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I gave in and drew some SpideyPool. I actually like how this turned out? It's really cute.
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thelittlestspider · 1 year
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peter/wade moodboard
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coryawillet · 7 years
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I wonder if Peter would like Johnny better at sex.
HAH. oh, i think johnny and wade are very different beasts, and i think it depends on what kind of peter parker you're asking.
i think johnny would definitely appeal to what peter parker thinks he wants. someone gorgeous and grateful – a true pillow prince, who lies back, looking gorgeous, and taking everything peter parker has to give. i think, the way i see it, peter parker loves to worship his partner, and johnny, i'm absolutely certain, loves to be worshipped. on paper, utterly perfect.
i think that's the difference between johnnypeter and peterwade – johnny and peter is perfect. no challenges to overcome, no biases to address - no further questions. but wade's a challenge - wade's constantly poking and prodding and pushing peter further. making peter do things he wouldn't normally do. making him try new things. indulge in thoughts he wouldn't normally act on. not only that, but wade - wade delights in giving, when he's with peter. and peter, while he at times insists he's selfless - really, really does deserve the attention.
not to say johnny would be inattentive - but i think there'd be a significant bias in his direction, because peter doesn't ask for much, and he'd probably get caught in his traditional ways if he didn't have someone to kind of forcefully push him past it. whilst wade has it as his mission to push peter into foreign territories. to get peter to reach horny heights never before seen.
and i think there are warring parts of peter - peter parker craves security and comfort, and spider-man craves adrenaline and danger - and just - i guess, i think wade manages to hit a sweet spot, there. he's fiercely caring - but never too safe.
so i think johnny is kind of exactly what peter is convinced he wants - and wade's kind of exactly what peter actually craves.
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shards-of-divinity · 3 years
WIP Wednesday: Spideypool
He turns the corner sharply and ends up with his face buried in a firm chest. A frankly embarrassing noise comes out of him and there’s an amused huff of a laugh from somewhere above him. Peter looks into a face mostly obscured by a dark gray scarf, sunglasses and a baseball cap, all framed by a hooded sweatshirt.
What little skin Peter can see is blotchy and an angry red in places and his eyes widen in realization as his thinks of Wade’s bright smile at him two mornings ago while they ate breakfast together. Panic flares in his chest but there is no way he could recognized like this with messy hair, dark circles under his eyes and wrapped in a thermal and oversized flannel. He realizes he’s stared for far too long and runs his hand through his hair while offering a lopsided smile.
“Sorry about that; wasn’t paying the closest attention to where I was going."
The taller man clears his throat and even thought Peter can’t see his eyes he feels that gaze sweep over all of him. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. I don’t often run face first into people are gorgeous as yourself.”
Peter’s heart kicks into overdrive; he’d know that voice anywhere. He blushes at the compliment, more affected than he would normally be because it’s one thing if Wade compliments his skills and agility or even how he looks in the suit---focusing on his ass per usual. He’s just plain Peter Parker now and those compliments are very few and far in between.
“That blush is doing things to me, sweet thing."
Peter scoffs, and reaching past Wade to grab the packet of cookies he truly does not need. “Peanut butter trumps Oreo filling any day,”
His teasing is met with silence and he feels a sense of deja vu at the faux argument, mind flashing back to a few days ago when he and Wade fought over the best cookies. He turns his head slowly and finds Wade staring at him pensively, a crooked smile flashing behind his thick scarf.
“I recall having a similar debate with a friend earlier this week. I have yet to prove him wrong.” Wade steps closer and Peter tilts his head to meet his gaze.
“It’s not like you make an effort to hide your real voice. You could’ve been creative and pulled a Bruce Wayne or built a voice-modifier into your suit, baby boy.”
Peter’s face heats up and he snatches the Nutter Butters out of Wade’s hand and dumps them into his overly-full basket. “I have the mask up more often than not, Wade. That plan wouldn’t even work, plus do you really want me to strain my vocal cords?”
That gets a deep laugh from Wade and he easily catches up to Peter before he rounds another corner. “I’d rather strain you in other ways.”
Peter glances at Wade out of the corner of his eye, trying to keep his blush at bay. He feels anxious even though revealing his identity would’ve happened sooner or later, he just wanted it under his own terms and not in the middle of a corner shop where he’s not exactly at his best.
‘Why should I even care about what he think anyway?’ he asks himself, but already knows the answer. His feels have steadily been growing, and now he’s finally bare and exposed in front of Wade who has idolized him for years as Spiderman. He’s let more and more of himself shine through the longer they’ve been friends but it took months for Peter to realize Wade is his best friend. Spiderman is a hero and someone, despite much criticism, many people look up to. Peter Parker is just a slightly socially awkward man, a genius but also
“Earth to Spidey. Come in, come in!”
Peter shakes his head and shoves Wade hard, putting a small touch of super-strength into it. “Just because you found out my identity doesn’t mean everyone else needs to!” He whips his head around, and sees a woman at the opposite end of the aisle with headphones on, bopping along with her music and singing to herself.
Wade whistles and pushes himself away from the cans of soup he nearly collided with. “Reeeeeeal subtle, you are not.”
Peter startles a bit when a large hand presses against the small of his back, and he turns; pressing himself into Wade’s chest as he looks up at him.
“Relax, Webs. It’s just me. I know you’re probably pissed you didn’t get to reveal yourself under your own terms, but you know you’re safe with me.” Peter watches Wade pull his sunglasses down and Peter’s own eyes widen as they meet Wade’s for the first time. They meet his steadily and his heart picks up.
“At least I hope you know.”
Wade’s eyes are so expressive and the softest brown. His hairless brows are knit together in worry and a touch of nerves, and his lips are turned down at the edges. Peter’s gaze sweeps over him slowly and lingers on those lips before looking back into his eyes that are darker and more focused on him now.
Peter blinks and turns more so he’s fully facing Wade. The sounds of people passing them in the street fade into the background when he shifts closer until they're nearly chest-to-chest.
“I know I can trust you, Wade.”
They get onto the Subway together and move through throngs of passengers until the come to an available spot. There’s nowhere to sit but there’s a rail above their heads and Peter reaches up as Wade stands behind him. The car jerks abruptly; he lets himself stick to the floor and rail and naturally sways a bit backwards. A gloved hand rests on his hip and Peter’s lips part with a sound too soft or anyone to hear but stays in place.
They’ve been more free with touches since Peter’s drug-induced admission but he feels so exposed now out of the suits. He glances over his shoulder and feels the weight of Wade’s gaze even behind the sunglasses. The hand squeezes lightly before letting go and Peter feels lost somehow.
“Our stop is next, Pete.”
“Y-yeah. It is.”
Peter curses himself again for not deciding to bring along his backpack to just throw his groceries in and web his way back home. His phone buzzes with a text.
Wade: That blush does things to me, Petey.
Omg who even says things like that??
Wade:Bet ur blushing right now. 😘
His phone accidentally slips out of his hands and Peter groans as it smacks him in the forehead before rolling over and burying his burning cheeks into his pillow.
He’s totally and absolutely screwed.
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avengerwindgirl · 4 years
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Date day! 🤭❤️
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speter-sparker · 5 years
Spideypool fic rec #2
ya boy is back at it again with the whole procrastination thing, and if I'm going down, ill bring all of you with me. 
other recs by me: X 
1) Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby   [90k, complete]
summary: A really long redemption story.
my thoughts: you know how every ship has That One Fic? The one that every person who recs fic recs? This is it. In a world where Peter Parker was never bitten by a radioactive spider (but still lives in a world of heroes), he still has a chance to make a change. 
additional info: found family, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, POV peter
2) Said the Fly to the Spider by BC_Brynn   [20k, complete]
summary: Peter is being courted by Deadpool. With words. And life-saving.
my thoughts: so damn good. the story is character and relationship-focused, with witty banter and dumb jokes - in short, the perfect spideypool fic. Pacing is on point, side characters are in character, just... *chef kiss* beautiful. 
additional info: friends to lovers, slow burn, POV peter 
3) the kubler-ross theory by antivenom   [80k, complete]
summary: Peter loses Gwen in a split-second of motion. It takes much, much longer for him to find himself afterwards.
(In which Peter deals with a loss that immobilizes him and permeates through every drawn breath. In which his grief is a visceral abstraction that he can touch, that he can feel. And in which, with a little help, with time, with acceptance, with anger, with sadness, with Wade, he learns how to live in a world without her.)
my thoughts: if you read nothing else on this list, READ THIS. It deals with the aftermath of Gwen Stacy’ death, and how Peter copes (or doesn't) with the aftermath. This story is a love letter to everyone who has lost someone - the stages of grief, the anger and confusion and emotion are so real. Everything is brutally honest, the author doesn't hold back punches - in fact, it's because of this that I love how Wade and Peters's relationship is written. They are both shown as flawed characters who are trying so damn hard and their relationship feels real. The same can be said for every character in this fic - the relationships with aunt may and MJ and other supers are beautifully thought out and written. 
additional info: HOPEFUL ENDING, slow burn, pre-relationship, hurt/comfort, POV Peter 
4) I'll Tell No Lies by doctorestranged   [78k, complete]
summary: When a series of murders take place, Peter Parker goes undercover in Sister Margaret’s to get intel on Tony Stark’s prime suspect: Deadpool. Except, Peter is horrible at lying and this seems like a dreadful idea. Peter goes in hoping to get enough information so that Spider-Man can save the day, but like everything in Peter’s life, it becomes a bit more complicated than that.
my thoughts: The pacing is so fun - it’s a murder mystery with a heavy side of romance, featuring Tony not-angry-just-disappointed ok-a-little-angry Stark, a very done Weasle, and one taxi driver. 
additional info: strangers to friends to lovers, SMUT, POV Peter 
5) Without Ever Letting You Know by TimidTurnip   [8k, complete]
summary: So something weird is going on with Deadpool, that's nothing new. Spewing flower petals is hardly the strangest thing the merc has done. The part that is confusing Peter is that Deadpool doesn't want Spider-man around. WTH.
my thoughts: mmm, hurts so good. Love how they examine Peter’s personality and relationship to Wade in this one. 
additional info: Hopeful ending, PINING, friends to lovers, POV Peter
6) i know your secret by jilliancares   [8k, complete]
summary: “I’m your new neighbor,” Wade forged on, oblivious to Peter’s state of shock, and he stuck out a scarred hand. Peter gripped it, feeling numb, and gave it a shake. Did Wade realize who he was? No, clearly not. He was acting way too normally. Wade was one for dramatics.
my thoughts: Fluff CENTRAL. Wade and Peter are given a playful relationship that can only be described as puppy love. 
additional info: fluff, identity porn, friends to lovers, POV Peter
7) The Naked Truth by CAPSING   [20k, complete]
summary: Wade is not a cat person. But maybe he'll make an exception to get into some cute guy's pants.
my thoughts: CAT FIC! THERE'S A CAT!
additional info: pining, strangers to friends to lovers, vet!peter, Wade is still Deadpool, POV Wade
8) The Boys Wear Red... by Orcusnox (Cat9894)   [108k, complete]
summary: Wade is a hero, Peter is a merc. 
my thoughts: HOLY HECK??? if you thought Spider-man 3 was dark, Raimi ain't got nothing on this. My biggest worry going into this was that Peter and Wade would just swap places and character, but that could not be further from the truth. Peter is dark, but in a way that fits who he is, who he would be if he jumped off the deep end. Everything in this feels thought out and works well together - the character writing is smooth and logical, even for side characters. The plot is fun and exciting, the banter even more so. 
additional info: Hopeful ending, some smut later, gore/violence, past mentions of abuse, frenemies to friends to lovers, POV Peter
9) Allostasis by ruralfishingcat   [42k, complete]
summary: Peter had a tendency to put up walls to isolate himself; even as Spider-Man, he could only suffer through so much death and destruction. It was precautionary, really, and those he'd pushed away would thank him were they aware of the circumstances. Of course, Deadpool had his own tendencies, one of which was to break down said walls (fourth ones included). As grating as it was, a small sliver of Peter hoped the mercenary would be able to succeed.
my thoughts: fucking cute my dude. Identity porn to the max, and a butt crap of pining. 
additional info: friends to lovers, protective Wade, identity porn, POV Peter
10) what light through yonder window by hellornothing   [14k, complete]
summary: The figure moves quickly, but Peter’s faster. He’s still adjusting to the sudden brightness, so dark red is really the only thing he takes from this initial encounter, but it’s enough.
-aka the one where they get together via late night window visits
my thoughts: THESE TWO! *clenches fist* ya know? just them realizing they have massive heart boners for each other 
additional info: friends to lovers, fluffflufffluff, mama mia that's a lot of F’s, POV Peter 
11) Patron Saint by isaDanCurtisproduction   [58k, complete]
summary: Peter is desperate. Hungry and alone on the streets, he's ready and willing to do anything to change his situation, even if just for a night. And sharing a stranger's bed would be no hardship, especially when the alternatives include dumpster-diving for dinner and sleeping, arms wrapped around him, beneath a chilly and indifferent sky.
Then a man named Wade Wilson steps into his life.
my thoughts: The plot is simple and allows for GREAT character moments. I clutched my heart cause they were so cute and just GAAAHH! the chemistry is great, the banter is fun, the plot is on point. 10/10 would (and do) recommend 
additional info: strangers to friends to lovers, no actual smut, be prepared to clutch a titty, identity porn, pining, homeless Peter, POV Peter 
12) better than being alone by darkavengerz (darkavenger) [6k, complete]
summary: Peter's been asked to attend a children's birthday party as Spider-Man, and he's surprised to discover someone else masquerading as him when he turns up at the party.
my thoughts: this is so them. the story is character-focused and just so gosh darn fun. I love my boys just harassing each other for funzies 
additional info: friends to lovers, fluff, POV Peter
13) Nobody's Business by DittyWitty   [6k, complete]
summary: Peter really wasn't supposed to out himself to Deadpool.
my thoughts: insecure Peter, meet insecure Wade. Now go use big boy words and fucking COMMUNICATE
additional info: friends to lovers, POV Peter
14) you grow up and you lose touch by scarlett_starlett   [53k, complete]
summary: Peter always thought that when he had kids, there would be someone by his side.
Instead, he has a mouthy mercenary acting as a chef every night for him and his newly adopted son and a narcissistic billionaire philanthropist paying child support on the sly. But Peter figures it isn’t all bad, especially when Miles loses that dullness in his eyes whenever Wade slips on the banana peels he ‘strategically’ places all over the apartment for Peter as a joke.
my thoughts: usually not one for kid fics - the kids aren't well written and characters tend to be OC. But this one, this one, just shattered my every expectation. The relationship between Peter and Miles, Peter and Wade, and Wade and Miles is phenomenal. The story and plot are wonderful, with themes that you can't help but sink your teeth into. The pining is off the walls. The characters are rounded and complex and grow so much with each other. I cannot recommend this one enough, please by GOD go read it
*** side note: go read everything by this author. go, get outta here! go! 
additional info: SLOW burn, friends to co-parents to lovers, PINING GALORE, POV alternating but mostly POV Peter 
15) A Vicious Cycle by DecimalDrones   [2k, complete]
summary: Peter can't remember the life he and Wade supposedly shared together. It's alright as long as he's happy, though, isn't it?
my thoughts: y’all. Y’ALL. okay, this one is short and sweet but when you finish, go back and read it a second time. The double meaning and context make this fic DELICIOUS. I also recommend checking out their other fics - they’re a bit longer but still easy to finish in a day. 
additional info: established relationship, POV Peter 
16) on staying around by WylderWolf   [4k, complete]
summary: Fourteen pages of loud fart noises.
(also there's some, like, emotions and stuff, and then they bump nasties. it's pretty rad.)
my thoughts: charming little thing with pining wade. Also, they’re both idiots (but what's new)
additional info: friends to lovers, pining, smut at the end, POV Wade 
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Tony: But why would Peter like you? Wade: Well, I guess he somehow overlooked my terrible personality and hideous face.
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spideyposting · 2 years
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incorrect spidey quotes (part 1/?)
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buckysoldatbarnes · 7 years
lets just all give a big sigh of relief that there was not one other white male teenage character in spiderman: homecoming, because petermj, peterliz, and peterned definitely wouldn’t have stood a chance. as it is, theres a huge surge of peter x reader, and peter/tony and peter/wade fic (those last two are pedophilia in this reboot btw, peter is 15 in this movie), as fandom literally turns to any alternative rather than shipping peter with friends his own age, because they are poc. i guarantee you, if ned had been a skinny white guy, they would have been shipped like crazy. hell, if flash had been white, people probably would have shipped them too
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lakka-arts · 2 years
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He pulls in a deep, shuddering breath the moment his fingertips touch the downy fur within, and his eyes fill with tears that spill over immediately. Geralt is at his side at once, wrapping an arm around him in support.
“I miss her so much,” Jaskier says, voice choked, and Geralt pulls him into an embrace, swaying slowly back and forth as Jaskier cries, one hand still pressed to his mother’s pelt.
“pelt stewardship, and other signs of devotion” by @penandinkprincess on ao3
okay. I concede. I’m absolutely obsessed with @penandinkprincess’s selkie!jaskier verse (WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND CHECKING OUT PLEASE). I was reading the first fic again and I couldn’t help but illustrate one of the softest scenes ever in it <3 <3
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thelittlestspider · 1 year
random silly nicknames/petnames wade calls peter:
- the peteman
- the petemeister
- petes
- petermayer
- sweetness
- baby/babes/baby boy/your babelyness
- honey
- my sweetie
- dearest
- my special man
- peteness (peter vetoed this one bc it sounds too much like penis)
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binoculares · 7 years
what light through yonder window -  hellornothing
The figure moves quickly, but Peter’s faster. He’s still adjusting to the sudden brightness, so dark red is really the only thing he takes from this initial encounter, but it’s enough.
aka the one where they get together via late night window visits
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backroombuzz · 5 years
Rolling Stone, Peter Wade Deplorable Trump Hate Article
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Peter Wade of Rolling Stone accuses John Kelly of now admitting the White House was in Chaos and not the "Well Oiled Machine" Kelly claimed it to be. Not only is this fake news BS wrong, but what Peter Ward wrote was, one of the most reprehensible, dishonest, Trump hate, Liberal bias stories of 2018
Read More Here https://bluepillsheep.com/rolling-stone-peter-wade/
Read the full article
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shards-of-divinity · 3 years
WIP Wednesday: Spideypool "Sensation"
There’s dark circles under Peter’s eyes and his hair is a matted and sweaty mess from being in the mask all night when he glances at himself in the foggy mirror. He bites off a groan when he steps under the hot spray, and stands there for too long before finally snapping out of it and reaching for body wash. There’s no shampoo, but Peter isn’t surprised. His hair will be a frizzy mess from just using soap but the mask will hide it until he goes back home.
He washes slowly, taking care to not get his bandage too wet by turning and angling himself away from the spray. The water is just this side of too hot but the fact that Wade’s shower stays hot for more than the eight minutes his own does and has powerful water pressure is too good to not indulge in.
There’s pounding at the door that snaps Peter out of his haze. “Hey, did you get washed down the water spout, baby? Need some mouth-to-mouth because I am here for that shit!”
Peter laughs and accidentally swallows a mouthful of water. “N-no, I’m good!” he calls between coughing. “Your shower is freaking amazing though; gonna come crash here more often just for that.”
“You can be naked in my apartment whenever you want but you cannot have pancakes whenever because I’m about to eat your share. They’re getting cold, and I’m getting lonely!”
Peter sighs and turns off the shower, grabbing the towel from it’s place folded on top of the toilet seat. “That stack of pancakes is for you anyway; I know you’ll make me a fresh batch that are nice and hot.”
“Hot cakes for the hottie! But seriously, get your ass out here!”
Feeling silly, Peter pulls on the surprisingly fitted sweats and his mask again. He wrinkles his nose at putting it back on but keeps it rolled up over his nose and mouth to compensate.
Peter hums as he takes his first bite of the fluffy and warm pancakes, syrup soaked into them just enough. “Oh my God,” he moans with his mouth full. “This is so good!”
Wade squeals and holds his hand over his forehead. “Be careful, sweetums. You’re getting close to triggering my praise kink.”
Peter rolls his eyes and shoves Wade but quickly eats another forkful of food. “Seriously, if I had enough money you could just be my personal chef or something because these are the best pancakes ever, and I need them all the time,” he says in a rush.
There’s a long beat of silence and Peter looks up to see Wade just staring at him but his mask stretches with the pleased smile forming underneath. “Oh, Spidey, this is so close to how I imagined our first morning-after being. Well. There’s way less clothes, and way more love-bites, plus we’re not eating in our masks, but this is pretty accurate. You fawn over my cooking and we use the entire gallon of syrup for activities---”
Peter ducks his head and take a bite of fluffy eggs to hide his blush. Did Wade really imagine that? He normally flirts with Peter like it’s going out of style but there’s a slight difference in how he originally started and their more recent interactions.
He glances at the half empty afforementioned gallon of syrup. “Never had the real stuff.”
“Well, you’re gonna learn today! Now Aunt Jemima is a really nice, and gorgeous gal but there’s nothing like actual Canadian from Canada maple syrup. It actually runs through my veins, right next to the chimichanga sauce.”
They fall into a comfortable silence as Peter pulls another two pancakes off the platter between them and Peter marvels at feeling so content here in Wade’s apartment. If it were anyone else it could’ve truly been a night after spending time with a significant other, banting and flirting over food and settling in for a lazy Saturday. The thought makes Peter tense for a second and slow down.....
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speter-sparker · 5 years
Spideypool fic rec #1
*** favorites
other recs by me: X  
1. Seven Ways To Woo by ann_fortunately [one-shot, 10K, POV peter] ***
summary: "I have a mission. Seven days, two people, one purpose, and three years of doing it absolutely wrong according to the social rules of pursuing romance."
or: Peter and Wade have known each other for three years now. If in Peter's opinion Wade has suddenly started acting strangely, it's most probably true.
why you should read it: friends to lovers fic that is so sweet your teeth will rot on spot. A+ characterization with Peter Parker as a pining smart-ass, Wade Wilson as a smitten kitten, and me as a shaking mess. The pacing is consistent and easy, the wording is smooth, and every time I read it my stomach fills with butterflies.  
2. Propositions by stuckybarnes [three-shot, 8K, POV peter]
summary: “Yeah…” Deadpool drawls. “Anyway, Pretty Boy, I have a proposition for you.” This makes Peter kind of want to throw up. Propositions by Deadpool always end up with them in varying degrees of pain, and a lot of explaining to do with the Avengers.
Wade finally convinces a very tired Peter to go to New York Comic-Con with him and enter a Deadpool and Spider-Man cosplay contest, sure they'll win. Obviously. It doesn't go exactly as expected, and Peter is not thrilled.
why you should read it: pre-relationship fic with ASD Peter. More humor than fluff, but its a close call. Their relationship is well written and the characters feel lived in. The characters are fun and on spot, with a charming plot that is executed with as much grace as can be afforded to these two characters. 
3. It Had to Be You by fancastical [two-shot, 20K, POV peter]
summary: Or, Five Times Deadpool Recognised Spider-Man and One Time He Didn't
why you should read it: friends to lovers. this fic was originally a one-shot, with the first chapter being the 5+1, but chapter two came in as a lovely surprise, and while I myself am hesitant to read or even like “afters” in fics, the second half feels as natural and is just as entertaining as the first part. It's the kind of fic you'll find yourself trying to hide your smile while reading and squealing with delight. 
4. Peter's Ghost by QueenRamsia [three-shot, 27 K, POV wade]
summary: Peter is dead. He’s been dead for two years. But he’s still with Wade. He haunts him every second of the day. Wade turns around and there he is, watching him through his dingy apartment window. His voice has been added to the cacophony of Wade’s mind. And Ellie is growing up alone.
why you should read it: post-relationship. okay, not gonna lie: PLEASE be careful what mindset you go into when reading this. The entire thing is an angst fest, and at its lightest is bittersweet. When I finished reading, I couldn't even cry. The story does have a satisfying ending that I would describe as hopeful and deals with the aftermath of losing a loved one. Ellie is wonderfully written in this, and she and Wade share some tender moments and scenes that were stunning. The way they write grief and learning to live after loss is phenomenal, and the plot is captivating and entrancing. 
5. morning in the burned house by antivenom [WIP, 34 K, POV alternating]
summary: Wade’s got a defense mechanism. Grin and bear it.
But the thing is, Wade’s angry into his bones.
(Or, this is what happens when a seemingly unassuming, run-of-the-mill hit gets personal)
why you should read it: enemies to friends to lovers. this isn't light-hearted Wade Wilson. It's more akin to his origin comics, where his laughs feel more like tears. The humor is dark yet charming, and while flashbacks are USUALLY to be a no-go for me, the author does a tremendous job of making every bit of their story captivating and enchanting. Wade and Peter learn about and grow from each other, and watching their relationship go from “fuck this guy” to something more is captivating and the author nails it. 
6. Join the Club by HashtagLEH [WIP, 53 K, POV alternating]
summary: Homeless and mute after everything Peter has been through, he somehow makes friends with Deadpool, as Spiderman. And then he meets the Avengers, as Peter.
Or, alternatively: “Spidey and Deadpool: the Mute and the Motormouth” (a title by Deadpool).
why you should read it: pre-relationship ft. the Avengers. The fic focuses on Peter and coming of age in less than ideal circumstances and builds relationships that feel authentic and kind. It is an interesting take to have a character known for his quips silenced, but the author handles it well and with grace. 
7. BF(F) by Carol989 [6/6, 10K, POV peter]
summary: Five times people thought Wade and Peter were a couple which, seriously, where did they get that from? They are not a couple, stop asking. They are just friends now, and did plenty of friend stuff. Like kissing. And one time people were right.
why you should read it: pre-relationship. Oblivious Peter, smitten Wade, dare I say more?
8. Half Your Age (Plus Seven) by fancastical [17/17, 80 K, POV peter]
summary: In which Deadpool has oddly specific and frustrating morals, Spider-Man has excellent friends, his lab partner has an opening for a bassist, Johnny Storm has the warmest feet, and everyone has had enough of hearing Peter talk about Wade Wilson (except Aunt May: she’s always glad to hear he’s back in town).
why you should read it: friends-to-still-friends-to-STILL-friends-to-lovers. Pining galore ft. Aunt May, Johnny Storm, Mj, and some curious band friends. While the focus is on Peter and coming to terms with his love life, the relationships he has with the other characters (BFF johnny storm is my weakness) are what make this fic. LOTS of relationships and character growth all throughout. For those of you who want a head over heels in love Peter pursuing Wade, this is the fic for you. For those of you hesitant to that (like me), this is also for you. Just... all of you, read this. 
9.  In Which Peter's an Oblivious Idiot by coffea [one-shot, 3K, POV peter]
summary: The five times Wade tells Peter he loves him and the one time Peter gets his head out of his ass.
why you should read it: pre-relationship. oblivious peter and pining wade. sweet and funny and smooth as fuck. 
10.  Off The Record by crookedswingset [16/16, 138 K, POV alternating] ***
summary: Peter Parker is a corporate lackey whose sole job is to root out problem executives who waste Oscorp’s money and time. Wade Wilson is a reserve Avenger on the hunt for a prize even Iron Man couldn’t nail down: the real identity of everyone’s favorite webhead. 
Too bad most people think Spider-Man is Harry Osborn.
why you should read it: hands down my favorite spideypool fic. The world-building is fantastic, all the characters (and there are a LOT) are wonderfully written. If I could marry a work of art this would be it. 
11. Petey and Wade are obviously an item, so why is Spiderman trying to be a Homewrecker? by isaDanCurtisproduction [21/21, 38 K, POV peter]
summary: So, Peter and Wade are dating. Wait, scratch that, they are totally engaged (Peter will show you the ring). Fiances for life, amiright?
Everything from here on out should be totally happy-go-lucky, right?
If your answer was, "Of course not, Peter's life will never be easy," then you're on the right track.
Peter's life is difficult, and as far as anyone (himself included) knows, it's never going to be easy. 
...But why do the Avengers have to hurt him like this?
why you should read it: established relationship (duh). Focuses heavily on Peters relationship with the Avengers team. All of them are well written, feisty, and you can't help but laugh at the horrible situation Peter/Spidey finds himself in. 
12. we're on a highway to hell (with a little bit of heaven) by dabblingwithwords [22/22, 107 K, POV peter] ***
summary: Hydra has had Peter in their custody for three years. Deadpool is hired to break him out. Throw in an alien symbiote, motels, and superhero explosions and things get gay.
why you should read it: strangers to friends to lovers. wonderfully written, with venom playing wingman, wade playing mother, and peter being exasperated. the plot is captivating and the tension is riveting, keeping you on your toes and holding your breath. watching wade and peters relationship grow is wonderful. Watching them fall in love is breathtaking. Every time I read this I feel short of breath and NO not cause of my asthma. couldn’t recommend this lovely thing more. 
13. Wolves by Saucery [WIP, 53 K, POV peter]
summary: Peter is falsely accused and sent to jail, where he meets the violent ex-mercenary, Wade.
Or: Prison daddy Deadpool looks after his boy.
why you should read it: okay, okay, okay. The pining is *kisses fingers* superb. Despite what it sounds like, the fic doesn't dive immediately into “I'm horny let's DO this”, rather the relationship develops organically and the tension (both sexual and plot) is palpable. Watching Peter navigate his new life is like watching an intense game of chess, where he's going head to head against mob bosses, the system, and a new mysterious program that just might be too good to be true. 
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