#plus again I do need enough wiggle room that it's safe to (very slowly) take away the prednisone
cesium-sheep · 2 months
I've always bounced back so quickly as soon as I get even the slightest bit of breathing room. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that it seems to be happening again.
I was talking to matt earlier and like. I'd be happy at 50%, that's an entirely acceptable long-term quality of life for me. (I've been below 5% all year.) but I suppose I don't have to limit myself to only 50% if I'm responding so well that it seems I might get further without significant additional cost (personal or financial).
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studiobeebo · 3 years
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THAT’S OK DUDE! Honestly I prefer people be off anon because then that way I know if the requester liked their thing or not since anons rarely follow up 😅 but like I said I’ll do anything that catches my eye and I love me some Teenage Gojō Being A Pest so I hope you enjoy!!
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♡ Road Trips ♡
Satoru Gojō x Fem! Reader
as always if y’all enjoy this please remember that reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
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“I am seriously starting to think that the only person you care about is your damn self.”
The shouted words were sharp enough to hurt his pride just a teeny bit, but the slamming of the passenger door actually made him wince as if you had just slapped him rather than just yelling in anger.
“Wow, nice job. And you thought this trip would be romantic.”
Gojō sneered and stuck his tongue out at his friend who was all-too-eager to mock him for his obvious dismissal of your annoyance, but how was he supposed to know you were actually upset with him? He had practically annoyed his way into being your boyfriend and his general personality was something you had become well acquainted with, and usually loved, but sometimes he was just too much to handle and this seemed to be one of those times, only he was noticing far later than he should have.
Gojō, Getō, Ieiri, and you had been planning this road trip for a good couple of months, but you were starting to regret it already. For the past hour or so, Gojō had been driving without the usage of his GPS or a map of any kind and you were sure at this point you were entirely lost. It was funny at first, it didn’t surprise you that his free spirit may want to go off the beaten path a bit, but as it got later into the evening your anxiety began to kick in as you saw fewer and fewer buildings. Still, even when you started nagging him that you were getting worried you wouldn’t make it to your hostel for the night or mentioning you didn’t want him to be driving without a map in the dark, he’d have some flippant excuse or shitty attempt at convincing you that he was fine. As much as you loved them, Getō and Ieirei weren’t much help since they had long since resigned themselves to the fact that Gojō did what he wanted, when he wanted, so after another half hour filled with bickering between you and Gojō, you practically demanded him to pull over at the nearest look out area, one that actually would have been quite nice if he hadn’t been so damn irritating. To your surprise, he actually listened for once, so here you were a short walk away from the car, standing at the edge of the viewpoint staring out over the vast ocean that had just a sliver of sunlight left to bask it in a dimming light.
You let out a sigh as you wrapped your arms around your waist, quickly taking notice of how the temperature had dropped considering how high up you were, plus the lack of sunlight didn’t help either. You heard the other car doors slam shut one after the other, figuring everyone else needed a breather or maybe the others just wanted to check out the view before the sun set, but for now you just wanted a few minutes alone to cool off. Those ‘few minutes’ were short lived though as after a short amount of time, you felt a familiar pair of slim hands attempting to snake their way around your waist, an attempt of which you were quick to shove away and turn your head with a small huff of defiance, but Gojō was just as quick to try again. A few more attempts later and you finally gave in with another irritated sigh, though you still refused to speak or even look at him as he hugged you closer and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Still mad at me?”
The pointed glare you turned to give him was almost enough to make him raise his hands up in a defensive motion, but he was afraid that if he let go of you, you wouldn’t give him another shot at wiggling himself out of the doghouse.
“Ok, ok- stupid question.” He hummed, tapping his fingers against your hips in thought.
He had never been very good at the whole ‘apologizing’ thing, but that was mostly because he never really felt the need to apologize. He was quite the nuisance to a long list of people, pretty much all of which he couldn’t give two fucks about whether they liked him or not, so why apologize for his antics if he didn’t care to be forgiven? With you, however, that was a different story. It made his stomach twist in an uncomfortable way whenever he saw you look at him with something other than a smile, let alone an angry scowl, and nothing got him to drop his pride quicker than that. Still, as much as he wanted to be able to make things better instantly, or just not make those sorts of mistakes in the first place, he was still learning how to navigate expressing his feelings in a way that didn’t come off as fake, because everything he felt for you was as genuine as possibly could be.
“I pulled up the map, we aren’t too far off, I swear it.~ I’ll even let you nap in my jacket until we get there, if ya want.” He spoke, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his phone to show you the route as if he knew you wouldn’t take his word for it.
You glanced at the phone screen that lit up your face now that the sun had set, and while it did fill you with some relief to see the hour and a half ETA, that didn’t change the fact that he had taken it upon himself to completely ignore your previous discomfort up until now and judging by his lack of apology he didn’t seem to think he needed to give one, but before you had the chance to open up your mouth to give him a piece of your mind, he beat you to the punch as he squeezed you closer.
“...And I’m sorry- seriously. I should’ve listened to what you were saying. AND it won’t happen again.” He spoke, lifting his head up a bit so he could look you in the eyes over the rim of his glasses.
You couldn’t tell if using those pretty puppy-dog eyes of his was part of his apology schtick or not, but after a moment of mentally debating yourself you let out a sigh as you relaxed into his touch.
“Did you practice that in the car?”
“I’m too perfect to need practice, babe.~” He responded with that characteristic smugness before pressing a kiss to your shoulder, then to the curve of your neck, peppering kisses upwards across your skin before finally meeting your lips.
After a moment he pulled away, slowly releasing his grip on you and giving you some room. He turned with a satisfied smile to head back to the car, but was halted by your foot catching the back of his heel causing him to damn near face plant into the ground as he stumbled before turning to give you a perfect ‘what gives?’ look that you would have photographed if you could.
“I do want that jacket though.” You stated matter-of-factly with one hand on your hip and the other held out expectantly. “Oh- and the keys, too.”
“Huh?” He questioned, ignoring the snickers that came from not too far behind where the two of you stood.
“I’d give her the keys before you end up single by the end of this trip.” Ieiri yelled as she and Getō shuffled into the back of the car in a fit of laughter at his expense.
He groaned and made a face before shrugging off his jacket and then digging the keys out from his pocket, handing both over to you with only a hint of hesitation.
Had it been anyone else, he would have been annoyed with the power shift, but seeing you practically skip back to the car was more than enough to make him crack a smile as he trailed after you, counting his lucky stars that at least this time his title of ‘boyfriend’ had been safely secured.
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rezzyromance · 3 years
I told you you'd do great. (Moreau x GN!Reader)
Summary: The reader finds a baby in the village whos family was killed by lycans and takes it home with them and Moreau to give it a new home.
(This is the story that was requested and I accidentally deleted it. I hope the og anon finds this.) TW: Mentions of gore, violence, and death.
The door to Moreau's shack had been broken for weeks now. You had spent a lot of time and energy trying to fix it yourself, but had to give up as your frustration grew too overwhelming. With no where else to go, you had to result to asking, nearly begging, for assistance from the only person who you knew could help: Karl Heisenberg. He refused at first, claiming he didn't have enough time to be everyone's handyman. But, you had annoyed him enough for him to agree to build you a completely new door if you were able to gather the supplies.
So, that's what you were doing today. You were trekking through the woods from the reservoir to the village, hoping to gather enough spare wood for Heisenberg to build a new door for the shack you lived in along side Moreau. You've been pushing a wheelbarrow for what feels like forever, hoping it could aid in carrying your gathered wood back to the factory where Heisenberg stayed. You want to give up and give your sore arms a break, but the village is so close that you can't just take a break. Plus, there had been a lycan attack last night. They managed to wipe out what little population was left of the village, so the journey isn't a very safe one. You had a shotgun on your back which you barely knew how to use, but kept close just in case.
Finally, you made it to the village which was now a ghost town. You let go of the wheel barrow and sat down on the ground to rest. Your period of recovery didn't last long you heard a growling noise grow closer. Even though the lycans had massacred every last soul in the villiage the night before, a few decided to stay in the are. And now, they were all eyes on you. One was on a roof while two others began to approach you from the left. You scatter to your feet and run towards a house with a gaping door, hoping you'll have enough time to prepare your gun.
You get inside the house and shut the door. The inside of the house was a wreck. Broken glass covered the floor along with flipped furniture and blood splatters all over the walls, floors, and even ceiling. It was a horrific sight that only caused your adrenaline to rush more. The door began to shake and you could see them from outside the window. You rush to the room farthest in the back and lock the door behind you.
It was a bedroom. And inside you could hear the muffled sounds of crying. You shake your head, thinking that you're hearing things in your panicked state. But the crying never ceased. Instead, it grew louder. "How can there be any sign of life here?" you think as you tremble, attempting to hold your gun straight. "Where is it? What is it? A baby? How? Where?", these questions flooded your brain. The crying grew louder as you looked around, still no baby in sight.
Then, you saw something. A piece of paper on the floor, slightly wedged between a loose wooden floor board.
"Please, for the love of Mother Miranda, if anyone is to find my sweet Daniel, care for him. Keep him safe."
- it read. You looked at the loose floor boards from which the paper came from. "It's in the floor", you think. Suddenly, your own thoughts are silenced by the banging of the bedroom door. A grey and grotesque hand managed to forces it's way through the wood, clawing mercilessly as the horrific growls of the lycans fill the room. You grab the gun and stick it through the new hole, pulling the trigger. The hand recedes from the hole and a new one takes its place. This time, one of the beasts sticks its disgusting face through the gap. You cock the gun and pull the trigger once more, blowing bits of the lycans face in all directions before it's lifeless body falls on top of the previous one. The last one is only angrier now, pulling at the hole and causing it to grow. High on adrenaline, you don't budge from where you're standing as you prep your gun and shoot at the beast once more.
After the last gunshot, the only noise in the room is the crying from under the floor that had now turned into screams. You gather your thoughts and focus once more on the loose floor boards. You stick your fingers in the gap of one of the wooden plants, pulling it from the floor easily. You do that to a few more before the screaming child is revealed to you. There was a secret hole under the floor that the wooden planks covered which is where the baby was placed, wrapped up in a blue blanket. You can only imagine the fear and heart break the person must have felt as they saw their baby's face for the last time before hiding it underneath the wooden floors.
You hold the crying baby close, rocking it gently and attempting to make soothing sounds in hopes to calm the both of you down. There's no telling how many more lycans may be roaming the village, so you understand that you don't have time to waste. You hold the baby close to your chest and make a run for it towards the reservoir, leaving the original mission of gathering supplies behind.
You made it back to the resevoir with no other lycan encounters. Your running had caused the baby to continue to cry on the way though. When you were close enough to Moreaus shack for him to hear it in the distance, he staired out the window. He was shocked and confused to see you so panicked with a crying baby in your arms. "What happened?! Who's baby is that?!", he rushes out of the building towards you. "I'm not sure. His name is Daniel, I think, and his family had hidden him under the floor during the lycan attack last night. I saved him and had to kill some lycans and...", you stopped to catch your breath and gather your thoughts. "Moreau we have to help him.", you hold the crying child close, rocking it gently. Its crying grew quieter, but didn't stop. You looked over to Moreau. His hands were on his head and he was stunned.
"N-no! I-I-I-I can't! I can't take care of a child!", he blurts out. "We'll do it. We'll do it together.", you put a hand on his shoulder in attempt to calm him down. "I'll scare it! It'll hate me!", he grew more and more panicked. "Sal, please calm down love. Here' hold it.", you begin to hand the baby to him. He steps back. "I can't!" "I won't be able to do this on my own. We're this babies only hope. Heisenberg and Donna won't be able to handle it and Alcina wouldn't want to raise a boy." He knew you were right and couldn't argue. "I don't have anything to help! No food and and an- no baby clothes!", he says. "I'm sure the Duke will have something. He's got everything! And he's never hard to find. I'm sure if I left now to go look for him, I wouldn't be gone for 10 minutes and I'd come back with everything the baby needs and more!" He grew silent as he anxiously fiddled with his hands. "Here, you take the baby while I go looking for the Duke. I won't be long. You'll do great.", you begin to hand the baby to him again.
He turns around. "I don't want it to see me, (Y/N)!", he refuses. "Fine.", you sigh. "I'll set him down on the couch. You can watch him and make sure he doesn't fall while I'm gone.", you place the baby on the couch and give Moreau a kiss on his head. "You'll do great, honey. I won't be long.", you give him one last kiss before leaving. He was left alone with the baby who was now crying loudly, wiggling on the couch.
"Please don't cry! Please calm down! I-it's okay!", he quickly makes his way over to the baby, unsure of what to do. "Please..calm down..", he gently places a hand on it's stomach. It grips onto one of his fingers and pulls it closer. It's crying quits down into whimpers. "Are you okay?", he begins to wiggle his finger that the baby is gripping onto. It responds with a giggle that brightens up the room. Moreau's heart is left fluttering with excitement. He smiles and wiggles his finger more. The baby lets go and claps in excitement. Moeau begins to laugh to, excited by the fact he was able to make the baby laugh.
The baby began to wiggle and rock, attempting to move. Moreau watched it, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, the baby put all of the power in it's little body into rocking it's body to the side, attempting to roll over onto it's stomach. Instead, it began to roll off the couch. Moreau screams as he grabs the baby before it hits the ground. "You can't do that! You're gonna get hurt! (Y/N) will be so mad if something happens to you!", he held the baby close to his chest, cradling it in his arms protectively. A smile stretched across its face. He reached a hand up and began to tug at Moreau's hood. He looked down at it, confused on why it wasn't screaming at the sight of him. 'Are you.. not afraid of me?", he put his hands under the babies arms and lifted it up to where it can see him face to face. It continued to smile and reach for him. Tears began to form in his eyes. This innocent little life viewed him as a friend, not a monster.
You returned home from visiting the Duke. Just as you suspected, he provided you with a large selection of baby essentials. Formula, clothes, diapers, and even a few toys. You pushed open the broken door and gaze upon the sight in front of you. Moreau was holding the baby in front of his face. Tears of joy slowly washed over his face as the baby giggled. "I told you you'd do great.", you smiled.
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amidstsaltandsmoke · 3 years
Drabble challenge- 46 and maybe extra angsty please 🥲🥲🥲
Hiiiiiii! Ok, I don't think that I really pulled off the EXTRA angsty, but there IS angst involved!😆 Then I had to throw in the hurt/comfort/fluff. I also changed up the quote a little bit, I hope you don't mind! This is from an unnamed universe I'm currently working on 😌🥰 Hope you like!!!! Thanks for the ask! 🤗🤗🤗 ________________________________________________ 46.) “I thought you were dead!”
Jon was losing his damn mind.
Dany never went this long without responding to his texts and calls, especially when he was out of state for work and he only had technology to rely on to reach her. He wasn't possessive by nature, but ever since learning of her sometimes fragile condition - to which she insisted was not the case - he couldn't and wouldn't dare let his protectiveness be put by the wayside.
She was too important to him, and he really didn't know what he would do without her. Couldn't even begin to outline a picture of what his life would even look like without her right by his side in it.
He'd left the project early so he could return to the rental house and try her again. His boss had all but tossed him off the property by the hem of his pants because he'd been not only obsessively checking and rechecking his phone, but he was far too distracted and had already nearly drilled his thumb into a roof.
It was all in support, however - his boss knew Jon well, and understood the situation, and wouldn't sack him just because he loved his wife so hard it made him physically ill to think she might be in some form of danger. He didn't even care if she'd suffered a paper cut. He'd disinfect and bandage the shit out of that, too.
Gods, he was just as bad as her father had been, wasn't he? The very hovery, constantly-looking-over-shoulder person that Dany loathed and grew up with. He tried not to be, and most times he was successful. But he also wasn't typically eight hours away, halfway across the country, either.
He paced the living room, the other line just ringing and ringing with no answer. Her silky voice in the form of her voicemail passed through his ear again, and he sighed heavily. "Dany, I don't know what's goin' on, but you're really freaking me out. I'm sure you'll have my head when you see all the missed calls and messages...but please just let me know you're ok. You can send me the middle finger emoji for all I care. Love you more than anything. Bye."
Thumbing the red "END" button, he chewed on his lip and looked around the mostly-barren room, save for his suitcase which was still packed with his clothes. Tomorrow was the last day he needed to be here before flying back home...how crazy would it be to catch that night's red eye, anyway? And how livid would Dany be that he ditched this huge contract at the tail end?
His heart was made up before he could even try to rationalize it.
"Davos? I'm gonna take off...it's not like her to-," he chuckled nervously, while Davos commanded him to 'say no more and go get your girl'. "Thanks, mate. I'll keep you updated."
He wasn't sure Davos wanted to know any more than whether or not he found Dany safe and sound with all of the sulking he'd been doing the last several days.
Jon gathered up his toiletries from the bathroom in one hand, while his other was busy weaving around the airline website to book the soonest flight. To his relief, there was one in an hour and a half, which would give him just enough time to call for a rideshare and zoom his way over with thirty minutes to spare.
After the typical hell that was the airport and boarding process, plus the hole he burned through his credit card in just two hours alone (beyond worth it), he was in the air. Another torture was the distance; he managed to get himself a nonstop flight and shaved off two hours but still…
Naturally, he refused to sleep. His phone was clutched in his hand so the moment he landed, he could check it to see if he’d gotten any responses.
No luck.
He rushed through baggage and had already scheduled his next rideshare prior to his flight. Now that he was in his homeland and a mere twenty minutes from home, the anxiety and nausea were really setting in, the what-ifs and the endless possibilities; he wouldn’t know what he’d do if she wasn’t at the house…
When they pulled up, he was flooded with relief to see that her car was in the driveway, had he couldn’t have grabbed his luggage and get to the front door fast enough. He rifled for his keys and jammed it into the lock, Ghost’s howls instant and persistent until he got the door open and he whined upon seeing Jon walk through.
“Hey boy,” he greeted quietly, giving him a few good scruffs before haphazardly dumping his stuff on the floor and locking up behind him. He paused and strained his ears, exhaling when he heard the shower running upstairs.
Once he was in the conjoining bedroom, Ghost hot on his heels, he took his time shedding some layers and kicking off his shoes. On the nightstand sat a brown paper bag, folded shut, which was a little odd, but everything appeared to be in normal order. Their regular things skewed about as it was when they were there, Dany’s pajamas laid out on her side of the bed.
As he was going through his drawers to find some pajama pants, the bathroom door opened and he spun on his heel, just to confirm that she was there, safe and in the flesh.
A gust of air gasped into her mouth, her hand flying to her towel-clad chest as she jumped backward. “Seven hells! You scared the life out of me!” She breathed, her cheeks pink from the warm shower and damp hair tumbling about her shoulders. Even just the good-natured joke made him wince; it was the dormant worry that had been on his mind for hours now.
Then, a fond smile came over her face. “You’re home early.”
He was exhausted, and maybe that was why he couldn’t find it in him then to be playful, his brows twisting and her face falling a fraction. “You didn’t answer my texts or calls,” he said as gently as he could, but the fatigue was evident in his tone.
Dany blinked, then crossed her arms over herself, but she was still trying to keep it light. “Missi and I went on an impromptu girls’ vacation after my test and...,” she paused and stepped over to the mysterious paper bag, rustled her hand in it, then withdrew her phone and wiggled it, “dropped it into a pool.”
Jon took a moment to himself to shuck off his jeans and slip into his pajamas. He didn’t want to admit it...didn’t want to give her the ‘w’ word, but they were honest to the bone with one another. It was just how they programmed. He was still a little cowardly, avoiding her eyes when he said it. “I was worried sick about you.”
He heard her huff, and finally lifted his eyes to get a read on her. Clearly she was irritated, but not entirely furious. “There was nothing to worry about, Jon. I was stupid and dropped-”
“Not stupid,” he chided, cutting her a stern look. She was anything but.
Now she rolled her eyes. “It was only a little over a day; I didn’t think it was such a big deal if I just waited until I got home to try and fix it. All the stores were closed by the time I got in. And it was only a little over two days,” she defended.
Slowly, Jon frowned, and it grew deeper by the second. “A lot can happen in a little over two days, Dany,” he stated, tossing his jeans into the hamper in the closet.
“What did you expect had even happened?” She laughed humorlessly, getting more agitated by the second. Then she buried her phone back in the bag, which he now realized was full of rice, and disappeared into the bathroom, returning with her hair brush and began to detangle the damp knots.
He grit his teeth, fists clenching and loosening at his sides. “I don’t know, Dany, but I always get this terrible feeling in my gut after a period of time passes and I don’t hear from you,” his voice rose a hair. “I know you don’t want to hear it, and it’s bloody ridiculous on my end, but it kills me that I can’t turn it off. I worry when you’re at work, when you do a grocery run and I’m not there…,” he huffed and shook his head, running his hands down his face and briefly hiding behind them. He was overwrought with jet lag and lack of sleep and emotions on high, but he’d opened the floodgates now.
“Well, I’m not a fragile piece of glass that needs to be in a bubble day in and day out,” she returned, “or maybe I am, who knows! But I don’t want to be thought of that way. You know that. It makes me feel worse about myself and what I’m capable of and gives me heightened anxiety. I worry when you worry and it’s a vicious cycle!”
Closing his mouth, he forced himself to inhale a lungful of air through his nose, releasing it between his lips. “I do know. But it’s how I’m wired; I can’t help it sometimes.” Dropping his arms to his sides, he sighed. Gods, of course she wasn’t fragile. She was, far and away, the strongest woman, the toughest human being he’d ever had the pleasure of knowing let alone sharing a life with. He made it a point to remind her of that every single day, with all sincerity. She was the best thing that could have ever happened to him, bar none. Some days he wondered how and why he’d gotten so damn lucky, such as now. He was doing the very thing he swore he wouldn’t. Her father had been overbearing enough. And it wasn’t all-consuming always, but sometimes his nerves got the best of him.
Dany’s eyes narrowed. “Did you think I died or something?”
The dagger twisted in his stomach once more. “That’s where the worst of my thoughts went, yes.”
With a hard look and silence, she went back into the bathroom. For a while there was nothing but the sound of her trying to feed her brush through her hair.
“What?” She asked through her teeth.
Maybe he ought to give her time and space to breathe for a few minutes, but gods, he needed her so, so bad. Just to physically hold her and know she was safe and whole and unhurt, but also that he had made a colossal fuck-up. He’d seen the tears welling in her eyes before she could hide them away, and it broke him. He was a blistering idiot. She had texted him that her test came back normal, and yet here he was with frazzled, totally frayed nerves.
Dany had one too many brushes with death in her young life, and he knew how she felt about that, too.
He crossed the room and stopped at the threshold, discovering that she was having a hell of a time getting the tangles out, and her face was scrunched adorably. Without a word, he reached for the brush and took it from her. A little stubbornly, her arms fell to her sides, defeated. Jon parted her hair in half and twisted it up out of the way while he gently began with the under layers first.
He could feel her eyes burning through him in the mirror. “I’m sorry,” he murmured as he looked her straight in the eyes, his voice thick and gruff.
Wordlessly she spun around and curled her arms around his shoulders, nestling her face into his neck. In return, he secured her against him, nuzzling into her half dried hair and kissing the top of her head several times.
All of the fear seemed to evaporate off of his shoulders having her gathered up in his arms, grounding him, and maybe even herself. They stayed like that for a while before Jon moved them to the bedroom and he had her sit, then crawled up behind her on the bed to finish her hair. Nobody spoke for a time, but it wasn’t a tense silence, at least.
Once he finished, she reached back to squeeze his thigh, then stood to her feet and dropped her towel. Although his body reacted as it always did, it was evident that they both needed a good rest. He scooted to the edge of the bed and after she’d pulled on her silky sleep shorts, he motioned for her to lift her arms, and he slid on the matching top.
Before he could move again, she stepped between his legs and curled her arms around his head, holding him against her abdomen while he, happily, linked his arms around her middle and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry, too,” she whispered. Softly, she hushed him when he made a sound to argue. “I wish I didn’t get so defensive. Maybe it’ll get better with time.”
Shifting his head, he planted his chin on her breast bone and peered up at her, while she gazed back down on him and raked her fingers through his hair. “I don’t want you to change, Dany. Not anything, not ever.”
She studied his face for a few beats, her other hand cradling one side before she leaned down to kiss him sweetly. Jon did not consider himself a religious man, but she was the closest thing to heaven that he could conjure up. Rolling back, he took her with him fully onto the bed as she squeaked, and situated them so he could lay beside her. There was barely any part of them that wasn’t touching, their limbs a tangled mess.
“And anyway…,” he smirked slyly, “S’kind of sexy when you put me in my place.”
She quirked one thick eyebrow, her index tracing over his facial features. He was seconds away from completely passing out, the heaviness looming over his eyes. “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” he conceded lazily, sliding his hand under her shirt to smooth over her warm back, her velvety skin a contrast against his worn hands and making her shiver under it. “How was your vacation?”
Dany pulled a face, lifting one shoulder. “Fun, but I bet I missed you more than you missed me.”
“I doubt that very much,” he croaked, blinking slowly now, but fighting it. “Has your boss ever thrown you out of your workplace for moping over your husband?”
“Jon!” She gasped, perfectly affronted and pinching his cheek.
He chuckled sleepily, then buried his face in her chest, kissing at the exposed skin there. “I think it did everyone a favor, honestly. And it was almost completed anyway, so…”
“So, you risked a job you adore and traveled eight hours unplanned, all because my arse was clumsy and let my phone go for a swim?”
“No,” he resurfaced from the warm haven of her skin, tilting his head up to see her properly, “because I love you. And don’t think I wouldn’t do it again,” he frowned in thought as an idea formed, “maybe we should get you one of those old people phones that you can wear like a necklace.”
Dany tossed her head back with a burst of laughter, and Ghost materialized on the bed to see what all the ruckus was about, until he decided he didn’t care anymore and stole Jon’s side of the bed. Jon grinned madly, rolling onto his back. Dany folded her arms over his chest while she caught her breath, her hair a silver curtain around them. “You wouldn’t dare,” she challenged quietly, leaning over to switch off the lamp, then curled herself around him completely, her breath tickling his cheek. “I love you so much,” she whispered, her hand returning to his face to caress.
The dull moonlight filtered in through the window, casting one half of her face in a faint blue. She pulled him closer and he poured all of his words and soul into his kiss, giving her a few small pecks afterwards. “I love you more than anything in this world, Daenerys.”
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vinciwolf · 3 years
Bruised but Not Broken
Pairing: Cody x fem!medic!Reader
Warnings: 18+, light smut, angst, violence, blood, gore, death, alcohol, depression
Tags: @sunburstcody​ I wrote this for you.
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           You’re on the battlefield of war again. Covering your mouth with a gloved hand, your lungs forcibly expel the thick smoke. Blaster bolts whizz past your head as you crouch behind a fallen AT-RT walker. The clone trooper slumped against the machine groans in agony, head flopping to the side, as you try to ease his pain with a numbing injection.
           With a steady, confident voice, you say, “You’ll be alright.”
           But deep down, you tremble. Please, not another one, not another one.
           You didn’t want another trooper to die. He was just a goddamn shiny! You wave down a passing clone trooper for help. Both of you take the wrists of the fallen clone and drag him behind the thick vegetation where the rest of the wounded were placed.
           You take off the trooper’s helmet to assess his wounds. The damage is severe, like most wounds you have already become desensitized to. His neck looks like an unraveled mess of shredded muscle and tissue, jagged and pointing in unnatural directions. The blaster bolt that clipped him left his neck looking life a half-spere, bleeding profusely. While tossing backwards the flap to your medical bag, the absence of supplies cruelly laughs at your surprised face and sends a cold wave of dread over your skin. The entire bag is empty.
           Trying not to make it obvious to the soldier, you advert your gaze and swallow the hard clump in the back of your throat. This clone trooper is doomed and there is nothing your can do about it. Rationally, you decide to return to the battlefield to save other potential survivors. No time to waste on the already dead. Before you can run back into the fray, the clone trooper clasps your wrist. You pause for a second, then kneel back down and grip the clone trooper’s hand tightly. Tears burn the back of your eyes.
           “I—I don’t want to die,” he gurgles. “I don’t want to be forgotten.”
           His face is a carbon copy of Jango Fett, but he has an intricate rose tattoo that stretches from his brow, over the side of his head, and down behind his ear. You also note his eyes to be a very rich earthy color, like when the soil is dark and saturated with water after a hard rain. But his beauty is short lived when ground-shaking explosions and echoing shouts from the other clone troopers sucks you back into reality. The clone’s eyes turn red and begin to wiggle with heavy tears.
           Deep down, the terrible pit in your stomach wants to lurch forward and trade your life with this clone. So, at least, he could experience life without fear, or missions, or being taught that he’s disposable in the grand scheme of this war he never asked for.
           “I won’t let you be forgotten—” your thumb brushes the tears falling form his eyes.
           Despite his pain, he weakly smiles at the thought that someone – somehow in his pathetically short lifespan – actually cares for him, then he shut his eyes forever.
           A single tear, heavy with thousands of memories like this one, burns the side on your cheek until in finally drops off your chin and absorbs into the blood soaked ground.
           You didn’t even get his CT number… not even his nickname.
           Blinking once, you bury these feelings into a deep place for another time. For now, you need to focus.
           You remembered the look Cody gave you when your battalion returned to the shuttle. The standard white attire you wore is stained with blood and soot. He is truly a sight for sore eyes. Halfheartedly grinning, shoulders slumping in relief, you are happy he survived. The thought of another innocent becoming a casualty of war turns your stomach. Luckily, the few clone troopers who managed to survive are either put into medical capsules or hobble into the arms of their fellow brothers. You shuffle towards the commander and plop your head on his shoulder. He squeezes you in his arms then helps you into the LAAT. This planet was devastating, but it was won. You should feel good, but all you feel is painful exhaustion in your shaky legs and feeble lungs. Not to mention the invisible weight creeping onto your shoulders.
           It is like this every time, all over again… and again… and again.
           Guilt fills your aching heart like an overstuffed balloon. It is like clockwork. This stabbing pang in your chest rises intensely and fades after every mission. You rub the unseen soreness with your palm as the refresher gushes hot water over your squatted, naked body, the steam cleansing your lungs. It is not enough to cure the pain however, but you need to rid your physical self of all the grime – all the evidence – of the soldiers you could not save today. The dense mist shields your vulnerable form and the heavy pattering of the water drowns out your whimpers as you cry away the horrible events that plague your mind.
           This… this small, private space in the refresher… had to be enough.
           It is your only fortunate curtesy in these dark times.
           Your first mission was on Kashyyyk and you were absolutely mesmerized by how densely forested one planet could be. Given that the temperature here was nothing like what you experienced at home, by the time your squad rendezvoused at the main base, your cloths had already become drenched with sweat. Taking a swipe to your forehead with the back of your hand, you began to understand why none of the other medic graduates willingly chose this planet. The only graduate on the list was you.
           The commander glances at you.
           “So, now the Republic is sending anybody these days. Pathetic,” he scoffs, probably eyeing you up and down under his helmet.
           “I wanted clone medics, not greenhorns who’ll shit their pants the moment they land on the battlefield.”
           Taking a step forward, Shots, the head medic, points at the commander.
           “Oi! Watch it. She finished at the top her class at the academy and is one of my best trainees I’ve had on the field. She might not be a clone, but I’d entrust her with my life. Plus, the Republic needs all the help it can get.”
           The commander dismissively waves at the both of you while turning on his heel and mumbling an agitated ‘whatever’ under his breath. Letting out a deep sigh and closing your eyes, you unclench your fists that you didn’t realize had formed during this rude confrontation. Shots turns towards you and pats his hand on your shoulder.
           “Don’t be intimidated by these guys—” he points over his shoulder at the clone troopers with his thumb “—war does this to us clones sometimes. Makes us hard inside—” his fist thumps twice over his heart.
           “Okay, when all hell breaks loose, just stay hot on my tail,” Shots whispers into your ear while your squad slowly proceeds through the thick vegetation. This was it. You first time on a real battlefront against the Separatists.
           Keeping your eyes ahead, your mind did not process the sudden explosion of brain matter that splattered on your face. You look to the side, towards its origin. Shots, the clone medic who had been your mentor since day one, the clone medic who never doubted your medical training, is flat on his back on the ground. The brain matter came from him. Shots’ face, a face you had conversed with just seconds ago, is now perfectly hollowed out by a blaster bolt. You crouch down and stare at the dead clone medic, hands shaking profoundly.
           He is not dead. This is not real. No way!
           No amount of medical training could prepare your for losing a loved one.
           Screaming grounds your focus. The blasters firing, the yelling, the smoke entering your lungs, the whole world rapidly woke up in your ears and everything is very loud again.
           “Where the kriffin’ hell are these blasts coming from?” a clone trooper hollers while shooting into the forest, his brothers scrambling to find shelter behind the trees.
           “It’s an ambush!”
           “We need a medic!”
           You run towards the clone troopers ducked behind a fallen log. Immediately, your adrenaline kicks in and you remember where you are, what you need to do. Pulling out supplies, you patch up their fallen comrade, but when everything seems to be smoothing out, a trooper bellows, “GET DOWN!”
           You look up and spot the missile flying right towards your face.
           You jolt awake with a startled gasp. Gulping down air, you realize that you are in your barracks. Safe…safe…for now. Looking down, you sigh at the state of your shirt. A dark stain in the fabric trails down your chest, sticking to your damp skin. You stand up and change into a clean shirt before heading over to the sink.
           After splashing your face with some cold water, you peer at yourself in the mirror. Exhaustion looks back at you. The purple bags under your eyes only seem to become worse as this war drags on. Nothing can make this night worse. As if on cue, the rapping at your door frightens you out of your thoughts.
           Stepping over to your room door, you click a button and it hisses open. You wipe your face with your hand, massaging the soreness out of your puffy eyes, and sigh a soft ‘what’ at the commander standing in front of you.
           “You’re needed in the med bay,” Cody states.
           Grunting in response, you turn around and begin to put on your uniform in silence. The commander steps into your room, rubbing the back of his neck.
           “I’m worried about you. You look like you haven’t slept in days.”
           You face Cody while aggressively putting your hair into a quick, messy bun.
           “Did Kenobi put you up to this? Now he’s sending his commander to spy on a poor ‘lil, sleep deprived medic, huh?” you spit while adjusting your boots too tightly.
           Cody does not respond and a twinge of guilt shoots through your stomach. Looking over to the commander, he is gripping his helmet a little too firmly and his eyes are adverted… deeply hurt.
           “Oh, Cody… I didn’t mean that…” you confess, shoulders sagging.
           Standing up, you cup Cody’s cheek and lift his chin to look at you— “It’s just… I don’t know actually…” I’m actually tired of burying myself beneath all this death.
           “You haven’t been yourself.” He overlaps your hand with his large one, eyes softening.
           “None of us have—” you let go of his cheek and wrap your arms around his armored torso, nudging your head close to his heart with a long exhale “—I’m sorry that I snapped.”
           Cody’s free hand rubs slowly down your back as he pecks your forehead. Releasing each other, you gaze up at the commander and force a tiny grin.
           Cody’s eyes sag downwards. “I… don’t know what to say.” I don’t know how to make things better for us.
           “There’s nothing you can say.” I want to tell you that everything hurts.
           As you veer around his presence, you pat his armored shoulder before disappearing into the corridor of the attack cruiser. Your heart screams for Cody to stop you from walking away. It feels like magnets pulling you back into that room, tugging your body to turn around and go back to explain everything. Inside your mind, however, you are blank of thought and ignore your instincts. The only thing filling the void is the agonizing screams and last words from the clone troopers you couldn’t save.
           THE WAR IS OVER!
           GRIEVOUS DEAD!
           Coruscant is in the midst of wild and loud celebration. At 79’s, the clone troopers drink and sing until they fall over, but Cody merely sits and stares at his untouched shot of alcohol in a private corner. Somewhere in the background commotion, Rex dances on a tabletop with two twi’lek, which makes the crowd of clones howl even louder. The floor screeches when the commander abruptly pushes his chair back to leave the bar. Nobody seems to notice his absence in all the partying.
           Outside, confetti falls from the sky while rockets pop and squeal into the air, lighting up the night. Cody walks alone and passes the multitude of citizens embracing each other. None are the wiser about the commander walking by them – a soldier who helped end the war – as he navigates through the streets of Coruscant. He doesn’t mind though because there is only one person on Cody’s mind that he wants to see.
           Standing in front of your apartment door, Cody hesitates for a moment before finally unlocking it and treading inside. He places his helmet on the kitchen counter and looks around. So many memories reside in this small place. Your couch still remains were it was the last time he visited your home. That couch where he kissed you for the first time and decided that this is the only person he wants for the rest of his life. Shaking his head with a fond smile, he continues his investigation.
           Sliding open the door to your bedroom, the commander expects the worst when his eyes glance towards an empty bottle of wine abandoned on the floor. He scans the room and finds shattered pieces of glass littering the carpet, a red dot staining the nearby wall. The commander assumes that you must have obliterated the wine glass in your fit of drunken rage. Holding his breath, Cody’s eyes widen at the dried-up specks of blood accompanying the mess. He finally takes a step past the bedroom threshold and notices the outline of your body beneath the mattress covers.
           Your body becomes larger as Cody slowly advances closer to the bed, boots dodging the sharp pieces of glass. He notices your arm, hand wrapped in gauze, poking out of the mountain of blankets. His fingers gently brush your wrist. Sighing with relief, the commander relaxes from the light thump of your pulse against his fingers. You groan in sleepy annoyance from his cold touch and retreat your arm into the safety under your huddled-up covers. Cody grins slightly in amusement. Pulling up a chair next to your bed, he tenderly shakes your shoulder to waken you.
           Slowly but surely, you peel your heavy eyelids open with a throaty groan then glance up at the commander sitting close beside your bed. You say nothing and just await the reason why he is in your room on this particular night. Cody closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before finally breaking the stillness.
           “The war’s over. I thought I’d find you with the rest of the boys celebrating, but you never showed.”
           Looking at your damaged hand, you remark, “I was… busy.”
           “If there’s anything on your chest, you can tell me about it.”
           “It’s all over now. The war’s over. There’s nothing to talk about anymore.”
           “No!” Cody snaps. “Somethin’s eating you alive inside. I’ve noticed! And—and—” his voice softens “— I want to help… Please… I love you.”
           That I love you stung.
           You give up hiding it. He already knows and there is no point keeping secrets from the man you adore… the man you trust.
           “This day isn’t fair! We won, so what? I’ve never felt less accomplished in my entire life—” your fingers dig into the bedsheets “—I couldn’t save them—” you blink away the squirming tears obscuring your vision “—they all died and never got to see the end.”
           Cody understands immediately who you are talking about. The clones. His brothers.
           “We were bred for this—”
           “Y’all are more than just stupid numbers, Cody! He had a name! They all did!”
           You scream in agony into your mattress as your walls come tumbling down. After a moment of letting go of the pain, small hiccups pipe from your aching chest as you slowly calm yourself down.
           “It’s hard being the one who survives. That’s a burden I – all my brothers – will have to carry. But not you. You don’t have to do this alone.”
           Not knowing how else to help you, he lifts his hand and slips his fingers beneath yours, helping you ease your grip on the poor mattress. His thumb rubs gentle circles into your skin while the atmosphere goes still again. Unspoken understanding passes between the two of you. No words had to be exchanged as you share this silent moment with the commander.
           Then, in the dead quiet, tears filter down your cheeks. You did not know where they came from, but you didn’t feel sick anymore.
           Cody is there. He takes off his boots and armor and slips into the bed, wrapping you with the most protective hug. This warm space inside his arms calm you, but the tears still fall. Peering up into the commander’s face, you giggle uncontrollably when he kisses your red, puffy eyes. He keeps kissing you until all the tears are dry and you stop crying, then he slows down and takes his time. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you embrace the commander and the hands running up your sides.
           Cody's body rocks together with yours in slow, sensual movements. Your arms firmly grip around the commander’s torso as he takes care of you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear while warmly caging you beneath his weight.
           His strong arms bend backwards to hold your thighs with his calloused hands. The affection in his thrusts is unrushed. His hips roll in big, smooth circles to memorize your walls, to memorize the way you softly whimper and pant from the endearing pleasure he gives you.
           You are his world. He wants nothing more than to keep you here in this moment forever to show how much he loves you. Luckily, he'll have so much more time to do so now since the war is over.
           Your head lulls back into the soft pillow, mouth agape, as you allow yourself this moment to unwind. As Cody's cock delves rhythmically into your folds, you moan with each stroke. The tip of your ears heat up from the way this man above you tickles your neck with feather light kisses. He strokes your thighs with his thumbs, making sure not to buck too harshly into your hips. Tears begin to burn your eyes again.
           This man is making love to you.
           Cody – after everything he has been through in this war – still somehow retained his gentleness. But now he is sharing some of it with you in order for you to heal.
           The commander continues to whisper into your ear as you silence your whimpers in his chest, hands coming to rest on his pecs to feel more sheltered and secure under him.
           "Everything will be okay," is all that he repeats. "Everything will be okay."
           Smiling, you believe him while he gently wipes away your tears with his thumb.
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x reader) Chapter 6
Okay so you asked for fluff here it is, I hope I did okay... this chapter will be split into two parts because it was so damn long <3
Warnings: None
Word count: 2.2k
“Wrap up warm, were going out. Meet you outside in 10” Saul smiled at you like a little kid through the door to your room. You hadn’t heard him come in so you jumped, one of the other girls must have let him in. Going where? Before you could ask he’d gone, leaving you slightly confused while the rest of your roommates filled in one by one smiling like idiots. 
“What are you guys planning, what’s going on?” You eyed your friends wearily, you couldn’t help the smile that fluttered on your face. 
“You heard the man, get dressed up warm, you’re going on a date!” The girls squealed and you jumped up excited. It was like a typical scene from any romcom movie, cue the cheesy 90’s music in the background, there you were being dressed up by your friends, searching for the perfect but comfortable outfit. 
The air outside was mild, almost sunny, it was early in the morning so the fog hadn’t lifted yet, you know that the day would be a hot one, so why were you wearing a padded coat? He was leaning lazily against the gate at the front of the school, he hadn’t noticed you yet. You couldn’t help but admire him and just watch as he looked so at ease, at peace, if only for a moment. There was still a lot going on, but it was moments like this that made you remember that the burned ones were a temporary problem, life wouldn’t be like this forever. He wasn’t hurt anymore, you weren’t hurt, apart from the graze on your head, and for the first time since you’d arrived in Alfea, the day felt like it would actually be normal for once. 
Looking around, the grounds were clear and from where you were standing you knew that no one would be able to see you and Saul, most people were still in bed, others studying or just hanging out with friends. You stifled your giggles as you snuck up behind him, all the while not noticing the grin that was plastered on Saul’s face. When you got near enough, you ran a couple of steps and attacked him from behind and by attack, you meant you jumped on him knowing he would catch you, planting kisses over the back of his neck. 
“You know I knew you were behind me right?” He jumped you up his back a bit, making sure your legs were secured around his waist, taking your hand in his kissing it softly, his other hand supporting your legs around him. 
“Yeah yeah whatever Mr soldier man. So, you’re going to piggy back me to wherever were going?” You felt him shrug. 
“Do I need a reason to hold my girl?” You blushed and rest your chin on the top of his head as Saul walked to the barrier, if you didn’t know any better you swear he could feel your heart stutter as you moved closer the the protective shield that hid you from the monsters on the other side. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I had people scan the area before we left, you won’t be able to see them but there’s senior specialists hidden in the woods, we’re just going to the portal door, it’s not far.” He let you down slowly, settling you on your feet now that you’d both reached the barrier. From under his parker you watched as Saul removed his sword, now on alert, just as a precaution. You could feel the magic inside you swirling around, ready for anything. Luckily none of it was needed, you made it to the portal door that you and Bloom had slipped through that time and watched as Saul produced a familiar ring from his jacket pocket. 
“Wow, Stella let you have her ring? I didn’t think she’d part with it after what had happened last time.” He winked at you, pushing you in front of him slightly to make sure that you were still safe as he operated the portal door.
“You ready Y/N?” He reached for your hand smiling, taking it and pulling you into his side. He looked down at you, it wasn’t difficult when he was a whole foot taller than you. Slowly, he leant down, still looking in your eyes, connecting his soft lips to yours. It took your breath away just like always, it still surprised you that it was capable of doing that every time, you didn’t know if you’d ever get used to the butterflies that swam around your belly every time he kissed you, looked at you, said your name. You just knew you never wanted it to end. 
“I’m ready, lead the way."
Where you arrived was nothing you could have imagined. Being from earth, you knew of places around the world, you’d never got to travel, but you liked to read and watch documentaries when you could. The place you were in wasn’t one you recognised. You could feel the magic coming off everything. The bustle of people, the shops, the hovercraft cars that wizzed through the middle of the town. It was something out of a fairytale. You laughed to yourself, who would have thought that you, a mere human.. or so you thought… would be rescued by your handsome prince and taken away to some fairytale kingdom, girls in your situation dreamed of the day it would happen, and luckily for you your dreams had become a reality. 
“Why does it feel like i’m standing in the fairy version of Diagon Alley.” You whispered in awe to yourself.
“Babe, you know I don’t get your otherworld references.” Silva laughed at you. The expression on your face priceless. “Welcome to Magix City.” What a suitable name for somewhere so magical. The whole place was alive. It was completely different from your school. Come to think of it. This was the first place you’d been since moving to Alfea that wasn’t the dreaded woods. Men and Women walked around laughing and talking like it was the most normal thing in the world, but then it would be, this was their world, your world now… You guessed that the only place that had to be on the look out for the burned ones threat was Alfea, but then you noticed men and women clad in black uniforms pop up on the top of buildings every now and again adorned with multitudes of weapons. The only way your mind could describe what you were seeing was a mixture between the stories you’d read of Harry Potter crossed with The Hunger Games. 
“Sweetheart, today is all about us, this is where, if the school wasn’t in danger, you and your friends would be able to come and spend your free time. When I was a student at Alfea, they used to have portal busses that would take us back and forth, but they stopped them to have more control over who could come and go. The plus about us being here, is there’s no students, no one will care if were openly a couple.” He wiggled your eyebrows which made you snort, earning a belly laugh from the man in front of you and a shake of his head. 
“I’ve never seen anywhere like this in my life, thank you for bringing me here Saul.” You flung your arms around his waist and buried your head in his chest, his heart audibly skipping a few beats. “What’s with the jackets though? Isn’t it a bit warm to be wearing them.” You comically tugged at the collar of the parka and fanned your face. Saul just rolled his eyes. 
“Come on drama queen, this way.” He took your hand in his, walking down a couple of streets to your destination. On the way you couldn’t help but look around at everything. The plants seemed to be alive, swaying a moving as if they were animated. Lavish buildings lined in a row, all different shapes, sizes and colours. The street you had walked down lead out to a big square where restaurants and small art cafes littered the cobbled stones. A grand building stood off to the side, books made from wooden sculptures adorned the roof and in big bold letters across the front of the door read “Magix Bookland.” You knew you’d have to stop off there before you went home. 
Your attention was grabbed when you stumbled a little, Saul had come to a halt in front of two large glass doors. You could already feel the chilly air coming from inside. Maybe this is what the jackets were for. You were too caught up in awe that you hadn’t noticed the sign on the door. 
“I know you’ve always wanted to do this, but you said you’d never got to on earth.” No, he couldn’t have remembered that story you’d told him.. it was the week you’d first met, surely he hadn’t remembered. But he had. Your eyes lit up when you entered the arena, big bright lights, stadium chairs lining the walls and in the centre of the building, an ice rink surrounded by plastic walls, the place completely empty, you had the place to yourselves.
“Ho-how, what. Oh my god Saul you remembered.” You didn’t know wether to laugh or cry. Saul came up behind you slinging an arm across your shoulders, kissing the side of your head, his favourite thing to do. 
“Of course I remembered darlin, I remember everything you say to me. We have the place to ourselves, a buddy owed me a favour.” You squealed in excitement and grabbed his hand pulling him along eagerly. The want for trying ice skating had been something you’d dreamt of since you were little, but with no family, friends or stable living situation, there was a lot that you’d had to sacrifice. So there you were, a week from turning 18, and only now were you ticking off the very first thing on the top of your bucket list. 
You’d both skated for a couple of hours, Saul a pro, funnily enough the ice rink was used regularly by specialists for training, they had to be able to adapt to any terrain, you thought it was pretty clever actually. It hadn’t taken you long to get the hang of it either, in the beginning you’d fallen down.. a lot, making Saul laugh and panic all at the same time, but by the end of the second hour, gone were your great big jackets and you’d successfully mastered the art of stopping without crashing full force into the plastic shield walls. Both deciding to leave when your stomachs started to rumble, Saul lead you through the streets to one of his favourite places. You enjoyed that he was showing you so much of his world, now your world too. It was nice to see this other side of him, the carefree, child like, giddy side of the normally pretty strict, strong, rough man you’d fallen for.
The building you stopped in front of was small, the windows crooked in a charming sort of way, wooden benches and flower baskets lined the outside and the smell of coffee wafted through the french doors. 
“I know how much you love coffee, this place does the best around, and I promise it won’t taste like any of that shite they call coffee on earth.” Saul rolled his eyes playfully and you nudged him, both of you making your way inside. Pastries and cakes lined the glass cabinets in front of the till area, the waitresses wore different coloured pinafores and you could hear the busy noises from the kitchen floating through along with the wonderful smells of food you couldn’t place. Saul had found you a cosy booth at the back of the cafe, private, cosy, quiet. You appreciated the time the both of you were getting to spend with each other. Part of you never wanted it to end, but you knew that at the end of the day you’d be pushed back into reality. 
You sat opposite each other, both smiling like idiots. You were so in love sometimes it made your heart hurt. A big part of you thought that you’d never find love, that you were destined to be alone forever, but you couldn’t have been more wrong. Your hands crossed the table and Saul took them in his larger ones, using his thumb to trace patterns across your knuckles, your foot inched its way up his combat clad leg and his breath faltered, moving it ever so slowly you continued teasing it up, higher and higher until the tip of your foot was resting above his crotch. His adam’s apple bobbed up and down and your stomach flipped when you noticed his perfectly sculpture jaw clench.
“Sweetheart, you’re playing a dangerous game.” Your eyelids fluttered and you wiggled a little in your seat the warning tone sending shivers through your body. You dint know how far you would go in your secluded booth and you weren’t about to find out as you were abruptly interrupted by a sugary sweet voice.
“Saul Silva? Is that you?” 
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Broken Art
A/N: Told y’all I was struggling lately 🤣 I’ll admit, I tried to keep this neutral reader, but I was pretty in my feels when I wrote this so if I missed something please call me out - although I did force my love for Gene Kelly onto the reader lol
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader
Word Count: ~1700
Rating/Warnings: PG - Heartbroken Marcus, unrequited (?) pining, very vague mention of sexytimes. As usual, not proofed
Summary: Last night you’d gotten a call from Marcus - his girlfriend broke up with him. Today, you’re going over to look after the love of your life- your friend.
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You let yourself into Marcus’ apartment with the spare key he’d given you for emergencies. You were unsurprised to find the blinds drawn and lights off, despite that it was already late in the morning. Marcus was usually an early riser, but you had expected this today. You sighed, having known this would be what you found as you entered - you kind of hated that you were right.
You set the shopping bags down in the kitchen on your way to his bedroom. Your eyes were still adjusting to the dimness inside the apartment, but as you pushed the door open you could see the outline of the lump under the blankets.
“Oh, honey,” you sighed softly to yourself, padding across the soft carpet. Marcus didn’t stir as you pulled the blanket up, sliding in behind him.
“What are you doing here?” He asked quietly, voice cracking. The sound made your heart break, you knew it wasn’t just sleep and disuse causing it.
“Came to see you, silly.” You answered obviously, curling around the man, spooning him. You felt him take a deep breath, your arm curled around his bicep and chest.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know.”
Silence took over the room as the two of you lay there. His hand found your arm, trailing down your skin until it wrapped around your own hand. Linking his fingers with yours, he gave it a thankful squeeze. You rested your head on your other arm, stretching it out so your free hand could play with his hair.
You let time tick by like that, being there for the sweet, broken-hearted man pressed against you. The phone call from the night before, hearing him choke back tears as he told you his girlfriend had left him for another man, played through your head. You had no idea how this kept happening to the most amazing man you’d ever met. You thought that Lisbon woman he’d told you about had been crazy, but somehow it had happened all over again with Brittany.
“Have you eaten yet today?” You whispered into the darkness.
“Not hungry.” He mumbled back, wiggling against you as he burrowed deeper into his pillow.
“You have to eat something, sweetheart.” You sighed. “How about I make you some pancakes? I brought blueberries, chocolate chips, bananas, strawberries. I can make any kind you want.”
He didn’t answer, but you didn’t let that discourage you. You knew this man could rarely decline the offer of pancakes. You gave him the time to consider it.
“Banana and chocolate chip?” He finally asked, voice soft and unsure. Like you could ever say no to him.
“Of course.” You grinned. You sat up, pressing a kiss to his cheek before climbing out of his bed. “I’ll be back soon with them, okay? Coffee?”
“I think I’m out.” He admitted.
“I’ve got you covered. Do you want some?”
“Yes, please.”
You closed the door behind you and fought the urge to collapse against it. You were trying to stay upbeat and supportive for Marcus, but seeing him like this was soul crushing. He deserved so, so much better than this.
You shook your head clear and moved to the kitchen to get started on making breakfast for the two of you. You tried to focus on the task at hand, not letting your mind wander.
It was dangerous to let your thoughts dip too deep into what you would do to Brittany if you ever saw her again. It was even more dangerous to let yourself wander into the realm of how you would have never done this to him.
It was almost too easy to imagine you were making breakfast for yourself and Marcus under different circumstances. Maybe you’d stayed the night after he took you on an amazing date - candlelit dinner followed by a walk through the park. The night breeze just a little chilled so he’d wrap his arm around you, or offer you his jacket as you strolled together. Or maybe a night in, watching old movies as you cuddled up on his giant, plush couch. Possibly you’d woken up first after truly tiring him out last night, and now you were making breakfast in bed, where you were sure to get into round two (or maybe at that point, three or four) once you’d eaten.
No. That was very dangerous to think about.
Of course you were in love with him. You weren’t sure how any warm-blooded woman wouldn’t be. He was the perfect gentleman, he was Disney-prince handsome, he was smart and funny. He wasn’t scared of commitment or talking about feelings, he worked hard both in his professional and personal life. Seriously, he was a cute animal sidekick away from being a movie character.
You’d never admit this to him. You couldn’t stand the thought of the pity on his face as he explained he didn’t feel the same. How the awkwardness would grow between the two of you until there was too much distance to recover from. How the texts and calls would slowly stop, you’d see him less until he wasn’t a friend but an ‘oh yeah, I used to know that guy.’ You’d take a friend like Marcus Pike in your life any day over losing him completely.
You banished those thoughts as you piled two plates with pancakes, adding some of the fruit you’d brought over on the sides. You dug out a serving tray from his cupboard, loading the plates, syrup, cutlery, and two coffees. No need to bring cream and sugar, you knew how Marcus liked his coffee - of course you did. It was a little pathetic how much you loved him.
You groaned at yourself, having a mental conversation to get it together as you picked up the tray. You could pine over him later. Now, he needed a friend.
You carefully balanced the tray on your hip, taking one hand off of it to open the door.
“Breakfast.” You sang, shuffling in carefully. “Lights.” You warned before flicking the switch.
The overhead light illuminated the room, Marcus whining as he tucked his head under his blanket. You could see his clothes from the night before tossed carelessly on the floor instead of neatly put in his hamper. That just told you how desperate he had been to crawl into bed once he got home from his date.
“C’mon Marcus. You gotta sit up and eat.” You told him, kindly but firmly, as you sat on the bed beside the lump in the blankets.
You heard him sigh before he moved, sitting up and letting the blanket fall to his waist. His eyes were red-rimmed, his hair was a mess from hiding under the blankets - and probably not helped by you playing with it earlier. He had on a white undershirt, probably the one he’d been wearing last night and hadn’t bothered to change. Stubble was starting to grow in along his jawline and upper lip.
You didn’t mention his appearance, focussed on balancing the tray between the two of you, making sure the coffee didn’t spill or the blueberries roll off the plate as you settled it onto the bed.
“Thanks.” His voice was hoarse as he reached for the coffee. You organized the tray while he drank, passing a set of cutlery his way. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“Of course I did,” you disagreed. “That’s what friends are for.” The words tasted bitter, so you chased them with a sip of your own coffee.
You spent the day with Marcus, trying to take his mind off of his recently failed relationship. You made sure he ate and stayed hydrated, but otherwise did nothing of importance. The two of you lounged around, chatting and watching TV as you tried to just be there for him.
The fact that he hadn’t slept well the night before was obvious, even before he fell asleep on you midway through An American in Paris. The two of you had been nearly cuddled together under the throw blanket from the back of his couch - more so leaning against each other than cuddling - when his head started to droop onto your shoulder. You teased him for falling asleep, but he insisted he was wide awake. You didn’t call him on the lie as he slowly slumped lower, leading to you wrapping an arm around his shoulders to find a more comfortable position for the both of you. Soon enough, his head was pressed into your chest as slow, deep breaths escaped his barely parted lips.
The movie played on, forgotten in the background as you stared at his profile the best you could from this vantage point. Not just any man could steal your attention from Gene Kelly, but this wasn’t any man. This was your Marcus.
He looked younger in his sleep - the worry from the last two days, plus the usual stress of his job fading away. His lower lip jutted out farther than his top in an adorable pout.
You wished you could kiss those lips. Kiss all his worries away until he looked this relaxed while awake. Kiss him to show him just how much he was loved and cared for despite the string of girls that barged in and out of his life, each stealing a new piece of his heart. You wanted to wrap that heart in bubble wrap, pack it up with a giant “fragile” stamp on it, until it was safe like the beautiful pieces of art Marcus spent his time hunting - like the beautiful piece of art it was in it’s own right. Lock it up in a vault until only experts were allowed to touch it with reverent, gloved hands, restoring it from it’s past traumas.
But no, you couldn’t. What good was art when it was hidden away from the world? His heart wasn’t yours to claim and protect. You’d be there to restore it though, however many times he needed.
You sniffled, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to spill down your cheeks. Instead of continuing the melancholy train of thought, you smoothed his hair down, pressing a kiss to his temple. Closing your eyes, you leaned your head gently against his. His heart wasn’t yours - to have, to keep safe - but as you dozed off, you couldn’t help pretend just for this moment that it was.
Tagging: @wickedfrsgrl​
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taelme · 4 years
Tattoo artist!Bang Chan
genre: tattoo artist!au, (fluff, slightly suggestive, this felt like slow burn to me lol) 
pairing/s:  Chan / Reader, ( some of the stray kids appear in this but not all sorry ) 
word count: 20k+ ( again, idk what happened my hand slipped ) 
tw: none!! just slightly suggestive but NO SMUT in this we keep it safe here bc im weak 
a/n: this was a ride....inspired by that one period of time ( PLS 191110 KAMP festival... ) Bang Chan kept wearing that fake lip piercing....n I love Bang Chan but like...I can't write smut for the life of me so this is the best I can do,... I put a mix in there I guess hope u guys like it!! ps gif not mine idk how many times I need to say this 
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“Hi, welcome to peaches, what can I get you?”
You fumbled around in your bag for your wallet, looking up to make eye contact with the boy standing behind the counter, dark brown hair falling over his eyes slightly as he gave you an expectant look.
Taken aback by the sheer appeal of his looks, you avoided his gaze desperately, trying your best to calm yourself down as you wondered just why Felix wasn’t working today.
"Uh…I’ll just uh…I’ll get um. Can I have the peach thing?” you fumbled with your words, your hand going up to your head to scratch at your temple even though it wasn’t itching.
A small huff of laughter escaped the boy, your gaze darting up to look at him, somewhat curious to see what he would look like while laughing, but getting distracted by the shiny silver ring delicately hugging the corner of his lower lip, except this time you couldn’t bring yourself to look away.
“You mean the peach soda?” he quirked an eyebrow, giving you a small smirk.
You noticed a slight accent in the way he spoke, only serving to make you even more confused about just who he was, your mind wandering to possibilities on whether he was one of Felix’s friends from Australia.
Pursing your lips, you nodded quickly without paying attention to what he was asking you, trying to end your exchange quickly before your flushed skin became too obvious, thrusting your money forward and staring intently as he worked quickly at the register.
Holding the change out for you, you’d almost winced when the pads of your fingers brushed against the cool metal of his rings, hearing him thank you, mumbling something else that you couldn’t quite catch.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Name?” he prompted you again.
You made a sound of realization, remembering that this was your first time meeting him so he wouldn’t know your name, “Y/N,” you told him.
He made a small sound of intrigue, “nice name,” he murmured.
Thankfully you’d regained your sense of the situation before he could write your name on the cup, “wait, I’m not having it to-go,” you added quickly, not expecting to earn a chuckle from him.
“I know, sweetie, I asked you about that just know,” he raised his eyebrows at you, “I just wanted to know your name.”
Shoving your coins into your wallet, you thanked him quickly,  hastening your steps to find yourself a seat at the far corner of the room, away from the crowd of students playing board games but not too far away that your friend wouldn’t be able to spot you when they arrived.
Taking your phone out to pretend to fiddle with it, you couldn’t help the furtive ( you hoped, at least ) glances you stole at the said worker, your constant glances at him making you completely oblivious to what was actually going on around you, only snapping out of your thoughts with a start when you heard a loud thud on your table, your head snapping up quickly to spot your friend in the seat before you.
“Sorry I’m late. Did you wait long?” Jisung asked you, his hair in a mess from what you assumed was the cause of the thud.
“Huh?” you frowned, not hearing him quite well from how distracted you were, Jisung’s reply interrupted when you saw the cashier boy walking towards your table.
“Here’s your drink, sweetie,” he smiled, and in your desperation to avoid his gaze once again, you had noticed how only one of his hands was covered in a sleeve, something you knew people tended to do to cover tattoos.
You pretended you weren’t flustered, giving the boy a slight nod and looked elsewhere, fiddling with the straw in the soda, glaring at Jisung when he’d slid the glass from your hand slowly, raising both eyebrows in question while gesturing wildly with his head in the direction the cashier had walked off in.
“Who’s the hottie and why’s he calling you sweetie?” He wiggled his eyebrows, bringing the straw to his lips to take a long sip.
“Firstly, I want to know just as much as you do. Second of all, I don’t even know his name-”
“It’s Chris, I saw his nametag just now when you were too busy staring at God knows what,” Jisung rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat to casually look at the counter, observing how Chris had brought a little juice box up to his mouth, fiddling with his phone as there were no customers in line.
“Why d’you think Felix suddenly hired him?” Jisung narrowed his eyes at Chris, making you shrug, wondering where Felix was, finding it oddly timely when Felix had chosen that time to enter the café, the bells dangling on top of the door jingling to announce his entrance. 

“He’s here, maybe we can just ask him,” you told Jisung, watching as Felix approached the counter with a wide grin.
Chris placed his phone down quickly, only to relax when he realised it was just Felix.
“Hey,” Felix nodded at Chris, turning to scan the room, waving at you and Jisung upon spotting the both of you.
Jisung waved his hand wildly to beckon Felix to your table, practically pulling him down into a squat next to your table, earning a wide-eyed look of confusion from Felix.
“Hi guys, everything alright?”
“Who is that! Your new hire!” Jisung used his head to nod in Chris’ direction, making Felix turn around in Chris’ direction before a knowing look washed over his face, his mouth curving into an ‘o’ shape, looking very much amused.
“I see you’ve met Chris?”
You nodded, “are you understaffed or something? I thought you said you don’t do part- timers?” You frowned.
Felix shook his head, jutting his lips out in a pout.
“Nope, I’ve been pretty busy these days with classes so I figured I could use some help, plus, he’s a friend of mine so I know I can trust him.” Felix grinned, holding his hands up beside his face in a thumbs up.
“He looks really….” You began, immediately regretting because you were struggling to find the right word to describe Chris’ intimidating aura.
Truth be told, you were just trying not to let how good-looking you thought he was slip. Jisung would surely never let you live it down.
“Scary? Yeah I figured, my parents told me to get him to cover his tattoos so he wouldn’t scare my customers off,” Felix giggled, “but the lip piercing was a little troublesome so I let him keep it on,” he shrugged, your eyes widening at the confirmation that he did indeed have tattoos.
“Trust me….his face is scary enough for that,” you muttered, taking a long sip of your drink in your poor attempt to suppress your curiosity.
Jisung shot you a look, rolling his eyes.
“Please, that ‘sweetie’ he gave you was far from scary and you know it.”
Felix raised an eyebrow at Jisung, turning to give you an amused smile, his hands coming up to cover his mouth (though that didn’t do much in hiding his grin).
“‘Sweetie’?” He giggled, peering over at Chris before shaking his head good-naturedly.
“Yeah, you know, you should tell him not to flirt with your customers,” you huffed, Jisung’s smirk already beginning to unnerve you.
Felix’s response had only unnerved you even more, “trust me, Y/N, he’ll grow on you.”
And grow on you he sure did. Though you weren’t very sure if you would liken him to the kind of unwelcome moss that grows on old buildings or that of a pretty morning glory plant. Though both had its own charm, you just weren’t sure which one Chris fit into. Whatever it was, you were sure he was leaning towards the more unwelcome one for you.
You shot an annoyed look at Chris when he’d turned whatever rave music he had been playing in the café even louder, interrupting the cute café project meeting you were attempting to have with one of your friends Jeongin.
“What? Sorry, I can’t concentrate with all...this,” Jeongin gave you an apologetic frown, using his hand to gesture to the speakers, making you turn to cast Chris an angry glare.
Catching his gaze quickly, he gave you an expectant look, which only served to unnerve you more with how nonchalant he was acting.
“The music” you mouthed, gesturing to the speakers, “is too loud!” you covered your ears and shook your head vigorously, repeating your gestures with your frown directed towards him.
Chris simply shrugged, even going to the extent of pretending to yawn, cupping his hand around his ear and knitting his eyebrows together in a wince.
Curse Felix for having cute asshole friends, you thought.
Frankly, Chris didn’t know why he was being such an ass either. Maybe it was the knowledge that that kid sitting with you was interacting with you more than you ever interacted with Chris. Or maybe it was the way you seemed like you’d dressed up more today, fiddled with your hair more and posed for pictures nicely compared to when you were with Jisung.
Maybe Chris was just a teensy weensy bit jealous.
“I’m really sorry, he doesn’t seem like he’s gonna lower down the volume anytime soon,” you leaned closer to apologize, slightly reassured when he shook his head dismissively at you, though it didn’t rid you completely of your guilt.
“I don’t know why he’s doing this,” you explained further, “I brought you here because the music he usually plays is really good,” you explained.
“It’s really fine, he looks like the kind of guy I wouldn’t mess with either...it’s okay.” Jeongin glanced at Chris’ direction furtively, Chris’ sickly sweet smile seeming to intimidate him.
You scoffed at the way Chris had smiled at Jeongin, turning to give him another apologetic frown.
“I’m so sorry, I know you wanted to discuss our project today...but maybe we can go somewhere more conducive next time?” you tried to sound more hopeful, huffing a sigh of relief when you’d seen him nod reassuringly.
Jeongin had bid you goodbye once he’d decided he had received one too many of Chris’ intense stares, making you free to storm over to the counter, hands on your hips to emphasize your dismay.
Only then did Chris decide to lower down the music volume, turning back to face you with an expectant smile as you heard a calmer michael bublé song playing softly through the speakers.
“What’s your deal, Chan?” you frowned, your fingers finding purchase on the hem of your shirt, telling yourself to stand firm! And Don’t let his dimples sway you!
“I’ve told you a thousand times, you can call me ‘Chan’,” there was an amused lilt to his tone, though he figured you weren’t going to repeat yourself with how firmly you were staring at him.
“What deal?” he murmured pensively, bringing a hand up to fiddle with his lip ring and tilting his head at you so casually that you wondered if teasing people just came naturally to him.
"What’s my deal?” you echoed his question in disbelief, “I couldn’t even hear myself think with how loud the music was just now!” you huffed, your frown only deepening when he looked at you apologetically.
“Sorry, sweetie, couldn’t hear you just now. The other customers felt like the music was too soft,” he pouted, something in his expression making you less upset despite how obviously he was lying.
You’d opened your mouth to retort but fell short of coming up with a good enough comeback, choosing to scoff at him instead.
“You’re really manipulative, you know that?“ you huffed, poking your tongue in your cheek and looking down at the menu on the counter (even though you already knew what you were going to order).
"So….I’ll get you your usual, then?” and apparently, so did he.
Determined not to let yourself get more affected by Chan, and even more determined on not mentioning him for the rest of the duration that you would be at peaches, you buried yourself in your reading, flipping your pages so roughly you had to stop every now and then to check if they tore.
Jisung had joined you halfway, when you had switched from angry-reading to slouching in your seat scrolling through social media.
Shoving his phone on top of your (now closed) books with a loud thump, you leaned forward, peering over your phone to see different drawings and designs on the screen, all in black and white.
“That’s nice, did you draw it?” you asked, pinching and pulling at the screen to zoom on the details of the designs.
Jisung snorted, giving you an all-too-satisfied smile, "my dear friend, I’m thinking of getting a tattoo.”
Your eyes widened, “tattoo? Your mom would murder you,” you scoffed.
Jisung shook his head proudly, his eyes wide and insistent, “that’s where you’re wrong.” He smiled proudly, “I asked her already and she’s fine with it as long as I find someone legit to do it.”
Your eyebrows raised, fairly impressed that he had gotten away with it.
“But she’s not paying for it, of course,” he added as an afterthought.
You hated how predictable you were, but at the mention of tattoos, your gaze had wandered over to Chan, who was busy placing a few orders together on a tray. Staring at his sleeve, you figured, he seems like the type that would know about tattoos…right? I mean, considering he has a few of his own.
Don’t say it. don’t say it. don’t say it.
“Maybe you can ask Chan?” you’d winced as the words left your lips, “I mean, he has tattoos, right? Seems like he knows what he’s doing,” you offered, closing your mouth quickly as you saw him approaching your table.
“Oh yeah! Why didn’t I think of that?” Jisung clapped his hands, head snapping around and startling in his seat when Chan had made his presence known.
“Here you go,” he murmured, pushing your peach soda towards you before turning to Jisung, hugging his tray to his chest, “hey, man. Anything for you today?”
Jisung shook his head, “actually I was wondering, you have tattoos, right?”
You had to refrain from making your embarrassment too obvious, pulling the straw of your drink to your lips to feign disinterest in Chan’s response. Your sips only grew longer when Chan leaned his free hand on the back of your chair, his torso next to your head. Since when did his perfume smell so good?
“Yeah,” he replied confidently, shaking his head slightly to get his hair away from his eyes.
“Do you know anywhere I could get something done? Not anywhere shady, of course,” he asked Chan.
Chan let out a giggle, nodding. “Gimme a sec,” he held his hand up in a signal for Jisung to wait, jogging over to the counter and pulling his backpack out from under the counter, fishing something out before jogging back to your table.
Holding his hand out, he showed the both of you two small palm-sized cards. Taking it from him, you realized that they were business cards.
“This is actually my studio...” he shifted his weight from one leg to the other, folding his arms across his chest around the tray, “I’m like...certified and all, so you don’t have to worry,” he told Jisung.
“But you can check it out first if you’re still unsure. If not I can just find someone else to help you,” he added, gesturing as he spoke.
“Cool,” you murmured, gripping the card tightly between your fingers, making a mental note to do some research on this ship once Chan left.
“Alright, man, thanks so much. I’ll let you know.”
Chan smiled at Jisung, patting him on the back lightly before going off to clear the other tables.
“Says here they have an Instagram,” Jisung murmured, scrutinising the card closely.
Telling you the name of the account, you pulled up a page of the shop, your mouth falling open in shock at the number of people he had following the account, not to mention the number of pictures of peoples tattoos on the account. Starting to scroll through the account’s posts, you realized most if not all of his designs were in black and white.
“Do you want your tattoo to have colour? Cause if you do..I don’t think he really does many colour pieces,” you murmured, angling your phone to face him so he could look at the designs with you.
“Honestly...I might just do one of his designs…they’re a lot nicer than whatever I had in mind,” you laughed at the way he stared blankly at your phone screen.
“Do they tag the people who get the tattoos?” You wondered out loud.
Jisung reached over to tap on the picture, tapping on the account only to be led to what you were very sure was Chan’s account.
You shamelessly scanned the account, noticing he rarely posted photos of himself but mostly of the sky or of scenery (with the occasional post-workout photo), and that there were a little to no actual coloured photos in his feed.
“Are you gonna follow him?” You asked Jisung, seeing him nod and give you a shrug.
“Yeah, why not?” he raised his eyebrows in question as if you were asking a stupid question.
“Follow him with me, so it doesn’t seem like I’m trying to kiss ass or anything,” he tapped on your arm incessantly, tapping on his phone before dragging your hand closer to him so he could press the follow button on Chan’s account.
“Jisung!” You pulled your phone away quickly, looking at him with wide eyes, making his eyes widen as well, looking at you in surprise.
“What? What?”
“I didn’t know you were gonna follow him now! He’s literally right there,” you whispered harshly at him.
Casting you an unamused glance, he held his hands up in a shrug.
“It’s no big deal. He probably won’t even think much of it…. I mean, well…unless you want him to,” his expression turned to a more teasing one, narrowing his eyes at you as he traced a heart in the air with his fingers.
“Oh yeah, speaking of which, I was meaning to ask you, how did your meetup with Jeongin go?” he placed his phone back down on the table, looking at you expectantly.
“Bad,” you groaned, “Couldn’t even hear him half the time because someone was playing the cafe music too loud,” you nodded your head in Chan’s direction.
Jisung winced, “So you guys didn’t get to discuss?”
You shook your head, “I told him we could just meet somewhere more conducive the next time since clearly Chan had a problem hearing me,” you sighed, leaning back in your seat.
“But the music’s fine now, though?”
“Well it wasn’t fine just now, and the dumbest part was that he turned it down after Jeongin left,” you rolled your eyes, knowing that the brown haired boy had no idea you were talking about him as he stood there sipping on his stupid juice box.
“Maybe he did it on purpose,” Jisung offered, making you scoff.
“Beats me, but whatever it is it’s crazy.”
“You’re just mad ‘cause he’s cute.”
You scoffed, huffing at him in disbelief, “no, I’m mad because he ruined my meeting,” your eyes widened in offence.
Jisung narrowed his eyes, letting his imagination run wild, “maybe he wanted to ruin your date,” he conspired, making you roll your eyes.
“One,” you held up a finger, “it wasn’t a date. Two,” you lowered your hand, struggling to find another reason, “you watch too many dramas,” you finally mustered, only serving to fuel Jisung’s entertainment even more.
“It’s easy, Y/N, the next step is to just… slide into his dms, I mean, since you’re already following him.”
You tossed your packet of tissue at him, “shut up, Jisung.”
That same night, you were about to sleep when you’d received a message.
1:39am - r we placing bets on whether he’s trying to thirst trap me –
Attached to the message was a screenshot of Chan’s Instagram page with a selfie that he’d just uploaded, the picture showing Chan’s exposed collarbones and above making your eyes widen and close the image quickly, feeling your cheeks redden at the sudden post, unsure why a simple photo of him was making you flustered to no end.
1:41am -probably-
Was all you could type out, debating in your head whether to open the image again, a part of you wanting to see it again but shaking your head decisively, shoving your phone back underneath your pillow, but the image of Chan with damp hair wearing coloured contacts burned in your head.
You found yourself growing more anxious about possibly seeing Chan the next day if you were going to the book cafe (which you probably were). But Jisung’s reply had you thinking that maybe it was the universe trying to shove and kick you towards Chan.

1:42am - also ive decided n u are coming w me to his shop to get my tat tmr -
You sighed, casually scrolling up in your chat to have a look at Chan’s selfie again before typing out your reply to Jisung.
1:42am -lovely-
Shoving your phone aside, you closed your eyes, hoping the feeling of yourself being drawn to the image would go away quickly.
“Do you even know where the shop is? we’ve been walking for hours,” you whined, earning an eye roll from Jisung who was still faithfully following the google maps directions on his phone.
“First of all, it’s only been 10 minutes. Second of all, I know where it is, look,” he showed you his phone, the automated voice telling him he was about to reach his destination, “ms google says we’re really close by.”
“Okay, fine. Just hurry, I wanna sit down.” you sighed, letting Jisung lead you to a stretch of modern cafés, eventually ending up in front of a neon sign of what looked like a little cartoon snake, the cartoon logo fairly familiar after remembering seeing it on Chan’s Instagram.
Shoving the glass open, you heard small bells identical to those in the cafe signal your entrance. A tall, baby-faced boy wearing thin-rimmed glasses walking out from behind the curtains leading to the back. This boy had piercings too, but the skin exposed by his t-shirt was clean, not marked by any sort of tattoo, giving him a much more innocent appearance as compared to Chan.
“Hey, uh…I booked an appointment here for 2pm?” Jisung spoke, and the tall boy stalked over to their reception area wordlessly, going behind the counter to pull out a thick binder and flipping to the most recent page.
“With Chan?” the boy spoke, earning a nod from you. “Alright. I’m Hyunjin, by the way. Will both of you be getting tattoos?”
Your eyes widened, rushing to protest, “oh, no, no no. Not me, just him. I’m just moral support.” You clarified, earning a snicker from Hyunjin, who nodded in amusement.
“Okay, then,” he shut the binder with a light thud, “Chan’s just finishing up a phone call with another client. He’ll call you when he’s ready but in the meantime you guys can chill here, I guess.” he gestured to the small black leather sofas in the reception area.
You and Jisung did as you were told, the waiting making Jisung more nervous about the nitty gritty details of getting a tattoo.
“Here’s the forms to fill up while you wait,” Hyunjin walked over to pass an electronic tablet to Jisung.
You on the other hand, picked up a binder showing the various designs that the shop had specially come up with that people could choose, showing Jisung a new design every now and then to try to distract him from his nervousness.
“Hey look at this one, this is cute,” you pointed at a cartoon drawing of a kangaroo, flipping to the last page to see that they had pictures and the names of various piercings as well.
Jisung sighed, tone emotionless, “yeah, sure.”
Scrolling through the pictures absently, Jisung leant his head on your shoulder, looking at the binder’s contents with you.
“What about this?” Jisung joked, pointing at the lip piercing, “you could twin with Chan,” he snickered.
You rolled your eyes, “yeah, very funny.”
Sighing, you thought about how Chan looked with the lip piercing, “his lips are really nice…” Your voice trailed off, only realising what you said after. “I mean like, I’m not saying that with any double meaning or whatever I just mean like, you know, generally he has a nice lip shape and a—”
“Yeah save it, we know you have the hots for him.”
You huffed, ignoring Jisung and continuing to flip the pages.
“Wait stop, that one’s nice. I think you’d look good with this one,” he pointed at the picture of the helix piercing.
"This?” you brought your hand up to touch your ear where the piercing would be, “but this is like….the hard part of my ear, won’t it hurt?” you grimaced.
Jisung gave you a look, “c’mon, trust me, I think you’d look great in this….” Jisung lowered his voice, leaning closer to you and glancing at Hyunjin to make sure he wasn’t listening.
“Chan would lose his shit.”
You smacked the binder closed, glaring at Jisung. Holding the binder up threateningly, about to scold him when you heard the beaded curtains move, your head snapping around to spot Chan there, dressed in a black muscle tee and black jeans, dark hair messy on his head.
“Hey guys, Jisung you ready? I’ve already done the stencil so it’s your call,” you waited for Jisung’s answer, too busy gawking at Chan’s tattoo sleeve, now being the first time you weren’t seeing it covered.
Jisung let out a loud sigh, “lemme just go inside and mentally prepare myself first,” he stood up, shaking his head.
Chan held the beaded curtain open for Jisung, letting him walk through first as you took your time to gather your things, not realizing Chan was still holding the curtain open for you.
“Hey, sweetie.” Chan greeted, nodding his head at you with a small smile.
“Hi,” you murmured, suddenly nervous around him, about to sling Jisung’s bag over your shoulder when Chan’s voice cut in.
“Oh, you can actually just leave it here. Hyunjin’ll be here,” you glanced at the boy mentioned who nodded at you before going back to his handphone game.
“Oh, alright then,” you murmured, walking over to where he was.
“I see you’re playing the moral support role today?” Chan let out a small giggle, letting you walk through the curtain before following behind you.
You let out a huff of laughter at the sight of Jisung lying on the chair with his eyes closed, hands clasped as if in prayer.
“Didn’t really have a choice,” you laughed, earning a grim nod from Chan, who put on his gloves and lightly kicked his stool towards the chair Jisung was seated on.
The first thing you noticed about the room was that it was very neat, everything seeming as though it was in its rightful place, giving off a very clean feel to the room, which served to calm you down for some reason. The plants and warm lighting in the room served to add some comfort to the atmosphere.
“Dude, don’t look so deathly, you’re not gonna die. You can take breaks in between if it’s too much,” Chan’s tone was reassuring, which you were thankful for since Jisung really did look pale.
“Okay, you’re right. You know what? I’m not that weak, I can do this,” his eyes shot open, giving Chan a firm nod.
Chan shocked you by giggling, gesturing to a wheeled stool similar to his, “you don’t have to stand, sweetie, you can sit here. This might take a while.”
If you were embarrassed, you didn’t show it, as you padded over to the stool, going next to Jisung and feeling him grab your hand. For a second you were thankful he was so nervous that he couldn’t tease you for Chan’s term of endearment.
Chan had disinfected the area Jisung wanted the tattoo on, a blueish outline of the design transferring onto his skin before he’d started. You appreciated how patient and precise Chan had been to speed up the process, Jisung occasionally squeezing your hand when it hurt.
“How long is this gonna take?” you asked out of curiosity.
“Uhh… this isn’t that big of a piece, so about 2-3 hours? Give and take if he needs breaks in between.”
“So, uh….how long have you been doing this?” you made conversation, the buzzing sound of the tattoo needle growing too loud for your comfort.
Chan’s eyebrows raised, lower lips jutting out in a pout as he thought. “I would say…professionally about 3 years so far?” Your eyebrows raised.
“Started when I was 15,” you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Wait, so you’re 19?” Jisung huffed, almost moving to sit up when he was temporarily distracted by the discovery.
Chan huffed, shaking his head, “don’t move, please. But to answer your question, no. I’m not 19. I started my apprenticeship at 15…” he trailed off, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he concentrated on a particular spot of the tattoo.
Sighing, he leaned back slightly to dab at the perspiration on his temples with his arm, making you tempted to take the cloth and do it for him, “I’m 22.”
Your eyes widened, feeling Jisung squeeze your hand for what you knew wasn’t pain.
“Oh,” you murmured, unsure what Jisung’s little reaction meant.
Chan hummed, “Yeah, Jisung mentioned that you guys were entering uni soon,” he stated, earning an affirmative nod from you.
“Yeah, we’re turning 20 soon,” Jisung murmured, eyes open now, seeming to have adjusted to the pain level.
Now it was Chan’s turn to be surprised. “Interesting,” he murmured.
“Uh-huh” Jisung spoke, and the way his tone sounded was making you nervous, not knowing what nonsense he was about to spout next. “Y/N’s already so old and still doesn’t have a boyfriend.”
Chan flushed at the implication, hoping his shyness wasn’t too obvious. Meanwhile you were trying to convince yourself that you weren’t imagining the pink tint growing more obvious on Chan’s ears.
"Nothing to be ashamed of,” Chan mustered after a short silence, his volume dropping considerably, “I mean, I’m older than you, and at this point of time I’m not dating either.”
Jisung struggled to contain his excitement, thinking of ways that he could get you and Chan alone together, coming up with what he would deem to be the most brilliant idea.
“Hey, Chan. Do you guys do piercings here too?”
“Aren’t you a little too talkative for someone in pain,” you muttered through gritted teeth, shooting a glare at Jisung—which he promptly ignored.
Chan smiled, tilting his head in question, “you’re not even done with your tattoo and you’re already thinking about piercings?” he laughed.
“Not for me, man, for Y/N.”
Chan made a surprised sound, taking his lower lip between his teeth as he focused on a particular part of Jisung’s tattoo, leaning back with a small sigh, “oh, is that so? what kind?”
“Uh…you know the helix one?” you murmured, your hand unconsciously going up to your ear to fidget.
Chan hummed, “yeah, I can do that. You’ve already made up your mind?” You nodded, before realizing he couldn’t see you.
“I guess…will it hurt, though?”
Chan leaned back, shrugging, “Depends, a tiny bit more than your average piercing?”
“Oh…well, then, I guess that doesn’t sound so bad,” you murmured.
Jisung grinned at you, which went unnoticed by Chan, who spoke seriously, filled with concern for your friend, “you’re doing really great, by the way. We’ll probably be done a lot earlier than expected. Just let me do the finishing touches and you’ll be free.”
You fiddled with Jisung’s fingers for the rest of the duration, trying not to be too obvious when you stared at Chan. How his eyebrows would furrow just ever so slightly in his concentration, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips or play with his piercing when he was filling in the shading for Jisung’s tattoo.
Just as the waiting was starting to get even a little unbearable, your leg beginning to bounce restlessly, you saw Chan lean back, a satisfied smile on his face.
“All done,” he smiled, patting Jisung on the shoulder with one hand as he set his equipment aside, taking some cling wrap and wrapping it around Jisung’s wrist.
Releasing a relieved sigh, you silently thanked the heavens that it was over because you really needed to pee.
You’d excused yourself to the washroom as Chan told Jisung about the aftercare tips, coming back to see that Jisung had already paid for his tattoo.
“So uh..” you saw Chan leaning against the doorframe with one hand shoved into his pocket, a few strands of the beaded curtain draped over his shoulder which he fiddled with, “you still up for the piercing? Or would you rather come back another day?” He asked you, bringing a hand up to push his hair out of his forehead, his hair falling back against his forehead gently.
You hummed, taking your phone out to see if you would have any other free periods during this week, realising that the only big period of rest you would have this week would be now, and you figured you would rather adjust to the new piercing over the weekend instead of in the middle of the week.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll just do it today,” you shrugged, glancing at Hyunjin who was eyeing Chan suspiciously, finding the boy’s behaviour to be a little out of the ordinary.
“Cool, I’ll be in the back…just uh… come in and let me know when you’re ready,” he gave you a soft smile, the metal of his lip ring shining as it caught the light in the room.
“Have fun,” Jisung waggled his eyebrows at you once Chan went back, making you frown at him.
“What do you mean ‘have fun’? You’re staying with me,” your expression turned grim when you saw the way he was poorly stifling his laughter, “aren’t you?”
Jisung sucked in a sharp breath, grimacing, “yeah…about that…I actually have to go meet my group mates for something, but you’ll be fine,” he waved a hand at you dismissively, already beginning to backtrack out of the studio.
“Think of it as more time spent with Chan,” Jisung wiggled his eyebrows teasingly, turning quickly to leave the shop, leaving you dumbfounded in your place.
Turning around, you caught Hyunjin’s gaze, seeing the boy narrow his eyes at you, “are you and….Chan….you know…?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, your lips parting upon realising what he meant, shaking your head and waving your hands dismissively.
“Oh my god, no, really.”
Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at you, making you even more flustered that he was acting like he knew something you didn’t.
“No, seriously, nothing’s up. Stop looking at me like that.”
You quickened your footsteps in heading to the backroom, your cheeks flushed and eyes wide as you spotted Chan sitting on his stool, using his phone before looking up when you entered the room, a soft smile appearing on his face.
How can someone who smiles like this be the same person behind that selfie last night, you wondered.
“Ji..sung?” Chan’s voice trailed off, raising his eyebrows in question, setting his phone down on the counter attached to the wall.
“Oh, he actually just left…he had to meet his group members,” you murmured, gesturing outside.
Chan got up from his seat with a small grunt, walking over to you, making you confused as to why he was suddenly walking towards you.
You’d let out a confused hum, your voice coming out softer than intended, watching with wide eyes as he brought his hands up to yours, sighing in relief when he’d simply taken your bag and jacket from you.
“You can just take a seat on the chair if you want, but don’t recline it just sit on the seat,” he instructed, and you did as such, swinging your legs as they hung from the chair, the toe of your shoe grazing the tiled floor occasionally.
“Are you nervous?” He asked, bringing the various equipment he needed on the trolley, rolling it noisily over to where you were.
You nodded, making him laugh.
“Good? Isn’t it bad if I’m too stressed?” Your confusion was evident in your tone, making him shake his head at you.
Chan smiled, “it’s better to be nervous than over confident when it comes to these things.”
He took a new pair of gloves from the box, picking up a mirror from the tray and passing it to you, “hold this for me, hmm?”
Taking the disinfectant wipes, he pushed your hair aside, the constant falling of your hair making him giggle, “sorry can I just uh,” he shifted so he was standing behind you, bunching your hair into a ponytail, his hands brushing against the skin of your neck when he gathered the hair, almost making you shiver.
Securing it with the hairband around his wrist, he looked at you from the front, nodding at his handiwork.
“Sorry,” Chan added as an afterthought, “hope you don’t mind.” He put on his gloves, the metal of his bracelet peeking out from under the latex.
You shook your head, quietly observing his actions through his reflection in the mirror out of sheer anxiousness. Watching carefully as he held your ear with his first two fingers, disinfecting the area of your ear before picking up the marker.
Chan had crouched down slightly, pursing his lips in concentration as he made a tiny dot with the marker on your ear, leaning back so you could have a better look.
“Is this placement okay?” he asked, earning a nod from you.
“Great,” he gave you a close lipped smile, dimples appearing on his cheeks, “wow your ears are really red,” he commented with a laugh.
Laughing half-heartedly in reply, you shrugged, “think it’s cause of the air conditioning,” you lied, not knowing he would take you seriously, walking over to where he’d put your things and grabbing your jacket with his elbows, dropping it onto your lap.
“Sorry, it’d be a lot less awkward if I could use my hands,” he laughed, and you weren’t able to keep yourself from smiling.
After he’d prepared the needle and the studs, you tried not to let your tension be too obvious when he leaned down so he could be more precise. Funnily enough, though you were about to get a piercing, you were less nervous for that as compared to the fact that Chan was so close to you.
“Are you excited to graduate?” he asked you in an attempt to distract you, earning a shrug from you.
“I guess,” you murmured, Chan having successfully directed your attention elsewhere, “a little scared, though.”
“Of?” he asked, his gentle tone prompting you to elaborate.
“I guess I’m not really like…scared, I’m just kind of anxious? like…I don’t really know what to expect,” you laughed, earning a confused sound from him.
“Well if you think about it like that, then of course it’ll be negative,” Chan laughed.
“I mean, I wouldn’t know what it’s like because I didn’t go to uni but you know….maybe if you think of it as like a...i’m doing this so that I can do this in the future kind of thing then it’d be more exciting than scary,” Chan offered, moving to your other ear.
“Well…I guess that’s true,” you murmured, about to continue when you’d felt the needle piercing your skin, letting out a yelp, your hands unconsciously finding purchase on the closest thing to you, which (unfortunately and fortunately for you) was his torso, “why didn’t you give me any warning!” You hissed.
"Too late for a countdown now, huh,” he shrugged, fitting the stud onto your ear.
“All done,” he giggled, stepping away from you to set the needle into a tray for cleaning.
“You know what to do, right? Like…to care for your piercing?” Chan asked you, earning a nod from you.
“So, I’m done here?” You asked, watching Chan as he set his things aside to be sterilized, glancing at the clock on the wall at the side of the room.
“Pretty much,” he hummed, bringing up a hand to adjust his hair.
You hated how much the tension in the room was building, as if the both of you were just holding back on what you’d wanted to say. Almost deciding to walk out before Chan had finally spoken up.
“Are you gonna get dinner with Jisung?” he asked, looking elsewhere and pretending to be busy with throwing his gloves away.
“Nope,” you walked over to where he’d placed your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and taking your phone out to tell Jisung you were done getting the piercing.
“I’m probably just gonna go home and order in, or something,” you murmured, slightly preoccupied with texting to notice the way he’d perked up at the sound of you being free for the evening.
Chan walked through the curtains to the main reception area, leaning over Hyunjin who was sitting at the desk, fishing the tablet for you to fill in the form, murmuring a soft ‘sorry’ to Hyunjin, who was busy playing his phone games.
“Shouldn’t you have given that before she got the piercing,” Hyunjin whispered pointedly, his words going ignored by Chan, who knew very well that he was flustered into forgetting that small detail.
“Just fill these up and you’re all set,” he pushed them over the counter towards you, and you’d typed your details in quickly, eager to get Hyunjin’s suspicious gaze off of you.
“How much do I have to pay you?” You asked, getting ready to fish your wallet from your bag, confused when you heard Chan make a strangled sound of protest.
“Oh, no, it’s fine. Consider it ‘on the house’,” he told you, making Hyunjin’s eyebrows raise in question.
“What? But why? I mean, your shop is doing pretty well, services like that would probably be really expensive, right?” You gripped your wallet tighter, however he didn’t seem like he was giving you an option. Not with the way he was looking at you, that was for sure.
Hyunjin had ended his game already, nudging his glasses higher on his nose bridge. He pressed his lips in a thin, firm line, hoping it would help him stifle his laughter as you continued.
“But I can’t just let you do that, I mean, this is your business, you’d lose a lot of money if you just give people free services like this, you know?”
Chan almost snorted, “trust me, I won’t.”
You wracked your brain for other options on how to persuade him, “okay, but there has to be some other way I can repay you,” you stated, not expecting Chan to reply so quickly.
“How does grabbing dinner with me now sound?” The words flowed from his lips so naturally that even Hyunjin was surprised, not used to seeing his usually shy friend act so confidently around people.
Hyunjin let a small giggle escape him, narrowing his eyes at Chan who had kicked at his chair as a silent threat.
You opened your mouth and closed it back, unable to form a response in your shock, “uh…I um…” you fumbled to find the right words, making Chan let out the tiniest giggle.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he assured you, “I’m just offering, you know...since you said just now that you wouldn’t have dinner at home anyway,” he gestured with his hands as he spoke, the silver chain around his wrist coming to your attention as he moved his hands around.
“No, no..uh,” you swallowed, clearing your throat softly, “yes? Yes, that sounds great, Chan,” you mustered out as confidently as you could.
“Cool, meet you outside, then? Lemme just go and grab my stuff,” he flashed you a small close-lipped smile before walking to the back.
“Bye?” You murmured to Hyunjin, who turned his narrowed eyes away from Chan to direct them towards you instead.
“I swear...there’s definitely something going on with you two…” Hyunjin muttered, tapping at his phone quickly before shaking his head abruptly, “never mind, I won’t harass you about it….yet. Have a good dinner,” his expression changed to a smiling one, waving at you as if nothing happened.
When you’d gone out of the tattoo shop, you only had to wait for barely a minute before you heard the door open behind you, Chan stepping out, now wearing a black leather jacket over his shirt with his bag in hand.
“Did you have any dinner place in mind?” You asked him, seeing him nod.
“Do you like tacos?”
“So, how come you’re working at peaches if you already have that whole setup at your tattoo studio?” You’d asked him during your dinner. You’d both already finished eating but were in no rush to leave, sipping your drinks slowly as an excuse to talk more.
“Felix told me he was looking for someone who could fill in for him part-time for whenever he had to go for classes, so I offered, since I don’t usually take appointments in the morning,” he explained, sipping his drink, fiddling with the straw between his thumb and index finger as he spoke.
“So you work in the afternoon?” he nodded.
“I work from around twelve to seven,” he told you casually, and at the mention of time you’d glanced at your phone, realising it was way before seven when he’d asked you to eat dinner with him.
Your eyebrows furrowed, “wait, then doesn’t that mean that you left work before you were supposed to?”
Chan’s eyes widened momentarily, bringing the straw to his lips ever so slowly, giving you a shrug in feigned nonchalance. “Nope,” he told you calmly, “I leave after my clients are done for the day, and I usually take 1 client a day.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “are you lying right now?” you pretended to disapprove, since you knew you were past the point of saying you didn’t enjoy spending time with Chan.
Chan simply grinned, your heart skipping a beat at the sight of his dimples, hearing him let out an exaggerated sigh, “depends.”
He rest his chin on one of his hands, his fingers going up to fiddle with his lip piercing, only now coming to your notice that he’d changed the jewellery to a bigger silver ring.
“Does that hurt?” you asked, curiosity getting the better of you, making him gesture with his finger to his lips, earning a nod from you.
“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’, “I’ve had it for really long so you can like press or tug on it or whatever but it won’t hurt,” he said, his wording making your imagination wander, ears tinting red as you tried to dismiss the thoughts of kissing Chan that popped into your head.
“Your ears are red again,” he pointed out, an amused lilt to his tone, knowing exactly why.
In your distress, you tugged his hair tie off your hair, adjusting your hair so it would cover your ears, narrowing your eyes at him.
“It’s only ‘cause you said it like that,” you huffed.
“Like what?” he raised an eyebrow at you, feigning innocence as he continued, “all I meant was if I pull on it like this it won’t hurt…” he demonstrated by using his index finger and thumb to fiddle with his piercing.
“Unless, that wasn’t what you were thinking?” he teased, leaning closer to you over the table.
You got up abruptly, “we should get going,” you diverted the topic quickly, ignoring Chan’s laughter behind you as you made your way to pay the bill, managing to do so successfully before Chan had made it to the register, earning a pout from him.
“You pay for my piercing, I pay for our dinner. Simple,” you shrugged, walking out of the restaurant and letting him follow behind you.
“Is your place near here?” Chan asked.
Your eyes widened, not understanding why he was asking you that, a million possibilities of reasons why running through your head about what he could possibly have intended from asking that.
Chan realised your internal conflict after a few seconds, his expression flustered when he realised, “no, no! I meant like, how are you going back home since it’s late,” he explained slowly, hands gesturing slowly as he spoke.
You hummed, “I think I might have a bus I can take from here, but it’ll probably take a while,” you shrugged, eyeing him curiously when he’d taken his phone out of his pocket.
“Address?” He asked, and you told him as such, “your place is actually pretty near mine, I stay a couple streets down. Let me see if I can book us a car or something, I reckon it’ll be faster than taking the bus,” he murmured, and you watched him type on his phone quickly before a triumphant smile graced his features.
Letting out a surprised hum, he showed you his phone, “it’s less than 10 dollars if we share a car, do you want to?”
You nodded with a shrug, “sure,” taking your phone from your pocket to check the time, seeing that you’d gotten a text from Jisung.

8:08pm -school starts next week???-
You sighed in realisation, making Chan frown at you curiously.
“What’s wrong?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “nah, it’s nothing. I just realised I’m starting school next week, but I feel like I haven’t done anything during my holidays,” you groaned, turning to Chan with an exaggerated sad look on your face, seeing his eyebrows lift in an expression you would use to comfort a crying child.
“Jisung and I had so many things we planned to do like…go to amusement parks or like….go camping or have a sleepover, but…we just ended up spending all our time at peaches,” you laughed.
“Oh, you guys wanted to go camping?” Chan asked, an idea sparking in his mind when you’d nodded affirmatively at him.
“That’s pretty…coincidental… Hyunjin and I were actually planning on going camping next week, do you wanna come?”
Your eyes widened, not expecting such an opportunity to come so quick for you.
“Really? Where were you guys planning to go?” You asked, and you’d felt his hand gently touch your forearm, the other hand swiping around on his phone before he showed you pictures of what looked like a cabin.
“There’s this place out of town where you can sort of rent the area and you can like, do barbecues and campfires, it’s really nice,” he smiled, “oh, and there’s like this lake nearby the site that looks really really beautiful in the morning. And you don’t even have to pay because Hyunjin’s parents bought a part of it so he can just use it privately,” you nodded, impressed at how convenient and attractive the place sounded.
“But…isn’t it kind of weird if it’s just me going with the both of you? Do you mind if I ask Jisung along too?” You asked hesitantly, a sheepish expression on your face.
Chan laughed, nodding as he wordlessly grabbed your arm, leading you to what you assumed was the car you booked, opening the door for you to go in first before he slid in after you.
You greeted the driver, who had given you a friendly greeting in return as well. One thing you noticed (regrettably or fortunately, you wouldn’t say) was that the back seat was a little cramped, the seats angled in such a way that you would tend to slide towards the middle. Being bigger than you, Chan occupied more space compared to you, causing you to practically be knee to knee when you sat comfortably.
“Also,” Chan yawned, leaning back in his seat, “to answer your question, yes, of course you can ask Jisung to come along. Felix is coming too since he’s been begging me to bring him.”
Chan shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket, sliding down in his seat. “we’ll probably only stay over for a night so you don’t need to pack much I guess…and Hyunjin can give us a ride to and from the cabin.”
You nodded, covering your mouth when you’d yawned as well. “Great,” you sighed, turning your head to look at him only to see him already looking at you with a tired expression, his gaze darting from your eyes to your ear.
Feeling shy from his staring but too flustered to confront him about it, you simply let your gaze fall to your lap, thinking about the upcoming camping trip.
“I don’t have your number, do I?” He murmured, seeing you shake your head no.
Unlocking your phone, you passed it to him so he could enter his contact, not missing the way he’d put his name as Chan instead of Chris, adding a wolf emoji behind his name.
“Thanks….for the dinner,” you murmured, seeing as you were getting closer to your house, figuring you had better say it now than never.
Chan huffed, “I should be thanking you, for not rejecting the offer,” he told you.
You scoffed, not believing that this was the first time, “I mean, you’re always swarmed at peaches, pretty sure it’s not the first time someone accepted your dinner offers,” you joked, regretting your joke when you saw the way he smiled at you, as if he knew something you didn’t.
“It kind of is….maybe ‘cause I never had the time to….offer to get dinner with all my work going on,” he said casually.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, your mouth running faster than your mind could process, “so what made you do it this time?” you laughed.
Chan shrugged, leaning forward to rest his head lightly on the headrest of the seat, turning to look at you with an unreadable expression, his voice barely louder than a whisper.
“I don’t know, sweetie. Something about you just seems to keep pulling me in,” he shrugged.
"Why do you keep calling me sweetie?” You let out a nervous huff of laughter, looking elsewhere in fear that looking at him would make you more flustered, not knowing what sort of confidence came over you for you to ask him so boldly.
“Would you rather me call you something else? Honey? Baby—”
“How about my name?” You interrupted before he could go any further, your reaction seemed to have amused him to no end, making him erupt in a fit of giggles.
“Well that’s no fun, is it?” He scrunched his nose up in distaste, making you scoff.
“Why do I get the feeling that you won’t stop even if I asked you to?” you narrowed your eyes at him.
Pushing himself off where he leaned against his seat, he’d leaned dangerously close to you, your heartbeat starting to race at his proximity before he’d abruptly ruffled your hair, leaning back as if nothing happened.
“You are absolutely right,” he had a triumphant smile on his face.
Shaking your head in feigned disapproval, you saw that the car was slowing down, the driver trying to find your apartment complex.
“Yep, you can stop here,” you told the driver, slinging your bag onto your shoulder before waving at Chan.
“Goodnight,” you murmured, smiling out of your sheer shyness that you couldn’t explain (or maybe you could, but just didn’t want to admit it—ignorance is bliss after all).
He gave you a tired smile, tilting his head as he waved at you. You were already getting out of the car, leaning down before you closed the door since he seemed like he was about to say something.
After that day, Chan had started texting you, and you weren’t sure what to make of it, not wanting to misinterpret friendliness for flirting but at the same time not being able to stop yourself from thinking it was as such.
You would see him at peaches, and he would come sit with you during his breaks, and you would spend time lounging at the sofas reading books and sharing funny or interesting things about the book with each other, much to Jisung’s entertainment.
“I see that now you have Chan you don’t need me to accompany you to peaches anymore?” he would tell you, not without a dramatic sigh.
“That’s not true, we just hang out during his breaks,” you shrugged, nervous that Jisung’s questioning would actually make sense.
“And tell me again why you guys don’t just decide to date?” you shushed him, not wanting Felix to overhear your conversation since he was clearing a table near where you and Jisung were sitting.
Felix said he’d given Chan the day off since he had pretty big pieces to do for his clients these few days, which according to Felix would take at least 7 hours each and left Chan feeling dead tired afterwards.
“It’s not up to me,” you shrugged.
Jisung gave you an unamused look, “oh, really.”
You glared at him, “you better not try anything weird when we go camping or I'll really throw you in the lake.”
“Over my dead body,” Jisung stuck his tongue out at you, “I’ll see you guys married before I let you kill me.”
And it seemed Jisung really did mean it, because when the day came for you guys to go camping, you had met with Jisung and Felix outside peaches to wait for Hyunjin and Chan to come pick you guys up, the two boys showing up eventually, with Chan sitting in the passenger’s seat.
Momentarily relieved that you wouldn’t be put in another stressful situation of squeezing in the backseat with Chan, your relief was short-lived when Jisung had eyed the passenger’s seat, executing the first step of his self-proclaimed brilliant plan.
“I want the front seat! Please, I get motion sickness,” he deadpanned, knowing Chan would be worried enough for him to switch seats with him.
Chan had his hood covering his head when he got out of the car, looking more than a little tired as he murmured a soft greeting to you, surprising you when he pulled you into a hug, earning you an excited smile from Jisung who was already seated in the passenger’s seat. He greeted Felix with a hug as well, letting you get into the car before he did, Felix going in after him.
“Sorry, I really wanted to talk to you but I’m really tired, hope you don’t mind if I just take a nap,” he murmured to you, earning a dismissive shake of the head from you.
“No, no, not at all, go ahead,” you assured him, “it’s a pretty long ride anyway, might as well use it.”
You didn’t miss the appreciative smile he gave you before he leaned his head back on the headrest, folding his arms in front of his chest and closing his eyes.
“He didn’t get much sleep last night, was up late doing designs for one of his clients,” Hyunjin murmured after a while when Felix had commented on how Chan had fallen asleep so quickly.
You nodded, figuring some clients would have more specific demands for tattoos since their shop was pretty well known.
Looking out the window as Hyunjin drove, you gawked at how nice the scenery was, preparing yourself for the turn that he was about to make, your body tensing up when you’d felt Chan’s head fall gently against your shoulder, having slid down in his seat after falling asleep.
Not wanting to wake him, you silently hoped your shoulder wouldn’t be too uncomfortable for his head, trying to stay still so you wouldn’t wake him up.
Jisung had turned around to tell you about a ‘wild boar’ he claimed he’d spotted, stopping himself when he saw Chan’s head resting on your shoulder, pressing his lips together.
“I think the universe is helping me execute my plan.” Bringing a first up to his mouth, he pretended to tear up.
Glaring at him, you ignored both him and the way Chan unconsciously leaned into you as he slept, relaxing after a while as you grew to find it comfortable.
“We’re almost here,” Felix told you, giving you an amused look, “pretty comfortable over there, huh?”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the smile from your face, shaking your head.
When Hyunjin had stopped the car, him, Jisung and Felix were already getting out of the car to help shift the things out from the trunk, and you’d shifted your body to the side as carefully as you could, lifting Chan’s head from your shoulder gently, one of your palms against his cheek, a part of your heart fluttering when you felt him lean into your touch.
Snapping out of it, you cleared your throat softly.
“Chan,” you murmured, tapping his hand to wake him, his eyebrows furrowing before his hands came up to rub his eyes, leaning away from your hand.
“Y/N?” He murmured.
“We’re already at the cabin,” you huffed in amusement.
Chan opened his eyes, glancing at his surroundings, “oh, sorry,” he turned away, pushing the door open and getting out quickly, and you swore you saw his ears tint pink, wondering if he was actually shy or if you were just hallucinating.
Once you were out, you saw Jisung waving you over, “help me,” he whined, making you roll your eyes, but you left Chan’s side to go help him bring the cooler of drinks and whatnot into the cabin, Hyunjin choosing now to explain the room situation.
“You guys can choose roomies now, I’m probably rooming with Chan,” Hyunjin raised his hand to announce once you were all in the cabin.
“We’ll take the other room,” Jisung shouted, already grabbing your hand to pull you aside as if you were picking teams in school instead of just deciding roommate situations.
Felix laughed, nodding, “I’ll take the last room then.”
Only when you’d gone into the room you realised that it was already about mid-afternoon, and you had heard Felix shout something about going to play at the lake, hearing shouts of agreement from Hyunjin and Chan.
“Did you bring clothes for swimming?” Jisung asked you, and you answered him with a shake of the head.
“Wasn’t planning on swimming,” you told him.
Jisung looked at you, erupting into boisterous laughter, “shit, me neither….black shirt should do, don’t you think?”
You shook your head, laughing with him, “not like we have much of a choice.”
After getting changed, you’d met up with the rest of them outside the cabin, Hyunjin leading the group of you to a lake near a small waterfall, Felix, Hyunjin and Jisung jumping in first, leaving you and Chan behind.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” you asked Chan.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he gave you a look, “do you know how to swim?”
You nodded confidently…before shrugging, “I know the basics, like floating,” you said to defend your lack of skill.
Chan brought his tattooed arm over his chest to grab his other shoulder, “doesn’t matter, nothing to be ashamed of,” he told you casually, getting into the water and holding a hand out for you to take.
Stepping down carefully, you’d used Chan as a leverage for you to get into the water, almost stumbling when you’d stepped on a particularly slippery part of land, Chan quickly reaching his hands out to your waist to steady you, your face and neck heating up from how flustered you were.
Chan had helped you till you were able to walk on your own, surprising you when you found that the water reached up to your chest.
You heard Jisung call out for a game of chicken, deciding you would split into pairs and the losers would have to cook for later.
“I pick Felix! He’s super light!” Hyunjin called out, raising his hand to make his point known.
You were about to call for Jisung when he’d raised his hands.
“I’m the referee!” he shouted, making you gape at him, knowing this was probably another part of his plan.
“Alright, so me and Y/N are one team,” Chan said, nodding at Jisung.
Turning to you, Chan brushed his hair away from his forehead, wetting his lips before he spoke.  
“You can’t have me on your shoulders, I’m too heavy,” Chan laughed, making you cover your face.
“I can’t believe Jisung,” you muttered to yourself.
“what was that?” Chan asked, already making his way in front of you, and you saw that Felix was already on Hyunjin’s shoulders, the only advantage they had visibly being that Hyunjin was taller.
“Nothing,” you blurted, glaring at Jisung when he gestured for you to hurry up, Chan bending down in front of you to make it easier for you to climb on, his hand going behind your leg to push you up, and you’d settled down quickly, trying to see if you could balance well.
“Is it okay if I put my hands here? Is it stable?” you felt Chan place his hands around your shins, but you still felt like it was pretty wobbly. Either that or you were just in a generally wobbly mood from ending up in this situation with Chan.
“Not really, it still feels like I could fall,” you hummed,  your breath hitching when he’d moved his hands up to place them above your knees, hoping he hadn’t felt the way you tensed up. (He did)
“Is this better?” he asked, making you blurt out a small ‘yeah’, oblivious to the looks Hyunjin and Jisung were exchanging.
“Okay firstly the rules are: have fun, no kicking or biting, once you get knocked off you lose even if you’re still on your partner’s shoulders,” Jisung mustered his best announcer’s voice as he explained the rules.
But a part of you couldn’t focus with the way Felix was taunting you and Chan was drumming his fingers on your thigh.
“Ready?” Jisung lifted his hands as though he were starting a boxing match. “Go!”
You almost screamed with how quickly Hyunjin had advanced, Felix reaching out his hands towards you which you responded instinctively to by holding your hands out in front of you, palms facing him, pushing at his hands.
“Y/N I think the point is to push him off, not hi-five him to death,” Jisung cackled, making Chan laugh as well, Hyunjin moving to splash water in Chan’s direction.
Once Felix had caught hold of your hands, you knew you were in for it, he’d interlocked your fingers, trying to sway you left and right in the hopes that it would make you more wobbly.
“Having a good time on your date up there?” Hyunjin called out sarcastically, starting to get tired of balancing from all of Felix’s movements.
You swore you felt Chan grip your legs tighter from Hyunjin’s statement, making you eager to end the game.
Felix had let his grip loosen almost momentarily in his distraction when he glanced at Chan for his reaction, and you took that as an opportunity to find his weak spot, tickling the area under his wrist, making him draw his hand back quickly with a squeal, all of this happening while Hyunjin was trying to rub his eyes, Felix’s hand on his head making his hair press against his eyes.
Once you saw the opportunity, you prodded at Felix’s side, his ticklish reaction sending him falling off Hyunjin’s shoulders, a loud splash sounding when he landed in the water. Followed by shouts from Jisung and a loud groan from Hyunjin, of course.
“Hyunjin and Felix are on dinner duty, then!” You cheered, your hands going down to Chan’s hair when you almost lost your balance in your excitement, accidentally tugging on his hair, making his hands fly up to yours, having to keep himself from letting his eyes roll back, peeling your hands away from his hair.
“Woah, woah, woah, let’s get you down from there,” Chan laughed nervously, making you realize what you were doing, letting him bend down so you could get off of him, jumping in the water to get used to it again.
You’d made your way over to Felix, wanting to make sure he was okay, seeing him wiping the water from his face, “are you alright?” you asked.
“Look at him, gloating,” Felix pretended to be upset, directing your attention towards Chan, who looked your way, but you looked away immediately when he’d lifted his shirt slightly to keep it from clinging to his skin.
Dear God, you hoped Jisung hadn’t seen that.
“Wow, Chan, okay we get it!” Jisung yelled, making Chan drop his hands, a shy smile on his face.
Jisung looked at you with wide eyes, “did you see that?!” He whispered harshly to you while Chan was busy discussing something with Hyunjin.
Felix gave you a look, “why does he seem like he wanted you to see that?” He pointed at Jisung, making you shake your head, for lack of a better response.
“Also, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Felix continued, lowering his voice so they wouldn’t hear, “do you guys like…as in like you and Chan...like is there something going on?” Felix asked, his eyes widening in curiosity.
As you glanced over at the subject of your conversation, making eye contact with Chan as he gave you a soft smile, unknowingly returning the smile before turning back to face Felix.
“What makes you think that?” you murmured, feigning confidence.
“Well, for one, that weird smile thing you guys just did,” Jisung pointed out, making you roll your eyes.
“Doesn’t mean anything, he’s just…really friendly,” you shrugged, frowning when Jisung leant over to whisper something in Felix’s ear, after which he’d left promptly to head over to Hyunjin and Chan.  
Felix looked at you with a teasing smirk, “yeah, very friendly from the looks of it,” he waggled his eyebrows at you suggestively.
About to react defensively (as usual), your attention was diverted from Felix when you heard Hyunjin clear his throat, “hey guys, I think me and Felix will head back to wash up first so we won’t start preparing dinner too late,” you heard scattered murmurs of agreement before Hyunjin had started heading out of the lake.
“Stay with him,” Jisung instructed you urgently, making your eyes widen in confusion, seeing as Chan looked as though he had no plans on leaving the lake.
Increasing his volume, he announced, “I’ll be heading back with them too, you guys can just take your time, I’ll call you guys back when we’re done washing up,” Jisung waved, following behind Felix and Hyunjin.
Hyunjin turned around to wink at you, “have fun,” he drawled, which as much as you tried to ignore, you couldn’t help but read into.
Chan made his way to where you were in the water, tilting his head at you expectantly, “you’re staying here too?” he asked, his unexpected question catching you by surprise.
Nodding slowly, you’d brought your hand to brush against the surface of the water gently, “figured I could use a little break too.”
There was a hint of a smile on Chan’s face, nodding, “you still scared about school?”
You contemplated the question, realising that you were in fact a lot less anxious about school compared to a few weeks ago. “I’m alright, really… what about you?”
Chan shrugged, “usual, I guess,” he led you to an area of the lake that was more calm, the sun beginning to grow less harsh, “if you’re bored waiting for school to start you’re always welcome to come to the studio, you know.”
“Jisung’s been telling me the exact same thing,” you said with a laugh, “says I could get myself a tattoo while i’m at it.”
You hadn’t expected Chan to be so serious about it, “well, you can, you know.”
Shaking your head, you let out a huff of laughter, almost shy under his gaze as you averted your gaze, “oh, no, i’m not really too keen,” you said.
Your words had struck a nerve with Chan, making him wonder if his tattoos were making you uncomfortable. Though he’d bounced back quickly, lighting up with a smile, his dimples showing obviously as he did so.
“My friends and I used to come here a lot…sometimes I would come here just to chill and just like…float around, it’s pretty nice. Especially in the early mornings,” he told you, using his hands to push the water around.
“I don’t really know how to explain it,” he admitted, “it was a really nice feeling.” He told you, though he himself didn’t sound very satisfied with the adjective he’d chosen.
“If you could compare it to a feeling you get when you do something else, what would it be?” you asked out of sheer curiosity, earning a thoughtful hum from him.
“Lemme think about it?” He requested, earning a nod from you before he continued, “you mentioned just now that you knew how to float, right?” he smirked, earning another nose scrunch from you.
“Well, by float I kind of meant like…yeah, you know maybe I kind of exaggerated that a little,” you gave him a sheepish smile.
Chan pressed his lips together in an attempt to stifle his laugh, nodding as you felt him grasp your wrists.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, and you didn’t even have time to feel embarrassed at how quickly you nodded.
I mean, you let this man near your face with a needle, it was a little too late to say you didn’t trust him at this point.
Angling your body so your side was facing him, you felt his hand go behind your back, “relax,” he let out an amused huff, making you sigh, nodding as you tried your best to relax your muscles.
“Now, just like, lean back, and make sure you look up.”
You did as you were told, keeping your hands by your side and your head up facing the sky, all the while feeling his hands behind your back supporting you, a strange feeling of calm washing over you as you looked at the sky which was beginning to set.
Chan noticed it too, the way he felt you relax under his touch, enjoying how calm you looked now, happy that he could share this experience with you.
After you decided you were calm enough, you leaned forward, Chan’s hands instinctively going to the nape of your neck  to steady you as you got up, with you ending up facing him, his hand still gently cupping the nape of your neck, his other hand finding its way onto your waist.
“How was it?” he breathed, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.
“I think I get why you like doing that…it felt…nice,” you murmured, “have you thought of it yet?”
Chan nodded, a strange feeling building within him that he could only describe as warmth, feeling as though something in him was drawing him closer to you without him knowing.
“It’s kind of like...calling you after a long day,” a shy giggle leaving his lips after his statement.
Your breath hitched, the feeling of receiving such personal information rendering you at a loss of words. Unconsciously, there was a feeling of want building inside of you when you could see Chan leaning in, your head unconsciously tilting upwards, not daring to close your eyes yet, and his lips were barely inches away from yours, so close that you really thought that Chan was going to kiss you in the middle of this lake.
Though just as his other hand had went under the water to touch your waist gently, you figured the universe had decided it wasn’t time yet.
“Guys! I’m back! You guys can go shower now!” you jumped when you heard Jisung’s voice, immediately moving away so you could put some distance between you and Chan.
Chan brought his hands up to his ears, pressing and rubbing them firmly, getting out of the lake first to help you get out of the water, all the while Jisung had been eyeing you suspiciously.
The walk back was otherwise silent, with Jisung going off to disturb Felix and Hyunjin while you took a shower. Once you were done, you took your time drying your hair, seeing a text from Jisung come in asking you to hurry up.
Walking over to the barbecue pit you noticed Chan had taken over for Felix, grilling the meat with an ease that had let you know just how much he’d probably done it before.
“That smells really good,” you hummed, seeing Chan look up from the grill to give you a shy smile, nodding at you.
“D’you want some?” he asked, holding a small piece he’d just cut between the tongs, blowing on it before holding it out for you, a hand cupped underneath in case it fell.
Feeling Hyunjin’s gaze on you, as well as Felix and Jisung, you felt put on the spot, leaning over to take the piece between your teeth, letting out a satisfied hum at the taste.
“Alright, sorry to interrupt your…whatever this is, but we’re gonna steal Y/N for a while, so bye,” Jisung waved, linking his arm around your elbow and dragging you away with a very giggly Felix.
“Okay, let’s begin the meeting,” Felix announced authoritatively once you were seated at the campfire area. Jisung joined in on the joke smoothly, “okay, I’ll take minutes.”
“Why am I here, again?” You sighed, fiddling with the side of the foldable chair you were sitting on, crossing your legs to get into a more comfortable position.
Felix giggled, shaking his head before continuing, “important question, what do you think of Chan?”
You scrunched your nose up in distaste, “how am I supposed to answer that objectively?” You whined, seeing Felix nod encouragingly at you.
“No, no, that’s the point! I want you to be as subjective as possible.”
You hummed, “well, I don’t know, I guess, he’s really nice…and considerate?” Most of the time, at least. “He’s…cute? Like you know, the whole…dimples and all,” you shrugged, shuddering at how foreign it felt for you to actually list out the attributes you liked in Chan.
“He’s a real geek too, which is kind of cute, and all,” you mumbled, grimacing at them as a silent plea for them to end your misery.
“If,” Jisung emphasised, “you knew he liked you and whatever, would you get into a relationship with him?”
Felix made an impressed face at Jisung, “oh, that’s a good one. Chan doesn’t really date a lot,” He jut his lips out thoughtfully.
“I guess…I would? I mean,” you hummed in thought, “from what I’ve experienced, I feel like I can trust him? That’s the vibe I get when I’m with him or when we like, you know, call... and all?”
Felix’s lips pulled into a pout, “I feel like we need to call in an expert for this.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, “huh? Who?”
Felix tapped his phone, setting it back down and giving you a cheeky smile, the playful glint in his eyes making you nervous.
And you should’ve been, because when you saw Hyunjin walking over you knew you were either in for an interrogation or a whole lot of teasing.
“Alright, Chan’s just setting the table so we don’t have long, what’s up?” Hyunjin nodded his head at Felix, hands in his pockets and a bored expression on his face.
“Has Chan been behaving strange…or like just..different lately?” Jisung asked, making Hyunjin look directly at you, narrowing his eyes at you in realisation.
“I knew it! I knew there was something up,” he cried, making you shush him in fear that Chan would hear.
“What are you talking about?” you shushed him.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, plopping himself on the seat next to Jisung.
“Let me just tell you,” he sighed deeply, “Chan has been so weird recently. He gets shy at even the slightest mention of you, and don’t think I don’t see how he’s been on his phone more lately.”
“I’ve noticed a great increase in thirst traps as well,” Jisung said seriously, clasping his hands together as if he were a reporter.
“Exactly my point!” Hyunjin told Jisung, “my bet, is that he’s been trying to get your attention but he’s doing it in the only way he knows how and that’s being a flirty bitch,” he said simply, leaning back with a nonchalant shrug.
Jisung nodded slowly, turning to Hyunjin, “I didn’t really like you at first...but can I just say...I love you.”
You brushed him off quickly, “are you sure, though? ‘Cause like, I’ve been telling myself for a long time now that I didn’t wanna read too deep into his actions,” you winced.
“Honestly, the best piece of advice I can give you right now is to just read into it.” Hyunjin told you, earning vigorous nods from Jisung and Felix.
“We should probably be heading back now, before Chan starts to get suspicious,” Felix murmured.
This made Hyunjin giggle, “yeah, I told him I was coming here to call you guys.”
Upon reaching back to the small barbecue area, you saw that Chan was already seated, giving you a soft smile when he spotted you.
“Food smells great, thanks guys,” Jisung sighed in satisfaction, him, Felix and Hyunjin having shared some sort of unspoken agreement to let Chan sit next to you, unbeknownst to you.

Suppressing the tension in you that you were feeling whenever Chan had reached over to put things on your plate, you had started eating, all of them falling silent when they ate, which you didn’t mind. But you knew Jisung did, and you wished you could disappear when he’d broken the silence.
“How’s your ear healing?” He asked pointedly over a mouthful of food, earning a confused hum from Felix, whose hand went up to his own ear with a frown.
“Ear? Who’s ear?” Felix followed Jisung’s gaze and realised you had a new piercing on your ear, his eyes widening, “woah, when did you get that done? It looks great! Dude, doesn’t it look great?”
He nudged Chan with his foot, making the older boy turn to you, nodding blankly, though his ears had started to grow redder with every second.
“I did it for her,” he shrugged, his casual demeanour making Felix nod slowly, a small smile appearing on his face as he gave Chan a knowing look.
“Thought you usually let Hyunjin do piercings?” Felix questioned pointedly, amusement laced in his tone.
Chan simply shrugged, pretending to be occupied with his food, “yeah, not always.”
You glared at Felix, telepathically asking him what he was trying to do, seeing him do a little happy dance in his seat, pretending not to notice your glare.
“Are we gonna set up the campfire after this?” Hyunjin asked, seeming to have taken pity on you, earning nods and hums in response. 

“We need to get the firewood from the back first,” Jisung mentioned, giving you a particularly pointed look.
You raised your eyebrows, trying to figure out what he was trying to imply before you realised.
“I can go get it later,” you offered (curse peer pressure), missing the way Hyunjin and Felix looked at Chan, exchanging triumphant looks when Chan had cleared his throat.
“I can go with you, it’s too much to carry on your own,” he proposed smoothly, his gaze meeting yours and his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“Enjoy your date,” Jisung coughed, making you roll your eyes. You hoped the campfire would be over quickly.
While the rest of them were clearing up and setting up the snacks, you and Chan had gone to go get the firewood.
You would’ve usually found the silence to be quite soothing, with the way you could hear the crickets chirping and the gentle swishing of the lake, not to mention the way the air had gotten cooler from when you’d arrived. However, something about your discussion from just now had made your thoughts spiral into an endless cycle of trying to figure out what every one of his actions meant.
“Are you alright?” You asked abruptly after you noticed he wasn’t making any move to start any conversation.
“What makes you ask that?” He let out a small amused huff.
“I don’t know.. you know, like, Hyunjin told me just now in the car that you didn’t get much sleep these days and stuff…”
Chan gasped, holding his hand up to his mouth in exaggerated shock, “are you actually…worried for me?” He teased.
Scoffing, you ignored his giggles as you replied, “of course, I was. You slept like a log for the whole car ride,” you grit your teeth with feigned annoyance at him.
Chan shook his head calmly, not being able to help the smile from his face at your concern. “Honestly, you don’t have to worry about me. I mean, this is my job. I know that there will be times where I have to be tired to know that i’m moving forward, you know?” He shrugged, making you frown.
“That’s…true, I guess,” you murmured, seeing him step before you to open what looked like a garage door, seeing the firewood there, letting him pass some to you, “but you know…I couldn’t help but worry.”
Chan let out a surprised hum, taking a bunch of firewood in his arms, letting the door fall closed before he locked it back.
“Why? Did you think I wouldn’t take care of myself?” He asked, a small smirk on his face.
You nodded, “obviously, yes.”
Chan shrugged, “guess you have no choice but to take care of me, then.”
Your breath hitched, almost letting your firewood slip from your arms. Regaining your composure with a scoff, you ignored the way he giggled at your flustered expression.
Straightening up, you huffed at him, clenching your firewood tighter, “you’ve got to stop saying things like that.”
“Just….because,” you struggled to form a proper answer, knowing you couldn’t just expose yourself now, thankful that you were already reaching the campfire site.
Felix gave you guys a big wave when he saw you approaching them, cupping his hands around his mouth before yelling, “took you long enough!”
After struggling to light the fire, you’d sat in between Chan and Hyunjin, the warmth from the fire slightly uncomfortable but soothed by the soft wind blowing against your face and neck.
You were surprised to see how fast the sun set here, but strangely it put you in a calmer mood, maybe it was because you couldn’t see as much but you didn’t push the feeling away.
“Here,” you were interrupted from your stargazing when you saw a stick with a roasted marshmallow attached to the tip in front of you.
Looking at it hesitantly, you made a slight sound of uncertainty, feeling too full from your meal for snacks.
Shaking your head no, he gasped, “you have to try them, it’ll be good, I promise,” he nodded encouragingly at you.
Chan brought the stick closer to your lips, and you’d wanted to take it from him but it was already almost pressing against your lips, so you’d given up, ignoring Jisung’s smirk and taking the marshmallow into your mouth.
You gave a small hum at the sweetness, not having expected it to be so soft, smiling unconsciously when you saw the grin that he gave you after seeing your reaction.
After talking with the guys about their stories from the past whenever they came here, well, by they you meant Hyunjin and Chan, but you enjoyed the stories nonetheless. Something about the area holding more of an attractive charm to you.
After some time had passed and the sky had gotten even darker than before, you didn’t miss the way Chan had gotten quieter as time passed, simply smiling along with the stories but his eyes doing nothing to hide his fatigue.
Figuring it was about time to call it a day, you turned to Jisung to mouth ‘I’m tired’.
Jisung gave you a look that mirrored yours, nodding. Thankfully, he’d already made to stand up, Chan turning to give him a curious look.
“Hey, we’re gonna call it a day, you guys are free to continue hanging out if you want,” the rest of the boys nodded, Chan turning to you with a tired smile, reminding you of the car ride you shared, the look on his face making you want to just reach over and cup his cheeks, refraining from doing so by standing up abruptly, nodding.
“Goodnight, sweetie,” he smiled, eyes turning to crescents, making you smile in spite of your embarrassment, practically having to pull Jisung along with you back to the cabin with how much he was giggling.
Flopping onto the bed and getting ready to sleep afterwards, you’d feelt Jisung slip into the bed next to you, turning to face you with narrowed eyes.
“Don’t think I didn’t see what was happening at the lake just now,” he muttered, not being able to help the smile from his face.
“What exactly did you see?” you asked, just wanting to be sure he wasn’t just lying to make you admit to things (as usual).
“Oh yeah? Don’t act as if I didn’t see all of this,” he grabbed the pillow, grasping and looking at it with a hooded gaze, leaning closer only to pull back abruptly, directing his wide-eyed glare at you.
Jisung’s expression soon changed to one that was sheepish, “actually now that i’m thinking of it, maybe I shouldn’t have interrupted you guys,” he hummed, “but maybe it was a good thing too, if not I wouldn’t know what time you guys would return to the cabin,” he snickered, making you scoff.
Rolling your eyes, you’d reached past him to turn off the bedside lamp, “night, Jisung,” you sighed, for lack of a better retort.
You knew Jisung better than to have expected him to reply normally, rolling your eyes when you heard him muster a scarily accurate impression of Chan, “night, sweetie.”
“Shut up, Jisung.”
You weren’t sure what time it was, but all you knew was that when you woke up Jisung was still in bed snoring. Carefully stepping out so you wouldn’t wake him, you stepped out of bed, spotting Felix already huddled around the tv there with Hyunjin.  
“Morning,” Felix greeted, making Hyunjin turn around to greet you with a nod as well.
“Uh-huh,” you yawned, dragging yourself over to them. “What’s the plan for today?”
“Hyunjin and I thought it’d be a fun idea for us to play games today, and since it’s only a few of us I thought it’d be a good chance for you and Chan to, you know…” Felix dropped his voice to a whisper, “bond.”
“Jisung would love that,” you shook your head in dread, your thoughts wandering back to Chan, about to ask where he was.
“He went for a run, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Hyunjin told you with an amused lilt to his tone, making you flush in embarrassment.
“What makes you think I was wondering that?” you scoffed, tilting your chin up defiantly at him, your gaze looking him up and down for added intimidation (not that Hyunjin cared, of course).
Hyunjin merely shrugged, giggling, “pretty sure you know the answer to that yourself.”
You left them in the living room to go take a shower, sitting on the bed when you were done, shaking Jisung awake gently.
Jisung groaned, his hands coming up to rub his eyes, “what time is it?”
“Almost one, please get up. Felix and Hyunjin said we’re gonna play some bonding games today,” you sighed, laughing when you saw the way he stretched his arms out above his head, his eyes scrunching shut.
“Bonding games?” he whined, “the hell? I feel like I’m at a school camp,” he whined.
“He says the winner gets to dine free at peaches for a month,” he perked up at that, sitting up in bed.
“A very good school camp,” he corrected, an impressed hum leaving his lips.
Rolling your eyes, you saw him get up, moving to go to the bathroom to wash up, “I’m gonna go find things to eat,” you hummed, hearing him grunt in response, which you took as your cue to leave, stepping out of the room and walking to the kitchen area.
Fortunately or unfortunately for you, Chan was there, standing leaning against the counter in all of his post-workout glory, dressed in another black sleeveless shirt and shorts, sipping water and using his phone.
“Morning, sweetie,” he greeted with a smile, strangely making you nervous, suddenly unable to make eye contact with him.
“Heard from Hyunjin that we’re staying in the cabin today?” he asked, bringing his water bottle up to his lips to take a long sip.
You nodded, and as if on cue, Felix had entered the house, pushing his damp-looking hair away from his forehead as he walked over to where you were.
“It’s starting to rain outside, so I don’t think outdoor activities are much of an option right now,” he gestured out the window.
Following his gaze to the window you realized that it really was raining, the droplets slowly decorating the window.
“There’s a few board games near the fireplace, we can just play with those,” Chan gestured to the living room and Felix nodded, already making his way over.
“I’m gonna go shower, you guys can start first if you’re all ready,” he called before walking off leaving you and Felix in the living room to fish out the board games from the cupboard. You were surprised to find that they were still in good condition, not having expected them to be anything but dusty after being kept in the cupboard for god-knows-how-long.
“Okay, so we have a few options,” Felix murmured, picking up the games as he spoke, “there’s ‘uno’, there’s ‘monopoly deal’, whatever this is, ‘clue’..” he trailed off once he didn’t recognize whatever the rest of the games were.
“I’m leaning towards ‘uno’,” Felix hummed, considering the games as seriously as you’d ever seen him, not even looking away when you heard one of the doors open, Jisung making his way over to where you guys were, Hyunjin following behind him with a yawn.
“What are those?” Jisung asked.
“Board games, come here, take a look,” you beckoned him and Hyunjin over, seeing them bring a few games of their choice over to the coffee table, the four of you taking your places naturally at each side of the table.
“Should we decide on lunch first? I’m hungry,” Hyunjin suggested, whining and patting his stomach like a child.
Felix had raised his phone up at that, a smug look on his face, “I ordered us some pizza just now because I saw that they delivered here.”
You sighed at the thought of food as you thanked Felix, beginning to grow peckish at the thought of food, directing your attention towards the television in your attempt to find a distraction.
“Does that tv work?” You asked, seeing Hyunjin nod, leaning his arms on the coffee table to support his head as he waited for Felix to distribute the cards in his clumsy, Felix way.
“I watched some movies on it this morning, they’ve only been playing Christmas movies though, the channels are pretty limited.”
“I’m fine with Christmas movies,” you hummed, Jisung sighing deeply beside you.
“I wish it was Christmas.”
Changing your location to the sofa, you made yourself comfortable as Felix chose the channel, Jisung insisting on dimming the lights for the living room to look more cozy, after which he made his way over to where you were seated on the sofa.
“Can I sit here,” Jisung pointed next to you with a pointed look, “or did you already reserve it for your boyfriend.”
Jisung’s head snapped around to see Chan coming into the living room, dressed in a baby blue sweater and black sweatpants, his hair slightly damp and messy on his head. The sight of his smirk flustering you into fixing your gaze on the television.
Jisung’s mouth clamped shut quickly, shaking his head dismissively as Hyunjin struggled to stifle a laugh.
Chan had ‘let’ Jisung sit on the sofa next to you, seating himself on the space on the floor between the coffee table and the sofa in front of where you sat, his proximity causing you to pick up the hint of cologne he was wearing.
“Oh, Christmas movies! Nice,” Chan commented, earning a ‘I know right?’ from Felix, meanwhile Jisung was wiggling his eyebrows at you, using his index finger and thumb to pinch his sweater and pointing at Chan, which you figured was Jisung’s sign language for ‘doesn’t he look good in that sweater?’
Ignoring Jisung for the sake of your sanity, the uno cards went ignored as the group of you focused on the movie. Something about the mood of the movie served to put you in a calm mood, ( or maybe it was Chan’s presence, you couldn’t tell ) so much so that you didn’t realise how quickly time passed until you heard a knock at the door.
You wouldn’t know this but Chan was thankful for his seat in front of you, figuring that if he were seated next to you he wouldn’t have been able to think about anything other than putting his arm around you or something cheesy like that.
Jumping up quickly, Felix offered to take the pizza, coming back to the living room with the boxes and a too-large bottle of sofa, placing it onto the coffee table with a harsh thud.
Hyunjin was quick to start eating, and Chan had turned his head around to look at you, shifting to the left to make space for you on the floor. You know, just out of his consideration.
Giving him an appreciative nod, you reached over to take a slice, not missing the way Chan poured drinks for everyone, silently doing things for them to take care of them, something about it making your heart swell just a little bit more.
“Can we play a game after this? The movie’s getting kind of boring,” Jisung frowned, his tone extra desperate, you should’ve known his intentions when he’d waited until Chan wasn’t looking to shoot you a wink.
Shrugging and murmurs of ‘yeah why not’ or ‘sure’s sounded among the group, Felix turning to Chan with a knowing look on his face.
“This one’s really competitive when it comes to games,” he gestured at Chan with his pizza crust.
Chan lowered his head, a shy smile on his face, his clean hand coming up to touch his ear, though he made no effort to deny Felix’s accusation.
“Really?” You asked, hoping you hadn’t replied too quickly, seeing Hyunjin nod gravely at you.
“I thought I was competitive but that was until I swam with him,” Hyunjin said with a raise of his eyebrows, shaking his head.
“It’s your fault for thinking you could go against him, you of all people knew he won all those medals in the past,” Felix laughed, making Hyunjin let out a stubborn huff.
“Medals?” Jisung hummed thoughtfully, nudging you with his knee.
“Yeah, I was in a lot of swimming competitions when I was younger,” Chan told you, a rather embarrassed expression on his face.
“A lot,” Felix echoed, a strange feeling building inside you from the new-found information, something in you finding the thought of baby Chan swimming absolutely endearing.
“Enough about me,” Chan waved his hand in dismissal, “let’s just play, okay?” Chan changed the topic quickly, making Jisung jeer but moving to clear the table nonetheless.
Once you were all done clearing up and washing your hands, Jisung having made sure to occupy a lot more space so it left you and Chan with little space, you’d returned to the living room, seeing they’d already laid out different games on the table.
You realized they’d decided on playing uno first, leaning over to Jisung with an urgency to your gaze.
“Why are we playing this?” you whispered harshly, panic in your eyes, earning a snort from Jisung, who shielded his cards from you almost immediately. Talk about friendship.
“I’m not teaching it to you again, you never listen to me,” he scolded you, making you frown as he pushed your stack of cards towards you, “face your fate, loser.”
The game had started, all of them seeming to know what was going on, and you hoped it wouldn’t be too obvious that you didn’t know what you were doing, always having to clarify if what you were doing was correct before putting it down, and it was no surprise that you were always at the brunt of the ‘+’ cards, Chan noticing not long into the game that you weren’t necessarily going in with a strategy.
“Uno!” You heard Felix shout, followed by Chan, and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“Wait, so do you win?” you mumbled, your hand coming up to touch your deck anxiously, peering at the middle stack of cards in confusion.
Chan laughed, “not yet, we still have to clear the last card.”
Nodding slowly, you simply followed the flow of the game, already having given up on winning, especially when Hyunjin yelped, Chan setting down his last card with a triumphant grin on his face.
Your lips parted in shock, about to set your cards down to reshuffle when you heard Jisung call out, “Second best!” and the game proceeded.
Chan leant back and rested his weight on his hands, tilting his head and peering over at your hand, a small giggle leaving him at the neat arrangement of the cards by colour and value.
You lifted the card of your choice slightly, showing it to him, silently asking what he thought, and he leant over to tell you which ones you could put down, and as you continued you were shocked at the rapid rate your hand was decreasing in number.
Your breath hitched, body tensing slightly when Chan had rest a arm on your shoulder, not having noticed how close he was to you until now ( and neither had he ), his left hand going up to either direct you or place the card down for you.
“Why does this feel so different from how I usually play?” you marvelled as he’d basically played for you.
“Maybe because Chan actually knows what he’s doing,” Jisung snickered, earning chuckles from Felix and Hyunjin as you scoffed.
As if by some miracle, Chan had helped you win the second place, earning protests from Felix who insisted that it doesn’t count because Chan played for you, to which you ignored, obviously.
Demanding for a break to regain his composure, Jisung had slumped against the sofa in defeat, and you’d almost instinctively reached over to nudge him when you realised Chan’s arm was still weighing on your shoulder.
He shifted his arm, bringing his hand up to push your hair away from your ear, “sorry, d’you mind? Just wanna check if it’s healing alright.”
You nodded, your gaze following Felix leaving to get more snacks, Hyunjin eyeing you suspiciously.
“Was it alright after we went swimming yesterday?”
You nodded, trying to ignore the way Jisung was tucking his hair behind his ear obviously behind Chan, batting his eyes at you.
“I think you can give it a few more weeks and it should be all healed,” he nodded, bringing his hand off of your shoulder, an unreadable expression on his face, which only served to make you more nervous. Chan wasn’t sure why he’d done this to himself, the urge to just bring you somewhere away from the boys and kiss you starting to become a little suffocating.
"I should probably still visit you, right? Just to be sure,” you murmured, averting your gaze to the bracelet on his wrist.
Chan smiled, his eyebrows lifting slightly in amusement, “you don’t need an excuse to come and see me… ”
And just like that, you dared yourself to meet his gaze again, instantly regretting your action when you saw the way Chan was glancing between your eyes and your lips, the giddy feeling building within you almost making you forget that Hyunjin and Jisung were in the room.
The boys wouldn’t have this, of course, and they’d made their presence known, Jisung’s loud cough making Chan’s gaze dart up, and in your shock you’d immediately put some distance between the both of you, flushing from how reckless you’d almost been. This wasn’t like you.
Standing up, you excused yourself to go to the washroom, Chan seeming to have regained his composure fairly quickly judging by the giggle that had escaped him from seeing how flustered you were.
“Hello?” Hyunjin chided, “we’re still here, you know.”
Chan sighed, “unfortunately.”
This made Jisung gasp, “that’s gross,” he shivered exaggeratedly, turning to Hyunjin, “speaking of which, when should we start heading back?”
Hyunjin glanced at the time as Felix was making his way back to the living room, “I think we can play one or two more games before we start to leave, we already packed up the rest of our stuff last night after you and Y/N went to sleep.”
“I’ve got this family dinner tonight, so I don’t think i’ll be joining you guys for dinner,” Felix pouted, earning a grunt of acknowledgement from Hyunjin.
Jisung pursed his lips, looking as though he were about to say something, finally relaxing his shoulders and shrugging, "I have no excuse. I just want to go home and sleep.”
“What about you, Chan?” Hyunjin asked, earning a shrug from the older boy. “Don’t you still have to finish up that design for next week?” Hyunjin prompted, referring to the client that Chan had been specially dealing with recently.
Chan shook his head, “that can wait till tomorrow,” he sighed.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, you’d splashed your face with water, hoping that you could lessen the heat you felt from your previous encounter with Chan. Giving yourself a resolute stare in the mirror as you convinced yourself that your cheeks totally weren’t pink right now.
After much convincing, you decided you were spending a little too much time in the washroom, returning to the living room at a reluctant pace, nervous at the sight of the boys all seated there talking and laughing.
“Did you show Jisung that thigh piece you did for that girl?” your eyes widened at Hyunjin’s question.
Thigh piece? You’d reminded yourself that tattoos could be anywhere, even places you would be too flustered to let Chan touch.
Chan was the first to notice that you were back, shooting you an amused smirk once you were seated next to him.
“Are you..better?” he teased, making you roll your eyes, waving him off.
“What are you guys talking about?” you asked, curious yet scared of your possible discovery.
“Chan did this sick piece for this girl, it was huge, it took him like 3 days,” Hyunjin said, words speeding up in his excitement as he took his phone out to show you the design.
Hyunjin had shoved his phone at Felix first, earning a low sound of approval from Felix, “wow, this is so cool.”
You grew more curious as the phone was passed to Jisung, all the while Chan simply smiled shyly, dimples appearing in his satisfaction that his work was being appreciated.
“This whole thing?! Where did she get it on?” Jisung exclaimed, making you furrow your eyebrows, suspicion rising.
Jisung shoved Hyunjin’s phone before you, and you saw a large detailed work that looked like a lady you would see in those scary lara croft movies.
Your eyes widened, a part of you feeling a little intimidated by the image.
“She said she wanted something that was like... a little creepy with like tomb raider vibes so I just went with it,” Chan explained, making you nod thoughtfully, hoping your shock wasn’t too obvious.
“You didn’t answer the question about the placement, though,” Felix spoke up with a curious lilt to his tone, looking down at his thigh and trying to mark out with his hand possible areas to place a tattoo like that.
“It’s a little hard to describe, we spent a while discussing but we eventually decided that we’d put it somewhere here,” Chan leaned over to Felix who had his leg already stretched out, placing a hand at the side of Felix’s upper thigh, marking an area that covered a little bit of the butt and most of the side of his thigh.
“It was crazy, the details were really amazing,” Hyunjin let out a low whistle.
“Thanks,” Chan laughed, making you scrunch your nose, your first thought being how the process would be like, knowing whoever was getting the tattoo would have to be showing quite a bit of skin to get it done. Since when were you so uptight? Snap out of it, it was just a tattoo on her thigh, no big deal.
Though you couldn’t help but turn to Jisung, lowering your volume to a discreet murmur.  
“Does that mean she had to take off her pants?!” you whispered harshly, making Jisung burst into a bout of hearty laughter.
“Is that your concern? because I mean, it’s not like Chan’s gonna tattoo her clothes, right?” Jisung’s chest heaved with how hard he was laughing, his statement catching Chan’s attention, said boy turning to you with an amused look.
“What’s wrong, baby? Are you shy?”
Jisung squealed, and you pitied Hyunjin for sitting next to Jisung because now he was the victim of Jisung’s hits.
You sucked in a sharp breath, feigning confidence by glaring at Chan, though on the inside you already knew you were more than flustered from his comment, wondering what gave him the audacity to be so bold.
“Mayhaps…” Hyunjin gave you a teasing smirk, “jealous?”
Felix’s eyes widened, excitedly tapping his leg in anticipation.
“Shut up,” you waved your hands, shooting a look at Chan, “I’m going to get water,” you murmured, starting to get up when you saw Chan stand up as well.
“I’ll go too,” he said, raising his hands up in defence when he saw you turn around to glare at him, “what? I just wanna look at what snacks we can bring back.”
Sighing, you let him follow behind you to the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water while he rummaged in the cupboards for snacks that caught his eye.
Lowering your voice to a murmur so the boys wouldn’t hear, you grit your teeth, “I told you you have to stop saying things like that,” you muttered, holding your glass of water to your lips and leaning against the kitchen counter.
Chan made a confused sound, closing the cupboard while he had a few bags of snacks in his hand, “stuff like what?”
You shot him a look, “you know what i’m talking about. Look, I know it might be fun or whatever for you to flirt but it’s gonna be your problem when I start… feeling some way about it,” you snapped, annoyance taking over you at how even at this moment you still managed to find Chan absolutely attractive.
Chan looked at you with a soft smile on his face, raising his eyebrows slightly at you, “go ahead.” He took a step towards you, making you furrow your eyebrows.
Chan moved closer so he was just about to walk past you, leaning over so his lips were barely touching your ear, and it took you every inch of willpower in you not to flinch away.
“I want it to make you feel something,” he murmured, walking back into the living room nonchalantly after that, leaving you stunned in the kitchen.
“Y/N get your things! We’re leaving soon!” You heard Jisung’s voice snap you from your trance, nodding to yourself and finishing the rest of your water and walking over to your shared room with Jisung.
“Dude! Chan is stressing me out,” you whisper-shouted once you entered the room, seeing Jisung turn around like a deer caught in the headlights.
“What did he say?”
You recounted what happened in the kitchen to Jisung, who was an excited wreck after you were done, clenching his fists next to his head in his sheer inability to contain his excitement.
“He totally likes you, it’s so obvious at this point, what more is there to think about?” he told you matter-of-factly.
Sucking in a sharp breath, carrying your bag on your shoulder and squeezing your eyes shut before opening your eyes harshly, you shook your head.
“I don’t know what the hell I’m gonna say to him when I see him at peaches… can we change our spot?” You shot Jisung a look, though the both of you knew you had no plans whatsoever to change cafes.
“Hey, don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
Surprisingly, that served to be of some consolation for you during the dead silence on the ride back, Chan having fallen asleep again but this time he’d leant against the window so that saved you from more stress, you guessed.
Hyunjin had dropped Felix off at his house for  his family dinner first, followed by Jisung who was insistent on wanting to sleep.
You remembered Chan mentioning to Hyunjin at the start of the ride that he wanted to head to the shop after dinner so you didn’t bother waking him up when you’d reached your house, figuring he should get as much sleep as he can if he was going to be working later on, choosing to text him instead.
5:57pm -hey, didn’t wanna wake u just now so ill say bye to u here instead haha-
Once you were home, you couldn’t help but wonder if Chan was going to call you again today, like how he usually did. But after almost applying shampoo on your body in your distraction you’d decided not to make yourself too anxious about it, choosing to tidy up your house and watch movies to kill time since you wanted to enjoy the rest of your holiday while you could.
Thanks to a little too many romantic comedies, you’d successfully forgotten you were waiting for Chan to call you, already halfway through devouring your ice-cream sundae when you’d startled at the sound of your phone ringing.
Peeking at the caller id, you were almost embarrassed at how quickly you’d answered once you saw Chan’s contact name, putting the phone on speaker on your lap.
“Hey,” you heard him murmur, his tone soft and gentle, yet there was something about it that sounded a little on edge, “hope I didn’t interrupt you when you were about to sleep or anything.”
You shook your head, “oh, no, not at all, I was just... chilling,” you shrugged, picking up your remote to turn the volume down on your tv.
“Are you home?” He asked you, earning an affirmative hum from you.
“Nah, I left the shop a short while ago… ”
You wracked your brain for a response, your mind running wild imagining all the possible ways the conversation could go.
Was he going to ask you about what happened in the kitchen? Or should you have asked him instead?
Whatever it was, the longer you kept silent, the more your heart picked up speed, a part of you growing desperate to confront him and just ask him about it over the phone because you knew you wouldn’t have to face him in real life if you did— no matter how cowardly it was of you.
“Oh, please be careful, it’s really late,” you murmured, wincing at your shitty reply.
You heard him huff on the other line, “oh, yeah. Totally… don’t scold me but…I feel a lot better after hearing your voice.”
Stunned into silence, you were unsure how to react, a nervous laugh leaving your lips, “list—”
“Can—” you’d spoken simultaneously, a laugh escaping you. 

“You go first,” you insisted, scooping the last bits of your ice cream up as you waited anxiously.
“I was actually wondering uh… can we talk? I’m almost at your house.”
Your eyes widened, glancing at the door in shock, placing your ice cream down on the table haphazardly.
“Oh, uh, yeah sure. Of course we can, gimme a sec,” you said, hurriedly putting on the jacket you had draped over the sofa next to you since you weren’t wearing a bra, hearing the knock at your door when you hadn’t even finished slipping your arm through the sleeve yet.
“Just a minute!” You shouted, hanging up the call and jogging over to the door, opening it to reveal Chan.
You’d tensed up almost instantly, the time of the night coupled with  something about the way the light from your house hit him making him look like he was glowing.
“Hey,” you breathed, seeing him give you a close-lipped smile. “Come in,” you ushered him in, closing the door behind him, though he stayed at your door, looking almost scared to walk any further.
“I’m sorry, again, for coming so unannounced it’s just that… this has been, you know, weighing on my mind for the longest time and after what happened in the kitchen earlier today I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry,” he blurted, his hand coming up to grasp the back of his neck, letting go and letting his hand fall back to his side.
You hoped you didn’t look too dumbfounded.
“Sorry? For what?”
“Nah, like… I was thinking about it just now and I realised that I never thought about how I could be like, you know, imposing my feelings on you and I know that just because I feel a certain way doesn’t mean you have to feel the same way and I just felt really bad because I never meant to put you on the spot or—”
“Chan, calm down,” you laughed, hands naturally going up to his shoulders to rub them reassuringly.
He nodded, meeting your gaze and sucking in a sharp breath before sighing deeply, “you know what? I’m just gonna say it. I’m sorry, in advance. Just so you know, you can reject me, i’m perfectly fine with it. I just have to tell you this before I lose my mind,” he huffed, heaving another sigh.
“I know it’s no secret but… I like you Y/N.”
Your eyes widened, your smile growing bigger, unable to help yourself because of how endearing it felt to see Chan who usually looked so intimidating and confident suddenly become this rambling wreck before you.
“Me too,” you nodded, suddenly feeling more confident now that you knew how he felt, the knowledge spurring you on.
“I’m sorry—wait, you do?”
You nodded, “I’m surprised you couldn’t tell, I did for a while now… ”
Chan let out a relieved sigh, and you felt his shoulders relax under your touch, his hands going up to cover yours which were placed on his shoulders, grasping them gently, his hands cold to the touch.
“Thank—now I’m glad I came here. I thought hearing your voice would be enough but now that I’m here I’m thinking, seeing you…” his hands peeled yours away from his shoulders, interlocking his fingers with yours, “feeling you,” he took a step closer to you, so close that you could feel the warmth radiating from him.
“Is so much better,” he muttered.
It was as if you were transported back to the lake, with the way you felt him leaning closer to you, and taking a step back, you felt your back hit the door gently, his thumbs smoothing over the back of your hands, making you giggle.
“So, I take it as I’ll be receiving more… ‘dinner offers’?” You said, mustering your last bit of confidence.
Chan let out an amused huff, taking his lower lip between his teeth gently and shaking his head at you. Leaning down, Chan brought your hands up to press them against the door on either side of your head, his head dipping down to your neck, pressing a kiss to your neck, the way just the smallest of gasps left you making him smile.
“You really… drive me crazy, sweetie,” he murmured, the smile practically evident in his tone.
Moving his head higher, he pressed a soft kiss to your jaw, the cold metal of his lip ring making you shiver, pulling away so he was face-to-face with you.
“May I?” He smiled, and you’d wished you could have cupped his face and kissed him right there, and it seemed as though he’d read your mind, letting go of your hands.
Once he did so, you’d taken the opportunity to cup the sides of his face, your hands closer to his ears, pulling him closer and pressing your lips against his.
Feeling Chan smile into the kiss, you’d almost shivered at the feeling of his hands going to your shoulders before running them down slowly to your waist, deepening the kiss as he gave your waist a small squeeze, making you utter a surprised sound, sighing into the kiss as you felt his hands going down to grasp your hips.
“Ice cream?” he hummed after you’d felt him lick your lower lip, making you scoff, not knowing how to respond to him, which had only served to further amuse him.  
Feeling confident, he pulled away only slightly (eliciting a rather disappointed sound from you), surprising you when you felt his teeth nip lightly at your lips, making you pull away, cheeks flushing.
“So,” you ignored his comment, pulling away in your shock, seeing him tilt his head at you with a giddy smile on his face, as if he hadn’t just done whatever he did in the past minute, “I take that as a yes?”
Chan hummed, pressing a hand against your back and pulling you closer to him so your chest was flush against his, smirking at the way your hands had almost come up to cover yourself.
“Kiss me again and I’ll tell you my answer.”
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aalissy · 3 years
Locked In
I had a lottt of fun writing this chapter haha <3. I hope you guys like reading it :). Lemme know what you think! I also hope the rest of your week goes well too!!
Marinette glared at the locked door. She had gone to transform in one of the empty rooms at the school after the latest akuma attack and hadn’t realized that the door would lock behind her. Sighing, she opened up her purse to ask Tikki if she would mind opening it for her when the door suddenly banged open. 
It hit her square in the face and Marinette fell to the ground, clenching her eyes shut in pain. Before she could so much as reprimand the person who had hit her or shout that the door would close behind them, she heard him shout, “Plagg, claws out!”
There was a bright flash of green light behind her closed eyelids and she couldn’t help but to open them in shock after hearing those words. Luckily, after she did open her eyes, she only saw the shaded figure of a black cat. Inwardly seething, Marinette groaned out, “Chat Noir?”
Her partner jumped, turning around with a noise that sounded suspiciously like a squeak. A small, amused grin twitched on her lips as he choked out her name, “Marinette! Wh-what are you doing down there?”
She crossed her arms across her chest, giving him a glare as she forced down any ounce of amusement. She had almost figured out his identity. He needed to be more careful. Plus, he had hit her with the door. Nodding her head at the locked entrance, she tsked, “You just swung the door at me.”
Chat sucked in a harsh breath before leaning down, offering his hand. Marinette could practically see his grimace as he murmured, “S-sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
“Yeah, obviously not,” she spoke dryly, pulling herself up with his help. She then raised an eyebrow at him. “I hope you don’t have a habit of transforming in front of people?”
He ducked his head and she was certain that there had to be a blush on his cheeks. Chat scratched the back of his neck and then muttered a quiet, “No.”
Marinette snorted softly before shaking her head at him. “Good, because I don’t think Ladybug would like that very much.”
Attempting to ignore her thoughts which were screaming at her about just why Chat was transforming at her school, she opened her mouth to mention the locked door when he cut her off first. “Right, right... listen, Marinette... you didn’t happen to, uh, see anything. Did you?”
Glancing off to the side, she huffed out a quiet sigh. Now was not the time for this. They were currently locked in a room together when an akuma was right outside, wreaking havoc on the rest of Paris. Her purse nudged against her hip impatiently, and Marinette patted it calmly, trying to convey to Tikki that she was still trapped. Meeting what she hoped was his gaze, she spoke seriously, “No, I didn’t, Chat. It was too dark and I had my eyes closed, anyways.”
“Good,” he breathed out in relief before he spoke panickedly, “Wait, Marinette, there’s an akuma outside! We need to go! Ladybug’s probably wondering where I am!”
She couldn’t help the small, knowing smile from forming on her face after he spoke. Ladybug knew exactly where he was. Opening her mouth to remind him about the locked door, she heard a small bang and then a whimper of pain. Wincing, she realized that Chat had figured it out on his own.
“What the,” he muttered, and she heard him wiggle the door handle a few times to no avail.
“It’s locked,” Marinette spoke pointedly, “What did you think I was doing in here anyway? Just standing around?”
“Honestly,” Chat scratched the back of his neck as he turned around to face her. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
She rolled her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes. Her purse once again tapped her side in a silent question and she held it down firmly. The answer was no. It was too risky. Chat had night vision. If he caught a glimpse of Tikki while she was opening the door, it wouldn’t be that difficult for him to put two and two together. 
Marinette then opened her eyes, squinting around the room in the hopes of spotting something useful. It was impossible, though, it was too dark for her to see anything of value. Blowing out a breath, she gazed back up at him. “Well, Mr. superhero, do you have any ideas on how to get us out of here?”
“I was thinking of one thing.” Chat held up his hand, forming a shadowed claw in front of her face.
“You can’t just cataclysm the door down,” she waved her arms in exasperation. “What happens if the akuma comes and you’ve lost your one power? We’d both be doomed.”
“Oh,” he put his hand back down, nodding his head. “Yeah, you’re purrobably right.”
Marinette frowned, tapping her foot at him impatiently. He was making puns at a time like this? Didn’t he realize the danger they were in? Pursing her lips, she again glanced around the room. It was once again up to her to solve the mess they were in. Snapping her gaze back to his, she asked, “Chat, can you see anything useful? Like a vent we can escape in or something we can use to break the lock?”
There was a brief moment of silence as he moved his head from side to side, looking for their escape plan. He then spoke cheerfully, pointing at something she couldn’t see. “Yes! There’s a vent right above us!”
“Perfect!” Marinette clapped her hands together and then beckoned him forward. “Now, come here, I’m going to use you as a boost and then get us both out of here.”
“Uh, purrhaps it would be best if I was the one to go through. I can see better than you. And, besides, you could get hurt out there while I’m stuck in here,” Chat said and she was certain that there was a frown between his brows. 
Her gaze softened as she realized that he was worried about her. He could be so sweet at times. Unfortunately, though, she had to shake her head slowly at him. “I’m so sorry, kitty, but it has to be me. I couldn’t possibly lift you up to the vent.” 
Marinette then felt determination fill her. She would get them both out of here and into that fight. She knew it. Hesitantly, she placed a hand on his arm. “You can trust me, I promise.”
“I do,” Chat spoke quickly and she blinked at the seriousness in his tone. Did he really have that much faith in her? Both as Marinette and Ladybug. “I just... don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Nibbling her lip, she considered his words. She couldn’t exactly promise him that she’d be fine. Squeezing his arm, she then said clearly, “I’ll be safe. I won’t go out unless I know there’s nothing in the hallway.”
Instead of speaking, he simply nodded his head, moving forward so that he was underneath the vent. Taking a deep breath, Marinette then climbed up onto his shoulders, pushing the cover away and pulling herself inside. Almost instantly, she coughed as dust swirled around her.
“If you need anything just shout, purrincess. I swear I’ll cataclysm that door down and get you out of there before the akuma has time to blink,” Chat shouted after her.
Giggling quietly, Marinette then began to crawl. Tikki phased out of her purse when she was far enough away, calling out instructions as she looked for a way out. Together, they worked rather quickly and she soon found herself in the hallway with the locked closet. Opening the door, she beamed over at the superhero, “Ta-da!”
Immediately, Chat wrapped her up in a tight, warm hug, breathing out quietly, “You’re okay.”
“Course I am,” Marinette nibbled her lip before patting his shoulder. “But you need to go. There’s an akuma out there and Ladybug probably needs your help.”
“Right,” he pulled back, giving her a quick nod. “You were absolutely pawsome, by the way, purrincess.”
Rolling her eyes fondly, she didn’t respond, instead giving him a small smile. Chat grinned back before giving her a quick salute, taking off towards the direction of the akuma. Sighing in relief, Marinette scanned her surroundings before opening up her purse. “It’s time for us to go after him. Tikki, spots on!”
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et-lesailes · 4 years
spreading the sugar | pt 2
pairing: sugar daddy!andy & ransom (twins) x reader
word count: 1545
summary: having andy barber as a sugar daddy has been nothing but a good time. little do you know that meeting his twin brother will change everything.
themes: age gap, smut
taglist: @evanstush​, @tanyam93​, @bval-1​, @wonderwinchester​, @patzammit​, @rohaintahquil​, @deidrashouseofpain​, @sammyslonglostshoe​, @jadedhillon​, @bohemian-barbie​, @whysparker​, @sebastian-i-stan​, @sebabestianstan101​, @lille-kattunge​, @teller258316​, @peach-acid​, @allsortsofinterests​, @xoxabs88xox​, @heyiamthatbitch​, @cptn-sgrogers​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​, @bangtan-serendipity​, @troublermalik​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​, @bookish-shristi​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​, @straightforwardly​,  @denisemarieangelina​,  @frencchfries​, @xlanawriter​, @littlemoistcarrot​, @pottxrwolff​, @arianatheangelworld​​, @southerngracela​, @nsfwsebbie​, @rororo06​, @savemesteeb​​, @raveviolet​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​, @shaddixlife​​, @tessa-bl​​, @marvelouspottering​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​, @thegetawaywriter​​, @dwights-new-plague​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​, @fckdeusername​​,  @doloreschanal​​, @ssworldofsw​​, @la-cey​, @buckybarnesplumwhore​ 
notes: sorry it’s a day late! please feel free to give some feedback :) graphic creds to @thewritingdoll​ !
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It’s your naughty self that makes Ransom’s plan go along much more smoothly. For the next couple days, he has the surveillance pulled up on his television, bored out of his mind simply watching his brother sit at his desk doing paperwork and making phone calls whenever he’s in the office. Most of the time, no one’s there at all, considering Andy is often in court or at other appointments. 
And then three days later, he finally hits the jackpot.
You walk into Andy’s office, dressed in a stylish and form fitting Michael Kors peacoat paired with knee high black socks with lace on the hems, an innocent smile on your face. It’s the middle of the day, and this is probably your boldest move yet, but you’re too excited. He’s been working on a serious case for the past few days, and you’ve barely gotten to spend much time with him. You know he’ll want this just as much as you.
“Y/N?” He looks up in surprise, quickly standing up and going over to the door to close it. “Ya gotta be careful coming here so early, honey, there’s still a lot of people around…”
“So? Just tell them I’m a college student, asking for an internship.” You watch as he peers out the glass window before drawing the blinds so no one can look in. “Fair enough, but still. If Laurie finds out about this, it just… it’s going to be a whole lot of drama, especially if Jacob gets involved. Plus I don’t want you getting any shit for it.” You sigh in amusement, suddenly taking hold of his tie and pulling him closer to  you. “You’ve been so stressed out these days, Daddy. Can I please just help you… relax a little?” you whisper, moving your hands to the buttons of your coat and slowly undoing them. He blinks in surprise, now a bit distracted from his previous concerns as he stares at the lacy little piece you’re wearing underneath, mouth hanging open slightly.
“Is that a yes?” you tease, taking the coat off entirely and draping it over the nearest chair. He scoffs and pulls you closer to him, immediately kissing you roughly as his hands explore every inch of the thin material, a low groan sounding from his throat. “That’s a fuck yes, baby doll, but we need to hurry. I have a meeting in half an hour.”
Miles away in his lavish home, Ransom checks in on the app on his phone. His eyes immediately light up wickedly upon the view displayed on the screen. He whistles lowly as he leans back in his leather armchair, watching you bend over Andy’s desk with your butt wiggling proudly for him, your hand reaching back to move the bottoms out of the way so he can fuck you from behind.
He watches every movement, whether it be your hips slammed forward from the force or your head tilting back as Andy pulls your hair. His hand moves to wrap around your neck, making Ransom laugh slightly, even impressed. “Wow. I didn’t know you had it in you,” he mumbles, watching as the action makes you whimper in pleasure, even coughing slightly. He allows himself to take in every single part of your scantily clad body, already thinking of everything he’s going to do to it. How it’s going to feel squirming under his powerful hands when you cum for him. How you’ll be screaming his name so loud, the entire neighborhood will hear it. 
He barely even realizes he’s been palming his crotch, his eyes hungrily glued to you. Unbuckling his expensive belt and pushing down his jeans and briefs, he wraps his fingers around his shaft and starts pumping, groaning to himself as he envisions his cock balls deep inside you, his breaths heavy from arousal and need. His hand may have to suffice for now, but soon, he knows it’s going to be your tight body he’s fucking nice and hard until you’re sore. 
Meanwhile, you’re catching your breath as you straighten up again, adjusting your lingerie. Andy smirks breathlessly as he pulls his pants back up, running his fingers through his brown hair. “Fuck. Wish I could just keep you in the office, honey.” He turns you around to face him and kisses you slowly but intensely. You practically feel giddy as you kiss him back; you love pleasing him. “Mm. It’s okay, Daddy, we have way more fun at home.” You point out playfully, and he chuckles lowly before reaching over and picking up the coat. Putting it over your shoulders and buttoning it up as if you were a child, he leans in and pecks your cheek. “Go ahead home, baby girl. I’ll still be here for a while, but why don’t I pick you up and take you out for dinner later, hm? Wherever you want to go.”
“Okay.” You agree with a cute smile, picking up your bag. “See ya later, babe.” You smooth out your hair and walk out of the room, smiling nonchalantly at the people who have been sitting in their cubicles on the other side of the closed blinds. You look completely normal and professional with your expensive coat, it’s as if you really were there inquiring about an internship. 
Little do you know that all of these people could easily find out that that’s not what you were there for at all. 
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It’s safe to say that Andy’s in a horrible mood, and for good reason.
After waking up to a very disturbing email from his own brother, he immediately got dressed and left the house, hopping into his Audi and driving off. He didn’t even reply to any of your texts. He was and still is far too stressed, and besides, if he murders his shithole of a brother, he doesn’t want you around as a witness. 
He pulls up in the driveway, tempted to crash into that annoying, shiny BMW glistening under the morning sun. He slams the door upon getting out, storming up to the front door and pounding on the door loudly, hoping he wakes the bastard up. “Ransom! Get the fuck down here, right now!” he yells loudly, nothing but anger in his thickly Boston accented words. 
Of course, the trust fund playboy takes his time, even having the nerve to open the door with a casual yawn as he stretches his arms over his head, simply wearing a lush sherpa robe that probably cost hundreds of dollars. “Wow. You’ve never been so eager to see me before, Andy. Maybe I should blackmail you more often.” 
The assistant district attorney grabs his brother by the plush collar of his robe, fists clenched tightly as he hisses, “I’m not fucking doing this with you, Ransom. Delete that video right now, I can easily get you in trouble for planting that fucking camera in my office- you know that, right?” 
Ransom flinches in surprise for a second as his hands fly up to grab his brother’s wrists, his features slightly strained from practically being choked- and yet he still manages to chuckle darkly, teeth grit. “Would that be before or after I send that nice little video of you fucking your little sugar baby slut to Laurie and your entire workplace?” He suddenly opens his mouth in a mocking ‘o’, continuing, “Can you imagine what Jacob would feel watching this?” 
“Do not bring my fucking son into this!” Andy’s voice raises even louder as he lifts his hand, about to punch the everloving shit out of his twin, but Ransom is quick to block himself, grunting as he grabs the other’s wrist tightly. “Please, don’t waste my fucking time,” he breathes out somewhat labored, his chest heaving slightly. “Beating me up isn’t going to do shit except encourage your little aggression problem. Does Y/N know anything about that, by the way?” 
Andy pauses, staring at the other incredulously, so angry that the vein in his neck is bulging. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he asks, using his grip to shove Ransom roughly into the door. “Why are you doing this? I know you’re a fucking asshole, but isn’t this going too far? What the hell do you have against me?”
He grunts slightly upon hitting the door but sighs amused, smoothing out his robe as he stands straight again. “Goodness gracious, Andy, you’re really overthinking this. All I want to do is fuck the little minx, and I knew you wouldn’t exactly agree to that. So…” he trails off with a shrug, smirking. “Now don’t worry, I’ll give you time to talk to her about it first- but not too long. Otherwise that video gets-”
“It has to be the three of us.”
Ransom blinks. “Excuse me?”
Andy looks at him firmly, ocean eyes still practically on fire. “I can’t trust you alone with her. No one can be trusted alone with you. So if you’re doing this, I’m there too.” 
Ransom looks at him for a few moments before slowly snickering, shrugging again with nothing but amusement in his features. 
“Whatever you say, Andy. Just try not to get too jealous when she’s screaming my name louder than yours.” 
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harryandmolly · 4 years
fear and loathing in mandeville canyon *7* - final
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A/N: thanks for hanging out, guys. always a pleasure 💜
summary: Shawn & Lilly, derailed, detoured, but maybe not destroyed
warnings: language, butter, adulting
wc: 5.6k
Lilly takes shallow breaths, all her tight core will allow as she carefully raises her legs back up over her head. The pressure at the crown is almost unbearable -- she’s probably still not totally strong enough to support all her weight in her core and arms like this in a tripod headstand, but she’s never been able to successfully raise her legs off the floor. So she can ignore the pesky brain pulsing. For a few seconds.
Lilly huffs and lowers her legs slowly, spread as wide as she can get them, until her feet hit the floor, taking some of the weight off her head. She unfurls to sit, blinks quickly and grins, catching a glimpse of her bright eyes and flushed cheeks in the reflection of the open glass door. Lilly straightens her back and admires herself, strong and stable, the result of a lot of hard fucking work.
She completes her practice as directed by her perky online instructor and lies in supported fish pose a little longer than usual. She rolls her hips, noticing the way it affects each notch of vertebrae in her back.
Her phone buzzes beside her mat. Her nose twitches as she fights a smile. She glances at it, though she doesn’t need to to know who it is.
Shawn: you coming?
Lilly closes her eyes and types back by muscle memory.
Lilly: shhhhh I’m zen
She rests her phone on her stomach and enjoys the way the night breeze sifts through the room.
The phone makes an angrier but muffled sound on her skin. She checks it, expecting a whining plea or a series of emojis. Instead her jaw drops and she chokes on a breath and pushes herself to sit.
Lilly knows this house as well as her own now. She traces her fingers lovingly along the hallway walls as she winds her way down the stairs and follows the music. It’s Harry Styles, which explains a lot.
The sliding doors to the pool are unlatched but shut to keep out the dreaded mosquitos. It’s past dusk now, the sky will go from cobalt to midnight soon. The pool lights make the water glow a smooth, clean turquoise. It’s interrupted by the boy in the shallow end with his arms hanging on the side, wearing a smirk that barely contains a goofy grin.
Lilly toes carefully over the gravel, hissing as it bites at her feet. The song changes to “Watermelon Sugar,” which incidentally is very appropriate, given the contents of his last text. He notices it too and that smirk gets even dopier.
Lilly shakes her head and glides to the edge of the pool, curling her opalescent painted toes over the edge. She crosses her arms and waves her phone.
“Is this a tease or an actual invitation?”
Shawn lifts a shoulder coyly. He draws a hand into the water and wiggles his fingers through it, looking casual. “Both, I guess. I got you out here, didn’t I?”
Lilly laughs and nods, glancing around. He already grabbed towels for them both when he came out here an hour ago to do laps, part of his regular routine now.
She hears movement in the water and looks down to see him wading toward her. He blinks innocently through wet, dark lashes and places a gentle kiss to each of her big toes, then rests his cheek on her feet.
“Your sushi’s inside on the counter,” he murmurs.
Lilly nods. “I’ll get it later.”
While his eyes are down, Lilly lifts her ribbed crop tank over her head and tosses it on a nearby chair. He lifts his head in time to watch her bare nipples harden in the breeze. His eyes bulge.
“Uh oh, I’m in trouble now,” he teases, kicking off the wall to float on his back as he watches her undress. She wriggles out of her leggings and panties while keeping her eyes on the hills and valleys of his torso.
As she rounds the corner of the pool to take the stairs, Shawn straightens up, sniffing and pushing his hands back through his hair. He opens his arms to her. She walks right in, tucking her arms and legs around him. His content sigh is so heavy the water ripples around them.
His hands wander her back and tangle in the ends of her hair, which looks redder and silkier in the water. Their heads rest side by side like they each need the other to hold them up. Lilly turns her face into his ear, giving his cartilage a lick and greedily sniffling the chlorine in his hair.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent me.”
She feels him chuckle and holds him even tighter. He scoops his hands down around her ass and starts to wade deeper into the water.
“You inspire me,” Shawn whispers, swaying with her toward the edge, where he can pin her up against the tile wall. She hisses upon contact with the cool stone and he takes the opportunity to steal a kiss.
It’s languid, exploring. She’s pretty sure he knows better than to try to fuck her in the pool. That’s only hot in movies. She thinks maybe he just missed her.
“How’d it go today?” she hums.
“Good. Mostly. There are still a few pieces that need to come together for the first two tracks and I’m still not quite getting what I want for track eight, but it was productive.”
Despite their circumstances, Lilly and Shawn have been pseudo-functional adults lately. Once the tent (as they’ve taken to calling the makeshift recording booth) went up, Shawn buckled down to focus on recording and working with producers and the other musicians tracking instruments. Lilly has finally tossed herself full time into writing, breaking for yoga and snacks and to visit him, if she’s super quiet, which she’s not, so she always gets politely kicked out after a take or two.
“How ‘bout you?”
Lilly pecks at the corner of his mouth and nods. “Also good. I almost totally rewrote that scene from yesterday but honestly I feel a lot better about it. It has some life in it now.”
“Good,” Shawn purrs, aiming his lips down at her shoulder. She smiles and tilts her nose into his hair again. Greedy, greedy.
“And… I finally did it.”
Shawn lifts his head and watches her like her face will give him a clue. In a matter of seconds, he lights up.
“Shut the fuck up. The whole way?”
Lilly’s cheeks scrunch with the effort of her smile. “The whole way. Probably killed a bunch of brain cells, but I did it.”
“Lill, that’s nuts! That’s so awesome!” he cries, squeezing her tighter, “Shit, I wanted to film it! I was gonna put it on Insta and tag you as #fitspo!”
Lilly snorts and drops her forehead to rest against his. “What a fun way to announce us to the world.”
“That I’m having really hot yoga sex with my really hot, stretchy girlfriend? I love that for me.”
Lilly cackles, dropping her head back against the stone. Shawn plods kisses up her throat.
“Will you show me later?” he asks, speaking into her wet skin.
“Not tonight, you’re going to be very busy, remember?”
Shawn goes quiet and still for a moment, then jolts with a laugh. “Uh huh, right. So busy. All night long kinda busy.”
Lilly can’t hide her squirm. Shawn gathers her in off the wall so she’s plastered against him, their noses brushing.
“That’s the best kind of busy.”
“Don’t headbutt me, don’t headbutt me, don’t headbutt me…”
Lilly’s quite sure he can’t hear her, even though he’s lying on top of her. He refused to get out of bed to get the phone charging cord, so he rolled over onto Lilly, his head on her chest under the sheets, as his hand flails toward the ground.
Lilly’s face scrunches up as he grunts and wriggles.
“Don’t headbutt me, don’t--”
Shawn lifts his head straight into Lilly’s chin, even as she tries at the last second to tilt it away. His enormous head smacks into the base of her jaw, making her clench down on her tongue. She wails.
“Shit! Fuck, I’m sorry!”
The cord is forgotten. Shawn pushes himself up over her and cups her jaw, nudging his lips over the bridge of her nose. He pulls back after a few seconds to inspect her.
Lilly swats at him. “Fuck. God, you’re like Megamind only… less blue. I think my tongue is bleeding.”
She sticks her tongue out and lifts her eyebrows. “Ih ih ee-ing?”
Shawn looks closer. “Nope.” He cradles her face in both hands and kisses her soundly, sliding his tongue against hers, pressing a warm sigh out of her sleepy morning body.
“There, all better,” he determines, folding himself down beside her.
“That’s as close to vampirism as I ever hope to get with you,” Lilly grumbles, reaching for her phone. She allows his apology kisses as she scrolls through Twitter and brushes her toes against his calf.
Her shoulders drop. She exhales and puts the phone down. The sheet comes up over her head. Shawn follows curiously.
She’s quiet for a few seconds. “Lover Fest is cancelled.”
Shawn makes a murmur of acknowledgement and tucks his arm around her, pulling the covers higher over both of them. The morning light is diffused through the clean white sheet.
“You kinda knew it would be, though,” he points out, sounding dejected for her.
Lilly’s face crumples into a pout. “I mean, yeah, but I just think it sucks that the universe has chosen to keep me from Taylor. My spiritual big sister. My celestial homegirl. Fate keeps us apart and its cruelty is weighing on me.”
Lilly feels safe enough to get melodramatic in front of Shawn for several reasons, not the least of which is that he, too, can pitch an impressive fit when he wants to. He also chooses not to judge her for complaining about a cancelled concert when millions of people around the world are sick and dying, of which she’s well aware. The guilt hits her secondarily, a privilege in and of itself.
“I’m so gross. I have no right to be upset about this right now.”
Shawn lifts some coppery strands out of her face and tucks them behind her ear. “You’re allowed to care about both.”
Lilly remains grouchy and unconvinced.
“Plus, the universe can’t keep you from Taylor forever, since we’re friends.”
Lilly keeps her eyes down and sucks at her front teeth. Shawn nudges her.
Lilly’s expression doesn’t change, save for her eyebrows lifting. Her eyes remain unfocused on her legs. Shawn noses at her temple. Her eyes shut.
“Lillian, what?”
Lilly squirms and lifts the sheet over their heads, letting the world back in. She slides out of his arms and out of the bed, crossing to the chair for her cozy shorts and a big shirt.
“... nothing. It’s nothing.”
She knows she’s not getting away with it, not even close. She doesn’t want to look at him to see just how much she’s not pulling this off.
“Baby, come on.”
Lilly takes a long moment to blink and turns to face him. He’s shirtless and flushed in their rumpled sheets. She tilts her head and sighs, drifting back to him. She gets a knee up on the bed and slides her fingers into his curls. They seem to hug around them like her hand belongs there. He’s staring up at her like a woodland creature.
“Nothing. We should stop fucking and go call our moms before they realize that we’re total heathens.”
Shawn swallows uneasily but seems ready to drop it, for now. He takes her wrist to his lips and chuckles.
“My mum already knows.”
“About you, maybe, not about me.”
Shawn smirks and releases her, watching Lilly trail off in search of a cozy phone spot.
“Tell your mom happy mother’s day from me,” he calls.
Lilly looks back at him as she pads down the hall. “And tell yours from me.”
Lilly watches, entranced, as each pat of butter melts seamlessly into the silky pot of mashed potatoes. She’s not thinking, she’s not measuring, just feeling. Butter. Butter. More butter. She adds a whole stick before she realizes what she’s doing. Her gaze darts over her shoulder. Shawn is facing away from her at the other countertop, muttering to himself as he pulls out ingredients for Yorkshire puddings. She mashes her lips together and turns back, whisking hard to incorporate all her sins.
Cooking has become nearly as meditative as yoga recently. After spending their first few weeks together abusing their bodies in different ways, cooking feels like healing now. The grill took them a few attempts to master, and they side-stepped some potentially life threatening disasters to do it, but now they char slabs of eggplant and zucchini and ears of corn wrapped in tinfoil. They roast potatoes in the oven with fresh herbs and olive oil. Cooking brings them together at the end of the day and gives them a way to take care of each other and themselves.
Mother’s Day presented the perfect opportunity to expand their repertoires and distract themselves from missing their families. The Sunday roast was Lilly’s idea -- whole roast chicken with thyme butter, creamy mashed potatoes, roasted root veggies and Yorkshire puddings with gravy. Mother’s Day Sunday roast is a Mendes family tradition, one Shawn hasn’t been around for in a few years. He had hoped to be home for this one. Lilly decides to bring some home to him.
His arm is hard and warm, wriggling between the stove and her waist as he winds it around her. His other hand presents her with a glass of white. She accepts the kiss on the side of her neck and pretends to stir to look busy.
“Oh, hi,” she murmurs into the wide-bowled glass.
“Oh, hi,” he chuckles, giving her a squeeze, “I saw the butter.”
Lilly huffs. “Goddamnit.” She can’t shake her stupid smile though. He was watching her when she wasn’t watching him.
“Gonna kill us both,” he purrs into her skin, like he doesn’t mind one bit.
“My plan all along.”
Shawn hums in response and backs off, to Lilly’s chagrin.
“Batter’s ready, chef.”
Lilly turns the range down low to keep the potatoes warm. She turns and waves him over, gloving her hand with an oven mitt to get the hot muffin tin from the pre-heated oven. She holds it as Shawn pours batter into each cup.
“The trick my mom taught me is not to open the oven door once they’re in there,” Shawn reports with a nod, watching as Lilly closes the door and sets a timer. Lilly glances at him suspiciously.
“This isn’t my first rodeo, kid, who do you think you’re talking to?”
Shawn raises his eyebrows, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “An American.”
Lilly’s eyes bulge and her jaw drops. She swats him across the chest with her mitt, but lets him cradle her up against him anyway.
“You take that back!” she squeaks.
“I know, I’m sorry, I know you hate being reminded.”
Lilly and Shawn sit on the floor and watch the little popovers rise. They don’t open the oven door even once until the timer goes off.
Lilly puts on John Mayer again over the house speakers. They’re eating in the actual dining room today to be fancy, figuring their setting should match their food.
“He’s been soothing my achy soul lately,” Lilly sighs, dropping into her seat, immediately crossing her legs so her foot brushes up against him. Shawn nods absently but his eyes narrow a little at his potatoes. Lilly’s grin takes up half her face.
“You’re jealous!”
Shawn completes the eye roll his face was begging him for. He finishes chewing and sits back to glare at her. “Of course I’m jealous. Why is my music not enough for your achy soul? Why do you need Mayer?”
The teasing lilt in Shawn’s voice just makes Lilly laugh harder. “You love him even more than I do.”
“I do,” he sighs, “Maybe we could FaceTime with him soon and he can soothe you directly.”
Lilly feels herself going magenta. Shawn doesn’t toss around his celebrity weight, or even work his friend connections very often, but when he does, he does it with purpose. Lilly attempts to stay cool. Ish.
“I would not say no to that,” she attempts lightly, but her face-splitting smile gives her away. Shawn grins knowingly and bobs his head.
“I’ll text him. Maybe I can talk to Taylor, too, get you your own personal Lover Fest.”
Lilly’s smile falters a little. Her gaze drifts to her plate. She shoves a forkful of potatoes in her mouth. Shawn notices a shift.
“What?” His mouth is full.
Lilly swallows and lifts a shoulder casually. “I just didn’t figure you were really in a place to be asking Taylor for favors anymore.”
The song changes to a track Lilly doesn’t know. The air seems to crackle. Shawn sits forward as Lilly sits back. She manages to lift her eyes from her crispy chicken skin.
“What do you mean?”
Regret fills Lilly’s gut faster than the food. She takes a long sip of wine.
“I mean after what happened last year.”
He didn’t really need her to clarify, she knows. She also knows he doesn’t require further detail.
He comes up on his elbows, his brow furrowing. “I can probably guess what you think happened, but it’s more complicated than that.”
Lilly exhales and drops her fork, crossing her arms. Shawn looks alarmed.
“I have no doubt you can guess what I think, because you know me pretty well. And you probably also know I think it’s bullshit.”
Shawn’s eyes harden. “Lilly, you don’t know everything. You weren’t there. I don’t owe you an explanation for this, you weren’t involved.”
Lilly’s lips tighten at the corners, the kiss of death. Shawn’s shoulders tighten further, pulling up toward his ears.
“Yeah, I’m sure you think you don’t. Maybe that’s exactly what’s wrong,” Lilly jabs.
Shawn looks baffled. “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re the one who’s always telling me I don’t owe everyone everything. But now suddenly I owe people every detail? It had nothing to do with me.”
“You thinking it had nothing to do with you is a huge fucking problem, Shawn! It is a privilege! No one has threatened everything you’ve built. Why would they? You’re a white man. And you sat down and shut up when she needed you.”
The muscle in Shawn’s jaw twitches. “You don’t know shit about what I did, you weren’t fucking there. Stop pretending like you know everything. It’s fucking complicated, okay? Jesus, Lilly.”
Lilly deflates and folds her hands, pressing her forehead into them. “Let’s not do this. Let’s just not fucking do this, this was supposed to be nice. Can we not? I don’t want to fight.”
She looks up at him, pleading.
Shawn doesn’t hesitate. “I want to fight.”
Lilly blinks. “What?”
He nods urgently. “I do. I want to fight. Let’s fight, let’s figure it out and get through it. Let’s fucking fight, Lill, because it’s so much better than being fucking silent.”
Lilly swallows. Her stomach lurches. Shawn does not waver.
“Fine. Tell me, then. Tell me what you did. You texted her?”
Shawn scoffs. “I didn’t just fucking text her, I called her. We talked for like an hour. And if she were here, she’d tell you that and she’d say we’re totally fine, we’re good. Because we are.”
Lilly pushes a hand into her hair and feels the tears in her eyes. “No you’re not. You’re not fine. You showed up and did the bare minimum, Shawn, you’re not fucking fine.”
His eyes get huge. “What the fuck, Lilly? You don’t even know her!”
“I don’t have to!” she cries, throwing her arms up, “I don’t have to know her personally to know how many texts and calls she got from guys like you who felt bad but wanted to stay out of the way, stay in their lane, stay out of trouble. When you look at the ratio of women who spoke up compared to men, it’s fucking sad, Shawn. And honestly, I did not expect you to land on the wrong side of that, I really didn’t. But that was just the start.”
He narrows his eyes. “The start of what?”
“You shut down. You just… shut down. You got the girl and then fucked off. You have to know that’s what it looked like to everyone.”
“I fucked off because literally everyone was telling me to. Lilly, I swear to god, if you saw the kind of stuff people were saying to me, about me, about her…”
Lilly feels a chill down her spine. She’s desperate to crawl away from this.
“Everyone hated me. Everyone hated us. What was I supposed to do?”
Lilly chews on her lip and mutters, “Maybe not post that gross make out video, for one thing.”
He inhales so sharply Lilly looks up at him. His nostrils are flared. Did he get taller in the last two minutes?
“It was a fucking joke, Jesus Christ.”
“Yeah, well, you were the only two who thought it was funny.”
Shawn takes a breath and scrubs his hands over his face, then back into his hair, holding it back as he stares down at his food.
“I know the video was stupid. It wasn’t supposed to make people so mad.”
Lilly shifts in her seat uncomfortably. She takes his olive branch and returns with one of her own.
“Listen, I’m not gonna sit here and defend your entire fandom. I know better. I know a lot of the shit you guys took was unfair. But the distance came from both sides, Shawn. You alienated them, they alienated you right back. It doesn’t matter who shot first. That distance is still there.”
Shawn doesn’t argue her point. He draws a crispy corner of Yorkshire pudding through his gravy and pops it in his mouth. “I really thought the Foundation would turn it around, but it only made it worse.”
Lilly winces. “But you get why, right?”
Shawn clicks his tongue. “No, but I’m sure you’ll tell me.”
“It’s hollow, Shawn. It didn’t feel like you. Your heart wasn’t in it. It was like someone put your name on it and said ‘okay, guys, tell us what you want this to be.’ I mean, what is it? What do you want it to be?”
Shawn looks hurt. Lilly wonders if she should’ve pulled back a little, then thinks about what he said earlier.
I want to fight.
Lilly realizes maybe she wants to fight too. If fighting means fighting for this, for them, Lilly will get her gloves on and go to work. She steels herself.
“The whole point was to give a voice to my fans, to be the way they can make a difference. Have them act through me. That’s what I liked about it!”
Lilly shuts her eyes. “But it wasn’t your idea.”
She knew that already without him having to say it. The circumstances made that clear.
“Andrew pitched it, but I approved it,” Shawn snaps.
“Then do something with it!” Lilly cries, “Show some ownership! Show everyone you care what it means, what it does. You’ve always been so good at that. It’s one of the reasons people love you so much. Why people were hurt when you disappeared. Suddenly you were either nowhere, or you were with her. People missed you. I fucking know I did.”
Shawn’s shoulders begin to sink. The tense feeling clenching around Lilly’s ribcage loosens. Shawn reaches a hand out, face up on the table. Lilly slips hers into his and watches his thumb rub her skin.
“I didn’t know you were still paying attention,” he whispers.
Lilly lets the past several months drift over her face. “I tried not to.”
What’s left of their food is cold. Mayer’s voice feels loud in the absence of their yelling. They gaze at each other, looking and feeling haunted. Shawn is first to break the silence.
“I don’t want it to be like this. I… I don’t think I want to tell everyone everything all the time, but I don’t want it like this either. I can’t be afraid to talk to my fans.”
Lilly nods. “There’s a middle ground. You can find it.”
Shawn studies the veins in the translucent skin of her wrist. “Will you help me?”
Lilly smirks. “When you want me to, sure. But you don’t need me for that, Shawn.”
He’s silent for a long time. Lilly watches the tears gather in his eyes as they soften.
“But I do need you. I fuckin’ need you, Lill, you know that right?”
Lilly nods eagerly. “I know.”
He doesn’t seem satisfied. “No, I mean, of course I need you, but I want you. I want you so bad, all the time, every day. In every way I can have you. You make everything in my life better. And I swear to god, if you let me, I’ll make sure I can do the same for you.”
Lilly squeezes his hand. Her heart swims up into her throat and pushes out the words she hasn’t said in almost a year. “I love you.”
Shawn illuminates from the inside out. His cheeks go a vivid pink. He squeezes her hand right back and pulls it up to his lips. “I love you too, Lilly.”
Lilly cups his cheek. Her smile is small and quiet, but it’s not fragile.
The song changes. The opening notes are so distinctive, they have Shawn and Lilly smiling knowingly in under three seconds.
“See?” Lilly squawks, “John just gets me.”
Shawn rolls his eyes and pushes his chair back, holding his hand out to her. “Whatever. John may ‘get you,’ but I have you. C’mere.”
Lilly gasps, eyes sparkling. She looks to his face, then his outstretched hand, then back at his face. She’s vibrating in her seat.
“Yes!” Shawn laughs. Lilly springs out of her chair and takes his offer before he can reel it back in. He holds their clasped hands to his chest and grins as she takes her place between his bare feet. They bob along awkwardly beside the table, cast in powder blue dusk from the floor-to-ceiling windows.
“Fucking finally, it’s like, why even bother putting John Mayer on if no one’s gonna ask you to dance?” Lilly crows, looking smug.
Shawn pecks the tip of her nose and pulls her closer. She rests her cheek on his chest.
“Now we see everything that’s going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don’t have the means
To rise above and beat it…”
Shawn sings along and Lilly doesn’t even pretend like that wasn’t exactly what she wanted. She stares up at him, delighted by his total willingness to satisfy even the little whims she doesn’t say out loud. They don’t notice when the song changes. Lilly magnanimously decides not to step on Shawn’s foot when he says that her body, too, is a wonderland.
But she does prove it to him again later that night.
July 28th, 2020
Lilly squints up at the sky. It’s so blue that her retinas ache, but she finds what she needs.
“Look! Look, a cloud. Not safe to fly. You should stay. Come on, chop chop, bags down. You’re staying.”
Shawn drops his backpack into the trunk of the town car. His eyes are hidden behind mirrored aviators, but Lilly doesn’t need to see them to know his smile doesn’t quite reach them.
“I’m going to remind you again this was your idea,” he sighs.
Lilly scrunches her face up in protest but it doesn’t push away the tears building in her eyes like she hoped.
He’s right. It’s been almost a month since they had the first conversation about it. It wasn’t nearly as scary when it was hypothetical. It started with an innocent comment, Lilly joking about Shawn not having anything to write about if they’re together and happy all the time. 
“You need some angst. How are you ever gonna miss me enough to write about me if we’re standing on top of each other all day every day?”
Shawn brushed it off, but it took hold in both their minds. It was another full week before they had a real conversation about it. Lilly cried and Shawn stared in horror, then held her.
“We cannot become real again in a vacuum. I love you, I love this, but it’s not real life. I want you for real. I need this to be real,” Lilly pleaded.
Negotiations ran in circles for a while. Maybe they just needed a change of scenery, Shawn suggested. They could take a little safe vacation somewhere, rent a place in Malibu or Big Sur. Distance wasn’t the answer. It couldn’t be.
But distance is their reality when the world is not on fire. Lilly does not work in an industry that permits her to follow Shawn around on tour or promo. Even if she did, they agree that arrangement could get emotionally fraught pretty fast. Lilly argues they have to get good at the distance again, since that was one of the factors that broke them up to begin with. Shawn insists that if they’re lucky enough to be together and safe during this time of crisis, there’s no reason to give it up.
Back and forth, round and around and around again. There was no compromise to be made. They were either together or apart.
Shawn tearfully agrees one night. Lilly is immediately horrified.
“No. No, I’ve changed my mind. Don’t go. Shawn, don’t go. Don’t let me bully you into this. This is a terrible fucking plan. Why would you leave? Everything is good!” she sobs.
Shawn wipes his eyes and tucks her into his chest so she can cry without him staring at her.
“You were right, Lill. If we’re ever going to be more than this, we have to start. We have to get better at it.”
“But this is already so good! Shawn, if you leave now, we have no way of knowing when we’ll see each other again. Things are already getting worse. What if you can’t get back?”
Shawn’s jaw clenches. It’s the one thing they haven’t said out loud. This distance could be more permanent than they intend for it to be if the pandemic continues to worsen in the U.S. There’s a possibility that if he leaves now, they won’t see each other again in 2020.
“We’re gonna figure that out,” he insists, wiping his hard calloused thumbs beneath her eyes, “If I have to marry you to make you a Canadian citizen and get you the fuck out of here, I will.”
Lilly’s heart skips a beat even as her eyes narrow. “What a romantic you are.”
Shawn chuckles, but it’s a dull, wet sound through his own tears. He arranges his pre-flight COVID test and buys a ticket home to Toronto the next day.
Without Shawn, and with her roommates calming down and staying virus free, there’s no reason to stay in this big house by herself. They take down the recording tent and send the equipment back. They carefully pry Command hooks off the ceiling, erasing the evidence. They latch up the doors on the balcony for good. Lilly’s car is packed; she’ll head back to Burbank right after Shawn leaves.
The summer breeze ruffles his curls, which she cut again recently so he doesn’t look like a sad sheepdog when he goes home to his mum, after the allotted two weeks of quarantining at his place in Toronto. He reaches for her, and her throat immediately burns, like it was holding off until he touched her again.
“I have terrible ideas. Don’t ever listen to me again,” Lilly half sobs. Shawn folds himself around her. She clings to him, digging her fingernails into the seams of his denim shirt. She feels his shaky exhale and feels ten times worse.
“What did I do?” she hiccups, “Why did I do this?”
Shawn lays his cheek on top of her head and sniffs before he speaks. “Because you want us to be real. Because you know it’s going to be different this time.”
Lilly breathes out slowly. Shawn loosens his grip and shifts to take her face in his hands. His cheeks are patchy pink, his eyes are a little bloodshot. He presses kisses to her forehead, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and her lips. They kiss until they’re dizzy.
Shawn lets go, maybe because he knows she won’t. He reaches for the door of the car to anchor himself.
“You know how much I love you, right?” Lilly rasps.
Shawn nods. “I know. You know how much I love you, right?”
Lilly’s face crumples. She can’t speak. She nods.
Shawn smiles. “Then we’re gonna be okay.”
Lilly covers her nose and mouth as he climbs into the back of the town car. She stands there until it’s beyond the gates of the driveway and out of sight.
Lilly turns and looks up at the house. It’s not the first time she’s considered the mysterious magic of the place. In its age and grandness, Lilly knows hers is not the only gift it’s given. Theirs are not the only secrets it holds. She’s resigned to never knowing the rest, content with taking what it offered and hoping they left it with some of their own magic, too, for whomever needs it next.
Taglist: @smallerinfinities​ @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn​ @infiniteshawn​ @mendesoft @singanddreamanyway​ @alone-in-madness​ @abigfatmess​ @shawnitsmutual​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @september-lace​ @sinplisticshawn​ @rollingxstone​ @randi-eve​ @fallmoreinlove @heyits-claire​ @itrocksmysocks​ @parkerspicedlatte​ @simpledomain​ @abeautiful-and-cloudy-day​ @thecurlsofgod​ @magcon7280​ @bensbuttercup​ @shawnsmusical​ @paigeasourous​ @tell-me-when-ur-ready​ @softmendesss​ @searchingunderthestars​ @buggy-blogs​ @mendesficsxbombay​ @siennarossi​ @lostinshawnsmemory​ @umbreakablesoul​ @sleepybesson​ @shawnsheaven @poseshawn​ @shaawnie @shawn-youth​ @graysonmendes​
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letsperaltiago · 4 years
now or never
Sooo... my last smut (and my first ever) got such good feedback so I'm back with another one! This is based on nr. 47 on a smut prompt list which is: "Were you just mast*rb*ting?"
Enjoy! And lemme know what you think
Read here or on AO3 
He had really tried to fight it. So hard. He really had.
Alas, at some point, will and pride just hadn’t been enough which meant Jake had given into the temptation of sneaking away from the rest of the Santiago family; a temptation which had been knocking on the door to his mind for quite some time. Weak as he was he gave in. More specifically he managed to sneak off to Amy’s childhood bedroom - a tiny, tidy room with a queen-sized bed where he and Amy always slept whenever they stayed at her parents’ house - where he quickly had kicked off his jeans and boxers before getting under the covers.
The walk to the upstairs bedroom from the garden, the place where the entire family consisting of 20 plus people were hanging out, playing games and drinking, had at first felt like an obvious walk of shame. Although the second he noticed that everyone was too busy enjoying the sunny weather to notice him, even less questioning his walking away, he figured he was safe. It was natural - it was okay.
Of course, naturally, he and Amy didn’t get down and dirty every single night, especially not after becoming parents, but the week leading up to this getaway had been extra busy. They hadn’t been gifted any time or energy to enjoy each other. And then there he was: week two without any kind of “adult fun” (how they addressed it around Mac) and he was slowly but surely going insane. It sure didn’t help that kept replaying Amy getting dressed in her nice (lacy) underwear that morning. He would’ve acted on it if she hadn’t picked their 6-month old up from his travel crib the second she was dressed leaving him no room to intervene whatsoever. So there he was: under the covers of his and Amy’s bed for the week with his hand hidden under the cream-coloured covers as it dutifully stroked his boner - one he felt like he’d had constantly since their first night at her parents’ house. His gorgeous and stupid hot wife was both a blessing and a curse.
He’d basically kicked off his pants and boxers the second the door closed behind him, he didn’t want to be away from everyone else for too long after all, and now the clothing lay abandoned and undone on the bedroom floor as he slowly ran his right hand down his already half-hard shaft.
“Fuck,” he hissed. It was far from his ideal way of taking care of said problem: he’d much rather be helped by his wife, but he also knew and respected how she felt about sex at her parents’ house. Especially when her entire side of the family was there as well. The odds of getting caught were not exactly on their side.
He let his mind slip into a vivid daydream, pictures of Amy in the red lingerie he’d bought for her on valentines day (just before they found out they were pregnant) writhing her beautiful body the way she knew would drive him insane. There was no denying the fact that at this stage the mental images of his wife alone could’ve gotten him there, but when you’re in a Santiago household with the entire family visiting there’s no time for patience, Jake knew, so his hand accompanied with a grip around his cock working its way up and down on repeat.
“F-fuck,” unable to suppress them, occasionally small whimpers and groans would escape him. Even though they were kept to a minimum they, to Jake’s oblivion and ignorance, were loud enough to immediately catch his wife’s attention when she as silently as possible, thinking her husband was gone to take a nap (being with the entire Santiago-family for so long definitely earned him that privilege), walked into the room. She hadn’t thought much of his absence but now having entered the room it was clear as day what was actually going on.
Jake, on his part, mid-bliss and nearing his climax was almost too caught up to notice anything at all. Then again Amy’s childhood bedroom was far from big enough for Amy to remain unnoticed. The second his eyes drifted just a bit open they shot open wide in shock and his hand came to a rough halt even though it pained him to leave himself hanging this close to the edge.
His wife froze like a deer in headlights and for sure knew what was going on in the room she’d just barely entered. There was a moment of silence, just briefly and long enough for Amy to form a sentence.
“Were you just masturbating?”
Fair question, he thought.
“Uh-” Jake stuttered trying to come up with an explanation only to realize that there was no way around the truth. “Yes.”
Of course she would never be disgusted or mad, Jake knew (his wife loves him in any sexy context) but he did have to admit that he was surprised when she let the bunch of Mac’s baby toys she’d been holding fall to the floor. Nothing was said to explain the action further and it only made sense to him when she, within a matter of seconds, successfully shifted from shocked to flipping on her own switch. Next thing he knew he was watching her unbutton her jeans and wiggling out of them.
“I left Mac with my parents telling them I was going to put away his toys and then mash him some bananas-,” she informed him abruptly after succeeding to kick the jeans off and away to a corner of the room before walking over to him in bed,“-which means we have approximately 10 minutes before my absence will be categorized as suspicious.”
The way she informed him, promptly and with any insecurity, had Jake feel like he was back at the academy being bossed around. Only this time he didn’t mind one bit - especially when she climbed the bed first, then under the covers onto him to straddle his naked hips.
“You up for the challenge?”
It all happened so fast: from the second Jake discovered her in the room to then having her on top of him, and it’s safe to say that he was just a tad confused. Yet also horny and turned on enough to put two and two together fast enough to reply before she got too impatient.
“Uh- ready? For what?”
Of course he was ready! He was mid-buildup to a climax he needed very badly and he could’ve very well just...gone for it. Yet when his wife was bold and brief like this, it always scrambled up his mind and flipped his plans upside down. God, she was hot - even in her casual mom-wear (jeans, now on the floor, and one of Jake’s flannels tied at the waist to crop it and accentuate her curves. All of this paired with the perfect messy bun).
“Efficient intercourse,” she proved her point by grinding down to feel his already hard cock earning herself the delicious sound of Jake letting out a soft moan.  “You feel ready to me. Ahead even. A prepared man - I love that.”
“Gosh,” he breathed out through his gritted teeth taking a hold of her hips, a part of her who always felt like the most perfect soft yet sculpted handful for him. “If I wasn’t already so fucking turned on and way past reasonable judgement I would so tell you to never call it efficient intercourse ever again…”
Amy chuckled in return both at his comment but mostly as a sound of enjoyment at the fact that her husband was a mess beneath her.
“... But I won’t even bother at this point. God, Ames… I really need this.”
It was his turn to grind and his hands dutifully accompanied her hips into a grind of their own to meet his desperate sway. He needed her so bad. Lucky for him Amy was quick to oblige and without delay Jake got to feel her soft lips against his. They kiss every day and it never feels not amazing, even the smallest pecks, but that kiss right then and there? It was on fire and it was as if they were kissing for the last time. It quickly grew into a hot and heavy, horny teenager-ish makeout session. Safe to say that shared between the two of them there is no shame. The pent up parents-syndrome was so very real.
“You’re already so hard, babe,” Amy managed to let out between clashing lips and the small sounds of pleasure, calling out for each other, that they shared. “Can’t believe you had your own fun without me.”
“It’s never really fun without you, Ames,” Jake was quick to counter and it was obvious that she smiled into the kiss at the remark. A smile was the best thing his word could bring out of her. “Just a less-fun substitute.”
“Poor thing. Let's put that less-fun substitute you had before me to good use then, shall we?”
Amy straightened back up and raised herself to stand on her knees allowing her to push down the edges of her panties, not all the way but just enough to expose the part of her he so shamelessly was craving to see and more importantly feel. The fabric never got further than mid-thigh but then and there it was enough: Jake’s hand reached past the already damp fabric and unhesitatingly began stroking her already lower lips with the entire surface of his palm. Amy’s hips were quick to join the rhythm of his fingers by grinding to meet him. Bit by bit he added fingers to provide more enjoyment successfully earning him small whimpers. Loud enough for them to clearly hear but controlled enough to not draw any attention to what they were currently doing if someone were to walk by their room.
It was truly a sight to die for, Jake thought, looking up at his gorgeous wife as she quickly built up a sweat that competed with the wetness developing in-between her folds.
“As much as-” she was interrupted by her own impossibility to hold back a whimper when he crooked his finger just right brushing her clit. He kept feeling her at the same angle to make sure no enjoyment was lost but still she fought to finish her sentence. “-as much as I love this...” she thrusted into his hand with more drive than before as emphasis earning her a groan in return before continuing, “... I need you to fuck me before someone becomes suspicious. We can do proper foreplay some other day.”
“When? In another 6 months?”
Jake’s voice was drenched in sarcasm. He loves his son with a capital L although that doesn’t change the fact that he does miss having all the time in the world to please his wife as she so rightfully deserves. Foreplay, loads of it, taking his time with her and allowing her to do the same with him? It was rare these days. A baby with no respect for intimacy will do that.
“Shut up,” she grabbed his shaft to give it a few strokes in preparation as she slowly let her knees bend sinking down towards the awaiting tip. “Panties,” she commanded and Jake immediately complied by pushing the obstacle to the side. Time was of the essence and having to search for a pair of slung away panties afterwards wasn’t something they’d have the time for; keeping them on was definitely the most efficient way to tackle the problem.
Jake had barely got the fabric out of their way when he was swept into another (dearly missed) world by the feeling of his wife’s warm wetness surrounding his shaft. He knew, of course, but once again he was in a total state of euphoria at this great reminder of the fact that nothing would ever beat the feeling of Amy Santiago - especially not his own sad hand.
“F-fuck,” she stuttered head immediately thrown back, half-undone bun dangling and eyes closed trying to contain the overwhelming feeling of pleasure washing over her as she took her time sliding all the way down onto him.
“So good,” he breathed heavily as his hands found their way to her hips as if to stabilize her quaking thighs throughout her progression down onto him. Soon she reached the goal, filled up by him entirely, and after taking in the dearly missed burning sensation she picked up a rhythm bringing her right back up to the tip of his cock before going back down on it with even more power than the previous time. And so it kept going, picking up pace with every thrust, power of the thrusts escalating, and the two parents gave into the craving for each which they’d subdued for so long. So long that it seemed like forever.
“Y-Yes, yes, yes!”
Her words, or rather barely understandable high pitched whines, were only just kept low enough to keep secret but loud enough for him to enjoy like his own little intimate performance. One hand left her hip bone sliding back to grip her ass cheek. A
“Keep quiet, okay?” he warned looking up at her with a commanding glance that would leave her wanting to question what he meant. But there was no time: as soon as he figured the coast behind their bedroom door was clear (at least he really hoped it was) his hand left her ass only to come back to it in the shape of a smack that was definitely a bit louder than intended - so was the moan it earned him. Whether it was because they were so cautious about their noises or it actually was loud, Jake prayed no one walked by right then and there. “Shh, Ames.”  
“Jake,” she carefully whined obviously back to being in control of her voice’s volume. “That felt so good… This feels so good.”
“I know, babe, but keep quiet. You don’t want your family to hear us, right?”
He immediately realised it kinda came out as sexy-talk but he actually meant it. She would kill herself and him if they were to be caught. With no hesitation.
“I almost don’t care.”
“Oh, trust me… You do, babe.”
In hopes of keeping her mind off of the anticipation, the fear but also the excitement of doing what they were doing, her hips picked up speed. She leaned forward to share a kiss with her husband, probably the deepest in a while, which would hopefully muffle whatever future too loud sounds her body failed to control. The second they both felt what the slight change of angle did they were both thankful for Amy’s decision to initiate a kiss: he entered her just right and the shock of pleasure it sent through them both was worthy of a tiny scream. Alas a scream she had to fight to tone down to a loud whimper muffled by her husband’s hungry lips and moans in return.
“I’m so close already,” he pulled back to breathe the words heavily into her sweaty temple as their pace only grew faster, deeper, as his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her ass in support.
“M-me too. Embarrassingly close. I needed this.”
“You look so fucking good in my flannel. Even better when on top of me like this.”
Amy was just as out of breath and straightened back up, or at least halfway, to grab the wooden headboard rising from the top of the bed before her. This would work as support for the last stretch, Amy thought to herself, as she reached a pace even she was surprised by. Perhaps that was what being pent up did to her: gave her superpowers in bed. Jake definitely noticed and within seconds they were both fighting to control moans and whimpers as they chased their climax.  
“Right there,” he breathed pulling her in closer to him by her ass.  “Yes, Ames. Now, now, now-” he was cut off by himself reaching the peak, bursting into his still grinding wife causing his mess of words and sounds transcending into one last dragged out sound of pleasure as his hips rolled with her through the aftershock.
“A-a-almost,” Amy accompanied the sounds of his climax looking deeply into her favorite sight: the sight of her climaxing husband’s blank eyes and gaping mouth. One thrust, two thrusts, three thrusts-
“Yeeesss, Jake,” she hissed louder than intended with her head thrown back and knuckles white from holding onto the headboard as she came just seconds after her husband. After giving their almost synchronised climax a few soothing thrusts, per se, a ride through the entirety, they both came to a halt. Jake still inside of her. Amy still gripping onto the headboard looking down between her reached out arms and down at him.
The silence let the other know that they were indeed literally speechless. It didn’t last last long though: a voice belonging to non-other than Amy’s mother came from what sounded like downstairs and sweeped the intimate atmosphere like an exploding bomb.
“Amy, Mija! Mac has been non-stop crying for five minutes now. I think he’s hungry!”
And never before has Amy flown off her husband's body and gotten re-dressed with such speed. At least she’d kept her panties and his flannel on.
“Coming, mom! Just need to find something in our room!” She yelled back in panic hoping it would gain her some time and hopefully keep her mom downstairs. Meanwhile her husband admired the chaotic scene with a toothy grin on his face. “Worth it?” he asked curiously.
She might’ve been mid-closing pants, more afraid of being caught than ever before, yet it didn’t keep her from answering “Definitely” with a dark look in her eyes paired with a devilish smile as she threw her mussed hair into a new messy bun that didn’t make her look like she’d been fucked into another world (which she had but shh).
Man, he loved her.  
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thatwildnya · 4 years
haha riddle v-card go poof
this is my first smut
please give feedback thanks-
quick explanations:
Loki is one of my oc’s, they have the ability to change their gender on whim which is why they/them pronouns are usually used. They’re half snake but can only transform their lower half.
Their “boys” and “girls” are a herd made of many variations of horses and their mythical variations.
TW: naughty adult time themes, it’s hinted at rape has occurred in the past but otherwise nothing that’s not consented to happens
“So. Who do you want to top? I’m fine either way.”
The book in Riddle’s hands landed on his face with a tiny thud, earning an amused snort from the body underneath, “P-pardon?”
“What, did you really think I wouldn’t notice?~” Loki singsonged, lifting their head to bump it on the back of his own “I’m much more experienced in this field compared to most from my homeland, I know all the hints. Plus I overheard the conversation about ways to help relieve stress. And the return of bedtime fidgeting? It was a dead giveaway~” they laughed at his muffled grumble to shut up.
The redhead didn’t answer immediately, opting to keep his face hidden in the book. Loki didn’t press for an answer awaiting his response patiently. They reached back to cup his cheek after a few minutes. Riddle leaned into their hand on contact from habit. He smiled softly feeling their thumb poke his cheek. He retaliated the playful gesture with a gentle pinch on the arm, an unspoken exchange said through their actions. “There’s no rush. Take your time.” “Thank you.”
“I-is it alright if we… do that thing couples do...” he wanted to bang his head against a table. Superb job Riddle. Excellent work. Speech 100. Just thinking about it was enough to make his cheek flush redder than the roses in the dorm’s garden. Now having to say it outloud? To the target person of doing said activity with? Anyone would think he was sick if they saw his face. And Loki’s response did not help to calm his speeding heart.
“What ‘couple thing’ are you referring to? I’m gonna need you to be more specific.” “y’know that... intimate thing they do…” “bunny there are multiple things befitting that category.” “You know which one I’m talking about!” “do I?” “you-!” “Riddle.” his mouth clamped shut. His head turned just enough to look at their face. Loki’s chin rested on their forearms, eyes closed, no signs of continuing evident. This… discussion wasn’t over he knew. Certain changes (big or small) in one’s tone can send various different messages, removing the need to say it outright.
A minute later an eye opened to meet his gaze, “I’ll be done soon, just gotta check in with the boys and let the girls loose. It’d be a real mood killer to get a distress call from my boys for more backup, wouldn’t you agree?” flashing him a lazy smirk, their eye closed again, “then I’m all yours~”
While waiting he attempted to calm his speeding heart by counting. Unfortunately this had the opposite effect. With each number meant Loki was getting closer to finishing. Then their talk would resume. Riddle was certain Loki could feel his heart beating, they were laying back to back. Should he roll off? Would it be weird if he did so suddenly? It’s not like either were uncomfortable. When did it get so hot, are only his hands getting sweaty? What about his back? Being sweaty isn’t the most pleasant feeling he should move after all-
“-ddle, hello?” The perfect was brought out of his thoughts “time to return from lala land~”. In a single movement Loki flipped their positions so they faced each other. Riddle’s arms moved to rest around their shoulders from habit, Loki’s own wrapping around his backside as he straddled their lap.
At first nothing was said, only gazing at the other. It was peaceful, soothing. No sounds of shouting, items being knocked to the floor, music blasting from the next room, nothing. Just silence. Neither wouldn’t mind being stuck like this forever, leaving all worries and duties behind to be together forever. A wonderful dream, it was. Alas, every dream comes to an end when it was time to rejoin reality once again.
“I want to make sure you are 100% confident you are ready to lose your virginity,” the one to wake them was Loki, “when I lost mine I didn’t have a say. I didn’t have the option of refusal.” their voice cracked at the last few words. Riddle rested his head on his love’s shoulder, giving their cheek a kiss as his arms hugged them tighter. It took a few moments for Loki’s voice to be found again. Taking a deep breath, they continued.
“Until you can look me in the eyes and tell me you are ready to and want to have sex with me I refuse to partake in any sexual activities with you.”
Riddle wanted to slap himself.
Loki trusts him enough to share a part of their past (something that no one should have to experience) and other secrets very few or none knew. That was how much faith they had in him, how much they loved him. And here he was, being a horny teenager thinking only of himself.
“But it’s okay,” he reminded himself, “Loki has already forgiven me. I made a mistake and they’re aware I’m taking responsibility.” 
Gathering up all the courage within him, he straightened up locking eyes with them. In the most confident voice he could muster, Riddle gave his answer.
“Please take care of me.”
It felt like an eternity passed waiting for a response, anxiety increasing with every second ticking by.
“Safe word?” he exhaled deeply letting the breath he’d been holding out, falling forward and burying his face into the crook of Loki’s neck.
Riddle’s body stiffened as Loki began kissing his neck, starting at his collarbone continuing up to his lower jaw. He let out a squeak when Loki nipped his ear. A violent shiver wrecked through him as a hand slowly creased his belly upward. A second squeak escaped him when the hand reached his chest, thumb rubbing circles around a nippel.
Why is it getting warmer? When did the temperature start rising? These hands are familiar but the touches are foreign. Should he return the touches? How should he do that? What should he do? What are the rules he should be following?
“Boo, that’s not very nice bunny~ Your attention should be on me~” Loki suddenly pressed their fingers into his side causing Riddle to let out a third squeak. “H-hey!” he curled inward and tried to wiggle away, “q-qu-quit it-!” his struggles were in vain, the legs and arms trapping him were too strong. All he could do was flail trying to escape the fingers pressing into his sides, laughing.
The red bunny was able to escape the snake's hold with all his wiggling and tried to hop away. However the snake had plenty more agility and strength compared to the smaller. The bunny let out a squeal when the snake had him coiled in their grip again.
“Ah ah ah~” the reptile tutted, a devilish smirk gracing their lips “you’re not getting away that easily~”
The snake ruthlessly assaulted the bunny, laughing with its prey. Soon tears brimmed the prey’s eyes and he struggled to breathe, begging for mercy. The hunter chortled but decided to grant his wish. While the bunny wheezed and caught his breath the snake was pulling him close.
“I love you, Riddle.” his breath caught in his throat and Loki chuckled at the look upon his face, “you heard me. I love you. I love you, Riddle Rosehearts.”
“I love your grey eyes, red hair, and squishable cheeks. The way your eye color softens with your gaze and becomes fiery when you get competitive. I love the difference in our height, you fit perfectly in my arms. Having you snug within my embrace fills me with unending happiness. I love your voice, your singing soothes my mind after long days of work. When I hear you laugh my lips never fail to curl. I love your sleepy voice when you begin to drift off, your morning voice when you’ve just woken up, your strict yet gentle scolding voice, your cute cooing voice, all of them.” they just kept going on and on, listing thing after thing they loved about him, gaze filled with love.
Riddle could feel his face flushing with every word spilt from their lips. He attempted to hide his face in his hands. Loki, however, wasn’t having any of that. They gently pried them off with their own, their smile and gaze so soft and genuine he couldn’t -didn’t want to- look elsewhere. He was so fixated he took no notice of the other slowly maneuvering their body to hover above his own.
Cupping his cheek, they ran their thumb across his lips with their final statement, “I am deepy, utterly in love with the man known as Riddle Rosehearts. I wish to spend the rest of my life,” they leaned down to rest their forehead on his “and every life after that with him. His soul is the one and only soul I wish for mine to meet over and over again and again for all eternity.” lips centimeters away from touching, Loki whispered one last thing before closing the distance.
So much. Never before had Riddle felt so loved, appreciated, wanted. It was almost overwhelming, all the emotions swirling within. He wanted to cry, laugh, and scream. More. He wanted more.
He felt his partners smile widen when he chased their lips, pulling them back together with a tug on their shirt. This wasn’t enough, he wants more. He needs more. And he’s getting just that.
“Tongue.” was the demand when they parted for air. “Hm?” Loki blinked innocently “what was that, bunny?~ Did you say something?~”
His breath was coming out in short pants, hands tightly gripping their shirt. “Tongue.” he repeated, mouth hanging ajar slightly as an invitation, “I want kisses with tongue.”
Loki was taken back, the little bunny asking for a kiss so bluntly? A french one at that? “Shit,” they cursed, fulfilling the smallers demand “can’t say no when he looks at me like that- {*#*#*}.” Loki cursed in their native language hearing his soft moan. Adorable yet lewd. Meanwhile the only thought cycling through the others head was a ‘more’.
“T-tight,” he whined between kisses, “p-pants, they’re too tight.” Loki grinded their body against his pelvis with a smirk. “Hm?” they teased, smirk widening at his wanton mewls “your pants are too tight?” he nodded vigorously, whimpering “Well, that simply won’t do! Here, let me help you with that~” he hissed once his hardened cock was freed, slick with precum.
Loki leaned down to kiss his face, lower body shifting into a snake tail, “How do you want to do this, bunny? You better tell me quick,” they added, using their tail to open a drawer of the nightstand “I won’t need as much prep as you and I might lose it at this rate.” Riddle barely registered their words with how clouded his head was becoming from pleasure. “I-I want you in,” he gazed up, panting and half ladened eyes swirling with lust “I want to be taken by Loki. Please take me Loki, please please.” Loki groaned, “this kid will be the death of me.” “did you remember condoms and lube?” Riddle’s stomach dropped.
“You forgot, didn’t you?” Loki snickered. “Sh-shut up!” his already flushed face turned a darker shade of red. “Did bunny get so excited he overlooked some things?” they poked his cheek. With a pouty “humph!” Riddle flipped onto his front side, hiding his face in the pillows. “Aw, don’t be like that bunny~” Loki cooed, “I’m just teasing~ I’ve got lube, but no condoms.”
“What’s that?” Loki’s smile softened into one that was more reassuring. Pouring the clear contents inside the glass vail in their hand they answered, “it’s a type of lube made specially for virgins and the inexperienced. In case you start getting scared or nervous it will cause your body to send stronger distressed signals so the pleasure doesn’t completely hijack your mind.” Riddle shivered when Loki started massaging his lower back with the liquid, “it also acts as a stimulant making you wetter quicker and heightens your sense of touch. In other words,” he shivered at Loki’s hot whisper next to his ear, “you’re gonna experience some top notch pleasure soon~”
Riddle felt like he’d come any second now. His cock hasn’t been touched yet everything felt so good. If he’s on cloud nine right now, where would he be once he and Loki were connected? He shuddered from anticipation at the thought.
Meanwhile Loki kept a close eye on their partner, looking for any signs of discomfort or anxiety. “Riddle, bunny,” tracing a finger down his side Loki gently grasped his hip “lift your hips a bit.” he didn’t need to be told twice.
“Remember the safe word?” Loki bent their body over him, their chin resting on his shoulder. Using their tail they poured more lube in their hand. Reaching back, Loki rested a finger on Riddle’s taint and gently pressed against it.
“Patience Bunny,” they softly warned, pulling away when he tried to push back “I don’t want to hurt you.” he whimpered but did his best to keep still. His body tensed when their finger finally entered however.
“You need to relax, Bunny,” “easier said than done.” they chuckled lightly at his words but didn’t respond to them. Using their free hand they took a hold of his chin, guiding their mouths together. Their slit tongue slipped in his mouth as a distraction. It wasn’t a surprise how well this worked, given they were very skilled at french.
“This should be enough…” they thought, fingers pulling out, “that should do it, are you rea-” “Lokiii,” Riddle began whining impatiently, “why’d you stooop? Don’t stop, it feels so sooooo good.” they blinked.
“C’mooooooon, hurry up!” the whining continued, “it doesn’t feel good. I don’t like this feeling of emptiNESS!” Loki flipped him onto his back. “Eager, eager, are we now?~” they slowly traced a finger up his cock which was practically crying with precum, “I mustn’t disappoint then~” Lifting his hips, Loki’s tail slid under to wrap around his belly once.
Riddle’s eyes widened seeing their cock for the first time that night. He’d seen it before (they’ve been living together for months after all) but it was a LOT bigger now. Loki smirked following his gaze, “enjoying the view?” “will it fit?” their lips softened, leaning forward to give his forehead a kiss “yes but if it’s too much we can stop. There’s a safe word for a reason, remember?” he couldn’t help but gulp.
Lining them up, Loki waited for the okay. Riddle let out a loud gasp as they entered, hands clumsily searching for a grip. Loki adjusted their position so he could hug them.
A few times he had to ask them to pause so his body got used to the stretch. His breath was coming out in short pants by the time Loki bottomed out. He felt so full, almost to the point it was painful.
“Riddle? Riddle, bunny, are you doing okay?” Loki moved to pull back but went still at the grip on their shoulders tightening, “Don’t m-move…”
A handful of minutes ticked by of them staying like that, Loki murmuring sweet nothings and soothing words to help Riddle relax his body and mind. They made small talk about their day, assignments due once the break was over, anything.
He felt small. Yes, he wasn’t the tallest guy around but that wasn’t it. It was more of an emotional feeling than physical. None of that mattered though. He liked this sensation of tenderness. It was like he was being gently cocooned in silks spun specifically for him to make a perfect nest of safety and warmth.
Eventually, muscles relaxed and breathing steadied.
“Y-you can move…”
“Are you sure?” “Mhm.”
“Alright, let me know if you want to stop.” “M’kay…”
Loki adjusted so they could see Riddle’s face better. They pulled out halfway before sliding back in, setting a slow and steady rhythm. They kept their eyes trained on his face, searching for any hints of discomfort or pain. Riddle closed his own as he sank into a bliss of pleasure, moaning softly. That is, until a certain spot was tapped.
Soon Riddle was crying from pleasure, nails digging into Loki’s shoulders making the other groan. “There” “faster” “Loki” ran from Riddle’s mouth like a faucet, spurring Loki on to increase their speed. It didn’t take long for him to see stars as he reached his climax.
Back arching perfectly, Riddle let out a long, loud moan. Falling back into the sheets panting heavily, he waited for his vision to clear. “You doing fine bunny?” Loki kissed the corner of his eye, tongue slipping out to lick off tears spilt from pleasure. “Y-yeah,” realizing they were still hard he asked “aren’t you gonna finish?” they smiled and gave him another kiss. “I’ll take care of myself, do you want anything? Perhaps a bath? Maybe tea?” he wrapped his legs around Loki when they tried to pull out, “more.”
Loki blinked, “eh?” “more,” he repeated, “I want more of you.”
Capturing their lips with his own, Riddle nibbled at their bottom lip kissing them. A second later he was, once again, flipped that night. Hoisting up his hips, Loki draped their body over his. “Normally I’d settle for teasing but I’ll be merciful this time.” they purred slamming back in.
Riddle stared at the ceiling, eyes wide and speechless.
“Someone seems to have enjoyed themselves.” he gripped the covers, eyes still on the ceiling, answering “it was- you just- it felt- everything-” he was at a loss for words.
Loki laughed, pulling him closer while leaning on their arm, “good to know I still got it. I’d feel terrible if I couldn’t satisfy my mate-” “again.” it wasn’t often Loki got taken by surprise, but this was one of those times. “... eh?”
Ignoring the dull ache in his lower body, Riddle threw off the covers and straddled Loki. “I wanna go another round.” Loki stared up at him with genuine shock. Once recovered they cleared their throat, “um, no.” They pulled Riddle down, tail wrapped around him while he whined for demanded an explanation.
“Because your body is already fragile and I don’t want to push it.” caging him in their arms, they ran their fingers through his hair, “sorry bunny, but you’ll have to wait awhile before I truly take you to town.” they pulled at his pouty face “don’t give me that look, you know you can’t take anymore right now.” Riddle let out a humph when they let go.
“Aw, don’t be like that bunny,” Loki started covering his face with sloppy kisses, “that face makes me want to tease you til you’re so red a tomato couldn’t compare~” he half-heartedly pushed their face away, still pouting.
“Get some rest,” Loki pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. “Your body needs it,” they said, breaking the kiss, “and I have some things that need to be checked on anyway.” Loki reached over to pull the covers back up.
“What about you?” “I’ll join you soon,” they booped his nose, “until then make yourself comfortable.” with a swish of their finger, the light went out.
The following morning, a snake was awoken by a bunny sitting atop its belly, begging for it’s carrot. It was a good thing the break had only just started.
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snapshotsfromhell · 4 years
Please For The Love of God Fall Asleep On Top of Me Again I Haven’t Slept That Well Since I Was Five
Belphie x Reader *NOT MC. MC is referred to in the story as Emsie. Gender neutral pronouns for both Emsie and reader. Mentions of Beel. Yandere tendencies. This is pretty much just fluff. Word Count: 5.3k
“If you were to all refer to the diagram on page 66, you’ll see that the devil-plant cell has a rather large vacuole that makes up a large portion of the volume within the cell-” The teacher at the front of the classroom droned as you clutched your cheeks into your hand, fingers digging into your skin just to stay awake.
You have always been a light sleeper, and joining the Devildom exchange program hasn't done anything to help that. If anything, you went from an acceptable 6 hours a night to 4 and a half, mostly due to the overwhelming anxiety of being away from home and the fear that you will eventually be eaten alive while you took so much as a blissful nap. You didn’t understand how the first humans to go through with the program survived.
At least, you didn’t until you actually met them.
Solomon was a rare breed in and of himself, with overwhelming confidence and an air of superiority. Anyone having that many pacts must have an insane amount of charisma and motivation. He was definitely intimidating to a normal human like yourself.
Emsie, however, was a little different. They seemed like an average human, until someone delightfully informed you that they were descended from an angel. More specifically, an angel that was related to the seven demon brothers that they now stayed with, which made you a little wary when you noticed how… touchy the brothers were with them.
It wasn’t the best situation -  who in their right mind would want to stay in Hell of all places? Plus you really seemed to be the only human human here. But it wasn’t any worse than it would have been up home. Honestly, you were doing this for the free tuition and scholarship, but you would never say that out loud. You really couldn’t complain outright, though, since you did live in a beautifully large, ornate house with the demon brothers who were certainly great specimens. Lucifer was God’s favorite and damn did it show.
“Y/N?” You snap to attention as the teacher calls on you. “Can you tell the class how the devil-plant gets CO2 from the environment?”
You stared for a moment, hoping your brain unconsciously latched onto some information while you were spaced out. “The stomata in the leaves?” You hope?
The teacher’s lips pulled back to reveal his sharp, jagged teeth in what you assumed was supposed to be a smile. “Yes, good job!”
You understand that some cruelty is typical in the world, but by God you hated it here. You’re too nice for this, dammit! You cried watching a video of lost puppies being rehabilitated! How were you expected to think this was normal?
When you have to participate in dance battles so that your opponents don’t eat you, you know something isn’t right.
When the bell rang, you stood with a rush of vertigo and started gathering your stuff to go to your next class. One more, then lunch, then two more, then home. Well, dorm. Well, house/mansion/hall… honestly, you didn’t have a clue what to even call it.
You shared a room in the House of Lamentation with Emsie, which was both a blessing and a curse. For one, you didn’t show any emotion around them, so the brothers don’t necessarily hate you for stealing their dear Emsie away. But, you did still share a room with them, which made the brothers automatically disinterested in you. Especially the youngest brother, Belphegor, who had made many negative comments about your existence. Outloud. While you were there. Yeah.
It could’ve been worse, you guessed. They could have killed you.
Emsie explained to you once that he was still hurt by the loss of his sister, and how he spent years hating humanity as a whole until they moved into the house. Which only made you massively uncomfortable. And it only worsened when they informed you that he once strangled them in another timeline in front of them in this timeline. But that was before he knew they were a descendent of his sister! So it was fine, right?? A total accident really, he was different now!
(You were not convinced.)
You did have a few moments of solace with Belphegor, though, and you found yourself reminiscing with them on occasion. Okay, often. Okay, maybe more than often... But who cares? You were just evaluating your interactions to make sure he didn’t have some underlying intention to throw you off the roof in the middle of the night. Yeah, that was it.
As you placed your clothing into your respective dresser (adorned with a glorious added padlock to deter a certain avatar of greed), you glanced into the mirror on the wall and jumped at the figure behind you. You turned to them, and came face to face with a demon.  A very pissed off and disgruntled demon.
The look on his face only grew in distaste as you held each other’s gaze. Even your breathing seemed to piss him off. And his words… conveyed the same message.
“Are you lost?” He asked, and his tone was just as cold as his eyes.
“Uh, excuse me?”
His upper lip twitched in a snarl. “I asked you if you were lost. This is Emsie’s room, not your’s.” His purple eyes bore tiny holes into your skull as you shifted nervously.
Grabbing the information packet Barbatos had prepared you guys with, you pulled out the room assignment form and held it out for him. From the safe distance of five feet away, of course. “Uh, I don’t know what you mean, but- here. This is my room assignment packet I had to sign when I got here.” He gave it a glance over and then turned his nose up at it, so you set it back down on the table. “I just got here today so- so I can understand the confusion. Um, especially since I didn’t see you at orientation.” God, why did you have to stutter?
You watched as he scrunched his nose into a look of muted disgust at this revelation, but he didn’t say anything. You both stood awkwardly in a tense silence long enough for you to know he wasn’t planning on leaving any time soon.
You cleared your throat, and flinched when he locked eyes with you again. “Uh, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get in here?” You asked, tucking your hair behind your ear in a nervous habit.
“I was asleep on the bed.”
You could only tilt your head in confusion at first. “You what?” You asked, but when he only offered a raised eyebrow as a response your shoulders tensed and your face went red. “The whole time?!” You sputtered.
He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind him. “Yeah? I was taking a nap until you rudely interrupted me,” He cast a look at you with the deepest irritation that you had ever seen on a person’s face. Well- demon’s face. Actually, maybe it wasn’t so surprising...
“I didn’t know that you were- I mean you were really quiet and- how was I supposed to know-” You cut yourself off and wished to silently stop existing.
The demon ignored you as he moved to Emsie’s bed and began pulling the pillow and blanket off, slowly, while maintaining eye contact with you, and- oh okay yeah that’s- that’s terrifying.
He dragged the blanket along behind him as he headed for the door. You really needed to turn this around. “Uh, hey wait! My names Y/N.”
He stopped before the door, unlocking it as he evaluated you from head to toe over his shoulder, and then left, jerking the door open and slamming it closed.
You later learned his name was Belphegor.
Unfortunately, your next class happened to be english (Devildom english. Which apparently is Australian.) with Belphegor and his twin, Beelzebub, who was actually quite sweet as long as you continually gave him food. Which you did, out of fear for your own life.
Belphegor called it ‘manipulation’, you called it ‘innovation’. Feed the gluttony demon, don’t get eaten.
You politely greeted them as you sat in your seat and handed a grateful Beel a Kitkat bar that you ordered on Akuzon a few days ago when you couldn’t sleep. Belphegor shot you a look as you did, so you pulled out another one and held it out to him. Belphagor rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the front of the class. You could see the smallest hint of a smile on his lips out of the corner of your eye.
You handed another candy bar to Beel, who excitedly thanked you again and ate the entire thing whole. Right in front of you. With the wrapper still on it.
You really needed a nap.
Entering the room you shared with Emsie was always a comforting experience. The both of you shared similar interests and decor, so it reminded you a lot of your room back home.
Emsie really was a sweet person, but you did not understand how they could deal with the demon brothers all day by themself. You liked to imagine that the rational part of their brain jumped ship sometime during their stay the year before and aided them in becoming comfortable in Devildom.
You flopped onto your bed face first, groaning as you wiggled your arm out from underneath you to check the time on your phone. Typically, the brothers and Emsie were busy with student counsel business until 5 and it was only 3 now, which gave you time to relax and, hopefully, take a nap, because you hadn’t been sleeping well and you were exhausted.
That was the plan, until the door opened and Belphegor entered with his infamous blanket and pillow.
You flop to your side as you look at him incredulously. “Can I help you?”
“Sure,” he said, “be quiet.” He threw his pillow onto Emsie’s bed and unceremoniously kicked his shoes off while climbing under the covers.
You huffed and sat up, scowling at the lump of blankets on the other side of the room. “I was trying to sleep, you know.”
The blanket moved a bit to show his face, “Well, so am I.”
“You- you can’t just sleep in here!”
“Emsie said I could.”
You rubbed your eyes with the balls of your hand as you groaned, “They said that last year. When they didn’t have a roommate.”
The cocoon sat up, Belphegor’s very much pissed off face glaring at you. If you weren’t in a spat with him and he weren’t a raging, murderous meaniehead, you might consider him to be quite handsome. Alas, everyone has their limits to how awful a person could be to them. And Belphegor had crossed that line for you a while ago.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Look, man, I just want one nap.”
“Then sleep. I won’t bother you,” he said, lying his head on his pillow. Then, his eyes sharpened as his brows furrowed and his mouth was pulled into a frown. “Or, do you not trust me?” He questioned, but it was more like a statement.
Did it look like you ever trusted him? Or any of them, for that matter! How were you supposed to relax and get some sleep knowing you were constantly surrounded by demons who could end you in less than a second. Regardless- “That’s not the point. I just have trouble sleeping in the same room as people.”
“People? Or bloodthirsty demons?” He sneered.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. “You know what? Fine. Do what you want.”  You fell back on the bed and pulled the covers up over your head.
The springs of Emsie’s bed shifted as he laid back down. “I will.”
Belphegor fell asleep quickly, but you ended up staying awake until everyone else got back, and when Emsie came in they weren’t shocked in the slightest that they had a surprise visitor. You excused yourself at their entrance, saying you needed to use the restroom.
As you passed them, you caught eyes with Belphegor, and noticed a distinctive glint of smugness in their purple hue.
The next day, Belphegor joined you again during your prime nap time. And then the next day, too. And the next. After a couple days you figured out that he was doing it to mess with you. And drive you insane. Which was working.
After class, you had been stopped to discuss a project. You weren’t sure the suggestions you made were coherent or usable. Eventually, they let you go, and you ambled back to the House of Lamentation. You were really looking forward to getting some sleep, because you hadn’t slept more than four hours in the last five days and it was really starting to get to you.
When you walked into your room to find Belphegor splayed on your own bed, however, you knew that probably wasn’t going to happen, and you were more than a little disgruntled at his presence.
“Excuse me? Can you kindly remove yourself?” You approached your side of the room and stared down at him, one hip cocked with your hand on it.
He hummed, his eyes closed as he lifted his hand to his chin to ponder your question. “No,” he said finally.
Tomorrow, you were going to ask Luke how to kill a demon. “Really? You can’t?”
Belphegor lazily opened his eyes to survey your demeanor. “Yeah, I think I’ve lost the ability to move.”
“Do you need any help with that?” You asked, but upon hearing your own words you blushed red, hoping he didn’t take that suggestively the way it sounded.
Belphegor huffed a laugh as he turned over in your bed, pulling your pillow over his head to block out the light and yourself. “No, I think I’m good for now.”
Your eye twitched. “Ahha-ha. Great.”
You watched as he slowly drifted off to sleep, jealous that he even had the ability to do so after rest had alluded you for almost a week straight. Walking over to the dresser, you snatched a pair of pjs out of the drawer and hastily changed.
Now dressed comfortably, you returned to your spot standing over him, crossing your arms over your chest.
No response.
“Belphegor,” you said a bit louder, with a bit more force. He hummed. “Move over.”
“Mnnnnnnn, no.”
Throwing your arms down, you snarled out a particularly vicious “fine,” and climbed onto the bed over top of him, moving towards the wall side, which appeared to have the most room. He removed the pillow from his head to glare at your disturbance. “If you’re not gonna move then you’re just gonna have to deal with me,” you snapped.
The two of you were sandwiched particularly close as you were only given a twin bed and you unabashedly owned 6 pillows. But it was too late to move now. Surely, he would give up eventually and leave.
Instead, you felt him turn onto his side and prop himself up to look at you. “This is how you wanna play it?”
Your mother didn’t raise a coward. “Yeah.”
Belphegor ran his hand through his black and white hair as he let out a breathy laugh. “Fine then.”
Before you could protest, he moved above you and wrapped his arms around your waist, sliding them up your back until they were against your shoulder blades. He then pushed his head into your chest and underneath your chin, his body situating itself between your legs. Then promptly falling asleep. On top of you.
Maybe this wasn’t an exchange program. Maybe you somehow died and tricked yourself into thinking you were attending school because this was your punishment.
“I’m not your pillow?”
“Y/N.” He grumbled against your collarbone, his mouth tickling you as it moved.
You brought one hand up to rest on his back. “Uh, yeah?”
“Go to sleep.”
By the time that Emsie came back to the room, you had long since fallen asleep. Which was truly unfortunate, since neither of you could stop them from taking a picture and posting it to the House of Lamentation chat.
The next day, you got to your room before him and curled yourself into your pillows, hugging one to discourage Belphegor from making the same advances that he did yesterday. You hadn’t slept last night at all after your nap with him and you were not conscious enough to deal with him before a couple hours of shut eye. You heard the door creak open and burrowed further into your covers.
Only to be pelted in the back of the head by his pillow.
“Hey-!” You turned to get up, but you were immediately hindered by his arms wrapping around your waist once more as he haphazardly dragged you back into him. “Oh no, you are NOT spooning me.”
Belphegor shoved his face into the back of your head, “Too late, you’re really soft.”
“I did not sign up for this.”  
“I’ll get Lucifer.”
“Sure you will.”
You relaxed into the bed even as you continued to protest. “I mean it,” you said, attempting to sound menacing.
“Mmmkay,” He pulled his legs forward and tangled them with yours. “Good night.”
“It’s 2:48 in the afternoon.”
But he was already asleep. Your attempted struggles were useless, too, and you eventually joined him in dreamland after scrolling Devilgram for half an hour.
Spookle, How to express to someone the extent that their presence irritates and soothes you? Seriously, asking for a friend.
For the past two weeks you and Belphegor had been, for lack of a better description, napping and cuddling together.
And, while the two of you still bicker, especially when you go to scroll demontok, you had grown to rely on his presence in order to sleep. You went from a crazed, caffeine dependent loon to just caffeine dependent.
“Hey, Belphegor, do you remember the name of the article that Azazel wanted us to read?” You sat crisscross on the edge of the bed with your laptop balanced on your legs, while a reluctant Belphegor sat at the head lazily scrolling through his phone.
“Wasn’t that an optional reading?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Well, yeah, but normally when teachers suggest something they do it ‘cause it’s gonna be on the exam.” You brought your hand up and fiddled with your earlobe, scrolling your school's website for the link. “Besides, I think that the influence of demons on the Australian language is really cool.”
He snorted. “You would.”
You whipped a pillow at him, your cheeks flushing. “Shut up.”
Belphegor caught it with ease and pulled it to his chest. “Do you have to do homework now?”
“Well, no, but I feel like I should. Besides, that means I can sleep more later,” You fumbled for your backpack and went to grab out your calculator.
He was quiet for a bit before he muttered, “Later?”
Looking at him quizzically, you nodded your head, “Yeah?”
The two of you stared at each other for a bit and you couldn’t help but feel like you had offended him in some way. You two platonically cuddled, right? There’s no way that he’d see you sleeping alone to be an act of betrayal, right? It’s not like he was getting upset over you blowing off naptime.
He broke eye contact with you as he grabbed his pillow and got off the bed. “Whatever, I just remembered I had to be at that stupid student counsel meeting.”
“Belphegor, weren’t you supposed to be at the meetings for the past few weeks?” You shut your laptop as you stood up and got in his face. “Lol, it’s a little late now. Lucifer’s been actively complaining to you every night during dinner.”
Belphegor went to step around you before you caught his wrist. He spoke in a low tone as he looked at you, his hair falling in his face and you had to stop yourself from adjusting it for him. “What is it, Y/N?” He frowned.
Yeah, what was it? Why were you so panicked to see him leave? “I, uh, don’t you want to do homework with me? I mean, I can help you out?”
“No, I think you can do it yourself. I’ll just get Beel to help me.” And with that, he pulled his arm from your grasp, marching towards the door and pausing in the doorway. “Besides,” he started, “I wouldn't want to spook you, with me being a demon and all.”
He noticed?
“Don’t look so shocked. You avoid all of us like the plague. The only two places you could ever be found is here and the academy.” He looked over his shoulder at you, and you could feel the burning sensation from his gaze start in your stomach, blood rushing to your head as you felt your eyes begin to water.
Shaking your head, you felt the tears begin to leak down your cheeks, and you watch his expression turn from nonchalance, to shock, to… something you couldn’t place in your growing rage. “What about you, huh? Don’t you hate humans? I know what you did to this timeline’s Emsie. That’s not exactly saint-like.”
You watched as the color in his eyes began to darken, and for the first time in weeks you began to fear for your well-being. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as you began to feel the panic welling up inside you, and your eyes must have conveyed it clearly, as Belphegor slammed the door open and left you there, on the verge of sobbing.
Really. What a dick.
God, why can’t you sleep?
You’ve tried to, genuinely. You even acquired melatonin, Nyquil, Sleepy Time tea- hell, you went exercising with a somewhat angry Beel the other day! His rage at you over your… disagreement with his brother could not be quelled by any amount of chocolate and he certainly worked you well into the throes of death.
The worst part is that you are fairly certain that Belphegor knows. Each time you see him in class, you could swear that he has some smirk on his face, seemingly satisfied with the bags under your eyes and your disheveled appearance. His relaxed posture almost screams at you ‘haha, so you do need me to sleep, don’t you?’
During lunch you tended to sit with the other exchange student in the cafeteria hall and today was no different as you slammed your coffee onto the table and glared at your fellow humans for the nervous looks they gave you.
“Um, Y/N, we’ve been meaning to ask this, but- uh- are you ok?”
“Oh, I am just peachy thank you for asking,” You answered, grabbing your travel mug and taking a large gulp. Your hands shook with the sheer amount of caffeine you had consumed in the past twenty-four hours in order for you to keep yourself awake. “Why are you wondering?”
“Well, it’s just… you don’t look like you’ve slept for a bit.”
You glared at them with dark eyes. “Astute observation.”
The group looked between themselves, sharing concerned expressions. “Uh...do you want to talk about it?”
With that, you felt the same numbness as when you tried to fall asleep alone, your heart becoming heavier in your chest as you comprehended the question. Did you want to talk about it? What were you feeling? How could you properly convey your emotions? How you felt about Belphegor?
How did you feel about Belphegor?
You blankly stared at the mug in your hands for a solid minute and you’re sure that your friends probably thought you were crazy. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
They all stared at you, sharing glances with each other at your outburst. “Um-what?”
Before they could question you further, you put a hand up to stop them and shushed them when they tried to speak more. “Shhh, no. Shush.” You put your hand down. “I am going to the nurse’s office, where I am kindly going to asphyxiate myself into the sweet release of death.”
“Um, maybe you shouldn’t go by yourself, I can go with you-”
“No,” you cut them off before they could continue, “I need to be alone for a bit.”
You stood up, grabbed your coffee, took one step, and promptly passed out.
On the bright side, you didn’t have to walk all the way to the nurse’s office. Heck, if you look at it in a certain light, it’s almost like you fast traveled there.
Just don’t think about the fact that someone definitely carried you there. Yup, don’t think about it! You slam your pillow on your face in an attempt to smother your shame, but someone quickly pulls it away from you.
“Y/N, please, don’t do that.”
“Oh! Hey, Emsie! How are you doing?” You sat up in the bed and made a poor attempt at fixing your appearance.
“I’m good… how are you?” They peer into your eyes, a temporary bond forming between the two of you, conveying concern that you really didn’t want to see.
You looked away and chose to focus on the content of your surroundings over the context. “Just wondering which unfortunate soul had to do the honor of carrying my lifeless body here.”
“That would be Mammon and Levi,” Emsie snickered into their hand. “You should’ve seen it, it was quite the spectacle.”
You laughed heartily, “Please tell me someone got a video.”
They glanced awkwardly to the side. “Well, Asmo tried to, but, ah, was somewhat hindered.”
“Oh? Lucifer?” You put a hand over your eyes. “How embarrassing.”
There was a moment of silence as Emsie shifted on their feet. “Y/N, are you and Belphegor-”
You sat up and flung the blanket off of yourself. Nope! Nope, not doing that today. “Thanks, Emsie, for watching over me while I was here, it was really sweet of you. But you see I just remembered that I have to complete my essay on Dante’s Inferno for Azazel or he will probably kick me out of class tomorrow ahaha okay nice to see you bye!”
You snatch up your things and turn to them waving nervously as you try to make your escape, only for them to grab your hand and hold it to their chest. “Y/N, you know Belphegor no longer hates humans, right?”
You could feel your throat closing as you tried to look anywhere but their eyes. Maybe he didn’t hate humans anymore, but he did hate you. You really messed up.
You missed him.  “Oh, Emsie, you really are the descendent of an angel.”
It’s not that you were afraid of him. You had actually become somewhat reliant on his presence as a whole. But the idea of admitting that you were wrong about him? That you had judged him based off of gossip? That’s what stopped you from apologizing.
Pacing outside of the twins’ room, you considered the possible outcomes.
1. You confess you’re an idiot and he hates you.
2. You confess you’re an idiot and he mocks you.
3. You stand there petrified for a long time and start crying.
4. You leap out the window.
You’re beginning to think that the last option is the best.
Slapping your cheeks with both of your hands, you force yourself to admit to any sense of defeat and knock before you could rethink it. However, it wasn’t Belphegor who answered.
“Beel? Um, would Belphegor happen to be there?” You glanced anxiously at the demon’s face, twiddling with your fingers as you shifted back and forth.
“Belphie isn’t here right now,” he responded gruffly.
You took a deep breath. “Could you maybe... tell me where he is?”
For what seemed like an eternity, Beel stared into your face, surveying your demeanor and eventually coming to the conclusion that you were worthy. Or something. It seemed cool regardless. “He’s up in the attic.”
Your breath caught as you finally realized how close to confessing you were. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach. “How would I get to the attic?” You have never heard of the attic.
“The stairway is over there.” He gestured with his chin. “Y/N?”
You sucked in a breath. “Yeah?”
He had fire in his eyes when you looked at him. “Don’t mess this up.” Was all he said. Then he closed the door and left you standing there, wondering just what in the world he meant by that.
Brushing off Beel’s words, you tentatively stepped away from the door and made your way to the stairway that Beel had indicated. Steeling yourself, you made your slow and steady ascent to the attic, eventually pushing open the door and crossing the threshold into the surprisingly small room. It was cozy.
To the right of the room, you could see Belphegor asleep on a pile of pillows. Strange, you thought, that a demon could look so angelic while asleep. You hesitantly sat next to him, but when he failed to respond, threw caution to the wind and pulled the same move on him that he had on you so long ago.
Straddling his thighs, you burrowed yourself into his chest, letting yourself become lax as you held him. You tensed when you felt his arms come around you, and he hummed as he was roused from sleep.
“I was wondering how long it would take for you to cave,” he said, pulling his head up from the pile of pillows and those violet eyes connected with yours for the first time in weeks.
You felt the corners of your lips pull down as tears built up in your eyes and you blinked them back roughly. “I’m sorry for-”
“Not trusting me?” He finished for you, hands beginning to play with the hem of your shirt at the bottom of your back.
You looked away as the first tear fell down your cheek. “Yeah.”
“I knew.” Belphegor pulled you closer, moving his mouth to your ear as you comprehended his words.
“If you knew that I was... uncomfortable with you, why would you-”
He quickly cut you off, “At first, to tease you. Then,” he smiled, and you thought your heart was going to beat out of your chest as he shyly looked away. “I did like our naps,” he finished. He pulled his head back from yours. “Especially when it lets me see your sleeping face.”
You could feel that same fear as when you two had first argued welling up within the confines of your stomach, creating a massive ball of tension. “Excuse me?”
“Y/N. I really don’t like it when you show others yourself when you are defenseless.” His arms moved from their locked position around you so that his hands could hold your face gently. “It’s something that belongs only to me.”
For a second, you didn’t live in a world where you attended school with demons. “Belphegor-”
“I’d like it if you called me Belphie.”
You blushed heavily, “Um, Belphie, are you not mad at me?”
He shook his head.
You furrowed your brow as the dark circles beneath your eyes made themselves known.
“Then, why did you ignore me for so long?”
He hummed for a bit. “Because I wanted you to realize you loved me.”
Heat grew from your stomach into your chest and you felt your breath stop as he brought his lips to yours. It was chaste, quick and barely there but it made your face heat up and your heart constrict painfully in your chest.
The tears in your eyes fell freely.
“I guess I really do love you, you jerk.”
Belphie grinned and kissed your forehead. “I know you do.”
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Tickling! Plus Ultra! 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
<This chapter contains mentions of Manga Spoilers>
“We’re nothing alike.” Bakugo growled at the villain in front of him. “I’m way more cooler than you. I’m gonna be the number one hero.”
“Sure, sure.” Dabi said, waving his hand dismissively. He looked Bakugo up and down, a smirk still plain on his face. Bakugo wanted to blast that stupid look off of that face. It was like Dabi was so calm about everything going on, not at all worried about Bakugo or anything else for that matter.
“You’re all gonna be dead. The pro heroes are going to rip you losers to shreds.” Bakugo said, sparks of flames jumping from his fingertips just thinking about when he would be able to safely fight back against these villains. Of course, he wanted to put out a fight now, but it was definitely too dangerous for him to fight back. Even he knew that. 
“Like the last time? Please. You should know by now that the heroes are just about as useful in these situations as the quirkless. The only difference is that they make more of a mess.” Dabi said and licked his lips. He looked around thoughtfully, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket. “Listen, you and I both know how a fire can burn, right?”
Bakugo didn’t respond. Just glared at him. 
“Right…well, from my observations of the heroes and others like us…they’re far too dangerous to be in the hero business.” Dabi continued, unbothered by the silence of the boy in his care. Bakugo wondered what he meant by that, but didn’t voice his curiosity.
“Take the Number two…well, I suppose, thanks to you, he’s the number one hero now. Endeavour.” Dabi said, spitting out the name as if it were a piece of trash. Bakugo supposed that the league of villains would hate the pro heroes, but the way that Dabi spit out Endeavour’s name made him think that maybe there was something else there. 
“Fire. While people like your so-called teachers will try to convince you that the fire you use can be used for their own good. To save…that is not fire’s true nature. It is only to burn.” Dabi said, pressing his fingers against his scarred chin. He turned back to Bakugo and smiled. 
“You’re talking fucking nonsense! I can be a number one hero with my flames of fury!” Bakugo said, throwing a ball of fire towards Dabi. The villain easily stepped aside, using his own flames to push Bakugo’s aside.
“We can use our quirks to burn down the false heroes like Endeavor. We can expose them for who they really are!” Dabi laughed, stepping closer to Bakugo. He raised a hand and it looked as if he was going straight to Bakugo’s neck. Then, he stopped. 
“You know all about these heroes who claim to better the world, but are only in for their own selfish reasons. After all, the traitor amongst your class informed us about the weaknesses of your dorm so we could snatch you up. Not very heroic.” Dabi tisked, shaking his head. “And then there’s your dear friend Shoto. Has he ever told you about how he had gotten that scar? Why he refuses to use his left side?”
Bakugo went back to being silent. He was seething on the inside. Of course he knew about Half and Half’s scar and the reasoning for it. Ever since the fight between him and Deku, the entire class knew about it. Shoto was slowly coming out of his shell and telling jokes, but they all seemed to be related to his past trauma. 
But the thing that was really bothering him was the mention of a…traitor? Someone among their ranks that willingly handed out information to the league of villains? Who the hell would do something so damn stupid? 
“I’ll let you think about that for a while, little fireball.” Dabi said, patting his head on Bakugo’s spiky hair. 
“Oh she’s really giggling now.” Toga laughed as she continued to dig her fingers all over Uraraka’s stomach. She poked around and dug her fingers into Uraraka’s navel. All the poor girl could do was laugh as the tickling continued. It became apparent not too long ago that she definitely couldn’t get herself free from the nomu’s grip.
“EhehahahahahahAH! Nohohoho! Plehehehehehease! Ihihihihhi caahahahahan’t!” She laughed and giggled, her laughter spiking up every time that Toga’s wiggling tickling fingers swiped over her belly button. Unlike Deku, she wasn’t one to wiggle and squirm when she was tickled. All of her energy was usually spent just laughing and trying to think of some kind of counterattack. Not that there was any hope of doing that now. 
“You know, your cheeks are usually pretty pink, but this is ridiculous. You’re super ticklish all over this cute little belly. Is that why you leave it so exposed all the time?” Toga teased. It seemed impossible, but Uraraka turned an even darker shade of red as she was teased. This was just about her biggest weakness when it came to tickling. Sure, she was pretty ticklish, but it was the teasing that really got under her skin. Just as she felt as she couldn’t take any more, Deku yelled from the other side of the room. 
Using only 10% of his concentrated power, Deku twisted and broke free of the intense grip of the nomu. The monster growled, it’s fangs snapping together in frustration. It reached for him as he landed carefully on the ground. 
“Well, I guess I should have worn you out a bit more.” Toga said, stopping her torment of Uraraka and instead pulling out her knives. “Looks like i’ll just have to cut you up a little bit before taking you in as my pet! How fun!” 
Deku jumped again, darting out of the grasp of the incoming nomu. He kept a close eye on Toga as she lept towards him. Using his quirk, he darted out of the way from her as well. Instead of looking frustrated, Toga looked thrilled.
“You’ve grown so much my little Deku!” Toga said, shifting her stance in order to face where Deku was bouncing now. It was hard to actually get a good look at him as he was jumping around the room. He was using the ceiling and the surrounding walls as he did so, using basically anything he could as a jumping off point. 
He needed to get the others free, but he didn’t know how exactly he was going to do that. It wasn’t as if he could pry them out of the nomu’s grip without seriously injuring them. These monsters were ridiculously strong and any attempt to just pry his friends away using brute force would probably end up in some dislocated shoulders and hips. So how–?
A sharp stab of pain darted through his leg and he stumbled during his run, half smashing himself into a nearby wall.
“There we go! I knew I would get you eventually if I just kept throwing my knives!” Toga laughed, getting another handful of her knives in order to get another shot. It didn’t appear as if she would stop until he was a bloody heap…she was having far too much fun. Suddenly, Deku stopped. He stood between Toga and his captured friends.
“Toga. I’ll go with you. Willingly.” Deku stated with more confidence than he felt. He was terrified of what this maniac would do to him. Especially after all of that tickling had taken him apart so carefully. 
“No! You can’t!” Uraraka exclaimed, straining against the Nomu’s grip.
“Don’t give up yet, Deku! You can take her!” Kirishima yelled. Honestly, Deku was kind of surprised to hear something from the red head. He had been quiet most of this ordeal anyways. Strange. 
“Aw, you’ll give up that quickly. I only just pricked you. No fun.” Toga said with a small pout before putting her knives away. As disappointing as it was for her to stop her chase, she was relieved that her new little pet would so willingly run into her arms.
“Only if you free my friends. If you don’t, I’ll have to fight you and believe me, I’ll win.” Deku said, pointing a finger at himself. Just against Toga and this other guy, he could definitely win. He’s seen them fight enough to know their styles. Sure, it wouldn’t be easy, but he had confidence in his abilities now. Thanks to the training that UA had put him through, he definitely had the strength.
If it meant that his friends would be freed…he would gladly give himself up. It’s what a true hero would do. 
Toga thought about this, bobbing her head from side to side as she entertained this idea. Sure, she could probably fight her best, but she had never seen her little green bean jump around as fast as he was right now. But, what would that mean for his little friends? Where would they go? Surely to some pro heroes who were always so bent on getting them behind bars. But, jail was so goddamn boring.
An evil smile spread across her face. 
Todoroki sent his ice wall at the monsters in front of him. It broke through both the wall of the dorm and the wall of nomus. A few stumbled aside and he managed to catch one in an actual ice trap. He also set ice across the ground, giving Shoji a clear icy path to where they needed to place the mattress. Without hesitating, Shoji pushed himself across the ice and towards the spot they had agreed upon. As he did, several Nomus reached out and swiped at him. Todoroki used both sides of his body to fend them away from Shoji. 
Even Mineta was helping. Well, as much as he could. He yelled as he tossed his purple balls at anything that happened to move.
Which also happened to include Todoroki himself. One of the purple balls stuck right in front of his foot and he lost his balance. Rather ungracefully, Todoroki crashed to the ground. He slid to a stop in front of another nomu, which proceeded to pick him up by his shirt. 
“Sorry!” Mineta yelled, the top of his head already beginning to bleed. He didn’t stop throwing his balls everywhere he could. Some bounced harmlessly off the ground while others hit Nomus and made them stick to the place they were already standing. 
“Now, Shoji!” Todoroki yelled as the heavy arms wrapped around him. The crushing weight was enough to push the air from his lungs. 
Shoji tossed the mattress onto the ground before getting caught himself. Two different nomus grabbed him, tackling him to the ground. 
Tsuyu had assured him that she would be able to get Iida to a specific part on the ground because of her perfect aim with her tongue. Todoroki just hoped that this was true. Though he did have a few back up plans, this was the one that he found the most promising.
Iida dropped onto the mattress. The nomus all turned to look at what had just happened. Not soon enough, however, as Iida began running in the direction of the school as soon as he got his balance.
“We’re coming, guys. Hang in there,” Todoroki muttered breathlessly.
“Have you ever wondered what it would be like if everyone was as powerful as we are?” Dabi wondered, getting comfortable on a nearby chair. He tossed his legs up, resting his feet on a table. He lazily bounced around a blue ball of flame between his fingers. “If these so-called heroes were held to the same standards as what they call villains.”
Bakugo ventured a few steps from where he had been standing. Dabi didn’t seem to mind his moving. Slowly, Bakugo began to look at his surroundings, looking for any way to escape.
“We’re just trying to keep these shit heads accountable. They all try and tell everyone that we’re the bad guys when we’re just trying to show the flaws in the heroes as a whole.” Dabi said with a wave of his hand. “They will claim that we’re in the wrong when we’re just taking you on a short ride around the city. They’re the ones who are holding you and your class hostage in that shit building they’re calling your dorms. They’re the ones who willingly send you back to shit homes at the end of the day.”
Bakugo looked over at Dabi curiously. He didn’t think that a villain like this would be this concerned about living arrangements. Dabi noticed his look.
“I’m just saying. If they were anything like what a school should be, they would have had a real talk with some parents already. I mean, some of these kids don’t exactly want to go home, right? Listen, fireball, if you stick with us, you won’t have to worry about your ma wailing on you all the time. That ain’t what parents are supposed to do.” Dabi said.
Just for a moment…a tiny moment…Bakugo considered it. After everything he had been through in the hero course, getting muzzled, getting told he was a monster, being put through hell trying to train for some dream he had come up with as a kid. He was still a kid, damn it. 
“We’re back! Thank you for the escort!” Toga said as she bounced into the building. Bakugo tensed as she sauntered in. Tailing behind her was the rest of the villainous crew…and that damn nerd Deku.
“You were stupid enough to get yourself kidnapped, Deku?” Bakugo barked at his friend. Midoriya looked a little sheepish, but shrugged. He seemed too nervous for a rebuttal. It was weird to see him this nervous ever. Sure, he was a little bit of a crybaby at times, but this was different. His usual hopeful look was completely gone. 
“What took you so long?” Shigaraki asked, scratching at his neck as he did so. He seemed anxious to leave.
“I wanted to have some fun with my new pet.” Toga whined before leaning over and giving Deku a huge kiss on the cheek. Deku huffed in disgust and rubbed at his cheek to get rid of the spit she had left over. Gross. He made his way over to Bakugo, standing near him.
“How are you holding up, Kacchan?” Deku asked, looking his friend up and down for any kind of wounds. When there didn’t appear to be any, a small relieved smile played on his lips. 
“I’m fine, idiot. What about the others? Did they take you too?” Bakugo asked, nudging his friend in the side. Deku’s smile became strained and he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
“Uh…well…not exactly. I kind of…followed them.” Deku said with a nervous chuckle. Bakugo smacked him on the back of the head.
“You idiot! Now we’re both stuck here.” Bakugo huffed with a roll of his eyes. How the hell were they supposed to get out of this now? Not that he had been placing all of his hope on Deku, but this definitely wasn’t good.
“It’s alright. I left a clue or two for the authorities to find so that they could get to us faster.” Deku said with a small nod. Bakugo grit his teeth. Hopefully, they would be found in time.
“Let’s hurry up and get out of here before some–” Shigaraki said before the wall behind him blew up.
There, standing amongst the rubble, were pro heroes ready to free the students captured by the league of villains. 
They were saved. Thanks to the hard work of their fellow students and the clues that Deku had dropped along the way during his transit, the pro heroes were able to quickly track down where the students were being held. Uraraka and Kirishima were also able to follow along, despite Toga’s best efforts to tickle them both too crazy to even think about following them. 
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mypassionfortrash · 4 years
KICKS (part 7)
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It’s the night Roger’s been training for! Can you continue to keep your kinks and your feelings separate?
WARNINGS: Strong D/s themes throughout this fic; small mentions of sexual/physical abuse; STRICTLY 18+. NOTES: As always a massive thank you to those of you who are sticking with this fic. I promise I’ll try and make this worth your while. If you liked this chapter, please REBLOG THE EVERLOVING FUCK OUT OF THIS (and maybe leave feedback, I beg of thee). Thank you!
CATCH UP: Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five // Part six
TAGS: @jennyggggrrr​ @sarahgurl09​ @scorpiogemini @johnricharddeacy​​ @brianssixpence​ @hellohellothere12 @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @internationalkpoplova @thefairyfellersmasterstroke @six-bloodyminutes @hannafuckingsucks​ @dancingcoolcat​ @cherries-n-rocknroll​ @theedwardscollection​ @inthelapofrogertaylor​ @80s-roger​ @just-my-sickly-pride​ @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @johndeaconshands​ @loveandbeloved29​ @toreyyyyyy @fallingprincess​ @radiob-l-a-hblah
Tugging the zipper on your makeup bag, you stared across at your reflection on your wardrobe door. Hair up in rollers, rogue sparkling away on your lips, your silk robe draped over your shoulders. Your skin still glowed from a flaming hot shower. You looked good, though, you reasoned to yourself above your heartbeat surging away in your ears. With trembling fingers, you jabbed out Roger’s number.
“Hello?” Roger’s voice wavered over the line.
“Hello, Roggie. Ready for our playdate?”
“Yeah… about that,” he began.
That was the starting gun and your mind was off to the races.
“I’ve been really bad,” Roger admitted, with the kind of sly intonation that made him sound like he was sharing a sordid secret with you. “I–I… I came last night.”
You sucked in a heavy sigh of relief, but before you could talk, Roger was back at it, explaining himself.
“You see I managed to take the biggest plug while I was… you know… and it just sort of popped in. I couldn’t help it.”
He sounded rather pleased with himself. “Well, you know I’m going to have to punish you, don’t you, Roggie?”
On the other end of the line, Roger swallowed hard, feeling his breathing cripple in an iron fist around his lungs.
“Don’t you, Roggie?”
“I’ll be over in an hour,” you began. Your tone could have carved stone. “I want you waiting on your knees with your back to the door. Bottom in the air. I want you naked and lubed up with that plug inside you. Keep the door unlocked. Do you understand?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll see you in an hour.”
As soon as you hung up, you cast an eye over to the duffel bag at the foot of your bed. You had crammed it with all the accoutrements you needed for another night with Roger, plus clothes for work the next day. But you never banked on having to pack something to punish him with. He was always so eager and obedient any time you checked in on him. 
Leaning forward, you pulled open the drawer at the bottom of your wardrobe. You liked to keep these items separate from the ones in the cabinet at your bedside. 
Drawing your fingers over all the torture instruments at your disposal, you wondered about Roger’s pain tolerance. He was so slight that you wondered if he really could take anything more than a flimsy little riding crop. Canes and whips and floggers were out of the question. For now, of course. You wiggled your fingers just a bit more.
There it was.
Exactly what you had been looking for.
You were going to wear gloves, the elbow length vinyl ones that were draped over the bed frame with the rest of your outfit. They would be enough to dull the pain but still pack a punch. Chewing the inside of your lip, you closed the drawer.
And then you snatched it open again.
On second thoughts, you couldn’t guarantee your hand would be enough for him. After all, Roger was stubborn. He had fight in him. What if he misbehaved again?
In a second of pure sadism, you laughed to yourself as you picked up a small and supple leather paddle. That would be perfect.
Looking at the clock beside your bed, your eyes bulged. Somehow you had managed to waste ten whole minutes and you still needed to get dressed, and drive to Roger’s, and allow yourself some time to gather your composure once you got there. 
You cursed under your breath and jumped to your feet. 
Grabbing the bottle of talcum powder from your washbag, you patted some powder over your stomach and your thighs. You had big plans for your outfit, but if even a hint of sweat or moisture stuck around on your skin, that plan would become very very difficult for you. You held up a pair of shiny black hot pants to assess just how much sucking in your had to do to hike those up. “Here goes nothing.”
It turns out the shorts were the least of your worries. When you had slipped into your sheer red bra, your fishnet stockings and then your vinyl gloves, the time came to put on your boots. They rose to your knees with heels that lifted you up to the sky. But it had been a while since you had a chance to wear them. 
Maybe it was you? Maybe the zipper was just stubborn? But you definitely broke a sweat by squeezing into them. And you wasted another ten minutes doing just that.
So, all dressed up like a devilish Wonder Woman, you slipped on your coat, grabbed your bag and hurried out to your car.
A disconnect between your gut and your brain nearly landed you in an accident or two on the way to Roger’s place. You struggled to keep your eyes on the road as came in waves. But when you arrived and the car came to a halt, it was a struggle just to breathe.
Focusing on the reflection of your eye in the rearview mirror helped. Blinking slowly, lined with heavy black eyeliner. When you calmed down, it travelled from the mirror to Roger’s door and the dull glow coming from the stained glass window up above it.
All the houses on the broad suburban street were dotted safely apart. No risk of curtain pullers here. That was a bonus, you thought, stepping out of your car. You grabbed your bag from the boot and looked around again. Not a soul in sight.
He must be rich – richer than you even dared to imagine – you thought, tottering down the winding path in his front garden. Neatly trimmed shrubs and exotic looking plants shone through the darkness, and you couldn’t get over the sheer enormity of the house itself. You counted three floors, but your neck couldn’t crane your neck far enough to verify that. You cast a glance back to your decade-old Ford Escort sitting at the side of the road. He was definitely too rich for you.
Bolstering yourself for what was waiting for you on the other side, you reached for the handle, taking a deep breath. Your eyes widened when you realised that Roger had left the door unlocked. That sparked an unbearable curiosity and one swift push later, the door was open; the sight that greeted you took your breath away.
Without a word, you stepped inside on unsteady legs. All while Roger kept still on the floor, waiting for you to greet him.
“Good boy,” you whispered, giving his hair a ruffle as you breezed past him, shrugging out of your coat as you moved along. The hall was quaint, decorated with dark wood and ornate rugs on the floor. You pointed towards the room on your left. “Is the living room through here?”
“Yes,” Roger said.
“Good. Follow me. On your knees.”
With every move that Roger made, his muscles seemed to contract and tense in a strange mix of anticipation and the draught from the hall seeping into his frame. The wooden floor bore into his knees, making crawling even more uncomfortable for him. He barely kept up.
Perching on the edge of a chesterfield sofa, you gave Roger a moment to catch up. His head was bowed as he tried to maintain his composure. But when he arrived at your feet, he looked up at you with big, sad eyes. 
Curling one of your vinyl clad fingers under Roger’s chin, you kept his sights set firmly on you. “Are you going to be good?”
“I will. I promise.”
“Ok,” you said, sitting back. You patted your thigh. “Over my lap.”
Roger scrambled to his feet for the first time in almost an hour. Unsteady and unsightly, he flung himself over your knee, facing the floor.
He was light as a feather but he had more than enough to grab on to at the back. “Do you know why I’m punishing you, Roggie?” you asked, unable to resist pawing at his soft backside. 
“I–I disobeyed you,” he began. “I was supposed to go a whole week without making myself come. And I disobeyed you.”
“I’m so disappointed in you, Roggie.”
Roger fumbled at the top of your stockings. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m not going to go easy on you for this. You’ll have to work for it.”
“I know.”
“But, if you want me to stop, what do you say?”
Without hesitation, Roger spoke: “Red.”
“Good. You ready?”
Roger shuffled on your lap in an attempt to get comfortable, but he quickly realised it was no good. There was no comfortable position. Not like this. You felt him give up; his muscles relaxed. Resigned. “Ready.”
You started hard. One swift stinging swat to his cheeks to test the water had him hissing. “Remember, if you need me to stop just say–“
“Red, I know.”
“Oh, he has an attitude,” you cooed. “You know, I was going to ease you into this, but now I don’t think I will.”
Before Roger could respond, you doled out no less than twenty strikes, with one arm around his waist to keep him still as he fought for control over his movements. His skin burned, but his cock pressing up against your thigh told a different story.
One smack. 
Another smack. 
Another one. 
“To be.” 
And another. 
“Enjoying this.”
Roger’s backside was painted with pink handprints, but he was stubborn. He wasn’t showing any signs of remorse. Not even a single ‘ow.’ You had to be sure he wasn’t just gritting his teeth to get through this. You had to test his limits. 
“I think we should take this up a notch, don’t you, Roggie?” you said, prodding at the base of the plug he was wearing.
“N-no!… Yes.”
“At least you followed that instruction, didn’t you?” You gave the plug a twist and then pulled it ever so slightly until the metal bulb inside him became visible. That was enough to elicit a moan from him. And for you to refocus on the task at hand. “Didn’t you, my little slut?” you repeated with another smack on Roger’s bottom.
“Yes, yes. Fuck.”
With one arm around Roger’s waist, you reached down with the other to unzip your bag. You fumbled around inside it, searching for the paddle from earlier. “This ought to get to you squeal,” you said, gripping it firmly. “After all, you’ve been very naughty.”
“I know,” Roger’s voice wavered.
You brought the paddle down on Roger’s bottom ten times in quick succession. Each and every whack punctuated with whimpers from him. He was starting to break. Then you paused, admiring your work. A pattern of bright scarlet blotches all over his tender little rump. “My, my you sound pretty when you whine, Roggie. Is it getting too much for you yet?”
“No,” he scoffed. “I can take it.”
You chuckled. “Right. Twenty more then and we’ll see if you’re still a brave little bitch.”
“Oh… FUCK!” Roger hunched over, grasping at your thigh for some semblance of relief.
“You’ll never learn if you don’t take it.” Your tone was cold, cracking the paddle down on his soft, sensitive flesh. “Ten fucking more,” you hissed. “Count for me.”
“Fuck,” Roger whined.
“It’ll be quick. I promise you. Just ten more.”
Sure enough, Roger counted the final ten strikes without missing a single one. Although tears did make an appearance by number five. And he could barely speak by number ten.
And when it was over, his skin was dripping with sweat. His body felt limp as he sniffled into your thigh.
In the moment, discipline always felt so cathartic for you and any sub you went through that with, but afterwards, the guilt you felt was always so overwhelming. First and foremost, you didn’t want his sweet derrière coming up in welts. You didn’t want to prolong the pain any longer. Grabbing the tube of ointment from your bag of tricks, you applied some to Roger’s skin. You could feel the burning of the swollen scarlet marks as you worked it in.
Roger still whimpered and squirmed. You swore you felt tears trickle down on to your leg. 
“It’ll be over in just a second,” you soothed. “It’s ok.” When you finished up, Roger’s body was still limp enough that you could pull him upright to sit on your knee. You wrapped your arms around him, trying to transfer some heat from your body to his own and swept the tears from his cheeks. “How are you feeling?”
Roger lifted his hands to his face to take care of the straggling tears. “I’m ok.” Then he laughed under his breath, a small smiled formed at the corners of his mouth. “That was intense. I don’t think my dick’s ever been this hard.”
“I think you’ve earned a reward after that.”
Roger’s eyes lit up. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you said, leaning in closer to him. “Do you want to show me what that gorgeous arse of yours can do?”
Roger nodded and grinned. “Ok.”
You had to race to keep up with Roger as he led you upstairs towards the bedroom. That struggle was compounded by the lack of light in the staircase and down the hall. Luckily, Roger arrived at his bedroom and flipped on the light, looking back at you rushing towards him, duffle bag in hand. 
“On the bed, slip a pillow under your hips, spread those legs,” you grinned, dumping the bag on the floor.
“Christ, you’re not fucking around, are you?” he quipped, flopping backwards. He propped his feet up on the edge of the bed and eyed you rummaging around for his reward.
You sensed this and glanced up at him. “Touch yourself for me. But don’t come just yet.”
He didn’t need telling twice. Averting his eyes, he wrapped his hand around the shaft of his cock and started gently stroking it. He listened intently to you unpacking everything you needed to put him through his paces. But even with the distraction, it took mere seconds before his muscles tensed. Especially around the plug still inside him. He had to take a breather.
But that wasn’t about to happen anytime soon. Not while you stood at the foot of the bed donning a bright red strap-on that sat just inches away from Roger’s bottom. “You’re so pretty like this,” you purred. You slipped your fingers underneath the base of Roger’s plug and gently pulled at it. At first, his muscles resisted and the plug shot back inside him. He groaned at the sensation. “You like that?”
“Yes,” he sighed. 
His eyes couldn’t meet your own, but now wasn’t the time to push him too far. For now, you revelled in how angelic he looked with his red cheeks and bashful mannerisms having all of this done to him. Letting you do this. You pulled at the plug again, this time further out. He clung to it at its widest point in an impressive stretch that showed you just how much he had been practising since the last time you met. “I love seeing that gorgeous arse of yours all stretched out for me, Roggie. You’ve really been working hard. Training yourself to take my big, hard cock, haven’t you?” You let go of the plug again, and sure enough, Roger sucked the plug back inside.
“Every day, just like you told me,” he sighed. He started to jerk himself off again. “And I loved every second of it.”
“I think you deserve a big reward, don’t you?”
His eyes were still closed; you could tell he was engulfed in sheer bliss. And you were only getting started. “Yes, please,” he smiled.
Finally, you eased the plug all the way out of Roger with a pop. Then you replaced it with one well-lubed finger, pushing in right up to the knuckle. “Look at this beautiful little hole. Let’s see how many fingers you can take.”
“Ok,” he nodded.
Another finger joined the first, curling in on themselves while Roger worked his hand over his cock. But that didn’t earn enough of a reaction for your liking. So you added a third. Roger’s lips parted with a quiet moan. “Feel good?” you asked.
“So good.”
“Try it,” he said.
With a healthy amount of pressure and a hefty dose of lube, your pinkie joined the rest of your fingers, fucking Roger. “Fuck, you really like being stretched out like this Roggie.”
“I love it,” he purred, arching his back against your movements. 
“Are you close?” Your fingers curled with renewed purpose, hoping for the answer you really wanted. His own hand certainly travelled faster.
Roger couldn’t speak. So he nodded.
And then, you withdrew your fingers.
Roger let out a pained whine at the loss of contact. Suddenly his hand just wasn’t enough. 
“Aw, what’s wrong, Roggie?” you pouted, peeling back your gloves from the arms down. 
“Please put them back inside me,” he begged. “Please!”
With your gloves discarded on the floor, you loomed over Roger. Your fingers wrapped around the red dildo between your legs, spreading a generous amount of glistening lube over the shaft. “I can give you something better,” you smirked. 
“Please get on with it,” he huffed.
With a devilish look, you grabbed Roger’s wrists and pinned them above his head. Your other hand pressed your rubber cock against his entrance. “You want it?”
“Tell me how much you want it. What do you want, Roggie? Use your words.”
He couldn’t look at you. Instead, he screwed his eyes closed and turned his head away. “Fill me. Fuck me. Anything. Please.”
“Alright, Roggie,” you soothed, easing into him. “Just relax.” You kept your eyes trained on Roger’s face for any inkling of discomfort or apprehension. But that never came. 
Instead, Roger’s jaw slackened as you bottomed out. A delicious, warm fullness swelled inside him. He didn’t strain against your grip on his wrists and he didn’t need to touch his cock for him to climb that tense slope at an achingly slow pace again. 
“Feel good?” you asked.
“I’m going to start moving now, just let me know if it hurts.”
You leaned back and pulled away from Roger. Your hands trailed along the backs of his thighs before hiking them up high around your waist. Roger was utterly exposed to you in every sense of the word, but he didn’t mind. As your thrusts began, slow and shallow, his hips rolled to meet yours. Finding a position that worked for both of you. His arms stretched out above his head, reaching to grasp at the pillows for something – anything – to help him keep his grip on reality while you gathered pace. Purposeful, unrelenting pace.
You knew Roger was proud and you knew he didn’t do ‘vulnerable’ and there was something about seeing him so unhinged and so undone that made this even more special. He didn’t even need to say a word for you to know that. And he looked so beautiful just lying there taking your cock, being lavished with all the attention his heart desired. And you needed to be closer to him again. 
You leaned down, pressing your body close to his as you continued to fuck him. You could feel his heart racing away in his chest and every moan rattle his ribs. And his fingers. Tracing your shoulderblades as he held you close to him.
Tighter. Then tighter still.
Your breath caught the mist of sweat along his collarbones, making him shiver when you spoke. “Close?”
“Please keep going,” he begged through gritted teeth. “Keep going.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Roggie,” you reassured. “Not until I see you come.”
Roger’s lips curved, safe in the knowledge you wouldn’t rob him of the pleasure he so desperately chased. Even if you wanted to, Roger was too far gone. Over the edge. Bathed in absolute euphoria.
Roger returned to his senses with you nestled into his chest. You watched over him, trying to search for any sign of pain or discomfort. But all you found was a look of sheer satisfaction. 
“You look exhausted,” you said, stroking his chin.
“Feel exhausted. And disgusting.”
You laughed and gave his chest a gentle pat. “I’ll go and run you a bath.”
Stepping into Roger’s bathroom felt like a shock to the system. Equal amounts of opulence and tackiness, just like Roger’s fashion sense. Green marble and gold accents. A deep tub lined with bits and bobs in stylish, expensive-looking bottles. You knew the drill, though. 
Bubble bath. 
You left it to run and ducked back into the bedroom to find a sweaty, bedraggled Roger bundling robes and towels into his arms.
He peered at you over the thin gold rims of his glasses. “Are you sticking around?” he asked. “You’re more than welcome to stay the night. Plenty of space.”
A nerves crept up your chest as you tried to croak your words out. Sure, you had packed a change of clothes, just in case, but you didn’t bank on Roger actually wanting you to stay. “I’d love to.” Before Roger had time to respond, you continued. “I better go and check on your bath.” 
You had already peeled off your shiny sexy getup and hopped in the shower when Roger came through, but you had yet to switch it on. Your hands flitted between the two gold dials on the wall. This wasn’t like your shower back home.
Roger’s voice made you jump out of your skin. “The left one’s for temperature, and the right one’s for pressure.”
You turned around, trying your best to cover yourself with your arms. He hadn’t fully seen you naked yet. Your jaw was slack from the horror. “What was that?”
Roger obviously got a kick out of your predicament. He had poked his head into the cubicle to speak to you, but he lingered there just a second too long for your liking. With bright eyes and a fiendish smirk. “I said the left one’s for temperature and the right one’s for pressure. Start slow with the right one, and maybe cower in a corner while it warms up,” he laughed. 
Gingerly turning up the dial on the right – just a single notch – the ceiling dumped an icy deluge right on top of you. You shrieked, trying to cover your body with your arms again and turning away from the shards that fired at your skin. Through the cubicle, you could just about make out a smile on Roger’s face as he observed you from the bathtub. He had to lie facing you, didn’t he?
“I told you to start slow!”
“I bloody did,” you said, turning back into the stream. Thankfully, strands of warmth trickled into the downpour. But it just wasn’t enough for you. So you reached for the dial on the left, ratcheting the heat all the way up. The temperature change took forever to kick in, but when it did, it went from bearable to the fiery depths of hell before you had the chance to react to what was happening. Again, it made you yelp and cling to the steamed up panels. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” you hissed, slinking your hand along the wall towards the dial again. Eventually, with a lot of patience and only minor scalding, the shower allowed you to bathe comfortably. Now all you had to do was find something to wash the night’s dirt and grime off of you.
You didn’t have to look far. A small golden dish was fixed to the emerald green wall with a purple bottle on top of it. Turning the bottle in your hand, you read the label, smiling as you did. Maybe you’d smell like Roger if you used this? He always smelled like heaven; lavender and rosemary.
And he had the cheek to call you out on your banana shampoo.
You squeezed a dollop of the silky liquid into your palm and lathered it over your skin, allowing the scent to unravel all the knots in your muscles and your mind. Visions of what had happened between you and Roger barely an hour before hijacked your imagination and you couldn’t help but give a satisfied hum as it all played out. There was nothing you would have changed about it. But the lower your hands travelled, the more your awareness returned. You could feel Roger’s eyes focusing on you – as much as his eyesight allowed.
Peering over your shoulder, sure enough, you found him with his arm resting on the side of the tub, and his face propped against his hand. His sleepy eyes followed every single move you made with a look of soft, dreamy lust. And that hit you right between your thighs.
Your gaze shot forward and it stayed there while you rinsed the suds from your skin. You couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge that Roger was watching you. Again.
When you shut off the water and stepped out of the cubicle, your trembling legs took you over to the chair beside the bathtub. 
Not once did Roger peel his eyes off of you. 
You took a towel and wrapped it around your body, then you looked down at him. Still wearing a smug but content expression. “What’s the matter with you?” you purred.
“You look nice.”
“Don’t get too amorous.”
He huffed. “Last time I pay you a compliment.”
Without saying a word, you ruffled his hair and gravitated towards the mirror opposite the shower and the tub. It spanned the entire width of the back wall. When your features came into focus, you were startled by what you saw. You could handle the grey wisps of steam dancing off your scorched skin, or the way your hair fell flat and clung to your face. But you made one grave error in your haste to shower. Your makeup slipped your mind. And now, you looked like Ronald McDonald’s meth-addicted cousin. Black spikes splayed from your eyes and a red grin spread from cheek to cheek. “I look nice?” you said, glancing at Roger. Unable to contain a giggle.
He looked you up and down. “Well… everything south of the face.”
“Take it you don’t have wipes or anything?” you asked, circling your finger around your face.
“Soap and water, darling.”
You shook your head, turning back to the mirror. 
Roger returned from the bathroom to find you sitting cross-legged on his bed. In the time he had spent in the tub, you had commandeered one of his shirts to sleep in and the sight of you like this, with your damp hair and dewy skin, almost made him forget how to breathe. “You really do look nice,” he said quietly.
He had barely got your attention, standing in the doorway, swaddled in an oversized bathrobe, but his words were enough to scorch your cheeks and your chest even more than the shower did before. “You think?” you asked. You had tried so hard not to sound needy or dumb. Now you just felt the overwhelming urge to backpeddle furiously. “I mean… yeah, thanks.”
Roger sat down at the foot of the bed and studied every detail of you over the frames of his glasses. His eyes lingered on his shirt. “Did you find everything you needed?”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “The only thing I’m missing is a toothbrush.”
“Well, I might not have your make up wipes, but I do have spare toothbrushes. I’ll remember the wipes for next time.”
“I also have lots of wine,” he added, waggling his eyebrows enough to make you giggle.
“Wine would be lovely,” you said.
Roger heaved himself on to his weary feet and got as far as the door before he turned back to you. “Red? White? What do you fancy?”
“Something fruity!”
“Something fruity,” he repeated with a wink. “That about sums you up!”
The first bottle of wine went down smoothly. You and Roger danced around in his bedroom lit by golden lamps along the walls, with Springsteen playing on a well used tape deck in the corner. Dancing and laughing and focused wholly on each other. 
By the end of the second bottle, balancing became impossible. You and Roger collapsed side by side. Out of breath, grinning wildly and looking up at the ceiling. Until Roger’s gaze shifted. You couldn’t see it. But you felt it. “You’ve gone awfully quiet, Roggie. Bum trouble?”
“I’m just thinking,” he laughed.
“About your bum? Is it sore?”
Roger rolled on to his side and propped himself up on his arms. “You know how you have those three rules?”
“You’ve never really told me why you have them.”
You sighed, closing your eyes. Trying to visualise where to begin. “Right,” you said. “I had a really really awful boyfriend a while ago. A real manipulator. One of those guys that thought being dominant meant breezing past your safe words like they were nothing, or when ‘no’ means ‘hit me harder.’ It wasn’t good if I didn’t cry. And all of that just became my sex life for a year.”
Roger couldn’t look you in the eye. “I’m so sorry.”
“And the thing was,” you added, “He was the nicest person ever outside of all that. I loved him. But there’s a difference between getting kinky and getting off on beating someone up. So I suppose this is just my way of separating love and sex and feelings and kink. Setting boundaries. I know how amazing kink is and I don’t want to go without that. But I just don’t think I feel comfortable mixing all of that. I don’t want to get hurt again.”
Roger sensed the streak of sorrow in your voice. His fingers laced with yours and his thumb circled over the back of your hand. “Are you alright?” he asked, flashing you his baby blues.
Somehow, he always managed to melt your heart in lots of different ways. But right then, it was the way his glasses had slid down to the very tip of his nose and the way his eyes rolled off in different directions thanks to the wine. 
“I think so.”
He rolled over on to his front. “Why am I not convinced?”
You laughed. “Do I need to convince you?”
Roger just shrugged and buried his face in his arms, his eyes peering up at you.
You couldn’t resist reaching out to ruffle his hair again, allowing the soft blonde strands to curl around your fingers. “I’m ok.”
“Do you need a cuddle?” he asked, quirking his eyebrows.
Without warning, you rolled on top of Roger; your chest pressed to his back. “You really are lovely, Roggie.”
A dull haze split the curtains; the first wisps of spring in the air. You turned on to your back, eyes fluttering closed again, and drank in that now-familiar scent on the duvet. Roger. 
Your eyes shot open.
Where was he?
Sitting bolt upright, you searched the room for a sign that he wasn’t far away. But you came up blank.
A pang of disappointment turned to a wave of gratitude, though, when you remembered just how terrible you tended to look in the morning. Messy hair. Morning breath. Bare skin. Panic carried you into the bathroom to fix your hair, brush your teeth and maybe, if you were lucky, wash your face and steal some moisturiser.
Face and hair fixed, you wandered through Roger’s house. It looked completely different from the night before. Whether it was the dark or the anticipation, you hadn’t registered much about the strange house you found yourself in. 
The garish ornaments that lined the window ledges in the landing. The way the carpet felt like you were treading on angels. Even the timeline of Queen’s escapades that punctuated every foot of the staircase. It all felt like another way of getting closer to Roger. 
You wondered if he did the same thing when he stayed at your place. 
Nevertheless, you were sure of one thing: Roger Taylor had questionable taste in interior design.
Downstairs, you paused in the hall to get your bearings. To your right was the living room. You had been in there. And on your left was the kitchen. 
The growl of your stomach couldn’t be ignored.
The kitchen was even more outlandish than the living room and the bedroom and the landing and the staircase. Ornate floral tiles lined the walls and the wooden cupboard doors just clashed with the smoky marble countertop. Everything around you felt like was dialled up to eleven. Until you zeroed in on a scrap of paper sitting beside the fridge. 
‘Morning!’ The scrawled note read. ‘Bacon sandwich under the grill. Hopefully, the tea’s still hot! Enjoy! PS: Bum’s fine, by the way!’
Your stomach growled again. You flung open the grill to find the most glorious bacon sandwich you had ever seen. Two rashers of crispy bacon trapped between two inch-thick slices of white, crusty bread. Dripping with golden buttery goodness. And it was still warm.
Chomping through your breakfast, you ambled towards the french doors at the back of the kitchen and looked out on the garden. A drop of orange was starting to spill through the trees along the bounds of the expanse in front of you. But that only held your attention for so long. 
Three revs screeched out from the garage, and somehow you knew that was where you would find him.
After you polished off your sandwich, you quickly poured tea for two and braved the freezing February frost in just Roger’s shirt and your knickers. Running for your life towards the garage and trying your best not to waste a drop of tea. You’d need it.
Inside, Roger toiled away under the hood of a Mercedes, bathed in the orange glow from the paraffin heater behind him. His white t-shirt was smudged with oil and dirt and his hair stuck up in every direction. But he was still sickeningly beautiful, even at this ungodly hour.
“Morning,” you chirped, clutching the two mugs.
In a moment of surprise, Roger cracked his head off the bonnet as he stood up, sending the spanner in his hand crashing to the floor. “Sorry! Hi. Morning,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. A renewed sense of shock and awe washed over his features as you approached him. “You look nice.”
You rolled your eyes and handed Roger his cup of tea, but the burn in your cheeks chipped away at your calm facade. “Do I now?”
“You are.” Roger winked, lifting the cup to his lips. Then he got back to work on his car. 
Perfectly content to watch him work, you hauled yourself up on the workbench behind you, cradling your cup of tea in your hands like it was the most precious thing in the world. Even though, in that moment, it was actually hunched over an engine ten feet away. “Why did you come back to the shop that second time?” you blurted.
“You made it impossible for me not to like you.”
“No, but why?” you pressed.
Roger straightened up again. With his back still turned, his shoulders dropped and he stretched his neck from side to side. “I guess,” he began, turning around, “I guess I came back because you know your stuff. You’re funny…” He trailed off, edging closer. “I don’t think you take shit from anyone. And,” he paused, shrugging, “I think you’re gorgeous.”
Your internal monologue screamed. Roger was far too close and he smelled far too good. And it took every ounce of strength you had not to topple backwards. “Oh,” you smiled. Your voice faltered. “Right.”
“I’m going to go for broke here,” Roger said, fluttering his eyelashes at you. “I’m pretty gutted that I can’t even touch you.”
You couldn’t resist pushing him. “Well, do it.”
Roger took one more step towards you, standing between your thighs. His scent was so intoxicating, you couldn’t resist trying to close the gap. “Do you trust me?” he asked.
You nodded. Focusing only on the blissful feeling of having him that close.
His fingertips brushed over your hips. 
That stare of his sucked the air right from your lungs. 
His mouth just inches from yours. “And now I can’t even kiss you.” He bit his lip, looking you dead in the eye. “That’s unfortunate.”
Without thinking, you grabbed Roger’s shirt at the chest and pulled him into you…
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