#playing nice tickle fight. with my sister.
d3adp00ls · 7 months
Omg what if Vanessa x reader where they are married and they have a nice slow day where they are on ther periods or something and are super clingy and touchy and make cake or something
Heart To Heart
Vanessa (fnaf movie) x reader
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Summary: See request
Contents: Pure fluff like seriously I’m single and writing this shit made me feel lonely, periods, so that means talk of blood, Vanessa is literally me in the beginning, food fights, attempt at baking, tickle fight, kisses, i want someone like this.
Word count: Go to McDonalds and ask for a double quarter pounder with fries and chicken nuggets with bbq sauce, the cashier should then tell you what the word count is.
side note: I got carried away ngl and now it’s less of a period fic than it is just a goofy fluff fic and I’m sorry about that anon 😅if you don’t like this one feel free to request another period fic and I can definitely try again. ALSO, I WAS LISTENING TO HEART TO HEART BY MAC DEMARCO ON REPEAT WHILE WRITING THIS, AND ISTG THAT SONG MAKES ME FEEL THINGS!!
Side note #2: I hate cake…I STILL WROTE ABOUT CAKE THO CUZ I KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT (kudos to my older sister for teaching me when I was younger)…but I hate it it tastes like dirt with frosting on it I never liked it. ALSO AS YOU CAN SEE HOW USED MY BIG BRAIN AND REALIZED I COULD NAME THE STORY AFTER THE SONG I PLAYED ON REPEAT LIKE A GENIUS.
The warm sunlight poured in through the windows, casting a gentle glow over you and Vanessa as you snuggled in your shared bed. Your bodies were entwined beneath the soft covers, and as the light stirred you awake, you nuzzled your face into Vanessa's chest. She responded by pulling you closer and resting her head on top of yours. Just as you were about to drift back to sleep, a loud noise jolted you both awake. With puzzled expressions, you sat up and looked at the bedside table where the noise was coming from.
"Did you forget to turn off your alarm?" you asked, watching as Vanessa reached over to turn it off.
"I must have," she groaned, hitting the alarm button to silence it.
You got out of bed, ready to start your day. Vanessa watched as you gathered a towel, one of her oversized shirts, and some comfortable clothing before she spoke up.
"Where are you going?" she asked, still sounding sleepy.
"I'm going to freshen up, I feel like I've bled all over the sheets," you replied, your voice slightly hoarse from just waking up.
Vanessa hummed in response, rearranging the sheets you had been lying on. She looked up at you with a concerned expression.
"There's no blood, my love," she reassured you, causing you to smile at her thoughtfulness.
"Still, I think it would be best if I shower now," you said with a hint of amusement. Vanessa moved to sit on your side of the bed and reached out for you to come closer.
"Please, can you stay in bed a little longer? If you happen to bleed, I'll clean it up," she pleaded, her voice still muffled from burying her face in your stomach.
"I don't want to get up right now," she whined, and you couldn't help but giggle at her adorable pout.
"It's already 12 pm, love. We've already missed half the day," you reminded her, causing her to groan.
"So what? We've worked hard all week, we deserve these few days off," she argued, crossing her arms and looking at you with a defeated expression.
"That's true," you agreed with a soft smile. You took a step back, causing her to let go of you, and she pouted even more.
"But you know what else is fun to do when we're both on our monthly cycle?" you asked, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"What?" Vanessa grunted, her arms still crossed.
"Taking a shower and baking a cake with the person you love most," you said, watching as her eyes widened in surprise.
"But if you'd rather stay in bed all day, that's fine too," you added with a shrug, before turning and walking towards the bathroom. You could hear Vanessa rustling around in the bedroom before she ran after you with a cheeky smile.
"I thought you wanted to sleep in," you teased, looking at her playfully as you took off your shirt.
"I wanted to sleep in with you. Plus, I don't want to leave you alone while you shower," she said, giving you a kiss on the cheek before undressing alongside you.
"Oh totally," you replied with a laugh, turning on the water in the shower.
"Okay, so now we need four room-temperature eggs that have been separated," Vanessa calls out to you as you grab the eggs from the counter and a bowl.
"Wait, separated? Do you mean in different bowls?" you ask, looking at the eggs and the one bowl you had taken out.
Vanessa laughs and you look up at her, confused. She shakes her head with a smile and puts down the baking book she was reading from before moving to stand behind you.
"No, my love, separatied means separating the yolk from the egg whites. Can you hand me an egg?" she playfully whispers in your ear.
You hand her an egg and she stands next to you, cracking it against the counter and separating the yolk from the egg white by passing it between the two shells until only the yolk remains.
"See? It's not that difficult," she says with a smile, breaking you from your trance. You return the smile and say, "Yeah, I've got this."
As you continue to separate the eggs and put them in the bowl, Vanessa moves around the kitchen, preparing the other ingredients.
"Done!" you exclaim, looking at Vanessa. She curses under her breath and you drop the empty egg shells in shock. Vanessa had accidentally dropped the flour on her head while reaching for it on the top shelf. You cover your mouth to stifle the laugh that wants to escape as you watch her.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just excited to do this right and-" Before you can finish apologizing, Vanessa throws the rest of the flour on you, causing you to gasp in surprise. You stand in shock as she laughs.
"Nessa! What the hell?" you exclaim, surprised. Vanessa continues to laugh as you grab one of the egg yolks from the counter and smear it on her face. She stops laughing as you rub the yolk on her face, then wipes it away to look at you with a playful glare.
"Now you're in trouble," she says, grabbing the rest of the yolks and smushing them on your face. You groan and wipe the yolk off, spitting out any that got into your mouth.
Vanessa continues to laugh as you complain about the yolk in your mouth. She runs to get towels and two glasses of water before returning and handing you a towel. You wipe your face and apologize for laughing, then pick up one of the glasses of water and pour it on Vanessa's head, causing her to gasp and close her eyes.
"Y/n!" she shouts, and you laugh as you run away. Vanessa wipes her face with her sleeve before chasing after you and tackling you onto the couch.
"Hey, stop! You're going to get the couch wet and dirty," you say, laughing as she tickles you. Vanessa finally stops and walks away for a moment, giving you time to catch your breath. But before you can, she comes back with the other glass of water. You try to protest, but she throws the water on you before you can finish. You groan as she giggles and says, "Now we're even."
"Let's go finish this cake," Vanessa says, laughing as she walks back to the kitchen. You call out that you'll get her back and fall back onto the now-wet couch, not caring if it gets any dirtier.
You lay snuggled up against Vanessa on the couch as an old romance show played on the television. She had her arms wrapped around you as you picked at the remnants of cake on your plate, gazing absentmindedly at the TV. Vanessa's lips snapped you out of your daydream as she planted a soft kiss on your head, causing you to smile and look up at her.
"Hi," you say with a smile, and she smiles back before nodding towards the plate in your hand.
"Are you going to finish that?" she asks, and you look down at the plate before shaking your head and playing with the plastic fork.
"Nah, do you want the last bite?" you offer, looking back up at her. She nods eagerly, and you hand her the plate.
"Can you feed it to me, though?" she asks with a mischievous glint in her eye. You raise an eyebrow, wondering what she's up to, but ultimately nod and move to straddle her. As you hand her the fork, she grabs your leg and pulls it over her waist, holding onto your waist as you lean down to feed her the last bite of cake.
"This is extra, you could have just taken the plate from me," you comment, slightly annoyed but unable to hide your smile.
"I know, but you look cute when you're flustered," Vanessa teases, smirking up at you. You playfully roll your eyes before planting a quick kiss on her lips.
"Let's go shower now," you say, trying to get up, but Vanessa's grip on your waist tightens.
"One more kiss," she pleads, and you sigh, knowing she won't let you go until you comply. You give her a tight-lipped smile before leaning down to give her another quick kiss, but she surprises you by deepening the kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth. You moan against her lips as you taste the cake on her tongue.
As the kiss intensifies, you feel Vanessa's hand move from the back of your head to rest on your cheek, and she breaks the kiss, her thumb lightly tracing your bottom lip. You catch your breath, looking down at her with a dazed expression.
"Do you still want to shower?" she asks with a playful glint in her eye, and you shyly nod, hiding your face in the crook of her neck.
"But we should take one together to save water," you suggest, your voice muffled against her skin. Vanessa hums in agreement, her voice teasing as she replies, "Sure, just because you want to save water."
You can't help but smile against her neck as you lift your head to look at her with a mock serious expression.
"Vanessa, that's gross. We both have our periods," you say, feigning disgust at what she was suggesting. But Vanessa just shrugs, not fazed by your comment.
"So what?" she replies with a smirk, and you can't help but laugh at her nonchalant response.
Tbh idk if this is short or long but I can tell you it sucks ass but I’m so fucking tired with school and shit I got lazy at the ending and I’m so sorry abt that 😭 I promise future fics won’t be this ass.
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blushweddinggowns · 9 months
Would love to see your take on 23 or 28 good potential for fluff or angst or maybe both?
I am such a fluffy bitch! I can't help myself. If I get another one of these I will do angst because I need to work on that. But for now fluffy bullshit is my safe place <3
But I will say this tickled my uh not sfw brain, so watch out for a possible ao3 E addition the other prompt. Maybe! (Probably. the potenial of "Come and get your fix" is insane) But this is "Was it worth it?"
Honestly? You'd think Steve would be used to this by now. He was just not the guy that anyone wanted to be with. First there was Nancy, the worst heartbreak he ever had. Then there was Robin, which was better but still kind of sucked. Until Steve realized that oh, wow, this girl is literally my long lost sister. So with that, he had to admit that he was pretty grateful that she was gay as hell. The alternative would have been an absolute disaster. But even before all of that, girls just didn't like being with him. Or at least staying with him.
He was too much of a hopeless romantic, too clingy, too weird. He always fell beneath expectations. People expected him to be cool, suave, to actually match the whole "King Steve" label and be the high school dream boat that he should be. But...Steve just wasn't like that. He wanted too much too fast, always opening up and sharing shit that made people uncomfortable. That made them pull away and find someone less annoying. So he'd retreat back into the popular boy thing, be charming and a little dickish, find a new girlfriend, and start the process all over again.
People just... didn't like going there with him. Not when there were better options. It felt like the only one who could really handle him was Robin. And lately... Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson who was currently in the middle of crushing all of his feelings into the dust.
He thought...Steve wasn't sure what he thought. But it felt like over the past year they had been moving somewhere, to something more. They were friends by circumstance, from all the Upside Down shit and then with Steve being Dustin's chauffer to the hospital for visits. It had all been so simple at first. They would all talk as a group, it would be fun, and then they'd be on there way until Dustin called him up next. Until one day Steve just went by himself. He wasn't quite sure why he did, but the bright smile that lit up Eddie's face when he saw him made sure that he'd keep doing it.
And they would talk for a long time. For a stupid amount of time honestly, all the way until the nurses kicked him out for getting Eddie too rowdy and excited. But it didn't stop when he got out of the hospital. Steve just started going to house, helping him and his uncle out as they got to know each other more. It's not like he had anything else going on. He just never expected Eddie Munson of all people to slowly become the center of his life.
They just... clicked. In a way that no one had expected, least of all them. They were so different, but they also weren't. Not in the ways that mattered. Besides, Steve liked all the play fights and debates they would have over music and movies. He liked ribbing each other over their taste in clothes and their mutual inability to get girls. He loved it even more when Eddie came out to him in the silliest possible way.
"I can't get girls because I'm gay as fuck and they can sense it. You can't get girls because every straight woman that lives here is apparently stupid. Can being too hot ruin your dating life?"
At the time it had made Steve laugh. It also stirred... something in his chest. Something warm and nice that he didn't have time to examine, not when he was too busy reassuring Eddie that yes, he's okay with it. But no, girls couldn't smell it on him. Not that Eddie cared but Steve actually had 0 clue on why no one was interested in him. Just because he was gay didn't mean the girls of Hawkins high knew that. Why weren't they fawning over him? He was so freaking pretty, and creative and fun and...and that's how Steve realized he wasn't as straight as he thought he was.
And because Steve was Steve that meant that he had to make things weird. He started doing stupid shit, like staring at Eddie's perfect mouth all the time, wearing his clothes with permission, just to smell him throughout the day. They started giving each other little nick names, stupid shit that was so close to being romantic. Like sunshine and angel. They started sleeping in the same bed together, spending more nights with each other than apart. Steve would wake up with Eddie wrapped around him, clinging to him like...like they were something more.
And it felt good. Comfortable and safe. And Steve really thought that this had been different. That whatever was going on with him had to be going on with Eddie too.
But now here he was, standing shell-shocked in his kitchen while his very good friend was trying to talk to him about his crush. His crush that had nothing to do with Steve. It wasn't exactly shocking that Steve had made all of that flirtation up in his head. It wouldn't be the first time, he was just delusional like that.
But that didn't stop his heart from breaking when Eddie said, "So...there's this guy whose like, insanely hot? And I think he might be into me. But... I don't really know what to do about it."
Steve really did not want to hear about this. He didn't like it, the horrifying thought of Eddie getting a boyfriend. Because what partner would be cool with them cuddling up together in bed? Who would be down to have their boyfriend's creepy buddy hanging around them all the time? Calling them stupid shit like sunshine? It wasn't going to happen. And acknowledging that hurt...so much more than Steve had expected.
But Steve was a good friend. That was probably the only thing he had going for him. He'd get past it. He always did. He was just going to have to completely restructure the life he had built around Eddie. That's all.
He shoved his feelings back, smiling despite the fact that he felt like he was dying a little inside, "Oh yeah? Tell me about him."
Steve wasn't sure why he asked that. And the dreamy smiled on Eddie's face when he started talking wasn't helping, "He is just awesome dude. Total catch, an absolute sweetheart. And he just fits with me y'know? And, um, I think he feels the same way. But I'm not sure. I'm too much of a bitch to even ask if he's into dudes. I don't know if telling him is worth the risk."
Part of Steve wanted to be a real piece of shit with that. To tell him that yeah, it's not a good idea. He's probably straight and definitely wouldn't be good for him. They wouldn't love him like Steve could. But that didn't exactly count as being a good friend, did it?
Steve kept it all back, his smile tight when he said, "I think that sometimes the risk can be worth it. Do you think he's worth it?"
Eddie laughed, like Steve said something funny instead of trying to be sincere. But he was smiling, staring down at the counter as he fiddled with his rings, "If it worked out, it would probably be the best thing that ever happened to me."
Steve really really did not need to hear that. He could feel his eyes getting wet. He needed to wrap this shit up and send Eddie on his way to mystery man's house before he started crying, "If that's how you feel then go for it man. He'd be lucky to have you."
Steve's voice broke on the last word, something he tried to hide behind a cough. He just wanted this to be over already.
"I think I'd be lucky to have him," Eddie said with a shrug, "But... do you really think I should? Just go for it?"
"Yeah dude, why not tonight even? If he's not doing anything else you can just hop right over," Steve was willing to sign up for anything that got him out of here faster.
Eddie laughed again, completely out of place. He was circling the counter, coming to a stop in front of Steve with a nervous little smile, "You really think so?"
Why did he have to look at him like that? With this big doe eyes, filled with hope. It was silly, what Steve thought didn't even matter, this had nothing to do with him. But that little fact wasn't helping to clear the lump in his throat.
Steve nodded, not trusting himself with words. He expected Eddie to grin, thank him, and head out into the night to profess his love for some other dude. But that's not what happened.
Instead Eddie settled his hands on Steve's shoulders, giving them a firm squeeze. He looked nervous, but excited, his eyes boring right into Steve's. He took a deep breath before blurting, "I'm in love with you. Like full-blown. A-And it's probably way to early to be saying that but it's true Steve. It's been driving me fucking insane, because I like want you man. In very non-friendship ways."
Steve stared at him, his mouth hanging open like an idiot. He didn't-wait-huh? What? That can't be right. Eddie couldn't have been talking about him because he didn't-he wasn't-but... now that Steve thought about it, who the fuck else would he be talking about? How would he even have a chance to meet someone else when they were attached at the hip?
He felt so stupid. And so relived. He didn't even know what to do with himself, besides stare at Eddie like a moron. And his silence wasn't helping anything.
"I-um, thought that you might feel the same way since, y'know. Everything. And I know you're not gay-"
It was true, Steve wasn't gay. Not entirely but, "I can be gay for you. I'm so gay for you. I might as well be an Eddie-sexual at this point-"
Steve didn't have time to finish his cringy spiel, not when Eddie was pulling him closer and smashing their mouths together. Steve would thank him later for it, but for now he was too busy melting into his arms.
He felt weirdly good when they finally pulled away, almost like he was high. Just from one little kiss.
Eddie was grinning at him, looking at Steve like he was the best thing that ever happened to him. And what an insane thought that was huh? But Steve would take it.
Steve smiled up at him, taking the time to wrap his arms around Eddie's neck, "So...was it worth it? The risk?"
Eddie rolled his eyes, his hands wandering downward to rest on Steve's hips. And then Eddie was actually lifting him into the air and onto the counter, settling between his legs like the gesture didn't just send Steve into a tailspin. Why was that so hot? When did his nerdy friend (boyfriend?) become so smooth?
Eddie chuckled before leaning back in. He pressed a light kiss to the side of Steve's lips, sweet enough for him to know it would be burned into his memory until the end of time, "Like you have to ask."
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more hcs because I’m losing my mind and I can’t contain the sillyness any longer
-Mike sometimes have nightmares of William succeeding and Abby being another victim of his and will get up in a cold sweat to check on her in her room, sometimes glad to see her staying up late because it means she's still there
- Abby gets nightmares of Mike not waking up when she ran over to him and wakes up in tears, and goes and climbs into his bed, forcing his arm up to sneak in and hold her, he's usually awake by then and tells her everything will be okay and that he's okay
-Abby is really picky about the texture of her stuffed animals so Mike learns over time and buys them accordingly, even warning people ahead of time if they ever wants to buy one to bring him with her
-When Mike really got into doing pushups, if Abby was awake early enough she'd sit on his back or play with her dolls on his back pretending it's a boat in the ocean (he complained at first but took it as another moment to be with his sister)
-Ness is the type to remember everyone's orders, he has them memorized by their third visit His boss would be impressed if he wasn't constantly yapping to the customers disrupting kitchens flow 
-Mike Found the song that the animatronics played and will play it for Abby sometimes and watch her dance, glad to see her smiling again (until he's invited to dance to which he pretends to hate witch makes Abby giggle)
-Mike: "Abby if I die here you can draw on my grave, wouldn't mind.
Abby: "Please don't talk like that."
-After waking up, Vanessa chose to take a bit of a calmer job as a SRO at Abby’s school
-Mike went to Abby's school for her lunch to surprise her for her birthday and Vanessa is only is told it's a "surprise visitor" & nearly makes Mike piss his pants w how scary she was to greet him before seeing it was him
-Vanessa is very caring when it comes to Mike or Abby being sick or injured. Mike has a really hard time excepting help so he just pretends he’s fine until he can barley function 
-Abby loves to paint others nails but not hers, if she has any kinda nail polish on or paint on her nails she’ll bite at them
-Ness writes little silly puns and jokes on to-go orders and will for sure spend forever choosing the right one and will wake up the next day with an even better one and be down the whole day
-Vanessa is really, like embarrassingly bad at bedtime stories, like Mike tried being nice about it but Abby wasn't
-Mike is both the pickiest eater and the will try anything guy at the same time
-Abby Was taught to warn Mike of cops on the road but now she recognizes Vanessa's car and says "there's Vanessa!" And she purposely pulls him over to chat with Abby
-Abby called Mike dad by accident and he couldn't stop crying for hours and Abby thought she offended him and made it a thing to call him "big brother Mike™”
-Abby will pretend to be asleep for more time in bed and Mike's comfort. Mike knows damn well she's awake but doesn't have the heart to actually wake her up and finds himself playing with her hair and glad she's safe
-Abby still has Mike's old security badge and vest and likes to go around pretending that she has a taser and goes around "defeating animatronics" which is just tickling Mike while he's trying to get work done
-Abby before the events at Freddy's she was always warned by Mike about the germs in a ball pit so that one scene was quite literally a last ditch effort for her
-Vanessa has been asked multiple times to scare Abbys bullies but gives the corny "tell a trusted adult they're not worth it" speech to her and feels proud about it. Mike tells Abby to just beat them up /hj (She takes his advice and both get lectured by Vanessa)
-Mike was 100% ready to fight Vanessa if he needed to because he really needed the job and was fully prepared to live up to the "keep people out" rule (based off the scene where they first met)
-Mike entered his emo phase the second Garrett got taken and left it the second he got custody of Abby, mostly because he was too busy to dress up anymore
-Abby managed to get ahold of Mike's taser from when he was a mall cop and brought it in for show and tell
-Vanessas first reaction to seeing the fazbear band for the first time was to ask why the band didn't have a drummer and William grounded her for seven months and didn't speak to her the entire time because he was so deeply offended and embarrassed
-sometimes when the animatronics get bored they dial random numbers into the phone and see what happens and one time they managed to call the White House completely by accident
-Abby and Vanessa do sister stuff together like braiding hair, baking cookies, and playing Barbies with insane reality tv level drama (it freaks Mike out but he just assumes it's girl stuff he wouldn't understand)
-Mike was really into skateboarding when he was younger, he doesn't do it much anymore but whenever he needs to flex on someone he whips out the triple kick flip and everyone is like how tf is that pathetic wet cat of a man doing that
-Ness runs a blog on Livejournal that’s basically food theory but in the 2000’s and he takes it very seriously 
-When they were at the pizzeria Abby found the ballon boy figurine and wanted to take it home because she thought it was cute. Mike almost had a heart attack when he found it at the house
-One time Abby found Mikes bong and thought it was a vase so she put some flowers in in and put it up for decorations, Mike, Ness and Vanessa nearly pissed themselves laughing when they saw it
-Abby is obsessed with furbys, Mike on the other hand almost shit himself when he heard it talking in the middle of the night. Fear only got worse after Freddy’s 
-Mike couldn’t afford an ambulance to drive Vanessa to the hospital so he just called a taxi (Cory went through enough that night so he just gave up and drove them, he was pissed afterwards tho because blood got all over his seats)
-Abby has a fish tank in her room that’s just filled with bugs and dirt, Mike has insisted to get rid of it multiple times because it smells rancid and the bugs kill each other regularly 
-It took Mike 5 times to just get his learners permit 
-William was a frat in collage
-Ness and Abby are both bug lovers and both cry when you squish a bug, Mike hates bugs and doesn’t get it
-Mike likes fishing and is lowkey hyperfixated on it
-William kept all the important files in a small ass trapper keeper that he stole from Vanessa 
-Mikes car hasn’t been inspected in eight years, not cause he thinks he won’t pass he just forgot to do it and just never did it again (but srysly look at it it’s fucking disintegrating)
-Mike also doesn’t like when other people take care of him because he doesn’t want to be seen as needy but Vanessa and Ness are like: “YOU WILL TAKE MY LOVE AND CARE GOD DAMNIT!” (In a loving way tho)
-Ness steals the crayons from the kids menus and gives them to Abby 
Oki final part for now because I can’t think of anything else 😜
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visd3stele · 2 years
Aww Criston with kids is such a cute imagine!🥺 Can you write an imagine where the reader is pregnant or is giving birth and Criston is so sweet and caring? 🥺🥺
bet! not tumblerinas having Ser Cole played by Fabien for a few episodes and already making him a DILF. good for us :))
masterlist ; requests
tw: pregnancy, giving birth
One. Two. Three
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The afternoon glamour bathed you in lazy light. Through the haze of a long sleep drifting away, you heard the well known chime of your children laugh. It warmed your heart better than any sun could hope to do.
"Inside voices, you two." A whisper outside your bedroom door sent tingles down your spine. Your husband, Ser Criston Cole has asked for a couple of week off duty as you neared your due time with your pregnancy. "Mommy needs her rest for the baby.
"But aren't we going to wake her up right now?" Kase, your oldest, said. He would be turning seven next week. You were hoping the next baby won't arrive until after.
Criston chuckled softly and you could picture him ruffling your son's hair affectionately. "Yes. But that doesn't mean we can't do it softly."
"If mommy has to sleep, why do we wake her?" Rosyn, the little girl who has just learned to walk properly last year asked loudly, articulating each of her words.
"Shhh, whispers, Rosyn. Can you do that? Can you talk like daddy does right now?" You assumed your baby daughter nodded solemnly, imagining the little frown she made as she concentrates. "We're waking mommy up because she hasn't eaten today. Nor did she drink any water. And the maesters advice to keep her active."
A smirk crept on your face. It wasn't exactly what the old healers had in mind, but your husband kept you very active... at night, when the kids slept and couldn't hear you two.
You plopped down under the covers as the door handle moved. You felt the bed lowering where Criston and the kids sat. He watched you adoringly, reaching a hand to caress your face. "Alright, kids, how do we wake mommy up nicely?"
"Oh, I know," Kase whispered excitedly. He cupped your face in his small hands and kissed your forehead. "Wake up, mommy!" He said in the low voice his father asked of him.
"My turn, my turn," Rosyn managed to keep her voice down until she pressed her mouth to your face. Then she made a loud noise of kissing and yelled "Wakey, mommy, wakey!"
"Rosyn," Kase chastised his sister. But before a fight could issue, your burst out laughing. Criston was at your side faster than a second, helping you sitting up comfortably. He arranged the pillow at your back, dropping a kiss to your mouth as he did so. "Morning, mommy," he winked.
You hummed contented. "Good morning, my love," you mused at your husband, rubbing a hand over you swollen belly. "Morning, my babies," your other arm extended an invitation for a hug.
Rosyn jumped towards you immediately, being stopped by Criston who picked her up and placed her at your side gently. Kase mumbled "I'm not a baby," before relenting and climbing up on your other side.
You kissed each of your kids on top of their heads. Criston crossed his arms in feign offence. "No space for me? What is this? I want to sit next to mommy too."
"No!" Rosyn pulled her tongue out at him. "It's our mommy." Kase didn't say anything, but hugged you tight in support of his sister's proclamation.
"Come now, kids. That's not so nice, is it? Look how sad daddy is."
Criston pushed his lower lip out, exaggerating a tremble and sniffed.
"Oh, fine. He can come."
Criston broke into a wide smile, picking Rosyn up again, tickling her sides as he did and scooping both of them in your embrace. Her childish giggling made both you and Criston fall into a sweet fit of laughter.
You stroke Kase's hair, not wanting to make him feel left outside and met your husband's hand on your belly. It was then when the yet to be born baby decided to kick. Criston's eyes snaped into yours, awe and delight bursting through in the teary sparkles of dark, deep irises.
When you finally got out of bed, the kids made you sit on a colorful chair they painted earlier the morning. "Daddy made us the paint, but we picked the flowers."
"And I helped him even with making the paint."
"You're both so talented, sweeties. Thank you!"
Rosyn and Kase pointed to different shapes and color spots on the wooden chair, explaining their meaning. Criston was in the kitchen, chopping some cucumbers, cheese and bread to go with the boiled eggs. The kids helped him serve the table, none of them letting you do any work.
"Daddy said you grow our baby sibling and it's work enough from you."
"Yeah, you can't lift a finger, mommy."
"Did daddy say that?"
"Well, I said you shouldn't have to lift a finger." Criston approached the table slowly, kneeling at your feet and cupping your baby bump in his palms. He peppered it with kisses as you threaded your fingers through his messy curls. "You should only focus on the making of our child. I can't imagine how exhausted that must be."
"It's all worth it," you whispered honestly, stealing a look at your two bundles of joy currently painting some of their toys with what was left from the colors made that morning.
Hours later, when the sun soaked the horizon in bright, warm colors while the moon climbed the sky with her cold, sweet silver crown, you felt a wet spot forming fast between your legs. You were sewing clothes for the baby in front of the fire - or trying tom, as you often forgot your work and watched Criston play with the kids on the boar fur carpet he hunted for on his own.
"Criston," you called, voice small and weak with so many emotions, so different you couldn't identify, nor separate them all. You were happy, of course, to bring your baby to life in the loving family you and your husband created. But you were also terrified. Giving birth was no easy task - the unbearable pain you would never understand how you survived twice already, the looming threat of death, the long hours of labor when you could do nothing but wait and push, wait and push as contrations broke your body.
"It's time." You added. But it was no need for it. Criston was already rushing the kids gently to the door, yelling for his page to fetch the midwife.
"Listen my dearests, your baby sibling is coming now. Kase, you remember when your sister was born we took you to the neighbors for the night, right?" When the boy nodded, Criston continued: "I want you to do the same now. And take care of Rosyn until I come for you. Can you do that?"
The boy nodded again. You whaled in pain, holding your belly as you walked around the room with a hand, as the other supported your weight on the walls.
Kase tried to look brave. He did remember how bad you screamed when Rosyn was born. He could hear it from next door. He has cried the whole night until Criston picked him up and he saw you in your bed, feeding a small baby girl. He ran to hug you, which your husband helped with, and didn't stop from crying until he saw you smiling at him. "Meet your younger sister, my sweet boy. Rosyn."
The oldest kid knew you will be fine, despite his hectic beating heart pumping ice in his veins. You just had to. But the little one started crying. "Is mommy dying?"
"No, baby, no," Criston hugged her tightly. "Mommy is going to be fine. I promise. You'll go stay with mommy and daddy's friends for tonight and when you'll come home, you'll have a new baby sibling and mommy will hug all four of us with so much love."
"You promise?"
"I swear on my knight's vows."
Criston stood in the doorway until he saw the kids entering the neighbor's house. Then he flied to you. "I'm here, my love, I'm here." You grasped his arm, gripping him tightly as the pain grew. Your eyes were shut close and good thing they were. If not, you would have seen the sick palor in your husband's cheeks, the way he munched on his lips and the worried expression stamped on his face: brows rose in panic, eyes hooded by fear. "You're so strong, my dear. You're doing do great."
"And how would you know that?"
"Because I've seen you do this twice before. Each time just as amazing. You're so much braver than I. So much more powerful. Don't forget that."
The midwife arrived, not bothering to wait be invited inside as the door was largely open. She took you from Criston, leading you to your bed. The woman felt your bump, confirming the baby was in the right position and ready to come out.
Criston trembled at the bedpost, holding your hand as you pushed and pushed and pushed. You cut his blood flow with the force you clung to his hands each time a new wave of pain shot through you. But he didn't even notice. All he could think about, all he could see, was your sweating face, mouth still pulling air in and out.
Near dawning, the cries of a new born filled the house. Another daughter to hold to your chest. As tired as you were, you couldn't help marvel at the sight of your newest child.
Criston wept your forehead with a cold cloth, leading the midwife to the door and cleaning the house before going to get the rest of your family. He, Kase and Rosyn found you and the baby sleeping.
"Mommy," Rosyn yelped, believing you dead. Before Crisoton could calm her down, you startled awake. "Mommy," she breathed relieved. And ran to see you.
With tired eyes barely kept open, you beamed at your older daughter. "I'm fine," you said. "Just sleepy. Baby Dharlae took her time."
Kase and Criston came to see her too. Your son and daughter waved their fingers at the baby, even though she couldn't see them. Your husband watched you with watery eyes. He put the kids to sleep, as they didn't catch much of it the night, and return to your bedroom.
Criston gently climbed in bed, snaking an arm over the bedpost, careful not to touch you. Childbirth left you overly sensitive, he knew. "She looks like you," you whispered to him. "The audacity."
"She'll grow up to be just like her mother. A goddess to bless the earth."
You rolled your eyes, though a smile played on your lips. "Want to hold her?" And without waiting for an answer - you already knew what he'll say - you place Dharlae in his arms.
Wide eyed, Criston muttered "oh, she's so perfect." You hummed your agreement, lowering yourself under the covers and resting your head on his thigh. You could fall asleep in peace, knowing your husband will put Dharlae in her crib soon and join you in the world of the dreaming.
Your thoughts grew heavy, anointed in honey. But before your conscious truly drowned in the darkness before dreams, you heard Criston kiss the baby's head, then yours, whispering with voice clumsy with emotion "thank you, y/n."
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readerxlol · 1 year
A Misunderstanding - Lo’ak x reader
Summary: the reader misinterprets an interaction between her sister and her crush, Lo’ak after telling her about her new found feelings
Warnings: angst with fluff at the end
Please do not judge this is my first ever post of a fan fiction. I hope you enjoy :)
Readers pov: 
Giggling, Tsireya teases me about the words that had just left my mouth. “You find Lo’ak attractive?” “Yeah but I don’t like him… that’s so weird… I don't like him.” I fumble, trying to justify the situation I had just put myself in, realising my older sister has gotten me in an awkward position. “Oh please! Don’t think I didn’t see you blushing when you two had your first interaction. ‘Hey’ he said and you were all like ‘oh new boy choose me. Love me.’” She mocked with breaks for laughter in between. “That’s disgusting I never said that. I said hey back. They were new and he was being nice.” “Yeah but you were thinking it.” She whispered with a smirk on her face. 
Thinking back to when the Sully family first introduced themselves, I remember riding my Ilu over to the newcomers shortly after the arrival of the Ikrans. As I stepped out of the water I sensed eyes on me. Looking up I locked eyes with one of the Toruk Makto’s sons. I recall my first thoughts being ‘he looks my age’ and ‘he’s quite cute’. 
“Don't think that when Aonung was inspecting the forest people. You weren’t specifically analysing the features of the second son.” She was obviously hinting at Lo’ak. As i thought her verbal torture was over, she continued. I’ve come to learn that when she goes off on a tangent, it’s best to let her rather than stop her; resulting in digging yourself into a deeper hole. So I sit and wait for my misery to end. “In fact you were not only intrigued about the forest peoples’ looks. You were checking Lo’ak out. I saw the eyes you were giving him.” That’s it. I pounced at her as I started a war. War…more like a play fight, but considering her recent accusations it might as well be.
After a good few minutes it ended with me being tickled by Tsireya. “Pl…please…s..stop’” I just about get out through laughs. She smiled evilly at me as if she had a plan. “I will do when you admit your crush on Lo’ak.” Damn I can’t get out of this now. Normally I kick her and escape before ever saying my truth but I had grown tired from the laughter that had been released. There’s no going back now. I have to go through with it and accept inevitable teasing from my older sister who has had more experience with boys than me. I’ve never felt anything like this before, but I know from when Aonung had his first crush, Tsireya teased him for his feelings and I knew she would do the same to me. 
However there was no other way so I just had to put up with giving in. “Ok, ok fine. I like Lo’ak.” I whispered due to lack of breath, knowing she would hear me. Thankfully she did and stopped the tickling but unfortunately, she maintained her grip on me. “I’m sorry what was that? I didn’t quite hear you.” She pushed forcing me to say it again. Grumpily I repeated “I like Lo’ak ok. Now will you please get off me!” Tsireya smiled down at me as she released me. She began to laugh and soon after I joined in, finding amusement into the past few minutes. After recovering she thought it about be a good idea to see much I liked him. Whatever that means. She began to quiz me as the mood changed, from a chaotic, buzzing atmosphere to a calm, trusting one. “When did you first realise you liked him?” “When i was teaching him all day how to breathe correctly and at the end he was able to collect the shell. He was willing to learn, you know. And his efforts had payed off. He was so happy with himself.” Smiling to myself I look down reminiscing the memory. “Aw look at you grinning. You really like him don't you.” Early I wouldn’t have answered but after spilling my heart out I might as well. “Yeah I do.” “Little sis has gotten herself a first crush and now she’s in love.” She lightly teased, poking my arm as I gave her a glare.
────︒✿ཾ∘∗✽ᜒࠬ. ────
Tsireya pov:
After getting Y/n to admit her infatuation for Lo’ak I made it my mission to find out if said feelings were reciprocated. As the evening began, I went out on a search to find Lo’ak. Fortunately not too far from where I was standing I spotted the boy. He was sitting on the sand fiddling with something in his hands. Walking over I notice the said object he was holding was the shell Y/n gave him to collect. 
He kept it. It must of meant something to him for him to keep it. This made me come to the conclusion that what I was about to ask, would have the result I hoped for. 
“Hey, can I join you?” “Sure.” “What’s that in your hand?” I questioned as I sat down. Obviously I knew what it was I just wanted to figure out why he still had it. “It’s a shell Y/n gave me to collect when she was teaching me to hold my breath.” “Why’d you keep it?” Now I’m getting to the good bit. I prayed to Eywa that he’s kept to for a certain reason. “I don't know?” Ugh. This boy. I will get it out of him one way or another. “I can tell you do know. You’re just not willing to admit it to me. Does it have something to do with my sister Y/n, Lo’ak?” This should do it. I’ve got him now, just like I had Y/n earlier. A light blush appeared on his cheeks as he looked down in embarrassment. To be honest I’ve always known ever since he first arrived. Since day one that boy has had eyes on Y/n. From the look he gave her as she got out the water. To his increasing heart rate when she tried to help him slow it down by putting pressure on his torso. All things Y/n might not have noticed the intention. However, I did and can tell that that boy fell at first sight. Now I just need to get him to confess. “It does have something to do with her doesn’t it?” I glanced at him with a knowing look. I continued though, “I’ve seen how you look at her. That not how someone who wants a friendship looks at someone else. You like her don’t you?” Please Eywa. Please see what I have seen. 
After what felt like an eternity he finally speaks up. 
“Yeah I do.” 
Thank you Eywa. Thank you, thank you. Lo’ak looked up at me bashfully. I let out a laugh. I couldn’t hold it in this whole situation was too funny. “What?” Lo’ak asked worriedly thinking he did something wrong. 
Damn this boy is a nervous wreck. “Calm down lover boy.” I teased. Playfully, he hit me and then regained his embarrassment. “I’d say love at first sight.” I continued to push his buttons as he slams his hand over my mouth to shut me up. “You’re not funny. I wish I hadn’t said anything now.” “I’m sorry I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that I just find love very cute.”
Y/n pov: 
I was a beautiful evening the waves were calm and there was little to no breeze. I had decided to go on a walk to clear my head. I hadn’t gone far from my family’s pod until a pair caught my eye. Curiously I wandered quietly over to see who the pair were. 
Tsireya and Lo’ak. 
Confused I tried to get closer to hear what they were saying but to my dismay I couldn’t without being spotted so I had to rely on body language. As I watched intently, I had gotten as far as understanding that they were talking about something which annoyingly, I still couldn’t hear. I carried on watching and within moments, even with the dark, I noticed a blush appear on Lo’ak’s face and saw him try and hide it from embarrassment. Glumly, I continued to watch. Tsireya laughs as Lo’ak playfully slaps her. I might not hear what was being said but I could clearly tell he preferred her over me so there was no point of ever telling him how I feel. A tear rolled down my face from pain that I didn’t know had built up. Humiliated I got up and fled. 
How could she do this to me. Flirting with the guy I only a few hours ago I confessed my love for to her, and now shes off with him at night laughing and joking around. I ran and didn’t look back. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I wanted to erase my memory of what I had just witnessed. Running as quick as possible I began to struggle as tears cloud my eyes and threaten to pour out. I hadn’t noticed the rock in the path as i tripped and fell. It didn’t hurt too bad badly but with everything that had just unfolded I began to sob. Fortunately, no one saw me as I got back up and sprinted back to my Marui pod and into my room, I wanted to scream and shout and cry as loud as possible but I knew I couldn’t. I paced around my room trying to contain my sorrows. Mixed with anger and sadness I processed what I had seen. They seemed happy, why should I get between that?
But I told her though she knew how I felt and in plain view she clearly flirted with him. 
Tired I crumbled onto my bed feeling worthless. Why would anyone like me? They could have my amazing sister. Always second. Second to mother. Second to father. Second to Anuong. Second, second, second and now it seems like I’m second to Lo’ak. I turned over so my back faced to anyone who enters. Tears re-entered my eyes and rolled slowly down my cheek as I fell into a dreamless sleep.
────︒✿ཾ∘∗✽ᜒࠬ. ────
A calm breeze woke me up. Tears dried to my face I tried to scrub off with my hand as I walked over to the main part of the pod. To my dismay only the person who I didn’t want to see was there.
“Hey little sis” she exclaims cheerfully. Noticing my unhappy mood she questions it. “Hey what’s up with you?” I don’t really feel like talking to her so I brush her off with a “Nothing.” Unfortunately she doesn’t look convinced. “No seriously what’s up with you?” She asks calmly. However I’m not into the mood and her being so oblivious to a reason why, only fuels my anger more. I can’t deal with it I might as well let it out than let it destroy me. “YOU! THAT’S WHAT’S UP!” Confused at this burst she tries to calm me down but it does work. “Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, what do you mean me?” 
“YOU LYING. BACKSTABBING.SNAKE.” I yelled pushing her at each word.
 “I SAW YOU YESTERDAY LAUGHING AND PLAYING AROUND WITH LO’AK. AND NOT ONLY THAT WHEN YOU WERE TALKING THE BLUSH THAT WAS ON HIS FACE WHEN YOU SPOKE TO HIM. YOU MAKE HIM FLUSTERED, AND HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID TO NOT REALISE THAT HE LIKED YOU THIS WHOLE TIME. I HATE YOU. THE ONE THING I THOUGHT I HAD, GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!” tears streamed down my face that I hadn’t realised had until I stopped yelling. Though I had just been yelling at her, Tsireya looked calm and composed. “WHAT?” I partially hiss at her. “I’m sorry.” She exclaimed. I knew it, I had been proven right. Tears continued to spill over the edge as i faced the truth. “Please stop crying and let me explain.” That did it, she wanted to explain Lo’ak’s feelings for her. No thank you. “NO WHY WOULD I HUH? 
I stopped in my tracked to register what she had just said, my tears had finally slowed when hearing her words. “He likes you, Y/n. Not me you.” The words finally formed in my brain as guilt set in due to my resent outburst. “Tsireya… I am so sorry for yelling at me and…” Despite my apology not being finished, Tsireya pulled me in to a hug in which I gladly accepted. “No I’m sorry Y/n. Now thinking back, it would look suspicious for me to say something and form him to become a blushing mess. I’m so sorry I made it look like that.” “No don't apologise. You didn’t even know I was there so how could not how to act.” “Please let me explain…” pulling away from our hug.
As I listen to her story. I realise how wrong I was for believing he liked her not me. “He was holding your shell the whole time.” Now it was my turn to become a blushing mess. “He blushed because I brought up you and asked him whether he had a crush on you. And he admitted it.” I looked up at her smiled widely. “Go find him, girl.” With that I ran. I ran as fast as I could to find him. I needed to find him. I had to find him. As I spotted him, he took looked around frantically for someone as well. I ran towards him down the winding path I noticed his eyes light up when he spotted me as well. We both ran toward one another and nearly crashed into each other. Only stopping by hold onto each other. My hand on his chest and his on my waist. “Hey.” “Hey.” We awkwardly spoke to each other. Don’t mess this up now. “I have something to tell you-” We both spoke together. “You go first.” I told him, feeling that if I could wait then I could wait now. “But ladies should go first-” “Lo’ak just say what you were going to say.” He took a moment to gain composure before beginning. “Ever since I set eyes on you I have been infatuated by you not just your beauty but you kind heart and your determination to help people. I can’t stop thinking about you. Night and day my mind thinks of only you.” Without realising I get emotional at his confession. Only do I realise when he wipes under my eyes with the back of his finger. “Please don’t cry.” I laugh and once he knows I’m okay he continues on “I have never met anyone like you in my life before. You are blessing. I love you.” 
The last words come as I shock as my breath hitches in the back of my throat. 
“Say that again.” “Y/n, I love you.” “Say it again a thousand times.” I laugh as he grabs me by the waist and pulls me against his body. “I’ll say it until I get sick of saying it, if that’s what it takes for you to comprehend my love for you.” He closes the gap between us as he leans down and kisses my lips. Butterflies soar in my stomach as our lips move in-sync with each other. After a short time I break the kiss “I love you Lo’ak.” I say, his lips turning into the sweetest smile I've ever seen. “I love you Y/n.” He says again as he goes in for another kiss.
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THIS IS MY FIRST ARCANE POST YAY 🎉 Please enjoy some basic headcanons about being in a relationship with Vi and Jinx (separately tho…)
VI 💘
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This woman will literally kill someone for you. Like actually, murder someone with her bare hands just to protect you. You’re 90% of her impulse control. You’re always the one to hold her back.
She totally has a soft spot for you but will NEVER show it. She wants to maintain her tough guy reputation. She talks to you like she does to anyone else unless you’re alone, just the two of you. Then her voice gets quiet and her facial features soften and she just wants to lay in bed and relax with you all day.
When you’re alone with her, she doesn’t get sappy or sweet or cuddly, she often just wants to be in the same room as you and bask in the comfortable silence. There’s always so much chaos going on around her, she loves your calming and quiet presence.
PLAY WITH HER HANDS!!! Just pull her hand to you and gently fiddle with her fingers, tickle her palm, rub your thumb over her knuckles. She’ll give you the cutest smile as she watches your hands dance around her own.
Bonus points if you bandage her bruised and bloody hands after a fight and then gently kiss her throbbing knuckles.
The first time you expressed any kind of romantic feelings for her, she was straight up like “Me?” *looks over her shoulder* “Me??? Are you sure about that?” She has never had anyone who’s liked her like this and while she feels the same for you, she’s just shocked that you actually want to be her partner and show her affection.
She’s always figured her resting bitch face would scare off anyone who wanted to be her friend or romantic partner. But you can see right through that. You don’t just see Vi the rebel badass, you see Vi the big sister, Vi the jokester, Vi when she’s sad, Vi when she’s excited, Vi when she misses her sister dearly.
You’re the only person, besides Jinx and Vander, that she’s ever cried in front of. When it happened the first time, she just hoped you’d be okay with it and not push her away. This was new for you both but you’re always there with open arms and sweet, consoling words.
She doesn’t get flustered very easy and it’s lowkey hard to flirt with her. You say something like “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Bc you’re an angel sent from above.” And she’s just rolling her eyes so hard.
But after a while, she starts flirting back with you and you can’t keep it together. Mostly bc her flirting is so blunt and to the point, it’s shocking.
“Nice ass.” “You’re so hot.” “I wanna make out with you so bad right now.” “Get over here and sit on my lap.”
And every time something like that leaves her mouth, you’re a blushing stuttering mess and she finds it hilarious. She LIVES for the fact that your flirting does nothing to her but her flirting makes you nearly pass out every. single. time.
She HATES when you call her pet names like babe, baby, honey, darling. She’ll glare at you if you let one slip out and you’re just like 😳 oops sorry Ma’am. Plz don’t hit me.
Actually, one time she did hit you. It only happened once but she still can’t forgive herself for it. You spoke out of line about Jinx, explaining that you’re concerned for Vi’s safety every time she goes out to try and reconnect with her sister.
Before you could further explain that you’d like her to be more careful and maybe you could go along with her for support, she smacked you hard across the face with tears welling up in her eyes. She felt like you just didn’t understand how important her sister is to her.
That night, she actually did get cuddly with you and apologized at least 1000000 times and even cried a bit, begging you to forgive her. She even offered to let you hit her back. She felt that she needed to be punished but how could you ever blame her for reacting how she’s always reacted. Fighting is all she’s ever known.
All in all, you are slowly but surely changing her for the better. She’s become less aggressive and more patient with you around. You give her clarity and often calm her down when she’s worked up. You two are still working on her anger issues together.
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She’s way more affectionate and sappy than her older sister. She just wants to be touching you every second of the day. You’re going to the bathroom? She’s waiting right outside the door. You’re working on a new gadget? She’s hugging you from behind and watching over your shoulder. You’re trying to take a nap? She’s either napping too, all cuddled up against you or she’s violently shaking you awake bc she’s bored and wants someone to talk to.
She’s constantly praising and complimenting you. She didn’t get that a lot as a kid and still gets told way too much that she’s a fuck up and a mistake and a walking red flag. So, one of her main love languages is words of affirmation.
And when you compliment or praise her, she’s ALL. OVER. YOU.
“Nice, Jinx! You’re amazing! I love you so much.” And she’s like 🥹❤️‍🔥 “KISS ME ON THE MOUTH RIGHT NOW!”
She is your comfort person, and you are hers. If you’re ever nervous, stressed or feeling shy she likes to take the lead with things. She’ll hold your hand and pull you along, she’ll stand in front of you protectively, she’ll do all the talking, she’ll glance over to check on you every few seconds. In return, you give her so so so much confidence and you make her feel so loved and appreciated.
She’s honestly exactly the same when you two are alone as she is when she’s out causing chaos Topside. She’s loud and goofy and wild and can’t stay still for even a second. The only difference is, when you two are alone, she gets extra clingy and just wants to do all the things couples normally do when they’re alone. She wants to kiss you and hug you and hold your hand and start tickle fights and play with your hair and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. She’s actually sooooo romantic, it’s almost disgusting.
Y’all never even agreed to start dating or anything. The first day she met you, she was just like “wow, I think I’m in love with you??? Please never ever leave me. You’re mine now, sorry not sorry.”
BRUH SHES SO JEALOUS 🚨‼️💔 She’ll literally go ape shit on anyone trying to take you away from her. Even if it’s some super top secret meeting that you have to be at, she’s sitting right beside you no matter what anyone else says.
She sees you talking to someone and they are standing just a little too close to you, their smile just a little too flirty for her liking and she’s right by your side in an instant.
“(Y/N). Who’s this? Oh me? Im Jinx. Im their girlfriend, their lover, the apple of their eye, their PRIDE AND JOY SO BACK OFF, PAL!”
She trusts you more than anyone else in her life, it’s other people she doesn’t trust. She knows you’re loyal and only have eyes for her, but she still gets pissed when someone tries to flirt with you.
She’s a little bit possessive, she just can’t help it. She’s afraid you’ll leave her eventually or suddenly disappear just like everyone else has. So she likes to always have eyes on you and always know your whereabouts. Privacy? As Jinx’s partner? Never!
That being said, you’re both so comfortable with each other. You’ve seen each other in a blind rage, sobbing your eyes out, screaming and dancing excitedly when something goes your way. You’ve seen each other sick, tired, grumpy, depressed, stressed, injured, you name it!
Long story short, you love each other in sickness and in health, for poor or for rich, for better or for worse…till death do you part~
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Billie's new best fren!
Billie isn't fond of Hobie. Nope, the moment she saw him bite her big brother's neck that already gave her the ick. Even before, when she first met him, she didn't like how Miles gave attention and love to his boyfriend. Nope. Nope, she wants all the attention and love, and she's the only one that gives hugs to her big brother.
Now, Billie loves it when her parents aren't around and she's force to be babysat by her brother. Miles never complains about, he loves watching her. The only issues is when Spiderman is needed. Spiderman is a busy guy with huge responsibilities- and guess what! That's Billie's big brother! Yes, Billie's big brother, Miles is the cities' Spiderman! Ever since she can remember Miles had always taken her through the city and Spider Society fighting off bad guys or meeting up with other multiverse Spiderpeople.
Hey, she even have her own watch; it's a pink purple color with a flower spider design on it, and one of Miles' friend, Peter B. Parker gave her a cute pinkish purple Spiderwoman crochet mask. A gift from the lovely MJ, Peter's wife. Not to mention, she gets to play with the other kids Gerald, Jess' kid and Mayday, Peter's kid. They had to build a daycare if a mission is too sever for them to tag along.
Oh yes, that's one of her favorite days, going out to help Spiderman and seeing the universes. Now, her favorite part of the day going into Spider Society is meeting her best fren! Who is her best friend?
Well let's get into it!
Miles in his Spiderman suit had Billie in a baby carrier similar to Peter's but with a nice pouch to fit in baby wipes, an extra diaper and his phone. He jumps on one of the buildings seeing one of the anomaly's hiding in a warehouse. "Looks like we better call for back up, Boo-boo."
"Hehehe," Billie giggles as she had her web shooter toy, multiverse watch on and her mask being ready.
"Hey luv, fancy meeting you here." Hobie appears from behind to hug and kiss his boyfriend.
Billie gasps then scowls, "No!" She aim her web shooter at him almost threatening him. "No, Obie!"
"Billie, don't do that!" Miles' hand made her put her arm down. "He's just saying hello."
"NO!" She scowls.
Hobie took a step back, "Okay. Okay, easy Billie-willie. I'm not touching your brother." His hands up in defense, still having a cocky grin on his face.
Billie set her web shooter down, then looks at her brother, "No, Obie!"
"I know. I know. But he's here to help us fight. By the way, I need to make a call to Miguel." Miles added, using his watch to informed of the anomaly in his world.
Hobie casually rolled his eyes, "Sometimes I wonder if you like his more than me." Being the jealous type, he already didn't like Miguel. That man is too strict, too much of a pain in the ass for Hobie's liking.
"What? He's our boss or leader? He handle this stuff. Don't get upset, mi amor." Miles pouts as he sent out an emergency single. "Besides, you should be worrying about this one not liking you." He lift his chin to his sister's direction.
Billie still glaring at Hobie. "She will love me, after all I'm the love of your life." Hobie chuckles having to give a quick kiss on Miles' cheek.
Miles blushes, "Yet you pick on her."
"NO!" Billie shouted with her hands waving back and forth being mad Hobie got close to her brother.
"Hey guys! What's up!" Gwen and Pav appeared being one of the first ones. "Miguel sent us and Peter out. He's late."
"As always." Miles said holding Billie in his baby carrier.
"Awe, look at her cute mask and" Pav gasps out loud looking at her feet, "her wittle booties! I so want kids when I get married to my beloved Gaytari!" He fantasize being a father with cute kids, especially more when Miles introduce them to his little sister.
"Hehe!" Billie giggles.
Pav playfully do funny faces and tickle her cheek. Billie likes Pav. He doesn't hurt Miles, he's goofy.
Gwen giggles, "Hey, Billie. How's it going?"
"Bueno!" Billies smiles happily at Gwen, she likes Gwen. Gwen doesn't pick on Miles for fun!
Then the portal open having Peter B. Parker with Mayday following along side him wearing a cute Spidergirl outfit. "Okay, May. Remember to stay away from dangerous. Your first task is to climb away from danger and stay close to my sight."
"Okie Dookie, daddy!" Mayday giggles then gasps, "Billie!" She happily skips over to see her cute baby sister. "Hi, Miles." Mayday view Miles as her big brother too.
"May!" Billie giggles at her older sister.
Miles chuckles, "Hey, May. How are you doing?" He squat to her level that way she can hug Billie.
Mayday sniffs Billie, "Good and she smells so good. Baby smell!"
"All baby's smell like that." Peter chuckles, "So what's the plan?"
"I thought Miguel gave you the plan?" Gwen asked.
"Well, you're all adults. I thought you guys can make up one. Who needs that Grumps' plan?" Peter asked out loud.
"Miguel is gonna get mad if we don't follow his plan...." Pav hums, as he squat to play patty cake with Mayday while Billie cheers them on.
"I like that. Let's wing it, eh? Come on, luv. We can do it." Hobie said to his partner with his hand on his shoulder.
Miles rub his chin, "I dunno know..."
"Come on! We can do it!" Peter said out loud. "Besides this is level two anomaly. We just go in and out."
Gwen shrugs, "I guess, but if Miguel come at us. I'ma put the blame on you. Your the oldest!"
"I'm not that old." Peter pouts.
Mayday turns to her dad, "Daddy, you're old!"
Pav burst out laughing. "May, why your mean like your mom?" Peter pouts again.
"Anyway let do this!" Hobie said.
The spider heroes group up, then each one began using their webs to swing to the warehouse. Peter said, "Miles. Hobie, you took east. Gwen and Pav. West. I'll come from the top. Remember stay quiet and hidden."
"Got it!"
This is where it got fun. Miles and Hobie stuck together being on top of the stairs out of the warehouse. Hobie peaks to find the anomaly eating something, being all hunched over. Billie saw a blue butterfly coming out of the warehouse, it landed on her nose. "Ohhhh, linda!" her big round doe like eyes gleaming at how pretty it is.
"It's doing nothing? Is this a level 2?" Hobie whispers turning to his boyfriend.
Miles shrugs, "Miguel sent the scan. We should be careful since Lyla seems to give warning to not upset it."
Hobie rolled his eyes, "It's always Miguel said this and that, luv."
"Hobie, he sent it." Miles side eyes him then place his hands on his hips. "Esta loco?"
Hobie sighs, "Sorry, luv. How about a kiss? Come on, I need to know you love me." He pucker his lips waiting for his boyfriend to kiss him.
Miles blushes, "Hobie, we're on a mission."
Billie felt Hobie's body getting way too close for comfort and it made her more mad that the pretty blue butterfly flew away. "NO!" She shoot her web shooter at Hobie's face.
"Good job, Billie." Miles giggles.
"Hey lovebirds! We're about to move close." Peter call them through their earbuds. "Hobie go in. Pav is already setting up the trap. Gwen and Miles, distract the anomaly."
"What do I do?" Mayday asked as she stood on the roof with her dad being excited to help.
"You stay here and be safe, honey. That's a big job."
"Aweee, you never let me help." She pouts.
"I promise you will but you still need to practice on your web shooting, and powers." Peter kisses his daughter's cheek, "Stay safe, remember." Her dad went in one of the holes of the old warehouse.
Miles and Gwen went inside of the warehouse, they saw Peter on top. "Okay, now." He said through their earbuds.
Within a blink an eye, Billie was already seeing pretty blue blasts. Her big brother being extra carefully because of her. Gwen shouting to give warning. The anomaly is all glitching, with a pretty periwinkle blue and white glow. Billie's eyes noticed blue butterflies around the small anomaly. "Pretty!" She said. Why did the butterfly look so small, too?
"Hobie, now!" Peter uses his web shooters to block the entrance.
The anomaly growls and glitch out sounding so afraid like a frail small animal. Hobie appears using his guitar to wack it. The Gwen uses her web to surround it. The anomaly look so scared, confused that it made Billie upset.
When Miles got close enough to use his lightening on it, Billie started to huff and puff. Big tears forming from her eyes as she saw the tiny anomaly whimpering in fear and pain. "Nononononono!" Billie wiggles having to burst out crying out loud!
"Billie? Wha-what's wrong?" Miles looking concern. "Are you hurt?" He quickly took step back to check on his sister.
"Nonononononono. Malo! Malo her-man-no!" She cries out loud with her hands smacking her brother being upset.
"Qué?" Miles trying to calm her down.
Hobie saw the anomaly quickly uses its blue bean to aim at Miles and Billie. "Miles, look out." He quickly pushes them out of the way. The beam aims from bottom to the top. Hitting the roof!
Mayday shrieks seeing the beam coming through. "MAYDAY!" Peter shouted, seeing his daughter falling into the warehouse.
"I gotchu!" Pav swing by to rescue her, catching her in his arms.
Mayday hugs Pat's neck tightly still feeling her heart pounding. That was too close for comfort. She will listen to her dad next time.
Peter saw the warehouse crumbling, "It's falling! Everyone get out." He swing out with Pav and Mayday.
Gwen quickly got out of window. "MILES! HOBIE! OVER HERE!"
The small anomaly scattered away from an opening getting away. Billie saw this and was proud to save it. "Come on, luv. Let's go!" Hobie carries Miles bridal style having to book it.
The group got out safely. Peter sighing in relief having his baby gurl in his arms, "Oh thank god, you're okay May." He almost fainted with relief.
Gwen crosses her arms, "So? Mission fail?"
"Mission fail." They all agreed.
Miles look at Billie being chipper than before. "What happen with Billie?" Pav asked having his chin resting on Miles' shoulder.
"I dunno know. She was crying and I thought she hurt herself? Maybe- I need to go to med-bay. Maybe she sprain something?" He's voice filled with worried.
Hobie said, "I don't think she's hurt... I think she didn't like what we were doing to the anomaly."
"What?" Miles blink in surprised, then again his little sister is smart like Mayday. They are more aware of things than most kids.
Billie merely glance up at her big brother then giggle. Gwen said, "I mean, that's kinda good? She's aware of emotions, right?"
"And bad, because she can't be in missions like this." Peter added having to hold his daughter in his arms being over protective.
Then their watches beeping from Miguel. Lyla's voice rings their ears, "Miguel wants to see you all!"
"UGHH!" Everyone except Mayday and Billie groaned.
"Yay, uncle Mig!" Mayday giggles.
Billie cheers out loud, "Tio!"
"I thought she would hate Miguel?" Hobie asked.
"No, she actually loves him." Miles casually say. "They're best friends."
Hobie stop following him being surprised, "What?" Almost in shock.
Billie laughs out loud at his expression. "Yeah, her and Miguel are like this." Miles crossed his fingers, "Same way with Mayday and Gerald. Hobie, why you're so surprised? Miguel is great with kids."
"It's just..." Hobie pouts at Billie, "Alright, lil one. I'll be your best friend."
"No!" She pouts. "Tio!" She chanted.
Miles laughs, "Oh now, you want her to like you. Why? Because Miguel?" He always knew Hobie would be jealous some way some how.
They all went to spider headquarters to face their leader.
(Part 2)
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choc0joang0 · 5 months
🌼✨Kamaboko Squad Tickle headcanons✨🌼
First tickle post and we start with headcanons of the Kamaboko squad (Including Kanao and Genya) because they are my babies and sweethearts ✨😻
I hope you enjoy it and have a nice day/night/afternoon
A/N: I remind you that English is not my first language, so this maybe have spelling problems
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-His weak spots are the neck, nose, sides and hips.
-Is he ticklish? Yeah. Any point where he's attacked is going to tickle him, but if you attack those specific points you will have him screaming
-He doesn't really mind being tickled, in fact he enjoys it.
-If he trusts you enough, and is in the mood, he may ask you to tickle him.
-Light tickling definitely affects him more
-And he has a beautiful and charming laugh. It's a squeaky laugh, yes. But he's also very cute and loud in the sense that you feel blessed to hear him laugh✨
-Hearing It is like: *ascending to heaven with sparkles and sweetness*
-Regarding teasing
-Affects him? Yes, but compliments have more impact on him, he will blush so intensely that his cheeks will compete with his hair to see which is redder.
-One of the kindest and cutest ler you will ever meet
-He lived with five siblings and he was the oldest, he clearly have the experience to be a good tickle monster
-If he wants, he can have you begging for mercy
-Will use tickling either to help someone to feel better, to calm Inosuke down, or just for fun and if he wants to play something with someone
-He is going to say compliments and make baby talk to make his lee blush
-"You have the cutest laugh I've ever heard!!", "You laugh like a little child! Adorable!!", "Not there? So how about here??"
-In the aftercare he's a mass of love and purity 💕✨
-He's going to get his lee a glass of water, he's going to ask them if they're okay, etcetera, anyways, a love of person my Tanjiro
-His favorite lees are Genya, Inosuke, Muichiro and Nezuko
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-Nezuko, like her brother, is very ticklish, but her dead spots are her belly, sides, and her ribs
-She also likes being tickled
-She is a little girl, of course she is going to have that squeaky and cute laugh that any little girl has, it runs in the family.
-Teasing doesn't affect her much, don't even try it
-What really affects her are the raspberries, if someone gives her one in her belly she will scream between laughs in a cute but strong way
-She also has a weakness for nibbles
-She prefers to be in her small form when tickled, it amuses her and it is easier for her ler to tickle her
-But she doesn't always choose revenge or getting someone back
-Unless they go a little over her limits or it's a tickle fight, in that case...
-If you go too far with her, she will go after you.
-She definitely uses her claws to tickle
-She will also take advantage using her full demon form
-Once she was tickling Tanjiro in her full demon form, Tanjiro was screaming so loud that those who heard his screams and saw Tanjiro on the ground with his sister on top of him believed that Nezuko had lost control and was hurting him (I think I'll make a fic about this someday)
-She doesn't tease her lee's much because the muzzle was removed not long ago, but she say things like "Coochie coochie coo" or laugh along with her lee
-She makes sure that her lee is having a good time and tries not to exceed the limits of her lee
-She has a few tickle fights with Tanjiro when they are alone or when she sees that Tanjiro is very discouraged
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-Too ticklish for his own good
-Everything affects him, rough tickling, light tickling, teasing, even kisses can tickle him.
-His weak point is his entire body, but tickling his ears will drive him crazy
-He has a loud, screeching and somewhat childish laugh that makes it seem like someone is killing him
-Blushes too much and rolls up into a ball when tickled
-Although he denies that he likes tickling, he actually enjoys the attention.
-He'll say he's not ticklish, but as soon as you touch him he'll start laughing hard.
-"Wh-what?? Of-of course I'm not ti-cklish!! Hahaha! Whydidyousaythat?? WHOTOLDYOU?!?
-The teasing and compliments make him EXTREMELY blush, he competes with Tanjiro's hair
-Probably the cruelest ler of the group
-He will use teasing to his advantage, he will also look for a way to imprison you with his arms or take advantage of any free space that exposes your dead spots
-"Not here? So, how about here?"/"What? Can't you stand a little Tick-tick-tickling~??"
-Depending on who you are and what your relationship with Zenitsu is, his tickling can be a simple game or complete torture
-It will probably go straight for your weak points
-The lightning that hit Zenitsu made him gain the ability to make his fingers vibrate, if he manages to vibrate them you can consider yourself lost
-He hasn't tickled anyone while he's unconscious, but knowing how cruel he can be when conscious, he prefers not to even find out what it would be like
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-He doesn't know what tickling is, but he says he's not ticklish, HE SAYS
-Dead spots? The entire torso, and when I say "entire", it's ENTIRE, including his back and lower back, although of course it will not tickle as much as if you attacked his sides or ribs
-At first he was the victim of many tickling attacks because he didn't even know what it was
-His laugh is strong, thunderous, but it is also very cute and silly
-He snores and snorts between laughs
-He doesn't fall for teasing, but if you flatter him and give him aftercare then you will have him totally blushing
-He covers his face 'cause he doesn't know how to react and embarrassment and nerves get the better of him
-He is the one who is in a Lee mood most often
-When he is like this he approaches someone he trusts *cough* Zenitsu, Tanjiro or Nezuko *cough* and will sit on their lap or simply ask for it
-Tanjiro showed Inosuke what tickling is like alternative fights in which no one would get hurt
-Now he starts all the tickle fights
-He doesn't tease his lee, but he does brag about how he is better and that his lee is weaker
-He doesn't know how to measure his strength, so he ends up hurting his lee
-If he sees that they are uncomfortable he will lower his intensity a little
-If it's Tanjiro then he'll stop and hug him, feeling bad for hurting Tanjiro, but he loves him (platonically) or nah?
-He is not the cruelest ler, but he is the rudest because he only knows to do rough tickling
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-Her ribs are like an "on and off" button
-As soon as someone tickles there, any dead spots become sensitive.
-Dead spots: Ribs, sides, hands... And that's it
-She doesn't have many dead spots, but the ones it does have are VERY sensitive
-Light tickling drives her crazy
-Her laugh is initially quiet and soft, but it can become strong and somewhat thunderous
-She squeaks sometimes (When I say sometimes it is almost always)
-When she's teasing her lee, she doesn't tease as much as Zenitsu, but her words really affect
-"What's wrong? Does it tickle? Oh, I didn't know that-continue with the tickling-"
-Her worst tool is her nails, but she will also send butterflies to "attack" her Lee when he finds them off guard
-Shinobu taught her well, so she knows how to imprison you to make sure you don't escape anytime soon.
-She is also very cute in the aftercare, she will even ask you if she didn't overdo it or if you were okay with it, also a love my baby✨
-Help calm Inosuke down using tickling
-She has a good sense of deduction, she will deduce your weak points and take all possible advantage
-In tickle fights she won't stop for anyone, she comes straight to win, and she wins
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-His dead spots are definitely his ribs, neck, hips, thighs and feet
-He's also sensitive in other parts, but mainly in those five
-He will scream when a dead spot is attacked
-Rough or light tickling, either affects him
-Teasing doesn't affect a lot, but baby talk and praise do.
-OMG that makes him totally blush, LITERALLY
-His scar is also quite ticklish
-When he is in his demonic form his entire body becomes more sensitive to touch
-Like Nezuko, he has claws in his demonic form, which he would use to tickle
-He and Nezuko teamed up to attack the entire Kamaboko squad in their demonic forms, Genya ate a piece of Nezuko's finger, and chaos began.
-His most recurring lee are Tanjiro and Inosuke
-Do he tease his lee? Yeah. But he does it in a kind way, as if they were his little siblings
-He's going to pretend to eat his lee while he nibbles on some sensitive spot of the lee
-He's not exactly the best at aftercare, but he will rub your back or pat you to show you that he's there (oh my boy 😭✨)
-He becomes quite competitive in tickle fights, so he will take any advantage available, kind of like Kanao
AND THAT'S IT!! That would be the first content post of mine on this account! I hope you enjoyed the headcanons, remember to take care of yourself and drink water, and I'm sorry for any errors that appear in the fic 😿
Until next time!!... If God wants... -Fade away-
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Can you make a joe quinn x reader where him and the reader have been together for a while and since hes getting more famous of st4 she notices the fangirls comment about her and her body and how of a small chest she has compared to others and she believes yhem and wsnts to do a breast surgery and she hides the papers from him untul he finds them and they fight about it and she explains why she wants to do it and he tells her it doesnt matter to him and that he loves her and they make love? :)
itty bitty titty committee (said with love, i am a member), assemble! wordcount: 2.3K ----------
“What the fuck is this?”
Oh, it had been sort of fun at first. 
You would excitedly point out people taking sneaky pictures on the tube, and Joe would scrunch his face at you, before turning to smile at who ever had recognized him out and about. It had become a recent phenomenon that you had to deal with, and it took some time getting used to. Before, Joe had been recognized only once when you’d been out with him, and it had been an older gentleman who’d seen him in a play and just wanted to come tell him about it. No photo. No nothing. Just a nice chat.    It fascinated you that now girls would come up to him as you would do a Wednesday afternoon food shop. They’d hug him in isle 3 in Tesco’s, next to the cartons of milk and boxes of cereal as you would pretend to be invisible, pushing the trolley away as you'd keep shopping. They’d hug him so tightly; his breath would escape his chest as he posed for pictures taken with phones in shaky hands.
   Joe never minded. Joe always made time. He’d match their energy and his media training would kick in, you’d clock it immediately, but Joe was always genuine. A class act. He wouldn’t go as far to say that it’s what he actively wanted, being recognized in places and at times he didn’t expect to be, but he was so grateful for it. It meant that he was doing something right. It had tickled you to no end when you found people were talking online under reposted photos that were plucked off of your social media pages. You had been quick to privatize everything, but people had their ways, you were sure. People would argue with passion – “Joseph can hang out with a girl without having to date her!”, “Oh my God that’s literally his sister!”, “Daft cows, that’s his agent.”. You would send Joe screenshots in WhatsApp, adding “my good friend” or “such close siblings” with love heart emojis and he would write back “fuck off, weirdo”.    When you’d been less careful and had kissed outside of a McDonalds late at night, it had proven that Joe was in fact spoken for. You had both been drinking, and you’d been so very happy with your little box of chicken nuggets, feeding Joe little bites as he smoked a cigarette next to the entrance. Joe had kissed you, and you had broken away from him in laughter because he still had chicken in his mouth. The photos and videos of you from across the street, a well lit and busy restaurant behind you and cars passing in front of you, had spread online. For a full week people you were close to couldn’t stop sending you screenshots as they came across them on social media. And you had really liked the pictures too! You really liked what you’d been wearing, and Joe had been in his brown suit – just cute pics of a cute couple being cute together.
“What the fuck is this?”
But Joe had told you to stop looking for pictures online, knowing not everyone would be nice. And he’d been right. The things you’d come across would sometimes baffle you, and you would absolutely lose yourself for hours, hidden behind your phone or laptop screen. You hadn’t let Joe see, but some of these girls were ruthless. There was no way you would have been able to predict the running joke you had become online.    “Small tits McGee.” “Joe’s a boob man, how is this fair on him” “Is that why he hugs every single girl he meets like that? So he gets to press himself up to actual boobs?”   Words cut deep. Deeper than you’d like to admit. And then there were TikTok videos of edited pictures pulled from your Facebook account. Big boobs photoshopped onto your frame, replaced by the actual real shot, a flashing “before and after” on a loop that emphasized your small cup-size. It wouldn’t have affected you so bad if you hadn’t already been riddled with insecurity. These girls were only echoing the voices in your head and even though you tried your very best not to, you had spiraled. 
Your boyfriend had noticed you seemed a little less happy than before. You were in moods more often, and when asking if you were okay, if something was wrong, you’d never let up. “I’m fine,” you’d say, fake smile plastered on your face. And Joe wouldn’t press it, because he knew you’d come to him if you needed to, but his worry didn’t fade.
“What the fuck is this?”
After staring at yourself in your bathroom mirror, examining yourself until your body didn’t even look real to you anymore, you started looking at websites of plastic surgeons. Breast augmentations were expensive, but the images on their websites looked good. You would scan your eyes across pages for images of breasts that looked like yours in the before photos, just to see what you could turn into if you had the money. You were sure you could save up for one, it’d just take a while. You were zooming in on scars, contemplating if you’d be okay with having those, when you decided that booking a consultation would probably still your mind a bit.
And so you’d gone in. And you hadn’t told Joe. Or anyone, for that matter. And they had shown you things. 3D images of what you may look like after. And they had let you feel implants. And they’d drawn over your chest and hadn’t even questioned why you were there, so you knew. Yours were the kind of boobs people got augmented. You’d left your first appointment with booklets, flyers, and folders. They had printed the photo they had taken of you. The before. And also, the virtual after. 
Sometimes, when Joe wouldn’t be in, you’d just look at it. Getting used to it. Holding up the image next to your own body, and you had started preferring the body that was promised to you by the surgeon. So, you silently had started to save money, because maybe, this was just right for you. It would end the stream of comments and jokes you’d read every day, because you couldn’t not check to see what people were saying about you.   “What the fuck is this?” Joe’s tone was accusatory. Harsh. 
You’d walked in on Joe, the booklets and flyers laid out on the table in front of him, the two printed pictures in his hands. He’d found them. You hadn’t known exactly how to react, but your instinct was to settle down the upset that roared within your boyfriend and had seeped out through his eyes at you. 
“Oh, that’s nothing,” you tried minimizing it, sounding aloof. But your face had flushed red with embarrassment as you had stepped forward to try and take the pictures from Joe. “You’re not thinking of doing this.” Joe accused, moving his hands out of your reach and the anger in his voice flushed your body with adrenaline. You didn’t appreciate Joe’s tone. Who was he to decide this for you? His face didn’t falter, not a hint of empathy behind his eyes, and you felt anger bubble up your throat.   “And if I was?” in your head you had sounded stern, but your voice left your body too shaky for your liking. Joe’s face dropped suddenly and flooded with concern. “Sweetheart,” he looked at the images again, and you felt strangely exposed. “Why?” Joe asked on an exhale, his eyes scanning the printed 'after' photo. Your arms subconsciously wrapped around your stomach, and you raised your shoulders in a shrug. Explaining it would mean you’d have to confess it was his fans that had gotten under your skin, and you didn’t want to do that. You chewed at the inside of your cheek, before growing frustrated at Joe looking at the images of you in his hands.  “Give those here,” you successfully snatched them from him this time and started collecting the rest from the table. Joe watched you, his eyebrows furrowed, and his face showed genuine confusion. Your response to his words, the way you were scrambling to hide all the things he’d found when he had been looking for an envelope in drawers littered with random junk had absolutely taken him by surprise. You’d never mentioned any of this before to him.  “You know you don’t need it,” Joe tried, but the compliment fell on deaf ears. You moved the pile of papers back into the drawer where Joe had found them, no need to be secretive about them now. You didn’t know how long ago Joe had discovered them, and how much of the information he’d read through. “I’m just entertaining the idea.” You pushed the drawer shut, figuratively also closing the door on the topic in your mind. It didn’t work as easy as that on Joseph, though. “When were you going to tell me?” Joe snarked, clearly annoyed by his failed attempt to quickly talk you out of getting a boob job. He couldn’t accept your mindless disregard, and he wasn’t sure what irked him more. The fact that you’d withheld this from him, or the thought of coming home one day and finding you with fake tits high up on your chest. “I would’ve let you know eventually,” you said tensely. “It doesn’t really concern you.” You lied, entirely too unconvincing and he could hear it in your voice. Joe’s eyes shot down to your chest. What was wrong with them? You had never shown insecurity before, Joe’s hands were always welcome to grope. What had changed? “Stop staring.”  “You’re perfect.” Joe spoke softly, finding your eyes with his own, changing his tactics to change your mind. You weren’t great at hiding true feelings, and Joe had known you long enough to read your eyes with expertise. You scoffed at his little comment. “You are!” Joe argued, reaching out and grabbing your wrist. “Most wouldn’t agree,” you succumbed to Joe’s warm kindness and let him pull you closer. You looked down at how Joe intertwined his fingers with yours. “You should see the things they’re saying,” your voice was tiny and it shocked more worry into Joe. “Who?” Joe leant down a little, his face moving to find your line of sight to make you look at him.  “Them. Online! I know I shouldn’t look- you said I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it!” you huffed, defeated, chest heaving with anger still. You were scared to elaborate much further. You knew Joe hated that success in his career also could negatively affect whoever he was close to, so you really didn’t want to press it. It would just make him feel awful. But Joe understood and it hurt his heart. It didn’t need further explaining. He embraced you as you just stood there, arms down by your sides, overtly aware of your chest pressing up against his. “Come on,” Joe moved your arms to his back, “Hug me back.”. You weakly left your hands where Joe had placed them, and you felt frustration-tears at the sides of your eyes. “Tightly!” Joe whined at you, and you obliged. You clasped your hands around your own tensed arms behind him and squeezed his ribs tightly. The pressure of your touches made the tears escape your eyes and you nuzzled your face into Joe’s chest. Then Joe reached behind you and opened the drawer you had just shut moments before, taking out the pile of paper and turning you around in his grip. Hovering over you from behind, his head heavy on your shoulder, one hand still around your waist, he guided you to the bin in the kitchen. One of his feet pressed down on the paddle, opening it in front of you. And then instead of throwing everything in himself, he pressed it all into your hands. “You don’t need it.” Joe spoke into your ear before kissing you on the patch of skin just below it, both his hands now firmly around you, holding you up. You frowned, and hesitated. Joe picked up on it immediately. “These,” his hands found your boobs, and you caved your chest inward slightly. “Are so fucking pretty.” Joe’s voice was deep, aroused, as he spoke in a near whisper and a groan slipped out right next to your ear. You dropped all that you were holding, most of it missed the bin completely, but it didn’t matter. You turned to find his lips with your own. And Joe made sure to pay extra attention to show his appreciation of you. He needed you to feel his worship of you in your bones. He roughly pushed your top up, yanking your bra up over your chest as well. His lips and teeth scraped the hot skin of your chest, tongue swirling and leaving wet trails across them. He covered you in kisses and nibbled at your nipples as your head fell back in pleasure, moans escaping your throat. Before you knew it, Joe had picked you up with strong arms and slung you lazily over his shoulder. It made you shriek, trying your best to hold onto Joe so he wouldn’t drop you as he made his way over to the bedroom. There he let you fall onto the bed. Joe put a knee down either side of you, and for a moment, just looked at you through half-lidded eyes as you smiled back at him.
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dumbstuffsstuff · 1 year
Albedo’s Revenge || Lee! Kaeya , Ler!Klee and Albedo
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(This fic is not a continuation of any previous fics, sorry guys! Just lee! Kaeya :))
Albedo was on his way to look for his little sister. He knew where to find her, and there was a specific reason why he needed to talk to her. It’s a common thing for Albedo and Kaeya to hang out together, but recently Kaeya has discovered a weakness in Albedo. A weakness that Kaeya learned to take advantage of quickly. Luckily, Albedo knew just the person to help him execute his brilliant plan of getting Kaeya back.
“Klee? Are you here?” Albedo knocks on Acting Grand Master Jean’s office door, she allows him entry and he sees Klee drawing pictures on the floor.
Klee gasps when she sees the person she loves most, “Mister Albedo!!!”
“Hey, Klee! Come on, we have a task to complete.”
“Bye Jean!” Klee waves at the master and the two siblings head to Kaeya’s office. Before they step in, Albedo kneels to whisper to Klee.
“I have a secret to tell you.”
“Ooh, a secret?”
“Yes, but you can’t tell anyone okay?”
“I promise.”
“Did you know that Kaeya is very ticklish?”
Klee’s eyes sparkle, and Albedo’s plan has been put into action.
“Kaeya?! No way! That’s so funny! We have to go test it out!”
“Yes! But we have to be sneaky or else he’ll know what we’re up to,” Albedo winks. Klee grins and they head into the knight’s office.
“Ah,” Kaeya greets, “You just can’t get enough of me, can you?”
Albedo grunts and hides his blush with his hand.
“And you brought Klee with you! How nice,” Kaeya kneels to give Klee a high five. Klee takes it and smiles knowingly.
“What brings you here?”
“We just have a few questions to ask you,” Albedo cracks his knuckles and nods at Klee. Kaeya furrows a brow.
“Uh, alright?” He flinches when Albedo sneaks up behind him, “What are you-?”
Albedo grabs Kaeya’s arms and lifts them above his head.
“Hey! What is the problem?!” Kaeya shouts.
“Say, Kaeya. Are you still ticklish by any chance?” Kaeya chokes on his breath. He says nothing, but his cheeks darken and he squirms in place.
“I’m gonna getcha, Captain Kaeya!”
Klee can only reach up far enough to tickle his knees.
“Ack! Kleehee! Wahait!” His knees buckle as he tries to be standing, but the devious geo behind him lets go of his hands and digs into his sides.
“WHAHahahah! Ahahalbedo! Klee! Wahahait! Thahat tihickles!” Kaeya falls to the floor, gripping his sides and twisting around to escape the tickling fingers.
“That’s kind of the point,” Albedo chuckles. Klee also helps Albedo with tickling his sides, Kaeya can really only lay there and take it, for he didn’t want to hurt Klee with an attempt to fight back, but he’d for sure be getting Albedo later.
“AHAHahahha! N-NOhohoOho! Nohot my stohomach!”
Albedo plays with Kaeya’s ribs and Klee wiggles her small fingers over the knight’s stomach. He tries to suck in his stomach but it does nothing.
“Tickle, tickle Captain Kaeya!”
“Klee! PleHEHEehease! Ihihit tiHIHIhickles sohoo much!”
“Hmm, I wonder…”
“Ahahah! S-Shuhut up, Albedo!”
“Now that’s rude, I’m not going to show mercy for that one.”
“Wahahahait! I’m sohoHOHORY! NOOHHOHOHO!”
Albedo had dug into his underarms, causing Kaeya to buck his hips and flinch. It was his weakest spot and Albedo knew this. He felt a tinge of embarrassment for having Klee to see him this way, but at the same time he enjoyed seeing her have fun (and maybe he didn’t mind Albedo tickling him either, but he’d never admit to that).
“Mister Kaeya! I wanna show you something!” Klee says with a smile.
“Ohoho yeahah? Whahat?” He giggles as Albedo switched to drilling small circles in his underarms.
Klee remembers a tactic that Albedo sometimes uses on her, she lifts the captains shirt and inhales greatly. Kaeya squirms, waving his hands but he can’t stop the devious child from her task.
“NOONO! K-KLEE WAHAHAHAHAIT!! AHAHAHA! AHALBEDOHOHO!” Albedo continued his attack on his underarms. Kaeya’s face was flushed red and tears started to form.
“OHOHOKAY! OKAY! AHahaha plehehease! Mehercy!”
Albedo gave Klee a sign to stop, and he himself got off the knight.
“Welp! Look at the time, I have to go now. Bye Kaeya!”
Albedo scurried off before Kaeya could grab him, but he managed to scoop Klee into hos arms and tickled her tummy.
“EHehehe! Mihister Kaeya! Nohohoo!” Klee giggles as she halfheartedly tries to push Kaeya’s fingers away.
“You really thought you could tickle me and get away with it?”
“Whahat about myhy brohother?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll get him next~.”
“I can help! I know all his spots!”
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smilingangel582 · 10 months
Can I request a Ler Lyney x Lee Lynette?
Ohhhhooo, I've never done that beforeeee. I'm not really a lee!Lynette stan, but I can try... since she's a cutie and deserves laughter. Sorry if this is short. I usually am not creative with female lees! Cuz i believe they r toughies and amazing lers! hehehe, anyway, hope this is OK for u...
Cats and tickles
"Lynette, how many times have I told you..."
The younger twin sister merely stared nonchalantly at her brother's strict lecture. She kept on sipping her tea, knowing he's disappointed by her extremely inconsiderate diet plan.
"If you eat like this, it might affect the show too"
Her purple eyes glinted. "Then why don't you do the same as me?"
He gave her a look now, and as she attempted to feast on her final dessert he poked her side "Don't. Take. Another. Bite!"
She anxiously felt his pokes rather tingly, and it was dangerous. Activate escape mode.
"No, no, no. " he was slightly playful as he knew she'd flee away from the living room and soon began to grab her sides.
She choked at this, the ticklish touch which her brother loves to exploit so much for punishments. She whined "Pleeease... noho"
"Dear sister, doth mine ears deceive me or did you just laugh?"
She looked away shyly. "Whatever... ahaha. " Soft giggles left her lips as she felt his assault more obviously. Indeed she wasn't the most ticklish, but she wasn't in the mood for revenge, or not yet at least. She wanted to at least let him have his fun. It's not like she hates it.
Although... her dessert is getting chilled...
"Lynehehey, nohoho tihihickles..." she giggles as she tries to push his hands away, but he seems too engrossed on the spectacle happening in front of him.
"No way, you defy me and now have the audacity to say you don't want this?" He was being gentle but then again, not merciful.
Eyed widening, he targeted her hips and she was no longer playing nice. With a firm reach to get his wrists he was stopped instantly.
Though he was surprised by her new found strength, he tried to play along "Well? Do you regret it?"
She managed to keep her face cool now. "Hm... perhaps I was too rash. I'll keep in mind to have a better diet"
He smiled fondly now, but he lowered his guard when she pushed him back now pinning him instead.
"But I also plan on getting you back ten folds, my naive brother"
"H-huh? Ahahah wahahait" he was already giggling wearily, he seriously didn't expect Lynette to have strength to attack back, but being gullible he thought she was fighting to free herself.
"No, no, no Lyney~"
Augh! That same teasing. Lyney felt insulted, but only louder and frantic giggles came. He can't let her get him as she always did... maybe...
Lynette for the first time shrieked so loud that she was surprised enough to even say anything. He was temporarily frozen by how she made such a loud noise. Were her ears that bad?
This is news...
He giggled mischievously "Whahat in the world was that?"
She was ashamed, her expression changing to a flustered blush, then looking down she was more quiet then ever "I don't know..."
She flinched now with streaming giggles as he was rubbing her ears. Suddenly feeling contented that she's actually feeling the pressure for once from his tickling. Rather than the other way around.
"aHahaha LYNEY! AHAHA..." She cried out now almost as loud as he is. It's a rare sight indeed. Her tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as he soon felt like easing up on the torture though... it was a mistake...
Too late though.
"L-Lynette...?" Her expression was too difficult to read. One minute she was embrassed meanwhile the other minute... she was plotting.
He knew he couldn't have won a tickle fight against her, but... he did realise her ears are bad and could've made it well less one-sided. He now debated whether he could take these chances this time-
Never mind, she's persistent. Of course, this Lynette is...
"Activate revenge mode... Lyney, it's over for you. " she sounded like the terminating robot and feirce at the same time. With that, her continuous drilling under his armpits intensified. Like he got her worst spot, she just did return the favour, so he's not exactly complaining.
He did mentally cross his fingers, though, as seeing the adorable blush on her face was worth what he's paying for. Indeed the price is great but the reward is worth it. He might try tickling her ears again, though he should prepare a coffin the next time he does so.
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Hehe, sorry for making it a switch... just that I love those two so much.
Ps. Lynette with sensitive ears is Canon! Neehehehe. It's cute! And Lyney's armpits, hahahaha
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purecantarella · 2 years
Evening Plans
we're speeding through the last few days HHHAHAHAHA i hope you lovelies enjoy!! moon byuli x reader disclaimer/s : smut. i suggest going to read some fluffier or angstier content
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Moonbyul was a little shit, she loved to tease you to no end. Most times you could and would match her energy. But then there were moments when you couldn't.
Babysitting for your sister was a prime example.
On your regular date night, your sister called you up begging you to take care of the kids, needing to handle a work emergency. Which had you and Moonbyul in her house instead of being at a barbecue and bar, you got the pleasure of eating pizza and lemon bars.
"I'm so sorry I had to cancel tonight...my sister needed me and—" Moonbyul is quick to hush you with a quick kiss to your lips, leaving your knees weak. You smile dreamily up at her as her hands stroke your arms comfortingly.
"It's alright. I love playing with your sister's kids..." She trails off taking the bunny you had in your hand, her eyes hooding as she plays with the doll's arms, "Plus, I think it's nice to see how you work with kids..."
You blush as she smirks down at you, pecking your lips again. But she pulls away as she hears the kids running down the hall excited to see their favorite auntie and celebrity.
"Noona!" The eldest cries out barreling into the rapper's arms. As the youngest girl hugs your leg making you throw your head back laughing. Byul's words still lingering in your head.
A few hours into the night, you were alone in the kids' bedroom. You contemplate to yourself as you tidy up the kids toys while they watched TV. The entire night had just been you fighting Byul off while you tended to the children's needs. Not needing to be caught up in your girlfriend. Your mischievous...hot...sexy...energetic—
"You're avoiding me." Her deep voice catches you off guard and has you catching your breath in shock. She grins at you frantically putting the toys away. You stammer excuses of needing to make sure the kids were okay when she tugs your hand back.
Before you know it you're looking deeply into her hooded gaze, "I can't wait for tonight, N/n..." Byul whispers, as her lips trail lightly from your cheek down to her jaw, her breath tickling you as she spoke. "I just want you against me right now..." Her hand is on your hip, pulling you close enough to have you wanting more.
"Byul..." You whisper sternly before she pressed on her hand twiddling with your fingers as her lips began leaving feather light kisses over your skin. You gasp as she continues, "The things I would do if we were alone right now...I'd press you up against our bed, unbutton that top you love to wear to our dates, kiss my way down until you were completely exposed to me..."
She pauses moaning at the thought. Your mind wanders as your grip on Byul's hand tightens. "...Tell me more..."
Suddenly, her eyes are on yours again and her eyes have darkened significantly. Her smile has faded, "Then I'd kiss you all over, mark your skin so hard and so much that it'd be impossible to hide what we do under the sheets." She pauses to laugh softly, "You'd whine and sob, begging me to touch you right here..." The rapper's hand slides down to your covered center, taking it roughly in her palm.
You bite you lip down trying to suppress your sounds, only to fail miserably. Byul grins as she tightens her grip on your needy cunt, "Mhm, just like that, baby."
You gnaw harder on your lip, forcing out, "Then what?" You ask trying not to sound desperate, pretending that you aren't getting off on her words alone. "I'd suck on these lovely titties right here..." Her other hand grabs your chest, making you throw your head back, eyes never leaving the very open door. Making sure the kids wouldn't run in and see you both in a rather compromising position. "I'd make sure you were a mess until I finally get down on my knees. Get a lick of that sour sap I love so much."
A soft moan falls from your lips as hers blow a soft gust of air onto them. "I love these kids but I just wish we were home right now, I wish I could have your dripping cunt on my tongue right now, I fucking wish that I could have you here and now. Bare and ready for me, for my every command." She leans in against your lips again, sensually dragging her tongue against your lower lip before pulling away.
"I want to take a strap and fuck you so hard into the bed that we'll have our own kids, N/n..." Byul jokes but the tone of her voice makes you cry out uncontrollably and incredibly rashly.
"Byul I want you now...please." You beg, all but humping your girlfriend's leg at this point. She spins you around, slamming you into your niece and nephew's dresser, her lips finding yours instantly. You groan against her lips, gripping the side of her head carelessly.
You lift your leg to wrap around her body, pulling her closer to your center in a desperate attempt to feel any friction against her. You moan as she ruts her hips into you desperately trying to feel you. Byul's breath fans your face as she pants like a dog in heat.
"Y/n...Oh Y/n..." She groans softly, her eyes screwing shut.
Before you two can get any crazier, a soft, high-pitched voice calls out from the bottom of the stairs, "Noona?! Are you still there?!"
Byul's hips freeze and you drop your head back disappointed and frustrated in more ways than one. You pull away reluctantly and step around your girlfriend, "We should get back to them...I..."
Sher takes your lips against hers sweetly, a great contrast from how you two were mere seconds ago. You smile before she pulls away with a warm smile, her eyes still clouded with lust though, "Don't worry about it baby...We'll have other days."
You nod before suddenly pulling her by the collar of her shirt. The sudden action making her almost scream but catches herself, staring you in the eyes, your lips turning up slightly, "Just wait til we get home, Byul...I'll make all your wishes come true."
"You just get hotter and hotter, Y/n..." She whispers before you release her collar, shoving her backwards a little before you straighten out your own clothes. Sending her a sultry look over your shoulder before walking back to your nephew and niece.
Byul bites her lip and smiles excitedly, skipping out the room.
i'm going to shower now AHAHAHAH THINKING OF BYUL SAYING THAT SHIT TO ME HAS ME ON MY KNEES. just imagine her saying all this with that low raspy voice of hers with her signature smug smirk. i'm melting HAHAHAH i hope you all enjoyed this one!! i love you all vv much and i will see you all vv soon 💓 byeee lovelies!! - r
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mybabydenkikaminari · 9 months
Episode 7 (OPLA)
-Buggy’s head, lovely as usual (and lovely song too)
-Sanji having meet Luffy 5 minutes ago and already knowing him very well (as observant as always)
-Zoro picking his first fight with Sanji 
-Zoro “You don’t know Nami” sounds pretty mad about leaving them behind to me
-Love the idea that the pinwheels are something typical from Nami’s island because of the tangerine grove, it’s genius
-Nami playing cards like a boss, such a power move
-Loving that Arlong Park is really a park with the little booths to play an all (a true call out to Arlong’s past and his dream of being able to go the one in Saoboy, but fishmen racism)
-I have mix feelings about Garp and Zeff, I’m afraid of the tickling
-Garp stopping he's chase for food is so on point (poor Bogard trying to be a good marine)
-”Ooh, new guy carries the clown head”
-Genzo is a fucking exact copy from the one in the manga and the anime
-Zoro stopping  Luffy by touching him (yes I am still not over all the ZoLu from the last episode - how could I?)
-Nojiko is beautiful even more gorgeous that the manga and anime 
-Nojiko spitting at Nami because she is such a boss and not afraid of anything like their mother. Queen slay!!! (Poor Nami though)
-Am I going insane or Luffy and Nami are also a thing? Because I have felt it right here and right now (i have seen glimpse through the episodes, but this is a whole other level)
-Zoro picking a fight with Sanji, yet again (I am in love with their dynamic) 
-”I’m Monkey D. Luffy, I’m a pirate-” “Hunter. Pirate Hunter” Zoro my precious boy, being a observant genius and a big brain
-Usopp stealing a tangerine 10/10
-Nojiko is introduction the Straw Hats also 10/10 (Usopp going behind Zoro, like the sneaky boy that he is)
-Zoro recognizing the phrase Nami doesn’t have friends tickles something in me 
-Sanji flirting meanwhile Nojiko still have a loaded gun in her hands 
-Zoro already getting annoyed to Sanji’s flirting
-Sanji offering to cook and all the reactions that ensues
-”Fine, but there’d better be dessert” NOJIKO IS SUCH A MOOD
-Koby and Helmeppo scaring seeing Garp eat and Bogard only adding to it, yes thank you
-So now you are telling me that I need to ship Garp and Zeff? Because I have 0 complains
-Usopp smiling face “Yeah I was right” <3
-Nojiko smiling face <3<3<3 
-Luffy leaving and Zoro following behind, because now Luffy is his captain and he is fully committed to that (they are so cute)
-Luffy’s speech 10/10
-Nezumi getting his pride crush because he is a racist asshole (Arlong is no better but you know)
-Jimbei mention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Oh no, here we go again… Helmeppo is buying a drink for Koby… and being nice to him… and making sassy comments that sound flirtatious…
-”Aren’t you full of surprises?” + “Thought it’d take a lot more liquor to bring out your mutinous side”
-Btw Koby drinking 3 shoots in less than five minutes, our boy is growing <3
-Poor Garp, in reality he just wants Luffy to be safe, even if it’s terrible at doing it
-I am okay with the change but it makes me feel even sadder for Nami and Nojiko, at least in the manga and anime they have each other, but here poor Nami has been all alone for 8 years and Nojiko has lost her sister for the same amount of time
-That they recreate the exact poses of the iconic moment when they are all going to kick some asses makes me extremely happy and grateful for the amount of detail that the live action has 
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Male Sun Haven residents with a s/o who has anxiety
Hi everyone, I'm back! My apologies for the lack of posts recently, I have been a bit busy with things. But now I'm back to continue the "s/o with anxiety" series! This time with the male Sun Haven residents. I hope you enjoy!
- Oh, this man knows anxiety in and out. He's a counselor after all.
- So he would do lots of breathing exercises with his partner or set up an easel and a canvas to let them paint their feelings out.
- He's very gentle about it too. If Jun finds out about the anxiety before a big attack happens, he will ask what he can do to help and build a little "support box" with his partner, so they have tools to help themselves if Jun isn't around.
- Nathaniel might seem like he's clueless about mental health things, but he has supported the new recruits before and given them advice, so he's not entirely in the dark - but not an expert either.
- So when it comes to his partner, he notices the signs quite early and gets them out of the situation immediately. In Nathaniel's mind, a change of scenery is always a good thing when it comes to this stuff. He would take them to the forest or a nearby waterfall, sit down somewhere and try to talk about it.
- He is also very open to cuddling in those situations. Even if his armor isn't the most comfortable...
- Wornhardt is no stranger to anxiety - he probably suffers from it himself. Even though he does a lot to prevent his own anxiety, mainly through a healthy diet, it still catches up to him sometimes. Therefore he already has a toolkit for himself, which he doesn't mind sharing with his partner.
- This toolkit is very big - from scented candles and herbs to stress toys and candy, Wornhardt has it all. If he's at home, he'll let his partner play with Charlie while he makes some nice herbal tea for the both of them.
- Then, once the tea is done, it's time for cuddling. Lots and lots of gentle touch and comforting words. Wornhardt can be incredibly gentle and soft, but it's a side he only really shows in private. On top of this, he only really allows himself to be silly with his partner - tickling and pillow fights are rare occasions, but they do happen.
- Liam suffers with his partner, period. Having to run the bakery and take care of his sisters at the same time is a lot of stress, so he's glad to have his partner around - even if they get overwhelmed sometimes too.
- When both of them are feeling under the weather, Liam will invite his s/o to bake with him. Not for the bakery per se, but just for themselves. He'll close the bakery for the day and spend the morning baking with them and goofing around a little bit.
- Then, in the afternoon or evening, Liam will take his partner and his sisters out to a field for a picnic with the baked goods. He loves seeing his sisters run around the field and enjoys spending time with his partner in this relaxing environment.
- Claude is mostly alone and completely fine with that, but it would be a lie to say that he never feels unwell mentally. Though, with anxiety in particular, his experience is very limited.
- So when he notices his partner feeling under the weather, he will invite them to listen to him play some music or put on one of his favorite records.
- He will even go down to Liam's bakery and buy some sweets for his partner. Yes, he would willingly go out and talk to people. As long as it isn't too far away from his mansion of course...
Again, it's a lot of fun to write these! Next up are the female Sun Haven residents. Let me know how you like this series and if you want me to do the residents from Nel'Vari and Withergate too!
See you next time!
~Curator Silver
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sgt-morgan · 2 years
Favorite things 🧸
Moonknight Masterlist
Part 1: Estrellita✨
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Summary: Cassie learns a lesson about respecting others things from her favorite uncles.
Warnings: None, it’s tooth rotting fluff up in this house. (As always, inaccurate depiction of DID as made cannon by the show.)
A/N: I saw a Tik tok of these boys who have a mom that’s like super into teaching them to be respectful humans and I thought of this.
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Cassie is a very respectful child. She always uses Kind words. She was always very well spoken, and enjoyed complementing people when they did something she liked. (Just like her mommy does with her.)
“Amo Steven, I really like how you make me smile with your funny stories. You are a very nice uncle.”
“Uncle Marc! I love playing baseball with you because I like to see you more! Thank you for playing!”
“Tío Jake, gracias por dejarme montar en tu coche de lujo. I always feel very safe with you driving.”
She used gentle hands when she was playing with her uncles and cousin, (except when she play fights with Uncle Marc and Tío Jake, then she doesn’t have to be as gentle.)
Cassie sat with her cousin as you finished heating her bottle. She stroked her little cheeks so softly and whispered to her sweetly.
“What a pretty baby my Aurora is! Hi sunshine girl!” Cassie said in her baby voice, then she started singing the song you always sang to your baby. “Good morning star shine the earth says hello! You twinkle above us, we twinkle below!” You couldn’t help but grin in delight as Marc made a face that told you how painfully cute this was from where he sat with the two tiny girls between his legs, helping Cassie prop the baby on the boopy that rested over her legs.
‘Oh my god!’ He mouthed at you, making a motion with his fist striking his heart and fake crying. You laughed as you shook the bottle and approached the trio, starting to hand Cassie the bottle. She gently guided the bottle into the baby’s mouth with your help. Then she sat and fed her, Marc reaching out to help her adjust if needed or to wipe drops of milk that leaked out of Aurora’s tiny mouth. Cassie kept singing the song while she fed the baby, and when she finished, she placed a gentle kiss to her head. You could have sworn Marc teared up.
Cassie was good at many, many things. But she hadn’t grasped the idea that not every thing was hers.
She had OCS (only child syndrome) as your sister so bluntly put it, grousing that she was desperately trying to break the little girl of this habit, but she couldn’t seem to understand that her things were her things, but other peoples things were not under her control, and not to be broken on a whim. You recognized this in Cassie too. If she likes something, she would take it from someone, and unfortunately her uncles were enablers. Steven would let her take his little Egyptian knick-knacks if one really tickled her fancy without hesitation, and quickly assuaged her tears when she broke them (often). Marc would always tell her that his guitar was her guitar and would often let her take it home, leaving him without his favorite pastime, and when she brought it back it usually had a broken string. Jake had an insane collection of hats, but it began to dwindle, because Cassie would often claim them and take them home and color them to make them ‘pretty’. Don’t even get her started about your chapsticks. You felt like you’d spent thousands on the stuff because if Cassie asked for it, you let her have it because when she applied it, she ruined it.
With the baby though, things were different. Aroura had gotten really attached to these pacifiers with stuffed animals on the end of them. She had one of every kind, because you had to have one at any available second. Aurora had lions and dinos and elephants and dragons and llamas and ducks and cows and penguins and cats and dogs and even a tiny Spider-Man one from Peter. It was a vast collection that bordered on hoarding, but if it stopped her from crying, who were you to complain. The baby’s favorite one you had noticed, was the one that was shaped like a frog. If nothing would soothe her, the frog pacifier always did, so you had a stockpile of about forty at this point, to ensure the thing didn’t go out of stock or get discontinued leaving you without a backup. Recently though, Cassie had also taken a keen fascination with frogs. This lead to a very exciting afternoon at your mother’s that your family wasn’t soon to forget.
The baby was screaming, howling in fact. You had put her in a swing in the play room at your parents house with her frog pacifier not ten minutes ago, and she was perfectly content. Now though, now she screeched as if someone had gnawed off one of her limbs. You and your sister rushed into her room from the kitchen, your mother on your heels to see what made her scream like this. What you found was Cassie, playing with the stuffed frog, as she tried to shove the frog-less pacifier into Aurora’s mouth. You gasped and picked up the baby as Jake entered the house with a backpack that thankfully had a backup frog pacifier.
“Cassie! What did I tell you about doing that!” Her mother admonished with exasperation clearly staining her face.
“It looked like fun momma! And he’s so green, and I needed him for my tea party!” Cassie shrugged, getting back to her tea party.
Jake heaved a heavy sigh as he handed you the pacifier. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her. He said crouching to the girls level to make eye contact. They talked for a long time while Cassie sniffled and wiped tears. Once Jake was done explaining, she threw her arms around Jake and went back to playing.
“what did you say?” You asked, watching her calm down soundlessly and clean up her little mess.
“Nothing much mi vida, she gets it now.” He shrugged, taking the baby gently from you and assuaging her tears instantly. Your baby is a total daddy’s girl. (So we’re you though so, who are you to judge.)
From then on Cassie grew a new respect for peoples things. She could often be found putting things back where they belonged, pushing them back onto the counter more firmly so they wouldn’t break, truly listening when other children said they didn’t want to share their favorite toys. A necessary and refreshing change of pace from her previous antics. You’r sister heralded this new update as a miracle, and it further cemented Jake’s talent as a child whisperer in the eyes of your family. Cassie was now very respectful of others things, but it came with a very surprising (and adorable) side effect you weren’t expecting.
You and Cassie were constantly chasing each other around. Roughhousing was a common pastime in your household, and it was never shocking for you or the boys to be chasing the small girl around the house or vice versa trying to smack each other (lightly). You were running around smacking each other on this particular day, and Cassie had just caught up to you, and was about to smack you on the butt when she weirdly stoped and looked very serious all of a sudden. Then she stopped fully and said she didn’t wanna play anymore.
“What’s up Cassie? Why did you stop?” You frowned, crouching to talk to the little girl.
“Nothing, I’m just being respectful of Tío Jake’s favorite things!” Then she skipped off, going back to playing with her stuffed animals and coloring books. It took you a second to catch up to what she was saying.
“JAKE LOCKLEY! VEN AQUÍ AHORA MISMO!” You yelled from the kitchen. He wandered in holding your very happy baby girl with a shit eating grin.
“Sí, Mi Vida?” He grinned even harder, bouncing the giggling baby girl in his arms. “What’s the problem, you wanted her to be respectful of other peoples favorite things, it’s not my fault she’s a very perceptive child. ¡Tu glorioso trasero es lo que más me gusta!” You grinned and smacked him on the arm, and he feigned a wounded look. “Te quiero, cariño.” He said puckering his lips at you and leaving the room.
“Yeah, yeah, love you too.”
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serenityiskey · 2 years
Independence Day
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A/N: thank you so much @qlch0d for the adorable request! I hope I was able to make it as wonderful as your idea sounded! I sincerely apologize if I get any D&D terms wrong, I just started playing Tuesday and I have no idea what I’m doing 😭
It was a bright, warm summer day in Hawkins, Indiana and today was Independence Day. Since everything has gone back to normal after the whole upside down crisis, everyone has gotten together to celebrate with a good old fashioned barbecue cook out. Hopper and Murray as well as Alexei were at the grill talking about how Independence Day was celebrated in America, Joyce was sitting on the porch watching the kids play D&D on the front lawn instead of down in the basement.
“I still don’t get it. Why do I roll this dice instead of this one?” Max asked as she held up a twenty sided die and a six sided die. Since Max was still coping with Billy’s death, the Hawkins teens decided to forcefully teach her how to play D&D to get her to interact with them. “Each dice has a different purpose, and a D20 determines how strong your attack is against an enemy. Which is what you’re trying to do now” Mike explained as he took a sip of his soda and stretched his back. “Ok, I guess that makes sense. I’ve just don’t understand why there’s three dice instead of one or two like most games.” Max shrugged and she rolled her dice landing on a 12.
“Don’t worry Max, I’ll still call you a Nerd even if you don’t understand it. You’re always one of us” Erica smirked teasingly and gently nudged her. “I’m not a nerd, you all are the nerds.” Max rolled her eyes and nudged Erica back. “Hey, we aren’t nerds! We are just really good at games is all” Dustin chirped in and so did the others. “Nope, you are all nerds with a capital N” Erica sassed with a raised brow and crossed her arms. “Call me a nerd one more time and see what happens” max playfully threatened and she raised a brow back. “What are you gonna do? Roll a dice to see what are the chances you have of beating me in a fight?” Erica chuckled and max shook her head “Not if I tickle you” she smirked. Erica froze for a moment and she rolled her eyes “lay one hand on me and you’ll end up losing it”. Lucas smirked and he looked at Erica “what’s the matter, Erica? Cat got your tongue or are you just surprised we know your secret.”
Erica was about to answer until Joyce walked over to the table. “What’s all this talk about secrets?” She teased and she propped her hands on the table. “Oh, we were just talking about how the mighty Lady Applejack is secretly very ticklish and will crumble if you find her spots” Lucas teased and will chuckled “I must warn you, mom is very evil when it comes to tickles. She would tickle Jonathan and i out of bed when we wouldn’t get up for school”. Erica looked away with a light blush on her face and rolled her eyes “I’m not ticklish, Lucas, i out grew that a lot time a- HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEY!!” She squealed and giggled loudly as Joyce poked and squeezed at Erica’s sides. “Doesn’t look like it to me, my dear little sister, you’re very ticklish.” Lucas laughed and max smirked “uh oh, Erica, there seems to be one monster we forgot to kill when we were fighting the upside down.” “dohohohohohont yohohohohohohou dahahahahahahahahahare!” Erica shrieked when Joyce moved to her ribs “we forgot about the tickle monster” max teased as she gently tackled Erica down to the grass and she started to pinch and rapidly squeeze at Erica’s tummy “MAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAX!!” Erica shrieked and she tried to grab her hands but Lucas held her hands by her head “oh this is too good, Erica, maybe this will teach you to be nice to people.” Erica squirmed and she tried to kick her feet when El used her powers to restrain Erica’s hands and legs. “El don’t do it, pleheheheheehehehease!” Erica begged and she laughed as max spidered at her sides. El giggled and she smiled as she started squeezing her knees “friends don’t lie, Erica, you lied to Max” she playfully smiled. “NAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” Erica laughed and she smiled brightly as she tried to move around. “This is payback for calling us Nerds!” Dustin moved to her under arms and Erica screamed with laughter “NOHOHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOOHOOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEERE!!” Erica begged as she tried to move her arms down but failed. “What is going on here, everyone?” Hopper chuckled as he walked next to Joyce and he wrapped an arm around her waist. “The kids were just playing around and apparently Erica is as ticklish as the rest of them” Joyce chuckled and snuggled into hopper’s chest. “Oh yeah, El can’t stand it when her feet gets tickled. I tickle her all the time when she’s being smart with me” hopper smiled and kissed her head as watched the kids play happily like any other kids would do on Independence Day.
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