#pls lmk if there’s anything else this should be tagged with!!
pesteringchum · 2 years
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babsaros · 2 months
hey. when cis society is oppressing a trans man, what he is experiencing is. In Fact. misogyny. i'm sorry i know none of us like to be reminded of our agab, and it hurts whenever people perceive you as the wrong gender. but a cis person hate-criming, assaulting, verbally abusing, etc, a trans man is not doing "transandrophobia" because they do not perceive him as a man.
they perceive him as a woman failing at her gender, as a woman who has been seduced and lied to and manipulated because women are so easily led astray, just like it says in the bible. they perceive him as a woman who has been mutilated. they perceive him as a dyke that needs to be fixed. if they are hate-criming him because they *do* perceive him as a man, because he passes well enough they aren't thinking he could be trans, then they're doing so out of homophobia, perceiving him as a gay man, a pervert, a sissy, a danger to children. OR, they are being transphobic but specifically because they think he might be transfeminine instead. when cis society oppresses a trans woman, they are able to do it on multiple levels at once. She's a woman failing at her gender, a dyke that needs to be fixed. Or she's an evil and grotesque crossdressing pervert, a rude caricature, a danger to polite society. she will never be doing enough to escape oppression entirely, no matter if she gets every surgery she can and wears makeup every day and passes perfectly, because she lives under a patriarchy, and she's a woman, so she lives in a panopticon, and HAVING to get surgery and wear make-up to be respected IS oppression, especially if the alternative is being hate-crimed.
trans women (and trans men who pass) are not experiencing "transandrophobia" when a 'queer women and nbs" event turns them away at the door for being too masculine. they are. IN FACT!! experiencing the byproducts of misogyny in a patriarchy!!! where the terfs and coward cis women running those events and occupying those spaces have been taught (sometimes through experience, sometimes by men, sometimes by women) throughout life that men = stronger and more dangerous than women ALWAYS. That they need to protect themselves at all times and always be vigilant. That men and women can't be friends without sexual tension (and so as queer women the mere existence of what they perceive as a "man" is a threat). That women need a separate sports league because they can't possibly compete with someone who has even a little bit "extra" (an unquantifiable amount actually because there isn't a standard range) testosterone. That women should cook and men should fix cars. i promise you, i promise i promise i promise. it's misogyny. like!!! you don't say cis gay men experiences "androphobia", bc that's not a thing!! you sound like fucking mens rights activists guys please! you don't say a black man experiences "misandrynoir"!! because living in a patriarchy fundamentally means men do not experience oppression based on their gender. its not happening. shut the fuck up. stop walking us back to 2014 can we please take a step forward and stop bitching about this. there are genuine issues in the world and i'm frankly sick of people who should be smarter than that needing to be gently hand-held through this fucking explanation for the millionth time and still stomping their feet.
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water-you-doing-bro · 2 years
Random headcanon: Percy suffers from chronic migrains and chronic pain!
Tension headaches! He gets them all the time.
Before he was claimed and knew what he was, whenever he'd get a migrain, Sally would tell him to go take a shower.
He would sit under the blisteringly hot shower until he felt better, and it always made him feel a bit better. Sally would make sure he drank an astronomically large amount of water, too. And while this wouldn't get rid of the migrain entirely, it would lessen it and make it more bearable.
Percy learned to live with his migraines. He'd drink a lot of water, take showers whenever he felt one coming on, and just kinda cope, yknow?
Once he was claimed though, and learned he was a demigod son of Poseidon, everything started to make a little more sense.
Of course the water helped him feel better!
It wasn't until the first time he was fully submerged in the ocean that he realized just how weird his body was.
And he didn't know for sure until he got back on land. But underwater, he felt more full of energy than ever, entirely pain-free and the world was sharper, his senses heightened. Everything was clear.
When he climbed out of the water and back onto land, though, the world seemed to dull and cloud over, like he was looking at it from inside a bubble or tank of some kind. And immediately his joints started to ache, which he hadn't realized wasn't, yknow, normal, until the pain returned full-force after climbing out of the ocean.
He asked Poseidon about it, once, and the God had winced and given him a pitying look before explaining that Percy's body is built to withstand the immense pressure from being deep in the ocean, and being on land puts a lot of stress on his body so it has to work really hard to keep him functioning like normal.
He explained that his kids often dealt with chronic pain or chronic migraines, but it was unusual that they suffered from both. However, Percy was the strongest child Poseidon had ever sired, having control over the entirety of Poseidon's sphere of influence where most of his kids only had control over part of it (meaning one could only control water and another could only control the earth, and some could only talk to horses and sea creatures. Though they could always breathe underwater).
He also explains that there isn't much to be done about it if Percy wishes to continue spending time on land outside of what he already has in place.
So Percy just continues to drink absurd amounts of water, take a ridiculous number of showers, and whenever possible, just spend a few hours under the ocean to relieve his pain for a while. Being submerged in other bodies of water helps, too, but only the ocean removes his pain completely. Baths and pools give him the least amount of pain relief, but do still help.
After holding up the sky, his wrists get even more fucked, and he takes to wearing braces on them to help lessen the strain somewhat.
And after Tartarus, his body is super out of balance and completely disjointed and discombobulated, but he pushes through it and ignores how out of touch with the world he feels because they have a job to do, the world to save, there's no time for him to wallow in his wacked out senses. (The others, if they knew how fucked up his body and senses and everything were, would have told him they absolutely had time and it would definitely be better to have him at the top of his game, but he didn't tell anyone, so no one told this to him.)
Once they do save the world and end the war and everything has settled down, Percy tells Annabeth he's gonna take a quick dip in the ocean (she knows abt his chronic pain and migraines and stuff but he never told the others) and then, once he's under, it's like the world comes back into hyperfocus, like his body has finally snapped back into place.
He hadn't realized just how, almost disassociated he had felt until then.
He just let himself sink to the ocean floor and settle into the sand, intending on a short nap to give his body some more time to readjust and recover. When he woke up and walked back out onto the beach, however, he was greeted by Annabeth running up and shaking him violently, screaming at him because apparently his 'little nap' had actually been three days long and Annabeth had started to panic that he'd gone missing again. He was quick to apologize and sheepishly explain how fucked up and disoriented he'd been since coming back from Tartarus and how he now finally felt settled in his own skin again.
Annabeth smacked him on the arm and berated him for not telling her about how he was feeling before and consistently beating down his excuses of 'we were busy,' and 'it wasn't important,' and what not.
After that fiasco, he told the rest if the seven abt his chronic pain and migraines and how the only real relief he got from them was being in the ocean (because of course they had all been worried and searching for him too) and they all nodded in understanding and gave him hugs and told him that next time he had better just tell them he was feeling shitty and disjointed instead of fucking off into the ocean for three days with no warning. He promised he'd tell them, but honestly, he hadn't meant to be gone for that long, and it was probably only because he had been so far away from the ocean for so long and then hadn't been in it for even longer and wouldn't disappear for that long again.
Usually, anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours were enough, depending on how bad he felt and how long it had been since he'd last spent some time underwater.
On a funny note, after all this, Percy was explaining how his senses were duller on land, and Jason asked him if he thought he needed glasses too and Percy just kinda stopped because no he had never considered that glasses might be helpful on land so he brought it up to Sally after their reunion and she took him to the eye doctor and he got glasses! And they helped! His prescription wasn't too high, and he could obviously get by just fine without them, but they were nice to have. Eventually, though, he got tired of them constantly slipping and sliding and flying off his face whenever he got in a fight or was practicing ect and went and got contacts! He liked that much better lol
Other random tidbits:
Percy gets really agitated and his chronic pain and migraines get worse the farther he is from large bodies of water, so going inland sucks. In tlt that trip across country was probably the worst he had ever felt (until Tartarus that is). They try to go on vacation or something in a landlocked area of the US and Percy just gets so agitated, and his joints hurt so much and get so stiff and the whole time he has an absolutely awful migraine and not even showers help and feels just so bad but also kind of disconnected and floaty, unable to focus od think clearly at all and when they get back to NY and he heads to camp for a bit he ends up staying underwater in the Sound for a day and a half.
They try not to go anywhere landlocked for any period of time ever again. And if they do have to travel cross-country for any reason (quests, vacations, ect) they make sure their route always takes them past rivers and lakes and ponds and make frequent stops by them so Percy can spend a few minutes underwater.
One time though, Percy gets a quest and takes Annabeth and Piper with him and it leads them to fucking Arizona out in the middle of the desert and it ends up falling mostly to Annabeth and Piper to finish the quest because the lack of water pretty much everywhere really gets to Percy and once it's all taken care of, the girls have to practically drag Percy to nearest hotel and they get a room and fill the bathtub and just let him soak in there until he's cognizant enough for them to get him somewhere better. The closest large body of water is the Rio Grande, so they get over there as fast as they can, then make their way back to camp traveling along the coast or by rivers. Percy doesn't come fully back to himself until they get to the Gulf of Mexico, and then once they leave that behind, until they get back to camp.
Percy refuses to ever go into a desert again.
However, he does love rainforests. He goes to help Grover in the Amazon once and absolutely thrives! It doesn't take away the pain like being in the ocean does, but the air is always humid and everything is always damp and wet so even though he's kinda far from the ocean, he doesn't feel any different than if he were to be hanging out on the coast.
Speaking of, Percy absolutely loves the rain! He's not a fan of thunderstorms, and makes sure to stay inside if there's lightning (because we all know zeus would try to strike him with it) but otherwise, he'll be outside it in running around and just tilting his face up into the rain and enjoying it. Rain always makes him feel calm and eases his joint pain some.
Related: he loves to watch old movies and musicals with his mom and if he's out in the rain, you can usually hear him humming Gene Kelly's Singin' in the Rain! Sometimes he'll even do the dance
While on land, Percy's movements, to him, always feel a little stiff and clunky, he feels heavy and unwieldy on bad days. But to everyone else, he has all the lithe, effortless grace and power of a big cat stalking it's prey. Underwater, his beauty is indescribable. His grace is unmatched, he moves as one with the water around him, quick as lightning. His movements are easy and sure, in tune with every part of himself and all the movement of the water surrounding him. Few people get to see him move underwater, and fewer still have been able to see him fight underwater, but those who have are always astounded by it.
Okay so this kinda stopped being me talking about Percy having chronic pain and migraines but! Yeah, he does. And he's still badass and while he's bad at recognizing his own limits, he has people that care for him and help him take care of himself when they notice it getting really bad.
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0rph1x · 1 year
whoever said that the trans experience is beautiful was a fucking liar
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snoopyrps · 2 years
✨ fuck ozempic ✨
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hwaightme · 1 year
Take me back
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THIS IS 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI FOR BIKER!HWA’S SAKE (nsfw tags under the cut) (masterlist) (join taglist)
🏍️ pairing: biker!seonghwa x afab!gangster!reader 🏍️ genre: smut, pwp, exes to lovers, fluff, a little angst, romance, just two fools in love 🏍️ summary: you want to convince yourself that you do not need seonghwa, that your rejection is for the best, but when instead of another rose he is the one waiting by your door, you are not so sure. 🏍️ wordcount: 6.9k 🏍️ warnings/tags: biker!hwa, quick solo edit, language, hwa has grills, head over heels enamoured hwa, mention of contraband/dealing of illegal substances, rejection, knight on a bike courting you, discussion of gang activity, set in strictland, lmk if anything else 🏍️ a/n: why hello there <3 i am trying to get back into writing, and seonghwa + the song 'take me back'… transformed me. always, any notes, reblogs and comments are appreciated, much love~
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🏍️ perma-taglist: moved to the end of the post!
🏍️ nsfw tags: sub!hwa and soft dom!reader, no protection (wrap before you tap pls), oral (both giving and receiving), hints of scent kink but more for hwa's perfume, dirty talk, intense pet name content (baby, darling, sweetheart, love, pretty boy), praise both ways, riding/cowgirl, reader double orgasm, overstimulation, slight dumbification, creampie, implied cockwarming, cuddling and two people falling in love more and more with each passing second
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It did not take much effort to figure out who left the solitary rose on the window sill, between floors three and five - an ironic nod to tradition despite the world moving in a four four time,  right on the stairwell that led to your apartment. A white rose sculpted to an ideal by nature and by a cosmetic selection, cut away and left a stilled beauty in full bloom, honoured to wilt in your presence. Picking it up with two fingers, you admired the careful handiwork employed to remove the thorns, because heaven forbid you were to hurt yourself. A smirk pricked at the corner of your lips, but you dared not reveal it - the admirer could be waiting just for this, and you were not feeling particularly merciful tonight. Twisting the rose a couple of times, noting the lack of any tears, breakage in the petals or even as much as a hint of browning due to thoughtless damage, you turned your attention to the stark white sheet of paper, neatly folded in half so as to conceal the contents. Though, who else would dare touch any gifts that were obviously left for you? Certainly not those who knew you, or knew of the admirer who was waiting for a single sign that you would accept the offerings. Opening up the note, you found a new selection of confessions written in poetic lines, ink meticulous, a permanence introduced in a neat and familiar hand, every stroke a cry for you, over you, a projection across the city in an attempt to win your heart. Just like last time, except this time the theme was the moon instead of the sun. The stars, the ocean waters, the air embracing you. If one were to paint a portrait through the words etched onto the pages that you had become a secret collector of, you would become the universe. All-encompassing and all-consuming, having permeated into the heart, soul and mind and turning into reason and motivation, you were the eternal muse. Gaze slowly drifting from the page and onto the dim, dark street outside, you looked out at the corner of the street, right to where it faded into a miniature intersection, leading to a shopping district that was long abandoned and shut down aside from a few underground businesses and repurposed buildings that a regular passer-by would, or should never visit. You would never admit it, but you had grown to expect the silhouette that waited for you, maybe even welcome it. A singular constant in your daily life, one that you hated to admit, but had transformed into a grounding, a tether to something less than madness.
It was not comforting, however. Far from it. The man who was leaning against his motorcycle, side profile distinguishable against the faint lights emanating from the far backdrop was someone who had brought you emotion. And just as the government had prescribed in its comically persistent propaganda, disease was human emotion. Whether one served the nation or was working against it, whether one was a public figure for peace or a private figure for war, the state of feeling was oftentimes a disadvantage. It was, most certainly, the case in your line of work, despite you never directly subjecting yourself to risk - you were not that foolish quite yet. But the dedication of the man in black, blue and silver was forcing you to reconsider. Eroding the boundaries you operated within, knocking on the barriers to find a hollow which he could break. One of these days you knew that Seonghwa was going to be the death of you. Or perhaps the revival. Folding the note tightly shut you pressed it against the rose’s stem, and holding both items between your fingers you began your ascent to the door of your apartment, keys dangling from their ring that was in your other hand.
Soon enough, you heard the rumbling of the engine; that same motorcycle which you had come to see more often than the supplies you managed. As you slid the key into the door, you shut your eyes, imagining Seonghwa’s journey away from your complex. How his glasses, those you had joked about being from a laboratory, would glimmer under the jittery neon of old signs and the fading streetlights. How he would accelerate at the end of the road, making a sharp turn to the right. The grip you had on the note and the rose tightened as you recalled the exhilarating feeling of having your arms wrapped around his sensational waist, feeling the toned muscle underneath his black tank top, snaking your hands, letting them roam his body as he struggled to contain himself and keep on driving. You paid the risk no mind - if anything, this risk was the one you preferred so much more, over any other you had to keep subdued under a brutal thumb. Wondering why your mind was so afflicted this evening, you raised the rose again, detecting nothing suspicious. It was only once you raised the note as close to your face as possible that you rolled your eyes and let a sigh escape you. Of course, the perfume. That damn sweet perfume, with hints of coffee and vanilla, one only he could wear, one that you swore you would never be able to rid yourself off, even if you were to burn the house down and shed your own skin. The memory would remain and you knew that if anywhere, anyone, anyhow would let this perfume enter your system, only Seonghwa would be on your mind. Cursing under your breath, you finally unlocked the apartment and entered, washed over with a sense of dread due to your evident proximity to the handcrafted abyss. It was only a matter of time that this game would end. 
Kicking your shoes off your feet and ambling to the living room, you approached the glass that you had positioned at the centre of the tiny dining table, taking out the rose you had previously received and replacing it with the new beauty. Mumbling a goodbye, simply to remind yourself of the fact that you could speak, more than anything, you let the flower disappear in the bin that was across the corridor, in the kitchen. You returned, regarding the white rose again, imprinting its every curve in your mind and hesitantly allowing yourself to compare the softness of the petals to your admirer’s lips, and moved to the cabinet off to the side. A contraband piece, unregulated, from someplace abroad that clearly had more daring, inspiring tastes than your home ever could, which was exactly why you had your loyal employees smuggle it along with the regular supplies to feed the insatiable demand of the sinful city that turned into bills for you. One door opened, another, a few numbers on a keypad pressed and you were in - one of the numerous safes hidden around the flat, the only ones that would stand the test of time, with this one containing the butterflies that plagued Seonghwa, those that he could not help but share with you, fighting pleas that you contained in steel. A cage for the emotions that the man stirred within you, your keeping of the notes supposedly out of sight and out of mind was the last resort for denial. You did not want to witness your demise, and yet, in the night when you were tossing and turning back and forth, illuminated by a hazy blue and grey, your retinas had every note burned into them and your brain would repeat every line back to you over, and over, and over again until you were lulled into a slumber, again, induced by the notion of the one man who you were trying your hardest to avoid. He was behind every corner, physical and spiritual. 
He was in the way you cleared away the dishes after eating, the ghost of his torso pressed against your back as he would leave a peppering of kisses over your shoulder, in the crook of your neck and stopping right over the jugular, caressing the sensitive skin with his breath. Seonghwa was in the way you lied down to bed, always occupying the same side, gliding under the sheets that, even though you had washed them, softened them time and time again, you swore still held his echoes - how your body tried to reignite the reminiscence of how his arm would languidly find purchase on your hips or waist, how he would whisper sweet nothings into your ear, the shameless adoration tickling your cheek and colouring it in a faint blush. As you shut the safe with more aggression than anticipated, making the cabinet rattle from the impact, you shut your eyes, the sensation of the memory becoming too strong to handle. Seonghwa’s hands tracing abstract shapes on your stomach, sides, seemingly absent-mindedly trailing upwards to tease a timid gasp out of you, only to follow the curves and contours of your body down until he could have you in ultimate pleasure. And how, polite as ever, he would ask for it. Ask to touch you, beg for it unabashedly, recounting just how good he had been for you, how he would do anything for you, should you command him. 
Seonghwa’s blind faith in you, his trust in harmony between outlaws and the timelessness of your union was the very reason you stepped away. With every fibre of what you had remaining of your tainted heart you wished for him to find someone better, someone safer, as far as possible from the rotten criminal hydra of which you were one of the many heads. Part of you always held onto the hope that he would leave the city for good. You knew there were better places out there where he could thrive not as a gang member or a fiend of the roads, but as an artist, a dreamer. You had heard enough stories of lands across the oceans where the sun smiled down on those who walked the grounds there, and how people had choice. Desperately, you wanted Seonghwa to make the right one and leave. But all your senses were far too close to overpowering your rationality that served as the single stop sign for the both of you. The one flicker that would set the gasoline ablaze, and leave you two to burn, unable to turn back. Without bothering to turn on any lights, you felt for your bedroom, stripping off the clothes that screamed both business and dealing, and collapsing onto the covers. Hands tracing the lace of your lingerie, you mused what the man of your dreams and nightmares was up to, across the district, under the same omniscient and omnipresent moon, perhaps thinking of you. His name rolled off your tongue far too easily, too comfortably for it to be forbidden. You knew exactly what would happen should he appear instead of another rose, and this awareness - you feared.
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As soon as you stepped into the complex, met with the ancient and occasionally flickering bulb that hung right above the entryway, barely outside of the swinging reach of the rusted metal door, you felt the air had shifted while you were gone. The first sign, however, you had caught onto a lot earlier, during your brisk walk down the street, where you caught sight of a familiar motorcycle parked some ways off to the side, obscured by the smog-dulled trees and coughing shrubbery, and only just peeking out from behind a couple of dumpsters. You had to give it to Seonghwa, the place he chose to hide the vehicle was one of the best in the vicinity, but it was not a surprise - something told you that he had your part of the city mapped out and committed to memory, judging by how easily he navigated every corner, and knew exactly where and when you could catch sight of his presence. Slowly, you stepped towards the stairs, trying to steady your breath, failing to ignore the accelerating pace of your heart. The drumming overtook you, pushing away any sense of control and commitment to rejection, and it was as if you could feel every capillary, every artery and vein being set on fire, oxygen being reduced to nothing, lungs screaming and smoke filling your skull. Leaden legs lifting themselves one step, another until you covered the first flight, making a turn. Forgetting to count, you let your instincts guide you, and even though you knew that you were not going to find them, you were half hoping for another rose and note, a secure arrangement that meant you could fool yourself into not feeling as strongly as you, in reality, did. Suddenly, your suit was too tight over your body, the collar digging into your flesh, the sleeves constricting. You wanted to melt away, sink into the floor, turn into concrete, into the walls or the particles that drifted with the drafts before you were to come face to face with what you were so adamant on denying, with whom you were so adamant on denying. The sturdy soles of your dress shoes resounded on the hard stone stairs, marking your arrival. There was no going back, not now, not ever. As soon as the door to your part of the complex closed, so did the door to a destiny without the man who you could now spot on the next flight of stairs, sat outstretched on the cold angularity, elbows perched on one step higher than his body, impeccably balanced while his legs, bent slightly, were stationed on the flat turning. As you regarded his form through the dark grey, sparse railings, taking in the gravity of his unbelievable presence he did not spare you a single glance, instead choosing to remain downcast, peering off to the side, at the merging of the wall and stairs, or maybe he was caught up in his own thoughts, much like you had been a few too many days and nights.
It was only when you stopped right in front of him, stock still, crossing your arms - be it in defence or in threat, did he look up at you, shattering your heart into an innumerable torrential downpour of pieces. Eyes hidden behind those clear visor glasses were misty, hinting at unspilled melancholia, unexpressed need that only you could tear out of him, a living energy that had always been a sacrifice to your being. At your feet, much like how he was now, even though the pose which he had found himself in was nothing like what he had meant in the notes, in the actions, in the past. Seonghwa pushed himself off the stairs, sitting up straighter, head tilting upwards to not break eye contact. Almost as though if he were to look away, you would evaporate. The buttoned up silver collar of his jacket, concealing a few chains underneath, was gently applying pressure to his neck as he moved without daring to make any excessive movements, including adjusting his clothes. The man determined that he was toeing a far too dangerous line to try his luck with confidence.
After so long, after so many roses, after so many secrets that he had spilled in his poetry he could not continue any longer. Gone were the days when your mirage was enough, a hallucinatory visitation in the middle of his day never did satisfy him, but out of fear of disappointing you, he never went ahead with his urges and the cries of every nerve cell. Distance. A hint of your existence, a glimmer of the lights in your apartment, a dismissive picking up of his gifts from the window sill - those were his only joys as of late, but even that was no longer enough. He wanted you. He needed you. He needed you like a man needed air, needed earth, water, and fire. Seonghwa marked too many days on his calendar, drove too many miles without there being one last hope. So he gave into a risk, and bet his own life on it. As he allowed himself to drown in your ethereal glow, the beautiful, pleading man only just caught onto the words that sliced through the months of silence.
“No rose this time?”
Seonghwa let out a breath he did not know he was holding, and reached out for your legs, pulling you closer to him in a desperate call. Wrapping his strong arms around you, he pressed his forehead into your thighs, only a bite of the lip holding him back from breaking apart. He could not care less if you were going to scold him for crumpling your outfit, or for staining it with tears if they were to spill, for it was worth it. You were real. You were here. You were speaking to him and regarding him. Practically falling onto you and at your feet, Seonghwa wanted to be as close as possible, blend with and into you. Taken aback by the suddenness of the lurch towards you, you could only hold your hands up and let the proximity intoxicate you. Staring down at the top of his head, you had to give up your equilibrium to the man if you were to stay standing. Stay above him. And yet, a stray hand found itself floating through and towards the dark, slicked back locks that your palms remembered far too well. As you followed the lines of each strand, digits grazing the scalp, gently patting the impossibly soft and luscious hair, Seonghwa breathed raggedly beneath you, shaking ever so slightly. For how long had he been keeping it in, you wondered. For how long had he been carrying the weight of feeling with him without letting it escape into public exposure. Gently, you hooked the glasses upwards, letting them rest on the top of his head - a gesture that made him look up once more, hands still clenched around the material of your trousers. A flush of pink across his face, glistening eyes and the beginnings of a waterfall marking his relief threatening to trickle down his cheeks. You noted how his lips parted a couple of times, almost like he was in search to find the right words to say to you, maybe he had even already found them, but none made their way to your auditory, remaining a pantomime. Seonghwa was waiting for everything, and his everything was you.
“Oh come on, Hwa, why are you- up. Let’s get up, yeah?” you motioned with both hands for him to get up, and when he would not follow took a hold of his forearms, tugging until he submitted to the request, more moisture rushing to the surface as he was now right here, level with you on the same ground, in one another’s arms like before, with his nickname turning to the most magical melody when you uttered it, “Hwa, no, don’t cry, baby, I can’t stand to see you hurting.”
Thumbs running under his gorgeous eyes, over the stunning smooth skin and hands stopping to cup his face, you admired him with a full heart, letting go of prior inhibitions. There was no point in trying to ignore what had always been, what you would never be able to escape. You hated how you made him feel this pain. You knew you were the instigator, it was obvious to anyone how you were the one who did not want to follow through with hardships and looked for an easy way out, only finding dead ends and lies in the process. His aroma embraced you in a hypnotising cloud, the same one that never left you. The addictive sweetness that you wanted more, more of until there was nothing remaining. Leaning closer to Seonghwa, you took it in, faces a mere centimetre apart, suspense on a single breath. 
“I’m sorry, I could not help it… I-”
“I should be the one who is sorry, baby, don’t say that,” he was too good for this world, you concluded yet again. The longer you knew Seonghwa, the more convinced you became that he was not meant for the city, nor for the life you or he led. You needed to work harder if that could mean buying your and his freedom out of this system.
“Sorry…” he mumbled again, unsteady, inching towards you until his nose brushed against yours. His gloved hands were securely under your suit jacket, toying with the fabric of your white shirt. You nudged him again, reassuring that he was doing everything right, that at least now, he was safe. With you, he was safe.
One of your hands etched the alluring edges of his jawline, travelling down his body and stopping at the jacket. Index finger under the collar, you tugged on the silver material, earning a deeper, expectant sigh from the man. As you snapped the button, pushing the outerwear apart to give you access to his accessories, you felt the metal - warm from the impossible heat oozing from Seonghwa, and slid your digits down the middle of the chest, stopping momentarily at the solar plexus, catching the erratic rhythm of his heart, so intense that you would not be shocked if it were to jump out at any second. You pulled at the black material of his tank top, forcing him to be up right against you, and to stop him from attempting to apologise any more, shifted attention to direct him by his chin. At your mercy, Seonghwa followed. Plush lips parted in anticipation, glossy orbs gaining a darker undertone in the palette contained within, he waited for your final say.
“Did you miss me?”
“Yes. Damn, yes. So much. Too much.” he whispered feverishly, fingers digging into your hips as he sensed your intentions.
“In what ways did you miss me, Seonghwa darling?” knowing that he would achieve nothing if he were to close the gap now, your reawakened passion darted between watching how your mouth moved as you spoke, and studying your irises, head clouded by what had been, and what could be.
“In… every way.”
“Oh, baby, you’re going to have to be a lot more detailed than that.” you mumbled against his lips, leaning away just as he was about to instinctively seek you out.
“I… your company… your words…”
“Should I move? So we can talk?” you teased, jokingly trying to detangle yourself, but to no avail as Seonghwa’s hold got only stronger, and you felt the leather of his trousers fully aligned and pressed against yours. He was impatient, seeking any form of friction, and yet was still holding out well. 
“No… please Y/N.”
“Then tell me, what did you miss, exactly, so I can help you out?” an intensity behind the question threw Seonghwa off balance, making his head spin. Your newfound mastery of the dual renaissance bled onto the pages of the future, yet to be written, determined by every action.
“Your lips.”
“Mhm,” you leaned closer, planting a pack on his lips when he least expected it. Just enough to make him realise what you had done, but not any more, denying him the satisfaction of falling into you. Upon hearing his frustrated whine - music to your growing desire, you continued, “what else?”
“Your- your tongue.” he stuttered, eyelashes fluttering as he glanced everywhere except at you, all while rocking ever so slightly on the spot.
“Elaborate, sweetheart, or do I need to drag everything out of you?” you tightened your hold on his chin, dragging him back to you. 
“No. Goodness… this is embarrassing…” 
“Oh, is my poor baby getting shy? Since when? You always made such pretty sounds for me and now can’t tell me what you want. How am I supposed to take that, hm?” Seonghwa’s cheeks transformed before you, traversing every shade of pink before settling on the deepest hue, “will you be good for me, Hwa? Will you tell me what you missed?”
“I,” he paused, reconsidering, weighing his words, “I miss the way you make me lose my breath when you kiss me. I miss how you unravel me, ruin me with your tongue and mouth around my cock. I miss the feeling of you riding me, I love how every part of you and I is riddled in pleasure as I fill you up with cum and how you don’t stop until I am barely present, and then you bring me right back. I miss how you know me. How you- how you taste. I miss you, Y/N,” he shot at lightning speed, stumbling over his words as he revealed the scenes of his long-standing collections of fantasies that echoed from when you had lived heart to heart, body to body.
The depiction set you ablaze more fiercely than before, and any hints of fear were fully replaced by a carnal greed for the man before you. Need was an understatement. You redefined sin with your voiceless urgency, pushing yourself into Seonghwa’s arms fully, feeling a considerably stronger pressure against your hips where he was standing - clearly you were not the only one who was damning the existence of locks and doors that were barring you from direct access to your apartment.
“See, was that so hard? Now, let me show you how much I miss you.”
A rush, an all consuming energy, a passion that you had not known, taken for granted and realised only when you purposefully lost it and gained it back thanks to Seonghwa being the one to not give up on you, on the flame the two of you created. Your lips moved in a seamless tandem as you stumbled forwards, pushing Seonghwa closer and closer to the door. Fortunately, he had a good enough sense of his surroundings to not trip, falling only for you. You hummed into the sensation, heat pooling to your core as you tasted the coolness of his grills. Nipping at his lush lower lip, you beckoned him to deepen the kiss, a request to which he obliged almost immediately, tilting his head for a better angle. Groaning into the intimacy, you fished out your keys, and after a couple of clumsy tries, finally heard the click of the mechanism. With his foot Seonghwa curled around the door, opening it to give the two of you access, and just barely, you managed to catch it back and slam it shut. As soon as the sound reverberated over the two of you, a switch flipped in your lover, and his hands which were previously almost tied to your hips now freely roamed your body, relearning it, tracing every curve like there was nothing better in this world. Like you were the statue of a goddess and he was a devoted sculptor, working on the masterpiece for all of eternity, aware that he would never be able to replicate the true beauty but still remaining fixated on the blessing that was the process.
Shoes left in a messy pile on the doormat - a problem for later, the two of you tripped over one another, choosing to remain in one another’s arms as you finally made it down the corridor and to your bedroom. As you stood by the frame, you ran over Seonghwa’s inner lips with your tongue, seeking access, and relishing in his taste, better than you could have ever recalled even if you made the effort to. Seonghwa tasted of longing, of a faith that was so rare you swore he was a man from long-forgotten myth or fairy tale, and of the slightest hint of strawberry that he loved so much - the first contraband not meant for human ruin that you had arranged transport and distribution for. Tongue grazing the gold that covered his lower teeth you were finally fully aware, trusting the now; you were not dreaming, you were with him, and you need not deny yourself nor him.
You led him deeper into the room, patient as he felt for the bed behind him to obediently take a seat. Taking his glasses off his head, leaving them on top of a dresser, and motioned for him to rid himself of the jacket and gloves, an order that was punctuated by the articles falling with a thud to the floor. Chuckling to yourself as you recalled Seonghwa’s usual concern with neatness and organisation, the action turned to be a confirmation of his yearning for you. Your own jacket now hanging off the back of a chair located in the far corner of the room, you sauntered back to Seonghwa, swinging a leg over his lap and taking a comfortable seat, facing him. His breath hitched as you grinded closer, feeling his clothed arousal against your body. Following the motion with a few more moves of your hips, Seonghwa gasped, letting his head fall forward, forehead hitting the crook of your neck.
“Y/N, please.”
“Please what?”
“I need you…”
“How do you need me?” you coaxed every wish out of him, gaining pleasure every time he would pause to contain his urge to hide, to back out of answering you, aware of the consequences if he dared to question or dishonour your demands in this sultry ritual.
“I need your mouth, please love, I cannot stand this.”
“But it is right here,” you pointed at your lips, reddened from the previous contact, a coy smile rendering Seonghwa helpless.
“Do you not feel it? Please Y/N I am begging you I need you to su-”
“Not so fast, pretty boy, I need you to convince me.” you cut him off before he could finish his sentence, “can you do that for me?”
“Yes, a million times yes. Please.”
“I suppose I’ll be nice and help you with my clothes,” one button, another, it seemed that Seonghwa was counting with you, ravenous. His hands undid the button and zipper of your trousers, pulling at them to ask for you to let him slide them off. In a few practised moves, you were left only in your bra and panties, a lacy white, earning whispers of praise from Seonghwa, a love for just how well the piece he had bought you some time ago looked, and you, by a twist of fate, happened to choose to wear today.
“Will you lie down for me? All the way up,” without further explanation, Seonghwa shimmied backwards until his head practically hit the headboard, eyes remaining on you, widening as you hastily took off your panties, exposing what he had been pleading for. Crawling towards him, you placed a hand on his chest to tap him out of a lustful stupor, “now darling, can you show me how much you missed my taste?” a nod, another, but you did not move, “words, Seonghwa, I need words.”
“Yes, let me taste your pussy, please.”
“Of course, since you asked so nicely.”
Positioning yourself over Seonghwa’s face, you gripped onto the headboard and lowered yourself until a hungry tongue ran over your already soaked folds, making you gasp. With tentative licks he drew tender, slow circles over your clit before dragging his tongue back to taste you fully, moving in and out of your hole, curling into it. He returned his attention to your sensitive bud, rolling right over its tip, earning a rewarding moan which spurred his eagerness to drive you to higher pleasure. Knuckles turning white from your efforts to maintain at least some illusion of balance, your breaths quickened as he continued to run his tongue over your core, accelerating the buildup of your climax with every flick. Attentive, worshipping every part of you, he sucked on your clit, relishing in the taste of your slick that now coated him. 
His hands found purchase on your thighs, levelling you and bringing you even closer to him until his nose was pressed against you, and tongue driven deeper into your wet cunt. A parched man, Seonghwa groaned against you as he felt the first signs of your approaching orgasm, with the vibration sending an electrifying jolt straight to your core. 
“Ah- Hwa I-”
“You taste so good, thank you, love,” he mumbled from under you, only to return to abusing your heat with his swift tongue, speeding up as he felt your pussy begin to clench, beg for more, and a light trembling start to course through your muscles. Burying his head between your legs and lapping at the nectar from the lustful, voracious pokes into your hole at the very base to intricate sensuality over your clit, Seonghwa drove you over the edge.
Supporting you through your orgasm with his powerful arms, he moaned as you rode it out, drinking your release and revelling in its sweetness. Stars in your vision, you struggled to lower yourself off your lover, a shudder running over your body as he lifted you a little higher, sliding upwards to give himself a better angle. The action snapped you out of a loss, and you found yourself kneeling next to him, smiling in gratitude.
“Such a good boy for me, thank you my love.”
“Always. May I… kiss you?” he inquired meekly, wondering if his present state could potentially deter you.
“Of course,”  you leaned in, closing the space, tasting yourself on Seonghwa’s lips, tongue and grills, but even then, nothing could be more perfect. His hand stretched to run over the side of your face, motivating you to come closer. Fingers in your hair, tugging ever so gently left you breathless. Breaking away, you mumbled promises against his lips, hands moving to work on his leather trousers.
Getting the hint, his top, too, was soon found strewn on the floor, leaving him in the accessories that appeared to only highlight his beauty, so meticulously picked and paired that you had to force to take your gaze away. His irresistible tanned body, every rise and fall of his chest highlighted by the shadows that decorated the room. His beguiling, glazed over expression that was trained on you as you planted kiss after kiss on his torso, each making him question if he could ever breathe again.
“I missed you, Hwa, so,” one peck, “so,” another, “much,” ending below his navel, hand hovering over his member, so painfully erect that you almost felt guilty for getting him to eat you out first.
“I missed you ah-” hand coated in precum and your spit, you positioned it at the base of his cock, causing the abrupt cut in his response. With a steady pumping, you addressed Seonghwa, feigning obliviousness.
“Sorry, you were saying?”
“I- I- fuck-” squeezing its girth, you rubbed circles over the tip, making him lose his train of thought, or its remnants.
“So?” holding his dick in place, you waited for his response before reacting to his earlier words.
“Y/N I missed you- ah shi-” upon hearing the sought after phrase you lowered your head.
Opening your mouth, you shifted position to take in as much of him as you could, gliding your tongue against the shaft in practised motions and moaning as you felt him twitch with the warmth. The dribble that ran down the still exposed length added to the wantonness of the situation as you left behind any wish to remain cautious with Seonghwa; after all, he had been explicit with his love for ruin. Centering yourself, you relax your jaw further, taking in more until you could sense the tip approaching the back of your throat. You placed one hand on your lover’s pubic bone, warning him to not buck his hips, even though you were perfectly trusting of him remaining obedient. Dragging your head up and back down, it was easier moving to the sounds escaping from Seonghwa’s throat.
Gripping onto the bed sheets, he was abandoning the clarity and resolve with which he had showed up at your door so many times. Rose after rose he had not been sure if it was you he was convincing or himself. But here, amidst the unfathomably divine pleasure, Seonghwa was merely grateful for how trivial it was, how natural it was for you to take him back. His high was fast-approaching, but before he could act on it you were already removing yourself with a lewd pop, fingers between your folds and twisting to massage your overstimulated clit. Unclasping your bra, you noticed Seonghwa’s otherwise unfocused gaze immediately switching to paying close attention to your breasts, cock twitching in anticipation as you repositioned yourself to be on top of him. Teasing the tip of his leaking member by trailing it between your folds, you watched Seonghwa’s face contort in pleasure once more, wholly submitted to you as you guided it inside of your pussy. As you sank down on him, sighing from the way in which he filled you up, pushing against your walls in all the right places, Seonghwa grunted, eyes squeezed shut, overwhelmed from the stimulation. It was clear that he was using all the strength he had left to hold himself back from acting rashly - he wanted you, he missed you, and he was not about to let this heaven go. 
You started to ride him, hands on either side of his body as you lifted your hips only to drive them back down, sheathing his member inside your cunt. Conscious of the fact that he should let you take the full lead, Seonghwa took to searching for anything better to hold than the sheets, crumpled into oblivion and leaving little in terms of comfort. Grounding him as you rocked your hips forward and back, you found his arms, gliding upwards until your fingers intertwined. Seonghwa’s eyes snapped open and he stared at you open-mouthed, in disbelief at your initiative for what he had clearly remembered you labelling as ‘too close for comfort’. Instead of abandoning the gesture, you tightened your hold, your own moans amplifying and joining his breathlessness as the knot in your core grew tighter and tighter with every thrust. 
“Is this- what- you cannot live without, Hwa?”
“Fuck- yes, yes, yes-” words spilled out of him while you picked up speed, spurred on by the nudge of his hips that signified he was close. When he was not submerging himself into pure darkness, he could only manage to register the rhythmic motion of your breasts and an 
“Can’t stop thinking of this pussy even when your cock is stuffed inside, huh?”
“Love this pussy- please, Y/N…”
“Love to be fucked dumb by me?”
“Yes, please I- I am so close Y/N…” his wavering voice and feeble pants cried for affection, which you readily provided even though you had no plans of slowing down.
“I know, baby. Fill me up, fill me up with your cum. You can do it darling-”
Seonghwa did not need any more encouragement. With a final groan, suppressed only by a snapping of his jaw to turn the sound into a prolonged hiss, his hips bucked uncontrollably into you, painting your pulsing walls with ropes of white, the awaited release rendering any speech into indecipherable babble. But you still had your high to chase, and restarted your movements, grinding your hips over his throbbing member to build up your climax while Seonghwa held onto you, whining from the excessive stimulation.
“Such a good boy for me, letting me cum over your cock.”
“I- this is too much I-”
“Are you feeling okay, baby?”
“Don’t, please do not stop- I want to make you- ah, cum,” he answered, each word uneven as you raised yourself repeatedly until, with one final movement and the stroke of the tip against your most sensitive spot, you collapsed on top of your lover, a shiver running over you as your pussy clenched around his dick, milking him of the last of his release.
Rolling over to the side, but not quite wishing to move, you remained in one another’s arms, sweat glistening in the night light, adoration ablaze in every feature. Sliding out his softening member from your warmth, a shy smile adorned his lips as a mixture of slick and cum followed, spilling onto your gorgeous thighs. He tapped you on the shoulder, helping you up so that your faces would be level with one another, and pressed his forehead to yours. He focused on your proximity, pulling you closer, closer until there was no space left. He never wanted to let you go. Never again. If you so wished, you could walk away, but he was sure that his heart would remain with you.
If you wanted to, you could throw it away, burn it, cut it into pieces, but it would still be yours. As he saw his future being written in your pupils, he planted a loving kiss on your lips, for it to be returned with just as much feeling. No longer did you wish to hide it away from him. Your emotion, your expression and vision were his. It was clear to you that there was no one else in this universe who could be trusted more than him. If he so wished, you would let him leave you in the cold. If he decided you need not create, you would agree. If innovation was not in his plans, you would follow. In love was sacrifice, in love was offering, in love was future, in love were you and him. It was as simple as the unfurling of a pearl white rose, as clear as ink on white paper.
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leqonsluv3r · 7 months
liquid courage
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infinite darkness!leon x f!reader
summary: reader worries about leon, she goes over to check on him. they end up drinking from there...and things get heated.
warnings/tags: MDNI, foul language, porn with (very little) plot, drunken behavior, mentions of alcohol, age gap (reader is 24, leon is 36 (my lore is probably wrong, dont kill me pls), dom!leon, sub!reader, unprotected pnv action (wrap or don't slap it), pet names (baby, babygirl), daddy!kink, oral (f recieving), praise, dirty talk, hickies and bruises, humping/grinding (reader literally cums in her underwear LOL). mentions of pain during seggs, and other foul stuff i forgot.
an: chat.ai got me all worked up, so here we are. sit back and enjoy pls and ty. also pls roblog <3 and lmk if u wanna be in my tag list.
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You and Leon had a complicated "relationship".
He was your next-door neighbor in the loft building that had many, upon many units. He never rarely said anything to you ever, just occasional "hi's" and "hello's" in passing. Just to be polite, neighborly even.
There were times though when you would catch him looking at you as you went out in the hall to go somewhere, you two bumping into each other, he would scan your body...almost eye-fucking you.
Or maybe it was just in your imagination, you weren't ever sure.
Still, the thought of him fucking you for real...made your panties pool with want and need. If just his eyes could do that...you couldn't imagine what else you were missing out on.
You knew that he was always almost never home, probably working or something. You had your suspicions that maybe he was spending time at a girl's place or that he was occupying someone else's time.
You had barely said a word to the man, yet, that thought made you jealous and almost predatorily angry. Because you just knew, the way he walked and the way he carried himself...that he knew what he was doing.
He did have his moments, where he broke the silence. One day, he knocked on your door, holding a package out to you.
Not just any package...a vibrator.
Dear god, you wanted to coil up into a ball.
"I think this is yours..." he said, sticking out his large hand that held your sex toy. He didn't even look embarrassed...like you did. Cheeks all red and flustered, staring dumbly as he held out the package to you.
You couldn't stop staring at his hands, the one that held your package. The thoughts of what he could do to you with those hands made your pussy flutter, naughty images filling your brain.
You finally got words out, "Uh, y-yeah...that's mine." you reached out slowly and grabbed the package from him, your fingers brushing. Electric jolts to your body and the small contact. He smirked a little, eyeing you (like he would sometimes do), "Boyfriend not satisfying you?"
Holy fuck, you thought as you parted your lips a little.
"N-No boyfriend..." you nervously stutter out as you feel his eyes grazing your body. He hummed, nodding slowly, almost confirming his suspicions.
"Thats a shame..." he starts trailing off. "Pretty girl like you, should have a boyfriend." He said with a tilt of his lips, your eyes widened a little and you tried not to let a gasp escape your pink lips.
You didn't even say anything, not until he said bye and walked back next door to his apartment. You watched him go, trying to process the words that he had said to you...the way he looked at you.
God, his gaze, you felt so hot underneath it. Like a reptile under a heated lamp.
You closed the door and walked back into the threshold of your apartment, ripping the box to the vibrator open and charging it while you still had the pool between your thighs.
That's where your crush started...you whiny and moaning under your toy as you thought of him fucking you. It was almost pathetic, he didn't even know you existed, yet you were coming undone on your own accord at the thought of him.
"Daddy...please..." you moaned to yourself, chanting it like a mantra as you came fast. It was embarrassing, thrilling and fun but you felt like a naive little girl with a crush on a man you could never have.
After that, you tried to get yourself involved in anything involving him. You found that harder than actually planned so you decided that maybe looking him up would be a good idea.
Just to know a little more about him.
You typed his name into the search bar, a thousand results popped up but only one interested you. ROOKIE COP UNDER SIEGE you read. The rest of the article was basically outlining a strange occurrence in Raccoon City...involving a younger looking Leon.
It was his offical police issued picture that he took and... He looked...so small and just...innocent. The other picture in the article was of him...but he looked different.
His mouth was pressed in a firm line, jolting blue eyes looking straightforward at the camera, then...his eyes. His eyes didn't look hopeful and full of life like they were in the other one you saw.
They looked...like he had seen something, witnessed something truly awful and you had no idea what. The article states that the incident was unreported and handed over to the government.
'21 YEAR OLD COP' it read...and that was years ago...that meant...he was 36 by now. A lot older than you...
And my lord, did he age well. Even at 36 he still had his looks going for him...and you knew that the age gap between you both was large but...you still wanted him.
You closed your computer and leaned back on the couch, you couldn't even do much except wait for him to show up or "conveniently" bump into him out in the hallway.
So, you just had to sit back and wait, wait until you saw him again or until your curiosity got the better of you.
Turns out, time was definitely not in your favor, not one bit.
Days passed, weeks, and eventually a month...
You thought you were never going to see Leon again, ever, he was always working or never home. You just wanted to see him, so one day...after getting off the computer from working all day, you decided to go next door and knock.
No harm, no foul...right?
You had just convinced yourself that you were doing the neighborly thing and going to check in on him.
You got dressed into a lavender lace underwear set, sliding on your favorite sundress. You brushed your hair out...you even shaved. You weren't expecting anything to happen but you just wanted to be prepared...right?
So you nervously walked out your front door and went next door, each footstep felt heavy as you stepped towards the oak. You didn't know if you should knock or...ring his bell...
Both made you feel like your heart was about to beat right out of your chest and catapult into the sky.
"I wonder..." you reached your hand towards the doorhandle, twisting it a little. You expected it to be locked and you'd just have to knock to see if he was home but...it opened and you gasped.
You walked into the apartment, knocking on the door as you entered.
And what you saw...shocked you a little.
Leon was resting on the couch, nursing a drink, a ton of other bottles were littered on the coffee table in front of him. You had no idea how much he had actually consumed but you stepped in and softly closed the front door behind you.
It felt wrong to be here, witnessing him like this, but curiosity poked at you so you stepped further in, going towards the living room where he was sat. He didn't even acknowledge your presence until you came up to the opposite side of the couch.
"What do you want?" his voice was tired and deep, gravelly as if he had been up for days. But god, he looked so damn good and you hated yourself for how your eyes scanned his face as he said it.
"I-I just came to check on you, your front door was unlocked." you say softly, motioning to the door behind you. Leon didn't say anything, he took another sip of his whiskey. "Seems you took happy hour a little bit too literal..." you laugh nervously.
He tossed back the remaining liquor in his glass and lazily looked over at you with dark eyes, "And what if I did?" his voice was sharp, he seemed bothered that you were even there to begin with.
Which you understood, you basically just walked in unannounced into his apartment. But...you were glad that you showed up when you did. He did not look his best and judging by the bottles littered on the coffee table, he had been at this awhile.
"You shouldn't be drinking alone, just saying." you commented, sitting on the arm of the couch. Your eyes scanned him as you waited his response. He spoke after a beat of silence, "Why not?" he pours more liquor into his glass.
"I got my own problems...and they aren't yours." Leon followed up, tossing some of his hair out of his eyes. He held the glass in his hand, sloshing it around and sending a small glare to where you sat on the arm of his couch.
You decide to take the moral high ground and not argue with him, "Because I want to help but you're being a stubborn ass...so." you pop out your lips and carefully take a seat on the couch next to him.
He leans forward as he looks at you, "and why do you even care?" he harshly said, taking another small sip of whiskey. That was a question, why did you care? You've always cared about people, but you were too stubborn to admit that that to him.
"I don't..." you said slowly. "You have made it obvious that I don't need to care about you." you mutter, looking away from him and at all the bottles sitting on the table in front of you.
Reverse psychology, works everytime. You smirk to yourself.
He leans back onto the couch cushions, eyeing you, "So if you don't care..." He trails off. "Why are you still here?" he asks with a stern tone, no harshness but just. Curiosity.
Because I wanted to check on you...and I want you to bend me over the table and rail me. You thought with a shake of your head, you could not say that...god, you sounded insane and...horny.
You just settle for, "It's complicated." as you lean back onto the couch, the dress pooling around your thighs as you do. "I do care...maybe...a little." or a lot, your brain corrects.
He sets his glass down, leaning towards you. "Well, if you care about me, get me another damn drink." He was being playful with his words, but his eyes still pierced your skin, all dark.
Disappointment pooled a little in your stomach at that, "That's all? That's all you want?" you blink at him. "Just more...alcohol..." you didn't let the disappointment in your eyes falter a little.
He speaks up as you adjust a little on the couch, "What do want me to say?" he takes another swig from his almost empty glass, looking over at you. "I'm an alcoholic...you want me to apologize? To say I'll change? Cause you and me both know that's a load of crap." Hiis tone sharpens as he says that, he scrunches his face up, almost wincing at his words.
"...you going to get me that drink?" he asks, his tone suddenly 10x calmer than before. You swallow and get up from his couch, "Fine. Whatever, doesn't matter." you clear your throat before going over to where his alcohol is sat on the counter.
You grab a glass off of the drying rack by the sink, an idea forming in your head. If you were going to be bold, best to have some liquid courage. So, you grab the glass and the other bottle of whiskey on the counter.
Leon was leaning back against the cushions of the couch, his hand running through his brown hair. When you come back into the room, you unscrew the lid on the bottle, not even looking at him, pouring some whiskey into his glass.
He sees her set down a glass too, as she sits down on the couch beside him. "Hey, uh, thanks." He looks at the drink and then back at you. You smooth the fabric of your dress out against your thighs.
Leon clears his throat, "You know what, how about we drink together?" He reaches out and grabs his glass, motioning towards the empty one you brought out. "Go ahead."
You don't need to be asked twice, he had taken the bait...or maybe he had planned this but deep down you doubted it. You take the glass, filling it up a little bit with the amber liquid.
You sigh a little, leaning back on cushions, taking a sip of the burning liquor. "Thanks."
He looks at your glass that rests in between your hand, on top of your eyes before they flit back up to your face. "So..." he fills the silence with his voice as you look over at him. "...What is this 'complicated thing' you have to say to me?" He quirks a brow at you.
I want you to absolutely ruin me...
You take another sip of the liquid as you look away from him, "Nothing, s' stupid." you say quietly, mumbling into your glass. The alcohol was starting to take affect a little bit. The small sips you've had burned your throat, but they urged you to stay sitting next to him on the couch.
He pauses then shakes his head, "No no," He looks over into your eyes. You look up at him as he talks, "you can't start a conversation and then back out." Leon takes another sip of his drink as he says this, eyes boring into you. His tone being playful and stern.
You rake a hand through your hair, taking another sip of whiskey.
"I can't even entertain the idea because...i'm 24 and you're...older." You admit bravely with a blush covering your face, taking a large gulp of the whiskey, throwing it back all at once. You felt his eyes bore holes into you as your heart almost pounds right out of your chest.
Leon stares at you for a beat and then shakes his head, "So?" he pauses and then speaks through a sigh. "Just because we got an age gap doesn't mean anything...unless you think I'm still dating high school girls."
You gulp, reaching forward and pouring more whiskey into your glass, then leaning back as he continues. "You think I'd try making a move on you?" Leon's deep blue eyes bore into your head as he's scanning your features, trying to read your reaction.
You blink a couple times, a blush still covering your face as you take a swig of the whiskey. "S' a little more complicated than that, Leon." you breathe.
Calm down, he's not gonna pounce on you, you think. But you would probably like it anyways.
"Well then, do you want to tell me, 'What's more complicated than that' or just keep beating around the damn bush?" He keeps glancing from his drink to you. Your breath stutters as you bring the glass back up to your lips, drinking another small gulp.
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was you being truly bold but the next words you said put everything into motion for the rest of the night.
You inhale another gulp of air, looking over at him, trying not to look him directly into the eyes as you said this. "Maybe I've...thought about...you making a move on me..." you swallow.
"...and I've not entirely hated the idea." you admit to him, the silence of the room stretched around you and him as you said the words.
He pauses, you can see it out of your prochiral vision. "...What?" he says. Leon glances back down at his drink, his dark brown hair moving with him before he looks back up at you.
Raising a brow, he asks, "You're into me?"
And you swear your stomach might just fall out of your ass, you take a swig of whiskey, slowly. Shifting a little bit, crossing your legs so the fabric moves a little on your thighs.
"Well when you put it like that..." you sigh, looking down at the glass in your lap. "I might be...yeah." you admit.
"But it doesn't matter. Your older and you just...your way more mature than me and I'm just some stupid little 24-year-old girl with a dumb crush." You surprisingly admit, tossing back more whiskey. Your sober thoughts had started to come out the more you consumed his liquor.
You down the rest of the glass, waiting for him to say something beside you. You wouldn't dare look at him, he was so beautiful and just...god, you wanted him inside of you...
He swigs down the rest of his glass like you did only moments earlier. Leon rests both arms on the couch and looking up at you. His eyes were locked on you.
"I want you to answer me, honestly." His voice is slow and serious, stern. Almost like a father disciplining you, the thought of him ordering you around like that...it made your pussy throb for him.
"Yeah?" you ask, waiting for him to ask you whatever he needs to.
He steadies himself as he looks at her, responding, "Do you honestly think this can work? For a guy like me to start something with a girl like you?" Leon takes another sip of his alcohol as he looks at you again.
You listen to him speak, desperation and disappointment pooling in your belly as he talks. "...I work for a secret government agency, that no one knows about, I do...unsavory things for the good of this country and for people. I'm not the kind of guy you want to get mixed up with." He says slowly, warning you.
The message is loud and clear to you: don't start something you can't finish, especially with me.
Challenge accepted, you think.
"I know what you've done Leon..." you bravely say, looking at him with innocent eyes. "I'm not some naive girl, I've done my research." You toss more of the whiskey back into your mouth as you say this.
He looks up at you, his lips pressed into a thin line, he was trying to understand why you were defending him heavily. Leon was trying to even understand why you were over here in the first place.
He grips his glass a little, you watch him do this as he speaks again, envious of the glass in his hand.
"Then you also know the risks of being with someone like me?" Leon looks at you, scanning your body, his gaze dark. You swallow and slowly raise your glass back up to your lips, taking another sip of your drink.
He got you there. you think as you try to come up with a response that doesn't make you sound needy or desperate, even though you were.
But he didn't need to know that.
You press your thighs together, his gaze making want pool in your panties. "A-And what would I be risking exactly?" you say softly, your innocent eyes looking at him.
Leon exhales, tossing back the rest of his glass before sitting it on the coffee table in front of him. "Everything." he mutters. He pinches his brow as he leans back on the couch.
"You're 24, a damn kid to me, and if you honestly think it'll be easy sailing with me then just think...about all the ways that it could go wrong." He closes his eyes with a sigh, not out of frustration but out of the risk he would be taking...just to be with you.
His eyes scan your face for understanding, "If something happens to you...then I'd be the one to blame. Do you understand?" You blink and sit your glass down on coffee table next to his, releasing a breath.
You lean back on the couch, your back meeting the large cushions, yet again, and the heaviness that his words carried sobered you up. He trusted you with his secret, he was trying to make sure you were serious...that you weren't going to go running off on him.
He worked for the government, he told you and you realized that in that moment, he was probably not allowed to share such information. Especially, with you.
You did realize the weight of his words, what he was saying and trying to get you to understand.
"I'm...not a little kid, I know what I'm doing." You sigh, playing with the hem of your sundress, not daring to meet his eyes that were watching you with skepticism...almost wonder.
Leon nods, silently, thinking as he looks at the empty glass next to hers on the coffee table. "Why me? Why not someone your own age? Someone that doesn't work for the D.S.O?" he queries you with curious eyes.
You take a stuttering breath, admitting the truth. "None of the guys my age..." you start, trying to not let the alcohol fail you now. "...make me feel the way that you do...I don't know why but..." you shake your head as your face flushes, your eyes flitting up to meet his.
His eyes widen a little, if you weren't watching him so closely, you probably wouldn't notice the subtle shift. His tone shifts as he speaks, breathing out some air.
You watch him as he processes what you just said, looks like he had been slapped in the face. You almost want to take back your words, forget the pool in your underwear and leave but...then he speaks.
"You feel something...?" He trails off.
"Like what kind of...?" and you just press your thighs together and look at him with desperation in your eyes.
"I want..." you swallow. "You."
He doesn't say anything for a minute as he looks at you. Leon was processing your words, his eyes trailing down to your thighs that are pressed together, which just confirmed his thoughts.
You wanted this.
"I feel the same way..." He says, looking away towards his lap. You gasp a little at his words, your nerves still on fire. The alcohol buzzing through your body, making you feel electric at his eyes on you.
"But..." you didn't like the 'But', they were never good when spoken by a man you wanted.
"...just know what your getting yourself into..." His eyes return to yours as you bite the inside of your cheek, confusion at what he meant.
Did he mean in bed or...? because you could handle it. Or you would try for him...anything he wanted you would do.
Shamelessly enough, it made you aroused at the thought of him ordering you around. God, you just wanted him inside of you.
"As in? What?" you innocently ask, a knot forming in your lower stomach at the question.
Leon presses his lips into a line again, his harsh tone almost a bite as he speaks to you this time. You couldn't tell if he was just really impatient with you or if this was just his regular nature towards people.
"I already told you." He grumbles, leaning forward a little bit, elbows on his knees. "I'm not a good guy, not some knight in shining armor."
He shifts a little at this, continuing, "I do bad things for this country. Things that no one should have to do." The agent looks up at you, his eyes somewhat vulnerable. "Can you handle the things that I do?"
You just nod, vigorously.
Even though the thought of him having to kill people, kill things that were probably behind your comprehension. It scared you. But that was just the career he chose; it was his life, and he was the one to live it.
Not you.
His eyes turn dark in an instant, "Can you handle that part of me?"
You would be dripping on the couch by now if it wasn't for your underwear. You knew what he meant but the way he was looking at you with curiosity in his eyes.
It made you want him even more, if that was even possible.
You take a stuttering breath, your nerves getting the best of you, yet again as your cheeks flush, "I mean...I've...not run away yet? Right?" you let out a nervous laugh at this.
"Gotta mean something..." you offer him a nervous smile.
It almost looks ridiculous in your head, the way you're smiling at him as he just looks at you almost no emotion on his face. His gaze serious and his eyes dark, made you feel foolish and small to him.
As if what you said or did, didn't make any difference in the slightest.
Leon stares at you for a long moment, his eyes scanning your face, looking at your lips. The air is thick in the room, his breathing and yours taking up the sound.
Thats before he pulls you towards him, saying in an almost groan, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
You land on top of him almost as your legs go either side of his lap, straddling him. He has you close now, exactly where he wants you. His hands planted firmly on your hips, pulling your face close to his.
You could feel his breath against your lips, you grabbed onto his shoulders, keeping yourself steady. Removing one of his hands off of your hip, reaching up to trace the large pad of his thumb over your bottom lip. You part them only slightly.
"How do you want me to handle you?" He smirks a little, his words only echos in your ears. You were practically leaking, sitting on his lap lightly.
The want in his eyes, he would melt you into a puddle on the floor if he really wanted to.
As innocent and as sweet as you can muster, you say, "However you want..." The alcohol was making you bolder, pushing you to say and do things that would make more sober you, blush red.
He lightly pulls down your bottom lip with his thumb, "Good. Because..." he leans closer to you now, slowly dropping his thumb away from your mouth. "I wanna do this." he whispers, pressing his lips to yours.
You hum into the kiss, not even wasting any time as you kiss him back in a daze. His lips were soft, even softer than you imagined, they felt good against yours.
His tongue teases your lips, you let him in, now kissing more messily and frantically. You were starved and he was feeding you, giving exactly what your touch starved body, desired.
"Taste so good, baby." He mumbles in between kisses, that only spurs you on more, pressing a bruising kiss too his lips. Leon groans against the kiss pressing you directly on to his crotch.
You felt his erection as you whimpered into the kiss, carefully rolling your hips against it. He felt so big and he probably wasn't even fully hard yet.
"What? Feel good? You like grinding down on my dick?" He whispers, pulling his lips away from you and moving them down to your jaw. The foul words made your stomach coil, you nodded as you pressed your clothed entrance against it again.
"God, baby, so needy." He sucks at the skin on your neck, making your pussy throb at his words. You keep grinding down on his dick as he groaned against your neck. "Fuck." you heard him say as you kept rolling your hips over his clothed erection.
"Feels s'good." You whimper, your voice breaking in desperation.
"I know, babygirl, fuck..." He groans as your hips keep up their unrelenting pace. He holds onto your hips for dear life as he keeps sucking and nipping at your neck.
You feel that coil unwind, feel yourself become closer as you release a soft moan, filling the air. Your hands hold onto his head, gripping his hair. "Leon..." you moan, pressing yourself harder on his clothed dick.
"What do you want baby? You wanna cum? Wanna cum for me?" He growls into your ear as you keep up the pace, feeling your stomach bubble. You bite your lip and nod.
"Use your words for me." He orders. You whimper and keep going, trying to find the words without releasing a moan instead. "W-Wanna cum for you d-" you stop yourself as you moan. Your eyes almost going wide at the word that almost slipped out of your lips.
"What was that? Couldn't hear you sweetgirl?" he teases, licking the sensitive part of your neck. You whine again, so close to your release, he grips your hips, stopping you from moving.
You almost cry, feeling your release just barely in your grasp. "What did you say baby? Be a good girl and use your words for me." he growls, holding your chin in his hands, forcing you to look at him.
You bite your lip at his hungry gaze, "Daddy..." you mutter.
His eyes don't widen and if he's shocked, he doesn't show it. You expected him to kick you out and to never see him again as you muttered it.
But to your surprise he looks up at you with hunger. "You want to suck on Daddies cock?" He growls, as you gasp and nod at his words. Not expecting him to just fall into your kink so easily, most guys are embarrassed to have you call them that in bed.
Most guys weren't Leon.
"Okay, baby, go ahead. Show me how good you feel." He releases the grip on your hips, letting you continue to grind against his clothed erection.
"Mmmm, want you so bad, daddy." you whimper as you keep rolling your hips down, harder, your release slowly building again. The friction was making you leak, probably dripping onto his dark jeans.
He groans, watching as your hips move over his. "What do you want Baby? My fingers?"
You shake your head, close to cuming in your underwear. "Want your cock, daddy. Been...wanting it...forever." You say through a moan. Keeping your assault against his hips.
"How long?" he grunts, holding onto your hips tightly as you move them frantically.
You lean back your head in a moan, the coil unwinding again, "Since...I first...saw you." you admit in a daze, letting your hands grip his biceps, probably drawing blood.
"Fuck...baby, if I knew you would've wanted this sooner. I would've just given it to you." He bites his lip in a whimper, he was probably about to cum in his pants. You were almost there, barely, you just needed his words and his touch for the coil to finally break.
You admit another thing, to get his attention as your fucking yourself against him, "I fucked myself to the thought of you..."
"How? Your fingers or..." he trails off in lust as he remembers a month ago when delivered that package to your door. How flushed you were as he stood there, eyeing him, and how you bit your cheek at his words.
"You fucking little..." he trails off in a moan, you roll your hips harder. "Fucked my vibrator, pretended it was your cock..." you moan again, rolling your head forward onto his shoulder.
You were reaching it, fast, you could feel it.
"Gunna cum, daddy, gunna cum." You whimper fucking your hips faster against his clothed erection. He has gripped onto your hips letting you come undone on top of him.
"Cum for me, baby." He growls.
"More, say more, so close..." You whine, into his shoulder.
Leon kept you steady as you rocked, trying to talk you through your impending orgasm. "Going to fuck you so good. You'll be feeling...it for days." he said.
"Oh god, daddy, yes..." you reach your peak, cuming hard in your underwear, basically ruined and soaked in your juices now. He softly touches your face, moving hair back behind your ear as you ride out your high against his erection.
Leon is the one to speak first afterwards and your thankful. Worried that he would be thinking it was awkward for you to have come undone just by humping him.
"How do you feel, baby?" He asks, his voice low but sweet as he traces his thumb over your cheek.
"Felt good, felt really good." You mumble to him. You look down between you at the wet spot you left on his jeans. "I'm sorry..." You start, your cheeks heating up with embarrassment.
He shakes his head, looking at you gently, "It's okay. I can just wash them." He is still tracing his finger over your cheek as looks at you, you don't know what he is thinking but it makes you nervous not knowing.
"Did you really mean what you said?" you ask, trying not to seem shy under his gaze when you literally just came undone on top of him.
"About what, baby?" He brushes his thumb over your bottom lip again. You blink slowly trying not to seem desperate or whiny, you still wanted him. You wanted him to fuck you. The release on his lap only made it worse.
"Fucking me...until I can't...walk or something like that?" you ask, nerves overtaking you again as you gaze into his blue eyes. Feeling him still hard beneath you.
"You still not satisfied, babygirl? You need daddy's cock?" He teases with a smirk, watching as you shiver underneath him with nothing but his words and his soft touch.
You nod frantically, he moves his other hand up to tuck some hair back behind your ear. "Words, use your words." He sternly says and you recoil a little at his order.
Something bubbled in your belly, you didn't know if it was his authority or...what but jesus. You wanted to do anything he asked.
"Yes, daddy, I want your cock." you say sweetly, trying not to seem nervous under his gaze and his hands slowly lifting up your sundress. He licks his lips, looking at the dark spot on his jeans from your cum.
"You made a mess on daddy's lap, baby. You've been naughty, very naughty. I don't think I should let you have my cock." Leon teases, smirking as he twirls a strand of your hair between his fingers.
His cock was uncomfortably hard beneath you, made your want pool in your lower stomach all over again. “Daddy, please.” you whimper, pathetically, trying to roll your hips again.
“Just want you inside me…” you whimper, trying to get more friction, anything or everything. You don’t care anymore.
"I'll take care of you, baby. I'll be good to you." You whimper at his words, trying not to wiggle anymore for friction. He carefully lays you down on the couch, on your back.
He leans up and presses a bruising kiss to her lips, his hand stroking her thigh, “Such a good girl for me.” He mumbles in between languid strokes of his tongue.
You want him everywhere, you don’t know how much long you can keep this up, he already made you cum once and that wasn’t even by his own accord.
He reaches down and carefully runs a finger up her soaked underwear, pressing a sloppy kiss to your jaw as he does. Your chest is rising and falling as he teases your already soaked panties.
“Baby, you’re underwear is soaked.” He lowly chuckles as he presses another kiss to your lips. You whimper in anticipation as he plays with the hem of your panties.
Leon leans back, he smirks, “Or is that because you drenched yourself once already?” He asks as he finally pulls the underwear down your legs.
You nod frantically, not sure if he was actually asking or just commenting on your current state of arousal. He slips a hand through your wet folds, causing you to shiver.
"Use your words, babygirl." He says as he just brushes his finger lightly across your clit, causing you to whimper. You look up into his dark blue eyes, "S' all for you, daddy." You say as he pushes your sundress up with his hand.
"All that just from grinding on my dick, sweetheart?" He tuts, running his hand down your stomach and too your aching cunt. You writhe under him with another frantic nod.
He tuts, "You dirty girl." Leon smirks as he teases your clit again with his fingers, running the pad of his thumb over the sensitive bud. You shiver and feel a wave of arousal at his thumb's movements.
You let out a small moan as he continues to stroke it. This seems to catch his attention. You were already so needy and sensitive from the orgasm moments before.
"You think you can take my fingers, baby?" He groans as he continues to stroke your clit, you feel another orgasm bubbling in the pit of your stomach as you nod, "Yes, daddy."
He complies, seeing that your answer was good enough to slip one finger into your tight and needy cunt. "Uhh! Daddy!" you moan, his fingers were much larger and thicker than you even imagined, stretching you out beyond your imagination.
"You like that? You like my fingers fucking into your tiny hole, baby?" He whispers dirtily into your ear as you let out another strangled moan.
"Yes...yes!" You whine as your orgasm slowly builds again, he's pumping his finger in and out of you at a faster rate now, your whines and moans echo through the large loft apartment.
Leon keeps flicking his thumb over your clit as he pumps his finger in and out of you, you grip onto his bicep so hard you think you might draw blood, again.
"What if I just..." he says lowly as he removes his finger, quickly adding a second one. "...do this?" you practically moan out, it's pathetic really because it's not even his cock that's got you like this.
It's two of his fingers pumping in and out of your drenched hole, stretching you out and making you edge closer to the second orgasm.
"Daddy! Please don't stop! Feels s' good." You say, biting your lip, your back arching off the couch as he finger fucks you into oblivion. You babble more about his fingers pumping in and out of you.
"My cock is going to feel so good inside of you, sweetheart." He whispers into your ear, his words spurring you on as you feel your second release coming up. You release a pornographic moan as he curls his fingers.
"Please! Please! Please, daddy. Need you inside me so bad." you whine as you feel your second orgasm rapidly approaching. He presses more kisses into your neck as he groans.
"Gonna fuck your tight little hole so good, baby. You'll be feeling it for days." He rasps into the skin of your neck as he speeds the movement of his fingers, his thumb assaulting your clit.
His words making you clench against his fingers with trembling thighs, you grab harder onto his bicep as you reach your second release, "Fuck! I'm -- coming!" You pathetically moan.
"Good girl, drenching my fingers." He coos as he presses a featherlight kiss onto her jaw. He slowly works you down from your orgasm, slowing down his fingers as you finally catch your breath.
Your chest rises and falls, feeling like you just ran a marathon. Leon pulls his fingers out of you with a languid groan as he sits back, keeping eye contact with you.
Two drenched fingers rise as you look at them with a small whimper, he smirks a little before putting them into his mouth, sucking your release off of his fingers.
"Sweet, just as I thought." He softly says, leaning back over you, slotting himself between your hips. He braces himself on either side of your head as he presses his lips to yours.
You moan into his mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue as he sloppily kisses and licks your lips, your arms chaining around his neck.
You sloppily make out for a few seconds, moaning and groaning from you both are the only sounds heard in the loft apartment. His clothed erection makes contact with your sensitive core again, making you clutch onto his lips tighter, whimpering.
"Please, I want...I want it." you say softly, begging him in a whine as you try to meet his erection that keeps brushing up against your clit.
Something dark gleams in Leon's eyes as he looks at you, seeing you all pathetic, whining underneath him for his cock. "Ask me, very nicely baby. Maybe I'll consider fucking you good." He says with an evil sort of grin as he teases her. He was going to fuck her anyways but teasing her was just part of the fun.
She whimpered as she looked up at him, "Don't make me."
Leon smirks down at her grabbing a hold on her chin, forcing her to look right into his eyes, blue and daring as he looks at her. "You'll ask nicely or not get anything at all." He says in a stern voice, holding onto her jaw with a strong hand. "Is that clear?"
Fuck. Me.
She feels her drenched core throb at his voice, so stern and demanding making her nod her head vigorously. "Yes, daddy." She says as she looks up at him, biting her lip.
He nods with a smirk, "good, now ask." He removes his hand from her chin, making sure her eyes are still locked on his. She swallows a little and tries to gain what's left of her breath to ask him.
The silence hangs as she utters the words, they both need to hear, "Please fuck me, daddy." she asks softly as she looks into his eyes. She didn't know how much longer she could last, the arousal was getting uncomfortable at this point.
Luckily, she wouldn't have to wait much longer, Leon's face spread into a mischievous smirk. "Good girl." He says with a small squeeze to her ass.
Woah, when did his hands get there? Fuck.
You practically mewl at his praise, he props himself up back up on his knees, still in between your thighs. You watch as he undoes his belt, pulling his pants down to reveal his hard on in his boxers. She whimpers and tries to grab for it to touch it, he moves her hand away.
"No, no. If you do that, I'll cum without you. Hands off." He says sternly and you nod at him, biting your lip as you obey him. "Sorry, Daddy." she says softly.
He smiles at you gently as he pushes his boxers down, his cock springing free. She swallows and looks from it to his face, practically drooling.
Holy shit, oh my god...
"It's okay baby, I'll give you what you want." He says as he caresses her face with his hand, you lean into the touch as he moves down to be on top of you again, his large cock brushing against your entrance causing you to whine pathetically.
"Oh, so whiny. Shhh, you'll get it. Be patient." He murmurs into your ear, hands resting on the couch pillow behind you. You had no choice but to wait, your hips bucked a little, trying to see past the teasing and desperately find some friction.
He reached down between you, grabbing his dick and running it through your wet and overstimulated pussy. "Daddy..." You find yourself whining again. He nudges the tip against your entrance, his large hand guiding it.
"Mmm, still so wet for me baby, good girl." He groaned into your ear as he let the tip nudge your opening and slip in a little. You moan softly, feeling the head of his cock in your pussy. "Please..." She whines, holding onto his bicep in a vice grip.
He chuckles in your ear, his voice soothing. "Okay, okay baby, no more teasing." He lets his hips move slowly inside of her, his dick stretching her out. The white heat burned but felt so good, your skin was on fire in the best way possible.
"Daddy." you whine as you bite down on your lip hard enough, your eyes squeezing shut as stars danced in your vision. She leaned her head back, lips parting in a silent scream. "So tight around me, fuck." He says in almost a low growl, nipping at your earlobe.
Your pussy would never be the same, he was sliding all the way in until the head of his dick hit your cervix. She whimpered and clawed at his arm, probably leaving scratch marks later, neither of them seemed to care right now.
He started moving his hips, hitting her deeper and deeper with each thrust. "God, yes. Fuck." He cursed into her ear as he fucked her hard and deep. "Daddy!" she moaned loudly, not even caring if the neighbors in the other loft apartments could hear them.
"So, fucking good, so good." He repeats into her ear, she clenches around him, feeling more arousal as his words spur her on more, her legs going to wrap around his hips, letting him go as deep and fast as he wants with her.
He takes the hint, slipping his hand under her dress, palming her tit over her bra. His hips moved faster as if he was a wild animal, hitting deep inside of her. She cries and whimpers around his cock as it hits that spot over and over.
"Daddy, daddy, mmm..." He was fucking the words right out of you. You couldn't even form any thoughts as he pounded into you. She felt something bubbling in her belly as he fucked her. She dug her fingernails into his skin, his face buried in her neck, licking and biting. "Daddy, not going to...last..." She whimpers as he presses a final bite to her neck.
He leans his head up to look at her as he pounds into her, she looks into his eyes, she sees how his face is scrunched up in pleasure as he pounds into you. "I know, you going to cum for daddy?" He asks in a small smirk, his face watching hers as she nods and starts to moan a little bit louder.
"Yes, gonna...gonna cum!" She moans out pathetically as he sees her whimpering and whining on his cock. He presses a bruising kiss to her lips, his hand holding onto her hips steadily as he keeps up his hips.
You moan into the kiss, letting him rail into her with no hesitation. "Cum for me baby." he whispers against her lips; she lets her eyes roll back as she finally releases on his cock. He groans as she cums around his cock, squeezing it and milking it with her pussy.
"Good girl, good girl." He says with a smirk as he continues fucking her through it to reach his own release. She whimpers and whines, holding onto him tighter and moaning. Eventually, he fills her up with his cum. He lets his hips stutter against hers, she lets her core tighten around his dick, sucking his cum in. "So good..."
He nods with a soft and simple smirk, leaning down to press a kiss against her lips. "You did good, very good." You feel yourself melt at him and his words as he pulls away, slipping out of you. You both moan softly at the loss, your eyes lazily falling shut.
His cum mixed with yours drips out of your stretched entrance, he tucks himself back in his boxers and pants, climbing off the couch. "Stay there, I'll clean you up." Leon says in a soft smile as he walks out of sight for a second before coming back with a washcloth and wiping your shared mess up.
The washcloth makes contact with her sensitive clit, causing her to jerk away a little. He puts a supportive hand on your knee, gently rubbing circles on it. "It's okay, shh." He says soothingly.
She nods at him dumbly, watching him with lazy eyes as he gets up and puts the washcloth in the laundry room, tossing it on the floor. He comes back and sits beside your open legs, he grabs your underwear, slipping them back over your legs, you lift your hips and let him cover your core completely.
"C'mere." He motions for you to move closer next to him, she gets up and weakly moves over, resting her head on his lap. Leon looks down at you, playing with your hair. "Feel better now?" He asks you simply, being gentle with his touches.
"Much better." you reply. And you think that you just might be.
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mochabeanzz · 1 year
hello! pls read before you follow ♡
minors dni ♡ 18+ only ♡ put your age in your bio or you'll be blocked!
also dni if you're racist, sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, a terf, a swerf, etc. etc. etc. i do not tolerate bigotry of any kind + you'll be blocked!
cw for hard kinks: cnc, somno, knifeplay, etc. (lmk if there's anything else i should add here)
25 ♡ they/them ♡ queer femme ♡ disabled ♡ vegan ♡ taken + not interested
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chocotonez · 11 months
skz as love languages pt4: quality time
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a/n: I’ve been recovering well! Thank you for all your sweet messages <3 I hope all those in America enjoyed the Fourth of July celebrations! I love the fireworks.
cw/genre: swearing, fluff, touch of angst but that’s ok mainly light hearted fluff :) gn reader, lmk if anything else should be tagged!
summary: skz showing and receiving love through quality time !!
my link to the 1k june special masterlist -> W(`0`)W
-chan is a busy man and he knows that, but he’ll never prioritize work over you
-if he’s away on performances or touring he’ll call you before and after each stage and ask what you thought, if you ate, what you plan on doing that day…
-he’s a lot more talkative than he lets on, when you two are sitting across from each other he can’t help but ramble about his ambitions, dates he wants to take you on, he just really loves talking to you no matter what it’s about
-he likes being near you whether awake or not, so don’t be surprised when a half asleep kangaroo is desperately clinging to your waist so you stay in bed with him a moment longer
-he really doesn’t like leaving you behind or making you feel lonely, it’s just one of the things that come with his job so he ensures every second he can spend with you is worthwhile
-but he also really enjoys lazy dates!! staying at home and cuddling to watch a movie with you, he doesn’t really care what you two do as long as he’s with you
-looks at you so fondly when you two are just relaxing together, being near you makes every second without you worthwhile <3
-probably the type to run back to your shared apartment so he can give you another kiss on the cheek and spend another second with you, he just can’t get enough!!
lee know
-enjoys your company more than you know but he’s honestly kinda bad at expressing it, especially at first
-you can tell he loves being around you because he always seeks you out, even if he teases you for being clingy, he’s a 10000x more clingy than you I swear
-“wtf r u obsessed with me…why are u always following me…” but he’s tagging behind you like a lost puppy if you decide to get up just to go use the washroom
-wants to be alone with you, purely so he can indulge himself in you entirely and gets your whole, undivided attention
-can get moody if he doesn’t see you for a while, even FaceTimes and calls doesn’t scratch the y/n itch, he pays for your plane tickets just so you can visit him while he’s touring
-if you two are together he NEEDS to be touching you!! Holding your hand, hand on your thigh, stroking your hair or you stroking his head, randomly kissing you when you two are idly on your phones…he’s obsessed with being near you and touching you
-physical touch and quality time just go hand in hand for him <33
-he really does adore being with you, your company is one of his biggest comforts, sometimes he’ll randomly pull up outside your apartment so he can just spend the night in your arms when he needs to see you
-“pls come over I need to see you” “we saw each other like ten minutes ago binnie” “it wasn’t enough!!”
-so so so clingy especially when you first two start dating, he gets so excited to see you and so he’ll always call and ask if he can come over or if you two can hang out
-he doesn’t mean to be annoying or anything it’s just your presence :( it’s one of his greatest joys to have you around
-begs you to be at the studio when he’s working so you be near him, he also just likes hearing your opinions on new projects or whatnot
-is always talking when you two are together, even if you’re both about to go to bed, he’ll lazily ramble about his day and ask you how you’ve been and his favorite things about you…just always needs to talk!!
-type of boyfriend to always asks to do mundane tasks together and never gets bored, even grocery shopping with you is his ideal date
-needs excitement so expect spontaneous dates that involve walking around downtown and exploring new karaoke bars or whatnot, food touring new restaurants, new experiences with you is one of his favorite forms of quality time :)
-expect him to ask for a movie night date or a sleepover in the studio every now and again tho, he just needs the comfort and stability of a familiar environment and one of his fave people <3
-spends time with you quietly, he doesn’t feel the need to fill time with you with mindless chatter, as long as you’re next to him he doesn’t give a shit what’s happening
-lazily reclines on the couch and gestures for u to come over and sit on his lap,,,,just so you two can scroll on your phone
-he’s like a kitty cat!! you can practically hear him purring on your shoulder when you two are just sitting on the couch
-spends time with you very unprompted or spontaneous dates, doesn’t really make thought out plans. he sees something cool and he just texts you “hey baby doll, wanna check out this new cafe with me?" and obvs you say yes becuz ur in love w ur boyfriend!!!
-he doesn’t make it obvious but he cherishes every second he gets to spend with you, especially since he’s working a lot. he likes to randomly call and check in if he’s abroad so he can hear your voice, and he always sends voice messages so you can hear his :)
-makes long eye contact, sometimes to make you flustered, other times just because he really likes admiring you and observing your beauty for uncomfortable periods of time but gets flustered if you calls him out LMAO
-more of a listener than a talker, he’ll be happy to hear about your day but let him enjoy your voice and lean back and he can die a happy man <:
-he gets very very excited when you want to willingly spend time with him, it makes him feel so loved and appreciated!!
-the idea that you take time out of your day to spend time with him makes him so blushy and happy, but he’s not as eccentric and energetic when spending time with you as he may seem
-he can play up his playful personality just so he can get a reaction and make others smile, but he’s very comfortable being more introverted and quiet around you, laying his head on your shoulder and playing with your fingers while enjoying your company and warmth
-type of boyfriend to cup your face and give you a long kiss after not seeing you for a long time ToT GOD I LOVE HIMWOEPDPWOEO
-needs a solid hour before bed just being next to you, cuddling and singing soft lullabies while rambling till the room is filled with soft snoring
-plans the BEST date nights especially after not seeing you for a while, movies, cafes, parks, shared skincare routines or shopping trips, he make sure you have just as much fun as he does when you two are hanging out
-he always puts time aside for you so you can hang out whenever he can, he never wants you to feel like a second priority :(
-type of boyfriend to surprise you with flowers and a date proposition just because he missed you
-he’s always yearning for you when he’s gone, if he’s away from you for too long he always gets a bit sentimental and sends voice messages reassuring you that u two are gonna hang out TONS when he comes back!!
-he likes long train rides/drives with you, especially road trips! Feels comfortable sitting in your company doing nothing but enjoying scenery
-likes baking with you, sings softly and teases you if you get better on yourself and giggles all cutesey GAWDDDD I CANT DO THISSS
-he gives you his undivided attention when you’re talking, makes sure you feel like you’re being heard and feels so loved when you do the same
-it means a lot to him when you understand his busy schedule, esp if you go out of your way to message and call without him asking so you two can at least talk even tho ur miles away
-cuddling w u is another priority when you two hang out, hands wrapped around your waist and him brushing hair out of your face or peppering kisses over your face so he can get a better look at you
-god every second with you he wishes could be an hour :( he loves being around you
-type of boyfie to really like taking naps with you I feel like idk why
-even if it’s uncomfortably hot, spooning with you and being tucked under the blankets is one of his fave ways to spend time with you
-gets a bit needy without your attention but he also craves his independence so a lot of times your quality time is spend outside on dates or walking around parks!!
-spends hours with you in a cafe just talking meaninglessly about any conversation topic he can come up with
-he also really likes walking tv shows or movies with you, likes to get a new experience when he hangs out with you!!
-he’s really loving and open to whatever you want to do as well, he just wants to be stimulated sometimes and so he can get a little bored if you two aren’t doing anything
-tells you lots of little fun stories to keep you entertained especially when you two are just chilling in bed hehe
-kisses your forehead and holds you close if he hasn’t seen you for a while, and he can get a bit sentimental. he’s not very open about how much he misses you but he always craves your presence </3
-but don’t expect him to admit it LMAO he gets flustered if you call him out for being cheesy, it’s not his fault he loves being around you
-“come outside I’m bored and wanna hang out” is a frequent text you receive from him every few hours especially in the late hours of night
-if you two are private about your relationship he really appreciates the cover of night to keep you two safe from any unwanted attention lolol
-he loves spending time with you and will literally cancel work plans so he can go on a date with you or smth
-gets blushy if you want to go out of your way to spend time with him, he feels like you’re just such an angel and u wanna go out of ur way to spend time with HIM??? he goes batshit crazy. loves it. loves you.
-cuddles with you on the couch, legs wrapped around your waist with your head tucked into the crook of his shoulder, telling you about his day and asking you random questions just to ramble and talk with you
-he loves the sound of your voice, he’ll randomly call you no matter the time-zone he’s in so you can hear you talk
-with his job, it’s hard for him to be so needy for your presence while also being away, pls be patient it’s not his fault he’s a clingy fox baby hehe
-but also expect him to come over at random hours of the day so he can cuddle and listen to you talk, no matter if ur preoccupied or not :)
taglist: @chansburgah @hamburgers101 @spacegirlstuff @mxrivicgb @endless-tsundoku
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medphieldphannies · 7 days
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Welcome to @medphieldphannies!!!
A little phousekeeping before we start…
Like I said in the sign-up form (copy-pasting, yup), the purpose of this blog is to give us a space where we can yap about dnp together while also motivating/supporting each other bc life can get rough, especially in this field of work. That being said, my ONE requirement is everybody please be kind!! I know this stuff (*cough* premed Reddit *cough*) can get negative and competitive. But I also see how all y'all interact on here, in the phandom space, and that gives me faith that y'all are really kind and welcoming people, so I'm not too worried. 🧡
It would be really nice if each of you on the sideblog can introduce yourselves, if you're comfortable with it? Nothing too major, just:
name & pronouns
premed/med student/etc.(like on the sign-up form)
a little something about when/why you started watching dnp? or anything dnp-related lol
anything else you feel like adding!
Also, I'm a sucker for organizational tags! So I had a few ideas for categories but pleaseee lmk what you think/what's missing/what should be taken out bc at the end of the day this is *our* blog together.
Tags so far:
Asks = #phielding questions
Possible categories:
Advice/career-related stuff (like a #srs bsnss tag?)
dnp x med jokes & memes
idk man, that's all i got... pls help 😂
Ok, I think that covers it for now!! I'm going to be adding people to the sideblog shortly, but if you come across this later and want to join as a blog member, sign up here!
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / part two
another painful chapter. I’m very very sorry... kinda :/ 
as always pls lmk what you think and if you want to be added to the tag list!!!
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new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ sersesin x reader / part two
add yourself to my taglist
prologue - part one
word count: 4.2k
warnings: language, drinking, mentions of surgery, medical inaccuracies (all of my medical knowledge comes from grey’s anatomy) angst :(
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Semesters came and went, Christmases and Thanksgivings, late night parties and commendation ceremonies. Time was moving quicker than you maybe wanted it to, suddenly you blinked and undergrad was over… you blinked again and you were flying through medical school. That boy from molecular biology turned into your boyfriend and Matt was fine… he really was, you couldn’t find anything wrong with him no matter how hard you tried. Sure, he was a little self-centered but as you had found out there was only one man who wasn’t intimidated by your drive, there was only one man who celebrated you when you were off to medical school before anyone else, and there was only one man whose opinion you actually gave a damn about… which is why standing there in your apartment holding a letter accepting you into Massachusetts General’s residency program there was only one person you wanted to talk to.
“Hey, J, what’s up?” Jake answered as you propped your phone against your water bottle on your kitchen counter… you didn’t say anything, you only stood staring at the paper in your hands as he watched you through the screen, “what is that?”
“Jake…” you started, emotions clouding your voice and your hands shaking.
“No way,” he said and you heard clattering on his end, him telling people to shut up. “Tell me that’s what I think it is.”
“Mass Gen, Jake. I’m going to be a resident at Mass Gen,” you said, giggling as you held the paper up for him to see and he cheered on the other end, his smile illuminating your whole phone screen. “I’m moving to Boston.”
“You’re moving to Boston! What did Matt say?” he asked and you set the paper aside as you slid into a bar stool.
“Haven’t told him,” you replied and Jake gave you a look.
“You told me first?” He ran a hand through his hair, “well, I’m flattered but I’m not the first person you should have told.”
“He’s in class… and he’s going to tell me not to take it,” you sighed.
“Why on earth would he do that?”
“Because it’s the hardest residency program there is, it’s going to bruise his little baby ego,” you said with a laugh and Jake just shook his head. “I’m breaking up with him… there’s no point anymore.”
“You sure that’s what you want?” he asked, though he was certain it was what he wanted… he didn’t like Matt, never did. Where you cut him slack for his insecurities, Jake didn’t. Sly comments under his breath at your undergrad graduation and eye rolls when Jake came to town went overlooked by you, but not by Jake and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been hoping and praying for your relationship’s demise… not because he wanted your relationship to fail, not at all, but if you were going to be with anyone other than him than they needed to be great. Supportive, encouraging, secure enough in themselves to not get butthurt at your every accomplishment and Matt just wasn’t those things. He wasn’t good enough for you and everyone knew it. And so you broke up with Matt, packed up your shared apartment and met Jake in Boston who took a short leave to help you get settled into your new place. 
“Hell of a view, Jupiter,” he said, standing in front of your bedroom window that directly overlooked the hospital.
You beamed, “I know,” but when you met his eyes you realized he was joking and your face fell, “oh. Well, this is my dream view. The next year of my life is going to be hell but at least being a minute away from the hospital means I’ll always be the first to answer a page which hopefully means cool surgeries.”
“You’re such a weirdo,” he chuckled, crossing the empty room to wrap you in a hug, “but you’re my weirdo and I’m so proud of you.” This was all you had ever wanted and Jake thought back to the day the two of you made the hardest decision to enter the next phases of your lives unattached, the way you’d scolded him for not assuming you’d end up here in Boston. He knew you would, you were a lot of things and true to your word was one of them… if you said you were going to do something, well that was that. 
And it was hell, your intern year all but chewed you up and spit you out. You spent countless hours running around the hospital trying to keep up with all of the residents and attendings, anticipating their moves and trying to impress them and stay on their good side… which was nearly impossible because interns were the rats of the hospital. And that was okay with you, you were learning so much it felt like your brain was simply going to explode with all the new information being crammed in on a daily basis. It didn’t matter if the attendings were annoyed with you, despite what they said or how they treated you, you were the favorite. Nobody knew the surgical floor like you did, not even the nurses and that meant you logged more OR hours than any other intern. 
“I literally don’t understand how you do it,” Holly said from beside you at the bar, “the attendings love you, did I tell you Dr. Adams kicked me out of his OR today because I wasn’t you?” 
You chuckled, “yeah, I got that page.” 
“And he got mad at me because you didn’t show up.” she grumbled.
“I had another surgery!” you protested and she shot you a glare.
“Again, I literally don’t understand how you do it.”
“Look, it’s not your fault… this is what, the first time I’ve been at the bar in weeks? You guys are here after every shift, sleeping around, making first-day mistakes a year in… oh wait, it is your fault,” you smirked, sipping your beer and she just softly hit your shoulder. “You gotta buck up, you can’t just stand around meekly after rounds waiting to get assigned to a case. That surgery I was in today? Removing a tumor we honestly had no business removing from someone’s brain, and I sure as hell didn’t get it twiddling my thumbs waiting for Dr. Harris to pick me.”
“What the fuck,” she sighed. “All I was doing with Adams was an appy.”
“You were assisting on an appy?” you asked and she nodded, “this is what I mean, Hol, I’ve done appys, that’s probably why Adams wanted me so he could fuck around and read the paper. You heard what the chief said on our first day. Don’t be the intern that washes out, it’s bad for my brand,” you teased. Your phone started ringing in your pocket and you pulled it out to see an incoming facetime from Jake and you propped him up on the bar as you answered.
“Jupiter! Are you in a bar?” he asked and you nodded, “same!” he said, twisting his phone around to show you some of his pilot friends and you chuckled.
“What are you doing calling me when you’re out and about?”
“Coyote missed you,” he said, panning the camera towards him and you beamed.
“I miss you too, Coyote, Jake lies to me so how was the mission?” 
“All good, nothing to report,” he said and you narrowed your eyes.
“Yeah, you lie too, that’s exactly what he told me. Give me back to Jake.”
“Right here, angel,” he said and you flushed.
“Guess what I scrubbed in on today?” 
“Hmm… something really cool that’s going to make me nauseous?” he replied and you chuckled.
“A massive brain tumor, Jake!” Holly exclaimed from beside you, “fucking brain tumor, I hate you,” she grumbled, getting up and joining everyone else at the dartboard while you just laughed. 
“She’s cranky, all she did today was assist on an appy,” you explained.
“How big was it?” he asked and you held your hand up to gesture about the size of a golf ball. “Disgusting,” he muttered.
“God, it was huge, you don’t think of something that big being able to exist in someone’s brain! And it was smart, Jake, like truly brilliant. It was a pain in the ass to remove, I honestly thought it was a hopeless case, thought at the very least we were going to leave her blind or mute or paralyzed but we didn’t.” This is how your days usually went, you’d facetime Jake when you had a spare moment and traumatize him with the gory details of the latest surgery you’d seen, or catch him up on hospital drama while he told you all about the newest flight maneuvers he was learning or which person on his squad was the dud. You’d never forget the day he called while you were in the gallery, observing surgery and studying, and when you flipped the phone around to show him the exposed heart he grew pale and threw up into a trash can.
Coyote told you that you needed to call more, said Jake (or Hangman as he called him) was in a much better mood when you did and you promised you would but… it was hard, your schedules never aligned. You were always in surgery, or prepping for surgery, or studying for the intern exam, or passed out in an on-call room somewhere and he was usually halfway around the globe in a cockpit, or on some base across the country training. These moments were rare, the moments where one of you called and it didn’t go unanswered, every time you saw him on your tiny screen you felt like Jake looked different, and he felt the same. Stress had worn you both down, your careers had hardened you and it showed.
Life only got harder after your intern year, you had your own interns to babysit and more responsibilities and Jake was quickly becoming the best pilot in the Navy which meant more deployments and longer deployments. Each year passed with new patients and new places for Jake to ship out to. Your parents had come to visit you for Thanksgiving and you’d ended up sneaking them into the gallery to watch you assist in removing a turkey carver that was lodged in someone’s arm… Christmas was a no-go with the amount of fall injuries and ornaments in places ornaments shouldn’t be and it was the same for Jake. He’d tried time and time again to come see you, he’d promised you the gallery facetime was a one-off, he just hadn’t been prepared to see a heart like that, he wanted you to sneak him in so he could see his best friend in action but it just never worked out. A deployment always came up, and you were always so busy you rarely responded to the text until a full forty-eight hours later.
“What do we got?” you asked as you entered the trauma bay, taking the chart from a nurse and reading it over.
“25 year old GSW to the chest, immediate return of 860 cc’s of blood, losing more by the second.” 
“Chest films?” you asked, taking the scans and holding them up to the light, “damn it,” you motioned one of your interns over, “what do you see?” you asked.
“It’s pressing against his heart,” they answered and you nodded. The on-call trauma surgeon entered the bay and you gave him a verbal assessment of the patient and he nodded as he handed the films back. 
“Run point, page me if you need me,” he said as he moved to leave.
“Wait, sir- run point? I’ve never run a trauma-”
“In three hours you won’t be able to say that anymore,” he answered, “you’ve got this, Jupiter. Page if you need anything,” he replied as he left the room. 
You looked to the nurse beside you, “did that just…?” she nodded. “Okay, uh… we’ve gotta move. Call up to OR four, tell them we’re coming and to load up on O-neg, page cardio, have them meet us there. Let’s move people, and carefully, that bullet is one jostle away from tearing his heart apart.” you ordered as your intern looked at you with wide eyes.
“There are no cardio surgeons on call, Williams is in surgery for the next few hours,” he said and you looked at him expectantly.
“Okay, so what are you going to do?” you asked, gesturing for the team to take him to the OR and prep him, and the intern looked at you like a deer caught in the headlights as he looked side to side over the ER as if he was looking for a lifeline. “Dr. Samuels, I am asking you what are you going to do for your patient?” you asked again.
“I don’t uh- can we wait? We can-” 
“Can we wait? There is a bullet lodged in that man's chest and you want to wait for Dr. Williams?” you raised your voice now, looking at him incredulously. You sighed when he realized he wasn’t going to get it, “get Dr. Kerr on the phone now. Give him the patient history and tell him we need cardio, I will page trauma and we’ll get him opened up. He needs to hit the ground running when he gets here.” you said and he nodded as he stood there. “What part of now do you not understand? Go!” you said, sighing forcefully as he scurried away and you ran a hand over your forehead as you felt a hand tug on your elbow and you turned to meet those green eyes you loved so much. 
“Hey, rockstar,” he said with a bright smile and your eyes widened as you wrapped your arms around him, careful not to let your gloves touch him, and you pulled them away and discarded them as he let you go.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, motioning for him to move with you as you headed for the elevators. 
“Finished my mission, got some last minute leave and thought I’d come see you. You are a hardass, Jupiter,” he chuckled.
“You saw that?” you asked sheepishly as you hit the buttons for the OR floor and the gallery floor. “I want nothing more than to leave with you right now but, I…” you trailed off and he just nodded.
“You’re saving lives, I knew you’d be busy, I just wanted you to know I was here.” he said and you smiled up at him as the doors opened.
“Okay, uh… I can’t go with you, I need to be scrubbed like twenty minutes ago, follow this hallway, find the gallery for OR four, if anyone asks you’re a med student from Baylor.” you directed, kissing his cheek as you pushed him out of the elevator and frantically pressed the close button. You bounced from foot to foot as you scrubbed, truly only thinking about the moment you could leave this hospital and finally spend some time with Jake.
“Dr. Jupiter, good call on paging Dr. Kerr, knew you could handle running point, he’ll be here shortly,” the trauma surgeon said as you entered the OR and smiled beneath your mask at the scrub nurse who held out gloves for you.
“You do know that’s not actually my name, right sir?” you asked, stepping up to the patient.
“It’s got a good ring to it…” he said with a chuckle and really you didn’t mind… truthfully you didn’t care what people called you as long as it had doctor in front of it. The surgery was seamless, well about as seamless as removing a bullet from someone's chest could be, and when Dr. Kerr scrubbed in he even let you pull it out.
“Have you given any thought to a specialty?” he asked as he instructed you to close the patient. 
“Yes sir, I’m starting my applications for trauma fellowships,” you answered and he nodded.
“Good. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to steal you as my cardio fellow when the time comes, you’re great with hearts but you’ve got a knack for handling stressful situations. We can teach you how to throw a whip stitch and remove tumors but we can’t teach you how to stay calm.” 
“Thank you, sir.” you replied as you smiled under your mask.
“I’ll monitor the patient post op, you go ahead and get out of here,” he said and you started to shake your head.
“That’s okay, Dr. Kerr… you weren’t even on call, I don’t mind.” 
“Go get that boy from the gallery and enjoy your night… there will be plenty of time to make up for it when you’re my age.” he replied.
“Sir, I- I’m sorry-” you started but he just chuckled.
“Your secret is safe with me… snuck my wife in several times during residency. Now go,” he repeated and you nodded as you stepped back and began removing your gown and gloves. 
You motioned up to Jake as you exited the room and met him on the gallery floor where he all but tackled you in a hug, “holy shit, Jupiter, that was insane.” he said and you giggled as he lifted you from the floor. When he set you down you tugged his arm to follow you as you made your way to the residents lounge to change out of your scrubs and grab your belongings, answering every one of his excited questions about the surgery as you went.
“So, what would you have done if the bullet actually punctured his heart?” he asked and you chuckled as your friends all looked at you questioningly.
“Well, in that case we would have relied on the films to tell us how far it had gone and what exactly was compromised but other than that we would just have to figure it out as we go… GSW’s are all unique and there’s no real way to prepare for them, you just gotta deal with what comes up.”
“Is this one of the med students from Baylor?” Jordan asked, another third-year like you.
You shook your head with a laugh, “no, this is Jake, my best friend.” you introduced and Jake extended his hand.
“The infamous Jake, I guess you’re who we have to thank for everyone calling this one Dr. Jupiter,” he said and Jake looked at you, chest swelling with pride.
“Do they really call you that?”
“They sure do, I meant it when I told you that nickname really stuck.” 
“We’re all headed out for a drink, do you guys want to join?” Jordan asked and you shook your head.
“Maybe tomorrow night, if you’ll be here?” you asked, smiling when Jake nodded. “No offense but I spent eighty hours a week with you and I haven’t seen this one outside of a screen in too long.” You felt like you had floated the entire way home, laughing with Jake like it was old times except it wasn’t… he had just watched you in surgery and surprised you with a visit on his first time stateside in months. He’d kissed your cheek before you jumped in the shower and ordered pizza the same way he always did back home, but when you got out he’d shown you photos of his F/18 and a video he took from the air. Looking at him now he was all grown up, his muscles had filled out and there was an edge to him he never had before… and as he looked at you he thought the same thing. You’d grown into yourself, and he could tell just by looking at you that you’ve seen a lot in your short time as a resident. You’d gone on a giggly late night beer run but instead of sneaking into his parents garage you were walking the streets of Boston and pointing out all of the sights as you went, taking him the long way instead of to the convenience store just down the block.
“So, I’m starting to apply for fellowships for next year,” you said as you sipped your beer next to him on the couch. 
“Anywhere cool?” he asked and you nodded.
“Baylor is an option, they’ve got an amazing facility but I don’t know how I feel about going back to Texas,” you chuckled, “right now San Diego is at the top of my list.” 
He smiled softly, “we keep just missing each other,” he said and you cocked your head in confusion. “When I leave here in a few days I’m headed back to Top Gun.”
“Top Gun? What, did they realize you failed the first time?” you teased and he shook his head.
“Something about a top secret mission, I don’t know anything yet but it’s probably pretty serious if they’re sending me back there for new training,” he said and you nodded in understanding.
“You know… I’m really good at college applications, it’s not too late to be a doctor in a safe hospital, I promise it’s just as exhilarating as flying a plane.” you tried and he laughed at your effort.
“Sweetheart, don’t get me wrong… I loved watching you in action today but I was so close to throwing up several times, I mean his heart was just… out there in the open, and you were touching it with your bare hands.”
“I was gloved,” you interjected.
“Same difference,” he replied, “besides, you can’t speak to the exhilaration of flying a plane until you’ve done it.”
“That’ll be the day,” you laughed, finishing your beer and setting it on the coffee table. “No more work stuff… how are things on the personal front?” you asked, but it was clear what you were really asking.
“That was subtle,” he chuckled and you just shrugged. “Dating isn’t exactly easy with what I do… no one sticks around past their first deployment… and I get it, it’s a lot to ask of someone,” he said and you nodded. 
“Hangman, the notorious ladies man,” you said and he narrowed his eyes at you.
“You’ve been talking to Coyote,” he accused and you laughed.
“Worried I’m going to steal your second best friend?”
“Incredibly worried, if it’s a competition I’m sure as hell not winning,” he said and you laughed again.
“From what I hear Hangman would never admit to being incapable of winning something…” he just shook his head at you.
“You know, I kinda like hearing you use my callsign…”
“Is that so?” he nodded, “well don’t get used to it, I think it’s silly… and I can’t wrap my head around it, you leaving people hanging? Just seems so unlike you.”
“It’s a different world,” he shrugged, but you knew there was more to it he wasn’t sharing. You weren’t going to press.
“Is Jupiter like, my callsign?” you asked and he nodded again. “Look at me, like a cool pilot with a callsign.” you picked up your phone as it dinged on the coffee table and squealed in delight, “guess who got their shift covered tomorrow?” 
“You didn’t have to do that,” he sighed and you shook your head.
“I see you, what, twice a year? Maybe three times if we’re lucky? There are a lot of people who owe me for covered shifts and I’m just cashing in. Besides, what would you have done? Wander around Boston all sad and lonely, or even worse wander around the hospital all sad and lonely?”
“Why in both scenarios am I sad and lonely?” 
You ignored the question, “come on, off to bed. You need your beauty rest for all the fun we’re going to get up to tomorrow.” you said, standing and tugging him from the couch. As you melted into him beneath the covers you felt your heart ache… you missed this. The two of you hadn’t been intimate together since that hotel room in Annapolis, you’d decided it would be for the best if you didn’t after a breakdown on your part at the airport and it was the right call. It made each departure just the slightest bit easier but you missed him in every sense. You missed the way his arms wrapped around you, encasing you in warmth and safety, and you missed the way his breath fanned over your face.
“Do you ever wish we weren’t so ambitious?” he asked and you opened your eyes to look up at him.
“All the time.” 
“Life’s easier when you’re not… I look at my sisters and I wonder how they’re content to live the life they do but I realized it’s not about the job or the success for them, they built families and that’s why they’re happy.” 
“I don’t think we would be though.” you replied, and as much as it hurt you to admit, you truly believed that.
You shook your head before laying back down on his chest, “no. I’ve thought about it, quite a lot actually… one of us following a less demanding career path, and in every scenario the one who did ends up resenting the one who didn’t.” 
“You’re probably right,” he mused. “Do you think we’ll ever get our moment again?”
You sighed softly, “I don’t know… I hope we do.”
“Me too, sweetheart… me too.”
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previous part / next part
taglist: @mamaskillerqueen​ @clancycucumber230​ @the-romanian-is-bae​ @dempy​ @alldaysdreamers @zzsloth @emma8895eb​ @novagreen04 @classyunknownlover​
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1ovewoo · 1 year
hate sex w/ wooyoung ♡
cw/tags: gn reader, hate sex, rough sex, jealousy, slapping, spitting, degradation, name calling (bitch, slut), choking, mentions of san, lightly implied mentions of woosan, if i missed anything pls lmk!
note: this is my first time writing smut so uhh hopefully it's not horrible</3 hope u enjoy and i appreciate any feedback!
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“Fuck,” Wooyoung pants, his eyes drooping, nearly closed as he watches you bounce on top of him, hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise.
As much as he hated to admit it, you looked gorgeous, skin flushed and sweaty, your hair mussed from him yanking it earlier, your eyes flaming with lust and disdain for the man beneath you.
You slow to a grind, raising a hand and slapping Wooyoung across the face, just hard enough for his head to whip to the side and the sting to shoot straight to his cock. He gasps and moans at the impact and you slap him once more, starting to bounce on him again and dragging your nails down his pecs, angry red marks left in their wake.
“You’re pathetic,” You purr, leaning over him to look in his eyes and admiring the pink flush starting to form on Wooyoung’s cheek from your hand, “What would Sannie think if he saw you like this, moaning like a bitch underneath me?”
Wooyoung groans, the mention of your mutual best friend (and subsequently the source of your ire for each other) making his cock twitch inside of you.
From the moment he laid eyes on you, Wooyoung had decided that he didn’t like you. San always spoke so highly of you, talking about how kind and funny you were, how close the two of you had gotten so fast, an instant connection.
It pissed Wooyoung off to no end. San was his best friend, they were practically soulmates, no one else should be in the picture. So when San started spending more time with you, and bringing you around to hang out with the members, Wooyoung hated it.
At first, you were nothing but polite to Wooyoung, but it didn’t take long for you to catch on to his disdain for you. It worried you at first, you of course wanted the members to like you, they were some of the most important people in San’s life. However, as time went on, Wooyoung’s hatred for you slowly began to make you angry, especially when he would flaunt his closeness with San and smirk at you behind San’s back every time San’s attention shifted from you to him. It’s not like you were ever trying to steal San away from him or something, but if Wooyoung wasn’t going to let up, then you were going to give as good as you got.
And now, you were here.
“Then again,” You continue to speak, not giving Wooyoung a chance to verbally respond, “You’d probably like that, hmm? You’re always so desperate for his attention, I’m sure you’d love for him to see how you let me slap you around; maybe you’d even want him to take a swing too.”
“Fuck you,” Wooyoung growled, snapping his hips up, a surprised moan forced out of you, “If you weren’t always hanging off of him like a stupid slut, I wouldn’t even have to ask and he’d be bending over backwards for me.”
Suddenly, Wooyoung's hands slide up to your waist and he flips you over so he’s the one on top now, his cock sinking even deeper into you as he presses your knees to your chest and begins pounding into you.
Whines and moans are forced from your lips, and you reach up to grip Wooyoung’s neck, squeezing at the sides and watching as his eyelids flutter from the pleasure and lack of oxygen.
While one of his hands stays gripping the back of your thigh, Wooyoung lifts the other to grab your jaw, squishing your cheeks together harshly to force your mouth open before he spits straight into it.
Your eyes momentarily roll into the back of your head at the taste of his saliva and the feeling of his cock nudging your sweet spot, an intense pleasure building in your abdomen as Wooyoung brings you closer to your release.
“I fucking hate you,” You bark, spitting straight back into Wooyoung’s face, the glob of your mixed saliva landing on his cheek and dripping down his jaw.
Wooyoung gives your cheek a quick slap and smirks, “And you’re still about to come on my cock, aren’t you?”
You were, as much as you hated to admit it, the tension in your body growing with each thrust into your slick hole.
“Fuck, fuck, Wooyoung,” You moaned, your eyes squeezing shut as Wooyoung’s head dipped so he could kiss and lick at your jaw and down your neck, the pace of his hips never relenting as your orgasm washes over you, white spots dancing behind your eyes as you gasp and ride the waves of intense pleasure.
As you begin to come down from your high, you let your eyes slide open again, gazing dazedly up at Wooyoung. He looked devastatingly handsome, brows furrowed and mouth agape, sweat dripping from his forehead and onto your cheek, your tongue darting out to lick the saltiness away.
A few thrusts later and Wooyoung reached his own climax, grinding into you as quick little moans slip out of his mouth, his eyes never leaving yours. It was strangely intimate, and you felt yourself clench around him, making Wooyoung's hips stutter again.
Finally, his movements slow to a halt and he sighs deeply, pulling out and collapsing on the bed beside you so the two of you can catch your breath.
“Mm, you think San would really take us up on an offer to join next time?” Wooyoung breathed out, causing you to roll your eyes but still contemplate.
You supposed a “next time” wouldn’t be so bad.
ty for reading! if you enjoyed this and would like to support my works please consider reblogging or checking out my masterlist!
© 1ovewoo 2023
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katsukidynam1ght · 3 months
“I’m not dead,” he says, but it still almost sounds like a question. “Not according to your vitals. Do you think you should be?” Katsuki seems to consider that for a moment, eyebrows creasing as he tries to think back. He winces. “Yeah. Probably.”
A long and convoluted Bakugou-centric angst fic nearly a year in the making. Featuring Aizawa and Yamada in their parental roles as well as a slow-burn relationship between Bakugou, Kirishima, and Midoriya. The first part of what will inevitably be a long series of angst and love. Remember: no matter how badly it hurts, it will turn out in the end. Tags will be added/altered as needed. Content warnings will be provided in the notes of each chapter. Please heed the warnings provided if you are sensitive to triggering content.
IT'S FINALLY HERE!! it's finally here. i'm really not sure i have anything else to say. i'll let the fic speak for itself.
if anyone wants added to the tag list lmk. pls
(tag list for updates and also help me reblog this pls: @vesterport @nielution @pancakemoment @wintosavesavetowin @sunflower-anatomy @kamiiin @epickiya722 @finnthemann @peternumber4 @justtorzaplease )
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penhoonie · 11 months
tell me what’s your wish !!
IN WHICH;; sunghoon doesn’t know what to get y/n for her bday (inspired by tomorrow x together’s wishlist)
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“ It's all going wrong // I might as well confess // I like you ,,
PAIRING: p.sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE: high school romance | fluff | bff to lovers
WORD COUNT: 0.9k words
WARNINGS: nothing but a little bit of cursing I think(? (lmk if there’s anything else pls)
A/N: I’ve been holding onto this since I opened my tumblr out of panic if it’s good enough or not :(( I hope to publish more often from now onwards ^^
Just like any other day, the guys were laying around in Jake’s living room, waiting for their turn to come while Niki’s and Heeseung’s game was taking more than expected.
— Are you planning to finish today? Because I might just leave, I have a present to buy— Sunghoon exclaimed after some other complaints from the boys.
— You haven’t bought y/n’s gift yet?— Sunoo gasped dramatically.
— Dude, you’re in problems— Jay added— Remember what she got you last year? She outdid all of us.
— Not me. I knew Noona’s present would be better, so I tagged along— Niki replied, his eyes still fixed on the tv screen.
— Yah, that’s not fair— it was Jungwon who talked this time —Noona always has the best ideas.
— Shut up, you all are making me feel guilty— Sunghoon interrupted.
— As you should— Sunoo answered, sassily— How come you haven’t got her anything? Her birthday it’s like what? Next week?
— In five days— he responded, almost in a whisper, while brushing his hair with his hand— The thing is, I’ve been meaning to trick her into telling me something she wants; but somehow I always get distracted— he confessed, frustrated.
— What if you just tell her that you have the biggest crush on her already— said Jake, while eating some jelly.
Sunghoon felt his face becoming hotter— W-what?— he stuttered.
— Hyung, we are not stupid, you obviously like noona— Jungwon spoke.
— And she likes you back— Heeseung added, finally winning the game. Sunghoon just blushed even more.
— Actually, it would be a gift to all of us having you two date— Jay commented.
— Yeah, it’s getting weirder being around when you get all lovey dovey— Niki agreed. In that moment, the boy buried his face in a pillowcase while the rest of the friend group kept making fun of him.
Sunghoon took a big breath before the class door. It was finally the day.
Although at first his friends’ words had sounded crazy to him, after putting some thought in the issue, he had realized they were right. Well, at least in some parts, since he was almost sure that the sentiments he felt towards his best friend were not reciprocate. But he was done holding himself back, he had taken the decision of confessing and nothing was stopping him.
Despite his determination, he started shaking the moment he saw the first person exiting the classroom. Regardless, he waited patiently, well aware that y/n usually took a long time during tests. He even saw Sunoo, who gave him a thumbs up before leaving.
— Sunghoon-ah! How can I have a worse luck, I just did horrible in that exam. And on my birthday!— he was spacing out, but the tension returned as soon as the well-known voice reached his ears.
— Hey. Are you okay?— the girl, now standing in front of him asked, preoccupied.
He quickly put on a smile —Yeah, sure. How could I be not okay if I’m here to pick you up for your birthday?
— I’ve just spoke to you informally and you are not angry at all?— she questioned back, rhetorically.
— That’s not- Wait. You did what?— his expression dropped, suddenly annoyed.
In a matter of seconds, they were running around the school; laughing while Sunghoon tried to catch the girl. They were already getting tired once they arrived to the backyard, when she tripped in the grass. He stepped out the pace, frightened.
— y/n! Are you okay?— he asked, bending over her. And before he could’ve realized, the younger had already dragged him towards the floor with her, laughing.
— You are a little disrespectful son of a-— he started rambling, sitting down beside her.
— Hoon— he was interrupted— Thanks. I thought that test would ruin my mood for the rest of the day, but you already made it so much better— she continued, encircling him with her arms— Seriously, thank you.
The boy became flustered under the physical contact. He moved backwards, slowly creating a distance between them; yet holding the younger one by the hands.
— y/n, there is something you need to know— he started, arousing her curiosity— And I don’t think I will be able to ever tell you if I don’t say it right now.
— Are you sure everything it’s okay? You’re scaring me— she responded, putting a hand on his shoulder.
— Yes! Yes. Just… I’ve been holding this for such a long time— he took what felt like the hundredth big breath of the day, rising his head to stare directly at his companion’s eyes— Shit, this is much more difficult than what Jake told me— the guy moaned while lying down on the ground and covering his face with his hands.
— I’m losing my patience, just tell me at once!— she exclaimed, hitting him on the side.
— Yah, that’s not how you treat someone who is confessing to you— he shouted back, instantly regretting it.
The silence grew between them. Sunghoon immediately stood up awkwardly, afraid of facing the younger who remained sat on the ground.
— That’s it?— she suddenly asked— That was the thing you were dying to tell?
— It may not be that important to you, but you could just say “I don’t like you back” instead of acting as if it was irrelevant— he sounded upset.
— Hoon, either you’re blind or just stupid— she laughed, walking towards him.
— Now I’m being insulted too?— he reclaimed, falsely resentful, his mood getting lighter with her giggling.
— Sunghoon! Can’t you tell already?— she smiled, standing right in front of him.
— I like you back, dumbass— that’s the last thing she said before dragging him on what became their first kiss.
@ penhoonie masterlist
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yuusaris · 6 months
@rochelle-echidna showed up in the thief king bakura tag cuz I follow it, doing a "post a couple paragraphs of your WIP" share-a-thon thing and said anyone who sees it could do it and I saw it and I wanna do it, I wanna I wanna I wannaaaaa!!!!!
tagging @millenniumringg, @justapalspal @nightingalejune and @ladymdc and anyone else who just wanna wanna wanna like meeeeeee
I'm obvs gunna do a few of these, obviously. I have too many WIP's not to share. I'm gunna do my lmk ones first, then the ygo's and I'll end on a very delayed WIP for rvb, mmkay? mmkay.
(Context: My last dump was to make way for this - a whole new plot and direction for a fic whose name doesn't suit it right now and is thus unrtitled - the idea is... well, honestly, this is almost all of the first chapter, so, it'll speak for itself.)
“Like a…bri-- a- a wife?” Macaque’s brow furrows. “You want to get married? You.”
“What’s that tone? I could get married if I want!” Wukong spits. “If I even want a queen - I mean, it’s not like we even need one.”
“Then why are you thinking about it?”
Wukong groans, “Well, everyone else’s got one!” and deflates at his status - the odd-king-out. “Bull’s totally gunna marry Jade Face, Peng and Tusk are saddled up, King of Confusion’s just got that new thing on his arm, even White Snake snagged herself some human to mack on-- Not that it matters!” Wukong defends - no, declares, because it is a fact. “Cuz I don’t need one just cuz everyone else is doing it, just - why’s everyone dipping on party time because of some spouse, what’s so important about them? Am I missing something here?”
“If you have to ask, you’re probably not ready for that kind of relationship--”
“Relationship, shmelationship, what’s that gotta do with anything?!” Wukong, just as he finishes, decides he doesn’t like the look on Macaque’s face either. “Y’know, for my right hand man, you’re not bein’ too helpful right now.”
--[Almost And Enough]---
(Context: My S4 Wukong In The Broken Scroll fic I've been working on sinceeeeee fffffuck, whenever it was S4 came out. I've been working on this all year and Chapter 1 IS done, but I want to finish the fic before I post. Either way, we've got a Wukong - currently not Wukong and therefore Monkey -deciding to share his Secret, that being, he's going to leave to find immortality. And he picks a very particular person to share it with first...) The Macaque looks to the sky, the trees, the fruits - as long as it’s not as his King. “The others should know.” Is his only, halting, response.
Monkey shrugs, shoulders hiking then rolling back in a way he hopes is cool. “I wanted to tell you first.”
“Why?” The Macaque asks with a dismissal that’s purely performative. “We’re not close just because we’re part of the same troop - We’re almost strangers, we’ve never even talked.”
Lies are sort of like secrets--
“You should tell the other mountain troops to merge with ours.” Monkey had suggested. “It makes no sense for us to hoard the cave when there’s others who need the shelter too!”
“I can do that,” replied the monkey, a macaque with three round ears to each side of his head. His face was a wild splatter of red with exciting flares, more extravagant than the smooth curves of Monkey’s peach-pink patch. “You’re King now, so...”
--but much less fun.
“Well, ‘almost’ isn't a stranger, is it?” Monkey grins when he finds a stick in the ground - almost a branch but just shy of earning the title. Absently, he answers as he slings it over one shoulder, “Besiiiides, us not talking is as much on me as it is you so, this is me breaking the ice and you being forgiven for not trying.”
--[My Poltergeist Is Dead And Everything Is Worse Now]--
(Context: a trauma-release fic I've been writing while mourning my cat. Weirdly took on life with sections named after bits of Bojack's eulogy for his mother. It's a funeral, taking place within the Milleniaum...Cube? Cube. Plana Cube, after Ryou got ousted from the movie by the Cube. If Joey went to a place no one remembers him, Ryou went to a surrealist funeral, where he'll be around all the people he lost, with a big focus on the Spirit of the Ring. His family is written in past tense because they have passed away and this cannot be undone or forgotten)
He sits at the pew, next to his mother, with his sister crawling into his lap. The Spirit sits behind him, and toys with Ryou’s hair, drawn back as respectably as a boy with long hair can manage. Ryou shakes his head to shake the hand off, but only succeeds in garnering Amane’s infant hands instead. 
“It doesn’t make sense, him being gone.”
Ryou listens to her speak, his eyes on the casket.
“It doesn’t feel real.”
Ryou looks to his side. His mother’s head was bowed, not looking at the coffin. Her stiff body and closed eyes unnerve him from her seat. In a rhythm, she took one long breath, exhaling, and each after became smaller and smaller. In a moment, she didn’t seem to breathe at all - Ryou checks for her chest to rise wide again, and ends up staring instead.
“Did you love him?” Ryou asks her, a thing that’s haunted him just beneath his foundations.
A glassy eye was open, pointed in Ryou’s direction. The answer took longer than Ryou was comfortable with, and the answer itself had been no sweeter.
“Do you?”
--[Love, The Me That's Killing You]--
(Context: Ryou has discovered Bakura's got Hanahaki disease and it's killing them both as they share a body. So he's trying to figure out who is it Bakura could possibly be in love with. Despite efforts to dissuade him, Bakura eventually concedes to the search, rushing Ryou past pictures of the Battle City finals until--)
“That one!” Bakura points. To a young girl with cinnamon brown hair.
“Jounouchi-kun’s sister?” Ryou asks, dreadingly, as Bakura nods, furiously. “...She’s… thirteen.”
There’s a choking sound. “Not… not that one, then.” Bakura rasps. “The other one, there was another one, still had the hair and the - there! Yes, her!” He points, it’s Isis. Ryou’s confused.
“But you just said-”
“I made a mistake, am I allowed to make mistakes?”
“About someone you love,” Ryou gestures to the petal pile, “this much?”
“It was - dark,” Bakura stutters. He stuttered. “And windy, and there was - we were in a lot of pain, Landlord…” Bakura’s brushing it all off.
“You’re dying over someone you just mistook for someone else?”
“Well, it’s not like I spent a lot of time with her, is it?!” Bakura barks. 
“Then what could you possibly love about her?!”
“That… is…!” Bakura stops, sputtering, “That is exactly it! She doesn’t speak to me unnecessarily, just how I like it! She knows her place, unlike a certain someone!” 
“Seen and not heard, is she?” Ryou gags, of his own reflexes, in disgust at the slime-coated sentiment. With a choke, Bakura balks, mumbling about Ryou understanding when he’s older.
--[3 Reasons Why (I Never Told You I Was Playmaker)]--
(Context: I love VRAINS. I love Chatshipping. I will write the Chatshipping somehow.)
“You don’t gotta tell me all that,” Shima says - as if it’s so simple to say even this! “Just say you don’t wanna talk about it.”
“You would have complained that I was keeping something from you,” Yusaku replies, without looking. “You would have felt hurt, gotten upset and run off.”
“I’m never upset with you!” Shima’s shocked, somehow. Yusaku only glances at him, brows stitched in dulled disbelief. “Well.. not for more than an hour, at least!”
‘Not for more than an hour’. Typical Shima.
“And," he continues, pointedly, "I wasn’t upset you ‘got secrets’,” Shima looks out, as if looking for where Yusaku’s eyes had just been. “You act like I’m too stupid to understand stuff.”
“I don’t think you’re stupid,” Yusaku’s quick to deny. Something about what Shima said twists a knot in his chest. “I think you’re overexcitable and you don’t always think things through, and-”
“Sounds like a stupid guy to me,” Shima interrupts with a frown. 
Yusaku’s mouth is stuck open from that, having no course correction for that comment.
Shima, not Typical Shima, stands up. He’s not looking at Yusaku. His fists go into his pockets.
“Whatever,” He shrugs. “See you at school.”
With too straight a gait, Shima walks with a tremble. It quickly gives way into a bursting sprint once he can’t hold it back. And Yusaku is the coward who doesn’t stop him.
--[Wedding Soup (Chapter 2)]--
(Context: after a sleepless night and wrestless workday, Ryou's sunset afternoon ends with many... many tsuchinoko in the backyard. They are notorious liars, known for their penchant for drinking and a deadly bite.)
“And I didn’t even get a chance to answer, the cashier just went,” Ryou pauses, as another dizzy spell hits him. “ ‘Cash or Card’.” With an offended sniff, he takes another long drink of tea - black and intense and brewed with double the teaspoons to make sure it keeps him awake. Ryou sets the mug down with a huff. “As if I’m doing something burdensome by personally restoring a cultural landmark.” 
“This is a nice trap,” One of the tsuchinoko says from the writhing ball. 
“It was certainly the nicest there,” Ryou says. “Not too painful, is it?”
“Oh good, you wouldn’t believe how awful the others looked.” At the corner of his eye, Ryou spies another one slithering towards a covered trap. If the others are aware, they’re just as keen to warn it as Ryou is. “I even looked some up before I went out -  for every humane trap I found in that place, there were ten more glue traps.”
“Sounds fun!”
“I know. I swear, the heartlessness of some people--”
A snap, a yelp, then the frantic rattling of metal as the tsuchinoko flings itself across the trap cage. Ryou dons his thick gloves again, getting up from his spot on the back porch. “Here, here,” he says softly. One hand holds the snake firmly by the back of its tiny head, the other taking the flat bottom of the small cage. He lifts it from the ground, quickly shifts it to the larger tank, and tilts it before opening the flap. 
“In you go.”
--[Gore Couture]--
“Just last week, residents of rural Blood Gulch reported screaming around 2 AM. Police responded within minutes of the third report, but were only able to narrow down the location an hour after arriving on the scene. When officers arrived, they found no body, but confirmed the presence of human blood and organ tissue.”
“Can this schmuck emphasize any more words?” Isaac leaned against the break room counter, watching up at the screen.
“This isn’t a gossip channel,” Mason Wu’s stressed tone signaled agreement. “Someone’s missing at least a liter of blood.”
The television at the station at least showed part of his work on the news, a brief interior look into the storage cubicle. Without the corpse in the arranged outline, there were only blood splatters, disarrayed furniture and a signature - Gore Couture by Felíx.
Maybe the accent on the ‘i’ was a bit much.
“A liter?” Isaac gaped. “Ho-o-oly shit.”
“You’re a damn sociopath,” Wu whipped back to glare. “You do know you’re on thin ice for being a no-show that night--”
“I told you already,” Isaac shrugged. His coffee sloshed dangerously close to the rim of his mug. “I was with somebody.” It wasn’t a lie - Isaac was with abody.
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brainrot-stitch · 1 month
Making a temp. Pinned post that will probably be more than temporary. I'll change it later I swear 🔥
Umm hi I'm usually called stitch online but u can call me brainrot or whatever else idk I don't rlly care ! I'm in uhhhh a lot of fandoms just not actuve unless I get silly (the hyperfix drags me back to the depths of hell)
Currently spinning around jrwi in my mind but hermitcraft, tss/fms, mlp, and lmk are on the back burner. Feel free to send in asks about anything I yap about or art requests or literally anything bro I wanna talk to u guys !! !
I doodle n draw a lot umm yea also u should tell me about ur jrwi headcanons pretty pls. I'm sooo nice and awesome and not brainwashing u rn. Runs away
Also art tag is stitch art and if u ever see the tag jap jap jap or anything with the word jap on my posts (or daydream mutual's posts, who is @the-passer-outer ) that means I'm like going fucking insane or something idk u don't need to worry about it fire emoji
Ummm ok yea that's it for now bye bye!!
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