#phantom type 💀
fiie · 10 months
♡ Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade Guide! ♡
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Hello, im fie !! 🩷 welcome to my guide on how to download the jujutsu kaisen mobile game. *UPDATED*
* I have an android phone btw, so that's what this guide is written for :) I don't know much about apple devices. initially, i was planning to figure it out for both types of devices, but i dont currently have an apple device i can use to test things on (im sorry apple users ;-;)
*UPDATE*: Some changes with what vpn options work
-> Acquiring a VPN *UPDATED*
Ovpnspider is an app you can download in the google play store. All you have to do is download it and then set your location to japan.
The publisher of the game, sumzap, has made it difficult to access their game even with a vpn. As such, most well known vpns will not work. I've done some research and one that still does seem to work (and is free) is ovpnspider.
✅️ VPN acquired!
tbh this app can be hit or miss. Sometimes it works perfectly fine and I have 0 issues, while other times it continuously struggles to properly connect. If you have trouble connecting try choosing a different connection in the app or even restarting your phone.
-> Making a jp google play store account
Before we do anything else, open up your phone settings > apps > google play store > storage > clear data and cache.
Make sure your vpn is on and set to japan.
Next, open the Google play store and let's make our jp account! You don't even have to sign out of your current account. Just click your account icon > then the drop down arrow > add new account > create a new account
✅️ 🎉 now we have a jp google play store account!!
-> download the phantom parade app!
Make sure you switch over to your newly made jp account. After doing so you should find yourself in the jp google playstore.
Next, simply search up jujutsu kaisen phantom parade. Even though we are in the jp store you should still be able to type it in English and find it.
Once its finished downloading open up the app....
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 aaaaaand we're in 😎
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Tap to start!! It will probably prompt you to check off the terms and conditions and then ask for you to type in a name you wish to use for your in game account.
Next, it will ask to download the rest of the game resources. (this might take awhile)
Tip for navigation: the red button is usually the ok/next/confirm/accept button
✅️ Game installed and ready to play! yay~
And that's pretty much it!
Keep in mind whenever you want to play phantom parade you will need to turn your vpn on and have it set to a japanese location otherwise you won't be able to get into the game and will run into a communication error (picture below)
-> * Communication Error
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The game can be really picky at times. If you're having issues and keep getting the error message try restarting your phone, reconnecting to your vpn, and then opening the app again. I found when using ovpnspider that sometimes choosing a different japanese location would fix it too.
Update: Turning notifications for phantom parade off also seems to lessen the frequency of error messages.
-> Translation overlay
Having difficulty navigating the menus or understanding what's going on? Consider downloading a translation overlay app!
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Using this will allow you to translate all the text on the screen with the press of a single button. Unfortunately, the translation isn't very good, but it's decent enough to gain a basic understanding of things. It often has trouble properly translating character names just because of how kanji works. In the example above, you can see it often will translate yuji's name to yuhito lol.
The app i often use for this is called bubble translate and can be found in the google play store. It's super simple to set up and use!
-> Free SSR ticket
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Just a small note, but after you finish the tutorial for the game you will be gifted with a ticket for an SSR character of your choice. When you first use it, it will pull a random SSR character. If it's not the character you wanted, don't worry you will be given the option to re roll or accept. Just keep re rolling until it pulls the character you want.
The SSR characters that can be pulled are:
Satoru Gojo
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Toge Inumaki
Maki Zenin
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
And that's everything! I hope you have fun with the game and good luck with your gacha pulls! I hope you all get your faves!!
I might make a more in depth guide on how to actually play the game detailing the gameplay and the different characters/abilities/events/ect. if enough ppl are interested (???)
If you have any questions feel free to send me a message via ask or dm and I'll do my best to respond. 🩷🩷🩷
-> Extra
My friend convinced me to add the shitty rundown of the main menu I made for her to this guide💀 so here
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customize home screen: pick who u want on the home screen/ change background/ ect.
Characters + equips: where you can look through all your characters and equips as well as upgrade them and setup your party.
Gallery: rewatch cutscenes from the main story, events, and extra unlocked scenes
Home: the screen we are currently on.
Gacha hell: gacha hell. (where u roll for new characters and equips. There are 2 forms of currency paid & free. Some banners can only be pulled on with paid)
Character profiles/ranks: everytime you upgrade, level up, use a character they get points. idk think of it like your friendship level with them maybe ?? You get rewards from getting characters ranks up.
Quests/missions: where you go to actually play the game. Main story, events, expeditions, ect
Event popup: shows the limited events currently taking place & how many days are left (in this picture theres 4 days left for the even displayed)
Mail: in game mail where the devs sometimes send us nice things
Tasks: ongoing tasks like dailies and stuff that you complete by playing and get rewards from
Footprints icon/ I didn't know what to label this but they are dudes that gather materials for you: ap, money, character and equips level up mats. They are always gathering stuff for you so even if you haven't played the game for a bit they'll have stuff for you.
Exchange shop: bunch of different shops to exchange materials/items/ect
More options: has settings/inventory/friend list/ user profile and more
Okay, done for real this time! Byeeee and thanks for reading my guide!! I hope it wasn't that bad and i was able to help :,)
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Gonna throw up If I can't talk about them-
Bunch of Aiden analysis under the cut because he's just SO OBSESSED CODED AND NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT 😭 (I will be very weird about it)
The way it's so doomed from the start. He's already so fascinated by her. It's in the little jump he does when she sits in front of him, like a secret they're both in on, like her sitting in front of him is some obscure way of her inviting him into a conversation.
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Why is he like this (not positive but not negative either)
He has such a cocktail of personality traits and, most certainly, mental disorders, and his own history that makes it so, when he's in love, that it WILL blow up in his face.
The fact that he's been homeschooled for his entire life- he has no idea. HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW. He doesnt realize that its not normal. of course he doesn't :( His parents obviously leave him alone for long stretches of time and he doesn't seem to mind this. He hasn't had the chance to develop his social skills at all-
It's why he's so, let's be real, creepy. Ash makes it very clear she's not interested and he just keeps worming his way into her life. He plots so that she'll go on the field trip, he follows her around, he goes to her fucking house on the first day. LIKE, HELLO? RED FLAG?
He's having evil thoughts here I swear 💀
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And already so quickly after meeting her he makes Ash his priority. He asks to sit next to her, he engages and makes an effort to talk to her. Tries to joke around with her. Gives her a nickname. Touches her. He's so touchy.
And defends her!!! When Tyler gets pissed at Ash, he honestly goes off on him even tho he KNOWS Ash can defend herself- and he's so...dark about it. There's a threat hidden behind his words. He's MAD here, right? Tell me I'm not crazy, please-
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He also very clearly has violence on the forefront of his mind 💀 He's the first one to actively attack the phantoms; not to defend himself, not to defend somebody else (well, he pulls Ash out of the way), but for fun. And he's disappointed when they don't scream. He's sadistic, he likes causing pain, it's something he relishes in.
I mean look at how he smiles!!! None of the other kids have such an...active ENJOYMENT in fighting the phantoms, but for Aiden, it's almost like he finds relief in it, some way to vent out his frustrations. He's eager for a fight, for a thrill.
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That's how Aiden sustains himself, he pretty much operates under "I'm here for a good time, not a long time." Everything he does gives him a boost of adrenaline, no matter the consequences. He got into a fight? Eh, who cares about all the bruises, at least it got his blood rushing. Broke a bone while doing parkour or smth? Whatever, the way his stomach dropped when he was falling as totally worth it.
It's a very dangerous mentality to live with, obviously. He's an adrenaline junkie. He's an addict. More than anything else, Aiden wants something that makes him feel alive.
And what makes you feel more alive than love?
Like not to minimise or anything but he's known her for like. 2-3 months- and he's already SO scared of losing her. Like I just don't think he would have had this type of reaction with anybody else besides Ben. He would have absolutely lost his shit if Ash 'died'.
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He's a straight up love junkie. He's obsessive. Nothing beats the high love can give you. It overrules everything else. If Ash (or whoever he's interested in) feels bad because of smth, he's done with it.
He LIKED dying. He LIKED the adrenaline rush. But he won't do it again. Not because he had some realization that he didn't want to die, that he still wanted to live and do things, but because Ash was upset. Because this, this rush of care from her part, the way she was so scared of him dying that she was shaking, nothing could fill the hole in his heart better than that. And now that he has a taste for it, he won't let go easy. He will keep on living- if it means Ash will be by his side.
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Which is a very dangerous position to put her in. Ash already feels responsible for her friends, and she doesn't even know that Aiden has "put" his life in her hands, not that it's her responsibility, because it isn't, but she will certainly feel responsible if Aiden does something FOR her.
Like He's so fucking obsessed and he doesn't even realize it- like look at how he sees her 😭 THE HEAVENLY GLOOOOOOW, LIKE SHES AN ANGEL AND HE THINKS SHE CAN SAVE HIM. BABY SHE CANT, YOU HAVE TO SAVE YOURSELF.
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He could spiral so fucking bad. He could do some absolutely heinous things. Because he just doesn't know. He doesn't know how to love truly, yet. For him love really is that rush of adrenaline, the knife carving out his heart, he could be putty in her hands, or her executioner. This love that can be so obsessive, that he NEEDS it to function, like its water, like its the air he breathes. Its a compulsion, a fixation, a longing that burrows into your very soul. Ash doesn't even know what she's getting herself into-
Godddddd, it makes me so sick/ pos, it's SO FUCKING INTERESTINGGGGGG. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
I literally cannot function around this drawing 🫠
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The. The hand. That way he's grabbing her. He's pulling her back. Towards HIM. like "this is mine. And I'm not sharing." And that little fucking look in his eyes, he just looks SO fucking pleased with himself. And Ash looks so...resigned. they're so doomed-coded, i love them so bad.
I don't know how I was supposed to NOT make a killer au, when he's just...like that around her.
Love is a wonderful thing. But love is also cruel, it is vicious, it is possessive and obsessive, and it will leave carnage in its wake.
Romantic love is an obsession. It possesses you. You lose your sense of self. You cannot stop thinking about another human being. -Helen Fisher
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starpunkssgalaxy · 5 months
another sbg headcanons post 🤝
- ash will randomly get the shakes after everything that happened in the phantom dimension, if you look through her phone camera roll a lot of the pictures are blurry because she cant stop her hands from shaking
- ^ aiden lends her his rubix cube (other fidget toys) to try and help her calm down and give her something else to focus on
- taylor lovesss rollercoasters and will always drag tyler along, tyler isn’t terrified but they’re definitely not his favorite
- logan has a pair of converse that he needs to retire so bad, these shoes are hanging on by a thread its so bad 😭
- aiden can fall asleep anywhere, like tf are you doing in the sink??? (if he didnt have insomnia. we all seen those eyebags he dont sleep lol)
- ben is really quiet when he walks so sometimes he’ll just appear behind you and scare the shit out of you
- when the group needs bait/a distraction everyone always turns to tyler and taylor. they use the “get help” strategy, its usually tyler leaning on taylor like hes hurt and taylor screaming for help (guys say yk what im talking about 😔, thor and loki?)
- aiden trying to lighten the mood after being in the phantom dimension: so.. smash or pass?
everyone else: 😐
- aiden the type to tell the exact same story 15 times to the group forgetting hes already told them the story but they listen every single time too
- logan knows how to breakdance??? he just busted it out randomly one day and everyone was floored 😭💀
- when ben is mad/annoyed he does that thing cats do where he’ll just slowly slide something off a shelf or table onto the floor
- group went roller skating once and obviously ash was amazing at it, and ben, taylor, and logan were pretty good as well but meanwhile aiden and tyler were just either tripping eachother, holding on to eachother for support or dying laughing when one of them fell and ate shit
- in class they were assigned those fake babies you have to take care of, logan? amazing at it but was so tired afterwards. ben? pretty good but is a heavy sleeper so slept through the baby crying. taylor and tyler made a good team but tyler almost lost his mind when the baby would just non stop cry. ash evil eyed this thing the whole time, would carry it around by the head 😭 also had her headphones on 24/7 because she couldn’t stand the noise. aiden left his in the freezer, and then couldnt find it for days.
- ben is INCREDIBLE at carnival games, even the rigged ones. the people that own the game booths have genuine beef with ben lmaoo
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illubean · 8 months
Can you write a scenario/headcannons where the hxh characters have a crush on Zoldyck!reader? (I think reader would have such overprotective brothers, killua and illumi lol)
HXH with a crush on Zoldyck!reader
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight, Chrollo Lucilfer Type: Fluff?, Headcanons, Gn!reader
why is illumi the only one with eyebrows and a mouth in this photo
Warnings: none
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Kurapika Kurta
out of his two older friends Killua thinks Kurapika is the better option
but he still doesn't like the idea of you dating anyone
like his dear older sibling is giving their attention to someone other than him? unacceptable!
Kurapika is a lot more reserved with his feelings than Leorio, leaving not much room for Killua to meddle
so the younger boy just watches from afar
he gives the blonde glares and intense side eyes, and when he feels he's getting too close he won't hesitate to swoop in and steal you away
Kurapika is pretty smart so he's probably found a few ways to get around your brother
after a while of you two talking without Killua's knowledge you eventually get together
one day he caught you two holding hands under a table at the diner or sitting at a bench
he actually screams
with erratic gestures to your guys' hands he's like "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN"
the boy is slack jawed
he thought he did such a good job keeping you separated
"watever just...don't hurt them or anything!"
Leorio Paladaknight
Killua's first reaction to learning this information is "No way, you're too old for my sibling!"
Killua babes he's only like 19
Leorio is by no means subtle with the way he feels about you even if he thinks he is
Killua makes it his life mission to keep you separated 💀
The group is splitting up and Leorio volunteers to go with you? So does Killua. He wants to sit next to you on the train? Aw too bad, your little brother is already sitting there
but if by some miracle you get away from your brother he doesn't waste a single moment in asking you out
after learning that his attempts to keep you separated failed, Killua gets a little pouty
"Seriously? You chose THIS guy!?" "What the hell is that supposed to mean you little shit!"
knowing you guys got together doesn't stop the boy from trying to get in the middle of things though
he's a pro at this point
he will find a way to crash literally any date you plan on going on soo you guys gotta be secretive about it
you probably had to come up with code words in order to plan dates 💀💀💀
Chrollo Lucilfer
the only way I see this working is if you were already part of the troupe so lets go with that
out of literally anyone on the planet he just HAD to have a crush on a Zoldyck
to say your family wasn't pleased would be an understatement
especially Illumi
the Zoldycks typically don't do -ships...like friendSHIPS or relationSHIPS so Chrollo pining for you is definitely an issue
and when two of your brothers end up joining the troupe after you
let's just say Chrollo isn't having the best time.
Kalluto is a lot less aggressive or opinionated on the matter than his eldest brother, but he still isn't fond of the idea of you ending up with the leader of the phantom troupe
he finds ways to draw your attention away from Chrollo
whereas Illumi isn't so passive
if he catches the head of the spiders so much as glancing at you he's going to stand in his line of vision with a stern "Stay away from my sibling."
and just to keep things easy on himself Chrollo heeds these warnings
well..until he's able to catch you alone
you guys are gonna have to date on the dl and be SERIOUSLY sneaky
dating while coming from a family of assassins is not an easy feat
In conlusion alongside being professional assassins, the Zoldyck boys are also professional cockblockers
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amxrany · 4 months
Going into Vil's dream now lesgoooooo (warning i cannot find a lot for vil's segment for some reason so if i miss a lot of information im so sorry):
So I understand why they released Tapis Rouge before this update, because we are now in The Queen's Film Studio, where Vil tells everyone to look forward to live broadcast of the Diamond Film Awards (this is most likely a reference to another Diamond in-game)
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(sheesh new vil outfit again)
But basically yeah Vil's dream is to be the fairest of them all and he got Neige as his assistant 😭
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Rook sees that it is indeed Neige, and the group tries to get closer to Vil. But Vil called Grim a stray cat and shooed him away, he's now sad :((
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Vil assumes we're paparazzi and tells Neige to throw us out, and we find out that Vil just abuses Neige. So the group tries to convince him to report Vil, but Neige becomes blot and tries to fight the group
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(I like their weapon it looks neat)
They defeat Neige but security is now after their ass, and it's revealed that Diamon Film Awards is a type of awards show for actors and that in reality, Neige was the one who won the award. But in this timeline, it's Vil who wants the award. Not understanding how Vil changed, Idia mentions that Malleus's magic allows them to experience happy dreams, and those dreams can also release any resentment you hold deep inside.
We then go to Vil receiving his award, but Rook stops him by telling him his time in NRC, but Vil tells him he doesn't know what he's talking about; and we go through the dizzy-but-is-trying-to-remember-everything segment again. However, the darkness was swallowing Vil up, and we couldn't save him in time because Neige managed to sink him down even further but Rook used his unique magic to follow Vil
So basically this next dream is the "What if Vil succesfully poisoned Neige and won VDC" scenario, we're in the part where Neige actually drank the poisoned apple juice and yknow, dies, and the dwarves are surrounding him crying
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Epel uses "Sleep Kiss" to see if there's still a chance in saving him and let's just say it's the most Snow White reference I've ever seen. Oh and Rook is on the verge of breaking down
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On stage, Vil's team has won VDC, but Rook and Epel come in to stop Vil by reminding him how he overblotted, and that causes Vil to wake up. Vil is back to normal and he's grateful that Rook and Epel came to save him and Epel said of course, we're your hunter and poisoned apple after all
The darkness comes back again to swallow Vil, but Rook and Epel aren't letting go. But idia orders Ortho to tell Rook and Epel to let Vil go. So you guys remember that one part during the last update where Idia fight his own phantom in OB!Form? Yeah we're doing that too but with Vil.
It's similar to that of the concept of Persona 4, where you learn how to accept yourself, even the ugly parts of yourself. Because Vil decided to use his weakness as his strength and overblotted to fight against his own phantom
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MORE EVIL LAUGHTER AS VIL CELEBRATES HIS VICTORY DECLARING THAT HE'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF THEM ALL. We are then transported back to the fake event with Dream Neige where Vil tells him that he is indeed the most beautiful of them all (that is so true queen go slay)
Pomefiore all go in for a hug, and the others join in as well
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Sebek was surprised that Pomefiore wasn't just all about beauty, but they were really strong as well, and then Idia thought it was funny to show their Absolutely Beautiful cover in which Vil proceeds to ruthlessly criticize them for it 💀
Vil receives his own invitation of deafeating Malleus and that's where the update ends
HOOOO BOY where do i start, this update is so funny it honestly took me forever just to look for parts of Vil's segment. But assuming that we're going backwards the next update will most likely focus on Scarabia so manifesting that we get a Kalim card next so that we can complete the light trio fr fr
Anyways, see you soon in the next update!
Previous: Rook's Dream
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
imagine if reader is given an ancient scripture from around the time humanity founded out how to write and do the alphabet (somehow it was preserved so well that you can still see the words with no issue)
and it's the most heart wrenching, soul crushing, tear inducing, hyperventilating, sanity disappearing angst, misunderstandings, hurt/no comfort, it gets worse but never better, major character death, unrequited love story to have ever existed in teyvat.
and after reader goes through the whole thing, they can barely talk or breathe properly with how much they're crying.
(even better, it was smut not angst and reader is staring ar the scripture, jaw dropped to the floor with shaking hands.)
STOP- I avoid fanfics like that at all costs 😭 id stop reading it after the first angsty event LMAO
Im like... too emotionally affected by fanfics, esp angst ones 💀
Its just, ppl who write closer to my generation or just very psychologically honestly, are like fucking deadly writers. Got my day ruined and shit w/just fanfics 😭
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Short! Headcanons-ish
Stars: my first of the Fontians!! Fontainianes? Fontainains?? u get it
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: sobbing, discussion of vague smut/NSFW book at the end, okay for Teen/Mature audiences, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
no but it’d be hilarious if u got this crazy like hand-width deep tablet for each “page” of the book, like how every novel or info in genshin is like one page at a time 😭
Sumeru and other international academics are literally constantly harassing politely requesting your translation of these and sending them to you in whichever country you’re visiting at the moment
Fontaine was even more complex and pretty in real life than it could ever be in game and i can def see you at like Neuvillette’s office or a nice french fontaine cafe and just WHAM
huge ass tablet bc as much as the fic tortures you, you have to know what the fuck happens to these miserable idiots
Neuvillette, Clorinde, and Lynette are all the type to immediately try and dissuade you from reading it again, bc from their point of view you just pull out this huge old rock and start sobbing quietly about 10 mins into the read every time 😭😭
(unsurprisingly, Neuvillette would even go so far as to get the Marechaussee Phantom to sneakily steal ur most recent tablets of the story to hide them, which sucks for you LMAO)
Freminet, Wriothesley, Navia, Lyney, and Furina,all frantically try to distract you, and also theyre in order of who would be the most dramatic w/it lmao
Ur tears absolutely are top priority to Neuvillette and Furina so when they inevitably find the memories in them (and the traveler too maybe)
of what the story is about, except its like all the feelings and stuff, so like its the best “translation” they get of the book so far, u best believe it rains for a week straight
it started out as a light drizzle, but as Neuvillette “read on” in ur tear’s memories if got worse HAHA
mans is out here trying to convince himself like, “this is a classic tragedy from eons ago, its about a human romance, im definitely unaffected, though im glad i could figure out what ails My Majesty so”
meanwhile the story gets worse and its just like that meme “ohHHhhhHH its got a little kiicckkk”
Neuvillette nearly floods the streets by chapter 5 when the miscommunication happens and then they cant get in contact with each other to fix it lmao
ur in fontaine and while yes drinks were popular (like obv fonta)
business is rlly booming bc now everyone you know (like the Vision-users or archons Neuvill, etc) all have develop this habit of having a water bottle or drink on them to offer you when u start reading to rehydrate you 😭😭😭
Navia, Clorinde, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Lyney, Lynette all have a handkerchief on them at all times too 😭😭
Good God-
the moment you translate the now instant Shakespearean-level tragedy classic, it is a known tear-jerker thruout all of Teyvat,
like theres trigger warnings and age limits and shit 💀
on another note,
if its smut,
ur desperately combing thru all the tablets and wall carvings and cave paintings to try and lowkey cover it up LMAO
and its not like a story with a smut scene either, its like what anon said,
just fully like the ao3 tag “Porn What Plot/Porn With Plot”
not u yanking the tablets out of Neuvillette’s hands when he curiously picks them up one time lmao
(he is now invested in getting these translated too bc of ur reaction lol)
consider supporting me with an iced coffee? :0
Spooky Season! Spooky Season!! Spooky Season!!!
still not dead btw
just got hired at my new job so ive been training and busy!! :)
im a host at Olive Garden lol its weird and kinda hard, my feet hurt a lot and i havent had a full shift yet ;-; its a brand new one so it opens the 23rd
dw that eldritch one shot is still coming btw, just talking with betas and editing it now lol
hope if you read this you have a great upcoming weekend!!
Safe Travels Anon,
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If you wanna join a taglist, DM me what for! "Pspspsss, please tag me for [All SAGAU posts, Only SAGAU Language AUs, diff fandom, etc.]!"
(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks / @devilangel657
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littlemochabunni · 4 months
~Tag game entry ♡
Thank you @peachy-dove for the tag my love! Y’all definitely gonna be mad about how mean wips I have 💀
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WiPs.
♡ The Wips of my demise ♡~
The Munchies~ “Let me stack doughnuts on it daddy.” — Stoner!Toji x Fem reader
What was that sweetheart? — OP brat taming headcanon
Soft as Velvet, Dumb as Rocks. — Benn Beckman
Skeletons In The Closet; Phantom in the sheets — Ghost x Black fem hybrid!bunny reader
Skeletons In The Closet; Whiplash — König x fem reader, Horangi x fem reader, Ghost x fem reader
Insatiable. — cw: heavy breeding kink, mating press/ deck chair, deep penetration, cervix fucking, breathe play, voice kink?
Made Just for me, Sent from heaven. — Geto x fem reader ; Toji x fem reader
Into The Glory — Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Law, Kidd, Shanks, prolly more idk; cw: Female Glory, overstim, free use, creampies, etc etc.
“Take it off…” — Ghost/Toji
“They Tried to Make Me Go to Rehab…” — Ex-Husband Toji x fem reader
“Double The Fun, For Double The Trouble.” — Shiu x fem reader x Toji; cw: cigarette, sharing, a lot of teasing, bratty, reader, free use, established “relationship” (Shiu & reader), dry humping, very mean and stubborn Toji, brat breaker Toji, voyeurism, ehhhhh some more shit I ain’t type yet
If I disappear it’s because I’m gonna be held hostage by @blkkizzat for the ungodly amount of Toji wips I have 😭
No pressure tags!: @hoshigaby @honeeslust @blkkizzat @screampied @ramonathinks @tonycries @nkogneatho @arlerts-angel @buttercupblu @ryomens-vixen @rinhaler
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shadowlinktheshadow · 6 months
ok fuck it im finally gonna write down ramble about the similarities between castle in the sky and spirit tracks rhghghrr
case #1: the characters
in my very private and running around inside my mind headcanons, I see a lot of close things between pazu and link
pazu is a sweet boy (maybe even naive) who helps those in need (like every protagonist) hes a very dedicated worker in the mines, and loves machinery
same could be said for link, who never talks in game but shows his shyness and and also sweet nature. (perhaps this is only around zelda,) you could take the fact that he doesnt even want to get up at the beginning of the game to take his exam because he dislikes the job, but this is where my headcanons come in. in short, hes a child genius and a perfectionist and works himself a little too much, and gets really eepy. so yes he loves machines (trains) as well
oh, and they are both orphans. (link is a bit difficult because hes usually always some type of parentless/guardianless child but anyways-)
and even other than personality and hobbies, their looks have similar parts too
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of course, theyre not carbon copies of each other (such as colors being different) but the gloves and, especially to me, the cap is the one that sticks out. like. no other zelda game has him wearing a hat like that
(I just realized the gloves r the same color holy shit 💀) ((bruh and the posture lmao💀💀))
now I dont have much to say about sheeta and zeldas similarities (sorry) but they are both royals (well 1 of royal descent)
case #2: character relationships
spirit tracks zelink is what is keeping me alive so heres some similarities
I love love love the "hopeless romantic commoner falls in love with literal princess (she loves him back)" trope. which, pazu and sheetas relationship is a little different, but the vibes are the same
both couples? pairs? are so innocently in love with each other (maybe link shows it more) but just look:
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they are so rhghghrhHRHFHFJJ HISS HISS HISS 💜💜💜💜💜😭😭🔥🔥💜
and finally the catching part in the movie
now you may ask "oh totk link caught zelda something something skyward sword falling blah blah blah" (im joking pls dont hate 💀) but this catch is different than those
they arent both falling, bro is already on the ground
you know who else is on the ground?
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pazu may seem more.. graceful in catching sheeta compared to link, but (according to my dad) the whole joke of link dropping zelda comes from this movie (I havent finished it so idk) but I do know pazu struggles under the weight of sheeta after all the magic stuff goes away 😂
case #3: minor stuff
so I havent watched the entire movie yet, but heres some other things I saw
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they r both doves...... interesting....
though different, they also both play an instrument (link plays a panflute and pazu a trumpet)
also the design similarities in the robots and the phantoms, but ive run out of photos and time so that's kt
thanks for coming to my tedtalk (to the 3 people that will see this 💀)
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕣𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ daily anon request: MMJ LEN, N25 LUKA AND VBS KAITO WITH A... UHHHHHHHH💀🤷‍♂️🥺💀🥺🤷‍♂️😼💀😼🤫 flirty reader?? The type of person to like point at something and when they look at that direction, reader like, turns their chin to face them🥺🥺🥺🤧 or maybe the type to lift up their chin?? Or like.. the type to go OVERBOARD and by that, like FULL OVERBOARD the type of person to blast fireworks when asking u out😘 (flirty x flirty is my fav trope)
DAILY QUSSTIONNNNN😡😡😡😡 not sure if i did this but ur favorite n25 cards?? Idk the names but it would be the new kanades new card😔 ena's i nandesu card, mafuyus white day card and mizukis diner card!!
-daily! Anon
For Kanade itd be card from "Heart in Water" event, for Mafuyu from "Drifting Slumber at Dawn", for Ena it'd be her colorfesta card with her sekai fragment, and for Mizuki it'd be their Phantom Chaser card!! Tho I admit I had small problem picking for Ena and Mafuyu 😔
GOING BACK TO FIC TOPIC I hope you like it!!! 'Cause I certainly had my fun while writing this ^^
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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MMJ!Len was just on backstage with you while the other idols had their daily practice on the main stage. But you couldn't let it be just a normal hangout... no... you had your mischievous plan ready!
"Hey Len... what's that?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
You pointed at something, tho he only gave it a quick look and went back to you with his gaze, not giving you enough time to make your plan a reality.
"I don't see anything..."
"Just look closer!"
He went back with his gaze to where you were pointing, now trying to take a better look, even squinting his eyes.
"I still can't-"
He began but your hand was already on his cheek and tilting it back to yourself. His mouth was literally making small "o" as you did that. After a while tho, he finally blinked and chuckled, reilizing what was your intention.
"Sneaky~ Don't worry tho, I'll prepare something for you next time!"
"Hehe~ Think you can outwin me?"
"I can try~"
He gave you his determined smirk to show just how serious he is about his goal! Because when he said that, he was already planning how to sweep you off your feet and surprising you at the same time!
@bleachtheidiot @superstar-ethereal - come get your banana boy!
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N25!Luka was simply minding her own business... walking through Empty SEKAI without much destination. Or maybe her destination was her lover? Who knows~
What matters is that once she saw them, she gently smirked to herself as she decided to greet them, maybe even surprise them! But you had the very same goal...
So once she came over and was about to spook you, she was spooked instead! You quickly turned around, wrapping your arms securey around her waist and made her weight rely on your arms a little bit.
"Look who's in my arms yet again~ Couldn't wait any longer?"
She was a little bit surprised but soon let out a gentle scoff, maybe even followed by chuckle your ears simply couldn't catch...
"And you couldn't hold back from wrapping your arms around me immidietly after seeing me~ And who's guilty, hm?"
This time it was you letting out a gentle chuckle as you saw your girlfriend in the right mood! Tho she always is a little of a tease, you guess...
"Maybe we both are? You can't resist me and I can't resist you~?"
"Heh~ Maybe~"
She said with gentle smirked as she stood back up just to cup your face with her gentle hands and place even gentler kiss on the tip of your nose!
"Or maybe it's just you~"
Oh she wouldn't let you win that easily... seems you need to prepare yourself for even more teasing and tough fight to see who really is to blame here!
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @superstar-ethereal - come get your elegant woman~
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VBS!KAITO was just casually sitting on some street with you, as the two of you decided to get some fresh air and just relax!
Poor boy didn't expect anything... he just leaned back against the wall and dozed off as he stared at the sky, lost in his own thoughts, as his right hand caressed your left. It was surely cute seeing him like that but you had to make this hangout a bit more interesting...
So out of nowhere you reached your right hand and held his chin, making him immidietly wake up from his little dreamland and turn to you, who had a smirk on their face right now.
"Is something wrong, love?"
"Your attention is on the wrong thing, that's what's wrong, darling~"
"Haha... I'm sorry... I can explain myself tho."
He pointed up at the sky, even moving himself closer to you to make sure your gaze will be exactly where he'd want it.
"If you tilt your head a bit... doesn't this cloud look like a heart a little bit?"
How could you ever even pretend you're mad at him when he's like that? Well... you can't... but you surely can tease him about what he just said!
"Awh~ Did that remembered you about me so much~?"
"Why of course. There's no hiding our feelings, love~"
He looked back at you with caring smile, his right hand was still softly caressing your felt, untill he brought it to his lips to leave a gentle kiss on it's palm, before returning to just caressing.
"You really can't stop thinking about me, huh~?"
@bleachtheidiot @hayillaaaaaaa @wabatle @sucodelaranja86 - come get your soft gentleman~
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feralcorpses · 4 months
Tw/Cw: Bright Colours, Possible Eyestrain, and a LOT of Eyes.
I love drawing watcher Grian so so much man
I was gonna give him more eyes but I got lazy I am gonna rant abt the watchers and stuff under the cut cause I really love my version of the watchers and have been dying to share how I view the silly eye cryptid.
(Click for better quality btw!!)
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Watcher rant ^^ (This wasn’t proof read btw so gl)
Sooooo Ima start off with talking abt the drawing I made, so this is watcher Grian aka Xelqua (Fun fact, Xelqua was Grians old name for his channel) and basically this would be considered their causal watcher form because DUN DUN DUNN they have a few diff types so they have a base form (so player disguises) semi-base form (player disgue + watcher features) lowest of watcher form (basically just what is shown in the peice here just less wings and eyes) their causal form (the one shown here in this piece) and thennn full form which is some creepy biblically accurate “humanoid” cyrptid creature.
There’s 5 types of watchers, low rank (usually newly turned ones) mid rank (most common one) high rank (woah your stupid for trusting these creatures this much 💀) pure watchers (blipped into existence as watchers) and then prime watchers (also blipped into existence but hold a lot more power, knowledge, wings, eyes, just rlly a lot more of everything tbh.)
The ranking system is based off skill, power, and reputation ig?? (it’s a odd one ok-) the easiest way I can explain it is it being the opposite to the feduel system so you can move up ranks you just can’t become a pure or prime watcher for obvious reasons.
Watchers usually only have 3 pairs of wings at most, pure watchers having abt 5 and prime watchers are undetermined. Their tails usually include some wings so a pure watcher might have one or two sets of wings on their tail with max for them being three and normal watchers very rarely have wings on their tails but will only have one pair if they do. (I am so not hinting at anything with this very specific thing noooo Grians wing number is soooo normal ;D)
This a bit of a odd one but they like don’t reproduce, pure watchers and prime watchers are just blipped into existence every now and again and taken care of by the previous generation of watchers and stuff.
Watchers can also be any species/hybrid so for example for example I usually base Grian off a great horned owl or rarely another owl I can’t remember the name of (I think it’s a long or short eared owl I sometimes base him off of idk) but anyway so watchers can be moth hybrids, phantoms, bats, anything but if the creature is non winged it’s eh a lot more painful to get turned because lets just say they give you wings you didn’t know you had :,)
Grians actually missing his eyes like his main eyes on his face like he has zero vision in those and usually tucks them away by covering his face with his main pair of head wings or the ones on top of his head but he wasn’t born blind it was more so a “freak accident” that made his eyes like that. He still sees tho through the rest of his watcher eyes because with his watcher type he can use more magic to hide things so he keeps his “extra” eyes out and makes them invisible and use those to see.
That’s all I have to say for now since I don’t wanna drag this post on for too long but thanks for reading this if you did lol
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sollarize · 1 year
Love your phantom design! probably my favorite one, thats exactly how I imagine him. Do you have any personal headcanons for the ghouls as characters?
Tysm! And of course i do have some personal headcanons , heres some of them >:]
(You can clearly see which ghouls are more fleshed out as a character in my headcanons 💀)
• hangs out with the ghoulettes a lot to talk about food recipes or smthn
• the only ghoul that could cook decently other than Mountain
• when he was first summoned he has a long hair which he then cuts since kept accidentaly trips over it
• short temper
• The other ghouls wouldnt let him into the kitchen because he will eventually cause a fire
• he insults other people to make himself feel better
• have body dysphoria
• since he was used to be a water ghoul, his "water ghoul features" is very much still visible, he just kind of modify himself in a way... (wanna do some angst with this)
• absolute party animal
• would and will steal everything he sees interesting
• biiiggg canine teeths! (He is very proud of it)
• he likes to bring Phantom into his own chaos
• on his summoning, he fucking trips over and got a part of his face burned and then acted like it nothing happened
• he is still trying to adjust to the human world, doesnt speak fluent english!
• acts like a cat (we all know that)
• he likes to show off his guitar skills to impress the other ghouls
• partner in crime with Swiss
• chillest ghoul you'll ever met
• he takes care of the garden in the ministry
• idk how but he manages to bring a goat in the ministry and kept it as a pet-
• he wears glasses to read :>
(Ill do the ghoulettes if anyone asks for it!! Or maybe specific headcanons too! I like writing this type of stuff ✨️)
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sucidehotlinegang · 9 months
Hot take but I really do believe that Aiden’s parents are the trying the best they can type.
I really don’t like it when people say that his parents don’t care about their child at all which isn’t true at all 💀 did we read the same webtoon, and how Jessica is the worst of them all.
As you can see BOTH of his parents are by his side and his mom is calling out for him in fear, I mean parents that don’t care about their child wouldn’t be present at the moment of the child’s need.
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Here she is holding him and still fearing for dear life that something bad could happen to her son.
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Aiden’s dad near him, and some people ask “well where is Jessica?” She was in the kitchen shown here. They all started to eat breakfast the moment the others left to go to the school and if you saw the eggs they’re already almost done which means that she has been in there since that shot of Aiden in the couch.
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She’s just a mother worried, her sisters son is also in the dimension that the parents know NOTHING about and after the story Ashlyn’s mom(I forgot her name ☹️) it really does seem that Ashlyn is the center of it all because the moment she popped out of the womb a phantom tried to reach her, and I’m not even gonna say Ashlyn’s mom is in the wrong she is an absolute queen for defending her child from any blame. But I’m not blaming Jessica either for wondering/asking if Ashlyn is the reason.
Returning to more about them being parents, we established that they have pretty big jobs and that they’re usually always away on business trips. These are related to work and with you have a child to raise, you gotta have a job and do anything that the job requires you to do so you can get the money. I really do head canon that he always had a babysitter watch over him while they were away and they gave him EVERYTHING he asked for to make up for the times they are away from him.
“What about his depression? What if his parents caused the depression?” Depression isn’t always trigged by a certain event that happens, depression can be genetic like me. But of course depression needs to be fueled so there could be a lack of communication between him and his parents, from the picture we saw in his room he looked VERY unhappy in the picture. He could not like what he did when he was a child that his parents signed him up for, he could lack the ability to standing up for himself. Lack of communication causes relationships to go bad, but of course these are just theories since we don’t know full detail of his backstory but this is my whole reasoning to me believing that they’re just trying their best.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 10 months
They cancelled my train so I get to write more of these
Ben hcs <3
-Varied music taste since he listens to so much. Listening to other people sing makes him sad sometimes so he has a lot of instrumentals on his playlist. Will listen to opera if he needs a good cry, the power of the singers voice... <3
-Tried to learn different instruments to get into that passion he had for music, but nothing clicked until Tyler taught him the guitar. (They're besties to me <3) tried dancing too but he usually feels really awkward and clumsy
-hes not too concerned about his artistic skills since its only something he does to relax. He doesn't have a lot of art equipment either. Usually pencils, ink pens, and highlighters are his go-to's.
-gardening also relaxes him :) He names all his plants, they are his BABIES. puts on music for them and everything. He WILL panic if one leaf starts wilting. Him and Logan like to discuss nerdy stuff like what type of soil is the best or where they should plant their vines.
-TERRIBLE cook, nobody knows why since he always follows the instructions and pays attention- Aiden says they just have "bad cooking genes" even tho he could probably cook fine if he could pay attention for more than 4 seconds 💀
-had narcolepsy even before going to the phantom dimension every night, will fall asleep anywhere. Has had sleep paralysis before so the phantoms didn't phase Him quite as much, but he did almost have a heart attack the first week because he kept confusing reality with his hallucinations, totally understandable.
-Nervous hands, it's why he's always sketching. He had a rope before that he used to practice different knots in (something Aiden also has)
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illubean · 6 months
Dawg I just wanna thank you for writing stuff for kurapika x reader in general, cuz that tag is dead (has been for a while) and nothing new besides rape and/or yandere pops up there 😭😭
U don’t have to (cuz let’s be honest, it’s kinda cringey 💀) but smth that’s almost always on my mind when thinking abt kurapika is him with a fem!kurta! Reader who’s a survivor. Him being stressed to hell and back makes me sad so I typically think of reader being a specialist (man do I love me some strong women-) who can take care of herself. Her helping kurapika out with the troupe is debatable but she doesn’t take no for an answer when it comes to searching for their clan’s eyes.
Kurapika Finding a Kurta!Reader
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta Type: Headcanons, Fem!reader
tbh I don't even like Kurapika like that I just happen to get a lot of requests for/including him LOL
Warnings: none
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after finding out there was another Kurta out there he was DISTRAUGHT
he made it a mission to find and protect you
but after finding out you can take care of yourself and you're a nen user he's less worried
that doesn't mean he stops looking out for you though
it's just natural to want to take care of you, you're all he has left of his clan :(((
when he found out you were a nen user he was relieved especially since you're just a girl in the world ✊😔
since all of the Kurta have the same eye's I am assuming that means everyone in the clan save for those married into it are somewhat related
regardless he treats you like a sister (if that's not what you wanted sry)
that being said, when you say you want to help him get back the eyes of your brethren he's very hesitant
he tries keeping you away from the violent part of getting rid of the phantom troupe as much as possible
he understands if you have different morals but nothing you say is going to stop him from killing the members of the phantom troupe
i have no clue what he does with the eyes after getting them back(or if he does at all, it's been a while) but you guys kinda just have them????
but anyways lets say somehow Kurapika is losing a fight somewhere and out of nowhere
you show up and whoop the person's ass and save him
if he didn't already, respect = earned
haha this is kind of short sry idk where to go with this anymore
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chair-lie · 1 day
My therian introduction!
[from a cat therian// calico,grey tabby(mix)]
My experience
Ever since I was little, I behaved like a cat, loved to act like one. I used (still do) to walk around extra quietly, drink water cat style (even tho my mom hated it and told me to stop) and drawn towards scratching and biting when fighting with other kids/my lil bro.
{{I do also have some pack experiences and I do have a very special connection to water, so Im might be more than just cat type, even tho Id say it is my ‚main‘ one.}}
These behaviors had the effect that my parents call(ed) me cat-like a lot, but I never really thought abt it. But when I got into the tk community, I also got into the furry and therian community somehow, but then I thought that if itd be a therian, Id probably just choose a theriotype [cat] ans would be faking it. A few months ago, I got into severe contact with the whole topic, and got me thinking. Long story short, here I am.
Since social media portrays shift in basically only one way (very extreme; its almost like the person is a completely different being) I long thought I dont experience shifts. I do, but not that extreme.
My shifts are normally about instinctive and phantom limbs. I tend to observe more and get more anxious around humans (only the ones I dont know or if its not a safe environment), same as getting the urge to hiss, meow (:3) or scratch stuff, if Im in a fight even bite. (I do not do these//Im not hurting ppl in rl normally… my bros an exception 🥰)
As for the phantom limbs, I just feel like they would be behaving like the ones of a real cat when it would be in that situation.
I normally dont do quadrobics (because of the bugs and ticks… aswell as I dont know where to go, I have a field right before my house, but the street there is very lively) but I think theyre very fun! Im just kinda bad at them lol💀
I do like gear a lot! Im just kinda insecure with masks, because I look like Im dressing up, but Im not. I think it will get better over time (wven tho you cant breath with them in summer bro)
With the tails, I lovee them but I dont have one yet. I did a lot of research and spent hours with that topic, and didnt want to buy from amazon. Etsy is kinda complicated for me, since Im not super familiar with it, but yk
That was kind of a therian introduction? Was kinda random lolz
If you want, reblog and do yours! Would love to see it :P
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Pride is almost over yes BUT that doesn't mean I got nothing to post
So in honor of last minute pride, here's character's that I to this day can't tell if it's crush or gender envy in no particular order, as well my gay awakenings!
Joey wheeler(yugioh) it's manly the vibe he's also very nice to look at
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) definitely manly the vibe, cuz he kinda boring appearance wise
Jake long (American dragon) his vibe and style are things I like
Danny phanton(Danny phantom) same as ben
Edward elric(fullmetal alchemist) his physics and vibe
Duncan (total drama island) the style and vibe
Marshall lee(Fionna and cake) his it's whatevs approach to his style is something I want so bad!
The black rabbit if inla(watership down) hear me out! The Ethereal almost incomprehensible being definitely gotta be some type of gender evny thing
Six(cyber six) we love a genderfluid Lord!
And for my gay awakenings!
Fujiko mine (Lupin the third) the women is STUNNING!!
Asha clan clan and twilight suzuka(outlaw star) both I find attractive for different reasons
Shego(Kim Possible) there is nothing I can add that haven't been said
Medusa (soul eater) where my attention to evil women started
Marceline(adventure time) she sings, play guitar, and is a vampire, that's all green flags in my book
Amy Lee (Evanescence) her voice!!!
Clover(totally spies) an underrated icon
yoruichi (bleach) I mean duh?? Almost every closeted lesbian/bi women were weak in the knees
June(atla) the next level after shego
Lust(fullmetal alchemist) again, evil women
Honorable mentions!
Stingmon(digimon and don't even ask me), that one image of leorio from the 1999 hxh(yall know the one) and all those genderbent character fanarts
I think that's it, there are definitely more, but so many shows to little memory storage 💀
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