glad to make your dreams come true."
Wanda laughed as the two of you walked back to her car. Not caring for the man crying on the sidewalk.
"I must know, will you be back at this gym? I might need more cameras smashed." You smile and chuckle. "Yeah. Same time next week?" You said with confidence coursing through you now as adrenaline picked up.
Wanda shook her head as she opened her Prius door. "How about Friday? I know a great spot for some smoothies afterward."
This sounds like a date.
You did your best to hide the overwhelming excitement, but you don't think you did an outstanding job. "That sounds great!"
Wanda loved that. "Here, put your number in." She said, handing you the same device you listened to music with earlier—her phone. You looked up and back down before putting in your number.
You were not about to wake up if this indeed was a dream.
"I'll text you my schedule for Friday. See what time works best for us." Wanda sits in her driver's seat and starts the car. Letting the A/C blow her hair back. "Maybe we'll have to skip the workout and just go straight to smoothies."
You smile. "That wouldn't be so bad."
Wanda smiled back. "I thought so." She winked. "Fan."
You shook your head and closed the door for her before she rolled down her window. "Bye, Y/n!" She playfully sang before pulling out of her spot, blasting Vol. 1.
Wanda looked back at you in the rearview mirror and smiled.
By the time Friday rolled around, Wanda knew the gym wasn't happening and wore an outfit fit for a date.
Smoothies and pizza later in the night.
Wanda made a home-cooked breakfast the next morning.
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dividers by @/benkeibea
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wonton4rang · 3 months
how do u think bnd boys wld act around you when they’re high?
bnd legal line being high or involved in drugs is one of my favorite concepts, oh myyy. plus, most of these came out as smut kinda thingy so yeah 😔
why'd you only call me when you're high?
pairing: bnd legal line x reader.
warnings: +18, smut, mentions of drugs usage, dirty talk, pet names.
summary: how would bnd legal line act around you when they are high.
sungho; let's go to a parallel world where he might do drugs cause i honestly don't see him into it but yeah. i feel like he would turn into this excessively touchy/ funny guy that would just not know the concept of personal space. he would sit besides you, his hand on your thigh while it went dangerously close to your heat only for him to laugh at your blushed cheeks and kiss your lips to whisper against them "you would look so pretty sucking my dick right now". and it was great, yeah, if the other members were not sitting across the room in the other couch.
riwoo; he goes into subspace and i'm a 100% sure, he would be so lovey dovey and happy, making those awful jokes with a numb tongue before he goes completely quiet. tbh you didn't noticed at first but when you looked for him with your eyes and saw him facing the floor while he played with his fingers, you knew he was wasted. so you just made your way to him, holding his hands and softly kissing his lips, whispering a loving "wanna get out of here, baby?" that only made him excited because he knew what you meant, whenever you looked at him like that he ended up w his dick wrapped by your pussy and his legs shaking and hurting due to the intense sex you gave him. and he quickly forgot anything and everything that was making his head go to places.
jaehyun; myungjae is such an ecstasy boy, damn. he's horny asf 24/7 and when he gets high?? he could even come across as too dirty or pushy because he is making you rethink everything you say when he makes a sexual joke about it, his hands getting freaky on your body, grazing your boobs under that shirt, your thighs and even lifting your skirt a bit so he could go further. but it was all in public so you would tell him to shut it off, only for him to take you to his car and fuck the shit out of you on the backseat.
taesan; dongmin gives me one of the strongest "if i did drugs, i'd smoke weed" vibes ever, like damn. so be aware that when he got high he would be almost the opposite, his jokes wouldn't be as innocent as always, his eyes won't look at you the soft and loving way they always did, and his voice would turn two tones down while he barely responded to whatever you were saying because he was so lost in the way your lips moved he did not gave a single fuck about what you were saying. so he would start a kiss, a rough one, suddenly towering over your body and giving zero to none space for you to even backup or take the lead if you wanted to. he would be demanding, rougher than usual and very quiet, he would probably adventure and try new stuff only to be really ashamed when he came down from his high. but it was that or him simply listening to the music blasting out his speakers while he starred at the ceiling with your head laying on his shoulder or his lap and he played with your hair.
leehan; i feel like leehan could be two sides of a coin, no in between, he could either be super scary or super cute. i feel like he wouldn't like to do drugs as a daily basis so he would do it at a party, his head spinning so much his eyes could only register light schemes, he would love the vibe too, specially because you always were there with him to take care of his pathetic self. yeah, that until you both got back at home, he is typically one to be very active sexually so if he is on his "scary" side of the high, he would push you against the wall, whispering a mean "you're such a fucking slut. teasing me all night when you knew i couldn't fuck you there", his voice low and his alcohol infused breath hitting your face and it honestly made you nervous because you knew he wasn't thinking right. but oh well, he still fucked you and you were the one asking for more afterwards.
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dokidokitsuna · 4 months
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“Some of us…will always be alone”
Skipping forward a bit in this re-concept, just because I can~ (loooong post ahead)
So one of the many things I found underwhelming about Return of the Mammalians is the lack of villainous impact Mr. Grizz has on his own story.
For starters, he’s straight up absent from 80% of it. =/ Just a vaguely threatening disembodied voice that does weak comedy bits with Cap’n Cuttlefish from time to time…and that’s basically it until we face him in the final battle.
The worst thing he’s responsible for in the story (as in, a successful act we have to contend with, rather than a work-in-progress that we interrupt) is dehydrating Cuttlefish…which is very temporary and played for laughs immediately afterwards. We don’t even get the opportunity to engage with this “tragedy” by actively rescuing the Cap’n in gameplay, we just suddenly find his body during a cutscene.
Compare this to Commander Tartar manipulating the player and lying directly to their face throughout the game, attempting to kill the player during the reveal of its treachery in one of the most memorable scenes of the entire series, brainwashing a former protagonist into fighting the player, and then attempting to destroy an entire city while quietly confessing that it murdered thousands of victims just to get to this point.
I’ll let you guess which one of these antagonists feels like a genuine threat, and which one just feels like a disappointment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now, I don’t mind Mr. Grizz being less violent and deranged than Commander Tartar…the two have different personalities and slightly different goals, and anyway a body count isn’t really necessary to be a convincing villain. But I DO mind him being so totally uninvolved, despite being a character that we already knew and interacted with beforehand. Like, at the very least…talk to the player. o_O Care about the player. Do something to interfere with the player sometime before the last minute! The fact that Grizz just doesn’t give a damn about our existence for most of the campaign is baffling from a writer’s standpoint, and heartbreaking from a Grizz-fan’s standpoint. ;_; Notice me, Kuma-san!!
…Anyway, there’s a million ways to remedy this, because it’s such a simple and obvious problem that really shouldn’t exist. ^^; And the one I chose for #re_rise (besides having Grizz haunt the game like an ever-present specter, as explained here) is one of my old tried-and-true favorites: using the villain to parallel the protagonist.
Basically, both characters are lonely at heart. Agent 3 left home for the Splatlands in search of a “fresh beginning”, after spending most of their life feeling like they never fit in anywhere. Throughout the story, we get subtle clues that what they want most is belonging and friendship…which they’re clearly discovering through their interactions with Deep Cut and Smallfry, although it’s not until the climax of the final battle that they can truly believe in it and accept it.
And of course, Mr. Grizz lost his home and entire civilization, and even in the midst of a thriving new one (that he actively engages with through his corporation…!) he’s apparently such a massive bigot that he doesn’t consider it worthy of his company. ^^; Fish-people do not count to him, thus his loneliness is self-inflicted and intensified. He believes his only recourse is to transform the world back into something he can accept.
These parallels, plus the desire-manifesting powers of Alterna’s crystals (discussed in this post) eventually brings the two characters to an understanding of sorts. Without having to exchange words, they can see and consider the similarities of their innermost feelings.
This doesn’t have much of an effect on Grizz, outside of something he might muse about while Agent 3 ascends the launchpad (and maybe quietly internalize as proof that fish-people have feelings too, just to give his last-second change of heart at least one leg to stand on). But it weighs heavily on Agent 3, especially since they’re being physically changed by their adventure in a way that makes these parallels even more relevant…yes, I’m finally gonna talk about what I actually drew. ^^
My idea was that spending too much time around Fuzzy Ooze will affect you even if you don’t touch it (i.e. through splashes/aerosols), just to a lesser degree. And since Agent 3 was the first to actually enter the underground lab spaces and spends more time fighting there than anyone else, they’ve had an unprecedented amount of secondhand exposure to it.
Through O.R.C.A.’s files, they can understand why this mild fuzzification is happening to them, and that it may not be reversible, although they press on anyway (I’d like to imply that they’re willing to ignore it to impress Deep Cut~). But Grizz’s offhand comments make them realize that they may be unintentionally setting themselves up to be cast aside again, slowly turning into a repulsive mutant monster that no one will want to be around. The only one of their kind in the world, just like a certain Ursine Anomaly…and if they succeed in stopping Grizz’s plan, that’s all they’ll ever be. 
…On the other hand, if they were to sit back and let him fuzzify the world, then…no, they couldn’t do that. They…wouldn’t…
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anonzentimes · 2 months
*guy who loves talking about despair disease voice* wait can we talk more about despair disease. i have so many thoughts on despair disease and esp how it pertains to nagito
i feel like when a lot of people first play/watch the games they see nagito as someone who lies to manipulate people, which while i can’t super blame them for thinking that way bc of how hajime tries to reconcile his conflicting feelings over nagito, i get SO frustrated when ppl call nagito a liar bc no!!! no he’s not!!! you’re falling for other characters’ perceptions of him!!! nagito almost never lies and when he does he’s either really bad at it (cough cough final FTE. “i got it all from a book” you are not slick buddy) or comes clean as soon as he’s achieved his desired outcome- it’s more bluffing than actual deception, and one thing he’s especially sincere in is his beliefs and admiration for the people around him. and the despair disease PROVES this without a doubt!!
ok. i know in-text the despair disease is described as “reversing people’s personalities,” but i’ve always interpreted it a little differently. ibuki isn’t the opposite of gullible, akane isn’t the opposite of a coward, and nagito isn’t the opposite of a liar. to me, it’s always seemed like the despair disease gives its host the trait they’d most hate to have— whatever trait would instill in them the deepest despair. ibuki hates conformity- stick her with a disease that makes her blindly follow whatever she’s told. akane hates showing weakness- force her into a state of constant crying. nagito hates the idea of deceiving his classmates- make him incapable of being sincere. this interpretation makes mikan’s disease make a little more sense too imo, since remembering her brainwashing isn’t exactly reversing her personality but instead literally filling her to the brim with despair. ANYWAYS.
nagito Actively Despises not being able to tell the truth. he hates the despair disease, he sees it as a complete waste. in the ult. luck and hope and despair mangas, we actually get to see some of his internal monologue right before he passes out, and he is In Hell. he’s pissed that he can’t serve as a proper stepping stone in his state, he thinks the whole disease is stupid, and he gets so frustrated about not being able to properly encourage the group that he Literally Starts Foaming At The Mouth ????? like if you EVER wanted undeniable proof that nagito is sincere look at the despair disease. it’s basically a roundabout truth serum for him and that’s a huge part of why it’s one of my favorite motives
sidenote i feel like the despair disease has a shit ton of analysis potential in general just bc of how it turns characters into what they hate the most!! i loveeee brainstorming what symptoms certain characters would have gotten were they to get infected. hajime especially. maybe he’d get a fawning disease where he starts praising everyone nagito-style (this would highlight their bystander parallels and also make hajime feel MISERABLE bc he fucking hates when nagito points out how similar they are lmao). or maybe he’d get an apathy disease that’d essentially izuru-fy him (wonderful foreshadowing potential there, not to imagine the incredible angst of izuru being the thing hajime would hate to be most in the world.) alas i am not a fanfic author so i will sit with my concepts but it is a wonderful daydream with any dangan characters i’d highly recommend it :]
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!! I SCREAM IN UNISON WITH YOU I LOOOVEEE THE DESAIR DISEASE!!!!! MAN… I’M SO OBSESSED WITH HOW YOU INTERPRET AND ARTICULATED THE DESPAIR DISEASE💗💗💗 The Despair Disease is genuinely so good for analyzing I really do believe Danganronpa 2 Chapter 3 is the best Chapter 3 out of the franchise. I think the reserving of their personalities truly meaning the traits they would hate to have is soo good I’m eating up, sealing it in my heart, and using it forever such a delightful way to explain it. The interpretations on what disease Hajime would get is so fun, I’ve seen some people interpret him getting the honesty disease which is fun in concept but I don’t think it works as well as other ideas could, y’know? Your ideas for a potential apathy or fawning disease are really fun to me, I like the idea of the fawning disease tapping into how much of a realist he is and giving him the opposite attitude Lol. Thank you so much for sending this it’s so fun I’ll be thinking about this forever, I wish I was a fanfic writer aha! I really want to become a fanfic writer, soon with time I suppose. Thank you again for sharing your daydreams with me, you’re very right it does have a lot of analysis potential! :D
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yi3248 · 2 months
what’s your favorite roach headcanon?
hi anon!! sorry it took so long. your ask came in just as i decided to rewatch mw2 gameplay to refresh my memory so it took a While, but its finally here! it's a bit messy. feel free to ask if there's something specific you want an opinion of :D
i subscribe to the headcanon that he is selectively mute
was found hiding in a closet, somehow chilling with a cockroach in there
on another note, he finds the closet to be a comfortable place to be in, when everything gets too much. a makeshift barrier from everything
likes smooth peanut butter
when he was in primary school, while dropping him off, his mom got fed up with his nonverbal responses. parked near the gates, wants to know why he was being so difficult
(it wasnt on purpose. he wasnt trying to be difficult. he felt so exposed, through the windows, like other students could just know why he was locked in there, why they were taking too long to simply drop off someone)
hates tomatoes
likes the sweet kind of chili sauce
wears whatever graphic tees at his disposal when on leave
does dress up once in a while though, but like, for wildly mundane occasions
i want to say he has slightly bad vision (near-sighted) but its corrected with his goggles. doesnt wear the goggles on base, when hes not in immediate battle
either skips leg days, or hes the type who has difficulty building strength in his lower limbs
still trying to reason out why he failed 2 jumps lmao. since he was able to shake his pursuers in hornet’s nest, his running and jumping muscles should also be adequate. maybe as mactavish’s journal says, his gear was weighing him down (dear god, there was a lot of parallels mactavish drew in btwn him and roach)
likes snow. likes any snow activities. doesnt like how it freezes him though
probably hid in the toilet when there was a fire drill evacuation practice at school
roach and mactavish wouldve spend some time in the same room, quietly jotting out their thoughts on the mission in their respective journals
or even lets their frustration shine through. about their lack of ability to be better, to be more efficient (this was a common theme in mactavish’s journal. regrets and aftermaths)
a steady hand forces him to stop engraving his regrets deeply into a page. eyes snap up, mouth ready to follow along until he meets roach’s heavy gaze. he huffs, the exhaled air carrying some of his tension away, the shroud of distress slowly dissipates, but it lingers
he has his own team, and the burden, the need to watch them get through to the other end all safe and sound is so juxtaposed in their career. it is inevitable, but he can still try. they can be better, stronger, less chances to be picked off
he shakes his head, patting roach’s arm. “what? yer want to take a gander at my words?” he tuts, closes his journal with a snap, a wry smirk on his face. “go put that curiousity to proper work.” he ushers roach to the training area, ignoring roach’s pointed look of distaste
(dimly, he wonders if he will follow in price’s footsteps. if roach will assimilate some of his habits to remember him, in some sort of way. we’re all amalgamations of all the people we have met, naturally)
((as he yells into the comms for an answer that never comes, he doesnt have a chance to find out))
hates the water on base. it tastes different
somehow enjoys playing the mobile ads games more than the actual game
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madeby-meru · 3 months
Jason Mendal as your partner (headcanons)
pet names:
Jason is a rather old fashioned romantic when it comes to pet names and nicknames. He likes calling you my love, my darling, my dear or my heart. They're not too mellow but they're still very sweet. Once you start dating he will essentially stop saying your name altogether, he won't call you by your name even if you're fighting or he is angry, because it would feel like a way of distancing himself from you. The only occasion when he will call you by your name is when he is introducing you to someone. In that case, he will introduce you with your full name and not just your first name, it is a sign of respect in his eyes (and you clearly deserve it).
expressing affection:
Jason is not the type to show a lot of affection in public. He will hold your hand, walk with an arm around your waist, leave a soft kiss on your temple or a peck on the lips when you're saying hello or goodbye. But he will keep all the more physical displays of affection for when you're in private and away from curious eyes. When you're alone, he loves it when you sit on his lap (in a non sexual way) because he can rest his chin on your shoulder and wrap his arms tightly around you. He will nuzzle his nose against your hair and leave kisses on every inch of exposed skin at any chance he gets. He loves just randomly hugging you from behind when you're doing something and slighly leaning his weight on you. He likes playing with your hair and caressing your cheek or your hand while you're speaking. He will however publicly express his care in many other small ways, like carrying an extra pair of shoes in the car because he knows the ones you're wearing hurt you after a while, or having your favorite drink and snack/entree already ordered by the time you arrive to meet him at the café/restaurant. Another way in which he shows his affection is show you how much he trusts you (which is something that doesn't come easy to him), not only with things like his finances or his belongings, but even with his own business. Every now and then he will ask your opinion and seek your point of view often and he will take it seriously, even if you know little about his work or how to handle it, your advice is valuable to him because you are honest and you give him a fresh perspective that he may not have thought of (I imagine his employees being surprised when he calls you to see what you think about a new project or a difficult client, because its something he never does).
home life:
I already mentioned before that I imagine Jason as a very good cook that thoroughly enjoys it. If you also like cooking he will love it when you two can put time aside and spend a couple hours together in the kitchen preparing something. He is very serious and meticulous but he loves trying out new things and experimenting (even if it turns out as a complete disaster). If you don't like cooking he will just be happy to have you hanging around to talk while he is doing all the work. He will let you try everything beforehand to make sure its to your liking and he has your comfort foods memorized to make them when you're feeling down. Jason is also the number one fan of parallel play. He works from home every now and then, and obviously has his own home office, but when you're home he'd rather pick up his laptop and sit near wherever you are. And even if he is not working he just enjoys being near you while doing entirely different activities and occasionally commenting on them. Your presence is comforting for him and sometimes he will just stare at you while you're concentrated doing something else, he likes the faces that you make and all the small habits you have that you dont even notice.
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So, I was romancing Sam on every playthrough but decided to branch out finally, and now I have a tier list; ‼️Potential spoilers‼️
Tobin: By far my favorite RO. I typically don't like the archetype of "brooding ro and their charming ro counterpart" It just doesn't interest me as someone who has seen a lot of het romances employ this trope. But giving Tobin the chance they deserve and finding that I like how they respond to my MC's own flirtatious nature and then discovering how they feel about my MC being the same gender, just adds an extra layer of interest for me that I appreciated. They're kind, considerate, and very thoughtful of their friends. Very quickly blew the rest of the competition out of the water for me. I think their mindset when it comes to tennis explains why they're not the no.1 Seed despite being the captain of the team, and it honestly surprised me. I think the full weight of their route is explored best when MC is similarly looking to go pro as it parallels Rayyan nicely. Their kidness is the space they give you is born from experience and the fear of doing to MC what was done to them and I just eat that stuff up. Also it is very rare to have a black RO who is treated with any level of depth, and I just 🥹love that we Tobin.
Rayyan: In a surprise twist, Rayyan gets the second spot for similar reasons as Tobin. I think the enemies to friends to lovers(partners) arc that is presented in their story is intriguing. Like Sam, they have a level of history with the MC that makes them familiar when heading into the new space, so I made it a habit to stay near them when at all possible. Rayyan isn't particularly cold, or as cold as ppl might assume, I think they have a very good balance of being a sort of quiet and reserved person that still manages to be personable. I feel that playing like I do, my MC might've come off as flippant to them, which only adds to the anxiety that they feel going into this season. Their struggle of being visually Arab in a world and country that sees non whiteness as punishable is very felt. It's really special to me that the two most prominent ROs are dark skinned people of color. Sorry for being biased, but even when I wasn’t actively romancing them, they got major points for that.
Sam: My baby gets the third spot and I think that's fair. What i adored about Sam is the pining of a friends to lovers story. I never make the first move with Sam, despite playing very flirty, bc I see my MC with not having to put up a front with Sam. So the things they do or say that signify to others that my MC is looking for something physical aren't used with Sam; they believe MCs closeness with them is strictly platonic while my MC believes that Sam has been lightly rejecting this whole time. Just something about those missed connections get to me. (Also, the varcity jackets!? So cute) Now, Sam loses points due to being away at another university for a majority of the story thys far. Which made me wonder if placing them in a new environment with MC might change things for them. Everything IS different now; so, who is to say that their relationship hasn't run its course? Juicy, but due to lack of presence, I'll keep them at 3rd.
G: They're French. Automatically, a point is taken off. They're also very sexy as a woman (my MC is a they/them lesbian) so I felt that, to remain true to character, I would have to ignore that and see what G has going on. Ngl, they do sort of play out like a romance novel character in the most obvious way so far 😭 no hate though. I just couldn't not think about "Oh, you sexy French student." Whenever they said anything. Smoldering looks from across the room at a crowded college party, like okay 400 days of summer <3. I think they're rather perfect for players who are looking for some steam outside of the locker room. They have the same issue as Sam, as in, they're not present in the locker room. They're not our teammate, so we don't really get the same level of relationship building with them as u would a Rayyan or Tobin. And I don't think that's a bad thing necessarily. I feel that speaks to the amount of work put in to make the team feel real and not just thrown together characters. Once I started to romance my teammates, I found it hard to flirt with anyone else, as I felt that they just didn't understand my MC on the same level.
Felix: ngl, they'd have to get security to get me off them, I have this burning rage in my heart whenever they show up. "🤼‍♂️ This is for Tobin, Cakepop‼️" I am sure there is indeed depth to them as a character, I am sure it hurts to hear someone say "I can not love you the way you want me to." And we are only human, we don't always behave the way we want to. But Felix makes my nipple itch they just remind me of men who just hold this anger for their exes unreasonably. I think there is an interesting parallel to be found in a Tobin route MC and Felix. I just don't have the language to put it together bc I will never romance them and I don't think I ever will, personally just can't bring myself to do so. They are what I felt Rayyan would be, and I'm fine with meeting them with hostility.
All in all, I'm glad I branched out to see what the other ROs were like it's definitely a testament to ur hard work and is greatly appreciated. I will continue to be messy and kiss Tobin, Rayyan, and Sam because I am toxic aim to be a learning experience, not a lover 🫶🏽
Oh my god~ It was so interesting to see your gradual evolution / journey through pursuing the different ROs.
I think it's really interesting in particular to see how Tobin's character is sort of 'hidden' beneath multiple layers, and you have to really work at unpeeling those layers, and it's really rewarding as a writer to see that route 'give' readers so much unexpected joy.
And, of course — I have a soft spot for stoic / unexpressive, overly-competitive, serious characters who are secretly just a giant sap. For Rayyan in particular, I think their drive to excel at tennis is counter-balanced against their loyalty, their ride-or-die-ness with the people they love. I love the extra bit of psychoanalysis that you did regarding Rayyan's anxiety about MC not taking tennis seriously, which is fine on its own, but really becomes an issue if they're partnered.
Sam having less 'screen-time' than the others is totally fair, and I think (or hope) will be made up for by the sheer amount of history they share.
As for the whole "French sexy" stereotype, I actually do think this is a crucial part of G's arc. The idea that perhaps they both see each other as 'archetypes' at the start (the jock-fling during one's exchange year, the sexy french exchange student), and then as they start understanding each other as real people, and then as they start (possibly) falling in love with each other (with all the eccentricities, all the imperfections), the relationship takes on more depth and dimension.
Finally, thank you so much for taking the time to explore all these different routes, and I'm so glad that doing so was rewarding for you :) I absolutely loved reading this message, so thank you also for sharing! It's always so fun listening to how different MCs, or different MC choices, and just different readers in general — have different takes on the ROs!
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k-s-morgan · 4 months
any thoughts so far on the sebaciel dynamic in the public school arc? i like the intimacy behind closed doors when all masks are off, hehe. i'm curious what you think of the dynamic at this point of the story, and if it inspires anything in you.
hope you're doing well and are safe. good luck on the work!
Hi - thank you! And ohh, I adore the dynamic between Ciel and Sebastian in the new anime. I love seeing them as a team playing against the rest of the world. Ciel's acting skills are phenomenal in this since he spends most of his time pretending - this underlines how real and close his bond with Sebastian is. Their conversations, their now-canon ability to finish each other's sentences even in their mind, them torching the dorm with students together, Sebastian hiding Ciel under his cloak, hem manipulating cricket and devising multiple plans together - I love it all.
I'm also amazed by how incredibly some of the events fit the direction my story has been taking. For example, there are quite a few moments where Ciel is paralleled with a demon - by kneeling like Sebastian, being shown with his eyes flashing unnaturally, and just mirroring Sebastian in general. The dynamic between him and Edward also fits into the latest seduction scene I wrote in.
Also, torching the dorm actually stunned me because of the implications this moment has. Just recently, Ciel ordered Sebastian to burn down a place full of children, and he felt morally conflicted about it later. Now, he's basically giving the same order again - more than that, he's doing it with his own hands. Sure, he expected most students to survive this time, but he had to understand that something like this could have deadly repercussions. And he went with it anyway. This is so cold and callous, I'm awed. Sebastian actively joining by kicking in the torch and them sharing the responsibility equally is one of my most favorite scenes ever.
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nattaphum · 11 months
Mileapo’s interview conducted online after shooting for Spur Magazine
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I changed into my clothes and the first person who appeared in front of the screen was Mr. Apo. While waving at me he said, "Hi! How are you? Mile will be coming soon, so please wait a little longer” he said with a refreshing smile that was no less than a vitamin yellow T-shirt. Mr. Mile, who appeared immediately after that, glanced at Mr. Apo and held two cushions that were nearby. While gently attaching one of them behind Mr. Apo, he sat down with a cheerful smile, saying, "Thank you for waiting." I witnessed the deep bond between the two of them, who care about each other on a daily basis.
You are two people who have been active as models since you were teenagers before you were active as actors. Please tell me how you aimed to be a model.
Apo: When I was looking for something to put into, I felt that "modeling work is cool." Luckily, I got a chance to be invited by an acquaintance.
Mile: I was also invited by an acquaintance and signed a contract with a model agency. At that time more than 10 years ago, there was still no culture of scouting through SMS. The way to enter this industry was either by chance or by acquaintance.
──At that time, it seems that model work and academic work were parallel, but each of them was quite conspicuous on the university campus ...!
Mile: Well, i was popular (laughs). Because I was also doing music activities. Since I was a child, playing the guitar has been my hobby.
Apo: I wasn't popular at all! Because i looked like a "simple boy" at that time. Because i was skinny, my face was elongated, and people around me often said that i looked like Ultraman (laughs). (Crosses arms and imitates Ultraman's pose)
Mile: hahaha. I also thought when we first met! It is similar to both Ultraman and the actor and who plays the role of Zhan Zhao
──Mile and Apo have appeared in fashion magazines from various countries so far. I saw a project that talks about the commitment to dressing and your favorite products, and I felt the love you two have for fashion.
Mile: I like fashion very much. I'm especially attracted to items that can feel the skills of craftsmen, such as tailor-made. Among them, I like accessories and shoes such as watches and rings.
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──Apo seems to be particular into eyewear. I was surprised at the large number of things you carry, such as sunglasses and glasses.
Apo: hahahaha! It's a video that introduced the contents of my bag. You did your homework! ( =You've prepared well) Even in a day, I try to change the design according to the scene and mood, and wear glasses with a degree. I'm the type with a lot of luggage in the first place, but I especially carry a lot of glasses.
──As Apo mentioned earlier, the two of you who were appointed as Dior's ambassadors this year. In June, I participated in the men's collection in Paris and received cheers from many people there. How did you feel when you decided to work as an ambassador?
Apo: i was very happy. Actually, we've talked about it many times before it's decided. It started in the fall of 2022, when I worked with Dior for the first time. " While I was on a concert tour around Southeast Asia with the members of KinnPorsche, the Dior team came to see the concert and appreciated our attitude towards our work. From there, we discussed and came to the conclusion that "Dior and we should be able to do a good job" and decided to appoint them.
Mile: This is the first time for us to do long-term fashion work. I am sincerely grateful to the people of the Dior family for welcoming and caring for us.
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──In August, the movie "Man Suang" where you co-starred for the second time together was released." Following "KinnPorsche The Series", this work produced by BE ON CLOUD was also very impressive with very gorgeous costumes and visual beauty. Mr. Mile is performing traditional Thai art with a taphone (taiko) and Mr. Apo is performing rum (Thai dance), but how long did it take to prepare?
Apo: It took 4 to 5 months just to prepare before shooting.
Mile: it took almost a year to combine the shooting period. Thanks to spending a long time, I feel that I was able to firmly express the beauty of Thai traditional art.
Apo: Unfortunately, the screening in Japan has not been decided yet. If you are interested, please contact me!
Mile: (smiling and nodding) What Apo is trying to convey is, "Please let me know if there is a company that will become a distributor of the work."
Apo: Oh yeah, that's what it is (laughs). You may get a chance to meet Japanese fans in the wake of the broadcast. I look forward to working with you!
──Fans should be looking forward to the day when they can meet the two of them in Japan.
Mile: we've always wanted to meet.
Apo: we will definitely make it happen
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baby--charchar · 6 months
Social-Emotional Checklist for Age Regressors
This checklist can help you figure out a specific age that you, an OC, or your little one regress to, based on how they communicate, express emotions, interact with their caregivers, and socialize with other littles.
To complete it, highlight or check off any of the descriptions that apply to you or your little one. If you highlight ALL or the vast majority of the traits in one category, then your little is OLDER than that and is past that phase. If you highlight about HALF of the descriptions, then that is exactly where your little one is at when regressed. If nothing in that category applies to your little one, they are younger than that given age. Some littles may have a mix of multiple developmental ages, especially if they're neurodivergent, and that's okay!
I'm gonna do this for my age-regressing OC Rhea, and feel free to copy/paste this wherever you'd like, or just use it for your own reference! [original source]
You'll see that for Rhea, I could check off almost everything in the infant category. She has her favorite caregiver, she's anxious around strangers, and she's aware of other people's emotions and tries to respond!
Once I got to the toddler category however, things got a little more shaky. She throws tantrums and has some complexity to her emotions, however she's not playing with peers at all and doesn't care for pretend play. Once I reached the gradeschool level, nothing really applied to her so I stopped there.
This tells me that Rhea is about 2 years old, although this can shift a bit because age regression has its own natural ebbs and flows. Try it out with yourself or your little one, and see if it helps you understand them or help them out a little bit better!
Infants and babies
By 2 months
• Cry to get needs met ✅️
• Occasionally self-soothe by sucking on hands and fingers ✅️
• Start to smile and look directly at you ✅️
By 4 months
• Cry in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired ✅️
• Smile in response to caregiver’s smile ✅️
• Play with toys by shaking them✅️
By 6 months
• Are more aware of which people are familiar and which are strangers ✅️
• Can respond to other people’s emotions by crying, smiling, or laughing✅️
• Enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror❌️
By 9 months
• Start to show stranger anxiety✅️
• May cry when familiar faces aren’t around✅️
• Start to prefer some toys over others✅️
By 12 months
• Play favorites with familiar people✅️
• Are more interactive (like handing over a toy or a book, or making a specific noise to get a caregiver’s attention)✅️
• Enjoy simple interactive games, like patty-cake and peekaboo❌️
Toddlers and preschoolers
Ages 18 months–2 years
• Have more temper tantrums and become more defiant as they try to communicate and be independent✅️
• Start simple pretend play, like imitating what adults or other kids are doing❌️
• Become interested in having other kids around, but are more likely to play alongside them (parallel play) than with them (cooperative play)❌️
Ages 3–4 years
• Start to show and verbalize a wider range of emotion ✅️
• Are interested in pretend play, but may confuse real and “make believe”❌️
• Are spontaneously kind and caring❌️
• Start playing with other kids and separate from caregivers more easily❌️
• May still have tantrums because of changes in routine or not getting what they want✅️
Ages 5–6 years
• Enjoy playing with other kids and are more conversational and independent
• Test boundaries but are still eager to please and help out
• Begin to understand what it means to feel embarrassed
Ages 7–8 years
• Are more aware of others’ perceptions
• May complain about friendships and other kids’ reactions
• Want to behave well, but aren’t as attentive to directions
• Try to express feelings with words, but may resort to aggression when upset
Ages 9–10 years
• Share secrets and jokes with friends
• May start to develop own identity by withdrawing from family activities and conversations
• Are affectionate, silly, and curious, but can also be selfish, rude, and argumentative
Middle-schoolers and high-schoolers
Ages 11–15 years
• Start thinking more logically
• Are introspective and moody and need privacy
• Value friends’ and others’ opinions more and more
• May test out new ideas, clothing styles, and mannerisms while figuring out where/how to fit in
Ages 16–18 years
• Strive to be independent and may start emotionally distancing from caregivers
• Start trying to discover strengths and weaknesses, at times seeming self-centered, impulsive, or moody
• Show pride in successes
• Spend a lot of time with friends and may be interested in dating
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azrielsfavoriteshadow · 2 months
Music Parallels between Feysand, Nessian, & Gwynriel
SJM has spoken about the significance of music in her personal life and the importance it holds in her books. We’ve seen it with Bryce in CC and Aelin in TOG. There was not as much of an emphasis on music in ACOTAR until Silver Flames with Nesta, but there is an important example with Feysand.
In ACOTAR, music has been used to share comfort and support from one partner to the other with both Nessian and Feysand. We got a hint of this in the BC with Gwynriel.
You can also listen to my tiktok on this here.
When Feyre is UTM, nearing her breaking point, she hears a faint music unlike anything she’s ever heard before. She states that she was sinking so far, it would take something extraordinary to pull her out.
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Then she hears the music. She follows the music and it pulls her out of her cell and frees her in beautiful nature scenery.
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It was music that filled the gaps of her soul and brought her to a place where there was no longer any pain.
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This music warms her bones and bounces her away from her breaking point as she awaits the next trail. In ACOMAF, we learn that it is Rhysand who sent this music to her. She asks him why and he says it was to save her. To keep her from breaking.
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Music is very significant in Nesta’s story. We know it is a reason why she sought out the taverns she went to. Elain tells us it is one of the only times we see the true Nesta. When she is dancing and when there is music playing.
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Because of what music means to her, Cassian gifts Nesta a special orb which plays all her favorite music. He went to her favorite taverns and requested they play the music so that he could record it for her. He even got the musicians from the ball to replay the entire set so that he could save it in the orb for her.
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This gift is so meaningful to Nesta that it brings her to tears. Music brings her joy and comfort and Cassian had found a way for her to have music always.
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With Feysand, Rhysand sends Feyre music to rescue her from a low point.
With Nessian, Cassian gifts Nesta something that can bring her music whenever she needs since music is something she seeks out for comfort.
After Azriel’s interaction with Rhysand in the BC, Azriel is at a low. He takes himself outside into the cold so that he can feel nothing anymore. So that he can return to being nothing.
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After this, we get his scene with Gwyn in which something restless begins to settle in him. On his way out of the training ring, he enters the warmth of the stairwell and he swears he can hear a faint, beautiful singing following. His shadows sang in answer.
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The music is obviously indicated to have come from Gwyn. This is either literally or figuratively. Regardless, it is an exchange of music between Gwyn and Az in a time when he is in need of comfort. He goes from actively seeking out the cold to numb himself to feeling warmth as he leaves Gwyn.
E/riels use this as an example of Gwyn’s “lightsinger powers” manipulating Azriel in some capacity. But the exchange of music from one partner to another who is in need of support and comfort is a reoccurring action in ACOTAR as exemplified in this post with both Nessian and Feysand.
We also learn from his interaction with Gwyn that Azriel himself sings. This is not mentioned in 5 books, but SJM chose to make this reveal in the BC through Gwyn and Az’s interaction.
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This is not just some throw away reveal. Singing is a very important part of Gwyn’s story as well and she is the one that gets Azriel to reveal this part of him to the readers. No one else has inquired about this part of him.
After this reveal, SJM gives us more of a peak at Azriel’s enjoyment of music in CC3. This is not coincidental. It is building on the reveal we got in his SF bonus chapter and the connection between him and Gwyn.
Gleeriel is coming home i fear 😌
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askticcitobyshit · 7 months
Can we see some interactions between Chev and the creeps?
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Toby's been my best friend for years, and our favorite thing to do is shit talk about anything and everything. You can usually find us hanging out at the mansion, either in our rooms or out on the porch.
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Jack and I became best friends more recently! We usually either just hang around each other and do our own thing (parallel play, I think it's called??), or doing something active like walking or cooking while we talk. We sometimes hunt together too! I'm not really a fan of killing people, but I gotta eat human flesh a few times a month. and having Jack with me while I do it is a bit comforting, I guess??
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Jeff and I are frenemies. He's a stinky greasy man and bothers the fuck out of me. Dude will literally just walk into my house or my room in the mansion and just bug me. (Toby and Jack do this too, but they have bestie privileges.) He's really cool sometimes though.
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Nina is an absolute sweetheart!! I love this girl, and we're starting to get closer as friends. We shop together, do skincare together (sometimes Toby joins bc he's part of the girls who get it), go to shows, and talk about fandom stuff A LOT. we also share fanfic and tiktok thirst trap edits on the reg
If you want to know how I interact with any specific creeps, let me know in my inbox!
~ Chev
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prior-medium · 8 months
"Your choices do(n't) matter" -> Deltarune to Undertale
I have been wanting to make a post for a long time, but I have a free hour on my hand and a mind full of Deltarune soo allow me to draw my favorite parallels about how Undertale and Deltarune both tackle the concept of choice, and how they are distinct but both still tell a necessary story.
Also, if you are reading this post, I am assuming you have played through Undertale and Deltarune Chapters 1 and 2, because this post will have spoilers for both. Without further ado…
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Undertale’s approach when it comes to choice is one that directly targets and addresses the player. Much of the characters’ dialogue with Frisk often address them as “the human”, which, depending on your stance, could be a comment meant to speak to Frisk as a character, or to you, the player, as a human being.
In fact, as much as I adore Frisk as a character all of their own, they aren’t necessarily given any defining personality traits. They are, in the purest of senses, meant to directly be an in-game representation for the whims and desires of the player. “They” act, “they” fight, “they” flee, but it’s always you, the player, making the decisions. This isn’t necessarily a unique concept, but it’s the way that this is applied that makes this particular idea special in Undertale. 
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Obviously, the most noticeable instance of this is when Sans calls the player out towards the end of the game, explaining that those little levels and numbers that we, as the player, loved seeing go up, were affecting the world that we had just spent the last few hours immersing ourselves in. There is a direct effect of our choices on this universe. It is a pre-established place, and it will continue without us, the player, making an impact. In fact, in the neutral and genocide routes, you are actively making this universe a worse place! It puts the player in the position to act as themselves and make a decision about how they want to impact this virtual world. In essence, the decisions made by Frisk and you, the player, are presented as one in the same. Frisk isn’t necessarily seen as a vessel for your intentions, but rather, as your intentions themselves. 
This created a unique meta-narrative when it came to the idea of how we, as players, consume media in universes. It presented the idea that universes made by creators aren’t just things to pick up and put down, but that each game world has their own story that continues onwards, with or without input. You aren’t seen as some great hero, but rather a nuisance at best, a mass murderer at worst. This was the way that Undertale addressed the idea of stories in their universe: you, the player, were seen as synonymous with Frisk, the character.
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Deltarune took a different approach to this. Of course, it becomes instantly recognizable to players that “our choices don’t matter”, which is told to us almost immediately in the game. There are some sections of the game where the decisions you make don't directly influence the storyline, which differs from the narrative set by Undertale. It takes this idea of “choice” that we had pre-established going into the Deltarune experience by Toby Fox’s other works and toys with it.
Kris is their own individual. Kris has had a hard time making friends. Kris has a brother at college, and is a known town citizen. Kris is greeted by neighbors, classmates, and teachers. Kris loves chocolate and pies, shows anger at Spamton’s demise, and has a tendency to make some scary jokes (as referenced by Noelle). They are their own person. This is when Undertale and Deltarune start to split on the concept of choice.
Frisk was seen as the culmination of the player themselves, but Kris isn’t the player. This is what makes the ending of Chapter 1 particularly shocking– the idea that Kris could directly address us, the players, and our influence on them, by removing their soul. They don’t want to be the culmination of our actions. They want to be Kris. 
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This is where the idea of choices is twisted from our prior conceptions. Just like in Undertale, our choices in Deltarune are either praised or criticized depending on how we interact with the world we are given. However, in Undertale, we are judged as players by the characters aware of our influence. In Deltarune, we are judged in a far more intimate setting: directly by the person we are instructing to do our bidding. Because, at the end of the day, our choices do matter in Deltarune. They just matter on a smaller scale. They matter to Kris.
In this way, both games address the way our choices are impactful; they just happen to do so in two, unique settings. I think this is what makes both Undertale and Deltarune so interesting– they have a similar concept, but they completely flip the script on what that concept means, and how it applies to universes. 
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malum-forev · 1 year
"Who did this to you?" For the bingo plz & thank you!💕
Bby girl, ask and you shall receive! This is a Mafia!40's!Bucky x MobBossDaughter!Reader. Think the godfather style when you read this! I think this is one of my favorite things I've written, and I hope you like it too!
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 You were running, your heightened senses making everything around you feel like a series of photographs. Snapshots taken to reduce space in your mind after your fight or flight response.
You weren’t supposed to be here, if you’d only listened to your father’s overprotective words or at least listened to his nagging nanny- your father had scolded you many times telling you not to call Bucky that but whenever the two of you were behind closed doors he would laugh, calling you the funniest woman he'd ever met- you wouldn’t be in this position. 
Your feet ached, blisters were sure to form, your heels were definitely not made for this kind of activity. You looked down at the shiny leather shoes, gromets now vacant where a bow used to be tied. It must have fallen off somewhere on the way, your fleeing movements loosening the knot.
You turned the corner and finally saw your house, the four-story Brownstone had only two lights turned on. You looked down at your broken watch, your first attempt to flee your “date” if you could even call him that, it marked ten past eleven and that was hours ago. It pained you to admit that Bucky was right, he’d warned you thousands of times that the Walker family was not to be trusted. 
“Even though there is peace today, it doesn’t assure you it will be that way tomorrow.” Bucky had told you once after you’d said you were considering accepting a date from the family’s oldest son. “Remember your position in this family and in this world, then consider their true intentions.”
But you’d only rolled your eyes at his remarks. “I believe you are the one who should remember his position in this family and in this world.” You came closer to him, his towering height did not intimidate you. The two of you had virtually grown up together. He was ten years your senior, making everyone around you think you were as close as siblings but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. A brother should never think of his sister the way Bucky thought of you whenever he let his mind roam to that place he shouldn't. You smoothed the lapels on his three-piece dark wool suit, you flattened your palms on his firm chest and dragged them down slowly. He took in a sharp breath as your hands inched down below his belt and stopped parallel to where he desired you the most. Your fingers twitched as if they had a mind of their own, wanting to get closer to him, closer to the part of him that made him masculine. 
You ripped your hands from his hips and took his right hand, you rested it on your palm and your other hand toyed with the signet ring on his pinky finger. The gold shone against his skin, your family’s crest forever imprinted on it. Your father’s wish to have had a male heir would linger as long as the ring lived. There was no amount of duties you could complete that would let your father pass his empire down to you. A stinging truth that made you curse having been born as a woman. 
“Did you make a vow of chastity when my father picked you up from the streets?” Your voice was calm as you rubbed your finger on the gold ring. “Or is it just your terrible personality that forbids you from making a woman climax?”
Bucky chuckled, low and throaty. “The only vow I made your father, was to never fuck his darling little girl.”
“Hm.” Was the only thing you said, dropping his hand and leaving the room. 
You climbed up the steps to your home almost having to drag your body, the exhaustion of sprinting what felt like hours catching up to you. You slowly turned your key, trying to make the smallest amount of noise and stepped inside. There was the faint sound of a record playing and light chatter coming from your father’s study. But as you were about to walk up the stairs to your bedroom and finally put an end to this abhorrent night, the door opened. In a panic, you quickly hid in the coat closet. 
“That’s it for tonight, James.” You heard your father say. “I better get upstairs before I’m sent to the doghouse.”
“Good night, Sir.” Bucky responded. 
You leaned back on the plush fur coats, trying to steady your breath. This was the first time you caught a glimpse of your garments. The silk dress you’d saved up over a month’s allowance for, was now gashed down the middle. You were lucky no one had seen you run around at this time of night, one bad move and you’d be revealed. Your chest was starting to purple, finger sized hues of blue and violet started to appear where John had tried to force you down. You wouldn’t be surprised if your aching neck was covered in these bruises. 
Your shoes were filled with mud and scratches and your tights that once had a seam going up the back were ripped, holes everywhere. Your eyes started to burn as you remembered the crazed look in his eyes as he tried to rip your clothes off but you swallowed down your tears.
Once you made sure your father had retreated to his bedroom, you wrapped yourself in one of your mother’s fur coats and quietly left your hiding spot. But once again, as soon as you stepped foot on the staircase another creak came from the study. This time you weren’t quick enough.
“Is it past three am already? Done with a hard night’s work of terrorizing young children?” Your back was to Bucky but you were sure his face was adorned with a smug smile. 
Your shoulders dropped with a sigh. “Not today, please.”
The first alarm rang when he heard your tone. His eyes trailed from the top of your head, noticing your usual pinned up hair was awry, to your muddy shoes. He heard his heartbeat in his ears as he zeroed on the small patch of skin being revealed from a hole in your tights. You had more than enough money to buy a pair each day of your life if you wished that so, why were you wearing a ripped pair?
“Turn around.” Bucky said quietly at first but as you stood glued to your spot he became more and more desperate, his voice becoming louder. “Turn around and look at me now!”
Bucky had no care for your parents sleeping two floors up. He just wanted you to turn around and tell him you had been carelessly running through a field or whatever you decided to do whenever you weren’t with him. He wished, even though it would fill his being with madness, that you would tell him some man had wooed you with enough love that you’d followed him to bed. Taking you for the night of your life. But as you slowly shifted and he looked at your reddening eyes, he knew something was terribly wrong. You kept your head low, something your usual gutsy nature would never allow. 
Bucky took you into the study, the light illuminated the bruises that were peeking out of the fur collar. 
“Take it off.” Bucky demanded with a gruff tone he’d never before used with you.
You shook your head, one single tear fell from your eye. “I can’t”
“Please, darling.” Bucky closed his eyes and steadied his breaths, trying to keep his anger at bay but it was proving to be impossible. Impossible because your courageous personality was something he loved and seeing you like this could only mean one thing, impossible because his blood boiled when you flinched as he raised his hand to caress your cheek. 
With a gulp you let the coat drop to the floor, pooling around your feet. 
Bucky gasped, his trembling hand traced from your jaw down the valley of your breasts. His touch ghosted the ripped fabric, slipping the scraps of what used to be the sleeves down your arms, making the dress join your discarded coat. 
His jaw ticked as he took you in, your once smooth skin he’d so often wish he could kiss had been dishonored. Your body was a temple only few had the privilege to access and someone’s corrupted mind had tainted it. His fingers circled every single bruise on your body, counting thirty-five. 
Bucky sat you down on your fathers couch and took your heels off, carefully checking for any sign of swelling or injury there. 
“Who did this to you?” Bucky whispered, looking at you for the first time since he’d discovered you on the staircase. 
“It was my fault, I should have listened-“
Bucky’s jaw twitched again. “Who did this to you?” He asked through gritted teeth. 
You couldn’t answer him, the embarrassment and pain of the events becoming too much to bare. Your tears fell freely. 
“I’m only going to ask you this one more time.” He raised his voice, frustratedly running a hand through his hair. “Who did this to you!”
“John- John Walker.” You whispered through sobs. 
Bucky got up and paced the study, his fists curling and uncurling at his side. 
“Bucky- don’t-“ you tried but he interrupted. 
“Go to your room!” He barked, you’d never seen such fire in his eyes before. Bucky took off his suit jacket and draped it over your shoulders, covering your body. He gently led you to the staircase, his hands were careful, like he was scared of hurting you. 
“Where are you going?” You worried. 
Bucky ran his hand over his face, he was trying to calm himself but all he could see was red. 
“Go to your room.” He repeated, this time calmer, opening the front door. “And don’t come out until I knock on your door.”
He didn’t wait for your reply as he slammed the door shut. 
At first, you paced your room and gnawed on your lower lip. Then you showered, trying to clear your mind but each time the soap disappeared and your bruises showed, you were reminded of what happened.
Around three hours later, there was a soft knock on your door. 
You tugged your robe close to your body as you opened the door. Bucky had a gash on the bridge of his nose and a reddish mark on his jaw. You let him in, closing the door with your back. 
As soon as he was inside your bedroom, Bucky dropped to his knees. “Please forgive me.”
Your eyes widened at the sight of the usual stoic man now crying. Your lips parted. 
“Forgive me for not protecting you.” Bucky pleaded, opening your robe and placing a chaste kiss on each of your bruises trailing his lips from your ankles to your stomach. 
“I sentenced John to thirty-five blows, one for each of the marks his vile hands created on your body.” His usual white shirt was stained with dark red marks, Bucky looked up at you his blue eyes clear. “Until my last breath, I will protect you. That is my vow to you.”
Bucky took your hand, his bloody knuckled hand placed a stained cloth bag in your palm. You gasped as you saw teeth inside of it. 
“I have given your father two of his fingers to prove my commitment.” Bucky said before returning his journey up your body, trying to take your pain away. One kiss at a time. 
Part 2
Pleaaaseee be sure to comment, like and reblog if you enjoyed it! Remember, one comment = one kiss on my forehead! <3
Hi hiiii This is part of my 1k Celebration, if you like this please be sure to look at the Bingo Card and ask for a prompt! Love y'all <33
And you can find the Bingo master list and what prompts are still available here!
tagged: @kpopgirlbtssvt @shara-ne @namelesssaviour @hallecarey1 @send-me-styles @jessicaloons @shewhojumps @honeyglee @giftedyoungster3000 @likehonestlysametho @batmanbiersack02-blog @calwitch @im-a-marvel-ous-hoe @soldiersweiner @maggiejackson3 @chelseaslibrary @kittybeansbarnes @ryebr0d @leyannrae @jvanilly
*I have tagged those who commented and reblogged my last Mafia!Bucky story, I hope that's okay! If not, please message me so I can take your @ off the tagged list :)
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