#pokemon alola fanfic
Heyyyyy you!
Yeah all of y'all
I am planning on writing a Guzma x (Me)/Self insert that's an AU based on Spiderman.
I want to write my self insert as a spiderwoman/Spinarakwomen AU with Guzma as sort of a Mary Jane type where my self insert tries to fight the Aether Foundation (mostly faba who's portrayed as Doc. Oc/ Doc. Ten(tacruel).
Would that be something y'all are interested?
(Don't worry Guzma still has his personality the same. He is just going to be the love interest/secondary main character my self insert is fighting for.)
When I post/update this story it will be on my side blog :@teamskulladventures
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souenkun · 2 months
🌸 onigirikita fanfic masterlist 🌸
Hello! My name is Kei, a fanfic writer when my time allows and the mood strikes. This will be a masterlist for all of my published Pokemon fanfics on ao3. To check more of my fanfics, feel free to visit:
💐 My ao3 account
💐 My fanfic masterlist on Twitter (which only lists fanfics from non-Pokemon fandoms)
The masterlist starts right below the cut. The hyperlinks here will mostly lead to my Tumblr promo posts for the listed fanfics (also includes the ao3 links inside), which I encourage for you to like and retweet if you enjoy them! I hope you'll have fun reading my fanfics, kudos and comments are appreciated! 💗✨️
"from pasio, with love" series
A series dedicated to compile oneshots for the ships that I grew to love ever since playing Pokemon Masters EX! Every fanfic in here is set in Pasio, and some of them are connected with each other, even though they can all be read as a standalone fic 🌸
☆ first place (in my heart)
darkuncleshipping + daughter acerola
wc: 1.8k | rated: g | fluff + family fluff
☆ next chapter: home
wc: 5k | rated: g | fluff
☆ today, i love you
wc: 2.5k | rated: g | fluff
☆ worthy of all the love in the world
dad lance & silver son
wc: 4.3k | rated: g | found family fluff
☆ falling and floating
huntershipping & dad lance
wc: 6.9k | rated: t | hurt/comfort, fluff
☆ the home that awaits us
wc: 7.3k | rated: t | fluff
☆ choosing this life, again and again
dad lance & silver son
"through tears, through laughter" series
wc: 2.3k | rated: g | found family fluff
☆ come rest with me
wc: 5.8k | rated: t | fluff
☆ here we are, breathing together
wc: 1.6k | rated: g | fluff
A series to compile fanfics of Silver that bridges the gaps in canon, with the timeline ranging from pre- and post-game. They're mostly centered around Silver's character growth, his family bonds with Lance, and his brewing love with Ethan! The stories here are loosely connected, so they can be read as a standalone fanfic if you wish 🪷
☆ no more left behind
dad lance & silver son
wc: 1.3k | rated: g | found family fluff
☆ written in constellations
dad lance & silver son
wc: 2.6k | rated: g | hurt/comfort, angst
☆ the sun breaks through (and it's your time to shine)
huntershipping + dad lance
non-series fanfics
wc: 4.1k | rated: g | fluff
Standalone fanfics that don't follow any of the aforementioned series 🌷
☆ it's always you
namelessshipping | reguri week 2023
wc: 12.2k | rated: t | angst, fluff
☆ please forget your scarf in my life
wc: 2.8k | rated: t | fluff
If you're interested, I also have a Pokémon gameverse ao3 fanfic recs filled with works from other pokemon authors! Feel free to check them out if you're looking for something to read 💗
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tuuzik · 10 months
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Hey, so not long ago I randomly remembered that I had an unfinished fanfic for my teen favourite ship - Gladion x Moon from Pokemon.
I then remembered that there was one reader that was interested in this chaos and weird writing decisions that I made. So I corrected some chapters, deleted some and rewrote it all in just two days. (I have to retake an exam on mechanical engineering, yet I decided to write about pokemon). Anyway, here's the link to my Wattpad. Feel free to stop by and read this... Especially if you love pokemon. Enjoy!
-Tuzik P.s. I have no idea, whose art this is, I just randomly found it three years ago somewhere on pinterest or google and saved on my laptop. So if you happen to know the artist of this pic, please contact me, I'll give the credits.
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rowshi04 · 7 months
Fic Help Needed!
Hi there! I'm planing on writing a reguri (red x green) fic that sets place in the Alola region. I personaly haven't played the sun and moon games :( so I don't know too much about locations on Alola. So I need help with locations they could go to or where events could take place in. Please, if you can comment down a place that you remember, liked or enjoyed in Alola! A BIG thank you to those who do! :)
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nonovyabuisness · 9 months
I swear those two are more similar then we might think.
No I haven’t been reading fanfics that picture them as related by blood, what are you talking about.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 month
The Moon Finds A Flower
moonlilyshipping Pokémer AU chapter 1
Summary: Lillie crashes her boat out at sea while trying to take Nebby away from the Aether foundation, she thinks it's all over for them. She doesn't know that she just so happened to crash in the territory of a Pokémer.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst/torture at the beginning, Lusamine is a bad parent, injury, life and death situations
A/N: I saw really cute Moonlily MerMay art where Moon/Selene (I call her Moon) was a Lumineon based mermaid and I ran with it. So Moon is technically a Pokémon here.
Ages are different, Moon, Lillie and Hau are 14, Gladion is 16, and Nebby is pew years old.
Pokémer AU Masterpost
All she wanted to do was help.
She had just wanted to help Nebby.
She didn't want anyone to get hurt.
She wanted to cover her ears, the screams were unbearable, but she couldn't move.
She couldn't look away from the torturous sight in front of her.
The deep blue, almost black, and shimmering white fins spasmed out.
The sleek, scale covered body convulsed involuntarily, writhing in pain.
She screamed into the water as Lillie just stood there and watched.
The vice grip on her shoulder tightened, making her aware of the chilling presence behind her.
A cold hand grabbed her face, forcing her to keep looking forward. A poisoned, honey sweet voice cooed behind her.
“See? This is what happens when you step out of line.” The cold hissed.
The cold left her, staring at the pain she caused. It was all her fault.
I never should have become her friend. I should have stayed away and told her to go back where she belonged.
It was all over for her.
All the risk she took in stealing Nebby from the labs was going to be for nothing, they were both going to drown.
Though drowning is probably a better date than whatever awaited Nebby. Lillie thought as she frantically tried to maintain control of the boat in the stormy seas. Nebby wriggled in her bag, panicked and in pain from the experiments.
Tears filled her eyes, she grabbed the bag and held it close to her, sinking to the floor with the knowledge that it was hopeless.
She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed to Arceus that their deaths would be painless.
Her boat collided with a large rock.
Everything went dark.
Moon jolted awake at a loud noise traveling through the water. Cautiously, she peaked out of her cave, looking up towards the dark, stormy sky.
Maybe a human got caught in the storm. She thought.
Humans got caught in storms all the time, they were quite dumb despite everything they could do.
Her hip fins fluttered anxiously at the thought of more humans showing up near her territory.
Her cave was situated in a narrow ravine surrounded by rocky and coral filled waters on all sides for miles, humans didn't come here often, and they never came down far enough to reach her cave. The rocks and coral stretched over the ravine opening, interlocking in a complex maze of sharp, fragile stone and coral, making it far too risky to reach.
A panicked, weak cry reached her fin like ears.
A Pokémon was in trouble.
The cry came from the same direction as the crash… She frowned, biting her lower lip.
It was a risk, a human could see her, if they did she could sick an allied Pokémon on them, but it was still a risky move.
Mom always warned her against going near crashes or anything human related. It was always too dangerous for her.
The Pokémon’s cries grew more panicked.
It sounded like a little, scared thing, not made for the seas, not ready to die.
This is going to end badly. Moon thought as she swam out of her cave.
She swam up, twisting through the maze of coral and stone easily, her slime coat allowed her to slide between the tight spots without getting scratched.
Once she was above the coral maze, she scanned the rock spires for signs of where the boat had crashed.
The boat was already below the tumultuous waves. That made her job easier.
She approached the boat cautiously, there wasn't any blood or bodies yet, either it had a smaller crew or everyone drowned and the bodies were stuck.
Her ears flicked at the annoyed, worried squeaks from her friend, quickly coming up behind her.
The little Popplio swam over to her, angrily chittering about how she shouldn't have left the cave without him. He tucked his snout into her side, she patted his head soothingly, Poppy was an anxious little fella.
“Someone needs help.” She whispered.
Poppy glanced at the boat, he glared and shook his head aggressively. Moon rubbed his head sympathetically, Poppy really didn't like humans, he never elaborated on why, maybe it was his coloring.
Her little friend looked different from other Popplio she had seen, his fur was a deeper, more purple blue, and his neck frill was a light pink.
“It's a little Pokémon that needs help, like you did when I found you.” She said.
Poppy frowned at her, crossing his flippers. She rolled her eyes.
“I'm going to help them.” she announced, swimming towards the boat.
Poppy stayed out for all of three seconds, the little guy was a bit of a scaredy cat. He stuck close to her side, brushing against her hip fins as they swam into the ship.
It had the mark of those boats others said were constantly coming and going from the fake island. Those humans were bad news, they kept poking around the various reefs she hunted at.
A flash of light caught her attention.
A part of the boat was sealed, air bubbles were leaking from it at a rapid pace, the weak flashing came from there.
Moon peered into the space through the dark glass, a long cylinder bag was where the light came from. It sat inside a perfectly round air bubble, and a human girl was holding tightly onto it.
“Hello?” She called through the water.
The light flashed rapidly in response, the patterns didn't make any sense to her, it was a whole bunch of gibberish.
“Do you need help?” She asked.
“Yes!” The Pokémon in the bag squeaked.
Moon glanced at the girl holding the bag.
“What about the human?”
“Yes! Friend! Safe!” they squealed.
“If you insist.”
Moon slammed her tail against the glass, bracing herself against the sudden pressure release. She swam into the cramped space, hesitating at the edge of the of air bubble.
“Can you make the bubble smaller?” She requested.
“Mom can't breathe!” They responded.
“The human is your mother?” Moon wondered.
“Help! Can't teleport in the water!” They shouted.
“Okay, I'll get you to the surface.” She told them.
She reached her hands into the bubble, snatching the girl by her waist and pulling her out of the bubble, dragging the bag with her.
Moon shot for the surface with rapid, strong flaps of her fins. She broke the water's surface, holding the girl's head above the water. 
Her gills shut as her body adjusted to being out of water, instinctively, she started drawing air from her mouth. She thrust herself out of the water and onto the rock the boat had crashed on for their collective safety.
She set the girl down on the least jagged part of the rock she could find, humans, she was fairly certain, didn't have a slime coat to protect them. 
Out of curiosity, she removed the girl's large hat. She wanted to see the face of the girl this Pokémon considered a mother.
Thick, straight blonde hair framed her pale face, her skin was soft and smooth, she didn't have a scratch or a scar on her.
Moon smiled to herself.
She's very pretty.
The bag rustled, bringing Moon’s attention away from the cute girl.
“Are you alright little friend?” She asked, reaching to open the bag, somehow.
The little Pokémon let out a weak ‘pew’ type sound, and the bag started to glow again.
Moon yelped in alarm as the glow turned blindingly bright, she squeezed her eyes shut, it felt like she was flying.
The light suddenly faded, she opened her eyes long enough to see that she was falling through the air, with the girl and her bag.
She grabbed onto the girl, curling her tail around her, spread her hip fins out and braced for the impact of their fall.
Her body slammed into the water with a loud smack. She couldn't feel her tail but the sight of her fins twitching out of the corner of her eye was enough to signify she wasn't paralyzed.
Her back brushed against soft sand, her face was still above the water.
We're on a beach. She realized.
As the feeling came back to her tail, she unwrapped it from around the girl.
She heard a small sound, felt the girl shift from her place curled against her body.
Looking down, brilliantly vibrant emerald green eyes met her own pink ones. The girl stared at her with wide eyes.
Moon realized she hadn't let go of her yet, she was still holding her in a tight, protective grip.
She'll feel my scales!
Thinking quickly, Moon shifted, turning her singular tail into two human legs.
Moon didn't like to transform much, she didn't have any trouble doing it, it was pretty easy to change and maintain, she just didn't have much reason to risk everything by pretending to be a human. That's what got her mother killed, she got too close to humans.
Silently, she hoped the girl wouldn't try speaking to her, she couldn't speak to humans.
Thankfully, her eyes slipped shut again and her head slumped against Moon's chest.
Moon let out a sigh of relief.
That's a bullet dodged.
She sat up, using one hand to prop herself up, the other securing the girl, she looked around.
Her initial thought was correct, they were on a beach.
A familiar beach.
Mom lives on this island.
That was as good a place as any to go for help. Mom could speak to other humans.
Moon rose out of the water unsteadily, she hadn't used her legs in a long time. She held the girl bridal style, tucking her bag and hat between their bodies, then she began to make her way out of the water.
It's good the storm chased all the humans inside. Moon thought.
She glanced around the beach, it had changed since she'd last been here. There was a lot more stuff now, she didn't know the exact direction to go to get to Mom’s house.
It was much brighter too, a big shift from light being filtered through the water.
The moment Moon stepped out of the water, she felt different.
Her powers had a limit now, they had always had one but she was always being recharged by the ocean. She was still close enough to recharge her powers, only far slower than she was accustomed too.
Just don't get cut off, as long as I can get back I'll be fine. She thought.
She walked unsteadily towards the darker part of the beach, Mom lived on a darker side of the island, close to the water and temple, she remembered that much.
The sand stuck to her legs, she scrunched her nose at the hated sensation, she wanted her slime coat back.
The beach had a strange path in it now, stacked stones leading up to what was once a cliff that Mom had her own way down. At least she was close to Mom’s now.
She heard something, sound was weird out of water. Her hearing wasn't as good either. She turned in the direction she thought it was coming from.
A human woman was approaching her, she started waving once she realized she'd turned around.
“Hey! Are you alright over there?! Did that blast hurt you?!” The woman shouted to her.
Moon walked in the woman's direction, passing the girl off to this human would wash her clean of this entire situation, she wouldn't need to visit Mom, she could get back to Poppy faster. Her little friend was probably worried out of his mind by now.
She stopped a few feet away from the human woman, her hair was white but she wasn't old. The woman looked her over, like she was sizing her up. Moon fought the urge to growl, humans were different from Pokémon, they showed aggression differently.
“Are you okay? Do you need a towel?” the woman asked, pulling folded fabric out of her bag.
Moon stared at it, glancing at the woman in confusion.
“To cover up? Aren't you cold?” The woman explained awkwardly.
Moon didn't think she was too exposed, she had the flowy piece of black and white patterned fabric that she tied around her waist to use as a sack, that was currently covering her leg area, and she always covered her chest with something, though what she was wearing was likely somewhat see through. Maybe that was the problem.
She shook her head and held the girl out to the woman.
“Oh my! What happened to you two?” The woman gasped.
Moon shook her head, she didn't know anything other than the boat crashed in her territory. She gestured towards the girl in her arms, silently begging for this woman to take her.
The woman gave her a concerned look.
“Do you know her?” She asked.
Moon shook her head again.
“So you don't know what happened to her and you don't know her?” The woman prompted.
Moon nodded.
“Is she hurt?” The woman asked, shifting her focus to the girl in her arms.
Moon nodded, holding the girl out to her again. This time, the woman took her from her outstretched arms, she ignored the weird feeling telling her to grab the girl she didn't know back, instead handing the bag to the woman.
She gave the woman a smile, humans liked those, right?, and turned to leave.
“Wait, are you hurt? Do you have anywhere to go?” The woman asked, taking a step towards her.
Moon shook her head, smiling in what she hoped was a reassuring way. She racked her brain for the signs Mom taught her so they could talk way back all those years ago.
She remembered quickly, smiling as she tapped the side of her nose with her pointing finger three times*.
The woman frowned, brow furrowed in deep thought, then her face lit up with understanding.
“Your mother lives around here?” she asked.
Moon nodded, pointing in the general direction of Mom’s house. She smiled, waved then headed off in the direction of Mom's.
She felt the woman's eyes on her even as she began to climb the slope, the feeling only faded once she was over the hill.
Moon dropped into the tall grass on the cliff’s edge, peering down at the woman on the beach, the other Pokémon didn't bother her, she was too tough for them.
The woman was staring after her, considering following her, humans were too nosey sometimes. Luckily, the woman didn't follow her, instead turning away to take care of the girl. Moon breathed out a sigh of relief, resting her chin on the ground.
She waited a while longer, just to be sure the woman didn't come back and the beach remained empty, then she slipped back down to the beach, into the water. She swam out in her human body, checking for any sign of recording, before diving down, allowing herself to change back to her natural form as she swam against the seafloor.
Poppy must be so worried. She sighed, the little guy wouldn't let go of her for weeks after this.
Moon swam faster, trying to leave her questions about the strange girl and strange Pokémon with the island.
*I believe that three taps with a pointer finger to the side of the nose is the sign for mother in Hawaiian Sign Language(HSL), I got that from this website https://www.listenandlearnusa.com/blog/hawaiian-sign-language/Cause I wanted to have Moon use HSL whenever she does communicate with people outside of the more vague gestures, but it's an endangered language and so finding sources on it is pretty hard, that really sucks.
Pokémer have the ability to change their forms, as long as they are close enough to the ocean to maintain their power, and have human legs/lower halves; they don't speak any human languages, but they can speak to Pokémon, they stay mute even in their human forms.
Moon's Mom and mother are different characters here, Mom is the mom character in the games, she's not Moon's biological mother, her bio mother is dead
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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anglerfish77 · 3 months
Introducing bug’s blog
Hello! I go by bug on this blog and I like to write for fandoms! Accepted requests will be done by a week!
Fandoms I write for:
- dr stone
- hunter x hunter
- Pokémon (unova, paldea, galar, alola)
Things I’ll write:
- x gn!reader
- headcanons
- drabbles
- oneshots
Things I will not write:
-mainly all the big no nos
-ect ect
Hope you enjoy your time here! Requests are always open and welcome in my inbox 💞
Note: if I feel uncomfortable with a request, I do not have to do them.
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ghostieboi14 · 1 year
A little fanfic about Ash's injuries finally getting to him
Prof kukui had a lesson planned where they split into teams of two and go look for rare berries/ items. The teams are:
Ash and mallow
Kiawe and Sophocles
Lillie and Lana
And so as the gang splits up Lana and Lillie go to the Beach,
Kiawe and Sophocles go to the cave systems and mallow and ash went into the forest by the school.
As they trenched thru the thick forest they found a big tree that fell over
"Let's go over it! I usually find a lot of mushrooms by fallen trees!" Mallow exclaimed whole ash only nodded his head
As mallow easily cleared the tree she noticed ash wincing as he slowly cleared it
"Ash are you okay? Did you nick yourself on the wood?" Mallow says with a lot of concern filling her voice as she noticed when he landed he Was breathing heavily
"yeah I'm just fine. I think I just overexerted myself yesterday I'm really sore heh" he says as Pikachu jumped down the tree
As they continue walking Mallow Took more time to watch ash, every tree cleared, every jump, every step made him have this face of discomfort
As they got into the thicker part of the forest they noticed a large lake that had rocks scattered around, they looked to be stable enough to jump on
"Let's cross it!" Mallow exclaimed
"Sure!" Ash replied 'why is this so hard to do? Maybe because I've been sitting around and not really working my legs I've gotten weaker?' ash thought
As mallow cleared the rocks, ash followed behind a little slower then mallow. Once she cleared the rocks she turned to ash waiting for him. Once he reached the last one
He jumped and once he landed He felt burning hot pain fill his legs as he planted his feet
He felt his body give out underneath him
As he landed on the grassy floor he heard mallow freak out right besides him, asking questions that his Brain can't even comprehend
All that's going in his head is
"Get the professor"
"O-okay! Just stay here I'll be right back!"
As mallow ran through the forest, clearing the lake and the fallen trees, she kept saying to herself to go
When she found the big log that they jumped at the start of the class
She cleared it hastily
As she came to the school she sees in the distance Lillie, Lana, Kiawe and Sophocles all waiting there
She runs over to them and takes a deep breath in
"Professor! Ash is hurt and he needs help!" She yells
They looked shocked for a second
"He needs your help now! Stop staring at me and go help him Now!" She yells tugging professor Kukui's arm
As he registered what was happening he immediately asked
"Where is he?" And she starts taking him there, right before they leave he tells the rest of the gang to stay there As they run through the forest
As they rush through the forest
Ash stays still where he is, not knowing what to do.
All that's going through his head is 'make it stop' as he sits on the ground, panicking
After what felt Hours. Professor Kukui finally got there
"Ash! What happened?!"
"i-i don't kn-know it its so much pain" ash said finally breaking
"Help.. help me I want this to be over!" He yelled out, breathing heavily
"Hey, hey its okay come on breath with me" Kukui said in a calm tone, face still filled with worry
As Ash Started following his breathing, slowly calming down. Once he got to a point where he was conscious, but still slightly freaking out, Kukui touched his shoulder and he winced back
"Ash, can you stand? Do you need help?" He asked
"I- I don't know"
"Do you want to try?"
Professor Kukui was the first one up
"Do you need help?"
As Ash tried to get up he fell back down
"Well I think that answers my question" he says as he picks
ash up from the ground and princess Carry's him, as they start walking back to the school, mallow following close behind
"Hey ash, buddy we are going to have to go to the hospital okay?" Kukui says
"Ugh.. I hate hospitals" he said, pushing his head into his lab coat
As The Journey Continues!!!
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estomia · 7 months
Watching a Pokemon UM Hardcore Nuzlocke Video and remembering that in 2020-21 i wanted to write a redditshipping fanfic of the two old men going to Alola, like I imagine them finding eachother on some online forum talking about those ultra space wormholes and they then decide to meet up in Alola bc they want to do evil scientist shit And idk i really like them being loosers together..that usually dont go outside and them due to circumstances of idk problems with public transportation(IDK?? IM FROM GERMANY IM COPING) being forced to spend more time than wanted there and doing silly tourist stuff
BUT I SADLY NEVER WROTE DOWN ANYTHING!!Argh im so angry bc they brought me joy
yeah idk i really needed to yell about anything
and silly niche pokemon characters, like my hc charon and xerosic are my meow meows
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irlkisukeurahara · 7 months
AU content that isn't Hop, Leon, or Arven oriented? No way! I'm actually gonna talk about the premise that's insane...
In Pokémon Unown: Legends Tale, there is a freshly ten year old girl named Astrid wanting to become a Pokémon trainer. She thinks her dad has forbidden her from doing so, but then she's called into the principal's office and meets one of her heroes. The champion of Alola, Skylar Valks! She's accompanied by her mother, Kazarah, who works for the Aether Foundation. Astrid's father Akito is on call and explains to her that she's allowed to become a Pokémon trainer under their guidance. The principal gives her a Pokéball on Akito's behalf and they walk outside to watch Cheren fight his battles.
On the other side of town, Leon and Hop arrived in Unova. Leon took Hop down here to try and rekindle their brotherly relationship after losing connection when Hop left Postwick. Hop, however, is unenthusiastic about this idea. Leon takes him to the Aspertia Gym, trying to bond over Pokémon battles. They run into Kazarah and Skylar. Kazarah and Leon are happy to see each other, as Kazarah helped Leon a lot in the past. Skylar was excited to see them both. Leon was one of her childhood heroes, and she read Hop's book on Pokémon Science and Battling Ethics many times before. Astrid, however, just really liked Hop's Dubwool. It's said to be the strongest one in the world.
Astrid asks Hop why he's there, and he answers that they were travelling Unova, to which she asks if him and Leon can come along. Hop ends up agreeing, and they later go to Astrid's home to meet the sixth member of the group, Violet Spark. Everyone knows who she is, because she's a very important figure. ... Except for Astrid, she's adorably clueless in how important she is and it pisses her off.
As they leave Astrid's house, they're jumped by a kid. He challenges her to a battle and wins. He then introduces himself as Dark and proposes the idea of teaching her Pokémon martial arts. He seems intimidated by the fact she was accompanied by two Champions (at least ex champion) and extremely nervous around Violet but decides he would travel with them.
They go to Nimbasa for Violet's work and realize that Unova region is absolutely covered in snow, despite it being spring. They find the cause of this weather, a young woman named Yuki Akuhei. They talk to a shady man and learn that the cause of the weather is the Unown taking Yuki as a host and transforming it based on her views and desires. As she sees the world as cold and desolate, Unova is turning cold and desolate.
They have to solve this weather crisis by entering what's called a Scripted World. They sneak into the world of the Unown, finding an icy barren wasteland. They must defeat every gym leader in real life (Just Astrid obviously) and in the Scripted World (RPG Boss Battle style) and reach Yuki, where they must crush her spirits to save Unova.
And this problem might be plaguing other regions too. But we'll see...
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t1meslayer · 8 months
Halloween. A time for ghosts and ghouls to wander the mortal realm.
As we come up on the spookiest part of the year, who knows what kind of unusual activity you might come across.
In Alola, an unknown entity is causing turmoil. Who could be responsible? If you spot anything or have insights into the criminal activity described below, please message your local officials:
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In other words, got another Zine preview for you here <3
I've had the absolute pleasure of working with @pokepocketzine over the last few months, watching tons of amazing art and writing come together for the cause of highlighting our favorite tiny lil dudes. On top of this piece about a mysterious creature whose identity you surely can't guess, I have four additional fics split between physical and digital print!
Super excited for you all to see what we've been putting together. PokePocket pre-orders open on November 1st, so keep that in mind when you're drunk off sweet, sweet discount Halloween chocolates.
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lotho · 2 years
Does anyone remember the fanfic that is about Ash being the bio child of Kukui and Dalia but while Kukui was busy developing his pokemon career and support his growing family he ends up neglecting them instead and Dalia got tired of waiting and so cute contact with him but he kept up with Ash’s journey but from a distance before aloha?  Look I have been looking for it everywhere but can’t find shit, please help 
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souenkun · 2 months
"first place (in my heart)" | darkuncleshipping
"It's unnecessary, that's for sure," Nanu sighed, finally cracking one eye open. For someone who made plans to play at the beach, Grimsley sure looked ridiculous clad in his sygna suit, especially with the potential of it being drenched by water and stuffed with sand. But, under the golden sunlight that kissed his skin, Grimsley did look stunning, and the sight alone took Nanu's breath away. He grappled for the words that eluded his stalling mind, choosing to settle with, "Acerola wanted to hang out with you today, after all."
Or: after being dragged to see Pasio's beach with Acerola, Nanu has a much-needed talk about their future with Grimsley.
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entity9silvergen · 1 year
Been a year since I posted this! It’s a Pokémon Sun & Moon oneshot where the Alola class realize human understandings of gender don’t apply to Pokémon. Would appreciate if you checked it out! 
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prof-peach · 6 months
(Kind of a weird question and not sure if there’s another blog to send this but…) Have you ever read a few of the fanfics or considered posting your own work on a website like ff.net or ao3? There’s a few other comics on them (the art in yours and your doodles are so pretty btw your style is really unique) tho it’s understandable if you want to keep it on your own website. So many good fanfics if you know where to look, and there’s one called the Alola Pokédex that I absolutely adore. Love your work!
This is a fine place to ask that question.
I actually avoid a lot of other comics and content based on Pokemon stuff, so I can focus on my own story. I’ve found in the past if you go off and read a bunch of things others have made, while enjoyable at times it can lead me personally to choice paralysis. Nothing is new and unique, and so when I know I’m writing or creating something that is similar in any way I just won’t make anything at all. My brain just can’t do it, as if I’ve convinced myself there’s no point. SO for my own joy I simply don’t involve myself in others stuff too much (which is fine for me I’m not very present online, and don’t like to be on the internet too much) to allow my brain a chance to create without getting in its own way. Not a single thing I’ve made is unique or special, and I’m fine with that, but if I fill my head with others work I just stop creating which is really bad for my mental health haha. I am also quite dyslexic so reading isn’t something I do well with.
As for posting elsewhere, issues of legalities crop up, and I tend to get nervous throwing all my stuff up in a load of places, more because I don’t remember to use the internet for more than like… a collective of 2-3 things for work, so I’d no doubt forget passwords or just forget to use a site all together.
I’m not much of a writer, so I doubt it’d be worth putting anything up elsewhere, figure that’s more for the literature lovers than anything else. And comic wise I pay for a domain so it’s all add free and personalised so I’m happy to use that and not put it elsewhere.
I like things the way they are ^^ though I suppose I have enough notes on my phone of written content that could be put somewhere, could do without that haha!
Love that you’re enjoying the work and blog!!
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asterouslyaesthetic · 3 months
Thinking about unconfessed Hanahaki with USUM/SuMo!Leaf and Blue...
RBF (resting bitch face) Leaf who cares deeply but feels like Blue has outgrown her. Sure, battle prowess-wise, they're pretty much on-par with each other. But in terms of emotional maturity?
Blue's a gym leader-turned-battle legend who's taken plenty of kids under his wing. He seems like he knows what he wants in life, and he's not afraid to pack up in the middle of the night to leave. She sees his social media and he looks so relaxed and happy.
Leaf thought about taking over his gym, but by the time she worked up the courage to tell Elaine and Lance, Silver had already taken the position. She's entirely directionless—unlike other child champions like Elaine (coordinator and full-time champion) and Lyra (retired champ turned coffee shop owner).
The same thing happened with the Battle Tree too—it was supposed to be all three of them as Battle Legends but Leaf is secretly terrified of not settling in well in Alola. She's already kind of miserable in Kanto—just kind of waiting for her degree to be over. Even when she was traveling, she made sure to stay away from people, so the only friends she has are the ones Blue dragged into her life.
And this manifests into a garden of carnations growing inside of her, right as she finally gives into Blue's constant badgering about coming to Alola—"just for a while, Leaf. I'll pay for the ticket and everything."
(There's an old article about it on the internet, a masterpost on a fanfic sub about sources to study it, and ofc, the Ao3 tag. She considers reaching out to Cynthia and even gets her number, but chickens out every time.)
She has a stack of old letters sitting in her desk drawer, which she does not bring with her. But it's a habit to write to Blue. So when she starts coughing more and she's confined to a day of rest, she asks Blue to buy her a journal and starts writing. And she continues writing it whenever Blue forces her to take care of herself.
Then, one day, she coughs an entire flower, which, to her knowledge, is bad news. So she decides that she'll confess and maybe that'll be the end of it (according to the myths and old journals she read), and the only casualty will probably be their friendship.
(Her pokemon are deeply concerned, but she keeps trying to reassure them she's fine and their attempts to explain it to Blue fall flat and only make a rift between them and their trainer.)
So, she starts practicing and falls asleep halfway. Meanwhile, her pokemon have decided the correct course of action is to hand her diary over to Blue (in which a confession is present).
He reads it, freaks out, and when Leaf wakes up, he starts fussing over her...and then Leaf realizes she can breathe again.
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