#player hater
mrpicasso-face · 2 months
Know what? I WILL hate from outside the club. I don't WANT to go in!
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kitschke · 2 months
AOTD 7/11: Player Hater - Rel B, Itchy & Buco Sounds
i didn't even get my free slushie today ...
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6ebe · 3 months
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When I said Spain were violating child Labour regulations I didn’t think they actually were 😭
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I spent so long pushing down every feeling I thought wasn't good enough to feel e.g anger, jealousy, haterade, envy, rage.
But now, now I'm happy to announce that I've tapped into these emotions especially hate.
Allow me to introduce myself, a proud hater.
I'm a hater first, everything else second.
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breannastewart · 3 months
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just some vets and their rookie, feat. jewell + nneka + nika 🥹
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momochanners · 1 year
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Wyll's romance, in a nutshell ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hi-res and process video of this fun little piece is available over at my Patreon.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
When I dislike something wildly popular: sorry you feel you must conform to the norms of society...I for one prefer to speak my truth
When other people dislike something wildly popular that I don't dislike even if I feel totally neutral towards it: oh my goddddd you dislike something popular? Should we have a party. Should we tell everyone. Should we invite Mark Twain.
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loodgack · 2 months
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pcktknife · 4 months
the way everytime we get a inkfish with a slightly different eye mask everyone's like 'ohhh shit what the hell is this' and it's just diversity
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vodkaslyme · 19 days
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Friday Nights are so uncomfortable
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I suddenly had a thought of GhostSoap being normal human beings and doing normal human being things and wanted to write some stuff for it.
1) Simon always forgets to replace the fuckin toilet paper and Johnny loses his mind over it every single time
2) Johnny has these quiet little snores that whistle out every time he breathes out and while it’s mildly annoying some nights Simon still finds it so endearing
3) Simon hogs the blankets, even in summer cause he’s just always cold, no matter what. Johnny tends to just snuggle in real close to Simon when he gets cold
4) Johnny is the cook of the house. He’s really good at it (his mother refused to let him leave home without knowing how to survive on his own) but he can’t bake. Simon’s the opposite where he can bake (his mum loved baking, taught him everything she knew) but can’t cook to save his life
5) Johnny’s always stealing Simon’s leftovers or hidden treats and Simon has threatened to stab him once or twice over it (it never stops Johnny from doing it again)
6) Simon totally found a stray cat and got the ‘you wanna keep him, you look after him’ talk and he has never been more devoted to looking after another living being after the whole thing with his family
7) Johnny’s got a million and one things in their bathroom all for the sake of looking after his hair and skin and what not and he definitely sits Simon down on the toilet seat every so often so he can do the same for him
8) Johnny seeks validation near constantly. Simon doesn’t know why but he always, always makes sure Johnny knows he’s appreciated and doing good and whatever else the man needs validation on
9) When Simon has night terrors the way to calm him down is to just let him cling to you. Don’t speak or anything just let him hold you and let him reassure himself that your alive and well. Sometimes he’ll be ready to talk about it in the morning, other times he’s content to let the memories go and just keep going
10) Johnny is the worst at taking out the trash. Since they live in a semi-old apartment complex they had to take their rubbish all the way downstairs when the bin in their place got full and Johnny fucking hates it
11) When one of them get put on leave and have to go back to the apartment by themselves they’ll play the other persons music and cook their favourite foods (or try at least) to try and fool themselves into thinking they’re not alone in their home
12) Simon totally has a stuffed toy that belonged to Joseph and while it sits on his shelf he was still terrified Johnny was going to say something bad about it or try and get rid of it (that’s happened once with an ex) but Johnny saw it, called it cute and then proceeded to look after it when Simon couldn’t
13) Johnny may not look it but he’s a bit of gardener. He’s got a windowsill full of herbs in the kitchen and their balcony has some random plants that he doesn’t actually know the name or origin of but he looks after them and has very specific instructions for Ghost to follow when he’s not around
14) Simon’s friends with the old guy that runs the convenience store down the street from their apartment and not because he tried to befriend the guy or anything, but because the guy thought Simon looked funny with his mask and decided he was going to favour him out of all of his customers
15) The neighbours tried hitting on Simon once and Johnny happened to open the door and heard them flirting with his boyfriend. He got so possessive that he made out with the bigger man against their door jamb for like 5 minutes until Simon pulled him inside. The news spread very quickly after that
16) The apartment complex have a betting pool going about what they do for a living because they hold such weird hours and will disappear for months at a time. None of them wanna ask the two though cause they’re all a little scared of the both of them
17) Simon’s a bookworm and if it weren’t for their tiny apartment he’d have his own, personal library filled to the brim with books
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diningchairs · 4 months
dewmac thesis? please? for the sake of the people of course
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i am going to be so annoying, so for all the dewmac enjoyers (hi taylor and katie) and dewmac-curious people, let me explain
some people may ask WHY i ship them and the answer is simple: i am a freak enjoyer, delusional and these are my barbie dolls.
first, i’m gonna go over the lore…which is very limited but when had that EVER stopped me from shipping??
October 30, 2021 - nate goes after dewey after dewey lays a dirty hit on bo byram. they’re both bad at fighting, so it’s funny. love the quote, “down he goes, duhaime on top of him”. (x)
now all the way too
March 7th, 2024 - Brandon Duhaime gets traded to the Colorado Avalanche
March 12th, 2024 - Attack Dog. During a game against the Calgary Flames, Dewey goes after a player who was bothering Nate. NOW THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!! That is exactly what you’re supposed to do, Dewey, good boy. Connor McGahey had this say about it in an episode of Peak Access:
“There was a Calgary player who was wacking at Mackinnon and immediately, Duhaime recognized the situation and went to the Flames player and tried to track him down and made sure that he was leaving Nathan Mackinnon alone and then went back on the bench and gave Nathan Mackinnon a little tap on the knee and said, ‘I got you, I got your back’ and that’s the time of player Duhaime is, he’s got you back” (x, 5:53 is the bit about Dewey)
SO FUN, RIGHT?!?!?!!!!
March 30th, 2024 - I have no videos for this but just know that I saw them laughing on the bench together and everything felt right. Now as a Nate supporter first, human being second, I felt very protective over Nate and certain people claiming that he was going to “ruin” Dewey. So when I saw them laughing and having a good time, I was just happy because believe it or not, Nate isn’t some evil person devoid of fun, happiness, and sugar.
April 8th, 2024 - DEWEY’S FIRST GOAL AS AN AV! And guess what… he points to Nate RIGHT after (x)
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Okay so now onto my thesis.
Obviously a big reason for shipping them is seeing two freaks and thinking, “ooo, they should fuck nasty” but there’s a little more to the narrative here.
Dewey was traded away from HIS TEAM, from his team that meant to much to him. He even said in the Peak Access episode I mentioned earlier that he was excited to play for Colorado but sad to leave Minnesota. He was also RIPPED AWAY from his best friend, Connor Dewar, who was then ripped away from Minnesota. Not to mention, Dewey was brought here because we needed a physical player for our playoffs roster.
So. Dewey’s now in Colorado, all alone. (Yes, we’ve all seen the arrival and airport photos where he looks miserable, which i’m not denying he wasn’t but also: That’s Just His Face)
And just a few games after being traded, he becomes an attack dog for Nate. And GOD, it was just hot and kind of unexpected?
Dewey takes all of his anger/frustration/sadness from the trade and puts that into defending his new team—especially Nate—by getting physical and going after other players.
In my mind, they’re friends with benefits. And they absolutely know that they are NOT each other’s first choice. But they still fuck nasty. And Dewey was never intimated by Nate at all. He was so pissed from the trade that he just doesn’t GIVE A FUCK. And then he plays with the Avs and is like, “ohhhh okay, I will lay down my life for Nate I guess. Also I want to fuck him to fuck me.” And so he’s using Nate as someplace to put his emotions again.
And Nate is all for it. Another fun thing is that, *slaps Nate*, you can fit so many terrible love situations into this bad boy! Is he fucking Dewey because his love for Sid is unrequited? Is Cale ignoring his texts? Was he reminded of his thing with Tyson Barrie? Or Burky?
More on their relationship dynamic:
So yeah. In conclusion, dewmac nation NEEDS TO RISE because they are so mean and nasty to each other yet they need each other to balance out their emotions from stupid trades and playoffs and other hockey related problems.
I hope you enjoyed! It’s kind of hard for me to explain ship dynamics sometimes because I will just keep rambling. And ships are always evolving in my head as I get more comfortable with writing them.
Okay, now i’m gonna go write something about these freaks
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msmargaretmurry · 17 days
i say this as an o.ilers hater but huge props to leon for NOT taking a discount and making them spend on him. get paid bitch!!!! literally no idea how mr incapable of a poker face if his life depends on it convinced them he might walk if they didn't empty their wallets but it is very funny to me that he is now for one sweet season the highest paid nhl player. good for him dot gif
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nicolethered · 7 months
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How it feels to see the Chiefs win another Super Bowl
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Game designers/visual artists going "yeah we'll minimize the narrative noise" while having literally zero expertise in storytelling/narration <33333
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yveltalreal · 2 months
its so upsetting how literally everyone is always like ohhh paldean sandwiches are so bad look at this shitt!!! and then you look at the photo and its like. this is clearly someone trying to make the worst sandwich possible. this is clearly someone trying to make the worst sandwich possible. this is clearly someone trying to make the worst sandwich possible. this one was posted by someone superstitious about meal powers trying to get certain results. this is clearly someone trying to make the worst sandwich possible.
like idk how to tell you this but the shitty sandwiches paldea has is like mostly just either superstitious people or people specifically trying to freak you out. if you go to an actual sandwich shop or like are going on a picnic with an actual paldean you will be making a normal ass sandwich. its just at this point being a sandwich freak is funny so people keep posting stupid sandwiches specifically so you guys show how stupid you are when you genuinely think that we make our food like that lol. i even saw someone genuinely ask why paldeans ONLY eat sandwiches lol. we have other food like theres a ton of resteraunts if you just walk around any of the cities, fuck one of our gym leaders is FAMOUS for his restaurant which i dont think serves any sandwiches and another battles people in a different restaurant that i dont think has sandwiches either lol
like we have normal food. we have normal sandwiches. i promise. if you genuinely believe we dont then i am concerned for you
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