#physical therapy physiotherapy
dr-green-pt · 2 months
Had an amazing day at home, monday being my day off from work. I had studied 6 hours today , feeling motivated and disciplined but at the same time feeling sad that am working tomorrow and won't be able to study much. Today I finally made a compromise with my employer of giving 3 and half weeks notice period.
I wish to study full time each day but sometimes things are not in our control. But I will try my best to be as productive as possible.
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rainbow-baby-one · 1 year
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Doctor of Physical Therapy Shirt! 🤩
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perplexingluciddreams · 11 months
i work very hard with physio and my walking is getting better and i feel much stronger!! mum and dad notice the difference as well.
i get back into old movement patterns (from before FND). it feels very nice, like my body is more mine again. i feel i am more relaxed when i walk and i don't have to think about it so hard (still have to be careful and work to plan movements, but that is the same my whole life - it just go back to same as before).
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doctorenzoyeh · 6 months
3 Stretches You Need to Know for Frozen Shoulder
If you have constant burning pain that came out of nowhere and it just doesn’t go away, you might have frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)! Today I’m going to show you three simple stretches that are appropriate for all stages of frozen shoulder rehabilitation!
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giraffe-showbiz · 9 months
Does anyone have any tips on how to hate physical therapy less? I struggle so much with it because I use to be able to whatever excercise I wanted to, but since becoming more disabled I have lost a lot of mobility and all excercise and movement is so hard.
Like the ‘positive mindset’ thing doesn’t really work for me. I get that it’s helping me. I get that if I don’t do it I’ll be worse off. That is why I’m mad. I think it’s a demand avoidance thing. It hurts and drains all of my energy and other people don’t have to treat their body like a car that constantly is in the auto shop.
If there’s a healthy person they’re told to do exercises that are fun for them. And I’m so so so far from being there right now that physical therapy just feels like punishment.
I deal with hEDS and many of its co-morbidities, so it’s not like my journey with physical therapy will end soon. I need some help in learning how to befriend it.
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ergophyx · 5 months
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9 benefits of Wellness programs in the workplace
In the fast-paced corporate landscape, where deadlines loom large and stress levels soar, the significance of employee well-being cannot be overstated. The implementation of workplace wellness programs has emerged as a pivotal strategy for organizations striving to create a conducive and health-centric work environment. From boosting morale to enhancing productivity, these programs offer a myriad of advantages that go beyond the traditional employer-employee relationship. Let’s delve into the 9 key benefits of workplace wellness programs.
1. Improved Physical Health: Workplace wellness programs are designed to encourage and support healthier lifestyle choices. Fitness challenges, nutritional counseling, and preventive health screenings are often integral components. Employees who participate in these programs are more likely to adopt healthier habits, leading to a reduction in the risk of chronic diseases and improved overall physical health.
2. Enhanced Mental Well-being: Mental health is an integral aspect of overall well-being, and workplace wellness programs recognize its significance. Activities such as stress management workshops, meditation sessions, and counseling services contribute to a more supportive and positive work environment. As employees gain tools to manage stress and prioritize mental health, the overall workplace atmosphere becomes more conducive to sustained productivity.
3. Increased Productivity: Employee efficiency increases when they are in good physical and mental health. Wellness programs contribute to increased energy levels, reduced absenteeism, and improved concentration. By fostering a healthy work environment, organizations can create a culture that values employee well-being, ultimately boosting individual and collective productivity.
4. Enhanced Employee Morale: Workplace wellness programs are a tangible way for employers to demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their staff. As employees witness the organization investing in their health and happiness, it fosters a sense of appreciation and loyalty. This, in turn, leads to higher morale and a more positive workplace culture.
5. Better Employee Engagement: Employee engagement is a critical factor in organizational success. Wellness programs provide opportunities for team-building activities, fostering a sense of community among colleagues. Whether through fitness challenges, health-related workshops, or group activities, these programs create shared experiences that contribute to stronger bonds among team members.
6. Attraction and Retention of Talent: Attracting and keeping the best employees in the competitive job market is a never-ending struggle. Workplace wellness programs can set an organization apart as a desirable employer. Prospective employees are increasingly valuing companies that prioritize their well-being. Moreover, existing staff are more likely to stay with an employer who actively supports their health and work-life balance.
7. Cost Savings for Employers:  While the initial investment in workplace wellness programs may seem significant, the long-term cost savings can be substantial. By preventing chronic illnesses, reducing absenteeism, and improving overall employee health, organizations can mitigate healthcare costs. A healthier workforce is a more cost-effective one in the long run.
8. Positive Impact on Company Culture: Workplace wellness programs play a pivotal role in shaping the company’s culture. Organizations that prioritize employee well-being communicate a clear message about their values. This commitment resonates throughout the workplace, creating a culture where health and wellness are integral components of the company ethos.
9. Regulated Stress Levels: Workplace stress is a common concern that can lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction. Wellness programs often include stress management initiatives, providing employees with tools to cope with the demands of their roles. By regulating stress levels, organizations can create an environment where employees feel supported and equipped to manage work-related pressures effectively.
Workplace wellness initiatives by Ergophyx have become a fundamental element of contemporary organizational approaches, catering not only to physical health but also to the overall well-being of employees. These programs contribute to nurturing a positive company culture, realizing cost savings, and drawing in top talent, showcasing their diverse advantages. As organizations adopt the ethos of workplace wellness, they are not merely dedicating resources to employee health but also laying the foundation for enduring success in the ever-changing business landscape.
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riyagupta0472 · 1 year
Yoga is like a special place in our hectic world, where taking care of ourselves can be difficult. It's not only about getting in shape; it also makes us feel better mentally. Yoga may feel exhausting at first, but if we stick with it, good things begin to happen. Yoga is about linking our bodies and thoughts for complete health, not simply workouts. It's an ancient exercise that involves meticulous movements and attentive breathing to care for our inner selves. The peace we receive during yoga follows us outside of it. When life gets tough, it helps us stay strong and calm. So, don't forget about yoga. It acts as a guide, leading us to feel happy and be genuine to ourselves.
Stress Reduction - High levels of stress and anxiety are common in modern life. Yoga offers helpful approaches for stress management, relaxation, and total mental well-being. Regular practice can boost mental toughness and create a sense of inner serenity.
Posture Correction - Sitting at a desk for long periods of time and using electronic gadgets can lead to bad posture and other health issues. Yoga positions can help realign the spine, improve posture, and alleviate musculoskeletal pain.
Concentration and focus have improved - Yoga cultivates attention and concentration in a world full of distractions. Yoga increases mental clarity, cognitive function, and productivity through various asanas (poses) and breathing techniques.
Physical Fitness - Yoga incorporates a wide range of positions and motions that develop flexibility, strength, and balance. It provides a comprehensive approach to physical fitness for people of all ages and fitness levels.
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navalha-kw · 4 months
Passed two exams today (and got good grades!) but since one took way more time than it was supposed to I didn't manage to go to the gym :(( though maybe that's good actually because that'd be the 4th day of training back to back and i generally dont react to that well. I'll probably go to the gym tomorrow morning and then to capoeira at 6pm :)
But! It's not like I went a whole day without any sort of physical activity
Here you can see me holding a corrective FITS pattern for one type of scoliosis :) and i swear it feels way more difficult than it looks, i was so sweaty when my friend took those pics and some more. Still, ngl I truly LOVE my major
(Since I don't have scoliosis my spine kind of looks like a snake while doing it)
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ener-chi · 5 months
Hi, a question for ya! I recalled somebody I talked to who said they tried physiotherapy but that it didn't do much for them and they described dealing with routine body discomfort to the point of needing a walker/stroller. This made me remember one of your journals about the benefits of tuina. In your opinion, what's the biggest difference between physiotherapy and tuina and why does the latter seem to be proven more effective?
Hi anon!
I'll be honest, I am no expert - I'm still definitely a student who is learning. So please keep that in mind, and I apologize for not being more knowledgeable about things than I am at the moment. Anywho
So Tuina technically translates to "push grasping" and has been around for at least as long as Chinese Medicine has been around, which is 2000 years. While technically it is a massage, it should be considered more of a "Chinese Medical Massage."
What this means is that it is actually based around Chinese Medicine, and is considered a part of it. You can use Tuina to treat - well, anything really, like colds, menstrual pain, abdominal issues, etc. - anything that acupuncture can treat. But more than that, Tuina is also a comprehensive and effective treatment modality that is especially good for musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.
I can't speak to how Tuina compares to physiotherapy, because I don't really know too much about the latter. But I CAN personally attest to the efficacy of Tuina treating musculoskeletal stuff - I have, myself personally in class, fixed some partially dislocated ribs and treated some things like bulging disks, sacroiliac joint dislocation, neck pain, and more.
I think one thing I can say for sure is that Tuina has the benefit of usually being alongside acupuncture. While it can be done standalone, Tuina is much more effective when done with acupuncture, and acupuncture treatments are enhanced by the Tuina as well.
One other thing to mention about Tuina vs. Western Medicine that our professor talks about a lot in class sometimes is that there are some things that Tuina treats and knows about that Western Medicine hasn't known about, or that they are just now coming around to. For example, SI Joint Subluxation is something that doesn't readily show up on an x-ray, and Western Medicine hasn't come around to the idea of until recently, or know how to treat it.
Also, some Tuina techniques are exclusive to Chinese Medicine, and aren't used or taught anywhere else. This allows them to treat things in different ways that could potentially be more effective.
Anywho, that's the spiel! I can't guarantee that Tuina would be more effective than PT for this person you spoke with, or for anyone really - BUT I would HIGHLY encourage people to try it. Perhaps you'll be shocked by the results (:
Thanks for the ask! I hope this helps!
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dr-green-pt · 2 months
Went to work early morning today, I was excited and nervous both for my first step to OCE after taking break for almost 4-5 months. The class went great though. I have more knowledge about what I need to prepare and what to leave.
Starting the weekend because my days off are sunday and monday.
Today I thought about what I would be gifting my husband on his birthday this month. Any ideas? Please let me know .
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rehab physio person come today:
she give stretch exercise for muscle at back of leg, to not get so tight.
she touch my ankles and i jerk away because bad sensory but i think she think it is because pain - it just feel bad, not sore. hopefully mum understand and can tell. not have AAC because short visit and is was in swing, so only can sign and not say much. also she talk fast a lot and mum too, brain not keep up so much - just try nod at right places 🤷🏻‍♂️.
she will talk to orthotics people to try get new better splints/braces with a hinge to give better support for walk. and hold ankle in right place. because main problem with walk is ankle over-pronation (roll inwards). and because hypermobile, knee hyperextension also (but i am better at fix this myself with try very hard to keep knees straight. but that make ankles worse).
she is nice will come again next week to see me.
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doctorenzoyeh · 5 months
Difficulty Putting on Socks? Try these stretches!
Do you have difficulty putting on your socks? If have trouble putting on your socks, one of the most likely reasons is the stiffness in your hip joint. Today I want t show you three stretching exercises to improve your hip flexibility to help you put on your socks easier!
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kalyanihealth · 1 year
Best Physiotherapy Doctor
💪 Introducing Kalyani Health and Rehab Centre – a physiotherapy and orthopedic clinic in Greater Noida. Our team of highly qualified professionals is dedicated to providing the best possible care for our patients. We have a range of treatments and therapies available to help you get back on your feet 🦶We believe in empowering our patients through education, rehabilitation, and injury prevention. Visit us today to experience the Kalyani difference! 🤗
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Visit Dr. Roshan Jha's clinic to get the best physiotherapy services in Delhi. For more information related to services provided by pain-free physiotherapy clinic click here -  https://painfreephysiotherapy.com/
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Physiotherapy Graduates: Ask Me Anything!
We recently held an “Ask Me Anything” webinar with Canadian graduates of Australian physiotherapy programs–and they delivered!
There’s something invaluable about listening to graduates speak about the profession you’re considering. We often hear applicants say, “I’m so glad I watched that webinar. Their insight and experience really helped me solidify my plans. Now I really know I’m on the right track.”
Meet Cierra and Christian, graduates of the University of Melbourne Doctor of Physiotherapy program. While they chose to work in private practice after graduation, Cierra has chosen to work in orthopedic and pelvic health, and Christian works with a focus on strength sports.Learn more about Australian physio degrees
But why did they decide to apply to Australian physiotherapy schools? What was their experience studying in Australia? Did they stay in Australia to practice, or return home?
Read more here!
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karlumpagan · 2 years
20th of October: The day after I underwent a surgery to repair my clavicle.
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A couple of weeks after. With little sleep but no more pain.
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28th of November. First session of rehab
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