#peter calls tony dad
irondadfics · 1 month
hi!!! i cant find this one irondad fanfic and was wondering if you could help?
i remember it, if im not wrong, being a 5+1 fic (but tbh i could be misremembering that). i remember the first chapter being a very drugged up peter (after an injury i believe) calling tony "dad" and not remembering it, but thats sadly all i can recall
thank you!!!!!
sorry for the wait, but could Chapter 6 of this one be your fic?
Wait, What Did I Just Say? by Jen27ny
This is Part 2 of the Was that a Star Wars reference, Dr. Stark? series.
Peter was getting used to the fact that Tony was his father. The most difficult part: not calling him Mr. Stark anymore. So what should he call him instead?
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #130
You know that trope where SI employees call Peter "Stark Jr."?
Fic where Tony learns about this and loves it. One night, at one of their weekly Ironfam dinners, he gleefully brags about it in front of May
In retaliation, May says to Tony, "Okay, Parker Sr."
No angst miscommunications, just hilarity. Everyone knows this is about the honor of being included in each other's families
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madotornado · 2 months
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another meme redraw with them
(reblogs > likes)
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fbfh · 20 days
Had to take this to the professional 🫡
We need more dad tony stark content (literally anything you got)
Literally starving
Thank you 😌
thank you for giving me more excuses to talk about this. Tony is such a good fucking dad in general, but he's especially great when you get sick. if you're in new york, he probably notices cause you're not up as early as usual. idk where this came from, but I can hear him clear as day walking into your room and smoothing your hair to wake you up, saying
"Hey pumpkin, sun's out." you only grunt in response, but it's not your usual sassy I don't wanna wake up grunt. It sounds softer, like you actually can't get up yet.
"You feeling okay?" before you can answer, he's totally on it. "jarvis, run a vital scan."
He rolls you over onto your back so he can look at you. you look... pale. you don't have the usual vibrance to your skin, it's gray and faded. you look like if you weren't lying down, you'd pass out. Your eyes are puffy and watery, your lips are chapped. You're not yourself. While Jarvis runs a diagnostic scan on your vitals, Tony also gets to work. he carefully sticks a microneedling patch on your arm to check your blood - something Strange helped him whip up, among many other ways to monitor your health without all that clunky invasive hospital equipment - as Jarvis gives him the low down.
"Elevated body temperature of 101.3 degrees fahrenheit, swelling of the sinuses, elevated white blood count..." Jarvis rambles on and on while describing your simptoms, only interrupted by an agressive coughing fit.
"And a rather nasty productive cough."
You look up at him and try not to get teary, you know crying will just make you feel more dehydrated and achy.
"Dad... I don't feel good..."
He looks down at you so warmly, and with so much love.
"I know, kid."
He stands up, determined to do everything he can to kick this cold in record time.
"Alright, your schedule for the week is cleared." He cuts you off as you object. "Ah-bup-bup-bup. I don't want to hear it. You are officially on bedrest until further notice. Jarvis, order out for some of that soup we like, some cough drops, and popsicles."
He looks down at you.
"You want ice cream? What am I saying, of course you want ice cream. Jarvis, throw in a few pints of Stark raving hazelnuts and bunny tracks."
He grabs the remote for your tv, putting on your favorite movie and has dum-e wheel you in a box of tissues. He grabs some vaseline and cold medicine, along with a fresh cold water and your favorite flavor of sports drink.
"Now. I want you to lay back, I want you to stay cool, and I want you to get some rest. And you're a Stark, so staying cool should be no problem." He gives you a kiss on the forehead, then stands up to move all his work to stuff he can do at home, and tell Pepper to cancel or reschedule the rest so he can spend the rest of the day watching movies and tv shows with you between naps. You can hear him muttering to himself as he calls Steven over to come check on you. If you weren't so tired, you'd find it funny that the only person your dad trusts to be your family doctor is also a wizard.
"Can stop aliens from invading earth, I can make an arc reactor that can fit in the palm of my hand, how have we not cracked this cold and flu season thing yet?" he mutters, making a mental note to discuss it with the rest of the Avengers at the next team meeting. you drift off to sleep feeling a lot better than you did when you woke up, and thinking about debrief folders titled Avengers v. Rhinovirus.
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petergender · 3 months
you should be required to watch the 22 minutes of screen time peter and tony have together at least twice before every individual attempt at writing them
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hay-389 · 4 months
You know what’s sad that I just realized? I’m in the middle of writing a chapter from Tony’s POV in my Spider-Man fix it story, and I’ve made comparisons to how Tony and Peter are alike, because they are. I think the whole reason Tony really latches onto Peter is because he sees himself in him. He could have been Peter, had he lived a different life not having been born rich and with a father who wasn’t as absent as he was. I came to realize one more similarity though…that both Peter and Tony had watched their parents walk out the door not realizing that would be the last time they saw them. I wonder if that was another factor in Tony taking him on, because he knew all too well what it felt like to lose parents at a young age and not have that support. (With being Spider-Man. May and Ben were obviously there for him.)
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years
Hey! I just saw your post on the mini prompt and a minute ago i was thinking of fics where peter surprises people when he speaks Italian or Spanish. could you write one with something like this? Also i really love your writing style (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)❤️❤️
Aw! Thank you so much @stardustinmyeyesstuff !! I had a lot of fun deciding where to take this prompt. But I seem to have landed somewhere between a 'Peter and Tony Speak Italian' and ' Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark Dad' trope. Haha. I hope that's okay and that you enjoy it!
Here it is, just barely under 1k, at 995 words.
Mumbled Italian
If there was one thing Peter had learned about Tony over the last year, it was that he liked to talk. He liked to talk about everything all the time, and Peter loved it. The constant chatter meant he got to have amazing conversations with the Tony Stark! And in time, it meant being able to engage in lots of playful banter too.
In tandem, he learned that if there was something Tony felt he shouldn’t say out loud, he would simply grumble it under his breath. In Italian.
Often it was complaints. Sometimes they were about Pepper forcing him to attend meetings. Other times they were about FRIDAY being a little too sassy or how Captain Rogers was a know-it-all. Peter never said anything about it. After all, he wasn’t supposed to be able to hear it. Let alone understand it. But he had enhanced senses and an Italian aunt, making it very easy for him to understand every single one of Tony’s lowly spoken words.
For a while, it was easy to ignore whispered criticism. All the way up until the day he overheard Tony mumbling about him.
He walked into the lab and dropped his backpack on the floor. Then he and Tony greeted each other as he removed his hoodie.
“How was school?” Tony asked.
“Good! I aced my math test,” Peter said, as he crossed the distance between them.
“I knew you would,” Tony smirked. “You’ve mastered that material. Why are you even in that class? You’d do so well in a college dual-enrollment progra-” he said, pausing mid-word to change the subject altogether. “What are you wearing?”
Peter looked down, unsure of what he’d put on that morning. When he saw it, he blushed three different shades of red. “Oh my God, Mr. Stark. I just threw something on this morning. I didn’t even realize what it was,” he attempted to explain.
“Okay. That’s fair,” Tony replied, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. “But it doesn’t explain why you own it.”
Peter opened and closed his mouth several times while still trying to obscure the blatant Oscorp logo. “It was from a field trip,” he pathetically stated.
“A field trip, huh,” Tony replied. “And you kept the shirt? Wasn’t that trip a little, I don’t know- traumatic for you?”
“It’s just a shirt,” Peter struggled. “And I was wearing a hoodie over it all day. The only reason I took it off is you don’t like me to have strings dangling over the machinery!”
“Well, yeah. That’s a safety concern,” Tony said, “This, however, is just plain insulting. You wore an Oscorp shirt to my Stark Industries workshop,” he said, then abruptly stood up. “Actually, I’ll be right back.”
Peter sat down at his workbench to await Tony’s return. It didn’t take long. Twenty minutes later, Tony was coming back into the lab with his arms full of bags from the Stark Industries gift shop.
“Foremost, here’s the shirt you’re going to change into,” Tony said, tossing a black SI t-shirt Peter’s way. “But got one of everything for you. Including pajama pants. Did you know we sold Stark Industries pajama pants? Because I didn’t. One of those is for me.”
Peter shook his head and quickly switched out shirts, tossing the green Oscorp one into the trash bin beside the desk. Then he sat down to start his homework. And that’s when he heard it. Tony was sitting across from him, manipulating a new design while muttering under his breath.
“That child will be the death of me,” Tony nearly silently mumbled. Followed by “No son of mine is going to be caught wearing something like that,” and “Why do children always defy their fathers?”
Every word of it was spoken in fluent Italian.
Peter looked up, his eyes growing wider as Tony continued to grumble. Then, before he could stop himself, he began laughing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he breathlessly spouted. “It’s just that I can hear you, and I know what you’re saying and-”
“-You speak Italian?” Tony swiftly interjected. “How much of that did you understand?”
“All of it,” Peter cackled, “I understood every word, Dad.”
As Tony's cheeks began to pinken, Peter took a few deep breaths to stop the incessant giggling. He was sure that, outside of perhaps Pepper or Rhodey he was probably the only person to witness Tony Stark blushing in the last three decades. He suddenly felt a little guilty.
“I’m sorry,” he genuinely apologized.“I should have told you before that I could hear and understand you. But it was super easy to just- not listen? And after a while, I guess it just didn’t seem all that important?”
“Of course it was important!” Tony replied, but there was no hint of heat in his tone. “I can’t believe you speak Italian and didn’t tell me. Are you fluent? I thought you took Spanish in school. Wait. Do you know any other languages?”
“Aunt May’s Italian, So I learned it from her when I was little. I guess I’m fairly fluent. You’re right, I take Spanish in school and uh,” he said, pausing to mentally go through all of Tony’s many questions. “I know a little bit of Japanese just because I thought it would be fun?”
Tony blinked, then smiled widely and spread his arms. “That’s amazing.”
“You’re not mad?” Peter dubiously inquired.
“Nah,” Tony said with a small flourish of his hand. “Surprised, yes. But not mad. I probably would have said all those things anyway.”
“Did you mean it?” Peter asked. “You think of me as a son?”
“Kind of hard not to, kid. You’re a little mini-me,” Tony replied while ruffling Peter’s hair.
And all Peter could do was grin. Tony thought of him as a son and he couldn’t have been happier about it. “Thanks, Dad. You’re the best,” he said softly. But he made sure to say it in Italian.
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moritashie · 1 year
• All Tony wanted to do with Peter for his 21st birthday was to take him out and buy him his very first beer. However, he was met with an unimaginable amount of excuses, ranging from 'wanting to go out for dinner with May on that day' to 'Peter isn't planning on drinking. Ever.' and 'he doesn't want to be an inconvenience to Tony.'
• Little did he know that in Peter's uncle Ben's testament, Ben had left Peter $10 with a message. This way, in case his will would be used, he could still be the one to buy his kid his first drink.
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m00nagedreamin · 6 months
tony, to peter: i will not give you a cool half mil because you had a slightly sad childhood
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Dear Irondad & Spiderson fandom,
I have just found A MUST READ.
‘Put It On The Fridge’ Protocol by prongsredconvers
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ask-ursa-tonypeter · 9 months
[fic: wicked love] Soooo, iirc, Peter does call Tony "Dad" in bed. Tony and Peter, if that's ok to ask, - how does that makes you feel? Does it make the situation more awkward? Does it hurt? Does it feel right? Is it a turn off or a turn on? And just generally i wonder if you've discussed this aspect of your relationship at all.
Peter: Oh-- we really didn’t talk about it? It’s just… he’s my dad. I don’t even think about it, really. It got to where it didn’t feel weird calling him ‘Tony’ when I was Spider-man, but that was… It felt different. He didn’t see me as his son then, and now he does. And I… I mean-- don’t take this the wrong way, but-- I like that he’s my dad? That part is important to me, too.
…But I don’t know. I do kind of… Things did feel different between us when I was Spider-man, and I kind of miss some of that? He cared about me, but he wasn’t... trying to take responsibility for me like he does as my dad. Maybe changing what I call him at home could help us get back to that, but-- I don’t know if that’s even possible, really…
Maybe I should ask him what he thinks about it.
Tony: He calls me that because I’m his dad. There’s not really any point to trying to pretend it’s anything other than what it is.
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I love fics where Peter is actually a little shit cause most writers write him as a sweet cinnamon roll. And sure he is that when it comes to morals, but have you guys met a 14 year old? I am the oldest sibling and i promise you I have met every version of a shithead teenager under the fucking sun. And yes ALL of them are shitheads who WILL lie if they think it's funny or just for the kicks of it to any and all authority figures (i still do it and I'm 16)
In response to the Bernie's fic
he really gets the sweet summer child treatment in fandom and it really shows that a lot of fic writers have never spent extended time with a teenager in their life. like, i was a math tutor for a while, and like. a teenager myself for a FEW years, and you will NOT find a demographic more down to commit felonies for shits and giggles. i can't even say that he reads like a much younger kid, because honestly, fandom peter doesn't really read like a real person at all to me. like, he's insane. he's a good person. but he is insane. this is fundamental to him.
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #120
Fic where Tony survives the snap but loses his arm. It takes him a long time to recover, and Peter still has to go through everything with Beck and Strange. The reason Stark Industries isn't around to help him much is because Pepper and Morgan are completely off the grid with Tony, helping him recover in Wakanda (Peter would still be there too, but he had school and May -- Happy went with to keep him safe).
Now, May is dead, everyone's memories are gone, and Peter is completely alone. Or so he thinks.
In fact, the stones didn't just take Tony's arm. They changed him on a fundamental level. He is now basically immune to magic -- it slides right off of him, like water off his armor. So when everyone around him goes from promising that Peter is probably okay to not knowing who Peter is, he knows immediately that something is very, very wrong.
He doesn't care that he's "still severely medically compromised" and "possibly suffering from delusions please Dr. Stark would you stay in bed-." He's recovered for long enough. Now it's time to find his kid.
After all the hurt/comfort that this fic rightfully deserves, Tony discovers that there are definitely a few more perks to being immune to magic.
Bonus x2
He discovers this when confronting Dr. Strange
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kitcat992 · 2 years
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The only thing louder than each tap of Tony’s knuckles against the table was each attempt Peter made at clearing his throat. After six times, he gave up. Whatever lodged there wasn’t coming loose, and the best he could manage was a few swallows to keep his airway open.
Around that same time, Peter could see through the corner of his eye as Tony slowly took the goggles off his forehead. The way they were placed onto the workbench barely made a sound.
“Anymore panic attacks?” Tony asked, just as quietly as his movements.
Peter tried to make a face, but it didn’t happen. His lips pursed a bit to the side, but that’s as far as he got with his indignance.
“I really don’t know if that was a panic attack, Mr. Stark,” he insisted, feeling the tight pull on his brows when a grimace ultimately coated his expression. It wasn’t hard to forget the night Tony spoke of; it was the last time they were in this very workshop together. And with  much  hindsight, Peter realized it was also the night he’d become infected. “I mean, the symbiote was  right there on my backpack. That was totally my spider-sense trying to warn me, I just couldn’t…”
His words trailed off, and the silence returned. Only this time, DUM-E remained quiet — and Tony eventually swiped all the holograms away, sending them back into the monitor and clearing the space between them. The wires connected from the suit to mainframe were the only thing that acted as a barricade; more a tripping hazard, if anything.
“You’ve been hanging out with Maximoff too much, kid.” Tony leaned back a bit, both legs in front of him crossed and both arms folded over his chest. “I can’t read your mind.”
Peter scratched harder behind his ear before letting his arm drop down to the table. He kept his head low the entire time, knowing full well Tony could see him even if he avoided the man’s gaze.
“I couldn’t tell if it was...” Peter gave a rough shrug. Followed by another after that. “I dunno. Anxiety, or-or something.”
The words felt weird coming out of his mouth. It was a thought he’d had for months now, but it was only ever a thought. He heard it every day, always spoken inside his head — a daily echo that wouldn’t leave him alone.
When before he’d never question his strength, his fortitude, his competency and his skill — now it was all he could focus on.
How he felt weak. How he suddenly felt helpless.
Those thoughts always came in moments he felt anxious. And those moments always came when he remembered what happened in that bunker. An experience he didn’t let himself think about, let alone speak into existence.
Somehow, finally hearing it out loud — with his voice nonetheless — it felt...odd.
“Well,” Tony started to say, looking off to the side as he spoke. “You may not have been all wrong about that.”
The confusion that came next was enough to get Peter looking up at Tony, his brows furrowed so much that it aged him by years.
Tony looked back over at him, with a raised eyebrow in response.
“Your DNA was what latched that sucker onto you,” he reiterated, “but it didn’t activate until you had the excited neurons it needed to come to life.”
Tony’s reminder was met with more confusion from Peter.
“It required emotional instability, remember?” Tony dipped his chin low, ensuring his gaze stayed straight ahead. “And something tells me you haven’t been the peachiest lately.”
Peter couldn’t have looked away any faster if he tried, even if he had the Iron Man jet-boots to give him a head start.
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Peter VS Super Powered Pills
Peter was most definitely not high. But he might have taken a tad but more than the recommended amount of painkillers.
Now that wasn't usually a problem, but this just happened to be the super powered painkillers Mr. Stark developed a few months back.
One or two was enough to make him pleasantly buzzed and numb but three had turned him loopy and that left Peter resorting to calling Mr. Stark as he watched his distinctly thin and bony shoulders becoming curvy in the mirror. Peter didn't even know that shoulders could be curvy.
So....he has a problem, therefore he's staring at the three dots on the screen of his phone, which was progressively getting blurry.
The phone gave two rings before Tony's voice rang out, "Stabbed, broken limbs or angry aunt?"
Peter blinked and tried to think through the fog to formulate a response," Um....neither or wait there's more than two..so uh none?"
"Eloquent, so what's the problem kid? You don't usually call me at odd hours to just hear my voice now?"
"But....I like hearing your voice Mr.Stark, you talk fast.....and it's usually funny.....I like funny...did you know Happy was cracking jokes the other day. It was so weird Mr. Stark. Heh...."
There was a long pause and Peter checked twice to see whether he hung up. He could just make out a blurry grey screen but since he could hear Tony's breaths he put the phone back to his ear.
Finally Tony replied.
"Are you high, kid?"
"What! No why would you think I'm high, Mr.Stark? I'm not high, jeez."
"Uh-huh, then why are you weirder than usual?:
"Mr. Stark ....you think I'm weird....I'm sorry. It's so hard to be normal.....I don't think I know how to.....do you.. do you think I can learn?" With Peter's voice growing decidedly sadder and quieter to almost choked up, Tony's anxiety hit the roof.
" Peter did you take something, or did someone give you something? Where are you right now?"
"Aw Mr.Stark don't worry so much. I'm fine. No one gave me anything. But there was a fire and a beam might have fallen on me and it might or might have been .....on fire. And it began hurting so bad that I may have taken likthreeofthosepillsyougaveme."
There was a pause for five seconds and in a voice Peter just knew was gonna get him grounded for most of the foreseeable future. "What did you just say?"
" I took like three pills that you gave me and now I'm all loopy and my room's changing dimensions and May's on a date so I can't call her and I can't reach the splinters in my back but I can feel them and it's so itchy- "
"Take a breath, kid. I'll be there in ten."
" But you don't have to come all the way here....maybe I can swing over."
" Whatever you do, you will not swing here when you're as high as a kite. Cool your sticky little boots."
Peter was still listening ...somewhat. But the buzz had surpassed the loopy stage and now the voice and lights were dimming and blinking there's a ringing in his ears and everything slowed down till Peter thought he just stopped breathing entirely. Because his chest was like rising and falling so slowly and god, he can't even lift his hand. Why was everything so slow?
Then there's a noise and Peter can't make out if it was real or in his head or oh no what if he wasn't real? Then he blinked and Tony was looking down at his curled form in the bathroom.
"Are you real? If you're not then that's OK too. I don't mind imaginary Tony."
"Oh yeah, why's that kid? Because he's imaginary?"
Peter giggled,"No, because I can tell you anything and it won't matter because you're a gifment of my imagination."
" You mean...figment?"
The teen frowned. "Gifment. Like ....unicorns and infitely tessellated hexagon tortillas."
"Infinitely tessellated hexagon.....tortillas?"
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Peter perked up. "Yeah, Ned and I the other were having lunch the other day and then we used three pieces of bread to make a sandwich and it worked!.....that was so cool."
"Oh yeah, and then what happened?"
"That was amazing cos that totally proves that 3 fold symmetry sandwiches can make way for spherical sandwiches and tesselatted hexagon tortillas."
Tony snorted and grabbed the pill bottle,"Great. You know what everytime I think you can't get nerdier...well take another pill."
"WHAT ? But the whole problem was that I took too many...." His face scrunched up, eyes blearily trying to focus onto Tony but slipping every which way.
"Yes and the next time you do so you can be well assured that I will tell Aunt Hottie. But, taking out all these splinters are gonna be a while and clearly you're still lucid enough to talk about tesselatted tortillas and hexagon sandwiches and what not. The problem was that you're unaccompanied not that you took so many pills. Who knows what kind of shenanigans you might have been upto? The resident high superhero is me, kid. The spot's taken."
Peter's face scrunched in confusion but he obediently swallowed the pill and within a minute hid already droopy eyes closed completely.
"But you shouldn't be high Mr.Stark. Drugs are bad for you. You know that drugs can accelerate your heartbeat instantly and old people with heart conditions shouldn't do drugs."
" Thanks for that short stack. You called me old and sick when you're the one who's A- high,B-in a bathroom."
Peter decided to not respond to that by giving a half hearted eye role. Then sighing a little, he dropped into sleep and Tony quickly stopped his head from hitting the floor and laid him on his side.
The man huffed and set to work, carefully taking the splinters out and bandaging the cuts all the while with small smile on his face.
When May came back at 3 in the morning she found her kid curled up in the bed with a bright neon note stuck to his forehead.
"Is drugged, do not disturb.
Will talk about tesselatted tortillas
You have been warned.
May simply sighed and tucked the comforter in around Peter and went to her room to change.
She's dealt with far more than high and nerdy teenagers and their sober and nerdy mentors.
What she needed to do was flop onto bed and dream about the beautiful date she had.
"Mr.Stark, what's that on the table?"
"An Infinitely tessellated hexagon tortilla. I wouldn't recommend eating it but it exists, so woo-hoo for you spider-baby."
Peter turned red. "So you were there the whole time?"
Tony laughed. "Yeah kid. Did you think the splinters crawled out on their own?"
"No, but....ugh so you heard everything too?"
"Of course. 3-D printed this baby a few hours ago. So is your earning for weirdly geometric Mexican food fulfilled?"
Peter who shed every bit of embarrassment, was staring unabashedly at it with stars in his, said nothing.
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petergender · 7 months
yes I read irondad fics sometimes but I WOULDNT call it that..... you don't know them like I do........ 💔
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