#peo’s faves
peonnes · 2 months
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And I was catching my breath, barefoot in the wildest winter
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peonights · 29 days
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cielospeaks · 2 years
thoughts on f-h 9/2021 update
the good: sumo rinka and mordecai! oh my gosh words cannot describe how glad i am that theyre the free ones! sumordy is the cutest and most wholesome, the fact his voice lines are that he likes sumo bc its a nonlethal way of fighting are the most wholesome thing ever. best boy. i also love that he seems to do a sumo pose as his untransformed battle pose. best boy. and rinka as the oni chief class(?) is amazing! its cool that they show more flame tribe specific outfits since rinka is the only flame tribe character in 14 (ppl were complaining abt the twins and their dad being the only ice tribe and the others being generic models, but the same is true for rinka? idk. the fans act weird abt the japan inspired classes :/ ) but anyways i love her outfit and design! i love that she has the sumo referee fan thing as her weapon also! and thanks for being 4 star pls come home. also the tana and peo convo was actually really wholesome and as i was hoping, compared both of them having protective older siblings (and again soft confirmed peo and tri are sisters, which im still salty that the book 4 story ditched for the sake of the abusive gaslighting “parents” of the fairies’ story and the stupid askr royals storyline)
the not so good: at worst the storyline of tt is really not appealing to me but its b3 and you knew it was coming, what with the story only having the ubw ripoffs of the main story characters besides eir and hel. its cool that the new character is being brought up to be a competent ruler and i kinda get her beef with eir (but cmon the girl only was ever show not-torture by the people who took her as a war prisoner and manipulated her and now treat her like a pet do you really expect her to do anything else) but i feel like theyll just be killed off/vilified for no reason in order to boost up “askr is so perfect and wonderful and flawless uwu and anyone who opposes them bad”
the as of now??????: puts on conspiracy theory hat. so ok i saw a theory that this lif isnt ubw ripoff bad character but actually the real historical lif. the fact he doesnt sound like a guilt tripping sack of shit in his jp voicelines seems to support that (the eng voice is just regular angry/edgy in both), as well as that askr (the character) mentioned him in the main story recently, and that he doesnt give eir a fucking guilt trip when he meets her in the story. however, a lot of ppl are turned on by bad ubw ripoff character and his ingame code is “lif 2″ so more than likely its the fucking asshole i know and dont like. but hey. wait until his epiteth to judge him. if hes historical lif and hes not a fucking tool i might actually even roll for him in his banner.
what about conspiracy theory and ocs?: so ofc this begs the question: what abt alcinous if the conspiracy theory is true? alcinous, the mysterious man in the “castle beyond memory”, is actually the true founder of askr, High King Lif, but due to being betrayed, usurped, and banished, he goes by his middle name now. well, i actually worked this out when askr started exposition dumping abt historical lif. so Alcinous (who ill call that for easiness’ sake) is betrayed, and a few generations later the “ancient Askr” becomes the Askr of the main series due to the descendant of the usurpers making a contract with the dragon (bull?) and becoming the first king. tbh that makes more sense bc the only relationship i could see alcinous having with askr is him being a total doormat and letting himself be walked on, and having it assumed that theyre best buds (which would parallel ichihara as the summoner, and add to the alcinous + ichihara similarities)
another note abt this is that the fact that these characters get ascendants makes me happy since it means theres a chance tri and plumie can get ascendants in next yrs story. plumie i love and i love the not fully formed idea i have abt plumie betrayal arc (and ursula betrayal/going solo arc that i really hope she gets an ascendant, but thats also partly bc memes), but tri really deserved it as she got super screwed over in literally everything, from being released as a pawn of her abusive manipulative “mother” to being treated like an unstable killer (she killed her and peo’s abusive parents in self defense since they wouldve killed peo if she didnt for fucks sake this is worse than the otr nonsense tbh) and she deserves the good content, even if the game doesnt give it to her. im glad at least tri came home during the leg banner
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Sebek, Ace: Let's be Honest!
Not me nyooming to write this and Malleus's 4th year anniversary prompt at the same time www
asdhubasyoabfwegua Good on Ace for saying what we were all thinking (that some of these framed illustrations have evil/suspicious as fuck expressions) 💀
WHAT’S WITH THAT CHUUNI FAVE + POSE COMBO IN THE GROOVY 😭 That must be Sebek’s “Kneel before wakasama!!” pose… Slap a duel disk on him and he wouldn’t look too out of place in Yu-Gi-Oh too. It looks extra goofy since Aurora and her forest friends look like they're staring at Sebek www
A Tale as Old as Time.
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"Yo, Sebek!" Ace called out to his fellow first year. He thrusted his thumb at a painting. "Check this one out."
"Do not 'yo, Sebek' me," he bellowed angrily. "I do not take kindly to orders from humans, nor being summoned in such a casual manner!!"
"And yet you still stomped on over here when I said your name," Ace teased, pulling an even more intense glare from Sebek. "Anyway, cool your jets and take a look."
Again, he gestured to the platinum frame. It held the image of a maiden with long, golden curls and a wicker basket, leaning wistfully upon a low tree branch. Chin propped up on the back of one hand, she, with various animal companions--a squirrel, an owl, a flock of colorful songbirds--gazed off into the distance, as if caught in a wonderful daydream.
"Kinda reminds ya of a certain sleepyhead, huh?" Ace snickered, his grin turned a shade mocking. "Silver-senpai's totally got the same vibes."
Sebek's nostrils flared. "In what way does this woman resemble Silver?! You will retract that insolent remark at once!!"
"Uh, you don't see it? The checked-out expression, all the forest friends... It's definitely him, man."
"W-While that may be true, I would hardly compare Silver to a layabout like her!!"
"Whoa, that's harsh. What's got you all worked up?"
Sebek crossed his arms, mouth wrenched into a frown. "I have read about this woman in a text. She sleeps for long hours of the day--"
"Reeeeeally not helpin' your case there," Ace interjected.
"--and thinks of nothing but her dreams!! In this painting, she is even speaking to the animals about her most recent ones, where she meets a prince in the woods. He whisks her away upon his noble white steed, and they are happily wed."
"What's wrong with that? Isn't this the kind of stuff girls dream about anyway? True love or whatever."
"The content is not what matters!!" Sebek insisted--he was positively fuming. "What is absolutely infuriating is that she remains idle in her pursuit of that dream!! Rather than chase it or make efforts to make her wish come true, she sits idly by and waits for it to happen to her.
"Silver is, meanwhile, nowhere near that level of indolent! He is a man of action!! We have both diligently trained since childhood to serve as worthy attendants to the young master. To imply that he has not earned his position is tantamount to--"
"Okay, okay! I get it already, you don't have to shout," Ace grumbled, rubbing at his ears. He put on a gruff, loud voice, imitating Sebek. "Sheesh, for all the 'You're BELOW us great and proud fae, human!' talk, you sure are quick to jump to Silver-senpai's defense, huh?"
A smirk.
"Guess that means even hardasses like you have soft spots too."
"Hard work should be properly acknowledged and commended, regardless of who performs it," Sebek replied dismissively, "and there is a high standard set for those who serve the Draconia bloodline. Silver would not be where he is today, were he truly unworthy! Having undergone the same grueling training as he has... I can say with confidence that he has done his utmost to make his 'dream' come true."
This time, it was Sebek's turn to smirk.
"Perhaps the concept is foreign to you, seeing as you're one to skimp on effort. I've heard many a tale of how you cut classes and shirk your responsibilities in Heartslabyul--shameless!"
"Haaah?!" Ace planted his hands on his hips and glared. ""You've got a real talent for pissing people off, you know that?"
"Hmph! If you're going to be mad, then be mad at yourself for a lack of trying. As Lilia-sama says, you must take charge of your own destiny!! Fail to do that, and you've got no hope of attaining your dreams."
"Big talk comin' from someone who barely follows that advice! At least I go and put myself out there."
Sebek drew back, appalled, his expression curdling. "Unlike you, I am extremely punctual and thorough with my tasks, whether academic or professional!!"
"Not THAT, you idiot! I mean that you don't step out of your own comfort zone," Ace retorted. "You wanna be the best knight you can be? Then how's about you quit making excuses for yourself and be honest for once in your damn life?"
"Are you accusing me of dishonesty?! You, who constantly makes trouble for his own dorm members to clean up for him?"
"Look in a mirror, cuz you just described yourself too, buddy! Why don't you clean up your own act before you start pointing and starting shit with me?"
The two boys' voices grew increasingly louder and louder. More and more agitated. Other gallery goers passed looks in their general direction, shuffled away to free themselves of the noisy corner.
"SHHHHH!" a museum curator hissed at the duo from around the corner. "Quiet in the gallery! You're disturbing the other guests."
"I-I sincerely apologize for the disturbance!!" Sebek hurriedly called back, his cheeks warming with embarrassment. He bowed--a perfect 90-degree angle, an attempt to hide his furiously pink face.
Beside him, Ace cracked a smile most wicked. "Heh, there we go. Now that's more like the Sebek I know."
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gracieart · 11 months
You’re seriously going to take drawing requests from A Court of Thought?!? Someone who routinely lies, gaslights, bullies, and blocks Elriels? You were truly one of my fave people on this platform but watching you pander to Eluciens…whew, the respect I’ve lost.
Hello anon. I seem to have upset another one of you.
First and foremost, I am going to draw whatever I want and I'm not going to apologize to you. Let me just get that out in the air.
And for now, we are just going to ignore how you seem entitled to me, my art, my free time, and what I decide to do so we can quickly address your concern here.
I want to preface this by saying I sat on this ask for hours because I was genuinely so confused where this came from. I literally had no idea what you were referring to. I thought ‘A Court of Thought’ was you trying to criticize me for taking art prompts for A Court of Thorns and Roses and that you were saying I do all those things you mention. Which, as you can imagine, made me very sad.
But it finally dawned on me (after one of my friends pointed it out to me) that you were referring to the comment I replied to from the blog ACourtofThought.
After that realization, your comment started to make sense… for the most part.
Now, I have never once spoken to or even heard of this person before they commented on one of my posts. I know absolutely nothing about them. I’ve never even seen one of their posts. But if what you say is true, then you should know there is no possible way I could have even heard of them before, as I have a long list of anti tags blocked and have a strict no negativity policy on all my blogs. If you knew me at all, or if I was one of your favorite people on this platform, as you claim, then you should know that about me at the very least. I make it very very clear I do not deal with that kind of negativity.
And you know, not everyone in this fandom chooses to surround themselves with negativity. I hope you free yourself from this, truly.
I am not upset that you talked down to me, hurt my feelings, and insulted me. No, I’m mostly upset about the fact that you immediately jumped to the worst conclusions about me. The fact is I simply replied to a nice comment I saw on a post I made. That’s it. You saw that and thought “Wow, this woman is siding with this person I really dislike. And she obviously knows exactly who this person is and why I dislike them so much. So how dare she!”
…That is what you thought, am I wrong?
This is unwarranted and out of context. I am not “pandering” to Eluciens. I was simply asking my very kind mutuals, who happen to like that ship, if they had any prompts they wanted me to draw. And I tagged Elucien in that post so it reached other people. I have so many nice and genuine friends on here who ship all kinds of things, and I want to create something that makes them happy too. Is that a crime?
What if I told you I’m the exact same person I’ve always been? What if I told you that all the while I’ve been one of your “favorite people on this platform,” I’ve been doodling Elucien for some of my longest friends. Would you still have had any respect for me left to lose if you knew that all along?
I won’t talk about the ships here. If you want to know about that, go see my response to the other ask I answered yesterday.
When I first saw this ask, I’ll admit it upset me very much. So much so that I couldn’t get anything done for most of the day because I was so sad that someone would say something like this to me. But I’ve had a whole day to think about this, and I’ve come to one conclusion: I really don’t think you had much respect for me to begin with if you are so quick to turn around and talk down to me and insult me after I seemingly did something to offend you.
And if I did offend you, you could have easily just unfollowed me and moved on. But… you chose to go out of your way to insult me. Why?
I am sorry you are stuck in a place where you feel like you have to assume the worst of people. I’m sorry you have found yourself surrounded with so much negativity in this fandom. Fandom is a place for people to come together because they enjoy something, and I am truly sorry you’ve fallen into the part of the fandom that doesn’t comprehend that.
I’ll never begin to understand why people can’t see that kindness is so much easier. But at least I have a lovely circle of friends on here I can fall back on. Friends who have different opinions, who ship different things, or like other stuff. Friends who are in a completely different circle, but are the kindest, most compassionate people I’ve ever met.
Anon, I truly wish for you to find that for yourself. Try surrounding yourself with kind people who like different things. You will be so much happier. Trust me. There are so many nice people out there once you step outside your own circle.
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heartsopenminds · 2 years
preshow hangout q+a! london 28 sept
I was at the show again tonight (I got to go on friday too!) and it was sooo good! I also got to go to the pre show hangout, so here’s some highlights from the q+a - putting under the cut as it’s v long and maybe a little spoilerish so....
- dan had lots of people he knows coming to the show tonight and was trying not to think about how how much ‘adult content’ there is and how they might react
- he had to remove some grandma jokes from the cardiff show because of the queen's funeral
- what disney prince would he bang? Immediate answer was the beast, then he clarified he meant in human form, then switched to aladdin
- people have mocked him for the fact that all he has in his rider is red bull, water and a banana (he reassured us this was not for sexual purposes)
- his feet smell like soap, but apparently americans have told him that's weird because everyone uses shower gel these days and soap is for medievel peasants
- he used to know how to do the dance to lucifer by shinee, and they're his number one all time group
- he thanked the person who wrote 'piss' on their piece of paper for bringing that over from instagram q+a’s
- the box where people post questions which is labelled ‘dan’s hole’ is now being referred to as ‘dan's slit’ because it’s a slot not a round hole
- the crew named the box dan's hole without consulting him and he's worried about getting it through customs to america
- the vip bags are meant to be an end of the world survival kit and you can use the bracelet as a weapon to fire at people's eyes and blind them
- there's lots of journalists coming to review the show tonight and Dan is worried they are all going to be bald white old heterosexual men and will think he’s just a woke child, but apparently if he wears nail varnish they'll suddenly realise he's gay and then whatever he says will be fine
- he said several times that we all have to make sure we cheer and look like we're enjoying the show so that the journalists will give him a good review
- his least favourite one direction solo music is liam payne’s
- the same person who asked that also asked for 'thoughts on’ daddy marx aka karl' and dan’s response was icon, legend, slay
- if phil were turned into a houseplant, dan wouldn't water him as he wouldn't deserve it because of how many plants he's killed
- dan thinks phil will live in filth for two months while he tours america and then do a panic clean 2 days before he gets back
- the person who asked them for a threesome was.....your mum
- corgi might win over shibe in the 'get a dog' discussion because shibes are apparently not very emotionally available
- someone said get one of each and Dan said he doesn't want to come home from tour and find two dog skeletons, so maybe that's a 2023 thing (!!)
- he emotionally vibes with the idea of becoming a cottagecore cat lady with 9 black cats
- his dream place to do a show would be in his house so he doesn't have to get dressed, so probably a livestream of him sleeping
- if he had to be a biscuit he'd be a hobnob - messy, large, circular and full of too much sugar
- fuck marry kill with mariokart characters - he'd marry then fuck then kill luigi
- he’s clueless about wine and never knows what to say when people ask him what his favourite red wine is
- phil only likes alcohol that tastes like ribena, and likes a nice gay rosé
- fave alcoholic drink - he said he's a gin girl because gin makes you cry and he's crying all the time on the inside so he's drawn to it on an emotional level
- someone asked how it felt to have turned an entire generation queer, and he laughed and apologised
- 'would you rather turn into sonic, godzilla or megamind every time you’re aroused?' dan’s response was sonic because whatever you're going to do, you can do it fast ‘time is money - spin on that, bitch!’
- he stopped posting the preshow selfies on his main account because phil said people were seeing it and not realising it was the preshow, so it made it look like only about 50 people were turning up to the show each night
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
I don’t really like my work this is so odd, but very cute, so thank u. not sure if they’re my actual favourites, but I like em
I like it bc it’s my most noted fic and it makes me a tiny bit proud
and then this is my first ever fic, so I love what’s happened because of it (ie all you guys)
may or may not be able to tell that comfort with a lil but of smut added in is my fave 🫠
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blue-cypress · 7 months
Time to post about my fave vanilla romdram ahahah
Okay so like this season was really nice overall just like wonderfully made a produced it didn't feel rushed (except the random ass FOUR MONTH time skip at the end)
Mel's pregnancy arc came to a sad end that I didn't expect, but in hindsight I probably should have. There were some times where they would say things about the pregnancy and I would go 'the fuck I thought you were only telling your boss his wife and your sister about this, why are you telling this to these random extras we'll never see again??' Brie and Brady made me sad especially cause of the reason she broke up with him. Mike literally had the same secrets as him and she's still choosing to date him, which bugs the shit out of me. Also I still don't trust Mike, I get off vibes from him. Preacher is the man Bo Burnham was talking about in lower your expectations cause this man is everything. He's thoughtful strong attractive will hide a body for you can cook!! And he's dating a woman who lied about her relationship status and wanted to keep things casual even though she didn't say that at the beginning of their relationship. Also her ex is really possessive of her and she keeps telling Preacher "oh its fine, he's harmless" and then two seconds later the ex is like " she's always gonna choose her job over you, and guess what, I'm part of that job". Lizzie and Denny. God they're cute and all but he's in love with her and she loves him. Like they said that to each other with Lizzie specifically saying "love" rather than "in love". Also Dennys grandma was a biiiiiitch. Hated her. "I was doing it cause I loved you!" 'It' being lying about being in love with someone else cause I know you don't want a baby so I'm not gonna tell you I'm having a baby and never speak to you for 50 (30? I don't fucking know man) years. And then telling denny she wanted him to go back to college even though he wants to live the rest of his healthy life with someone he loves?? Bitch behavior. Going back to Mike quickly, whenever brie and Brady had a fight or argument, he would just swoop in and flirt with her, even though he knew she was dating brady, huge red flag to me. Him getting shot did nothing for me, it just gave Brady more trauma. And the fire, it got the BnB, lily's farm, Muriels house, but god forbid the bar burns down. Speaking of the fire, nick was a terrible mayor and jo Ellen shouldn't have told her husband about hopes fender bender. Hope may not be in tip top shape, but she was delegating better than nick could have dreamed. One thing i didnt really like, however, was Mel and Jack planning to buy the land of lily's farm and rebuilding said farm. Like I don't know why but it feels weird to me. I'm not even gonna touch on Cameron or Charmaine cause I am not ready to type out my rants on these two. All in all, amazing how in 5 months half of Virgin River burned down- paiges abusive husband held her hostage, died, got buried on the side of the road that's coming back to bite preacher in the ass- abusive husband's BROTHER came to Virgin river, held Paige hotage, got arrested- Jack got shot by the brother- brie came to town and had a miscarriage- Lilly (a forty ish year old woman) gave birth then died of breast cancer- Hope got into a car accident so bad she was missing for almost an entire season- Mel got pregnant and then also had a miscarriage- Tara's sister Ava came to town and revealed she had mentioned-once-disease-that-i-cant-rememeber-the-name-of AND that she is one of now two lesbians in the show- Charmaine got dumped, pregnant, engaged, was forced to give away her dog, had a high risk/high maintenance pregnacy, then BAM we barely ever saw her or heard about her pregnancy for the entire latest season also Calvin is her baby daddy?? You know what I'm just gonna stop- Jack's cabin was set on fire- hope and doc went from on the verge of divorce to happily married and probably some other things I missed.
Also the only gay people in this are Ava, Hannah (who I'm pretty sure didn't have a name until season 2), and two extras named Johnny and Adrian.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 1 year
My 2022 in dramaland!!!
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I really wish I could have more time to make a bigger post (mostly so I can talk more about the dramas I LOVED) but it is what it is and it’s always fun to try and describe something you either hated or loved in a few sentences, so in the order I watched them:
My TOP5 first:
Dream Garden: Technically premiered last year but it aired like a kdrama (2 eps per week) so it took me 2 months to watch. Not excellent but far from being bad. A lot different from most modern romances in cdramas I’ve watched since it was a psychological thriller romance (with a super slow slowburn). Here because it was the only Gong Jun drama I got this year. Ugh. Cdramas, you know? Totally a rec!
Extraordinary Attorney Woo: Anyone who watched it knows why. It just had a hold of me since the very first scene. Park Eun Bin was her usual magnificent self. Also Kang Tae Oh and his character, Junho were a delight. He’s my pick for best male lead this year. Greenest Flag in whole dramaland. I don’t want a S2, but I want another drama starring Eun Bin and TaeOh. Fingers crossed!
F4 Thailand: Because it technically was/is my first thai drama. I KNOW the drama was not perfect and a lot of people jumped ship halfway through but come on, the story is completely outdated yet they keep remaking it, why? Cause we watch it. We love and obsess with the story as much as Thyme obsesses with Gorya in every version. Would love to watch the whole main cast again in another project.
Love Between Fairy and Devil: On the surface, it’s just like any other xianxia... except it’s not. It’s so MUCH more. It’s all in the execution. I cried I laughed I cheered and wish I got more of the happy ending. Just a tiny little bit more, drama!! I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Also, I discovered Dylan Wang can truly act. So the drama was full of surprises.
Revenge of Others: Orphan girl moves to an awful school full of little psychos to avenge the death of her dear brother. Girl meets boy. Boy discovers has a brain tumor but he’s also quite the vigilante. They develop an amazing bond and relationship that most romances in kdramas wish they could have. A really well executed whodunnit drama, with interesting plot twists. I was pleasantly surprised that the writers managed to tie in all the loose ends and gave us a satisfying ending and truly a happy one for the two main leads. SUPER REC!!
All of Us are Dead: THE POOR KIDS. I rooted so hard for the kids and no one ever came to save them. My faves survived and that’s the reason I’m watching S2. Rec? At your own risk lol. Also, the title is the biggest spoiler.
Bulgasal: I always forget this drama aired this year. I actually loved it, but it needed something more. Maybe a kiss?? lol I don’t know, on paper it was perfect but something was missing. Totally a rec, though.
Business Proposal: It came out of knowhere and was my first enjoyable romcom in kdramaland in a really long time. For me it’s a classic already. Would love to watch the second leads in their own drama, though. Not on my TOP5 bc really good and great dramas came after it.
Tomorrow: Please know that I’m a huge Rowoon fan before you read the next sentence. He was a terrible miscast in this. Everyone was crazy about the romance with Lee So Hyuk and Kim HeeSun and I would’ve loved to be as well if only they ever had more than 3 minutes together per ep. Just when I was getting into it, drama took me somewhere else. Not a rec. Sorry Rowoon. Sorry whole cast. Love you. Come back to us with something better
Not Me: Not sure why I chose this as my first Thai BL, but I’m so glad I did. Very different even among its own genre. Chemistry and makeout kiss scenes were AMAZING for the 2 main couples. Give this drama a chance but be prepared for the activist theme and the political talk. These are youngsters trying to change their world for better. Also, the OST is magic. P.S. That scene in ep 7 with OTP holding hands under the Pride Flag must have its own monument.
Bad Buddy: I always thought people were overreacting when the drama was airing. I thought “it must not be that good”. Oh but it was and I ate my words lol Fun, romantic, bit of a Romeo&Juliet themed, and the twist at the end?? Delightful. I cheered!!! SUPER REC!! Btw I also loved the OST of this one.
Love all Play: Back to kdramas. Badminton, romance, a charming male lead but terrible families. Another show that came out of knowhere but it was actually really inspiring and cozy to watch, in the first half. I loved the OTP. The found family dynamics in the team but there was TOO MUCH angst, really unnecessary and that’s why it’s not on my top 5. It had a a super happy ending though, and I loved that. Rec? tbh yes, really bingeworthy. And you would feel the angst less.
Sh**ting stars: For a romcom, I have to admit drama’s best joke was its title. It was enjoyable but not that memorable for me. Kim YoungDae is really good in this genre, though. He should stick to these kind of roles. The Oh NamJoo kind (where my Extraordinary You fans at?) He shines the best like that. Rec? Honestly, yeah. Good for a binge if there’s nothing else to watch!
Kiss Sixth Sense: Romcom, cliche, full of tropes. AMAZING chemistry between the leads. Because of fate, he could hear really well, superpower level. And she could see the future of the people she kissed lol drama’s biggest mistep was that it took itself too seriously. Also, the last episode was really bad. Technically a happy ending though. Not a rec.
Yumi’s Cells S2: Jinyoung was the best part and I regret nothing. Except the part where I loved and had so much fun with S1. This sequel though, did not spark joy, on the contrary, it killed it. What happened, Yumi?? 
Remarriage and Desire: Makjang. 6 eps. Happy ending. What can I say? It was great to relieve stress and at the time, I truly needed that. Rec? Yeah. It’s crazy, it’s soapy, it’s stupid, but it’s fun, short and its plot twists have plot twists.  Also I’m sorry but I watched it in spanish dub and it was even more hilarious.
Fanletter, please: Romcom. She’s a top actress. He’s a single dad taking care of his young and sick daugther. Sounds like a downer, but it truly wasn’t. Only four eps, and the chemistry between the leads was soooo good that I want them in another, longer drama. A total rec, for sure!!!
May I help You: Enjoyable drama but, as per usual, something was missing in the second half. The romance was nowhere to be found after OTP got together so maybe that’s what, at least for me. Drama shifted genres. The plot twist on the actual baddie was surprising but not shocking. Rec? Yes? Maybe? Well, I love Lee JunYoung and Hyeri’s acting got better imo.
Summer Strike: I honestly think the best thing about this is that the eps were only about 40 min long and that there were only 12 of them. A longer drama with a longer runtime would’ve lost the desired effect. In my opinion, the best slice of life kdrama of the year and really inspiring, even if it made me cry at times.
Under the Queen’s Umbrella: Iit honestly doesn’t sound like my thing. But I kept watching spoilers and gave it a chance. I’m still watching but I know how it ends and I think it’s a pretty great drama. I love the acting, the stories, the Queen and her sons and have never rooted for someone to kill their mother-in-law so much. Also, Queen is mom of the year. Total Rec.
Dishonorable mentions (shame on you, dramas! You were suppossed to be be better!):
2521: I think even the people who did not watch the drama know why. I made a rant post about it. It was not that they didn’t end up together. It was the how they got there what bothered me and traumatized me. Blacklisting the director and writer for life.
Love in Contract: Look. It took me out of a mini drama slump and I’ll always cherish that. Not the best drama (far from it), not a single bit made sense in the second half, but it honestly wasn’t as bad as people made it sound. Also, happy ending!!! Yay!!! Put it here because of the second lead. That dude was a psycho.
Note: The second male lead in this drama shares his award for most annoying second lead with the one from Cheer Up, cause I honestly think they’re one and the same annoying, entitled and deluded asshole!
Cheer Up: Conflicted. I loved this show when it was a fun coming of age story with youngsters in college, full of dreams and hopes and just wanting to cheer in a club after class. But sometimes it was like Bring it On meets Scream. Or something weird like that. Also, that asshole second lead was truly hateable. I honestly don’t know how I got past him and finished the drama. Last ep got a lot of things right, a pity drama spent so much on the love triangle.
Silent: jdrama. I actually finished this because I love Meguro Ren and became invested in a secondary couple (their story was soooo sweet) but this drama was more of a downer than anything else. Also ten eps of conversations, of taking big steps towards healing (or so we thought) only to realize male lead is still in the same place he was in the first ep? Doesn’t spark joy. Silently frustrating, despite the happy ending. Watch at your own risk.
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peonnes · 9 days
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“Well, well, well. A manaless swordsman from Clover?”
My Black Clover OC, Linnea Blackchalice. I badly needed a finished artwork of her so here it is. 💜 Check out my Black Clover blog!
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clarabowmp3 · 2 months
fave lyrics today?
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potohseviltwin · 9 months
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Outfit idea for Peo. She's one of my faves to draw, because... shape. I only made her ears pointy recently, so a lot of older sketches show her with round ears still.
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jeonsbwi · 1 year
Hello ari! This is your bangtan secret valentine ❤️ I hope you’re doing well? I’m so very excited to get to know you a little better and make you something full of l♡ve soon. A little birdie already told me a few things about you, and I was happy to see that we like quite a few of the same things; I love the same eras and songs you do (you have an excellent taste hehe), and I also love green! I see that your biases are taehyung and jeongguk – I’m dying to know why! What makes you love them? Do you have favourite eras for each of them, or looks you just can’t get enough of? Are there special moments that just make your heart melt? Tell me all the taekook ari facts! All the best, 💌
omg hi!! i'm doing very well, thank you, sweet one 🥺 i also hope you're doing amazing! aaah are you perhaps… my twin? you have no idea how giddy it makes me that we share various favorite things <3 (since i have excellent taste, that means you do too 😌)
oh, oh, no one's actually asked me that question before so i'm very excited to answer it!! i'll break it down into two paragraphs for each of them since it might be a lot of info! i'm also horrible with describing my feelings with words, i apologize in advance 😭
jungkook: initially, my bias in bts was yoongi, but i had taken a year break from bts due to some things happening in my life at the time. when i returned, jungkook truly stole my heart. i considered myself yoongi biased when i made my return but god… every time i looked at jungkook, it's like he was reaching out to me. from that moment, i knew i was doomed. i'm in love with him. i love the way his big, doe eyes grow wide and sparkle like stars in the night sky, i love when he spaces out in the middle of nowhere (i want to pick his brain to know what gets him in such a trance), i love his pretty nose scrunches when he's smiling. i love how he time and time again shows how much he loves armys (he tattooed us on his hand!!!!) and his hyungs!!! how he puts his 110% into everything that he does makes me want to work harder/become a better person myself. his competitiveness is also very endearing to me. the man simply hates losing and i respect that!! like idk man, he's just so good, so talented. in the famous words of kim taehyung, "the best voice in korea as far as i'm concerned." (HE'S RIGHT BTW) not only is he amazing at singing, but dancing?! his stage presence?! he's an ace. my heart swells up with adoration when i look at/think of him. looking at him makes me cry a little. sometimes (all of the time) i want to take his face into my hands to shower him with forehead and cheek kisses. that's my baby star candy!!! if i could put him in my pocket, i would. cutest, handsomest, most talented boy jeon jungkook protection squad <3333 would risk it all for him, i mean it.
fave jungkook eras/looks: 190811 jungkook (listen… this is where he started being a menace to me and was like "ari, you can't ignore me!" and i said "i accept defeat"), gq jungkook where he's wearing the black turtle neck (he looked so good please </3), dicon x bts jungkook shoot where he's wearing the black leather jacket in one pictorial and a white, fluffy sweater in the other (HIS DUALITY!!!). map of the soul on:e jungkook (concert & photobook). also, anything involving softboy looks is good to me. i love, love, love soft, prettyboy!jungkook looks. for favorite eras, ly: tear, ly: answer, mots7, and butter era jungkook are my top fave!
taehyung: this man creeped up on me when i least expected it. he slithered into my heart, created a home out of it, and has resided there since. i really knew taehyung became my 2nd ult when i saw a picture of him smiling on my tline only to burst into tears (jvngoo can vouch for this, she was on the phone with me when it happened). seeing taehyung happy makes me teary eyed for the simple fact that happiness looks good on him. he deserves everything good in the world!!! i have this need to protect him because i do feel like a couple of people misunderstand him due to his resting facial expression and how he's grown more quieter than when he was younger. taehyung is SUPER sweet, caring, and thoughtful. an actual angel. i hate when anyone believes otherwise. his love and respect for his work, his members, his fans (HE CREATED BORAHAE!!! AN INNOVATOR!!!!), his family, and his friends is quite evident 💜 i, too, want to to take him into my pocket with jungkook and keep them there forever. my favorite things about taehyung are when he gets shy from compliments, his tete mic faces and his bREAD CHEEKS!!! BREAD CHEEKS FOR DAYS!!!!! how do you expect me not to become emotional when he's giving me bread cheeks, you know? let me also bring up how talented he is. blue & grey, singularity, stigma, sweet night, snow flower, inner child, christmas tree, winter bear?! oh, and before i forget, KING OF STAGE PRESENCE???? yeah, that's my man! nobody does it like him! tbh would 10/10 d*e for him if he asked me to. would do it even if he didn't (i love him, i do, i do).
fave taehyung eras/looks: 2020 grammys taehyung. ly: her, ly: tear, mots7, dynamite, proof, and butter are some of my fave taehyung eras. map of the soul on:e taehyung (concert and photobook). VOGUE KOREA TAEHYUNG!! HIS PHOTOPHOLIO SHOOTS!!! i have so many more fave looks from taehyung, but my brain is a little fried rn. if he has black or blonde/light colored hair, i more than likely enjoy it!
taekook moments that melt my heart:
in the soop s2 when taehyung pleads for jungkook to cook for him, and jungkook is like "how are you going to live your life (if you can't cook)?" but ends up cooking for him anyway <3
may 5th, 2020 taekook vlive. self explanatory. (i clicked the vlive notification that said they were live and screamed when i saw it was them lmfao)
all taekook interactions during the PTD concerts!!!
the live where taehyung and jungkook said they're fire and water, and that they need each other to keep the other grounded :(((( (their bond is everything to me)
this particular fansign: 1 + 2 (THEY WERE BABIES, PLEASE!!!!)
when they mimick each other's actions or facial expressions!!! CTRL + C/CTRL + V DUO!!!!
all taekook interactions tbh, i'm not picky, i'll take EVERYTHING!!!!!! bc everything they do tgt makes my heart beat with joy!
i didn't mean for this to be so long, i'm very sorry 🥹 got carried away. i hope you enjoy reading my dump of feelings and that your questions have been properly answered, sweet one <3 thank you for coming into my inbox, and don't be afraid to return!
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ramune-moved · 5 years
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mg + peo said gay rights!!
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Opie Winston x F!Reader
Inspired by Day 22 of the July Prompts: pink skies
Warnings: language
Word Count: 976
A/N: Just a short, comfy lil fic for my fave tall boy. Hope you guys enjoy! xo
SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @masterlistforimagines​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @mayans-sauce​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @punkgoddess-98​ @paintballkid711​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @jitterbugs927​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ (If you want to be added to the taglist just let me know!)
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You figured that there was no way he didn’t hear you coming up onto the roof. He didn’t turn around, though, so maybe he thought that it was Jax or one of the other guys. Taking a deep breath, you made your way over and sat down next to him. You didn’t say anything, just leaning forward so that your elbows were braced against your legs, matching the position that he was sitting in. A couple times you felt him look over at you, but the fact that he didn’t say anything let you know to just keep your mouth shut for a few more minutes until he was ready to really acknowledge you were there and talk.
Another minute or so went by before he gently bumped his knee against yours in a wordless greeting. You smiled to yourself, returning the gesture before speaking, “Jax said I might find you up here,” you glanced over at him before looking back out at T-M and the expanse beyond it, “It’s nice up here.”
“Yea,” he nodded slightly, still looking off into the distance.
“You wanna talk about it?”
He looked over at you, “About what?”
You gave a small shrug, “Whatever it is that has you up here brooding. Whatever has made you not come home for the past few nights.”
“I’ve come home.”
“Just coming home to shower and then leaving again doesn’t count,” you shook your head. With a quiet sigh, you leaned against his arm, “What’s going on?”
Shaking his head, he pulled his beanie off so he could rake his fingers through his hair, “Club shit.”
“There’s always club shit,” you rested your hand on his knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze, “What happened?”
Resting his hands on the back of his neck, he sighed as he looked up at the sky, “They’re just, they’re doing dumb shit for the sake of money. Making messes they aren’t gonna have to clean up.”
“I’m assuming by they you mean Jax and Clay?” when he nodded, you continued, “You talk to Jax about it?”
He nodded, “He’s too deep in it to listen. I tried, but,” he sighed, “no fucking point.”
“Hm,” taking your hand off his knee, you locked your arm with his and tucked yourself against him, “So now you’re up here trying to figure out damage control?”
Glancing down at you, twisting his beanie in his hands, he nodded, “Something like that.”
You’d known Opie long enough to know that he spent way more time than he should inside his own head. He also dedicated more time that he should’ve to trying to clean up Jax’s messes despite the fact that he had some of his own to clean up. But now wasn’t the time to get into all of that. Instead, you just wanted to give him the opportunity to give himself a breather. “Wanna take a break from that?” you offered.
Something resembling a small smile appeared on his face, “And do what?”
“Literally anything else,” you laughed, squeezing your cheek against his arm. A few beats of silence passed before you spoke up again, “You know, it’s a shame you all use this spot to spiral out in your heads—it really is beautiful.”
He chuckled, looking down at you, “No one uses it to spiral.”
“How else would you explain what you were doing up here?”
He didn’t have any room to argue, so instead he untangled his arm from yours and wrapped it around your shoulders so he could better pull you against his side. You hummed in approval as you let yourself settle against him. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and ran his hand up and down the outside of your arm. The two of you sat together in silence, watching the last few people filter out of the T-M lot for the day. The sun was setting quickly, tinging the sky with orange and pink. Despite the chaos you were sure was building in the clubhouse beneath your feet, everything felt perfectly safe and serene up on the rooftop with Opie. Very rarely did you ever feel anything but protected in his presence.
“Sorry,” he spoke up, eyes fixed on the rip in his jeans, “for not coming home. That was kind of shitty.”
You chuckled, “Yea, it kind of was,” you turned your head, lifting his hand to your lips and kissing his knuckles, “I get it, though. I’d rather be pissed off up here than at home too.”
“This where I should come and look for you next time you’re mad at me?”
You chuckled, nodding, “Maybe.”
He watched you for a few seconds, a smile tugging at the edges of his mouth, “You don’t wanna go home yet, do you?”
“Well now we at least gotta wait until the sun sets,” you laughed.
Chuckling, he pulled you tighter against him, “Obviously.”
You bumped your knee against his, “I love you, you know. Even when you’re being moody.”
You felt his lips curl into a smile as he pressed them to the top of your head, his beard bristling against you, “I know. I love you too.”
The two of you fell back into comfortable silence after that. You knew that while it was peaceful now, once the sun went down it would only be a matter of minutes before the clubhouse really came to life, with the sounds of music and dozens of loud conversations taking place. So you soaked up the peace with him while you could, watching the sun begin to make its way down towards the horizon. Every now and then he’d give you a light squeeze, as if to let you know that he was there with you physically and mentally, and each time you gave his leg a squeeze in return.
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thepixelelf · 4 years
I wanna talk about inclusivity - updated 05/05/22
I wrote this post a long time ago, but I still stand by much of what I said back then. Some wording has been changed, and some things have been added, but nonetheless, the message is the same.
Reader insert fanfiction should be as inclusive as possible.
If not, it’s hard to call it reader insert in the first place.
I’m not talking about personality here. I’m not talking about whether “y/n” drinks coffee if you hate it. I’m not talking about if the reader-insert is shy when you’re not.
This is about physical appearance. This is about body type. This is about race.
Before I go any further, I want anyone reading this to know I am not claiming to be perfect. Of course I will also make mistakes. With those mistakes, I sincerely hope people call me out on them. I want to know when I’ve done wrong -- when I have offended anyone -- so that I can learn and grow. Please, if you have anything to say regarding this post or the topic in general, feel absolutely free to contact me.
Other posts on inclusivity:
The problem with social media aus How to make your social media au inclusive
Continued under the cut.
Writing a female reader is one thing. I honestly have little to no problem with this, especially when it is explicitly mentioned somewhere in the description of the post. Especially in kpop fanfiction (and even more so with boy groups), the majority of readers are girls. We’re practically the target audience, and I acknowledge that. What I want most regarding gender is for people to properly label gender-specific works.
Problems arise within writing any gender of character, though, especially considering stereotypical body types. The most common is height. Not every reader will be shorter than the kpop boy. In almost every fic I’ve read, especially with female-insert, there is some sort of hinting that the reader is shorter than the boy. Although this is not too mentally damaging (from what I’ve heard), it can get tiresome/annoying when it’s the only thing you ever see. If you are shorter than most, imagine if almost all reader-inserts constantly talked about characters looking up at you, or you helping someone reach something from a tall shelf. You’d feel excluded, right?
You know why people have to specifically request tall reader fics? Because almost no one writes them.
It’s the same with -- and I’m paraphrasing here -- “chubby” reader requests.
I’ll put a trigger warning for fatphobia here, as I will be addressing it. If you do not want to read about this, skip to the next bold sentence.
I see a lot of chubby reader requests floating around, and while it’s great that people write them, it’s not so great that they need to be requested in the first place. I know that most of those are comfort fics, but still. The kpop community is already extremely fatphobic. I won’t go too into it since it is not my place, but it must be acknowledged. And don’t come at me with the whole “my fave is not fatphobic >:(((” bullshit because that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s ingrained deeply in many Asian cultures and societies, and South Korea is no exception. It’s why girl group members get death threats for having a stomach. It’s why boy group members call each other pigs just for not having abs. It’s there, and we shouldn’t deny it. We can’t deny it.
But furthermore bringing body-shaming into READER-INSERT of all places?? I just... I get disappointed. 
If you want to be inclusive, don’t write the classic “swimming in his clothes” trope. It’s so tired. I know it’s considered cute or domestic or whatever, but come on. What if the reader is broad? Or tall? Or fat? (Know that I do not intend to use the word “fat” in a derogatory way. I know how dismally society has treated the word.) Writing the “swimming in his clothes trope” is very very exclusive, and it sucks that more and more of it is still being written.
That’s just one thing. There are so many other instances in reader-insert writing that include discrete body-shaming, but I can’t cover it all. People should be more aware is what I’ll say.
This is the end of my addressing of fatphobia.
From here on, I’ll be addressing race. If, for whatever reason, you want to skip this because it makes you uncomfortable, you may want to sit down and reevaluate as to why this would make you uncomfortable. 
I want to start off by saying that while I am a person of colour, that does not mean I am incapable of racism. This applies to everyone.
The biggest exclusion that happens in reader-insert fanfiction is racial. I will not sugarcoat it.
The first glaring example I ever saw was the use of “Kim Y/n”. Fucking ridiculous. Kim or Park or Lee or whatever, why would you ever do this? Readers have their own last names. Only so many readers will be Korean at all, and even then only so many will have that specific fucking last name. What is the point of giving a last name like that? What is the point of forcing the reader to be Korean? Unless the reader-insert character is adopted or there’s some other extenuating circumstance, I never want to see something like that.
Much more comes from use of hair and literal description of skin colour.
Any description of hair types (straight, curly, thick, thin) is exclusive to those with any other hair types than the one described; it’s the same with hairstyles. I’ve seen many written moments of tucking hair behind the ear or running fingers through hair -- hell, I used to write the exact same thing -- but that’s exclusive to many many people. People with short or no hair, people with hair that isn’t the kind of texture that can be run through, people who wear head coverings, etc. It’s easier to just avoid descriptions of hair than try to find something that will include everyone.
As for skin colour... please, please just don’t write the reader blushing. At least. Other descriptions of skin colour I believe have been waning lately, but blush I still see as often as ever. Many poc don’t show blush. It really pulls you out of a fic when something happens that you can’t do because of your race. It’s extremely disheartening.
I know it’s because we write with ourselves in mind. What we can do is work harder to remind ourselves, as reader-insert writers, that we are writing for everyone.
If you read any of this and thought anything along the lines of “But I do [this thing that was mentioned] and I’m not racist/fatphobic/colourist!” please consider that many of us are raised with preconceived notions. We may not realize certain issues at first, but we can learn from others and grow from this.
That’s all I have for now, but there is always more to be said. If you think I am in any way in the wrong, talk to me. Make your voice heard.
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