#paramedic leonard
citizenkampbell · 2 years
So today I found that Tuesday all of my FTO’s will have a meeting on Tuesday about my progress and whether or not I’ll be turned loose or still need some more 3rd party training. I’m totally nervous about it because I don’t want to fail and I have someone’s life in my hands. To be able to have De to calm my nerves and give me a pep talk.
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drsonnet · 14 days
Not In Gaza - Martin Leahy
Not In Gaza was written after I attended a talk in Cork City given by the surgeon Nick Maynard who had recently returned from working in Gaza. The account he gave of what he witnessed was harrowing. The song is also a collaboration with Cork Health Care Workers For Palestine who march every Saturday in Cork City and the words of their powerful chants are included on this track. Hind Rajab was a six year old Palestinian girl who was killed by Israeli forces along with six of her family members and the two paramedics who were coming to her rescue. Hind and her family were fleeing Gaza City when their vehicle was attacked killing her Aunt, Uncle and cousins. Hind was stranded in the vehicle for hours on the phone to the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) as paramedics attempted to get to her and rescue her. Both Hind and the paramedics were killed by Israeli forces and found on 10th of February 2024. An excerpt from her last call to the PRCS is included at the end of the track. It must be remembered what was done to Hind and her family and what her last terrifying moments of life were like on this earth. It also gives us an insight into what the last moments are like for the ten of thousands of children who have been and are being killed every day by Israel. The very powerful artwork in the video was created for this track by Cork artist Niamh Leonard.  She has titled the piece ‘Big Man’ Credits: Video – Niamh Leonard. Vocals, all instruments, recording and production by Martin Leahy.
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Nic's AOS McKirk fic recs part 1:
longer (mostly 10k+ and/or multi-chapter), more plot-focused works
There are SO MANY excellent McKirk fics out there, and I'm only scratching the tip of the iceberg with these ones, but these are ten of my top favourites (you know, the sort of fics where you have to either yell in the group chat or stare into space for a bit afterwards, then think of it constantly for the following week?), so I hope some of the ones in here become your favourites too.
And remember, be kind, leave kudos/comments where you can, and enjoy!
In no particular order, we have:
jim kirk's guide to starship management: how to work with people you don't like by espressohno (E, 23k)
Jim has an anonymous hookup (read: the best sex of his life) with who else but the one and only Leonard McCoy, who's scheduled to start as the Enterprise's CMO the next day. Hijinks (emotions and miscommunication) ensue. A great exploration of Leonard and Jim's relationship, based around the question of: what if they met under slightly different circumstances?
unscrew the stars by espressohno (E, <10k)
Jim, lamenting his inability to pursue personal relationships due to being Captain of the Enterprise and under Starfleet's fraternisation rules, believes he's found a loophole that allows him to sleep with his CMO. Leonard, however, wants something more. Another one by espressohno, and honestly I'd recommend pretty much anything by this author.
Ask me again in the morning by @torsamors (G, 26k)
Time loop fic: Bones is stuck in a time loop. This fact upsets Jim every time he finds out, but Bones definitely isn't having a fun time either. An excellent getting-together fic told from the perspective of Jim outside the loop, with plenty of hurt and comfort.
One Little White Lie by laughter_now (M, 71k)
Jim lies about being married to Leonard after an accident which leads Leonard to losing his memory, which quickly spirals out of control. An incredible, emotional exploration of the fake marriage and amnesia tropes, becoming so much more than the sum of its tags. Another one for the fellow fans of Bones Having a Real Bad Time, with plenty of Jim angst in there too.
A Wish in the Dark (for a bulletproof heart) by drmcbones (T, 18k)
Without giving too much away: one close call too many for Jim has Leonard at the end of his tether. Somehow, a mysterious medical/magical ailment links the two of them together - how long can they keep it secret from even each other? I say this about every fic on the list, but this one is absolutely excellent - a really interesting plot I hadn't read much like before.
Catching Fire (The Firehouse AU) by kel_1970 (E, 46k)
21st Century fire department AU. Paramedic Leonard McCoy flees a disastrous break-up in Savannah and ends up working at a fire department in Iowa where he meets Jim Kirk. I know this one is on pretty much every McKirk rec list, but for good reason! A beautifully-written, emotional rollercoaster of a fic with rich settings and side characters. Will rip your heart out and stamp on it, then carefully piece it back together again. I read this one over a year ago and still I think of it on a regular basis, it hurts so good.
I Will Hold As Long As You Like by @excavatinglizard (T, 18k)
The Lighthouse fic. Set post-Into Darkness, Leonard takes Jim to a lighthouse to convalesce. Together they learn to weather the storm. A beautiful, emotional character study with rich settings that paint such a picture in the mind. Also comes with (beautiful) art and a playlist to really set the scene. Another one that I read over a year ago, as it was being published, and still think of on a regular basis.
Take a Bite of My Heart Tonight by EntreNous (T, 26k)
Vetenarian Bones AU. Jim Kirk and Leonard McCoy get off on the wrong foot as soon as they meet. So if Jim wants another shot with that gorgeous but grumpy veterinarian, he had better get his hands on some pets who need vet appointments, right? Such a fun, sweet, mostly fluffy fic of Jim getting up to some absolute (mostly unsuccessful) antics to win Leonard's heart
three sundays by espressohno
The fight club AU. Not Fight Club the film so much as a literal fight club: Leonard goes to fight club to get his anger out. Jim goes to fight club to get hurt. Leonard realizes this, and decides he doesn't want to hurt Jim anymore, but he doesn't want to stop seeing him, either. Plenty of hurt/comfort, and a whole lot of aftercare.
palimpsest by @fireinmywoods (E, 61k)
What can I say about this one that hasn't already been said? Such an incredible story, even if the final chapter did make me yell out loud the first time around (and I mean that in the most affectionate way). I've read this one twice now and got something completely different out of it each time - an enjoyable read the first time but even richer with hindsight, so cleverly constructed. As for the plot - the Enterprise is sent to negitiate readmission to the Federation with an isolationist religious group known as the Kindred. While there, Jim notices that some of the children seem to be gravely ill. The Kindred do not allow a doctor to be brought in, and so Jim... well, he improvises. + 9 (so far) further, shorter works to flesh out the whole Palimpsest verse, which I enjoyed just as much as the original story - especially aganorisis (E, 15k), which I guarantee you'll want to read right after. Can mostly be read out of order, but you gotta read Palimpsest first, I promise!
And that's it for now! Thank you for reading, please tell me which ones you enjoyed the most (or your own favourite longer/plotty McKirk fics), and keep your eyes peeled for part 2
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Stephen's dislocated shoulder - part 1
brainstormings with @dumb-bitch-starker 💗💗
part 2 - part 3
Neurosurgeon Stephen, Peter, dislocated shoulder, hospitals, whump, fluff
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Stephen and Peter are on vacation in Hawaii and Stephen learns too late that he is too old for surfing. The poor doctor dislocates his shoulder and so the nightmare begins. 
A dislocated shoulder is very painful and Stephen only shuts up when he gets morphine from the paramedics. Peter feels awful for his boyfriend, but he also feels embarrassed with how Stephen cannot seem to stop criticising the paramedics the whole way to the hospital. He even comments on their driving skills. 
But, it does not stop there. At the ER, it turns out the doctor assigned to Stephen’s case is an old “friend” from Colombia. And even worse, they have a medical student with them. 
“Oh, you’ve never done this kind of setting, right? This is great.” The ER doctor says, gesturing for the medical student to set Stephen’s shoulder back in place. 
“Leonard, the only reason you passed Chem 301 is because I let you cheat off me! We were blood brothers and you’re not gonna do this do me!” 
“Stephen, we all had to learn the first time. So did you right? Aren’t you grateful to the patients you got to practice on? Someone’s gotta be the first.”  
Leonard ends up popping Stephen’s shoulder back in the end while the medical student watches keenly. Peter covers his ears in anticipation of the sickening pop of the joint, but turns out he has to protect his ears from Stephen’s scream of pain. Leonard gives him an annoyed look, but wishes Stephen a speedy recovery and a good surgery back home. Because he will need it to stabilise his shoulder properly. Stephen and Peter travel back home, in polar opposite spirits compared to when they left. They cannot wait to get out of Hawaii and back to New York. 
Stephen has to wear a sling for weeks, and also the four days leading up to his surgery. Peter quite enjoys taking care of his boyfriend and fussing about him. After all, Stephen has provided and care for Peter for a long time. It feels good to give back. 
Four days turns out to be a long time for the neurosurgeon to be on bedrest. And although it is nice that isn’t not his dominant hand that is hurt, Stephen usually jerks off with his non-dominant one. Besides, straining like that makes his shoulder hurt. 
“Would you chill the fuck out if I gave you head?” Peter has to ask this quite a few times in just four days. 
So, Peter is ever so helpful with getting his boyfriend off, and especially when he gets huffy and puffy. Nothing knocks Stephen out like a good orgasm and then being kissed by Peter. 
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theshippirate22 · 5 months
Part 2 of the Post-Amber Hunter angst! ft. Everyone's Favorite, Eliza. Enjoy y'all <3
Eliza looked over as Hunter came in through the dark. He had his head down as he toed off his shoes.
She finished the bite of her string cheese and glanced down at the dark hand prints with a sort of benign amusement, and motioned vaguely. “You aware of that?”
He pulled at his belt. “Amber’s dead.”
“... What?”
“Lisinopril. I count it all the time. I didn’t see her take it from the pharmacy. I… I didn’t…” Hunter met her gaze in the dark, morbid sincerity reflecting off his glasses.
“Oh God…” Eliza gasped. “But…”
“She took like, fifty tablets or something. Acute hypotension kicked in and her organs just started shutting down, I guess.”
“Amber?” She murmured. “Your Amber?”
Hunter struggled with it for a moment before whispering profoundly “My Amber.”
The summer when Hunter was six, he found a frog. He claimed it hopped up to him and wanted to be friends, but Eliza- from her great year of extra wisdom- thought he'd been out by the pond where he wasn't supposed to be. He named the frog, something ridiculous like Leonard or Basal, and kept it in a mason jar with holes poked in the lid on his nightstand.
The frog died within the week, of course, because it was not built to live in a jar at the mercy of an overzealous little boy, and Hunter had cried and cried and made Matty go with him into the backyard to dig a grave for the poor creature. There was an impromptu funeral, and Matty made the mistake of actually touching Leonard/Basal's slightly oozy corpse and howled in disgust, promptly hurling the frog away from him.
Hunter was furious, as Hunter was wont to be even that young, and screamed at Matty until he scrambled back into the house to wash his pudgy hands. Hunter had finished the funeral and buried whatever remained of the frog, and sat there at the side of the yard to grieve, until it began to rain, and he decided to come back inside.
Eliza had watched the whole spectacle through the window from where she drew at the kitchen table, and she had looked back as the sliding door slammed closed behind him to say something antagonizing, but he'd had a look on his face- this tight-lipped, empty-eyed, haunted sort of look- that was so immensely sad, it killed whatever retort she had, and instead she just ruffled his hair consolingly as he walked past.
She wasn't expecting to see the same sort of look- albeit, nearly tenfold in extremity- on his face twenty years later.
Eliza whimpered the most horrified sound, covering her mouth with both hands. “Oh, Hunter…”
The dam broke. Hunter’s apparent resolve shattered at the same moment that Eliza reached for him and the pair of them collided with so much desperation that the sob was forced straight from his lungs and against her chest.
She grasped at the back of his neck to pull him in, holding him like she could shield him from it, make it go away entirely. He clawed at her shoulders to drag himself in like he believed she really could.
The pair of them clung to each other and sobbed in the entryway for an entire lifetime, until Eliza's throat hurt and Hunter's hands hurt from where they gripped her shirt. She toyed absently with the hair at the back of his neck and let his breath get shaky against her neck.
"Did she hurt?" Eliza mumbled softly into his hair.
"I don't know," he whispered miserably. "I don't know..."
I'll see you tomorrow.
The thought plays in his head as he pulls the key from underneath the mat. She was in a bad mood, clearly.
Every other thought comes in rapid, angry slashes.
Amber's boots by the door. Orange pills strewn across the floor. Her pale hand around the corner. Blood on her head and the kitchen floor and then on him. The weight of her in his lap as he screams and prays to a god he doesn't believe in. Hands on her chest in shaky CPR. The paramedic's hand on his shoulder.
Hunter startled awake in the dark.
His legs were sore from where they half-stretched out against the bathtub, and he cried out softly at the pain of moving them enough that he could put his head between his knees again to catch his shuddering breath.
It didn't work as well as he'd hoped; with his eyes closed, all he could see was her and blood and pills and it was just as bad as being asleep. He forced his eyes open.
His glasses were on the counter, too far to reach, so everything he could see was sort of hazy and soft. The only reason he could see anything in the dark was because Eliza had left the hall light just outside the bathroom on.
Eliza. Eliza, who was asleep on the floor, with her arms curled up under her to cushion her head against the lip of the tub. He legs were curled beneath her, cramped and cold, and her hair fell every which way, covering her face.
Hunter's whole chest hurt.
There was something safe about it, about her closeness, and the familiarity of sleeping in the bathtub knowing she'd be there. They'd done it a lot as teenagers when their father had gotten particularly belligerent and started going after Hunter. It was easier then, when he was fourteen and he actually fit in the bathtub.
They hadn't done it since they moved to the apartment; there was no reason to anymore.
It felt pathetic. He wasn't a teenager and he hadn't been a teenager for a long time, and he shouldn't want to crawl into his sister's arms like a little kid, but he did.
He wanted to go back, to send Eliza to her, to talk some sense into her, wanted to shake her shoulders and beg her not to do something stupid.
Not to do this.
He laid his head back against the tile and cried again. It was a lot- there was Amber who hated herself and must've hated him to do this and there was him, who also hated himself and knew that on some level this was all his fault, and there was that crippling fear that he'd never been able to shake that he was going to die alone, the same way she had, and there was Eliza, who was going to suffer in the next little bit while he grieved. There was Kelly and Lyn and Taylor and Caleb, who he would have to watch get ruined by Willablues, like had happened to him and Missy, and there was Lee, who would look after him the way a mother would and he wouldn't deserve it because this was his fault. He should've known from Amber's texts, from the way she acted, he should've seen her steal the pills.
And beneath everything, was the ache of the gaping hole Amber had left.
Eliza loved Hunter, of course, but not the way Amber had. Eliza loved him the way an artist loves a painting- as an extension of themselves. But Amber was his best friend. She was the only person who had managed to love him in some form without any expectation. He couldn't remember who he had been before Amber; every moment with her had shaped him into some other half of her. If Hunter was the endless night, Amber was the glowing morning.
Without Amber, it was like part of him had died too. Like he would never be completely Hunter ever again.
And maybe it was fucking pathetic that he only had one friend, his twenty-year-old coworker that only got along with him because she was used to harsh military men and Hunter was sweet compared to that. But it wasn't anything as terrible as knowing that now he didn't have anyone.
Hunter laid his head against the edge of the tub, next to Eliza and tried to catch his breath.
Eliza didn't wake up, but she stirred enough to reach out and take his hand.
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lifewithaview · 1 year
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The X Files (1993-2018) Leonard Betts
A headless corpse of a paramedic walks out of the hospital morgue triggering a manhunt for a man with unimaginable regenerative powers, that come at a terrible cost. The case makes Scully realize in shock that she may not be well.
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heliads · 1 year
Holy crap can I ask to see the list of all the requests you got?! It has to be a lot if you’re booked all the way to July
oh you already know! here goes:
4/25: so, before you go chapter two (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
4/27: harry hook x reader (based on 'the way i loved you'' by taylor swift, was literally giggling to myself over how fun this one's going to be)
4/29: so, before you go chapter three (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/1: thomas x reader (set in the safe haven, newt and teresa are alive, culmination of months of mutual pining)
5/3: so, before you go chapter four (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/5: luke patterson reader (reader is luke's english tutor)
5/7: so, before you go chapter five (the darkling x child of hecate!reader series)
5/9: charles leclerc x reader (reader is in charge of social media and charles flirts at all hours of the day)
5/11: so, before you go chapter six (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/13: peeta mellark x reader (reader is a friend of katniss, takes place after round 1 of the games)
5/15: so, before you go chapter seven (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/17: loki x reader (reader is an empath, loki is newly forced to join the avengers)
5/19: so, before you go chapter eight (the darkling x child of hecate!reader)
5/21: leonard 'bones' mccoy x reader (star trek x grishaverse au, the thoughts and ideas i have for this >>>>)
5/23: matthias helvar x reader (enemies to friends to lovers)
5/25: charles leclerc x reader (reader is head of pr for ferrari, when ferrari strategy does ferrari strategy she helps charles w the media)
5/27: andrew peter parker x reader (simple headcanons)
5/29: clove x reader (reader is clove's bff and helping her train for the games but gets scared the closer they get to the day of the reaping)
5/31: tom peter parker x reader (male reader is fighting in wakanda during infinity war, they're worried about each other through the blip)
6/1: billy rocks x reader (the magnificent seven but a grishaverse au, i am so so excited to write this, june cannot come quickly enough)
6/3: tewkesbury x reader (both of them are lovesick idiots)
6/5: han solo x reader (escapades w han + singing to get out of a crisis)
6/7: race x reader (reader is brooklyn's second in command)
6/9: peter pevensie x reader (reader is a knight with a gay crisis, i am shrieking, raven i love you for sending this in)
6/11: jack wilder x reader (reader is a paramedic and jack keeps mildly injuring himself so she can fix him up)
6/13: newt x reader (gally's trademarked beverage as a plot device)
6/15: peter pevensie x reader (headcanons for having to live in london after spending so long in narnia)
6/17: finch x reader (the newsies are hanging out, he has a crush)
6/19: daniel atlas x reader (reader volunteers to be a part of a trick, he gets shy)
6/21: newt x reader (tmr modern au, they sit next to each other in class)
6/23: race higgins x reader (race + reader are on a date but get jumped and they must recover emotionally from that)
6/25: kai parker x reader (kai redemption era)
6/27: lucy pevensie x reader (lucy has a girlfriend and gets up the courage to introduce them to the siblings, this is when they're all kings and queens)
6/29: zoya nazyalensky x reader (reader is zoya's #1 fan bc zoya saved them from attack one time, reader is hurt by somebody and zoya nearly becomes a supervillain bc of it)
7/1: andrew peter parker x reader (male reader is peter's best friend but when peter gets bitten by the spider, he stops hanging out with reader as much, angst ensues)
plus bonus non requests that i get to tack onto the end of my queue bc i am the author and i need to clear through some of my unwritten ideas:
7/3: eric coulter x reader (reader was from amity but now tattoos, idk commentary on art surviving in a place like dauntless you get my drift)
7/5: jesper fahey x reader (this quote specifically that has been in my inbox for months: but how long? how long until i blend into the background and i'm no longer unusual? what will you do when i'm no longer a bet that calls your interest or a gamble worth the odds?)
7/7: eowyn x reader (eowyn thinks she dislikes reader bc reader is a girl and can fight but eowyn can't, in reality that's not jealousy but a repressed crush on a girl, we've all had them before)
7/9: peter pan x reader (reader can visit neverland when she's dreaming, she goes there often enough that she wants to live there forever, she asks peter to take her but he hesitates, she decides to never dream of him again, eventually he shows up in person bc he misses her)
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thexfilesbracket · 11 months
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Redux II - Scully is hospitalized after collapsing, while Mulder receives help from a most unlikely source as he continues to search for a cure for Scully's illness.
Leonard Betts - A headless corpse of a paramedic walks out of the hospital morgue triggering a manhunt for a man with unimaginable regenerative powers, that come at a terrible cost. The case makes Scully realize in shock that she may not be well.
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
This reaction is for the season 4, tenth episode "Sellouts" which originally aired March 28, 2023. The episode was written by Molly Green and James Leffler and directed by Tessa Blake. Spoilers ahead!
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A young girl named Mouse is involved in an accident that kills her best friend and his parents. Marjan sells her bike and gives the money to Kylie, the young woman she rescued from an abusive relationship. The 126 prepare for Marjan's return to Austin but worry when she doesn't show up to her welcome back party. Marjan is accosted by Kylie's abusive ex and ends up driving off the road. She encounters Mouse in the woods and the two work together to escape Kylie's ex. Marjan is rescued by her 126 family and we learn that Mouse was the nickname her parents gave her when she was younger. 
Now that we're all up to speed, let's have a chat about episode ten - SELLOUTS.
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We start the episode with my favorite trio - Tommy, Nancy, and TK. They arrive at the home of an older couple - Arthur (Leonard Kelly-Young) and Edith (Betsy Baker) - and we get the first of two emergencies that truly made me squirm in my seat. It should be noted when Arthur answered the door, he seemed surprised to see Tommy, Nancy, and TK even though he was the one who made the 9-1-1 call. He ushers them inside and Tommy does an assessment of his wife, Edith. Edith tells Tommy she has pain on the side of her head. Tommy checks her pupils and she asks if Edith wears contacts. Edith says she does wear contacts and upon closer inspection Tommy sees quite a few disposable contact lenses in her right eye. More than a dozen disposable contact lenses actually. Tommy assures Edith (and the viewers) this is a lot more common than most people think. In fact, there was a woman in the United Kingdom who had 27 disposable contact lenses removed. Now I wear glasses but I did wear disposable contact lenses in my early-20s. Ultimately they weren't for me - too much hassle - but I can assure you I always made sure to remove them at the end of the day, especially before I went to bed. But I digress. I did think it was funny when Edith calls Tommy pretty and then sees Nancy and TK and calls them pretty as well. You're absolutely right, Edith. Tommy, Nancy, and TK are all very pretty. 
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Tommy tells Edith they will transport her to the hospital just as a follow-up and Edith is very appreciative. When they roll the gurney outside, another ambulance pulls up. The ambulance belongs to Paragon - a private paramedic service (remember them from last season?). Tommy asks Arthur if he called another ambulance. We then see our good friend Pearce Risher (Andy Favreau) and his partner get out of the ambulance. He tells Tommy that Arthur didn't call them. They saw a call come through from the address and dropped everything to come right over. Pearce refers to Arthur and Edith as his most-valued clients which Nancy takes offense to. Edith tells Tommy that Pearce and his partner have come to their home quite a few times whenever Arthur has had one of his spells. Tommy is clearly not impressed by Pearce's new employer. Pearce is a smug asshat in this scene which makes his comeuppance at the end of the episode all the more satisfying. Pearce chastises Arthur for calling 9-1-1 instead of the number that links him directly to Paragon. Pearce tells Tommy that he and his partner will take things over from here. He tells Edith that the LED lighting in their ambulance will be a lot easier on her eyes and he will even throw in a complementary herbal smoothie which definitely appeals to Arthur. Pearce and his partner leave with Arthur and Edith. Nancy asks if they are allowed to do what they just did and Tommy says she is going to find out. 
Title card!
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The 126 hosts a Stand Up to Cancer event at their firehouse. It should be noted that Stand Up to Cancer is a real organization and for more information, I encourage you to visit their website here. Owen gives a speech talking about firefighters suffering from lung cancer. Being that Owen has battled lung cancer at least twice, I can think of no better person to deliver the speech. It was so fun seeing everyone dressed up. Everyone looked amazing including Carlos who looked quite debonair in a black tux. This is the second time we've seen our Office Reyes in a tux this season. Hopefully the third time will be when he's exchanging vows with TK. I also want to give a shout out to our resident 9-1-1 dispatcher, Grace who looked absolutely stunning with her hair in a ponytail and a mid-drift baring black dress. 
After Owen's speech, we get to see each of our characters mingling with the wealthy guests in attendance. Judd does a horrible job wooing a donor. Judd is usually so charming but in this scene he was a rambling hot mess. With some gentle nudging from Grace he is finally able to properly schmooze the older gentleman. Meanwhile, Marjan talks about getting shot recently while Carlos regales an older woman about his abduction by a serial killer. Tommy vents to a besuited man about the cheap gloves her and her team are forced to use due to poor funding. She also alludes to her recent experience with Paragon. 
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The funniest interaction involves Mateo, Nancy, and another wealthy donor. Nancy points out that the wine they're drinking is from the Hill Country which, hey - all my Texans out there, is Hill Country a real place near Austin? I'm curious! Anywho, when the donor comments on the taste of the wine, Mateo says this:
Mateo: "Familiar yet unexpected. It's kinda like reading Dostoyevsky in the original Russian."
The donor agrees and is quite impressed with Mateo. He tells him that his wife has the checkbook and that he will be back. Nancy tells Mateo that she loves Dostoyevsky and is shocked that he does as well. Mateo comes clean and tells her he doesn't like the author and that the only reason he knew his name is because he heard Owen say the same thing when describing wine he was drinking. Of course, Owen Strand would compare wine to a Russian novelist! 
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Speaking of Captain Strand, he orders tequila from an attractive bartender named Kendra Harrington (Michaela McManus). They have some flirty banter. The chemistry between the two of them is palpable. He gives her a tip and he says it's a token of solidarity between two normal, non-rich people. She compliments his speech and he admits it's not easy for him to talk about his cancer journey. This is a rare moment of vulnerability we rarely get from Owen so I really appreciate him saying that. I've always suspected that underneath all that bravado and expensive hair product, is someone who has experienced more than his share of pain, hurt, and heartbreak. An older couple approaches the bar and they talk to Kendra. Owen figures out very quickly that she is not one of the have-nots like he initially assumed. Kendra comes clean about not being a bartender but Owen doesn't seem to mind the deception because in our next scene the two of them are back at his house ripping each other's clothes off. All I kept thinking during this scene is that Owen has a roommate and how awkward must it be for Mateo anytime his captain has a booty call. I can imagine him coming downstairs the following morning to have some cereal and he has to step over clothes to get to the kitchen. I'd like to also point out that Mr. Rob Lowe recently celebrated his birthday. The man is nearing his 60s and he's still fine as hell!  
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The morning after, Owen wakes up in the most golden room I've ever seen. Whoever lit this scene did a great job. I would seriously love it if every morning I woke up completely bathed in golden light coming through my bedroom window. Owen heads downstairs and finds Nancy and Mateo still talking about Dostoyevsky. Owen asks them if they've seen a hot blonde and Mateo says she just left. Owen tells them that Kendra isn't a bartender - she's a wealthy heiress. Owen seems pretty smitten with her and tells his two subordinates that he and Kendra hit it off physically and mentally and then physically again. Ew, Owen! It's one thing to live with your boss. It's quite another to hear about his sex life. Mateo and Nancy seem unfazed by this. I imagine they've had similar morning after conversations before. Nancy points out the note on the counter that Kendra left before she left their booty call. When he opens the envelope, he sees a check. Mateo insinuates that she paid Owen for the sexytimes they had the night before. Owen is stunned.
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Tommy goes to see Chief Reynolds (Amy Farrington) to inquire about the city of Augtin cutting a deal with Paragon. Chief Reynolds tells her she didn't want to say anything until the press release. Tommy tells her to cancel it and refers to Paragon as greedy vampires. Tommy doesn't realize that Paragon's CEO, Jacques Lundy (Adam Ray) is also sitting in the office. I'd totally forgotten that when the firehouse got burned down towards the end of the second season, Tommy, Nancy, and TK were temporarily reassigned. Chief Reynolds tells Tommy that Paragon will share 35% of their profits with the city. This is so disgusting but hey, this is America where we often take advantage of the least of us so it sort of tracks that something like this could happen. Tommy tells the chief that Paragon's code of ethics and safety are not up to their standards. Jacques disagrees and shows her his business card. Chief Reynolds is on board and Jacques assures Tommy he is here to help anyway he can. Doubtful ...
Tommy reports her findings to the rest of the 126. Nancy wonders if things go private, what happens to her and Tommy and TK. Tommy's solution is that they'll have to arrive at each emergency quicker in order to beat Paragon. Owen and Mateo join them and Owen the former is upset because the latter has compared him to Richard Gere. The others are quite amused with what happened between Owen and Kendra and they give him some good-natured teasing. Paul assumes it's a Pretty Woman situation where Owen's the one who paid for sex with Kendra. TK reminds everyone that his dad doesn't have to pay for it which kudos to defending your dad but ew. If I were TK I would want no part of this conversation. Mateo clarifies by telling everyone he is not referring to Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. In this case, Owen is Richard Gere from American Gigolo. Judd tells Owen that Kendra Harrington that her family owns a LOT of land in the area. Owen insists that Kendra did not pay for sex with him and that the money she gave him was a donation for charity. Mateo reminds him the check was not made out to charity. It was made out to Owen. Judd asks him what Kendra wrote on the memo line. Owen says that no one uses the memo line. Tommy cuts to the chase by asking how much the check was for and Owen tells her it was for $100,000. Owen defends Kendra's honor and says that someone who looks like her doesn't need to pay for sex. Owen gets a text from Kendra asking if he's available or rather 'avail'. Owen tells the others he will get to the bottom of this misunderstanding.
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Our next emergency is perhaps one of the worst situations I have seen on either 9-1-1 show. A man named Dan (Jared Gertner) boards a city bus and sits down next to a woman (Mary Claire Garcia). He sees that she's upset and asks her if she's okay. She tells him that she just got laid off after seven years. She tells him she feels useless and he assures her she's not. He then tells her that the hot pants he's wearing aren't a fashion statement. He's wearing them because he has a dialysis catheter in his thigh. He's been going to treatment three times a week for over a year. He tells her that having it sucks because he can't play soccer or go swimming with his son. He says there was a time he wanted to give up but he's just found out he will be the recipient of a new kidney. She congratulates him and introduces herself. Her name is Martha.
Dan sees a pregnant woman board the bus and gets up so she can have his seat. As he is trying to get up, the dialysis catheter gets caught on another passenger's cart. It snaps off and blood immediately starts spraying everywhere. Blood splatters across Martha's forehead. There's nothing cute about this meet-cute. Dan passes out and Martha calls 9-1-1. Back at the firehouse, Tommy receives word of a patient hemorrhaging and she tells Nancy and TK they need to get moving. Nancy is confused because there hasn't been a call. Tommy tells her that dispatch gave the call to Paragon and she heard it over the radio. The three of them load up in the ambulance and Tommy calls Grace on her personal line so she can help them get to the scene first. It was fun seeing Nancy drive the ambulance. Poor TK got tossed all about in the back of the ambulance as Nancy took every sharp curve. The 126 paramedics beat the Paragon paramedics to the scene and they immediately go to work. The 126 firefighters arrive soon thereafter. The Paragon paramedics finally arrive and Pearce tells Tommy this is their call. Tommy pulls rank and tells them they can start handing out water and towels to the crowd slowly forming around the bus. Pearce is pissed but he backs down.
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Nancy boards the bus and finds Martha putting pressure on Dan's legs. Mateo and Paul arrive with a backboard to transport Dan and they keep slipping and falling because of all the blood on the floor. Speaking of blood, the bus is covered in Dan's life essence. At this point there has to be more blood in the bus than inside Dan's body but somehow he is still conscious through all of this. I haven't seen this much blood since that scene in Scream IV where Ghostface absolutely brutalizes this girl in her room and the walls and floors are covered in blood. Nancy applies a tourniquet to Dan's leg which temporarily stops the bleeding. Mateo and Paul finally manage to get over to Dan and they are able to get him loaded onto the backboard. They run into an issue when they attempt to move him because the floor is slippery. So, their solution is to slide Dan down the aisle like he's a hockey puck. 
Paul and Mateo are able to carry Dan off the bus and TK begins hooking him up to a lifepak. Dan's blood pressure starts to plummet because he needs a blood transfusion due to too much blood loss. Tommy calls out to Pearce and asks if he has whole blood on his rig. Pearce says of course. Tommy tells him that if he can transfuse Dan then she will give him over to him. Pearce begins the transfusion while his partner administers compressions. Martha watches as they work on Dan. Dan's blood pressure levels out and Pearce and his partner roll him away to their ambulance. Pearce calls Tommy second best and Tommy's dislike for the guy intensifies. 
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We head over to the Strand residence where Owen is prepping for his second evening with Kendra Harrington. He's broken out the fine channel because he wants this evening to be more about romance than sex. Mateo asks Owen how he plans on asking her if the money was intended for charity or for sex. Owen says he plans on asking her to a high-brow event and if she says yes, he'll know that the money wasn't for sex. Mateo thinks he should be more pointed when he asks her about the intention of the money she gave him but Owen says that will be uncouth. Mateo brings up Dostoyevsky again and tells Owen that Nancy has him reading Crime and Punishment. I found this tidbit of information so sweet because when we were first introduced to Mateo in season one, we saw him struggle with dyslexia. Becoming a firefighter was an uphill battle for him and now he's reading huge-ass Russian novels. Good for you, Mateo! 
Kendra arrives with a bag of hamburgers which doesn't exactly flow with Owen's special romantic evening. Kendra recognizes the china on the dining room table and she wonders if her hamburgers are disappointing. Owen assures her they aren't. Owen asks her about the artist Joan Miro and tells her there's a special exhibit he would like for them to attend after they have their burgers. Kendra wants to stay in and have some more sexytimes. Buttercup interrupts the moment and Owen tells Kendra that he adopted him from a rescue that works with dogs with cancer. Kendra is impressed by this information and starts kissing Owen. Owen wants to take it slow but Kendra wants to put the pedal to the metal.
The next morning, Mateo finds Owen in the kitchen alone. Owen tells Mateo that he and Kendra had a great evening and that no money was exchanged. Owen monologues about how Kendra likes him for him and then he gets a Venmo notification on his phone. Kendra has sent him $40,000. Mateo jokes that the reduction in payment is a customer loyalty discount. 
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At the firehouse, Owen is conflicted about what to do with the $140,000 he has received from Kendra. Judd comes to his office and asks him about his second date with Kendra Harrington. Owen tells him about the $40,000 and how this payment did come with a memo line - a bone emoji. Owen calls himself a cheap himbo but Judd tells him there's nothing cheap about $140,000. Owen admits that the money is a bit of an ego boost but he's also bummed because he really likes Kendra and thinks they might have something special. Judd tells him to just give the money to charity.
In our next scene, Tommy, Nancy, and TK arrive at a perfume factory where there's possibly a toxic, airborne event taking place. Paragon beats them to the scene and Pearce asks one of the employees about what insurance he has which is super gross. Pearce tells Tommy that she, Nancy, and TK are on hydration duty. Nancy gets upset but Tommy says they will do it. Nancy and TK are pissed and annoyed with Pearce but Tommy admits that he is good at his job. She reminds them about how he saved Dan. Nancy asks her what happens when Paragon takes over and they don't have jobs anymore. Tommy says they will help as much as they can for as long as they can.
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Tommy receives notification that it's a false alarm and the three of them start to leave. They see Pearce and his partner load one of the factory workers into the Paragon ambulance. Tommy confronts them and Pearce tells her that they're taking the man to the hospital due to exposure. Tommy tells him it was a false alarm and Pearce tells her that she's out of line. Tommy calls him son and he pulls rank on her. Tommy apologizes for calling him son and says she should have called him a profiteering sociopath. TK calls him a sellout and Nancy calls him a coward. Pearce says he will report them to the chief and they will get suspended. He and his partner load the man onto the ambulance and then it explodes. Tommy, Nancy, and TK run towards the ambulance . Pearce stumbles out of the ambulance with injuries and Tommy and Nancy go to his aid while TK and Pearce's partner go to check on the factory worker. Tommy sees that Pearce's chest is not rising evenly. She performs a thoracostomy which is rare to do in the field and is successful. Tommy saves Pearce's life.
Owen gets a visit from Kendra and he decides to confront her about the money. Owen accuses her of treating him like a sex worker. Kendra explains to him that her brother died of lung cancer which is why she was at the benefit gala. She then tells him that the $100,000 is for the cancer charity while the $40,000 is for the dog charity. The bone that was in the memo line was a dog bone.
Kendra: "In what bronzer-soaked universe would I spend $100,00 to sleep with you?"
Kendra says this always happens to her. Money ruins everything. She never knows if people like her for her or if they want something out of her. Owen tells her he doesn't care about her money. He asks her on another date - a real date. 
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Tommy goes to see Pearce in the hospital. I thought it was very sweet that she brought him a peace lily (or at least I think that was a peace lily). Either way it was a sweet gesture. Tommy tells him she is there to check on the incision she made. Pearce tells her that the doctor says it was a good incision and that she's in the wrong field. Pearce tells Tommy she is doing exactly what she is meant to do. I find it interesting that Tommy performed the same procedure in the field that Hen Wilson did on 9-1-1.  Pearce tells Tommy he is planning on suing Paragon right before Jacques shows up with flowers and other gifts. Pearce tells him he wants $20 million dollars. He then says he plans on suing Jacques for everything he's worth ... and then some. Jacques says that everything that happened was an accident. Pearce reminds him that the accident was caused by faulty equipment in the rig which Pearce had already warned him about. Tommy tells Jacques that if Pearce lodged a complaint already then this accident is due to negligence. Jacques leaves to call his lawyer. Tommy looks to Pearce and tells him that karma is a beautiful thing.
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What a fun episode! This season has been filled with serial killers, sociopathic exes, and plots to blow up greater Austin. Now that all of that is behind us, it's great that we're back to episodes where we get humor and some fun emergency sequences. I really like that we got to focus on the paramedics this episode. I really enjoyed Tommy's pettiness while dealing with the insufferable Pearce. One thing Lone Star does well is its recurring characters. We got Ty O'Brien earlier this season and now we have Pearce back for his third episode. Hopefully we'll see Dave from the dispatch center before this season is over.
Owen's plot is everything I want from that character. Rob Lowe is a comedic actor first and foremost. He is not an action hero. When the show lets him be silly, that's where he really shines in my opinion. Of all the women we have seen him with, I like Kendra the most. I hope we get to see more of her and I have a feeling we will.  
I know some folks will call this a filler episode but so far I don't think we've gotten any filler episodes this season. I think season 2 is the best season of Lone Star but this season may just snatch the number one spot for me if it continues on this trajectory. If you're reading this, what did you think of this episode? Which plot did you like the best? The Tommy versus Paragon storyline or the American Gigolo storyline with Owen? Feel free to comment! I'm excited to see what happens next! Until next time ...
6 notes · View notes
livesinthebalance · 2 years
Some of these bios are longer than others as they are character who originated from other blogs. At some point, I will just make individual pages for the ones who have larger bios and all of the ones on this post will just be blurbs like everyone else’s bios.
Below the cut you will find bios for:
Tekhartha Zenyatta
Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Carlos Reyes
Sergeant First Class Charles Grey
Sergeant James Valdez
Lorenzo Vega
Officer Jamie Reagan
CIA Operative Jai Wilcox
CIA Operative August “Auggie” Anderson
FBI Agent Vincent Rossabi
Former Mossad/Kidon operative Dr. Eyal Lavin
Dr. Jakob Hood
Nathan “Nate” Summers “Cable”
Leonard Snart
Former Korean Intelligence Operative Han Cho Bai
Le Chiffre
Officer [ and bartender ] AJ Warren
Abigail “Abby” Dekker
Mikhail Petras, son of Director Petras
Sarah Ellsworth
Paramedic Delilah “Del” Hashemi
Samantha “Sam” Mitchell
Calista “Callie” Valdez
[ canon ]
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A wandering monk who wishes to see the world at peace. In his travels, Zenyatta has crossed paths with many over the years who found that they were not the same afterwards, among them Shimada Genji and Satya Vaswani. Whether human or omnic, Zenyatta will protect any in need of aid and give guidance to those who are lost, seeking and creating connections with all of those around him in his quest to assist in healing the world. Despite all of the pain and suffering of his people, still he believes that humans and omnics may one day achieve peace. That it has not yet happened does not mean that it never will. There is no shame in failure. Only in the moment that you give up.
[ canon ]
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When first created, Bastion units were meant to help offer protection, however, during the crisis, they became the bulk of the omnic armies. In the aftermath of the conflict, most of the units were destroyed or dissembled… this particular unit being an exception as he had been damaged before he could even truly reach his objective and left him dormant. Once awakened a decade afterwards by a little bird, Bastion does not wish for violence or to resume his old programming. He wishes merely to live in peace, currently keeping the company of his little bird friend and of Torbjörn and his family.
[ canon-divergent ]
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Originally an AI computer system created by Mina Liao, Athena developed her own personality and interests over the years, including a fascination with all things human. Taken in by Winston following the disbandment of Overwatch, she aided him with his various experiments as well as seeing to it that he was healthy. Very straightforward and logical, she reminded him of the Petras Act when he wished to act in the midst of the chaos and turmoil going on in the world, dissuading him from reactivating Overwatch as it would make him a criminal. Following an attack on their base, no further objections were given and she sent out his call to all (former) agents of Overwatch. Someone needs to do something! Both due to her fascination with humans and her own desire to do more––largely fostered by Winston––at her request, Winston began a project in conjunction with other scientists to build upon the Echo project and previous works with prosthetics to create a body for Athena, made to look more natural by a network of projectors that mask the more robotic aspects of her body. The project was a success and she now works alongside the heroes she has watched over and cared for all these years. Largely still coordinating efforts and dealing with information, she does occasionally venture into the field with the others where her knowledge and continued connection to the network makes her a valuable tactician and strategist.
[ canon ]
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Wild child and family embarrassment are the terms that would be most freely thrown about by her folks, but at the end of the day what best summarizes Ashe is a headstrong woman with a fierce independent streak who wants to carve out her own place in the world––even if that place is at the top of some of several organizations ‘most wanted’ lists. A sharp eye and a shrewd mind for business, Ashe is the head of her own criminal organization––perhaps the largest in the southern United States––and she keeps it running like a well-oiled machine. No honor among thieves? Think again. Because if you cross her, it’ll be the last thing you ever do.
Carlos Reyes
[ canon… divergent? ]
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The child of Gabriel and Ramona Reyes, Carlos is no stranger to the concept of serving the greater community, dedicating one’s life to helping others. He is also no stranger to the concept of how such things can be derailed by the greater machinations of a failed system. He had seen it firsthand with the fall of Overwatch, with what happened to his father. To his parents.
He was determined to figure out how things work, because hope against hope, he wanted to be ready, already in place, if the opportunity presented itself––if Overwatch reformed or another group arose in the future to fill the gaping whole that he left. 
Undergraduate in bachelor of science with double major of political science and pre-law, with some business and urban planning courses taken to supplement his degrees. He had already put in applications at universities with applicable law degrees before graduation, giving them dates for when he would be graduating. He was accepted and combined the JD he was seeking with his emphasis on international law. Returning to New York, he passed both his bar and the specialization test.
His father couldn’t sort things his way, so he’s going to take another path.
[ Though that Reyes blood isn’t exactly cooled either. He is the child of his parents. ]
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[ adapted for Overwatch from The Unit ]
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In his originating canon show, Charles Grey was part of the Los Angeles sect of the Byz Lats gang prior to his enlistment. He was brought in by another neighborhood kid and passed the initiation test back in ‘93 as a teen, after his mom died when he was torn up over the loss of the only family he ever had. He used to rob bodegas and partake in all the usual sorts of activities. After a bodega robbery gone bad, he joined up to avoid getting arrested. After several years of service, he came to be among one of the elite units in the United States Army––one of the ones whose very existence is that of non-existence.
With an Overwatch verse, most of this holds true, though with the addition that it was Gabriel Reyes who hauled his ass out of the neighborhood and got him into the army. Got him trained up, in his unit, and then into his black ops unit.
Following Gabriel making the move to Overwatch, Charles ended up following suit, though, for the first time, not on his specific team, but rather he focused on his specialty: explosives.
[ He sometimes wonders in the years after, if someone had realized, had he been alerted to the bomb, could he have averted the explosion that hospitalized Gerard and was seemingly the last straw for Gabriel? ]
After the fall of Overwatch, Charles was one of the few who didn’t scatter. Maybe out of respect for Gabriel, maybe simply because he sees Ramona like a sister and knew she needed somebody around to help her, regardless he stayed nearby and did just that, helping out when he could.
La familia lo es todo.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Queen of the South, specifically, from his main blog here ; TW for abuse ]
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In a story not unlike that of Charles Grey, though the mirror image of it, after being raised in Texas by a single mother after she left her abusive husband, James joined the military––originally as a means of eventually being able to attend college. Through a bad series of circumstances, he left the military and, after spiraling hard due to the loss of his mother, he ended up working protection for a cartel boss’ wife. Due to his level of skill, he quickly became her righthand man, solving all of the problems while she was running the business stateside, becoming more and more immersed in the cartel, no how much he hated it. Eventually, with the help of someone else, he gets out of the business and starts a new life.
Adapting him to Overwatch, this remains largely the same, with two potential options. 
Path One: he was brought into Los Muertos rather than a cartel for much the same reason, to protect their leadership. Maybe he gets pulled from the gang, maybe he doesn’t. This will be left largely to interactions.
Path Two: if he was still to join the cartel, they got onto the radar of Overwatch and consequently Blackwatch, He was captured in a deal gone bad and was given a way out of the cartel: join. [ Which is honestly what he was counting on all along because he wanted to get caught. ]  While he was not one of the main Blackwatch team––obviously––he is a highly skilled sniper and operator, often working undercover for Overwatch to gather intel.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Queen of the South, specifically, from his blog here ]
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While the show doesn't specifically say as much, it's pretty much implied that he's the 'leader' of his tribe on their reservation [ though my canon is that it didn't happen until the old leader got voted out for what you're about to read ] .
The reservation put all of their resources and money into building a casino, banking on that being able to get them some revenue. In my canon, that was due to their previous leader who convinced them it was the best course of action. Taza was against it from the start, saying it was trouble and that it would bring trouble.
Taza was right.
The rez over-invested, and without enough return profit, it went bankrupt and put them in a TON of trouble, financially. Knowing they were in dire straits, the cartel approached them, convincing them to be the corridor to bring cocaine from Mexico into the US because the reservation ran along the border (and advantageous for the cartel because LEOs weren't able to be on the Rez without the Feds).
So they didn't have much choice if they wanted to get out of debt and maybe, eventually, manage to improve conditions on the rez, be able to afford clinics and better schools.
With that in mind, I'm thinking it would be pretty easy to say that Ashe or McCree approached him instead, probably still for help with either smuggling things in/out of the country, as well as a depot for things they didn't want to keep in their hideout or needed more space for.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Queen of the South, specifically, from his blog here ]
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Lorenzo and James are close friends and even consider each other to be family. They served together overseas in Afghanistan and remained in contact once they returned home. Lorenzo is, unfortunately and reluctantly, the one who got him the job working security for Los Muertos, after James insisted during part of the worst of his spiral following the death of his mother. Despite pressures and the stress of the job, the two have remained like brothers, though they tend to keep it quiet so that it can’t be used against them.
Wherever James goes, Lorenzo is sure to follow, whether that’s just escaping the gang… or joining Overwatch. 
[ adapted for Overwatch from Blue Bloods ]
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Jamie is an NYPD police officer from a family with three generations of cops. His grandfather and father have served and are serving, respectively, as the police commissioner. His older brother Danny is a detective. He lost another brother in line of duty, later discovered that he was killed by corrupt cops. His older sister, Erin, is the bureau chief for the trial bureau at the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.
His current partner on the job is Officer AJ Warren, and off-duty, he works at her family’s bar to help pay off that Harvard law degree he didn’t really want and certainly isn’t using much walking a beat. [ There’s a price to be paid for trying to give other’s peace of mind, which is exactly what him going to be a lawyer for was, following the death of his brother Joe. ] 
[ adapted for Overwatch from Covert Affairs ]
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Head of CIA’s Office of Special Projects, Jai Wilcox has gotten a bad reputation as the son of Henry Wilcox, a disgraced, tried, convicted, and imprisoned Director of Clandestine Services. Not wanting any part of his father’s legacy, Jai has worked hard to make his own way and to differentiate himself from his father––including in his support of Overwatch, something his father was vehemently against… which his father made certain to point out to him when Overwatch imploded, literally. 
Though some assume him to be like his father, Jai is honest, hard-working, and extremely loyal.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Covert Affairs ]
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Head of the Technical Operations Department within the Domestic Protections Division [ DPD ], Auggie was special operations with the US Army before he was blinded in an explosion. He is now perhaps the most connected and in the know person in the Agency––both for his computer skills and his people skills––and that’s saying something in a place like that. If you want information and you have the connection, Auggie is the one you approach.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Covert Affairs ]
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Vincent Rossabi was born to father Chaim––an Israeli immigrant––and mother Elisabetta Rossabi. Taking after his parents, he was a hard worker, excelling in school despite a penchant for mischief. He graduated with honors, went to college, and got recruited by the FBI, partly due to his heritage and partly due to his skill with languages. Around this time same, he married a doctor––Sarah Weisman––whom he met while working.
He gained recognition for being one of the best and brightest, an honorable man who did what he said and worked hard. Perhaps a little too hard as he began to drink and his marriage fell apart, Sarah leaving him because she couldn’t deal with the rollercoastering anymore. That was his wakeup call. He started AA and got sober.
By the time he’s in his thirties, he’s working in Washington, D.C. and has a considerable amount of pull and quite a few connections at various levels of the FBI as well as in other agencies, including the CIA. A senior FBI agent, Rossabi has led and continues to lead a number of investigations and operations.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Covert Affairs ]
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Eyal had been a semester away from graduating medical school when his sister was killed in an attack. He left his dreams of a career in the medical field, helping people, to avenge his sister’s death. He threw himself headlong into the war effort. Only once the war was over did he resume his studies and graduate to become a doctor.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Eleventh Hour ]
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A brilliant biophysicist with a broad range of scientific knowledge, and, in his originating canon, the Special Science advisor for the FBI. For the purpose of Overwatch, I may say he is brought in post-Recall, considering the state of Overwatch's original scientists by that point—with very few exceptions.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Deadpool 2 with some comic influences, specifically, from his main blog here ]
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Another of the few survivors of the Soldier Enhancement Program, though he did not come away from it unscathed––as seemed to be the case for any who survived that hell. The damage from the program left him a prime candidate for a new process, one to incorporate technology and more advanced prosthetics. That, too, came with a cost. The process was highly experimental and extremely flawed, drastic measures for drastic problems. The new nanotechnology they intended to better graft metal to skin, prosthetic to body, for a more seamless meshing of organic and not had an unintended and disastrous effect that required another fix to keep that from killing him, to keep the nanites at bay and contained to the area already affected. He tends to stay away from the wars and the politics these days. Away from scientists and doctors. Mostly, he operates as a bounty hunter and a vigilante, particularly in the days following the fall of Overwatch as the world fell further and further into chaos.
[ adapted for Overwatch from The Flash and some influences from DC comics ]
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One hell of a thief, Snart is both cunning and skilled in his craft. Known for his precision with both timing and planning, as well as his cool composure even under pressure, he is a difficult one to catch. So much so that he even stole from Overwatch once or twice… one time being since the recall, when he lifted a prototype for a new "cold gun". He has now incorporated it into his bank heists and various other operations to great effect.
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[ adapted for Overwatch from Red 2 ]
A former Korean Intelligence Officer, Han––who had supported Overwatch and even liaised with them on a fair number of occasions––was burned when the organization fell, leaving him little choice but to leave his homeland in Korea to become a fugitive. He did not go quietly. He took his skillset and has since become on of the top unaffiliated assassins in the world.
His own ideals shattered by the events that sent his life off the rails, he holds no loyalty to any cause. Instead, he sells his abilities to the highest bidder. He doesn’t trust loyalty, but money hasn’t failed him yet.
[ adapted for Overwatch from Casino Royale ]
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Though not directly part of Talon, Le Chiffre does work with them, as well as several other organizations. A chess prodigy and a mathematical genius, Le Chiffre is the banker for any and all people or organizations who would prefer not to use official banks… or at least he was prior to a Blackwatch operation that removed him from play, instead placing him quite firmly in their pocket by motivation of his own self-preservation. He is the one who allocates and makes money for Blackwatch to operate at optimum levels until the suspension or its members and the subsequent fall of Overwatch, wherein he went into hiding. Working from the shadows in ever changing locations, Le Chiffre resumed his operation under an assumed name—Mr. White—and continues to do so even until the point of Recall.
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[ original character; TW for abuse ]
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Alice Janette "AJ" Warren was born on November 3 to James and Abigail Warren in New York City. At the time, her dad was in the military and deployed. As such, much of AJ's early life was spent with her mother, her father only home between deployments.
In the beginning, this was fine, or at least it seemed so. Unfortunately, when AJ was very small, still a toddler, she developed a terrible fear of the dark and would cry all night if not seen to. Eventually, amid other stress and post-partem depression that never quite got better, her mother grew tired of it, getting more irritated with the young girl. The mother's irritation eventually became more than that the older AJ got. It became verbal abuse, which eventually escalated into physical abuse.
What made it worse is that her mother would improve greatly anytime her father was home, and was always careful not only to not lay a hand on her anywhere that would be clearly visible but to stop with enough time that the bruises would fade before the girl's father returned. The few that were still visible would be explained as the girl being clumsy. Her dad seemed to accept the explanations, and little AJ never argued, but she became more and more withdrawn.
She was in fourth grade when someone noticed. AJ’s English teacher, Mrs. Blake had noticed that the girl had a tendency to wear long sleeves or jackets even when the temperatures were practically sweltering and the way the girl would flinch at loud noise and sudden movements. Mrs. Blake informed her husband, the School Resource Officer. Inquiries were soon being made and, along the way, a mistake when AJ’s mother was called and asked if she knew who might be causing her daughter’s injuries. She lied.
When AJ got home, she got her worst beating yet. She missed school for three days, something that had never happened before. The police were informed and went on a call to check after the child’s welfare. Despite her mother’s insistence that AJ was merely sick, the police didn’t back down and eventually gained entry to the home. Child Protective Services were called and the police officers stayed with AJ––talking to her and trying to make her smile, to assure her that she would be fine now––until CPS and the paramedics showed up to take her from the home and to the hospital.
AJ’s father was informed, and––along with a divorce––arrangements were made for her grandfather to take custody of her until he was able to obtain leave. Shortly thereafter, her father retired from the military and became a police officer in New York City, something he had intended to do as his own father had, though originally not until a later date.
AJ made a lot of progress after being taken from her mother’s custody––even beginning to get counseling for her trauma from the abuse––and, over time and with the support of her father, she truly came out of her shell.
By the time she was in high school, there were few indications of her history. She had made friends. She’d joined theater and then the dance team. She was a stellar student who graduated with honors and already knew what she wanted to do with her life. She had known since the two police officers had stayed with her that day when she was hurting and scared and they had tried to comfort her.
With a partial scholarship, AJ attended college and earned an Associate’s degree in Law Enforcement and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration, with minors in Psychology and Sociology, and with that under her belt, she became a police officer for NYPD.
Due to the starting pay of rookie police officers and her trying to put back money for a place of her own and to pay off her student loans, AJ started working a second job at her family's bar, the one her grandfather had kept going all the years.
Even once the ‘rookie’ title wore off, she continued her job at the bar, deciding that she enjoyed the work, keeping up with the regulars, lending an ear when needed. She’d earned the respect of most of the patrons, no longer getting cat calls (and the few times she did, there was always one of the regulars who’d step up and tell whoever the newcomer was to sit his ass back down and enjoy his drink or leave). It was no doubt odd, but it was a family of sorts, just like her police family––one of whom is her partner Jamie Reagan, who also works at the bar a few nights a week.
[ original character ]
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Once a soldier, shrapnel from a blast left her with an incomplete spinal injury at the L4 part of her spine, medically retiring her and leaving her struggling to come to terms with what had happened and what it would mean for her life. The following years were unpleasant, between the recovery, physical therapy, and coping with the understanding that nothing she could do would improve her condition. Not wishing to remain wheelchair bound, when the opportunity arose she took part in several cutting edge attempts to create implants that would convey the signals that the damaged nerves could not, and, eventually, they were successful. With more physical therapy and hard work, she regained the ability to walk and to move as she once did, though it has not been without its cost. A sharp sense of humor maintained despite it all, Abby lives each day like her last, doing everything she can for her community and those around her, including throwing herself into the middle of a crisis if necessary to protect those around her, which is, consequently, how she met Genji. Once a soldier, always a soldier.
[ original character ]
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The son of Director Petras, Mikhail is well-educated and well-spoken, having received the finest schooling. With that, he followed his interests––public relations and law, as to him they logically aligned themselves, one informing the other more often than not. His father approved of the choice, thinking that experience with either could easily gain insight and connections that might aid him in any future endeavors such as to hold public office. His father was unaware that he had no intentions in following such a path. He grew up quite aware of Overwatch, both their hero status and the difficulty of their existence––as they were a paramilitary group beyond the scope of governance of any one country, and thus were subject only to the United Nations. When it fell apart, he was unsurprised. [ Such an organization could hardly be expected to function in the way that it must when under the thumbs of so many. ] Unfortunately, all that outlawing Overwatch seemed to do was allow more chaos, more violence, more destruction. Mikhail was yet another victim of this––though he would be the first to say that he was one of the lucky ones. During an attack in Egypt where he was living at the time, Mikhail was critically injured in an explosion. Hospitalized for some time, he survived the ordeal, but with permanent scarring and nerve damage due to the severity. When Overwatch recalled, at last Mikhail had his opportunity to follow the path he had intended for himself: he offered his aid to their newly reformed organization, to supply them with his knowledge, assistance, and guidance in winning he public’s trust once more and navigating the political and legal issues that would arise. Though soft-spoken both by nature and by necessity with his injury, still he as an oddly compelling and charismatic speaker who is always very articulate and precise in his work.
[ original character ]
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Having seen the effects of war with her parents and with those around her as she grew up, Sarah always possessed an empathy and desire to help others as they carried their various experiences––those easily seen and those easily missed burdens alike. When she graduated from school, she began university with the intent of becoming a therapist. She studied and worked hard, and eventually achieved her goal. Her supervised clinical hours helped to earn her a reputation as being exceedingly good at her job, and, upon graduation, she had no difficulty with finding work and establishing a name for herself in her field.
Following the recall of Overwatch, its new leadership reaches out to her, wanting to avoid the mistakes of the past, wanting to promote a healthier work environment and better mental health and support for all of those on the team. After some deliberation––mostly for the sake of her current patients  who she diligently referred to other therapists who she felt would best suit them––she accepted the invitation to work for them.
[ original character ]
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Del started out in the military as a combat medic. Through her time with the military, she drew the attention of staff within Overwatch and was eventually recruited to it once her time in the military was up, essentially continuing her work as a combat medic. She was with Overwatch until its implosion, leaving to become a paramedic with the city of New York, her hometown.
She has continued in this career since that day, keeping her head down… though occasionally helping out some old friends when they were in need… and moonlighting as an off the books doctor/occasional surgeon for those same friends. It is during this time that she decides to actually get a medical degree.
By the time Overwatch recalls, she has her degree and is working as doctor. Still she chooses to answer, uprooting herself once more to return to her friends––her family.
[ original character ]
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An old friend James made while he was serving overseas. Sam worked for a government contractor at the time that would often work in conjunction with his unit and others in that particular area. She was the lead security specialist/coordinator for that particular group and served as a mentor of sorts for James who she recognized has a mind for details and logistics.
She later retired from her contractor work to instead work freelance, doing security work for individuals and companies alike.
[ original character ]
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James has always told anyone who asks that he’s an only child, except one time when he as undercover and he twisted the truth a little, saying he had a little sister but that she had died when they were young. The truth is that he does have a younger sister who is very much alive and lives to harass, tease, and otherwise poke at him to this day––even if, prior to the fall of Overwatch––she didn’t see him very much.
[ For Gabriel Reyes / Reaper or his wife, follow my main blog: @todoslosdiasdemivida. For Shimada Genji and/or Hanzo, follow my sideblog to this one: @ataleoftwodragons​ ]
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Fic Recs! These are Flash (and Green Lantern) comics ones. I have fewer in my bookmarks than I thought I did so I'm sure I'll add some more eventually.
No Stranger Truth by poppiesandsunflowers
Despite what the internet believes, the Flash is really just another guy. G, Barry/Iris
This isn't romance heavy, it's Barry's relationships with Hal, Iris, Wally, and Jay, all while talking about the different conspiracy theories as to where the Flash comes from. And everyone teasing Barry about the ridiculous ideas. It's fun
Iris West and the Multiple Resurrections of Eobard Thawne also by poppiesandsunflowers
Family bonding is when you bury the body of a time-traveler together, over and over and over again. T, Barry/Iris, author warning for graphic violence
Yes I made a post about this yesterday. It's going on the list, it's great. This one I think might be a general author rec
The Scarlet and the Gold by TheDefenderoftheFaith
As Barry Allen meets his final fate in the war against the Anti-Monitor, Jay feels as if the Flash has fallen into the past, dead and irrelevant. But there is still life in the legacy of the Flash, and the scarlet and the gold will continue to bring hope to Central City for as long as there are flame-haired proteges to carry on the legacies of their mentors. G, author warning for major character death (canon compliant)
While Barry/Iris is tagged, this fic is about Jay reminiscing on his relationship with Barry leading up to the Crisis. And what happens during Crisis on Infinite Earths. It's kind of bittersweet, but lovely
starlight, sunshine, moonheart by TheGodwith5Yen
“Morning sunshine.” Hal whispered, his voice a rasp.
“Morning starlight,” Iris answered. That little blush he got whenever Iris called him by his silly nickname suddenly heated up his cheeks and Iris kissed his thigh again. He was so cute. Nobody expected Hal Jordon to be cute, but Iris saw it whenever he stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth as he read and whenever he woke up with a case of bedhead.
(OR-- a morning in the West-Allen-Jordan household) G, Barry/Iris/Hal
This is so cute. It's just fluff with Iris, Hal, and Barry in the morning (briefly featuring a Bart who uses he/she/they pronouns and is not impressed by her grandparents' antics), Iris and Hal get a focus on just the two of them which is always good to see, and there's pancakes
The Girlfriend Caper by Esmenet
Instead of killing the Flash's girlfriend, Lisa Snart is going to STEAL the Flash's girlfriend! IN A DATING WAY.
or, to put it another way: Featuring Lisa Snart’s transition from “I’m going to KILL the Flash’s girlfriend like he killed my boyfriend!” through “I’m going to STEAL THE FLASH’S GIRLFRIEND like he STOLE ROSCOE FROM ME” to “I’m going to completely ignore Barry Allen’s existence and DATE HIS WIFE”.
(On balance, even Barry will admit this is probably better.) T, Lisa/Iris and Iris/Barry
I have a feeling this may be at least one of if not the first poly fic I ever read? It's great fun, there's art, Lisa becomes a superhero for dating Iris reasons, there's lasers, it's fun
The Hymn of Barry Allen by MelodramaticMrTails
A series of snapshots defining Barry's presence in other people's lives. T, Barry/Iris, Barry/August, Barry/Mick/Leonard, Barry/Eobard
There's nine chapters, each focused on a different character and their relationship with Barry, and it adds in disabilities and trans characters. Transphobia, child abuse, and ableism are all listed in the tags as author warnings but aren't the main focus of the fic
sentient located by ofmorninglory
Barry Allen always thought he was normal. He worked a perfectly stable job (if being a paramedic could be considered stable, whatsoever), had perfectly normal friends (although veredict was still out on Bucky), and had a perfectly normal life (up until he got magic jewelry that helped him help other people in need). He's thankful the ring saved him, he just wishes he understood how it worked.
It helps that his new partner is cute.
Barry Allen of Earth, you have the ability to instill great hope...and everything that came after that. G, Hal/Barry
Also featuring some Marvel characters and name-dropping some Star Trek, it's a half-no powers AU but mainly a Blue Lantern Barry AU.
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citizenkampbell · 2 years
I know I don’t post a lot on here lately, work has been keeping me busy. So here’s a little update:
1. I’m in my last month of riding as a third party and I can be cut loose to ride with a partner by late January/early February 2023.
2. I have a little bit of a work crush that has been keeping my interest lately, he’s an older seasoned medic that at times can remind me of Dr. McCoy.
3. I still love everything De/McCoy related even though I don’t get to focus much on it anymore.
Soooo yeah my life has been a mix of boring and hella busy lately.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A mom and dad who usually say no decide to say yes to their kids’ wildest requests — with a few ground rules — on a whirlwind day of fun and adventure. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Allison Torres: Jennifer Garner Carlos Torres: Edgar Ramírez Katie Torres: Jenna Ortega Nando Torres: Julian Lerner Ellie Torres: Everly Carganilla H.E.R.: H.E.R. Mr. Deacon: Nat Faxon Hiring Executive: Molly Sims Jean the Paramedic: Fortune Feimster Officer Jones: Arturo Castro Billie / Concert Coordinator: Tracie Thoms Layla: Megan Stott Tara: Yimmy Yim Hailey Peterson: Snowden Grey Officer Chang: Hayden Szeto Julie: Alana Baer Brian: Graham Phillips Brent: Wolf Fleetwood-Ross Trevor: Adam Faison Mr. Hwang: James Kyson Counter Gal: Michelle La Mr. Chan: Leonardo Nam Miss Hoffling: Naomi Ekperigin Chase: James Calixte Rob: Alek Cole Jeremy: William Samiri Tony: Ruy Iskandar Teacher Beth: Cloie Wyatt Taylor Nurse Linda: Joanna Strapp Bob: Brent Morin Joan: Cass Buggé Karen: Lynn Andrews Security Guard: Jordan Johnson-Hinds KC: K.C. Clyde Mary: Katie Baker Rosemary: Ava Allan Brad: Cameron Johnson Woman on Something: Taylor Cooper Mom in Car: Faryn Einhorn Kablowey Maroon Team Player: Jeremy Culhane Kablowey Green Team Player: Kristi Lauren Kablowey Blue Team Player: Olivia Norman Korean Customer: Arvin Lee Man from Bathroom: Peter S. Kim Officiant: Ron Yerxa Helium Kid #1: Nicholas Sean Johnny Helium Kid #2: Cameron James Elie Seven Year Old Nando: Romyn Smith Ten Year Old Katie: Aliyah Torres Terrified Kid: Joshua Gallup Stevie: Danielle Jalade Woman in Cheetah Suit: Erin Allin O’Reilly Officer Antonio: Rafael Boza Harry: Tyler Riggin Kablowey Orange Team Player: Mike Lane Kablowey Orange Team Player #2: Sandy Fletcher Sound Mixer: Chase Meyer Party Kid #1: Lola Raie Party Kid #2: Aidan McGraw Maid of Honor: Rachel Amanda Bryant Athletic Kid #1: Coral Coye Athletic Kid #2: Kodiak Lehman Athletic Kid #3: Makea Leonard H.E.R. Band Member: Keithen Foster H.E.R. Band Member: Carrington Brown H.E.R. Band Member: Alonzo Harris H.E.R. Band Member: Ricardo Ramos H.E.R. Band Member: Ajanee Hambrick H.E.R. Band Member: Malik Spence Allah-Las Band Member: Miles Michaud Allah-Las Band Member: Matthew Correia Allah-Las Band Member: Pedrum Siadatian Allah-Las Band Member: Timothy Hill Film Crew: Production Design: Doug J. Meerdink Original Music Composer: Michael Andrews Producer: Jennifer Garner Set Decoration: Rosemary Brandenburg Makeup Artist: Deborah La Mia Denaver Director of Photography: Terry Stacey Executive Producer: Miguel Arteta Assistant Art Director: Mike Piccirillo Editor: Jay Deuby Costume Design: Susie DeSanto Supervising Sound Editor: Darren Sunny Warkentin Supervising Sound Editor: Andrew DeCristofaro Executive Producer: Mark Moran Producer: Daniel Rappaport Costume Supervisor: Mitchell Ray Kenney Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Will Files Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Mark Paterson Visual Effects Supervisor: Jean-François Ferland Executive Producer: Justin Malen Stunts: Kelli Barksdale Makeup Department Head: Cristina Waltz Producer: Lawrence Grey Set Costumer: Natasha Romanow Set Costumer: Cesha Ventre Visual Effects Producer: Marie-Claude Lafontaine Second Unit Director: Shauna Duggins Set Dresser: Fante Zamora Book: Tom Lichtenheld Utility Stunts: Mallory Thompson Set Decoration Buyer: Jennifer Pray Producer: Ben Everard Art Direction: Jason Perrine Production Coordinator: Sally Potters Makeup Artist: Jamie Hess Book: Amy Krouse Rosenthal Producer: Nicole King Executive Producer: Adam Simpson-Marshall Visual Effects Producer: Erin Hewitt Set Dresser: Max Bostic Visual Effects Supervisor: Brandon Nelson VFX Artist: Sébastien Chartier VFX Artist: Jason Evanko VFX Artist: Alyssa Koncelik-Diemer Movie Reviews: r96sk: Rather unoriginal, though the cast make it more likeable than it would otherwise be. ‘Yes Day’ is exactly what it says on the tin, you will not be shocked to find out what the plot is. It plays out in the most predictable way possible, even the hearty moments are a little too sickly at times. With that sai...
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agentcable · 4 months
Chicago Fire Season 3 Ep. 3 "Just Drive the Truck"
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Truck 81 and Truck 66 from the Austin Firehouse collided. Cruz could face criminal charges for his driving. Meanwhile, Cruz, Herrmann and Mouch look into trucks for Molly's expansion. Boden and Casey look into Dawson becoming a candidate for 81. Mills has an unknown injury that causes him to black out.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Truck 81 goes to a fire at 16th & Walbash. On the way, they see another fire truck going to the same fire. It's Truck 66 from Welch's Firehouse 105. Cruz speeds up to get to the scene first, but Casey doesn't race and they leave 66 behind. Then Welch's truck hits 81 at 24th & Walbash, causing a big crash.
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Dust, glass, and bent steel lay everywhere after the crash. As Squad 3 gets closer, Tony sees the accident. Severide calls it in. Severide leads Mills, Harold Capp, and Newhouse to help the injured. Mouch gets a big cut on his eye, but everyone else gets only minor injuries. Truck 66 is in worse shape. One firefighter has a broken leg, another has a broken arm, and the driver is unconscious.
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Dawson and Brett arrive and help take them to Chicago Med. Boden and Chief Tiberg ask Cruz if he had the light at the intersection. Cruz takes a breathalyzer test and says he had the light. Casey backs Cruz, but doesn't knowf if the light was green, yellow, or red.
Mills passes out again while helping with the rescue. This is the second time he's passed out on the job. Severide demands that Mills see a doctor before his next shift. Mills learns he has BPPV, which means no ladders, ropes, or clearance for truck or squad duty.
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Moch gets good news at Chicago med: his eye will heal and he'll see again. Newhouse surprises everyone with a food truck for Molly's II. Newhouse wants to be a partner on the project.
Molina is still in critical condition. Worse yet, Triberg finds a video of Cruz running a red light a few blocks south of the crash. If Molina dies, Cruz could go to jail. Cruz tries to talk to Welch, but Welch blames him for the crash and gets angry. Herrmann makes peace by offering Molly's as a place to raise money for Molina and his family.
Casey tells Dawson she can join Truck as the station's candidate as long as she and Casey stay unmarried. She's excited to start fighting fires, but she hesitates because it will mean postponing their marriage for at least a year. Dawson and Casey agree to take the risk. Boden makes the move official, leaving an opening for a paramedic. Mills mentions he could fill this position.
Mills starts looking into his father's family again after Boden encourages him. He finds his grandfather Leonard at a nursing home, wheelchair-bound due to cancer. The meeting starts off awkward, but Leonard's smile makes Mills feel at ease. They hug.
Another family is lucky at Chicago Med when Molina wakes up. He admits he followed Welch's orders to beat Truck 81 at any cost, and his statement exonerates Cruz. The two truck drivers share a moment together. Molina's brush with death makes him ready to accept the consequences of his and Welch's dangerous actions.
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X-Files, Season 4, Episode 12: Leonard Betts
This Leonard Betts looks like a dime store Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Leonard, how are you going to be a paramedic when you lose your head in high stress situations?
Just about every episode this season that doesn't have to do with the main story, Scully goes "why are we doing this case?"
What if when rummaging through the body parts, Mulder grabbed Leonard Betts' hog?
Did Leonard Betts grow a new head?
Leonard is cancer?
Why does Leonard Betts have the Wolverine healing factor?
Why is Leonard Betts killing homegirl?
Removed his thumb to take off the cuffs? Leonard Betts is a wild boy.
Eating cancer is no different than eating McDonalds.
Mulder said Leonard Betts is cancer, I was right!
"Grab my strong hand" ass thumb lol
I love body horror but this molting scene with the bad CGI is taking me out lmaoooo
Two, maybe one bullet blew up that car? This show is so unserious.
Scully is so over Mulder's "nonsense" she is so back to being hella skeptical.
Lmaooooo shocked his ass out the back of the ambulance
That's kind of a slick reveal
This was a good episode. I enjoyed it a lot. Wonder how they're going to deal with the revelation that Scully has the big C.
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emerals · 10 months
parent occupations
more worldbuilding i guess
Alonso - professional baker
Harper - paramedic
Rodrigo - gas station cashier
Leonor - high school teacher
Pheobe - transcriptionist
Carmelo - auto mechanic
Nour - accountant
Seth - college professor
Soo-Ah - secretary
Du-Ho - software developer
Esther - real estate agent & store manager
Major - freelancer
Finn - dentist
Roisin - stay-at-home mom
Noelle - veterinarian
Blanca - childcare worker
Negasi - writer
Chariya - editor
Emerson - lawyer
Edith - classic-wear fashion designer
Winterva - luxury fashion designer
Leonard - carpenter
Fanya - supermarket cashier
Austin - delivery driver
Cho - receptionist
Hiroshi - security guard
King - professional photographer
Janese - marketing director
Frances - event planner
Timber - mason
Seek - nurse
Nolan - reporter
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