kari-go · 2 months
Hello! Since you made the offer, I gona abuse it😁 I know it's many, so do just those you see fit/find interesting/has idea for it😁 (I marked 💜 what I liked the most as ideas😅)
Lila!Dolphin - Higher porpouse, since I see her manipulating others. For the shame reason, maybe Gabriel with Dolphin-butterfly fusion?
Lila!Otter - Chrystalis, just for the pun, but purple suits her actially😁
One where Mylèn healimg Rose as dove - Nurse (maybe called like it, maybe just Rose calles that
Ivàn!Otter - Breakpoint (just... Could be cool
Juleka!Zebra - Champhor (just don't look at her)
Kim!Giraffe - Toproar (play on upror, if you don't like it, I called him in my version Gi-rouhg.... Because he is tall, and would be furious for having "no useful" power😅
💜Max!Pinguin - Celsius (wanted something very sciency😁)
💜Aurora!pinguin - She is beautyful and I wanted to suggest weather/temperature related🙂
Gabriel!Parrot - Silencebreaker?
Nathalie!Parrot - Secreter (for the pun)
💜Fu!Peacock or Snake - Azur feather and Serphemerald... Would be cool to see him as peacock, and he looked cool as Jade turtle
I would really like to ask for 💜Rabbit!Fu too (Lapis Lapus) and GabriRabbit (maybe King Hare?) but you rarly do adults, and I don't want to spoil Fu, so... You know...
Also would like to see your boys as rabbits... Idk why, just😅 Mari too, if her designe would be different (it's cool, it doesn't have to be💙
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I know it's a lot, again, do what you would enjoy, all of it, or non, or more, but not all... What you feel fitt😁
And bevare, I will return with more😁
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The dolphin, otter, giraffe, and zebra do not exist anymore. I changed a lot of stuff about the kwamis recently and a lot of them are changed/removed.
I did not do the Gabriel and Nathalie ones because I just didn't like how they looked, sorry
I'm gonna do the rest of the rabbits later, in a separate post, but I'll tag you in it.
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ask-elland-n-will · 6 months
Elland de Strontium
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[A slightly modified profile from here and here for when he is an OC and not an MC. Image: created by Talkie AI, edited by me.]
🌙 Name: Elland de Strontium
🌙 Birthday: September 30
🌙 Year: 7th
🌙 House: Hufflepuff
🌙 Personality: Loyal, attentive, courageous. Straightforward. Never lies for himself but sometimes tells white lies for the sake of other people. Accepts the blame if gets caught and protects his friends with his life (or in our case ends up in detention instead of them if deems it necessary). Stresses a lot (the reputation of his family, the safety of his loved ones, family business responsibilities, NEWTs he needs to pass to become an Auror) but only close to him people can tell. For the same reason doesn't sleep well. He is too focused on other people and is unsure of himself in personal affairs because he pushes his own needs to the very bottom.
Can make difficult decisions on behalf of other people, be a leader. If he believes that the current leader is doing a bad job or nobody wants to step in and take the role, he'll make his opinion knows, take over/volunteer. If the leadership is strong, he is loyal.
If somebody rubs him the wrong way (maybe they are arrogant, or mean to other students, or are annoying him on purpose, or teasing him too much) he gets frustrated and can blow up in cold rage.
🌙 Classes he picked for year 7: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and History of Magic. He needs Potions, DADA and Transfiguration out of those for his NEWTs to become an Auror. Transfiguration is his weaker class while Charms is the one he likes the most even if it is nowhere near Outstanding. He is a mid student.
🌙 Interests: Plays a rebab (because of his ancestors' roots) and a lute. Sometimes feels inspired to write songs and poetry. Plays Quidditch only when there are not enough people to take up Keeper or Chaser positions, is in general indifferent to sports. But he loves going on flights.
🌙 Likes: Pumpkin pasties, his pet owl Penguin, his family.
🌙 Dislikes: Pumpkin juice, written home assignments, mornings.
🌙 Special ability instead of ancient magic: wandless magic. He is an intuitive magic user (in opposition to William's book smarts) but it does backfire often.
🌙 Family background
Elland was born in a muggle family and received his Hogwarts letter just like any other kid. His younger brother Cyrus got the same invitation a year later. They grew up happy, had everything they needed because their family is part of English nobility. The only negative thing Elland could've encountered that made him pay more attention in DADA and think of becoming an Auror were unpleasant run-ins with Ashwinders. But he's been steering clear of those, especially because of his companions.
The more time passes, the more stressed he gets since he is expected to take over the family business back in London after he graduates. He cannot push his family duties onto his carefree brother and his loyalty to his family outweighs anything he himself might want. But he still pushes for the NEWTs he needs.
De Strontiums moved to London from the Middle East back in 17th century (Egypt? Turkey? Elland does not remember). They were known for their firework production but later on they branched out into weaponry and explosives, supplying the Crown. They assimilated by mixing with local nobility and most of the traditions they used to have are no longer a part of their family. But every de Strontium has something to remind them of their roots, and for Elland it's a musical instrument.
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artzychic27 · 8 months
You know I’m surprised you didn’t make the recess class for the dc au. Since they would probably be a mixed of both of villains and heroes kids.
Hmm… Let’s see what I can do…
Welcome to PowerBabies.com, where we find you the best super-powered, (or really badass) donors and surrogates, whether they’re heroes or villains
Austin A: Star Sapphire
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LOVES pink
Likes to mess with Tomassian whenever he can
Austin B: Deadshot
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He asked Deadshot to kill his parents. Instead, he adopted him
Only allowed to carry tranquilizer guns until his eighteen
Austin Q: King Shark
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Austin T: Green Lantern (No one knows which one, tho)
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Literally got a ring five days after he was born. No one wants to question it
Uses the ring to make a life-size model of Jean to practice kissing
DJ: Plastic Man
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Can pull off the best pranks with her stretching powers
Or just, you know, hug his friends
Spinelli: Shazam
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Uses his powers to sneak into movies
He’s so pure of heart that he was born with his powers. His parents were shocked to find a grown man in their son’s bedroom, though
Victoria: Cyborg
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After their car accident, they were found by Cyborg and fitted with several robotic parts their arm and in place of some organs. The legs were malfunctioning, so Cyborg made Victoria a custom wheelchair with a hover setting
Has a laser in his arm and is not afraid to use it
Gerard: Mr. Freeze
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Able to withstand any cold temperature. He doesn’t need it like his dad
When he breathes, he can see his own breath
Mindy: Hawkman
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Their landings aren’t very graceful, but they’ll get there
Mindy is mixed, and that is all
Gia: Green Arrow
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Could hit a bullseye by the time she was five
Her love for army camouflage helps her blend in when she’s about to fire an arrow
Mason: The Penguin
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Fancy umbrellas all day. Not enough to rival Aurore, though
Likes to dress all fancy and shit
Rochelle: Huntress
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Very protective of others and will avenge them if the situation calls for it
Good friends with Mireille and Juleka
Lotta: Power Girl
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Distant relatives with Ismael
Cringes whenever she catches guys checking out pictures of her mom
Kendra: Vibe
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Refuses to sit still
Gets into spontaneous break dancing competitions with Cosette and Nino
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natedogx15 · 2 years
Confirmed Holders (In order):
Marinette: Ladybug.
Adrien: Cat.
Sabrina: Dog.
Alix: Tiger.
Nate: Unknown.
Lila: Rooster
Alya: Bee.
Nino: Turtle.
Chloé: Unknown (Possibly Snake or Horse).
Felix: Chamaleon.
Possible Holders:
Nathanial: Fox.
Juleka: Spider or Crow.
Aurore: Penguin or Octpus.
Rose: Unknown.
Luka: Unknown.
Basically. The only things are that Nate will get the Peacock and I haven't gone through my original Miraculous list yet.
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b3crew · 1 year
No Borders No Race: Episode 319 | B3 - Boston Bastard Brigade
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King Baby Duck is excited to see some of his favorite bands before leaving Japan. He's also irked over the ones who are finally coming, but after his big move! But he's got a lot of great things to talk about. Hear his thoughts on the film Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, the TV series The Muppets Mayhem, and the anime Insomniacs After School. Plus, KBD wraps up his Boston Calling 2023 edition of the Beantown Sampler!
PLAYLIST (with album/single links):
moumoon - The Best Day (digital single)
BRADIO - Buster! (from the album DANCEHALL MAGIC)
Para Lia - Sunchild (digital single)
ONE OK ROCK - Renegades (from the album Luxury Disease)
Ling Tosite Sigure - alexithymiaspare (from the album last aurorally)
Queens of the Stone Age - Emotion Sickness (from the album In Times New Roman...) [in stores June 16]
Najee Janey - This Ain't The Way (from the Four Agreements EP)
Little Fuss - Hypothetical Girl (digital single)
Chrysalis - Denver (digital single)
SCANDAL - Line of sight (digital single)
PENGUIN RESEARCH - HATENA (from the album Gyakko Biboroku)
Suburban Spell - Bright Gold Cross (from the Falling Down EP) [in stores June 23]
Kitri - Kokorone (digital single)
Click here to listen!
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Hidden Gems by RurouniHime
Those who have been following me for a while know how much I adore RH - I read and rec Vale Sanare every chance I get, my favorite brand of hurt/comfort! I love how they always nail quiet and introspective first person POVs, I love how their characters show strength and vulnerability at once, I love the adult tone, the aching pining, the sweet melancholy that surrounds all their works. I found their HP stuff around 2011 when I started exploring AO3 and was pleased to find out years later that they also write for the MCU! I remember devouring that Stony catalogue as if there was no tomorrow (huge rec if you’re into this ship as well! Check all works here). If you’re an angst fan this post is especially crafted for you. Here’s a selection with soft, contemplative, wistful h/c to make your heart ache. Tbh some explore a deeper level of angst I don’t even read anymore but I decided to include them because I feel very nostalgic about that time of my life. The best thing? RH is still around and writing The Road, a massive war fic that I can’t wait to dig into once is finished!
Birthday Boy (2012, M, 2.8k) - perfect established relationship fluff with cooking and dancing, celebrating both Draco’s birthday and their love. This is part of The Arrangement series but can be read as a stand alone
Thirty years old, and where was he?
Stone, Sky, and Sea (2015, M, 5k) - vacation fic with Auror partners, friends to lovers, hiking and lots of pining!Harry!
Harry's got to get out of here. (In which the Wizarding Saviour wanders about Oop North, tries to escape his partner, and fails miserably.)
Silence series (2011, E, 9.7k) - Drarry against the world! First person POV, spy!Draco, established relationship, angst with a happy ending
It was his battle, yet he never hurt me, and he could have. Read my rec here.
Yuletide Treasure (2008, E, 10.5k) - Auror Partners get together, friends to lovers,
Harry finds he has a lot to lose this Christmas.
A Song, Incomplete (2013, E, 11k) - getting back together, lawyer Draco, family drama, past Harry/Ginny, angst with a happy ending
Draco’s photograph took up the entire top half of the Prophet’s front page. Below the photo: DRACO MALFOY DEFENDS SON OF FORMER LOVER. As if that were breaking news. Read my rec here.
Coming to Terms (2014, M, 16k) - enemies to parents to lovers Mpreg: unplanned pregnancy, discussion of abortion, angst with a happy ending
Of all the lives in all the world, Harry had to own this one.
Penguin series (2011, E, 21k) - very angsty AU feat. isolated friends to lovers struggling with depression and helping each other heal. Cw: mentions of child death, suicidal thoughts, near death experience and animal death.
In the harshest environment on earth, Harry finds that escaping is harder than simply running.
Vale Sanare (2007, M, 23k) - brilliant h/c with down and out Draco struggling with epilepsy and depression, and finding Harry along the way. An all-time favorite!
Draco’s world gains a new component just when he thought he’d sorted everything out. Read my rec here.
The Swaggering Plimpies (or This One Time, At Quidditch Camp...) (2012, E, 29k) - soft divorced dads coming out together, falling in love, parenting & domesticity, Quidditch summer camp, a bit of Ginny bashing
Draco has an idea, and Harry’s just the one to help him.
The Arrangement (2012, E, 72k) - an est relationship classic: fwb to lovers, moving in together, jealousy, pining, porn with feels and confessions 👌🏼
It's worked for years. Why change it now?
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bugaboooooooooo · 3 years
Ideas / prompts and what not for MLB fanfics:
Idea by @Penguin nomad, basically Chat gets quiet and Alya / Rena decides to investigate. Link here
Ladybug!Kagami, Dragon!Adrien, Cat!Marinette, adrimarigami as a ship by @silentmagi. Link here.
A Sandboy 2, maybe where LB gets hit and bam ✨Chat Blanc✨
Dark miracle box by @miraculous-laddiebug
Basically times messed up in the MLB universe, only Fluff knows abt it. Its an awesome theory by @mlwritingprompts. Link here.
Adrinette-having-to-mrs-doubtfire-their-way outta situations by @frootjoocewrites. Link here.
Lila claims Gina (Maris grandma) is her grandma. Chaos ensues. by @charlietheepicwriter7. Link here
Adrien has one (1) braincell. By @gemsofthegalaxy. Link here.
A genius take on felix and briggites story by @pikachiee. Link here.
Senti!Adrien and Senti!Marinette by @ariadsishereagain link here.
A great and happy twist on Senti!Adrien by @ladbug. Link here.
AU were Nathalie is actually trying to save Emilie because she loves her, not Garbage Agreste. Link here.
Emilie is a Sentimonster, but its wild and great. by @bridgetinerabbit Link here.
LB falls for Chat Noir, and finally confesses. But Chat thinks shes some kind of trap of shadow moth. Idea by ✨moi ✨. Link here.
The chat blanc timeline is messed up, ok. Brought to you by me. Link here.
An akuma with lots of accesories by moi once again. Link here.
AU AU where each miraculous represents a different type of humor, by me. Link here.
Marinette gets rid of her jealousy of other girls (over Adrien) by joining an Adrien Agreste fanclub!! And Kagami gets more friends!! By @ladyofthenoodle . Link here.
The miraculouses follow trends. Link here.
Marichat Megamind crossover!! By @australet789 . Link here.
Adrien figures out that Marino (Mustachinette) is LB. By @always9000percent . Link here.
Marinette turns into LB in her room for sewing. Guess who pops in? Thats right! Chat Noir. By @ultrakart . Link here.
Miraculous AU where Gabriel just adopts Lila and they're both awful together, by @jpdesenhador Link here.
Emilie is sleeping beauty. By @catchacha. Link here.
Mari's identity is revealed because she's a little tooo good at yo-yoing. Link here.
Buttercup Ladrien. By @galahadwilder . Link here.
Aurore x Kagami, by @xhanisai . Link here.
Reverse party crasher, where all the girls are at a sleepover at marinette’s and chat noir shows up, by @bisexualasshole. Link here.
Lady Noire and Mister Bug return! By @smileytrinity . Link here.
When the situation gets angsty, Mari bawls over her Chat Noir doll, by @firerose. Link here.
I'll keep updating this hehehe.
Lmao this should keep u busy for a while. Please let me know if youve written anything based on this! Id love to read it!!
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
What I Imagine the Zoo Au Would be Like
Luka: we had a whole new batch of Komodos hatch a few weeks ago, and we drew names from a hat to name them. Unfortunately all the names pulled had been ones I put in. This is bad because now they're all named after my Ma
*cut to a shot of Kagami searching through the Komodo enclosure*
Kagami: Alix have you seen Annie and Nark?
Alix: naw but Arka and Anarka are already having their check ups
*cuts back to Luka in the main office*
Luka: Ma would be proud
Camera: oh, I'm sorry, when did she pass?
Luka: huh? Oh- no! No, Ma's very much alive, she runs the Fish themed food truck out in the parking lot
Rose: we're cool here in the Petting Zoo, cause we're professionals!
*Juleka runs in the background, screaming as she's chased by goats*
Rose: Juleka, babe, stop running it only eggs them on!
Juleka: *far away shout* JEFF BIT ME
*cuts to Juleka and Rose in the office later, Juleka with bandages on*
Juleka: I hate Jeff.
Rose: Jeff is, a character. He's sweet, I swear! He just has it out for poor Juleka,
Juleka: little bastard
Rose: Jules-
Juleka: my favourite animal is Juleka Jr, despite how much I dislike her name
Camera: who's Juleka Jr?
Rose: she's our highland cow!
*a shot of Juleka and a large black cow being cute together*
Aurore: every three hours I have to go into the penguin enclosure and "re-erect" them. Basically, the have a skylight? And- they really like planes. So, they just kinda, topple
Aurore: I'm being paid for this
Wanna see more potentially? Let me know, I'm down to make more
(Cap helped with some of these :)
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You Die a Hero... : Complicity and Culpability in Fictional Universes
@kasamira wrote a really interesting post about how none of the more problematic aspects of the Potterverse and Grishaverse are actually addressed or resolved by the narrative- and it spawned several different threads that all basically referred to this trend as a trope common to fantasy series, whereby the author fails to address and redress the injustices underpinning their fictional societies. Now, whether you believe that the author is aware of this "lapse" in their story or not, this phenomenon is a real-world analog to the old truism: you either die a hero, or you become the villain. What this phrase implies, but does not state is that one becomes the villain because they become complicit in the social ills and injustices of their society. Any issue- perceived, implied, or imagined- that the hero does not correct becomes an evil/ill which they perpetuate by being a functioning member of that society.
So, with regards to the Potterverse (keeping in mind please that I have not read Cursed Child, nor ever intend to), in the epilogue, we only know that Harry is an Auror. He has become the Wizarding World equivalent of a cop, which means he is directly responsible for enforcing all laws in his society. This makes him an active supporter/upholder of the system, including any legally-allowed oppression of non-humanoid, magical beings (like House Elves). Harry has become actively complicit.
An extreme, fictional version of this can be seen in the first episode of the show Gotham, where a young Jim Gordon is made to kill someone for the crime boss Fish Mooney. In order to prove to his corrupt partner, Bullock, and Fish that he is worthy of their trust, he shoots Oswald and dumps his body in the river (the irony of this being that he saves Oswald's life, only for him to become the crime boss The Penguin later on). The true reason that this proves they can trust Gordon, however, is predicated on extortion and the principle of mutually-assured destruction; because Gordon's hands are now dirty, they have leverage against him if he ever tries to expose them. This is why, in the real world, gangs and cartels have increasingly elaborate and intense hazing rituals to test their members as they rise through the ranks- you can trust the loyalty of someone who has not only proved their ruthlessness, but who you can directly implicate in crime(s) if they decide to turn against you (this is also true for other organized crime syndicates and corruption within law enforcement and government). In Harry's case, his complicity and culpability for the systemic injustices of the Wizarding World are tied to any and all enforceable laws whereby non-humanoids are actively persecuted or treated as Other by Wizarding law, even if he never personally enforces those laws.
In the same way, Alina from Shadow and Bone is complicit in the persecution of Grisha; the difference in her case is that she rejected her powers, rejected her status as Grisha, and rejected a position of power/authority which she could have used to better Grisha lives, making her moral culpability in some ways similar to the average person, but in other ways greater than Harry's because she could have worked from within the system but chose not to. One of the areas where Rowling is silent with regards to Harry's moral culpability is that we do not know if, when, or how Harry might have agitated for or otherwise supported changes in Wizarding law; any activism or legal challenges are left to the readers' imaginations. In contrast, Bardugo places Alina back at Keramzin, back in the Otkazat'sya world, where she is far removed from political realities; Alina may have Grisha visitors on occasion, but the people around her have no idea that she used to be Grisha, that she could have been their queen. By refusing a position of influence, on multiple occasions, Alina becomes even more culpable for the injustices which later happen to Ravkans because she could have had an active role in making positive social and political change. It is her intimate, direct knowledge that Grisha suffer persecution which makes her refusal to act even more damning than someone who doesn't have the firsthand experience she does, and simply believes that Grisha persecution is somehow justified (like she and Mal believe in episode 1, an attitude which neither of them really grow out of). Alina might be instrumental in removing the corrupt, criminal Tsar, but she does not help Nikolai work towards abolishing the Absolute Monarchy that breeds tyranny. Her knowledge plus inaction is worse than knowledge plus "wrong" action (as Aleksander is framed by the writer).
Whether active or passive, unless the hero manages to overthrow the system to establish a new regime/order or manages to restore the old, good order (think Aelin in the Throne of Glass series or Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings), they are morally guilty by the fact of their continued existence in society. In Harry's case, he becomes the "Face" (his presence in enforcing the laws literally showing his moral support for them) and the "Hand" (by which is meant physical and legal force) of the Wizarding government and legal system. Because he is a known hero, his working for the Ministry puts a figurative stamp of approval on everything they do. "Of course our regime must be right and good!... Harry Potter works for us!" Conversely, Alina silence in the face of injustice- a bigotry which she directly experienced- her rejection/repudiation of the label and experience of Grisha is akin to an ostrich burying her head in the sand (or a child covering their ears to avoiding hearing "no"). By pretending that her experiences never happened, Alina tacitly approves of and legitimizes the continued Othering or Grisha and the perpetuation of a corrupt, Absolutist system of goverment.
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kari-go · 11 months
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Another one done!
I have only names for seal!Marinette, deer!Lila, phoenix!Alya and maybe penguin!Kagami. So, Lady Drop, Cervina, Spitfire, and Pen Pen. I was also thinking of Stormy Weather for dragon!Aurore, it is a fitting name and could be Aurore trying to have the name associated with a more positive meaning rather than the akuma.
Feel free to suggest names! None of these (except for Lady Drop) will actually appear in the au, so the names don't really matter.
Edit: Thunderbird!Max is Hax and pegasus!Adrien is White Wing. Thanks @hades-999 for these!
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taliaquinn · 4 years
Why Me!? Chapter 14
Marinette was bundled up in her blankets on her very expansive bed and was focused on the screen in front of her. An irritated Chloe Bourgeois, an impatient Aurore, and a glaring Kagami, who was sharpening her saber, were staring back at her. Marinette made a quick mental note to ask her how many sabers she has. Juleka had confiscated her saber, unfortunately, it seemed like Kagami had spares. 
“-then Alya had the nerve to ask the committee to reinstate your plans, of course since I’m on the committee I immediately shot down that idea, She of course immediately threw a tantrum and was almost kicked out, later she had a live stream ranting about how being class president is so difficult” Chloe said making air quotes. 
“Of course at this point, she had only 30 viewers, most of them from Bustiers” Kagami added putting away her saber. 
“How is it that Alya only had the job for LESS THAN A WEEK and is already stressed, meanwhile we both had the job for over a year and yet we never cracked” Chloe ranted. 
“Some people are just unappreciative,” piped Aurore. Chloe snorted, that was the understatement of the year.
“Anyways talking about her leaves a bad taste in my mouth, Marinette when are you returning to us?” Aurore asked she missed the bluenette.
“Probably in a year,I’m getting enrolled in some school in Gotham”
“Are your aunt and uncle okay with you staying for the rest of the year?” 
Oh right Marinette forgot that was her cover story. She hated lying to her friends even more. But She was scared of how the others would treat her if they found out her parentage and if she would be able to tell the difference between the honest people and the fake gold-diggers, the Alya’s, Alix’s and Nino’s so to speak. 
Now It was getting harder to be able to video call her friends in a spot that would get her privacy and doesn’t look too extravagant.
Her new room was far bigger than her room in Paris, which took Marinette some getting used to. Of course, Mr.Wayne made sure to give her money to fill her room up. Although a spool of thread does not cost triple digits, at least the thread that she uses. She already has an area dedicated to her sewing business. 
Tim has been gracious enough to be hmannequin until hers come. Marinette finds it unfair that someone like Tim can be sleep-deprived and coffee-addicted and still look like that. Unfair.
Marinette already finished Ms.Kyles' dress and she’s going to give that to her next time she comes to the Manor. 
“Yeah, they’ve been very uh accommodating, and great actually!!”
“It shows, you look way less stressed and more relaxed” Kagami noted
“The wonders of having a decent sleep schedule” Marinette quipped. Seriously she didn’t have school yet and didn’t have to worry about class duties anymore. It was awesome.
“Oh and great news, We’re going to Europe in a few weeks,” Marinette added excitedly
“WAIT!!!! Exactly when” Aurore asked. 
“Two or three”
“EXCELLENT” Aurore blurted out, “That means that you’ll be able to attend the school dance”
Suddenly all lightbulbs seemed to click on in all the girls.
“That was exactly the final piece we needed” Kagami nodded
“ Yeppers, now all we need is Ladybug and then we’re good” Chloe added.
“Waitwaitwait Final Piece to what?” Marinette asked
“Revenge” All three girls responded in unison.
“Oh boy, you guys wanna clue me in on it? Or is it that type of situation where I want as much Plausible deniability as possible?” With those three you never know.
“Probably best for you to not know anything yet” Chloe chimed sweetly.
Thank god That Marinette can now afford bail
Suddenly she started getting a video call from Dick
“Sorry guys I got my er-cousin calling me, I'll talk with you guys tomorrow,” Marinette said, Receiving a chorus of goodbyes and one whine in response. Marinette hung up and quickly answered Dick.
“Hiya Maribug, sorry I wasn’t able to call you yesterday things are pretty busy around here” Dick greeted. Marinette noticed that the poor guy seemed exhausted, he had dark bags under his eyes and kept on yawning.
“It’s fine Dick, What’s going on?” Marinette asked concerned.
Dick sighed. “It seems that Penguin and Black Mask have set up base here in Bludhaven, unfortunately, the two aren’t playing nice, so now we seem to be on the brink of a gang war,” Dick said tiredly. Both Officer Grayson and Nightwing were busy trying to stop the city from falling into a gang war, of course, that was exhausting.
Gang War? AND HER BROTHER WAS RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!? Having a cop brother is stressful enough but having a cop brother in Bludhaven is something else, 
Seriously Bludhaven makes Gotham look like a resort destination and that’s after Nightwing has made his debut. Mr.Wayne told her that Dick was regarded as a good cop who’s been helping root out corruption in the BPD. Which of course puts the idiot in EVEN MORE DANGER. Jesus Christ. Now she can understand why Everyone always seems to mother hen the boy. She’s joining the crusade soon. 
“But you’re not going to be too involved are you Dick?” 
“Sorry Maribug, right now I’m involved, but don’t worry your brother can take care of himself” Dick quickly added with a wink.
“Uh Huh Sure, those eyebags say differently, Go Sleep” Marinette ordered.
Dick Barked out a laugh. “Oh alright Maribug, Night Night” 
“Nighty night” Marinette responded and hung up. She turned over and shifted in a comfortable position and let the darkness overtake her.
Batcave, Wayne Manor Gotham City, USA 8:50 pm
“Damian Marinette is going to start school at Gotham Academy in a few days, I need you to keep an eye on her and help her” Bruce informed Damian
“-tt- of course, father, But I am afraid we’re going to have to come up with a believable cover story”
“No cover story, people are bound to find out soon anyways, but she’s going to be enrolled as Marinette Dupain Cheng so people won't probably make the connection”
“Yeah demon-spawn and if people do get curious as to why you’re being decent, just say she's your cousin or something” Jason added oh ever so helpful
“-tt- Very well”
“We’re going to introduce Marinette in a few weeks anyways, we have a business trip to London so she’s going to make a pitstop in Paris and get her stuff in order before we announce her to the world” Tim piped up upon entering the Batcave.
“Jesus being the Child of Bruce Wayne is going to be stressful enough, imagine how wack it's going to be when she finds she’s the daughter of Batman as well” Jason noted
 “Speaking of which Bruce are you sure we shouldn’t tell Marinette about our little side job, I mean shes noticed that we aren’t exactly normal,” Tim said, while typing away on the batcomputer, right now he was busy trying to track down a few escaped convicts from Arkham and figure out any last known locations of Black Mask and Penguin.
“Yes father she is not an imbecile unlike you Drake”
“Why you little br-”
“We can’t do that” Jason cut in before insults started flying. “She’s a normal kid, She isn’t a secret superhero or nothing, she’s the embodiment of sunshine and happiness, which reminds me Bruce are we sure she’s your kid?” Jason asked
“Yes, I’m sure” Seriously what was it with people questioning it. He wasn’t that gloomy, was he? “She has her own business that has already gained attention and recognition, plus she was a class president in her old school, she had to get that from me” Bruce retorted.
“OH COME ON, we can’t loop her in, She was fucking president of her class, that’s as normal as you can get, Plus right now her sunshine counterpart dickface isn’t here to balance things out anymore” Jason finished. At that reminder, Bruce slightly grimaced. Dick had to go back to Bludhaven for his job. As a Cop. It doesn’t matter how many years it’s been Bruce still worries about his oldest and his choice of career.
“Fine we don’t tell her, what’s going to happen if she’s ever in danger she doesn’t exactly have a panic button that we could give her without arousing suspicions” Tim added.
“Dupain-Cheng isn’t an idiot, she shares fathers blood she’s going to figure it out eventually”
Finally, Bruce made up his mind.
“We can’t risk her life, much less your sister’s life, by revealing our secret for no reason. We aren’t going to tell her-, For now” Bruce quickly added before Jason could make his protests. Taking a quick look at his son's faces it seemed that it was the decision that everyone could agree on, thankfully.
“This is going to totally gonna go wrong isn’t it?” Tim muttered.
It probably will.
Authors Note:                                                                                                     I hope that you guys liked my Infinity War Au. I am definitely going to continue that story line, however I have other one-shots saved to my drafts so yeah keep an eye out for those :). I will be making a taglist for those so just ask. Stay safe and Healthy <3
Hope you guys enjoy today's chapter.
@maribat-is-lifeblood @kass-is-weird @another-fan-of-anotherplan @damianette-is-life @amayakans @parallelparabox @miukiiu @valeks-princess @toodaloo-kangaroo @vixen-uchiha @thezestywalru @dreamykitty25 @pirats-pizzacanninibles @mochinek0 @shamefullove @mochegato @souleateralicestein @thestressmademedoit @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @aestheticnpoetic 
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artzychic27 · 9 months
An Akuma transports the Science Kids into a kids show!
*The Science Kids get transported into a very colorful forest where the bees don’t sting you and the snakes have weirdly big eyes. Zoé, Ismael, and Reshma remain human, only with childish clothing and Reshma’s hair is covered by a hood leaving only her pigtails exposed while Jean is a purple rabbit wearing a white belt, Aurore is a blue dog, Cosette is a pink… something in a polka-dotted shirt, and Mireille is a dark blue penguin with a bow in her hair*
Ismael: *Sees he’s wearing overalls* Ugh! What am I wearing?!
Denise: *Now a magenta messenger bag hanging on Zoé’s shoulder* You think that’s bad?! I’m a BAG!
Jean: And I’m a weirdly-colored rabbit wearing a belt. *Pulls an ID out of their quills* And I’m appropriately named Belt.
Marc’s voice: Get me out of here!
*Aurore opens Denise-bag, and out shoots a floating red red with a face*
Cosette: What the- What is that?!
Marc: I got turned into a book! How am I supposed to pick stuff up?!
Mireille: Okay, let’s calm down- And why don’t I have fingers?!
Cosette: You’re a penguin! What the hell even am I?! I’m pink and I have antenna! Am I a wingless butterfly, or something?!
Jean: Wait. Where’s Lacey and Simon?
Lacey: INCOMING! *Lands next to them with a forest green hang glider* That was awesome!
Reshma: Okay, we’ve found Lacey, but what about-
*The hang gliders morphs into a forest green backpack with a face*
Simon: That was awful! I-I was a backpack, and then THAT! It was horrible! We need to get out of here!
Jean: Don’t worry. All Aurore needs to do is find some clues.
Aurore: What?
Jean: Yeah, you’re a blue dog, so you’re good at finding clues.
Aurore: … What show is this again?… N-never mind. Okay, so do I just look around until I see- Oh, there’s a clue on Marc. *Points to a blue paw print on Marc*
Zoé: Right! Books have information. So, Marc, how do we get out of here?
Marc: Well, let’s see. *Turns his pages to a random map* This is strangely convenient. Looks like we have to go down the Rapid River, through the Stench Swamp, and then to Portal Peak where a portal to our real world will be waiting for us. River, Swamp, Peak. River, Swamp, Peak. River- *Cosette slaps him* How long was I out?! I-I was talking and then repeating that!
Ismael: You’ll get over it. And this’ll be easy; it’s just a dumb kid’s show. Now, let’s get moving… Why can I move?
Disembodied Voices: Sing the song!
Simon: What kind of bull-
Disembodied Voices: Sing the song! *Giggling*
Reshma: It sounds like a bunch of kids.
Zoé Oh, it’s one of those cartoons. You know, the ones where kids at home interact with the main characters and make the show longer.
Ismael: Okay, I got that. But, why can’t we move?
Reshma: I think we have to work with the kids in order to keep the plot going.
Jean: Hey, as long as I get to sing, I’m cool with it! Hey, kids! Do you know how the song goes?
Disembodied Voices: Yeah!
Jean: Then let’s sing it together!
*One annoying travel song later*
Jean: We made it to the rapid river! And that song didn’t make things go faster like I had hoped.
Disembodied Voices: Yay!
Marc: *Opens his pages to the map* River, Swamp, Peak! In case you needed a reminder.
Zoé: Denise, do you have anything we can use to get across the river?
Denise: Maybe I do! Let’s see… *The items somehow fly out of them* I have an apple, a spoon, some logs that somehow fit in me, and some boots!
Ismael: Easy. It’s obviously the-
Aurore: Ismael, the kids are supposed to solve this. Otherwise, they don’t learn.
Ismael: … Are you serious?
Aurore: Annoying, I know. I’ve got a little sister. Watch and learn. Hey, kids! Do you know what we can use to build a raft to get across the rapid river? Is it… The apple?
Disembodied Voices: No!
Marc: Could it be the boots?
Disembodied Voicee: No!
Lacey: Perhaps the the spoon?
Disembodied Voices: No!
Cosette: Or maybe, the logs?
Disembodied Voices: Yeah!
Cosette: Very good! Now let’s build the raft.
Ismael: Finally!
Cosette: By counting the logs!
Ismael: What?!
*Each log floats up as Cosette and the disembodied children’s voices count them*
Cosette/Disembodied Voices: One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven… Eight… Nine… Ten!
Cosette: We have ten logs! Just enough to build a raft!
Ismael: Oh, thank God! Finally!
Denise: Now let’s count in Spanish!
Ismael: WHAT?!
Denise/Disembodied Voices: Uno… Dos… Tres… Quattro… Cinco… Seis… Siete… Ocho… Nueve… Diez!
Ismael: Okay, if we’re done teaching kids languages-
Reshma: Now let’s count in Hindi!
Ismael: Or we can go across the river?!
Disembodied Voices: *Crying*
Mireille: Ismael! Without their help, we won’t get out of here.
Ismael: Ugh! Hey, kids, don’t cry! Here’s a fun idea! Let’s sing that same dumb song we just sung over and over!
Disembodied Voices: Yay!
Ismael: Of course, you’d like that.
Jean: Let’s get singing!… Someone help me.
*Later, on the raft*
Jean: I’m never singing that song again.
Lacey: *Gags* Is anyone else getting motion sick?
Aurore: Lacey! You can’t throw up on a preschool show!
Lacey: Don’t you think I know that?! *Unzips Simon*
Simon: What are you doing? What are you doing?! *Lacey throws up in one of his pockets* WHY?!
Marc: Oh, that’s just nasty.
*Suddenly, the raft comes to a stop*
Jean: Look! We’ve made it to the swamp!
Marc: *Opens his pages to the map* River, swamp, peak! I can’t stop doing this no matter how hard I try!
Reshma: *Her pigtails extend and take the appearance of rulers. She dips one in the swamp and pulls it back up with the three-inch mark illuminated* It seems the swamp is too shallow for the raft to go through, and far too odorous to walk through.
Mireille: How will we get across?
Disembodied Voices: The boots!
Ismael: Right. Finally! Denise, help us out.
Denise: … Here’s the thing… I can’t find them.
Disembodied Voices: Uh oh! It was Snatcher the Ladybug!
Simon: Who?
Cosette: Ah, there’s usually some kind of small-time villain in these shows. Apparently, ours is a ladybug who snatches things.
Ismael: How did a tiny bug snatch our boots?
Cosette: I don’t know, Ismael. Why am I a possibly a pink wingless butterfly walking on its hind legs?
Aurore: Hey, kids! Do you know where Snatcher went? Is she under the rock? In the bush? Or in the tree?
Disembodied Voice: In the tree!
*The Science Kids turn to see a ladybug sitting on a tree branch with the boots*
Marc: There she is! In order to get the boots back from Snatcher, we’ll need to teach her shame! Can you say ‘Shame?’
Disembodied Voices: Shame!
Marc: Very good! Shame is a bad feeling caused by when you do something wrong, but not many people feel shame for their own bad actions... So we shame over and over them until they feel something! Repeat after me, ‘Snatcher, enough snatching!’
Disembodied Voices: Snatcher, enough snatching! Snatcher, enough snatching! Snatching, enough snatching!
*Snatcher relents and hands the boots back*
Aurore: We did it!
Ismael: NOW BEAT IT! *Smacks Snatcher away with Marc*
Marc: OW!
Disembodied Voices: *Gasp*
Simon: Ismael! You can’t even show moderate violence on a kids show!
Ismael: I doubt that’ll have an effect on the kids. Plus, that ladybug won’t mess with us. Now let’s get through this swamp.
Disembodied Voices: Sing the song!
Jean: Oh, God… Okay! One more time! Please!
*One traveling song later*
Jean: Can someone give me amnesia? Please?
Denise: Too late for that, Jean. We made it to Portal Peak!
Marc: *Opens his pages to the map* River, swamp, p- *Cosette slaps him* Thank you.
Aurore: *Points to a blue paw print* Hey! I found a clue! And it’s right on this- OH, FU-UDGE! THAT’S A BEAR!
*The bear gets on its hind legs and blocks the way to the portal*
Mireille: And it’s blocking our way out! What are going to do?!
Disembodied Voices: Use your imaginations!
Mireille: I… What? Uh… Okay. I imagine that the bear is gone? *Nothing happens*
Cosette: That’s not gonna work. Our childlike imaginations withered and turned to dust long ago.
Lacey: Well, that settles it! Guys, the kids at home have gotten us this far, but now, it’s time for some good-natured moderate violence.
Marc/Aurore: *Big sibling gasps*
Marc: Lacey!
Aurore: Absolutely not! Violence in any amount is inappropriate for a preschool show!
Lacey: Well, duh! That’s why we have the kids close their eyes.
Ismael: Ah, of course! Hey, kids! We’re gonna play a fun game! Do you wanna play?!
Disembodied Voices: Yeah!
Ismael: Super! Now, let’s all close our eyes until I tell you to open them! And remember, no peeking.
*The screen turns dark as the only sounds that can be heard are screaming, buzzsaws whirring, bones cracking, and more screaming. There’s a slight peak at what’s happening and shows Marc biting the bear’s arm, Cosette and Lacey putting it in a headlock, and Mireille about to attack it with a chainsaw*
Jean: *Unsheathing a sword* HEY! NO PEEKING!
*The screen goes dark again, and even more screams are heard until…*
Denise: Okay! All little niños can open their eyes now!
*The Science Kids stand innocently in front of what remains of the bear and grin*
Ismael: Great job, everyone! I knew you could do it! Now let’s get home we can be as inappropriate as we fucking please!
Disembodied Voices: *Gasp*
Zoé: Ismael, we’re not home yet.
Jean: Fuck it! I’m tired of singing the damn song! I wanna fucking curse like a sailor!
Lacey: Know what? Me too! We kicked this bear’s ass, and now we’re going home!
Disembodied Voice 1: Fuck!
Reshma: Oh, dear.
Cosette: Aw, they’re learning how to curse properly! I’m so proud!
Marc: Nope. Don’t be proud. We messed these children up for life.
Ismael: Hey, Jean and I said no peeking. You guys heard us. They heard us.
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llendrinall · 3 years
What if the golden trio + Draco magically get sucked into a universe where Riddle was killed before the potters were. And they grow up from babes to adulthood not remembering anything until they suddenly get their memories when each reach the age of 21 and ohh imagine how hard itd be on each's parents cuz they dont know whats wrong and all. Then bam Ron shows up engaged to a muggleborn he never spoke to in school and Harry and Draco are spotted on a date in a muggle zoo. The Malfoy's flip and so do the Potters.
It'd be a lovely story of healing, connecting and love and honesty I think they deserve it after the shit they went through.
The memories come to them in dreams. At first it’s just a strange, upsetting, dream that has a bit more consistency than dreams usually have and that lingers through the day while dreams fade away before you get out of bed. By the third night they have almost all the memories back, each dream slotting nicely with the previous one. Harry is understandably freaked out. He makes a quick trip to Godric’s Hollow to go hug his parents and then spends a lot of time looking at the one family photo they have in the living room, the one in which Harry and Dudley were seven. He stares at Petunia’s smile and wonders whatever happened to give him such horrible ideas about his aunt.
He and Ron are friends, living together as they went through the Auror training and now in their first year working as Aurors. Harry talks to Ron because he can’t shake that horrible feeling of dread; all the things he could lose or maybe all the things he has lost. That’s when they realize they have the same freaking memories, the same dreams, down to the nasty details like Ron leaving during the horcrux hunt or Harry being kind of a jerk about Ginny.
Ron, being Ron, is blessed with an eminently practical and down to earth sense of life. The dreams are strange and it would be very interesting to learn how come they got the same dream-memories, if something happened to their other selves and why are they suddenly remembering now. All those are very good and valid questions that someone should investigate. For now, Ron is going to find Hermione Granger and do whatever it takes to make her fall in love with him so he can marry her.
It turns out that Hermione has been getting the same dreams, the same memories, and when Harry and Ron – those two classmates she was friendly with but not super close to – come knocking on her door, she cries and she doesn’t know if it sadness for what they lost of joy to have them back. Ron once again shows his superior sense by grabbing her hand and saying that yes, this might be a super duper weird spell, and yes Hermione is right to suspect it and want to know why and where it came from, and yes, there may be some dark forces playing around; but none of that changes the fact that he loves her and even if the memories proved to be fake he will still love her because she has the courage and smarts to suspect the meaning of these memories and basically what Ron is trying to say is that he loves all iterations of Hermione. Sorry, but she is stuck with him.
They get married that same day, with Harry acting as a witness. Then they go tell their respective families. The Grangers take it surprisingly well and don’t even threaten Ron with dismemberment if he ever hurts Hermione. Instead, they ask him to do right by her. Ron, who might be going a bit mad, makes a vow of devotion and loyalty with his actual knee on the floor and the Grangers love it. They named their only daughter Hermione, of course they love it when an actual chivalric hero comes into their living room.
The Weasleys are a different thing. They know enough about magic to be suspicious of the sudden memories. Mrs Weasleys gives Hermione the stink eye because, to be honest, this sounds a lot like a love-potion. It’s only because Harry is there with the same memories and no wish to marry Hermione that Mrs Weasley doesn’t call the Wizarding Patrol immediately. Also, the twins and Ginny dislike Hermione. The twins slightly less so because they only had to suffer her as Prefect for a year, but for Ginny it was three long years of Hermione barring her from hexing and/or beating people. It was very frustrating and she blames Hermione for every pimple she got during that time. If Ginny had been allowed to hex Parkinson or Malfoy of freaking Finch-Fletchley every time they were their annoying selves, Ginny would have been much calmer and mellower and her skin would have reflected it.
So the Weasleys are not happy but there isn’t much they can do about it other than keep a close look on Hermione and wait for Ron to see reason.
It is a very busy weekend to say the least. On Monday Harry has vertigo because the week seems awfully empty (disarming a blood hex and capturing its creator, ppft, what is that for someone who remembers fighting Voldemort?). Harry would rather have his hours full so he won’t be overwhelmed by his thoughts. There is so much death in the memories! His parents, Sirius, Remus, Peter, even Regulus who is profoundly weird and very snobbish but James insists on inviting him to events and he keeps coming despite how uncomfortable he looks. They are all dead in Harry’s memories.
There is also Malfoy, who is even more of a jerk in the memories and who grew up to become an actual Death Eater like his father, someone who almost killed Dumbledore and who, when the time came, saved Harry’s life with a lie.
On Thursday the Auror office receives a call of dark activity in Minaford Park, which is where Draco Malfoy is living these days. Harry takes the assignment and makes quick work of the boggart and the ghoul that somehow were trapped under the stairs and were screaming at each other. As excuses go, it’s not too bad. Harry is certain that Draco could have done it himself, but it is messy enough that it seems believable that he would prefer someone else to fix it for him.
Draco offers Harry tea, which he accepts. There is a very odd tension in the air. Draco is down to his shirt sleeves and has shadows under his eyes and when he looks at Harry… It can’t be said that he looks at him funny. Draco was his usual snobbish self while he watched Harry getting rid of the creatures. But there is something in his eyes when Harry takes a seat and accepts the tea cup. Something almost like sorrow.
No, not sorrow.
“Look, Potter”, Draco says. “I am too old to start having prophetic dreams, but this affects you directly. You figure out if someone is playing with a timer-turner or what, here it goes.” And he tells Harry everything.
As one could expect, Minaford Park has a very beautiful garden. Draco and Harry spend hours after lunch walking through it. Ah, yes, Harry stayed for lunch. Draco insisted. He still had things to tell Harry and he was growing hungry.
They meet again on Saturday, ostensibly so Harry can tell Draco what he and Hermione had learned. Ron says he doesn’t give a damn where the memories came from. He only cares what he can do with them and so far he seems to be doing pretty well, having married Hermione and encouraged Bill to ask Fleur Delacour out. Hermione and Harry are a bit more worried, but Harry will admit the research effort goes 30-70% in Hermione’s favour.
Talking with Draco is good. He seems to share the same dread as Harry. Draco confesses that he is not happy with his conduct, or rather the conduct of the Draco that could be. He talks a lot about the fear and nausea at having the Dark Lord in his house, the smell of despair that took over the manor, the mad glint in his aunt Bellatrix’s eyes. Since Draco talks about his aunt, about seeing her mad and cruel and talking proudly about torturing the Longbottoms, Harry feels that he can talk about his own aunt Petunia and Draco will understand. Lily and Petunia don’t have the closest relationship, but to think that she could treat Harry like that…
The Sunday visit to the zoo isn’t a date. As soon as Hermione learns that Draco also has the memories she assigns work pairs and tasks. She sends Harry and Draco to check the reptiles in case they see something like Nagini in there. Both of them have the most memories of her. They should be able to recognize the snake.
Nagini is there and she is surprisingly cognizant for a snake which makes them suspect that she might be a horcrux. The discovery leaves them cold, a new kind of vertigo opening before them. They didn’t live through it, they are only memories, but the exhaustion of the war feels real and they don’t want to go through anything similar again.
Draco asks to go see the penguins and it might seem silly and contradictory, but watching them helps a lot to keep the chill from Nagini away. Neither can tell who initiated, but while in there they begin to hold hands. They go to see the butterflies next, which are in the next pavilion, and suddenly everything in the world looks much better. They don’t kiss when they part, but the way they look at each other is worth at least three kisses.
On Monday Harry receives a short message from Remus that simply says he has sequestered the Prophet’s copy but he doesn’t know how long he can keep Harry’s parents from seeing the news. Harry takes the morning off work and goes to Godric’s Hollow immediately so they can learn about Draco from him rather than the salacious gossip column.
James simply says, “MALFOY? You… MALFOY!?”.
He seems upset. Then he freezes and for the next ten minutes James says nothing. He doesn’t move. He is just there, in the kitchen, one hand in the air and the other holding a cup of tea that is growing cold.
“Harry, dear, I want you to come to dinner today.” Lily says. She has a worried frown but is otherwise unperturbed. “And tell us everything about those memories. Even the bad bits. This is important. It can be dangerous.”
“Yes! Dinner!” James screams, suddenly unfreezing. “Bring him to dinner. Tonight.”
“No, you are right. It might be too formal, too soon. Quidditch, then. Does he like Quidditch? He must. I remember you complaining about him while you were in school.”
“He… likes Quidditch, yes.” Harry says hesitantly because even now he is not sure if his dad is talking about Draco.
“Perfect. We shall go see a Quidditch match, the three of us.”
“James.” Lily warns.
“Does anybody in this house know when the next Quidditch match is?” James cries over his wife’s warning that he is doing it again, just like with Sirius.
“Saturday.” Remus says.
“That’s too late! When is Sirius back?”
“Wednesday.” Answers Remus and despite his transformation exhaustion he nimbly steps away from Lily’s strike with the newspaper. Usually Remus would spend his transformation at home, but since Sirius had to go on a trip he came to James and Lily’s so he would have company, which led to the fortunate circumstance of being able to take the newspaper and delay the news.  
“Honestly, Remus.” Chides Lily.
“I’m not encouraging him! You can’t call answering his questions encouragement!”
“It is decided, then.” James announces from the chair. He has climbed a chair and is speaking from atop. “Friday, you bring young Malfoy home. We will play Quidditch and some board games and have dinner in the yard. Sirius shall bring Regulus so Malfoy is not the only Slytherin.”
“James, listen to me…” Lily tries with little faith that James would listen to anyone.
That same morning, at eleven, Lucius Malfoy receives a howler from James Potter composed of thirty-two seconds of mad laughter, which means that James must had listened to Lily at some point or most likely that she was able to take his wand.
It couldn’t be said that James Potter was happy to hear that his beloved son was dating a snobbish Slytherin prick, no, but as soon as he realized that Lucius Malfoy would be equally unenthused about it, it had awaken James’s unhinged tendency towards confrontation with the established power and forced adoption of families’ black sheep. He had done it to Sirius, he had done it to Remus, he had done it to Peter (even if it failed catastrophically) and he was doing it to Regulus now. He had even befriended Severus Snape. Oh! Snape! He should invite Snape too. That way they could make teams of four.  He would come if Lily asked him to.
And afterwards they explore those memories, and Lily looks worried and so does Snape. Regulus goes very quiet for a while but then he gives his opinion of what has happened and it’s the most words anyone has heard him speak but the multiverse theory makes a lot of sense.  
The Weasleys warm up to Hermione eventually. They can’t tell why, exactly, other that Ron is beaming these days. Also, every time she comes to the Burrow she brings a gift to Arthur. It is a very obvious ploy to make them like her but it works because she sees the gift through and answers all of Arthur’s questions no matter how long it takes. The twins took notes when she gave her physics lecture. It was most informative. They created two prank artefacts out of it.
They find the few horcruxes Voldemort managed to make. Peter, who had a falling out with the Potters years ago, resurfaces and tries to steal a horcrux and bring back the Dark Lord out of spite. According to Regulus some people are dedicated to bring their own destruction and you can’t do anything about it.  Barty Crouch Jr. also tries to bring Voldemort back, but by then Lucius Malfoy has been adopted by James even though he is a powerful adult man with his own family. It makes no sense. If anything, Lucius should be the one informally adopting people and grooming them under his wing to be his devoted friends and allies. But Lucius had become James’, just like Severus warned him it would happen, so he puts a stop to that Barty Crouch nonsense pretty quickly and to any other former Death Eaters with ideas. Lucius might not like the Potters but he likes the idea of Voldemort taking over his house even less, and whatever else his happening, it makes Draco happy, so.
What little of Voldemort remained alive, it is now dead.
The four of them, they have the shadows and regrets of two lives, the fear and pain of two wars, but the happiness afterwards… Oh, it is worth it, it is very, very worth it. It is the happiness of two lives, tenfold.  
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thiswasstarkslydia · 5 years
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the losers club in the harry potter universe
richard “richie” tozier
house: ravenclaw
traits: originality, wit, sharpness
status: pure blood
patronus: coyote
then: played as beater for ravenclaw’s quidditch team, stan’s roommate, eddie’s best friend, member of the losers club
now: works as a curse breaker at gringotts, engaged to eddie kaspbrak, member of the order of chüd
edward “eddie” kaspbrak 
house: gryffindor
traits: courage, nerve, daring
status: half blood
patronus: lynx
then: played as seeker for gryffindor’s quidditch team, mike’s roommate, richie’s best friend, member of the losers club
now: works at st mungo’s hospital, engaged to richie rozier, member of the order of chüd
william “bill” denbrough
house: slytherin
traits: ambition, resourcefulness, leadership
status: pure blood
patronus: turtle
then: played as keeper for slytherin’s quidditch team, head boy, beverly’s boyfriend, leader of the losers club
now: works as a journalist for the daily prophet, married to audra phillips, member of the order of chüd
benjamin “ben” hanscom
house: hufflepuff
traits: kindness, loyalty, dedication
status: son of muggles
patronus: dolphin
then: part of the slug club, head boy, member of the losers club
now: works teaching history of magic at hogwarts, married to beverly marsh, member of the order of chüd
beverly “bev” marsh
house: slytherin
traits: cleverness, fraternity, cunning
status: daughter of muggles
patronus: emperor penguin
then: played as chaser and captain of slytherin’s quidditch team, bill’s girlfiend, member of the losers club
now: works as an auror, married to ben hanscom, member of the order of chüd
michael “mike” hanlon
house: gryffindor
traits: bravery, chivalry, determination
status: half blood
patronus: grizzly bear
then: played as keeper and captain of gryffindor’s quidditch team, eddie’s roommate, member of the losers club
now: works as a magizoologist, stan uris’s boyfriend, leader of the order of chüd
stanley “stan” uris
house: ravenclaw
traits: intelligence, individuality, creativity
status: half breed, part veela
patronus: squirrel
then: part of the slug club, head boy, richie’s roommate, member of the losers club
now: works at the ministry of magic, mike hanlon’s boyfriend, member of the order of chüd
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cursebreaker-lilith · 4 years
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I only posted her original profile in September, but I’ve changed some stuff and wanted to do a new drawing. Lili was pretty new to me then, and I’ve found her voice a lot more since so it only felt right to have a do over on her profile.
This is all up to the beginning of year 6.
EDIT: Some formatting changes made 5-12-21
Name: Lilith Silvia Vesta Brooks
Nicknames: Lili, Pipsqueak, Pip
Name Meaning: Lilith references a figure from Jewish folklore, Silvia comes from her grandmother’s name and references a figure from Roman mythology, Vesta was also chosen by her grandmother and references the Roman goddess of the hearth.
Gender: Cis Female 
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16 (Variable depending on what year I’m writing about)
Birthday: October 19th, 1972
Zodiac: Libra
Blood Status: Half-blood
Ethnicity/Nationality: White Brit
Sexuality: Self identifies primarily with queer but is okay with being called bisexual. Is also probably on both the asexual and aromantic spectrum, but the words for them hadn’t been coined in her time period. 
Height: 165cm / 5′5
Build: Average to stocky, hourglass shape
Eyes: A bright yellow-green, noticeably a bit big and round.
Hair: Pale blonde hair that is very thin and fine. She likes doing it up in different ways, from ponytails, to pigtails, to braids. Right before starting her 6th year, she cut her hair short and permed it on an impulse encouraged by her Muggle friends.
Skin: Pale skin that burns easily but quickly fades into a tan
Misc: Small and usually unnoticeable scars scattered across her hands and face from ice in the Ice Vault that will fade wholly with time (most already have by 6th year). Pierced ears--one in each lobe as a teenager but adds more as an adult.
Material Items:
Clothing: As a young child, she tried to keep up with mainstream Muggle fashion. She preferred lots of bright colors, stripes, gaudy jewelry, and scrunchies. Dear lord she loves scrunchies. As she got older however, she began to phase out of the bright colors and mainstream fashion into something which would soon be called grunge. Not completely grunge however as she still loves her statement earrings and scrunchies. Usually wears baggy/non form fitting clothing.
Accessories: Almost always wearing some sort of dangly and obnoxious statement earrings. Always has at least three scrunchies on her person.
In her school bag: Her wand, at least five scrunchies, school books and papers, books Rowan wants her to read, an old crochet penguin for good luck (her first attempt at crochet animals), crochet hooks and yarn, journal and papers related to Cursed Vault plans, at least three cool looking rocks she found on the ground.
Face Claim: N/A
Voice Claim: N/A
+  loyal, friendly, extroverted, responsible, mature, kind, adaptable, quick learner, resourceful, hopeful, courageous
+/— determined, good liar, intense, clever, intelligent, independent
— obsessive, untrusting, secretive, forceful, quick temper, angry, abrasive, single minded, rule breaker, rude, spiteful
Lili has a lot of pent up anger and a quick temper. She’s angry at her family, at authority, at the world. She’s not good at processing this anger and thus tends to lash out at people very often and often very cruelly and violently. She knows this and tries to keep in check but isn’t very good at doing so even as she ages. Because of her anger, she also tends to keep grudges for quite a while, even for stupid or petty reasons and is slow to admit she’s wrong.
In a better world, she would be known for her friendliness. Lili can be very friendly and relaxed. She talks first and makes a judgement second, trying to be as open minded as possible. She’s very casual yet polite and likes people being the same back to her.
Lili is determined in a way that tends towards the negative. Her laser focus on things tend to quickly become obsessions if someone she trusts doesn’t intervene quickly enough.
After her mother stopped being a parent towards her at a young age, Lili learned to take care of herself quickly. She’s become clever and resourceful in her steps to becoming independent. It’s left her mature and responsible for her age, but also untrusting and secretive, convinced she can do it on her own (or with Rowan only).
Lili is very loyal to those that earn her loyalty. For those she cares about, she would do anything. If you do something to lose that loyalty, expect harsh treatment after if Lili even deigns to speak to you. She’s not afraid of cutting people out of her life if they betray or anger her.
Likes: crafts (crochet, knitting, sewing), Rowan and Barnaby, scrunchies, dangly earrings, being busy, collecting things, fashion
Dislikes: Merula and Ismelda, Rakepick, Snape, most other Slytherins, people who get in her way, Dumbledore, Doctor Who after the 5th Doctor, not getting enough sleep, flying class
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
OWL Classes:
Astronomy: 6/10 (E)
Charms: 9/10 (O)
DADA: 9/10 (O)
Flying: 2/10 (A)
Herbology: 3/10 (A)
History of Magic: 2/10 (A)
Potions: 4/10 (A)
Transfiguration: 7/10 (E)
OWL Electives:
Ancient Runes:  9/10 (O)
Arithmancy:  6/10 (O)
Care of Magical Creatures:  6/10 (O)
NEWT Classes:
Ancient Runes: 9/10 (O)
Arithmancy: 6/10 (E)
Charms: 9/10 (O)
DADA: 9/10 (O)
Transfiguration: 7/10 (E)
Clubs: Dueling Club (3rd-4th year), Fencing Club (2nd-5th year), Transfiguration Club (occasionally from 2nd year on)
Quidditch: N/A
Prefect or Head Boy/Girl: N/A
Best Classes:
Charms It’s the one class she’s very naturally talented at. She never needs to study much, but she barely has to try with Charms. Someday she’ll beat Ben and be the best in their year at the class.
Defense Against the Dark Arts She’s not good at this because of any professor, she’s good at this because of her excursions into the Cursed Vaults giving her practical knowledge.
Worst Classes:
Flying Listen, if people were meant to fly, then they’d have wings, or a spell letting people properly fly would be created by now. Lili will be staying on the ground, thank you very much.
Herbology She’s lived in the city her whole life and being around so many plants is strange. She doesn’t hate the class, but she does use it to catch up with her friends rather than study.
Potions She doesn’t have the patience for potions, and that’s even when she doesn’t have Snape refusing to acknowledge her existence.
Favorite Professors:
Flitwick She thinks Flitwick is great. There’s not much more to say. He’s responsible but not smothering, and still thinks well of her brother. If she ever had to pick an adult to trust, it would be Flitwick.
Kettleburn She had taken Care of Magical Creatures because Rowan had wanted a third elective and Lili didn’t want to take Muggle Studies or Divination. However, she ended up loving the class and thinks Kettleburn is hilarious. She honestly wished she could take the class NEWT level, but her schedule was already full.
Least Favorite Professors:
Snape She has a very complicated relationship with Snape. He hates her because of her brother (who he did not get along with), because she reminds him of James Potter, and because her nickname, Lili, reminds him of his lost love Lily Evans every time he hears it. Lili, of course, does not know any of this and thinks he just hates her for no reason. Jacob thought he was a Death Eater (he got that from whispers older kids who Jacob knew were definitely Death Eaters), so Lili uses that as justification to not like him.
Rakepick She never trusted her and barely liked her, even before she became a professor. Her opinion didn’t go improve any time in fifth year.
1st Wand: Blackthorn, unicorn hair, 11 3/4 in, shiny and slightly flexible
“Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior. This does not necessarily mean that its owner practises the Dark Arts (although it is undeniable that those who do so will enjoy the blackthorn wand’s prodigious power); one finds blackthorn wands among the Aurors as well as among the denizens of Azkaban.”
2nd Wand: Aspen, phoenix feather, 12 in, fairly rigid
“In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries.”
Special Abilities: Natural Legilimens, Occlumency
Form: Jacob telling her she’s useless and unwanted and that everything she’s doing is for nothing.
Riddikulus: Has not found anything yet that works
What they smell: the Owlery, Standard Ingredient, and something else, something she can’t figure out
What they smell like to others: Lavender, hot chocolate, campfire smoke
Form: A goshawk. Independent and intelligent hunters who focus intently on stalking their prey.
Memory: A childhood memory of going to a fair. Jacob looked after her the entire night, and it’s one of the last times she remembers seeing both of her parents laugh.
What they see in the Mirror of Erised: Herself with her family–Jacob is there and looks like how she remembers him, and her mother and father are holding hands and smiling. As she ages, her mother and father are phased out of the image and replaced by her friends, her new family.
Father: David Brooks
b. 1943
Works at an accounting firm.
In theory, he was alright with magic and the wizarding world. In practice, it unnerved him more than he could say. When his children started doing accidental magic, and when Jacob came home from Hogwarts talking about nothing but spells and magic, that was it for David. He filed for divorce in 1980 and hasn’t spoken to his ex-wife or children since. He has since married to a fellow Muggle, treating her children as his own and speaking rarely of his biological children. He doesn’t even know Jacob disappeared.
Mother: Carina Flora Brooks (nee Braddock)
b. 1944
Works for a wizarding travel magazine as a photographer, travels around the world frequently
She was perhaps not meant to be a mother, and would have been happier following in her brother’s shoes of travelling the world with no responsibilities. However, her mother was insisting she marry and Carina, in a fit of rebellion, decided to marry a nice Muggle she knew instead of the purebloods her mother had picked out.
Carina was never very good with either of her children, and in particular could never get along with Jacob, resorting to abuse (emotional and physical) to try to get him to behave how she wanted. Despite this, she totally shut down when Jacob disappeared, feeling like a failure. This led to her severely neglecting her daughter to wallow in her own misery day and night. It also led to an irrational hatred of Hogwarts. She refuses to read any letters sent by them and has made several subtle attempts to make Lili miss the Hogwarts Express.
Brother: Jacob Seraphinus Ulysses Brooks
b. March 8th, 1967
Currently missing.
Never able to make friends easily or keep his mouth shut, Jacob always had a hard time fitting in, so he turned to books. He preferred fiction over nonfiction, but one history book’s mention of Cursed Vaults on Hogwarts’ grounds led to a search that would dominate his, and his sister’s, life.
He was an outcast in his house and Hogwarts, besides for a few acquaintances, and instead focused on reaching his goals. He was reckless and brave (the Sorting Hat considered putting him in Gryffindor), but obsessive, secretive, and increasingly dependent on the idea of “the end justifies the means.”
Grandfather: Ambrose Braddock
b. 1903
Known for being Britain’s first natural Legilimens in a century. The Braddock family is known for being a line of natural Legilimens, but none in the family had had the ability in five generations before Ambrose was born. This ended up leading to an offer of marriage from the Malfoy family who wanted the connection to this rare ability. Later realized his grandson was also a natural Legilimens, but died before he could teach Jacob more than the basics on how to control it and never realized his granddaughter also had the ability.
Died of sickness in 1975 at age 72
Grandmother: Silvia Braddock (nee Malfoy)
b. 1911
Never worked, has always been a housewife
Your typical upper class, conservative grandmother. She may not believe that strongly in pureblood mania anymore, but she still believes in things like “children should be seen, not heard,” and corporal punishment. Was in an arranged marriage to Ambrose and never really grew to love him feeling she was marrying beneath her Malfoy heritage. Fairly reclusive nowadays, only entertaining old friends for brunch and going to the occasional pureblood party.
Uncle: Victor Felinus Braddock
Pureblood wizard
b. 1940
Has a different job every few months, deosn’t really needs to have one and his work ethic shows that
Considered a fun uncle by his nephew, and an annoyance by his niece. Has a lot of stories, and a slight drinking problem.  While his mother was annoyed at him for having a dalliance with a Muggle-born, she was even more furious that he refused to marry Suzie. Victor didn’t want to be tied down, and left her to raise their two daughters only appearing in their lives every few years.
Cousins: Donna and Caroline Jones
b. 1960 and 1975
Both Gryffindor
Their mother Susan Jones was a Muggle-born Sorted into Gryffindor in the same year as Victor Braddock. The two have had an on again, off again relationship since their Hogwarts years that has resulted in two daughters.
Donna was sorted into Gryffindor in 1971 (meaning she would have been roommates with Lily Evans which is a coincidence I swear) and it’s easy to see why. She’s confident, brash, and blunt. She has many problems with her father and refuses to interact with that side of the family. Works in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for the Ministry.
Caroline is the opposite of her much older sister and was surprised to find herself in Gryffindor (Sorted there in Lili’s 3rd year). She’s timid and quiet, but with a backbone hidden underneath. She wilts at any negative tones, but is always ready to extend a hand to anyone who has hurt her, even multiple times.
Step family: Sabina Brooks, Ioan and Luca Ciobanu
b. 1949, 1975, and 1980
Immigrants from Romania to England
After divorcing Carina, David began dating Sabina shortly after and later married her, acting as a father to her two young children. The four of them live together in London.
Alfred An easily frightened black cat that once belonged to Jacob
Doctor Hoot A large barred owl that frequently forgets it’s an owl and not a lapdog
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna Her best friend!! She originally befriended Rowan because Rowan reminded her of her muggle friend, but it soon blossomed into a different, much closer relationship. Whenever Rowan is gone, Lili doesn’t really know what to do (”I’m going to cut all the sleeves off my robes.” “Why??” “Rowan left an hour ago and she’s like 85% of my impulse control.”) and Lili would never have made it through any of the Cursed Vaults without her. She probably also would have gotten expelled for brawling and dueling in like second year without Rowan. I’m not joking about that impulse control thing.
Barnaby Lee Lili didn’t like Barnaby at first. Even before he worked for Merula, she thought he was nothing more than a stupid jock and made fun of how Snape would pick on him in Potions. Then she actually talked to him and did a complete 180. “I’ve only known Barnaby for an hour, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and them myself.” She liked how sweet and genuine he was despite his awful upbringing. He’s always there to support her, and she’s really grown to love him for that. He once thought he had a crush on her, but it wasn’t really romantic (”The feeling was friendship but he had never experienced it before.”).
Good Friends:
Bill Weasley He’s like the big brother Jacob should’ve been. She was not thrilled to have a complete stranger helping with the Vaults, but in hindsight she’s so very glad she listened to Rowan. Lili isn’t sure she could have gotten half of what she’s done done without Bill’s help and steadfastness.
Charlie Weasley Their friendship kind of crept up on Lili. Charlie was closer friends with Ben and Barnaby, so while Lili had a passing familiarity with him before the Forest Vault, she wouldn’t have called them friends. She was surprised when she turned out to really enjoy his company when he started helping with the Cursed Vaults.
Chiara Lobosca Chiara was someone Lili tangentially knew due to people confusing them for each other (the hair color; once Chiara hits a growth spurt and Lili doesn’t people stop). Then Lili is forced to partner with Chiara in Herbology in 3rd year, and besides seeing her Herbology grade go up the slightest bit, she finds a friend in Chiara, appreciating the girl’s seemingly infinite kindness.
Nymphadora Tonks They get along in classes, but Lili doesn’t trust Tonks with anything serious.
Liz Tuttle The two have many overlapping friends but don’t really hang out with each other.
Badeea Ali She really respects Badeea, but they just don’t have many reasons to be around each other.
Jae Kim Lili thinks he’s hilarious and very smart, but doesn’t trust him as far as she could throw him.
It’s Complicated:
Ben Copper Probably the most complicated relationship here. She befriended him out of pity and continued their friendship because of his skill at Charms. He’s had a crush on her since they were 11 when she stood up for him which no one had ever done before. Then the Red Robed Wizard Reveal tm happened and Lili dropped him and ignored him, though he tried to make it up to her. 6th year only drives a deeper wedge between them as Lili can’t stand his recent behaviour. Ben finally confessing about his love for Lili in 6th year didn’t help mend anything either.
Tulip Karasu After finding out that Tulip had purposefully not told her about Jacob’s room, Lili instantly decided she was an undesirable but necessary ally. Lili does not like Tulip for most of their time at Hogwarts as she’s really pissed that someone would keep her brother’s things from her. Lili will talk to her about the Cursed Vaults, but they do not hang out and Lili does not consider her a friend. This really, really hurts Tulip’s feelings but Lili doesn’t really care. The relationship does get a bit better in 6th year, but it’s never going to be a close one. In a better world without the Vaults, they’d probably get along smashingly as while Lili isn’t a prankster, she has no problem egging them on.
Love Interests:
Penny Haywood Her first, longest, and most confusing crush. She was wary of Penny at first. Popular girls were rarely that 100% nice, but Penny truly was. She also had a nice smile and pretty hair and soft hands…. It took Lili quite a while (like four years and Bill telling her) to figure out it was a crush and then….she did absolutely nothing. She panicked and stopped talking to Penny for a while before sheepishly apologizing when Penny confronted her. They went to the Celestial Ball together, but “as friends.” That did not stop them from having a Moment that Lili interpreted completely wrongly and she assumed Penny didn’t like her romantically. Penny in fact did, and since Lili never reacted to their Moment in the proper way, Penny assumed that Lili wasn’t interested. The two continued having crushes on each other for the rest of their time at Hogwarts and remained close friends after they both graduated.
Talbott Winger Her second, less confusing, crush. Similar to Barnaby, Lili didn’t think much of Talbott at first. He was that one kid who was talented at Transfiguration and she once saw him chatting casually to an owl in the Owlery. He was weird and she ignored him. Then she was paired with him on a class assignment in 3rd year and a friendship bloomed despite Talbott’s protests. It was a casual thing at first, but then Lili helped Talbott find his mom’s necklace, and their talk under the stars about family and the past and future deepened their friendship. Having already figured out she had a crush on Penny by this time, she managed to get the signs that she now also had a crush on Talbott, which made her panic, again. However, since Talbott is even worse with emotions than her, she didn’t do anything drastic like she did with Penny. They went on one date in 6th year but that was going too fast for Talbott and they decided to stay friends until Talbott felt more comfortable being around people. Lili took this….mostly gracefully.
Diego Caplan The two met in the Dueling Club in 4th year. Diego was impressed with Lili’s skill and tried to befriend her and also maybe flirt with her a bit. Lili, who tends to gravitate towards people who are unashamedly themselves, found his over the top flirting hilarious and was instantly endeared to Diego. She really enjoyed being around him, finding his lightheartedness helped her forget some of her troubles with the Cursed Vaults, especially in 5th year. He asked her out on a date, her first one, and she agreed. She enjoyed the date, but 5th year was the peak of her obsession with the Cursed Vaults so she broke it off. They later dated again during 6th year, after Lili’s one date with Talbott.
Rowan Khanna see above
Desdemona Selwyn An OC. Their entire relationship can be explained with that one text post that’s like “Bitch.” “Blocked.” “Wait unblock me I need to tell you something.” “Unblocked.” “Bitch.”
Vidalia Barrows An OC. Lili has said like two sentences to Vidalia and she plans to keep it that way. Vidalia just eats and sleeps and does whatever Desdemona says to do.
Doesn’t Interact:
Murphy McNully/Skye Parkin/Orion Amari/Erika Rath She’s not involved in Quidditch.
Andre Egwu I just can’t think of a way to work him into the plot lol They would get along somewhat well otherwise.
Merula Snyde Hated each other’s guts for a while. Then Lili gave up her Frog Choir spot and Merula gained a small crush (even if Lili was a total ass about giving it up). While they’ll never be friends, by the time of 5th and 6th year they’ve become reluctant allies similar to Lili and Tulip above. Lili will probably never totally befriend her, but she’s learned to be civil and that’s progress.
Ismelda Murk Lili doesn’t really like Ismelda but she considers her all bark and no bite. Ismelda hates Lili because she thinks Lili and Barnaby are gonna end up dating and is jealous.
Desdemona Selwyn An OC. See above.
Most of Slytherin House Lili has never been shy about being half Muggle and being proud of it, and in a house that still worships Voldemort, that sets her apart. The few that don’t find her being pro-Muggle distasteful don’t want to be exiles in their own dorms and avoid talking to her.
Lili’s childhood was never that great. Her parents fought frequently over her and Jacob’s use of accidental magic, and this eventually caused them to divorce when Lili was 9. Her mother in particular was emotionally and physically abusive but Jacob spared her from the worst of it.
Jacob was always the best part of her childhood. She loved her parents, but Jacob was the person she always looked forward to seeing. When he went to Hogwarts, she was upset for weeks, and when he went missing, she was devastated (especially as he went missing the night of her birthday).
Her mother didn’t take it well. Carina was not particularly close with Jacob, but this obviously big failure of her as a parent hit her hard. She became very emotionally withdrawn from Lili and threw herself into her photography work, leaving the country, and Lili, for weeks at a time.
Lili had to become very independent very quickly after that. That, plus the fact that she didn’t have any non-Muggle friends meant she trusted very few people and lied often. Getting her Hogwarts letter was a relief and a promise of freedom
: )
see here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1467043
Lili is very distraught after graduation and leaves everyone she knows behind to travel Europe and find herself. She spends several years doing this, helping people and doing odd jobs.
Eventually, she finds that she has a talent for languages, picking up a few easily in her travels, and starts to consider possibly doing something related to language whenever she goes back to Britain.
She fuckin loves scrunchies.
Has lived in a Muggle neighbourhood her whole life.
Likes muggle TV. Grew up watching Doctor Who. Not impressed with the 6th Doctor, and glad she was away at Hogwarts during his run. Favorite Doctor is the 4th and she knit herself her own version of his scarf.
Likes collecting things! She loves cool rocks on the sidewalk, tacky tourist souvenirs, and things you find for $1 in a thrift store.
She can knit, crochet and sew. She likes making little crochet animals and giving them to friends (or just keeping them and having a plushy empire around her bed).
Loves having her photo taken and has a whole collection of photos, but hates taking photos. It reminds her of her mother.
One of her Muggle friends got her into fencing. She thought it would be useful to hone her athletic skills with, so she continued doing it when she went back to Hogwarts in the fall.
The type of person who needs to be doing something 24/7. When she doesn’t have anything to focus on, she tends to be all over the place and rather annoying.
Quieter and more complacent as a kid. it was after her family broke apart that the need to be so driven started to become a part of her personality.
Love Like You from Steven Universe is a song for her and Jacob (from Jacob’s POV)
Chameleon by Michela is a song that fits her
Big Brother Worship
Family Eye Resemblance
Good is Not Nice
Hair Trigger Temper
Jerk with a Heart of Gold
Parental Neglect
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gaiienpokedex · 4 years
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(Does not evolve.) #133 - Tamguin (Tam Lin + penguin) Hopper Pokemon Ice/Fairy-type They use their bright plumage and auroral displays to signal to one another. They can't fly, but they seem to underwater, and can launch themselves in torpedo-like attacks against enemies. Base Stats: 75/75/90/75/90/75 (480) Ability: Thick Fat/Swift Swim/[Snow Warning] Moveset: Charm, Fairy Wind, Powder Snow, Aqua Jet, Water Gun, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Play Rough, Aurora Beam, Avalanche, Icy Wind, Freeze-Dry, Ice Ball, Ice Punch, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Mist, Surf, Early Frost, Frostbite, Frostbomb, Glacier Crash, Ice Kick, Ice Spikes, Icefall, Icy Slash, Snow Wave, Aqua Punch, Undertow, Aurora Blast, Pixie Punch Design Notes: Rockhopper penguins, digimon
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