#plenty to explore
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All of space and time to explore,
and the programme usually is set in London ... during the Blitz.
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shkika · 11 months
Do you think moon was more like pebbles when she was first made? I remember sig talked about how most iterators were in a similar emo phase early in their life.
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Oh yes absolutely I think it's adorable if Moon saw a little bit of her loong gone days in him. The grumpy syndrome is genetic.
Though I do think she was a slightly different flavor than Pebbles! I swear I've mentioned this before, but I think she was the type to be working all the time and be keen on not wasting any time for meaningless things. She wanted to be proper and responsible. Very focused on her task and all like a self- respecting iterator should.
Time did soften this big ol' pebble though and her experiences with her colony and fellow iterators changed her a lot to the kind, wise and patient Moonie we know and love now.
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wayfayrr · 19 days
Ughhh the thought of a Link becoming aware and trying to get out of the game but the game crashes.
Imagine have that lingering feeling that there's something else beyond during his journey but focused more on saving Hyrule. Maybe it's just because of the whole ordeal, right?
When the game ends, it's at that moment he feels something pulling him. He reaches out but a sudden force pushed his away. What was that? He already defeated his enemy. Was there more?
Link would go through wondering once in a while what was that until one day he meets Reader and feels that same feeling again.
oh the angst that could come from that, they're back to a normal life not knowing any better besides this empty hollow feeling that no matter what they can't seem to fill, like a puppet cut loose from their strings. It could be a trick from ganon or any other villain but he's dead dead and gone. so why does he feel worse for killing him?
there's two different paths that could happen after that I reckon, one where they're suddenly back at the start of their adventure and everything comes back to them (new game+) Or Linked universe starts, only this time the link that was aware finds that he's the only one (or maybe not) that feels like he's missing a driving force behind his actions but maybe he's just imagining it and should take zelda up on her offer of therapy, until you fall into hyrule, and suddenly it all comes crashing back and they're like a puppy being reunited with their owner never to be separated from you again, they'd sooner see Hyrule burn.
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stuckinapril · 3 months
reminding myself on this busy morning that i also have dreams of taking piano lessons & singing lessons & also honing my writing skills & absorbing as many books as i used to when i was a kid & at the very least taking up cute tennis dates & dabbling into art & just becoming an artistic generalist. also reminding myself that there are pre-meds out there who managed to pursue something they’re passionate in (some are even professional athletes) & still excelled in medicine & if they can do it so can I
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
Now that I mentioned it, I can’t stop thinking about how Jack’s murder literally had nothing to do with Tim at all, and yet Tim is the one who suffered the most, who lost, who grieved. I know I poke fun at RR 2009 and how Tim is a BAMF in that comic, but it makes SO MUCH sense why he’s like peak paranoid and control freak in that comic, constantly looking at every single angle and corner of an issue. It’s not just a learned method from Bruce, it’s also the result of losing so many people dear to him in ways that were infinitely out of his control. There was no way he could’ve prevented Jack’s death. Or Kon’s. But there was a minuscule chance of bringing Bruce back, and he grabbed onto it, and held it tightly.
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Hello Hazbin community!
We need to talk about Alastor and aroace rep.
My qualifications: I’m an aroace who also, at times, feels attraction to others. I don’t know the specific name for it, but I like to think of it as my sexuality being in fluctuation. Sometimes romantic and/or sexual attraction is there, sometimes it isn’t and I’m completely repulsed by it all.
So, Alastor is canonically Asexual (and very much implied Aromantic via the VA and Viv, let’s be honest), and it seems the majority of you have taken that as a challenge of sorts? Like you see one off limits character and feel the need to ship him with everyone under the sun.
Don’t get me wrong, as long as you can separate fanon and canon- this isn’t really about you. But I am sick and tired of people drawing Fanart or writing FanFictions and excusing themselves by saying “Aroace is a spectrum!” Or “He’s in a QPR with so and so!” (let’s be so real, half of those ships I’m seeing are not anything close to a QPR). Please just say you did it because you wanted to- don’t try and make excuses to seem like an ally to the aroace community. I’d really much rather you draw it and not justify it than scramble to seem morally right. You’re not. Let’s all move on.
I would have no problem with this if it didn’t seem like such a big thing. Alastor is the ONE character who’s shipped THE MOST with every other character in Hazbin. That’s why this whole thing seems really icky to me. We don’t have much representation in media- I could count all the ace characters I know on one hand- and the one thing we have, no one seems to have any respect for.
I’m not really mad at anyone participating, I’m honestly just disappointed in a (mostly) queer community.
That’s all, you guys have a good night.
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bonefall · 4 months
...Something's kinda hitting me, guys. I think something just clicked.
So we all know that BB!DOTC is the arc I'm not staying faithful to, right? A lot of characters are getting total overhauls? I'd actually been dancing pretty heavily around the pro-colonialism themes in the original text, simply because I don't really feel comfortable handling them (same with certain sexual themes, it's not great for my mental health to force myself to engage with certain elements that are triggering)
So I'd made it so there was Park Cats (Wind Coalition and River Kingdom) who arrived relatively recently, and Tribe Cats (Sky's Clan, Shadow's Clan) who nestle into an unclaimed spot in the forest. All groups roughly equal in power until Thunder's Clan which was existing in defiance.
But Clanmew isn't JUST comprised of Parkmew and Tribemew-- there's a third contributor. Old Townmew, which mixes with Parkmew and forms Middle Townmew, mixing again with Clanmew to create Modern Townmew.
Since I'm now really thinking about the colonialism themes, especially in my re-read where it starts reaching its narrative conclusion in Books 5 and 6... I think I need to add that 3rd cultural group. I need to make them a player. I think I'm doing a serious disservice by only having the Park Cats, Tribe Cats, and then saying all others mostly lived in the town.
I'm gonna do a BB!Brokenstar with Slash. Previously I'd just cut him completely-- but I think I should, instead, walk him back from being "Pure Evil" like he is in-canon and make him into a real character.
One Eye's a god drawn to the festering stink and rot of the First Battle; Slash is a mortal, leading a group like any other in the Forest Territories.
I think I'm also going to significantly bump up the time the Park Cats have been in this territory. Slash and his cats have been fighting them for years, and until the Mountain Cat influx, were basically spread through most of the Forest.
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In case it hasn't been made clear, Behind The Codes is not a horror series. Despite having some disturbing themes, it doesn't focus on them the same way FNAF games did.
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ghostinthepepper · 9 days
I'm pretty sure the fairy circle was supposed to be because of the TARDIS from the alternate timeline, because when ruby is old all the flowers and old paper and things looks almost like the fairy circle did in the beginning. Perhaps one of those scraps was from someone writing 'Rest in Peace Mad Jack' because he died in old!Ruby's timeline.
So my thought is the TARDIS caused the alternate timeline to happen in order to protect the Doctor from disappearing by crossing the 'fairy circle' which due to timey-wimey might have killed or removed him from the timeline?
This is also the only way I can make sense of the old!Ruby being the woman following her despite from what I can tell her having longer hair, different clothes on, etc., is because of something related to time travel. Ruby's timeline echos through that moment, her thoughts of having been abandoned her whole life are broadcasted in a way that makes everyone want to abandon her.
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cozybells · 1 year
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I played the spanish version of this game. did you know that, instead of shining spirits, Grovyle and Dusknoir talk about memories? that's so cool right haha *breaks down crying*
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
It's very nice to know that other trans guys have had that first masc haircut (undercut, nothing special, you have no clue how to style the longer hair at the top)
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
y'know what we don't talk about enough? Hazel died. We talk about how she grew up in the 30's and 40's and we talk about how out of place she feels in the modern world, but! She died! She was dead! She has spent more time dead than alive, and not by a close margin!
How does that effect a person??? We got some of it in the flashbacks, but once those caught up with her present timeline and she shared them, they just kind of... disappeared. And she was a regular girl with some weird past experiences. That's one way of doing it, sure!
I think it would have been a lot cooler if she was just a touch creepier. If she felt a little bit Wrong. Yeah, in general she's more approachable than her brother, she's more sociable and less closed off, but. If you actually spend any time with her, it can be difficult to tell which child of the underworld is actually more unsettling.
Hazel is bright of personality and has a dazzling smile, but sometimes she'll just... shut down. She'll go completely blank for like half an hour and nobody knows what to do with it. Sometimes she forgets she's alive. Sometimes she'll spout the grimmest shit you've ever heard like it's nothing, she won't even notice it's weird until the room goes quiet. She spent decades in Asphodel, which is designed to make people forget about themselves and wander around for eternity, only she didn't have the luxury of forgetting! Wild! After she comes back to life, sometimes she forgets that she's allowed to Do Stuff now. She can spend so long sitting and staring at nothing. Sometimes she'll start crying on cloudless days because it hits her again that she can actually feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and she can hear birdsong. Every little mundane experience is a blessing and she will make you remember that in the most foreboding way possible.
#hazel levesque#hoo#mj talks#like. i am fascinated with characters who die and come back different and it JUST hit me that there was so much potential for hazel there#the idea of how death lingers was not explored At All in heroes of olympus#of course there's the obvious part in that there were what. 3 named character deaths total? 4 if you count leo#which i very much don't because it didn't stick! there were no consequences to this gigantic war!#the first series did well with that because we had plenty of named characters who died#even though some of them were introduced only to die like six chapters later. we still knew them on some level#and more importantly percy knew them. he felt their loss in a way that made consequences seem real#heroes of olympus didn't have any of that. hazel could have been a great way to talk about it a little more!#also i just love characters who have obviously gone through death. that has to change a person! tell me how it changed you!#anyway. i think i'll make hazel creepier from now on in my writing#she deserves it <3#nico is creepy in an obvious way. he's got power over death and that clings to him like a second skin. he can't hide it#and he's learned that he doesn't have to. there is power in being othered#hazel seems lovely when you first meet her! none of the death power all of the glitter and gold and riches#and then she'll look you dead in the eye and say 'you really don't know how lucky you are to be able to breathe until you can't anymore'#and move on like it's nothing! what!#underworld siblings
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idkaguyorsomething · 6 months
Is it weird that I am perfectly fine with Araki giving Jodio a severe mental illness but still wish he had given Jodio a different one?
sorry it took so long to answer this one, i was trying to figure out how exactly to answer it, and it turns out there's a lot of different ways:
from a perspective of representation: mental illness is an incredibly stigmatized subject, and in mediums like manga and comic books even more so, as it is incredibly common for a lot of popular plots in those mediums to go "well, x character went crazy, that's why they're evil", as well as stories in general to associate a lack of empathy with a lack of ability to act in traditionally heroic ways. jjba itself has shown that, as part of dio's initial villainous characterization involves him showing a lack of empathy towards various figures such as dario or george (although this isn't the only way his villainy is characterized, as we're also shown right off the bat that he's very deliberately cruel). with jodio being set up as more of an anti-hero, giving him more traits that could be considered unheroic as well as a commonly stigmatized mental disorder, it makes sense to not have that sit quite right. but taking the history of the series into mind, jojo's is no stranger to exploring more shades of gray in its protagonists in its past. johnny and gappy have certainly committed far greater acts of brutality in their parts, while giorno, who jodio is set up as a parallel to, outright aspires to be a head of organized crime. even josuke, who is portrayed as one of the kindest and most pure-of-heart jojos, basically condemns a guy to a fate worse than death in his first arc. this isn't necessarily anything new the series is giving us, and the fact that the jojolands is largely portrayed from the perspective of jodio himself is a massive plus, as it gives us insight into his thought processes and helps us sympathize with a character we might not have done so otherwise (telling a story from the perspective of someone doesn't necessarily ask us to sympathize with them, but things like the goofy jokes he makes with dragona, his own insight on his diagnosis, and his clear love for his family go a long way towards making jodio likeable). one could view this as the natural progression of jojos tending towards the anti-heroic while araki explores more marginalized communities he's interested in portraying, or a poorly thought out decision that furthers stigma towards said marginalized communities. personally, i think it's still too early in the story to make any real judgements, but the way i see it it's kind of similar to the situation with jolyne. she's the only female jojo, and the only one besides jonathan who ultimately fails in her quest at the end of her part. there are narrative and thematic reasons for doing so, but it doesn't sit right with a lot of people, and that's perfectly fine.
from a medical perspective: according to the dsm 5, a person must fit at least three of the criteria for antisocial personality disorder in order to be diagnosed as having it, most of which jodio does fit. failure to conform to social laws and norms (he's a teenage drug dealer), deceitfulness (when barbara ann asks him where he is and if he's hanging out with paco, he lies), impulsivity (he destroys one of the lava rocks to try and get rohan to cooperate), aggressiveness (he kicks that one fucking cop until he's a stain on the ground, twice, although he is justified in his actions and this kind of willingness to fight people is essentially a requirement to be a jojo), reckless disregard of safety (again, practically a requirement for most main characters), consistent irresponsibility (assuming what we've been shown of him is how he acts all the time, yes, although the story so far takes place over too small of a timeframe to determine that), and lack of remorse (dragona has to remind him not to get too violent in the opening chapter with the cop). so he does fit most of the criteria, but it is also a requirement that, to receive a diagnosis, a person must be eighteen or older, with evidence of having fit some of the criteria before the age of fifteen. so by real world standards, jodio would be on track to being diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, but actually receiving it from a high school psychologist is bullshit. then again, this is the universe where the president made a cowboy race battle royale where the contestants had to collect magic body parts, so it's entirely possible that psychiatric standards in that world are just different. but you would be entirely justified in not liking his diagnosis, and there are several other disorders that fit the behavior that jodio shows. there's adhd (the impulsivity and tendency to get lost in daydreams and beating the shit out of cops), depression (the sense of emptiness he describes upon being given his diagnosis), anxiety (irritability and angry outbursts), and that's just some of the more common disorders. we haven't even gotten into some other full-on personality disorders or common comorbidities with antisocial personality disorder! from this perspective, your assessment is totally fair.
from a thematic perspective: as mentioned earlier, jojo's is no stranger to making its heroes increasingly reflected in shades of gray, and parts seven and eight especially make a point of contrasting their protagonists with their respective foils from parts one and four. johnny is a paraplegic gringo jockey twink that murders people so hard his friend the executioner had to tell him to slow down, in contrast with the jacked and kindly gentleman jonathan who impressed a stranger so much with his dignity that he immediately joined him in his quest. gappy is a quirky lil amnesiac who beats people to death with shovels while josuke has one of the more normal personalities of all the jojos and possibly the lowest kill count. at first it might seem like giorno and jodio are the most similar duo, since they're both criminals that act a-okay with murder, but while giorno's goals and reasoning for joining the criminal underground are motivated by a sense of empathy towards the people of italy and a belief in a higher ideology that passione can aspire to, jodio is a very self-centered kid. he has a very inflated idea of his own reputation, can't spot obvious traps, and the very first thing we're told about him is that he wants to be stinking rich. he also believes in the ideology of mechanisms, but it's an ideology that is explicitly centered around gain and his own material wealth, in contrast to giorno's philosophy, which involves ideals of self-improvement and certain boundaries that should not be crossed in the pursuit of power. giorno's ruthlessness stems from a place of compassion, so having his counterpart being someone who lacks the ability to feel empathy is a really interesting choice that gives the story a lot of places to go. the fact that the other criteria he fills, like impulsiveness and irresponsibility, stand in direct contrast to giorno's ambition and planning ahead, also adds further potential for the jojolands to explore a completely different sort of crime story than golden wind. so from this perspective, i'd say that your assessment is rather harsh.
tl;dr there's a lot of different angles to approach this question from. it's 90% probably that i completely misunderstood what you were trying to ask, though, so please tell me what i got wrong :P
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laylajeffany · 20 days
New Multi-Chapter Married Wenclair Story
Rated: Explicit 🌶️☠️ Summary: Twelve years into the future, Enid and Wednesday are married and living in a coastal town near a national forest. Enid found her niche performing a few nights a week at club. Wednesday had hoped to use the new setting as inspiration for her latest novel. 
One night, a murder has Wednesday called to bring home her distraught wife who discovered the body in pieces. At the scene, she notices evidence that the investigators missed. Enid pleads with her to leave it to the professionals, but as a writer of a murder-mystery series (that almost breaks even each year in profits), Wednesday thinks that she qualifies as one.
When her visions start to lead more clues, it isn’t long before Enid is roped into cracking the case with her, only if Wednesday will wear their matching fall jackets.
tl;dr Wednesday Addams becomes the Jessica Fletcher of her own life as even in adulthood, she finds herself surrounded by murder, mayhem, and mysteries - but in the future - she always drags her wife along with her to solve them as a codependent detective duo.
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eywaseclipse · 2 months
What’s done in the dark, comes to light. 💔🪶
Justice for Cole. Justice for our indigenous brothers and sisters. This is a silent crisis. Braid your hair in solidarity.
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decarbry · 1 year
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safe and warm
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