#please read the author's note
newwwwusername · 1 year
Heartbreak High (Netflix Reboot) - Ant/Spider - Mental Health Awareness Month Prompt 8 : Antisocial Personality Disorder
Prompt : Write a fic in which a character has Antisocial Personality Disorder (canon or not canon). THE CHARACTER CANNOT BE A SERIAL KILLER OR OTHER TYPE OF CRIMINAL! This is a negative connection with the disorder which is not what we're trying to do here. Headcanon : Spider has ASPD Author's note : The author does not have ASPD. I have very low empathy Autism so I understand the lack of empathy to an extent, but I know that doesn't equate to actually having the disorder. I hope this does not come across as insensitive or inaccurate- Please let me know if there is something off here because I always strive to educate myself. With that said, I hope this is passable <3
Spencer had been avoiding Anthony, and Anthony didn't know why. They'd been as close as ever just the previous week. What had happened?
It wasn't out of the ordinary for Spencer to do stuff like this, to be clear. He did this often with new people when he was still getting a read on them, manipulating the situation, testing them before he got close enough for them to realize what was so different about his brain. But Anthony wasn't a new person. They'd known each other for years... Why was this happening?
thebigant : spider pls stop ignoring me bro
There were about a million texts like that. It was a wall of blue message bubbles on Anthony's end and white on Spencer's. He knew that Spencer was ignoring him too, because all of the messages were marked as read.
Spencer stood a few feet from his bed, just staring blankly at his phone, which was open on his bed. He saw the typing bubble show up again and groaned in annoyance because this whole thing was so frustrating.
Anthony was always such a weird case for him because he didn't view him with the same apathy that he viewed everyone and everything else in the world. He actually cared about Anthony, to an extent, and recently that care had traveled to something a bit more serious and he didn't know how to deal with it because he never thought he'd have to.
He'd accepted long ago that he wasn't a people person. Why did Anthony make him feel this way?
A full week passed without them speaking when, eventually, Spencer figured he should break the silence.
whitespider : hi
thebigant : dude wtf y were u ignorng me for like a week hello??
thebigant : *ignoring
whitespider : idk
thebigant : i call bullshit
thebigant : is this like an aspd thing?
thebigant : u know its ok but u gotta like communicate bro i cant just be confused and wonderng y ur ignoring me for days on end
whitespider : right sorry whatever
thebigant : so y'd u vanish?
whitespider : ...
thebigant : SPIDER
whitespider : i think i like you
whitespider : like genuinely
whitespider : and not just in the friend way
thebigant : shit
Do not repost on other sites! If you want to participate in this month's challenge, there are 15 mental illness prompts that you can find here
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buskerjaskier · 2 years
Relationships: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg Additional Tags: Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier | Dandelion Friendship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Aftermath of Torture, Burns, Curses, Period Typical Attitudes, Racism, Xenophobia, Elf Persecution, Non-Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Competent Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion is a Mess, Protective Jaskier | Dandelion, Protective Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia is Bad at Communicating, POV Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Fix-It of Sorts, Post-Season/Series 02 Summary:
“Please,” she begs, planting herself in front of him to act as a physical barrier, forcing him to stop. “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Melitele’s tits, you’re persistent. Isn’t your…” His left hand does something complicated in a strange flourish, as though grappling for the right word. “... actual father, here somewhere?” It doesn’t sound like the word he’d been searching for, the common honorific somehow sounding foreign in his mouth.
“I was with him,” she admits, thinking about Geralt because he is the closest thing to a father she has now. “But… we got separated.”
The stranger raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “So, now you’re looking to adopt a new one?”
Alternatively: When Ciri gets separated from Geralt, she has to rely on the kindness of one reluctant stranger until she can find the witcher again. She doesn't intend to get attached - and it's apparent that neither does the stranger - but destiny always finds a way to fuck things up.
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frownyalfred · 6 months
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“Why are you bullying Hal Jordan so much in this fic?” Because it’s funny. Because it’s funny and he’s not a real person.
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widebrimmedhatsblog · 15 days
New Fic!
To Hate And To Hold (<- click there!!) also known as Gryphon Flier!Xaden, from @skyfallscotland Amy's prompt!! I had to learn way too many things about gryphons to make this fic work, so I hope my pain and suffering there is worth it!
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numbuh424 · 4 months
shoutout to whatever L and Light had going on in Time Speaks
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simplykorra · 22 days
Ava Silva is a beautifully disguised devil. Once she knows she has a hold on Lilith, she starts to use it. Some part of Lilith thinks she should be upset about this, because she’s had people use their power over her before and it’s the kind of thing that’s ruined her life. This is different though, because Ava’s power over her is different, it’s the antithesis of everything else she’s ever experienced. Where people like her mother or Adriel would use their hold on her to make her less of who she wanted to be and more of who they needed her to be, Ava is doing the opposite. She pushes Lilith as if she’s trying to tap into the parts of herself she’s afraid of. What’s worse, is that Beatrice is letting her. Beatrice, Lilith thinks, is encouraging it.
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frostedpuffs · 6 months
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thepoisonroom · 5 months
'I flirted with the idea that instead of being trans that I was just a cross-dresser (a quirk, I thought, that could be quietly folded into an otherwise average life) and that my dysphoria was sexual in nature, and sexual only. And if my feelings were only sexual, then, I wondered, perhaps I wasn’t actually trans.
I had read about a book called The Man Who Would Be Queen, by a Northwestern University professor who believed that transwomen who were attracted to women were really confused fetishists, they wanted to be women to satisfy an autogynephilia. And though I first read about this book in the context of its debunkment and disparagement, I thought about the electricity of slipping on those tights, zipping up those boots, and a stream of guilt followed. Maybe this professor was right, and maybe I was only a fetishist. Not trans, just a misguided boy.
About a year later, on the Internet, I come across a transwoman who added a unique message to the crowd refuting this professor. Oh, I wish I remember who this woman was, and I wish even more that I could do better than paraphrase her, but I remember her saying something like this: “Well, of course I feel sexy putting on women’s clothing and having a woman’s body. If you feel comfortable in your body for the first time, won’t that probably mean it’ll be the first time you feel comfortable, too, with delighting in your body as a sexual thing?”'
-Casey Plett, Consciousness
#this quote always moves me almost to tears when i remember it#i'm not a trans woman and i don't share the author's specific experiences with transition#but it really moves me that she frame transition as joyfully giving yourself permission to approach your body#not as something that has to be disciplined and deprived and made small in all these various ways#but as a means for experiencing pleasure and joy and delight and for insisting that our feelings and desires are worth#valuing and exploring and treasuring#i always used to think of prioritizing those things for myself as selfish and irresponsible#but who does it harm to want to experience pleasure in your own body?#it's such a beautifully simple and powerful switch to have flip in your head#and equally why are we forced to deny our own pleasure in transition and anything else related to our bodies in the name of moral rectitude#this is why i get so confused and pissed off when other trans people are fatphobic for example#like why are you so invested in politics of shame and disgust that never had any purpose other than#violently disciplining people as if they've violated moral codes by existing in a body#to say nothing of white people being racist in gay and trans communities#like again this system of violence is foundational to homophobia and transphobia#so why are you acting like it has nothing to do with you#even if you are unmoved by the urgency of other people's suffering which btw you should be moved by#what do you hope to gain by acting a collaborator and handmaiden to those systems#Casey Plett#she really is one of my favorite authors i wish more non-canadians read her#this quote is from a series of columns she did ont transition and every single one is a banger#i love when she talks about the people-pleasing elements of dysphoria and transition denial#she's so sharp about noting how many of us deny our own dysphoria on the grounds that others like and validate our bodies#that's how i always felt during my cis conventionally feminine era#it pleased other people so much and also that reception felt so hollow and joyless to me because i hated it#i get less of that positive feedback but that feels so unimportant next to the joy and pleasure i get to experience#said with the understanding that i'm very privileged in being able to prioritize those things without fear. but it was a switch flip#personal nonsense
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blooming-gwens · 4 months
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I'm pleased to inform you that the wait is over! Here is CHAPTER TWO of For Everything
Chapters: 2/
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies)
Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen Summary:
~Perhaps they were meant for each other. It was written in the stars—stars meant to burn out in their all at once powerful surge. Stars meant to fall. Bright, burning and then gone. And in its sudden demise, no one would even remember it was once there, lost in the infinity of severed constellations.
That was the way of the universe. That was the way it had to be.~
Alternatively: Gwen Stacy is doomed but Miles Morales’ love might save her.
Please feel free to reblog to support and share my work!
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thusspoketrish · 16 days
I recently read Seven Days recommended on reddit and it’s been on my mind ever since. It was good but a difficult read. I’m interested in knowing why your wrote it? As a parent, I found it terrifying. I’m just curious to know what prompted you to write something on such a troubling fear for a lot of parents?
Hi there,
I wrote Seven Days a few years ago after reflecting on a personal experience, though nowhere near as traumatic as the story. I often engage with difficult topics in my fics, using them as a lens to explore Harry and Draco’s possible relationship dynamics, canon characterizations, and my own head canons within these situations. 
Additionally, the FBI estimates that 460,000 children go missing every year in the US and a 112,853 in the UK. These numbers are fucking insane. I guess I wanted to explore that terrifying reality. I’m not a parent (yet), but I am an auntie to several nephews and a niece that I helped raise and love with my entire soul. I can understand how the story might be unsettling. It is a single exploration into an extreme worst-case scenario, but also, I hope, shows one instance of the aftermath and difficult process of coming to terms with grief after experiencing such an unimaginable loss. 
I am always thinking of the way people might engage with some of the stories I craft, and how it might impact them. But all I really know is that for me, I will always try to remain thoughtful and sensitive when I explore these difficult topics. I endeavor to keep doing so with the utmost care and love.
Thank you for taking a chance on the story and I appreciate your message so much.
With gratitude,
Trish x
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literaphobe · 6 months
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tvl marinette in her dreams (ch8) vs tvl chat noir’s inner monologue (ch9)
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frownyalfred · 10 months
me when one more person passive aggressively comments on ASOH:
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palmofafreezinghand · 10 months
ships passing
Carlisle and Esme briefly share their grief over the life they will only ever witness from afar. on ao3 here.
January 2007. 
“Good morning, love,” Carlisle said to his wife who was turning into the upstairs hall. He closed their bedroom door behind him as he began walking to meet her. 
They paused in the middle of the hall. “Where are you heading?” He asked. 
“My studio,” she answered. The clipped answers were unusual for the woman who he often teased for her incessant chatter.
“Are you alri—” She put her finger over his lips to tell him to stop talking. He raised a brow in question and she motioned to the floor with her head. Below them, he could hear their family loudly talking and laughing, even the quiet sound of a page being moved. Which meant their family could also hear the conversation occurring above them. 
He nodded in understanding and she pulled her hand back to her body. They had learned American Sign Language decades ago after Alice and Jasper moved in and the new roommates meant there was very little space for private conversations. 
“Are you okay?” He signed, eyebrows raised. 
She blinked once, twice, three times before shaking her head ever so slightly it could have been misinterpreted by anyone else as a flinch. He moved to say something but was cut off by her arms wrapping around his waist, her head hitting his chest with a force that threatened to knock him over. His arm instinctively cradled around her head, fingers threading through her hair, the other around her shoulders. 
“I love you,” he whispered into her hair, quiet enough that it would be no more than a buzz to the other people in the house. 
They stood in the hall like that for a long while. When their granddaughter’s muffled childish laughter drifted up from downstairs her grasp around him tightened. He was thankful for the unspoken explanation of the embrace. 
It was difficult for him too. Their granddaughter’s presence was a miracle that served as a stark reminder of the life he would never have. His wife had taken the situation in stride, mostly, she built a nursery and defended the child to its father, and grandfather. It was yet another example of her strength he admired but failed to completely understand. He could not fathom how she was able to operate with such grace when a painful symbol of the life stolen from her ran through her house, as she had to watch their ‘son’ — who had not wanted the child — get an opportunity to parent, a life she was only able to experience for three short days. 
The couple had only discussed the topic a handful of times and very briefly. They had not indulged in the what-ifs they used to dream of, thinking it was impossible. She had not spoken about the nuance of the situation, only how heart-aching happy she was for Edward. He did know this conversation had occurred in some form with Emmett of all people. 
He presumed the current embrace and rare show of emotion was due to January being a historically difficult month for her, the anniversary of her son’s birth and death. 
Heavy footsteps started up the stairs, keeping one arm around her Carlisle walked them backward, opening their bedroom door without looking. He shut the door behind them. 
She pulled away after another minute behind closed doors. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Carlisle signed.
She shook her head, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand as if wiping away tears. “I’m fine,” she eventually signed, lacking any of the facial grammar that would make the statement believable or true. 
“You’re lying,” he signed with a slight smile. 
She nodded with a shrug and half-hearted lopsided smile. 
“How can I help?” 
She shrugged once again. 
“Maybe take a shower, the warm water might help?” His proclivity to offering solutions had been a sore spot throughout their marriage but this was not a solution, a shower would not erase decades-long grief but had helped her feel more in tune with her body and feelings on prior occasions.  
“Want to join?” Her eyebrows raised with a sly smile. 
Before he could enthusiastically accept he was cut off by a shout in the hall. “Carlisle, let’s go!” Emmett’s voice boomed. 
Carlisle’s face fell, remembering the reason he was upstairs, to change his clothes to accompany Emmett on one of his ‘vampire sport’ experiments. “I’ll be right there!” He called. 
“What are you two doing now?” 
“He wants to try a new experiment,” he signed exasperatedly. 
“Have fun,” she signed, beginning to walk towards their bathroom. 
He caught her arm, causing her to glance back at him. “We will be talking about this, later.” 
“Later,” she signed with an intensifier, meaning she would attempt to delay their conversation for a long while. 
He shook his head fondly. “I love you,” he said aloud, opening their bedroom door. 
“I love you too.”
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rocksibblingsau · 1 month
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You FOOLS talking about me!? I use my art for EVil and DASTARDLY DEEDS such as, drawing my enemies pregnant, my friends as analog horror and the worst of them all, art for my fanfic. (please read it)
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swampy-milk · 11 months
Signalis Spoilers///
I think its so telling that the scariest thing in Signalis (to me at least) wasn't the cosmic horror, but the fucking dread of living in an uncaring system
Meat monsters. A god that will devour all life. Entropy. A corruptive force that will devour and eat away at us physically and emotionally.
And the part that pulled me the most was knowing that Ariane and Elster got sent out on a mission they were almost certain to fail, because a dying empire demands some form of glory and subjugation.
You can kill the corrupted replikas. You can avoid them and still finish your objective. But in the end, you and one person you live are still going to die a pointless, painful death. She's going to suffer, and you're going to have to take her last breath for her, and you're going to have to die knowing that there was nothing to be done.
This whole thing was just a system demanding blood.
The horror was just there to drink it.
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milky-aeons · 3 months
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[ a collection of this blog author's favourite recommended reads! ]
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𑁍ࠬܓ . . . here, on the bottom shelf, you will find my comfort reads. the fics i find myself reaching for over and over again. ones that will no doubt make you laugh and giggle and cry, that will remind you of nostalgic summer skies and warm, humid nights.
project jean by @jeanboyjean
atta girl by @st4rd0lly
by any other name by @kentopedia
mid day naps by @fyorina
sleeping without izana by @luna0713hunter
straight up by @gaoau
there's little miss bonten! by @arlerts-angel
wonder if she loves me by @luna0713hunter
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𑁍ࠬܓ . . . oh, you have found my armoire? these fics i keep close to me at night. it brings me joy to know they are within the world, that the author has spun something so beautiful.
armin arlert sleep headcanons by @arlerts-angel
figure skater gojo headcanons by @volensnolenss
what it takes to kill an angel by @mncxbe
izana headcanons by @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang
when izana plays the guitar by @luna0713hunter
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☂︎✧.* . . . my window seat is much worn and many cherished. please, pick up a book and listen to the rain tap against the panelled glass while you let these words whisk you away.
look at you by @bokutosbiceps
cake for breakfast by @arlerts-angel
does he know? by @jeanboyjean
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𑁍ࠬܓ . . . the book room table can be seen littered with works this blog author is currently reading. they have just left such a spectacular impression that they already have their home here amongst the others.
dead girl's beach by @kokoch4n3l
i think i want to marry you by @arlerts-angel
and for you, i would fall from grace by @chuuyrr
raison d'etre by @gaoau
unreal unearth by @fyorina
wasteland, baby! by @fyorina
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