#past snily
jegulusofwesper · 3 months
Regulus’ mother approaches him. She ensures that she towers over his shaking form. “Tell anyone else about this little dream of yours and I swear to you that I will have you looked up in a straight jacket before you can take your next breath. Understand?”
Regulus slides his eyes from his mother to Crey, who doesn’t meet his eyes.
“Do. You. Understand. Me. Regulus?” She pushes, emphasising each word as well as speaking with more venom for each word.
“Yes, mother.” Regulus practically whispers.
“Good.” She sneers.
Walburga walks towards Regulus’ doorway, Crey and Severus following after her. She pulls out the key to Regulus’ door that he normally keeps on the table in front of the fire. Regulus’ eyes widen as he realises what she is going to do and a small ‘no’ slips from between his lips as he begs her with his eyes. Instead of replying with her words, she shuts the door and locks it with a deafening click that echoes through Regulus’ bedroom. The last thing Regulus sees is Severus giving him a sadistic wave and a fake smile before he’s staring at the back of his locked door.
first 14 chapters of Finest Wines and Butterflies, a jegulus corpse bride fic, is posted!!!
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souryam · 3 months
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im scared to see this movie bc i think it will fundamentally change me and break my heart completely but from the edits and the trailer they're a little snily coded so
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
I’m doing a social experiment and your answer would be much appreciated (any hate will be deleted as I am not trying to trigger anyone I am simply curious)
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trashmouththeorist · 8 months
severus snape fic recs
my personal favs
Young Snape:
a life of smoke and silvered glass: Slight AU in which Severus apologizes, tries harder, and stays friends with Lily. Severus doesn't become a Death Eater because he believes in it, Jily get married. Sweet, slightly sad ending. (So cute).
Falling Apart: Time travel fic, no pairings, Severus goes back to when James levicorpused him. (I loved this, I loved how Mary was included and Avery had a redemption arc. Severus never calls Lily mudblood.)
in glory and in ruin: Mulciber/Snape but it's not a main part of it. Basically, a Triwizard Tournament in between the school houses, and Severus gets chosen even though he's only 16. The Marauders and Lily aren't really in it, focuses on Snape's Gang, Charity and Aurora. WIP, and I LOVE it!
The Gryffindor Sort: WIP. Long. In which Severus is a Gryffindor, Lupin is hiding something, Potter and Black are the worst, and there's a Wizarding War about to erupt.
Severus and the Marauders: Long. What if instead of being insulted and excluded from the group, Severus was embraced instead. After all, it was the actions of the group that shaped history from the sidelines. So what if they shaped history a little differently?
That Awful Snape Boy: It had all happened on Wednesday 3rd of September 1973; Minerva committed the date to memory. She would always be amazed that this discussion could happen in the first place. If the boy hadn’t been unconscious, would they even have learnt anything before it was too late?
The Unwanted Boy From Spinner's End: Severus Snape’s existence is a mistake. His mother hints at it often enough with her regretful, drawn-out sighs, while his father prefers to get the message across with a good strapping and a lecture on his worthlessness. Needless to say, the twelve-year-old is not particularly inclined to trust adults, no matter how concerned or caring they claim to be. His life changes abruptly, however, one late evening in September when an illicit brewing session results in a forced trip to the Hogwarts infirmary. Not only is the truth about Severus' home life discovered, but an investigation reveals that shortly prior to his mother’s unexpected death, a single piece of parchment was deposited into her Gringotts vault—a Last Will and Testament in which Eileen Snape née Prince grants guardianship of her son to none other than Albus Dumbledore himself.
To Recollect the Future: Hindsight is 20/20, but when Harry's last steps into the forest set him back further than he'd ever thought, he never realised how grateful he'd be to have Snape there to help too.
Severus' choice: How one choice changed history's course, or the life of Severus Snape from Hogwarts to adulthood if characters were less caricatural, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters were more than bogeymen. This is an AU, events before and after may differ from the books.
the lost generation: The Marauders era at Hogwarts, Voldemort's rise to power and the subsequent war, family loyalties and dishonour, and the struggles of friendship in a difficult time.
Come Once Again and Love Me: My favourite Snily fic ever. Snape and Lily time travel back from their individual deaths to when they were still at Hogwarts. Realistic-Lily misses James and Harry and their falling in love is slow burn too. Made me want to cry. I almost liked James!
The Fields of Summer: Short and sad. His past was bleeding into the present, just as his future was bleeding out of the gaping wound in his neck. And since memories were useless to a dead man, Snape plucked them out of his mind and gave them to The Boy Who Lived. He didn’t realize that in so doing, he’d forget her.
seventeen moons: After the werewolf prank. Severus was bitten and Lily figures it out. I hated Sirius so much and he was barely in it but he wasn't villainised-it's just the consequences of his own actions.. Loved the Snily! Short.
Surprising Lessons: Tensions run high between the students of Hogwarts in the time when Severus Snape, Lily Evans, and the Marauders are teenagers. New spells are invented, insults are traded, new bonds form, and unexpected support blooms. Short and sweet.
Vox Severus: SO cute. When Severus Snape's voice changes in fourth year, everyone notices.
Ambiguous: Order member Lily did not have a baby. Death Eater Severus did not hear a prophecy. Consequently, the Dark Lord did not fall. ...but what happens when a long forgotten prophecy suddenly shakes, and flashes through the colours of the spectrum..?
Switching Wands: Severus and Lily acted as best friends should and talked about the Whomping Willow incident. Lily is less than impressed with Potter’s behaviour from that point onward.
Her Slytherin, His Gryffindor: Lily has had enough of James' bullying ways, so she decides to finally take advantage of her Prefect status. Or, in another universe, Lily helps Severus, and they become even closer.
Sweet Root: Lily decides to get Severus drunk one summer night. Angst thereby incurred happily resolves itself into, uh, happiness.
You Don't Bug Me: “Is there any reason you’re half naked in my room?”
Two Sides: A time travel fic where Severus and Sirius find themselves back on the evening before they graduated Hogwarts. With no idea how and why that happened, they set out to get back to their respective timelines. After all, Sirius has to save Harry at the Minstry of Magic, and Severus needs to tell Potter about the final Horcrux. Right? Too bad that they find themselves back on that evening over and over again. (Personal thoughts: I loved this one, very in character and I loved how they 'fixed' their regrets of the past).
Broken Me Found Broken You: It’s determined that Severus Snape and Sirius Black are immune to punishment after years of near-fatal pranks, bullying, and homemade curses. The only person who thinks them capable of ending the feud and finishing their education is Professor McGonagall. For the summer of ‘77, she gives them a pair of charmed hand mirrors and an ultimatum: communicate. That’s it, a mere ten minutes every Saturday. Back at Hogwarts, when their animosity proves insurmountable, Sirius and Severus are relegated to a small, Eighth Year dormitory. The tight quarters—wandless—are intended to force them to make a peaceful reconciliation, but peace is impossible with a bloody war ramping up inside and outside the castle.
Sorry: Sirius Black decides to make amends for the horrid way he treated Snape when they were teenages. Snape is less than amenable to the idea. (Written around the time of book three/four). Basically, Sirius apologises a lot. And then some fucking.
The Sin in Your Grin (And the Shape of Your Mouth): The Order needed Sirius, but he doubted they'd mourn him very long when he finally disappeared. The first Wizarding war, Snape and Sirius are fucking. Sirius thinks Remus is the spy, Severus tells him otherwise. Canon-compliant: James and Lily die, Peter is the spy. The last line. Shaking.
Dead Reckoning: Severus Snape delivers a potion to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, holding a twenty-year-old grudge in his heart. He has yearned for revenge for so long—and he will have it. Along with something else he did not ask for.
Beyond The Veil: In one world, Sirius Black ignored Severus Snape's warning and went to the Department of Mysteries to save his godson's life. He died and went beyond the veil. In another world, Sirius Black stayed back. This made all the difference. An AU where Sirius Black survived and now knew Severus Snape's deepest secret.
Rings And Ringing Bells: A bastardisation of a traditional love story. Two men both broken by the world are at wit’s end trying not to kill each other. There’s Severus, a bitter insult who does not take fools lightly, and Sirius, a drunkard who has a habit of pressing his buttons. It involves a curse which forces them to get married, an immaculate conception, and the blurring of the line between hate and love. They fear that they have no control over their lives and are doomed to make the mistakes their parents had done before them. They’re not good for each other, but the fiasco that is their romance may be enough to teach them how to hate each other and themselves a little less.
Always (Come For Me): Snape might have been lying when he said Sirius Black wasn't punished for the prank he had pulled on him. It all started with Sirius having to live with the Snapes for the remainder of his summer...
An Interlude: Set during Order of the Phoenix. Snape comes across Black looking through some of his old school things. Memories are stirred up, grudges are held, old conflicts refuse to be resolved, and new ground might be (dis)covered. A series of conversations in the year before a death.
bite your tongue, go to the funeral: A funeral, a departure, a chance encounter, a war, a funeral (again), a snide remark, and a revival.
Two Boys Kissing: Sirius goes to a gay bar and meets the last person he expects. Under cloudy skies, two boys kiss and that one moment comes to define generations of want, need and hope.
An Occlument Heart: Snape knows that, usually, keeping a secret is the bravest thing you can do. But sometimes the bravest thing is to tell one. Complete. Canon (more or less) up to the start of Book 5, when this story begins.
Found in the Moments Between the Search: When Sirius returns from beyond the Veil with knowledge of Voldemort's Horcruxes, he takes on the task of finding and destroying them. Somewhere along the way he finds an unexpected ally and perhaps something more. (AU from the end of OotP, takes place during HBP period)
Walking the Monochrome: That’s what being a dog is like – it's like you’re walking the very edge of the world, where almost all colour has run out, and you know that should you miss a step, you’ll fall off that edge... Then again, you already know all about it. The edge and the falling.” AU of the first war.
Second Life: What happens when two men are given a second chance.
The Welcoming Feast: Severus opened his eyes and he was suddenly inside Grimmauld Place. His hand flew to his neck. He remembered Nagini biting him, Potter coming to him and then he closed his eyes, expecting death, but instead he was back here.
The Devil-and-All to Pay: Albus Dumbledore is mad. Severus is sure of it, when the old man sends him to persuade Sirius Black to come back to England and let the Order use his family home as headquarters. The problem, as always, is that Severus cannot say no.
Black Out: Snape and Black try something they have never done before. Talking.
eighty-twenty: In seventh year James left Severus for Lily. Best choice he could have ever made. It never would have worked out. Besides, he and Lily are married now, she's pregnant with his soon to be child and Severus...Severus is with Sirius.
First and Last and Always: Severus had his wand. He swallowed hard. His wand. Magic. His only defense, because Black outweighed him by at least three stone. But magic was more than enough. Severus had never needed physical prowess. His magical strength, and the keenness of his mind, gave him the advantage. Except when it didn’t.
Visions of Doom: Severus gets injured in the shrieking shack (his fifth year). While unconscious he witnesses some scenes from his future and realizes becoming a death eater wouldn’t bring him power and glory but pain and servitude. He spends the rest of his schooling trying to shape a different future for himself.
Anything by FabulaRasa on AO3.
Fuel the Pyre of Your Enemies: A paired class assignment for Astronomy incites a mutually beneficial agreement between Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. An exploration of sexuality and friendships. (One of my favourite Snupin fics, really realistic. Also no evil!peter).
where the wolfsbane blooms: Remus and Severus friendship, and then more. 7000 words-short but sweet. Severus tries to cure the lycanthropy. James is constantly befuddled.
Have Your Cake and Eat It: Remus POV. Long. Incredible. Changed my world view. I cried with Remus at the end. Still kind of happy! Time travel fic. Remus lives. Realistic for the characters and especially for the seventies (although lowkey Remus is too woke for the nineties why does he know the word heteronormative). I loved Sirius in this one. Lying in hospital after the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus Lupin has a lovely lucid dream that he's gone back to his school days at Hogwarts. Only the day passes, then another, and another, and soon he must face the terrifying possibility that it isn't a dream — that he has irreparably altered the events of the past. Cunegonde is SO good!
DELOCAPONUM: 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟏. A new acquaintance to the territory of teaching, an old friend to grief and misfortune, and entirely off on the wrong foot, twenty-one-year-old Professor Severus Snape reverts to an old charm of his — a charm for things that are lost — in attempt to find the one book in which he wrote it. But when the spell starts working against him and mysterious things start happening to his own students, it seems he has no choice but to form an alliance with an old schoolyard enemy in order to find a culprit, a book, and his own identity. And one thing is for certain: the irritating charm of Remus Lupin is nearly impossible to refuse.
Creature Comforts: A classic! Remus and Severus are paired to work together in Care of Magical Creatures in 6th year. Neither one is too happy with the arrangement at first.
That Awful Boy: CLASSIC! Severitus. Petunia lets slip a twenty-year-old secret, and Harry is sent to Spinner's End to study Occlumency early. Severus Snape can see no way in which this could end in catastrophe.
Not Really Here: After the werewolf prank, Severus disappears. He’s still at Hogwarts—at least, he thinks he is—and he’s probably still alive, but no one can see or hear him. Except for Lupin. Remus, meanwhile, is avoiding the other Marauders—as well as everyone else—and Snape becomes the sole exception to his self-appointed isolation. As they work together to look for answers about Severus’ condition, the unlikely pair drift toward friendship. But building a relationship of any kind presents a challenge when neither of them is sure Severus exists at all. I've only read this once but I love it. No Marauders bashing, but no pretending they're saints either. And they have a pretty big part but obvs Snupin is at the forefront.
The Heir to the House of Prince: Harry is the main character and the main ship is Harry and Theo. While Snupin is secondary it's pretty central. Summer of 4th year and Harry's all alone, dealing with his grief and the sudden revelation that James Potter is not his father. Support comes in a strange form. The form of Theo Nott, son of a death Eater. A strange friend who says he'll help him find his true father, whoever this Lord Prince might be. Technically Snily ig? But not really.
Sight Unseen: After losing his sight during the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus struggles to adjust to his new circumstances; when depression threatens to overwhelm him, he receives unexpected assistance from an unknown source.
The Other Side of The Mirror: In sixth year, Remus Lupin nearly killed Severus Snape in wolf form. Miraculously, Severus escaped unharmed. But what if he hadn't?
The Meaning of Mistletoe: What was going on was that Severus Snape had no trouble tracking down one Petunia Evans, now Dursley, to a little town in Surrey where he saw how exactly she was treating her nephew. Which somehow led to last night and Severus knocking on Lupin’s door with a toddler half-asleep in his arms.
Spymaster: Former spymaster and one time headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Severus Snape left the house just once a week on a Tuesday. Wherein Snape wears tracksuit pants and smokes too many cigarettes and Lupin is into it.
Well They're No Friends Of Mine: Whenever his friends pull a prank on Snape, Remus always looks the other way. But what if there's another option?
The Other Side of the Mirror: I haven't read this, but it's a 'what if Remus bit Snape.' 60000 words.
Artemisa Absinthium: The Rat and the Snake: AU set during the First Wizarding War. Severus has defected from the Dark Lord, and become a double agent for Dumbledore. When he learns of an informant it sends the Order into disaray. Can he uncover the identity of the traitor before his own true loyalty is revealed? What price is he willing to pay for his redemption? And can a man like Severus Snape ever be worthy of love?
Capnolagnia: Three times Remus caught Severus Snape smoking.
About Wolves and Snakes: Unfinished. Remus Lupin woke up being fifteen years old again, having no idea how or why. Upon learning that he could not return, he decided that he would try to change the way things happened.
One Thousand Galleons: It's been six years since Remus Lupin, age 25, left England after the death of his father and the slow dissolving of his friendship with the Marauders. A letter from James finds him in Canada at an opportune time, asking him to come home to meet his soon-to-be-born son. Remus never expected that his time away would give him the perfect resume for teaching at Hogwarts, nor did he expect that his return would spark both conflict and resolution. If only he could get the Potion's Professor to understand how sorry he is for the way things turned out. “What is the price for your forgiveness?” --- “One Thousand Galleons.”
Living Legend: Marauders-era fic, Snape decides he needs some "hands-on" experience and chooses Remus as his very special study partner. But there's more to these extracurricular activities than meets the eye.
Lily's Boy: With help from unexpected places, Harry starts on a journey to end the war, and reshape the wizarding world. With how much he looks like James Potter, people have forgotten one important thing about him - he is Lily Evans' son, and she was one hell of a witch. Side Snupin.
It's Not Over Til It's Done: Unfinished. Severus did not expect to survive the Second Wizarding War, but survive he did. Remus didn't either, yet due to unforeseen circumstances, Remus finds himself taking care of Severus in the wake of surviving Nagini's venom.
Ten Aprils: Severus must find a way for Harry to defeat Voldemort. Remus must find a way for Severus to free himself from the past. The Dark Lord is about to attack Hogwarts, and Harry needs to get over his rage, hate and despair in order to learn to summon the phoenix needed to defeat Voldemort. Snape must find the answers, then teach Harry how. In the next thirty minutes. Like it would ever happen.
A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love: A story in which Severus Snape is unable to sleep; a certain werewolf is impersonating Celestina Warbek and cauldrons are used as prevention, sort of.
the week that changed it all: It’s Christmas break in Remus’ 6th year of Hogwarts. Sadly, his parents aren’t home so he has to stay over at Lily’s house for the week. He makes a discovery he didn’t know was possible. The first one was that apparently, Severus lived not far away, the second one was that he started to like the boy.
A Prince By Early Frost: While preparing his chamber for the Philosopher’s Stone, Severus encounters the dark fae borne by a black glass mirror, buried deep beneath the castle. He is chosen, but unsure by what, until over a year later, when a figure from his dreams takes the Defense position, asking for a favor.
Chocolate Cake and Other Intimacies: Remus Lupin is spending his birthday alone in the hospital wing. Severus brings him his homework to cheer him up.
That Awful Snape Boy: It had all happened on Wednesday 3rd of September 1973; Minerva committed the date to memory. She would always be amazed that this discussion could happen in the first place. If the boy hadn’t been unconscious, would they even have learnt anything before it was too late? Guardian fic but Snape is the ward in this one. AU set in the Marauders Era. Rated T to be safe.
Basically anything by McKay on AO3.
Knowledge of the Gods: Severus was either in a coma and dying, already dead and trapped in some purgatory, completely and utterly insane, or living in the body of his past self. And, perhaps most suspiciously, why did James Potter keep looking at him like that?!
A Touch, A Kiss, A Whisper of Love: After Severus Snape and James Potter find themselves stuck in an awkward detention together, an unlikely friendship forms. As their newfound friendship develops, James discovers something new about himself while Severus tries to fight his growing attraction to the Gryffindor boy.
Cake, Please!: Slight SA gives me the ick, but vaguely fun to read. A story of blackmail, the wonderful world of sexuality, and lots of cake.
Revenge is Sweet: A teenage Snape plots his revenge on James Potter for making his life hell, but little does he know that James has plans of his own that will send both their lives spiraling irrevocably out of control.
Ninety-Three: James promises Severus that if Severus has sex with him 93 times, he will break up with Lilly and advocate that she date Severus.
Absolution: What is it that draws James to Severus? A disease? A curse? A secret wish... a need? Try as he might to ignore the Slytherin, in the end, to Severus is where James always finds himself. **SLOW BUILD** Rated M for... certain kinds of scenes later on.
The Dreamer in the Well: James got the girl....finally. She even stopped being friends with Severus, whom he absolutely hated. But one day, his curiosity changes everything.
Love Is Strange: At the start of his sixth year, James Potter decides to finally stop ruining Severus' life. His friends agree to stop the bullying but what they do not know is the reason why James decided to put an end to it. They think he just matured or grew tired of it but the truth is a little more complicated than that.
A Fickle Thing: James Potter's marriage is failing- What a perfect time to disguise himself as a muggle, follow Severus Snape to what is either a makeshift dance club or a party for gay muggles, and then do a series of things he really should not do.
Rise: Severus Snape was tired of his fate, to be a lowly snake. Luckily, fate was kind to him this time and the arrival of a tournament had come. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, a moment of weakness and strength that led Severus to put his name in the Goblet of Fire. But he was chosen now, and he had no choice but to play in the game, maybe he will live or die, but either way he wasn't going to become what everyone said he would be.
Apocrypha: Two can keep a secret, if one of the two is dead.
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown): Long, loved it, well written. James Potter starts his seventh year with a secret. He has amazing friends, Sirius is always right by his side, Lily is finally starting to warm up to him. His life is an endless cycle of partying and drinking. So what if the Wizarding World is on the precipice of war? So what if Severus Snape has disappeared from Hogwarts? That's not James's problem. Life is beautiful, and even if it's all an illusion he wants to hold on to that dream for just a little bit longer.
Colours of Redemption: Severus Snape was meant to die. Instead he was placed into hell. Trapped in timeloops, Severus tries to make sense of the future knowledge he suddenly had. If he made one bad move, everything is reset for him to try again. Being placed into a new house and everyone being nice to him, Severus is doing his best but it is hard. Especially when James Potter is noticing him in a different way.
Goeey Melting Hearts: In their 5th year James, Sirius and Remus over hear a conversation that makes them reconsider their opinions of the ‘future Death Eaters’. The Marauders stop bullying, but guilt eats at James until he decides to apologize. That summer James tracks down Severus, but sees something that crushes him.
Burning Doves: The first Snape/Regulus I ever read. Regulus needs help with potions and Snape tutors him. Not much Marauders, they're just offscreen assholes. Narcissa and Severus friendship which I always enjoy. It's done, but I haven't finished it yet. Whoops.
Severus and Snape: Severus Snape finds Lily dead in Godric's Hollow, her son's screams echoing in his ears, and decides to end his life with hers. Fate has other ideas. Next thing he knows, he's facing an 11-year-old Lily Evans, on their way to their first year at Hogwarts.
Snape & or / Narcissa:
Seven Days: Severus knows a lot can happen in seven days. Slash.
Living A Lie:  All of her life, Narcissa Black has had to live as the perfect lady, and witch; to never reveal one's inner heart, nor ever go against the wishes of one's family. After being forced into an engagement she does not want during her sixth year at Hogwarts, Narcissa has kept the desires of her heart on ice; particularly, for a wizard her family would never in a million years have approved of: Severus Snape. Even after the birth of her son Draco, she has harbored these desires deep in her heart for the enigmatic Potions Master. But when she comes to Spinners End to ask Severus to watch over Draco at the start of the school term of 1997, she finds that she cannot keep her heart on ice for the wizard of her dreams any longer...
What Lies Beneath: "Please, Professor, I saw him-I saw Snape," Harry said, struggling to breathe, "he's hurt...we've got to find him-we've got to find him right now or he's going to die!" Severus Snape's redemption story told in the span of three books from multiple perspectives.
Redemption: Severus died that night at the hands of the Dark Lord, the man he "worked" for and was "loyal", at least that's what the Lord believed him to be, an impeccable servant.  Even so, he ended up dying for his master's snake.  He knew it would happen, he was sure his time was coming, just like the manipulative old goat's plan. However, what would he do when he found out that he wasn't the only one who had the memories of his past life?  How would his life turn out?  Better or worse?
Breaking the Mould: Everyone knew Severus' future. Everyone knew he'd become a death eater, maybe get his mastery in potions and eventually die at his master's hand. But what if they didn't know Severus as well as they thought they did? Rather than conform to the role people expected him to play, Severus takes action. During 6th year he leaves Hogwarts, joining an apprenticeship overseas that guarantees not only a future but his own happiness. Meanwhile the Marauders (minus Peter) are left regretting what can never be. They each had a secret, something none of them were willing to admit. Only now it's too late. But what happens when Severus re-emerges during the war? Not a death eater, not a teacher even. But a strong, independent and most importantly a free man. How will the marauders react?
Dinner and a Show: James takes Lily out to dinner, an unhappy evening made more difficult by the arrival of Severus and Lucius Malfoy at a nearby table.
Snape & Others: 
O Mine Enemy: Severitus, long. When Harry finds an injured Snape on his doorstep and must hide him from the Dursleys, he has no idea that this very, very bad day will be the start of something good. Alternate 6th summer (and part of the school year): post-OotP; ignores HBP and DH. No slash, no romance. NOW COMPLETE!
I Know Not, and I Cannot Know; Yet I Live and I Love: Severus Snape has his emotions in check. He knows that he experiences anger and self-loathing and a bitter yearning, and that he rarely deviates from that spectrum… Until the first-year Luna Lovegood arrives to his class wearing a wreath of baby’s breath. Over the next six years, an odd friendship grows between the two, and Snape is not sure how he feels about any of it.
Second Life: What happens when two men are given a second chance. Snape & Sirius. 
Not Entirely Tedious: Young Professor Severus Snape shows up for a meeting, but the only other person there is the Deputy Headmistress. He wants to leave and return later, after the other participants will have arrived, but Professor McGonagall explains why that is impossible. Cross about having his plans for the day disrupted for a meeting that’s not taking place, Snape resents having to spend the afternoon with McGonagall. She doesn’t seem very pleased, either, but is content to relax and wait. Snape isn’t so patient, and soon manages to annoy his companion.
The Young Potions Professor: The staff avoided him like the plague, ignored him, or straight up left when he went into the staff room. And the worst thing was that they didn't even try to hide their collective disgust for him. If he got into the staff room in the morning and any of them were there, they would immediately get up and go sit on the furthest side of the room, as far from him as possible.
Slytherin Career Day: The student of Slytherin House were born with everything: wealth, prestige and pure wizarding blood. Now it's Severus Snape's job to help them find the one thing they don't have: careers.
In Another Lifetime: HP AU. In a world where Tom Riddle was slaughtered, the wizarding wars did not occur, and Albus Dumbledore promoted peace in Hogwarts, Lily Evans and Severus Snape did the impossible: they remained lifelong friends. Snape meets his potential, and has a shot at happiness along the way.
immortalists with points to prove: The Snape kid is hardly a hero. Then again, neither is Alastor.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 months
My personal headcanon is that Lily needed Severus more than he did with her, since he was the only person she could be herself with and not the Saint Lily Evans she played as with everyone else. She was dependent on him without knowing, and when she lost him (by her own decisions), she became a mess internally.
When he starts to ignore her and act like they're strangers, she joins the marauders in their antics to annoy him, because now it's only in those moments when he finally looks at her. With his eyes full of rage and so far from the devotion she was used to see and she pretends it doesn't hurt, but at least he's paying attention to her again.
It's right there when she understands why the marauders do what they do...and realizes she may have been reading the situation wrong all this time....
Aww, that’s actually such a great way to look at it. This sounds like a good backstory to a Snily (either platonic or romantic) fic where Lily lives and they reunite after Hogwarts and start reminiscing about their past. I would 100% be down to reading this if anyone’s willing to write it.
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saintsenara · 1 month
idk if someone else asked you this but: what's your fav interpretation of snily? platonic or romantic? (my fav is platonic, but tbh i love any version of them that still respecting their tragedy)
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ok lads, here we, here we, here we fucking go...
i like snily a lot - as both a platonic and a romantic pairing - because i think it has so much potential to be really interesting - and, above all, that it's interesting because it's a great relationship for an author to use to directly undercut a lot of tropes about love [romantic or otherwise] which both the canon series and vast amounts of fanfiction use uncritically.
by which i mean, it's not a big, epic, written-in-the-stars love story. it's not inevitable - it's not ginny "never giving up" on harry - and it's not romcom-happy-ending-perfect - the way james and lily's relationship is described by everyone who ever speaks about them - and it's not a perfect blending of two halves of the same soul - there's no timeline in which we could hear mcgonagall saying "you never saw one without the other", as she does about james and sirius - and it never could be.
but what it can be - much like remadora, which i think is genuinely one of snily's closest parallels - is evidence that love which is none of these things has the capacity to be just as transformative, just as meaningful, as just as worth an author's time.
and - of course - has the capacity to be possible. i'm not going to bother with the argument that snily is impossible to write in a canon-coherent way [or impossible to write without it being abusive] - and i'm especially not going to bother with the argument that it's immoral to see as a plausible pairing. thinking this is a skill issue - a refusal to grapple with several of the fundamental truths about being human: that redemption is possible; that forgiveness - even of the gravest sins - is possible too; that love is strange and unpredictable; and that there is nobody - not a single soul - on earth who is unworthy of it.
which is why - of course - my favourite flavour of snily is one in which james dies in 1981 [maybe he's the one who won't stand aside, maybe the magic which causes the killing curse to rebound doesn't need to hinge on choice, and so on] but she and harry live, and that - in order to try and ground herself in the face of her shattering grief - she returns to cokeworth, seeking a reminder of the certainty of childhood which she can cling to at a time when everything else is out of control.
that snape would be lurking about is unsurprising - the man clings to the certainties of his childhood [even if these certainties are much less happy than lily's] like a limpet. he's still living at spinner's end, seething about james and sirius - stuck in the past and unwilling to move on to the future.
and not only stuck in the past, but stuck on a fantasy.
it's clear in canon that snape and lily's major issue - prior to the break in their friendship which we see in snape's worst memory - is that neither of them ever takes the other as they actually are. the lily of snape's head is a construct - especially after her death - and the snape of lily's head is the same.
lily - even in the few pages of her we see in canon - seems to be stuck viewing snape as the child, devoted exclusively to her, whose role was to teach her about the wonderful world of magic, and who acted primarily as a tool of her own self-actualisation.
this is why she can’t understand why snape is so embarrassed by the way his poverty makes him stand out at hogwarts, and why this would make him want to fit in with the sort of purebloods she clearly thinks are awful. it's why she doesn't understand his need for reassurance when it comes to whether his [platonic] affection for her is reciprocated. it's why she doesn't take what happens to him at the marauders' hand seriously until she's made an explicit part of it by james. and it's also why she doesn't engage with snape's radicalisation until she literally can't ignore it anymore. mulciber and avery can be figures she loathes - and figures she recognises as potential death eaters - because she regards them as having the agency to be bad people if they so desire. but snape isn't someone she sees as existing for himself or having a life of his own, until his behaviour is so egregious that it forces the scales to fall from her eyes. he exists for her.
and snape is the same. he sees himself as the person who gave lily the wizarding world and, therefore, as the person who gets to dictate how she understands it.
this is why he can't understand what it is about mulciber's use of dark magic which appalls her [as a teenager, he, like voldemort, clearly thinks that applying boundaries to which sort of magic can or should be practised is nanny-state gatekeeping]. it's why he doesn't understand why it upsets her when he's rude to petunia and why he fails to grasp that she can simultaneously have a difficult relationship with her sister and love and value her. it's why he dislikes her forming her own views on the marauders, instead of agreeing with his. and it's why he thinks lily's hatred of the death eaters is stupid - he believes [undoubtedly correctly, given voldemort's relationship with him] that joining the organisation will allow him to transcend the restrictions imposed upon him by his muggle father and social class, and he is incapable of seeing how this wouldn't be the case for lily. she exists for him.
teen snily exists within this context - and i think there's something sincerely interesting which can be done with an exploration of their friendship [including that friendship turning into a romantic relationship] which takes the fact that the two people involved have to confront their mutual insistence on loving an imagined version of the other into account. maybe it crashes and burns - as it does in canon, when snape and lily see each other clearly for the first time when he calls her a mudblood - or maybe they start trying to do the work.
and adult snily exists within this context magnified to a hundred. i think there's just something so compelling about the idea of them running into each other in cokeworth. and lily being torn between seeing snape clearly - knowing exactly who he is and what he's done - and still wanting to pretend that he's the best friend of her childhood, so she can have five minutes of respite from the immensity of james' death. and snape being torn between wanting to confess his role in the prophecy debacle to her - to take responsibility and commit to atonement, safe in the knowledge that this would mean losing her forever - and still wanting to pretend that everything is as it was again, and lily will listen to him, and be what he wants [and needs] her to be.
and this gives us the potential for mess - and mess which is very sad, which is the best kind.
maybe they reestablish their friendship [or even transform it into a relationship] while clinging to that childhood fantasy, and are then forced to acknowledge who the other really is and fall apart. maybe they don't ever acknowledge this, and remain stuck in a mire of toxic codependency which hangs on never being honest with themselves and each other.
maybe snape stubbornly refuses to move on from his hatred of james [just imagine...] even once he has what he's always claimed to have wanted. maybe lily can't move past the mudblood incident. maybe the revelation of the prophecy and snape's role within it is something lily - entirely, entirely understandably - would never be able to move past.
and yet...
maybe - gradually, and with lots of setbacks - they each learn how to be satisfied with the other as a real person. maybe they learn how to listen to each other, how to talk to each other, how to value each other. maybe they let go of childish resentments - maybe lily says "yeah, james was a dick to you and i could have been more sympathetic to that" and snape says "thanks, now i can work on moving on from this so i'm not the sort of person who's still obsessed with school beef when i'm nearly forty". maybe they work through bigger, more justified resentments - maybe snape shows that he is sincerely sorry about calling lily a mudblood, and demonstrates this, and she feels able to accept his apology.
and maybe snape looks her in the eye and tells her what he did, and lily still manages to find some small glimmer of hope in the midst of her fury that she thinks is worth clinging to.
[the fact that switching sides and putting yourself into mortal danger in an attempt to destroy voldemort means that you have a pretty good claim for your wish to atone for your sins to be genuine, for instance...]
perhaps the two of them find themselves in a state of fragile cordiality - polite hellos in shops, a quick drink at christmas. perhaps they bury the hatchet but then lose touch, and forgiving snape and being forgiven by lily helps them each let the other go. perhaps they have a relationship which doesn't last, but which is no less significant to either of them for it. perhaps they share a drunken kiss and laugh about it the next day. perhaps they work out how to be friends properly - and they're yapping away over a roast dinner as we speak. and perhaps they work out how to be more than that.
stranger things have happened, and they always will. isn't it fun to come up stories which think about how?
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petrerpkr · 9 months
Still...obsessed with sev 😵‍💫 fanfic rec
No Romantic Nonsense
Carrying Atlas !!!!!!!!
A Hermitage of Two
The Challenge
Wulf The Wolf
you like making me work for it
Another Time
This is How You Fall in Love
Wearing Only a Sneer
One for Sorrow, Two for Mirth
I Am Not the Ghost You Are to Me
Time Left Today
Severus Snape and the Burden of Responsibility
Bruised Words
The Wizard's Nephew
Harry Potter and the Slytherin Ideal
Secrets and Princes
Lilies Are Red, Roses Are Blue
Christmas Past and Present, but no Future
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haileylovesskz · 4 months
trigerring marauders fans: i despise fanon marauders. this is more like my opinion on the fans rather than the fandom itself but anyways.
i. characters were ruined.
firstly, our main characters: the 4 marauders themselves. why does every single body in this fandom believe they are all gay. remus and james are canonly straight. i despise the fact that people believe regulus & james are true loves and wolfstar is basically canon when in reality the canon thing is jily and remadora. i may not like jily but at least i can accept the fact that it's canon. people go as far as saying you're homophobic when the only thing you said is "i dislike wolfstar" (based on true events). hated how the fanon marauders had zero personality and were treated like gods who only had a small flaw and that is bullying a person that had gone through enough hardship at home and the only reason it started was that snape wished to be in slytherin.
secondly, the not-much-screentime-but-still-important: lily evans. all i have to say is: she is canonly straight and died before taylor swift was even born so she would never get the chance to become a swiftie like yall's "headcanons".
thirdly, the this-was-entirely-made-up: the bunch of barty crouch jr., regulus black, evan rosier (i forgot his name but its that evan guy), pandora lovegood (she was mentioned for half a second in the books), dorcas meadowes, frank & alice longbottom, mary mcdonald. these are the people that were mentioned in the books for half a second and yall made them a whole alternative universe where evan rosier and barty crouch are dating and then theres mary/lily or dorcas/lily or mary/dorcas and all that. sometimes i appreciate yall's creativity.
ii. the fans
here is a list that will automatically get you hatred from 99.9% of the fandom:
being against wolfstar
being against jegulus
being against mary/lily or dorcas/lily or mary/dorcas (idk their ship names)
shipping remadora because rEmUs LoVeS sIrIuS!!!
saying characters such as lily, james, remus were canonly straight.
disliking the swiftie lily headcanon
shipping snily
being a snape fan
i can go on for three years but this is getting long so lets just go to my next point.
iii. the bullying of snape
stfu and stop excusing every single action james & sirius did to snape because "tHeY wErE kIdS!!" did you know snape was also their age? sure they grew up to be more mature but that surely does not mean their past actions should go down the drain and disappear like it was never there. james and sirius literally hung him upside down, was partially the reason why snape lost his only friend, hung snape upside down for their own entertainment, making snape face even more hardships at hogwarts when he was looking forward to escape his abusive household (just because he wanted to be in slytherin).
that is all for today, now thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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speeedyquick1245 · 1 year
Sometimes I’ll see a marauders take so terrible I wonder how anyone who likes the harry potter series or the marauders characters could take it seriously. But then I’ll see something like Reguluslover7896 as their username and then it all makes sense. Some Regulus fans will seriously hate on ever other character to make their favorite who joined a racist group look better. Like the mental gymnastics I’ve seen. A few clown takes I’ve see over the past year are like: 
* “Albus Potter should have been named after Regulus instead of Snape!” Bruh...... I don’t even know how delusional you have to be to actually believe this
* “James and Regulus raising Harry uwu while Lily gets killed off in a brutal manner like drowning to death.” Tell me that you are misogynistic without telling me. Also stop fucking demonizing female characters because they “get in the way” of your mlm ship. I imagine that the fandom would riot if lily was in a different ship and James was demonized for it, like snily or something. 
* “Regulus was only 17!!!!!!!!!! He’s still a kid so him being a FAN of the hate group that’s clearly an allegory for real life supremacist groups is not on him. His parents were probably threatening him to doing it.” That's all conjecture and the last part is headcanon. Also I don’t care about the whole he’s just a kid thing. He was not fucking 5, he was 17-18. I’m around that age and you should have morals at that point. I also don’t buy it cause that’s not how the world works! I had a class full of teenage boys who were fans of Andrew Tate and said bigoted shit  like “Women are inherently more incapable of leadership cause they’re too emotional” or “Queer people are gr**mers.” They knew what they were saying and I don’t care if they’re still young and learning. They still hurt and made people in my class feel unsafe. They’re still responsible for saying harmful stuff. 
Anyways I’m just venting. 
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puppypawprintce · 4 months
1740 words - gen
snily friendship, nightmares, severus loving potions class, angst
cw: self loathing
ao3 link if you'd prefer ♡
One, two, three, four - four ounces of Moondew, the herbal green fluid joining its brethren of finely pulverized Unicorn Horn, Syrup of Hellebore, and Stewed Mandrake. The greenish blue substance simmers in the cauldron. Severus couldn't be more focused if he tried, his careful hand stirs its contents while slowly adding in 12 ounces of Honeywater. It beginning to shift to a much warmer shade of amber. The sweat beads by his brow and the steam emanating makes his skin feel false, like wax paper, disgusting.
There are an abysmal amount of ways to screw up an elixir, and he'll be damned if any of the infinite creep up on him today.
When he woke up this morning he'd been excited-an immensely rare sight for the student-to work on his potion of anti-paralysis. Something about it all intrigued him, and he knew he'd wanna pocket some bottles for safe keeping.
Professor Slughorn had begun giving him heads up on what his class had in store, often lending extra books and indulging in the boy's curiosity.
"You could be a great Potions master one day you know." And Severus had known, being one of the only people to carry around tiny bottles of his own creation was somewhat of an ego booster. All the more fun in Herbology and all the more easy to take care of himself.
Maybe just 4 this time.
Other students in the room seem bored, not meeting much a reason to be brewing such a potion in the first place. It must be nice to walk in for the grade alone; Severus finishes pouring his honey-like antidote and runs his fingers through his hair. Everything always feels so sticky around cauldrons, his wrists hurt.
"Okay everyone, clean up for today." Slughorn's voice flits past Severus' ears, crackly and friendly as ever. "Keep this recipe in your repertoire.. Never know when Petrificus Totalus may sneak up on you."
What an understatement. Severus wouldn't be leaving Slytherin Dungeon on Sunday unless absolutely necessary, He wrings his hands and envisions a peaceful evening ahead of him, Saturdays bringing a sense of calm. It's just a trek back to his room and he can finally fall to his pillow and take a nap.
"Hey Sev." Lily's velvet voice acts as an invisible wall he walks into. Her eyes meet his as he takes a second to really catch up in his mind, and Lily's hands fall on his shoulders like knocking over old books. She just barely exceeds him in height, her freckles highlighted by the scattered warmth in her cheeks. "You look exhausted! Did you sleep at all?"
"I slept." He answers, voice croaking like he hadn't been awake the past hour. "Not enough though. I've been planning a long nap all day."
The arms of a warm floral cinnamon hold him tight and it's oh–so familiar. Everytime Lily hugs him, Severus doesn't quite know what to do. Does he hold her back? Would it be embarrassing for her if his hands grazed her hair and does she ever stop to think that it may ruin her reputation to be seen with whatever he is—so close to her lungs and– Why can't he just live in the moment? She always sees right through him in a way that no one else does. Perhaps it's because they've known each other for so long.. Perhaps he's just not the best at hiding his shadow. It's so easy to know a terrible person when Heaven on Earth stands directly next to you.
"I've been having some nightmares. Not too many, but some." His shoulders stay tense. There's never enough time with her, even if he were capable of simply standing here with more confidence he'd still have that voice in the back of his head screaming into the canal that connects his ear and up to his eyes and through every vein that reaches his brain. Spilling acid of it's disgusting to be seen and you ruin everything you touch. It's a shame really, his work in class shows otherwise. Good wizard, bad person. Nothing can change that.
She squeezes him ever so slightly, her fingers going to pet his hair before she brings him back to an arms length apart. There's a face of worry; he hates when she looks at him like that.
"I'm sorry." It's not fair, sleeping is supposed to be a time to rest. The one time when nothing else matters except just laying there unmoving, and trying not to go crazy when the loneliness veers its ugly claws. "Mind if i ask what about?"
Severus shakes his head. It's not like he has to hide this sort of stuff from her.
"It's just mum. She's much busier now, I never know when I'll see her. If it's for one month or one minute." Chest rising and falling, he doesn't expect to feel his throat tighten. He only cries when he's tired. "Sorry I need to go."
Please take care of yourself.
He nods and whispers a quiet "see you later" before quickly finding his way around the Hogwarts corridors. It always feels empty when he runs away from her, and whenever she says goodbye. He's always hoping for something better to come up, but he knows it's not logical to think that way. To wish and wish for anything to become perfect, for his life to grow into something he's not and will never be, for things to be different.
Reaching the common room, Severus doesn't say a word to anyone. He heads straight past leather sofas and flickering lamps, through the diamond-shaped door. He lands in the carpet of his room and the way his body hits his mattress feels like a rolling pin grading on his bones 10 times over. He'd exerted himself today, and it hadn't even been a full day's worth of classes.
Counting to 112, his hands grip the 2 layers of blanket he's buried himself in and the world around fades to a depressing gray, warm but far from inviting. Sometimes he wishes for a cat to accompany him with soft paws and a gentle purr.
Other times he just wants to stay asleep 'til Christmas comes.
Waves and waves of saltwater fight to pull him under, stinging his eyes and blocking his breath but he can't let them win. It's not a choice, but a responsibility, his long sleeves make it exceedingly hard to move and when he reaches this small puppy in front of him he's counting to 100 hoping they'll reach the shoreline before his lungs and limbs give out. She's shaking, and all he can do is wonder where his mother is.
Eileen had been in the water too, the fury of nature's pool hoisting uncertainty in every direction. Severus looks around, running past several people he can't recognize and it's starting to frighten him. Where'd she go? Is the beating heart he's carrying in his arms meant to be here? It's all a haze, a dreary haze.
They're all suddenly together, Severus ripping the paper wrapper off his straw and their waitress brings in a rack of many books. Eileen doesn't seem to even see Severus, she chatters and laughs but doesn't quite look at him, his brain hammers and drills and he just wants her to say 'I've missed you.'
You don't want to be here do you?
It hurts, hurts more than the water pulling him under and the times he's fallen down the stairs when wanting to skip out on Church and she still won't look at him. It's only when they're in his room and he runs into her arms that her voice is aimed directly at him, the small form she can barely hold on to.
"Why do you wish to be around me when I've been so wrong?"
Severus can't stop crying.
"I miss you. It doesn't matter what you've done, I still miss you."
This hug feels like he's fallen into their burning fireplace in the dead of Winter. He knows she's slipping away. She's always slipping away.
"I can't.."
His head pounds. The feeling of chills play through his shoulders and up his neck, it's a wonder that he's still submerged in fabric of green and silver. He can feel his eyes straining with remnants of salt when he opens them and it's only a little shocking when a rough palm collides with his forehead.
"You haven't got a fever, at least I don't think.."
Regulus has no sense of personal space.
"I'm not sick," Severus responds in such a way, he doesn't know if it's even audible. "Head.. hurts."
As if he were struck by lightning Regulus flings his entire arm back to then hang by his waist, presumably what he'd be doing if he hadn't gone to check Sev's temp status. His place next to his roommate's bed is awkward, and Severus is too wracked with leftover pain and confusion to care.
"Is it 7 already?"
"Nuh uh. Still 5:30." Regulus checks his wrist as if he remembered to bring his watch to school this term.
"More sleep."
And then Severus is out again, the tension in his forehead fading once he's breathing steadily and Regulus can't help but stare for longer than any normal person would. Disgust rises in himself because he doesn't feel like he should bear witness - he sighs out with thoughts racing. It'd be so easy to tease him for everything, but easy isn't what he's about. It's not like he's out to start wars. Only out to finish them.
Everburning candles lead the way out of the room in their spot on the small coffee table, almost like a glowing sign pointing him out. No one else is in here, though that shouldn't surprise him. Leave it to Severus to be the only Slytherin avoiding everyone else like the plague.
Once he can't justify standing around any longer, Regulus picks up a small book from under his bed and snakes his way back out from whence he came. A grimace forms on his face when the door has the audacity to screech and his head whips back to make sure it hadn't been a disturbance. Pangs of empathy, it's not something he knows yet. But maybe one day it'll make sense. And maybe someday it won't feel weird, weird that he stared with not much reason.
He's gotta write this all down.
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starrylayle · 2 months
what are your opinions on Severus snape and lily evans, as individual characters and as friends?
oooh thanks for asking!! i love talking abt hp characters and their relationships with each other ajhkasgfi. warning tho, this is very looooooong.
ok let's start with severus first because i feel like my relationship with him has been the most... turbulent lol.
i was pretty neutral on snape's character when i was first reading the series, perhaps leaning more to dislike. It wasn't until DH where it was revealed that snape was in love with lily the whole time 13 year old me was SHOOK. i became the biggest snape stan and snily shipper. I hated both James and sirius (still loved remus tho lol). and i remember watching so many snape youtubers and yeah i would write praragraphs defending this man and how lily should have chosen him. lmao now u all know abt my snapie past.
However, during my next reading, in about 2018, i began to see snape's flaws more. I was also very active on the wattpad hp fandom (yes shhh ik) and a lot of my friends loved the marauders as characters (they were not in the marauders fandoms, they just liked the characters) and a lot of them hated snape. And then i began to hate snape too lol. However, i really enjoyed reading and watching videos that dissected his character. and i still watched videos from snape stans
i then joined the marauders and atyd fandom in 2021 and now was a pro snape hater. like mans was now the definition of pure evil. Made hating snape a personality trait lol. Though he was the worst of the worst.
it wasn't until late 2023/early 2024 when i became fed up with mauraders fandom and how they fanonise everything. especially considering so many of them stan regulus (which the way they characterise him in fanon is how canon kid snape was depicted anyway) and barty and evan and all those fucking death eaters who were wayyyy worse than snape ever was -- but no, snape is sill for some reason the No.1 evil.
now, i feel like snape is a much more interesting character than people give him credit for, and especially as a kid, was not as bad as marauders fans depict him to be. However, I don't really interact with the snape fandom so much because i feel like they either ignore excuse the shittier things he did as an older teen/adult. I am also of the opinion that James and sev were rivals, and it wasn't a bullying situation but yeah. i wish there were more people who enjoyed both the marauders and severus who didn't make either or both to be saints lol
Ok, I'll be honest, Lily's character did not really interest me until I read atyd. To be fair, jkr spent a a lot of time characterising harry's dad and his friends, but we were not given too much info on Lily, and almost no info on if she had any other friends besides severus.
I loved Lily's friendship with Mary and Marlene in atyd, and of course with Remus. and i loved how her personality in that fic to. I don't consider that fic to be canon compliant now and don't agree with a lot of the characterisations but it was still pretty good.
Lily was a bit too sensible in atyd, and whenever we're given descriptions about her from slughorn for instance, or her personality in SWM, she's presented as 'vivacious' and cheeky' so i like to think that she wasn't really a hermione 2.0 but rather more similar to snarky and sassy harry, tho perhaps more popular and well-loved. Her and James were totally academic rivals to lovers omg.
ok now onto what i think u really wanted me to address - sev and lily's relationship.
No, i don't think sev was 'obssessed' with Lily, i think he truly loved her but he was also a selfish person. (however tho, how would sev convince voldy to spare harry,, like that was literally all voldy was after like....)
anyways, as kids, they were very close -- maybe a little codependant. I imagine Lily was always facinated with Sev his talk about magic, and to sev, Lily was an escape from his abusive homelife. I think they both may have had a little crush on each other pre-hogwarts.
As they went to hogwarts, they grew apart as they were placed in different houses. Snape was surroundd by pureblood facists which slowly radicalised him, and Lily began making friends in Gryffindor. A war tensions grew, i can imagine snape and Lily's relationship became more tense and strained, and no one knew why they stuck together. But they knew things about each other that no one else did and understood each other in ways no one else could. However, after SWP, it was clear that they were heading down different paths so lily cut him and that was that.
Lily always felt hurt after their break up, but she had supportive friends to keep her afloat. Snape however, was filled with guilt, bitterness and regret and thus became deeply radicalised. I don't think tho that Snape was very high in the death eater rank until the search for harry/prophecy was on.
anyways still mulling things over but yeah, i think they're both facinating and i'd love to see their relationship explored in complexity in more fics!
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mitsuki91 · 11 months
Amor arma ministrat
Okay sooooo about that Dark!Snily. I started to write it and the fabulous @giosnape translate it for me 😍😍😍 So here I am! My first english fic!
She suggested the title too. That's perfect for the vibes.
Link to the story on AO3
I copy-past the summary (I have to cut it on AO3 😭):
“I hate him” Lily hissed, tears threatening to overflow. Severus merely observed her, fury emanating from every pore of her skin, her hair swollen with static electricity and her hands clenched into fists so tightly that her knuckles whitened.
Eventually Lily relented, and turned her back to him to prevent him from seeing her cry.
Severus came closer, wrapping her in an embrace that could not really comfort her, holding her close and sinking his face into her hair.
“... I'm going to kill him, Lily” he murmured over his head. He had been thinking about it for some time now. It was a step he had to take.
“Do you swear?” asked Lily, in a whisper.
“Are you going to make him suffer? Will you torture him, Sev?"
“Yes. For you, yes”.
Lily threw herself back into his embrace, forcing him to raise his head. She grabbed his dress on his chest, squeezing, and stared into his eyes, her expression firm and determined.
“Are you going to make it, Sev? You who are so... Good?”
Lily stumbled over the word, but continued to stare at him.
Severus knew he would find the strength. To strike where Lily's magic failed, to give her the relief of revenge.
Whatever price his soul would pay, he was willing to do it. For her.
Only for Lily.
“I will become a monster for you, Lily” he replied, as serious as ever, and she broke into a cruel smile that tasted of victory.”
I hope you all enjoy it! Let me know! :3
(Also... This is a long fic. Don't know how long but just so you know)
Please remind that this is a Dark!fic! This is explicit! There are trigger warnings! Please stay safe.
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lilylovessev · 1 year
deep end || snily au
“Do I have to?”
Lily groaned, standing in front of her full-length mirror, adjusting her jeans. She glanced back over her shoulder, “Do I look like I’ll like their music?���
“Don’t even do that, Lil. We all know that you’re into that shit. You’re holding back on us. I’m just there for a good time. I can’t not show. Cissy’s been bragging on Lucius and this fucking band for weeks. They’re going to make it big, she’s certain of it.”
They both giggled, before she moved to pick up her drink, taking a swig from the can. “Okay.” She smirked playfully, before moving to sit down next to Mar on her bed. She swiped up on her phone, raising it up in the air, taking a picture of them both. It had been a while since she’d actually been able to go out with Marlene like this. They were both going to different colleges, and she’d missed her so desperately. It had been a hard adjustment to make, even though she truly was having the best time of her life. “Is Doe meeting us there?”
The blonde nodded, before moving to stand up. “Come on, we had better go. Are you okay to drive?” She nodded, handing the can over to Marlene, before moving to grab her keys. They headed out of her room and downstairs, her Mom glanced up from her book as they walked past the dining room.
“Be careful, girls.”
“We will be.” Lily called out, winking at Mar as they headed out of the house, before walking over to her car. Her beloved bright yellow Beetle. As they climbed into the car, she plugged in her phone, groaning at the incoming messages. She threw her phone down into one of the cup holders, sighing as Mar moved to pick it up, scrolling down the notifications.
“I hate him. The cheating fuck. Let me reply to him.”
“Oh, I think that you’ve done more than enough of that already, Mar.” She widened her eyes, turning to look at her friend as she backed out of the driveway. That was an understatement. Marlene had torn him apart limb from limb. She put her foot down, turning up the music as she drove down the street. Quite frankly, she didn’t want to think about James right then. He was the very last idiot on her mind. 
“It’s... busy.”
She glanced over at Mar as they climbed out of the car. She’d just about managed to squeeze into a spot on the street outside the small venue. 
They both immediately looked over at Doe, who was waving at them from the entrance, swerving the people moving inside around her. She hugged them both, before they all moved to walk inside, showing their tickets on their phones as they made their way up some steps. It really was a small, very local venue. However, the place was packed. Did they all know something she didn’t? She didn’t even what the fucking band were called. All that she knew was that she had to be there. She made a beeline for the bar, buying a cherry coke before making her way back over to the girls. They were lingering towards the back, but she could sense that Mar wanted to move forward. 
“Come on then. We might as well get in on the action,” she laughed, holding onto her hand as they weaved their way through people; many people she recognised. There were a lot of their former classmates there, and she was stopped a few times. 
This wasn’t her usual spot though. If James could see her now, he’d be livid. Although, he was always fucking angry at her about something. She had learned more than a few lessons since starting college thus far; one of them being, never follow a shitty boy to college. She was just incredibly lucky that it was a good college, and that she didn’t feel the need to transfer and start over. 
She glanced up toward the stage, before taking a sip of her drink, turning and making eye contact with the girl next to her; who fully looked her up and down. What the hell was that about? She rolled her eyes, before moving to look down at her phone, scrolling through the likes on the picture that she’d put up of her and Mar. She had some serious followers. It was hard keeping up with it all, and had never really been what she’d intended. However, it was definitely something that she was good at. 
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timeladyjamie · 6 months
I've finally updated with the new CHAPTER 11: BLEEDING HEART - PART 1. This is the first of the Flashbacks chapter.
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Summary: Lily Potter didn’t die protecting her son. Instead, she was placed in a coma, awakening 11 years later. Dumbledore warns her that the Dark Lord will return again and come after Harry, prompting her to take up his offer working as an Assistant Professor at Hogwarts under Severus Snape. AU. Eventual Snily. Pairings: Eventual Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Harry Potter & Lily Evans Potter Tags: Lily Evans Potter Lives, Past James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, James Potter Bashing, Protective Severus Snape, Enemies to Friends (again) to Lovers, Marauders Bashing, Alternate Universe, Professor Lily Evans Potter, Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter Friendship, Plot Twists, Eventual Romance, Friendship/Love
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cealesti · 4 months
The cold war au pretty please ?🥺
Thank you so much for the ask from the WIP Tag Game!
Oh I think this is genuinely my most tropey AU.
So, Dumbledore catches Snape before he has a chance to escape the Hog's Head and tell Voldemort about the prophecy. Dumbledore twists the situation around, uses the prophecy as leverage against Voldemort and they agree to bring the fight to the Wizengamot, ceasing all previous warfare... for a while, of course.
Copy pasted from my notes:
([Voldemort] has literal eternity. What is it to him, after all, to strengthen his influence and wait Albus Dumbledore out?)
This also features:
A motley cast of living and non incarcerated Death Eaters (Bellatrix, Barty Jr, Regulus, etc)
Divorced Lily and James (due to my genuine belief that their relationships hinges heavily in the tension and fear of wartime and would slowly fall apart if removed from that context)
Possibly a version of Jegulus I actually find interesting, that involves James directly addressing his privilege and prejudice and Regulus being a terrible, terrible little devil on his shoulder
(also possible Snily or Snack. Mostly for the drama)
Half-siblings and cousins for Harry to measure himself against and develop a bunch of interesting new complexes!
Lord Gaunt, oh my!
More notes!
A case study in nature v nurture: Harry, raised by marauders, is still just Harry. And when the Hat says ‘a thirst to prove yourself, now that’s interesting -” Harry has Sev and Reggie to teach him from the cradle that Slytherin doesn’t mean evil, that Slytherin means the ambition to become the youngest potions master in the world, that ruthlessness means being a nuisance to your enemies on the speaker’s floor So - Harry doesn’t say no. Harry grows smarter, sharper, more cunning than either of his parents and more reckless than Sev or Reggie ever were. He’s a spitfire in a pit of vipers and he still doesn’t fucking belong - But Lord Gaunt has been paying attention, biding his time, terrifying and vicious behind a crooning smile and glamoured brown eyes. He sees the fire sizzling under young Harry Potter’s skin, bright and incandescent, and he laughs.
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radiohead-spiderman · 6 months
As a marauders fan, someone who’s deep into the fandom too there’s always been misogyny in it but these are just a few that have been more common for me to see in the past month or two
Hating on Bellatrix or Narcissa but then praising Barty Crouch Jr and Evan Rosier.
Villainizing Lily to make Jegulus work.
Making Lily a surrogate for Jegulus.
Reverting back to the early days of Wolfstar where the fans would make Tonks out to be a horrid awful character and just a surrogate for wolfstar.
Giving death eaters more complexity than a calculus assignment but then making the women one dimensional.
Jily fans hating on jegulus fans and making Lily’s whole character being James’ wife while giving James a bunch of character and making Lily one dimensional.
It’s just very disheartening to see honestly.
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