vibbycore · 19 days
I regret looking through the parethnic tag LOL!!! I just wanted to try and find ppl w experiences like my own but it's just FLOODED with people calling my mere existence racist and spreading BLATANT misinformation about the label😁/neg emoji
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artemisaed · 1 year
"Parethnicity is bad it's white people trying to invade poc spaces!!"
1, Vi do not care what you think is "racist", you are openly white
2, that is not what the term is dumbass
3, go outside please
#PLEASE use google vi am on vy hands and knees#parethnicity is a completely separate experience from being bodily that thing. this is IN THE CARRD#it's about labeling your experiences in exomemories/innerworld and openly says that parethnic people are not remotely the same as people#bodily of that race. it is a separate experience from being bodily a certain race. literally read for longer than 2 seconds#''It acknowledges that the pluran in question still has white privilege (if applicable) and should not invade the spaces of POC the body do#while also acknowledging the pluran’s internal identity and the potential importance of said identity.''#direct quote from the carrd#it states that parethnic experiences are ''not reflective of this-world experiences at all nor should they be taken as such''#fucking READ idiots#anyways. the body is a poc. this discourse is fucking stupid but as a parethnic white person vi feel the need to go on a rant#no parethnic person is invading poc spaces. no parethnic person is pretending to be bodily a different race. no parethnic person is claimin#to understand those who are bodily of that race. no parethnic person supports ''transitioning to'' a different race.#if someone is parethnic that means that theyre acknowledging that their experiences are not the same as people who are bodily of that race#99% of the time they state their body's race as well to prevent people from thinking their parethnic race is their body's race!#from kile#rant over vi'm eepy
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Amazing (/s) how these anti endos are dropping into outright queerphobia at this point. Isn't "contradictory identities aren't real" literally just classic gatekeeping along the lines of anti-mogai, anti-mspec lesbian, and such? Don't these people see they're just being flat out exclusionary bigots at this point??? It's ridiculous. We're so queer in so many ways its dizzying, and in our opinion, systems are a big part of the reason cis people can sometimes be genderqueer. Honestly, Sophie, even if you're 100% cis internally, there's nothing wrong with identifying as genderqueer. You experience gender in a queer manner due to your situation and if you desire to, you have an entire right to.
Thank you! And yes!
And I think it's always been like this. Not with all of them, but certainly some.
When I chose to start identifying as cis and talking about it in a very public way, one big reason for this was a response to syscourse I was seeing at the time.
Originally, when the question came up on this blog whether I was trans, I just said I identified as female but didn't feel trans due to my origin. I didn't explicitly identify as cis publicly at the time and didn't feel like putting a label on it, even if I basically was from the beginning.
I think the first time I explicitly talked about identifying as cis was when relating my own complex experiences with unconventional identities with those who have experiences with parethnicity. That was one part of it, but only one.
Another syscourse topic I was seeing around the same time was about headmates in AFAB bodies identifying as transfem, or headmates in AMAB bodies IDing as transmasc.
Systems doing so were even being accused of transphobia.
So when talking about being cis, part of this was sending a clear message. I wanted people to know that systems don't need to follow singlet conventions of identity. That you can identify however you want regardless of the body's AGAB.
My hope was that it would make systems feel more comfortable talking about these experiences, whether identifying as cis while having a different AGAB from the body, or identifying as trans while having the same AGAB as the body. Both are completely valid. And both need to be talked about more openly to help normalize them.
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queermetalgremlin · 7 months
Is it just me, or is Arissomei just yassified fakeclaiming? Now people can go from "you're not x, you're a delusional y :)" and get called ableists (as they should, reality checking can be extremely damaging) to "you're not actually x (no shit Sherlock), you just identify as such, you poor little lamb 🥺" and get called oh so progressive.
"So you're pro-TransID?"
No, but honestly? I think some (keyword here: some) transID coiners are more in good faith than Arissomei ones; at least they aren't fueled by hatred and spite against a niche ass community that nobody cares about IRL.
I've also seen Arissomei terms being coined like "this term is for folks who think they're an animal/anime character (with the subtext of "but they're not actually said animals/characters, they're just delusional humans :3", thus being extremely anti-alterhuman), and i can't fathom why this shit keeps slipping under the radar.
I genuinely think this term does more harm than good.
"So what do you propose, smartass?"
I'm glad you asked, hypotetical Tumblr user! If i remember correctly, there was a term that basically meant "a headmate that had/was x in their source but lives in a body that hasn't/isn't x", and in case it wasn't actually coined lemme know so i can coin it myself. A term like this respects the headmate's own unique identity while also aknowledging the body's status and privileges (if appliable).
Here's some alternative, non-radqueer terms i personally suggest:
- Parethnic;
- Aldernic;
- Fictionkin;
- Endel;
- Atypical Dysphoria;
- Introject/Fictive/Factive of (insert source)
None of these step on the person's perception just for the sake of spitting on another group of unrelated people out of spite.
And, at the end of the day, if you do genuinely identify as Arissomei, more power to ya! I ain't nobody to try and police what y'all do with your identites, this is more of a personal vent than anything worthy of feeling bad for /genuine
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Some of you fuckers weren't paying attention huh
Parethnic headmates: hi I look like this internally but I'm still the body's race so I coined a term to mean exactly that Y'all: omg stop claiming to be a poc I'm gonna accuse you of smth you never did
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I'm tired of debating people, as an alter, if I have BIID because I don't identify with the body's lived experience with race. No, I am also not RCtA or "transrace". And no, I am not dysphoric about the body as it's not my own. I'm not claiming to be bodily apart from any culture that isn't connected to the body and I am not radqueer. But above all else, no, I am not changing the name given to me because YOU are offended by it. The closest term to my experience is parethnic or just unlabeled. If you wanna hear my story about what life was like for me when not in this body, sure, but don't put labels on me that do no fit or make radical assumptions about me because it doesn't fit your worldview. 🔇
🔇- Vent/No Discourse, other replies allowed
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aetheri-system · 3 years
Alright, so I know our Tumblr has been mainly system-related shitposts, but I actually want to share my takes on something somewhat controversial in the wider plural community...
(Apologies if I jump around a bunch, I have adhd and this is my first time writing something like this on Tumblr)
so... this is obviously a controversial topic and we have reasons why we both like and dislike this term... That said, several of our headmates identify as Parethnic, so you know.
Second of all, keep in mind this is coming from a white system member in a pretty dang white body (we're jewish, but like).
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with parethnicity. I think it's a great way to say "my inner appearance/memories/etc have similarities with a certain race or ethnicity" while still acknowledging that it doesn't necessarily align with your body's race.
And even if there was anything inherently wrong with it, it wouldn't stop members of another race from existing in the first place. One way or another, they'd probably still exist. All our headmates look so different, and they have different body shapes and different heights and hair colors... and yes, people aren't discriminated against because of hair colors (at least, I sure hope they aren't) but when it comes down to it, it really isn't that different
Really, my only gripe is when people actually try to claim the experiences of POC... which admittedly I haven't seen much of. Most people I've witnessed using the term parethnic are respectful about it.
I want to actually share about two of my headmates who identify as parethnic.
The first one had memories from before she entered our system, and in addition, her appearance (or memories) do not match those of any race found on earth. She identifies as parethnic.
One of our other parethnic headmates (sorry I'm not giving names, they aren't here right now and I'd prefer to ask permission before using their names), in headspace, looks half-white and half-japanese. And they do 'identify' as this, although, they don't claim to have any sort of experiences related to being half-japanese.
Here's the thing I think is really overlooked though. It's not intentional, because like, we're not bigots... but one way or another, parethnic headmates are probably going to be interacted with differently than white headmates. Racism is unfortunately ingrained in our subconscious, and although it isn't at all to the same extent as one might experience with a non-white body, it's still there.
I think it's actually a good thing that we have parethnic headmates, and if anything, I think we should have more. Our system is mostly white, and I think that its important to have more diversity among our system. And we do have many other parethnic headmates with all sorts of different appearances and identities.
(When I say identity, I feel I should clarify that no system member goes "oh yeah, I'm whatever," most of them do make the distinction that they are whatever in the headspace)
So, here's another criticism about parethnicity that I saw somewhere once. It's that race isn't an inherent part of human nature, it's just that it was made up to justify being a really shitty person (thanks colonialism).
Which is true. There's nothing inherent and internal about race, but
1. Race is unfortunately a construct that we're probably going to live with for awhile (this isn't a good thing, I should say)
2. I think this is the reason the parethnic label exists. There's not a label for headmates with different, say, hair colors, because like I've said before, people aren't discriminated against hair colors at a systemic level
Last thing to say, I don't feel like I need to remind most people of this, but in case I do: please don't go into spaces spaces for meant for groups that you do not bodily belong to.
Anyhow, I'm very bad at getting my points across in long-winded posts apparently. But I tried. In retrospect, I should have practiced with a lighter topic first.
But anyway. I'm glad you read through the whole thing and I'm alright hearing others opinions on this, even if they are different than mine. Or other people asking me to clarify something because as I have said before I did a bad job getting my point across.
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syscourse · 3 years
Anyway, if you try to shame systems for having alters outside their race, you are shaming them for a symptom of a mental illness. That makes you ableist.
This isn't up for debate.
Sincerely, a system of colour
- Alex
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m-grouped · 3 years
what does “parethnic” & “parabled” mean? Is it just an alternate term for transracial / transethnic and transabled?
Parethnic and parabled are terms for system members who have a different ethnicity / ability from the body /info
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vibbycore · 2 months
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hello tumblr fucks (affectionate). this was a long time coming for me but I finally made a personal blog (woo fucking hoo!!)
now, you may be asking "who the fuck are you LMAO????" well, I'm the host of the system that runs the @zootzbootz blog. which is basically our collective dumping ground. but since most of our stuff there is posted as a collective- I wanted to make my own space!
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what's my name?
vian. I also answer to flash or vibby!
my gender?
I'm a somewhat xenogender flavoured trans guy
my orientation?
panrose! (pansexual panromantic)
my age?
not sharing that lol. all that's relevant is both the body and myself are legal. (aka, an adult)
the fuck does vibbycore mean?
nothing it just sounds funky/pos
how are you a plurallet AND a DID system?
I (as an individual alter) am plurallet - due to bpd related reasons - and I exist within a larger system.
. . . . . . . . .
cool facts about me !!!!
- my favourite aesthetics are frutiger aero, old webcore, y2k, vacation dadcore, and uhh those funky carpets at roller skating rinks if that even counts
- I'm traitblur! 😈😈
- I am parethnic!! (u can ask for specifics if u want)
- I am not The Original™ of our system
- my blog title (strictlyplatonic) is taken from the name of a trz album
- I AM the hottest man alive. sorry. cope. lol.
- I fucking LOVE the real zebos they r my favourite band and nobody likes their music more than me and if you say you do sorry you don't. pls understand. I don't make the rules.
- unironic rapsittie street kids fan (it's fucking FUNNY!!!!!!!!!)
- I have an unexplainable connection to flip phones
- I aspire to have "cool uncle who's cool because he is cringe but free" vibes- and hope every day that I am living up to that aspiration.
- I am a hashtag fictive
- I'm audhd
- I am cluster b (hpd/npd/bpd)
- despite the fact our body is only fluent in english- it isn't my first nor only language. and though I can only speak it (english) due to bodily limitations- and I'm usually pretty fluent this occasionally can cause troubles for me, please understand!
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so what is this blog exactly???
probably just my own personal dumping grounds I guess. idk how much I'll even use it but it feels nice to have. if anything though, I kinda wanna at least partially use this blog as a space to talk about my experiences being a syshost who ISN'T the body's "original". as most times when people think of a host of a system they think of the original too. but that isn't always the case- I am quite literally an example of this LMFAO!!!!!
no dni I'll just block freely for whatever reason I want because I hashtag can do whatever the hell I want. 🫶🫶
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artemisaed · 1 year
Hey y'all, we updated our pinned, please go check it out if you're one of our followers :>
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sysmedicalist · 3 years
White People White Peopling
Lmfao I'm dying, apparently there's a carrd explaining parethnic and they actually coined a term for people who discriminate against or are bigoted towards parethnic people, "Parethniphobia". So, basically reverse racism.
White people wanna be oppressed for their race so bad.
This is a quote about what apparently counts as parethniphobia, according to the carrd:
“Insisting that white-bodied systems can’t have headmates who aren’t internally white is a common form of parethniphobia.”
Nobody is fucking saying that! Nobody is saying that system members can't appear non-white internally. And saying that parethnic people aren't really internally whatever ethnicity they are is not bigoted, because they're still white if their body is white. Looking a certain way in the inner world doesn't magically mean that you truly ARE that race/ethnicity in some other dimension.
What the fuck, man.
Also, if you google the term it autocorrects to and brings up results for "parthenophobia", which is a term for fear of young girls/virigins, and that's just funny.
Take a look at this shit, @sysmedsaresexist
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for Parethnic alters who 1.believe They ARE that ethnicity. wether do to your soul coming to the new body (system) 2. Are a Introject.
and many more circumstances, You are vaild and deserve your culture!
álla-ethnic's may Transition to Their body to match their Race, but not all do!
HOWEVER: Álla-ethnic alters/systems DON'T support
the use of slurs if you're not born into that culture, and don't support use of gatekept things such as White sage unless given permission (Circumstances vary is what I'm trying to say, Don't use gatekept stuff)
Álla-ethnic's support ALL movements for equality ( BLM, Stop Asian Hate, wear orange, and so many more!)
DNI If you're r*cist, homophobic or ect.
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this doesn't mean we face the same issues as others in the ethnicity, we won't claim to. As we Boost their voices not cover them!
We don't Support blackface either. as That's Racist.
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frost-system · 3 years
Can you make a parethnic pride flag
Sure! I'm sure there's others out there, but here's our take on it-
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is the word "parethnic" problematic? that seems to be the general consensus (and please tell me what would be better to use). that doesn't somehow make it impossible for system members to be PHYSICALLY SPEAKING, IN HEADSPACE, NOT VISIBLY WHITE. stop purposefully misinterpreting words <3
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You're vaild as álla-ethnic
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