goldenbi · 1 month
G | 718 words | by goldenbi for @effiepotterisamilf @struttingstag may 3rd prompt "first time" Regulus Black/Pandora Lovegood/James Potter read it on ao3
The conversation was only a minute or two long. Long enough for James to feel his breath catch, for him to see Pandora's eyes sparkling with amusement and Regulus's mouth cock up at the corner. Long enough to know that he had it bad.
It had also been long enough for people to notice. The whole of sixth year Gryffindors were staring at him, some with forks halfway to their mouths.
James crossed his arms, "They are just Slytherins, I don't know why you are all so shocked." This was quite hypocritical because James was shocked himself. 
They had approached so casually, Pandora sitting on the edge of the table, Regulus smirking down at him. But these Syltherins in particular were James’s weakness. 
Pandora was as ethereal and intoxicating as the wings of a Veela. And Regulus, well he was Sirius's brother, wasn't he? They were so similar in some ways. But Regulus was like cool water. Unaffected. James just wanted to toss the stone that would make waves on that pretty surface.
They just continued staring. "You don't even realize," Remus observed curiously. "Maybe it was his first time."
James blushed. Did he give himself away? He'd only told--well, he hadn't told any humans about his fascinations with the two Slytherins. So what if it was the first time that he’d been invited? 
"Couldn't have been, they started it before he did," Sirius said. "They knew."
James's mouth went dry, "What did they know?"
"What did they say?" Peter asked, his voice high and squeaky.
James's face scrunched in confusion. "You heard them, they asked if I was going to the Slytherin party tonight."
James looked to Sirius, always his anchor, but Sirius was just studying him blankly. "And what did you say?"
"I mean–you were there–I said that the only times I've been in the Slytherin common room is when I've snuck in," James answered.
Sirius nodded for him to continue.
"And they told me that if I like snakes as much as they think I do then I should sneak in again tonight," James finished with a blush. 
Peter laughed.
James swung his head toward him. "What?"
"Snakes," he laughed harder.
Remus chuckled too, and even Sirius had a small smile.
"James, mate, you were speaking in Parseltongue," Remus explained. 
"All we could see was your face getting redder and redder," Sirius teased.
"Fuck off," James said, and he knew his face got even redder because all of his friends started laughing around him.
Eventually they calmed down enough for Remus to ask, "So, Parselmouth, eh? How come you didn't tell us?"
"I thought you all could..” James lowered his voice, “like an animagus thing.”
“A bit weird though,” Peter said. “Thought only Slytherins could do it.” 
“Honestly, I thought we were speaking English just now."
"I wonder how they knew then," Sirius mused, reaching for a scone. “It’s very rare.” 
James knew he would just blush again so he laid his forehead on the table and mumbled, "Because I talked to a fucking snake."
Another round of laughter.
"You talked to a snake about...?" Remus asked, mirth in his voice.
"Oh, Merlin," James knew he would never live this down. "I helped him off the path and asked him if all snakes were as pretty as he was." James lifted his head so he could clunk it back down on the table. “Then I talked about all the pretty Slytherins."
There was even more laughter from his awful, no good friends.
"You can't trust snakes to keep secrets," Peter giggled.
"James, only you," Remus said fondly. 
“I know,” James whined. 
"So… Are you going?" Sirius asked. His voice was neutral, like he didn’t mind either way.
James looked up and saw all his friends smiling. "They just exposed me in front of everyone!"
"No, James," Remus shook his head. "They just claimed you in front of everyone."
James swallowed. Claimed. He liked the sound of that. 
“What do you mean?” James asked. 
“From our perspective, the three of you were flirting, just in a completely different language,” Remus said. “They wanted everyone to know you were like them.” 
Fuck. James was going to be putty in their hands. 
"Yeah, I'm going," James said. "But first I have to find that snitch of a snake."
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drarrargh · 3 days
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i needed to draw this. apparently
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kookooka2 · 7 months
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harryjpotter-shitpost · 2 months
I’m on “the dueling club” chapter in COS and I’m so pissed that we didn’t get more parselmouth Harry. I mean the possibilities?? why didn’t he try and speak it again or get himself a snake??
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rampanttheories · 10 months
Something that could have happened in Chamber of Secrets after Harry publicly talked to a snake:
Padma, Parvarti and Harry huddle together in a hidden corner in the library in second year. Parvarti’s hands are flying any which way in excitement while Padma shows maps and illustrations in scripts as they explain Indian magical culture. Harry listens with rapt attention and wide eyes, hears stories of renowned wizards and witches and their snake companions. Hears of festivities and traditions and spells etched in hissing chants.
Outside the world is cruel and ignorant, but behind shelves of books and desks there are questions and answers and smiles and community.
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Remus Lupin x Pureblood! Reader
Wordcount: 2.7K
Synopsis: “Bite me Lupin.” You challenge, raising your head to look into his amber eyes.
Remus smirks, leaning down into your ear. “I’m going to fuck the pure-blood out of you.” He growls.
“Do it then.” You snap back, feeling Remus’s hand on your bare thigh.
“I’m going to ruin you.”
Warnings: Smut!, enemies to lovers trope, angst, cursing, P in V, fingering
AN: lightly edited
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It was your glare that caught Remus’s attention. The way your eyes narrowed the moment the two of you made eye contact. You sat across the hall at the Slytherin table, chatting with your friends and poking your food with a fork that some idiot let you have. Remus didn’t trust that you wouldn’t stand up at any given moment and come stab him in the neck with it. He had every right to not trust you with sharp objects of course, since the moment your eyes locked with the brown haired boy you couldn’t help but think about dragging the fork down his throat and watching his filthy half-blood self beg for his life.
“You’re staring Lupin.” You taunt from across the room.
“Well clearly so are you L/N.” Remus counters proudly. He sat up a little more in his seat as a smirk fixes on his face.
“Yes well,” you smile, “I was just wondering how your whore of a muggle mother was doing. Still spreading her legs in hopes for something magical?” Your voice was dripping with venom as you mock Remus’s family life.
Remus clench’s his jaw, his hand bawling into a fist of rage . “You-“
“She’s not worth it mate,” James mutters, pulling his friends attention away from your proud face. Remus knew they were right, there was no point in arguing with you again. You always seem to win after all. No matter how many times they call you out for you skewed views on blood status, you always manage to shoot back with how at least your family loves you because you weren’t some blood-traitor or half-blood freak. At that point the boys would accept there was just no changing your views on these matters.
To make things even worse, you were a favorite in the Slytherin house. Many of the student’s believe you’ll be the next heir of Slytherin after all, between your family status and that fact you were a parselmouth. These factors made it nearly impossible for the boys to ever get back at you for your snarky remarks. The whole house would be up in arms defending you, and you’d just set a snake on poor defenseless Peter again. Remus backs down from the fight, looking back at his plate and resuming his eating. You sat proudly with your friends, laughing about how pathetic Remus was, not even standing up for his own mother. Laughter fills the Slytherin table until everyone is dismissed to go back to class.
Remus was back in the library for the third time that day. It’s been a few days since the lunch table incident and Remus found the only way he could escape your taunting was by hiding deep in the bookcases of the library. He was enjoying hiding behind a bookcase and reading up on the new D.A.D material that was assigned when a figure turns the corner and bump into him.
“Ugh. Seriously?” You huff as you gather your books back into your arms. “Watch were you’re standing loony Lupin. God, you’re such a menace you know that?” You grumble.
Remus startles at your sudden presence, feeling the color drain from his face as his eyes met yours. “I was here first,” he squeaks out. A blush spreads across his face while his eyes search for an escape route.
“You think I care if you were here first? A filthy, disgusting, half-blood like you shouldn’t even be standing in my presence, let alone in my way while I’m trying to retrieve my books.” You spit. Your face was bright red as you push past Remus’s frozen body. He could feel every ounce of dignity he had left leave him in that moment.
“You don’t have to be such a bitch you know.” He mutters under his breath as he begins to leave.
Your head snaps in his direction as a scowl spreads across your face “Excuse me?”
Remus turns to face you, attempting to stand a little straighter in the process. “You heard me. I said, you don’t have to be such a bitch.”
Your body was shaking with rage, ‘how dare such an inferior half-blood speak to me in such a manner’ you thought as you clench your jaw. “Say that shit again, I dare you.” Your voice was sharp like a blade threatening to cut Remus open. He winces, backing up slightly.
“We both know its true. You are a bitch. A pure-bloo-“ Remus couldn’t finish his sentence before he was being thrown back into the bookshelf. Your body slamming against his roughly, books falling as you and Remus make impact with the shelf behind him.
“You think I’m a bitch? I’ll show you bitch.” You seethe, your first bawling around his now disheveled robes. “Fuck you Remus Lupin.”
“Fuck me?” Remus growls back. You pause for a moment at his words.
“You want me to what?” You tease, a small laugh escaping your lips.
“Shit. No that’s not what I-“ Remus groans, feeling you release him from your grip.
You back away from Remus, your eyes scanning his body up and down in the process. His back was still pressed up against the bookshelf, his hair is messed up and his robe was thrown open. Your eyes lock on his very obvious boner, causing your face to flush an even brighter red.
“You’re fucking disgusting Lupin.” You grumble, grabbing your books from the table and walking away.
It had been a week since you saw Remus in the library, you were avoiding him at all cost. You’d never admit it, not even to yourself, that you were highly attracted to the scarred Gryffindor boy. Something about him made your knees weak and your body feel like it was on fire. You knew it would never matter how hot and bothered Remus made you, your family would kill him on sight if it weren’t a crime. So you held your head high and made his life a living hell.
The bell rang, dismissing everyone from their classes for the day. You gather your potions books and watch as students file out of the classroom. Professor Slughorn wishes you a good rest of your day as he exits the classroom as well, leaving you alone.
You continue to gather your books and put away your materials until you hear the door slam shut. You look up to see the Marauders on the other side casting a blood lock spell on the door. Your heart drops as you realize you’re trapped in the potions room until either Slughorn returns after supper, or until tomorrow morning. “Bloody hell,” you mutter, slamming your book on to the table.
“Really? You’re mad? They accident left me in here with you.” Remus grumbles as he appears from behind the far wall of the classroom holding some extra ingredients that were reserved only for the upper class potion students.
“Of course I’m stuck in here with the freak.” You groan, glaring at Remus as he approaches your table. “You know, nobody likes a scarred freak. Obnoxiously tall and built and…fuck” you mumble turning your head away from Remus realizing that if you keep talking you’ll only embarrass yourself.
“Tall and built? Didn’t know you had the capability of complimenting someone.” Remus teases, a sudden surge of confidence coursing though him as he continues to walk towards you.
“Fuck off Lupin, you’re the one who said you wanted to fuck me the other day.” A blush spreads across your face as the words leave your mouth. You can still vividly remember just how hot Remus looked pushed up against the bookshelf. The way his hair was a mess and his robes hanging off his perfect body.
“I did say that didn’t I? Also, I want you to know I’m not any happier about being stuck with you L/N. You’re an obnoxious stuck up brat.” Remus tosses his ingredients onto the table before turning to face you. “All you do is bitch. Complaining about others not being ‘good enough’ because they aren’t some snobby pure-bloods. You think you’re so much better than everyone else is that it?” Remus teases as he pins you between himself and the empty table behind you.
“Bite me Lupin.” You challenge, raising your head to look into his amber eyes.
Remus smirks, leaning down into your ear. “I’m going to fuck the pure-blood out of you.” He growls.
“Do it then.” You snap back, feeling Remus’s hand on your bare thigh.
“I’m going to ruin you.” Remus taunts, his hand sliding up your thigh now. “I’m going to fuck you until you’re nothing more than a pathetic mess underneath me. Begging me to keep going, to keep ruining your perfect little pure-blood self.”
You let out a groan, hands gripping the table behind you. His hand burns your skin as it travels further up your skirt, the heat traveling all the way up your body and leaving a pool in your underwear.
“You like the sound of that don’t you Y/N? You want a half-blood to fuck you, don’t you? What would daddy say if he saw you like this? Hot and flustered for me.” Remus presses a rough kiss to your neck, biting down on the tender skin.
“I-“ you let out a moan, pushing your body up against Remus’s.
“Use your words.” Remus’s hot breath hits your neck and sends a shiver down your spine.
“Yes Remus, I want you to fuck me. I want you to ruin me, please.” You moan as Remus hand slides your now soaking underwear to the side.
“Look at you, such a good girl using her words.” Remus teases as his middle and ring finger slide into your hot cunt. You throw your head back at the feeling. Your hips jerk forward, rocking ever so slightly on Remus’s fingers. Remus slowly pulled his fingers out of you before pushing them back in. You let out another series of moans as you rock your hips desperately.
“Remus please,” you beg as his fingers slide in and out of you.
“Please what?” Remus groans, his fingers getting faster.
Your voice is barley as whisper “Fuck me, please.” You moan.
“I can’t hear you clearly….” He says teasingly, pulling away from your body slightly. “Just say it louder, and more clearly so I can hear you love…” He whispers into your ear with a smirk on his face.
“Remus please,” you beg.
"Please... what my love? Please tell me what you want." His voice is dark and teasing now.
“I want you to fuck me” you whimper.
His smile widens, his eyes fill with lust as he takes you in. He pulls you closer, his fingers fucking you mercilessly, he whispers into your ear once again. “I can't hear you my love..."
“Fuck you Remus. Fuck me please,” you cry, moving your hands from the table to grab onto his Gryffindor robes.
Remus smiles, his eyes fixing on yours. “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He spoke as he kisses down your neck. “You want me to fuck you? Is that what you want.. My love?”
”Yes Remus, please. I need you please” tears brim the bottom of your eyes as Remus’s finger continue to slide in and out of you roughly.
"As you wish my love..." He pulls away from your neck and connects your lips passionately. His fingers curling inside your aching cunt, never slowing for a second. "I'm going to fuck you until you can’t stand anymore..." Remus pulls away from you, removing his fingers completely. Your eyes go wide in a confusion. You felt so empty without Remus’s fingers inside of your, or his body pressing against yours. You watch as Remus loosens the tie around his neck, pulling it over his head. He begins to shed his robes, his undershirt coming of next. You pause, admiring how toned his chest was, and the way light pink scars litter his chest and abdomen. “Quit staring and start stripping love,” Remus smirks as he pulls off his trousers.
“Shut it,” you grumble, loosening your tie as well before pulling it off completely. You follow his lead, stripping yourself completely naked. Your eyes meet his again before he pushes you up and onto the table. Your legs are quick to straddle Remus’s hips, pulling him closer as his lips attack yours hungrily.
“I’ve wanted you for so bloody long,” Remus groans, lining himself up at your entrance. His cock just barley enters you when a cry of pleasure escapes your throat. You bite down onto his shoulder harshly, trying to quiet yourself as Remus fully enters your aching cunt. His warm skin pressing against yours as his hips snap back and forth. His hands travel under your ass squeezing roughly as he lifts you off the table so he could thrust up into you.
Another cry escapes your lips as Remus helps guide you up and down his hard cock. You feel your whole body shaking as he pound up into you. His lips just barley ghosting kisses over the skin of your neck and shoulders, leaving a hot burning sensation spreading all throughout your body. Throwing your arms around his neck your fingers find their way to his hair, gently tugging on the fluffy brown strands.
A string of moans fall from your swollen lips at the feeling of Remus inside you. You could feel every inch of him as he fucks you senseless. Your mind is hazy as the world around you seems to disappear. The only thing your mind can register is the feeling of his cock thrusting in and out of you. Your walls contracting around him as he hits all the right spots deep within you.
“Fuck Y/N,” Remus moans, setting you back down on the table. Remus pulls out of you slowly before pulling you off the table and flipping you around.
“Oh my..uh,” you let out a whimper as your body presses against the cold table. Remus pushes into you from behind, placing one hand on your lower back and the other on your hips. His thrusts pick up again as he slams into you from behind. Small moans and whimpers escape your lips as your body is pushed up and down against the table. Remus’s thrusts are hard and forceful, pushing deeper and deeper into you each time. Groaning, Remus digs his fingers into your hip, leaving little red marks from the force.
“I’m close,” Remus groans, pounding into you with more force than before. “I’m going to fill you up, ruin you like you deserve to be ruined.” You let out another cry at his words, placing your cheek against the cool table, submitting to Remus completely. Within a few more thrusts you can feel Remus twitch cock twitching inside you. Letting out a grunt, he finishes in you, pushing himself as deep as he possibly can. “Fuck,” Remus heaves before picking his thrusts back up.
“Fuck-oh Remus!” You moan as his hand travels down your back and the inside of your leg. His fingers dance across your heat before dipping between your folds so he can rub your clit. The sensation sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body as your cunt squeezes around his still throbbing cock. “Remus please don’t stop,” you beg, feeling your orgasm approaching quickly. Remus keeps up his thrusts as his fingers toy with your clit, making you cry out with pleasure. “Remus I’m-I’m” you sputter felling the coil in your stomach snap as your orgasm washes over you.
Remus lets out another grunt, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he pushes deep into you before cumming in you for a second time.
“Fuck,” He sighs, pulling out of your limp body. You let out a small moan in response, too fucked out to respond properly. Remus ran his finger down your spine slowly, a grin spreading across his beautiful lips. “You’re so pretty when you’re not being a total bitch.” He laughs.
A dry laugh escapes your lips as you find your strength to sit up. “And I suppose you’re pretty hot for a half-blood freak.” A teasing smile settles on your lips as you stand to face him.
“Fucking pure-blood,” Remus mutters, placing his hand on your cheek and bringing you in for a kiss.
You pull away for a moment to smile at him, “your pure-blood now dumbass,” you smirk, connecting your lips with his once again.
Remus laughs against you lips before mumbling “what’s daddy going to think?”
You shake your head, still pressing kisses to his lips as he talks. “Just shut up and kiss me Lupin.”
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bonniesfamiliar · 4 months
DIMENSION TRAVEL STORY IDEA: Summary: Harriet "Harry" James Potter has travelled to an alternate dimension during a spell gone wrong (Kreacher's actually responsible cuz he cares about Harry since she's the Lady of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black) Harriet knows it's an alternate dimension cuz she finds a newspaper stand and lo and behold, who's on the front cover? Tom. Fucking. Riddle. But not the ugly Voldemort Tom Riddle she killed. No this is young Tom Riddle who grew up FINE AS HELL.
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And he's on the front page cuz he's The Minister of Magic and guess what he's talking about.
He's talking about Dumbledore.
And not manipulative gramps Dumbledore whose beard is longer than my hair.
We're talking about this one
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You know why he's talking about this Dumbledore?
Because Albus. Percival. Fucking. Dumbledore decided to become the epitome of "Be Gay, Do Crime," with Gellert Grindelwald, his husband.
So Harriet is obviously freaking out and does the right thing.
She goes to a pub and drinks her sorrows away in Scottish Whiskey, (Thank you, Minny)
But Harry never makes reasonable decisions so when she finds a quill and paper, guess what she does.
She writes to Misinter Riddle.
But the drama doesn't end there.
Whenever Harriet does anything, whether she writes or talks about Tom Riddle, she doesn't speak in English.
She talks in Pareseltongue.
(Cuz she and tom are the only Parselmouths. I think.)
So Parseltongue.
Harriet writes in parseltongue to the Minister of Fucking Magic on his wrongdoings in her universe.
The letter literally looks like this:
ssss ssss sssssssss ss ssssss s sss ssssssss ssssss sss sss ss ssss ssssssss ssssssss ssss ssssss sssssss ss ss sssssssss and that transcribes to 
"Dear Lord Voldemort, or should I say Minister Riddle, you are an ugly noseless hairless evil snakey bastard in my dimension,"
and cuz she's spiteful, she signs it off with "You-Know-Who"
But the thing is Harriet never mentioned her name or who her parents were.
So when Minister Riddle receives this letter, he freaks out and then does everything he can to find this person.
Not to kill them.
But to woo them.
This kind, thoughtful person has travelled from another dimension just to stop him from becoming evil.
THEY'RE OBVIOUSLY HIS SNAKE MATE. (cuz he killed all of the Gaunts and Riddles so they're not family)
You can bet ur ass he was squealing to Nagini at the thought of having another Parselmouth in the world with him.
He's obsessed.
(He's not tom riddle if he doesn't have possessive issues and his jealousy issues are just as bad.🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰😩😩😩)
Like it's not a want.
It's a need.
He needs the writer of this letter to be with him forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and-
You probably get the idea.
Anyway, 1 year goes by.
Harriet Potter: *forgets about even writing the letter* 
Tom is growing more obsessed as the days go by and then he meets a woman at a charity ball held for idk an organisation for potieneers? Potion Masters?
She's chatting up with Lord and Lady Dagworth-Granger cuz she's been working with them cuz they remind her of Hermione and she needed a job.
Anyway, he approaches the couple in hopes of talking to them and Harriet sees Minister Riddle approaching and quickly moves away to head to the drinks table.
And then lets out a breath of relief when she realises he wasn't heading for her.
She schmoozes for a few more minutes before calling it quits and heading out for fresh air.
The party is at the Dagworth-Granger's manor so she goes out to the gardens.
And hears a cry for help.
Her Gryffindor instincts push her to run towards the sound of danger.
But her Slytherin side made her hide behind the wall from where the cry of help had come from.
It was a witch being harassed by two wizards.
One of the wizards was holding her wand, taunting her.
While the other had begun to take off her outfit.
Before it could go any further, she brought the men's attention to her and with a flick of her wrist, Harriet had the men on their knees.
She then walked over to the one holding the witch's wand and grabbed it out of his hand, accidentally snapping his wrist in the process.
She gave the witch her wand back and accepted the shaky hug she received.
Harriet waited until the witch was out of sight before she turned to the men and smiled, watching as their faces fell into horror as they saw the fangs in her mouth.
(I'm in love with the prompt by a post on tumblr where  Basilisk!Harry is hugging Kneazle!Hermione and Dragon!Ron also wants his cuddles. I can't find the person who made it but I've lived by the idea that these would be their animagus forms if they ever performed the spell like James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew had done to become illegal animagi for Remus Lupin)
Harriet rips into their throats, feeds on them and then turns their bodies into ash with the fiendryfire spell.
She grabbed a mirror from her purse to erase the blood from her face and clothes and began to walk away lest anyone come looking for the wizards.
But, Harriet suddenly slammed into what felt like a wall.
A very warm wall.
Regaining her bearings, Harriet looked up to notice that the "wall" was MINISTER RIDDLE.
"Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?" She said pasting a smile on her face.
Shift of POV:
Minister Riddle internally sighed at being stuck in another ball instead of being at home, analysing the letter once again.
He was certain it was a woman who sent it as there was a red lipstick kiss on the paper after it was signed sss-ssss-sss (You-Know-Who)
His thoughts are cut off when Lady Dagworth-Granger asks her husband where Harriet is.
Who is Harriet? he muses but when Lord Dagworth-Granger offers to look in the gardens, Tom leaps at the chance to run away from the party.
He goes into the gardens aimlessly walking around for a few minutes, lost in his thoughts of his mysterious parselmouth when a witch comes out of nowhere and collides with him.
He uprighted her by placing his hands on her arms and looked on curiously as she seemed to freeze in place when she looked up to see that it was he she bumped into.
Tom Riddle is the one to freeze when she speaks.
"Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?" She says an innocent smile on her face as if she had no idea his whole world had just flipped on its axis.
She's speaking in parseltongue.
She's his parselmouth.
The one from another dimension.
But he had to clarify so he replies honestly for the first time in his life, in parseltongue, "I've been looking for you," 
"Searching for me? Whatever for?"
A boyish smile widens on his face before he forces it into a polite smile.
"The Lord and Lady Dagworth-Granger have been searching for you, Miss Harriet I believe you are?" He reverts to English to test if she notices the change but she doesn't.
She just replies in English, "Ah, I see. I disappeared for too long with my break from the stuffiness of the ball and yes, I am Harriet."
Harriet, he muses in his mind, no last name to give for me.
She extends her gloved hand for him to shake but Tom riddle reaches for both of her hands and turns them over to kiss them gently and forces himself not to give into the urge of nuzzling into her hands (well not yet at least) and without letting them go, he straightens to his full height to tower over her (giving him a thrill at knowing she was shorter, meaning he could easily pick her up and carry her, be it over his shoulders or bridal style) and replies, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Harriet. No last name?"
(Harriet has been wearing gloves cuz of the 'I must not tell lies' scars that cover her hands.)
Harriet smiles teasingly towards him and his cold heart thaws ever so, "I couldn't decide on a last name and I've decided I like the mysterious aura it gives me,"
Or maybe she couldn't risk using her real last name because she was from a different dimension, Tom muses in his mind, Nevertheless, Harriet Riddle has a lovely ring to it.
Harriet Potter: *staring confused at Tom Riddle as he smiles down at her
Tom Riddle: *Winter would be a lovely time to get married, wouldn't it?
I'm stopping here cuz it's a summary, not a story. Yes, I'm Evil.
Tell me if you like it tho.
I was this close *makes an inch between her fingers* to making this a Soulmate AU story.
Think of the angst that Harriet would go through all her life knowing that her soulmate's words to her are:  I've been looking for you
And it's an alternate hotter version of Tom Riddle, AKA THE BAD GUY WHO MURDERED HER PARENTS 
And think of how Harriet's words had motivated Tom his entire life to do his best to work hard (and cheat death) to live long enough for his soulmate to see him one day at a place be it a library or a gala or a hallway and ask him: Minister Riddle, what are you doing here?
Maybe I should make them soulmates.
I need a timeline. fuck.
Riddle was educated at Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945, and was sorted into Slytherin House, a nod to his ancestor Salazar Slytherin.
Making Tom 34 cuz 1927 is the year Tom was born in if he went to Hogwarts in 1938 which would make him 11 in 1938 and 38-11 is 27 so 1927 is when he was born.
61-27=34 so Harriet is in 1961 but cuz of the time skip tom is 35 years old in 1962
Harriet was born in 1980 
The Second War technically began on 24 June, 1995, though was not officially announced by the Ministry until nearly a year later on 17 June, 1996, and ended on 2 May, 1998, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, after the death of the Dark Lord.
Which made Harriet 18 in 1998, 24 in 2004, 24 in 1961 and 25 in 1962
 but she deserves peace so the year Kreacher sent her back was 2004 which would make her 24 cuz he's horrified that she hasn't attempted to romance anyone since Cedric Diggory.
Tbh, if he was my bf I would never love again.
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But then hubby "I would burn the world down for you and rebuild a new one from its ashes" tom riddle is here and I'm like Cedric who?
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But none of them compare to (long list of titles, I'll research later.) Harriet James Potter.
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(South) Indian Harry Potter Headcanons:
Harry knew he was Indian (mostly because the Dursley’s used to say racist shit to him) but he didn’t know where in India the potters were from until he went to Hogwarts. He finds out from the Patils, who were close with the potters because desis stick together.
The Patils are from the north and use Hindi to speak to each other. Neither of them knows Telugu/Tamil/Marathi/Malayalam/insert Southern language of choice here (I personally headcanon Telugu because it’s the only Indian language I speak and because there’s a huge diaspora of telugumandi in the west, but feel free to choose whatever you’d like). So Harry has to rediscover his heritage language on his own.
He also studies Sanskrit, and it opens up a HUGE world of spells that they don’t teach at Hogwarts (because of course Indian wizards don’t do spells in Latin). He and the Patils know a bunch of spells that nobody else does.
Harry’s pleat game is ON POINT. It makes sense, since he had to do all the chores at the Dursley’s and that includes perfectly folded and ironed laundry with the edges aligned neatly, or else he would risk being punished. But the result is that if you want your saree drape to pass the inspection of even the most judgemental auntie, you go to Harry to help with your pleats.
Even when they’ve graduated and all have their own homes, it’s a pretty regular sight for the Patil twins to come through Harry’s floo, half dressed, to have Harry pleat their sarees or their lehenga dupatta for them.
Harry LOVES spices. The dursleys only liked bland food, but Harry has always liked flavorful foods, and has no problem with (hot) spicy food either. He uses lots of spices in his own cooking now. His food is very flavorful, but when he’s cooking for himself, it’s too spicy for all his friends (even the Patils). So nobody can eat his leftovers unless he was specifically cooking with other people in mind. Ron learned this the first time he rummaged through Harry’s fridge after a night of drinking. Now Harry labels all his food as to whether or not it’s “Harry spicy”.
James LOVED to buy Lily sarees. He’d order them with custom, wizard-themed designs from weaving villages in south India. The women who made them assumed he was just very imaginative, so he wasn’t violating the statute of secrecy since saree patterns are often vibrant and unique. Harry finds some of them in the old potter manor, and they still smell like the perfumes and scented oils his mother would wear when James took her to the local temple for Hindu holidays.
Indian witches often store extra magic in or enchant pieces of their copious jewelry with spells that can keep them safe if they’re ever in a situation where they don’t have their wands. stuff like, each bangle can function as an emergency portkey that can take you to different safe locations if you say the activation word, or ones that create an instant magical shield when you tap them. Harry finds some of his mothers gajulu, gives them to his female friends.
He ties Rhaki on Ron and Neville, and all the weasley boys. Ron was the first person he ever tied it on, because Ron was the first person who he ever bonded with, and his closest brother.
Harry always cooks idli sambar or dosa for his friends for breakfast the next morning after a night of drinking together, and it’s the perfect hangover food because it definitely brings you back to full alertness/knocks the last bit of post-hangover grogginess right out of your system.
Harry’s parselmouth abilities are valued in his native culture because of the sacredness of snakes in Hinduism, and it comes to be something he’s really proud of (personally I think the ‘parselmouth connected to the horcrux’ thing is dumb, so I’ve always imagined Harry was just naturally a parselmouth).
As the number of Indian immigrants/expats continues to grow after they graduate, Harry helps some of his students (he’s the DADA teacher) start the Hogwarts “South Asian Student Union”.
He always has snacks out for his students when they come to visit his office hours, and they’re all Indian snacks and sweets. His personal favorite is kaju barfi, but he always has a good variety of both sweet and spicy treats, especially for stressed out owl and newts students.
He collaborates with Hermione, who works in the ministry, to make it mandatory for Hogwarts students to a “foreign magical language” course so they can broaden both their minds and their spell repertoires. Padma Patil becomes the “Sanskrit Spells” teacher, and Seamus teaches “Irish Gaelic”. (It took him a little longer to get his course started, since it turns out that at least 40% of Gaelic spells are just increasingly complicated and violent ways to repel the English).
Hermione and Harry also work together to make sure there are employees in the international magical cooperation department who specialize in post-colonial relations, because the magical world also has its issues with that colonialist mindset towards countries that were formerly part of the empire.
Just south Indian Harry embracing his heritage, learning about what was ripped from him, and using it to enact meaningful change in a multicultural magical society.
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siriusblack-the-third · 6 months
So, I just re-read your ficlet about Sirius telling Harry about his grandparents and how his eyes look like Fleamont not Lily. Tell us more about Harry's similarities with Potter family apart from Fleamont's eyes in your HCs please. 🙏
Alrighttttt lets goooooooo
People (as in HP fans) often attribute Harry's explosive temper to Lily— false. It comes from James. Who got it from Euphemia. Both of them had been quite infamous for their temper when they had been alive.
The Potter Family Heirs have an affinity for Death Magic and Necromancy. That was one of the main contributors to Harry ending up as the Master of Death; only the direct descendants of the Peverell Line have the ability to possess all three hallows at the same time. Others who try either go insane or suffer a painful death— which is what happened to Harry's great-great-great-grandfather, who had married into the family.
The shape of Harry's wrists is all Euphemia. They're bony and veiny and almost delicate, but perfect for sharp flicking movements that are an essential skill in magical duelling. Euphemia used to be an Olympic Duelling Champion who specialised in dark-leaning Grey spells— Harry's magic is more similar to hers than either of his parents.
Talking of Harry's and Euphemia's magic— they both see their magic as a living entity separate from themselves. In their mind's eye, their own magic is a coiling, hissing, venomous green serpent. Dangerous, ready to strike at any minute. It is why both of them hold back a lot, when they duel. They're afraid of setting that snake loose.
Harry finds out that his grandmother had the same magic as his on his twenty-first birthday, when the Peverell Castle finally becomes legally his and he goes rooting through the house along with Ron and Hermione. A bunch of journals of the older generations of Potters, dating all the way back to when the line was known as Peverell, made up a substantial chunk of the huge library. Some of those journals belonged to Euphemia, documenting every year of her life from the age of eleven.
Harry's gift of Parseltongue comes from both the Potter grandparents. The Peverell line, being saturated with Death Magic and Necromancy, had Parseltongue woven into the family inheritance (snakes being a powerful symbol of the passage of time and of the cycle of death and rebirth). As for Euphemia, she was Indian— a country which has the highest relative population of Parselmouths in the world. (Side note: Fleamont is quarter Indian. His mother's mother.)
Harry's height is half Fleamont, half Lily. Euphemia was short, and so was Fleamont's mother, but James inherited the good genes and grew to be an inch taller than Fleamont, who was already a good six feet. Lily was five foot eight inches (almost 173cm). Harry is a terrifying six feet two inches.
These are all that I have right now, but do send asks!! I love answering them!!
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saintsenara · 5 months
For the tag game, I wanna know about Metallurgy please and thank you!
thank you, anon! an excellent choice from the work in progress tag game buffet...
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metallurgy has the dubious honour of being the first sequel i've ever considered writing...
and it has the lovely @bronzeagepizzeria to thank for its existence, after i ended up chatting to her in the comment section of bookbinding about what the future looked like for the newly-engaged tom and myrtle:
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well, lads, sirius black and merope riddle [jr.] enemies-to-lovers is what you are indeed getting.
her elder brothers are torn between amusement and the desire to murder sirius for being a prick, her father is losing his mind at the fact that teenage girls' drama has forced its way into his life [and is able to terrify sirius much more effortlessly than any of his sons will manage], and her mother remembers all too well the heartache of falling for a boy who is, like all teenage boys, a bit thick.
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in between, we get to find out what's happened to tom's career as wizarding britain's premier antiques dealer [i.e. that he spends his time conning cygnus and orion black into selling him priceless valuables for the cost of a sandwich], how myrtle is doing in the department of mysteries, whether that rabbit is still alive, exactly how many ways james, remus, and peter are going to manage to fuck up their pal's attempts to get the girl, what bellatrix's life would be like if she fancied an age-appropriate parselmouth, and how - in a universe where the first war doesn't happen - hogwarts students in the 1970s had plenty of free time they could fill by being complete idiots.
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we also get a sighting of a very rare, but extremely enjoyable, version of lord voldemort...
the one where he's a committed wife guy.
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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2022.06 ~ Top 8 longest fics posted on AO3
1. As Far as Possible by Mademoiselle_A [E, 142k]
►“Draco Malfoy is cursed.” That's what all the English wizards whisper to one another when they learn that Malfoy's fourth girlfriend has once again lost her life under strange circumstances. However, the truth is far more complicated than that...
2. Anamnesis (Come Back to Me) by Stormysaslytherin [M, 82k]
►They had been together for almost six years, bonded by an old magic for almost two and half. [...] Draco always knew that this was a promise [Harry] couldn't keep forever and it was only a matter of time before Harry didn't come back from a field mission. Neither knew the consequences of that morning's decision until it was too late.
3. all the western stars by @oflights [E, 78k]
►Draco is a Seer who has been struck with terrible, uncontrollable visions of the deaths of everyone around him, triggered by touch. He retreats to an Unplottable Black family cottage to research his condition and fix it. Things are going relatively well until Harry Potter shows up at the cottage with a furry condition of his own.
4. 9 ½ Days by @magpiefngrl [E, 69k]
►After the events at the Manor, Harry and Draco find themselves stranded in the countryside with a broken wand and Death Eaters on their tail. This is the story of an uneasy truce, featuring faerie forests, seaside caves, Romani camps, kind old ladies, and a shared bed in an attic. /// Or how two boys fell in love in the midst of a bloody coup.
5. The Parselmouth Promise by Lomonaaeren [M, 67k]
►Voldemort’s influence lingers after his death in the form of Parseltongue passed on to the children of everyone with a Dark Mark—or, in Harry’s case, someone who once hosted a Horcrux. As Harry struggles to be a good single father to his son, James, he inevitably runs up against Draco Malfoy, who’s not only a Parselmouth now but attempting to create a whole ritual and school system to benefit himself, his friends, and his son, Scorpius. No matter how much some people don’t like that.
6. Second Chances by Relevant_Peach [G, 55k]
►[...] Draco needed this job. A recommendation from Harry Potter would be all it took to get him into the Healer program that had refused him for years. He didn't expect to start caring for the Potter family beyond the confines of his position. He did expect that the Weasley family wouldn't exactly be thrilled he was caring for one of theirs. /// Both Harry and Draco are forced to confront their long-ignored feelings and define exactly what they deserved in life, after tragedy offers them a second chance.
7. Tooth Rot and Chocolate Cake by phantasmaraneae [M, 46k]
►Draco Malfoy has an eating disorder that has gotten progressively worse throughout the years. No one knows how bad it truly is. No one, except Harry Potter, who catches Draco head in the toilet, hands halfway down his throat, purging his brains out - not once, but twice.
8. painfully obvious by tabbags [T, 40k]
►Harry returns for 8th year and everything is different. Except for how annoying Draco Malfoy is. Harry is determined to figure out what's going on beneath the surface, but will he like what he finds?
※ Word count: 1k ~ 15k
※ Word count: 15k ~ 40k
Parent Trap by @ladyroxanne21 [M, 29k]
Recovered by Craftybadger1234 [E, 35k]
Souls in Unity by @m1dn1ghtstar [M, 30k]
To Wake With You by @cisforcamelot [T, 24k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
HD Fangfest 2022 | @hd-fangfest
HD Mpreg 2022 | @harrydracompreg
HP pride secret Santa 2022
Lights Camera Drarry 2022 | @lcdrarry
Owlery Exchange: To Days to Come | @gameofdrarry
Quidditch Fest 2022 | @quidditchfest
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smilingformoney · 8 months
✨Trivia time✨
Just for fun here are some fun facts about plotlines, both abandoned ones and ones that made it in
Plotlines that have always been in my head since Abbie popped into existence in my head 12 years ago
Abbie is Snape’s Gryffindor daughter in the same year as Harry who is friends with Draco
Snape doesn’t know about Abbie until she starts Hogwarts
Her name has always been Abbie/Abigail
She gets attacked by Lucius at the Department of Mysteries, though this was going to be for different reasons and in a slightly different way
Plotlines that were rotating in my head 12 years ago but never came to be because either they didn’t fit the story anymore or they were just stupid
Abbie’s mother was called Suzie/Suzanne and she was a one-night stand
Abbie had a muggle step-father
Suzie’s father was Tom Riddle, making Abbie a parselmouth
Suzie’s mother was also a one-night stand and Tom/Voldy didn’t know about her
This one’s a doozy: After Snape died, Abbie found the only way to save him was to go back in time. But she couldn’t go back in time but she did discover that time is cyclical so she became immortal and lived so long that the universe died and reformed around her. By the time she came back around again, she was trillions of years old and basically a god. But her memory was still human, so she could only remember a few hundred years at a time, meaning she’d forgotten all about her father and was doomed to live an eternal cycle, knowing there was something she was meant to do, some purpose to her immortality, but she’d forgotten it long ago. (Copyright me if I ever take this and turn it into some actual fantasy story)
Plotlines that I thought of while writing and/or initially intended to include before I started but they didn’t come to be
Abbie dies after saving Snape (might do an AU oneshot of this one day if I feel like breaking everyone’s hearts)
Abbie and Draco were going to be romantic until I realised she was gay
Sephy finds out she’s the product of Abraxas Malfoy’s affair with a muggle servant. Might also write an AU of this eventually. Canned because it felt too Eastenders-y + it would have made Abbie and Draco cousins (not that purebloods care about that) + I prefer Sephy coming from nowhere
Post war, James and Lily come back to life. Purely based on my desire to rub Sev and Sephy’s relationship in their faces, however I hate the Somehow Palpatine Returned trope and believe the moment death becomes impermanent in a story it loses all meaning (*stares hard at Supernatural and Moffat-era Doctor Who*) so in the bin it goes
I considered how far Abbie and Draco’s fake relationship was going to go and even considered them having to consummate and her getting pregnant but I decided not to go that far because I didn’t feel comfortable writing either Abbie or Draco in that position
Plotlines that weren’t my intention going in but happened because the story has a will of its own and I am but its teller
Abbie being gay
Abbie and Neville being besties
The arranged marriage
Snape and Sephy’s whole romance
Abbie and Snape’s kind of unhealthily codependent relationship. Originally he was going to be cold and distant like we see in earlier chapters for pretty much the entire time and he wasn’t going to admit he loved her until he was dying.
(Basically, I vastly underestimated Snape’s ability to love them)
Plotlines I regret/could have done better
Persephone and the dark magic book, I feel I should have done it better and built up to it more and had the consequences last longer
Teen Sev and Sephy by the lake, I should have just had them kissing or something. My horny mind made them shag but I should have kept their original virginity stories intact.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 month
Of the Potter children which one would terrify you the most being a parselmouth?? Lily and James would be very obvious about it. But I feel Al would be really sneaky with his machinations.
(yes I headcanon all of them being parselmouths)
I feel like they would all be terrifying in their own unique ways.
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weeklyreadings · 1 year
Week 7, part one
An Infinte Ocean
Rated T. 20k. Wolfstar
Remus Lupin knows two things--working and caring for his son, Teddy. When his babysitter sets up crowdfunding so Teddy can go swim with the sea turtles at the local animal rescue, Remus doesn't realise how completely their life is going to change. Especially when he meets Sirius Black, the weekend merman in the aquatic show, and someone who might convince him of love at first sight.
Aging Gracelessly
Rated G. 13k. Wolfstar
Remus is being dragged into the modern century by his son in the form of a brand-new smartphone. He means to text Teddy, and ends up accidentally meeting, and sharing his plight with another person in the same boat as him. Though Remus thinks it's just a passing moment, little does he know what wheels have been set in motion.
A Small Spark Neglected by gyzym
Rated M. 24k. Jeddy
Someone’s setting fires in Wizarding London, and Teddy Lupin’s going to have to marry a Potter.
Are You Mine? Series by gracerene
Rated E and G. 91k. Drarry and Jeddy
A trilogy of fics set in an Epilogue-Compliant Harry Potter 'Verse, with various accompanying time-stamps and one-shots.
This Must Be the Place by @aibidil
Rated E. 29k. Jeddy
When your dad is Harry Potter, your face shows up in Teen Witch, your social media videos go viral, and sometimes your life depends on pretending to date your metamorph godbrother, whom you've been over for years, thank you very much. Or, the one where James and Teddy do animal yoga and risqué karaoke and their families could do with seeing fewer videos of them snogging.
Show Your Hand by GoldenTruth813
Rated E. 9k. Jeddy
At eighteen James has everything he could ever want — a bright future and a promising Quidditch career. He’s also had years of experience hiding his true feelings for Teddy, so moving in with him should be easy. It’s definitely not a problem when Teddy grows a beard, starts spouting innuendo about fucking bread dough, and practicing yoga in nothing but his boxers. It’s not a problem at all.
In The Company Of Serpents by @corvuscrowned
Rated E. 25k. Drarry
There’s something wrong with the serpents at the Greengrass Ophidiarium. Luckily, a certain Parselmouth just might be able to help.
Once Upon a (Wet) Dream by InnerLilith
Rated E. 14k. Drarry
Once a year, Harry has a very strange dream. Meanwhile, in real life, he’s falling for Draco Malfoy.
The Hidden Side by gracerene
Rated E. 38k. Jeddy
Twenty years ago today, James Sirius Potter was born into this world. Four years, two months, and six days later, somebody took him.
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fidelixcorde · 6 months
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While Taylor and Harry would argue that their love story began in 1997 during their Sixth year at Hogwarts, their friends and loved ones would instead say it began the day they met in 1992, when the Chamber of Secrets had opened, and it was revealed that Harry wasn't the only Parselmouth on campus.
Two powerful bloodlines came together -- that of the Potter/Peverell line and that of the Khalil/Sayre line -- when Taylor and Harry fell in love. The world would rue the decision to try and keep them apart during the Wizarding War, while Harry was hunting Horcruxes, and Taylor was hunting the Death Eaters.
Post-War, after rebuilding Hogwarts and laying to rest those who fell to the darkness, the two celebrated their wedding in 2002 at the Burrow during the early spring when the flowers were in bloom and the weather was more mild. Shortly after, they fell pregnant with their first children, James Sirius and Rubeus Arthur, both born in early 2003.
As their family grew, Harry joined the pro-Quidditch league after trying -- and quitting -- the Auror training. Playing for the Falmouth Falcons, he brought them to the World Cup three times, and he brought home the Cup twice. After seven wonderful years, he retired from pro-Quidditch to accept Headmistress McGonagall's offer of becoming the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, now that the job is no longer jinxed.
In the meantime, Taylor joined forces with Hermione Granger ( @bccksmarts ) to create the Wiltshire Primary Academy, a school for underaged magical children from all walks of life, in order to educate them in a setting that makes it harder for the pureblood supremacy to fester. They teach a few core classes from Hogwarts, as well as mathematics, language arts, world history, science, chemistry, and music. There are also a few extracurriculars, such as gym and art classes. The Academy is open all year 'round, in order to give some of the children a safe haven from abusive homes/environments, and thus Muggleborn children are better prepared to enter the magical community.
After the twins were born, Taylor gave birth to two more children, Lily Luna (2005) and Jonas Alessio (2006). Due to these back to back pregnancies, when she fell pregnant again, she suffered a miscarriage by 15 weeks, and fell into a deep depression. It took months to claw herself back out of the hole of darkness, thanks to her support system, and she refocused her efforts back into her children, in order to give them a good life. However, after nearly seven years, Taylor does get pregnant -- by accident -- with their final rainbow baby, a little girl (Laura Minerva, 2013), who is absolutely spoiled to near death.
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disorganizedkitten · 1 year
An Incomplete Active Fics List
People in the Magpie discord started doing this and then I was like 'I wanna too!' so I did. But I have... probably touching a hundred fanfic wips now. So! An incomplete list of my current wips feat. the ones I care the most about or are on ao3. Assume all MLB fics are included but they're not here.
Hyacinth/The Road To Ruin “WBWL” twin au where the butterfly effect leads to Harry mistakenly being labeled Voldemort’s child, instead of the Potters’, and somehow has a better relationship with his brother for it.
THHMR That one miraculous AU that I have an visceral, physical reaction to but goshdangit it’s been five years I will finish it
Not (Our Parents’) Children The really big WBWL Necromancer Harry fic that spans over three generations, has *so many ghosts*, Fay’s an inferius, and Harry publicly ‘kills’ his brother when being the BWL is too much, then spirits him away to iceland with Juliette Black to live in peace while Harry finishes with Voldemort. There is so much going on at any given moment. Regulus Black is the sanest adult. Voldemort’s kids cause problems. They also solve them. One is dead and thus the ghostly narrator.
 Seven Months Away Barty and Regulus get to interpret the prophecy in ‘91. Barty also gets to stop Regulus from committing treason - only against the Dark Lord. Treason against the ministry is fine.
Hold Your Bloody Head Up High MHA blood quirk Izuku feat. Izuku pretending to be the 9th holder of OFA
Consequences of War Crimes May Include: No one in the first war was Innocent or Right and somehow this becomes Neville and Delphi Lestrange’s problem.
Dark Magic For Dummies Fay Dunbar may or may not be a Malfoy by birth, but honestly she can figure that out after she’s become the first person to gain a mastery in soul magic, flanked by Harry ‘please let me not be the main character’ Potter and Neville ‘the only person smart Gryffindors respect’ Longbottom/Lestrange.
Conspiracy of Errors The Potters look at the BWL insanity and choose instead to fake James and Harry’s deaths. Lily then remarries; James’ new identity, naturally. The lies end up convalescing until the twins think Lily’s a death eater.
A week in a day Theo and Harry get stuck in a time loop, with no explanation as to why they are the ones included.
Keep Me In Balance Chaos Avatar Zuko feat. Azula being obsessed with her big brother
Ghost King, Demon Prince/Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead DPDC au where Damian helps Danny fake his death
Not Every Open Wound Is Simply Healed By Time / The Hands Of Fate/Slipped to Place Me Wrong Obscurial wbwl au. Will is having a bad time. Harry is having a worse time. Leo is doing his best. Florine is just bloodthirsty.
Garden snakes BWL Neville, feat. Harry and Nev bonding over both herbology and parseltongue
Win Come Late The last Gryffindor Triwizard Champion returns as a ghost to help guide Harry through it. Myrtle joins in because *how dare you* have a ghost friend without her.
The Myrtle Tree Moaning Myrtle from the point of her death to when she makes peace with it, 50-70 years later.
The Tomyrtle fic Tom Riddle doesn’t kill Myrtle Warren - he tries to recruit her, to show off the basilisk, only to be met with a near-obscurial, suicidal third year. He decides to personally ensure she lives long enough to be happy again.
Charlie’s Demons Parselmouth Charlie au feat. Percy taking over the ministry, Voldemort being a creep, Harry having a parselmouth mentor, and the Weasley kids all pretending they’re Not Dark while mistakenly believing they are The Only One
There is Magic In every Living Thing Slytherin Harry shenanigans
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