#perhaps  this  is  trash  on  a  plate
requiemforthepoets · 25 days
overcooked 𖦹 LN4
PAIRINGS: lando norris x female!reader
SUMMARY: play overcooked they said, it’ll be fun they said.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i just can’t help write about the idea lando playing overcooked, so i did. hope you’ll enjoy this! :)
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
WARNINGS: typos and ferrari strategy meme
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Lando’s twitch stream was in full swing, and the chat was buzzing as you settled beside him, controller in hand.
“Alright, babe, let’s see how well we work together,” Lando teased, flashing you that signature grin. You rolled your eyes, already sensing that this game of overcooked might be more than what you bargained for.
You both dove into the first level, the kitchen chaos unfolding on the screen as you both tried to chop, cook, and serve orders with as much coordination as two people shared a life, but perhaps not a kitchen.
“Lando, the onions! You missed the onions!” You shouted, pointing at the screen as the virtual kitchen teetered on the brink of disaster.
“Relax, I’ve got this!” Lando replied, but his character was already running into walls, the pot burning on the stove. You could feel the frustration bubbling up, your competitive nature kicking into high gear.
You took charge of the kitchen, barking orders like a seasoned chef, while Lando scrambled to keep up. “Chop the onions faster, Lando!” You yelled as the kitchen timer ticked down. Lando, flustered, accidentally tossed the onions into the trash instead of the pot.
“Oops,” he said, trying to suppress a laugh.
“Oops?” You shot back, incredulous. “Lando, we’re running a restaurant, not a garbage disposal service!” The twitch chat exploded with laughter, and Lando couldn’t help but chuckle as well.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of trying to manage orders, avoid fires, and stop Lando from accidentally throwing perfectly good ingredients into the trash, you both managed to complete the level. The result? Two stars. You stared at the screen, eyes narrowing.
“Unacceptable.” You muttered, “this is unacceptable!” You declared, your voice suddenly dropping into a perfect Gordon Ramsay impression.
“Oh look, baby we got two stars! That’s not bad!” Lando said excitedly as he pointed on the screen.
“Not that bad? Are you kidding me, Lando?” You snapped, fully embodying the spirit of Gordon Ramsay. “We were all over the place! No communcation, no strategy. Honestly, what was that—your best effort? Do you want to serve that to people? Do you?!”
Your sudden intensity caught Lando off guard, but before he could say anything, you were now pacing back and forth in front of him. But before he could say anything, you were off on a tirade, launching into an elaborate explanation of your strategy. You gestured wildly, pointing at the screen, completely absorbed in your monologue.
“Okay, listen. First, you need to stay on your side of the kitchen. I’ll handle the chopping and the prep work—because clearly, you’re incapable of doing both without setting something on fire. We need to streamline the workflow. I’ll chop, you’ll cook, and we both plate. But!” You pointed at him, your expression deadly serious, “no more improvisation. We need to stick to the plan. No more running around like a headless chicken.“
Lando blinked and nodded at you, clearly taken aback by your sudden switch into full-on chef mode. He opened his mouth to respond but then quickly shut it, his eyes darting between you and the camera that was still live streaming every second of your tirade. The chat was exploding with messages, his fans throughly entertained by your unintentional transformation into a culinary dictator, and Lando knows better than to interrupt you when you’re in the zone.
“And another thing,” you continued, pointing to the screen like you were delivering the world’s most important TED talk. “Timing and synchronization is crucial. We need to strategize and work like a well-oiled machine, not a circus act, okay? I handle the chopping, you’ll cook, and we both plate. We’ll divide and conquer!”
The chat exploded, the fans losing it as she continued, hands flying everywhere in wild gestures. Meanwhile, Lando was trying his hardest not to crack up, the corners of his mouth twitching as he watched her go on.
“Babe…baby,” Lando finally managed to interject, struggling to keep a straight face. “You realize we’re live, right?”
You froze, eyes widening as you remembered the twitch stream, the hundred of his fans who had just witnessed your unhinged rant. Slowly, you turned to the camera, a sheepish grin spreading across your face.
“Oh…hi, chat,” you said, your voice suddenly much softer, the intensity draining from your expression. “I’m sorry for that. That was not very demure, very cutesy, and very mindful of me.”
Lando burst out laughing, nearly doubling over as he clutched his stomach. “I think you’ve been watching too much Hell’s Kitchen, love. Gordon Ramsay has become your new personality,” he teased, pulling you back down and sat you on his lap. You groaned, burying your face on his neck, as he put an arm around your waist, but even you couldn’t help laugh at yourself.
“Come on, let’s get you that three stars.” Lando said as he chuckled again. You settled down beside him and gave you a kiss on your temple.
The rest of the stream was just as chaotic as when you both started playing the game, filled with rage, frustration, and hilarious uncoordination. Orders were still missed, pots were still burning, and Lando’s character even managed to fall off the kitchen at one point, but you were both too busy laughing to care. By the end of the game, you hadn’t earned a single three-star rating that you had intentionally wanted, but the stream had been a massive hit, and the chat was flooded with memes of your intense strategy session.
As Lando ended the stream, he leaned over and kissed you on the lips, still chuckling. “We may not be the best team in overcooked, but I think we’re the most entertaining,” he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You rolled your eyes, but a smile played on your lips as you rested your head ok his shoulder. “Yeah, well, next time we’re getting three stars. I don’t care how long it takes.”
“Deal.” lando replied, wrapping an arm around you as you both relaxed, your own competitive sprit finally at peace—for now. “And can I say, it really turned me on when you started yapping.” His eyes wiggling, suggesting something that you knew fully well as you slapped him playfully on the chest.
“Oh shut up you.” You both laughed.
The kitchen might have been a disaster, but at least your relationship had survived the heat—well, barely.
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The Rival (Part 2)
(Summary: Alastor sought to possess one of the only does in Pentagram City for the rut season, however, you wanted a mate, not a master. But what happens when a handsome new buck shows up one day and tries to capture your attention away from the Radio Demon. Who will you choose?)
Hey, so here is part two as promised (I rewrote it like 40 times 😅) please continue keep in mind that it's just practice for a beginner's writing class
Alastor POV
GOD, DAMN HIM ALL OVER AGAIN! How dare this bastard come into HIS territory and make eyes at HIS adorable doe. And how could Charlie, the naïve ninny, allow this…this interloper into their hotel as a guest? Going as far as to prevent him from watering the front lawn with the other male’s blood (and perhaps impaling his head on the entrance gate) in warning for any other foolish would-be usurper. He felt that the spice garden could use some Canadian reindeer mulch.
 Alastor couldn’t help but feel he was behind the eight ball thanks to his agreement with the Princess to not lay a finger on any who sought the hotel’s services; however, she even placed the rake next to your room. It seemed like she expected you to show him around and ensure he acclimated to the new environment without issue. To be a friend to this new guest. Was there no end to Charlie’s flagrant disrespect?!
You had had to walk him down to breakfast once because he had gotten “lost” in the hallways and ended up “accidentally” darkening your door asking for assistance. However Alastor knew it was intentional on the misguided reindeer’s part. It was as if James thought he could capture your heart within the span of a five-minute walk to the lobby. Nonsense. But, Alastor noticed how you sported a slight blush when you rejoined the others, with the newest guest in tow by the hand, in response to whatever inane attempt at charm he had thrown your way.
If the flannel fiend wished for a duel, Alastor would gladly oblige.
He had made certain that his precious doe’s hotel door frame was properly marked with scoring from his antlers and his shadow insisted on being posted on guard at night in case of any “lost” reindeer. This didn’t seem to bother you, as your instincts most likely told you to let the males fight it out, so he continued his pissing contest. For instance, no matter where you were, so was Alastor. He continuously shirked his hotel duties in favor of gluing himself to you and if he wasn’t (very publicly) rubbing against your neck or hair to leave traces of his heavy musk, and attempting to jump-start your heat with his pheromones, he was feeding you from the same plate as himself or whispering sweet words into your sensitive ears.
Oh yes, he saw with satisfaction how your ears twitched in contact with his warm breath and how you shivered slightly at his honeyed words of love. He also didn’t miss the glare that the Canadian continuously shot towards him, and aimed a shit-eating grin of his own right back, as you once again unconsciously relaxed into Alastor’s side.
Oh yes, The Radio Demon was absolutely certain that HIS doe would choose HIM as the superior mating option like she did every season over the trash that begged for a mere glance from her direction. HE was the one who always provided protection for her during this fragile time. HE always saw to her meals and ensured her nutrition as is the responsibility of the courting male. And HE was the one who you harbored romantic feelings for.
…Those same warm feelings that slept within him as well…
Alastor tried to shut the thought down before his mind strangled itself in a black cloud of doubt. To say that he was wholly unfamiliar with genuine romance, even throughout his many decades in Hell, was an understatement.
He huffed heavily through his nose.
Carmilla better have a good reason for dragging him away from his territory at such a time. As he begrudgingly made his way to the overlord meeting, Couldn't look weak during a season now could he? Alastor reflected on the last time he had allowed his heart to open itself for another long ago. It ended in his technological "friend" nearly voiding him to make a quick buck.
 …Never again…
 It certainly didn’t help his mood that the start of the rut season was ever hot on Alastor’s heels, but he could only wait for his pheromones to trigger his doe’s heat so every second away from you felt frustratingly wasted. He wondered if your body was taking longer than usual in response to the multiple suitors.
…What if she’s with him…
He shook his head as if trying to forcefully repel the vision of you accepting the other male’s advances. Laughing at James’s crude sense of humor turning into allowing him to drift ever closer to you and eventually seizing his chance to- no, his doe would never betray him.
...She's not mine...
It felt like a stone had settled in the pit of Alastor’s stomach at the thought of you being moved even emotionally by another. Ok fine! He was not the most romantically inclined during the rest of the year, but it wasn’t like you weren’t well aware of this relationship's transaction.
…What if she throws me away too?...
Alastor’s grip nearly broke his cane in half, but he didn’t notice in his shock at such an intrusive thought. She’d never reject him. He remembered how it felt like the whole of Hell suddenly stopped spinning the moment he found you hunched and bloody from defending yourself after an entire herd of bucks had stalked and cornered you in an alleyway. He normally never went out during a rut (can’t let anyone see his body’s weakness) but, even from the hotel, he had smelled something too alluring to ignore. A doe in heat.
Alastor thought you were magnificent in your demon form; legs bent like an actual cervid, claws sharp as knives, and covered in the blood of those filthy bucks who tried to take you by force. Even now the image continues to take his breath away.  
…I know her heart needs more…what if I …
No, that is not what this agreement is. You used him and he used you. Just like every other lost soul in Hell, you were leveraging your Satan-given circumstance to better your situation under his powerful allowances. Romance was merely a tool at best and a distraction at worst (Alastor tried to convince himself).
…What if her body chooses the other male’s pheromones…
He stopped dead in his tracks, just a short distance from the Carmine compound, as the surrounding windows shattered, and nearby demons fled from the intensity of his sudden static outburst. He felt his antlers grow and his bones shift in the fury that overcame him at the image of you held under the other man. Keening and gasping James’s name in your desperation to find relief from your heat. A loud snarl escaped him. Dammit! He never should have left her!
…What if his name is on her lips right now??!...
 Alastor had never phased through the shadows so fast in his afterlife.
Your POV
The kiss ended as quickly as it had begun once you felt yourself suddenly pulled into a suffocating nothingness, you opened your eyes to see that James was being violently shaken around in the air like a ragdoll. Only then did the blood in your ears stop pounding long enough for you to hear the sharp screeching of a ruined record and the overwhelming sensation of staticky pinpricks uncomfortably all over your body. Your instincts kicked in and you immediately scanned the yard for the cause of the disruption though you already knew its source as Alastor’s shadow was winding around your body protectively, but also in a restraining manner.
Your eyes searched for Alastor and found him, standing in between you and the flailing reindeer, to be almost unrecognizable in the most demonic appearance you have ever seen him and it broke your heart. Shit, he must have seen James kiss you and maybe even heard what you two had discussed. His body was completely stretched out and bent at impossible angles as he laughed manically at his rough treatment of James and snarled wildly, “HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY MATE!!!!”.
“ALASTOR! STOP IT!”, you cried out in hopes of capturing his attention away from James, but it seemed as though your voice had only made things worse as Alastor flung his prey high into the air with another laugh before turning his attention towards you.
Heavy footsteps rumbled through the air as Alastor stomped towards you menacingly slow like a predator taking his sweet time in devouring its next meal and you pulled at his shadow with all you were worth to free yourself of its confining hold. “Please wait!”, you pleaded with the Radio Demon (this wasn’t Alastor anymore). Surely he was about to kill you just like every other demon who he felt had crossed him and their screams and lifeless eyes danced in your memory, but, until now, you had never felt fear of the same fate. You knew hot tears were pouring down your cheeks and you tried to look as small as possible as the giant deer finally made his way towards you with the most strained smile you had ever seen split his face. It seemed like the green stitches that lined the smile were about to pop and you saw the black void of The Radio Demon’s eyes that were pinpointed by fastmoving golden dials.
You could only continue to sob and whimper out pleas for your life, quickly losing your voice in desperation, as Alastor kneeled down and bent his neck to look into your eyes before growling fiercely in your face. It wasn’t really understandable, but it sounded like the accusation that you could see in his twisted face and your heart sank even further. Of course, he must be feeling betrayed and angry, however, he also looked a bit…hurt? It was only for a moment but you were sure of what you saw and it made you wonder if this was really because he felt mating competition from the other male. You couldn’t ponder this any further, though, because you were suddenly whisked away from the hold of Alastor’s shadow in a vice of muscled arms, a firm chest, and white fur.
The fuck?!
“GIVE HER BACK TO MEEE!!!!”, Alastor roared so loud that your ears began to bleed and tighten even further against your skull.
You were quickly placed onto the safety of the hotel’s nearby back porch and looked up to your new kidnapper, only for your mind to completely blank as you took in James’s transformed body and the eerily powerful aura that radiated from his very soul. He walked in a circling motion towards Alastor as the two sized each other up. James now had two sets of strong, bent deer-like legs that attached to the abdomen of, what you assumed to be, a huge reindeer. His humanoid torso connected to the deer body and his shoulders to his head was adorned with spikes of thick, black antlers that grew more massive and curved as they reached the crown of his hairline. You recognized this form.
Dude was a freaking cervitaur? Wait…are DxD characters actually real??!
You noticed that thin vines lined his antlers with small, colorful flowers growing on them and that with each powerful step he took new plants sprouted from the contact of his hooves with the ground. James’s expression was marred with a threatening look towards Alastor and he began to kick out his back legs into the dirt as he twisted his, now thicc neck, from side to side in a warning display of his impressive but deadly rack.
The Radio Demon didn’t back down, however, returning the gesture as he coiled his body before both demons sprinted directly at each other as two harsh cervid howls rang out through the air like a thunderclap.
I really hope that you liked reading this! I enjoyed focusing on Alastor's side of things and James's demon transformation that is actually inspired by a DxD character. The cervidtaur, though James's powers will differ a bit, I believe that the fight of the next part will show off how awesome of a character design it is. 😊(See the pic below) I think I spent like a week researching reindeer aggression signs and how to write in a dude's pov 😂
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Taglist: I hope I did this right!
@Xalygatorx , @songbirdpond , @bitter-rabittt, @sakuraluna2468, @cinnamon-galaxies, @speedycoffeedelight, @diffidentphantom, @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this, @eris-norwega, @anngray1369, @ladyadrasteia666, @wends, @prime-in-time-and-space, @supeersimpeer, @sirens-and-moonflowers, @type-ink, @fantasyhopperhea, @martinys-world, @apad-ravya, @galaxywolf3, @thoughfullovercreator, @Boogiemansbitch, @helluva-simper, @alastorsgirl48, @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog, @need-a-life-or-grass, @michi-keinz, @milkissesx, @ari42, @valerie-is-in-the-cupboard, @lil-glum, @amariskygal, @strawberryoverlord1893, @cherry-cola-100, @noellebellq, @lettuce-frog16, @junieshohoho, @phoephan-123, @dreamraven13
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suguru-getos · 5 months
| Bully! Gojo Satoru x F!Reader | Part 6 |
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Summary: You had just transferred schools, and your first day was an encounter with your new bully. He’s mean, terrifically hot & absolutely a menace. Though there’s more to that personna. Perhaps an emotionally stunted softie who can’t communicate after used to being worshipped by everyone?
Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Satoru has become a little more dedicatedly kind. However, with the recent school festival coming up — that might change.
Warnings/Author’s notes📝: Finally! I wrote this chapter T^T I’ve winged it so bad but I want a cute 🥰 romantic thingy now.
Taglist: @mc-reborn @tvdumarvelhpsimp @alula394 @getoxmahito @knanamii @he4rts444mi @localginger22 @animeisforkings @ran6ia @creative1writings @lenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @zoemaelol @shoutascoffeepot @whydohumansss @nyahctrl @a-trashbag @yoontaedotin @tojisworm-5 @mo0nforme @luciledreamz @camilo-uwu @sassyfoxunknown @bitchyinternetinfluencer @bakananya @mizzowizzo @k1y0yo @bl0odycutz @daidaiseam-blog @flirtyjen @jihyuniepark @stupiditystaar @lu-lynds @aymasakusa @creative1writings @roscpctals99 @eravariety @nanananananaiknow @b4tm4nn @milkm4nz @millimacis @bubera974 @ranhanabi777 @bleachisfood @thealphagirl @pinkprincessglitterzombie @tojisslxtt @chilichopsticks @deegausserr @tremendousdinosaurpizza @shittyhair234 @trisharay13 @luvvmae @tremendousdinasourpizza @stuckinaoaktree @ropickle @onlywaytobesane @mayumemehhh @lovernatashaa @rott3npoetry @ilovebattinson @qxdlx2 @herelegancy @megumisthirdog @k-sv @lyah17 @roscpctals99 @polarbvnny @eyes-ofhell @kazuahhh @theitchbbbb @millimacis @victoria1616
Satoru Gojo hasn’t bothered you, since the incident where he apologized. This was almost weird, you could go to school without any interference from him. You could be yourself without any interference from him. No self-indulgence from him could deterr you either. Everything is normal, your lunch timings, your classes, your trainings. Satoru is still looking at you though, observing you, watching you… but that’s all he’s doing.
“Alright, I think he’s just being docile now. For real!” One of your friends hummed, just observing Satoru goof around with his friends. Well, his best friend Geto Suguru also has started hanging out with him now. You glanced at him, and his eyes met yours. You could swear it is. If not for his annoying black round glasses. He smiles brightly at you. He is elated to see you happy and content for a change. There is no doubt about it.
Satoru Gojo has a big, fat crush on you. He can’t stop thinking about you & can’t stop but think the what ifs of it. He shouldn’t have been that way during your first meeting — but you just threw him off guard. No one just — ignores Satoru Gojo. Or just, treat him normally. “I see your eyes still aren’t wandering off of her, Satoru.” Suguru’s hand landed on his shoulder, giving him a soft squeeze to divert his attention from you to himself. Satoru sighs, broad shoulders slumped a little. “I thought she had a lotta~ spunk, Suguru. It was fun… until it wasn’t anymore. I just became an egoistic piece of shit.” He responds, eyes glued to you.
“I understand.” Suguru responds, his own brown meeting yours in his usual tender gaze. He smiles at you, calling you closer to him.
You blinked, why is Suguru calling you? Satoru is right beside him. You huffed, gnawing at your lip in a tenderized nervousness & getting up. You walked towards the trash to keep your well-eaten food plate & walked towards Suguru. “Hey!” You smiled, looking at him and then meeting Satoru’s eyes.
“Hello~ Y/N..” Suguru hums, his presence comforting & charming as ever. Satoru is quiet, but you know he’s gazing daggers at you. “Seems like you’ve gained a little weight—” Satoru snickers, and you frowned; scowling.
“No- I mean, you seem- happy!” Satoru sighs, “I mean, your face— was all— dull & bad & now it’s glowing so —” Fuck, why was this so hard for Gojo to just be normal. All he wanted was to communicate that you look good. He grits his teeth, “I mean to say… you look pretty.” He pouts, patting himself at the back for coming up with it.
You raised a curious brow, “You just complimented me? Interesting. I was fully prepared for another argument.”
Satoru’s face falls. There is no way he can undo the series of actions that he did. He looks at you and pouts softly, baby blue eyes humanly dilated at the sight of you and a soft sigh escaping him. “I know you said I should be sorry, but I meant what I said.”
You frowned again, yes you did mean it but you don’t have it in you to forgive him already. You had a whole meltdown because of him for fucks sake. Geto, who had been still and silent through this finally speaks — “What matters is, your sorry is genuine, Satoru. You apologized to Y/N and you aren’t nowhere close to repeating what hurt her.”
Satoru nodded, it was as if his grief was slowly soothed by his best friend’s words. You, nodded too. “I agree. I do trust your apology.” You hummed, and you could swear his dull eyes lit up excruciatingly beautifully. A soft smile escapes you at that. “See you both around.” You hummed, after hearing the lunch break bell.
A month has passed since, and you have only greeted Satoru in soft Hellos, His, What’s Ups. He has been patient but yes, just as consistent with his conversations. There hasn’t been a single day where Satoru hasn’t conversed with you.
“May I have your attention, please. The Cultural Festival is coming soon. We would need to decide what our class will be coming up with. We would need to decide and collaborate amongst ourselves. Ask our Senpais for help, help them if needed.” Your home room teacher announced.
The class had mixed feelings as usual, some were really ecstatic, some were — neutral. (Like you). Some were annoyed at this extra curriculum. The class rep stood up & started the discussion about it. Your fellow batchmates in another section had taken a play — the basic, Romeo & Juliet. The others had taken Haunted House, your seniors were in-charge of the Party after the fest.
Your class came up with the disgustingly mid idea of a maid cafe. Yeah sure — of course!
“Alright then, we need volunteers!” The rep cheered, glancing at a few people in the class, you included. You volunteered easily. It sounded fun, routine it may be. “I will volunteer too!” You chirped, and the discussion finally ended.
After school, Satoru & Suguru met you outside the gate, their group was hooked together on ice-cream. “Hello! Y/N!” Satoru chirped, ever so cheerful. You softly nodded, looking at him and hesitantly waving.
The thing with Satoru is, you don’t know what would tick him in the wrong way. After your series of experiences — no matter how cool & soft & gentle he is, it’s still second nature to you — to be alert.
Big legs walked towards you, enclosing the distance between you & him in a few seconds. “What’s your class doing?” He smiled, raising a curious brow. “We’re doing a Maid Cafe.” You gnawed at your lip a little in nervousness when his expression changed a little. “Ah- a maid cafe huh?” He raised a brow, feet impatiently tapping the floor.
“Yeah, a maid cafe.” You second his sentence.
“And — I’m guessing you’d be a volunteer too?” He asked, and you nodded. “Mhm, yeah.”
Brilliant. You will be wearing a fucking Maid costume & students from other schools will be eyeing you — fucking BRILLIANT!
“I… I see.” He hums, smiling back. “Well, have a good day!” He walked away with that. Odd, Satoru Gojo was… odd.
Meanwhile, Satoru stomps towards his friends, huffing and puffing. Suguru knows that his mood is a little sour. “We need to ensure they don’t fucking do the maid cafe thingy Suguru or I’ll literally kill everyone in that classroom whoever looks at Y/N!”
Hooked, Satoru is hooked. And now, maybe he’s not a problem to you, but he’s going to be everyone’s problem.
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frudoo · 7 months
Random König Headcanons
Hey y'all! This is my first post on here so I hope it's alright <3
These are all pretty SFW (for now >:)), so I don't think there's really any content warnings??? Idk let me know if I'm wrong.
Likes going to Build-a-Bear. Will definitely make your bear and his bear kiss.
This man can COOK. Oh, you want takeout? Nah. He's already pulling out the ingredients for your favorite dish. Buys the two of you matching aprons.
Talks to animals like they're babies. I also feel like the man just... attracts wild animals like birds and squirrels. Undercover Disney princess??? Perhaps.
Speaking of babies... the man is so good with kids. Laughs all giddily when toddlers climb him like a tree. Wants you to have his babies so bad
Actually has a decent singing voice. Get him drunk enough and he's doing karaoke like a pro. Oh, and if you agree to sing a duet with him??? He's GONE. Goes all out.
Likes to hold pinkies when walking around in public. He likes holding hands, too, but when he's feeling a little more anxious he'll intertwine your pinkies. PDA isn't his strong suit but he HAS to be touching you at all times, and it's like a pinky promise that he'll always be there with you :,)
Draws patterns/words on your back with his fingertips when y'all are laying in bed. Mainly a bunch of pet names, "I love you"s, and hearts. And cartoon penises
This big burly BEAST of a man loves being the little spoon, no matter how impractical it is. Honestly loves any cuddling position though.
Pouts when you're not giving him enough attention. His lips get SO puffy when he's jealous. Talking to one of his friends? He's grumbling German insults to them under his breath. Eventually he'll just scoot closer to you on the couch and rest his legs on top of your lap. BAM, now he's got your attention, even if it's just you telling him that he's crushing you. Big ol' lap dog.
Likes to do your hair!! He'll take pictures of what he's done and show them to you like a hairdresser :,) It could be the worst hairstyle you've ever seen but you're wearing it PROUDLY.
On the rare occasion that you two go out to a restaurant, he REFUSES to tell the waiter if his meal is wrong. Oh, it's shrimp and he's allergic to shellfish? He's telling the waiter he loves it and will just stare at the untouched plate sadly. Also will not let you trade plates with him because what if the waiter sees??? Tries to sink under the table when you finally cave and tell the waiter that the order is wrong. Glares at you the entire time he eats his new correct meal but is secretly so thankful. <3
Is absolute trash at video games. One of the best combat soldiers on the planet, but put a controller in his hands??? He's lucky if he gets three shots in.
Bought an engagement ring two weeks after you two started dating. I mean, he literally fell in love with you immediately upon seeing you for the first time, so are you really surprised??
Is a really good gift wrapper. His hands always start cramping around the holidays because he does most of the wrapping. His love language is 100% physical touch/gift giving btw.
Adding onto the singing thing... I just think he would be a really good musician, specifically a drummer.
NOSE NUZZLES. Like the Brendan Fraser type of kiss where you just rub noses after. He just gives off those romantic vibes <3
Unconventional kisses. Eyelids, the tip of your ear, everywhere you have moles, your calves, ankles... the man is obsessed with you, and he's kissing you wherever he can reach.
ADORES taking baths with you. Candles, rose petals, bath bombs: he does it all. Washes your hair for you. Lots of forehead and temple kisses.
I am unwell. I need him so bad.
Please feel free to reblog if you'd like!! I hope y'all enjoyed my little (very self-indulgent) rambles. :)))
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sillygoofyqueer · 3 months
I need Yin Yu as a mother to He Xuan. Yeah, yeah, 'He Xuan is older than Yin Yu' BUT NO. IF YIN YU CAN LOOK AFTER HUA CHENG, HE CAN LOOK AFTER HE XUAN.
Think about it. He Xuan is rarely seen, but we know that he has to have some form of contact with Hua Cheng. I think it'd be funny as fuck if this contact is through Yin Yu, who pops by every couple of weeks for a report.
At first, that's all it is. For the first year or so, they have a very small, very formal relationship.
Then Yin Yu accidentally comes around when He Xuan is out. Obviously, he still needs the report, so he starts looking around and is appalled by everything. The random papers scattered everywhere, dirty plates left on the floor, RAW MEAT half eaten and then left to rot.
There seems to be no room that can be classed as He Xuan's private chambers - the closest is what Yin Yu labels He Xuan's 'rage room', filled with statues and paintings of Shi Wudu, but all trashed and ripped apart with what looked like claws, perhaps an axe, and very determined fangs.
Of course, by the time He Xuan is back, everything is in order and suddenly tidy, and he's getting cooked food shoved into his hands by a scolding Yin Yu, who is very used to dealing with Hua Cheng when he gets like this. However, He Xuan seems to be that but times ten, because Hua Cheng can be scolded into taking care of himself through “do you think your beloved god will want to see you if you're like this??”, but He Xuan only seems to care about his pets.
So, Yin Yu strong arms He Xuan into allowing himself to be taken care of and YES, he may be a bit protective of the ghost king that becomes a stroppy child the moment he's told to do something as heinous as take a bath.
At first, He Xuan is baring his teeth and threatening the other man's life, but he can't hurt Yin Yu (Hua Cheng would beat him dead). By the end of it, he just gets exasperated and reluctant and maybe a bit pleased at the care.
Hua Cheng finds amusement in this, because he enjoys reminding Yin Yu about He Xuan's capabilities to try and remind Yin Yu that he should probably not treat He Xuan like a child, just to receive a “you try to get that man into bed on time and tell me to treat him like a fully grown man”. Nobody can treat He Xuan the way Yin Yu does. Yin Yu is the kind of person to subtly threaten Shi Qingxuan like a mother would. "You hurt my baby boy and you'll know about it"
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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Do you agree that Chloe only cared about Adrien cause of his social status ? Cause that's what Astruc has said on Twitter regarding how Chloe viewed her friendship with Adrien. Do you believe this intent of their relationship was portrayed correctly in the show ?
I think that this statement accurately describes the way that Chloe was written in season one. She never read as Adrien's close friend and we got scenes like these two from Dark Cupid where she wanted his autograph to show off for some reason:
Chloé: Hi Adrien, sign here please. Adrien: (sighs) Oh, come on, you know I hate signing autographs, Chloé. Chloé: Oh, that's not what this is. This is a petition against cruelty to hamsters. Have you seen some of the ugly sweaters they are forced to wear? It's appalling. (Adrien begrudgingly signs the poster. Chloé hugs the poster and Sabrina smiles before they notice Marinette who is digging through a trash can as she pulls out a sheet of paper.)
[Scene change]
Chloé: Keep dreaming all you want girls but the boy is mine. (Sabrina nods before unrolling the poster, the girls gasping) Aurore: "To Chloé, the most awesome girl in the world and the love of my life. Signed, Adrien." (All the girls begin to cry, then Chloé looks at one girl who tries not to burst out crying) Chloé: Uh, she's not crying enough.
However, much like Alya's obsession with Ladybug's secret identity and Adrien's ability to leave his house, this part of Chloe's character disappeared after season one, making it feel like something they tried and then decided to discard. While that's not a sign of great writing quality, it's also not a neon warning sign. It's not unusual for formula shows to have these kinds of growing pains. First seasons often have random things that contradict later seasons such as everything about Nathalie's season one writing.
So while season one backs this read, I don't think it's fair to say that Chloe read this way any time after season one and season one is full of things that got discarded, so it's not grasping at straws to say that season one Chloe wasn't fully formed. This is especially true because of the way the writers reintroduced her in both Origins and season two.
Origins introduced many new elements such as Adrien's social isolation and the wish that was driving Gabriel to terrorize Paris. In other words, it's the episode that lays the groundwork for the entire show. If a thing is in Origins, then it matters because the writers only had 40 minutes to establish every important element for how they want these character to be read. This is a problem because Origins didn't make Chloe a vapid mean girl who clung to new boy Adrien. Instead, Origins had Adrien walk into school, see Chloe, and call her by name, leading her to reply with a dorky childhood nickname:
Adrien: Hey, Chloé! Chloé: Adrikins! You came!
She's also the only person who knows that Adrien will be starting school this year because, for some reason, Origins made the choice to elevate Adrien and Chloe's relationship to close childhood friends. That is NOT the kind of move you make if you want Chloe to feel like someone who only cares about Adrien for his fame. While that may potentially happen in real life, this is a story. The writers have full control over the characters' backstories. Who in their right mind picks a childhood friends backstory to complicate things if they don't want Chloe to really care about Adrien as a person?
Despair Bear only further contradicts this "Chloe doesn't care" idea by having Chloe break down over the idea of Adrien ending their friendship:
Jean: Mademoiselle does not look very happy, today. (lifts up a plate of luxury chocolates and offers them to Chloé.) (Chloé grabs the chocolates all at once and eats them, concurrently, and then weeps) Chloé: Adrien says I have to be nice to everyone or he won't be my friend anymore! How can he do this to me, Jean-Michel? Jean: Uh, my name is... hm, never mind. Ah, perhaps Mademoiselle can see comfort with Mr. Cuddly? (Chloé is delighted and grabs Mr. Cuddly, her teddy bear, and hugs it)
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[Image description: Chloe crying and eating chocolates because Adrien said they can't be friends anymore]
This is not the kind of reaction you give a character who doesn't care about Adrien on a personal level. She comes across as caring about him deeply. If she didn't care, then she'd probably just brush him off and say, "Your loss." But she doesn't. She reacts with the same sort of sorrow that we see when her parents are akumatized or when her mother refuses to acknowledge her.
We also see her go out of her way to try to appease Adrien by throwing a party and forcing herself to play nice so that he stays her friend. She only stops playing nice when he promises that they'll stay friends:
Adrien: That was a great idea of inviting Marinette's dad! Chloé: I know. This way, no one can be mad at me for calling the fire department. I'm really nice now, did you notice, Adrikins? Even Ladybug said so! Didn't she, Jean-Pascal? Adrien: I'm proud of you, Chloé. I think you've proven that you're capable of making an effort to be nicer to everyone. Chloé: Aww, Adrikins! So we'll always be best friends, forever? Pinky swear? Adrien: Pinky swear! Chloé: (Exhales and saunters off) (To Kim) So, those macarons are dreadfully ugly. (Kim sighs.) (To Mylène.) Those are so greasy, you can see yourself in them. (Mylène cries and faint.) (To Marinette.) Urgh. Too disgusting for comment. (To Rose.) Those look horrible. (Rose faints.)
That is more effort than Chloe has ever put into anything on screen and that's a problem because - once again - this is not how you write a vapid mean girl who doesn't care. This is how you write someone who actually cares about Adrien. They even chose to show us young Chloe and young Adrien being cute during Chloe's "flashback" to getting her teddy bear:
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[Image description: Teen Chloe surrounded by drawings of important childhood memories with her teddy bear. We see her getting the bear from a faceless figure, holding the bear as her mother walks away, sleeping with the bear, holding the bear while she cries, and excitedly showing the bear to a young Adrien]
There's also the issue that, after season one, Chloe doesn't seem to actually care that much about social clout. At that start of this post, I used a scene from Dark Cupid specifically because it feels kind of out of character for her. In the later seasons, Chloe may flaunt her social status and think that it makes her better than others, but she doesn't do things like the poster thing because that requires her to care what random people think and that's just not how she reads. Chloe reads more like someone who doesn't care what most people think because she thinks that she's better than them (or, at least, she wants to think that. Chloe has the potential to be a fun little ball of self-hatred and doubt, but either way, she is acting like she doesn't care what other people think outside of a very select group.)
I think this really shows when we compare Chloe to Lila. Lila reads like someone who cares about social clout. Someone who is desperate to be seen in a certain way. Someone who sees dating Adrien as a status symbol and nothing more. Chloe reads like someone who sees Adrien as the only person of her caliber, so of course they'd get together. That's a subtle, but very important difference. It's the difference between someone who doesn't have social clout and needs Adrien to get it and someone who already has social clout and therefore doesn't need a popular boyfriend to prop her up. She just thinks dating an unpopular boy is beneath her.
I've mentioned before that Chloe reads SUPER aroace to me and this is actually why. To me, it comes across like she does actually care deeply about Adrien, but she has no true romantic or sexual feelings for him or even any clue what those feelings actually feel like. Given the way her parents' relationship is written, I also don't see Chloe having a healthy idea of what a romantic relationship looks like. I think she sees it as a way to show off how much better you are then the nobodies of the world because love is for fairytales. Marriage is about alliances of wealth and power and Adrien is both wealthy and her childhood friend, so of course they'd get married! They already know that they can at least tolerate each other. Why look for a different match?
In summary: the writers may have wanted Chloe to be a vapid mean girl who didn't care about Adrien as a person, but they completely failed to write her that way after season one, so she comes across as genuinely caring, but unable to express those feelings in a healthy way because of her own issues and poor childhood.
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matramancer · 2 days
🌸KIKORU THE WINGMAN | Narumi Gen x Mitsuri! reader
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Synopsis: As much as she admires her two mentors, seeing the two of you pine over each other was INFURIATING. Perhaps it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unfortunately.
part 1 | Mitsuri! reader Masterlist
Tags: fem! reader, HCs w scenarios, Narumi x reader, Kikoru and Mitsuri!reader found family ft. Narumi, JEALOUS NARUMI, Narumi Gen is an idiot, fluff, mutual pining, Kikoru the wingman
By the time Kikoru’s batch rolls in, she’s already gotten word about several of the unique heavy hitters in the force. She wasn’t her father’s daughter for nothing–an extensive knowledge of the Defense Force is a part of keeping yourself up in the game.
She knew about the infamous First Division—home of Japan’s Strongest Anti-Kaiju Combatant, and the more recent officer who made a name for herself as the Pillar of Love.
However, it still didn’t prepare her for the rather… lousy introduction her supposed new captain and mentor gave her. And the chronic gaming addiction. And the Yamazon addiction. And everything else in between.
When she thought things couldn’t get any rowdier, she was very bombastically introduced to you. 
“Captain Narumi! You wanted to see me?” The blonde turns at the new voice entering her ears, your figure standing by the doorway. At a glance, she was taken aback at the mountain of sakura mochi on a tray in your hands, your expression an immediate stark contrast to all the officers she’s ever seen in the force.
As she locked eyes with you, your smile only widened, and Kikoru wondered if it was possible for a human to emit their own light source. 
Nothing however prepared her for your figure to zero in on her in a flash,  your movements so abrupt she had to take a few steps back to process them. “HELLOOO! YOU’RE SO CUTE! Do you want some sakura mochi? Though I only have a little.” A little?! You were holding a MOUNTAIN!
“Platoon leader (L/N)! Great timing!” Hasegawa keeps his grip strong on Narumi, even as he wriggles about. The man then proceeded to point at his BS5, which the other officers in the room were trying to fit into a trash bag. “HELP ME FARM A DUNGEON! IF WE START NOW WE CAN 100% IT TONIGHT!”
The room is silent as Kikoru watches on, mortified. Hasegawa is seconds away from bloody murder. You were still holding onto your plate of sakura mochi.
“…I’ll just leave these here.” you set down the plate and slowly try to make your escape— “COME BACK HERE PLATOON LEADER!”
If it weren't for the kaiju attack that happened soon after, Narumi’s image would’ve been permanently tarnished in Kikoru’s eyes.
And not only that, she actually also caught a glimpse of you in battle—that was when you really made an impression on her. She solidified her choice by then. She was going to get stronger, with your help.
Although Kikoru was mainly Narumi’s disciple, it soon became clear that the responsibility had also fallen to you. If Narumi wasn’t training her, you were.
It was really based on two things. One, you already spent lots of time training with Narumi, and second, Kikoru had approached you herself.
“You want to train together?” You blinked owlishly as Kikoru stood before you.
“Yes. I saw how you fought–” Kikoru starts. Truth to be told, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you. She was assigned to your platoon, which gave her front row seats to you on the battlefield. “--Those maneuvers you did, your consistent energy distribution…”
She recounts the battle she witnessed, finding herself staring in awe as you finished off a group of yoju with your machine gun, before strapping said weapon to your back and immediately winding through the street with fast maneuvers. Even with the suit, your speed paired with such strength belonged to no one in the low combat power bracket. Then, the next thing she heard was your unwavering voice, commencing that the neutralization in your zone was complete. 
She was absolutely flabbergasted. She hadn’t even registered the weird shape of your sword before you sprung forward, flooring her even more with your superhuman strength. She was a bearer of a heavy weapon herself, but seeing you jump so cleanly with all the weight of your weaponry was on another level. Not to mention how precise each and every move you did was. Anyone with a lower level of skill would’ve cut themselves with that sword!
On the other side of the comms, she hears Narumi send her a taunting chuckle. “You seeing this, newbie? You’re going to have to go on par with that.”
Back to the training grounds, she holds a determined expression on her face, surprising you with a bow, even. “...It would be an honor for you to train me, Platoon Leader.”
“Eh–EH?!?!?!?!?” Kikoru looks up from her bow to see your nervous stupor, a complete 180 from what she saw a mere two hours ago. “ME?!?!?!?!!?” Yes, you. 
(Kikoru does not know if she made the right choice).
Usually, you’d be correcting Kikoru’s form and giving her pointers, then holding a sparring session to demonstrate how your techniques flowed. In particular instances where you both used your weapons, you’d move to the specialized training areas.
Narumi in all of his glory would be stuck to his console before you unceremoniously plucked him away from his lawn chair and forced him to participate.
During her training, there was one particular day that stuck out for her. The day she watched you and Narumi spar for the first time.
For once, Narumi had a look that was indescribably amused hidden under his normal demeanor. Excited even. He was the one that initiated it, after all.
“Kikoru, watch.” He says, a lazy smile curling on his lips as he gets into position. A hand to hand spar .No weapons, no gear.
“--I wanted to say that!” You sulked a bit in your mind, biting your lip.
Whenever the two of you sparred, it was always a spectacle. That much was evident on Kikoru’s expression as the two of you went at it, the lighthearted banter from prior completely abandoned as Narumi went on the full offensive.
He was ruthless, not sparing a single punch even as you took a defensive note in your steps. Even if you were dodging his blows, you did so very narrowly.
And then, you flew. An elegant figure belonging to the one deserving of the title “Love Pillar”. Your body twists and contorts with not only polished skill but extreme calculation. If you were even a centimeter off base, Narumi would finish you. It was like you knew where to dodge, and Narumi knew where to hit.
Every single one of your moves had so much thought put into them, which made sense given your weapon of choice. Similarly, Narumi was a master at switching stances, knowing when exactly to go on the defensive before he’s sending another strike to your hazy figure.
It was then that Kikoru realized that she wasn’t just watching any fight–but a culmination of efforts and hardwork that brought the two of you together in this ring. An undoubted match up of strength that solidified your places in the force. That solidified your positions next to each other in battle.
Yeah, she’s never gonna doubt you guys again (or at least, your strengths) as she watches the fight come to a close, courtesy of an announcement by the megaspeakers.
Narumi curses as he hears news of the 3rd Division’s arrival, already muttering not so clean words at the mere thought of their vice captain (you on the other hand were the total opposite, excited at the prospect of seeing some long distance friends).
“We’re going to crush them!” Narumi grunted, cracking his knuckles with the biggest stink eye while you happily tugged Kikoru along, not interested in hampering the mood. “I wonder if we can catch the captain and vice captain! You must miss them, right Kikoru?”
“Haah?! Don’t you DARE even mention Hoshina’s name!” Your captain’s rage immediately intensifies, like a man out for murder. Something Kikoru wanted no part of. 
Unfortunately for poor Kikoru, out of pure bad luck and personal circumstance, she had unintentionally gotten herself caught in the front view seats of her captain slash mentor’s unexpected dilemma.
You ignored Narumi’s blatant hostility, smiling ear to ear. You couldn’t wait to catch up with your friends. “Just in time for lunch too! I wonder what’s on the menu…”
Narumi zeroes in on this, already knowing the answer. In fact, he’d even request the chefs to make today’s portions extra bountiful, under the guise of the 3rd Division’s visit.
He cleared his throat, “casually” mentioning your favorite food, and your reaction after is expectedly, a surge of excitement.
Having spent lots of time with you already, Kikoru thought nothing of it–your attitude with a superior present was certainly a bit unrestrained, sure, but after seeing your bond with Narumi, she chalked it up to you guys just having mutual respect and friendship. 
Yeah, friendship. Her eyes drift a bit to Narumi, seeing his side profile. Surely, with Narumi being super nonchalant about all this, he was…
She sees it. Bared witness to it. Lays eyes on it.
A TINT of red on his cheeks. And the aversion of his eyes soon after.
Oh no. Oh no no no. OH NO.
She refuses to get involved, not in the lives of her superiors and DEFINITELY not in the sad lack of love life that belonged to loser master Narumi.
Okay, it was a bit impossible not to. Not when it was one of those things that you’d definitely always notice after realizing it once. And she was spending hours every day with these people.
In Narumi’s defense, he didn’t know how or when it happened. He didn’t even really take note of you until around the time where you earned his acknowledgement, as harshly as that sounded. 
His principles, his life revolved around results. Around skills. Around the Defense Force. As far as he was concerned (and hilariously mortified at), you suddenly carving your presence in his psyche and imprinting your being into his heart was not part of any life plans he had in particular. 
Sure you got more and more involved with him, sure you just became a regular part of his day, sure you were the number one person he’s most comfortable fighting side by side with, but as anticlimactic as it was, there was nothing spectacular involved. He just noticed it one day.
He especially realizes that something about you in him has changed when he barges in on two officers (nobodies, he didn’t even bother to remember their faces) throwing jabs at how air-headed you seemed. Without even thinking, his brows had furrowed and a scowl was already forming from his face, and when he came to, the officers had already scurried.
At first, he thought it was just acknowledgement and respect for your strength. But thinking about anyone–or anything badmouthing you, calling you names or underestimating you for just being yourself absolutely had him seething.
He got more particular about you all of a sudden as the feelings hit him. He thinks about it all–Your already bright smile that widened just a bit more when you saw him. How you lit up, whether it was from a good day of training with him, or when he would surprise you with a meal. How he has your face memorized by then. He especially loved when you were enjoying a good lunch by his side, when you won a game together, and–
Huh, that’s particular… Did he always notice all of that stuff from you?
Kikoru knew it was over for him when you gathered in the mess hall, and although Narumi had his console in hand, she saw him sneak more than a few glances to your ever joyous figure, your 5th bowl in hand as you excitedly chatted with Captain Ashiro.
And his eyes were full of love.
Hell, he was still quipping with Hoshina, but that’s exactly the thing. The four of you were sitting on the same table in close proximity. Rivalries aside, you were quite good friends with Mina and Hoshina and were always one for conversation, but he and the Vice Captain were usually at each other’s throats. Why was Narumi willingly sitting through this? CALMLY, no less.
These people (you two) were driving her NUTS. Crazy even. It was tolerable at first, hell, things were smooth sailing when she was none the wiser. But now? His lingering gazes, how he lights up when he gets texts from you, how he’s been pushing for your presence more and more often…
 Don’t get her started on the special treatment. Did he think he was being smooth?! Kikoru was LOSING it! 
Kafka, oh poor Kafka, got dragged into this mess too, via Kikoru finally spilling the beans in a frustrated burst of emotions.
“I can’t take it. It’s disgusting,” she feels like tearing her twintails out, airing out her grievances to Kafka. “The Captain is bad enough as he is.”
The older man just scratches his head with an awkward laugh. The situation reminds him a bit of his high school days. “Well, sometimes the best way to make it stop is to let it happen. Sorry, Kikoru. Young love calls.”
Kikoru groans. “Nevermind that. I don’t know what’s worse. How hard he’s trying–”
Their gazes land on the training grounds where you were chatting with Mina again, before Narumi’s figure emerges from your side as he offers your favorite grilled onigiri nonchalantly. As you thank him with a smile, you‘re completely clueless over how even Mina notices the way his hand brushed against yours for a tad bit too long. How he’s so clearly not doing this for just anyone.
“--Or how oblivious she is.”
So begins the adventures of Kikoru the unwilling wingman.
As much as she’s unwillingly involved in… whatever this was, she joined the Defense Force for a clear reason. She’s not going to toil on this and let it hinder the progress of her training, for her life’s mission.
But there are times where she throws in a gentle push. Not directly getting involved in things by the slightest, but you were quite the talker. What better way than to plant the idea in your head and handle your obliviousness this way?
She ended up learning a few things–one, you were obviously super comfortable with Narumi. Two–you amassed a great deal of respect for him, and was gracious over the opportunity you had to get close with him. REALLY close. Receiving surprise gifts and playing games together in secret during the night type of close. Three–despite all that, you had no idea about the obvious truth.
“You better pay me back for this, idiot master.” Kikoru thinks to herself sometimes.
Don’t mention how you were so good at love advice (love pillar and all, it’s in the name), having been a good ear and cupid for the 1st Division when clearly the one who needed that the most was you. It only frustrates Kikoru more.
So how does Kikoru function as a wingman despite her total unwillingness? Well, she does it through the most unconventional methods… Which is to steal you away from her idiot master instead!It’s a win-win, because she gets to one up her captain and not suffer any consequences–lest he upsets YOU.
On the occasions where Narumi wants to train one on one with you? Nope–Kikoru booked a slot first. You’ve got Friday off? Whoops, girl’s day out with Kikoru and she made you promise. 
It was peak “I’m just a girl”. A concept you loved and could heavily indulge in with Kikoru. You’re not sidelining the things you love doing with Narumi, you’re moreover doing things that were more up to you and Kikoru’s forte.
How could you not? Kikoru was an absolute sweetheart, and you’d taken to her like a mother duck. Not only did she see you as a mentor now, but also as a sister figure.
 When she started to call you nee-san, you were absolutely ecstatic.
Narumi was understanding. At first. But when even your gaming sessions, which was a sacred bonding time for the both of you, had been slowly taken over by Kikoru’s rendezvouses, that was when the seeds of jealousy started to plow through his skull.
“Ah, Kikoru-chan wants to go shopping.” “Can’t, sorry Narugen! I got tickets with Kikoru and Rin…” “No way! That’s OUR Gossip Girl rewatch marathon and you’re not allowed in.”
And oh does it work. It DEFINITELY started a reaction in him. Narumi has upgraded her status from idiot disciple to menace. 
All of a sudden, a new competition rolled in town, and the First Division had a new point of interest to watch.
The rivalry of Isao’s brightest disciple vs his rising star daughter for the attention of the Love Pillar. (Coming to a division near you!)
Both are now vying for your compliments, and sometimes the comms get so loud with their bickering that the operations room has to work overtime over the noise pollution.
Narumi is seething because it seems like Kikoru always wins, your attention so doting on her, your favor clearly present as you never fail to praise her. Hell, the little brat was now on HUGGING terms with you! You even braid her hair the way you did yours some nights. It was driving him crazy.
Kafka’s also always at the scene in the worst timing possible. At more than one instance, he’d walk into the training grounds just as Kikoru successfully stole you away again, and he was forced to endure his daily training under an unmerciless Narumi Gen in a bitter mood.
What made him grumble at the same time was as much as he hated how Kikoru was monopolizing you, you looked absolutely joyous enjoying things with her–and he just couldn’t take that happiness away from you. No, he absolutely won’t allow it.
He wouldn’t ever reveal it so lightly at this point in time, but you meant so much to him.
And as he grows more and more obvious with the shift in his demeanor, how much he’s wagging his tail, even Hoshina had noticed and sent his tips to the betting pool.
If it weren’t for Kikoru’s sleight of hand however, the slow burn you had with Gen would’ve probably lasted longer than the existence of kaiju itself.
When he’s FINALLY able to steal you away from Kikoru, he’s taken aback by how vigorously he was vying for your time in the first place. How he felt so victorious over catching that empty spot in your schedule before his menace of a mentee dragged you away from him.
And when he finally catches himself unable to hold back a grin as he sees you all dressed up pretty on the train with him, it hits him deeply with the realization that you had made yourself home in his consciousness. That he values the many moments he gets to spend with you so much. 
Maybe that was okay. Maybe he wants to treasure the little moments he has with you. Maybe… maybe this normalcy the two of you fostered together was alright.
You made him feel normal. Like the two of you were just young adults given a glimpse of a life outside of the Defense Force, where he could imagine days like this with you to come. Like he was just a boy, no captain or anything. And you saw him as just that.
That was what went through his mind on a nice afternoon out in the city, Narumi insisting he be the first to bring you to this new restaurant that served your favorite kind of dishes.
Equipped with disguise gear of great caliber (a mask, sunglasses, and two hats you had lying around), the two of you comb through the crane games and rhythm machines in the arcade, working up an appetite an hour before your reservation. 
His eyes couldn’t stop glancing at your excited figure at the small plushies in the crane games. He chose your favorite songs on maimai. He made sure to reserve seats in the restaurant beforehand and nearly even used his name card to guarantee them.
And later on, when Kikoru’s eyes scanned the photostrip you were showing her taken at a purikura booth you and Narumi tried, she nearly fell down over how loving his gaze was on the last pic.
When it was finally time to enjoy your meal, you were beaming in absolute delight as you finished bowl after bowl, plate after plate, offering Narumi a share of everything. 
He gladly accepted, absolutely reveling in how you spoiled him. Especially with how there was no Hasegawa around to hold you back. He was practically on your lap, figuratively.
Yapper gf x listener bf to the max as he sat beside you with an expression so soft in comparison to the rest of his unruly personality, being absolutely glued to everything about you.
Well, that was when he was facing you. Narumi had secretly turned away and glared at any other patrons who dared to even attempt to send a nasty look your way from “how much you were eating” . 
“You got a problem with that? Do you want me to shove the rest of the food down your throat instead, huh?” Was what Narumi’s intense glare communicated, immediately causing the aforementioned judgemental patrons to look away in embarrassment.
Then, he’d immediately whip his head back when you addressed him, completely at your mercy. 
As you finished the last of your food, you were completely obvious to Narumi’s sudden change of demeanor, a wave of nervousness washing over him as he fidgets with the inside of his pocket.
He hopes you’ll like this gift of his.
[restaurant scenario - coming soon]
“I had lots of fun today!” You gushed with your usual cheerful demeanor, sinking into the bathwater next to Rin and Kikoru. You were recounting the eventful afternoon you had to them. “I have so many new plushies now, and there’s so many new stores in that shopping district that just reopened. Let’s go there together next time!”
Kikoru huffed a bit, hearing about your day. She was both lightly covetous over how Narumi somehow managed to steal a slot of your time before her, having grown very attached to you and your attention, yet at the same time, she was absolutely floored at just how smitten her idiot mentor was for you from all the pictures, videos, and stories you showed her when practice finished. If anyone who didn’t know any better saw these, they’d IMMEDIATELY assume it was a date. Hell, that was what Rin thought when she joined the conversation!
You in your Sunday best? Taking you to a specialty restaurant that had your favorite food? Sharing bites? Winning you all those plushies? And…
She recalls just how eye catching the subtle change of your appearance was to her when you returned to the base with him. When you didn’t take off the new item you acquired until you hit the showers.
“Gen got me this today,” as you finally removed the accessory from your hair, you eagerly showed Kikoru and Rin the gift Narumi got you, barely noticing the other two girls’ wide-eyed, open mouthed stare at three things. One, how you addressed your superior, THE Narumi Gen by his first name so lightly. Second, THE Narumi Gen being thoughtful and paying attention to your tastes. He knew you loved cute things. Third, how your cheeks were glowing just a bit more radiant, how your tone had a slight change to it. How…
The love in your eyes was so evident.
“You’re so dense,” Rin’s comment brings Kikoru back to the present, the former crossing her arms and furrowing her brows. “Are we not seeing the same things here?” She continues, recalling all the times he’d been so partial to you. He’s still mean to you, yes, but there’s such an obvious touch of softness and mutual standing there that everything just speaks for itself.
You blink. “What things?”
Rin sighs, more than familiar with your disposition. “You’re going to kill me.”
The blonde watches as you haphazardly rise up from the water in a frenzy, Rin screaming as you dart towards her direction, arms reaching out to catch her. Water spills in every direction as you wrestle each other in the tub, you bleating pathetically for answers while Rin attempts to fight you off.
“SPILLLLLLL!” The other woman shrieks as you push into her body, a comedic expression on your face as you tackle her sides.
Immediately trying to regain her balance, Rin lets out a chorus of strangled noises as your body pressed against hers, desperately trying to squeeze out an answer. She attempts to steady both of your bodies as she feels you move around way too frantically. “HOLY SHIT– Your breasts are going to spill out BE CAREFUL–OI!”
“TELL ME RIN!!” You cry out again.
Amidst all the banter, Kikoru finds herself lost to her thoughts, drifting back to her thoughts of you and Narumi. She couldn’t wrap her head around it at first, but something felt so familiar…
Then, it hits her, recalling the stories between her own parents during their youth in the Defense Force. How Hikari Shinomiya was quite the spunky, passionate youth akin to her namesake, and how Isao Shinomiya was the much mellower, passive homebody, yet had loved her with so much passion all the same. 
History seemed to repeat itself.
At the sound of the water splashing, you watch in surprise as the top of Kikoru’s head dives down into the tub, seeing air bubbles form on the top. You quickly call out to her in concern. “Kikoru-chan?!”
“I didn’t expect it to work too well…”
i cant wait to write out what went down in that restaurant... here's the expression that Gen remembers the most, and the face he fell in love with. waaaaa
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r0ttenhearts · 1 year
Care for a Round?
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cyno x reader
established relationship, angst, no comfort
cyno was your ideal fit for a lover. his gentle touches, the way he’d remember every important date in relation to you and your relationship, he was perfect.
perhaps that’s why this cut so deep.
it had been a muddled past few weeks as cyno’s job as the general mahamatra kept him busy and away from you. but with your birthday coming up you looked forward to spending time together. his sweet smile, corny jokes, and warm touches were all you thought about.
so, here he was, seated in front of you sharing a meal of “duel soul,” of his own creation. you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of cyno’s chews as he shoveled grains of rice into his mouth. you leaned forward across the table, wiping a grain of rice off of the corner of his mouth as he smiled at your gesture.
“ah, i almost forgot to tell you (y/n), a tournament of TCG will be on friday so i’ll be home late.”
your smile fell as you realized what day that was. it was your birthday. you frowned as you picked up your fork, smushing the small pyramid of rice down.
“do you have to go? you do realize friday is my—“
“can’t that wait (y/n)? i understand i haven’t been home much these days but this is very important to me. whatever you wanted to do on friday can wait another day, can’t it?”
you frowned, nodding as you bit on your lip. he didn’t mean your birthday, right? did he even remember? you give him a small smile as you pick up your plate, your appetite gone.
“you’re right, cyno. i hope your matches go well.”
you paused, noticing how he avoided your gaze as he continued to finish his meal. “i think i’ll just go to bed early.” you say quietly as you dump your plate into the trash can, briskly walking to your shared bedroom.
a part of you wanted him to go after you, ask you what was wrong, or even comfort you. but he didn’t. you curled up into a ball under your blanket and wept. you were so very tired of feeling like second to all of cyno’s responsibilities. you didn’t want to be a burden, but you still wanted his time. you didn’t want him leaving you alone on your special day of the year. but you knew he wouldn’t listen to reason, so you closed your eyes and fell asleep with a pounding headache and sore eyes.
the next few days quickly came and went, with cyno’s presence lingering here and there as you’d see him around the city while you did your commissions to help around. you missed him dearly, the most time you’d spend together was sleeping side by side in the same bed, sharing warmth and trying to engrave his scent into your memory as you held him.
but it was short lived once he’d leave early in the morning, no kisses or goodbyes shared as he’d leave. you understood how serious his duties were, but sometimes you still wished he’d stay with you longer, holding you the way he used to at the beginning of your relationship.
you held onto those thoughts until friday arrived. another morning of cyno’s early departure, and the day of your birthday arrived. you softly smiled to yourself as you laced up your boots, already having a person in mind to visit for your special day.
you made your way out of the city and through the lush greens of the forest until you arrived to gandharva ville, spotting the familiar tall ears of a certain individual. you ran up behind him, poking his ear as he yelped in surprise.
“(y/n)! archons.. don’t touch my ears!”
he huffed out as he crossed his arms before looking at you with a confused expression.
“i suppose i’ll let it slide this once since it is your birthday.. happy birthday, my dear friend. what are you doing here? i would’ve assumed you’d be spending this day with cyno.”
you shake your head as you look to the side sadly, your hands playing with the hem of your shirt as you sigh. “cyno said there’s some tournament thing for TCG today so we couldn’t do anything for today. are you not going? i thought you always went.” your brows furrowed as you took in tighnari’s equally confused expression.
“tournament? i don’t recall one being today, and cyno certainly didn’t bring it up to me either.. perhaps he’s planning something for you?”
you nod as you hold your strap of the bag you’re holding. “i hope that’s what it is.” you chuckle as you give tighnari a hug before making your way back to the city. you go to katheryne and do your commissions, helping give out medicine and fetching water for a small garden. it wasn’t hard work but it helped out the community. you exhale as you wipe sweat from your forehead before a young girl approaches you, flyers in her hand.
“good day miss, there will be a performance in Zubayr Theater tonight. we hope you can make it.”
she hands you a flyer before scurrying off. you glance at the flyer and see a photo of nilou along with the other dancers of the theatre. you were acquaintanced with nilou through tighnari and cyno, but you didn’t know her well personally. she was an excellent dancer, no doubt about that.
you shrug it off as you stuff the flyer into your bag before heading to the market stalls, looking for something sweet to have to celebrate your lonesome birthday with.
as you examine the padisarah puddingsyou hear a familiar voice.
“hey! you’re going to use up all my mora, you know i need that to buy more rare cards with.”
you smile to yourself as you realize it’s cyno. you turn around, ready to scold him for being so wasteful on his cards but your eyes widen at what you see in front of you. nilou’s was hugging his arm as he stood very close to her. his smile looking sickingly loving, the same way he used to smile at you.
your breath caught in your throat as you watched him lean into her, his headpiece covering most of the scene but you knew what was happening. you felt sick. how could he betray you like this? and on your birthday? did he truly feel no remorse for the 4 year relationship with you?
you choked back a sob as you left the puddings, running back to the ville where you knew tighnari would be.
tighnari’s hand raises as he gives you a slight wave before you throw yourself into his arms, clutching him tightly as you sob.
“h-he’s cheating on me, with nilou. i saw them in the market together, all gooey and close together as if they were lovers! oh tighnari, i don’t know what to do.” you cry out as you sob into his chest.
tighnari’s eyes widen at your words. you had to be mistaken, right? cyno would never do those things, not to you.
“are you sure of what you saw (y/n)? that’s unforgivable, of course, but that doesn’t sound—“
“i saw them kiss tighnari. i saw the way she hugged his arm. it was real.”
tighnari nods as he strokes your back gently, mumbling that he’ll help you with whatever you decide. you sniffle as you tell him that you want to leave him, move out that very day as he simply nods, saying he’ll help you and give you one of the unoccupied places in the ville.
tighnari helps you take all of your belongings to a new place to call home, making sure to take every trace of you and your, now past, relationship with you. you place a photograph of you and cyno together at the annual lantern rite festival face down as you take one last look at the place you had called home for the past 3 years. you leave with tighnari, leaving your keys on the side table, never looking back as you two return to the ville.
hours later, cyno makes it home after watching nilou’s performance. it had been another stunning, flawless performance from her once again. he couldn’t help but smile at the memory of her wink as she danced across the stage with the other dancers.
as he opens the door he notices the lights are off, which isn’t usual but perhaps you had just gone to bed early again.
“i’m home (y/n).”
he calls out into the empty home, looking in the kitchen if you had left him dinner, but was greeted with an empty stove and the gentle hum of the refrigerator. he shakes his head as he makes his way to the bedroom, softly turning the knob as he looks at the bed, expecting to see your sleeping form. but you weren’t there.
his blood runs cold as he looks around, tossing pillows and other items onto the floor. just where had you gone?
he takes in the scene as he realizes some of your things are missing. he runs to your shared closet, throwing the doors open as he sees your side completely bare.
something happened to you. you wouldn’t just up and leave him without another word.
panic sets in as cyno runs around the house, calling your name and opening every door, hoping he would see you behind one of them. once he realized you weren’t there he took off to the ville where tighnari resided. he pounded on the door, only to be greeted with a yawning tighnari with an annoyed expression across his face.
“do you realize what time it is”
“(y/n)’s missing! i need your help to find her—“
“you don’t know, do you?”
cyno looks into tighnari’s eyes, begging for an answer silently.
“(y/n) knows about you and nilou, so she left.”
cyno shakes his head, looking to tighnari with fear.
“no that wasn’t—“
“it’s too late cyno, she’s gone. you can’t blame anyone but yourself for this.”
tighnari scoffs as he shuts the door at cyno’s disheveled expression.
cyno’s heart clenched as he stood there, tears slipping from his cheeks. he knew deep down nilou wouldn’t be worth it, but it was all in exchange for you?
“i choose you, (y/n). please, return to me.”
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imagineredwood · 2 months
4. First conversations alone
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I'm gonna do quick little soft drabbles with which ever character speaks to me from this prompt list. I'm not doing requests for them, just little blurbs to get back into writing more often. Especially that I could just throw together in a few minutes when/if I find downtime at work lol.
Edit: Not this turning into an almost regular length fic 🧍🏻‍♀️
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“Mind if I join you?”
EZ stood up straight, droping the random beer can back onto the floor so he could turn around and look at you. He smiled when he recognized you, his head tilting.
"Join me in picking up trash?"
He chuckled but you only shrugged, the shy smile still present on your lips.
"Sure. Why not?"
Your words threw him a bit, not really ever having spoken to you apart from quick small talk, practically yelled over the music in the clubhouse. When he found the time to talk that was, the life of being a prospect not an easy one. He always thought maybe you were just trying to be nice. Perhaps felt bad for him always getting the shit jobs. Maybe that was true, but still, here you were offering to help him long after the rest of the people who hung around had gone home. EZ nodded a few times, a bashful smile on his face that mirrored yours.
"Yeah, ok. But you hold the bag. Don't want you getting your hands dirty."
You obliged and took the garbage bag from his hands, walking around with him, holding it open for him to toss the trash into.
"How much longer do you have to do this? Angel said you're getting close to a year."
EZ threw in a paper plate and nodded.
"Yeah, three months or something like that."
You smiled and shook the bag, letting everything settle.
"That's good. You work hard."
EZ stayed bent over but looked to the side over at you, brows raised. Your shoulders shrugged as you laughed, embarrassed.
"I've just seen how much you run around at the parties. Never really get a break much. But you always have a smile anyway."
He stood upright, both gloved hands holding a cracked solo cup. He walked it over to you and tossed it into your bag, eyes stuck on yours. Your gaze was warm.
"It suits you."
EZ could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and he laughed, casting his eyes down.
"Well thank you."
You smiled softly, tying the bag up with your eyes down too, that warm feeling starting to spread in your chest.
"You're welcome."
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General taglist (tagged in all work)
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @woahitslucyylu @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @destynelseclipsa @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95
@cruzwalters @myakai13 l @lyly00 @Zsakaystacks17 @cole-winchester @alexxavicry @savagemickey03 @fanfic-n-tabulous @xbloodyxangelx @carma-fanficaddict @gillysoldlady @choochoo284 @whitetxilwxlf @ravennaortiz @flowercrowns-goodvibes
Mayans MC taglist 
@dazzledamazon  @briana-mishell24 @wrcn9fvlcver @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @appropriate-writers-name @blessedboo @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @redpoodlern @myakai13 @cruzwalters @po3ticb3auty @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @angel-121 @fanfic-n-tabulous @carma-fanficaddict
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wulvercazz · 10 months
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🤖Unwanted Roommate🤖
Welcome to a new AU 💕 lemme present to you: Android!Grimmjow and Android Mechanic!Ichigo this AU became very important to me very quickly so,, I hope you love it as much as I do✨
Also, have a tiny bit of writing as a form of introduction to the story✨
He holds the android's disemodied face plate in his hands with far more care than the asshole deserves; mostly out of respect to the craft.
"You try to kiss me and I'll spit on you."
Surprise, and then an angry flush overcomes his face. Ever since those piercing blue eyes flashed back on (and scared the ever living shit out of him) Ichigo hasn't had a moment of privacy in his own home.
So he's had more than a few people over, so they're a bit loud… and maybe he often forgets Grimmjow's sitting in ramshackled pieces all across his work table; right in the middle of the room where he has a nice view of his small kitchen-bedroom-bathroom. It's a small space.
The only thing someone like him could afford in this city.
It's the only reason why he picks through the trash to find bits and pieces to work with. He wouldn't have taken in such a scary looking dead android otherwise… at least… it would've perhaps been better if it'd actually been dead. He wouldn't have this annoying empathy of his trying to make sense of the broken pieces.
"Ough, shut up, you piece of junk." He mutters in the small space between him and Grimmjow's disassembled face, still flustered, angry at himself for not simply throwing him back out and instead doing what he can to build this asshole a body he can use.
Next part~
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WIBTA for using my cousin's weed habit to convince my dad to let me go live on my own, making him pay higher rent? Hi so this is kind of a silly idea i had but wanted to see if it would be assholeish. Also it is not the only way out or anything, just a bit of a thought experiment. So i (24x) moved from mexico to the usa for grad school (2 years). For this first year i've been living with my cousin A (23F), A's college friend B (23F) and A's childhood/family friend, C (25F). Now they're lovely and really fun roommates, but honestly not very good to live with on an everyday basis. B and A are really messy (leave everything lying around - dirty plates, clothes, trash, you name it), and none of them are very clean. Other than them occasionally wiping the kitchen counters, emptying the dishwasher, or taking out the trash, i've done all the cleaning so far on my own (kitchen, 2 bathrooms, living room, hallways). I've made my frustration pretty clear (and even gone on strike lol, but i can't deal w a dirty toilet for more then 2 weeks), but nothing changes!! At this point i'm really fed up, and want to move elsewhere next year, preferably to live on my own. The problem is that we live in san francisco, and rent is... well, it's pretty expensive. Sorry californians you really got it rough. However, i've looked into the university's accommodation for grad students and it could be an option. I would be paying about $250 per month more than right now, but i would save on utilities (about $40 per month). The thing is, my dad is the one whose been paying for my living expenses ever since i went back to school. We used to have a rocky relationship (he was really frustrated with me not meeting his expectations; coming out as a homo, being a leftist, doing some weed as a teen...) and i think he sees this as 'making it up to me'. I really appreciate the way he has been trying to fix out relationship, and i'm obviously extremely thankful for the economic support. So i feel really guilty asking for more than he is giving me. Here is where my plan comes in -- my dad haaates drugs, and my cousin A has a pretty intense weed habit. WIBTA to complain about it ('waa the house smells like weed, theyre blazing it all day every day') to my dad, in order to convince him that me moving to the grad dorms is a good idea? EXTRA INFO: Would my cousin get in trouble? - not really i think. Its legal, and her parents are aware of her indulgences (i dont think they're happy with the amount she smokes, but they're pretty chill). I worry that if i complain to my dad, he would tell his sister (A's mom) and make it a huge deal, but as I said A's parents are pretty tolerant, and know of her 'addiction' anyway. Don't i have any money of my own? - not anymore lol, at least not enough to pay californian rent. I'm getting a job over the summer, but with visa restrictions (half time) i doubt i would make enough to make a difference. Working during term time is not possible for me (personal limitations). Also the increase in price would not bleed my dad dry or anything. Can't i just sort it out w my roommates? - they've proven to be admirably immovable objects on the cleaning issue. I mean, i can tough ot out, but at this point it's also the spirit of the thing that is pissing me off so much, rather than the cleaning itself. Do they just dont care?? T-T Do i have to 'manipulate' my dad? - um idk. It's definitely the easy (perhaps cowardly) way, but that's why i want to see if its too assholeish. Thanks for reading! Lay it on me
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slaymitchabernathy · 4 months
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Sweet as Sugar
| this drabble was based on an anonymous request, i hope i have done it justice :) |
There is something to be said about having a routine.
Coriolanus used to scoff at the idea of it, of doing the same thing every single day without fail. But when Soarynn moved in with him, he began to look forward to it.
His girlfriend was a creature of habit in almost everything she did. The way she brushed her hair, picked out her clothes, did her nightly skincare routine. She was adorably predictable.
Which was why he expected her to be waiting for him when he got home from work.
She always waited by the front doors. Always.
His briefcase feels so heavy in his hand as he fumbles with the keys until he finally hears the familiar click of the lock unlatching. A smile creeps onto his face as he pushes the doors open, ready to see his beautiful girlfriend bouncing on her toes, beaming up at him.
She’s not there.
Coriolanus frowns as he steps into the entryway of their shared home. “Soarynn?” He calls out, setting his briefcase down on the floor. “Where are you darling?” He’s given no response which does nothing to ease his worrying thoughts and he’s quick to explore the penthouse in search of the woman he loves most in the world.
He finds her in the kitchen, leaning against the marble counter, her head hanging between her forearms. He notices how her body trembles and she takes shallow breaths. Is she sick? Just today his coworkers mentioned several people having the flu. He’d hate for Soarynn to be sick, to be bedridden for several days.
“Soarynn?” He asks softly, not wanting to startle his normally very alert girlfriend. Soarynn could hear a pin drop from across the room but she seemed to be in her own little world right now.
Coriolanus takes a few cautious steps towards her until he can rest a hand on her side and her head snaps up. Her blue-gray eyes are bloodshot and her normally tan skin is so pale. “What?” She snaps, her voice sharper than he’s ever heard it before.
Coriolanus would be lying if he said he wasn’t taken aback by her attitude. Soarynn is quite possibly the sweetest girl on the earth. To hear her with this tone of voice confuses him more than it angers him.
“I…you weren’t waiting for me when I got home. I came to check on you,” he explains, “are you alright darling? Are you sick?” Soarynn sniffles and shakes her head, “No. I’m not sick just tired is all.”
Coriolanus purses his lips but nods, he doesn’t quite believe her but he also doesn’t want to argue with her. Not when he’s practically paid to argue with grown men over business purchases and decisions. And speaking of work, he still has a few things to do before he retires for the night but he also doesn’t want to leave Soarynn, not when something is clearly wrong.
Soarynn must sense it, his apprehension because she straightens up and brushes her hair behind her ears before taking a few steps towards the archway that leads to the living room. She walks past him as if he’s not even here but he notices a stumble in her step. Is she drunk?
Coriolanus can’t remember the last time Soarynn was truly drunk. She’s always kept track of her alcohol consumption to ensure nothing embarrassing happens while under the influence. Perhaps she spent some time with her friends and let the drinks get the best of her. He watches her walk through the living room and towards their bedroom, once she’s out of sight, he shakes himself from his doubtful thoughts.
She’s fine. She’s tired and will be fine tomorrow.
He looks over at the kitchen table to see a plate of food waiting for him like always. They usually eat together but that’s clearly not happening tonight. So Coriolanus has dinner by himself, it’s delicious like always, Soarynn is a great cook.
It’s when he’s going to scrape the last bits and pieces of his plate into the trash bin that he sees most of Soarynn’s dinner has been discarded. He frowns, it’s not like Soarynn to skip out on a meal. She’s always had a smaller appetite than him but she’s also just smaller in general so it’s normal that she eats less than him.
Coriolanus probably eats more than most anyways but still, it worries him even further.
꧁ ꧂
Sitting in his study with his paperwork spread out on the desk in front of him, Coriolanus can’t help but let his mind drift to the woman down the hall.
Maybe she is sick, or…depressed? He hates how he doesn’t know how to fix this problem immediately. The problem solver in him hates all of this so much. He’s normally the one who fixes everything for Soarynn. The second she’s faced with the smallest inconvenience, he’s the one she runs to.
How can he be her boyfriend is he can’t help her?
Coriolanus pushes his paperwork away, he can do it later.
He quietly pads down the hall to their bedroom and checks his watch, it's a little past eight which means Soarynn should be sitting at her vanity in her bathroom applying some sort of face mask. When he walks into their large bedroom he finds her in bed, fast asleep. He furrows his eyebrows, the Soarynn he knows and loves would never fall asleep without him.
Something is wrong. He doesn't know what, but something is not right.
꧁ ꧂
The next few days pass without a lapse. Soarynn it seems, has returned to her normal self, smiling and laughing with a bounce in her step.
Coriolanus watches her as she walks around the boutique she’s dragged him to. He made himself comfortable on the sofa outside of the dressing rooms, giving him a good view of all the clothing racks and the pedestal that stands in front of the wall of mirrors.
Two employees follow his girlfriend around the shop, offering different suggestions, taking an article of clothing to the dressing room if Soarynn so much as glances at it, asking again and again if she’d like something to eat or drink.
It pleases him to see how well she’s treated by staff members of all Capitol establishments. He’s worked hard to get where he is today, to be respected the way he is and that applies to his girlfriend as well who’s stood loyally by his side through it all. If he were to hear that some business treated her poorly, they’d be shutting down the next day.
Soarynn gasps when she sees something on one of the racks and grabs it before holding it up for him to see. It's a pink dress, fluffy and sparkly, just as Soarynn likes her clothes. He smiles, knowing that she's been on the hunt for a dress like this for an upcoming gala they have next week.
"I'm going to try on everything," Soarynn tells him as she walks towards the dressing room doors, "I'll come out and show you everything." He takes the glass of champagne one of the staff members offers him and nods, "I can't wait to see how beautiful you look in everything, darling."
Soarynn blushes before making her way into the dressing rooms, two staff members right behind her. He always enjoys how easy it is to fluster Soarynn who still blushes at the smallest compliment from him. She's easy to compliment, to praise. She's perfect.
He busies himself by chatting with the staff members, all of whom are gushing over how pretty Soarynn is. "She could definitely model," one of them says. She certainly could be, but Coriolanus knows his girlfriend well enough to know how shy she can be. Walking down a runway or posing for the camera is not in her forte.
When Soarynn finally comes out in the first dress, a strapless red number, she's met with praise from everyone. The dress has a rather high slit that Coriolanus knows will drive him mad after a long night. Soarynn tilts her head as she meets his eyes in the mirror's reflection. They have a sultry look in them like she's trying to tempt him. He nods, "We'll take this one."
Soarynn heads back into the dressing room with a grin on her face and Coriolanus patiently waits for her to come out with the next dress.
But she doesn’t.
One of the staff members however, rushes out and whispers something into another staff members ear who nods and scurries to the front of the shop. Coriolanus furrows his eyebrows, “Is everything alright?” He asks, his voice colored with worry. The staff member meekly nods and does her best to avoid eye contact, “Yes sir. Miss Soarynn is simply in need of refreshments.”
He’s not given much time to mull over the peculiar choice of words before the other member of staff comes back with a plate of little cakes and a glass bottle of water. They had eaten breakfast a few hours ago, but Soarynn usually wasn’t one to snack. Coriolanus on the other hand took every opportunity to eat when allowed.
He waited for a good ten minutes before Soarynn finally came back out, a flushed look on her face and somewhat unsteady on her feet. Coriolanus immediately rose from the sofa and rested a hand on her waist, “Is everything alright?” He asks quietly, putting a bit of pressure into his hold.
He didn’t think Soarynn was trying to keep anything from him, but something still felt off from the other night when she’d snapped at him and then gone straight to bed afterward.
Soarynn gives him a small smile and nods, “Yes, everything is fine. I just felt a bit light-headed so they brought me something to eat. I feel much better now.” He wants to point out that she didn’t try on any more dresses, but Soarynn honestly looks exhausted. Perhaps they should just go home so she can rest.
“Box the rest of the dresses up,” he says, not taking his eyes off Soarynn who’s now fully leaning into him, “we’ll take all of them.”
Soarynn doesn't even protest and simply closes her eyes. It might do them some good to visit the doctor on Saturday, just to make sure everything is alright.
He hopes everything is alright.
꧁ ꧂
The next few days have truly done nothing to ease Coriolanus or any of his worries. Soarynn has been the complete opposite of herself, she's been easily irritated, she even snapped at Petunia the other day, something Coriolanus thought he'd never see.
She's been tired more and more, going to be as early as seven, not wanting to partake in any of their regular nightly activities. Coriolanus also found her hunched over the toilet one night, overcome with nausea and cold sweats. He worries more than ever for his girlfriend who now can't seem to concentrate on the simplest of tasks. Perhaps she needs to speak to a therapist of some sort.
He pushes all those nagging thoughts to the back of his head as he finally reaches his front doors and lets out a heavy and tired sigh. Work absolutely killed him today with three different meetings and two very lengthy phone calls.
All he wants to do is eat dinner and curl up in the bathtub with Soarynn. Hopefully, she's feeling better today and will be up for it. When he left this morning she was still fast asleep. He placed a kiss on her cheek before leaving for work.
When Coriolanus pushes the heavy doors open he's not even surprised that Soarynn isn't waiting for him. She never waits for him anymore.
But something is off. It's quiet. Too quiet.
It's almost eerie how quiet it is in the penthouse. Coriolanus swallows and places the keys on the table near the front doors, "Soarynn?" He calls, "Soarynn are you here?" He's met with nothing but silence and while he's grown used to it, he feels there's been a shift in the air.
He's more than surprised when Petunia comes bounding down the hallway, meowing as she approaches him. He contemplates side-stepping her but never in his life has this cat greeted him like this before. In fact, Petunia could truly care less if he died today or lived tomorrow.
Petunia continues meowing once she reaches Coriolanus and stands on her hind legs, resting her front paws on his leg, pulling at the fabric of his pants. "Petunia, down," he says, in no mood for games. Petunia lets out a yowl that for some reason sounds like a small scream to him, as if something is terribly wrong.
Coriolanus feels a shiver run down his back, "Petunia, where is Soarynn? Where's Soarynn?" Petunia springs into action and bounds down the hallway and Coriolanus is hot on her heels.
She leads them to the bedroom where Coriolanus finds the lights are on but nobody is home. He frowns, perhaps he misread the situation and placed too much faith in Petunia. But the cat is pacing in front of the bathroom doors, the doors that are shut. She scratches at the wood, meowing as she often does when she wants to be let into a room.
"Soarynn?" He asks, slowly approaching the doors. He's not given a response but he opens the doors and the sight he's greeted with is quite possibly his worst nightmare.
Soarynn. On the ground. Unconscious.
Coriolanus falls to his knees, his heart is beating so fucking fast he might go into cardiac arrest. "Soarynn," he whispers, grabbing her limp body, "Soarynn wake up, darling wake up." Soarynn remains unresponsive and he presses two fingers to her pulse point, letting out a giant sigh of relief when he feels the familiar beat. But it's much weaker than it should be and her breaths are shallow.
Petunia rests a paw on Soarynn's arm, her little blue eyes filled with concern as she looks up at Coriolanus, "Good job Petunia," he mumbles, "good cat." He inspects Soarynn's body for any cuts or signs of trauma. He pictures the worst, someone breaking in and taking advantage of Soarynn before leaving her here.
But one glance around the bathroom puts those thoughts to rest. He can see the tub filled with bubbles and her robe hanging on the hook. She's dressed in her nightgown but it's clear that she was going to take a bath before this happened.
Whatever this is.
And he's going to get to the bottom of this first thing in the morning. Until then, all he can do is care for the love of his life and ensure that she's safe and sound.
꧁ ꧂
Coriolanus keeps one arm tightly wrapped around Soarynn's waist as they slowly walk into the doctor's office. He managed to get the earliest appointment slot and Soarynn thankfully, woke up this morning so they were able to come.
From what she claims, Soarynn has no recollection of passing out, only that she was going to take a bath and suddenly she felt strange, like her limbs were numb and her head was spinning.
It's a miracle she didn't bang her head on anything.
Coriolanus makes sure she's seated and comfortable before approaching the receptionist's desk, "Hello, I'm checking in for Soarynn Nightingale," he tells the older woman who nods and types something into her computer. "The doctor will be with you shortly," she says. Coriolanus nods and makes his way back to Soarynn who looks nervous like she always does when they visit the doctor.
Soarynn hates going to the doctor's office. She'll do everything in her power to avoid coming here and Coriolanus often has to force her to come. Her health is of utmost importance and he can't allow her fears to turn into negligence. "Everything will be alright sweet girl," he says, giving her hand a squeeze as he sits down next to her.
Soarynn gives him a small smile but he knows that she's not convinced, "I just...I worry he might think I'm an idiot if I can't even remember the past few weeks," she admits. Coriolanus frowns, should anyone think of Soarynn as an idiot, then their days will be numbered, simple as that.
He cups her face, touching her skin so gently as if she might shatter at any moment, "You couldn't be an idiot if you tried," he whispers, "you're so very intelligent and kind. The doctor will know what to do, trust him to help you, darling."
Soarynn lets out a deep breath and nods, closing her eyes, "I trust you Coryo." And what a horrible source of trust he's been, letting her get worse and worse without acting on it until her life was truly at risk. What if he hadn't come home when he did? What if Soarynn hadn't been home and passed out in the street?
"Ms. Nightingale?" The sound of the nurse pulls both of them from their worrying thoughts and Coriolanus helps Soarynn to her feet. She looks so small right now, so frail and delicate wrapped in her pink coat. She had been reluctant to come to this appointment, she didn't want to leave Petunia who was somewhat traumatized from last night's ordeal.
"Right this way," the nurse says, leading them down a maze of several hallways before they enter a small room with a bed and a chair, "The doctor will be with you shortly." Soarynn pales at the medical bed and Coriolanus presses a kiss to the top of her head, "It's okay Soarynn, I'm right here, you'll be okay." He helps her take off her coat and gloves before grabbing her waist and sitting her on the bed, the paper lining crinkling under her weight.
Soarynn rubs her hands up and down her legs, nervously looking around the room. It's a standard room with medical equipment on the counter. "What if he tries to give me a shot?" She asks, tugging on his hand.
Coriolanus gives her a small smile, "Then I'll be here to kiss it better once he's done." That wasn't the answer she was looking for. Coriolanus knows Soarynn well enough to know that she wants him to protect her from all things, even things that are in her best interest.
They don't say anything else while they wait until there's a knock at the door and the doctor makes his appearance. Dr. Ferns is the best in the business and the only doctor that Coriolanus trusts to look after himself and Soarynn.
"Good morning," he greets the young couple, closing the door behind him, "I believe I'm here to see you today my dear." Soarynn gives him a small nod and Coriolanus gives her hand a squeeze, "What brings you in today?" Dr. Ferns asks, his back to them while he washes his hands.
Soarynn looks up expectantly at Coriolanus who clears his throat, "Soarynn has been experiencing several abnormal behaviors."
Dr. Ferns turns to look at them and raises his eyebrows, "Behaviors such as?" Coriolanus does his best to remember all of them but so much has happened with Soarynn, "Fatigue, dizziness, loss of appetite, irritability, difficulty concentrating."
Dr. Ferns nods and looks Soarynn up and down, "You're usually much livelier when I see you, your skin certainly has paled. And you mentioned loss of appetite?" Soarynn nods and lowers her head, "I'm just not hungry anymore," she explains.
Dr. Ferns shoots Coriolanus a look of concern, Soarynn can't afford to miss out on any meals, not when she's already lean as is. Dr. Ferns looks down at the clipboard sitting on the counter and presses his lips in a thin line, "Well, this could mean many things. But I'd like to run several tests so we can eliminate as many possibilities as we can."
Soarynn furrows her eyebrows and Coriolanus feels her squeeze his hand even harder this time, "What possibilities?" She asks him, her voice wary and untrusting. Dr. Ferns gives her a small smile, "Pregnancy for starters."
Both Coriolanus and Soarynn pale at the suggestion of her being with child. That can't be possible, not now, not when they aren't married. Dr. Ferns continues, "There's also several different conditions that have to do with your blood, so to be sure I'd like to take a blood sample."
Oh boy, Coriolanus thinks to himself. Soarynn hates needles with passion and she's so squeamish around blood. She draws in a sharp breath but Coriolanus is quick to nod, "Of course, run as many tests as you need."
Dr. Ferns leaves the room a moment later and tears form in Soarynn's eyes at the same time, "I don't want to get my blood taken," she mumbles, wiping away a tear.
It breaks his heart to see her like this, but Coriolanus has to know how to fix this problem. "Darling, I want you to feel better, I want to know that you're safe when I'm not around and it'll only be a pinch," he assures her, getting down on his knees and holding both of her hands in his.
Soarynn doesn't meet his eyes and Coriolanus sighs, he knows she's not trying to be difficult, that she's simply as tired and frustrated as he is. And maybe he wouldn't push for these tests so hard last night was the final straw for him. Finding her limp body on the bathroom floor did something to Coriolanus.
He would do whatever it took to keep her safe.
He can see her resolve slowly breaking, her stubborn walls finally coming down at his reasoning, "You'll hold my hand?" She asks, her blue-gray eyes finally meeting his. A small smile tugs on his lips and he nods, "Of course I will."
Soarynn sighs and her shoulders sag, "Alright."
꧁ ꧂
"Well, Ms. Nightingale, you're not pregnant."
Neither Coriolanus nor Soarynn attempts to hold in their sigh of relief when Dr. Ferns delivered that news. Even though they're an established couple, having a child before marriage would cause quite a scandal. Neither of them can afford that.
"But, after running several bloodwork tests, it appears that you have hypoglycemia."
Coriolanus blinks several times and feels his mouth go dry. What is hypoglycemia? And why does Soarynn have it?
"Does your family have a history of this or any other blood sugar-related conditions?" He presses and Soarynn frowns, "I...I don't know. Both my parents are dead and their medical records burned in the fire."
Coriolanus rubs his thumb on the back of her hand to soothe her. He knows how difficult it is for Soarynn to talk about her parents, both of whom died during the war. Dr. Ferns nods and looks back down at his clipboard, "Well, it seems that this is the reason you've been experiencing all the symptoms you've listed."
Coriolanus feels so small right now, so small and helpless. He thought coming here would give him answers and yet he feels more lost and confused. "What does this mean exactly?" He asks.
"It means that Ms. Nightingale's blood sugar levels are below what they should be. If she hasn't been eating enough then her blood sugar levels will drop, which can then lead to the symptoms you've listed and sometimes even worse such as seizures."
Well, it's certainly hard to keep her blood sugar levels up if she's not even hungry. Coriolanus watches Soarynn's face very carefully for any signs of confusion or frustration but she seems placid. "What do I have to do to feel better?" She finally asks, looking the doctor right in the eye. He offers her a pamphlet of sorts with all sorts of things listed on the page.
"Checking your blood sugar levels frequently is a good start, there are several options to do that, the least invasive would be pricking your finger and testing a small sample. Should your levels be below normal, something like candy or juice will help get them back up to where they should be. Also eating frequent small meals throughout the day is a good way to ensure steady blood sugar levels."
Coriolanus nods, that makes sense. A change in her diet might be necessary but other than that it seems to be a somewhat easy fix. And they seem to have caught it early. "Will she be able to lead a normal life? How come we weren't able to detect this sooner?" At twenty-three, he'd figure that Soarynn would've shown signs much earlier.
"Many people with this condition can go undetected for years before they start showing symptoms," Dr. Ferns explains, "and as long as she stays on top of her levels, she'll be able to lead a normal life."
Coriolanus feels a weight lift off his shoulders. Soarynn is going to be okay, she's not going to die from a sudden fatal illness and leave him alone for the rest of his life. He reaches out his other hand to Dr. Ferns, "Thank you for your help."
꧁ ꧂
"Try to eat something Soarynn," Coriolanus encourages.
She looks so small in their large bed, tucked under the covers, eyeing the yogurt he's offering her on a spoon. Soarynn pushes his hand away and crosses her arms, "I don't like that yogurt." This is the fifth yogurt he's bought her and it's packed with good things and sugars that will help her stay stable and yet Soarynn is set on avoiding it.
"I highly doubt this one is as bad as the first one," he reasons, remembering how a few weeks ago he bought her a nasty-tasting yogurt that not even Petunia would like. Speaking of Petunia, he watches her pad across the bed until she's standing on Soarynn's legs, giving the spoon a sniff. He smiles, "See? Petunia doesn't mind."
Soarynn raises her eyebrows, not impressed, "Petunia is a cat," she reminds him. Coriolanus pushes the spoon towards her again, finally getting her to taste it, "She also helped me find you when you passed out," he gently reminds her. Soarynn swallows the yogurt and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, "I wish I was like everybody else and didn't have to do this stupid diet."
She's frustrated and rightfully so. Coriolanus doesn't chide her on it, he simply offers her another spoonful. For the most part, Soarynn's daily life hasn't changed. She still goes out to events, still likes shopping and drawing, and going on dates with him. But she has to be more mindful, more aware of what's going into her body.
He sets the bowl of yogurt down along with the spoon and grabs her glucose meter, a machine that tells them the exact number her blood sugar is at. "Well, if your levels are good then you won't need to eat any more yogurt," he says, doing his best to make pricking her finger sound fun.
Soarynn eyes the machine and sighs, holding out her right hand to him. Coriolanus gently takes her hand and brings the machine up to one of her fingers, she doesn't even flinch when the needle pricks her skin, causing a small dot of blood to rush to the surface. Coriolanus takes a clean test strip and swipes up the blood before letting the meter read the strip.
He presses a kiss to her finger, "You're so brave darling, I hope you know that." Soarynn's sour face slightly falters and he can tell that she's trying not to smile. The familiar beep of the machine lets them know that it's done reading and Coriolanus gives her a triumphant smile when he sees that her blood sugar is right where it should be.
"Well done my love," he says, pressing a kiss to her cheek this time. Soarynn giggles and tries to push him away which further leads him to kissing all over her face. "Coryo! Stop!" she shrieks with laughter. Coriolanus grins when his lips finally find hers and they share a kiss that's soon interrupted by Petunia who quite literally butts her head in between their faces.
"You're a real pain, you know that?" He asks the feline who rubs her face against Soarynn's.
Soarynn smiles and gives Petunia a scratch behind the ears, "How lucky am I to have two doting loved ones to take care of me?"
Coriolanus watches his girlfriend and her cat with a content smile on his face. The past few weeks have been an adjustment, to say the least. Coriolanus of course, was completely overbearing once they left the doctor's office and worried that every little thing could cause Soarynn's levels to drop. But she was quick to remind him that she was more than capable of taking care of herself.
And of course, she was. But it's hard for him to let her be on her own, to shoulder this burden alone.
Coriolanus did everything in his power to make sure that Soarynn felt comfortable and normal. He helped her develop a new diet and did it with her, even if he wasn't a fan of some of the things she had to eat. He held her hand when they did blood sugar tests, and always kissed her fingers better.
There had been a few times when he nearly forgot that his girlfriend's health was a bit more compromised than most. Like the time they had been rushing to the theatre and his long legs were too hard for her to keep up with. He'd looked over his shoulder to see Soarynn leaning against a brick wall, absolutely breathless. They had missed the first half of the show trying to get Soarynn's breathing back to normal but he didn't care. He just wanted her safe and sound.
"You know, I need you the way you need sugar," he jokes, bringing a grin to Soarynn's face. "Do you now?" She asks, tilting her head in a playful manner. Coriolanus nods solemnly, "I fear I've grown addicted to you and your sweetness."
His lips are hovering above hers now, nothing but a breath between them, "Am I really that sweet to you Coryo?"
He doesn't hesitate to push his lips against hers again, this time more passionate than the last. He mumbles the next words against her lips, not wanting an inch of distance between them, "Sweet as sugar."
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freckledjoes · 6 months
Munson mornings
Friday - March 21st, 1986
It was one of those rare days where Wayne had worked an afternoon shift, meaning that he had had plenty of sleep before he sat down at the kitchen table in their trailer. He knew it would take Eddie about an hour or more before he'd wake up from his slumber, probably grasping at some honey combs before he'd rush out the door, mumbling something along the lines of "Missed first period, what's new." with his mouth still full. Wayne would then look at the crumbs on the doormat and consider that a task for another day.
However, today was a different day for both Munsons, it seemed, as Wayne heard Eddie trashing about in his room, loudly complaining about being unable to find something, much earlier than he was used of him. At one point he let out a happy yell, meaning that he'd probably found what he was looking for, and then possibly stubbed his toe in excitement, judging by all of the swearing that immediately followed after. His door opened, the bathroom door following and not much later Wayne could hear the shower.
Seeing as his nephew would probably have considerable time to get to school, he figured he could make them some eggs on toast, a little treat right before the weekend. It wasn't until Eddie stepped out of the shower that he realized that Wayne was home.
"You're home? Why aren't you asleep?"
"Afternoon shift."
"Oh. Eggs?"
"If you wanna."
"Sure. Can you—"
"Already done it."
Wayne had prepared Eddie's plate just how he liked it, with the eggs cut perfectly to fit on the toast, and the other bits on the side so he could eat those as a "snack". Eddie got dressed first, left the towel around his neck for his dripping curls and added a tiny bit of eyeliner to his eyes. As Eddie sat down, Wayne could immediately tell he was excited about something by the way his features contrasted his usual morning expression drastically. That meant four options.
One: He had a date (unlikely)
Two: Some kind of good drug deal coming up (possible, but Eddie usually didn't really talk about that stuff around his uncle)
Three: He had a gig (it wasn't Tuesday)
Four: Anything related to his D&D campaign (bingo)
"Those little shits have no idea what's coming," Eddie said with a slight evil grin right before taking a bite of his toast, groaning at the taste of it.
"Campaign night?"
"Uh-huh. I've got the dungeon all set up. There are so many traps, but there are two things that could help them out if they know where to look. Dustin will probably try but I bet Mike's gonna rush them into their deaths without blinking. Him and probably Gareth. See, there's this, let's call him "demon guy" for your sake, and he's gonna be waiting right here," Eddie grabbed some dry crackers that he wasn't planning to eat and used them to lay out a part of the dungeon map he'd been working on the past few weeks. Wayne followed his movements, watched how Eddie broke tiny pieces off the crackers to emphasize that one bit had a rounded corner, and stacked some honey combs to show the position of "demon guy" while also popping a few of them into his mouth as he explained further.
Eddie went on and on, eggs on toast almost forgotten until Wayne wordlessly nudged his plate so he'd remember and would take a bite out of it in between. Wayne watched him fondly, cherishing the light he recognized in Eddie's eyes, a light that seemed a rare occurence nowadays. He hoped that graduating would work out this year, so Ed could stop beating himself up about it. Maybe he could get himself a job as a mechanic, he seemed to like working on his van. Or perhaps something backstage, with lights or music, so that he could be involved in that industry even if he hadn't made it big himself just yet. Wayne knew he was meant for big things. He had the drive for it, just needed the confidence.
"Wayne? Are you listening? This part is crucial."
"What did I tell ya about chewing with your mouth open, boy?" Wayne sighed half-heartedly as crumbs landed everywhere on the table. Eddie gave him an apologetic smile (full of food) and tapped impatiently on a piece of honey comb that now represented a summoning circle.
"So this is where..."
Wayne didn't mean to, he really didn't, but he lost track the second Eddie started talking. Maybe being distracted was a Munson trait, who knew. He smiled fondly and took in all his gestures, enjoying the quiet morning with his nephew who was the opposite of quiet. It was nice, having him around. It always had been, even throughout puberty where he hadn't always been easy. He would always be his boy, a young man ahead of his old man in many ways.
As Eddie finished his breakfast and went back into his room to grab his stuff for the campaign that evening, Wayne decided he should ask Eddie about the campaign the next day. He couldn't wait to see hear how his clever nephew made those kids twist and turn. Eddie was a great storyteller, and his own story was only just beginning.
This was a vague idea that popped up in my brain, which I shared with @stevesxyellowxsweater, basically thanks to Joseph mentioning a dinner scene (I think it was dinner? I'm forgetful - anyway I turned it into breakfast) between Eddie and Wayne would've been nice.
It's a little painful, in retrospect, but that's the duffelbags' fault not mine :)) Anyway hope you like? I rarely post writings sooo yeah.
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somnolentdipso · 7 months
I adore the feedback from my last writing so perhaps have another🫢.
Dms are always open to teasing and etc
The devil isn't in the whipped cream. The second dollop of gelato. Their wicked smile when they peel the cake free of its casing, slipping a thick quarter on your plate, perched on the edge of your quivering lap.
Just a little treat.
They share your smirk. Nothing little about you, these days. They stroke the spoon with your chubby fingers, squeezing your limp arm, sweeping the plate to rest on your lazy stomach as your eyes drift. You blow a warm, gentle sigh. The treats are getting bigger. They made
You hear how well you did at work today. You watch the glimmer in their gaze. Do they know you've realised?
That the fun isn't in what they're feeding you.
The fun is in when.
They were joking, first. Sure, you deserve a little something for getting dressed this morning, all by by yourself. Stretching a shirt over your fat. Sucking in for the zipper... why not? Another for shopping, knees aching around the store, arms covered in crème fraiche flesh where your biceps used to be. It's fair. More for making dinner, lumbering your weight across the kitchen, holding your tongue to all those sinful tastes and smells as you hip-check the fridge. Pretending you didn't wobble, down to your groin. Pretending you have discipline.
The reward for finishing all your food? It's more food.
More treats. They're watching. Listening to your huffs and pants. The slightest hint of physical labour, leaving you salivating in anticipation. Did the dishes? Pizza slice. Took the trash out? Chocolate croissant. Licked the plate clean? One quart of milkshake, a funnel, their hand, your mouth. The second you break the slightest sweat - plied, every drop curving with excess. Bursting through your underclothes. Dinner after dinner, earned in the ripples through your sensitive skin.
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feeder86 · 2 years
Falling for a Feeder: Infatuation
Of course Lucas had been into Talon ever since he’d first laid eyes on him. One look at that handsome smile, pretty face, not to mention the stunningly athletic body, and he had been swooning like never before. It was his piercing eyes and striking features. Or, perhaps it was Talon’s confidence and swagger that did it for Lucas just as much. Talon: the overconfident young guy, not at all daunted by the enormity of New York City after coming from such a small town, now surrounded by people he had never met before and places he did not know. Instead, maybe it was the way nothing in life seemed to phase Talon; as if the world was there only for him, and he would seize it with both hands. For a nineteen year old Lucas, newly out of the closet and sharing a house with the best looking straight boys on campus, such feelings of longing were always an inevitability.
Lucas had first learned of Talon’s unusual taste in women quite early on. He’d come downstairs in the morning to see the handsome football player making breakfast for a large, overweight girl that he’d seen walking through campus a few times before. He did a double take, seeing Talon leaning in and kissing her as he served up a plate of food for her. Had this girl been the one he’d heard Talon drunkenly bringing home last night? Surely not!
Sticking around downstairs, Lucas listened to the flirtations of Talon, spoiling and kissing her as if she was the love of his life. He watched as Talon led her to the door, placing his large hands on her enormous rear and kissing her once more, gently pulling up her skirt a little so that Lucas got an eyeful of the girl’s thick, doughy legs from behind.
“Are you… really into her?” Lucas asked as the door closed and Talon was rid of her at last.
“Hell no!” Talon scoffed, shrugging off the romance of the previous few hours like a dog shaking itself after a dip in a frosty lake.
Lucas chuckled, feeling a strange sense of relief. The world hadn’t gone mad after all. “I thought not! I couldn’t quite get my head around it when I saw you flirting with her in there.”
“Look at that!” Talon grumbled, ignoring Lucas entirely. He was lifting the plate he’d served his guest that morning. “She hardly ate any of it!” he complained, seemingly genuinely insulted.
“You did serve her quite a lot of food though,” Lucas replied, feeling unsure where Talon was going with his sudden disgust of the woman he had been seemingly infatuated with only minutes earlier.
“She’s a fat girl though,” Talon stated bluntly. “You saw the size of her. She should be able to eat a simple breakfast like that without a problem.” He lifted up the lid of the trash can and scooped the remains away. “I hate it when girls do that!” he grumbled, throwing the plates in the sink and running off upstairs to get ready for his classes.
Lucas stood, feeling just as confused as ever. Nothing seemed to make sense. Not only had the gorgeous Talon brought a large, unattractive fat girl home, but the thing that had seemingly put him off was his date not finishing her breakfast? He’d heard about guys who were into fat girls; some who even liked to feed them up and enjoyed actively helping to fatten them up. But that wasn’t Talon. Was it?
What had started as a suspicion was soon confirmed time and time again over the following weeks. Talon continued to bring home larger and larger girls, ending his dates with the cooking and inevitable consumption of a large fried breakfast. The other guys in the house even tried to make fun of him for it; sniggering behind his back about Talon’s strange love of fat girls. However, none of it ever seemed to put a dent in Talon’s ego. He laughed along with them and spoke passionately about why he got such a thrill from it all. He was a man who loved his life. And he was a man who loved his fat girls!
Perhaps Talon’s desires made him even more alluring to Lucas. That naughty, devious, kinkiness that he felt no shame in at all. The other guys didn’t have that confidence in themselves; not in the slightest. Despite their good looks and bravado, it was obvious to see that they were all surprisingly insecure underneath; just small boys pretending to be adults. It was only Talon who really had the guts to live his life how he wanted; to enjoy the things he liked without absorbing the shame that others believed he should feel.
Talon’s voice seemed to change when he talked about fat girls with Lucas. The lust was evident in every syllable he used. The smile that betrayed the kinky images that must have been flooding his brain as he spoke about his preferences. Lucas had to breathe deeply to stop himself from getting hard, listening to a guy he was so attracted to getting horny right before his eyes; the knowledge that the beautiful, perfect hunk was most likely nursing a boner in his underwear as he shared all of his fantasies aloud.
“You know, you’re the only one I can talk to about all of this,” Talon smiled at last. “Everyone else just thinks I’m a freak if I try and bring it up.”
That made Lucas feel very special. “I love talking about this stuff with you,” he replied honestly.
Talon smiled, pleased to have someone to vent his sexual frustrations with. Then he would continue chatting away, like he had known Lucas for years; like he was a conspirator to help Talon find the greedy, fat girl of his dreams.
“There’s not been much news here. Jay’s been pining for some girl on his course all weekend,” Lucas grumbled to Talon as the guy just got in that Sunday night, having spent a weekend visiting his folks. “He got drunk on Friday night and bored the pants off everyone going on and on about her. He thinks she’s the love of his life.”
Talon smirked. “Which girl is that?” he asked. He seemed to have a gift for remembering faces and names, with a deep interest in people and an understanding of how they ticked.
“He said her name was Sarah,” Lucas shrugged disinterestedly.
Talon laughed aloud. “Sarah Gormad?” he asked with obvious amusement. He shook his head. “What an idiot! Of course that soft boy has fallen for Sarah Gormad! He doesn’t stand a chance!”
Lucas frowned. Jay was a good looking guy: naturally broad and tall with deep, soulful eyes. Surely someone like Jay could have any girl he wanted. “Why?” he jumped in. “What’s so special about this Sarah girl?” he asked, feeling insulted on Jay’s behalf.
Talon looked to the door to check that none of the other guys were about to walk in and overhear them. Only then did he duck his head in slightly and seemingly confide in his housemate. “Sarah’s like me,” he stated simply. “She likes the fatties.”
“Oh!” Lucas gasped quietly. “Are you sure?”
Talon smirked again and nodded with confidence. “I’m sure,” he grinned knowingly.
“But Jay reckons they’re soul mates,” Lucas whispered. 
The two boys looked at each other seriously for a moment, then suddenly burst out into fits of laughter at the bizarre nature of it all. They often shared moments like these where they would both lose it over something ridiculous; making Lucas realise that, despite their obvious differences, he and Talon shared the most similar sense of humour in the house. Even though he did not know much about sports, beers, or how to pick up girls, Lucas always felt that Talon enjoyed talking to him more than the other guys they lived with.
“Aw, we shouldn’t laugh!” Talon finally sighed. “Jay is a good pal. If he wants a shot with Sarah, I’m going to make sure he gets it.”
Lucas nodded, despite not sharing Talon’s optimism. If this Sarah girl really was into larger guys, there was no way she’d want to start dating someone completely different to her preference. After all, dating a skinny girl was something he could never imagine Talon doing. Never in a million years!
Over the coming weeks, Lucas noticed Talon starting to take Jay a little under his wing. They were hanging out more and had even started training together at the gym. Talon seemed to be the instigator, always calling out for Jay and taking him here, there and everywhere with him, like he was his new favourite toy. Lucas tried not to feel jealous as he got less and less time for his chats with his secret crush. Instead, it was as if Talon was joined at the hip with Jay, regularly sat down in the lounge area together, watching some dumb noughties sitcom that hadn’t dated especially well.
“Have you noticed?” Talon asked Lucas a few weeks later as an exhausted Jay had fallen asleep on the couch with a beer in his hand. “Our Jay is starting to gain a few pounds.”
Lucas looked across sceptically. Then, suddenly, his eyes widened with realisation, seeing exactly what Talon meant. With his sleepy head falling to one side, a small puddle of fat seemed to have built under his chin, whilst his bloated stomach seemed to be pressing ever so slightly against his t-shirt as his chest rose up and down.
“You see it, don’t you?” Talon asked, as if desperate for confirmation.
“I see it!! Lucas nodded, feeling like now he had noticed it, he wouldn’t ever be able to unsee it again. He thought back to his conversation with Talon about helping Jay to get the girl he was interested in, then tentatively posed the question. “You didn’t have something to do with this?” he asked suspiciously.
“I have no idea what you mean,” Talon smirked. He reached for the football that seemed to always hang around downstairs and threw it directly at Jay’s torso, waking him up with a start. “Come on, buddy. Ben has invited us over for a party. We’ll pick up some supplies on the way.”
“It’s almost midnight,” a groggy Jay replied, trying to make sense of where he was.
“It’s Friday night!” Talon chuckled. “Get your ass up. Ben thinks Sarah might be heading over to the party soon as well.”
With a sigh, Jay slowly stood himself up, no longer needing any more cajoling. Then, with sleepy little steps, he followed his buddy out into the cold, fresh air.
Part of the requirement of Lucas’ course was that he took on a work placement with a company that had been assigned to him by the college. He walked back into the house, after four weeks away, seeing that his presence had been sorely missed. The guys simply didn’t seem to tidy up after themselves unless there was someone around to nag them. He heard the rumblings of someone heading downstairs and suddenly saw Talon smiling and welcoming him home. Just the sight of him made the breath catch in his chest.
“Did you miss me?” Lucas asked jokingly, already knowing that Talon had far too many friends to even notice that Lucas hadn’t been around.
“I did, actually,” Talon nodded, noticing the sarcasm in Lucas’ voice. “There’s been no one around to keep me in check,” he chuckled.
“Why?” Lucas asked, sensing that there was yet another tale of mischief involving Talon that was soon coming his way. “What have you done now?”
“Jay’s a fatty,” Talon simply stated. “Seriously. You won’t believe it when you see him. He’s got love handles and everything.”
Lucas shook his head. “It’s been four weeks,” he replied, not believing for a second that an athletic, six foot guy could suddenly turn into a fat boy in that amount of time.
“Trust me!” Talon grinned wickedly. “He’s getting massive! It’s all in his ass, his love handles and gut,” he explained, modelling the areas he was referencing on his own, fine physique. Then, he suddenly hushed, hearing more footsteps upstairs and the loud rumble of someone else coming down the stairs. Right on cue, Jay was entering the room and, just like that, everything Talon had said seemed to be validated.
Jay seemed fuller in the face from the moment Lucas laid eyes on him. His torso looked somehow puffed-up and the fabric of his t-shirt was clinging, rather unflatteringly against the mass of his middle, as if a gut really was developing underneath there. He greeted Lucas with a hug, then walked on by to the kitchen to fix himself a morning coffee, giving them both a view of his chunky glutes and thighs that seemed oversized, even for his large frame.
“There’s some leftover pizza in the fridge, buddy,” Talon suggested to Jay, who seemed to be considering what to have for his breakfast. 
Like a puppet, Jay opened up the refrigerator and pulled out the pizza box, munching away on the almost full pizza that was inside it.
Lucas felt Talon nudge him in his side, as if to get his attention before he spoke to Jay next. “Hey, I was just telling Lucas about that shit tattoo on your shoulder. He’s never seen it before. He had no idea what I was talking about.”
“It’s not a shit tattoo,” Jay frowned, looking like a guy who had been made fun of for his artistic choice many times in the past. 
“Let Lucas see it and be the judge of that,” Talon demanded.
With a sigh, Jay turned around and lifted his shirt fully off so that a small celtic-design tattoo could be seen. But Lucas already knew that the artwork wasn’t the real reason why Talon had requested this viewing for him. He could see Talon out of the corner of his eye, nodding his head and willing him to look at the fleshy love handles on Jay’s body, sitting there atop the waistband of his sweatpants, which dug into him surprisingly harshly.
“Um, it…” Lucas tried to comment. “It looks good,” he mumbled, feeling a great swirl of emotions within him.
Talon was grinning beside him, enjoying how flustered Lucas had suddenly become. He strutted over to Jay, as he tried to manouever his t-shirt so that he could put it back on again.  But Talon had got to him first, slinging his big arm over the guy’s shoulders and swinging him around so that Lucas could get a look at his chubby torso from the front as well; fuck, that belly button looked deep!
“It’s not even symmetrical,” Talon went on teasingly.
“Well, Sarah likes it,” Jay grumbled defensively, picking a new slice of pizza up.
Talon seemed to be trying his best not to laugh. There was a devious twinkle in his eye and joy written across his entire face. “Yeah, to be fair, Sarah really, really liked looking at his tattoo,”  Talon smirked, frowning ever so slightly and letting Lucas know that, just like his viewing today, Sarah hadn’t really been admiring the tattoo at all. “You even got her number, didn’t you, big guy?”
Looking pleased with himself, Jay nodded. “We’re going out for a date a week on Friday.”
“That’s why we’re heading out to the gym this morning,” Talon explained, with his strong arm still wrapped over the chubby boy’s shoulders. “Work on his guns before the big day!”
“Congratulations,” Lucas stuttered, recognising at long last that, whatever wicked game Talon was playing with his friend, it was actually working.
Getting Talon on his own was almost an impossibility over the next few days. He was joined at the hip, either to Jay or one of the other guys. Lucas thought he knew how Talon was doing it, seeing all the protein shakes lined up in the refrigerator that Talon was giving the poor guy after their sessions. He picked one up and opened the lid to sniff it, the cream and sugars instantly hitting his nose. It was hard to imagine just how many calories would be secretly squeezed into them, but it was clearly enough to start packing on a remarkable layer of pudgy fat onto Jay’s body. Lucas tipped one back for a tiny sip and shook his head. How would Jay not even realise that this was no protein shake? It was so thick, so gloopy and sweet, he must have been forcing it down his throat.
Lucas could have blown the whistle on it all, but he had never seriously considered the idea. He tried to convince himself that it was because he saw Talon as such a good friend that he was allowing him to have his fun. But, if Lucas was being honest with himself, he was actually just very curious about it all. It was hard to believe just how fast Talon had made his mark on Jay’s body, and it was incredible to see just how far Talon was willing to go with it. He was utterly wicked, doing this to one of his so-called ‘best friends’ and yet, Lucas couldn’t quite understand why his attraction to the straight boy was getting stronger and stronger.
By the evening of Jay’s first date with Sarah, the guy was looking chubbier than ever. He’d been to the gym that morning with Talon and was now standing by the fridge gulping down his shake with a lot more ease than Lucas had anticipated. Talon was stood to the side of him, watching as every single calorie was taken in. That was when Lucas looked down and saw the biggest shock of his life so far: the strain in the crotch of Talon’s pants. As the handsome boy watched his buddy chugging down the shake, he was actually getting aroused!
His eyes fixated, it didn’t take Talon long to look across and see that Lucas had spotted his erection. “Oi!” he whispered, grinning from ear to ear and throwing the scrunched up dishcloth over so that it hit Lucas in the face. But the feeder was still grinning with delight, not in the least bit ashamed of himself, despite readjusting his crotch, making both of them laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Jay asked, lowering his head after completing the chug and trying to burp up the excess air with at least some discretion. 
“Nothing, buddy. Nothing,” Talon smirked, putting his big arm over the overfed boy’s shoulders and guiding him away. “Let’s just go and get you ready for your big date!”
“Jay!” Lucas shouted out, letting the gnawing guilt in his stomach start to get the better of him.
Jay turned around, waiting for whatever it was Lucas wanted to say to him.
Lucas stood there, knowing that he should unmask their wicked housemate for all that he had done; yet he could never bring himself to do it. “Have a great time with Sarah tonight.” He twiddled with his thumbs nervously. “You really do deserve it.”
Later that evening, Talon wandered into the kitchen, seeming like some sort of spare part. “Awh, you don’t know what to do with yourself now Jay has gone out for his date?” Lucas joked, looking at his watch. “I think this is the longest you’ve left him alone in weeks!”
Talon chuckled and sat himself down on the counter, continuing to look forelorn. “I think you might be right,” he nodded with a grin.
“Out of interest, do you happen to know how much weight you managed to pack on him in these last few weeks?” Lucas asked, determined to maintain at least a hint of disapproval in his voice.
“Don’t know,” Talon shrugged, picking up one of the many random bouncy balls in the house and mindleslly throwing it from one hand to the other. “I kept him well away from the scales for obvious reasons…” he laughed. “Forty pounds? Forty-five?”
“Don’t you feel guilty?” Lucas asked, feeling a little exasperated by the glee in Talon’s voice.
“No,” Talon answered simply. “Should I?” he asked back, still with that self-satisfied smirk on his face.
“You secretly made your best friend gain forty-five pounds of pure fat, and you don’t even feel the least bit guilty?”
“No,” Talon repeated with a chuckle. “Jay wanted to date a chubby-chaser girl and I got off on popping a little belly out on him. It was a win-win!”
“You’re evil!” Lucas stated next, unable to help the little laugh that came with it. He stood up and reached into the fridge to grab one of the fattening shakes Talon had been feeding to Jay for all those weeks. “So, what actually is in one of these things?”
“Oh, that’s a top secret recipe. Only the most wicked and evil people in the world get to find stuff like that out,” Talon joked. He was getting turned on just talking about it; Lucas could hear it in his voice, making it sound almost as though he himself was being flirted with.
“I tried a bit of one last week,” Lucas admitted.
“Fuck! Serioudsly?” Talon gasped, suddenly giving Lucas every bit of his attention.
“I wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” he went on, enjoying the surprised look on the handsome boy’s face and suddenly realising just how much he had been craving this one-on-one time with him.
“Shit, man!” Talon laughed. “If you knew what was really in one of those things, you wouldn’t want to touch a drop of it!”
Lucas didn’t know what had got into him. He felt a spike of adrenaline from having shocked Talon so much and wanted a second hit. “You sure about that?” he asked, flipping the spout up and taking down a good few gulps. When he was done, he saw Talon’s eyes wide with alarm and surprise. “What’s got you so concerned?” he asked playfully.
“Did you really just down that after everything I just said about it?” he asked, laughing from shock.
“I dunno. Did I?” Lucas shrugged again, tipping his head back and sucking down more.
“Seriously, dude!” Talon cried.
“Tell me to stop then,” Lucas requested. “Tell me to stop drinking it and I will.” He stared at his friend, wondering what on earth was going on inside that devious and complicated mind of his. “Better do it quickly though… I’m getting thirsty again…”
With Talon’s silence, Lucas did exactly as he had threatened and continued gulping down the shake. He could feel the bottle getting lighter and lighter in his hand. With surprising ease, it was all trickling down his throat. Then, with a look of triumph, he banged the empty bottle down on the table and smirked with delight at his own cleverness. Now he definitely had Talon’s attention.
Lucas tried not to show how tight his tummy felt afterwards. He headed back to his room and groaned as he flopped down on the bed, rubbing his stomach. After a minute or so, he stood up again and went over to his mirror to see if his normally flat middle looked as bloated as it felt. He’d felt a tingling down in his crotch for some time, but upon seeing his uncovered belly looking so unnaturally distended, Lucas now suddenly felt it shift up a gear. He wanted to laugh in amazement. Just what was it about this that felt so damn… erotic? Had it been the look on Talon’s face? Was it the reflection of his swollen body in the mirror now? Or was it the idea of Talon’s mixture inside his body, working away, trying to transform him as it had done Jay? From the moment he started tugging at his hardness, Lucas knew it was going to be an intense orgasm. But what he didn’t realise was that he would need to climax a further four times that night until his body finally felt calm enough to sleep.
“You put appetite stimulants in those shakes, don’t you?” Lucas asked the next morning as he came down to find Talon in the kitchen, grabbing some bread before his park run. He'd been distracted by his headphones, trying to set up a playlist before he left; now viewing Lucas as a whirlwind suddenly decending upon him.
“Umm, yeah,” Talon mumbled awkwardly, surprised to be seeing Lucas opening the refrigerator door so wide and properly crouching down to search for things to eat.
“I’m absolutely starving this morning,” Lucas explained, pulling out everything he thought might help to satisfy his hunger. “Don’t you have to be there for the park run by nine?” he asked, upon standing up and seeing that a dumbfounded Talon was still staring at him in much the same way as last night.
“I was just…” Talon began to mutter awkwardly. He wasn’t usually the type to mumble, not as he was now.
Suddenly, Lucas’ stomach gave a loud and audible rumble, sounding angry and impatient. Lucas rolled his eyes and tutted. “Fuck it!” he cried, reaching back into the refrigerator and finding another one of Jay’s shakes and starting to take it down, knowing that it was probably the only thing that could immediately take his hunger away. He chugged it until he felt his stomach filling up pleasantly; surprised to see that, at that point, over three-quarters of the entire bottle had already disappeared into his body. He licked his lips. Talon’s shakes really were pretty nice after you got used to how thick and heavy they were. He shrugged, tipped his head back once more and finished the rest of it, not wanting to waste anything. Then he threw the empty bottle in the sink and began to lay bacon in a pan for cooking. 
Without a word, Lucas heard Talon rummaging around behind him, slowly drifting out to get to his run; clearly still lost for words. In no time at all, Lucas’ bacon began to sizzle. Then, as the front door closed behind Talon, Lucas finally felt free to rub against his crotch at long last, knowing that he would need to jack himself off again before Talon got back.
Jay had not returned home after his date the night before and there was an excited buzz around the house as the lucky boy sent a message to one of the other guys to explain that he was staying with Sarah on Saturday night as well. Things had clearly gone well!
“I think you may have lost your little project!” Lucas teased Talon.
Talon looked confused. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t think we’re going to be seeing as much of Jay now he’s all loved up,” he clarified, picking up a bottle of Jay’s ‘protein’ shake and noting that three new ones had been added that morning. “And after all that effort you put in!”
“I’m just pleased that I could help,” Talon smirked.
“Liar!” Lucas blasted, making Talon laugh and smile broadly. “I saw that boner! You were just getting your rocks off to fattening him up!”
Talon nodded as he continued to chuckle, not denying a single word. Then he suddenly became more serious, with a deliberately flirtatious tone. “You didn’t see it this morning though, did you?”
Lucas tried to bite back his thrill and returned an almost defiantl look back at Talon. “I was too busy frying up my bacon.”
“I noticed!” Talon smiled.
“You know what…” Lucas went on, popping the spout of Jay’s shake and taking a few casual sips. “All your talk of getting off on fattening up Jay…” He took a few more sips, enjoying the fact that he could make Talon hang on his every word. “...It’s all bullshit!” he laughed. “All you’re doing is adding a few hidden calories into his diet.”
Lucas had to lift the bottle a little higher to take a few more sips now. Talon simply stared at him, grinninng at the fact that his housemate was calling him out on his technique.
“You wouldn’t actually know what to do if someone came up to you and asked you to fatten them up properly. If they were holding you to account for it and checking on the scales to see if all your sneaky little methods really work.”
Talon playfully shrugged his muscular shoulders. “No, I guess you’re right there. I’ve never… overtly fattened someone up like that.”
Feeling vindicated, Lucas held the boy’s eye contact and threw his head back a little to drain even more of the shake . “I thought not,” he grinned, taking Talon’s mixture with him to finish off while he worked on his very long and very boring assignment that evening.
Lucas finally got the chance to meet the infamous Sarah the following weekend. Everyone else in the house had only taken a vague interest in the goings on in Jay’s love life, but Lucas, along with Talon, had stayed downstairs trying to be as sociable as possible the entire evening.
Jay hadn’t been to the gym with Talon all week and it seemed to show. His face had started to take on a doughy puffiness to it and his clothes appeared to fit with a strange awkwardness around his butt and especially around his waist. The poor boy had simply been passed from one feeder’s hands and into another’s. 
If Talon hadn’t told Lucas that Sarah was into larger guys, Lucas still thought that he would have been able to work it out for himself. The girl couldn’t keep his hands off Jay. Perhaps that was normal for a couple who had only been together for such a short time, but it was where Sarah was touching him that most attracted Lucas’ attention. Her fingers drifted over the fleshiest parts of his body, never failing to cup his newly padded up butt whenever he stood up. They seemed to be in the midst of a whirlwind romance, recounting all of the things they had done together that week; every one of them seeming to revolve around having food out at some place or another. Talon had appeared to notice that as well, giving Lucas a sly grin as they both turned to look at each other, thinking exactly the same thing.
Being in that room with the three of them, Lucas felt like he was slowly boiling in a cooking pot. His heart was racing and his dick, although not rock hard, felt like it was filling with warm blood. He took himself for a break to the kitchen, leaning up against the counter and trying to rationalise it all in his brain. Perhaps it was the fact that Talon was in there with them. Lucas felt himself fantasising about the sexy guy touching his body in the same way that Sarah was now doing with Jay. He started to wish that he had the sort of softness that Talon would go crazy for.
Reaching into the fridge, Lucas grabbed one of the special shakes and drained it. What had been a curious way to get Talon’s attention all week had just become something his dick and his growling stomach now screamed for. He opened his throat and released the accidentally swallowed air in one long and discreet burp; then tipped up a second shake, consuming it with a lustful desperation that he had never known before. Two whole shakes and he still wasn’t satisfied, searching in the cupboard for cookies or treats; something that might help to scratch the incredible itch that he now had. His stomach was bloating. He could see the shape of it under his shirt. Each day this week, it had looked more and more extreme than the last. He could take more. He could do it. 
There was still one more shake in the fridge, but now some of the guys were walking in after coming back from the bar. Talon was coming in too, chatting to one of them when his eyes seemed to spot the empty containers of shake now discarded by the sink. He looked over at Lucas and raised his eyebrows, smirking with surprise. 
Lucas squirmed a little. Up until now, he had felt so in control of this. Now he felt almost embarrassed to have been caught in the act. The guys were all chatting around him, yet Talon’s smirk seemed to penetrate right into Lucas’ very soul. The sexy guy reached into the fridge for a beer, slying and casually passing Lucas the final shake, as if he had known that his hungry housemate had wanted it. He positioned his tall, imposing body in front of Lucas as he continued to chat with the other guys, shielding him from view in a very deliberate way that would allow Lucas to drink it down without the others seeing and questioning why he was having it.
Lucas turned his back, lifted the bottle and chugged, feeling his stomach getting tighter than ever before. At one point, after he had snuck away, he thought he might even be sick. He took himself upstairs and lingered in the bathroom for a moment, until he realised that he could indeed keep it down. He needed to sleep though, and, although he couldn’t be certain, he was fairly sure that an entirely new batch of shakes would be ready and waiting for him by the morning.
“Ten pounds,” Lucas announced one morning in the middle of the following week. He smiled pleasantly, knowing that Talon wouldn’t need any further context to know what he was referring to.
There came that grin and the devilish twinkle in Talon’s eyes. “Not a bad start…” he considered playfully. “I had noticed your…” he nodded down at Lucas’ middle.
Lucas immediately began to rub at his stomach. What he had considered to be nothing more than a simple bloat was clearly something a lot more serious, given how it remained in place, even that morning. 
“You may notice a slight difference in the taste of the shakes from today,” Talon went on. “I’m trying something new to see how it works.”
Lucas had intended his announcement that he had gained ten pounds to draw a line under the whole matter; a way to take back some control of the situation. He’d tried Talon’s shakes and they had worked. He’d clearly gained weight, both on the scales and in his slightly altered body shape. Case closed. Yet, seeing the way Talon was so quietly thrilled, Lucas’ resolve to quit was slowly ebbing away.
“We’ll have to start thinking about your clothes in a couple of weeks,” Talon went on. “Especially if these new shakes work out the way I think they will. Some of your stuff is already looking a little… distressed,” he smiled, genuinely delighted with himself.
Lucas’s heart raced. Was it the fact that Talon had been taking a keen interest in his body over the last two weeks, or was it the way he had suggested that he wanted to be involved in picking out new clothes for him to wear?
Talon looked over Lucas’ shoulder to check that no one else was lingering around. “I’ve got to ask this,” he whispered slyly. “May I see it?” Then, with that, he glanced quickly down at Lucas’ middle, leaving him in no doubt about what he was referring to.
Peering to check for himself, Lucas inhaled and braced himself. He lifted his shirt just a little; enough for Talon to see that his stomach muscles had been coated and the thickening middle was a more permanent feature than just a simple bloat.
Talon bit down on his bottom lip. “Oh… shit!” he marvelled. His large hands twitched, like he wanted to reach out and touch, but he resisted.
Lucas grabbed at the softening flesh around his waist. He now understood everything Talon had said in the past about fat; it really was erotic to feel that blubber under the skin. It was the reason why his next sentence seemed to bypass his brain entirely. “I think I want more,” he whispered, gazing longingly into Talon’s eyes as if he was the only person in the whole world who could fulfil that wish.
“How much more?” Talon asked, with a lustful urgency to his voice.
“I want a proper belly,” Lucas replied, picturing it in his head. “I want to be bigger than Jay. I think I could be huge.” Still feeling the fresh fat invading his stomach, Lucas’ lust began to overtake him. “I’m starting to think…. I think I want to be soft and squishy everywhere!”
“Oh, fuck!” Talon cried, losing all composure, his hands writhing with longing, until at last they strapped themselves onto Lucas’ hips and he pulled him in for the most passionate kiss that there had ever been.
Within moments, a shake had been pulled from the refrigerator and handed to Lucas. He tipped his head back, trying to keep a keen eye on the horny guy in front of him and then swallowed with expertise. 
“Shit!” Talon gasped, watching Lucas’ stomach bloating before his very eyes. “Look at you!”
Lucas burped discreetly, feeling the relief instantly, even as the shake was completed. “I want another!” he announced, pleased that his stomach wasn’t feeling even slightly full yet.
“Come on,” Talon whispered, pulling Lucas by his hand until he reached the refrigerator. He passed him another bottle to hold, then grabbed one himself and pulled Lucas through the living space and into his bedroom on the first floor. Once inside, the door was closed and the horny boy put the bottles to the side, pulling off both of their shirts and kissing Lucas with even more passion than before. In those moments, Lucas felt as though the world only existed for the two of them. Talon’s kisses were so intense, his large, roaming hands so skilled and effective, Lucas felt like he would never want to leave this room again.
After a minute or so, Talon’s intense arousal seemed to overspill into a need for action. He reached out for one of the bottles and popped the spout ready.
“Head back. Open your mouth,” the horny guy gently whispered, getting ready to tip it in. He seemed to shudder with lust when Lucas gladly did as he had requested. His free hand rubbed all over the swelling body, roaming from place to place like a kid at a candy store. “You’re amazing!” he breathed, seeing the contents of the bottle getting sucked down with increible speed.
Now Lucas was feeling it. The first shake had barely touched the sides, but this second one had left its mark. He wriggled uncomfortably and tried to turn slightly away from Talon so that he could burp up some of the gas. Talon simply lay his big hand on his back, as if to help. Then, in one giant, epic flow, the swallowed air came rolling up Lucas’ throat, catching him completely off-guard. Unlike the other guys in this house, Lucas wasn’t accustomed to burping in front of an audience, especially in such an extreme and noisy manner. But Talon seemed to love it, nuzzing his nose against the side of Lucas’ cheek and whispering ‘well done’ as if he now felt closer to him than ever before.
By the time Talon’s pants came down and the hunk’s thick, oversized hardness went on display, Lucas felt ready for the third shake. This time, he took the reins himself, sipping it down bit by bit whilst Talon stroked both of their erections. Lucas knew he couldn’t last long in this situation and, by the sounds and horny looks Talon was giving him, the athletic guy wasn’t going to last much longer either. By the time they both came, Lucas had leaned right back into Talon’s side, tipping the last few drops down his throat and wishing, more powerfully than ever before that he would one day have the capacity to keep going: to be Talon’s ultimate glutton.
Lucas had never imagined just how erotic it would feel to have his stomach stretched and admired as much as it was over the coming weeks. Despite Talon’s hedonistic, self-gratifying manner, Lucas could tell that the guy had fallen for him, hard. He could see the love in Talon’s eyes every single time they spoke; he felt cared for; worshipped even. And, perhaps best of all, there was very quickly a lot more of him for the big hunk to love. Just as Talon had promised him, the shakes and the food were packing on an ever thickening layer of blubber across his entire body. The mass of it was building in his stomach and spreading outwards into his glutes and thighs; not to mention his face, arms and chest. Very soon, his small pauch would pop out enough to become his actual belly, and neither of them could wait. It was almost unbelievable just how fast it was all happening; how quickly a guy could go from ‘fit’ to pure fat.
“This is more weight than you put on Jay now, don’t you think?” Lucas asked, enoying a naked Talon jiggling and kissing his new belly fat from down below as he himself lay on his back, completely satisfied after the most incredible sex they’d had yet. Talon truly was a master at everything he set his mind to. It was why his body was so sculpted, why his college assignments always came back with top grades (even with seemingly minimal effort) and why Lucas’ waistline already felt so absolutely out of control since his new lover had taken over his diet.
“I’d say so,” Talon agreed, lost in awe as he played with and admired the plush softness that he had created in Lucas’ stomach. “Although Sarah is definitely making her mark. When I saw Jay the other day his ass was looking…”
“Huge!” Lucas finished for him, nodding with complete agreement. “How has Sarah even done that? How has she got him to gain so much just on his ass?”
“It’s nothing more than genetics,” Talon shrugged. “Some people simply store fat differently to others. I could tell quite quickly that Jay was going to be a bit more padded in his rear than most. It’s one of the many things Sarah absolutely loves about his fatter body.”
“You talked to Sarah about all this?” Lucas asked in surprise. “Does she know what you did?”
“Of course,” Talon chuckled, as if he was surprised that Lucas didn’t already know that. “I picked up a lot of information about him that she needed to know: his favourite fatty foods, bad eating habits, his usual eating schedule. It’s important. I wrote it all down for her, even before their first date.”
Lucas’ eyes popped with even more surprise. He’d always assumed that Talon had just been having fun with Jay. He never realised how specifically he had targetted him. “Does that mean you keep notes on how to fatten me up?” Lucas asked, feeling strangely aroused by the idea.
Taon smirked, not answering straight away. “Of course I do,” he smiled. “With Jay, it was just a few scribbled sheets of information. But I’ve got an entire notebook on you,” he laughed, resuming his kissing of Lucas’ belly; only looking back up as he felt Lucas’ resurrected hardness tapping him on his broad chest. “I’m guessing that someone quite likes that idea?” he whispered in his deep, sexy voice.
“What if someone ever accidentally reads that notebook though?” Lucas asked in a slight panic.
Talon simply laughed at the idea and couldn’t have seemed more laid back about it if he had tried. “Well then, they would read in great detail all about how your very wicked, evil feeder is deliberately turning you into his perfect, chubby piggy!” he whispered seductively, kissing and jiggling the new blubber even more.
Overcome by lust for the idea, Lucas shot out with the only request his horny mind could focus on. “Talon, I want you to make my ass fatter than Jay’s!”
Talon smiled, as if he had planned everything perfectly; as if he had known weeks in advance that Lucas would make this demand of him. “You really don’t need to worry about that,” he grinned. “I know exactly what I’m going to do to you.” He laughed. “It’s all there, in black and white, all the way through my notebook!”
With that, strong Talon effortlessly twisted Lucas’ hips over so that the chubby guy was very suddenly lying on his front instead. Talon moaned in appreciation, Lucas’ thicker butt now level with his face. Lucas started giggling as the handsome man began kissing and worshipping his large glutes, feeling ever so slightly ticklish. Talon sighed with awe and lust, marvelling as Lucas’ ass got softer and squishier with each passing day. 
“Trust me, Lucas, I’ve got BIG plans for this thing!”
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ashbub · 11 months
wanted me
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genshin impact: xiao x gn! traveler!reader
contents: mild cursing! [4.2k]
IN WHICH: feelings are discovered a little too late.
❝ i'd be with you, is it too late to pursue? ❞
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Xiao often preferred to be on his own. It was far more convenient that way. No wandering attachments. No strings attached. No potential feelings hurt. Far better suited for his long-awaited life as a Yaksha.
His gloved fingers strayed over the pearls that adorned his neck, his touch wavering over the light tattoos that decorated his pale skin with a small sigh.
Or perhaps he had convinced himself over the passing years that he desired it to be that way. The lines of that lingering want have long been blurred amongst the blood that tainted his fingertips.
He quietly stood by the firm balcony railing of Wangshu Inn, the cool winds smoothly tickling his cheeks as his golden eyes remained focused on the twinkling lights of the Lantern Rite Festival. Whether he liked to admit it or not, the yearly festival was a slight comfort that warmly glimmered through the dark Liyue sky.
Of course, you had proven to be the exception when it came to desiring a company. 
The soft blue fabric of your ruffled kimono hugged your frame as you tentatively lingered by the rounded entrance, the delicate embroidery swirling into fluffy clouds that stitched around your waist. Lowering your softening eyes, they faintly reflected the wandering lanterns that playfully danced in the crisp air. 
You looked lovely. Xiao could never deny it.
"You always seem to know where to find me, Traveler." Xiao tapped his slim fingertips on the smoothness of the railing, his quiet breath mingling as the soft winds playfully brushed past the ends of his choppy locks. "Whether I like it or not."
You softly smiled, walking behind him with your warm fingers intertwined shyly behind your back with a teasing laugh of your own, "Hardly a challenge-" 
Your eyes lingered on the small platter that rested in front of Xiao on the edge of the railing- A pretty white plate with a generous portion of sliced tofu placed in the middle of the surface, small flowers elegantly decorating the edge of the food. It was homemade, slightly dropping at the sides.
"Almond tofu, huh." You murmured with a content sigh as he quietly handed you a wooden spoon, his firm gaze remaining focused ahead. "Is that for me?"
Xiao's delicate hands wandered toward the back of his heated neck at the sudden question, "I accidentally purchased an extra at one of the local stands." He clarified at your suggestion, scooping up some of the tofu to the edge of his pursed lips. "It would have gone to waste if I hadn't given it to you."
You let out a muffled chuckle, quickly gathering the almond tofu on the edge of your spoon before promptly shoving it into your mouth. You had tried plenty of Liyue cuisine from Xiangling during your visits to her kitchen, her excitement to have you try her visionary platters infectious- However, the tofu was soft and slightly sweet on the tip of your tongue, different from the previous spicier meals you had sampled.
"It's delicious!" You gasped out with the wooden spoon now remaining settled in the side of your puffed-out cheek. You turned to the young Adeptus, his golden eyes flickering with a soft brightness at your widening expression. "Are you sure you didn't make it?"
The tips of his ears grew slightly flushed at your question. Turning away from your nudging shoulder.
"Why do you say that?"
"It's a little sloppy looking, no?" 
Your teasing tone caused Xiao to snatch the ceramic plate back from your grasp with a hushed grunt, a small smile of his own that rarely tugged on the edge of his smooth lips. 
"Forgive me, next time the trash will be a proper place for an extra almond tofu." The Adeptus drawled out in the softness of the Liyue wind, the tips of his deep teal locks curling around the edge of his chin- Despite his choice of words, a warmth wrapped around his raspy voice that was damn near a laugh to your ears.
The festival night was filled with the melodious sound of traditional music played on ancient wooden instruments below. Musicians and performers walking along the cobble path brought tales to life through dance and song, while the aroma of street food vendors of matsutake meat rolls and rich rice buns wafted through the air.
Your own laugh was quiet, both of your shoulders softly brushing near one another as you stood by Xiao near the Wangshu Inn railing, admiring the scenic view that carried in front of you. Your smile slowly slipped away from your expression.
Next time.
You took a step away from him.
"Xiao-" You began with a wavering sentence, your normally firm voice slightly straining as his own softened expression finally reached your lowering eyes- "About that, I-"
"Is everything okay?"
"I plan on leaving soon in a few days, for Inazuma." 
The words hung in the air with a sudden weight, Xiao had finally turned to look at you as if your sputtered-out words hadn't fully sunk in for him. His gold eyes mingled with a warm shade of bright orange that felt like the embers of a flickering yet all-consuming fire.
The light blue garment felt heavy across your arms, the dark blue ribbon that wrapped neatly across your waist nearly tightening. "The next part of my journey calls for me to travel there, and considering the restrictions for traveling past their borders, I might not return to Liyue for a long time." You whispered out, almost to yourself as your cool fingertips began tightening on the thin railing.
"I see." 
"I thought it would be better for you to hear it from me." You quickly fidgeted for the pocket of your baby blue kimono amidst your sentence, the edge of a pearly white envelope warmly poking out from your side that you had been saving. "And I also thought we could exchange letters during my travels?"
The Yaksha glanced at the crinkled-up envelope you had directed towards his chest for him to accept, decorated with an assortment of stickers plastered across the white surface. His name was neatly written across the middle in dark ink. 
When he finally spoke, for a moment you could see his eyes softening before turning away as a gentle hand pushed the envelope from his direction back towards you silently. "You shouldn't have concerned yourself with that, [y/n]." Xiao murmured, "Focus your energy on your current obligations as I will with mine." 
Adjusting his lowered posture, he turned his gaze towards you and your dropped shoulders, his words reeking out with a sudden formality that you had often hoped he would never have needed to use on you. His gloved hands lingered across his stiffened arms.
 "After all, we were merely traveling companions in Liyue keeping the order and safety of this land. We have our priorities to remain vigilant on, I of all people would empathize with that."
Gripping the letter tightly in your fingertips, the words stung. Perhaps he had meant it as reassurance that it shouldn't be a hard goodbye- But merely? That was all he had accumulated in your relationship? The Yaksha already began to turn away from you, but he looked back for a moment at the sound of your cracking voice.
"That's not true, Xiao-" You cut yourself off in mid-thought, your right hand coming up to desperately to pinch at the bridge of your wrinkled nose and your eyes squeezing shut tight. "Of course, I have other things currently going on in my life, but the reason I suggested the letters was because I just thought that maybe you saw me as a-"
"Saw you as what, [y/n]?" Xiao heard himself ask in a soft sigh, voice flinty with barely concealed resentment, golden eyes flickering.
You snapped in frustration, then continued quickly before there could be a reply.
"A friend, Xiao, I thought of you as a friend." 
You raised the thick sleeve of your kimono to the end of your watering eyes at your faltering voice, the fabric warm against your skin. You tried looking everywhere but him. It felt embarrassing to cry all of a sudden. The Lantern Festival Rite lights didn't seem as bright.
"And it's pretty upsetting-" You managed out quietly with a rasp, the lingering taste of almond tofu stale on your tongue. "That you didn't even think the same towards me."
Tears blindly stung your eyes when you finally met up to reach his gaze, the words you needed to speak lodged painfully in your burning throat as you waited patiently for him to respond. It was too big, too scary, your heart was beating so fast in your chest that you thought it might break.
His expression had been searching for something incommunicable before noticing your tears in sudden realization. His feathery eyebrows carefully raised as his smooth hand reached for the edge of your shoulder in worry.
"[y/n], please wait-" Xiao began pleadingly, his pale cheeks softly flushing before trying to gather your attention, "My intention wasn't to-"
But you had already slipped away from him- Brushing his hand away quickly at his sudden touch with a curled-up bottom lip.
"Save it, Adeptus Xiao."
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"A friend, Xiao. I thought of you as a friend."
It was a simple sentence- Yet it burned through him with the way you had said it. Your eyes faintly brimmed with tears along your lowered lashes, the small smile that had lingered across your lips from your conversation before falling when you had finally looked at him.
You looked pained.
He didn't mean to hurt you. That truly hadn't been his intention, watching as the soft light of lanterns trails faintly illuminating the tear stains that lingered down your cheeks. He had wondered if the thousands of years had chipped away at his communication in general. For the moment he had suggested that you were just traveling companions when he knew that he clearly must feel more than just that- 
The soft, silver moonlight bathed the landscape of Bishui Plain, casting a gentle glow over the tall, swaying grass that accompanied his every step. The grass, kissed by a slight breeze, rustled like a bard's lullaby, creating a soothing melody that harmonizes with the occasional chirping of a wandering golden finch.
His gaze had wandered by a nearby stream that trickled softly by his feet, the gentle ripples of local fish humming by the shimmering pebbles amongst the fresh water. The yaksha had caught his appearance in the reflection momentarily. The mask he wore was intricately adorned with a harsh expression and aggressive long fangs.
Adeptus Xiao. You had called him.
You had never referred to him that way.
However, that's what happens, isn't it? His whole thing about avoiding attachments? To remain at a distance to protect others- It just hurts everyone involved if he got close to people after all he had committed, eventually. He had acted foolishly in allowing his feelings to fester.
His feelings for you. When did they get so complicated?-
Dark shadows had begun to take form near the edge of his feet among the reflection of the waters, and from the depths of the field, their distorted shadows illuminated by the pale moonlight. An eerie laughter filled the Liyue air as Xiao's stance harshly shifted to gather their location hidden amongst the swaying tall grass, echoing through the otherwise tranquil landscape. The shrill laughter was unique in the crisp air, echoing through his perked ears.
An abyss mage. He concluded to himself. A few of them.
The handle of his jade spear felt cool against his touch as it materialized with the palm of his gloved hand, grasping at the smoothness of the dark stone that began illuminating quietly. The jingle of his ameno gnosis that remained tethered to the side of his waist obediently churned at the sudden gust of wind that invoked around his gleaming weapon.
He needed to clear his mind.
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"You are finally awake, hm?"
Xiao felt the damp fabric of a rag rest across the warmth of his forehead, the soft crackle of the fireplace illuminating the empty kitchen. His eyes fluttered open slowly at the question, his dark lashes framing his pale golden eyes as he quietly placed his fingertips on the sudden dryness of his cracked lips.
He had been resting his back on a thin mattress on the polished wooden floor, a thick lavender wool blanket brought to his rising chest carefully. A stone pot quietly emits a faint swirling smoke from the rustle of the fire. The kitchen that was usually rumbling with the staff of Wangshu Inn to feed the patrons of the hotel in the mornings was quiet, the small shelves stocked with woven baskets filled with a fresh array of picked sweet carrots and radishes.
His light eyes finally flickered to your figure crouched by the fireplace, the side of your focused face softly lit by the crackling fire as your fingertips were wrapped around the slow-stirring wooden spoon within the warmth of the kitchen. Your lips carefully pursed while blowing away the thick steam that lingered by the edge of the spoon, your metal sword shimmering contently by the side of your waist that glistened with splatters of dark blood.
"You are a real pain in the ass, did you know that?” You continued with a small hum, remaining focused on the dance of the flickering flames and taming the bubbling cauldron. The Adeptus had attempted to rise with both of his arms to support his weight with a quiet wince, his ribs wrapped firmly with pale bandages that engulfed the soft tattoos that adorned his pale skin. “The very least you could do is try not to bleed out on my blanket Qi Qi gifted me."
He brought his gloved fingers to brush past the locks of his dark hair from his damp forehead, his faintly cut lips slightly curled at the sudden burning that flowed at the side of his chest.
 Those mages should have been easy- What was he doing? His mind had clearly been elsewhere to be so distracted-
"Here, drink this." Your voice was softer compared to the sternness of previous interactions, examining the dark patterns of your slippers with a small whisper. You had extended a small wooden cup to his grasp, a bitter scent swirling from the lingering steam. "All of it, even if it's gross, will help with the pain."
Your eyes were warm from the light flicker of the fireplace, glimmering contently. The soft blue fabric of your garments now trickled with fading stains of blood that appeared to have been scrubbed out in exasperation. A few locks of your hair were messily scattered across your forehead as Xiao brought his lips to the rim of the cup, his feathery eyebrows slightly scrunched together at the sour taste.
The fire had begun to seep into a soft flicker, the earthy stones that adorned with cast-iron pots and pans, bearing evidence of countless meals prepared with care. The fire within the hearth casts a comforting, orange-hued glow across the room, illuminating the worn copper cookware that dangles from the overhead beams as you quietly remove the wet rag from Xiao’s skin. Your fingertips warmly brushed against his pale skin with a small sigh flowing past his lips. You were tempted to touch the dark diamond that remained etched on his forehead.
“How did you find me?” He finally asked after taking another sip of the bitter drink that remained warmly in his grasp, his voice slightly raspy as a quaint smile tugged the ends of your smooth lips.
“You weren’t too far away from the Inn, it wasn’t hard to notice the Conqueror of Demons getting tossed around like a ragdoll.”
The night outside was quiet and contemplative, the moonlight pouring through the windows, creating pools of ethereal radiance that seemed to beckon you closer to the warmth of the fire. The golden eyes that rivaled the glimmer of the ancient coins that cluttered in the pocket of your kimono, often framed by long, dark lashes fluttered shut.
"I'm sorry." His voice was soft towards you, lowering his face into the palm of his hand quietly. "I really am, [y/n]."
You examined the cup that remained in his grasp, the dark green drink remaining halfway full. The quiet flickers of moonlight mingled with the edge of dark blue strands of his hair that curled beneath his chin.
"Just finish this up, silly." 
After an hour, the lingering smoke of the fire had smothered against the burnt pieces of coal that remained at the bottom of the fireplace. Xiao had remained quietly tucked into the warmth of the blanket asleep, his bandaged chest rising and falling with a light rhythm. You rarely saw the Adeptus look so exhausted.
Gathering up your things into the pockets of your leather satchel, you turned to examine him once more. The wispy fluttering of his lashes, the soft flush of freckles that decorated the tip of his slim nose. Your voice barely came out from the depths of your throat. "I'm sorry, Xiao, I should have listened to you when you were trying to apologize." You managed out, your smooth hands tightly clutching the side of your satchel with a sigh. "I was just hurt." 
You hesitantly placed a hand warmly on the side of his pale cheek, cupping his sleepy expression into the palm of your hand. "Please get better, okay?" You mumbled almost to yourself, the back of your thumb contently running circles over his cool cheek for a moment. "Out of everyone, I would be sad to not see your face when I leave."
You pulled your hand away, a soft smile mingling in your breath to raise back to your feet before feeling the gentle grasp of fingertips reach for your lingering touch.
 Xiao's voice was soft, a whisper that was loud enough to yell in such a silent room. It doesn't grate on your ears, you don't think it grates on his, either. The confirmation does little to make you move suddenly, though. His small hand pulls you back to the flushed warmth of his cheek. His touch nearly aching to press his skin to the place where your hand was. 
Your eyes slightly widened at his grasp for your fingertips, a sudden warmth spreading across your cheeks, "Xiao?"
"Please" He repeated, golden eyes remaining on yours before quietly sinking further into the palm of your hand with a small breath, "Stay with me for a little longer." 
Your breath remained lodged in the back of your throat at the warmth of his hand wandering on your fingertips. The growing warmth across his skin causes you to softly melt into his light touch.
"Okay." You whispered, "For a little longer."
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"He's gonna show up, [y/n]." Hu Tao smiles cheekily, placing a hand on your shoulder, her bright eyes shining with the soft flowers that encircled them. She had wore her classic black garments with buttons and her little hat, giving you a small poke on the side of your cheek. "I promise you he will."
It had been a few days now since you had last spoken to Xiao at Wangshu Inn. He had slipped from the window in the early morning before you could talk, leaving the thick curtains fluttering in the crisp Liyue wind. 
Now, it was the day of your departure, and Xiao was yet to be seen.
The bustling pier was a symphony of activity as the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the scene. Seagulls wheeled and cried overhead, their sharp calls mingling with the excited chatter of passengers and the clinking of cargo being loaded onto the waiting ship.
Hu Tao seemed to notice the small scrunch of your eyebrows, your shoulders slightly dropping while examining the ocean that rustled underneath the floorboards of the pier. "He's gonna be gloomy for weeks if he doesn't get the opportunity to say goodbye."
On the edge of the chaotic canvas, the ship stood like a steadfast giant, its crew working in a synchronized frenzy to prepare for the impending voyage. Ropes were tightened, crates hoisted, and sails unfurled. The captain, Beidou, a strong figure in well-worn crimson garments, barked orders with a sharp smile, and her crew scurried to execute them. The ship creaked and groaned, eager for the open sea.
Hu Tao had quickly excused herself to purchase you both some food at the local stand at the pier, her rose-tinted eyes shining brightly with a warm grin glossed across her lips.
As the salty breeze swept through the bustling dockyard, the sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over everything it touched. Amidst the clatter of cargo being loaded and sailors shouting orders, you stood on the edge, your heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
You wore a thick leather jacket, adorned with various trinkets collected from your past adventures, and your sturdy boots had seen their share of long journeys.
Your fingertips clutched the worn-out strap of a weathered leather satchel containing your meager belongings, a pouch full of mora, a notebook filled with sketches and notes from your travels, and a letter for the yaksha that you hadn't dared to hand to him again since the Lantern Rite Festival.
But just as you took your first step towards the gangplank, a voice called your name, rich and warm like a familiar melody, your eyes widening. You spotted the figure of a short, narrow-shouldered man approaching you toward the bustle of the crowd.
He was holding an envelope within his grasp. 
With unspoken sigh escaping your lip, you let your satchel slip from your shoulder and thud harshly against the weathered planks. Your feet carried you toward him, your breath came in short gasps. The world around you blurred as you saw only him, his small face slightly flushed and uncharacteristically out of breath.
His eyes were bright as his dark hair glistened in the sunlight, and the warmth in his golden eyes filled you with a sense of longing and comfort. "[y/n], the letters-"
"Please write me the letters you promised to send before." His fingertips lingered on the edge of your shoulders with a jagged breath, "Write to me every single day, I never want to miss your adventures."
As the last light of day danced on the water's surface, the ship's horn sounded again, a deep, melancholic note that signaled its imminent departure. Families hugged their loved ones, tears and laughter intermingling in their farewells. Vendors hawking their wares from colorful stalls, the scent of fresh seafood and roasted nuts wafting through the air. The constant hum of voices, footsteps, and the occasional blast of a ship's horn filled the atmosphere. Passengers and crew alike rushed on board, the anticipation of adventure and the promise of distant shores lighting up their eyes. 
"I wrote you one, to get us started." His envelope was simple, your name written in delicate cursive in the very middle as he softly scratched the back of his neck. "But please don't read it till after you depart from Liyue."
"I have one for you too." You quietly said, digging for the envelope that was engulfed with stickers, "For you to read when I have left."
Amidst the chaos, the ship stood proudly, a magnificent vessel adorned with billowing sails and polished brass. The crew hustled to load supplies, secure ropes, and perform last-minute checks. Passengers bustled about, clutching tickets and baggage, eager for their adventure on the high seas.
The embrace was a gentle, lingering one. His arms wrapped warmly around your frame, holding you close clung to him as your fingers sunk into his shoulder. Your bodies pressed together, a silent reassurance as your lashes fluttered shut, Xiao's familiar scent of almonds and sea salt mixed with the hint of Qixing flowers. You buried your face into the crook of his neck with a soft sigh.
"I will miss you." 
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The Adeptus stood alone on the balcony of Wangshu Inn, bathed in the soft, moonlit glow that cast a silvery sheen over Liyue. A cool, gentle breeze rustled the pages of the handwritten letter clutched tightly in their trembling hand. He hadn't opened your letter yet- Not fully, anyway, only taking a few peeks at the slight writing the poked out.
Xiao was enveloped by the gentle rustle of leaves and the fading hues of a setting sun. The air was cool, and the faint scent of jasmine lingered in the breeze. In his gloved fingertips, he tugged out the folded letter, its paper slightly crumpled from the uncertainty that had gripped them since its delivery at the pier.
As he unfolded the paper, the first few lines seemed ordinary, a recounting of shared memories and cherished moments.
A couple of sentences were scribbled out in ink. The words on the page were filled describing the stolen glances, shared laughter, and moments of silent connection that had been tinged with unspoken affection. He nearly chuckled at your comical scribbling to cut the letter short- But it was the very end of the letter that caught his attention.
"Babartos- What I'm actually trying to say is- I'm in love with you, Xiao. I want you."
He leaned against the balcony railing with a jagged breath lingering on his smooth lips, the golden tinge of his eyes crinkling at the motion of the words scribbled across the page.
The night was quiet, save for the distant hum of Liyue citizens rustling for the night, as the truth of the confession settled upon him with a warmth that flushed the ends of his ears. He gazed out into the dark expanse, realizing that the chance for love had passed, leaving them with only the echo of what might have been with a sudden tear drop staining the very edge of the paper. The letter became a cherished, painful reminder of a love that had silently, and tragically, slipped through his fingertips.
You had wanted him too?
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an: i was listening to steve lacey and it just reminded me of xiao for some reason :)
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