#people who take their headcanons way too seriously need to acknowledge it's all in their head
gaybananabread · 3 months
Could we have some radioapple tickle hcs pls? <3
(Can be platonic or romantic!)
🍎Alastor & Lucifer Tkl Headcanons📻
~Of course! I’ve been looking for an excuse to write some Hazbin stuff, so I’m more than happy to get these disaster-dads in. I’m gonna do their individual hcs first, then the pairing ones at the bottom. Hopefully these aren’t too OOC. Thank you for requesting!~
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I think we can all agree this asshole loves a good tickling, though the direction depends on who’s around him.
Only certain people are allowed to touch him normally, much less tickle him.
Still, I’d say he’s a lee-leaning switch. He just masks his moods when they’re “inconvenient.”
He gets into lee moods more often than he’ll ever willingly admit.
Actually acknowledging and dealing with them, however, is a whole different story.
Whenever he’s stuck somewhere with his regular acquaintances, he’ll just suck it up and try to stifle any reactions. If he’s lucky, he’ll be able to slip away and hide somewhere to wait it out.
When he does actually deal with them, however, he practically gives himself up to the ler.
Only Rosie, Mimzy on a good day, and occasionally Lucifer are allowed to tickle him without much asking. Everyone else has to have explicit permission, and are severely limited in what they can do.
When it’s one of those three, Al becomes a wriggly, kicking, squirmy mess of a demon. He definitely cannot hold still while being tickled.
For anyone he’s not really that close to, they can only really go for his sides or palms without being murdered afterwards.
If you get him good enough, some high-pitched bugles and bleats could slip into his laughter.
His worst spots are his hips and ribs. He loses it when you go for either; you’ll get a lot of adorable deer noises.
His melt spots are his ears for sure. His smile gets all dreamy and relaxed; if you’re lucky, you may even get a few little bleats or some purring here and there.
Run for the fucking hills, my friend.
He’s an evil bastard of a ler for sure. If you’ve pissed him off a certain way (or just seem like you need a good tickling), he’ll make you scream.
Now, while cruel, the deer man is no hypocrite; if you seriously don’t like or want to be tickled, he’ll stop. Maybe not apologize, but he certainly won’t try it again unless you specifically ask.
If you do ask, expect no mercy.
He’ll use his shadow tentacles to tickle the living (or dead) shit out of you.
Though he may not always listen right away, I’d recommend setting up a safeword with him. That way, he’ll know when you’re seriously done.
Teases very sarcastically, but he’s always serious when he compliments your smile.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you over all that laughter, my dear.”
“Oh my, that is quite the bad spot, isn’t it? How about I send a little friend or two to give it some love?”
“You have a lovely smile, dear! So wide and cheerful; you’ve just got to show it off more!”
“You’re always so sour-faced. Maybe we should make these little attacks more frequent, hmm?”
Despite all this, he can be decent with aftercare. If he’s really comfy with you, you’ll get head pats and maybe some cuddles.
If not, he’ll send his shadow over to snuggle with you. It’s not really the same, but you can feel the hugs it gives. Maybe, if you’re lucky, he’ll let you have some of his mother’s famous jambalaya.
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You can’t tell me this man doesn’t love being tickled.
Like, there’s a way to laugh his heart out and drown out all his negative thoughts? Man is more than down.
On the flip side, he can’t help but enjoy the giddy panic on someone’s face when his fingers wiggle into their sides. It’s a great way to take them down a peg without doing any harm (Charlie approves).
For that, I’d say he’s a 50-50 switch.
He’s got different reactions around different people, depending on how well he knows them.
If he doesn’t know you all that well, he’s gonna try to hide his reactions: pushing you away, biting back giggles, acting like he hates it.
If you’re close? Completely different story.
He’ll crumble at the first sign of wiggling fingers, a big ol’ smile dominating his features. He can’t help it; the thought of getting tickled by someone who cares makes him so giddy.
If he’s really lost in laughter, his wings might pop out. It’s adorable, and it gives you a lovely new spot to attack~
His lee moods are about as rare as drug dealers in hell.
Pretty obvious, too; random giggle fits, staring at others’ hands, and giddy blushes are plentiful.
When he gets into them, Luci can actually ask for help sometimes. Sure, it’s flustered and stuttery, but it gets the message across.
His worst spots are his wingpits - all six of them. Even light scribbling there will send him into near hysterics.
His melt spot - and favorite spot - is his belly. The widest, giddiest smile forms if you gently tickle him there. Go for long enough, and he might even doze off.
He’s such a loving menace of a ler, no argument.
He’ll take things slow, but you’re gonna get the hell teased out of you, no question.
“Aww, what’s the matter? Does it tickle? I’m barely getting started!”
“Snorts already? Man, this really tickles, doesn’t it?”
“You’ve gotta be the cutest thing in all of hell! I mean, listen to those giggles!”
“I’ve gotta refer you to Charlie. This level of adorableness could warm the coldest of hearts~”
“Not there, huh? Then how about here? Or here? You’ve really gotta be more specific.”
You KNOW this man would use his wings against you. Sneaky hugs, followed by some feathery fun~
His ler moods are frequent and fierce. If nobody asks him within a few hours, he’ll just attack the first lee who gives him semi-probable cause.
Even though he’s a bit of a meanie, he’s a saint with aftercare.
This man loves post-tickle cuddles; what’s better than curling up with a snuggly, giggly lee? He gives great back-rubs, and I think he could make a mean grilled cheese.
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We can all agree that Lucifer is the main ler, right?
Now, Al doesn’t just let the man tickle him; that’d be too easy.
Deer man loves to tease: raising his arms to “reach for things” with others around, chuckling right in Luci’s ear, just being an all-around asshole.
It takes the blonde everything he has not to pounce in public.
By the end of the day, it’s safe to say that Lucifer gets the last laugh~
When Luci is in a lee mood, he'll just straight-up ask for tickles from Al.
Just to annoy him, he'll plop in the deer man's lap, raise his arms, and demand attention. Alastor is more than happy to oblige~
NOW, when Al’s in a ler mood, the tables pretty much turn inside-out.
He’ll go up to Lucifer, teleport him to his room, pin him with tentacles to the wall or bed, and make him squeal. He’ll usually push the fallen angel until he safewords.
While Lucifer could just escape, he “secretly” enjoys being taken down a few notches. Besides, he gets free cuddles afterwards.
Speaking of which, they always cuddle afterwards, no matter who the lee is. It’s an unspoken rule neither of them are keen on breaking.
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plutodetective · 1 year
I have to work today, but there’s a lot I want to say about Jonathan and gender, and I won’t have the time to organize it in a proper essay, so here are some points:
1) Of fucking course men can have characteristics usually attributed to women and still be men. I’m working on a series of sci-fi adaptations of fairy tales, and in my Sleeping Beauty the protagonist is a (cisgender) boy, precisely because I want boys to see they can be vulnerable and need rescue too. And I completely understand if someone prefers to see Jonathan as a cis man because it’s so rare to see men in this role, surviving abuse, when it does happen in real life. I start my Gothic Heroine Support Group fic with Belle making precisely this point. Men can be prey, women can be predators. She knows this because that’s what happened to the original Beast, and kudos to Gabrielle Suzanne de Villeneuve, the author of the original Beauty and the Beast, for making this point centuries ago.
2) That being said, Jonathan seems to identify with women on a deeper level than being on a role in which women usually are. For me, what cements the headcanon is when he chooses the women’s quarters to sleep in, seeming to long for “a gentle life”, even if it involved sadly waiting for the menfolk to return from war. He seems to identify with the female identity, not only the female role. That’s only my personal interpretation, I fully acknowledge that. But seeing as it’s one that a lot of trans people in the fandom seem to share and, more importantly, to identify with, it’s one that is more than valid: it brings people joy. I’m cis. I’m also bisexual, and I know the joy of seeing myself in a character through subtext, and also how frustrating it is when people say it’s not true because it’s not 100% explicit in the text. If trans people are telling me they identify with Jonathan, I believe them and I take that as there being reasons I acknowledge I cannot fully understand why Jonathan is potentially a trans woman.
3) I assume everyone here has heard of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey. But it’s less likely that everyone has heard of Gail Carriger’s The Heroine’s Journey. I fully recommend this book to everyone. But the point she makes is that whether someone is a “hero” or a “heroine” according to hers and Campbell’s analysis doesn’t depend on their gender. Women can follow Campbell’s Hero Journey, and men can follow Carriger’s Heroine Journey. And non-binary people can follow either. The names come from the gender of the characters who originated the archetypes, with Campbell’s being classic Greek heroes, and Carriger’s being ancient world goddesses. With that in mind, although no one has written a “Gothic Heroine’s Journey”, Jonathan Harker is a gothic heroine, regardless of whether you see him as cis man or trans woman, because he follows that story type step by step.
4) Does anyone here know of a transgender gothic heroine (in the gender neutral sense explained above)? Because I don’t. If anyone does, seriously, please point me their way, I’d love to increase my gothic knowledge. But it’s a type of representation I’ve never seen. As a member of a lot of minorities, I feel very happy whenever I see any of them represented in ways I’ve never seen before, and I can only imagine it’s the same for trans people. So what’s the harm in letting Jonathan be that? Seriously. All that is missing so far from Jonathan being a fully classical gothic heroine is him going around the castle in a flowing white dress. If I ever get to adapt my written version of modern day!Dracula, I’ll absolutely put Natália (my version of Jonathan) in a white nightgown, just to give a transgender actor the chance to play out this scene that I’ve seen so many cis women do over the years. Again, I understand if someone takes empowerment from Jonathan as a cis man surviving abuse, and I’d never want to take that away from them. Jonathan being a cis man is an absolutely valid reading too. But I think trans women deserve empowerment too, deserve to see a trans woman playing out a story so many of their cis counterparts have always had. The book is in public domain. We can each adapt them the way we choose. Cis man Jonathan and trans fem Jo, Natália, or whatever name you prefer for her, can coexist and be important to the groups of people each of them are important to. 
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hunters-heathen · 4 months
I know you wanted headcanon or blurb requests but I actually just want to know what your favorite thing about each batch member is?? If that's okay? I know you said Hunter so you can just do him specifically but if you have something for every member that would be so fun too :)
First of all, anon, how dare you make me choose just one thing… how am I supposed to do this djdjdjdjdj I’ll give it a try
Hunter: god, what can I even say as my final decision?! I think overall I love Hunter’s grit and determination. I love that he’s willing to go above and beyond for his family, no matter what it takes. No matter how scary the mission may be. He reminds me a lot of Joel Miller in that respect, with his determination and feral behavior trying to get Omega back. And his attitude with Hemlock while being tortured- GOD like he must have been so scared & in so much pain but he still fought back (also? His voice is so sexy 🤭🤭🤭)
Crosshair: his character development. His arc. I can confidently say it was one of the best character arcs I’ve ever witnessed (on a more superficial level, his sass is so real like what sass can you give me in the bedroom, sir??) and I hope that those who never gave him a chance before can see how far he’s come and reconsider their opinions
Tech: oh, Tech… how I miss you… my favorite thing for Tech would be the way that he comforted Omega in the little cave after Echo left the group in season 2. Like he’s just so comforting for everyone in that scene and I feel like so many people need his “change is a fundamental part of life” advice. I know I did, and I loved it. For someone like Tech, who hates change, to acknowledge that it is inevitable and very much a part of our journeys… idk, it just really helped me. And it continues to help me (and he’s also such a cutie?????)
Wrecker: his balance between playful personality and getting serious when he needs to! Wrecker knows how to light up a room but he also is able to go from 0-100 when it comes to protecting his family & friends and I love that for him. He was easily the best character for comedic relief when tensions were high during the show
Echo: you already know I’m obsessed with that ARC badassery. His strategy and fighting in the finale was mind blowing and I don’t think I’ll get over it anytime soon. Like seriously I think he practically soloed that whole thing (props to the whole team though! It’s just that Echo’s skills really shown through this episode)
Omega: I’m doing 2 things for omega because screw you (kidding!!) - so a) I love how she copies each of her brothers’ specific movements and/or just carries so much of her brothers in her own personality, b) the fact that she never gives up. If I had been her, trapped inside that mountain? I would’ve given up. Accepted the fate I thought I was dealt. But Omega pushed forward & I’m literally so proud of her (so are the boys!)
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ryuichirou · 11 months
Isn't Sebek yandere material when it comes to Malleus? Just a thought.
Do you have any Yandere Sebek x Malleus headcanons?
Sebek would make a wonderful yandere, he is psychotic enough as he is lol I think his loyalty mixed with just how unhinged he gets in general would make a very nice combo, because while the usual yanderes are somewhat calculating, and Sebek isn’t stupid by any means, he is still very impulsive and a bit childish, I guess.
We really love yandere themes, as you probably already know, so thank you for asking! Here are some headcanons.
Sebek’s intense feelings for Malleus are usually a nice comic relief, but he could actually get quite dangerous if someone was to seriously mess with Malleus. A lot of times Malleus either tells him to calm down or simply ignores/runs away from him, but if he didn’t and the situation got a bit too far, Sebek would snap. Malleus knows about it, Lilia also knows about it. Silver is very careful and vigilant around him, but he doesn’t realise the full scale of Sebek’s unhingeness.
Sebek is very jealous in general, but neither we nor even his closest people realise just how jealous he is. The moment Malleus gets involved with anyone romantically, Sebek would get overwhelmed by a whole new level of jealousy. Flirting with Malleus is actually even more of a sin to Sebek than trying to attack or assault him. Lilia is the only exception – Sebek respects him and accepts his place by Malleus’ side, he feels unworthy of being jealous with these two. That being said, he really wishes to take Lilia’s spot one day.
Malleus is too powerful, amazing and respectable for Sebek to confront, but he would still make Malleus’ lover’s life a living hell. He would be petty, he would sabotage them, he would try to make Malleus hate this person. He would spend so much energy on this, it’s pathetic. And if Malleus got mad at him, he would stop for a while, but get super bitter – Malleus’ attitude towards him changed because of this person. Which means, this person needs to disappear.
If there was a student who liked stalking and photographing other students, and he got accidentally (or not) caught by Sebek, Sebek would spend all his money on pictures of Malleus. If this isn’t Rook Hunt (lol) and just some rando, Sebek would even break his camera and maybe even mess the guy up. And even though he got these pictures to get rid of them, he won’t be able to: the image of his liege is too otherworldly for him to do something like that. So yeah, he’ll keep them.
Yandere!Sebek sounds like some kind of cultist fanatic who thinks that Malleus’ touch is divine and precious, and he is just like that, but he could also get capricious and selfish with him. He can’t hurt or manipulate Malleus, but he can release his frustrations when he’s having sex with him (if Malleus is foolish enough to let him sleep with him).
In fact, the latter could trigger this whole thing. If Malleus starts sleeping with Sebek, Sebek would jump from “I can’t believe I’m doing this, I’m so unworthy” to “I am the only one who is worthy and everyone (Malleus included) should acknowledge that”. Thank god Malleus is way too strong for Sebek to kill everyone and then him and them himself lol
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leffee · 2 months
what would be the guidlines for fic requests?
Fanfic requests guidelines⋆。°✩⋆。°✩
Well, I was going to have that in a post but now that I have this ask I suppose I will talk about those fanfic requests here. Idk if anyone remembers that but some time ago I talked about it, so if you're having deja vu that's why.
First of all I won't write smut (to be clear, by this I mean sexual acts and that's it. Anything else if fine as long as you're not weird about it. I myself enjoy having Vinnie tied up, blindfolded, and gagged sometimes. Yes, I'm serious. The difference is that for most people who think about others like that it's sexual in nature because it invloves sexual arousal and sexual acts, but to me? It's just a nice way to make physical sensations more intense which I think are great cause I love touch (I mean in fiction, no one ever touches me irl fr cause I ugly :( ). Also nothing drugs related.
Everything else is fine I think, be it gore, violence, alcohol etc. I prefer to write them in a human au or anthropomorphic au (basically humans but with ears and tails etc) but I can write them like they are in lps, so as pets or any other au you might want.
While those are general rules there can be things I didn't think of, so still, if I see something I'm uncomfortable with I probably won't write it.
Now, arguably the most important point here: I want to hear back from the person who requests. If I spent my time writing for you then I want a little something back - preferably a comment on ao3 where those things would be, but if you really don't want to do it there then send me an ask here on tumblr, or even in my dm's. Of course there you can't be anonymous so keep that in mind. I'm serious, if someone requests and I don't get an acknowledgement that you read what I wrote for you I won't take another request from that person. I will turn off anon asks if I have to. I'm not trying to be mean here, I don't mean that you have to absolutely praise me with multiple sentences, but I just want to know you read what I wrote for you.
I don't guarantee your request will be done quickly, as in I'm giving myself unlimited time to write it. If I don't let you know that I don't want to write it then it means I do want to, but I don't know when it will be done. Remember that one time when I did open requests and then didn't write one I got from lpsluvblr until like a year later? Yeeeah. Basically be ready it might take this long. Seriously, I don't get payed for that, so I don't promise I will do it quickly.
Another important thing: I need at least a short description of the plot. Don't just send me a name of the ship, or request like this one anon sent me this time I opened them "Turth or dare fanfic". Sorry if you're reading this anon :') I promise I'm not trying to be mean or point you out, I just want to show what is too little for me. So in this example at least tell me who you want to be involved and what to happen. Basically the longer and more detailed the better, not just because for me but also for you - the more specific request the more I know how to write it in a way that you will like it. You want one person in the ship to act more dominant? You headcanon Russell with specific skin color? Your Pepper and Sunil don't really like each other but it's not the main point of the ship? Tell me. I won't be able to write it if I don't know it.
Oh, also a few Vinnie-specific things for me: if he is included in the ship you want in the request I'm automatically making him the more submissive one, I am not making him any taller - he is the shortest motherfucker there and I ain't changing that, basically if he is involved I'm writing him the way I imagine him, the one and only thing I can change is shorten his hair since I like him with really long ones, so if that's something that bothers you feel free to tell him. Aside from that I'm not changing him, you have to pay me to write him tall, I'm serious.
no smut or drugs
preferably human or anthropomorphic au
if there is something I'm uncomfortable with even when you followed all those rules I will let you know that I won't write it
I want to hear back from you, even if it's just a few emojis or something like "Thanks for writing it for me, I appreciate it"
your request will be done but I don't know how quickly (or not quickly at all)
give me at least some details of plot of what you want to happen
Vinnie stays short and the more submssive side of the ship (in a non-sexual sense cause ew)
Request preferably in asks, but it's also possible in an ao3 comment or in dm's if you'd rather. In such case if this is what you prefer I won't tell your name when I write the request. Still, I would really really prefer asks. I think that's all feel free to ask if you're unsure of something :>.
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artificial-absinthe · 3 months
Crazy, how you ask for understanding and end up being slightly vilified by the entitled ppl who are too lazy to litteraly tag a post...
Btw great point with ooc tag. I'd also love it. I'm just scared of rebloging your post as it seems whenever you want personalization, you may be seen as queer fobic and the worst evil, while it's just a preference to see the canon. Like litteraly ppl don't get that if they'd start making Megatron in green colours just because they like it, the ooc tag would be nice too.
But of course it's a gender thing so ppl will get offended... and I'm saying this, being in favour of your post, and being fuken queer... It's just sad, cause it's always going to the "oh consider xyz because we feel offended" while the op requesting this may be the nicest ally or queer themselves. But because their bubble is touched, they can't understand that they pierce your bubble as well, in the end turning into the conservative thinking of "I'd not tag my post, cause my idea is more important, or it makes me happy, so fuck you I'm free citizen, and allowed to do what I want"... and then they try to say, they are the opened, inclusive ones... while their thinking is litteraly the same as those, they oppose. It's just funny to me... how ppl just can't take a simple, kind request... they need to go balistic on both sides over it, as I'm also disapointed with those who just ran to harras the person... they are also guilty of asshole type of thinking... It's just sad how even in seemingly progressive place, there are still so many "conservative thinking" assholes...
Eh sorry for the long ramble. Just wanted to tell you, that you're not alone with this thinking. Just wanted to let u know, even that I know you'd say you don't care if someone agrees or not. But still, thank u for this post. Maybe it will change something for the better despite countless idiots who can't take a request like a civilised human beings...
No need to apologize at all. You absolutely understand it all and make very accurate and relevant points, and I totally agree with you.
I didn't even knew that this was still going. I figured some people had, though begrudgingly, accepted to use a tag, and some others would flood the Megatron tag with their occ content without a tag to filter out of spite (exactly with the mindset that you described), because people speaking ill of me doesn't even come to tell me directly, perhaps because they know I genuinely won't be affected by their hate and misplaced adjectives, and so I only know of this when someone else tells me.
On the other hand, while I do not crave for understanding, it's very nice that the people who agree with me voice it, because this request and pointing out is not only for me, but also for everyone else who is tired of the OCC thing flooding the content about a character.
Indeed, you are not the only one who has said this to me, and even before I made that request I had held conversations about how people was tired of it, but also feared voicing it because they, like yourself, were wary about getting the "queerfobic" hate. Which is no more than a shield that people abuse of whenever someone disagrees with their headcanons or anything else. That way they make themselves to be "on the right" and rally sympathizers to share their grudge with and attack the ones disagreeing with them. Which is a very unbecoming thing to do, and I wish they just acknowledged the reasons for what they are. (In this case, not everyone likes mischaracterization/Occ content. Period)
Thus, I decided to be the one to voice it, but it would be good that all the anons and people agreeing with me in private would do it publicly, without being haters themselves as some had been (which was counterproductive, actually), because that way it could be taken seriously and only for what it is... Perhaps... hopefully.
Of course I'm not saying that I don't appreciate that you say it also like this, since I understand that not everyone can be as cold as myself.
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theogonies · 2 years
too tired to properly format this but here are my haikyuu social media headcanons. if you even care.
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you might think that hinata is a tiktok guy but no. he doesn't sit still long enough to scroll. (he does have a tiktok but most of his videos are just himself trying on filters. he knows the draft function exists but doesn't care enough to use it.) snapchat is more his speed, quick and easy way to keep up with his friends. also youtube. is volleyball youtube a thing? idk but i think he's an ipad baby who watches videos while he eats
nishinoya on the other hand? nishinoya is on tiktok. nishinoya is a tiktok fiend. he films dance trends with tanaka now and then (i'll let you guess which of them is more committed) but mostly he's a funnyguy. only the most elaborate of bits. gets bored of socials easily and goes long bursts of time without posting anything, but people like his energy enough that he keeps a pretty consistent audience anyway.
oikawa has an instagram technically but he only posts once every few months at most (cba) and his entire grid is videos of himself jojo posing. they're all super grainy and kageyama is tagged in a few (he has yet to acknowledge this in any way btw). tons of followers in spite of all this.
tsukishima is the king of twitter. don't think i need to explain this one.
yamaguchi has a youtube channel. too busy to post often but every now and then he'll roll out some insanely thoughtful and heartfelt video essays on movies and games n stuff he likes. pretty good editing skills too. tsukishima is his biggest hype man behind the scenes, helps edit his scripts and stuff.
kenma tells people he doesn't use social media but in truth he's an active tumblr girlie. not one of those normal twitter refugee joke-posters either. ao3 reader self-confessed fujoshi. five million different sideblogs and an impeccably organized tagging system. kuroo is the only irl allowed to follow him (kuroo does not care). in lots of discord servers too but only actually chats in a few
kageyama is a redditor. he likes that it doesn't clog his feed with stuff he's not interested in. mostly a lurker on sports subs but he's got a decent amount of karma because he can't let things lie when he sees a stupid question/comment, he's got to leave a terse reply and reddit eats that shit up. somehow ended up as a moderator for a big gaming sub, didn't ask for it and doesn't know why but he takes his job very seriously.
bokuto spends 85% of his screentime on pinterest
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lioncunt · 1 year
i love hearing your opinions on all the characters!!
what do you think about claudia?
thank you so much!!! 🥹🥰
and ohhhhh my. my daughter my GIRL
first impression: kirsten dunst claudia (again when i was 15) and i loved her INSTANTLY she played the fuck out of that part, i loved how gleefully evil she was and her rage and torment and just the LOOK and concept of her was so fucking cool to me!!!!! i was devastated when she died, it broke me to pieces. her and tomstat were my favorite parts of the movie and i think they’re the reason i have such a deep love for claudia’s relationship with lestat, because you could just feel all the complicated love and hate between them in the film. when i read the book, i felt much the same way, but i understood her hatred of lestat even more and i was further enthralled by her predicament. i loved her reasoning for killing him, how it was for HER, how it was revenge for dooming her, for not seeing her beyond anything but a dress-up doll who will never change, for not taking her seriously, for this selfish act of creating her for his and louis’ sake. i loved how she took back her ownership of herself, how she’s the truest vampire because she has no memory of being a human, and how she’s always the smartest person in the room. i also was touched when i read the history behind her character and the tragedy of michele rice, so claudia holds a lot of meaning for me in that way as well.
impression now: just like with louis, the show took this character and elevated her to new heights. i again loved her instantaneously on the show, she was so DELIGHTFUL in episode 4 i fell completely in love with her all over again. the change to her age and backstory adds a whole new dimension to her character, and the acknowledgement of how her predicament affects her love life is soooo horrifying and tragic. episode 4 remains my favorite of the series, i feel like it’s such a complete arc contained in a single episode for her and i love it so much. i adore how bailey played her, her acting is phenomenal ESPECIALLY in her “who am i supposed to love” monologue, the change from her innocent childlike personality to the angst-driven teen to the bitter adult is fucking exquisite, i want everyone to award her for her work it’s better than 90% of performances i’ve seen this year. the relationship between her and louis in this adaptation is sacred, this complicated dynamic from parent-child to brother-sister and then even further where she ends up almost parenting him is so fascinating and disturbing and bittersweet and i tear up if i think about them too hard. my only qualm is i feel she deserved to stab lestat 90000 times more in this version but alas it was not to be. as for book claudia my impression is pretty much the same except that i LOVE her ghost hallucination appearance in body thief i think she should haunt lestat every day of his life and in hell too!
favorite moment: like i said above “who am i supposed to love” brings me to tears every time. also when she mocks lestat choking on his blood fjdksk and in the book “i’ll put you in your coffin father” is the most iconic line i WISH they kept it in
idea for a story: madeleine being the same age and them having a romance is something i’ve wanted for a year now, it’s probably not going to happen in the show given the actress playing maddie’s age but i’d still love to see it in a fic
unpopular opinion: in the book, i feel people get caught up in whether claudia was morally right in killing lestat, and to me, it’s more about how it was an act for HER. she did it for Herself, no one else. it doesn’t matter whether she was right or wrong to do it. she needed to be free of him. in the show, i think she should have killed even more innocent people :)))))) fill up the river with bodies babe drown out the pain ur doing great
favorite relationship: non romantic relationship in the book is her and lestat, and in the show it’s her and louis!
favorite headcanon: she is a LESBIAN
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If KagePro Characters were in KHR...
Marry is definitely a Sky. Her love for and her attachment to her friends is well reciprocated. They died protecting her, like how Elements would for their Sky. And while she didn't exactly die for them, she did turn back time for them. Considering how Combining Eyes attracts the other snakes back to her, it fits the bill for Sky Attraction (canon, fanon, schmanon). "Combining" is also mentioned as an ability of Sky Flame's Harmony attribute. As for her bloodline ability to petrify... well, just go search "petrify" on the KHR wiki.
Kano is a Mist primary, with a Storm secondary. He's almost always putting up a front, hiding his true self behind illusions. He's extremely proficient at pretending to be someone else, to the point where he can even trick himself into thinking he's actually the person he's pretending to be. Physical pain is the only thing that can ground him and dispel his illusions. But what's even worse, is that it's all because he wants to protect them and their happiness so much he hardly ever thinks of his own happiness anymore. Deceiving is an aspect of the Mist. He also has a habit of traumatizing Shintarou by pretending to be Ayano, one of his most traumatic disguises, so...
Momo is a Lightning. She wished for attention, yes, but she also worked for it. If there's anything Momo really wants, it's to be acknowledged by everyone fair and square. She's very eccentric, and her actions are often driven by her whims. And while she does get sad and depressed sometimes, she never stays that way, always looking at the bright side.
Ene is a Cloud and a Mist. Her "territory" would probably be games. Explains so much why she got annoyed when Shintarou beats her at her own game without even trying, but used the bet to her advantage. She's very proud of her gaming skills, and doesn't like it when people don't take her challenges seriously. That's Cloud behavior right there. Also, Haruka appreciated her love for games, that's why she let him into her heart. And her wish, if you remember, is "to be free of human needs". As for the Mist part of her, well, she never got tired of finding new ways to mess with her "Master," did she? (She still finds ways, and Shintarou suffers for it.)
Kido is a Mist. She doesn't deceive so much as she conceals. Where Kano shows something else, Kido is all "nothing to see here" with her power. Still, she tricks the senses of others. And she's also a good leader, coming up with creative ways to support themselves. She never does the work all by herself, though. By hook or by crook, she gets Kano and Seto to help out.
Seto is a well-balanced Rain and Sun. Contradiction, sure, but his personality is very "sunny" and "rainy". He's very active, probably the most expressively happy person in the series besides Ene, who's more playful, and Kano, who fakes it 'til he makes it. He's also the most loyal person there is! Even after seeing bits of the past loops from Marry's mind, he still held out his hand for her.
Shintarou is a Rain primary, with a very minor Sun secondary. He's laid-back most of the time, especially before Ayano died. He's mentally active, understanding more than he lets on thanks to his ability. He'd be a Lightning if he had more ambition. After Ayano died, and after Takane and Haruka went missing, he became very depressed. My headcanon, though, is that the loops where Shintarou gets suicidal isn't many because the Retaining Eyes gives him enough deja vu to think "I couldn't stop it this time again" instead of asking the repetitive "Why?"
Hibiya is a Lightning. He keeps chasing after Hiyori's approval. He's persistent, and never gives up. Seeing Hiyori's interest in Konoha only fans the flames of his determination. He's very blunt, too. And in Kagerou Days, he does everything he can to save Hiyori. Also, Hibiya never thought of sacrificing himself for Hiyori's survival, and that's why he's not a Storm..
Konoha is a Cloud and Rain. His "territory" is his friends. Other than that, he doesn't wish for much else. He's laid-back and passive but also very watchful. He's like a baby, though, so he hasn't matured that much compared to the rest of the Dan.
Haruka is a Lightning and Sun. He's very active, mentally and physically (as much as he can be, anyways). His mind is always filled with things he wants to do. He's the one who drags Takane along to make his wishlist come true. His will is strong enough that even though his new body rejected his spirit, his snake still carried out his wish, though that might also be attributed to the snakes' wish-granting nature
Ayano is both Storm and Sky, in equal amounts. She's very warm and accepting towards her new family. She made them feel wanted and loved. Ayaka may have given Kano, Kido and Seto a house, but Ayano was the one to make it a home. She loved her family to the point of sacrificing herself to the Daze just to stop Saeru's plan from coming to fruition.
If Ayano's Flames combined, it would probably be called the Sunset Flames, a Flame born of passion. It'd counter the Night Flame and soothe the Wrath Flame. "Like the Sunset, it's a flame that burns beautifully, even beyond death. It's a Flame that will never die, even when the body dies, as long as the wielder's resolve burns ever true." (Poetic, innit? Har har. New lore from a ramble.)
Hiyori is a Sun. She's active and stubborn, and she knows what she wants. She's also very intense, as shown in her relationship with Hibiya.
Saeru is Mist and Cloud. His "territory" is his existence. He doesn't tolerate any threats toward his existence, but he plays the long game in eliminating them. He's indignant when Azami "forgot" him, as in, she forgot the wish that "birthed" him. The long game was using her descendant to make a new medusa and then breaking them to the point of returning everything to the beginning. Trapping Azami in the Daze was so she couldn't interfere. He's very creative when he makes the Dan suffer.
I can totally see a crossover-slash-fusion story blooming from the idea of this! So many compatible elements!
For reference, here's @insanescriptist's post on Dying Will Flames and their corresponding personality traits.
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chaoxfix · 2 years
Obsessed with your most recent fic! The way you write Sonic is just-- 👨‍🍳😘, and I'm foaming at the mouth at every mention of Robotnik being taken seriously... Do you have any personal HCs about Eggman, or ideas about how far his conquest will go in the future?
Ahh thank you!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it, this prompt week was really great for letting me explore a lot of the human v mobian v eggman empire lore thoughts i have! (and i have a LOT of those thoughts <3)
i guess, as much as we make fun of forces (and as much as it truly, genuinely deserves the mockery), forces does showcase a lot of what would happen if eggman successfully, fully took over. it shows green hill being taken over, as well as other areas, and how deforestation and destruction of the environment are tantamount to the eggman empire. and it shows how quickly he could do it without sonic, with the resources he's built up over the years. if he didn't have to spend all of his resources fighting one single goddamn blue rodent, he would've taken over the world many times over by this point. hence, six months. (i acknowledge this because even though i love my lore idea that eggman used sonic as a battery while in captivity, i also acknowledge it's just an au, a juicy what-if, and there's no canon support for it.)
i think he has plans to colonize space, and to basically enslave humanity wherever his empire intersects with humans... i don't think he's overly fond of humans, they just sort of exist to be ruled over in his mind. meanwhile, imo there's so much bad blood between him and mobians (or, non-human people in general, to group mobians and wisps together) that he just kind of wants to destroy them if they don't immediately bend a knee. early on though, my headcanon is that he generally treated mobians and humans the same. he wants control, and for people to basically worship the ground he walks on. (which is why IDW starline both fascinates and confuses me, as this is indeed someone who worships the ground he walks on, yet eggman is annoyed with him. but also it shows me that he doesn't care much for mobians regardless of their loyalty, if they have any sense of personhood or ambition beyond salivating over him).
i also think eggman's big on destroying nature purely because it can't be controlled. mobians without a real connection to nature would be easier to subdue, hence why in my opinion, he would have first tried to assimilate mobian cities into prioritizing technology over nature -- giving them convenience, having them take on human attributes like wearing clothes, eating fast food over growing your own gardens, etc. i think there are groups of mobians who grew up in and live in cities who are super comfortable using those sorts of things and would use manufactured items over handcrafted -- i headcanon these to be characters like charmy, rouge, and vector. meanwhile mobians who were born in non-human territories like islands would still interact with technology, but on a more infrequent-basis, and there would be more of a sense of harmony between making your own items and using what's already there, as well as prioritizing nature. that's what i headcanon for tails and amy, and to some extent sonic (though i headcanon his island was full of outdated, abandoned technology and settlements, but that's a theory for another day). and then there are some who are just truly born in the middle of nowhere and have little interest in modern tech (knuckles and big -- and imo, sonic has some crossover with this category too).
eggman would use the first two categories (but especially the first) to make them easier to control. who wants to fight against convenience, especially if you've been raised without knowing how to make things by hand? and if you're destroying the environment, you're depleting the resources needed to ever switch back to old, traditional methods. thus making groups dependent on you forever. there are very real case studies on this irl, which feel cheap to utilize here by name, but it's impossible not to think of them in these situations.
it's also my longstanding headcanon that humans aren't even native to mobius (and call it earth as a awy to further cement it as theirs), but instead arrived a few hundred, maybe a thousand years ago -- they simply terraformed it and took over the continents. eggman would have been raised with that mindset, that this is their home and they took it by force and there's no sense in the locals fighting back.
i ALSO would like to talk about the robotnik legacy. gerald robotnik, ivo (eggman) robotnik's grandfather, was a famous inventor for many things, but what he was best known for was revolutionizing the world of first aid. he canonly invented heal units, which maria references as his most famous/best invention in shadow the hedgehog (2005). heal units can heal any wound, albeit not disease. an invention like that is ... extremely powerful. it must have given him a fortune -- which doubtless would have been passed down to his kids and grandkids. like eggman and maria.
the difference is maria grew up sick without a cure, and it was luck and her grandfather's connections that let her live on the ARK where it was safe. she wouldn't have grown up spoiled; there just wasn't the same access to prestige and fun activities aboard the ark. she grew up with hospital gowns more than designer clothes. she grew up caring about others, because she knew how important it was to go out of your way for those dependent on you -- she was in the position to be cared for, and she knew very well not every girl with an autoimmune disease would be as lucky as she was. she grew up practicing gratitude, and being resilient enough to fight through constant testing and sickness, and still had a good heart. she was also primarily raised by gerald aboard the ark; gerald, who we can assume was at least slightly more of a self-made man. he wouldn't have raised her the way his kids would have raised her, spoiled from a silver spoon in her mouth from day 1. he raised her in a science lab. a pragmatic man who demonstrated love to the point of invention.
eggman, though. eggman would have grown up with all of that wealth, with parents who probably showed love through gifts, not hard work, not invention. designer clothes, power, the access to bully other kids. he would have grown up extremely spoiled -- and extremely bright. he had the robotnik brain, and the funds ("a small loan of a million dollars" if you will) to his inventions with a bang. between his own patents and the robotnik fortune, eggman was in a perfect position to take over the world. first with convenient inventions (ignore how they spy on you and destroy the environment, thus making you dependent on them forever) -- then with buying it outright. and those that resisted, by force.
it's also worth noting that he'd have access to heal units in his early inventions; he used small animals as living batteries. i wonder if some of his technology was healing them just enough to keep them functional for longer? (and, i wonder, if thats a concept i can steal for battery sonic au...)
all this in mind, the only thing slowing him down was a means to power his inventions. to power his empire. living batteries worked for a bit, up until people started fighting back, and destroying his other power sources. that's what led him to desire the chaos emeralds -- as well as, imo, his grandfather's research into chaos energy. all his research into old gods. but unlike gerald, eggman grew up spoiled and then became the most powerful man in the world -- why wouldn't he think himself a god, why wouldn't they fascinate him? why shouldn't he use technology so advanced that ancient civilizations saw it as magic? and unlike gerald, he didn't seek this technology for its healing or restorative purposes (after all -- chao live forever in a perpetual reincarnation, doubtless gerald was interested in this as a man of scientific health-related breakthroughs), but to simply power his designs.
frontiers also showed us eggman is interested in digital consciousness in tech -- which is very scary for a man who already has conquered much of the world. if he could get into people's minds, or encase those who disagree with him into a digital torment dimension... what would he do with it? we've already seen research on the phantom ruby... so to go from the phantom ruby, then ancients' tech... this is clearly a man interested in extreme power, yes, but also interdimensional conquest, or at least imprisoning people who fight against him in pocket dimensions, separate from reality, where they will never be able to escape and defeat him. (though obviously he started researching these things based on their connection to chaos and the chaos emeralds, but the comments he makes on the ancients' technology set off a lot of red flags for me.)
eggman is a man of many interests; he clearly has an affinity for living batteries and AI (all his robots tend to have a personality and the means for intellectual/emotional growth). but im seeing a trend recently of him being quite invested in extradimensional travel and conquest, too.
...this is rambly and quite long. hopefully you enjoy it, i've just got a lot of feelings about eggman
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persephoneggsy · 2 years
Now that I’m on my (xx)-teenth replay of DA2, I’ve been having thoughts on Marian Hawke’s relationships.
Varric (Rival): They’re not exactly friends. Oh, Varric tried, but Marian’s extremely antagonistic and selfish attitude made it pretty hard to stick up for her in a lot of situations. He doesn’t like how her instinct is always to fight first; like seriously, the woman has no sense of tact. Sure, there are times he finds her fun to have around (mostly when she’s threatening someone he doesn’t particularly like), but on the whole, they don’t get along. Doesn’t stop him from basing characters on her, though, and that’s Marian’s main gripe with him. The thinly-veiled “Marielle” character from Hard in Hightown is absolutely nothing like her; she’s more like what Varric wishes she was like (though Marian is more upset at how Varric portrayed the characters based off of Carver and Sebastian). Don’t get her started on “The Tale of the Champion”, she absolutely despises it. She never gave Varric permission to write down her life story, much less sell it so OTHER people can read about her, and the fucker made a lot of shit up because she barely had him around enough for him to know what really happened. After the book comes out, she refuses to even speak to Varric. The only thing that manages to break this is when Varric writes to her about Corypheus, but even then, she prefers not to speak to him at all when she’s at Skyhold. To Varric’s credit, he gets it. He finally leaves her alone.
Anders (Rival): She’s immediately on edge around Anders since the first thing he wants her to do is fight Templars and break a mage out of the Circle. And, you know, he's also technically an abomination. Marian, someone who looks out for herself and her family, doesn’t give too much of a shit about the plight of mages (or rather, she’d just prefer to not think about it), so naturally Anders finds her frustrating, especially since she herself IS a mage. They’ve gotten into a lot of arguments over the years, mostly started by Anders pestering her; Marian is content to ignore him whenever possible. She also hates his whole “you were luckier than most mages” thing he keeps telling her. She knows she was, but he doesn’t know her life, and even if things were better, they still weren’t good. The one point of credit she does give him is that he offers free healing to the downtrodden — Marian acknowledges he’s better than her in that regard (she’s a healer, and a better one than him, but she’d absolutely charge money for her services). However, after the events of "Dissent", she can't stand him anymore and sends him away.
Merrill (Rival): Honestly, Marian found her a bit annoying at first, and Merrill’s use of blood magic didn’t help improve her opinion of her. But for the most part, Merrill’s sort of a neutral presence to have around, and Marian gets used to her over time. For her part, Merrill finds Marian fascinating but equally aggravating. Since in my headcanon, Merrill becomes close friends with Sebastian, she can’t really understand why he likes Marian as much as he does, but she acknowledges that they both seem good for each other. Also, because Marian softens up towards Act 3, she makes more of an effort to befriend Merrill, due to her being Sebastian’s best friend. She takes a more active role in looking out for her — they’re still by the game’s logic “rivals”, because there was no way Marian trusted that whole eluvian thing so she didn’t give Merrill the tool she needed to fix it, but they have a lot of conversations afterwards that sort of mend that rift.
Fenris (Friend): He’s actually Marian’s best friend. They’re both brooding, aggressive assholes. He’s the only person who doesn’t give her shit for her attitude and even encourages her at times, so she finds him easier to talk to. Fenris likes having her around, too, since she never gets on his case about his feelings towards magic unlike some OTHER mages he knows. Soon enough, Marian is confiding in him, and he in her. He’s the first person she tells about her growing crush on Sebastian (though he knows her well enough by that point that he already guessed she had a Thing for him). They can communicate pretty much exclusively through grunts and eye contact, to the confusion of most people around them.
Isabela (Rival): They got along well enough, at first. Isabela thought Marian was a riot, though like Varric, she though she could use more tact. Marian thought Isabela was fine, she just wished she would stop flirting with her. Then the Tome of Koslun thing was revealed and Marian was PISSED. She hates that Isabela lied to all of them for years, she hates that she was stupid enough to steal a religious relic from the fucking Qunari, she hates that she was inadvertently protecting the reason the Qunari were stuck in Kirkwall for so long. Marian absolutely despises the Qunari and hated dealing with them (though ironically she earned the Arishok’s respect), so she ended up blaming Isabela for that, too. So it was kind of a shock that Marian didn’t let the Arishok take Isabela when she returned with the Tome. She was tempted to, but she didn’t want to give the Arishok anything else. They never really recover from the incident. She also doesn’t help Isabela get her new ship (I’m not letting a goddamn slaver walk away just so you can have a new ship, seriously.)
Aveline (Rival): Honestly, they don’t interact much, because I think it’s weird that the captain of the guard would go traipsing around old dwarven ruins and the sewers with Marian and her gang of rabble-rousers. They have more a professional type relationship, with Aveline calling in Marian if she needs something done that the guard can’t normally handle on their own. Marian doesn’t care because she gets paid. She helps Aveline with Donnic, though, because at the time she was asked, she was still dealing with her apparently “hopeless” crush on a certain chantry brother. So she figures, shit, someone in this shithole city deserves to be happy, even if it’s Aveline. She’s (rightfully) furious with Aveline after the whole “All That Remains” incident, but I think she doesn’t take it as personally because they’re not friends. She does start charging more for her services afterwards, and I think Aveline feels guilty enough that she doesn’t protest that.
Sebastian (Friend): I think I’ve gone on enough about Marian and Sebastian that I don’t really need to elaborate on how they feel about each other. I will say, that due to Sebastian’s influence, Marian becomes much more “diplomatic” (though not completely. She’s still a bitch at heart ❤️). She lets herself be vulnerable and remorseful, in large part thanks to his counsel. Maybe enough so that she tries to repair some of her bad relationships (like Merrill, and I think she tries to smooth things over with her mother and later uncle Gamlen, too). On his end, I think Marian’s influence makes Sebastian bolder and more assured. I like the idea of these two polar opposites finding each other and helping each other heal, even taking on some of the other’s traits (though ultimately remaining themselves at their core).
(Bonus) Tallis: Marian hates Tallis. You can’t say shit like “I think you’d be happy under the Qun” to a mage (you know, they people whose mouths they sew shut) and expect her to just be chill with you afterwards. Plus, you know, she misled Marian about the Heart, got her captured, and still had the audacity to ask for her help without explaining what was really going on.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Do you mind if request headcanons for the brothers where MC is just a lovable idiot and the brothers realize they’re moronsexual?
Lovable Idiot MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He saw your carefree airheaded-ness from a mile away, from the moment you popped through that portal and your reaction was.... well, it was definitely enough for him to get a rough estimate of your IQ.
And honestly? He didn’t expect you to last long, yet by some literal miracle you’ve survived. If anything he thought you'd have wandered into a demon's clutches by now, so maybe you've got extraordinary luck?
A moronsexual in denial, he'll be damned if he said you didn’t somehow...grow on him..... He REFUSES to acknowledge how he finds your clumsy but earnest attitude endearing as hell. The way your brain finds the most obscure ways to solve problems is adorable for sure, but kind of reminds him of Mammon.... ugh...
You're going to give him new grey hairs, you know that? The stress of being surrounded by seven idiots was enough, but EIGHT?? Lucifer needs a vacation. Of course, he'll happily invite you along, too (paired with a child leash).
Eyyy same brain 🧠🤝🧠 With your two brain cells combined, it's a wonder the House of Lamentation hasn't burned down yet. You both seem to cause chaos wherever you go, like some kind of cursed dynamic duo.
But seriously, that numbskull of yours is gonna get you eaten some day! Guess the Great Mammon has to do his best to keep you out of the clutches of nasty demons! But his services don't come cheap, understand?
You thought Mammon was protective before, just wait till he realizes how scatterbrained you can be. Won’t let you out of his sight, INSISTS that you summon him to accompany you when you go somewhere, even if it means he's gotta wait outside the bathroom for you. And don't think of saying no!
He's never had to work this hard in his life! He swears keeping you alive is like trying to brush Cerberus's teeth! But... it's kinda nice having someone around that he can get along with so well! Seeing as he isn't the only dumbass (affectionate) around.
Was an ass when he first met you. There was no way he’d let a klutzy human like YOU anywhere NEAR his room, let alone his precious merch collection! Go put your normie brain to use and binge watch TSL! THEN he'll be willing to talk to you!
But then he realized that you were kind of m-moe, in an annoying way.... You might not have understood anything when he suddenly dumped mountains of TSL trivia on you, but you were happy to listen anyway! It was like your smile was giving him the strength to keep info-dumping... 👉👈
He’s watched enough anime to know someone in need of protection when he sees them! And you’re definitely the 'lovable, airheaded sidekick/fan favorite’ character trope! If he's not careful, you'll fall into the evil clutches of someone horrible when he's not looking-!
Levi’s not usually into those types because of the cliches, but there’s no way he can resist the goofy smile on your face when you agree to play video games with him....
Satan would’ve ignored you in the beginning had it not been for how... spacey you could be. And being the bastard man he was, his first idea was to see what kind of trouble he could get you into. You seemed the easy type, anyway.
And yet as time went on and he started actually caring about you, he realized that you were just... a little.... uneducated. Luckily for you, Satan has enough knowledge in his nog for the both of you! He wouldn't mind teaching you a few things?
Aaaand that's a bust. He can't seem to get anything to stick in that thick skull of yours, but he can't be annoyed when you seem to be giving it your all. You're really determined, and that face you're making while you study is...
Ehem. Maybe that's enough book work for the day? He'd much rather learn the wonderful things about you, and enjoy the things you like to do. Teach him carefully, okay?
You’re Asmo’s favorite kind of person! To manipulate- So soft and innocent, and he finds you absolutely ADORABLE! He can’t get enough of your cute, dazed looks! Ah, the way you stare blankly at people when you don’t know what’s going on... So cute! ❤️
Having a thing for corruption means you’re the apple of Asmo’s eye. But as he starts liking you more, he realizes that you... get into trouble a lot. You're way too gullible for your own good! You should realize how dangerous it is to be that cute!
At this rate, ANYONE could gobble you up and Asmo would die! He's got to make sure his cute little MC stays safe and sound, so he spends lots of time making sure to leave his mark on you one way or another, be it the lingering smell of his perfume, or other more.. physical marks. That seems to keep the nasties away!
He doesn't mind being a moronsexual. If anything, he's an everyonesexual. Now come to his room! He's been missing your terribly, so why don't you tell him about your day?
Beel isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with, so it takes him a long while to realize that you aren't either. What makes it obvious is how much of a knack for trouble you seem to have. It's almost like you're doing it on purpose... but at least you're nice..?
You only seemed like an easy snack to him at first, but now he finds himself saving you constantly from getting yourself into dangerous situations. Like when he caught you standing at the top of the stairs, probably contemplating whether or not you could jump to the last step.
Get used to Beel just picking you up all the time. He'll carry you away from danger and keep you close like the overactive toddler you are. He'll offer to do little tasks for you, too.
He's not saying he's worried that you're somehow hurt yourself using the microwave, but…he's worried that you're somehow hurt yourself using the microwave-
He can only think that your personality is exactly what made you such an easy target. Who in their right mind would trust a shady guy in the attic anyway, let alone set him free? YOU, that's who. You were so naive, it was hilarious!
But now it's not so hilarious unless he's e one teasing you. You seem to fall for ANY prank, and while he thinks that's cute, it's also worrisome... He knows there are demons that'd love to eat you, so what if they tricked you into going with them?
Guess he's gotta go to school to protect you.... Jk. He'll just keep you from going! You're much safer if you just nap all day with him, right? Ah, he and Beel were gonna play video games together. Wanna join?
Oh yeah, and don't think you're safe from still being harassed. It's all harmless fun but he can't get enough of how easy it is to trick you. The kind of bastard to tell you to go into the auto-shop and ask for blinker fluid. He loves you though! ❤️
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sakinotfound · 2 years
Obey Me! Headcanons
a.k.a. my headcanons on what i would be like in Devildom and my relationship with the brothers if it was all real which absolutely no one asked for or cares for that matter.
a/n 1: lemme know your own if you wanna because i would love to read your versions of it. you can obviously read this as a x reader and put yourselves and throw me out✌️
a/n 2: this is part 1. i intend to make one with the other characters as well. lemme know if you all are even interested in reading them lol
genre: can be read as platonic/romantic
warnings: pronouns of the reader aren't mentioned. nonthing else i guess, if i am wrong please let me know.
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• Right off the bat I wouldn't like the brothers very much from the start. I'd be pretty annoyed and constantly on the i-hate-y'all-lemme-go-home mode. So I won't be cooperative at all. And maybe, just a teeny weeny bit petty.
• I would try to runaway somehow at first. Idk how, but like you'd find me in library or some shit. Trying to find some way to escape from here. Being all sneaky so nobody finds out my grand masterplan for sneaking back up.
• But eventually I'd realize, life in Devildom is much better than on Earth. I am always up for adventures and trying something new so a stay at Devildom, among all the demons and being an exchange student and experiencing a whole new experience would always be exciting and fun to me.
• Now my first impressions and then the understanding of the characters. (I am only up till Lesson 15 ehehe👉👈👀)
Lucifer: I would absolutely love Lucifer. He would be exactly what I need to keep me motivated and focused. Lucifer just has that sort of authority, high reputation and strictness with that soft side that makes you want to make him proud and you put your everything to just get him to pat your head and praise you or just acknowledge it and give you that reassuring nod. I would die for his praises and that smile he gives when you know you did something right. At the start of the game I was scared to disappoint him so that would show and be painfully obvious.
• I would definitely, 110% consider him and look at him as a father figure and would call him "dad" atleast once by mistake. Let's not talk about how I'd be mortified and would not talk to him or show my face to him for atleast a week unless he hunts me down or something.
• As the game went on, I felt kinda annoyed about how strict he was and how much rigid he would get to the point that he took jokes very seriously. So it was very hard to satisfy him. But then I understood, he was tired and exhausted. He is used to how his brothers are and that is how he treats us too. He is the eldest child, he isn't supposed to take care of them, that's not his duty but he has too. He has a lot of responsibilities and I doubt he has any time for himself. That's why he is a to the point, straightforward person who doesn't wanna deal with anymore bullshit. I completely understand and relate with him.
• But that doesn't mean I would not take the golden opportunities to annoy him. Satan, Mammon and I would be total menaces ✨ just for him✨. Mammon and I would have a bet if I would succeed in my goal of making him laugh at least once. The other brothers would put their bets too.
• oh and i would soooooo tease him about Diavolo and what a simp the demon king is for him. i would live for his reactions. let me tell you, if DiaLuci actually happens, I (we/mc) was/were behind it. Yes I'll be the wingman they need.
Mammon: Oh I would brutally roast Mammon in the start. I see through people's bullshit most of the time, just don't point out sometimes. But Mammon can be read like a book by the most oblivious person ever alive. So I would call him out and tell him that these things won't work on me and fail all his plans of carrying out his tsundere ways of living. I know it would irk me a little and I would enjoy making him all flustered, considering how high and mighty he was acting in the start. (still does it to this day)
• But oh well, Mammon is Mammon. He would work his charm on me in no time. As time goes on and I study him more, I'd realize behind that tsundere mask is an insecure and scared boy who puts on a façade so no one finds out how vulnerable and needy he is. How insecure and scared he gets. How he needs validation, support and love a lot but fills that void by his own boasting and self-praises. I didn't say I wouldn't get tired of these last two things but I would understand him.
• In the end, I know I would fall for this cutie. And he would take advantage of my weakness for all-things-cute. I would always and I mean always, make sure to let him know, no, I'll tattoo it in his brain how worthy he is and how important he is to me. I would shower him with words of affirmation, constant and never wavering support and tonnes of love. And not once would you find me slacking in this, mind you. I just know I would love spending time with him. And I know he has good fashion sense (which I wish I could have) so we'll go shopping a lot. I have a good control over my spending expenses so don't you worry Lucifer.
Levi: I would prolly smack him and put him in his place. I don't like his overly obsessed, and very concern-causing personality. I mean his whole personality is him being an otaku. That's it. He seriously needs to touch some grass. So I'd prolly throw him out of the window into the outside lawn or something.
• Levi and my relationship would take some time and effort from both the sides to grow. I mean sure I love anime and I like video games too so yeah we can enjoy that together but this bitch was ready to kill me when he got into his demon form just because of a quiz. So yeah he needs to chill out.
• I guess in the end, Levi and I will be good friends. He isn't a bad person. Also I think he can introduce me to a lot of new stuff when it comes to the online and gaming world and I think that's cool. We'll prolly host movie nights with everyone every once in a while. It's a bonding time for everybody. It sometimes ends up in a cuddle pile much to Lucifer's relief or a pillow/popcorn fight much to Lucifer's dismay.
Satan: Oh My God, Satan is my soulmate. (Never thought I'd say that.... *contemplates everything for two minutes while staring at the floor*). Partners in crime because making Lucifer's hair grey faster is our shared life goal. At first it would be just His and Hellos and some random conversations in corridors or dinner table. But you remember how he asked us to go for a walk and look around Devildom? Yeah that would be the start of our friendship.
• We would get to know each other and we'd discover we have a lot in common. Like anger issues, toning it down and keeping it in because we have too much in stock, our love for reading and books and cats or just animals in general. I think every Sunday or something we'll go to a cat cafe. I guess playing with animals helps Satan calm down and distract himself for all the Wrath he has bubbling inside. It's pretty effective for me.
• I'd spend most of my time in his room if Mammon is not hogging me all for himself. We would sit around and read books, with him recommending me some all the time. I would love to discuss and theorize things with him. We'll share our opinions and ideas about future and other things sometimes at night too, just walking around after dinner or sitting at the rooftop.
Asmodeus: Asmo and I wouldn't be close at first, like at all. I don't like his self-obsessed, narcissistic personality. Also I hate being touched and hugged and kissed and all those things. Also Asmo can be very hurtful sometimes to Mammon and my protective mode would make me furious. I know sibilings do that (I have seen it lol) but I love Mammon way too much. I think asking someone to kill themselves is just too much.
• But eventually when I'll spend more time with the him and I'd observe, study and understand everyone more and more, I'd understand why Asmo is like how he is. I guess he tries to hide his insecurities or any hate/mean comments he gets behind that narcissistic personality of his. He is confident in himself but that doesn't mean it never hurts. He isn't actually a bad person and after spending some time we'd actually get along very well. I know I will like spending time with him. I would eventually learn how to ignore his continuous self-obsessed comments and just learn to live with it. As long as he isn't being judgmental to others, it's nothing inherently bad. I mean it's good to praise oneself (though he takes it to a whole new level).
• I think he would help me a lot with my self-esteem and self-confidence. And he would teach me a thing or two about self-care and beauty tips too which are much needed. We would have a fun time just relaxing and take care of each other and ourselves. I think he has a lot to talk and tell about and I speak very less so it's perfect. I'll just be a listening ear for him to rant about anything. I think he and I would go shopping a lot and he'll know all the best places to hang out and take good pictures at. I am not a social media person but people do say (not to flatter myself ehehe) that I take great pictures.
• Also I think I would eventually like his endearing words and light affectionate touches. I mean I am homesick and alone so it would be very refreshing. But you'd find me backing off a lot of times and giving him a look that says not-right-now-asmo a lot too because I get annoyed lol.
Beelzebub: Bros. Yes, we'd be bros. We'd randomly meet at the kitchen one night. He'd be doing his thing and I mine. But as a shitty cook and person with fire and explosion affinity as I am, Beel would offer to help me I guess (because he is a good boy).
• Bet he has lots of good recipes and I loveeeeeee LOVE, did i say love? FOOD. that's my one true love, the love of my life, my lifeline, my oxygen, my everything. High five Beel🖐️. So I would love to try everything new he makes or all the Devildom recipes he has. And you'd find me snacking and hanging out with him in the kitchen at 2 a.m. or something a lot.
• I am not gonna lie, I would ask him, atleast once, if I can dive in between his tits uh-i mean pecs, yeah pecs and suffocate myself for a few minutes or so. Spoiler: Would last more than few minutes. Spoiler 2: I would fall asleep on top of him and that would start an afternoon nap ritual where I fall asleep on him, lying on him like the fat seal I am and we'd sleep for an hour or two. Leave it to Asmo to bring everyone to look at us and click pictures. Lucifer probably has one too from a Polaroid camera and he has hidden it well for his eyes only.
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natsukitakama · 3 years
Headcanon : Softie feat Chifuyu Matsuno
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Author note : I wanted to start by apologizing for disappearing I know I'm not the most regular here but I'm doing my best I swear ♡ Currently in a Tokyo Revengers / Re-main mood so you might see some content about it before I can post my last request ♡ Anyway I hope you'll enjoy it cause as promised I'll write something for one of the biggest cutie of TR
Warning : Mention of spoiler if you havent caught up with the manga / Fluffy stuff because I'm softie for him
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Chifuyu Matsuno 松 (まつ) 野 (の) 千 (ち) 冬 (ふゆ) 
Since he is a fan of Ai Yazawa’s work let’s start by saying he is definitely Nobuo Terashima from the manga Nana I won’t take no for an answer this is definitely him. He is Nobu who somehow travel through manga universe to come in Tokyo Revengers giving us the fluff we were longing for
Just imagine him with Nobu piercing haaaaa I’m done
The fact that Wakui told us that he got no success with the woman is a liar, he is just too busy with his Toman duties to acknowledge people crushing on him.
He is definitely the popular guy who didn’t know that he is attractive you know ? In shojo sometimes you got that character that is absolutely gorgeous basically an angel on earth but is self-degrading because they believe they are not good enough not attractive enough ? That’s him. I mean the guy is really cute. He is very respectful, loyal to everyone he cares about he reads shojo he got a lovely cat and work at petshop and he got these bad boy vibes (And a bike !) what do you need ?
I believe that with the busy year he got from trying to know if Baji was really a traitor to work with his partner Takemichi in order of taking down Kisaki (and saving Fuyu’s life in the process) I don’t think he really got time to check his option and really take interest in a relationship.
I believe that in his high school he’ll start to take matters more seriously, he is already working on a petshop, he is little by little living again after Baji’s death. He knows to accept that not because Baji isn’t here anymore it doesn’t mean that he -Chifuyu- needs to stop living.
*So yeah I can see him starting dating during his high school year, it doesn’t mean he’ll find someone directly but now Fuyu would be more « aware » of his surrounding.
But let’s be real
He is romantic baby
And because he reads like a tone of shojo he misunderstands some event that happened to him, not in the wrong way, but like Shinichiro used to he saw every act of kindness coming from someone as a way to flirt with them you know ? Like you’re giving him his bag of groceries with a smile, your hand would brush against is. He is done for the day, he won’t stop thinking about you, daydreaming that it was a way of showing him you find him cute. Since you were adorable yourself it didn’t help his heart.
After one or two embarrassing stories, he finally understands the meaning behind action and won’t jump into conclusion each time someone is being very nice to him
Like many Tokyo Revengers characters I believe he needs someone very sweet and caring, because Chifuyu went through a lot and despite what he might say he never really stopped thinking about Baji and what he could do to protect him.
So he’ll need you to wipe his tears and remind him that he did everything he could and that his best friends wouldn’t want him to cry during his whole life because of him, after all he was part of Baji’s treasure so he needs to act like it
Enough with the angst we need fluff right now
He might not be the clingiest boyfriend (Because who can be clingier that Mikey ? Yeah) but he is very present. The boy can’t live without holding your hands and if you’re not comfortable with PDA be sure he’ll wrap his pinky against yours.
Also I saw him as the one who give pat head and kiss at your forehead easily (he saw it on a shojo and he wanted to do it) and since you tend to be a a blush mess because of it gives him confidence to do it again
I say on another headcanon that Kazutora was a kisser’s addict remember ? Chifuyu is another one.
Instead of « just » kissing you on your lips, Fuyu would kiss you everywhere from your hand to your hair. He just loves giving you pet and he finds every occasion to kiss you. Good grades ? A kiss. Feeling sad ? Kiss. Hungry ? Kiss. He kisses you all the time, sometimes he even went as far as to cover your whole face with kisses just to hear you giggle which make him chuckle (god his voice is so attractive).
But I have to say that his kiss your lips are the most intense, maybe it’s because he reads way too much shojo, but he always put his hand on your hair before kissing you and won’t stop until his body tell him he really needs to breath.
Oh he is praiser too, not in a sexual way (also it might be but that’s not the point), he just loves you so much ? He just feels like he needs to simp over you, like praising you reminds you that you’re incredible.
He is so proud of you have no idea
As I previously said he is really into PDA but he knows not everyone is fine with it and his worst nightmare is you forcing yourself and being uncomfortable about him. Don’t hesitate to put boundaries and tell him what’s okay for you and what’s not okay he won’t mind quite contrary. Now that he knows what he can do he will pumper you with affection knowing that he is making you happy
Yeah because your happiness is REALLY important to him, he can’t stand seeing you sad, angry, depressed it’s breaking his heart. You’re his sunshine. You’re glowing and your light shouldn’t shattered because of bad emotion, so anytime you’re feeling down don’t worry your boyfriend would be here to provide you anything you want : cuddle, an ear to talk, movie, sweets anything honestly.
Best boyfriend ever with Mitsuya obviously
Will cry each time you bring him a bento like it’s cry from happiness because up to this point with everything he went through he thought the world was against him and here you are bringing him food because you care about him ??? Please can someone give you a reward
And when he started working at the petshop, each time you’ll visit him god prevent Kazutora from being here because Chifuyu would be all over you. Hugging you like his life depends on it, kissing you deeply forcing a moan to leave your mouth because he is that good kisser. If you are wondering why I talked about Kazu well, he was here one day when Fuyu was particularly missing you, he complained all day, he talked to the baby about you how cute you are, what a sweetie you were to him, as if you weren’t here anymore you know ? It didn’t help that you decided to see your boyfriend because you were missing him too, well let’s say that Kazu was in first place to see both of you making out and that he kinda regrets his time in jail.
The word is that it happened a lot before you decided to go to the storehouse to cuddle (Kazu might threaten to adopt your favorite rabbit)
During a long time (if you weren’t aware about what happened to Baji) he never brung the subject of Baji’s death, not because he wasn’t trusting you or anything but because it still hurt to talk about it, and he didn’t want to cry in front of you I can’t explain why. But after a long time when he felt like you two were everything, when he felt like he could talk to you well he decided to confess about Baji, about his life as a Toman member and everything.
Even though you knew he used to be a thug, you were surprised by this confession and honestly felt about it because you could tell that he was missing his best friends.
Not being able to see him fighting the urge to cry, you took him into your arm to cuddle him whispering to him that it’s fine that he can cry in your arm, it’s okay he’ll be fine.
After that you came to realize that in each « Baji’s death anniversary » and during his « birthday », Chifuyu disappeared. Like he woke up like usual but instead of going to work he went into a particular fast food to buy Peyoung Yakisoba like he used to. And then he paid a visit to Baji, not that he never went to see him since that day to be honest he’ll see Baji at least one time each week. During this time he’ll like to summarize everything who’s involved Toman, Mikey everything that might interest Baji. Then he’ll cry, he’ll apologize for what happened because Fuyu still feel guilty for what happened.
You know that he needed to do this alone, even though you wanted to be there to take care of your boyfriend and support him. You knew that one day he’ll ask you to come with him, just be patient
I don’t think I should say it because everyone know it, but he is super faithful ??? Like we’re talking about the guy who gives up his dream job and instead chooses to live his bestriend's one ?
Whether you sleep with him in his bedroom or yours, be sure that Peke J would always be there. I don’t feel like Fuyu would be able to let his baby to his mother or a friend. So he’ll always bring his baby with him. You can consider yourself as Peke J’s second parent.
Speaking of parents, I’m pretty sure you would be all nervous the first time you would meet his mum, but don’t worry even though she’ll act a bit intimately (she does that in order to protect her son) she’ll quickly fall in love with you. So you two would soon talk as if you have been a part of this family since the beginning
Seeing the picture of his dead dad, I assume Chifuyu barely know his father so if you two decided to start a family he’ll do so many researches about how to take care of a child, he’ll ask his mum and every parent he is kinda close too (even those old ladies from his neighborhood)
Because yes I believe he wants children but if you two couldn’t have children, whether you don’t want or can’t have one it’s okay both of you would either adopt a child or a cat lmao. Frankly he can live without children.
I think he is mummy’s boy
He drinks his people juice every day
Honestly you would be treat like royalty (as you should !)
He just loves you so much
I can see him as the type to always bring your need before his own. Like if you two are working he’ll always be sure to cook or clean the house no matter if he was home first or not. He will make you a hot bath for you, even remove your make up and do your morning routine for you.
Tell him he is the best boy he deserves to hear it
Okay this one is weird but I’m particularly sensible when it came to smell and I dunno I just feel it, I think he kinda smells like vanilla or washing powder you know ? Those one who smell like baby, really sweet smell even though he is buying male fragrance he can’t help but smell like some sweet.
It’s a really calming scent like each time you’re brought close to his neck (because he drives you somewhere with his bike, because you are cuddling or because he is giving piggy back ride you because you couldn’t walk anymore) its relaxing you.
He really loves driving you, I can’t explain it I just know it. Each time you’re about to leave he’ll be like « where are you going ? I can drop you here if you want ». Doesn’t matter if it’s with his car or his bike he just loves traveling (if we can call it a travel) with you.
His hair is also very soft, like I don’t know what conditioner he is using but despite killing his hair with bleaching his hair are so soft it felt so good to stroke his hair
I feel like he wears jewelry ,necklace, bracelet, rings give him everything he will wear it and look like a fucking model I’m not making the rule it’s canon
One of his dream is to receive a scarf that you made for him, or anything that you sewed for him. He read so many shojo and each time he saw the love-interest getting a scarf from the protagonist his heart was beating so hard, he was even squealing so hard that he scared Peke J (he gave him a reward to apologize)
Whether it’s with his lovely bike or car, he loves getting you a drive those kind of travel when you know where you leave but don’t know where to go. Sometimes it’s just him driving into Tokyo Road but the fact that you are here talking to him, singing songs with him, it’s just perfect. Bonus point if one of you brought food to eat on his car.
Yeah he definitely enjoy a drive-in movie you know ? Both of you wrapped on a blanket holding each other hand
I believe that up to some point he’ll feel like to marry you, he just wants to see you in your wedding close looking at him and say « I do » when you’ll be asked if you want to spend the rest of your life with him.
He is freaking romantic, and won’t be afraid to be a little cliché. So yeah he tends to go at your date with a bouquet of flowers, a gift. He just loves spoiling you.
During your date he is always trying to get into those cliché situation, bumping into you so your books would fall on the floor and both of you would kneel to take it so your fingers would brush. Or during lunch he’ll feed you because he thinks you look so cute with your cute little mouth opening slightly for him to put food and honestly just the fact that you trust him enough to do that is insane. Oh and he’ll definitely try to do that cliché scene where the boy is leaning against your body so you would be push against the wall, his hands would cage you in as he leans for a kiss.
definitely the type to confess under a cherry tree I’m sorry I know he will
Oh and he tends to whisper a lot in your ear just to see if you’re going to blush or get flustered because of him
He also randomly grabs your cheeks with a single hand just because he feels like it
I’m giving him 100/10 just marry me already please I won’t date anyone if they’re not Fuyu that’s it
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babymilkawa · 4 years
Omg so hi um-🥺💞. Can I get headcanons where reader is illumis wife? Like she just became his wife through some arranged marriage that she was forced into. Also Silva would probably make moves on illumis darling 🏃‍♀️. Like secret make out sessions and all💅. Thank you
omfg how do y’all come up with the juiciest type of shit like I LOVE this 😭💦
forbidden love
silva zoldyck
fem!reader :)
word count; 852
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You laid on the bed, cold despite being occupied by two people. This was the bed where you would have to sleep in for the rest of your life. This cold, unfamiliar place. You had to call it home.
But there were times when you didn’t completely loathe your stay here. The times you’d look forward to were the nights.
Being a skilled hunter yourself, you could easily sneak past your husband’s sleeping figure without waking him up, seeing as he practically slept with one eye open. Your stealthy movements went unnoticed by him, the old floorboards even quieting down in your favor.
You would sneak out of the below-average-temperature room and wander the hallways. The hollow stone walls seemed to be warmer than the bed you shared.
Sometimes you’d walk around for hours, keeping an ear out for anyone approaching. You didn’t want to explain yourself. Why you couldn’t bare to sleep in the same bed as him. Why you couldn’t handle his unresponsiveness to your attempts at small talk.
It had been the merging of two rich and powerful families. You and Illumi Zoldyck happened to be the same age, making your parents agree at once that it was a suitable fit. Your life here was dull, even if you were allowed to go out in your own adventures every now and then. In fact, you were starting to lose the motivation to do so, the thought of coming home to that man made you sour.
Soon, however, you realized that you didn’t have to always be alone.
One night, you had been lost in your thoughts, mind too busy thinking to even let the sound of soft breathing enter your hunter ears. The footsteps made no sound by the well-trained assassin. His breathing was only heard because of the aggressive training that he just went through.
You were turning a corner when your face was met with a hard surface. Looking up, your husband’s father stared down at you, a cold expression on his face. But once he realized that it was you, y/n zoldyck, his expression changed into something less intimidating, but still cold.
“Y/n, what are you doing out here? And in the middle of the night?” He asked, and you could feel the vibrations.
You were about to answer when his large hand took your own and led you to his room. Once inside, you immediately noticed the difference between his and your husband’s room. It was much, much warmer. Or maybe it was the fact that you were in another man’s room, someone that wasn’t your husband.
But at that moment, you didn’t care. Some part of you was saying that the tall man in front of you could give you what you wanted, what you needed from a man.
His back was facing you and you couldn’t help but slide your arms around his waist and rest your cheek on his broad back. You sighed, letting the warmth flow in you.
Silva turned around to cup your face in his hands. His nail scraped your cheek a little and his eyes bored into yours.
“You must’ve been lonely. Illumi must not be taking care of you right.”
You weren’t someone who would normally just succumb and pity yourself but the way he had said it made you pout and look up at him with innocent eyes.
He seemed to like this. His eyes blazed with desire and greed.
Silva backed the two of you until he landed on his grand chair, you immediately moving to sit on his lap. While he looked at you, his hands wandered around and you could feel the rough blisters and scratches that defined him.
Finally, he leaned in and his lips seemed to be able to cover your whole mouth. But it was the first time you had ever even been touched after a long time. Illumi had never bothered to acknowledge your presence. He slept like a stick, stiff in that freezer of a room.
Both pairs of lips were eager and you wondered for a sec how long silva hadn’t been kissed like this too. Maybe that was what the two of you had in common. You were both neglected and touch-starved people. You could complete each other.
Then it became a routinely thing. You’d lay awake in bed while Illumi fell asleep and once you were sure, you’d sneak out and meet Silva in his room. Right before everyone woke up, you’d slip in your shared bathroom or right back in bed, Illumi not moving an inch. 
Soon, the days went by slower because you looked forward to the nights. Your mood became a little more cheery and it was noticeable by everyone around you. You would offer to help around the house, take care of your husband’s younger siblings, train with them. Then when the night came, you would be back in his arms. He would hold you like you were someone fragile and you would cherish that feeling of being loved of being safe. Something his son could never give you.
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a/n: phew I didn’t go too far with this but I enjoyed writing it! seriously, y’all have the best prompts
hunter x hunter masterlist
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pizzaapplecheese · 3 years
Hooligans headcanons! Just because
Angel is the youngest in the group by 2 years, because of this he gets away with more chaos with the price of being babyed
Aubrey used to crush any gladiolus she saw during the 4 years (it brings back pained memories)
Charlene refuses to acknowledge her reddit brother exist
Kim and Kel would always have a sports match to see who is better
Mikhael loves fashion and would sometimes sketch clothes he would want to see exist
Vance loves to babysit kids before he joined the hooligans and would look out for the younger kids (personally he doesn't know why he stopped since he loved it)
Angel sees Charlie as his dad and Mikhael as his mom, they are both parental figures to him even if these 2 don't talk to eachother much, they fill that role for him and he is happy with it
Basil always know who Aubrey have a crush on just by looking at her even if Aubrey doesn't realize her crush yet
Charlene and Sunny befriended eachother after the good ending, now these 2 either listen to music, colour, and or talk about their hyperactive friends who are talkitive and also somehow manages to get them in trouble yet they still love them for who they are
Kim hates sour candy or actually anything sour, unlike his brother who love sweet and sour
Mikhael is bad at picking up signals for anything, he blames his family for it since they all are terrible at picking up signals
Vance one time got upset that Kim ate all of his candy that he spoke spanish for an entire week (I headcanon him and Kim to be half Japanese half Spanish)
Angel have this weird thing with honorifics, he uses it on almost everyone and it is always the wrong ones to use (ie he calls his teachers Master, Aubrey is Sir, his friend's parents are either Sire and Madam, ect.) if he doesn't use an honorific on you it is either A) he doesn't know you or B) he doesn't respect you enough to give you one/loss the respect (it seriously hits hard to the people close to him when he stops using it on them)
Aubrey always saw Basil as a younger brother (even though he is older) and would try to copy Hero and Mari on how they act towards Sunny and Kel, she would congratulate him on the smallest of achievement, she would pet his hair when he being energetic to calm him down, she would tease him on small things, she would always try to protect him from anything that would harm him no matter what. After everything that happened in the good ending, Basil forgive Aubrey for everything she has did to him, but he no longer allows her to treat him the same when they were younger, that bond and trust is long gone and it would take a very long time until it can be rebuilt
Charlene hates how intimidating she looks even though it is good at stopping her from getting bad attention it also makes people want to avoid her, she never had any friends growing up because of that, so she always played with her stuffed toys and dolls. Charlie would try to get her older brother to play with her when she was younger, but he always brushed her off and stayed in his room. The hooligan where her first actual friend group
Kim knows every dinosaur fact ever and she will fight anyone who gets a fact slightly wrong, she doesn't know why she hold on to her dinosaur beliefs so strongly and she sometimes stay up at night and question if she might be a reincarnated dinosaur trying to relearn her culture and that is why she is like this
Mikhael have those rare moments in which him and his siblings are on speaking terms even if it was just a few minuetes, they would usually talk about the past (before Mikhael was 6 years old since that is when they drifted apart) their favorite memory is When Mikhael was using names, but had a difficult time trying to pronounce Daphne's name so they would ask him "do you want to speak to Bowen 1 or Bowen 2? Which Bowen is it? This Bowen or that Bowen" it usually takes about 2 minutes until they figured out which sibling he was talking about. They all wish they could go back to that time, Mikhael feels like that is too late even when his siblings are trying hard to get him to get him to hang out with him again like he used to
Vance have a hard time saying no to Kim, even when it is something that needs to have his foot down on, he can't bring himself to do that. He just tags along to whatever she does instead because if he can't stop her then why not join her?
Angel's hair clips where gifts from his sister when they were younger, he would panic if he where to ever lose them
Aubrey have been known to be a bunny whisperer, Kel usually teases her about it; little does she know is that Kel is the same thing, but with dogs and Sunny is like that with cats
Charlene helps Angel with his injuries since he is kind of danger prone when doing so she like to hum songs that her mom songs to her when she have a hard time sleeping when she was younger (I definitely see her humming "you are my sunshine")
Kim would always play tetherball as it was her favorite game, she wanted to be in a tetherball championship because if she trained hard enough she knows she will win no matter what, that is until she found out that there is no such thing as a tetherball championship since it is an informal sport, after that she was pretty upset for an entire week
Mikhael likes learning languages because he finds the way people speak to eachother beautiful (other than English hee currently knows Italian and French since these are his own languages, but he learned how to speak Spanish and is currently learning Korean)
Vance relies on candy to keep his energy when he runs out he is usually tired and lays in bed for a very long time
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