#pinterest community
cursedpinterest · 2 years
Pinterest is a wild and weird place. Why not have a handy dictionary to guide you through the depths of that cursed website?
Alt- Means alternative people, usually emo. The boogeyman of the whisper girl. They are often shit-talked in whispers, from people criticizing their appearance to their fashion to their mannerisms and personality. Alt is a very vague term, that could encompass many different lifestyles and fashions, but for my own sanity, I’ll only describe it as is oft seen on Pinterest and described in whispers: Alt people wear Demonias and bunny hats (a widely criticized accessory from the whisper girls), have colored hair, like anime and Monster energy drinks, and often reside on TikTok. They have been called out on misusing AAVE. Apparently, they are obsessed with frogs, glorify mental illness, and say “Poggers”.
Brandy Melville- A fashion company that sells clothing for small and/or petite women. A little controversial since they apparently don’t feature many models of color. This company is a favorite of the whisper girls, which is no surprise since those girls love their thinspo.
Core- If you see a word with the suffix ‘core’, it is meant to signify a certain aesthetic. The widespread use of -cores has grown that even words that already portrayed a certain aesthetic (ie: emo, scene) now have ‘-core’ tacked to the end (ie: emocore, scenecore). Every word has the potential to be a ‘-core’, and often when an image has an indiscernible aesthetic, pinterest users will scramble to assign it a ‘-core’. On the aesthetics fandom wiki, there are 142 articles containing the core suffix. You can browse them here. Examples: cottagecore, goblincore, grandmacore, kidcore, weirdcore.
Coquette- Means flirtatious woman. Pretty much the same aesthetic as Waif and Dollette. Thin, dainty young white women in feminine clothes is a key component. Obviously a variation of thinspo. See Waif.
Diet Coke- Soda that is popular amongst the proana crowd because it has low calories. They also like lemon water, due to the low calories as well.
Dollette: Pale and delicate aesthetics, interchangeable with Coquette and Waif. Variations: dollcore
Ed Sheeran- Famous British redheaded singer. Many Pinterest users “hate” Ed Sheeran, and have entire boards and groups dedicated to making memes slandering him. I highly doubt all of the people making anti-Ed Sheeran memes actually hate him, it’s just a weird little trend to hate on him. These memes have died down in the past 2 years, and are often associated with Facebook memes and alts.
Facebook Memes- A type of meme format that was popular around 2017-2020 on Pinterest that involves editing those Facebook statuses posted over a random background to be relatable. Whisper girls claim that they glorify and meme mental illness a lot, but I see just as many whispers romanticizing mental illness so ehh 🤷‍♂️.
Femcel- A variation on incel, which stands for “involuntary celibate”. Incels are super misogynistic men who are unsuccessful in romantic pursuits, so they take it out on every women ever. They often feel entitled to a women’s time or attention, like a leveled up version of a Nice Guy. Think Andrew Tate fanboys. Femcels are basically women that hate men, make jokes about being the Joker, and there’s a lot of overlap between them and the whisper girls. They’re like the edgier version of coquette.
Gatekeeping- Gatekeeping is the act of trying to prohibit people from accessing something. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss is the motto of the whisper girl. And unironically gatekeeping their interests seems to be a favorite pasttime. Things these girls try to gatekeep: Subliminals (which have millions of views on YouTube), Mitski (who also has millions of views and streams), and Lana Del Rey (whose music gets played on the radio).
Girlblogger- A girlblogger is a girl who blogs. Whisper girls call themselves this even though most of them don’t have blogs. Some people on tumblr use this moniker ironically, while the coquette/waif bloggers use it unironically.
Lana Del Rey- A very famous American singer who gained massive popularity in 2012 amongst the tumblr sad girls, but has seen a resurgence among the whisper girls. They literally worship her, and before whisper girls were a thing, this kind of community could be found on cherry emoji twitter.
Lily Rose Depp- The daughter of Johnny Depp. She’s a model… and that’s about it. But the whisper girls IDOLIZE her for some reason, probably because she’s pretty, definitely because she’s famous. She’s often used as the background of whispers. The ultimate nepo baby.
Moodboard- A moodboard is a collection of images meant to represent a single topic.
My Year of Rest and Relaxation- A novel by Otessa Moshfegh that femcels go gaga for. VERY popular among the white woman crowd. Often included in lists on how to be “That Girl™️”.
Nepotism Baby- Nepotism is described as the act of people in power giving jobs and fame to their friends and family simply because of their familiarity to them. A nepotism baby is a celebrity who’s famous simply because they’re parents were also famous. Coquette girlies love nepotism babies, especially if they’re models, and wish to be them. Notable nepotism babies: Lily Rose Depp, Emma Roberts, Dakota Johnson, Maya Hawke. Variations: Nepotism girls, nepo babies, nepo girls
Neopronouns- Neopronouns are what some people choose to identify with, instead of the traditional she/he/they/it. Examples: xe/xem, ze/zir, fae/faer
Red Scare: A podcast hosted by two random white girls who like to promote disordered eating and make fun of abuse. They’re very popular amongst the femcels
Subliminals: A genre of video on YouTube that claims you can change physically or mentally from watching a video that apparently has subliminal messages in the audio and images that are shown. For example: Weight loss subliminals, attract your crush sublimals, be a better student subliminals. They are VERY popular amongst the Pinterest whisper community, but they are very protected, and even the mere mention of them causes many whisper girls to comment: “Gatekeep!”. Note: This is a FAKE phenomena, akin to those weird tiktok reality shifting videos. You can’t magically lose weight by watching a video and doing nothing else. Variations: sub, subs
Taylor Swift- A heterosexual American singer that people on Pinterest think is gay for some reason. Because why would you want to support actual LGBTQ artists when you can project a sexuality onto your fave.
Thinspo- Images or tips that encourage eating disorders, usually anorexia and bulimia. A lot of people in the whisper community, and in the coquette/waif spaces post their thinspo under the title “waifspo”, since thinspo isn’t allowed on Pinterest. If you or anyone you know is suffering from an eating disorder, you can visit this website.
TikTok- A social media app where people can produce short videos of themselves or anything they want. The whisper girls HATE TikTok, which coincide with their hate for alts, since apparently a lot of alts are on TikTok? Whisper girls also hate popular TikTokers like Charli D’Amelio, and criticize her for being famous for doing nothing, which is funny since they idolize Lily Rose Depp and other nepo models.
Tone Indicators- Tone indicators are shorthand for words used to clearly state the intention of a persons message, usually added to the end of a sentence. They are mainly used for neurodivergent people, since it can difficult to try to discern people’s tone over written text on the internet. If you want to read more, here is a carrd that includes a masterlist of tone indicators. Examples: /s for sarcasm, /j for joke, /g or /gen for genuine.
Tradwife- Tradwives, or trad living/trad aesthetics are rooted in white supremacy. This is seen a lot on other social media sites, including Tumblr. They idealize traditional gender roles, strive to be the perfect housewife, and romanticize the 1950’s. Also, VERY Christian, but like, white Evangelical, although I have seen trad pagans, but that’s a whole other story. This group has infiltrated the cottagecore community on Tumblr, since some of the ideals, such as living off the land and living simply, farming and homesteading, is also shared by the trads. Those blonde chad wojack and blonde woman wojack wearing a blue daisy dress are often used as trad memes, stealthily sharing their conservative values as memes. Of course, they’re homophobic, racist, against modern society and ideals, against any religion that isn’t theirs, very anti-sex, and sometimes against interracial relationships. They’re conservatives. I’ve seen a lot of coquette girls posting about wanting to be a tradwife, but I bet like 70% of them don’t know the racist roots of this “movement”, although recently I have seen a lot of religious whispers. Trads often feel ostracized and that they’re rebelling against modern society since they hold traditional values and they don’t go clubbing or have casual hookups or like anything considered “progressive”, but they’re literally following what white Evangelical Christianity has deemed acceptable.
Waif- Literally means skinny. Kind of like a modern thinspo, as noted in the use of “Waifspo”. People who have waif aesthetic boards typically post delicate, feminine, more often than not white, and skinny imagery. Lots of pink and pastel colors. Very girly. Has spread to tumblr. Variations: waiftwt (waif Twitter), waifspo
Whisper- Whisper is an app where people can post private confessions over random images. It has gone through trends, from people posting earnest confessions (example: I cheated on my boyfriend and didn’t tell him), then making jokes and memes (example: “Can I juul inside?” Over a picture of Barbie), and then… think of 2012-era tumblr thinspo girls who worship Lana Del Rey and made it their entire personality. That’s what is popular on Whisper right now (example: “All my brain knows is Pinterest, calories, and Lana lyrics”). An emerging whisper trend I’ve seen lately is kpop whispers, but they aren’t as popular, and have seen pushback from whisper girls. Variations: whisper meme, whisper girl, whisper pinterest, whisper community
Whisper Girl- See above. Whisper girls are a community who post the newer type of whispers, usually tonally emulating coquette and waif aesthetics, sometimes bragging about themselves, idealizing thinness and youth and attractiveness, or just simply listing things they like. This community can be very judgmental and hostile, in my experience, but there are some nice ones that try to spread positivity. They idolize French culture, and dream about living in Paris or NYC one day. Recently, I’ve seen a trend in Russian aesthetics, which to these girls is white people dressed in furry clothes in the snow. Their icons are usually of a white celebrity or model, like Lana De Rey or Lily Rose Depp.
Feel free to suggest more terms you’ve come across!
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yourfavcoquette · 6 months
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Baby blue 🎶
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angelspearlheart · 20 days
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grapeperfume · 4 months
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study-sphere · 2 months
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- Banksy
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thecupidwitch · 2 months
Candle Color Meaning
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🖤Black: protection, binding, banishing negativity, grief, secrets, endings, loss, cursing and hexing magick
🩶Grey: stability, concentration, neutrality, reserve, balance, adaptability, flexibility
🤍White: all propose color, cleansing and uncrossing, healing, purification, spirituality, higher-self, innocence, illumination, balancing, hope, protection, new beginning, peace, harmony
❤Red: love, seduction, passion, anger, strength, courage, charisma, survival, change, power, curse work, lust, sex magick
🩷Pink: self-love, companionship, affection, spiritual healing, kindness, beauty, femininity, marriage, sensuality, children, healing abuse
🧡Orange: business, creativity, justice, ambition, opportunity, attraction, abundance, confidence, energy, celebration, goals, success
💙Blue: peace, communication, expression, forgiveness, traveling, protection, truth, sleep, patience, trust, pregnancy
💛Yellow: joy, abundance, intelligence, reason, learning, memory, inspiration, imagination, friendships, sun magick
💚Green: growth, wealth, fertility, business, healing, nature, balance, luck, longevity
💜Purple: intuition, decadence, authority, wisdom, knowledge, influence, psychic abilities, devotion, enlightenment, overcoming fears, addiction, independence, spirituality
🤎Brown: earth magick, home, animal magick, family, stability, endurance, grounding, solidarity, strength, hard work
♡Gold: wealth, inner-strength, self-realization, sun, masculinity, abundance, happiness, overcoming addiction, luxury
♡Silver: intelligence, memory, moon magick, divination, money, femininity, fertility, hidden potential, success, awareness, wisdom, psychic powers
keep in mind that different cultures have different meanings for each colors. Use what correspondences fit you and your craft!
tip jar
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moodboard-d · 4 months
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lanaknowsitried0 · 1 year
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Me and the other girlbloggers<33
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mia-w4llace · 8 months
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angelspearlheart · 2 months
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oh to have a window bed
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devilbabykisses · 9 months
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rahabq · 7 months
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thecupidwitch · 3 months
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moodboard-d · 3 months
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lanaknowsitried0 · 1 year
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popcosmi · 2 months
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ᥫ᭡ 𝓁𝓊𝓍 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑜 °.ೃ࿔*:・
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