#podfic resources
piecesofeden11 · 5 months
Please look at this cute cat on a blanket!
Isn't she adorable!
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Thank you for looking at her! Now, if I could hold your attention for one more second, I'd like to talk to you about something else related to Blankets!
Are you a writer?* Have you ever published anything, be it a small 100 word drabble or a massive 300k behemoth of a fanfiction, the following information is for you! <3 (*This post is aimed at writers in particular, but of course, any form of fanwork can inspire any new form of fanwork. The principle remains the same! <3)
Have you considered adding a Blanket Permission Statement to your Ao3 profile or in your pinned post on tumblr? Let me explain:
What is a Blanket Permission Statement, I hear you ask. Very generally speaking, a Blanket Permission Statement, BP for short, is a short text in your profile or pinned post which let's other people know that you are fine with new fanwork created based on your writing.
When it comes to other fanworks inspired by fanfiction, most often people will think of fanart and as a writer myself, the idea of someone even considering art based off of my writing is incredibly thrilling. But there are a ton of other forms of fanworks that can be inspired by a single work.
One of these things is a Podfic. Perhaps you've heard the term before, perhaps you are an avid listening already, perhaps you've seen it and always wondered what it is. The simplest way to explain Podfic would perhaps be: an audiobook based of a fanfiction.
From elaborate, highly edited, sound-scaped masterpieces to a simple, loving read-aloud recording of written fanwork, Podfics can add a thrilling new dimension to fanfiction.
That sounds exciting to you? Well, excellent! Now, if only there was a convenient and easy way to let one of the multitude of talented, excited, eager Podfic-creators out there know that it's okay to Podfic your writing. I have good news! I've included a few options you can simply copy and paste into your Ao3 profile or Tumblr and you are good to go! Version 1: Full Permission: I hereby give Blanket Permission to use my writing in any form of transformative fanwork, including Fanart, Fanfiction, Podfic.
If you have any questions, you can reach me here: (prefered method, either email or tumblr or other) Version 2: Conditional Permission: If you would like to use my writing in any form of transformative fanwork (i.E. Fanart, Fanfiction, Podfic), please reach out through (prefered method).
Version 3: Permission with exceptions: I give permission to use my writing in transformative fanworks, excluding (type of work). Version 3 Alternative: I give permission to use my writing in transformative fanworks (i.E. Fanart, Fanfiction, Podfic), with the exception of (either type of work or specific writing), Version 4: No Permission: I do not permit any form of transformative fanwork of my writing.
Version 4 Alternative: I do not permit any form of transformative fanwork of my writing, except for (either type of fanwork, or specific writing). And that's it! Adding any of these statements to your information, perhaps even in the top/bottom commentary of Ao3 will help other artists determine whether they can use your work for inspiration! And who knows, you may be surprised how many people you can inspire with your work! Before you go, I would like to thank you for your time and hope you'll consider adding a BP to your info! Please share this post in your writing/creator circles and spread the word! Let's all create together and fill the world with wonderful things! <3
Have another cat pic as a treat! (Luminous Beings We Are - Yoda)
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ericaschall · 5 months
Sorry if you've answered this before but was wondering what your audio setup is? I'm thinking of recording a podfic and I thought about how crisp and clear your audio is, so I thought I'd ask! Ty for the good content
Hey there!
I don't have anything fancy. My hardware is over 10 years old: a t.bone 450 USB microphone (together with pop filter and mic stand I think that was about 100 EUR in total) and a macbook from 2011 that still runs a very old version of garageband with a lot of in-built features that I believe are no longer included in newer versions. I have tentatively started looking into audacity as recording software for when my laptop will inevitably die and I'll most likely switch to Windows. You'll probably want to look for tutorials on how to use compression, equaliser and a hipass filter to improve sound quality and reduce background noise. This looks like a promising guide for audacity:
And here is a much more comprehensive guide that should have you well covered on your podfic endeavor from a fellow podficcer on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14223324/chapters/32791683
Or this one:
Hope you have fun recording 😘
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flowerparrish · 7 months
A Very Basic Guide to Podfic Creation! Literally intended to be as simple and straightforward as possible for anyone (like me) who gets overwhelmed if there's too much information right at the start.
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dontbelasagnax · 3 months
I find as fandom has assimilated towards a capitalist mindset of consumption, there has been a larger focus on fanart and fanfiction- both in spaces that view creatives as "content creators" and spaces where creatives are seen as writers and authors but lauded similarly to celebrities or deities for gracing the common people with their creations.
This has produced a side effect wherein fanart and, primarily, fanfiction are seen as the Best Forms Of Transformative Works... which means that any other type of transformative work is thrown by the wayside.
There should be no hierarchy of fanworks - every single work is a labor of love (or spite... I see y'all throwing middle fingers to canon 😉) and should be recognized as such. Fandom is a community. It's not a transactional relationship. Everyone contributes and interacts out of shared passions and interests.
If you make podfics, gifs, photo edits, fanvids, fan binding, metas, fiber arts, jewelry, fanmixes, translate fics to another language, run/contribute to a fan wikia or compile lore and resources in other ways: I see, appreciate, and cherish all the hard, love fueled work you put into your creations.
Not to say that fanfic and digital art are over-appreciated (Since I do see that many people are allergic to pressing reblog. It's a community. We're supposed to share and communicate. Lurkers are valid but for the most part, interaction with like-minded people is what fandom is intended for.) but the pedestal they are placed on needs to be lowered. Your favorite artists and authors are real people with real lives. They piss and shit just like you. They work in retail and healthcare and are unemployed due to disability. There is nothing extraordinary about them and they are wonderful human beings all the same. No one is better than anyone else. We're all equals here on this playground.
That said, I think we need to uplift the underappreciated fanworks and creators and give them more attention so they are on equal footing with fanfic writers and fanartists. Reblog the gifsets and tell the creator you're in love with how they colored the gifs, keyboard smash in the tags when reblogging a plush doll someone crocheted of your blorbo, try listening to a podfic on your commute home instead of an audiobook and remember to leave a comment when you get home.
As a final note, I want to give a warm hug to anyone who has sat refreshing tumblr or ao3 hoping that maybe someone will tell them they did a good job. To anyone who has considered quitting their fandom endeavors because their posts or works never get as much attention and love as the rest of the artworks or fics in the fandom tags, your creations are worth making and sharing. Numbers do not equate to quality, nor can they convey how loved your creations are by a given person. Only you can bring your unique sparkle to fandom and your presence is absolutely welcome no matter how big or small, grandiose or inconsequential, important or worthless you think it is.
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Finish What You Started 2024 - Event Rules
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[ID copied from alt: Event Rules on a blue background. ⬒ No new projects ◨ Any medium and any fandom welcome ⬓ NSFW inclusive, warnings must be tagged ◧ Tag #FinishWhatYouStarted2024; boosting/retweeting starts September 13th ◼ Event ends October 31st, 2024]
The goal of this event is to get things done that you’ve already started. We all have unfinished projects whose incomplete status haunts us. Those are what we want to tackle!
The structure is loose, as this is a multimedia event. While primarily aimed at writers, this event is open to any kind of creative fanwork. Fics, translations, podfics, fanart, animations, cosplay - if you started it and never got it done, it qualifies. There is no sign-up required. I will not assign beta readers for writers, but I can boost requests for those who want them! And I can boost messages of those who would like to beta read.
The mod is a danmei fan mainly, but your work can be any fandom. Maybe something you started before your current fandom excitement took over, or one you keep putting off in favor of compelling new ideas.
Feel free to pass this event info along! The more the merrier!
Further rules and clarifications:
Alt text is very encouraged, especially for boost posts or artwork!
If your work is NSFW, I will only boost it if it has appropriate content warnings. Spoilering images is recommended but not required as long as it’s tagged. Do not letter-swap or abbreviate content warnings. These are so people can mute them as needed. Example: "gore" not "g0re"
Remember Tumblr can mute phrases, but each warning should be its own tag as well as in the body.
Please use genderbend or genderswap for characters depicted not as canon genders. Example: "#NSFW #genderbend #gore”
Please use Omegaverse or A/O/B for that content. The original letter order is a slur against Aboriginal peoples and will not be tolerated here, even with the slashes. It, like other racial or identity-based slurs, fall under hate speech and are thus not permitted.
This account will post weekly morale-boosting messages and helpful resources. Every Friday, starting September 13th, will be Finished It Friday. All the completed works posted that week will be boosted together in a big thread, so we can celebrate your accomplishment!
Halfway-point check-in is October 1st. Final event deadline is October 31st. The last Finished It Friday is November 1st.
Q: Are original works acceptable?
A: This is primarily a fanwork-focused event. If original work is the only WIP you have to work on, it's certainly fine to work on it during the time frame of the event. If it is posted publicly when finished, you may tag it for boosting.
Q: Are there any restrictions on topics?
A: No, so long as your event # post is properly & fully tagged for content (see rules about tagging above). "Dead Dove" topics are allowed. Some submissions will be 18+. For me, this is less about the content and more about finishing it. 
The usual restrictions based on laws and Community Guidelines of course apply, so you may need to tailor how you post to which event space your interacting with. Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord all have their own rules. There are also some topics that are in poor taste to make fanworks around. The event organizer and mods reserve the right to not boost your work if they decide it is rage-baiting or trolling. They are not responsible for negative reactions to your works. Please be respectful of those you share a digital space with. 
Keep in mind that when I link to your finished work during a Finished It Friday, it may reach a wider audience than you may be used to.
Q: Are there any restrictions on media that can be submitted?
A: Machine Generated or "AI" images and writing are not permitted. If you are found in violation of this rule, you will be removed from the event. All images, writing, or other works must be your own.
This is a positive, shared space. Do not belittle other creators' medium of choice. Please no fandom/character/ship/creator bashing, and don't berate artists or authors for not being done with something, even if they don't finish by the end of the event. Also, please don't passive-aggressively send this event to the author of an unfinished fic you want to see done faster. 😥 Be cool, respect each other, and keep any interpersonal disagreements to your own tumblrsphere.
All posts and boosts will be crossposted to the event Twitter (finishwatustart) and Discord. Expanded rules, explanations, and Dead Dove guidelines can also be found on the Discord. (invite link in pinned post) 
Fics can be posted to the AO3 collection (archiveofourown(dot)org /collections /FinishWhatYouStarted2024_Fall)
Work-in-progress posts should be tagged #FinishWhatYouStarted2024 . If you complete a wip within the event, tag it #IFinishedWhatIStarted2024 for boosting so we can all celebrate!
Find more information and community on the Discord, if you want! Joining the Discord is not required for the event. As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
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ds30below · 7 months
30 Below: Fanwork Week (March 11-17)
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And off we go! 
This week's goal is to celebrate fan creations in any ways you can think of.
Those include but aren't limited to:
comments, comments and more comments
recs: creator samplers, themed lists, self-recs—for fic, art, meta, vids, edits and everything else
creator shout-outs
podfic, remix, translation (don’t forget about permission!)
of course, new fanworks!
Prompts are optional, and you can interpret the theme however you see fit. Wanna do something else this week or do the fanwork thing later? No worries! The AO3 collection is open indefinitely and I will be sharing everything tagged #ds30below or mentioning @ds30below.
❗Note that if you're reblogging something as a contribution (e.g. responding to meta), you'll need to mention @ds30below in your reblog, since it won't show up in the tag search.
Mush, yee-ha! Have fun!
🐢fest info
🐢all themes & prompts
🐢helpful resources
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winterscaptain · 4 months
A Joyful Future Masterlist - Part I
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader  Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
updated: november 15th, 2021 total finished works: 166 works in progress: 23 planned works: 107
summary: canon-divergent, big family!au
currently working on absence part ii and the mean-it era
beta’d by @ssaic-jareau​, without whom none of this would be possible
resources and links: 
inspo blog + media folder
faq + cheat sheets 
headcanon masterlist 
to-write list 
find upcoming fics here | join my tag list! | submit an idea! 
please read faq and key before asking a question! 
▶ episodes i’m planning to adapt for ajf ✸ smut - explicit sexual content (18+ only, minors dni) ✦ suggestive content - non-explicit suggestions of intimacy, drinking, etc. ☰ fem!reader (all other fics are gender neutral) ◎ graphic/edit ✂ director’s commentary ☎ podfic 
Part I: Cicatrize
Ao3 Link
Advocate Cicatrize ✂ | 3x01 "Doubt" - 3x11 "Birthright" Ambition Aaron Hotchner's Letter of Recommendation ◎
▶ Working Title: Reflections | 3x05 "Seven Seconds" ▶ Working Title: Worser Instincts | 3x16 "Elephant's Memory" ▶ Working Title: Developments | 3x17 "In Heat" Dreaming ✦ Intellectual Guesswork | 3x19 "Tabula Rasa" Familiarity | Crossover: NCIS 5x19 "Judgement Day, Part II" Focused | 3x20 "Lo-Fi" - 4x01 "Mayhem" Constellations | 4x02 "The Angel Maker" Buffer Through and Through | 4x03 "Minimal Loss" ▶ Working Title: Milestone | 4x05 "Catching Out" Players Bedtime ▶ Working Title: Grounded | 4x07 "Memoriam" Pride | 4x08 "Masterpiece" Dead Man's Hand ☰ | 4x09 "52 Pickup" Unfair Midnight ✦
At Risk Part I | 4x10 "Brothers at Arms" - 4x11 "Normal" At Risk Part II | 4x12 "Soul Mates" - 4x13 "Bloodline" A Kindness | 4x16 "Pleasure is My Business"
Part II: Fear Itself
Ao3 Link
No Deal | 4x18 "Omnivore" ▶  Working Title: TBD | 4x21 "A Shade of Grey" Collision | 4x23 "Roadkill" ▶  Working Title: TBD | 4x24 "Amplification" Outnumbered Fear Itself | 5x01 "Faceless, Nameless" Enough ✂ Infirmity | 5x02 "Haunted" Push | 5x04 "Cradle to Grave" 5x05 "The Eyes Have It" Nightmare Realized | 5x09 "100" Hands | 5x09 "100" Nightmare Recalled | 5x09 "100" Stay Arrangements An Unrivaled Force of Nature | 5x10 "The Slave of Duty"
Exceeding Expectations | 5x11 "Retaliation" Three's Company Sunburnt ▶  Working Title: TBD | 5x18 "The Fight" A Horrible First | 5x16 "Right of Passage" Unbecoming | 5x21 "Exit Wounds" ▶  Working Title: Blackout | 5x23-6x01 "Darkest Hour/Longest Night" An Opinion
Part III: Berry Hill
Ao3 Link
A Real Hero | 6x09 "Devil's Night" Short Notice Berry Hill ▶ Working Title: Berry Hill (Aaron's Version) Two Inches Stowaway ✸
No Help A Chance of Snow Waldosia | 6x18 "Lauren" - 6x24 "The Big Sea" Absence | 6x24 "The Big Sea" - 7x01 "It Takes a Village" Mean It ✸ ☰ | 7x01 "It Takes a Village" Mean It (SFW + Gender Neutral) ✦ | 7x01 "It Takes a Village" Firsts ✦ Impression Gossip: A Prelude ✦ ☰ Surreal About Time Second Best Obligated | 7x10 "There's No Place Like Home" Conspiracy The Pleasures of the Elder ✦ ☎ Not Complaining ✸ Mistletoe ✦ ✂ Bring It ✸
Gifts & Notices Symptoms Hide
Masterlist Part II
Masterlist Part III
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jeffffffffest · 4 months
JeFFFFFFFFest 2024 Gift Exchange
This exchange is for fanworks based on Jeff Satur’s music videos and related media.
‘Related media’ includes characters such as the rain god from Jeff’s Halloween fan art Instagram post, or the fallen angel from Call Me by Fire. A resource list with links to media will be available in the Discord server (link to join).
While all Jeffs may be used as visual/auditory/character inspiration, characters from acting roles (KinnPorsche, He She It, Ingredients) are not the focus of this event. Crossovers such as Kim/Sunshine are in the spirit of the event, but a direct KinnPorsche fanwork is not.
Is it because of all of the Jeffs possibly named Jeff? Is it because that’s how we’re feeling after each new release (F!)? Is it because they represent all of the Fun Fabulous Fanworks we’ll be creating? Yes. (There are eight Fs for Space Shuttle No. 8, if you care.)
This exchange is open to all types of fanworks, including text, visual art, audio, and video. The sign-up form will prompt you to list which types of fanworks you’d like to offer and receive. Everyone will be matched with a recipient who meets their fanwork types and prompts as closely as possible. Assignments will remain private until the collection is revealed, so please keep that information secret from your recipient!
You are only required to create one fanwork, in the medium of your choosing. If your recipient requests visual art or written text, you can choose which type of fanwork to create based on their prompts and what inspires you the most. If you’re inspired to create multiple fanworks, that’s a bonus, but not expected or required.
Once assignments are sent out, a channel will be opened in the Discord server for people to share their prompts if they choose. You’re welcome to create additional fanworks as 'treats' based on those prompts and submit them to the AO3 collection. There’s no limit to how many prompts you can fill or how many works you can create!
After the reveal, there will be a 'remix round' for fanworks inspired by the posted exchange works. This is a free-for-all where anything goes! You can make fanvids inspired by art, record podfics of written works, or anything else that inspires you. You can opt out of or limit your participation in this round with a permission statement.
Both the 'treat' and 'remix' rounds are completely optional, and as such we encourage you to create anything, no matter how small or how unfamiliar you are with that form of fanwork! This is a great place for fanworks like moodboards, fanmixes/playlists, and anything else that doesn't fit in the main gift exchange. Of course, large prompt fills are also welcome!
Please bring complaints or concerns privately to the exchange mods; we're here to help make this a positive experience for everyone! A complaint form (anonymous by choice) can be found here, or feel free to reach out to a mod on discord or tumblr. Respect all DNWs (including requests for no NSFW content) and include appropriate content warnings in posts and discussions; when in doubt, at a minimum, AO3 warnings should always be tagged/warned, or talk to a mod if you're unsure. To ensure that artist credit is always appropriately given, the use of AI and/or gifting AI-generated content is strictly prohibited.
Bigotry and harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Respect and be mindful of all fellow community members.
If you have questions for your recipient or about the exchange in general, please contact one of the mod team. If you need to drop out for any reason, please let the mods know as soon as possible. Your moderators for this event are @airgiodslv, @mousydentist, and @shubaka (on discord and tumblr).*
*To the best of our knowledge, none of the mods are secretly Jeff.
Sign-ups:  June 1-20
Assignments Out:  June 23
Check-in: July 21
Deadline:  August 4
Pinch-hits:  August 5-11
Reveal:  August 12
Remix round: August 12-25
For the most up to date information, please refer to this blog (posts tagged #logistics) and/or join our discord server. Also, we're aware that things happen! We want to make this event as fun as possible, so if you ever feel overwhelmed, please talk to a mod at any time about an extended timeline or enlisting a pinch-hitter. The pinch-hitters have from August 5-11, so please let us know ASAP if you need support.
Our AO3 collection is here. Links to fics and posts made on other sites (eg, tumblr, twitter, archive.org) will be reblogged/cross-posted to this blog. If you don't want your gift to be on tumblr, please reach out to a mod ASAP so we can make other arrangements.
Sign-up Form
The sign-up form can be found here! Reminder that sign-ups will be open until June 20th.
Happy Jeff-ing everyone! 🪐
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holycatsandrabbits · 9 months
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So excited to get my author copy of Spark!
From Improbable Press, edited by @atlinmerrick
The anthology
Spark is all about encouragement, permission, it's about firing you up.
Spark: How Fanfiction and Fandom Can Set Your Creativity On Fire hopes to help you believe that your fandom writing, drawing, podficcing – whatever you're creating right now – is, was, and ever shall be legitimate, important, and a fantastic way to expand your community, develop your skills, and above all help you find your voice in the world.
Spark's more than forty essays and interviews from best-selling writers Anne Jamison, Claire O'Dell, Diane Duane, Henry Jenkins, KJ Charles, Lyndsay Faye, Sara Dobie Bauer and many others discuss, encourage, and shout about how fic and fandom in all their glories can absolutely inspire you, set your creativity on fire – and change your world.
My essay
Losing and Finding My Voice: How fandom found me at one of the worst times in my life
Fandom is a lifeline. It’s a miracle. It’s an upward path out of disaster. It’s very human, and it means everything that we share it with each other. 
Orders are open!
DannyeChase.com ~ Ao3 ~ Linktree ~ Weird Wednesday writing prompts blog ~ Resources for Writers ~ Newsletter
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loopydangerfrog · 10 months
Hi All! I wanted to share a resource that @/kninjaknitter (on twt) and I have been working on! We attempted to create a running, living doc of all podfics that are flagged OFMD! There are currently 746* on the list ✨🎧🏴‍☠️✨
If you see something that accidentally was missed or needs an edit, please dm me and we can get that corrected ASAP!
*as of 1/13/24 it is now at 833 podfics for the fandom!
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[podfic] my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
written by fleetinghearts and read by All_I_Ask
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(description in alt)
9-1-1, Teen and up, Buddie, approx. 1 hour 15 minutes
a fever, a party, a late night tv show: three times eddie’s heart falls out his ass because buck keeps looking at him like that. he’s just got to find a way to tell him that doesn’t involve a convoluted cephalopod analogy about love
The most important tag:
just 3 times eddie's like if i could superglue my mouth to buck's all would be right in the world
The cover art (description in alt):
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A snippet:
A teeny tiny giggly outtake:
And the whole story is on AO3 - there are two versions of the podfic, with and without musical transitions
Thank you Nina, always, for allowing me to record your words 😍
tags under the cut
I was left unsupervised with Canva and you can all suffer with the consequences 😁 I know neither the moodboard nor the cover is "good" but I made myself laugh and that is the most important thing
Using this as my inspiration Saturday/ several sentences Sunday - here is my longest podfic yet🥳
I was tagged by @wikiangela and @dangerpronebuddie - thank youuu❤️
Tagging @shitouttabuck 😍😍😍, @diazsdimples, @tizniz, @eddiebabygirldiaz,
@cal-daisies-and-briars, @lover-of-mine, @try-set-me-on-fire, @daffi-990,
@bucksbisexualawakening, @bucksbignaturals, @idealuk, @acountrygirlsfun,
@rhea314, @gracieryder, @mayonnaisetoffees, @aroeddiediaz,
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels, @renecdote, @devirnis, @rewritetheending,
@hattalove, @captain-hen, @suavecitodiaz, @eddiegettingshot,
@thewolvesof1998, @glorious-spoon, @hoodie-buck, @spotsandsocks,
@exhuastedpigeon, @rainbow-nerdss, @epicbuddieficrecs, @chronicowboy,
@your-catfish-friend, @burnthatbridge, @hmslusitania, @extasiswings,
@underwaterninja13 and anyone else who'd like to share anything, no matter how bad you think it is - I can guarantee I'll LOVE IT❤️
(lmk if you want to be added or removed)
An extra thank you to @gracieryder for putting together and sharing podfic resources ❣️ (come join the podfic fest!), because I can finally add cover art without pulling half my hair out and/or feeling like an idiot
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moonwater-fest-2024 · 2 months
Hi guys! As it stands, prompting and claiming are both open. We did want claims to start on the 15th but AO3’s system doesn’t seem to work that way. We’re implementing a partial honor system, we do suggest you wait but understand if you don’t want to. Please remember, anyone can claim as many prompts as they like and each prompt can be claimed by multiple people, so don’t think you’re going to miss out on a fun prompt if you do wait . We do suggest you claim one at a time and pace yourselves, but it is ultimately up to you. Also remember that the prompts will be rolling in, so you might wanna scope out all the inspiration before committing.
If you choose to self prompt, we have a preset prompt, you can simply claim it.
Prompting Instructions
1. Go to Moonwater Fest 2024 https://archiveofourown.org/collections/MoonwaterFest2024/requests
2. Click Prompt Form
3. Fill out prompt form
4. If you click semi anonymous prompt, be aware that it A. Might not work, and B. If it does it won’t be gifted to you when works are posted
5. Click submit
Self prompting:
1. Go to Moonwater Fest 2024 https://archiveofourown.org/collections/MoonwaterFest2024/requests
2. Go to Prompts
3. Find “self prompt” by anonymous (it’s the first posted prompt!)
4. Click claim
Below is a short video for anyone who needs a tutorial:
When youre ready to submit your work, we do need a submission email sent to [email protected]. The format is below.
Submission email:
Subject line: Submission - Fic, Art or Podfic - Creator Name
Email body:
Author/Artist/Podficcer: (A03 or Anonymous)
Tumblr: (only include if you want your work shared on the tumblr fest account)
Prompt you chose: (If you chose a prompt, if not please include a brief description of your self prompt)
Wordcount or medium:
Archive warnings: (MCD/Noncon/Underage/Ect)
Basic summary small description if the submission is an artwork:
Link to work on AO3:
Artists, if you need help with anonymous image hosting, especially for NSFW works, please reach out to us and we can help you with resources.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Happy Festing!
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gilraina · 1 year
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Author: perictione (leclairage) (@perictione)
Fandom: Transformers (G1)
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Megatron/Optimus Prime
Summary: Megatron tries publishing his essays under a pseudonym. Optimus Prime uses a fake identity to contact his new favorite writer. As the two factions fight over the resources of a small alien planet, the war rages on. Both leaders have never been happier.
Chapter 1 (01:18:02 long) is out! Updates every Monday!
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Dare Me to Tell You the Truth
Ava desperately wants to get Deborah to play Truth or Dare with her. Deborah tries to resist.
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[cover art by me]
It's here! My first ever collaboration with another creator as well as my first podfic project!!
Thank you, lovely @wilfriede, for asking me to do the @pod-together event with you! You did such a great job guiding me through the entire process, offering help, answering questions, and providing resources.
I had a blast writing the fic, and I had just as much fun recording it with you. Honestly. Thank you, again, for letting me do this with you. You are an amazing podficcer, and I truly couldn't have asked for a better partner for this. ☺️
To read the fic and/or listen to our podfic, just head on over to our work on AO3 :)
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
As someone that has gone thru the a03, audio archive, a good bit of lj and tumbler can u rec some lesser known/posted podfics for spn, (prefer destiel but will welcome others as long as they are Winchester and have a happy ending), for someone that relies on them to be able to enjoy all the stories this fandom has to offer because of visual impairment? The more the merrier pls. The e-readers tend to suck the joy out of a fic and make it hard to get thru, whereas having an actual human read the stories, regardless of talent or skill or even accent, is light years better and makes them so much more enjoyable and immersive.
I'm the only one who listens to podfics in the group! So I'm afraid this ask will be based on my knowledge alone😅 but I tried my best to include my fav podfics and all the resources I've been using ever since I started listening to them.
1- No podfic list would be complete without NerdyNerdenstein, I've listened to most of their podfics and loved everything. I recommend all of them, but here's an example of one I've liked:
And This, Your Living Kiss [podfic] read by NerdyNerdenstein. -- here's our review --
2- Darynidia is another podficcer I really like and I found their work when they made a podfic from a fic of mine:
Breathing Into You [Podfic] read by Darynidia -- here's our review --
3- I don't think exmanhater is actively making podfics for Destiel anymore. But here's the first podfic I listened from them:
[Podfic of] Peanut-Butter Pumpkin Wedding Cake read by exmanhater -- here's our review --
4- Another old school podficcer is Tenoko1. I think this was the first podfic I listened from them:
Convenient Husbands [podfic] read by Tenoko1 -- here's our review --
5- Here's another one by WaywardAF67 I enjoyed listening to:
A Date for the Holidays [PODFIC] read by WaywardAF67 -- here's our review --
6- I've listened to this one by Scintillating Gatria (LadyLoralye) a while ago and will be writing a review for this fic soon:
a kiss for every season (literally) [Podfic] read by Scintillating Gatria (LadyLoralye)
7- Here's one by litrapod (litra) that I'm planning to listen soon:
Every Man's Got A Right [podfic] read by litrapod (litra) -- here's our review --
8- I recently found this Podfic Archive which has podfics from several different fandoms and ships, including Dean/Castiel. Here's 5 fics I plan to listen soon:
Last One Out Hits The Lights
In the Land of the Emotionally Repressed, Dean Winchester is King
Thursday's Child
Metaphysical Gravity
The Consequences of Falling
9- Other resources:
This a Destiel Podfic Collection that isn't updated often anymore but it has around 120 podfics currently.
This is a SPN collection with almost 400 podfics.
If you search for the word podfic at @destielfanfic they have a few reviews where they've included the podfic when available as well as a few extra resources.
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Finish What You Started 2023 Event Rules
Tumblr media
[image ID, copied from ALT: Event Rules on a blue background. - No new projects. - Any medium and any fandom welcome. - NSFW inclusive, warnings must be tagged. - Tag #FinishWhatYouStarted2023; boosting/retweeting starts September 15th. - Event ends October 31, 2023. End ID.]
The goal of this event is to get things done that you’ve already started. We all have unfinished projects whose incomplete status haunts us. Those are what we want to tackle!
The structure is loose, as this is a multimedia event. While primarily aimed at writers, this event is open to any kind of creative fanwork. Fics, translations, podfics, fanart, animations, cosplay - if you started it and never got it done, it qualifies.
There is no sign-up required. I will not assign beta readers for writers, but I can boost requests for those who want them! And I can boost messages of those who would like to beta read.
The mod is a danmei fan mainly, but your work can be any fandom. Maybe something you started before your current fandom excitement took over, or one you keep putting off in favor of compelling new ideas.
Feel free to pass this event info along! The more the merrier!
If your work is NSFW, I will only boost it if it has appropriate content warnings. Do not letter-swap or abbreviate content warnings. These are so people can mute them as needed.
Example: "gore" not "g0re"
Remember Tumblr can mute phrases, but each warning should be its own tag as well as in the body.
Please use genderbend or genderswap for characters depicted not as canon genders.
Example: #NSFW #genderbend #gore
Important note: please use Omegaverse or A/O/B for that content. The original letter order abbreviation is a slur against Aboriginal peoples and will not be tolerated here, even with the slashes. It, like other racial or identity-based slurs, fall under hate speech and are thus not permitted.
This account will post weekly morale-boosting messages and helpful resources. Every Friday, starting September 15th, will be Finished It Friday! All the completed works posted that week will be boosted together in a big thread, so we can celebrate your accomplishment!
This is a positive, shared space. Do not belittle other creators' medium of choice. Please no fandom/character/ship/creator bashing, and don't berate artists or authors for not being done with something, even if they don't finish by the end of the event. Also, please don't passive-aggressively send this event to the author of an unfinished fic you want to see done faster. 😥 Be cool, respect each other, and keep any interpersonal disagreements to your own tumblrspace.
Halfway-point check-in is October 1st. Final event deadline is October 31st. The last Finished It Friday is November 3rd.
Work-in-progress posts should be tagged #FinishWhatYouStarted2023If you complete a wip within the event, tag it #IFinishedWhatIStarted2023 for boosting so we can all celebrate!
Fics can be posted to the collection on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FinishWhatYouStarted2023
Find more information and community on the Discord, if you want! Joining the Discord is not required for the event.
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