#pointing to that one tik tok sound about them being each others world
vroomvroomwee · 1 year
Ok ok hear me out. I know everyone wants the two to switch places in season 3 and have Aziraphale saving Crowley and be an absolute badass but how about this.
He's in a situation where he has to choose to save the Earth, or... to save Crowley.
And he chooses Crowley.
Saving him is cool, but choosing him, as a contrast to him choosing to save the world and rejecting him in both s1 and s2, and now having him choose Crowley. And he does... He still saves the world. He saves his world.
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This is a post about my list of media to watch/hear in the past/future. I'll put a cut here for the many people who justifably do not care about my list of media.
Guess what, everyone? I have, for the first time in over a year, knocked everything off my “to watch” and “to listen to” lists. Obviously, not everything in the world that I ever want to do. But everything that I’d started. Because I’d keep downloading stuff and starting it and then getting into other stuff and putting it on hold and filling up my working folders with it. Well, I spent the last couple of weeks determinedly avoiding starting anything new, so I could go back and finish the “on hold” things.
I'll put a cut here, just for the sake of the many, many people who justifiably do not give a shit about my list of media.
It was mostly a bunch of episodes of the Comedian’s Comedian podcast, which I enjoyed finally hearing. This podcast episode my brother did nearly a year ago, where he talks for two hours about his experiences in comedy and how he believes no one can “make it” in comedy without succumbing to the pressure to cut all their stuff up into tiny chunks for Tik-Tok and shit. It was fucking bleak. But I also downloaded episodes of that same podcast by a few other local comedians I’ve met, include two by the guys who run the local comedy night where I've performed; I listened to those last week too, and they were less depressing. They’re people who like comedy – that’s all I want, really. People around here who perform comedy and sound like they don’t fucking hate comedy.
So there was that. I finished off a few bits of Stewart Lee bootlegs (many of which are on YouTube, I did not realize until recently how many Stewart Lee bootlegs are on YouTube, that’s obviously a fair thing for me to mention because if he had a problem with bootlegs being out there I’m sure Lee could get them taken off YouTube, I will say that I’ve come to appreciate several of his shows far more after hearing the bootlegged versions than I did from the DVD version). Finished all the Lee and Herring stuff. Watched Taskmaster NZ season 4 (I meant to post about it and then I got busy with work and I don’t even think I did that – cliff notes are I didn’t quite agree with the people I’ve seen say it’s as good as season 2, but I did greatly enjoy it). Lots of little things.
I said months ago that once I finally get caught up on things, I’m going to start a new long audio thing. I made a post at the time listing all the things I was considering. The main candidates were/are: John Robins and Ellis James radio/podcasts, Peacock and Gamble podcast, the Adam and Joe things, Do the Right Thing podcast (see, I’m not exclusively into listening to two white guys talk to each other in a studio), and Pappy’s podcasts (there’s the Flatshare thing, but then there are also other things – look into what these are, then listen). I have also had Three Bean Salad recommended to me pretty hard.
I still don’t know which way I want to go – I’m leaning toward Pappy’s or Peacock and Gamble at this point. But I’ve decided not to make that decision yet, because I do have a couple of new things, but shorter things, that I want to start first.
I have all three seasons of Alan Partridge: From the Oasthouse downloaded, so that’s next on the agenda. A few years ago, I watched/heard all the Alan Partridge TV/radio things in chronological order: On the Hour, The Day Today, Knowing Me Knowing You radio show, Knowing Me Knowing You TV show, I’m Alan Partridge, Alpha Papa, Mid-Morning Matters, This Time. I enjoyed them to varying degrees – my biggest comment is that Mid-Morning Matters surprised me because I thought it would be a weaker thing, just a little internet show, but it ended up being one of the best, I thought, and Tim Key was fucking brilliant in it.
Anyway, I’ve never heard any of the other Alan Partridge things. And I’ve recently been told by a reliable source that this latest one is very very good. The three seasons combined are about 15 hours, so that’ll give me some time to decide what I next want to commit hundreds of hours of my life to.
I’ve also had John Finnemore’s Cabin Fever recommended to me quite a bit, and I’ve downloaded that recently too so I think I’ll do that after Alan Partridge. It’s 13 hours, not too long. I know very little of what to expect from that, but enough people whose tastes otherwise overlap with mine have told me it’s very good to make me interested. Also, I’d love to be a comedy fan who rejects the Oxbridge ilk for very good class solidarity reasons, but actually an annoyingly large number of my favourite comedians have been Footlights members, so I’ll probably love John Finnemore.
Anyway, on the subject of my obsession with listening to two white guys talk to each other in a studio, a bunch of weeks ago now I made a post about hearing the Lee and Herring radio show episodes that were broadcast live from Edinburgh in 1994, and how that was cool, a preservation of a bit of Edinburgh Festival history. And then I said that’s not the first time I’ve heard a radio-based audio diary of Edinburgh, as Russell Howard and Jon Richardson did their radio show from Edinburgh in 2007. And I’m sure there were lots of references there that went over my head at the time but that I would now appreciate as a person with an inexplicable obsession with 00s-era Edinburgh comedy. An audio diary of the Chocolate Milk Gang-era Edinburgh Festival from someone who was, at the time, a CMG member (has definitely squandered his cred since then, but Russell Howard was a fully paid-up member for a time). How have I not already combed through that in my efforts to gather and preserve every bit of information I can about CMG history?
I said I should re-listen to some of those episodes to see what references are in them, and then I didn’t do that, because obviously going through old radio show episodes looking for gossip is a waste of time when I have actual comedy/comedy analysis to listen to. But as I’ve just said, at this moment, I don’t have actual comedy to listen to. I finished all the old stuff and I haven’t started the new stuff yet, and I think I’ll keep it that way for a couple of days. Give my brain a short break from keeping track of everything on my lists before jumping into something new. Going back over old stuff doesn’t require the same focus, as my brain doesn’t obsessively insist that I hear/watch every single bit of it in order and file it in all appropriate places and check it all off on a spreadsheet as I go.
I realize I’m making this hobby that I truly love sound like a chore, and it isn’t that, my brain is just compulsive about always focusing on what’s “on my list”, so it’s nice to occasionally have breaks in the list. You see why I so enjoyed hearing the senselessly compulsive thought patterns of 2007-era Jon Richardson. That was a man who understood a list.
So anyway, I think I’ll do that tonight. It’s a long weekend, which I barely noticed last year when I was working from home anyway but those sure seem like a bigger deal when I have to be out of the house for 9-10 hours on weekdays. I’ve got Thanksgiving dinner with family tonight, and then I think I’ll listen to some old things. I’ll let you all know if I discover anything exciting.
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What if... (Roronoa Zoro x OC)
A/N: I haven’t watched a lot of One Piece yet, but I really enjoy Zoro, Sanji, and Law. This scene is mainly written based off of two writing prompt ideas from Tik Tok 1. Start a poem with What if and 2. Write a scene with little to no dialogue so that the audience can see how your characters interact with one another alone. This scene takes place after a vague battle where Zoro might have gotten hurt and Pearl is now cleaning him up. I hope you guys enjoy, if you do then I’ll write more about Pearl. Pearl uses She/her and They/Them pronouns. This scene was also written by her (She is one of our alters in our system) and this memory took place in her source memories. 
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What if I told you 
What feelings bubble within my chest
When we sit here in silence Would you think I’m a mess? 
The waters of the east blue were calm with only a small wave lapping against the side of the ship while it sat at the docks of the port they were currently in. The sunny was mostly quiet and empty as most of the straw hats were either asleep below deck or in the port town. They would collect items that were wanted or needed before the crew would head off on their next adventure. 
Thankfully they were getting this time to lick their wounds after the last battle that they had faced. Most of the crew had gotten beaten and bruised, something they were all pretty used to at this point. 
Zoro liked the quietness of the calm night. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his crew, but sometimes he needed a rest from their antics. After sustaining a few pretty painful injuries from the latest battle, he was thankful to have the main deck to himself. There was maybe only one person who’s company would make this calm night better for him. Pearl. 
He knew he had seen her on the ship not long before he had come up to the main deck. Maybe she was asleep? No…they had bad insomnia, he knew that too. Memories of trying his best to comfort them into sleep came back to him and a small smile cracked onto his lips. 
What if I took your hand in mine Would you let it fall Or would you hold it in return When the thudding of my heart calls 
He was brought out of his musings when he heard the sound of some of the deck boards creaking behind him. The familiar scent, his new favorite scent, of fresh flowers wafted to his nose. He didn’t have to turn around to know who had wrapped their chubby arms around his middle for a hug. He only winced a little as he didn’t want to scare her or worry her, within moments he relaxed in her hold. 
Zoro turned around and wrapped his arms around her chubby frame in a loving manner and then he rested his chin atop her wild, orangish curls. He closed his eyes for a moment and burrowed his nose into the springy curls he had come to love so much, a deep hum escaped him. 
The moment was cut short when a nasty cut on his right arm brushed against her and he gritted his teeth. Pearl felt the swordsman’s body tense up and instantly remembered what she was originally here to do. She pulled back gently and looked up at him with worried eyes. She also looked a bit tired and worn like himself. 
What if I asked you to dance 
Step by step to the beat of a soft song The world around us being left behind As we focused on each other all night long
Zoro realized that with their tired state they must be feeling non verbal at this moment. By now the swordsman knew the botanist well enough to know exactly what she needed during these moments just by studying her demeanor or being observant. He knew he couldn’t say that when they had first met and he accidentally had intimidated her. He remembered that long week of getting them to speak to him, showing her that she could trust him. 
He noticed the medical kit she had set by her feet. Normally he wasn’t one to accept help, especially with injuries. He knew better to argue with Pearl though. They were stubborn when it came to caring for their friends and loved ones. She was the only one he would allow to give him medical attention with the exception of Chopper. 
Zoro nodded softly in understanding and then he softly lifted her into his arms and sat down on the deck so that they could both be more comfortable. Pearl was a blushing mess as she realized she was sitting on his lap, almost straddling it. She shyly turned to grab the medical kit that Chopper had given her and then she looked into Zoro’s soft gray eyes. 
Before she opened the kit, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the scar that ran along his right eye. She then gestured to his arm that had the gash on it. Zoro complied and held up his arm for them to inspect. They then took out a bottle of cleansing alcohol and two clean cloths. Pearl then held out the first one knowing fully well that Zoro would most likely bite down on it while she worked to keep from screaming. 
What if I got hurt I would do it to protect you Your life is precious my dear Don’t you dare shed a tear 
They poured some of the alcohol onto the other cloth and delicately took his injured arm into her smaller hands. She then wiped off the dried blood before touching the cloth to the opening of the gash. They earned a hiss from the man beneath them and gave him an apologetic look. She then continued and took care to not hurt him further as she cleaned. Once the gash was clean she pulled out a fresh roll of bandages from the medical kit and began to wrap his arm. 
Once the pain had subsided, Zoro became entranced by the girl sitting on his lap. He always found himself entranced by her even in mundaneness like this. Their curls reminded him of a beautiful sun rise he would wake up to upon the ocean horizon. Her eyes were the color of his favorite robes and full of life. He especially loved when he caught a hint of mischief in them. Their face was dotted by so many freckles that he vowed to himself he would count them all one day. 
He was brought out of his thoughts again when he heard a small giggle come from her. He smirked a little and leaned in to kiss her forehead. A chuckle escaped him as he saw the warm blush bloom across her cheeks. She did her best to distract herself again as she moved to clean some of his other smaller cuts on his face, neck, and chest area. That was another thing that entranced him, their blush. It was a sight because it spread quickly across their cheeks and it was beautiful to him because he knew he was one of the only ones who could cause it. 
What if I told you
That you are the owner of my heart Would you love me back 
Would a flame between us start?
They finished with ease and without further pain from the swordsman who now wrapped his arms around their fluffy waist. He then buried his face in the crook of her neck and allowed her scent of flowers and plant life greet his nose. He let out a tired sigh and planted a kiss on her shoulder. This got a shiver out of them as they closed the medical kit and set it to the side. She closed her eyes and softly wrapped her arms around his neck. Their fingers gently carded through his green hair, their lips planting a kiss to his temple. 
“I love you sweetheart” Zoro finally mumbled as he held her close to him. 
After a moment Pearl mustered up the energy and softly said “I love you too Roronoa” before resting her forehead on his shoulder. Her body calmed in his embrace and soon she was at peace in his arms. Once again the only sounds that could be heard was the sound of the ocean waves and their breathing. There the two fell asleep like this, needing it after a long, hard day. 
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Round 2: Tik Tok
Bucky x reader
Part 2 to Round 1: Fruit Snacks
Summary: You enlist Peter to help you prank Steve, Sam, and Bucky.
Warnings: Language!
Word Count: 1795
a/n: Ahh, part 2! Gotta love tik tok. This entire part was inspired by the first Chris Evans tik tok I linked... I linked all the tik toks I referenced, but the descriptions in the fic have been edited a bit to better fit the scene!
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"Peter!" You called to him from the other end of the hallway as he entered the elevator. "Hold the door!"
He smiled back at you, holding the doors open as you ran down the hallway.
"Perfect. I need your help." You whispered as the doors closed, never knowing if a super soldier could hear you or not. You had an evil glint in your eyes that clearly said you were scheming.
"Oh, okay. What do you need Ms. L/N?" His eyes were wide, never having seen you this devious before.
"Peter. How many times have I told you to just call me Y/N? You make me feel old, and I am not old." You huffed, stalling for time.
"Right, Y/N. Got it. What do you need my help with?" He asked as the elevator doors opened.
You peaked your head, looking both ways before exiting. You gestured for him to follow you, exiting the compound and walking toward the gate where May was picking him up after a date with Happy.
"I need you to play the video on this flash drive at Tony's next party." You said when you reached the end of the driveway, handing him the mentioned flash drive.
"Why?" He took the device, albeit with a bit of hesitation.
"Because, I'm pranking Steve, Sam, and Bucky. They tried to get me the other day and failed miserably. Honestly, just watching them on edge has been great, but it's time for payback." You smirked, knowing the prank wouldn't do any real harm.
"Oh, Mr. Stark told me about that!" His eyes were wide with recognition. "Good job with the fake crying, I would've loved to see it."
"Well, you can help me get them back if you play that on the projector screen at Tony's next party." You nodded toward the flash drive, wanting to confirm the plan.
"What is it?" Peter looked nervous, unsure if he should get involved.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Just a few tik toks I found from fans. Three for each of them." You smirked, already picturing the blushes. This would really get Steve and Bucky more than Sam, but when you came across the first video you couldn't not do it.
"Alright. I'm in!" He smiled, happy to help you. "But, why can't you just play the video?" He questioned, obviously not well versed in the world of pranks.
"Because, if they see me doing anything out of the ordinary at the party, they'll know something's up. I have to act normal, so it's a surprise." You outline the plan, explaining the need for two people.
"Why me?" He asked again, genuinely curious.
"Because, they won't think I'd go to you for help. They think you'll do anything to get them to stop teasing you, so they won't see it coming."
Peter nodded, understanding your logic. "Wow. You've really thought of everything." He smiled as May pulled up.
"I know. It's going to be great." You smirked, turning and running back inside before anyone could see you.
The night of the party, it took everything in you not to wear the world's biggest smirk.
Sam, Bucky, and Steve have been on edge ever since your warning, waiting for you to strike. They were huddled by the bar, appearing deep in conversation.
"Hi boys." You greeted them from behind, causing them to jump at the intrusion.
Sam recovered first, smirking at you. "Y/N. We've got a theory."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"You warned us about your next prank, and then planned nothing." You bit your lip, trying to appear deep in thought.
"Interesting theory. What do you have to support it?" You tilted your head to the side, waiting for more of an explanation.
"It's been a week, and you haven't done anything." Steve started, less confident than Sam, but still sounding sure.
"I haven't?" You questioned, enjoying watching them squirm. "You sure?"
Bucky shook his head with a grin. "You're doing it again. Trying to make us paranoid."
Your gave them your sweetest smile, running your hand up and down Bucky's arm. "Whatever you say, dear." You said it with mock reassurance, then walked away grinning.
The three men shared a look, trying not to seem overly paranoid, but failing.
You felt eyes on you for the entire party. There was never a minute at least one of them wasn't watching your every move. You were fairly certain they were even keeping tabs on Wanda and Nat, just to make sure you hadn't enlisted their help.
You chatted with Nat, Wanda, and Pepper, danced for a bit, and ate some food, all while ignoring their stares.
Around 9:30, Peter managed to get the video queued up. All eyes were on the projector screen at the sudden noise.
A tik tok started playing, flashing different images of Steve as the music played.
"Hush hush hush, blush blush blush, you are now my big fat crush."
Steve's face grew redder as the video played, turning into a tomato by the end.
"Love me, and hug me, and touch me. And well, fuck me."
Another video immediately started playing, also featuring pictures of Steve.
The caption read "Let me present to you: Steve Rogers Walking" backed by some sexy music.
"When marimba rhythm starts to play, dance with me, make me sway."
Clips of Steve walking, whether it be in uniform from a news clip or in suits from press events, graced the screen.
He was hiding his head in his hands, too embarrassed to even think you could have done this. He had been watching you all night, you couldn't have set up the video.
Bucky and Sam laughed as a third video started to play.
The on screen text read as follows:
"People: how do you sleep at night? Me:"
A girl fell into her bed, swaddled in a blanket covered in pictures of Steve.
The screen flashed black for a few seconds, making everyone think the impromptu display was over. That is, until a new video began playing.
A heavy bass started thumping as a girl appeared on screen, counting down with her fingers along with the sound.
"3, 2, 1."
Sam appeared on screen, a plethora of his most used interview and press clips being played.
He was enjoying the praise, although slightly embarrassed at the video being played in front of all these people.
Another video began playing, showing Sam acting out different Avengers in a game of charades.
"Oh!" It was highly edited to draw attention to his amusing sound effects.
Finally, a clip from an interview Sam did with Steve and Scott came up.
"The problem isn't the kids, the problem is the parents."
You knew he wouldn't be embarrassed by the same things as Steve, so you chose a few random videos you found to call him out for not always thinking before speaking.
The screen flashed black again, transitioning to videos of Bucky.
A clip that had gone viral from Sam's account was edited with new music, resulting in the crowd hearing Bucky say:
"Suck my dick!" Followed by the song "if you gave me a chance, i would take it."
These videos were really just for you. You watched them so many times while looking for the three best ones.
Although, Bucky's wide eyes and rosy cheeks definitely didn't hurt.
The next video began with Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.
"Take it to the chorus. Come here girl."
Pictures of Bucky flashed across the projector screen, showing off his physique. You don't know where fans find this pictures, but you loved them for it.
The last video of Bucky was a pov someone made about yours and Bucky's relationship. Although the two of you were flirty, nothing had been discussed.
Maybe that's why you chose this one.
You and Bucky were having a fake conversation that went as follows:
Y/N: "Bucky, I like your last name."
Bucky: "Oh thanks, that's sweet."
Then, in sync with the music in the background:
Y/N: "Can I steal it from you?"
Bucky: "Of course, doll."
Y/N: "What'd he sayyyyy?"
The crowd laughed at that one, knowing how the media and fans speculate about your relationship.
Finally, the screen went dark, no more videos lined up to play.
You made your way over to the guys as everyone resumed their normal party activities.
"What a show guys. Really well done. Don't forget to thank your fans." You slow clapped, enjoying their flustered faces.
"How long were you planning that?" Steve, blush just beginning to fade, questioned you.
"I've had the video made for 6 days. I started planning the second you left for the store." You grinned, enjoying the high of a good, harmless prank.
"We've been watching you all night. How did you manage to queue the video?" Sam questioned, eyes narrowed.
"I had help." You shrugged noncommittally. You wouldn't give up Peter's role in the prank unless he wanted you to.
"From? We had eyes on Nat and Wanda." Bucky questioned further, but you just shook your head.
"I can't reveal my sources." You laughed again at their matching looks of annoyance.
Suddenly, something clicked for Bucky.
"So, you chose all of the videos?" He sounded so curious, you couldn't help but fill him in.
"I did. It didn't take long. The internet is full of videos of the three of you. They were pretty fun to look through." You laughed at a few videos you opted to leave out of the montage.
"What's this about you liking my last name then?" Bucky had a new confidence about him with this question.
Having expected this question at some point, you had already thought of how you would answer.
"Well, the fans want what they want. Maybe we should give it to them." You stepped closer as Sam and Steve awkwardly shuffled away.
"You think so, doll?" Bucky relied, hands moving to your waist.
"I don't see why not." You closed the distance, pressing your lips to his in a moment you had been thinking about for months.
You moved together, pulling each other closer even when you were already chest to chest.
Eventually, the sound of a throat clearing caused you to break apart.
Tony was playfully glaring at the two of you.
"L/N, if you ever use my protégé to pull a stunt like that again, at least include some videos of me." He whined.
You laughed at his statement, having expected him to be annoyed at you interrupting his party.
"Can do Stark."
He walked off as you turned back to Bucky, whose mouth was hung open like a fish.
You gave him a questioning look as he sputtered.
"Parker helped you?!"
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satendou · 4 years
800 follower special!
⟼  you should’ve gone to shiratorizawa
⇢  pairing: oikawa/iwaizumi/reader/matsukawa/hanamaki
⇢ au: college
⇢ summary: friday nights are meant for fun, but maybe not the kind you’re thinking of
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⇥  masterlist
⇥  requests are open! | rules
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⇢  warnings: gangbang, fingering, cocksucking, unprotected sex, double penetration, spitroasting
⇢  word count: 5.3k
⇢  a/n: hopefully this lives up to expectations. the name is just a joke and this was written for laura’s birthday in july. it hasn’t been proofread, so hopefully nothing sounds too weird. anyway, i need to go exorcise my computer, so if you’ll excuse me.
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Being friends with the former Seijoh third years was...interesting to say the least. They were all flirtatious in their own ways but never more than you were comfortable with, and they were more than a little protective. They went from best friends to brothers and back again in the span of a half a second if someone was making you uncomfortable or someone they didn’t like was paying too much attention to you. It wreaked havoc on your love life, to be honest, but at the end of the day you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Being the manager for Seijoh with them also led to some issues at school. They were popular, especially with other girls, and that meant a lot of jealousy. It was easy enough to ignore because they were yours and anyone who listened to the rumors were put on the club’s shit list. Girlfriends posed a bigger problem, but you made do with their nasty looks and possessiveness and a petty part of you couldn’t help but be happy when the boys got sick of it and cut them loose. New rumors would fly every time it happened, calling you a multitude of names and saying they needed to “wake up and see what you really were.” They were always there for you when it got to be too much and, once, when you were really considering quitting the team in your second year, they banded together and all but begged you to stay. Even Oikawa, who flew through girls like he flew through serves, wrapped you up in his lanky arms and pleaded with you.
That was probably the reason that, even in your second year of college, you were still best friends with them. Sure your circle of friends had expanded, but the core somehow remained the same.
Which was why you were at home with them on a Friday night instead of out at the club or the bar with your other friends, trying to decide on a movie to watch next.
“Treasure Planet,” you said, pinning Oikawa with a scowl. 
He looked back at you with one of his own, arms crossed over his chest. “Independence Day.”
“Treasure Planet.”
“Independence Day.”
Your petty argument was interrupted by Makki and Iwa walking out of the kitchen with beer and bags of chips, setting them down on the table.
“Children, children, there’s a simple solution to this problem,” Makki said, falling down onto the couch beside you. The action threw you off balance and you fell sideways into him, and he used that to pin you to him, laughing when you squirmed. “It’s _____’s birthday and we’re going to watch The Incredibles, and that’s that.”
Oikawa whined from the loveseat, falling back into it with a huff. “That’s not fair.”
“Well, maybe you should wait your turn. Besides, you’ve been outvoted,” Iwa said around a mouthful of chips. The tab on one of the beers opened and you could hear the faint sound of carbonation bubbling. “Did Issei fuckin’ fall in? Where is he?”
“He probably got distracted watching those Tik Tok dances again,” Makki snickered. You had relaxed against him at that point, giving in and laying down with your head in his lap. He absently petted your hair as he scrolled through his phone, finding Mattsun’s contact info.
Before he could send a message, Mattsun came out of the hallway, saying, “I’ll have you know I had Chipotle for lunch today, so fuck off.”
“Way too much information, Mattsu,” you said, grimacing. “That’s why you should stay away from it.”
“I’m just kidding,” he said, sitting down beside you. You curled your legs up to give him space and then stretched them back out, resting your ankles on his thighs. His hands were warm and rough where they rubbed your skin, and goosebumps rippled up your arms. “I was watching Tik Tok.”
“Ha, called it.”
“Is someone gonna play this stupid movie or what?” Oikawa grumbled, salty about not being able to pick the movie. You could find no reason to complain, however, because The Incredibles was one of your favorites and Makki knew it. “After this we’re watching Independence Day, though.”
Mattsun picked up the remote to find the movie while Iwa threw a chip at Oikawa, saying, “Yeah, yeah, Whinykawa. Just shut up and watch the movie.”
Silence fell for a little while and, for all his complaining, Oikawa became absorbed into the movie, gasping and hiding behind his hands when things got too tense. You were trying not to laugh at his dramatics, but you still found yourself snickering into your hand.
Makki kept looking down at your shaking shoulders, brows furrowed in confusion when you laughed at things that weren’t even funny. Leaning down, he whispered, “What the hell is so funny?”
Still grinning, you pointed at Oikawa, who had his knees up to his chest currently, arms wrapped tightly around them as he watched the screen. Makki snickered at that and nudged Mattsun, who looked up from his phone in confusion and followed his finger to Oikawa. Soon, all three of you were giggling, much to Iwa’s annoyance, and he glared at you after a few minutes.
“Would you idiots shut up? There’s a movie playing,” he snapped, even though he had spent more time on his phone than actually watching. There was a girl from his calculus class he was trying to get with, and that was far more important than The Incredibles.
“Yeah, shut up, please. I’m trying to watch,” Oikawa said, completely oblivious to the fact that it was him you were laughing at. 
Silence fell again for a while, but then Makki and Mattsun got bored. It started off slow, gentle drags of Makki’s fingers up your arm and Mattsun’s ghosting lightly over your calf. You swatted and kicked, thinking they were doing it on accident, but when it continued to happen, you rolled over to glare at them.
“Do you want Iwa to get pissed at us? You know he’ll kick us out of the living room,” you whispered, swiping at Makki’s hand. He snatched it out of reach at the last second, not that you could’ve held onto it anyway with your meager strength.
Makki hummed, pretending to think, and shared a glance with Mattsun. Your eyes narrowed at the mischievous grin on the latter’s face, and then he said, “That’s tempting. I can think of a few other things I’d rather be doing.”
He punctuated it with an eyebrow wiggle and you groaned, covering your now red face with your hands. Because of that, you missed the round of knowing looks that passed between them, smirks rising up onto everyone’s faces.
Favorite pastime number one-- riling _____ up.
“What, you don’t like the sound of that, princess?” Oikawa asked, all interest in the movie suddenly lost. His feet came back down to the floor and he snickered when you flipped him off, keeping your eyes covered.
“Oh come on, you can’t tell us you haven’t thought about it before?” Makki asked, trying half-heartedly to pry your hands away. He didn’t want to hurt you. When he finally managed it, you squirmed against him, trying to tug them back and hiding your face in his stomach.
“What would you say if I said yes?” you asked, voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. Your face was so hot that you were sure you were going to combust, but two could still play at their game.
“Woah, wait really?” Mattsun asked. He had had to gather your ankles up when you were fighting Makki to keep from getting kicked in the gut, and he squeezed them now, lazy eyes narrowing. “No way.”
“Wha-- No, of course not,” you said, whipping up to look at him with a scowl. It was the first time you had seen any of them since the whole teasing session had started, and you floundered at the looks they were wearing. Intrigue mixed with amusement, all of them more serious than you had expected. “It’d be weird.”
Of course you would never in a million years tell them that you absolutely had thought about it, with all of them. They were gorgeous and they knew it, how could you not?
It was Iwa who broke the tension in the room, simultaneously bringing on a whole new type into play with his words.
“That’s too bad, princess. Because we have,” he said, and his lips curled in an almost sinister smirk. He watched your throat bob as you swallowed, your eyes growing wide with surprise, but the way you squeezed your thighs together didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. “So are you sure* you haven’t thought about it?”
Eyes flying around the room, you found each of them watching you with near predatory expectation. You had come home from school expecting to get drunk and binge watch movies until you passed out, not be offered the proposition of fucking your best friends. But the heat pooling between your legs gave yourself away, and you shifted to sit up. You had seen a lot of these men in the several years you had been friends with them, and you knew what they were packing through locker room mishaps and when you would go swimming together. And they had all wandered into your room more than once when you were getting changed. Even now, in college, they still just barged in unannounced, throwing things at you or lounging on your bed while you stood there in a state of half-undress. 
“You guys are pervs,” you said, but there was no bite to it. You were thoughtful, still gazing at each of them in turns, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt while butterflies fluttered in your stomach. “You’re being serious?”
The atmosphere shifted to something softer, something you were more used to then, and Makki’s warm breath ghosted over your ear as he said, “Only if you want to, princess.”
The rest nodded in agreement, excitement and anticipation glinting in their eyes and, when you finally nodded too, you found yourself being hoisted into Makki’s lap. Mattsun shifted closer, knees pressing against yours while Oikawa and Iwa stood up and moved to stand in front of you. If it had been anyone else, you might have been scared, but these were your best friends. So why were you so nervous?
Oh right. 
“Anything you don’t want to do?” Iwa asked, and the hands sliding up your sides and thighs stilled, waiting for your answer.
Your already red cheeks seemed to turn darker as you shook your head, and their eyes narrowed eagerly.
“Anything you want to try?” Mattsun asked, squeezing your thigh, and you were sure you were going to combust. If there was a worse time to try anything new, it would be in a five-way. Though was there a better place to try than with your friends? At least they would listen and take care of you.
“Um, m-maybe--” You paused and closed your eyes, expecting laughter at your request. “Double penetration?”
A pin could have been heard hitting the floor in the silence that followed, and then Mattsun and Iwa groaned deep in their throats.
Oikawa whispered, “Oh shit.”
Makki leaned forward, resting his forehead on your shoulder as your eyes opened, saying, “You’re gonna kill us, _____.”
“W-What?” you stuttered, bewildered at their reactions. If they didn’t want to that was fine. It was just something you had fantasized about-- and you weren’t saying any of them were the subjects-- more than once. “If you don’t--”
“Don’t even finish that sentence. Unless you have a preference, how do we decide who goes first?” Makki asked, and his eyes were bright with anticipation, his cock already hard at the prospect. 
Iwa shifted, a dark hunger in his eyes as he said, “I’m okay with watching first.”
“Me too,” Oikawa said, already shifting his erection so it was more comfortable in his shorts. “That okay with you, princess?”
You nodded mutely and then you were being pushed to your feet and guided down the hall by hands in yours and on your back. You wondered if this was how a lamb felt being guided to slaughter as they surrounded you, all rippling muscle and heat. Iwa’s bedroom door was pushed open and then they were stripping their shirts off, dropping them to the floor like it was the most normal thing in the world.
They didn’t seem embarrassed at all, but you squirmed under their intense gazes as you pulled yours off, letting your breasts bounce free.
“Fuck,” someone-- Mattsun, maybe-- cursed, and you flushed. Someone whistled low, and when you looked up they were just standing there staring, eyes roving up and down as each licked their lips. 
Bolstered by the positive attention, you hooked your fingers in the waistband of your shorts, wiggling your hips as you slid them off. They fell down your legs and you kicked them to the side, now standing completely naked before the four men. 
Oikawa groaned, running his fingers through his hair while Makki’s fingers twitched at his sides, and then they were kicking their shorts off as well and you gulped. They were all packing, and you couldn’t recall them being that big before. Then again you had never gotten a decent look at them so close up, but your pussy throbbed at the idea of those being inside you.
They were all standing up straight and tall, and you could practically feel smugness radiating off of them as you stared slack jawed.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into?” you asked, taking a few steps towards Oikawa, who was the closest. Glancing up as you reached out, he nodded and then hissed when your small hand wrapped around his cock. It was longer than it was thick, the smallest in the bunch-- which was saying something-- but still, your mouth watered at the sight of his flushed head leaking precum. Little gasps were escaping his mouth and he wrapped a hand around your wrist loosely.
“I’m a little jealous,” Makki said, watching your hand stroke Oikawa’s shaft. 
You licked your lips when you turned to find him matching your motions on his own cock, heat pooling between your legs as you watched. There was heat at your back and then large hands on your hips, and Iwa’s breath ghosted across your ear.
“Can we kiss you?” he asked, low in your ear but you could see Makki and Mattsun stand straighter at the question and, when you nodded, they smiled.
Oikawa was quick to capture your lips and you tasted chocolate on your tongue as he delved past them. Iwa’s lips latched onto your neck, nipping tentatively and letting his hands ghost down lower, dipping between your thighs. His hips rocked into your ass as he touched your clit for the first time, his fingers already coming away slick.
“Shit, she’s so wet already,” Iwa announced, pressing more firmly against you. 
You pulled away from Oikawa to gasp, spreading your legs a little more, and felt another set of fingers knock Iwa’s out of the way. Oikawa’s were longer and slender, a little more careful in circling the sensitive bud. Then Iwa’s fingers were back, prodding at your dripping pussy from behind, gathering your essence up before delving two thick fingers inside.
Your eyes widened, free hand flying up to Oikawa’s shoulder as you moaned, tipping your head back. “O-Oh.”
“Feel good, princess?” Oikawa whispered, and glanced over your shoulder to Makki and Mattsun, both palming their cocks as they watched. Your nails bit into his skin, hips rocking in time to their pumps, and he smirked. “I know I can’t wait to see you filled up. Been thinkin’ about this for a long time.”
You looked surprised by that statement, and everyone chuckled. It had come out one night when they got drunk and started talking, in typical male fashion, about women. All of them had agreed they wouldn’t turn down a chance with you and, instead of the usual jealousy, they had talked about what it would be like for them all at once. It had stuck in their heads ever since, just waiting for the right moment to come out.
“Did you really think we hadn’t thought about it? You’re hot, _____,” Makki said and, though he tried to sound nonchalant, he wasn’t pulling it off. He and Mattsun were right beside you now, each palming your neglected tits, rolling and tweaking your nipples while they squeezed the soft flesh. You arched your back, pushing into their groping hands for more, and then lips wrapped around them. Your free hand carded through Mattsun’s hair, a loud cry ripping from your lips as they sucked.
Iwa crooked his fingers just right, knuckles grazing over a certain spot inside you, and you cried out again, a babbled mix of their names. His hand tightened on your hip as you leaned into Oikawa and he did it again, spreading his fingers as he pulled out and feeling your slick walls squeeze down on him.
“Need you to cum for us, pretty girl, then we can get to the real show,” he whispered in your ear, dark and gravelly with repressed lust. His cock was smearing precum all over your ass as he ground it against you while your hand continued to stroke Oikawa unevenly, just enough to feel good.
You nodded, sucking your lip in between your teeth as the coil built, and Oikawa’s fingers pressed harder to your clit in an effort to bring you over the edge. His lips collided with yours again, swiping his tongue across the seam and you let him in with a gasp as Iwa slowed, curling his fingers again to focus on your g-spot. Your legs tensed and you pushed your chest into Oikawa’s, thighs shaking as your high crested, pussy squeezing Iwa’s fingers.
You moaned, hips jerking in his hold as Oikawa continued to circle your clit, Iwa basking in the feel of you cumming around his digits. Your breathing came out in puffs against Oikawa’s chest, where your face was currently hidden, and you allowed yourself to be guided around to the bed.
Makki climbed on first, laying down on his back, and patted his thighs to summon you. You crawled across the mattress on shaky legs and settled over him, slit hovering above his cock lying against his stomach. It was slick with his precum, red and twitching occasionally, and you rolled your hips, gasping as it ground across your still sensitive clit.
The bed shifted behind you as you rode Makki, and the sound of a cap opening reached your ears before something prodded your rear entrance. Matsukawa’s voice was low and close to your ear, nipping the shell before saying, “You still sure about this?”
He chuckled when you nodded frantically, and Makki joined him, commenting, “Yeah she is. I think she’s even wetter now.”
Mattsun took his time, massaging and working you up to take him, and your back arched when one thick finger finally slid in. Lips parting in a silent gasp, your toes curled and you rocked back in time with his slow thrusts.
“More, Issei, please,” you whispered, lacing your fingers with Makki’s. He was breathing heavy, rolling to meet your hips every time you ground against him, eyelids fluttering with pleasure. “Hiro, c-can I--?”
Mattsun hummed in response and traced a second finger around your hole, slowly forcing it in and listening to you whine. You were making the sweetest noises as you grazed your clit across Makki’s cock, his face contorted with pleasure at feeling your slick folds moving across him. 
“Can you what?” Makki hummed, helping you move. His eyes were locked on the sight of his shaft disappearing between your folds, and then you were lifting up, to his confusion.
Mattsun let his lips trail over your shoulder and up your neck, sinking his teeth into your skin. You tightened around him, hips jerking in Makki’s hands when you slipped the head of his cock inside you. “Fuck, baby, yes, shit,” he hissed as you slid down. 
You moaned out his name as he throbbed inside you. He had sucked his lip between his teeth to ground himself at the sudden tightness, his back arched off the bed.
“Fuck,” you moaned. Iwa’s fingers had nothing on Makki’s cock, and he eased you down slowly, groaning at how tight you were. “You’re so big, Hiro, oh my god.”
He snickered at your babbled praise, eyes focused on his cock disappearing into your tight snatch. “I know, princess, but you’re tight as hell. I hardly fit.”
If you weren’t already flushed before, you were after hearing his words, and he bit out a curse when you pussy clenched around him. He was panting by the time he was seated inside you, cock throbbing at the tight fit.
The mattress shifted again and suddenly Iwa and Oikawa were surrounding you as well, hands pulling yours from Makki’s and wrapping them around their hard shafts. They guided your strokes while Iwaizumi captured your lips for the first time, groaning as he swirled his tongue around your mouth. Your thumb grazed over the tip of his cock and his hand tightened around your wrist in response. 
The fingers in your ass slid out and the cap snapped open again. Mattsun poured a generous amount of lube on his cock, stroking it a few times to spread it around and then he was prodding at your entrance. 
“You can still back out of this, princess. Just say the word,” Mattsun said, and there was gentle concern behind the arousal. But you shook your head frantically, grinding down on Makki in an attempt to roll back again Mattsun, and he grunted as you tightened around him.
He held you still while Mattsun slid inside you as well, listening to you whine and gasp until he was sheathed inside. His cock was just as big as Makki’s, and your mouth fell open but no sound came out at the feeling of being stuffed so full. Oikawa and Iwa benefitted as well, your hands tightening around them as they continued to fuck them.
All the men released shuddery groans when you began to rock your hips, moaning loudly when Makki and Mattsun thrust experimentally. 
The room filled with groans, mixing with the wet slap of skin on skin. Sweat beaded on your forehead, head lolling back onto Mattsun’s shoulder. You were so full you couldn’t think straight, attention narrowed down to the slide of their cocks in and out of you, their growled praises and moans filling your ears and you whined at their words. Oikawa and Iwa had taken over moving for you, large hands wrapped tight around yours and using them to jerk themselves off.
Oikawa was babbling about how soft your hands were and Iwa enjoyed watching the tip of his cock push between your fingers.
“You look so pretty,” Makki gasped, fingers digging into the skin of your hips as his snapped up, burying his length into you again. He kept grazing over the spot Iwa had found before, unable to avoid it just because of how big he was, and it was drivinging you straight up to the edge. “You’re gonna cum for us, right?”
Your pussy fluttered around them when hands groped your tits again, playing with your nipples. Tears pricked your eyes, your noises muffled by Mattsun’s lips as he turned your head to the side to kiss you. 
Oikawa and Iwa’s hips stuttered when you squeezed your hands, the pleasure reaching it’s breaking point when Makki’s thrusts forced his pelvic bone to grind against your clit, and you cried out, clenching around them without warning.
Makki groaned and Mattsun choked, snarling out simultaneous curses as they buried inside you, giving short jerks of their hips to extend your orgasm. Your toes curled when it became too much and they pulled out, giving a few short jerks of their hands before they were cumming all over them while they moaned.
“Fuck that was so perfect,” Makki panted, sitting up to capture your lips. His kiss was feverish and needy, dominating your mouth and you whined when he pulled away. Shifting you to the side carefully, he crawled away, giving Oikawa and Iwa space while he and Mattsun went to clean up.
Iwa took you from him, peppering your shoulder all the way up to your cheek with kisses. His voice was gentle as he asked, “Are you alright? We can stop.”
But you shook your head, grinding back into him even though your cunt throbbed still. You were already aching for him to fill you again, and Oikawa tilted your chin up, letting his thumb glide across your lips, eyes dipping down to them and back up in question.
Instead of answering, you pushed him back and settled down on your hands, pressing against Iwa’s cock and wiggling your hips while you nuzzled Oikawa’s. His long fingers carded through your hair while Iwa grabbed your hips, wasting no time in burying himself inside your loose hole, eased by the slick from your previous orgasm. You gasped against the head of Oikawa’s cock and he slipped inside your parted lips, grinning slyly.
The sound of a door closing broke through to you, and you found Makki and Mattsun crawling onto the bed, settling against the headboard. They were wearing matching grins, eyes locked on you as you were stuffed again. Your eyes locked with Makki’s and you whined, causing Oikawa to groan. Your jaw ached as you tried to swallow him, drool spilling out down your chin. Relaxing your throat, you let him push further, groaning out praises as he rocked his hips, sliding a little deeper each time.
Iwa still managed to stretch you even after the pounding you had already taken, balls slapping against your throbbing clit and your fingers bit into the blankets, fisting the fabric between them as the pleasure built again.
After a few thrusts, your nose was buried in Oikawa’s curls and he held you there, thighs trembling with pleasure even as tears streamed down your cheeks.
“You’re so tight, princess, swallowing my cock so good,” he rasped, gazing down at you with lustful adoration. You ran your tongue along his length as he pulled back out, suckling on the head for a few seconds before he stuffed himself back in again.
Iwa had set up a steady pace behind you, eyes locked on the way his cock disappeared inside your slick hole, squeezing down around him every time his balls touched your clit. He knew you must be sensitive after two orgasms, but he couldn’t bring himself to be slow, not when you were so tight and hot around him. And not when he had gotten off to this exact mental image more times than he cared to admit. He locked eyes with Oikawa over your head and smirked, slamming his hips into yours nonstop.
You were whining and moaning around Oikawa, eyes rolling as the pleasure impossibly built again, faster and more intense than before. There was no way you could cum again, you swore, but the way Iwa was grazing over your swollen g-spot with every thrust, stimulating your clit each time, was driving you towards your high once again. Your toes curled when Oikawa hit the back of your throat, moaning at the vibrations your noises were making around him.
Both men were panting with exertion, fingers digging into your skin and tightening in your hair, moaning and gasping when you tightened or swallowed around them.
“Fuck, I can feel you’re gonna cum again, huh, princess? Go on, give us one more, I know you can,” Iwa grunted, and reached down beneath you. His fingers were rough against your sloppy, sensitive clit, and you whined pathetically.
Oikawa’s thrusts slipped and he pulled out of your mouth suddenly, painting your face in his hot cum, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as your vision whited out. You were probably loud as you cried Iwa’s name, the intense pressure in your gut exploding.
Iwa grunted in surprise as a clear liquid coated his abdomen, and then he chuckled darkly. His thrusts slowed as he rode you through your orgasm, more cream dribbling down his balls until he slowed to a stop. 
“Did she really squirt?” Makki groaned, and his cock twitched in his shorts. “Fuck, that’s hot.”
Iwa pulled out of your twitching cunt and stroked himself off, moaning as he came all over the back of your thighs. His movements stilled and you pushed yourself up onto your knees, legs trembling from overexertion, to look at the men around you. Oikawa’s cum was still drying on your face, and you took the shirt he offered you to wipe it off.
“S-Sorry, Iwa,” you said, but the look on his face said he didn’t mind at all, so you grinned.
“Someone’s happy with themselves,” Mattsun commented, watching Oikawa help you off the bed. They all snickered when you stumbled into his chest, and you joined in with them.
“‘Course I am,” you said, letting him and Iwa lead you towards the door. You definitely needed a shower and something to eat. “I just came three times. Why shouldn’t I be?”
The door shut behind you on the two of them cackling, and you wandered across the hall to the bathroom. A quick shower later-- and it was quick, even though Iwa and Oikawa insisted on showering with you-- and you were bundled up in fresh clothes between Iwa and Makki on the couch, another movie playing on the TV screen.
“You know, princess, if you wanna do that again, just let us know,” Makki said, a teasing lilt to his voice as he carded his fingers through your hair. Iwa grunted in agreement as he trailed his fingers up your thigh, slipping beneath the hem of the t-shirt you wore-- his, and he was a bit smug about it-- to finger the edge of your panties.
You hummed noncommittally but grinned, already thinking about what the next time would be like. “I’ll think about it. Does it have to be all four of you at once?”
They all furrowed their brows, looking at each other with thoughtful expressions and seemed to come to a decision.
“No, I guess not,” Iwa said, staring down at you with a quizzical look. “But is there some reason you don’t*?”
“No,” you said, shrugging. “I just wondered if I could get away with one or two at a time or if you were a package deal.”
“Oh, so you want this to be an ongoing thing?” Mattsun asked with a smug smirk. He was seated on Iwa’s other side, and leaned forward to look at you. “I’m down.”
Shrugging, you rolled onto your back, stretching your legs out so your feet rested in his lap and he trapped them there, massaging them gently. “I mean, if you are. I’m not dating anyone so why not?”
“Looks like all those rumors were true, huh?” Makki teased, poking your nose. “You did want us all to yourself. Greedy, greedy, _____.”
Swatting his hand away, you grinned. “Like you haven’t been all mine from the first time we met, Makki.”
“Would you guys please shut up? We can figure this out later, right now, I’m trying to watch this movie,” Oikawa complained, glaring at the three of you from the loveseat.
Iwa threw a chip at him in retaliation, but everyone fell silent after that, at least for a few minutes until Mattsun piped up again.
“So who does she sleep with tonight?”
You groaned.
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⇥  masterlist
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This is probably a stupid question, but what is a miraculous salter?
I only really interact with the fandom a little. Mainly fics, like three tik tok mlb skit creators, and this and one other blog. So I'm really confused by an mlb salter? Is it just a person who constantly bad mouths the show and is never satisfied by anything?
Miraculous Salter is a term for certain people in the fandom who really do go the extra mile with certain things! In a bad way, in a very bad way..
Character Salting and Bashing are terms in the fic world to describe the action of taking a prexisting character and taking a metaphorical shit on their character. They basically take the negative traits, crank it up to eleven normally, and have their way with that in a story.
Of course this isn't always a bad thing! There's many people who write saltfics(where characters are salted) and are aware they are doing that and know the difference between their characterization that they are fully aware they're making and canon where they're explicitly different.
Of course this isn't always a bad thing! There's many people who write saltfics(where characters are salted) and are awar e they are doing that and know the difference between their characterization that they are fully aware they're making and canon where they're explicitly different. s have verbally attacked many other blogs and spitting very angry words with many other writers for differing opinions and over all have a nasty attitude about most things in miraculous that don't center around their favorite character.
There was a big boom in Miraculous Salters Around After Chameleon, which was where Lila turned the class against Marinette. The status quo was returned of course, but many fans were absolutely infuriated with how the characters acted while manipulated, many taking it personally.
And so stories about Marinette leaving the class forever for being horrible people happened, or Marinette doing something.. very drastic for the harsh 'bullying', etc etc the list goes on but
very common salt 'tropes' or characterizations common in the worst of it is Alya being an abusive and toxic friend who only cares about herself and her work and is willing to destroy Marinette's life for something more interesting, characters like Kim and Alix become dumb attack dogs, and Chat Noir/Adrien is characterized as a sexual predator- misogynistic- and more-
And because salters make these characters 'villains' they often give them 'karmic justice' as in, they just rip each character apart via Alya losing her entire job, family, and sometimes life- Adrien gets fired from being Chat and exposed to the entire world as a 'terrible person' and all of the class's dreams are crushed- and its supposed to be seen as a Good thing by the salter.
There's often tropes salters use that would seem Good but in actuality really aren't- like Chloe Redemption- where yes- yay redemption- but they use Chloe to step on other characters and she's characterized with very familiar traits.... fan of ladybug.. die hard friend to Marinette.. understands her boundaries, confident, and is fluid with many miraculouses....
sounds like Alya doesn't it? It's cause they give Chloe basically ALYA's personality. This is where it gets really complicated but there's basically this underlying racism involved with Alya salt which I wont get into but god- replacing the poc character with a white character and claiming the poc is evil after giving the white character the poc character's personality is uh- real bad-
ESPECIALLY WHEN PEOPLE CLAIM THEIR SALT IS TRUE. Like they'll point at this demonic version of Alya and say "this is true and present in canon" and its- ridiculous utterly ridiculous..
Characters are allowed to have character flaws! That's a part of characters! But many salters have this idea that flaws and mistakes are eternal, and make every single bit of someone and thus must be punished for the rest of their lives like- WHAT 14-16 YEAR OLD ISN'T ENTIRELY STUPID SOMETIMES-
But yeah, that's a deep dive uh-
Miraculous Salting is not entirely bad as long as you keep it at a very moderate level and are physically able to tell what's fanon vs canon. It's a type of trope where you take a character and blow them out to a negative proportion- and.. yeah.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
— 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐤 𝐭𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝 + 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫-𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧 !
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; karasuno and fukurodani react to their manager doing the body count/bodyody audio tik tok ! [insp by this tik tok]
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; crack(?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; suggestive themes, maybe a little swearing i can't remember ajaksjq.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; the trend it's to put pictures of all the people you've slept with, in case anyone doesn't know!!
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karasuno !
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-> it was a joke, it wasn’t supossed to get out of the thrid year managers gc.
-> the girls found it hilarious and was a good conversation topic for hours, discussing who you put or didn’t put.
-> they knew, of course, it was fake. you hadn’t slept with oikawa, KYOUTANI, BOKUTO, tendou, atsumu, TERUSHIMA and OSAMU.
-> it was SO obvious it was a joke for them that nobody felt the need to point it out.
-> they just said things like “the most quiet are the worst ones” “OMG DETAILS ABOUT THE TWINS!!” “did terushima yk,, made a good use of his percing” because they KNEW nothing was real.
-> until tanaka and sugawara asked kiyoko for her phone to watch some videos of the new play they were trying.
-> and misaki, from johzenji, sent a “forget about teru— 🤢 can’t even say it,, Y/N I WANNA HEAR ABOUT BOKUTO!!! ik man’s  p a c k i n g”
-> tanaka looks at suga and suga looks at tanaka and they’re like .......tf
-> suga’s finger “slips” and they see the other messages until finally they reach your video.
-> you’re there looking pretty as usual and above your head reads “seems like were showing our body counts with this sound? here it’s mine 🤪”
-> tanaka is about to say “it can be what we’re thinking” but when OIKAWA’S picture appears both their jaws hit the floor.
-> nishinoya sees them and ofc he wants to know what’s so shocking, so he gets closer.
-> he drags hinata too, and shoyo’s like “that’s the great king!! play it again!! play it again!!”
-> fyi: suga paused the video because wOW and they don’t know who’s left in your video.
-> sugawara looks straight in the eye at nishinoya, going “keep hinata, kageyama and yamaguchi away and bring the team” with the MOST SERIOUS EXPRESSION
-> noya is lowkey scared??? like wtf??? but does as he’s told bc suga seems super intense.
-> kiyoko and yachi left to fill the bottles and pick some needed implements from the club room, you had classes for a few more minutes, therefore, there was nobody to stop them.
-> once the rest of the team, including tsukishima because everyone seemed to have forgotten he was a first year too, is together, suga plays again the video, while the littlest ones watch from afar in curiosity.
-> the silence, you will never hear them in a more tense silence.
-> they read what’s your tiktok about, daichi’s eyes go O.O, asahi goes RED, nishinoya seemed to be ready to FIGHT THEM ALL, ennoshita awkwardly laughs, even tsukishima blushes a little.
-> but when kyoutani shows up they’re in SO much shock they kinda forget oikawa before, and daichi whispers an “oh god”
-> then it’s BOKUTO’S TURN and tsukishima just stops functioning. asahi is static on his place contemplating, withouth being able to form a coherent thought.
-> suga highkey wants the tea.
-> tendou feels like a betray to asahi, tanaka and tsukishima. noya, just for a second, wonder what was that like.
-> they aren’t ready for the cherry on the top at the end, a picture of terushima sticking his tongue out, sweaty after a match, SMOKING HOT, and it’s not a picture he posted to his social medias or anything.
-> it’s only suga, and daichi a little bit, who realize that if that picture isn’t public, then either he send it to you or YOU TOOK  IT.
-> that’s when you walk in the gym, just to say hi before going to change.
-> the first year are playing among each other and you are like ????
-> they don’t even notice you’re there so you go nearer to see what they’re watching. and you see the picture of tersuhima yukie, from fukurodani, once sent asking misaki WHY her kouhais where that hot. it was also the only picture you had of him and the one you used in you video the day before.
-> the phone in suga’s hands seems familiar and... that’s kiyoko’s
-> “Y/N” screams asahi when he sees  you and the rest looks like they saw a ghost.
-> a second of silence goes before everyone blows in questions and you just hear names between bambling, “OIKAWA MNASNANPGDF” “MANASKL BODY COUNT ASLKLAS” “MAD DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
-> and daichi makes himself heard despite the screams.
-> “y/n, i know you’re 18 and capable of making your own decisions, but we have to talk about... physical relationships, with our rival teams”
-> kiyoko arrives and quickly puts two and two together and asks yachi to go check on the first years.
-> she looks at you and sees you like WHAT TF DO I DO and nods and say “you shouldn’t have gone through my phone, no matter how curious you are, sugawara-san” COLD AS ICE ISTG.
-> AND SHE CONTINUES “what who y/n does or doesn’t do on her free time is none of your business, all of you, if she decides to get together with anyone it’s just up to her. you should be ashamed of yourself, specially the third years. you weren’t just violating y/n’s privacy, but mine, kaori’s, yukie’s and misaki’s. it may have been a joke, or not, but it doesn’t give you the right. if you ever do something like this again, we will be talking with coach ukai and takeda sensei” SHE GRABS YOUR ARM, TURNS AROUND, CALLS YACHI AND YOU THREE LEAVE LIKE QUEENS????
-> once you’re in the club room, both you and kiyoko start laughing because the team was FROZE in place. not even daichi was so scary.
-> the team then apologizes to both and send an audio to the groupchat too, and never bring the subject uo again.
-> still, they all wonder everyday if you really did or not.
-> and of course, they get so defensive when they see any of the boys in the video it’s hilarious to you and the other managers.
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— fukurodani !
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-> damn yukie making up dares that always ended up bad for either you or kaori.
-> mostly you doe.
-> at a sleepover, she was like let’s make fake body count vids and who falls asleep first has to show them tomorrow at practice!!! it will be fun!!!
-> you accepted because you usually fell asleep after one of them did but that time it was like they gave you a sleeping pill because you fell like a rock after a few hours.
-> as to why you were there, the day after, about to go ask the team if you should post it.
-> you list consisted on kenma, kita, sakusa, daichi, and just for the fun of it, konoha.
-> the girls call konoha aside so he doesn't ruin the prank, and you proceed.
-> "hey guys, should i post this?? i’m not sure if i look good enough to be seen by the world” bokuto practically yells at you that you always look pretty before taking your phone from your hands.
-> “why don’t you ask yukie or kaori?” asks akaashi, that was a question you hand’t thought about and by pure luck, you were saved by bokuto yelling at the team to come and see what you’ve done.
-> konoha is about to head their way and yukie just grabs his arm like “no ❤️"
-> and nobody can contradict yukie’s no so he has no choice but to stay.
-> anyways
-> the team gather around bokuto, who is about to press play. at first it’s just your face, and everyone agree you look pretty.
-> but then they read “did anyone say body count? ;)” and they look at each other like ......what
-> washio leans to stop the video because he genuinely doesn’t know what body count is, sarukui explains it a little too loud, grinning, and washio goes "oh–"
-> thanks to sarukui’s explanation bokuto confirms his idea because one part of him did think it was how many people you’ve killed.
-> they press play again and kenma appears and bokuto just stares, doesn’t react.
-> akaashi’s eyes widened and he GASPS, washio can’t hide his disappointment mostly because why would you make this video and then show it to them.
-> when kita shows up bokuto lets out a surprised squeak, along with washio that’s just question your and his whole existences-
-> sarukui is smirking, his complete expression yells “way to go y/n!!!”
-> sakusa comes as a shock to every one of them, even sarukui loses the grin for a bit.
-> “how did you manage to...?” whispers akaashi, half amazed, half grossed.
-> bokuto then has to pause it for a little to keep his composure, he looks at your like WHY WOULD YOU MAKE ME GO THROUGH THIS
-> but when they resume it and daichi welcomes him he thinks it just can get any worse.
-> washio is like “isn’t that karasuno’s–?”
-> the rest is like 🧍‍♂️ while sarukui is SO happy for you LMAO.
-> it’s at the end when no one smiles. konoha’s picture smiles at them and bokuto just stops the video to look at him, only a few meters away.
-> he looks at the picture and then at konoha and so on.
-> can’t get his mind around it????? lowkey no one can.
-> akaashi isn’t even blinking and his eyes are concerningly open, washio is regretting all his past choices that led to this moment.
-> sarukui death stares at konoha. no more fun sarukui, he crossed the line.
-> kaori and yukie are wheezing WHEEZING I SAY and konoha is so confused.
-> his teammates look like dogs about to attack but he hasn’t done anything to upset them?? has he??
-> like robots, akaashi and bokuto get up and walk towards konoha. a part of you tells you to protect him but... what are they going to do tho...
-> your co-managers can’t even breath istg NO HELP
-> you then intervine trying to keep konoha in the team lmao “IT’S FAKE GUYS!! A PRANK!! KAORI!!!! YUKIE!!!! BACK ME UP!!! I’M KIDDING DON’T KICK KONOHA OUT”
-> akaashi partially believes you, but bokuto?? nope.
-> you planted the seed on his mind.
-> the whole team acts weird when they see guys from your vid and are looking for chances to bark at konoha.
-> “AKAASHI HAS TO STAND BETWEEN YOU TWO ALL THE TIME” that’s the new rule he set.
-> just to see them freak out, konoha sometimes flirts with you at practice ;)
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uwuwriting · 4 years
How they propose w/ Oikawa, Iwaizumi and Kuroo
Request: Oikawa, kuro and iwa proposing to their long term girlfriend??? -anonymous
Hi it’s me back again. *if anyone knows from which song this is I’m gonna give them a cookie no cap*. I’m back with another one and this one is just the cutest thing ever. Oikawas’ is a little dumb and goofy but I believe he would do something like that. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: fluff and some dorkiness. 
Oikawa Toru
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-Okay so he is obsessed with tik tok....and his proposal kinda made it on tik tok. 
-Its a nice cutesy proposal I swear he’s just overly proud of himself. 
-You had just moved in with him in Argentina. 
-Somehow you managed to get a job in your field in the town next to his place so when you told him that well you were moving to Argentina he didn’t hesitate to ask you to move in with him. 
-He misses you way too much, the distance makes it hard for him to feel your comfort. 
-He would never dream of breaking up with you; he would make it work even if it killed him.
-So it’s been a month and a half of living together and he is in heaven. 
-He knew that he wanted to marry you for some time now. 
-Since that moment at the airport the day he was leaving. 
-Iwaizumi was there along side Matsu and Hanamaki. 
-The three dumbasses were bawling their eyes out while you were semi chocking him. 
- “Call me when you land okay? I wanna know how jet lagged you feel.” 
-The sad smile on your face was enough to make him spill them tears, a sad smile of his own taking its seat on his face. 
- “You’ll make fun of me again.”
- “It’s part of my duties as your girlfriend you beautiful dumbass.” 
-And right there with you hands on either of his cheeks and tears in your eyes he knew that he would wife you up. 
-Now he has been planning this for some time. 
-He went all the way to California to find Iwa so they could pick a ring together.
-Both of them needed a ring but anyways.
-After obtaining the ring....he hid it for a few weeks. 
-He would wake up everyday ten minutes earlier than usual and just ask you to marry him while you were still asleep. 
-Once he was satisfied with the amount of times he has said it he gets up and is out the door. 
-He took you to meet his team.
-he wanted to do it then but he chickened out. 
-So what does he do? 
-He sulks on tik tok. 
-Until he comes across a video of a girl stepping into the shower with her boyfriend and pretends that she wants to ask him something important. 
-Of course that was a very dumb way to ask you something so big but he got an adrenaline jump and five minutes of dumb courage. 
-He sets up his phone right outside the shower curtain and just walks in with you. 
- “Hi?!”
- “Hi”
-*giggles* “Can I help you mister?”
-And here is where things take a turn because doubts start to make their way into his head and his palms are getting sweaty-
- “Toru love are you alright?”
- “Marry me.”
-The video went viral, the squad clowned him until your first child was born and your kids laugh with the story till this day. 
Iwaizumi Hajime 
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-Unlike his best friend he took this wayyyy to chill. 
-It popped up in his head one night before one of your visits. 
-His roommate had asked him why he stayed in a long distance relationship. 
- “Is she really so worth it man? You could have a chick in your bed every night and not wait for her visits every three months.” 
- “You cannot imagine how worth it she is.”
 - “You sound like you wanna marry her dude.” 
-And from that point on he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
-Sure he had imagined your future before.
-The house you’ll have and where he would like to go on your honeymoon, what your kids might look like and what kind of mom you would be. 
-But all of it was pure speculation. 
-He just wanted to see how it would feel to be so domestic. 
-So here he is almost a whole year after that night, choosing a ring along side Oikawa. 
-This dumbass had taken the decision to get married too quickly and had called Iwa very VERY panicky and in need of some comfort.
-They both picked their respective rings and hid the velvety boxes deep in their pockets, the two best friends saying their goodbyes and heading off to their missions. 
-Now Iwa wanted this to be as lass forced and too thought out as possible. 
-He believes that these things are best  done in privacy and only netween the two partners. 
-So he doesn’t plan anything out. 
-He waits for the moment when it feels right. 
-And that’s why it took him over a year to actually ask you. 
-Of course it wasn’t such an improptu move like Oikawas’, he was a little less tik tok-y??? 
-You had ordered tak out and were eating in your shared apartment. 
-After graduation you got transferred to the USA and were placed near Iwa so now just like Oikawa you lived together. 
-It has been a nice calm year of just domesticated fluff. 
-You were telling him about your day, how one of your co-workers ate your boss’s pretchel and they flipped.
-Or how you saw a dog dressed as a hotdog right next to a hotdog stand. 
-And that’s when he just drops the bomb. 
-He has been keeping the small velevt box in his pocket ever since he bought it. 
-Wordlessly standing up he makes his way to your side of the table and drops to one knee. 
- “I’m pretty sure you know already that I believe you are my soulmate. My other half and I couldn’t begin to imagine my life without you in it. Not even a month without you. That being said, it would make me the happiest man in the world if you would give me the honor of calling you Ms. Iwaizumi. For the rest of our lives; until we are old and wrinkly with our family running around us. Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
-You were crying at this point, nodding your head since the moment he called you his other half. 
-Of course you said yes and some bomb sex followed.
-Oikawa and his now wife, were so happy to hear that Iwa finally gathered the courage to ask you.
Kuroo Tetsuro 
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-He may be nasty but he is my og husband. 
-Actually my second og husband. 
-The first one is Akaashi. 
-He bought the ring the same day he decided to ask you. 
-He had been in a meeting and he was bored out of his mind so he texted you. 
-You two started off by making fun of each other and ended up playing one of those dumb facebook games. 
-He was letting out small giggles here and there which mind you were barely audible but the guy next to him heard them alrtight. 
- “Talking with the missus eh?”
-Kuroo couldn’t control himself when he answered. 
- “Yeah.”
-His coworker let out a chuckle at the sight of Kuroo’s face of surprise at his own words. 
- “It was about time you wifed her. You two are so in love it almost makes me jealous.”
- “Jealous that you don’t have a beating heart Kai?” 
-He got slapped....moving on. 
-So with that he called you once the meeting was over and informed you of his plans for tonight. 
- “Get dressed baby I’m taking you out for dinner tonight.”
- “What’s the occassion mister?”
- “It’s something special. Be ready by 9 I’ll pick you up from our apartment. Oh and could you please wear that gorgeous red dress of yours?”
- “The satin one? The one I can’t wear a bra with?”
- “You without a bra is just a bonus baby.” 
- “You are a horny idiot Tetsu.”
-Now he was out on a mission. 
-The mission of the ring. 
-So he needed to call on the fellowship. 
-Thirty minutes later Kenma, Yaku and Daichi were waiting for him at the local Starbucks. 
-Alas the fellowship of the ring. 
-These four idiots could barely agree on a single thing. 
-Gave the shopkeepers a headache. 
-But finally FINALLY they decided on one. 
-Patting their friend on the back they were off, hoping that you would say yes. 
-Apart from Kenma who prayed to the rain gods that you finally open your eyes and see what you are dating. 
-While at the restaurant he was quieter than usual. 
-He would let you talk and talk and talk about everything and anything with giving you only small nods or hums. 
-He was so caught up in his head that he couldn’t see th worry in your eyes. 
-  “Tetsu, is everything okay? “
-And there was his oportunity. 
- “Actually something is kinda bothering me and you are the only one who can help.” 
-He slowly got up and made his way to your side. 
- “You remember a few months back when you joked about us getting married? Or that other time when you said that I would make a great dad? Well I guess tonight will determine all of that.”
-He kneeled down and opened the small box rubbing your knee with his other hand. 
- “Y/N L/N will you help me make those dreams reality?”
-Kenma disapproves. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @reinyrei​ @bemorefiction​ @axerrri​ @dnarez​
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 13 - Embry Call x Reader
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Movie Night
Waking up in the morning with Embry in my bed was a level of comfort and serenity that I don’t think I could ever describe. I look over at his peaceful form, the sun shining in through the fold in the curtain. 
I watch as his chest rises up and down, his slow, peaceful breathing accompanied by a very light snore. His black hair falling over his face that’s nuzzled deep into my pillow. His warm, russet skin shining in the sun beams. His warmth radiating against my colder skin. 
“Good morning.” His raspy voice mumbles against the pillow. 
“Good morning, Em.” I whisper. 
“What’re you looking at, beautiful?” He smirks.
“Just you.” I blush.
I don’t honestly believe that this is something I’ll ever get used to. Embry, and everything about him, felt like an absolute blessing. It felt surreal, really. 
“Awe, bean. You’re cute when you blush.” 
“Stop.” I whine, slightly giggling. 
“No, I like it. It’s cute.” He sits up, wrapping his arms around me. 
“I mean, thank you.” I look down at my hands. 
“So, I was thinking.” Embry begins.
“That’s a first.” I tease, poking his nose.
“Hah hah, very funny. Anyway, what if we went camping? Now that I won’t have to be here for patrol tonight or tomorrow. We can leave today and spend a night out, and come home for tomorrow. Then you can see your friend and Leah.” His vibrant smile beaming brighter than the sunlight. 
“I would love that. We can start packing now.” I shriek, having a difficult time to contain my excitement. 
“Of course.” He smiles, leaving a kiss on my lips. 
I practically spring up from my bed and begin packing my backpack full of any clothes I would need for tonight and tomorrow. I put on a pair of jeans and throw on a t-shirt. 
“Someone’s excited.” Embry chuckles. 
“We’ve always talked about camping together, and now we can.” I turn around, smiling. 
“I know, I’m so excited to go with you.” He smiles, pulling me close to him. 
His hands grab my hips, driving me nuts as usual. I trace my fingers up his biceps until my arms wrap around his neck, pulling myself up to kiss his soft lips once again. His hands tighten their grip on my hips as he deepens the kiss.
“We have to finish packing.” He pulls away breathlessly. 
“That we do.” I shake my head. 
“We can continue that later tonight.” He gives me a cheeky smirk. 
I nod as my cheeks are deepening to another shade of red. 
I grab some blankets, pillows, and search for sleeping bags in the closet downstairs. 
We pack some food for the small trip before heading over to Embry’s house to pick up his tent and clothes for him to wear. 
I look around for Tiffany while we were here, alas she had to have been working. 
“Have you talked to her the last few days or have you been completely MIA?” I ask as he packs a backpack for himself.
“She thought I was camping with everyone. We’re in contact.” He looks back at me. 
“Good. I don’t want her to worry herself to death.” I smile at him. 
“Me neither.” He sighs. 
We make our way back to my car and he leads the way to a site of his choice. 
“I’ll give it to you, Em. You know these woods better than anyone else.” I chuckle.
“I know, I’m basically a map now.” He laughs, pointing in the direction to turn. 
I follow his navigation and after an hour or so of driving, we eventually make it to a trail leading to a clearing, thankfully a bathroom within walking distance. 
We grab all of our stuff and begin our journey to the clearing. Embry and I set up the tent relatively quickly.
“I’m hungry.” Embry whines.
“You’re always hungry.” I giggle. 
“Yeah, and?” He laughs. 
“So let’s eat.” I smile, reaching into the food we packed. 
I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pull it out to see a text from Alyssa. 
“Hey (Y/N), are you free tomorrow?” - Alyssa
“Yes I am. Do you wanna come over for a pizza and movie night?” - me
“Sure, sounds good. Should I bring anything?” - Alyssa
“Nope. I can invite my friends, too. If you’d like. :)” - me
“That sounds fun.” - Alyssa
“Okay, come for like 6.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
I place the phone back in my pocket after sending her my address and take a sip of water. 
“We should invite everyone over tomorrow at seven. I told Alyssa there would be a pizza and movie night at my house, but she’s coming at six.” 
“Sounds fun, I’ll send a text in the group chat.” He says, pulling his phone out.
“Great.” I smile. 
We finished eating and cleaned everything up. 
“Can we go on a hike?” I ask.
“Of course, beautiful.” His large hand reaches out for mine, pulling me off the stump I sat on.
I follow Embry’s lead the whole walk, which took about an hour or so. We played a lot of iSpy on the way, though.
A chipmunk, the recycling bin, the bag of cheetos someone left on the floor (which I picked up and threw out), the trees, my backpack, and the dog poop someone didn’t pick up like they were supposed to. Those were the answers to the iSpy game we had. 
“Okay, we’re here.” Embry smiles. 
“Wow, it’s beautiful.” I admire the view.
We were in a canyon of sorts, admiring some of the beauty that the Olympic National Forest has to offer. I look down, noticing the drop off, my heartbeat beginning to race.
“I won’t let you fall, bean.” His arm wrapping around my waist. 
“Thank you.” I continue to look around.
Embry always washed my fears away easily. Being with Embry made me feel invincible. I felt all my worries melt away.
I look over at him, smiling at the beautiful boy. 
We sat there for a few hours, enjoying each other’s company as well as the view before heading back to the campsite. 
It was beginning to get dark and I heard Embry’s stomach grumbling. 
“I can start the fire and then we can eat.” I smile at him. 
“Sounds good to me, bean.” I felt warm, soft lips press to my temple. 
The light from the fire created cast orange all around it, the crackling soothing my ears. The smell bringing me a new sense of peace. 
Embry and I ate dinner and roasted s’mores. I sat basically velcroed to his side, just how I like. 
“Look at the stars.” He points up to the sky. 
“Wow.” I breathe out. 
“Come on, let’s stargaze.” He grabs my hand, leading me over to the picnic table at our site. 
We lay on it, both of us laying our heads on his arms. 
“I like that one.” I point up to the sky.
“Which one? There’s like forty in that direction.” He chuckles.
“That one, Em.” I point again. 
“Ahhh, nice. It’s pretty.” He agrees. 
“You don’t even know which one I’m talking about.” I giggle.
“I don’t have to. I know it’s beautiful, they all are. Just like you.” He presses a kiss to my cheek. 
I turn over to him and press my lips to his. His hands once again find my hips, pulling me into his side. 
“Maybe we should go into the tent.” I raise an eyebrow.
“I think we should.” His smirk sends chills up my spine. 
And so we did, we took it to the tent. 
Soon after, we fell asleep holding each other. 
In the morning, the smell of the trees pleasantly invaded their way into my senses. The heat from the sun invading through the polyester walls. 
“Good morning.” Embry’s raspy morning voice once again sending chills up my spine.
“Morning, Em.” I smile at him. 
“Let’s eat.” He smiles, springing himself up from the sleeping bag. 
“You got it.” I smile, following suit. 
I caught Embry staring at me, once again. Not something out of the ordinary, though I always wondered why.
“What’s wrong, do I have something on my face?” I ask.
“No, it’s just you. You’re so beautiful.” A blush finds its way to his cheeks, following an uncontrollable grin.
“Awe, Em.” I coo, walking myself over and sitting in his lap.
“I just feel so lucky.” He breathes into my neck.
“Me too. Like the luckiest girl in the world.” I smile, pressing a kiss to his warm cheek. 
Sitting in Embry’s presence felt better than merely being near anyone else. It was as if sitting in silence with Embry could beat any conversation with anyone else. I guess that’s a soulmate, though. 
“What time is it?” I ask him. 
“A little past noon.” He shrugs. 
“Okay. So who’s coming tonight?” 
“Well, Seth and Leah for sure. Jacob can’t because he’s basically broken in half for a bit longer. Quil said he would. Overall, the rest of them said they’re busy with their friends or families. Well, Jared said he’s too busy ‘doing hot girl shit,’ whatever that means.” 
“Alright. Good for Jared, I think that’s a tik tok thing. But Seth, Leah, Quil, Alyssa, and us sounds like a good group.” I chuckle. 
“It definitely is.” He laughs, pulling me closer to his chest. 
“Well, we should probably head home soon. By the time we got back it’s gonna be after three. And then cleaning all this crap up.” I sigh.
“We can do this again, whenever you want to.” He smiles at me.
“I would like that.” I press a kiss to his forehead. 
His warm chest felt like home, and maybe that’s why I always felt like Forks was my home. It was my ticket to Embry my whole life. 
We pack up the site and make our hike back down the trail to my car. The drive back once again blasting our shared playlist, revisiting all the feelings we held secret for years. 
Embry insisted we stop at his house first since his mother was at work. My heart ached for both him and his mother. Secrets like this are good for neither of them, I couldn’t imagine the pain it brought to them. 
The drive to my house was quick, and unpacking all of our stuff didn’t take too long. 
I check the time and see it to be after 3:30. 
“Well, what can we do now?” I look over to Embry. 
“Well, we could get stuff ready. Or we can make out.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
“I mean, one of those is far more tempting than the other.” I smirk, walking closer to him. 
Next thing I knew, we were on my couch, his warm body pressed against mine. His soft lips pressing onto mine with slight aggression. Embry drove me nuts, there was no denying that. 
Some time later, we pulled apart breathlessly. 
“Maybe I should get the living room ready.” I smile at him.
“I think so.” He kisses my forehead. 
I grab pillows and blankets, creating a comfortable area on the floor for whoever decides to take that instead of the couches. Also blankets for Alyssa and I, as most people who don’t run 108.9 like when they watch movies. I grab snacks and drinks from the latest grocery shopping trip and bring them into the living room, leaving them on the coffee table. 
“Alyssa should be getting here soon.” I say happily.  
“You excited to see her?” Embry asks me with a kind smile.
“Very. That was one of my only actual friends in Forks.” I return his smile back to him.
“That’s exciting. And now she gets to meet all your La Push friends.” 
“She does. And it will be great to finally have some merger there.” 
We sat back on the couch, chatting about more things to do on the next camping trip as we were much less limited than others in terms of safety and location. Discussing a group trip with our friends. 
Our conversation was interrupted by a knock on my front door. 
“Alyssa!” I swing the door open, smiling. 
“(Y/N)!” She laughs. 
“Come in, let’s catch up.” I pull her in for a hug.
“Yes please.” She giggles. 
“Nobody else is gonna be here for an hour, I left that for us to talk about life.” I chuckle. 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
“I’ll go take a nap, let you guys have your girl talk.” Embry says, kissing my forehead before waving and jogging upstairs to my room. 
“So… how is life? How is everything?” I ask.
“Well, my girlfriend and I broke up about a year ago. She cheated on me. So that wasn’t fun, but other than that I’m doing great. I got the program I wanted to a few months ago, I’m gonna become a teacher.” She smiled. 
“That’s incredible! Congrats. On the school thing. But as for Chelsea? Seriously? You guys were together from like freshman year of high school. What a witch.” I look at her with comforting eyes.
“Yeah, right? She’s not worth being sad about anymore, though. I’m ready to have fun again, I’ve been okay for a while. I go to school in the fall and I’ll be dorming. I’m quite excited. What’re you doing for school?” She smiles at me. 
“Well, I got into the program I want, too. I’m going to be going online, though. But I’m studying economics, I think I want to go to law school.” I smile.
“That’s great! Congratulations.” She beams. 
“Right. Wait, where are you going to school?” 
“University of Washington. I’m excited.” 
“No shot, me too.” I smile. 
“No way, you’ll have to come hang out at my dorm sometimes. You’re gonna need to make friends.” She encourages me. 
“That sounds like fun.” 
We catch up some more before I notice the time. I decided to call to order the pizza at 6:45, that way it would come shortly after people got here. I ordered five pies.
“Five pies? How many of your other friends are coming?” She asks. 
“Uhh, I think there’s gonna be like six of us all together.” I shrug.
“Don’t you think that five pies is a lot?” She asks me, raising her eyebrow. 
“Definitely not with them. There is no end to their hunger.” I laugh. 
“If you say so.” She laughs, doubting my words. 
“You’ll see.” I chimed. 
I tell her that I should go wake Embry up and begin my walk up the stairs.
I open my door and she his silhouette laying in the bed. The darkness of my room made it impossible to make much else out.
“Embry, wake up.” I say walking over to my bed.
“Already?” He laughs.
“Yeah, already.” I chuckle, placing a hand on his shoulder to wake him up.
“Alright, only for you.” He sits up, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“Thanks. Let’s get downstairs.” I mumble, thankfully the darkness hid the reddening of my cheeks at his softspoken words.
“Good morning, Alyssa.” Embry yawns from the stairway. 
“Good morning?” She laughs at his goofiness. 
A knock at the door interrupts us. I walk over to see Quil, Seth, and Leah. 
“Hey!” I smile. 
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Seth beams with his contagious smile.
“What’s up, dork?” Quil laughs.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Leah says softly, smiling at me. 
“Come on in, the pizza should be here soon.” 
“Thank god, I’m starving.” Quil huffs. 
“I just watched you eat two big macs an hour ago.” Leah looks at him.
“Okay, and?” He laughs.
“Alright everyone, this is my friend Alyssa. Alyssa this is Quil, Seth, and Leah.” I smile, pointing to everyone down the line.
“Hello.” She smiles, waving at everyone. Looking at them as I point.
Though her face stopped at one. 
I look and follow her gaze, noticing it stopped at the last face. Leah’s.
Leah had a dazed look on her face, mouth slightly agape. 
My eyes widen, looking at Embry’s face that mimicked my shock. In fact, so did Quil’s and Seth’s. 
“Hey.” Alyssa exhales. 
“Hi.” Leah mumbled, her face quickly turning to one of confusion. 
“Oh, this took a turn.” Quil mumbled, in which Seth quickly swatted him with his arm. 
I gave Quil a glare, letting him know that now was not a time for jokes. 
“Alright, so let’s pick a movie. What movie?” I ask everyone, trying to break the silence. 
“Let’s watch The Cat in The Hat.” Quil chuckles. 
“It’s a true cinematic masterpiece.” Embry agrees. 
“What is wrong with you?” I laugh. 
“I mean, it is really funny. We used to talk about it in class all the time.” Alyssa laughs.
“You’re right. Is everyone good with watching that? I think we all need a good laugh.” I smile. 
“Yeah. That works.” Leah mumbles.
“Sure. I’m down to watch anything.” Seth smiles. 
“Great.” I turn the TV on and begin playing the movie. 
Leah takes a spot on the floor by herself, in front of Quil and Seth that took the couch next to the one that Embry and I sat on. Alyssa found herself a spot on the other side of me. 
About fifteen minutes into this nonsense, I hear knocking at the door once again.
“Do you want me to pause it, babe?” Embry asks.
“Please don’t.” I smile and walk to the door to get the pizza. 
“Your loss.” Quil huffs, laughing at the movie. 
I roll my eyes as I get the pizza from the door. 
“Let me help you.” I hear Leah say behind me, grabbing the pizza from me so I can pay the delivery guy.
“Thanks, Leah. You can keep the change.” I smile at him. 
“You got it. Where’s your bathroom? Also can I borrow a warmer shirt? I’m cold.” She asks, putting the pizza down next to the snacks on the coffee table. 
I look at her confused, as she knows where the bathroom is down here, also because this girl would never be cold. It’s then that I noticed the look in her eyes. She didn’t have to use the bathroom and she wasn’t cold. She needed to talk and she needed to talk now. 
“You can use the one upstairs, there’s one next to my room. I’ll show you where it is and I’ll get you a sweater.” I nod. 
“I’m kinda cold, too. Can I also have a sweater?” Seth asks, noticing the discomfort in his sister.
Quil and Embry look at Seth with a dumbfounded look, though I wave them off. 
“Uh, yeah. Come follow, too.” I manage to say. 
All three of us walk up the stairs and into my room.
“Are you okay?” I ask Leah, shutting my door. 
“I don’t know, I’m so confused.” She says softly, 
“I understand. That was a lot.” I lay a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Seth walks over and places another comforting hand on Leah’s other arm. 
“I just… Everything I saw felt so right. I just, I don’t know her. I didn’t think I would imprint on a woman. It’s not even that I’m mad about it, I always felt attracted to some women, I just never actually dated any. I just assumed I either wouldn’t imprint or I would imprint on a man, because none of the guys ever imprinted on another guy, even in the stories. But what do I make of it?” She asks me in a panic, speaking a million miles a minute. 
“I know, I know. Of course it feels right, it’s supposed to. But just remember, it doesn’t have to be romantic if you don’t want it to be.” I remind her. 
“It was in what I saw. I saw us together, I saw us happily holding hands. I saw us kissing. I saw us cuddling by a fire. I saw it all.” She looks at me with concerned eyes. 
“Leah, it’s okay. It’s all okay. That’s beautiful, if it’s what you want.” I say.
“Leah, if you’re afraid about imprinting on another woman, don’t worry about that. I don’t care. Mom doesn’t care. Nobody here would care. We love you for you and we want you to be happy.” Seth rubs her back comfortingly. 
“You mean that?” Her lip starts to quiver. 
“Of course. You’re my sister, you’re my best friend.” Seth pulls her into a hug. 
“Leah, I’m here for you every step of the way. We all are. I think that you should be her friend, see how that goes. If it develops further, then it does. If not, don’t stress. You’d then have another best friend.” I smile at her. 
“Thank you.” She smiles, nodding her head and hugging me. 
“Who knows, Leah? Take things as they come. We’ll be here every step of the way, okay?” 
“Okay.” She nods.
“Bring it in.” Seth grabs us both and pulls us into a huge hug. 
The crushing weight of his arms was one that felt really nice. I felt all the love in this hug. We stay like this for a few moments before I break the silence. 
“Let’s go get some pizza before Quil and Embry eat it all. Or torture Alyssa.” I laugh. 
“You’re right. We’ve been up here a little long.” Leah smiles softly.
“They better have saved us some pizza.” Seth huffs. 
“I’m sure they did. They might’ve killed two pies already, though.” I chuckle walking out of my room and down the stairs, Seth and Leah trailing close behind. 
“Welcome back, you missed a lot.” Quil chuckles. 
“Shut up. There better be pizza left.” I glare at him and Embry.
“There is, there is.” Embry defends, placing his hands up in surrender, chewing on his pizza.
“Good, I’m starving.” Seth says, grabbing two slices from the box. 
Leah and I both grab a slice before sitting back in our spots. 
“Where’s your sweater, Seth?” Quil teases. 
“They didn’t fit him.” I look at Quil with hard eyes.
“Yeah, it was a shame.” Seth laughs on the couch. 
The rest of the movie was filled with laughter. I sat in Embry’s lap, appreciating the warmth he brought me. 
“Next movie?” Embry asks. 
“We can watch Jackass.” Quil suggests. 
“Oh yeah, because you guys just need ideas. You, Paul, and Jared will be tearing up the town by tomorrow morning if we watch that.” I laugh.
“You got me there.” Quil laughs. 
“Great, it’s settled. We’re watching Mean Girls.” I announce.
“Oh god.” Quil whines. 
“It’s a great movie, you’re gonna love it at the end of the night. You’ll be quoting it, guaranteed.” I tell him.
“It is a great movie.” Alyssa agrees. 
So we watch it, and halfway through the movie I notice that nobody is more invested than Quil, Embry, and Seth. Causing the girls and I to laugh at them. 
After the movie ended, we all began to get up and stretch.
“Thank you for having me, (Y/N). I think I’m gonna get going now, though. I have work in the morning but I had fun, we should all hang out again some time. It was great to meet you all.” She smiles, hugging me goodbye. 
“Yeah, of course, we should hang out again soon. I’ll walk you to the door.” I smile, leading Alyssa to the door and watching her get into her car, noticing Leah do just the same. 
“Thank you!” She calls out as she gets into her car. 
I waved goodbye before shutting the door as she drove off. 
“Well, we should all probably get going soon.” Leah trails off. 
“Alright, I’ll see you guys soon.” I smile before I pull her into a really tight hug.
“Thank you.” She whispers in my ear before pulling away.
“Bye, (Y/N). Thanks for having us. I had fun.” He smiles before they take off.
“I mean, I should probably leave, too. I know you guys value your alone time, now.” Quil wiggles his eyebrows. 
“Shut up, dick.” Embry pulls him into a headlock, giving him a noogie. 
“That’s a weird way to say thank you for helping you not be a father at 18, but okay.” He laughs, wrestling Embry back. 
“Thanks, Quil. I thank you for your help. But Embry did say he would do this.” I giggle. 
“Fine, go get your own condoms from now on. I’m not taking them from Paul for you anymore!” He laughs as they roll around. 
“You stole them from Paul?” I laugh from the couch.
“Yeah, I hold you two with a very high value.” Quil tells me. 
“I see. Enough to risk a beating from Paul.” I laugh.
They both eventually tire themselves out and joining me on the couch.
“You guys done, yet?” I ask. 
“Yeah, I just had to kick his ass.” Embry kisses my temple. 
“Still a weird way to thank me.” Quil laughs.
I can’t help but laugh at my two goofy ass best friends.
“I should go, and you should go home for once before your mom has a heart attack.” Quil says, looking at Embry. 
“You’re right.” He sighs, standing up.
“You should, she probably misses you.” I encourage him.
“I know. I love you, bean. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. 
“Sounds good.” I smile, hugging him.
“Embry, you don’t talk to me like that. I’m hurt.” Quil places a hand over his chest, faking a pained face. 
“Oh shut it.” Embry shoves him, laughing. 
“Goodnight, guys. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
I watch as they walk over to the treeline, knowing exactly how they were getting to their homes. 
I go up into my room and lay in bed, reliving the last few days of my life. 
How fuckin nuts that just two days ago I was face to face with vampires that wanted to kill me.
And tonight I watched The Cat in The Hat. 
Man, life’s pretty weird. 
I pick up my phone and sent a text to Embry.
I love you.
I put the phone on my nightstand, and drifted off.
_________________________ Word Count: 4371
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
hi so i just thought of this scrolling through tik tok and a vid popped with the song sleepwalk playing and i was wonder if you could write a one shot or something where harry styles and y/n meet at a halloween party and y/n is dressed as the corpse bride and harry is dressed as victor and they dance to the song sleepwalk
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST!! I love the corpse bride and also have been meaning to get some writing up so I really grinded to get this out bc im literally busy 99.99% of the time at college so I hope you all enjoy and happy halloween OH AND BE SAFE AND COVID CONSCIOUS this would take place when covid is gone/doesn’t exist. LOVE YALL remember to like, reblog and whatever
(i dont usually take requests but always feel free to message me bc i just might do it!!)
On October 30th, she ascended the grand stairs that led to the entrance of the mansion. Within said mansion, there was the Halloween party of the year raging within. She hadn’t thought too much about what was going to happen when she arrived. The host was a colleague from work… that usually means it’s casual.  Except for when you work in Hollywood and your colleague from work is actually famous and invited all of their elite celebrity friends.
As it was her first Halloween in Los Angeles the rules weren’t exactly crystal clear. She strode up the stairs and was greeted by her friend from work. He was dressed as Quentin Tarantino and she laughed at the inside joke from work that surrounded that costume. They hugged and kissed and then he directed her into the room and pointed out the bar at her request.
When she reached the bar, eager for a drink, she was greeted with many smiling faces. A celebrity party was so strange. She saw actors and actresses commingling with musicians and other random celebrities you would have never guessed would know each other. Then, on top of that, they were all in the most elaborate costumes money could buy.
A specific costume stood out to her. A tall slender man, painted with rather pale skin and gaunt features, was dressed as Victor from the Corpse Bride. It wasn’t a particularly uncommon costume as the movie was particularly popular and it was relatively easy. Why it caught her eye? She was dressed as Victor’s counterpart, the namesake of the movie, the Corpse Bride Emily. She had felt a little self conscious about the revealing and torn wedding dress she had found. Her blue wig and makeup made her stand out enough, she didn’t feel like being the center of attention.
Luckily for her, celebrities are self-involved so she didn’t have to worry about that all. But, now she wondered about the man across the way from her. He was laughing and casually sipping a beverage with his presumed friends. As she waited for her drink, she watched him. The way he moved was entrancing. He seemed much more lively than the character he was portraying and it made her smile.
With her drink in hand, she took a sip and glanced around the room she was in. The dj was in the corner, spinning music that was Halloween and others. It had only been upbeat since she got there. About three songs had passed and just as it began to finally change to something slow, her eyes roamed to her Victor once more. This time though she wasn’t just looking at the side of his smiling face or the glint of his jawline as he listened to his friend. This time she was met with his wild eyes. They were piercing and strong. They were entrancing. Normally she would look away quickly when accidentally making eye contact with a stranger, but she couldn’t with him.
Sleepwalk began to play and it felt like the world began spinning in slow motion. Her Victor crossed the room towards her and she took a shaky sip of her drink, unsure what she was supposed to do as the man approached her. Like we said, she wasn’t exactly well-versed in how celebrities acted at parties. Was it normal for people to introduce themselves to absolute strangers. Plus, she couldn’t quite make out who this guy was under all the makeup he had on.
“Hello there, Emily,” he says as he stands closely to her. Not alarmingly so, simply close in an inviting and comforting way.
She’s not nervous anymore. His smile and presence calm her instantly.
“Victor,” she gives a curt yet flirty nod of her head.
“Would you like to dance with me, my bride?”
She laughs, unable to stop herself. “I’d love to, my darling!”
He extended his hand to her and she took it graciously, following his lead to the center of the room, where couples had begun to pair up and sway.
The somber tune floods the room as he takes her in his arms, pulling her close to his warm body. The fabric of his suit felt expensive underneath her hand that rested on his strong shoulder. His hands were big and warm too, full of rings and painted black. She felt utterly safe and welcomed despite just meeting him.
She leaned in and breathed in his cologne. Up close she felt like she recognized the man under the makeup, but she still wasn’t sure. As she studied him, he smiled down at her with an amused smirk on his face.
“What’s on your mind?” His voice sounds gravelly over the old-timey guitar strumming in the background.
“I can’t figure out who you are for the life of me.”
“I’m Victor,” He grins.
“Who you really are,” she pats his shoulder, swaying with him, following his movements gracefully despite the heels she had on.  
“Does it matter?” He leans down and looks in her eyes, a smile still resting on his beautiful lips. His eyes once again are piercing and she swears she recognizes them from somewhere.
She knows it shouldn't, she just hates the nagging feeling that she should know who he is.
“No...so how do you know the host?”
“I don’t remember agreeing to play twenty questions. Do you?”
She laughs into his shoulder, her head deciding to rest there, rather than be entranced by his face.
“Fine, silence it is, my darling.”
He snorts and nestles his head on top of hers.
“Don’t be mad, pet. It’s Halloween.”
She smiles at the nickname and his soothing voice.
The song begins to fade just as they really feel like it’s going to last forever. She lifts her head as another song comes on. He looks at her, expectantly.
“It was lovely having this dance with you, Emily,” He says when she’s silent.
“My name is Y/N. But yes it was really nice dancing with you...whoever you are.”
“It’s Harry. I’m Harry.” He finally admits and it all dawns on her, but she keeps calm. The pieces fall together easily in her head, how she knows him, why he’s here.
“It’s nice to meet you, Harry. I hope you have a nice rest of your night.”
She begins to walk away but he grabs her forearm and she turns around to see a grinning Harry. “It’ll only be nice if I get to keep seeing your face. You’re dressed as Emily, not Cinderella, so don’t run away darling.”
Tonight was going to be unforgettable.
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darlingmulti · 3 years
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Happy Birthday San!
-side note before you begin reading my outpouring of love for San on his birthday-
-While working on this I learned that San tested positive for Covid 19 and now has to quarantine. In the report they said he doesn’t have any symptoms, but I’m still so worried for him and the rest of ATEEZ. I’m sure he will be okay though. Let’s support and encourage him on any platform we can. Get well soon San. We love you 🥺❤️😭-
It’s our Sannie’s birthday today and I just wanted to make a little post talking about how much I love him and how much joy he brings me and also how wonderful and talented he is.
San is one of my ultimate biases and also probably one of my main comforts right now. As cheesy as that sounds whenever I see him performing, or watch him in videos I just feel better.
If Covid wouldn’t have happened I would have gotten to see him and all of ATEEZ in concert last year. And I would have gotten to do high touch with them. But because of the recent pandemic that was unable to happen and is still something I’m hoping for. It’s weird to say but I miss them. I’ve never seen them in person or met them but I miss them 😅😅. But anyways back to the main thing about this post, celebrating this wonderful mans 22nd (I think 23rd in korean age) birthday.
San is such a wonderful man. All of ATEEZ are very obviously wonderful people who deserve so much in this world. I adore them all so much. Here is a list of the things I love about San and also some of my favorite fan cams/edits/etc.
~He is our multitalented King- San can sing and dance and is also super athletic. San is also very smart and participated in his school band in middle school (I think). San also has a black belt in Taekwondo so we all know mans can fight. I could go on and on tbh but this is already gonna be a long post.
~He is obviously very handsome- Everyone in kpop is handsome or beautiful of course, but Sans visuals. Omgggg. Everything about him is so gorgeous. His dimples are so cute, his jawline could cut glass, his eyes hold stars, just 🥺🥺. Gosh. He’s so handsome. He also has a waistline most people would kill for. Of course people shouldn’t only focus on his looks, because he is so much more than his pretty face, but it’s definitely something to be pointed out ❤️❤️.
~San takes care of people- San takes care of everyone. If anyone in ATEEZ seems down or sad you can always see him trying to cheer them up and make them feel better. Whether he’s hugging or touching them, making silly faces at them, or even just blatantly talking with them and telling them it’s okay San is always someone others can rely on. Even recently, we saw him helping the kids down and joking around with them during dance practice. I also always think of how is even with people he doesn’t know. For example during the OMKalen interview they did where the interviewer was trying new food and San was so concerned about the spicy food and telling him to drink water. It was just so adorable and when I was getting into ATEEZ that was always something that stayed with me 🥺🥺.
~San is kind- This is basically a continuation of the one above. But San is a good person just generally. You can see that just in everything he does. From taking care of the members, to the way he carries himself, his fan interactions, and just ugh. Ugh. He cares so much about us and about his members too. It’s also reflected in the way he treats animals. He is always gentle and loving and kind. He just exudes sweetness.
~San is humble- San has every single right to brag and be egotistical but he is the complete opposite of that. In fact he rarely brags and usually tries to hype up other people instead of himself. He’s the ambassador of his home town for a reason.
~San’s dancing is on another level- I know I also mentioned this earlier but he is truly such an incredible dancer and performer. Every move he does is so powerful yet graceful. You can see how hard he works and how passionate he is. I really admire him. His facial expressions on stage are so fun to watch too. He’s the type of person people can’t take their eyes off of and he’s a true professional. As we saw during one of the performances of “I’m the one” he realized his jump wasn’t right and changed the movement so he wouldn’t hurt Jongho. It was barely even noticeable. Not only is it impressive that he could act that quickly, but it’s admirable that he risked his own safety to make sure Jongho wouldn’t be hurt. He is definitely one of the best dancers in kpop right now in my opinion. I can’t wait to watch him continue to grow.
~San loves his members unconditionally- This one I also already touched on but I just really love the way he and rest of ATEEZ honestly treat each other. They are all so bonded together and it’s so easy to tell that they are. San is always there for the others, always making sure their okay and doing things to be there for him and help them out. He literally gave his part in Mist to Wooyoung so that he could shine too. When Wooyoung won the race in kingdom he was so supportive towards him and so lovely.
~San is strong- Obviously we know San is physically strong. I mean he doesn’t have those abs for nothing 😂. But I mean this in the way of emotions and just his being. Even when San is struggling he is there for us, he is there for his members, and he doesn’t let things take him over. I find it such a testament to his character how after his grandfathers funeral he still decided to come and perform with ATEEZ for Kingdom even though I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy for him to do that. Even through all of that pain he was thinking about us and ATEEZ. I literally cry if I think about it too much 😅😅.
I’m gonna be linking a couple of my favorite tik toks and videos of San that live rent free in my head. Thanks so much for reading and let’s support him together for a long time.
A really hot San Edit that lives in my head rent free
Just a really cute woosan edit I love
San being clingy to the members on fever road
"I'm The One" San fancam white outfit
190819 Sicko Mode San fancam
“Thanxx" San fancam 9/3/2020
OMKalen interview because I just loved this interview and also how San was being the whole time.
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honeydvew · 3 years
what's the biggest life decision (you feel comfortable saying) that you've ever made? do you ever think about what would've happened if you hadn't made a certain choice/how it would've affected your life?
canofworms0 downloading tumblr. i know that sounds stupid but honestly its real. im not allowed to have anything else in regards to social media. not instagram, not twitter, not snapchat, not tik tok, nothing. my mother knows i have tumblr so i dont know why she doesnt make me delete it (but it might have to do with the fact she thinks its like deviant art or smth) but im so glad she doesnt. as social-media-addicted-teenager as this sounds without tumblr my life would fucking suk right now. i wouldnt have the things i do and i wouldnt be as happy. and i can give you examples.
lets go in order of events shall we :)
1. i downloaded tumblr some time last year (around may i think) and i immediately found a blog i liked! they were a 13yo like me they shared some of my interests and they seemed really cool! so i followed them. i dont know this blogs current @ but im so lucky i ever found them. a month or so later they posted about a server! it was a community server that they and some friends were in. i joined. thats where i met @starry-baby-katie and @gayishgothamite. and i love those dorks (affectionate)! we might not talk very offten but i think of them as people who are SO important to me. i love them with my whole soul and i dont know if my life would be as bright without them.
2. around 11/5 of last year i was scrolling through tumblr like usual. i saw an add for a server. at that point i was in maybe three servers on discord and didnt have many friends so i thought you know why not! its a mental health server and i wasnt in the best place maybe could benefit from it a bit. i joined and there were maybe 14 members including the mods. we didnt really think the server would go much of anywhere for a while and i honestly didnt interact much for a while but you know what. now that server is such a huge part of my life i dont think i would be here without it. i mean i love every last person there so much. literally all of them. @the-final-braincell bun bun is honestly one of the best people ive ever met. they’re funny and joyful and just the best to be around. talking to them always cheers me up and she always manages to make me laugh. were on the mod team together and she is such an important part of the team that we wouldnt run as smoothly as we do without her. i love them so so much and if i hadnt gotten tumblr? would never have met them. then theres @sir-tigerr. tiger. just. tiger. hes so amazing and i honestly would die for him. i love him so much and just talking to him can make my day. i wouldnt be as happy and the sever wouldnt be as fun without him. and @reallyradrat server owner :) sammy im so grateful for sammys existence just.. overall. they made the sever. they wrote the add post. and they’re such a good friend. i cant imagine not having them in my life they’ve made such a difference. so just... thank you <3 and @tiredconfusedandgay!! cub!! i love them!! theyre such a joy to be around and them being in the server is such a lucky thing! it wouldnt be as fun and bright of a place without them and they bring so much every time and i love seeing them in chat everyday. and with leo comes @canofworms0 baby child. anni is so amazing. just overall. so happy and funny and just an amazing person to be around and im so happy to have them in the server. @lentil-darling !!! kittycat!!! i love them!! they're so amazing and have helped me through things on more than one occasion and I'm so grateful for that and for them. they're such a good friend and i always have such a good time whenever we vc! its honestly something i look forward to! and speaking of VCs @gayest-unicorn is amazing. VCing with them is so fun and i hope we can do it more often. and on top of that just messaging them is great! and they're puns (ouns ;)/ij)? FANTASTIC! i hate puns by most means but whenever they crack a joke it makes my day 4000 times better. he's just amazing and i think he deserves the world. cant say enough praise to him :) so i low key have to speedrun this bc im running out of time to type this but all of these people also deserve the world and i wouldnt know them if it wasnt for tumblr @smoll-lightning-bug  @totally-tater-tot @savemycrustysoul @a-broken-laptop @nantuckets-weaver @undead-mutt  @hufflepuff-pide-honey-badger @human331279 and just so so many more whos @s i didnt get or couldnt find. i am so grateful to have in my life because of this server and that post. that post literally changed my life forever and i cant imagine my life without it and without these people
3. a few months went by and i made some mutuals and friends and whatnot. my at the time friend irl then made an account. i was really excited! why wouldnt i be! friend made account! awesome! but another thing about that? i had a crush on them.. and they could now see my account. but fuck it it was a great trade off. we spent a lot of time sending each other asks and messaging while in quarantine and it was just great. then i saw an ask game and i rebloged it. i realized this ask game said “♻ are we a qpp or what?” as one of the asks. now im a coward and i could NEVER have done this outside tumblr in anyway but i took the chance. i sent them the post and said “you should rb this! you have followers that would interact im sure” and so.. they did. i sent the ask and they said yes :) five months later and we’re still dating. whos this amazing person? that my friend would be @mossofthecosmos the most amazing person ive ever met. theyre the light of my life and if it werent for tumblr i would still be a blushy, semi-verbal, embarrassed, mess around them. and we wouldnt be dating. i cant even imagine what that would be like. i love them so much and they make every day wroth living for me and if it werent for tumblr, i wouldnt have that. 
4. and ive made friends. so many of them. and i love them all so much! i dont talk to a few anymore but for the while we did they made my days and made me so happy. without tumblr i wouldnt have met @mimekyo or @books-andbiscuits who are both people that have made my life a brighter place! 
okay so i cried writing this and i cried HARD
bottom line nonie? this question is so loaded it took me three hours to write an answer and a stupid amount of words that no one will read all the way through
i cant put it into words but this website is one of the best things that ever happened to me and i cant imagine life without it 
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daisy-day-dreams · 3 years
A/N: Hey everyone I hope you’re having a great day! I know it’s been a while but I’m back! Hopefully for a while now lol I hope you enjoy the newest update for Little Lies! Thank you so much for reading ❤️
Little Lies Masterlist
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*gif not mine*
Kozik proudly walked into the venue with Annie on his arm. He wasn’t going to lie, he loved the jealous looks of all the men around them. He relished even more in being able to rub it in Tig’s face. He was a lucky guy and he knew it. Annie was a catch and a hell of a damn good friend. He led her to their seats, taking their place next to Juice. Kozik strategically sat between the two.
Gemma turned around reaching over the chair to squeeze Annie’s knee. “You look, hot baby.”
“So do you ma.” Annie gave her a wink in return.
Gemma grinned, “See this is why I keep you around.”
Juice tuned out the two as they began chatting. Annie was completely ignoring him anyway, he could practically feel the icy cold energy radiating off her towards him. He anxiously looked around watching the crowd, waiting for any glimpse of Delilah. His leg shook nervously. He wasn’t sure what to expect from her, if she was going to be just as cold as Annie towards him or not but he had to talk to her. He didn’t give a shit what Annie wanted.
Once everyone got seated the music began playing as the ceremony officially started. Juice still hadn’t seen Delilah yet. The pit was growing in his stomach as the first part of the wedding party came walking down the aisle leading the way before the bride’s grand entrance. Juice felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him once he finally saw her. There she was looking beautiful as ever in her blue dress as she walked down the aisle on Jax’s arm.
He couldn’t even fully process every emotion he was feeling as the ugly green monster growing inside him outweighed the rest. Seeing Delilah with Jax, seeing the way Jax looked at her, having to watch as she laughed at whatever he had whispered in her ear as they walked past, it was too much and just pissed him off.
She wasn’t his anymore he knew that but he was still a little bit hers. It hurt to think of the possibility of her choosing Jax, of having to stand by and watch as his brother made a life with his girl. The anxious thoughts began spiraling uncontrollably in his mind.
The ceremony was beautiful. The couple finished with the saying of their vows, finishing with the traditional vows of the MC from Opie to Lyla. Every member of the Sons joined in before hooting and hollering, cheering as the bride and groom were pronounced man and wife.
As the reception was now in full swing the dance floor was filled with people dancing along to the live band’s music. As well as the dance floor was full the tables were also packed with the various guests. Most of the groups kept to themselves not completely mingling with the others.
Annie and Delilah sat at the bride and groom’s table at the front. They had finished their meals and were now just talking with Gemma, Lyla, and Unser. Opie, Jax, and Clay had all stepped away from them a while before.
“You never mentioned that you two knew our Juice.” Gemma brought up giving Delilah and Annie a look. She had been waiting to confront the two about it, “Now why is that?”
Delilah glanced behind Gemma to where Juice was sitting with Chibs and Happy. “Because we don’t know him.” She kept her glance quick as not to linger too long before looking back to Gemma. “We know Juan, we don’t know Juice.” And that was true, neither one of them knew the man that sat just a few feet away. They only knew the boy who had left them all those years ago.
“I’m not so sure about that,” Gemma replied looking directly at Delilah. She had never seen any woman’s presence get under Juice’s skin like knowing about hers had done. “He’s a good kid. I’m sure there’s still a lot more left of who you knew in there than you think.”
As the night went on the band started picking up. The girls had all gathered onto the dance floor. They bumped and grind against each other laughing, just having the time of their lives. Delilah twirled Lyla around as Annie set her sights on Gemma beckoning her closer to her. She wiggled her ass towards Gemma earning a hard smack to it causing her to let out a shriek catching the other two’s attention and causing all the women to break out in even more laughter.
They danced through the next few songs Gemma calling it quits just a song before. They were really wearing themselves out but at the same time didn’t care. The song came to end with a short pause before the band began playing again, this time with a slower song starting What A Wonderful World at the bride’s request.
“I need another drink,” Annie told Delilah as they headed off the dance floor. “Do you want a water or anything?”
“Yeah, that would be great. I’m just going to head over to the bathroom and then I’ll be right back.” She told her, “I’ll meet you back at the table.”
Lyla could be heard calling Opie to come dance with her from behind them. The sisters parted ways, Annie passing right past the table where Jax, Clay, Tig, and Kozik were now talking to one of the Russians. Jax couldn’t help himself as he watched her walk by his eyes raking over her body in that tight red dress that left little to the imagination.
“I’ll be right back boys,” he said standing up. “Don’t get started without me.” He made eye contact with Clay getting a nod before he stepped away catching up quickly with Annie.
Jax wasn’t the only one to see the girls split up or the only one wanting to take advantage of a little one on one. Juice had to talk to Delilah, he’d been waiting for a moment where he could get her alone. Finding one where Annie wasn’t by her side proved to be difficult. This was his chance and probably his only one before he had to head off with the others to finish business.
“Hey,” he greeted her once she stepped out and started heading back towards the party.
“Hey,” she gave him a small smile. Her heart sped up in her chest as they were now faced to face. They were completely alone for the first time now and she didn’t know what to say or how to feel. It was so different now that they were here in the moment than she could have ever imagined.
“Can we talk?”
“Of course we can. I have a million questions.” She admitted.
“Yeah, me too.” Juice stuck his hands in his pockets kicking at the dirt. He didn’t think he could get past the awkward small talk first, the how have you beens, he needed to know. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Delilah felt the panic rise in her. “Tell you what?”
“You know what,” he didn’t mean for it to sound snappy. He watched as her face hardened and immediately regretted his tone. “I’m sorry,” he rubbed at the back of his neck. This was not how he wanted this conversation to go. He just was still processing everything himself, it was a huge blow just as Annie intended. “I just have to know D. Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”
Delilah let out the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Annie told you?”
“You should have told me.”
“This isn’t the place,” Her eyes softened as they met his. Everything was flooding back to her, every feeling and every memory. It was all just too much to process here. “Can we talk somewhere else? Somewhere more private?”
Juice nodded. She was right this wasn’t the place and there wasn’t enough time. “Yeah, I think that would be best. Can you come over to my place later?” He offered.
“Juice!” Happy’s raspy voice called out coming up behind Delilah. “It’s time to go man.”
Juice new better than to argue with Hap. They had club business afterall and he couldn’t keep them waiting. “I’m coming,” he told him before turning back to Delilah. “I’ll call you later, then we can meet up.”
Jax settled next to Annie at the bar as she ordered herself a drink. She leaned on the bar as she watched as the bartender mixed up her cocktail. “Lovely night isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Jax agreed. “It’ll definitely be a night to remember.”
“They’re really great together.” She motioned to the couple slow dancing with a smile on her face.
“They do make a great pair.” Jax grinned watching his best friend sway to the music as his new bride hung onto him.
“The party seems to be really dying down.” She added. Most of the guests had scattered, the place getting more vacant by the minute it seemed. She scanned the venue for Delilah feeling relieved once she finally spotted her back at the table with Chucky, Gemma, and Unser. She had plenty of company and shouldn’t miss her if she were to head out earlier. She turned to Jax with a smirk. “What do you say we get out of here?”
Straight to the point, Jax thought, he really loved this woman. “There’s nothing I’d love more,” he smirked before licking his lips letting his eyes wander some more before he looked back over her shoulder where Clay was waiting for him reminding him he couldn’t get out of there just yet.
Annie followed his gaze back to Clay and the other man, noticing his expression became more serious, angry almost.“I sense there’s a but coming.”
“But,” he continued, the Teller smirk returned to his face as if it never left. “I have a little business to take care of first, shouldn’t take long. If you’re willing to wait darlin’ then I’m all yours.”
“I might be willing to wait,” the bartender handed her the drink which she thanked him for before taking a generous drink. “But I won’t wait forever, Teller.” She grabbed at his kutte pulling him closer so she could get right next to his ear.“So if you’re wanting a little piece of all this I suggest you better hurry.” She smoothed over his kutte once she pulled away with a smirk, “Tik tok, darlin’” She said before blowing him a kiss as she walked away.
Little Lies Taglist: @carlaangel86 @starrynite7114 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @spnaquakindgdom @witching-hour @brithedemonspawn @drabbles-mc @gemini0410 @mayans-sauce @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind @toni9 @vsfavs @queenbeered @multiyfandomgirl40
If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list please just let me know in a comment or ask and I’ll make sure to do so! Thank you again so much for reading!
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itrytowrite-things · 4 years
Shifting into the supernatural
Sam x reader (platonic), Dean x reader (platonic)
Summary: Y/N has a tendency to leave her world for the supernatural word and Sam Wonder why. 
A/N: From what I understand shifting is a super realistic version of lucid dreaming. It is a big thing on tik tok at the moment. So that is where I got the inspiration for this fic. I have not attempted to shift realities so I am not 100% sure how it works so if you are interested in attempting to shift watch a youtube video and do research.
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I sat in the small hotel bathtub. My knees pulled into my chest at an attempt to make myself as small as possible. The tub was only about 4 feet long and half that deep, which didn't mix well when you put two people in it. Especially when one of them was Sam Winchester who stood at 6’4” without shoes. Sam let out a small grunt as he tried to sit up taller, his left foot kicking me in the back. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled, moving around trying to fit his legs at a more comfortable angle. I quickly shushed him. Dean was just outside of the door, a girl screaming at him as he calmly tried to explain why he was also sleeping with her friend after their night of so-called “passion”. It would be quite funny if he hadn’t forced Sam and I into the bathroom after getting the angry call from said girl claiming she was coming to get “something off her chest”. I am pretty sure he thought she was gonna come in, rant about her day, and then take him away to have a “good” time, meaning Sammy and I would only be in the bathtub for the five minutes it took Dean to suggest heading back to her place. But when she came in yelling about Dean being a “no good dirty bastard” we knew we would be in here for a while.
The creaking under Sam's weight felt like the loudest sound for miles, even though it hardly made a dent against the sound waves traveling from the hotel room. The yelling soon grew repetitive and old, no longer being gossip to hold against Dean. I looked at Sam for a while, trying not to laugh as he grimaced about the details the girl was giving about her night with Dean. Dean’s voice soon came into the conversation. Sam and I had both zoned it out at that point. 
“Kid, there actually is something I have been meaning to ask you,” I nodded at him to continue. “Why do you come here?'' The question stumped me. I knew why I shifted into their world everyday, why I sat anxiously in my last class waiting for the bell to ring so I could come here and be with them. Why I hold in a tiny breath every time I start to shift, praying that this still works. I had just never had to put those feelings into words. Now all of the words I was  thinking felt wrong. Like the weight of them didn’t match the weight in my heart. 
“Not that we don’t love to have you here Y/N. I mean we wait around all morning for you to get here. I just don’t understand why. You’ve told us about your world. There are no monsters or demons or angels in your world. No looming apocalypse every year or death waiting around the corner. You are safe there, so why come here?” 
They waited for me, they sat here anxiously waiting to see if I would show up. That’s why I came here, I thought. 
“I matter here, Sammy,” he looked confused at me, his puppy dogs eyes shining through. “At home I am always second best. You know the friend you talk to after your first friend said no. Or the filler friend until you can find someone better to replace me. I am average in my classes and just in life in general, but here; I matter. I am on Team Free Will, saving the earth.” My voice starts to lose its edge and volume. “I am truly loved here, you and Dean and Cas make everything better. I guess because you care about me so deeply, that it makes me care about myself. So you’re right, no death threatening event in my world, but also, no you. No Dean. No Cas. Hell I would appreciate Crowley being in my world.” We both let out a laugh that dies down quickly as we soak up the new knowledge we were each given. 
Sam suddenly had that protective big brother look on his face, the one that was normally displayed on Dean's face. It felt weird to go from being the one that cares and makes sure everyone is okay to being looked at like a fragile being that someone else is willing to hold together while you fall apart. I cried the first time Dean looked at me like that, I wanted to be mad and tell him piss off that. I didn’t need a big brother to watch over me. I had gone my whole life without one, but the truth was, I desperately needed a big brother and now I am realizing, I needed two. 
“Don’t tell Dean though, don't need him getting all sappy on me.” We both let out a loud chuckle that rippled off the small bathroom walls. Sam leaned back into his laugh. 
Cold water jolted out of the shower head, spraying me directly in the chest. A gasp escaped me, as it soaked straight through my clothes. Sam’s laugh became nuclear, he seemed unbothered by the water that was slowly making it way to his side of the bath. Too distracted by my current shivering state. I pulled sharply at the edge of his flannel to catch him off guard. He fell forward, giving me just enough room to slip underneath him to the other side of the tub. The laughter stopped abruptly, the cold water knocking the air out of his lungs. It was my turn to let out a loud cackle. 
We were so caught up in the water war that we didn’t notice the lack of yelling followed by the loud sound of the front door slamming. Dean threw open the bathroom door. His mouth formed around words but stopped at the sight of me and Sam laying on the tub floor soaking wet, water still cascading down on top of us. His angry expression vanished.  
“What the hell are you guys doing?” I could tell that it was taking everything in him not to laugh at our position. He was putting on what me and Sam call his dad face, his face set in a stone cold serious expression. It always had a way of making you feel like you’re three years old and you just got caught cutting your siblings hair with the kitchen scissors. His eyes betrayed him though. There was a glimmer of light in them that said he wanted to laugh.  
“We are doing what you told us.” I squeaked, moving into an upright sitting position, smiling sheepishly at Dean. 
“I told you guys to hide in the bathroom, not create a tsunami in the tub.” Sammy let out a bark of a laugh that was silenced by Dean's crossed arms. My lips curled involuntarily inward to stop my own laughter from spilling into the room. 
Sam now stood, making me so tiny on the bathtub floor, alone surrounded by two giants. I stood to suppress that feeling. It didn’t work. I was always a foot or so shorter than the boys even while standing. The water now hit the top of my head, spraying around me. 
“What did you expect Dean? We were in here for thirty minutes while that girl screamed about the ‘night of love making’ you two shared and how you had one with her friend two days later. We got bored.” Sam reached up and moved the shower head so it was now pointed at the very front of the tub. 
“Yeah,” Dean reached around and scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry you had to hear that kid.” I gave him a real smile followed by a shrug of my shoulders. I knew Dean was a player, I could have gone without the details, but I am not scarred for life or anything.  
“Hey, what about me? I deserve an apology.” 
“You deserve nothing.” Dean pointed an accusatory finger at Sam. “I told you that was her friend the other night at the bar, ‘No Dean, her friend was shorter with lighter hair’.” He mocked Sam's voice as he turned around in a small circle to face the opposite wall. Sam bumped his shoulder into mine lightly. Looking up I saw a mischievous grin displayed on his face, he was holding the shower head in his hand. He gave a short nod towards Dean, before mouthing a wordless countdown. 
“You no good dirty bastard!” I yelled when he got to one. Dean whirled around fast, confusion riddled his whole body. Sam was quick to lift the shower head up, spraying Dean straight in the face. His face the moment the water hit was priceless, he was truly in disbelief. 
“You two are asking for it.” Dean growled, lunging towards us. 
I quickly tried to jump out of the tub, unfortunately so did Sam. We crashed into each other landing on the tile floor, a heap of legs and elbows. Sam manages to catch my head in his palm before it smacks the ground. The room echoes with laughter, each of us wet, cold, and unbelievably happy. 
“Alright we need dry clothes or we will all catch pneumonia.” Sam says breaking the laughter. 
“Like that would kill a Winchester. Right kid?” Dean splashes water in my direction, I laughed nodding my head. My heart was growing as Sam threw a towel around my shoulders. 
I could stand being Y/N Y/L/N in my world as long as I got to be Y/N Winchester here.
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whumper-boi · 4 years
I thought about this while watching some tik toks of people confronting cheaters 🤠
They had been engaged for a few weeks, person A and person B had become a powerful, unbreakable force that was developing more each day.
They had secrets that they shared with each other, cried in each other’s arms, laughed, cooked, basically the domestic life anyone could want.
That was, however, until person A saw the picture. They were sitting on the couch, happily anticipating the date they would go on with B later, when some random number sent them it. It was B, at some sort of store(?), kissing some stranger.
Person A didn’t want to believe it. Hell, they didn’t, but decided they would talk about it with B later and clear whatever it was up. They loved and trusted B, with secrets, trauma, and hey, their whole damn life. It was probably nothing.
When they got there, appetizers sitting half eaten on the table, A decided to bring it up. “Hey, so B, I just saw something today, and I wanted to know if you know something about it.” B had that lovesick look on their face, inquiring that A go on.
A pulled up the picture, expecting a “that’s an old photo,” or “probably a prank”, but definently not, “they took a picture?”.
A’s smile fell. B looked horrified. “What did you just say?”
B looked up from the phone. “No wait baby, that’s not what I meant.”
“Not what you meant?! Not what you fucking meant? You’re making out with some bitch and you, you-“ A’s face was red, a shaking finger pointed in B’s face.
People from other tables had gone silent after A screamed, listening in discreetly.
“How dare you. How fucking dare you!” A grabbed their coat, eyes prickling. B grabbed their wrist.
“Wait, listen-“ A shook them off, pushing in the chair and walking away. “Baby-“
“Don’t ‘baby’ me! I trusted you! Being thrown around and used my whole life, and I thought I could something that I could hold on to, make mine! I told you things I haven’t even told my mother, I gave you my hand in marriage, and my virginity, for you to do this shit?!”
A was crying now, but their voice remained strong and their eyes were venomous. “Go to hell B.” They threw the car keys on the floor, and caught a glimpse of the band on their finger. They glared, ripping it off and hurtling it at B.
“Give my back my fucking dog, and don’t ever, speak to me again.”
B looked heartbroken, but they couldn’t find themself to care. “How are you gonna-“
“You aren’t the only person I can call, B! Just like apparently, I wasn’t the only person you could fuck!” They stormed out, a sob breaking through as they walked into the cold outside.
B had tears in their eyes. The hurt in A’s words, the hurt they swore to never put there.
People were shaking their heads, glaring or sighing in disaproval. They shakily bent over, picking up the keys and the ring, wishing they could have gotten the words out.
“I said no.”
A few hours ago, B was at a liquor store, picking out a bottle that they knew A absolutely loved. They smiled at the thought of their fiancé(é), the light in their eyes.
They hadn’t, however, expected to run into their ex from high school.
“B? Hey, long time no see!” C walked over, with some person that tagged along with them.
“Hey... C, it’s uh, it’s been a while.” C put a hand on their shoulder, getting uncomfortably close and looking at whatever B was holding.
“That shit’s nasty, get a real drink.” B wanted very much for C to let go so they could pay for the drink and get back to their love.
“Right, well, nice seeing you, I really should be going.” C went in front of B, stopping them in their path.
“Whoa, hold up, where are you off too so quickly?” C got in B’s space once again, nearly touching. B looked away, about ready to shove C if they needed to. “You and I should definitely,” they ran their fingers up B’s chest, biting their lip. “Reconnect with each other.”
B grabbed their hand, pushing it aside. “Sorry, no. I’m engaged.”
C looked shocked and angry at this. “Oh really, player wins the game, settles down. Please, what broken slut did you pick off the streets this time?”
B felt a picket of rage. “Get out of my way C.”
“Come on, I can really show you a good time.”
“I said move, now.”
C rolled their eyes, starting to back towards their tag along, but then grabbed B by the back of the neck and smashed their lips together.
B froze for a few seconds, before coming back to their senses and shoving C. “What the hell is wrong with you?! I just said I’m engaged!” They put the bottle down and left, feeling rage at the pit of their core.
Well, there was always tomorrow to get it. B wiped off their lips. They needed to tell A about what happened, honouring one of their promises about being honest with each other.
They knew A would understand. Despite the walls, they were a truly understanding and empathetic person. B would steal the world for them.
When they were knocked back into the present, they realized that they were just standing there, blankly. They had to go find A and make things right, they couldn’t lose the love of their life.
They left a fifty on the table and grabbed their things, going to the car and turning it on.
A couldn’t have gone far, they had to be around ten minutes away, unless they got a ride. B knew A however, their stubborn partner would defiantly walked home in the snow and darkness.
They drove around for twenty minutes, about to start calling contacts when they received a picture from an unknown number.
It was violently clear what was going on, so much so that B had to pull over the car and take a minute.
In the picture was C and D, the person with C earlier, D holding the camera like a selfie, and C with A in their hands.
C’s hand was covering A’s mouth, arm wrapped around their arms, holding their partner securely in place.
C looked so smug it made B want to vomit, while A looked so terrified that it made B want to cry.
What made the picture 10 times worse, was when the phone rang, coming from the same number.
B accepted, and listened, stomach dropping at the sound of what was happening. A’s screams were muffled, and the sound of a car door opening made B jump.
“Baby?!” No response, just more muffled screaming.
C was talking, telling A to shut up and get in the car, and B was both proud and terrifyed at the idea of their partner refusing to comply.
A loud slap was heard, and A whimpered. “Don’t touch them!” B yelled through the phone, hearing a chuckle from C.
“Fine, since you want to hear something so badly, why don’t you say something A, put that pretty little voice to use.”
A gasp was heard. “B, B I’m so sorry, I love you so much, please-“
“Well B, gotta say that you picked a good one, they’re probably a good little slut.”
B was seething, already pulling up numbers of close contacts. “I swear to god, if you put your filthy hands on them-“
C chuckled. “Oh sweetheart, I’d try and find us before you start making threats. Until then, A and I will be having lots of fun together.” The phone hung up.
B screamed, trying to compose themself. Oh, C was so dead.
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Companions React: It’s All A Dream (Part Three)
CW: Gore mention and nightmares in X6’s part. 
Piper swore that if anyone tried to convince her that writing was an easy job she'd make them eat their own shoes. Writing, journalism, was near and dear to her heart, but it was anything but easy, even without her specific line of work being a chess game of some of the highest stakes. She knew the words she wrote painted a target above her head. That's why it was often difficult for her to sleep, specifically in Diamond City. "The safest settlement in the Commonwealth." What they didn't add was that only applied if you were compliant. And Piper definitely was not. 
Paranoia had set in eagerly that night, showing itself in the form of chills that danced across her skin and anxious glances towards the door she refused to turn her back to. She felt like she was being watched. Then again, she probably was. 
At some point she settled behind her desk, eyes still shifting to the door every now and then, and started editing one of her articles. If she couldn't sleep it better prove useful to her. Minutes crawled by like radroaches. Somewhere in the back of her conscious she was aware she was nodding off, yet she felt powerless to stop it. What little fight she had in her to stay awake drained away with the tik, tok, of the clock on the wall. The sound faded out.
Piper awoke warmer and more comfortable than she had been in a while. The blankets were soft, brushing against her cheek as she stretched out across the mattress. A light knock startled her slightly before she remembered why she awoke; Sole’s voice had been edging it’s way into her dreams. She rolled over, tugging the blankets over her shoulder in the same movement, and faced Sole who stood in the doorway. “Good morning.” They called softly.
In their hands was a tray of food; breakfast. They stepped into the room and carefully climbed onto the mattress, balancing the tray delicately so as not to give her a more rude awakening. Once they’d settled onto the bed they lowered the tray onto their lap and turned their attention back to Piper. “I figured you’d appreciate breakfast before you go to the office.”
She pulled herself into a sitting position and pulled the tray from their lap to hers. Memories of the dream pushed her to nervously glance at the door, drawing Sole’s attention the same direction. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” Piper smiled warmly at them. “Thank you for the food, it looks amazing, Blue.”
“Blue? That’s a new one.” Sole glanced over curiously.
“Oh… yeah, figured I’d try it out.”
The silence was tinged awkward as Piper tried to think of ways to steer the conversation elsewhere. She pushed syrup around on her plate, chewing on her bottom lip, when Sole leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She flushed red, as she always did, despite how long their relationship had been going. “I think it’s cute, so don’t get all in your head about it, yeah? Eat your breakfast so you can go kick some journalist ass.”
Snow blew in every direction, like a whirlwind of needle-sharp cold . Preston's eyes were squinted nearly-shut to ward off the invasive weather as he trudged through the neighborhood, snow piled up to his mid-calf. Shovel in hand, he was on his way to help clear his neighbor's driveway. 
Maybe neighbor wasn't the right title for them. They'd known each other for about a year and they constantly invited him over for lunch. Their cat now wove between his legs when he stepped in the door and their dog bounded over to lick at his hands, not-so-subtly begging for treats. They had coffee with their lunch and chatted about their days before Sole would wave Preston off from their doorway.
It was hard to forget this. However, it was also hard to forget the dream he’d had that morning. He and Sole, in a completely different universe, fighting for their lives together. Trying to do right by a wasteland of a society. And the entire time, they were together. If he was honest, that wasn’t something he’d thought too hard about. Sure, Sole was someone he could see himself spending future days with, however he’d always thought it would be as friends. Until he’d woken up that morning.
Now Preston was grateful that his scarf and the chilling weather hid the flush of his cheeks. To anyone else, it’d look as if the cold was getting to him, which no one could blame him for. He knew better though; his heart was thrumming like a bird trapped in his chest as he trudged his way towards Sole’s house.
Through the twisting clouds of white fluff, Preston spotted the door to Sole’s house cracking open before it was thrown open and a figure stepped out. Near their feet, their dog cowered, shying away from the cold, but determined to greet an old friend. “Sole! Get back inside, it’s too cold!” He shouted over the wind, raising his shovel to indicate he was going to clear their walkway.
“Are you insane, Preston? Get in here, you’ll freeze to death!”
The tingling in his toes was indicating they probably weren’t wrong, but Preston was more stubborn than people gave him credit for. He’d set out to clear their driveway and that’s what he planned to do. Shovel in hand, he leaned over and began to work, waving them inside.
When he looked down for a moment to focus on what he was doing, he missed Sole tugging their boots on their feet and rushing out the front door, their dog pacing back and forth as he struggled to decide whether or not to follow them. Sole fought their way against the weather down their pathway and tugged on Preston’s jacket, startling him. “Inside, Preston. Please, before we both freeze to death!”
Ah, yes. The only person who could out-stubborn him. He should’ve known better, honestly. Preston heaved a sigh the best he could and followed them as they rushed back inside, hand white-knuckling the sleeve of his down coat. Affection surged up his chest, warming him, and fighting off the chill ever so slightly.
As soon as they had yanked him inside they shoved the door shut to block out the blistering cold. “You could’ve lost your fingers out there.” They stated breathlessly, tugging off his gloves and sandwiching his hands between theirs.
Suddenly, the warmth crawling up his cheek was overwhelming. They rubbed at the skin on his hands vigorously before bringing them to their face and blowing hot air over his skin. In a domino effect with speed worthy of a world record, goosebumps went racing up his arms. “You should go hop in the shower and let your clothes dry over the radiator. You’re nuts for coming this far in the cold. I’ll put on some coffee, okay?”
Their voice was raspier than usual, probably from the sudden change in temperature. Preston found himself nodding along. If they said it like that he was pretty sure he’d comply with anything they requested of him. With much reluctance, he pulled his hands from their grip and made his way to their bathroom, ready to thaw himself.
It was a full-blown nightmare. A kicking-and-screaming, every man for himself nightmare. From the day of his creation at the Institute, to the day he died beside Sole in the ruins of his birthplace, legs no longer his own halfway to God know’s where; he hadn’t got out in time, and he was going to die without knowing anything but the tiniest taste of freedom.
He’d awoken with a shout, struggling to find breaths that still didn’t feel as if they were his own. The Institute had created him that way; reminding him with every step he took that nothing belonged to him. Not even he belonged to himself. And for the longest time, he was okay with that. He didn’t think to care, because he didn’t think. Then Sole came along and changed everything. They shattered his reality in the most beautiful way.
He remembered having no regrets as he lay dying amongst crumbled stone and shards of glass. Vaguely, he felt the prickle of searing pain along the middle of his thigh, a memory that didn’t belong to him still managing to haunt him. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard the door click shut and suddenly there was a weight sinking into the mattress next to him.
Turning at a neck-breaking speed, he scrambled away from Sole as they sat down on the edge of his bed, their eyes wide at his reaction. “Hey, it’s just me. Breathe.” They didn’t dare to shift closer.
Sole shook with the effort of not reaching out to him, his eyes wide enough it must hurt. He looked like a child, if they were honest with themself, and they hadn’t seen him that vulnerable in a very long time. In the beat of silence they gave all they heard was his ragged breaths, so sharp they could cut, and a brief swallow. Then, they nearly shouted when he launched himself across the bed to wrap them in his arms.
“You’re okay?” His voice was so fragile they found themself growing even more concerned.
“Of course I’m okay, hon’. I’m just fine.”
He pulled away to examine their face, brushing his thumb over their cheekbone where he swore a piece of falling rebar had left a gash, narrowly missing their eye. The visual of blood dripping down their skin flashed into view before fading. Their skin was clean, though flushed red a bit from the sudden hug. He pulled them against him again, burying his face in their neck. “Everything’s okay, I promise you.” Their voice was soft as they began to rock him side to side.
The crushing grip he had on them was almost uncomfortable, but they were more concerned with whatever he’d witnessed in his dreams that had made him react like this. “Will you stay?” He asked, breathless.
“Whatever you need. I’ve got you.”
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