#personal favourites !!
slaingelo · 3 months
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been feeling really burnt out and just haven't been wanting to really touch tumblr but managed to draw this
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imagined-rubbermen · 4 months
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There's a lot that no one ever tells you about acclimating to becoming a rubber drone. Granted, everyone that used the Dronification Kit can't really talk about it, and most of them won't communicate just because their "master" forbids, or something. The lack of needs wasn't hard to get used to, if anything that's a lot of worries off my back. But no breathing? No talking? The lack of bodily functions felt alien. At least I could still see and hear, even if I lacked the body parts to do so. But my hearing and vision was so clear, so crisp, that it was overwhelming. The combined sensory deprivation and amplification was a lot to handle, so I did what usually helps me; I took a walk.
It was raining that night, and the rain kinda helped calm me down. I could differentiate each droplet hitting my new rubber skin, and it drowned out my anxiety. The increased sensitivity was a godsend now, and I savoured it. As I walked, my movements became more simplified, rigid, focused, yet flexible, softer, pliable. I assumed that's my flesh and bone turning into rubber now. The ideas in my mind about how to use my new body made me feel like my blood was pumping, even if I lacked such.
When I got home, I went to the bathroom to dry off. However, the rain made me so smooth, I got a little carried away. I relaxed and felt myself up right on the spot. I rubbed myself all over, my tightly defined chest, my smooth helmet like face, even my crotch. That last one was the biggest surprise, I didn't have anything down there. No shaft, no balls, no anus. There was a weird lock imprint on my bulge, but other than that, I really liked it. I knew I'd love being a featureless rubber drone.
Eventually I felt the sensation of climaxing; the rush, the release, the exhaustion, but I didn't come. After all, I didn't need human anatomy to pleasure myself. The best part? It took almost no time at all for my new rubbery, smooth, elastic body was ready for round two, and I went again, my body squeaking alone on the bathroom floor. After climaxing again, I let myself fall asleep on the bathroom floor.
It's weird now, my life that is. So many people think I have a "master" or an "owner" but instead I'm the master of my life. I'm made of rubber now, and if anyone gives me any issues, they can barely hurt me, while I show them what I can do. Now I have complete control of myself, my emotions, my body, my life. My libido is ready to fire on all cylinders whenever, and I can feel myself for hours sometimes, and can easily stop. I was like a machine, although I kinda am.
Of course, I saw an opportunity, and sometimes sell my "services" to lonely men that need that sexual satisfaction of an object. Of course they know I'm in charge, and getting into a fight with a rubber drone is not something I'd advise (although some of those guys really liked it, so what do I know?). I'll let them play with me. Some guys like to smell and lick me, like how I would play with rubber drones before I became one. Some guys would try to fuck me, although without any orifices, their shafts rubbed against me until they came. A few beat me, which I kinda liked, probably cause my rubber body would bend and twist with ease.
Mainly though I've found myself being kind of a therapist, letting men air out their emotions out. Sure, a few were still in the closet, and few were still a virgin. For those men, I went the extra mile. Of others, they'd just talk. I guess being a gay man can be isolating at times, like how almost no rubber drone I met seems to be independent. Unsurprisingly, being made of rubber meant I was comfortable to hug and cuddle, and in those moments, being a rubber drone is really worth it.
From that, my life is perfect now. The strangest thing is that I don't need clothing anymore. My body is so featureless that I don't feel naked, like my rubber skin is a suit anyways. Even when I do wear clothes I tend to mainly wear plain, oversized clothes, mostly gym stuff. However, sometimes at night I'll walk alone in the nude, just me and the night air. And when it rains like that first night I was a drone, it's so... Perfect...
It's not for everyone, maybe not even you. But if you still want to experience it, I'd suggest a gimp suit first before getting a Dronification Kit. Or if you just wanna find out what a rubber drone is like, I'm $50 hour.
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gummycatsss · 10 months
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joakim sandberg will never know the extents of the damage he caused my brain with agent black
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getawayfox · 1 year
What are your favorite Drarry getting together scenarios or tropes?
Hi Anon! I’m sorry it’s taken me forever to answer this but as soon as I started thinking about your question, lots of my favourite fics started popping into my head, and well. Here we are with a full-on reclist. To give you an answer: my favourite get-together fics tend to be low on angst and high on banter, full of longing and mutual pining, UST, and more often than not, laugh-out-loud funny. If Drarry are a bit older in the fic, I will love the author forever and ever. So here, have a list of exactly that:
Etched, Curled, Stationed by @tepre [T, 1,8k]
The day Draco Malfoy turned 21 was the day that 12 Grimmauld Place had decided, with all the grand and pointed fanfare that a house could manage, that it was him that was its rightful owner.
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed, lastontheboat [T, 10k]
Dear Mr Potter, The answer is, and will remain, a no. Sincerely, Draco Malfoy Accounts Manager, Phoenix Press Or: the one where Harry has writer’s block and Malfoy isn’t helping.
the long ways by @oknowkiss [M, 10k]
Five times Harry thought he was seeing Draco for the last time, and one time he didn’t. OR: what it’s like to fall in love, slowly and without realizing it, over the course of 20 years.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose [M, 13k]
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that.
Stupid Love by @the-sinking-ship [E, 17k]
Harry Potter, how does Draco Malfoy hate thee? Let me count the ways.
The Frisky Furnishings of Malfoy Manor by @writcraft [M, 20k]
The course of true love never did run smooth. Or: Hermione has a crafty plan, Harry and Draco are fake boyfriends and wizarding traditions have a lot to answer for. Featuring awkward dates, mince pies, a saucy sofa and a line of sequined house-elf haute couture nobody asked for but got anyway.
if you’ve changed your mind by warmfoothills [E, 20k]
The first Draco knows of the whole thing is Harry Potter standing in his broom shed.
Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants [E, 35k]
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis? Very hard, apparently.
The Four Ds of Apparition (or: Destination, Determination, Deliberation, and Dicks) by eidheann, firethesound [E, 37k]
After transferring to the Apparition Department, Harry's life becomes one big dick joke. And all his friends are arseholes. So is Malfoy, but what else is new? AKA Harry Potter and the eighteen twenty dicks.
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idiotwithbackpain · 7 months
birds are fun to draw
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Hannah's (Top 5) Favourite Horror Movies
It's so hot today and I already did all my laundry, so this took my mind away! ^^ Here are my favourite horror movies and (some of) my favourite quotes from them)! I love these movies so so much!! God they're so good!! I could see all these a hundred times XD Some fun facts about the movies and me watching them, cuz I can, under the cut.
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◇ In The Last Showing, Robert Englund was apparently able to 'not worry about' his bald spot?? I love that for him.
◇ I just love Chucky's Cuckoo's Nest reference XD
◇ When I had a huge crush on Sheriff Hoyt (don't judge me, you fools), I was consuming everything I could find of him on the bus one day-- and completely missed my stop and ended up far, far, away from where I wanted to be 😅 It was a hot day, too! 😅😅 XD Oops.
◇ My favourite quite from 3 From Hell is actually a Baby quote- I just couldn't fit on the gif: Look, suit; I gotta do what I gotta do. It's my rules or the Grim Reaper comes a-rollin' thru in a big black Cadillac; "Hey, bitch; hop in!" You dig?
◇ The Stepfather always makes me crave some good, gooey peanut butter toast. Yes, that is what he's eating when he's walking oh-so-casually through the home he just brutally killed his entire family in. No, I don't wanna discuss it with a therapist. Thank you.
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ask-gale · 11 months
(this idea is for a Tav who doesn’t speak a lot of common!)
Tav meekly headed over to Gale, holding a book in their hands. They approached the wizard, accent thick as they asked, “Gale… how do you say this? What does it mean?”
Tav would then hand over the book, putting their finger under the word they were confused over. Their face was flushed, clearly embarrassed over their lack of knowledge of the common language.
Gale greets them with a smile, always happy to help Tav out. He takes a look at the word.
"That's admiration."
He says the word slowly, making sure you can hear the way he pronounces it.
"It's when you hold something in high regard-"
He stops himself, trying not to make his explanation even mire complicated than the word himself.
"It's when you have a lot of respect for something or someone. Did that help a little? I'm always glad to help you out, so don't hesitate to ask more questions."
He says it with the utmost sincerity.
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chloearit · 1 year
// mentions of some... very bad things being done to children, csa, child murder, dubiously consensual things involving teenagers exploring their sexualities, but nothing graphic
It really wasn't a very unusual day.
I was walking the streets of Paris at night. Prometheus had been dismantled and the city was slowly returning to order. The year was 2299, I was 19, and it had been 7 years since I was forced to watch as she was murdered. I never saw any pictures of her, when I had the opportunity I didn't think I could take being reminded of her. The only place I saw her was in my dreams, a fading memory of her, always ripped away by the memory of her death, still clear and vivid as the day it happened, until I was given a vision of a different world where it had been me who died instead of her. She was given immortality, she was found by Sally, adopted and trained. I have to assume her family couldn't be found either. But there was something different about her. She wasn't haunted by my death the way I was by hers, she carried me with her everywhere she went. A memory - an alter - an introject of me who would guide her hand and protect her when she couldn't protect herself, like I had done when we were little kids. She dyed her hair blue, except for a steak of pink next to her right eye, where she'd otherwise cut her hair short. I didn't find out if there was any meaning to it, all I know is she looked super cute. She always wore headphones with big white cat-ear-like things on top, and constantly listened to music. She seemed happy. Happier than me. I kept wishing I could actually go back in time and pick that timeline. Maybe it did exist, somewhere out there, but even if reality shifting is real, it seems pretty set in stone you can only go to timelines where you are alive, and I didn't see any possibility where both of us made it out of there alive.
And then, one night, after an uneventful day, I saw her. Blue hair, pink streak, white cat ear headphones, sitting on some steps.
I stopped.
That's not even what she had ever actually looked like. She had black hair just like me when she died. It couldn't be.
Then she spotted me. And she looked at me in just the same way I was looking at her.
I stepped closer.
She stood up.
I slowly walked towards her.
She stepped down the stairs.
I came closer.
"I'm sorry, I-" She turned away.
I grabbed her arm. She looked back at me.
A long moment, we just stared at each other.
"It can't be," she finally whispered. "She would be..."
She took off her headphones. "Lúcia?"
"Are you real?" we both asked at once.
"I am."
She was the first to burst into tears. I hugged her, like I had never hugged anyone before. Something about her didn't quite feel human, a bit too stiff in some places, too soft in others, but she was real, undoubtedly. She was here. In my arms.
We sat down on the stairs together, both a bit light-headed and dissociated.
"You're really cold," she finally said. "And you don't look a day over 14."
"You're really warm, but you still look like a child, too."
"Well, yeah, I'm... basically I'm a robot. I don't know how they did it really, I guess they kept my brain, and... and they used it to build... you know. A sexbot. And eventually I got out and it turns out I'm compatible with a lot of cybernetics! So I started modifying myself..." She looked at me. "This all sounds absolutely fucking insane, doesn't it?"
"No, not really, honestly. Um... I'm kind of... like... a vampire?"
"Okay that does sound crazier than mine." She took a breath. "Holy shit."
"Holy shit..."
"I looked for you! I swear I looked for you! But I don't think you ever told me how your name is spelled, and it's pronounced so weird-"
"I understand."
"I kind of... assumed they'd just killed you too."
"Yeah, that's fair."
"And... well, you..."
"I... never left?"
"What?" She looked at me like I'd just read her mind. "Yeah... You've always been in my mind. Part of me thought it was maybe actually you, talking to me... Was it?"
"Um... no."
"Then how did you know?"
"I... wish I could explain that to you. It's a long story."
"Well, definitely tell it to me some time."
"Some time..."
Some time.
In the future.
A future... with her in it...
"For sure." I smiled like a fucking idiot and then started crying.
"Are you okay? Lu!" This time I collapsed into her arms.
"I'm okay, I'm just... holy shit. Holy shit, you're real. Holy shit, you're actually fucking here. You're not dead. And you remember me. And oh god, oh god, oh god, I never wanna lose you again! Please don't, please don't ever let me lose you again!"
"I won't. It's okay baby, I won't. I'm here. It's okay."
"I'm so sorry I didn't save you. I should've saved you, I should've! I should've protected you."
"It's okay. You did. I survived. I got out. I'm here. And you've always been there for me."
"You shouldn't have had to go through all that."
"None of us should have. But it's not your fault. You did everything you could. You couldn't have stopped it either way. You were twelve. And they were grown men."
"And you were ten. And I only-"
She closed my mouth.
"You did nothing wrong, bae. Really. You have nothing to apologise for."
She laid my head in her lap. I could hear the whirring of the mechanics inside of her.
"Please don't beat yourself up over it."
"How are you so much better at dealing with all this..." I said, looking up at her. "You're still, like, 17. And I'm pretty sure you got out after me."
"I was 13. 22...94? '95? Four years ago. Yes."
"'94. January. aged 14. right after I was turned."
"Ha! I knew it! Babyface."
"And how old are you supposed to be?" I jolted up.
She laughed. "Something around there, too, I think." She stretched out her arm as if inspecting her body, even though she was wearing long sleeves. "Real teenager-who-just-had-her-first-period vibes."
"Pretty sure those usually happen before you're a teenager."
"Wouldn't know, never had one."
"Lucky," I muttered. I hadn't even thought of that. But she was right.
She was real.
"You know, I kind of thought if I found you, and it turned out I'd just been talking to a fake you this whole time, you'd think I'm weird."
"What? No! Why would I think that? It's kind of... cool honestly. Comforting..."
"But like... what do I do with her now?"
"Keep her. Might be fun getting to talk to a different version of me."
"Huh, okay."
"Is she there?"
"What, right now? N- I mean- Yeah. But... I don't- I kinda wanna talk to you, myself, right now."
"All good."
"Thanks. - Holy shit."
"Holy shit."
Holy shit.
"So like," she took a deep breath, "How's your life been?"
"Um... oh wow. So. I was adopted. Her name is Sally Carriveau, she's a really good mom. She was a cop, quit to take care of me, she taught me how to shoot a gun. Since I'm a vampire now I'm basically immortal so I've just been... running around saving kids... and blowing their abusers' brains out."
"That's... wow! I don't really have any family, as far as I know there aren't any other robot kids like me out there."
"Oh yeah... I think we were... experiments, in making children that would never age, and could take way more abuse than real kids."
"Good to know the experiment backfired."
"Oh yeah!" I smiled. "Pretty sure we've already outlived all of the fuckers."
"You were thorough, huh?"
"Oh yeah. I was thorough."
"What have you been up to?"
"Just kind of getting by... Maintaining a body like this is expensive, but I've had some people help me out. I tried doing sex work since that's what I'm built for, but I - well I guess I actually still am a teenager - so a lot of the people were obvious fucking creeps. They paid well enough though, I can see why those bastards did this to me. But honestly I think I just don't really enjoy sex very much regardless. I can do it for the money, but I never really feel it. And yeah, before you ask, I am equipped to physically feel it. No idea if I should take that as a kindness or if that's a feature, but that's not it. I mean emotionally or whatever, I'm just not into it. - I guess it was kind of nice with you, given the circumstances."
"It was?"
"Yes. Maybe I'm demisexual or some shit."
"Ha! Yeah."
"I've run into the same problem though. Trying to date as an adult who looks like this... trying to imagine a future where they'll age and you won't. It's difficult."
"Whatcha into? Girls? Guys?"
"Girls. Definitely girls."
"Knew it."
"And then you also get weirdos who try to call you a creep for merely existing and trying to live an adult life as an adult who happens to look young. And not even that young. You know, there's real adults who look like this. I'm just short and thin. But you really just can't win."
"I get that."
"Maybe you've got the right idea with just forsaking sex."
"It's not a choice, it's just how I feel. If you want to feel that with another girl you should be able to feel it."
"Yeah, I know. I'm not even sure if I'm actually not into men, or if I just feel uncomfortable with them and at this point I've made being a lesbian so much of my identity I don't want to question it."
"You can still be a lesbian. The important part is who you do love, not who you don't."
"One time, I- it's a long story, but basically I ended up having sex with a guy before killing him. Dubiously consensual, on both parts, really, go figure, but that... kind of felt good. Having power over him, knowing I'd be the last girl he'd ever lay his hands on. Like, fuck, even just thinking about it again-"
"I can see that."
"Sorry, is that too much information?"
"It's fine. Probably not a lot of people you can talk to about those things."
"Not really, yeah."
We sat in awkward silence for a moment, then I asked: "So... did you have any plans for tonight?"
"No. Just hanging out."
"I wanna eat something. You probably don't consume food?"
"What do you run on?"
"Uuuuum, some hydrogen thing, same stuff they use for everything really. I can use fuel cells or I can plug into the mains, I don't really understand how it all works but it does. My mechanic can worry about that."
"I see. Well-" I got up. "I'm gonna grab something to eat, you wanna come with?"
"Yeah, of course!" She got up, too, putting her headphones back on.
"You've got to let me know what you're listening to on that later."
She nodded.
// by Lúcia
// alternate version with colour-coded text for easier reading: https://chloearit.tumblr.com/post/729915294100996096
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hazybellarecs · 2 years
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“The entire dorm reeks,” Remus offers, closing the door and sitting next to James along the cabinet, limbs overlapping.
James moves closer, presses his forehead to Remus’s neck and feels his pulse at his skin. He smells like parchment and the library and something like dog, something like wolf, it reminds James of the loamy smell of the forest at dawn, rebirth into flesh and the sun begging at the sky for its new day.
When he emerges from the warm cocoon of Remus’s neck, Sirius is watching, one knee propped up and his foot still on James. Remus smokes the joint and James looks to him, poking at his sternum until Remus grasps his wrist and holds it in his lap just as James was wanting all along.
“Prefect!” James chides.
Remus scoffs and knocks his shoulder under James’s chin and James is grinning and Remus is grinning even as he reminds, “Head boy.”
Sirius performs retching and they all collapse into lazy, weed-dry laughter. Remus’s arm is pressed against James’s torso and Sirius’s leg has nudged over his calf and it’s two points of contact that ground him to here, here, these two are all he needs.
the way we look like animals by dykesiriusblack (@dykefever)
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madebymaryssa · 1 year
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Long sleeve dress with swooshy high-low skirt and stomach pockets, featuring coordinating binding at the neckline and hem, and possibly too much work put into the shading.
June 2021
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slaingelo · 4 months
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h. um. so. i'm making a modern college t4t polycule au now. erm. blame her. oh my god. hhhhghhhgh women.
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maipiecmt · 10 days
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imagined-rubbermen · 4 months
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gummycatsss · 1 year
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it’s finally done! collab between my dear friend @raiinamoor​ and i! i did the base concept/sketch and they did.. everything else lol
/my portion under the cut!/
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hinamie · 17 days
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to moving forward
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#jjk art#yuji itadori#gojo satoru#fushiguro megumi#nobara kugisaki#itadori yuuji#megumi fushiguro#jjk spoilers#satoru gojo#jjk manga spoilers#hina.comic#before any1 says anything i KNOw his birthday is in december ik ik ik this is just 2 show some post-battle bonding after the trauma#its winter in canon n megumi's birthday has passed and he spent it being piloted like a mech so they need to celebrate Now!!#also this was technically a request lmao anon wanted megumi birthday angst hehehehhe i hope u like it <3 bc it KILLED ME DEAD#im going to collapse remember when i said this wasnt harder than the hydrangeas im having second thoughts#page 8 made me want to bash my head in#could have stuck with one flashback image could have left them monochrome could have done literally anything 2 ease the workload#but noooo the chronic overachiever in me would not allow it#rule of threes i had to include all of them and they Had to be in colour it wouldn't have hit the same if i had kept it monochrome#i needed it to look how childhood memories look i needed it to look oversaturated and hazy and fond but unmistakably Gone#it may have killed me but im so proud of this rn like from an art style perspective these megumis and yuujis r top tier by my standards#personal favourites r the first and last panel of crying megumi like not 2 pat myself on th back but expression?????? hello??????#enjoy your cake megumi you've earned it <333 sorry fr hurting ur feelings it will happen again#oh my god i can sleep tonight bless <333 and i met my 3 day deadline NICE im so good at what i do
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callisteios · 7 months
i made a character uquiz. i 100% promise you that you will get a character you know AND like
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