#past heartbreak
Mighty Solars in Taken Away From Me Ch. 4
Warning: This episode has huge amount of heartbreak and loss. Be warned. This is about to get really emotional.
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Back on Emeralddon, Terry was resting since he depowered from his super suit after escaping from the guards. Terry then made a fire to keep him warm as he looks at Cheery slowly recovering. She began to open her eyes but she was still feeling nauseous ever since she was kidnapped by the Emeralnites. Cheery barf a little, which made Terry a little bit disgusted, but then as he looks at her scars, Terry began to feel sorry for her. Then, his stomach started to growl. Terry then sees a market place nearby and then got an idea. Terry sees a loin clothe and turns it into a cloak as he puts it on. Then, Terry looks at Cheery one more time and sets her on a soft place where she can fully recover.
Terry: Stay low, I’ll be right back.
Cheery coughs as she sees Terry leave for the market place. She then started to rest on the spot, but suddenly. A flashback emerges. It shows her with another woman, who is two years old than her, a woman named Alexis, who is 22-years old. The two young women are shown having fun with each other weaving a basket for something. Cheery accidentally cut her finger as she gasp. Alexis then uses a washcloth to wash off the blood as Cheery blushes and smile at her. The flashback then end and the scene shifts back to the present where Cheery started weeping in her sleep as tears slowly emerge from her eyes. Why is she dreaming about that memory? Why is she is crying about Alexis? Whatever happens to Alexis? Did Cheery really like like Alexis?
Meanwhile, Terry heads to the market place where he started to grow unsettle with the setting. There, he witness the Emeralnites and their awful deeds, actions and emotions. All Terry could hear are gambling, scams, fighting, stabbing and street brawling from the Emeralnites as he started to shudder at this horrifying brutal sight. Terry then sees a soup vendor and walks over there as the soup vendor looks back at him.
Terry: Hello, excuse me! Uh, how much is this soup worth?
Soup Vendor: Oh, about….. ten coppers?
Terry: Oh sure, just let me- starting to check his pockets but then started to panic Oh shit! Uh, hey. How about a little pizzazz from your loyal costumer here? does a clicking noise with his finger
Soup Vendor: Dude, I don’t fucking know you. You either pay for this soup or get the fuck out of here.
Terry: started gooblering as he gulps Hehe, you see, I don’t have any coppers, so trying to reach for the soup pot I’m just gonna have this soup right here and- gets his hand stabbed by the vendor Aaahhh!
Soup Vendor: You ain’t going through shit asshole! You either pay or get another stabbing, bitch!
Terry began to breath in and out as he holds his bleeding right hand. He then started growling as visions of him getting kidnapped by the Emeralnites flooded his mind. Terry finally snaps and kick the knife that stabbed his hand out of the Vendor’s hand and away from him.
Terry: Oh, nobody stabs Terry Solar-Opposites! grabs the vendor and lifts him up Time to take out the fucking trash!
Terry then throws the vendor at his stand as the shoppers witness this. In fast pace, Terry grabs the soup pot, cover it up with a warm towel and runs off without anyone looking at him, as he looks back with a nervous regret on his face. Zolthar and his fellow guards arrived as they head over the now destroyed soup stand as the soup vendor gets up.
Zolthar: growling Who did this?
Weapon Deals Vendor: picking up the soup vendor with help from the meat vendor A strange hooded person came and couldn’t pay for the soup. That’s when he went crazy and attack this soup vendor here.
Guard #2: That must be one of the prisoners that have escape.
Zolthar: to himself growling in fury Mighton. to the guards Men, fan out. Search around the market for Mighton and one of our prisoners, leave no body behind!
Guards: Yes sir.
Zolthar looks at the destroyed soup stand as he throws a machete at the wanted poster that has Terry/Mighton and Cheery on it. The poster even says it has an award for $2000,0000 to whoever turns them in. Later, back in the woods, Terry heads back, only to see Cheery keeping herself warm by the fire as she started shiver and grow cold. Terry quickly heads to her while placing the soup on the fire with a soup stand to keep it warm. Cheery began to smile at Terry’s kindness as he wraps a blanket around her shoulders.
Cheery: Thank you Mr. uh….
Terry: Terry. Terry Solar-Opposites. Yeah, I know. It’s weird seeing an alien for the first time. But, hey. Earth-4 was the next choice for us since incident we vow to not talk about ever again. No no no. Trust me, my husband Korvo gets it.
Cheery: Okay, but how did you-
Terry: Get captured? Let’s just say, a task of taking out the garbage turned into a huge event for me. One minute, I was taking out the garbage for my husband since he was exhausted of fixing a technology machine, the next thing I knew, I was kidnapped by a deranged empress that leads a bunch of out of control moutherfucking asshole emerald aliens. But right now, this is not going well for me. feels a sting from his bleeding hand Ah.
Cheery: Huh? What’s wrong Mr. Opposites?
Terry: Oh uh, I got fucking stabbed by a crazy vendor while getting goddamn soup for us.
Cheery: What?! Oh my God! The fuck! Are you okay?
Terry: But hey, I’ll be okay. hisses as he feels the pain again
Cheery: Here. Let me help.
Cheery rips a part of her prisoner dress and wraps around Terry’s bleeding hand as Terry sighs heavingly.
Cheery: Better?
Terry: A little, but…. Cheery…. what are you doing on this planet anyway? How did you get yourself captured?
Cheery: freezes up a little thens gets depressed again as she looks down
Terry: Oh, I’m sorry. It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it, I understand it must be very emotional and-
Cheery: No, I-I think it’s best if I tell you. Terry looks at her with a concern look on his face as Cheery sighs Okay, two years ago, I made a a friend. Her name is Alexis.
A flashback appears with Cheery meeting Alexis with their job training classmates for the first at a picnic area at a garden. Cheery blushes as Alexis, who was waving at her. Cheery waves back at her as she blushes. Cheery sits down next to Alexis as she smiles.
Cheery: Hey, it’s very nice to meet you. My name is Cheery, what’s yours?
Alexis: Alexis. Alexis Web.
Cheery: Wow, I like that name.
The flashback scene then shifts over to the time Cheery and Alexis were helping each other with the gardening training.
Cheery: voiceover as it shows good times between Cheery and Alexis Alexis was my only friend. She didn’t mind about my autistic behavior or when when I do crazy stuff, like stacking potato chips with whip cream and chocolate sprinkles, or that time I was spray painting a mural for the garden but accidentally got pain all over us, but we laughed about it, because it was pretty funny. But most of all, I really like like her, not because she understands me. But because, she was kind and thoughtful and helps people. So, when she graduated from job training, I gave her a note to tell her how I feel about her before I left for the taxi. I was hoping she going to read it, but then…..
The flashback then shifts over to however, a gloomy morning with clouds and sounds of thunder appearing as Cheery heads over to Alexis’ house, but then opens it and sees Mr. Web with a sad look on his face as he places his hand on Cheery’s right shoulder.
Cheery: Hi, Mr. Web…. suddenly sees Alexis not around Where’s Alexis?
Mr. Web: Cheery…. I’m sorry. Alexis passed away today in an motorcycle accident. I am so sorry.
Cheery: gasp as tears burst from her eyes No…. It can’t be… I-I never got to tell her I….
Cheery begins to cry as her moms embrace their daughter as they comfort her. The next morning, Cheery was still depressed as they sunrises, so she looked at the car keys and decided to take a drive.
Cheery: voiceover The day Alexis passed away really broke me. So, I decided to take a drive to cool my mind off.
Mrs. Smithers: Morning sweetheart, where are you going?
Cheery: I’m…going for a drive…. don’t worry it won’t be long…
Ms. Smithers: Okay, sweetie. Be back in time for lunch!
Cheery then gets in her car, as she sighs sadly and drives her car around the neighborhood while the car’s radio plays “Burn” from Alexis Monroe. Suddenly, Cheery hears a tire pop as the car slows down. She stops the car and gets out of it as she checks the tires. Cheery sees a flat tire of a glittering darkish green-purple crystal spear with the symbol of the Emeralnites.
Cheery: What the fuck?
The guards tranquilize Cheery as she gasp. She grabs the dart from her neck and grows faint as she weakly sees the guards before collapsing and fall into a concussion. Cheery then gets up and gasp she finds herself in a prison dress cloth and sees Ophelia coming up to her.
Ophelia: Well done Zolthar. Grabs Cheery by the chin This young woman is the perfect specimen for our energy. Don’t let her out of your fucking sight.
Zolthar: Yes my Empress.
Cheery: voiceover That’s when I was kidnapped by these green-purple fucking monsters on a strange world for some type of bullshit diabolical plan. It was a fucking nightmare, I tried to escape, shows Cheery escaping attempts but she keeps getting shock and attack whenever she tries to escape and gets thrown back in her prison cell but they keep catching me and placing me back in the cell while attacking me. So, I gave up, I thought it was over. Until, you came along.
The scene flashes back to the present where Terry is terrified but then started to feel sympathy for Cheery as he feels bad for her losing Alexis.
Cheery: on the verge of breaking down in tears So, that’s-s- h-h-how I got h-here…. by a loss of a f-f-f-friend….. th-that I-I-I really l-l-like……
Terry: Aw Cheery, I am so sorry.
Cheery: sniffles as tears fall down Don’t be. I-I….. breaks down in tears I just feel so awful, I made a dumb move that got me captured and turned into a prisoner by a fucking madhouse planet away from my home. I feel so awful, I miss everyone I know and love. I even miss my moms, my neighbors, my home, everything. God, I miss them so fucking much. It just fucking hurts so much losing Alexis, because I-I never got to kiss her and tell her that I love her. cries in her right arm
Terry: walks up to Cheery as he bends down and pats her on the back I’m sorry about your friend. I know how much you really liked her. That she was your lifemate.
Cheery: sniffles What?
Terry: But hey, it’s okay. I dealt with that same thing once, and I got better because I met Korvo and fell in love with him. He changed my life for the better and became one of the best people that I have ever known. Right now, I have the best life on the whole world, because of my sweet hubby, our Replicants, our Pupa, our nanny and some of our human friends. I know it’s hard losing someone you loved, but you still have your moms, your house, your job training coworkers and your neighbors, because they care about you. Sometimes, one person you love leaves, but there are still people who love you who will always be there for you. No matter what. Cheery, you are never alone. You still have the best people in your lives, and they are never going away. Some of the might, but most of them are not going anywhere. They’re still staying, with you.
Cheery hugs Terry and continues to cry as Terry comforts her.
Cheery: Thank you Terry.
Terry: Anytime kiddo. But don’t worry. We’re gonna find a way to stop that empress and get us home back our families. I promise Cheery.
Cheery: Thank you. That really means a lot.
Terry and Cheery then smile as they watch the sunset. But, Terry/Mighton is still hopeful, because he is gonna find a way of these savage planet, defeat that godawful empress and back to his family. He just knows it.
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madamemiz · 1 year
sad: falling out of a hyperfixation
tragic: watching your beloved friends and mutuals fall out of the hyperfixation while you're still in it
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Normal Friend Behaviour.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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snailfen · 1 year
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gourmand learns about iterator anatomy and is utterly heartbroken by their discoveries
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mothiea · 10 months
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through-a-blackhole · 5 months
I think the most heartbreaking part of this is because in the first picture, that’s Future Natsu doing the forehead touch with Future Lucy, and he promises her that they’ll be okay.
But in the second picture, that’s Present Natsu doing the forehead touch with Future Lucy. Present Natsu who had no idea that Future Natsu did that with Future Lucy. He did that gesture out of his own love and gratitude to Future Lucy for going back in time to protect their future.
And the reason Future Lucy is crying in the second picture is because she remembers how her Natsu from the Future did the exact same thing. And her Natsu is dead. And this one, still alive, made her remember how her Natsu did this gesture and she lost him after.
In this one shot alone, you can see the love, sadness, gratitude, and fear that Future Lucy and Present Natsu is experience.
And I just love them so much more for it.
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chocmoon-latte · 1 year
There's this added layer of sadness to the Sole Survivor that I've never seen anyone talk about, and that's the fact you as the protagonist haven't just been stripped of your identity not just in a metaphorical sense, but a very literal one as well. Despite being frozen for 210 years, the world before would still be fresh in your mind.
Imagine walking down into The Third Rail for the first time to hear the angelic singing of Magnolia echoing throughout the establishment, and as you turn the corner to see her performing in the spotlight, your expression immediately changes as you realize... that's your dress she's wearing.
You're in Diamond City and head over to the office to talk to Mayor McDonough about asking permission to check out Kellogg's house, and when you're talking to Geneva at the front desk you notice she's wearing your mother's necklace. Or worse, you bump into Ann Codman and she's the one wearing it, and you barely get a chance to get a second glimpse at it before she huffily walks away.
You see old memories of yours for sale that you can't buy back because you don't have the money, finding belongings of yours in the most unlikely of places. Things of yours owned by people who can't be convinced that those items are still yours to you, because they can't believe you're really from all those years ago so they mock you instead.
Seeing old photos of you happy from your life before, being placed among photos of other people in buildings being used as some kind of decoration. A bitter realization and a constant reminder that you, the things you use to associate with and the people you use to associate with really are just relics of the past.
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Solas: Dragon age
Mixed media on paper
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charlespecco · 6 months
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liverpoolfc: El Niño spends the day with the team ❤️
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canisalbus · 9 months
They’d find eachother in any universe
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luckcycler · 1 year
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We are social creatures
Therefore community is important for one’s survival, isn’t that so?
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ae-cha08 · 3 months
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cap10wilson · 2 months
just rewatched tfatws and.. damn this show is really slept on i feel like. i mean they did a pretty good job of making critiques of the us military, the government’s use of the term ‘terrorist’, the fact that a black man being captain america holds a lot more weight than a white man doing so (but also constantly proving that sam is absolutely worthy of holding the title), and it gives both sam and bucky plenty of screen time both together and separately. also karli was a really convincing antagonist because the only times i found myself disagreeing with her was when she chose to sacrifice lives for her cause, but the cause itself was understandable. like idk i think they cooked up a very solid show but it really didn’t get the recognition it deserved, probably because people were expecting a buddy cop comedy or something
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ectocosme · 3 months
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"He's been standing there for 10 minutes."
art for the modern AU fanfic "Show Me How to Get Off the Ground" by @room-surprise
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neverbesokind · 4 months
Oh my god it's The Alchemy day I have SO many thoughts about this song so I'm gonna try and condense them.
First of all, the song starts and ends with "This happens once every few lifetimes," which is a statement filled to the BRIM with irony, in my view. The entire album up to this point has been concerned with two romances, both of which Taylor states she felt were destined and fated and "storybook" in their own ways. The entirety of TTPD is exploring how these fated, destined, storybook romances could actually crumble, and with it, her faith and belief in the existence of fate and destiny and storybook love.
But THEN... almost at the end of the standard run of the album, Taylor states that she's getting back from recovering from this tragedy - "I'm back / The hospital was a drag / Worst sleep that I ever had". She gets back from the messy process of healing from the events described on the album, and despite everything finds herself falling in love again.
This is why the title is significant, too. Alchemy is the pseudoscience of making a material into something more valuable. And this reflects the emotional process of Taylor falling in love again - she felt like the past two tragedies took the shine off of everything, killed her belief that love could ever work. But then, despite everything, she falls in love again and the normal, even tragic world she lived in before is transformed into something golden.
And then the first line repeats again, to reflect the cyclical nature of what she has experienced. Obviously, "this" doesn't happen once every few lifetimes, it's happened twice before on the album and is happening again in this song. She's falling in love, she's finding something beautiful and fated, and she can't help but find it gorgeous and meaningful, even if she's been shown again and again that she might be proven wrong in the end. And it feels so special that even if it's obvious that it isn't a once-in-a-lifetime experience, it feels that rare and that precious.
In this song, love is the alchemy, the process of turning normalcy into meaning and beauty, and she can't help it.
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ray935sworld · 1 month
I was doing research for a fic... and I - I did not expect to see Dani next to the Pope... But- he is small wtf like I knew obviously but somehow it keeps getting worst with every full body picture
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"Ahead of the San Marino GP 2018 Marc Marquez, Dani Pedrosa, Andrea Iannone, Danilo Petrucci, Jack Miller and SIC58 Squadra Corse’s Paolo Simoncelli were invited to the Vatican"
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