#piano education
buwaiyakin · 17 days
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"Until the running of our blood becomes One with the whirlings of forgotten suns, One with the heavings of forsaken seas, One music with all that is dear earth; Until there is no more for armoured life But, lovingly, to lay down arms before The earth imperative, transfigured Earth Until we find night-breathing pray’r upon Our twisted lips:                             We are commemoration Of a dead, but resurrected life" - R. Zulueta da Costa
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[CN] Victor’s Carbon Pen and Glass Bead Event (Day 1)
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✦ thursday || friday || saturday || sunday || monday || tuesday || wednesday
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【High School Affiliated to Loveland University Second Year (Section 1) Semester Schedule - Thursday】
[Tidbits]: To not break the flow, gonna put the note first– in the first dialogue, Victor’s classmates address him as “老李” (Lao Li)~ the way I hate English vocabulary at times like this LMAO the term “老” here is used as a teasing remark by his classmates to express their respect/ honor for him sarcastically given that not only he’s ahead of the crowd but he acts far too mature beyond his years as well~😂
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“Sir Vic, what answer did you get for the second-to-last question?”
“Square root of 2.”
“OK! Now, what option did you choose for the tenth question?”
“I chose option C, but I’m not sure.”
“It should be option A… P is the symmetric point with respect to the straight line x-y=0…”
For the math teacher who loves giving impromptu quizzes, getting the students to engage in discussions during the ten-minute break is also one of their “conspiracies.”
Looking at the textbook he’s already highlighted with the key points long ago, Victor takes out a collection of competition-grade questions that are carefully sorted to align with the relevant exam topics. As he listens, he begins contemplating the problems.
Everyone is on their “best behavior” during the homeroom teacher’s class. The beaming woman is speaking eloquently on the stage, while Victor looks down at a reading comprehension analysis. He finds that he understands it even better than the original writer.
There are so many incomprehensible things in this world.
There are less than ten minutes to go until the end of the class. Glancing from afar, Victor notices that Zheng Xi, who is seated near the front door, already seems to be in a stance ready to bolt at any moment. Victor can’t help but feel hungry as he feels himself being infected by the sight.
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Is it really possible for anyone to stay alert and not feel sleepy in the first class of the afternoon?
Yes, Victor doesn’t feel sleepy in the slightest.
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“Aside from focusing on studies, I hope that everyone can enhance their perception of various forms of “aesthetics.” This semester in music class, the teacher aims to create a platform for self-expression, where each student can showcase their talents through musical instrument performances, singing, or dancing. Last week, several students performed exceptionally well. Now, we’ll continue with the presentations in order of student numbers. Up next is student number 23.”
“Does the vice class monitor know how to play the piano?”
“I’m not sure, I’ve never seen him playing it.”
“...Thank you, Victor, for your performance. Music is a form of self-expression. But, next time, perhaps you can also consider singing a song?”
Led by the arrangement of the passionate young teacher, the class is divided into multiple small groups, each assigned to perform different roles based on the textbook content. However––
With a sense of resignation, Victor touches the curly wig on his head and remains silent for a moment. Despite so, he still earnestly delivers the lines of the judge.
“I’m already a mature high school student,” he thinks to himself, feeling at a loss for words.
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One of the biggest benefits of the campus activities on Thursday is that Victor can seamlessly participate in the Model United Nations (MUN) right after his English class.
Even if one practices their lines in advance, no one will raise an eyebrow. The school administration teacher is really nice.
✧ next stop: Friday
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classicalsqueak · 8 months
Hello! I made this little zine called Music Theory: A Small Guide of Reminders.
These are shorthand notes, charts, and drawings that I used when I was studying music theory that I now teach my students, approached from the pianist’s perspective. From beginner to advanced, all compact to fit in a pocket or pencil case.
It is one page of notes in the front, with optional second side that includes manuscript paper and an extra keyboard.
This video includes a flip through, instructions on how to fold the guide, and explanations for all the notes: https://youtu.be/mUSc3k4z9qM
Links to download are in the description of the video :)
- For more videos: YouTube (classicalsqueak) / Video Index
For sheet music: Ko-fi (classicalsqueak) or SMP* (published by Ylan Chu)
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Sips juice box. I like to think the hexsquad start a garage band (goreage band on the boiling isles) briefly post-canon.
Raine taught all of them how to play (Amity on bass and usually vocals, Luz and Hunter on lead and rhythm guitar respectively, Gus on keys/synths and Willow on drums) and shows up to all their practices and the small shows they get to do (things like classmates' birthdays, big festivals/town parties celebrating Belos and the Collector's defeats after the fact, left-hand relief effort fundraisers and dubiously legal music festivals held in the backwoods of latissa).
Raine hypes each and every one of them the FUCK up and spends hours giving them all pointers on their individual instruments and how to play as a unit and, like, listen. Raine is not a parental figure to any of them, really. They just don't have that kind of connection to anyone but King as their step son. But the kids all think Raine is cool as fuck and they crave positive encouragement in their lives. They love Raine. They'd die for Raine. Kill for Raine. Try new tunings and time signatures for Raine (VERY scary). They like being in a band cause it's an excuse to goof off together, express themselves and experiment with a different type of magic, but most of all, they love being in a band bc the middle aged political dissident fucking their friend's adoptive mom is just really goddamn supportive of them.
Nothing particularly noteworthy comes from the band (you guys can suggest fun names for them that are more creative than "the hexsquad"). It truly is just a thing on the side they do for fun and they all have individual careers and hobbies they're far more interested in (Gus is a teaching assistant at Eda's school (qualified to be full time but not allowed to bc of his age, has to wait a few more years), Amity is a field researcher and budding archeologist, Willow is going pro with sports, Hunter is carving and Luz is pursuing higher education).
The most that happens with it is they record a low quality CD (or magic CD equivalent) of demos and covers they put together (Luz and Willow are the main song writers for the group. Both had a lot of angsty pre-teen poetry they work shopped and repurposed for lyrics) that ended up being sold out of the back of Steve's motorcycle (his main career besides burger flipping and baby sitting, all of which makes him infinitely more happy than the emperor's coven ever did).
Raine not only bought a copy of the CD (despite having already heard them play every song before and having been the one to help them record it in the first place) they purchase a copy for ALL of their parents/extended family (Eda, King, Perry, the Parks, Darius, Camila, Gwen and Dell- everyone). Years after the band unofficially dissolves (re: the kids got actual jobs and started having to deal w/ life as adults), Raine still listens to that CD bc they're just so damn proud of their kids.
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#hexsquad#luz noceda#willow park#amity blight#hunter toh#gus porter#raine whispers#hi. this is one of (if not my most!) self indulgent hcs EVER#I'm not even a Serious Musician™ I'm a self taught guitarist who occasionally listens to songs and fantasizes about being in a band#but i for some reason am addicted to analysing what instruments i think characters would play and what they'd be like in a band#idk man it's just fun as hell. i love it#explanations behind each of the instrument choices (besides general vibes) keeping in mind i only play guitar-#i think Amity would've started her music career learning bits of classical piano as a child#before her mom cut her off so she could focus on academics#so when she was older she had a bit of music experience but ultimately chose bass as it was edgier and less stuffy#she's not an amazing basist i think? she's good but she's not a huge fiend for technique. lots of simple punk and indie bass lines#manny played guitar and showed luz bits and pieces when she was young. her experience is no formal education#just a lot of noodling around and learning by ear#hence she's on lead bc she never learned chords#hunter struggles with a lot of fine motor skills tasks in my mind (sewing is his practice for this) so he's more content on rhythm#he's a big bar chords enjoyer but Raine tries to get him to try more versatile open chords out of his comfort zone#gus loooves the customization and sci-fi energy of a synth but in order to play synth he had to learn keys first#Amity showed him some basic chords and exercises and pretty soon he surpassed her despite being self taught#she's only a little bitter about this. mostly she's happy for him. Luz calls him baby mozart. he doesn't get it#finally WILLOW!! she had a baby drumset as a young kid so she could get some energy and aggression out#but the parks' neighbors gave them noise complaints and she stopped after feeling she wasn't progressing with it (couldn't do spells)#she likes it a lot! she feels like the foundation of the performance in a lot of ways and likes being important w/o being a showboat
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whiterosechrista · 5 months
So. I'm realizing (with the vent time post kerfuffle) that it'd probably be a good idea for me to give people a basic understanding of who I am and where I come from, so that they can reference it if any of my posts come off odd/offensive/etc. out of context.
Basic Facts
I'm 24 years old, Caucasian, American, biologically female, comfortable with she/her and they/them pronouns. I'm an introvert who doesn't get out often, but I'm not some basement-dwelling Neckbeard-equivalent. I have a strong sense of empathy, which leads me to want to play mediator often (though thankfully I'm aware of my limits and don't act on every want). My likes include anime, storytelling, art, history, SCP, Kpop, science, outer space, and mac n' cheese (among other things). My dislikes include racism, ablism, homophobia, transphobia, and basically anything else involving unreasonable hate.
I grew up as effectively a single child, moving back and forth between houses because my parents were already separated, though not officially divorced. They both loved me, and tried their best to raise me well, but (for reasons I'll touch on later) I definitely bonded more with my mom than my dad. There was one house that at least one of them always lived in consistently, so I think of it as my childhood home.
I was a fairly happy child, I think, though there were some issues with bullying that I can't remember clearly anymore, and it did affect me, though maybe not as much as the school itself; I used to love to draw/paint, and I stopped after I got into school because art class convinced me I wasn't doing it "right."
The teachers (some, at least) didn't like that I learned differently than other kids (e.g. making connections between concepts in Math and English at age ~8), and so made me take one of those "morality tests"; multiple-choice questionnaires about moral decisions like returning a lost wallet (which, btw, I left blank because they hadn't given me enough info about the situation; they decided that meant there was something wrong with me).
(Ironically, this was a Montessori school, which are supposed to be less rigid about teaching styles than standard schools.)
So I transferred to a different Montessori school at age ~10, which had a system where kids would sign their name on their class sheet when they came in, and didn't like that I stopped to say hi to kids in other classes first (for reference, my class was on the second floor, the other kids' were on the ground floor).
Thus, for either this or some other reason, they recommended I go to therapy. My mom, thinking "well, she might have reason to need it", agreed. I spent a while there before the therapist said "this is the most well-adjusted child I've ever seen, please leave so I can tend to people who actually need me."
After about a year of this school, Mom asked if I'd like to try homeschooling, and that's what I've been doing ever since (though technically what we did was unschooling, which is a bit different).
It was after I started homeschooling that I started writing, got really into anime to the point of learning Japanese by watching it, and made my best friends to date.
I've done things like ballet, gymnastics, parkour, circus arts, piano, roller derby, and sang/played at Girls' Rock Camp/Club Boston (though I think the name's changed to be more gender-inclusive). I don't do much of this stuff anymore, though I might get back into it at some point.
Pre-Covid, I was taking drawing classes and Japanese classes (mostly for reading it, since anime didn't teach me that), and back in 2022, I got officially certified to teach English as a second language (though I've yet to find a job, unfortunately).
I'm currently living in an apartment with my mom, sitting around with a sprained back, hoping that it'll heal in time for my best friend to take me on a Duck Boat tour in Boston on June 2nd, and blogging for the first time in my life.
I hope this has helped. It feels like an info-dump, but apparently I can't make anything concise, so here we are.
Feel free to ask/comment/dm me for more details about anything (or just to chat). I might not be comfortable with sharing some things, but most things I should be fine with. Just be respectful about it and we should be good. :)
Edit; just realized I didn't touch on why I bonded more with my mom than my dad. The short version is that mom is open-minded, gentle (though she can definitely be stern), and always asks what I want before doing something, and my dad sort of doesn't always "get it." For instance; the moment I turned 16, he started badgering me about getting my driver's license, even though I barely went anywhere that wasn't in walking distance and anywhere I didn't could be accessed by either public transport or someone else driving me. He also wanted me to do SAT prep and similar things, got stuck in the "Alternative Medicine" rabbithole and somehow still manages to be surprised that my mom won't make me try it without my consent (for reference, this was after I sprained my back; it's not the first time he's wanted me to try Alt Meds and definitely not the first time my mom's refused). So, yeah. He's not a bad guy, and he definitely tries, he's just a bit too stuck in his own world sometimes.
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midmorning-bomb · 8 months
I have a lot of dev bro friends from my days in startups and the attitude around creative work and AI is so, so depressing.
Like, it will be no surprise to anyone that making my living out of art & design, I'm not really thrilled with the current state of AI 'art', but I'm kind of blown away at STEM-only gaps in education. Like a complete lack of understanding around the creative process.
In addition to all of that, a lot of the guys want to use AI because the end result is 'good' and their art is 'bad' and wtf. First of all, the idea that hobby... anything has to be good is bullshit. Do you feel inspired or energised or relaxed or any kind of bliss in the process? Boom, success.
But secondly, they still don't get the creative process or creativity! It's just cramming square pegs into round holes. Except it's AI so the lines aren't straight and for some reason the pegs have extraneous fingers.
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ourmindonmusicpodcast · 10 months
Billy Strayhorn: A Key Thread in the Tapestry of Jazz
Billy Strayhorn is one of the greatest composers in the history of jazz. He is best known for his nearly 30-year partnership with jazz legend, Duke Ellington. Stayhorn/Ellington compositions feature such classics as “Take the A Train,” “Satin Doll”, and “Lotus Blossom.” Strayhorn joined Ellington’s band in 1939, at the age of twenty four, and by the end of the year Strayhorn had become essential…
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waterlemon-melon · 1 year
i’m just starting to think about and doing preliminary research for dgs in the aa classical musicians au but!!!
i am 100% that kazuma is a tchaikovsky stan no doubt and this is on the basis of his interaction with nikolina pavlova
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like!!! who else would recognise a russian ballerina immediately!!! but a tchaik (and ballet) fan!!! and who else would describe the beauty of ballet like that!!!
and also he would go against the popular military western music influence of the time and hated wagner and instead went more “indie” (for japan, he’s pathetic and actually he also liked a popular composer) aka mahler :)
(last point is still not set in stone. just an idea. only thing set in stone is tchaikovsky)
still can’t decide whether he was a violinist or a pianist
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mtncitymusicusa · 9 months
Website : https://www.mtncitymusic.com
Address : California, USA
Mountain City Music Company specializes in providing high-quality, affordable music lessons in the comfort of your home. They offer a range of lessons including guitar, piano, and voice, tailored to individual preferences and learning styles. Their curriculum is designed around music you love, taught by knowledgeable and virtuosic instructors. The company emphasizes convenience, quality, and affordability, aiming to make music accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089682703968
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mountain_city_music
Keywords: home music lessons affordable guitar lessons piano instruction, voice training personalized music plan quality music instructors convenient music education diverse music genres music production lessons beginner guitar courses intermediate piano classes advanced vocal training music lesson scheduling one-on-one music coaching music curriculum design in-home music teaching music learning flexibility music genre exploration music teacher expertise comprehensive music education music lesson affordability tailored music instruction music practice guidance music learning resources music performance skills music theory understanding music creativity development music lesson accessibility music learning enjoyment music skill enhancement piano instruction private music lessons private music lessons near me music production lessons in home music lessons piano instruction near me understanding music theory music production lessons near me beginner online guitar course electric guitar beginner course private music lessons cost average cost of private music lessons piano instructions for beginners guitar course for beginners music lessons at home casio piano instructions electronic music production lessons music production lessons online music coaching best guitar course for beginners online private music lessons teaching private music lessons best online piano instruction best piano instruction classical piano instruction easy piano instructions jazz piano instruction understanding basic music theory understanding chords music theory understanding guitar music theory understanding intervals music theory understanding modes music theory understanding music theory guitar private music production lessons music performance skills music coaching classes near me music coaching near me online music coaching home music lessons near me music lessons at your home music lessons in your home teaching music lessons from home best beginner guitar course best online guitar course for beginners electric guitar course for beginners affordable guitar lessons affordable guitar lessons near me easy to understand music theory understanding music theory for beginners understanding music theory for piano understanding music theory in one hour elite music coaching live performance coaching music complete guitar course for beginners advanced vocal training basic understanding of music theory best music production lessons creative music production online lessons music and performance skills skills for performance music learn to enjoy classical music learning to enjoy classical music genre exploration music class classical piano classes for intermediate students at home music lessons for kids home school music lessons online guitar lessons affordable
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randomreasonstolive · 2 years
Reason to Live #8158
 To learn the things I've always wanted to, like baking and playing the piano. – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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classicalsqueak · 9 months
If you ever wondered what books are used in music schools, this is a list of music theory, music history, and music research books and online resources from beginner to Doctorate.
This covers books from RCM (Royal Conservatory of Music) from beginner to ARCT, Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Artist Diploma, and Doctorate in Music.
There are physical books in the first half and online resources in the second half, along with study tips, where to find chapter outlines and quizzes, and full list of links to everything mentioned.
There will also be a part 2 that covers piano practical materials.
For more videos: YouTube (classicalsqueak) / Video Index
For sheet music: Ko-fi (classicalsqueak) or SMP* (published by Ylan Chu)
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opera-ghosts · 11 months
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Felix Weingartner (1863-1942) was a conductor, composer, pianist and writer. He studied with Franz Liszt and was director of the Vienna Court Opera from 1908-1910, director of the Vienna Philharmonic Concerts until 1927 and director of the Vienna Volksoper from 1919-1924. From 1927-1934 chief conductor and director of the conservatory in Basel. 1935-1936 director of the Vienna State Opera. The photo was taken around 1895.
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skellowmare · 1 year
so I picked up the piano again after not touching it for a couple of years. I never properly learned music theory – I know a couple of basics, but not nearly enough – and I've made up my mind to properly learn the basics and maybe more. I know I might not need deep knowledge of music theory to learn a couple of songs on the piano but I am unable to half ass things lmao and also I want to properly do this, I think it's a beautiful instrument and it's worth the mental effort lol. but as with learning anything through the internet I'm preparing myself for a lot of confusion before it all becomes clear
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heatsu · 2 years
tfw you left your family to pursue your music career in the big city™ only to get roasted by professors on your entrance exam and not get into university because you don't have enough experience and knowledge for your age
now you have nowhere to go and life is shit
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#delete later#honestly not sure on how music education system worked in Germany at rhag time#but from my experience#it is incredibly hard to perform classical music professionally if you didn't start your education at young age#if you don't start playing violins at 6/7 you probably wont be able to have them as your main instrument on university#or become a tutti musician#if you are not a Prodigy#but talent isn't the only thing#because if you don't know music theory you won't get far#and music theory on university level is 👹👹👹#no i am not projecting my failed music career on rip/s#tbh i often regret leaving music highschool#but classical music industry was not made for really anxious girls lol#plus the whole change of environment and teachers and shit#and having to ro all that as extra work next to normal highschool 😁🔫#two hours of violin snd one of piano a week#and 4 hours of music theory / history#and orchestra#and live note reading#classical music industry is something i hold closely to my heart#but i also don't because it left me lowkey traumatised#but nothing beats the pure awkwardness of having to perform in front of 5 elders who don't wsnt to be there and have this dissapointed look#while tje room is too hot anf you're sweating and can feel your legs shaking#and of children choirs and singing performances#making rip play violins would be fun because its smth i have 8 years of experience with#but i feel like piano would fit her more#obviously her main focus is singing but you must have at least one instrument#rip van winkle
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ozkar-krapo · 2 years
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École MALKOVSKY [p. Alexandre BODAK]
"Préparation à la Danse libre"
(3LP. [self-released]. 1970?) [FR]
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Billy Joel: Debut album “Cold Spring Harbor”
A friend recently said to me, “I know every song Billy Joel has recorded.” Now, clearly this would be impressive given that to date, he has written and recorded 121 songs*, but when I asked her about “Cold Spring Harbor”, her confident demeanor changed… “Cold Spring Harbor” is the debut studio album by American recording artist Billy Joel, released on November 1, 1971, by Family Productions, not…
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