#please ignore typos
whumpbug · 4 months
this little fic is heavily heavily inspired by this post from @whump-kia because i just couldnt get the idea out of my silly brain so i brain vomited onto my notes app
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kinda sorta wilderness/sci-fi/apocolypse setting.. it honestly could go all ways but the important factors are 1) they are in a team 2) there are enemies they are on the run from and 3) there isnt really magic healing or anything available
i wrote it as medic kinda being the most competent one in general while leader and teammate are frazzled as hell at the situation and could be read as newer to the team but that isn't necessarily my intention!
whumpee: Medic
caretaker(s): Leader and Teammate
[all characters gender neutral]
The room fell silent. All eyes were suddenly trained on Medic who threw open the door and staggered in.
With a dagger wedged in their side.
The team had been on the run from enemies for the better part of a week now. Even though they weren't completely in the clear, the team was completely worn out. They all needed a good rest.
They were setting up camp at one of their many bases, and Medic offered to scout the area alone. Leader honestly didn’t think it was a good idea, but they were too preoccupied to think to argue it further.
Now, they sincerely wished they had.
“Medic.. oh god, oh god” whispered Teammate.
“Ambush,” They explained. “It’s.. it’s okay, I took care of it..” Medic replied cooly, but the color was quickly draining from their face. Teammate frowned and continued questioning them, but Leader heard none of it.
Leader took a shaky breath, but their feet were planted. They couldn’t move. They were frozen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. No, Medic was untouchable. Medic was steadfast and reliable, always there when the team needed them.
Medic wasn’t supposed to go out like this. Medic wasn’t supposed to get hurt.
Leader’s breathing hitched again. Their head was reeling. What were they going to do?! No one on the team was qualified to fix this other than the person dripping blood all over the floor, yet it was still Leader’s job to do something. It was too much, it was too—
Medic’s voice cut through the room like a knife through butter.
“I need you to listen to me. Carefully. Can you do that?”
Leader swallowed the lump in their throat. They nodded.
Medic took another step forward, only for their foot to catch on the ground, sending them stumbling forward. Teammate caught them by the upper arm and unceremoniously lowered them to the ground.
“Alright,” Medic began. Their face was scrunched up in pain. “Leader. I’m going to walk you through how to fix this, okay? I'm going to be fine.”
“Right. Right, I can help you.. just- just tell me what to do.” Leader said, forcing their voice to remain steady.
“Do you see that fire poker over there? I’m going to need you to grab it and stick the end of it into the fire. We want it to get really hot, okay?” Medic explained methodically.
If it weren’t for the blade sticking out of Medic’s middle, you’d think there was nothing even wrong with them. They seemed like everything was under control. They really seemed fine.
But not to their team.
No, their team didn’t miss Medic’s pallor, the way their eyebrows were pinched together, the way the sweat was beading on their brow. Their team didn’t miss the way their hands were trembling, the way their gaze was glassy, and the way they were slumped against the wall, seemingly sapped of their strength.
Medic was fighting to hold on, but it was a losing battle. They really didn’t have much time before they passed out from blood loss, or worse.
Leader’s resolve came back to them all at once. They nodded sharply and did as they were told, sticking the poker into the fire and leaving it on the hearth. While the team waited anxiously for the poker to heat up, Leader took the opportunity to adjust Medic into a more comfortable position against the wall. This earned a strangled grunt from Medic.
“Okay, Leader.. this.. this is important. Once that poker gets red-hot, you’re.. you’re going to have to pull out the blade from my wound and cauterize it.. immediately.” They choked out, shifting to give Leader a better view of their abdomen.
Leader’s face blanched.
“Cauterize?? Why not sutures? Surely that’s less painful,” Leader protested, only to be shushed by Medic raising their hand.
“I don’t have.. I can’t stay awake to walk you through that.. cau.. cauterization is.. quicker..”
Leader could tell Medic was reaching their limit. The wound, despite being partially plugged by the dagger, had been steadily dripping blood for a while now. Leader could tell by the way Medic’s voice was faltering and the way their shoulders were drooping that they were utterly spent. They had to hurry up.
Leader glanced at the fire poker, and upon seeing it burning hot, they grabbed a towel and picked it up.
“Alright. What’s next.”
Medic steeled their nerves and spoke.
“You and Teamate will have to work together. Leader, you’ll.. you’ll need to pull out the dagger and immediately press the poker along th.. the wound.. As soon as you pull it out, it’s going to start bleeding even faster.. you need to seal it immediately, just until the bleeding stops..”
Leader nods, though they hate this with every fiber of their being. They’ve never had to have had a wound cauterized before, thanks to Medic’s dilligency. Still, they know the procedure is agonizing and not one they are thrilled to perform on Medic.
Medic gaze flits to Teammate.
“You.. you have a very important job.. I need.. I’m gonna need you to hold me down. As soon as that metal hits my skin, I’m going to scream. I mean really scream. I’m also going to jerk away. I need you to hold me down, no.. no matter what happens, even if I pass out, so Leader doesn’t end up making the wound worse. Can you do that?”
Teammate frowns, but gives a quick nod. Teammate was always more timid, but now, in this moment, their jaw was set and there was a determined glint in their eyes. By God, they were going to help Medic.
Leader got up and sat on Medic’s legs to restrain them, and held the fire poker at their side. Using their free hand they gently grasped the handle of the blade sticking out of Medic, careful not to jostle it in the wound. Still, Medic inhaled sharply.
Teammate got behind Medic looping their arms behind theirs and holding them tight.
“Alright.. just.. just give me a count down..” Medic said, their voice low.
Leader nodded.
Medic sucked in a breath.
Teammate tightened their grip.
Everything that happened after that countdown couldn’t have been more than 10 seconds, but to Medic, it felt like 10 years.
As soon as the dagger was removed, Leader pressed the hot metal into the wound. The guttural scream that tore from Medic’s throat was nausea-inducing.
Immediately, every muscle in their body seized up as they violently thrashed against the white-hot pain. Medic’s sobs rang out through the entire facility. Everyone in the vicinity flinched at the sound.
Their Medic, their savior, was now reduced to gut-wrenching cries.
Leader adjusted themself to sit on Medic’s thighs, effectively immobilizing them.
Teammate had to yank Medic’s arms down, using all their strength to keep them still.
“I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry..” Teammate whispered softly, tears blurring their vision.
Right as Leader was about to finish sealing the wound, Medic let out a gurgling gasp as their eyes rolled back into their head and they went limp.
“Medic? Hey, Medic?” Teammate mewled, lightly tapping their cheek.
Both Leader and Teammate finally loosened their grip on them and lowered Medic to the ground with as much care as they could muster.
“Hey, c’mon Medic.. wake up for us, yeah?” Leader coaxed, brushing a strand of hair from Medic’s eyes.
Medic’s eyelids finally fluttered open, but they looked utterly exhausted. Their face was streaked with sweat and there were tears tracks lining their pale cheeks. Still, they gave a weak smile.
“You.. you guys did great..” They managed, but not before their eyes slipped close yet again.
Both Leader and Teammate exchanged a laugh at how absurd it was that Medic was praising them for doing well. Still, the worst of it was over and everyone could breathe again. They knew they should get Medic up and into medbay, but they silently agreed to let Medic rest for a few moments longer.
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racingcore · 5 months
this is nothing new, but ferrari is doing charles SO dirty with their strategies i feel so bad for him 🥲 manifesting lestappen podium in miami 🕯️🕯️
yes please Lestappen podium in Miami cuz i am going through withdrawal i wonder how Max is faring 😭
eh i feel like today was more about the whole Ferrari itself. its very clear that the tyre problems arent gone gone. which is a real shame because people had high hopes after last race. like we know it wasnt all well but high hopes were there.
personally i cant look at another excuse and we'll fix it from ferrari. I hope they fix the issue soon that car is fine in both Quali and Race day.
but looking at Charles, he promised he will work on tyre work and he really delivered it the whole way this weekend. From his side it wasnt a driver thing, its was a Ferrari thing this weekend. Charles did consistently good in FP1 timings, Sprint Race and Race.
You cant argue with the race today, Charles' drive was phenomenal. even my irls were saying it was going to be easy as fuck podium for him but alas Ferrari does Ferrari, we say Forza Ferrari anyways and hope the absolute best in next race. We know Ferrari is going to deliver cuz they did last year and things did get better. just hoping for imola upgrades to save me faster.
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thankyoujangofett · 2 years
the teensy-est tech drabble | GN! fluff
you enter the bad batches barracks on kamino. you’re their assigned medic as tech felt he had a full time job as a mechanic and did not have time for wrecker related injuries anymore.
when you first joined the batch, you seemed to get along with wrecker the best, however it was comforting talking to tech. during long hyperspace journeys you found yourself diving into deep conversations that would last hours. the man could go on and on about the most interesting things. the way his brain worked fascinated you as a doctor, but as a human, it was his heart that really caught your attention.
he was kind by nature, funny, polite, considerate, and that smile. every time he smirked it sent a flush of heat over your skin and sent your heart racing.
to say you didnt have a crush on him would be an obvious lie, so you embraced it. asking him more personal questions, using medical excuses to spend more time with him and to get closer to him physically.
so far your progress was moving slowly, but one night gave it the push it needed.
the door to the barracks wooshed open. inside were hunter and tech. hunter was lifting a weight by the large window, watching the storm and tech was at his station tinkering with what looked like a motherboard.
“hey, tech.” you said walking over to his bunk.
“oh hey hunter, how are you hunter, whatcha doing hunter?” hunter said in a whiny, high pitched voice obviously offended you blanked him.
“oh yeah, and you i guess.” you giggled, returning his sarcasm.
“you know what im just going to go to the training room.” hunter announced defeated.
you sat on techs bunk, something he was more then happy with you doing as you were now close friends in his eyes.
“what are you working on?” you asked.
“i am embedding a program into this motherboard.”
“how does it work?”
tech began to explain the ins and outs of the piece of technology, what its used for, when it was invented, how it improves things, and suddenly you began to feel sleepy.
not that tech wasn’t interesting, you just felt…safe. you layed your head back on his pillow and your eyes flickered shut to the sound of techs information.
“and with the added data, it will be able to-“ tech said turning around on his chair, noticing you resting.
“why’d you stop?”
“are you bored?”
“no! no, of course not. your voice is just… so relaxing. keep talking, please.”
techs eyes softened. no one had ever wanted him to keep talking about his interests, especially wrecker.
tech went on for another half an hour, by then you were sound asleep, he let you sleep in his bunk and he used crosshairs. seeing as cross rarely slept, this wasnt an issue.
as tech fell asleep, his mind drifted to you. he couldnt help but feel a flutter in his chest when he heard your words. he had found an new admiration for you and was keen to see where this path would lead.
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roppiepop · 8 months
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Who’s coming to the cookout?
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seagiri · 8 months
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ihatebrainstorm · 11 months
Brainstorm and Nightshade Malto meet. Shenanigans ensue
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I need them in Earthspark so badly, you guys have no idea
Also had some fun designing my own little rendition version of Earthspark BS and Percy lol
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pupkashi · 1 year
I’m tipsy and all i can think of satoru being an absolute flirt when you’re completely fucking drunk and you’re looking at him across the room telling your friends you think he’s soooo cute
“hi” you smile, a little out of breath and has it always been that hot in here ?
“hello” he flashes you a dazzling smile, his blue eyes just barely peeking out from under his glasses
“my friend over there thinks you’re reallllly cute” you giggle, pointing at a wall then running to stand there, looking in the opposite direction and waving at him nonchalantly.
you run back to where he is giggling, satoru can only smile at your antics.
“i think your friend is very pretty” youre blushing at his words, already placing a hand in his chest as you giggle.
“well, my friend thinks you’re very attractive” you smile, pulling on his collar and smiling, “you single?” You ask.
gojo sucks his teeth, tsk’ing before he replies, “i actually have a very wonderful, amazing, beautiful, partner.” you pout at his words, trying to think of what to say in your drunken state.
“They’re so lucky,” you reply after a moment, you’re turning around before you hear him laugh loudly, your wrist is being grabbed and the world is moving too fast.
suddenly you’re in his firm arms, your face squished against his chest as he giggles, kissing the top of your head.
“but your partner!” you panic, ready pushing yourself away from the handsome man.
“you wouldn’t mind sweet thing” he mumbles, not waiting another second before pressing his lips against yours.
the room is spinning when you pull away, smiling and blushing before you’re running to the nearest trash can and throwing up. satoru is there in seconds holding your hair and rubbing your back.
it isn’t until the next morning when you wake up with a headache, groaning as you hear your boyfriends voice running loudly in your ear.
“good morning! hope you remember who i am now sweets” satoru giggles as you groan at his voice, pulling the blanket over your head.
“what happened last night” you groaned as he pulled the blanket gently from over your head, “one too many shots of vodka sweetheart” he mumbled as he handed you an protein bar and some ibuprofen.
“you also forgot we were dating” he smiled and your face flushed in embarrassment, “what the hell did i do” you mumble, rubbing your eyes.
“you hit on me” he laughs and you groan, wrapping your hand around his neck and pulling him down to lay next to you.
“stop talking, just cuddles” you mumble, closing your eyes before drifting off to sleep again.
satoru can only smile at your drowsy state, kissing your forehead before deciding one closing his eyes and falling asleep with you.
he deserved it after staying up all night with you talking to him about how your lover was so perfect, and throwing up between compliments.
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afewproblems · 9 months
The Holiday Party had gone quite smoothly, more than he was expecting if Steve was being honest with himself.
Until about halfway through, but that was pretty par for the course.
Jonathan had unearthed an old Rummoli Board from a box labeled 'Basement Misc', the Byers were still in the middle of unpacking from their move back to Hawkins, and brought it alongside a bottle of wine that Nancy had managed to smuggle from the Wheelers liquor cabinet.
Robin, who rode with Eddie and Argyle, brought pizza, the only copy of It's A Wonderful Life from Family Video, and way too much weed for just the six of them.
"It isn't a party without a little Kush Stevie," Eddie had told him, clapping his warm hand on Steve's shoulder, his thumb just high enough to rest on bare skin above the collar of his sweater.
All Steve could do was roll his eyes and take the pizzas, quickly ducking into the kitchen before Robin or, God Forbid, Eddie could comment on the pink flush that had taken over his face at the new nickname.
Robin had been insisting that Steve just tell Eddie how he felt for the last few weeks. Rip the bandaid off and come clean. What was the worst that could happen?
Which, really Robin?
Steve knows exactly what happens when someone puts themselves out there only for the other person to not feel the same way. His whole argument was currently sitting in his living room for fucks sake.
Sure, Steve and Nancy were on better terms now, but it also took two years to get there, and even still, there was a weird tension when they found themselves alone together.
So, no, telling Eddie was not an option, Robin.
Steve could keep it together. He could deal with the ache in his chest at the sight of Eddie's smile. Steve could deal with the way his heart beat quickened whenever Eddie said his name. He could deal with the heady flush that bloomed every time Eddie touched him.
He was fine, it was fine.
And, movie nights like these were nothing new in the wake of Vecnas defeat and the destruction of the Upside Down. Steve needed to keep it together if he wanted to continue to have this. Nights without the kids to look after or the adults to hide their indulgences from, these were the nights where they could truly relax.
These were Steve's favourite, and he was not going to let some Bullshit feelings stand in the way of being able to see Eddie.
This Christmas Eve found the six of them lounging on pillows and extra couch cushions from the basement to make the 'best movie watching set-up thank you very much', according to Robin, and watching It's a Wonderful Life for the umpteenth time.
"I can't believe that George Bailey would wish for something like that, when it's so obvious that people care about him," Robin scoffs at the top of her voice about halfway through the movie, prompting a irritated Shush from Nancy.
"That bro is depressed man, it's like a cry for help, and on Christmas, this shit is heavy dude," Argyle hums, lifting his fist up to Robin who shakes it with a wild grin. The two erupt into violent giggles which begin to creep into Steve and Eddie and eventually Jonathan as well. Nancy rolls her eyes but can't help the smile that takes over her face as well.
"Who would wish to never be born when you could just wish for the bank to like, not fuck you over, seems like a waste of a wish if you ask me," Eddie says as the last traces of giggles begin to finally disapate.
"Ooo, Eddie's right!" Robin says as she reaches for the remote, hitting pause on the movie. She waves her hands through the chorus of groans from everyone except Eddie who turns around to Steve with an incredulous expression on his face.
Steve shrugs as Robin continues, unable to look away from those large brown eyes until a hand darts out to smack him in the chest.
"Steve, pay attention," Robin huffs, "let's go around and share what we would wish for!"
Oh shit.
Steve turns on the couch to fully face Robin with narrowed eyes. She grins at him, lifting a single eyebrow as her blue eyes dart between Eddie and Steve.
Steve opens his mouth to argue, to insist that they just carry on with the movie, only for Eddie to drum his hands against his knees and speak.
"Oh birdie, I'm way ahead of you, this is Wayne's favorite Christmas movie so I've done a lot of thinking 'bout this".
Eddie clears his throat and lifts his hands from his knees now as though he's about to launch into a story for Hellfire, "I would personally wish for the money to be able to fund Corroded Coffin full time, get a demo done, and then be able to kiss this fucking one horse town good bye!"
Steve feels the words hit him like a bucket of cold water.
Eddie wants to leave Hawkins.
His wish, his dream, for forever from the sounds of it, is to leave them all behind.
To leave Steve behind.
The voices from the group, pitched high and low, all blend together into one as the rest of the group share their own wishes.
Steve absently feels a small hand grip his own, he looks up to see Robin staring at him, a worried frown pinched between her eyebrows. He answers her silent question with a shake of his head.
It was fine, he was fine. This was a good thing, better to know now than later when Eddie would inevitably leave him behind.
Steve startles as a ringed hand waves precariously close to his face. Eddie smiles faintly at him, one dimple on display as he speaks again.
"Kinda lost you for a second there, what about your wish?"
"Oh," he manages to say with a slight laugh in his voice, even as his brain fills with static, "um, I haven't ever really thought about it, maybe some new music or something".
Nancy and Jonathan both boo loudly from the love seat while Argyle nods with a hazy smile.
"Right on my man, sounds like Eddie'll be able to help when his band makes it big," he says before turning back to the television and slumping even more heavily into the couch.
Steve forces out another bright laugh, ignoring how much it burns his throat and crushes his chest. The only thing keeping him in his seat is the firm hold of Robin's hand on his own.
He doesn't look at Eddie as he leans forward to press play on the movie once more, letting the music and dialogue fill the room once more.
Later, as the end of the credits roll and the tape switches back to static, Nance and Jonathan are fast asleep. The pair are cuddled up on the love seat, their heads leaning against one another. It would almost be cute if not for the pang of envy that fills Steve at the sight.
Steve tries to bask in the warmth of having Robin cuddled into his side, knowing it will alleviate at least some of the ache in his chest. Robins eyes have been steadily growing heavier as she slowly falls further and further into Steves side. He smiles, reaching up to brush her hair away from her face.
At least he has Robin, and maybe for now that is enough.
This is a part one, let me know if anyone would like a part Two?
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nico-di-genova · 11 months
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Race Engineer! Charles AU
“Red Bull Racing have announced that Gianpiero Lambiase will not be returning as Max Verstappen’s race engineer for the 2023 season. Taking his place will be Charles Leclerc, former Scuderia Ferrari engineer.”
@F1 via X (2023, January 03)
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cowboyx2 · 4 months
take my quiz tehe
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buried-in-stardust · 1 year
I swiped across an SVSSS edit that went viral and just had to share some of the comments under it lmao:
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*Mo Dao = MDZS, Tian Guan = TGCF, Zha Fan = SVSSS
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*yuandan (原耽) refers to original danmei, danmei being BL (boy's love)
(The novel names MDZS and SVSSS also sound very much like stereotypical novels aimed at men)
[eng by me]
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lost-in-fandoms · 4 days
Omg. Omg!!!! Streamer Max my beloved! What does Daniel do when he stumbles onto Max's stream? I'm just imagining him clicking on a random link or something and suddenly bam he's got a face full of this pretty streamer with slutty short shorts!
(Anyway love your work and hope you have a great day!! 🥰)
You are so sweet I hope you have a great day too!!
Some slutty streamer Max to try and have something good to end the day with
Daniel sighs, rolling over towards the bedside table and grabbing his phone, checking the time for what feels like the twentieth time that night already.
4:42 am.
Just twenty minutes after the last time he checked.
He sighs again, sitting up slightly to drink some water, resigned to the fact that he'll probably won't get any sleep tonight either. If he's lucky, he'll get a couple hours when the sun is rising and then sneak a nap in somewhere during the afternoon.
He knows that jet lag is not helping, having landed in Perth from Los Angeles just two days ago, but he's been dealing with this insomnia for way too long to lie to himself any further. Sleep simply isn't coming.
He's tried most things already tonight, from the relaxing herbal tea his mom had recommended, to the white noise machine, to the podcasts, to the meditation. Nothing has worked.
He grabs his phone again, going through some of his messages and emails before clicking on the twitch app.
It's something new he's been trying the past couple of weeks, doesn't even remember who recommended it to him, and so far it hasn't worked, but at this point into the night he's willing to do anything. Whoever it was who first told him about it had been speaking about ASMR streams and music channels, but Daniel has been mostly browsing around, not really finding anything that catches his eye.
Tonight, he moves past the few streams he has followed already, scrolling through the live channels without looking for anything in particular, until something catches his eyes.
At first glance the stream doesn't look like anything special, even if the game itself looks cute, just a guy in a dimly lit room in a corner of the screen, mouth moving to say words Daniel can't hear yet, but.
The guy is sitting on a gaming chair, leaning back slightly in a way that Daniel doubts is fully comfortable, legs splayed, his short shorts bunched up to leave milky skin on display. He's using both hands to play, but just as Daniel is watching, slightly transfixed, he laughs, probably at something in chat, and brings one hand away to lightly scratch at his neck and then down to his leg, pulling it more to the side, fingers grazing on his crotch.
Daniel swallows.
He taps on the screen, opening the stream without really thinking about it, finally letting the guy's voice play through the speakers.
"...just for 40 more minutes. No, you cannot bribe me for one hour, Kiks, not even if you use the cute emote. I have work."
He has an accent, a lisp that comes out when he says Kiks, bright blue eyes and a lovely smile. And a hand that is still on his dick.
Daniel's eyes fall on the name of the stream, Farming some slimes, which tells him nothing, and the name of the game, Slime Rancher 2, which tells him that at least he's not in some sort of secret porn category, before going back to the camera square.
The guy is now playing again, hands just barely in view from where they're wrapped around the controller, and Daniel takes a breath, trying to gather his bearings after feeling like he's just been hit over the head with an hammer.
The chat is scrolling by slowly, his 236 viewers obviously not all interested in talking, so Daniel has no problem catching the last few messages. It's mostly people complaining about the guy leaving early, the person he was talking to earlier, KicksforKiks24, offering to gift some subs if he stays longer, and Daniel wonders if he is the only one noticing the absolutely sinful thighs on display here.
Nightnectior: What if I ask really nicely Max?
The new message pops up in chat, and Daniel watches as the streamer, Max apparently, laughs again, shaking his head.
"No, Night, I told you, I have things to do early in the morning."
Okay, maybe Daniel is the weird one here. Maybe he is the only one thinking about Max's legs and reading his posture wrong. Maybe he is the only perv in this chat, and everyone else is absolutely normal.
Severson: would love to see you do /things/ in the morning
Daniel chokes on his spit.
He's expecting Max to ignore it, or to delete the message, or to have any kind of reasonable reaction, but Max.
Max grins.
He blinks slowly, shifting on the chair almost casually, bringing one foot up to rest on the seat, shorts bunching up so much Daniel can see a hint of pubes, the outline of his balls and dick now fully visible, and then sliding a hand down his thigh to rest on his lower belly, fingers grazing his crotch again.
"Would you?" he asks, voice low.
Daniel has forgotten what Max's asking about. He's forgotten about anything that isn't the desire of sinking his teeth in the meat of his thigh, to have them wrapped around his head, and the knowledge that his dick is half hard already.
"I don't think that's how it works," Max says, in response to a message Daniel doesn't even care to look at right now. He's barely aware of the chat going faster now, more messages popping up in a rapid succession.
"Oh look at all of you, coming out to play."
Max's hand slides lower, now fully on his dick, as he giggles, a sliver of his stomach exposed too. Daniel's heart is beating in his ears. He doesn't know what's happening.
There's a new sound on the stream, something that startles Daniel out of his daze enough to realise someone has just donated €50 just to call Max a pretty boy.
Daniel wonders how hard it is to figure out how donations work. How much he can donate without his bank blocking his account. How much it would take for Max to do something.
He swallows, feeling slightly insane.
Max's fingers squeeze once.
Daniel's breath stutters in his chest, his hands twitching, wanting to touch himself too but so transfixed he doesn't dare moving.
And then Max shifts, grabbing the controller again and sitting up a bit, shirt falling back into place. Even if the outline of his dick is still clearly visible, something in the spell breaks, letting Daniel breathe again.
He can still feel his heart rabbiting in his chest, his mouth dry. His dick is hard under the sheets.
With a trembling finger, Daniel presses follow.
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goreyer · 9 months
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Jadon Sancho x Marco Reus│Jadon found Marco
Reus 77' goal (Sancho assist) │SVD-BVB│0-3│13.01.24
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gallavichthings · 4 months
Gallavich Week 2024 - bingo edition
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Hello, lovelies! It's time for another Gallavich Week. This time: bingo edition!
The 2024 Gallavich Week will be held between June 24th and June 30th. As this time it's a bingo, there will be no assigned theme for each day, meaning you can post your works on any day during that week.
Guidelines and cards after the read more because this post ended up way too long. ^_^
Some general rules:
There are four cards (at the end of this post): one/two-word prompts, dialogue prompts, tropes, and art and other medias. You can post something from just one or all of them. You can also use more than one prompt in the same work. There's no minimum or limit to the number of works you can post.
All kinds of fanworks are accepted (fic, art, videos, gifs, analysis, crafts... anything), as long as they're original. (Unless they're a re-imagining of another work, in which case please also mention it when you post and get authorization first if the original isn't yours.)
AI is not accepted!
No sign-ups required. Just post and tag me. :)
Here is the AO3 community, for those who wish to use it.
Don't forget to tag me using @ at the body of the post so that I can see it and reblog it (you can do it after a read more or by reblogging if you wish to "hide" it). Also, please indicate clearly which prompt(s) was/were used.
Some suggestions, which are not rules but do help with posting:
If you're posting a long fic in its entirety here on Tumblr, please use a read more and/or tag it "long post".
If you're posting nsfw art here, please use the community guidelines to inform so.
If you post more than one work on AO3, I suggest making different works, and not just different chapters of one single work. This helps with tagging, both for those who want to find your work and for those who might want to avoid something. It also helps when people don't have to comb through several chapters to find what they're looking for. If you want to connect your works, you can put them all under a series. And yes, this is also valid for drabbles and art.
There are no prizes for this bingo, but those who make a bingo get bragging rights (and a special shout out - just let me know you've done it because I'm likely to miss it).
BINGO: 3 cells in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally).
SUPER BINGO: 3 cells in a row in two cards.
ULTRA BINGO: 3 cells in a row in three or four cards (are you ok?).
UBER BINGO: All the 9 cells of the same card.
SUPREME BINGO: All 9 cells of the same card in two different cards (good luck with that).
EXTREME BINGO: All 9 cells of the same card in three different cards (seriously, are you ok? Is this worth it?).
ULTIMATE BINGO: All 9 cells of the same card in ALL of the four different cards (you get ALL the bragging rights!!! But also, please rest).
And now, the cards:
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EDIT: forgot to mention, by Taste of Chicago I mean this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taste_of_Chicago
And Starry Night is, indeed Van Gogh's painting. And yes, Final Fantasy the video game.
I think the rest is quite obvious, but let me know if you have any questions.
111 notes · View notes
falllpoutboy · 26 days
sydcarmy | the scientist (pt 1) (pt 2)
65 notes · View notes
rustblogging · 22 days
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true detective (2014) / anne de marcken
54 notes · View notes