#pomni: when did I become a jester?
city0f-dreams · 5 months
@hxzelwallflower liked for a starter with Pomni!
To say that new arrival-one even newer than her to the circus and its antics-wasn’t handling things well was an understatement. Like Pomni had room to talk. But she hadn’t even seen her at all yesterday, before or after their adventure into the Candy Canyon Kingdom. As someone who knew exactly what it was like to feel nervous and overwhelmed here-hell, she still did-the jester felt compelled to check on the rat-type “performer” that Kinger had dubbed Hazel.
She politely excused herself from non-breakfast and walked through the hallway with all of their rooms, eventually coming to an unsure rest in front of Hazel’s. Face scrunched as she debated whether to do this or not. There was no way this could go like how it did with Kaufmo’s room so soon after her arriving? Right? Right?!
She sighed, breathing in and out and reaching out her hand determinedly. They were all in the same boat, and shutting herself away was not the answer.
*Knock knock knock!* When there was no immediate reply, Pomni called through the door in a hesitant voice as she withdrew her hand.
“Hazel…? It’s me, Pomni! The…red and blue one, hehe…Do you want to talk? I didn’t go to breakfast, I’m not really hungry…”
They didn’t even need to eat anyway. And it felt weird using the name she had been given for the first time.
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mistkisbiggestfan · 11 months
Oh my God.
I had a very funny and slightly strange idea...
Imagine that there is mutual sympathy between the reader and Jax. In short, Jax has crush on reader, but the reader... don’t know it.(or just don’t see it)
So, a new person appears in the circus. It doesn't matter who it is, what it is, what their name is, etc.
So, the newcomer and the reader became very close friends. I mean, sleeping in the same room, hugging, holding hands...(I mean friends, no lovers)
Look, I just want to see Jax get jealous, okay...?
Thank you🫶❤️
Jealous! Jax (Romantic) + Pomni (Platonic) / Gn! Reader
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Jax (romantic), Pomni (platonic) / Gn! Reader
A/n: Back on the grind we go!! Hell YEAH!! I actually like how this turned out, hope you like it!! REQUESTS FOR TADC ARE OPEN!!!
Summary: Jax may or may not have a crush on you and be very much jealous of Pomni being your close friend. Words: 1448 Request: yup!
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There was always a spark between you and Jax, surprising? Absolutely. 
The thought that this deranged, unhinged, smooth rabbit man could ever feel such complex emotion as love was insane, at least to everyone except for you. 
Sure he has some bad qualities, but that’s normal. (Get a grip bro this man is beyond saving /j)  
He was here once you got into the circus, and that first time you met, both of you hit it off great! He was always smug and funny, but nothing too overboard. Of course everyone realized right off the bat, and Ragatha just came to you and was like: “How did you do it?” 
You were confused, Jax was always like that! A bit silly, and very charismatic. 
And so this feeling bloomed, but somewhere where none could see, not even you. You liked him a lot, surely, but he wasn’t the type to fall for a person, he was so sure of himself, you knew there was no chance of him swooning over someone, not like it’s a bad thing, but he wasn’t a type of person to beg for affection if it was to be taken away. 
Or so you thought. 
You let your crush take a backseat in this h#!! of a ride. But meanwhile, to Jax’s absolute demise and confusion, he found himself staring a bit too long, or laughing a bit too loudly at your jokes. He fell, definitely not first, but most definitely harder.
The thought process was quite simple really: “Absolutely no f*@/!n# way.” 
But oh well, he’s 100 % the type of guy to try to impress you every chance he gets, even at the expense of others.
Not like he cares about others though. 
What you might not realize is how under all that narcissistic and overall not the best person is someone who is like, very touch starved. 
He would die to even hold hands, but just with you.
That pisses him off slightly, he never had such problems, and it’s not looking good.
He has a way with words, but not a way with emotions. That concept is foreign and very, unsettlingly new to him. 
Then a newcomer comes around, a silly little jester – Pomni! Both of you become friends really fast, because unlike Jax, you’re actually one of two best comforters in the Digital Circus, the first-best being Ragatha.
That’s why Pomni always sticks with either you or Ragatha. 
At first it wasn’t that much of a problem – You were good at putting others at ease – Jax knew that, and with time, he also knew that Pomni hated physical touch.
So when he saw you two hugging or anything like that? My man is pissed. 
And it became an actual, apparent problem. Because the smaller jester stuck to you like glue, soon she was even sleeping with you in your room: “Because hers was too stuffy.” Yeah, he wasn’t buying that. (It was the truth tho lmao) 
And when Caine brought it up one time, asking you and Pomni if you were dating?? Fuming, you could really see the smoke coming out of his ears. 
Of course both of you quickly shut that down, saying that no, you weren’t dating, and were actually far from it. 
Part of him wanted to accept that, why did he even care? The other part told him to fuck up Pomni’s mind to the point of abstraction, one sentence could destroy her so why not?
It wasn’t hard to catch on with his emotions, you saw him pull pranks which were just getting more and more cruel. And there was no way you could let that slide. 
Especially since Pomni was coming to you for advice on love herself, since she had an eye on one, quite pretty ragdoll here in the circus. 
– Good thing this is just a dream, right Pomni? – Jax elbowed the smaller jester, leaning over her, he watched the product of his words show off in the girl’s eyes, as her pupils became dark and disorganized scribbles. Both of them stood somewhere near your room, everything happening because Jax saw Pomni walking to yours again. And he wasn’t having that, so he decided to mess with the jester who was stealing your attention lately.  Pomni stayed silent, making Jax snicker lightly, but something interrupted this $h!t show from going on further, light footsteps. The taller man turned around just to see you coming down the hallway, his smile widened. You focused your eyes on two figures before you. – Jax, Pomni! – You smiled at Jax, making him look away for just a second, before you turned to Pomni, smile turning into a frown. – Pomni? Finally stopping you looked at your friend who was visibly not doing so great. You spoke up again. – Hey Pomni, are you doing okay..? – The jester shook her head, breaking out of the trance, she looked at you, her pupils dilated. – What? Uh, yeah, you know what, I’m going to go. – She said quickly, before awkwardly speeding away from you two.  You sighed and looked at Jax, who was smugly looking at you. – What did you tell her this time Jax? – You questioned tiredly, anticipating any reasonable response from the rabbit. He laughed. – Oh nothing much you know, just typical stuff. – His grin widened.  – Jax. – You looked at him sternly, at times like this you wondered why you even liked him that much. That, seemingly brought him back to earth for a second. – Maybe something about this being a dream.. you know, just typical stuff.  You knew how Pomni was, h#!! she told you herself. Poor little thing, she was battling so many emotions right now, especially since she fell for one of the circus members, just like you – which you could relate to. And know you were looking at him, wondering why?  Looking at him, you mentioned for the rabbit to follow you. Finally, as both of you stepped into your room, you shut the door behind you and turned to him. – Jax, what’s up your @$$ lately? – You asked, mad.  Well that was anything else he expected from you, seems like you caught on to what he was doing, he sighed still smiling smugly. – What do you mean? – You know what I mean. – You said, crossing your arms on your chest, looking up at him.  – Not a single clue! – He played along, to a one sided game. You weren’t having that.  And then out of all things you could’ve done, you managed to surprise him, catching his breath in his throat, why? Because out of all things you attacked the weakest part of him – His crippling touch starvation – You caught one of the straps to his overalls and pulled him down so you and the rabbit were on the same eye-level, faces dangerously close to each other. And as he felt your touch on his body, he felt something clicking in his at the moment thoughtless brain.  But as soon as the touch came, it was gone, and he felt it linger long after you left the room, leaving him staring dumbfounded at one spot in front of him for far longer than what was deemed normal.  And now he was left with two options, mess with your new friend and get all this newfound and surprisingly great but still negative attention, or apologize and somehow get you to touch him again.  As he was leaving, walking along the halls towards his room to think, he saw Pomni down the hallway, she saw him too. She looked confused, caught up in this tricky territory called love, just like him. But this time, he decided to leave the jester be, which brought him one step closer to his new habit of longing for you and your touch. 
Did he apologize to you? Yeah, if you can call it that. It was a typical, Jax fashioned, half–@$$ed apology, but only because his ego didn’t let him go as far as saying an actual sorry.
But he did change! Well, kind of. He was less obnoxious towards Pomni, and let her adjust to this new hellish life she was forcefully pulled into. 
After noticing how the jester’s eyes literally turned to hearts when she looked at Ragatha, and when he overheard you giving love advice to her, he definitely gave up on making her abstract out of pure jealousy.
Instead, making it his goal to get you to touch him in any way, yes, he’s that desperate. 
But that made you just more in love, he was actually (a little tiny bit) nice!! 
Let’s just hope no new people come around, because jealous Jax is literally a walking death threat. 
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olinblogin · 8 months
Can you write clown!child!reader that plays silly innocent pranks and honks whenever they're really happy? I prefer if you made some headcanons/one shot with Kaufmo or Jax, if you want to add more characters then be my guest! Believe me, I don't mind at all lol
Ohhh I’ve been waiting for a clown reader tbf!
In the long run I don’t know to much abt Kaufmo bc duh he literally abstracted in the pilot— so please take my limited info about him with a pinch of salt
This one is gonna be relatively short because I don’t have much to work on plot wise since only the pilot of the show is out
(Theres no normal Kaufmo gifs so here 💀)
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When you’d first arrived, a lot were shocked to see you didn’t freak out like most would when first entering the Amazing Digital Circus.
In fact, you were quite ecstatic.
They were all shocked to see a child of all to be transported into the Circus. But you adapted quickly to your surroundings, even becoming comfortable with everyone, especially Kaufmo.
You spent most your time with Kaufmo, actually. You both took the form of clowns in a way, so it was bound that you two would get along.
To you he was almost like an older brother, always scolding you when you’d play little pranks on your friends. Some harmless, some a little less harmless.
Like the time you glued Caine’s staff to the floor.
Usually when you wanted to play pranks you’d go to Jax for help carrying them out, seeing as you’re the smallest of the group you had a hard time doing things as easily as the others did.
It was so fun all the time, every time you’d get caught doing your pranks you’d squeeze your little nose and make a honking sound as you dashed away.
Then, there was a new member, Pomni.
She was a jester of sorts… but oh, so jumpy. You tried greeting her with Ragatha, only for her to break out into a string of curses—which despite censored by Caine—Ragatha still covered your ears.
Eventually Ragatha was down on your level, “hey, sweetie? Can you do me a small favor?” She asked softly, to which you tilted your head in response, as you didn’t often talk so you used body language instead. “Please don’t play any pranks on Pomni, okay? She’s really jumpy and she might get hurt if you do.” You put a finger on your mouth in consideration, nodding happily.
“Thanks, sweetie. Go have fun, Caine is making us play capture the Gloinks again, I know that’s your favorite.” With that you zipped off and chased around the little shapes, while Ragatha took Pomni on a little tour with Jax.
You played the game for a while until you stumbled across the hallway of rooms, where some faces were crossed off with a big red ‘X’ for a reason you didn’t know, nor would you understand.
You were searching high and low for those little Gloinks but.. you soon came across Kaufmo’s door, it was wide open with signs of struggle being visible.
You peered into his room, he was no where to be found. You now had a new objective from the game, to find Kaufmo.
You searched everywhere, you even managed to get out of the circus to look for him.
But no matter your efforts you just couldn’t find him at all… soon, Caine caught you outside of the circus and brought you back, all of the group together, save for Kaufmo.
You made your way over to Ragatha, tugging her skirt, “Ragatha, where’s Kaufmo?” You asked in your quiet voice. Ragatha couldn’t bring herself to say it, only looking away in a guilty manner.
“What happened to him.. where’s Kaufmo?”
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plague-karm · 1 year
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Right time to analyse this shit because god dammit I have been silently making theories about this show the second I saw the premise I’m about to become the most annoying person on the planet on god so LETS GOOOOOOO-
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First things first the animation looks fucking phenomenal (let Kevin Temmer cook, that man can do no wrong). Also Caine the guy ever, he is the silly and I love him wholeheartedly, he’s just a fucked up little guy who’s living his best life fr.
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They do be circling though.
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Smiling Gangle spotted ten seconds before disaster, no thoughts head empty indeed.
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They have come to steal your credit card information.
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The thoughts I had of Ragatha being the lone brain cell keeping everything together were completely correct I CALLED IT- (it has been said by Gooseworx that she has been there the second longest so she’s probably gotten used to the zaniness by now…maybe)
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A door that leads to a void?
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Maybe it has something to do with this room in the teaser trailer? Possibly.
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Tumblr sexyman spotted.
''If there was a way to leave I'm sure we'd have all left by now''
They're ✨suffering✨
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This caught me off guard when I first saw it lmao (holy FUCK I love Zooble's design, they're everything to me).
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''Welcome to your new home...AND your new body...''
So they're aware that they were human before they entered the circus? That's interesting considering what happens in a few seconds (I'll get to that soon). It's also worth mentioning that Gooseworx has stated that their clothes ARE a part of their bodies.
Case in point...
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At the end of the character introduction compilation Gooseworx posted to their YouTube channel Pomni is heard saying something along the lines of
''How do I...take this...headset off?!''
I saw a few people theorizing about her talking about a VR headset and that was how she entered the circus to begin with (I had the same thoughts until very recently). However, considering how much of the visuals and character designs are based on old media (also a teaser image was set up as the menu screen for a retro game), I'm beginning to think that this isn't the case.
So it's incredibly likely that Pomni is actually talking about her jester headpiece since she can't take it off.
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This scene is probably the first time Pomni sees her new body, pinwheel eyes and all.
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''I'm fine with whatever, as long as I get to see funny things happen to people''
I love him he's so unbothered.
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I'm sad that we didn't get to hear any dialogue from them but I can't wait to see them in the pilot! Kinger is love, Kinger is life.
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''After a while you start to realise that you really can't leave, and constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a little crazy''
She's a little fucked up actually wow who saw that coming.
It sounds like Ragatha tried to leave a few times and just resigned to her fate after a while, her description DID say that she was the ''sweetest little optimist in the digital circus'', so maybe she's told the others that escaping is impossible and that they should make the best of their situation instead? (Also the framed picture of the right looks like some kind of void, a lot of void imagery here).
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Also, Gooseworx released this image a short while ago and it has the same background that Ragatha had while she was talking so she's DEFINITELY talking to Pomni here.
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EXCUSE ME? Okay time for some more speculation. I knew that their names definitely weren't their real ones but I wasn't expecting them to forget them!
Now, since the premise is said to be centred around Pomni and the others getting messed with by AI and their traumas, maybe instead of forgetting what their names were, they actually REPRESSED their memories from when they were human due to the trauma they went through? (Which would include their names)
I don't buy that they've COMPLETELY forgotten who they were (Zooble is aware that the body they're in isn't the one they used to have so I'm guessing everyone else knows that too.)
I'm guessing that their human lives absolutely SUCKED and they've now repressed their trauma to the point where they can barely remember who they were in the human world, this is just speculation.
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''Thank goodness this is all a dream, right Pomni?''
What a sassy little guy (it's so weird hearing Michael Kovach sound so reserved, he's normally feral as hell playing these kinds of characters). The little mannequin symbol on the door is probably there for when new people stumble into the circus.
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She's definitely seen some shit, I wonder what it could be though?
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Wow this background looks...oddly normal. The only thing I can think of this being is Pomni witnessing a flashback of her human life before she showed up in the circus.
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''You completely lose sight of who you are and why you're even alive and when you reach your breaking point something REALLY terrible can happen''
OH? Okay speculation time again. This is the closest hint we've gotten to what exactly one of the gang's traumas could be. Ragatha may have forced herself to stay positive in really shitty situations during her human life which likely lead to a lot of negative thoughts which eventually lead to her doing...something, I'm not sure what though, maybe it lead to her losing an eye? (Maybe her new body represents that?) I'm not sure. Maybe this is why she's been in the circus for as long as she has, instead of dealing with her feelings and existentialism, she instead continues to try to be someone who's more adjusted than they actually are.
Again, this is all just speculation, maybe it's just an Infinity Train type of thing where they can't leave until they learn to accept what they went through and how to work through it healthily idk.
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WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Well, I'll tell you what I think it is.
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I think it's this weird tar like tentacle thing from the teaser trailer, I don't see what else it could be.
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And I'm 90% sure that whatever it is, it's connected to this room, and I think that THIS is gonna be where we'll be seeing what the gangs traumas are (Ragatha looked TERRIFIED when she was grabbed so if this was the case I wouldn't be surprised). I'd also like to speculate that this could possibly be another AI. There's Caine, Bubble, and whatever the hell those little shape creatures are, so it's very likely that other AI does exist, we just haven't seen them yet.
But who knows? I'm probably looking too much into it.
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Woah new background, he is angy.
I would go into another theory I have about how their designs may hint at what trauma they have but I've spent over an hour writing, compiling trailer screenshots, and speculating every individual frame while suffering with chest pains I wanna go to bed
Holy shit that took WAY longer than I thought it would. I cannot WAIT to watch the pilot, this show has become one of my most anticipated projects of the year over the last few months and I can't wait to see what it has in store.
TL;DR: The trailer looks fire 10/10 can't wait for the inevitable Pomni plushes.
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thescarletnargacuga · 29 days
Because until now do i realize that im allowed to put two asks-
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A/N:🎵I always feel like somebody's watching MEEEEE 🎶
WARNING: little angsty, anxiety
The circus members gathered to await Caine to announce their daily adventure. They made idle chit chat fully unaware of the being luring in the shadows, watching.
Shadow made sure to peak subtly and silently, going completely unnoticed as he focused on one circus member in particular. The red headed ragdoll, Ragatha. Her cheerful smile and sparkling eye make his heart skip a beat. She always seemed so full of life and energy, it made him almost wish he could go on adventures too.
Her braided yarn hair looked soft to the touch, I often wondered what it would be like to have it run between his fingers. He was even envious of her patchwork dress, as it got to hug her frame every second of every day. He left out a quiet, lovesick sigh. He knew he could never tell her, but it was nice to think about what it would be like to hold her...to kiss her...to tell her how much he-
"Morning!" Caine popped into existence next to his shaded kin.
Shadow completely dispersed for a second, becoming nothing but black smoke that clung to the walls, then reformed with a glare aimed directly at Caine.
"What are you up to on this fine day?" Caine asked with a smile.
"Nothing. [%$!#] off." Shadow grumbled.
Caine looked over at his circus members in the distance. Then back at Shadow. "Wait...were you spying again? You know you could just ask me what adventure I have planned. I don't mind telling you."
"This isn't about you." Shadow noticed some of the circus members looking his way and he moved out of sight. "Now go away. You're too loud."
Caine narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "If it's not me...what is it? Hm? You jealous my cast gets to go on adventures?"
Shadow felt heated by Caine's incessant questions. "No! I don't give a flying [%$!#] about your adventures!"
"Alright, then WHO is it? Who are you watching so obsessively?"
"I'm not obsessed!"
"Shadow, this is the third time this week alone I've caught you snooping. Come on, you can tell me."
"The [%$!#] I can. You'll just announce it to the whole circus!"
"I will not! In fact, I don't want you to tell me. I'll just guess." Caine smirked.
"You really don't listen when people tell you to go away...and you wonder why no one likes you." Shadow didn't bother disappearing. caine would just follow him if he did. At least here he could occasionally glance at Ragatha.
"No need to make this personal." Caine cleared his voice. "Now, I am convinced this is about a particular person. You have a crush."
Shadow was no better at hiding his emotions than Caine. "Wha-!? No!"
"Uh-huh, sure you don't. Is it Pomni? Because I hate to break it to you, she's called for."
"Eugh! NO! That ball of anxiety in a jester hat is all yours, you freak."
Caine deadpanned. "You should really look in a mirror sometime. Not Pomni. That's a relief. Jax?"
"No! None of them! I wouldn't tell you even if you guessed correctly."
"Ah-ha! So there is a correct answer!"
"[%$!#]" Shadow swore under his breath.
"Okay, it's got to be Gangle. I didn't think someone as sweet as her would be your type, but-"
"Will you knock it off already!? God! Fine! IT'S RAGATHA!" He said so loud, it echoed through the circus. The cast members that had been talking all stopped to look around for the source. Shadow and Caine were out of sight where they were. Shadow lowered his voice before continuing. "There. Now can you [%$!#] off already!? Just leaving me alone!"
"Ragatha?? Wow, that's an even bigger surprise than Gangle. Come on, Shadow, you shouldn't be ashamed! Ragatha is wonderful! I could introduce you."
"NO! No! Absolutely not! She isn't getting wind of ANY of this! Understand!?" Shadow blushed heavily in his flustered panic.
Caine sighed dramatically. "Fiiiiiiine. Mum's the word. Promise. Cross my code and hope to fly!"
"....that's not how- whatever." Shadow pinched the top of his bottom teeth in exasperation. "Just don't tell her. Seriously. It's...better if she doesn't know."
"But why? I bet she'd love to go on a double date with you and me and Pomni. They're best friends, you know. And even if she wasn't interested, she'd be nice about it. Ragatha is a very kind person."
Shadow was silent for a moment. "It's not the rejection...it's the disgust."
"What do you mean?"
"LOOK AT US!!" Shadow snapped. "You got lucky finding someone so pathetically desperate, they accepted affection from the likes of us. Ragatha would never."
Caine was taken aback, then angry. "There's no need to insult Pomni. Her interest sees past this." He gestures to himself. "It's not about the avatar, it's about the person behind it."
"We aren't people, Caine. We're.... we're nothing but code. And I'm even less than that. I'm not even rendered." Shadow looked at his inky black hands.
"Don't be so quick to judge how she'd react, Shadow. I had the same fears confessing to Pomni. How could she love an AI like me? And yet, here we are. It wasn't out of desperation. It was out of mutual respect and longing for connection. If you respect Ragatha, you'll tell her. Creeping in the shadows will get you nowhere."
Shadow went quiet again. His eyes falling on Ragatha. His heart ached to tell her, but it ached even more out of fear. "Not...yet. I can't."
Caine nodded. "It takes time, but don't wait too long. You know I can't keep my mouth shut forever." He winked and teleported to the circus members to introduce the adventure.
With everyone properly distracted, Shadow could look fully again and admire Ragatha from afar. His daydream of her smile being aimed at him was interrupted by the intrusive thought of her being angry and insulted that he dare say anything to her. He tried to shake it, but thinking about confessing made fear grip his heart. She'd never accept him. She'd never want him. He would forever belong to the shadows. Alone.
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estro-gem · 10 months
Zooble x Gangle: Wind beneath Wings
The Amazing Digital Circus AU: Oasis
Author's note:
I want more content about these two! This is mostly fluffy Gangle-centric shenanigans, but I have a nice little Zooble-centric fic planned next.
For now, it's just our lil' bean being a lil' bean.
And also being a lil' minx. I want Gangle unhinged and set loose.
I want it so bad!
Warnings: Eh... nothing really worth calling out...
Awkward comments that may or may not count as flirting? Objectifying.
Non-cis couple struggles/panic.
Nothing really triggering, I think (I hope).
Gangle and Zooble hangs out in the main room, the day after Pomni's arrival. The situation ends up with Gangle awkwardly trying to comfort the jester.
Things get worse as Pomni oversteps her boundaries, chasing Gangle back into Zooble's arms for comfort. Fluff and gossip ensues. That's about it.
Oh, Jax and Ragatha is there too!
All characters belong to Gooseworx.
“Oi… newbie is NOT doing ok…”
Zooble’s words were mumbled to themself more than to their partner, who was currently wrapped and twisted around their torso and arms. Gangle’s comedy mask was dangling over their right shoulder, hanging upside down. Looked like Gangle was in a goofy mood today, if not strangely more clingy than usual. The Zolo-being couldn’t help but wonder if the new arrival from the day before had their partner feeling particularly protective. The thought alone left Zooble with a rush of fuzzy heat.
It's not like Zooble’s face gave anything away.
Pomni had just crept into the main area of the tent, fidgeting her hands together by tugging at the gloves fitted around their fingers. She didn’t notice them lounging idly on the colourful props that was collectively shoved to the side. Zooble figured that the only reason why they weren’t spotted yet, was because their body seamlessly blended in with the surroundings – even Gangle looked like a discarded Christmas decoration draped around them.
“You’re telling me things I already know, Zooble.” She dismissed, only swinging her head from side to side as she spoke with a hushed voice, “I noticed.”
“You always do, Smiley.” Zooble also replied in a soft tone to mirror her partner.
“Yes, I do.”
When did Gangle become so smug? She’d give Jax a run for his money if she kept it up…
Although it was not uncommon for the couple to break character when alone, there was something about Gangle’s mannerisms that had Zooble concerned. She was fixated on Pomni’s uncertain movements despite the light sway of her head. Every time Pomni would sweep to layout of the area with their eyes, the ribbonoid would tense up for the second that the jester’s eyes fall over their position, only to just miss them.
It wasn’t until Gangle snickered when Zooble realized that she wasn’t unnerved, but rather anticipating.
The sentient Zolo-sculpture huffed in amusement, “You hunting, little owl?”
“I can’t help but feel the unbearable urge to mess with her.” Gangle spoke almost numbly.
“Oh? Isn’t that Jax’s job?” Zooble quipped amused, “You have me believe that he has a bad influence on you.”
“Oh hush! I know you feel it too…” Gangle laughed, “You probably want to get back at everything that happened to you when you were still new here.”
“Nah, don’t care much for it anymore” they sighed. They couldn’t care enough about ruining someone else’s day while they had to focus on getting through their own.
Just drifting along peacefully, with their beloved Gangle.
Gangle stopped swinging her upside-down head, to stiffen her neck into looking at the triangular-faced abomination she cared for so dearly. Zooble’s heart almost jumped out of their chest when they felt the ribbons faintly constrict around their body, just to fall slack within the next moment.
“What if I care for it?” Gangle asked innocently. Her feral smile was not so innocent.
“Ay, ay!” Zooble mocked a stern tone, “Don’t go rogue now, you need to be nice-and-quiet-little-Gangle. What are you trying to be? A barer of chaos or something?”
“It’s so…” Gangle, once again distracted by Pomni’s shaking form, turned her head to fixate on the little jester again, “…tempting.”
“Oh, so I’m not tempting enough anymore, huh?” Zooble teasingly asked. Gangle wouldn’t stop eyeing Pomni, testing Zooble’s patience more than they were willing to admit.
“Hmmm…” Gangle mused, apparently in deep thought, “I think I prefer my meat a bit… fresher.”
That did it.
“That’s not what you said last night, YOU LITTLE #$@%&!!!” Zooble bellowed, digging their digits into the ribbons wrapped around their torso.
Gangle couldn’t stifle the abrupt squealing laughter that broke from her mouth. She spasmed as she desperately tried to break free from the Zolo-being, but to no avail. Her blasted ribbons got tangled and she didn’t possess the coordination to unravel herself when Zooble was responsible for her spasmic jerking. Her partner could be relentless when it came to tickle-fights.
She always lost.
“OkAY! Okay! Uncle! UNCLE!” Gangle practically screamed between her hysterics. It was music the Zooble’s ears, so they had no intent to stop just yet.
“Uncle? Who’s she? Don’t know her.” Despite Zooble’s enthusiastic motions, their voice appeared bored and uninterested.
“ZOOB, I can’t breATHE!”
“That’s ok, we can’t die here anyway…”
In a flash, Zooble stopped and jumped at least 5 feet away from the source of the noise that interrupted their antics. Gangle was tightly wrapped around them, so to shield her, they grabbed her mask and nearly crushed it against their torso.
Their eyes land on Pomni, now alarmingly close, with a broken flowerpot at their feet and frazzled look on her face that never seemed to go away – it just varied in intensity. Gangle squirmed for Zooble to release her mask so she could turn her face to see, but the Zolo-being didn’t budge until the initial shock was gone and their mood was killed.
No fun today, it seemed.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Pomni frantically apologized, “I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I knocked into this block, and it knocked over-”
“Yeah, whatever, don’t care.” Zooble dismissed, rolling their eyes, “It pays to have situational awareness, by the way.”
“I didn’t mean to interrupt!”
“Well, you did. Deal with it and move on.”
“But I-”
“Shut it and move on, jester!” Zooble cut Poni off, cringing uncomfortably as they turned on their heels and took long strides to walk away. They don’t let Gangle, now unraveling herself off them, slow them in the slightest. Zooble sauntered their way over to Jax, who just walked out into the main area himself, seemingly amused by whatever expression the Zolo-creature sported. Gangle only glanced back to her partner before turning around – her eyes now fixed on Pomni, suddenly wearing her tragedy mask.
When did she switch out her masks?
“They meant it literally, Pomni.” Gangle suddenly piped up with a gentle, but now raspy tone, “They accepted your apology and gave you good advice; around here, it’s best not to dwell on things. It will make you abstract faster.”
Pomni’s frown was replaced by a perplexed expression upon hearing the ribbonoid’s explanation.
“They looked so… bothered.” Pomni eyed the tears on Gangle’s face, “And you look miserable. You were laughing just now.”
“They are bothered, but not exactly by you, don’t worry.” Gangle didn’t bother trying to muster up a sad smile – it was too much effort for someone she didn’t trust yet, “I figured a happy face is the last thing you would want to be comforted by.”
“Actually, for a second, it made things seem more… normal?” Pomni chuckled awkwardly, stepping closer. “You actually have a cute laugh – I wouldn’t mind hearing it again some time.”
“Zooble loves my laugh too, they just won’t admit it – so don’t tell anyone!”
Pomni laughed a bit. Gangle was bombarded with the feeling of 2 mismatched eyes burning into her back, but didn’t turn to look just yet. That would give her partner mixed signals…
“Yeah, I’m not surprised!” Pomni took another step forward, tugging at her hair strand that was framing her face, “It’s a shame to see you cry, though… you’re smile lights up the room…”
This was getting interesting, in an uncomfortable way.
As soon as Pomni took a step forward, Gangle took a step back. Too close. The jester was getting just a little too close and saying things that were just a little too comfortable. She couldn’t tell what Pomni’s intentions were – just that she was new, scared and desperate for support – which was expected! But just how desperate Pomni was, was yet to be determined.
Despite the prior fantasies of Gangle toying with Pomni, that was all they were. Fantasies. It was never something that Gangle would ever act upon. She was a firm believer in the roles they each had – and judging by how quickly Zooble jumped back into character upon Pomni’s arrival, she was very sure that they shared the sentiment. When the couple was alone, they could be whatever they wanted and where-ever they wanted. Gangle had the knack of taking Zooble far away from the Circus, into their own little fantasies, flying above the clouds while riding on their wind.
Zooble was the turbulent to bring Gangle back down to the desert ground, before Gangle’s wings burnt out. The Zolo-being was very dynamic in her role; capable of passing by as a gentle breeze or lifting the earth to create a sandstorm to pin everyone down. They kept them grounded by living and acting in the moment.
The wind – careless, free and ever-present – never bothered by the matters of anyone else, moving as it pleases despite anyone who may enjoy or dread it. It hits you with heat and sand, biting at your skin to remind everyone that they are still trapped in the desert and that it’s best to find shelter within the hellscape of dunes – pushing those who stray away back – back to the oasis.
The wind always blew towards the oasis. The burrowing owl was happy to fly with it, back to her burrow, where it’s safest.
But as Pomni pushes back into Gangle’s space, despite her gentle prompts, Gangle did not feel so safe anymore.
“Zooble a great partner, we have a good thing going.” Gangle said almost abruptly, “Their rough around the edges, but also just easily misunderstood.”
“Partners, huh…? You two have a circus act together or something?” Pomni asked, genuinely intrigued, her voice shifting into an unknown tone, “I can only imagine what you are capable of! Your body is so weird…”
Gangle internally cringed at the unfortunate misunderstanding, wishing for a way out of the conversation. The whole interaction was draining her in a way that she wasn’t quite used to – having grown close to only a handful of characters over the course of their long stay together.
She didn’t like being ogled at like a zoo animal.
“We all do acts together, depending on what Caine has in store for us.” Gangle said, decisively looking back to Zooble, who was now choking Jax while he clawed at their arm. It was only a moment until Zooble and Jax noticed her gaze, causing them to share a swift glace with each other in their frozen positions, before Zooble loudly called out.
“Hey Gangle, help me kill this guy real quick?” Zooble refused to let Jax go, who managed to choke out something along the lines of ‘save me’.
Gangle’s hero in shining armer.
Gangle glanced at Pomni, “I’ll stop them from doing anything reckless.” She walked towards her friends in a hurry, “I’ll see you around!”
She didn’t wait for Pomni to answer.
When Gangle made it over to her partner and her friend, Zooble dropped Jax to flop onto the floor, almost limp with how he was previously robbed of air.
“All good?” Zooble asked, looking over the ribbonoid.
“Just peachy!” came Jax’s hoarse voice from below, “Thanks for asking!”
The abomination responded in kind by kicking the bunny in the side, who heaved and coughed dramatically. Zooble only rolled their eyes and waited for her partner to answer. Instead of a verbal answer, Gangle responded by lifting her arms towards her partner and waited patiently.
“Gangle wants uppies?” Zooble jested, but swiftly moved to hoist her up, allowing Gangle to wrap and twist her ribbons around her significant other’s torso in no time. It was easy for Zooble to endure. If the masked ribbon didn’t know and better, she wouldn’t have seen the look of mild concern briefly flash over Jax’s face before he dramatically gagged to express his disapproval of the couple’s PDA.
This is what she was comfortable with. This was her people – her home. She could be herself here. Not with some outsider.
Gangle giggle, “As if you and Raggs don’t suck each other’s faces off.”
Jax scrunched his face in disgust, “That’s disgusting… we don’t do that, by the way! I’m not even sweet on her. We’re not even friends.”
“Yeah, you’re right, you definitely aren’t friends.” Zooble piped in, before winking at Jax. They all knew about Jax’s boundaries about touching. They all knew about the deal between the bunny and the ragdoll, even when said bunny and ragdoll didn’t know themselves. Although Jax didn’t seem to pay Zooble’s quiet reassurance any mind, he was noticeably more at ease when he stood up again.
Damn bunny and his micro-expressions.
Zooble diverted their attention back to Gangle upon feeling her cling tighter than usual, “Did something happen?”
“Just hold onto me.” Gangle sighed, gaining the concern of the two surrounding her. No one expressed it, though. Their faces were trained and fixed as they usually were – Jax and his lazy grin, along with Zooble’s careless neutralism.
“What did she do to you?” the Zolo-creature asked casually, effectively hiding how their blood was starting to boil.
“Nothing!” Gangle whined, before whispering something that also resebled a whimper, “…Boundaries.”
“Pushing boundaries?” Zooble asked, quirking an eyebrow as their voice dropped down to its depths.
Gangle only looked ahead, catching the eyes of Jax, who was very intrigued by Gangle’s current state. The eye contact was unintentional, but it was enough for Jax to read something that spawned a sinister smile that could rattle anyone with how icy it appeared.
Spasmic, he abruptly turned his head to directly stare down the jester from across the room.
The snake was hungry again.
“You guys are disgusting. I’m leaving.” Jax exclaimed, stomping off, “Pomni!? Where are ya? I need your stupidity to reset my brain from seeing these lovebirds swapping spit!”
As always, Jax seemed to hit the nail where it hurt the most – for Pomni in this case. There was no way she could misunderstand the relationship between Gangle and Zooble now. When Gangle saw the shock and dread on the little jester’s face, whether it was due to Jax making his way over to her, or if it was due to realizing that Gangle had a significant other, the ribbonoid physically deflated with relief.
Zooble noticed.
“I’ll ask again, what did she do to you – exactly?”
“Probably not something really worth sending her into Jax’s coils, but at the time, she just made me uncomfortable.” Gangle said, sounding too ashamed for Zooble’s liking.
“Yeah? How? Spit it out.”
“She just… I don’t know, maybe I read too much into it?”
“Gangle.” Zooble took her face in hand to force the masked ribbon to face her. “Spit. It. Out.”
“She seemed flirty at the time!” Gangle babbled out upon request, “Pushy even. She didn’t understand that we… you know…?”
“That you are mine?” So straightforward, as Zooble always were, but it earned a nod from the tear-streaked girl, now a blushing mess.
The abomination huffed, clearly disapproving of the jester’s antics. They were so annoyed when Jax teased them about her ‘smooching up to Gangle,’ but they never thought that there was a hidden truth to the bunny’s words. Maybe they could get him to cough it out by choking it out of him harder next time. Still, the jester had no business making Gangle feel threatened in any way – Zooble’s blood had reason to boil after all.
Zooble wouldn’t show it, though. They calmed themselves with the fact that her girl came running into her arms as soon as she could.
Such a good little minx!
“Mmmkay, I get why Jax hates her now.” Zooble mused as they slowly started to walk to a more secluded area, “I think I’ll hop onto the hate-train too.”
“Don’t bother, she still new.” Gangle whined, not wanting to start or deal with any unnecessary drama, “She’ll learn as time goes by – I was just sensitive. It happens when I have my tragedy mask on-”
“I’m not having this.” Zooble cut in, “You are human, and you have boundaries. She needs to respect that – new or not… And until she learns that; my arms are always open. Anytime. Anywhere. Understood?”
Gangle’s heart wanted to burst, evident by the fresh flow of tears flowing down her face. She nodded, earning a small Zooble-version of a smile as they nuzzle their forehead against Gangle. They couldn’t kiss, but this was as close as they could get it and Gangle wouldn’t want it any other way.
“Now that that’s dealt with, I’d like to watch Pomni get her @$$ kicked by Jax.” Zooble said as they watched Gangle swap out her masks to smile up at them again, “Did you know that he basically hates her?”
Zooble currently lounged near the table, with Gangle wrapped around them, as she should.
“I didn’t know it ran that deep.” Gangle said, squeezing Zooble for a view seconds, watching and giggling as their face darkened with a blush, “I heard that Pomni left Raggs for dead with Kaufmo when he abstracted, so I guess I should’ve figured that one out by now. Oops, I guess.”
“Well, I heard that she shoved Raggs into Kaufmo to save herself.”
Gangle gasped, “No!”
“Yes! Jax didn’t say that specifically, but you know him. You can never get a straight word out of him.”
The couple’s attention got dragged back to Jax, who was currently dangling Pomni in the air by the two pom-poms of her hat, holding her up to flash her his most animalistic, predatory smile Zooble had seen him give. Pomni was curled into herself as best she could, eyes wild with dread.
“I bet he’s going to lose it and bite her head off.” Gangle challenged, earning a chuckle from her partner.
“Nah, I bet he’s gonna punt her across the room.”
Gangle huffed, “Not with those skinny legs.”
Zooble shot her with an incredulous look, “He’s a giant rabbit, have you ever even seen rabbit legs?”
“No, but apparently you saw his legs…?” the ribbonoid jested with a feral grin of her own, “Is there something I should know? Do you swing to both sides of the fence?”
“Don’t start with me, you little-”
“JAX, YOU PUT HER DOWN RIGHT NOW!” they got cut off by the hysterical cry of their beloved ragdoll, jumping into her roll again. While it was good to see her up and about after nearly dying the previous day, they collectively deflated upon the realization that they would not see the who would’ve won their little bet.
Well, there could always be a next time.
And there would, no doubt, be a next time.
For now, the couple was happy to just watch a bunny melt into a puddle at the sight of a ragdoll – something they had trained to spot after years of exposure to Jax’s micro-expressions. The sucker was in so deep for Ragatha, they couldn’t help but silently cheer them on. It was almost too bad that those two kept their affection for each other so silent. It was as if everyone knew that they were a couple, except the two that the couple consisted of.
It was almost tragic…
But it made up for everything by providing one hell of a show.
Some silly fanart/sketches of this fic: (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Oasis: TADC AU list
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dragon-creates · 5 months
Swept Away
Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide.
This was originally gonna be a major character death thing, but then it started turning into a vent instead. This chapter does go into the topic of suicide and how I used to feel about it when I was struggling. If you ever feel like that please reach out and seek help, you are wanted in this world and no one wants to see your light burn out.
If this topic is too much for you, that's okay, you are valid for skipping this. Stay safe and take care of yourselves.
If this is something your struggling with, call your suicide hotline in your region. I love you all and I want your here. Help is never something to be feared:
UK: 0800 689 5652
US: (877) 968-8491
Canada: 1 (833) 456 4566
Philippines: 028969191
They were resting in Pomni’s room. Caine’s latest adventure had left them physically and emotionally drained, seeking comfort in one another in the blankets of the jester’s bed. Jax was holding her against her chest, her hat on the ground as he breathed in the soft scent of her hair. 
He wasn’t one to feel scared, he hated the feeling. The last time he felt scared was when he saw Queenie instruct in front of him, never to come back. But today it was the closest he ever felt to that memory. Apparently Caine thought it was a good idea to put them in some type of natural disaster setting, to try to see what it would be like to ‘survive’ in that type of world. 
Jax knew they couldn’t die here, they shouldn’t die here. So why did it tear his heart in half when he watched Pomni being crushed to death by rocks from a simulated earthquake?
He remembered screaming his lungs out, scratching and pulling at the rocks to try and get her out - Gangle and Ragatha trying to hold him back. He couldn’t see her body, his breathing wavering as Caine tried to reassure him that Pomni was fine and waiting back in the tent. But Jax didn’t listen, he didn’t want to believe him until she was back in his arms.
So Caine snapped his fingers, cutting the adventure short and teleporting them into the tent again. Jax had run to Pomni, picking her up and holding her close, needing to feel her warmth close to him. She was trembling too, the feeling of being crushed to death being far too real. 
That was what brought them here, embracing one another and trying to desperately forget the day as best as they could. Pomni had pressed a small kiss to Jax’s chest, resting her cheek against his soft fur, “I really thought that I…”
“I know,” Jax held her tighter. “I know, baby.”
“It hurt so much,” she told him. “I thought I could get away in time.”
“Don’t beat yourself up Poms,” Jax mumbled. “Caine does this stuff a lot, he never realizes how messed up it is until the last minute. It’s not your fault.”
A sudden, unwanted thought crossed the jester’s mind, making her stiffen in place. Jax was quick to pick up on her behavior, hooking his forefinger under her chin and letting her face him. “Don’t do that, don’t hide,” he informed her, sternly. “What are you thinking about?”
Pomni gulped, what she had just thought about was horrible, a scenario that she prayed would never happen. But with the uncertainty of the circus, it wasn’t impossible. “What if…” she trailed off. “What if I abstract? What if I’m too close to the edge one day and I fade away forever. What if I actually die?”
“No!” his hands cupped her cheeks. “No, that’s not gonna happen.” 
“Maybe it should,” she whispered. “I don’t want to but…living isn’t easy for me anymore. I’m so scared of dying but maybe it would be better if I should. I keep thinking of waves in a stormy sea, knocking me off a lifeboat straying from a ship you and the others on. It hurts, I’m drowning, I can’t breathe and I’m trying to stay afloat and scream for help. But I’m always silent. And eventually, I become okay with those waves taking me, because the storm will clear and your ship becomes stable again. I don’t know why I’ve become an empty shell. But maybe abstracting is better than feeling nothing at all-”
She was cut off by Jax’s arms tightening around her, squeezing her tight as his voice broke into her shoulder, “Don’t think that! No one here wants you gone! I don’t care how stormy that sea will get, as long as you're back on board that ship! I-I know it’s heavy here but please don’t think like that again! I’m so sorry you’ve been hurting like this, I’m so sorry.”
A dam broke, welling up overtime in her stomach until everything that was numbed became a raging river. A sudden horrified realization at what she had been thinking about coming to the surface as well as the heavy guilt. Tears started streaming down her cheeks as a broken cry ripped from her throat, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry. I don’t wanna die! I promise! I didn’t mean to scare you!”
Jax shifted them, holding her in his lap as she cried into his shoulder, rocking her back and forth, “I know, I know. You’re okay, you’re okay. I’ve got you. You’re gonna be okay.”
“Please,” she sniffed. “Please help me.”
“I will,” he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
They stayed like that for hours, letting each other feel the warmth and comfort that they so desperately needed. Pomni had cried herself to sleep that night, with Jax staying awake as he watched over her like a guard dog. He wasn’t going to let her be swept away by a storming ocean, or an abstraction bubbling inside her.
No matter what, she was going to live .
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fictitious-fluff · 9 months
IVE FINISHED THE GIFTTT even though its a few days late- I was your secret santa!!! Merry late Christmas XD
First time writing for tadc, was definitely interning. Might have been a little rushed and short since I had some trouble writing at the start, but I hope you like it ^^ @colinthegaycomputer hopefully I dont have any typos LOL
Tysm to @hypahticklish for hosting this @squealing-santa! Was rly funn
Unusual Comfort
Fandom: The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
No Pairings
Summary: A little situation left Pomni alone and down in the dumps. Kinger wants to help.
Word count: 827
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That's what Ragatha would have said if she wasn't busy.
Jax and Zooble had been fighting and Gangle had been caught in the crossfire. Obviously, that didn't end well, with them becoming bound together. Ragatha had left Pomni near the stage while she helped the others out of a tangled gangle. A Pomni who was hyperventilating, but claimed she was alright to be left alone. She didn't want to make things worse. Ragatha didn't want to ask Kinger either. Someone who forgets what they are doing every 5 seconds would probably not be of help with the Gangle situation.
So here Pomni was, worrying over how she accidentally caused this whole mess when Gangle tripped on her. And a worried Kinger on the side of his fort.
"Hey Pomni, need some help there...?" Kinger finally walked over after contemplating for awhile. He might be mentally unstable but he still cared. He wasn't a monster...yet. "You want to come over and lie down? Relax a little?"
"H-huh? Oh. Uh s-sure I guess" She tried her best to have coherent words. Kind of hard to speak when you practically feel like you can't breathe.
Kinger put a hand behind Pomni and guided her to his pillow fort. Perhaps a little comfort could bring comfort to the poor jester.
Kinger brought out some water from his stash of snacks and handed it to Pomni. Can't have a fort without food and drinks. "Here, drink some water. It'll help to control your breathing. Drink slowly when you feel like you're breathing too fast."
Gulping down some water at first, Pomni started taking smaller sips. Eventually, her breathing did go back to normal. "Thanks.." Pomni replied, staring down at the drink.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Kinger broke the ice. "Do you need anything? You seem kind of down. Well, more than usual."
"Huh? Uh, no its fine." Pomni snapped back into reality. Her brows furrowed anxiously as sweat trickled down her forehead. Great, she just loved when people recognised she was uneasy.
More uncomfortable minutes of silence prompted Kinger to remember a trick Ragatha used to do for members of the digital circus. He didn't know what would be Pomni's reaction to it but... Was worth a shot.
"Would you like me to try something? It's just a thing Ragatha used to do to cheer up others" Kinger enquired.
Pomni wasn't rly listening at this point and just gave a 'mhm' without thinking. She was pretty spaced out.
What she didn't expect was fingers curling at her sides.
"Ghk-?! H-hey, what ahare you do-dohoing?" Pomni blurted out before covering her mouth, squatting down to evade the sensations. As much as she squirmed or turned, it never stopped. The fingers just expertly moved wherever she went. It didn't give her time to get used to one feeling, skittering and spidering all over.
Kinger followed as Pomni sank down. After a few more squeezes, he opted to change tactics, scratching in the hollows of her underarms.
Occasional muffled giggles and shaky breaths slipped out from her. It was unbearable but somehow felt weirdly...good? It made her grounded, real. You can't really think of anything else besides the maddening feeling while being tickled. Still, instincts kicked in. She tried to grab one of his wrists using one hand while the other still covered her mouth.
Emphasis on tried. You can't exactly hold on to a wrist that's not there, can you?
Kinger couldn't lie, it was actually kind of fun to see their friend laughing. She'd always been so on edge, it was nice to see her letting lose. He liked to see his friends being content.
As Kinger moved to lightly dusting her neck, Pomni squealed. Both her hands darting to her neck to try and protect it. Her shoulder and nose scrunching up as she twisted and leaned forward. Panicked squeaks poured out of her, now that she wasn't covering her mouth.
"You should let loose more often like this Pomni, it suits you." Kinger commented, as if he wasn't 'torturing' her right now. "It's good seeing you actually enjoy yourself."
Though that wasn't meant as a tease, it did embarrass Pomni a little. She blushed as she still tried to move away from the wriggling fingers. Pomni batted at them half heartedly.
Not wanting to overwhelm her, Kinger decided to relent. It was suppose to cheer her up anyways. "Feeling better?"
"Yeheah. Ihi think." Residue giggles lingered as Pomni rubbed off the tingles. She felt so..light. Like a weight had been lifted off of her. Guess laughter is the best medicine sometimes.
It was weird, she hadn't thought that tickling could have an effect on her like this. Or that she didn't actually mind it. Then again, she didn't really remember her past self so she didn't have much to compare.
Kinger grinned softly as he passed Pomni some more water to cool down.
"T-thanks for that.."
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nobody-nexus · 10 months
TADC x Danganronpa Concept
I'm not really gonna work on this more then this one post, plus this is just to stretch out my creative abilities, but I had this random thought of "What if The Amazing Digital Circus cast were in a killing game?" and I wanted to work on it
This will contain their talent, small lil backstory, motive to kill, and execution. I think in the context for this they're given nicknames due to having forgotten their names. Also in the context of their ages, it's a college instead of a highschool (Also Kinger would've probably been professors there) (Warning: There will be very graphic descriptions within the executions involving torture and a lot of blood! Please proceed with caution!)
(Pomni) -> Pomni would be the Ultimate Jester. Very obvious from her outfit as well as the role of Jesters being actually apart of the royal family. I think how she would get her talent is by being a friend to a prince, and her natural clumsiness made her an excellent jester- to the point where she was brought all around the world by the king. But she hated it, just wanting a normal life and thinking if she went to the Ultimate University would help her with such a task
-> I think her motive for killing wouldn't be anything. If she killed, it would've 100% been an accident and she'd be in denial that she did it even while getting dragged to her execution. She'd most likely be either chapter 4 or 5 in terms of when she dies
-> The Fool's Show (Ultimate Jester's Execution: Executed) Pomni's hands are chained behind her back as she's dragged into a remaking of a king's throne room. Monokuma is the king on the throne and tells Pomni to entertain him. She tries her best, however with her hands tied up, she keeps falling over. Monokuma doesn't find it funny and soom makes the floor electrocute her whenever she messed up. She sees an exit door and starts to run for it, but the electricity makes her stagger. Her legs, covered in blood and burn marks, soon give out on her as she falls to the ground. The electricity soon hits her head, making her cough up blood before dying. Monokuma laughs at Pomni's burnt corpse
(Ragatha) -> Ragatha would be the Ultimate Seamstress. I think she more so makes dolls as a hobby, but her main passion would be making dresses. She got her talent after she most likely became famous for her dress work and how creative said work is. Her past probably involves a hobby becoming a job due to parental based traumas, but at least she can enjoy what she does. She went to the Ultimate University a little later than most other Ultimates because she was just so busy with her work
-> She would only kill in self-defense or if she learned someone was going to harm someone she really cared for. Most likely a very remorseful death, probably clean and quick, but she didn't want to get out knowing their blood was on her hands
-> Pins and Needles (Ultimate Seamstress's Execution: Executed) Ragatha is laying on a table, her arms and legs stretched out on it. She looks up at the ceiling, a look of regret on her face. Monokuma comes in, dressed as an old lady, holding a bag. Monokuma begins to push various sized needles into her skin. The first ones were put in her joints, making her paralyzed. All she could do now was shiver and cry in pain as Monokuma continued to stick needles in her. Once most of her body was pinned down, Monokuma pulls out a syringe and, offscreen and silhouetted, stabs it into her blue eye. She screams as the injection quickly hits her brain, causing her to soon stop moving, killing her
(Jax) -> One of the harder ones to pinpoint, I think Jax would be the Ultimate Luck. He's the one who won the randomly selected luck role, which unlike most others- wasn't a good choice for him. He was a criminal who's caused multiple problems. He relishes that he's an Ultimate despite his criminal record. He didn't have the best childhood, but he doesn't care what happened in his past. He just cares about causing as much chaos as possible. Probably owns a rabbit farm though. It's like the ONLY thing he cares about that isn't himself
-> He'd most likely kill if there was a good enough motive for it. Like maybe he can get away with whatever he wanted if he won the trial or something along those lines. 100% would kill for a selfish reason like that (Probably uses his rabbit farm for sympathy)
-> Run Rabbit, Run! (Ultimate Luck's Execution: Executed) Jax is in the middle of a clearly fake forest, a bit confused about his location. Suddenly, he hears a gunshot in the distance. Monokuma, dressed as a hunter, starts to shoot at Jax. He starts to run, using his lankiness to avoid most of the bullets, even if he did get hurt a few times. The blood from the wounds attracts SOMETHING to chase him, making him run more. He soon runs into a wall harshly and falls over, seeing that the thing chasing him was a mutant rabbit, the same color as his outfit. Jax tries to run past it, but it tackles him to the ground, crushing him a bit before it proceeds to maul him to death. It then shows a picture of Jax taped to a tree that says 'Jax Season' on it, to which Monokuma rips the picture off of said tree
(Gangle) -> Gangle would most likely be the Ultimate Stagehand. She's loved Broadway (and anime) and she's always wanted to be an actress, however her cripping social anxiety stopped her from pursuing that. But that didn't mean she couldn't work in Broadway. She learned about the behind the scenes, and quickly got up the latter for working lights, curtains, scene changes, and all of that stuff. She was happy to be working so hard that she ended up as the Ultimate Stagehand but complete coincidence
-> Similar to Pomni, I think she'd only kill on accident. That or maybe she reached her limit with someone and murdered them out of anger before realizing what she'd done
-> Scene Change (Ultimate Stagehand's Execution: Executed) Gangle is behind the stage that Monokuma is standing on. She has a bomb strapped to her chest and a needled collar on. As the show begins, the timer on the bomb starts to go down. Monokuma reenacts various infamous moments from musicals, and Gangle has to change the scenes as he goes on. As the scene changes get faster and faster, Gangle messes up more and more, the collar pushes the needles into her neck more and more, causing her to be in constant pain. Soon enough she messes up one too many times and the needles stick DEEP into her neck, making her get on her knees. She didn't even notice the bomb timer was close to being finished as she was on stage in front of everyone, the bomb going off and taking Gangle with it in an explosion of blood. The unfaced crowd cheers
(Kinger) -> Although he's a professor at the Ultimate University, he's actually known as the Ultimate Entomologist- but he's gone too far into the deep end due to being trapped in a cave for years, making him lose his mind... he thinks he's the Ultimate King despite him not being ACTUAL king. He knows too much about bugs and then he got a profession in said bug obsession before he got stuck
-> Him killing seems impossible, but maybe he'd kill without realizing it? Not like accidental- but more so he like dissociates during the murder and then he's like "Oh... I did?" and it's lowkey kinda sad
-> Metamorphosis! (Ultimate Entomologist's Execution: Executed) Kinger is within a room full of insect collections on the walls. He looks around confused before Monokuma appears in a butterfly costume, holding an unknown material. Kinger screams as he tries to get away, but Monokuma's costume wings made him faster, spinning around Kinger as he got wrapped up like a cocoon. Kinger struggles as he's dragged to one of the walls, other Monokuma's holding Kinger against it. Using an oversized nail and hammers, he sticks nails into Kinger to keep him pinned up on the wall, Kinger bleeding out as this happened. The Monokumas grab onto the stuff he was wrapped in and ripped it off, making the nails come out of him. Kinger slumps to the floor and slowly bleeds out- the blood on the wall looking similar to butterfly wings
(Zooble) -> I think Zooble would be the Ultimate ???- not wanting to share it because "I don't care if you don't know it". In reality I have no fucking idea what Zooble's talent would even be. Nor would I know their past. All I know is that... Zooble is Zooble. And that's all that matters
-> They'd most likely kill out of desperation. Maybe a really good motive. Otherwise, I see them more as a victim or even a survivor like Maki
-> Mix and Match (Ultimate ???'s Execution: Executed) Zooble is placed inside of an operation table. They are strapped to the table as multiple Monokuma doctors appearing around them. The Monokumas pull out various toy limbs and tools. One of the Monokumas, with a saw, digs it into one of Zooble's arms, making them yell and wiggle around, trying to get out. Once their arm was fully off, they force a noodle esc toy arm to get jammed into the wound, which only caused more pain and agony. This continued frantically, blood pooling under the table quickly. After a few moments, the doctors walk away from Zooble's body, showing their new state. Their new limbs are blood soaked as their dead eyes stare at the ceiling
Man that's a lot of writing- but I hope you enjoy it
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shadowqueen402 · 8 months
TADC affected by the Maestro Hiccups please!
Here you go! Just as I promised! You're going to love this!
"Balan, welcome back," Ragatha greeted her new maestro friend. "I haven't seen you in a while. But I guess that means that things are going great?"
"They were, for the most part," Balan said. "Lance and I had just helped a Visitor find their—HIC!" Suddenly, Balan hiccuped and released some of his magic at Ragatha.
"Gah, Balan!" Ragatha yelped once the magic faded. "What just happened…!?" She found herself looking down for some reason and gasped in shock.
Instead of her usual dress, she was now in a frilly, blue princess dress. Her black shoes were now replaced with glass slippers.
"Ragatha, Pomni's having one of her episodes again…" Jax said, casually walking to where the stage was. He stopped when he noticed two things; Balan's presence and Ragatha's new outfit. He snickered in pure amusement. "Getting all dolled up, aren't ya, Dollface? Did ya look in the mirror?"
Ragatha rushed over to the mirror. When she looked in the reflection, her mouth parted in surprise. Her ribbon was also gone and it was replaced with a silver tiara.
"Jax, her appearance isn't her own doing, but rather my own," Balan explained to the purple rabbit. "My hiccups can—HIC!" And Balan unleashed another hiccup…right near Jax. A cloud of positive magic flowed over him.
When it faded away, a small rabbit with periwinkle fur sat in Jax's place. Its little nose twitched as it looked around. "What's going on!?" The rabbit, that sounded exactly like Jax, demanded. "Why does everything look so large!?"
Ragatha resisted the urge to squeal. But she gently scooped up the small rabbit. "Aww, Jax!" She said. "Look at how adorable you've become!"
"I'm NOT adorable, Dollface!" Jax argued. "I'm— WHAT THE!?" His small, yellow eyes widened when he gazed at the mirror. Balan's hiccup had turned him into an actual rabbit.
Just then, Pomni entered into the main room. She seemed to have calmed down from her previous episode. "What was all the noise earlier?" She asked before noticing Ragatha's and Jax's new appearance. "What happened to you guys?"
"Pomni, you must get to safety," Balan tried to warn. "Ragatha and Jax's new looks were both caused by—HIC!" Another hiccup was released, causing a wave of magic to head toward Pomni.
When the magic faded, Pomni opened her squinted eyes. She looked down to see that she no longer wore a jester outfit. Instead, she bore a schoolgirl outfit. "Ugh, what just happened? What did you do, Balan?"
"My hiccups are far from normal, my dear friend," Balan answered, flashing an apologetic look toward her. "When in contact with one, you will change drastically to—HIC!" He let out another hiccup that hit both Zooble, Bubble, and Caine this time.
When the magic faded, Jax bursted out laughing at Caine's new appearance. Instead of being an AI, he now took on the form of a nutcracker. "Love the new form, Chatters."
"Speak for yourself," Zooble said, sounding both confused and unamused. "I now am made from parts of a quilt." She eyed up her body, taking in the new details. "So this is how Gangle feels when it comes to her hands, body, and feet."
"That reminds me…" Jax still was the same mischievous person despite his new form. "Kinger! Gangle! Come here!"
"Jax, no!" Ragatha warned, but it was too late. Kinger came out of his pillowfort. And Gangle entered into the room. She yelped when a marble that was the size of Bubble almost rolled into her. But thankfully, she got out of the way.
"Kinger, Gangle, I must warn you!" Balan tried to warn. "Getting close to me while I'm in this state you really ought not—HIC!" And Balan released a hiccup at Kinger and Gangle.
When the magic faded, Jax laughed again. Kinger now resembled a wax figurine of a king. But Gangle's ribbon body now resembled slinkies. The moment Gangle tried to move, she yelped when she found herself bouncing.
"I have a feeling that this is Wonderworld related," Zooble guessed.
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thesilliestofgals · 1 year
The pilot for The Amazing Digital Circus dropped on Friday, and it's absolutely taken over my brain and become my new hyperfixation, so of course I'm going to ramble incoherently for like 30-40 minutes trying to construct a theory about it.
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Ready? No? Well neither am I because hoo boy is there a lot to unpack here!
(WARNING: spoilers under the cut!)
I want to get this out of the way first- the pilot, in my honest opinion, is a treasure trove of those golden foreshadowing nuggets. The video I linked does a really good job of showing most of them. There is one moment, however, I believe, that is foreshadowing and was looked over.
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This moment right here... they lurked on it for a reason. "But Nonny!" you protest, "Maybe it was just to show how surprised Pomni was when she finally got a full look at her new body!" And sure, that could be the explanation, but that just... isn't satisfying for me. I have an idea we'll see this scene recreated down the road- Pomni escapes back to the real world and is running from something or someone, and is able to see her human form in a mirror or window or other reflective surface.
On the topic of Pomni... When I first heard the "How do I... take this... headset off?!" My theory brain immediately jumped to "Oh, VR!", but then I thought, "Well, she could be referring to her jester hat". Glad to know I was right, as Pomni says, after failing to take it off, "I-I-I put on some... weird headset and now I'm... here." Later on, when she's running through the office, she stops and we see this:
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It's... weird. Out of everything in that office, that stopped her, and it caused a very visceral reaction. I have many questions about how exactly this office is even here (did Caine make it? If so, how would he know what an office looks like?), but something stood out to me the most.
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On the far right looks like a weird headset. Perhaps this is the headset Pomni was talking about.
This ties in with another very important detail.
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Since the release of TADC, there's a theory that the circus is the creation by a company, and those in the circus are/were employees or beta testers for the digital circus. I want to add onto this theory that. Maybe this company is a bit more.. malicious, and this beta testing wasn't entirely voluntary. Perhaps those trapped in the circus are employees who discovered the truth behind what the company is really doing (what nefarious stuff could it be doing? No clue!). This could work- perhaps Pomni was close to finding something out, so she was manipulated into becoming a "beta tester" for TADC and got trapped there.
You know, "C & A" reminded me of "Cain and Abel"... Now, that first name sounds... familiar...
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"Ok," you pipe up again, "but Caine is AI. This is been established. So, how in the world would he be able to make a (presumed) company with another individual?" Well, it could be likely that Caine was named after one of the founders of this company- or maybe he's considered a "founder" of the company. I dunno, this part of my theory needs to be fine-tuned a bit.
ALSO, WHILE ON THE TOPIC OF CAIN & ABEL: TADC seems to make callbacks to the Bible. This post does a really good at explaining it, but to summarize: at the end of the pilot, we get this scene:
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The post I linked points out this setup looks very similar to Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper painting. And honestly, considering everything? This isn't too far of a reach. I'll have to keep an eye out in future episodes to see if any more of the bible references show up.
Back to Pomni- something that interested me was, after Ragatha was healed, Pomni's hand glitch healed, too.
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...Why? Caine didn't snap his fingers at Pomni, but her glitching stopped when Ragatha's did. Perhaps Pomni's glitching was connected to Ragatha's, so when Caine healed Ragatha, it extended to Pomni. I'm very interested to learn more about abstracting and glitching.
Speaking of abstracting... one last thing before I finish off.
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This right here... worries me. The whole Cellar thing implies that the abstracting problem has been happening probably since the beginning of the Circus. And by Caine just tossing these creatures away... I have a feeling this'll end up biting him in the butt later.
This is really I have so far. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to add it. I know this theory was kinda all over the place, but I just wanted to get it thought there.
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city0f-dreams · 5 months
Muse Profile: Pomni
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“…I guess I just don’t want you to feel like you’re nothing. I don’t want anybody to feel like that.”
Fandom: The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
Bio: The colorful, albeit anxious jester you see before you is not what Pomni is used to looking like. In fact, Pomni isn’t even her real name.
Little is known about who Pomni was before putting on the headset of a strange, seemingly in-development VR simulation, waking up in this strange, stretchy body in the middle of a circus with no memory of her life before or even her name. The circus’s ringleader was quick to show her around and randomize a new name for her, which is the name she goes by now. Her first day was incredibly overwhelming and stress inducing, to say the least, but she’s been slowly opening up to her fellow performers, even if the key word is slowly. If there’s any way she’s going to find the real exit out of here, it’s with them-and besides, most of them seem to genuinely care about her.
Pomni is deceptively anxious and almost constantly overwhelmed, in contrast to her colorful and jolly looking appearance. She also struggles to quickly make decisions. Every new occurrence in the circus is given the same confused, somewhat mistrusting treatment-but give her time and she’ll come to believe in and trust in you like with the others.
Please note that a lot of the finer details about my version of Pomni will be based on headcanons, at least until more of the show comes out.
V1: this new home feels like a prison-The default verse, as detailed above, where Pomni is the latest human performer to be trapped in the Digital Circus.
V2: after all, you’re just a silly clown-A verse for a Pomni that exists anywhere else (aka a crossover verse). Pomni’s been a member of a traveling circus carnival for all of her life, and to her credit she’s a pretty good jester when the nerves die down. But she swears there has to be more to her life than this…if only she could leave the carnival’s borders…
This verse is inspired by the Witchlight Carnival from that one D&D adventure, but prior knowledge of that isn’t necessary!
Anything Else?: Most will forget their real names and lives upon entering the circus, and that’s true as well for those interacting with Pomni-but if your muse doesn’t have a dedicated TADC verse and/or you’d like to interact with her without any “forgetting” shenanigans, just let me know before we get to writing! Otherwise, we can always go with the crossover verse.
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pomniegranate · 3 months
“You’ll always be safe with me.” // from Caine, freakshow au hehe
You'll always be safe with me.
It warmed her heart, the sense of security he was always more than happy to provide for her in a place that felt more like Hell than Heaven. She didn't have to endure it, she didn't have to agree with her mutation nor did she have to stay - she had the freedom to leave, and on some of the worst days, Pomni thought about it.
But it's always as if an angel watched over her, or a genie was summoned in those times of negative musings because Caine was always there to pick her up again, shower her in compliments and even in days she's cried, he'd attentively wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.
In time, she grew comfortable knowing a support system was here for her on the off chance that her mind lingered back again to leave this place. To return home. But did she have a home to return to anymore? Pomni can't remember how long she's been here now. It's almost been fully embedded into her that this freakshow was her new home, her new family, her new ... life.
Pinwheels had seen him with the brightest smile on his face but she's also been on the receiving end of a primal, animalistic stare that's imprinted behind her eye lids when she sleeps. A beast who listens to no other but her, and only her. And she still wonders the cause of it, if she'd ever get an answer as to why.
A beast she's grown a soft spot for, even if fear ties it's red string of fate tight tethering her heart to him. It was endearing the love, but harder the fall as she rested her head upon his chest while meekly on his lap, his fingers idly rubbing at her shoulder when he spoke those words to her softly.
She eased into him, wrapping tired arms around herself and leaning in to stay sanctioned in his embrace and comfort. Yeah, maybe this is where she belonged, chained to the rhythm of this masquerade; a disillusioned reality where she could be accepted and loved, even in her new body. A content hum escaped her throat, nuzzling at his jaw whilst a small smile began to form.
⸺ ❝ I know. You... always keep me safe. ❞
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They say home is a place, but Pomni thinks that's bullshit. Maybe sometimes, home is a person. A delusional thinking, some might even consider the jester insane for, but when seas of foam wrap a forgotten warmth around an empty shell, it cleanses the body and leaves the appearance of something shiny and new. Even if it may not exactly be. No one's looked at her before like she was the most important person in the world. And Caine makes her forget.
Forget there's ever been a reality without him in it. Their red string was seared and tattooed, thoroughly brainwashing her into a love she couldn't bear to leave now, though her subconscious sometimes screams for her to run. This had become her fate and she'd continue to fall in line, and to love her gentle beast that provided her sanctuary during times of war.
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anonymousj3ster · 8 months
Chapter 4- White Rabbit
I smirk as I saunter around the circus, giving Gangle a wave as I pass her.
"Nice comedy mask you made yourself, Crybaby!" I call over my shoulder as I walk. The bunch of ribbons gives me an uncertain smile. "...Thanks!...?" She says. My smirk widens. I couldn't wait to break that mask later. I twist my head around to look at Zooble and Pomni. The jester was sitting criss-cross, leaning up against a oversized block, drawing in a notebook she had found. The jumble of parts was lounging on top of the block and peering at the notebook, seeming interested in whatever Pomni was sketching. I stride a bit closer.
"-pretty good." Zooble was saying. Pomni glances up at them, eyes wide in mild surprise. "Thanks." She mumbles, turning her attention back to the notebook, the pencil in her gloved hand dragging across the paper.
"What are you losers up to?" I drawl, reaching for the notebook. The jester clutches it to her chest, her colorful eyes stabbing into me. "Just drawing." She bites out. "Well, I wanna see." I say. I mostly was just doing this for a reaction, since her and Zooble were the easiest ones to piss off in the Circus, but a small part of me was genuinely interested in what the short girl was sketching. I reach out again, snatching it this time.
"Jax!" Pomni snaps, jumping to her feet to grab it back. I grin and hold it teasingly above her hea!, just out of reach. She jumps up for it a few times, before stopping and just glaring at me, crossing her arms. I chuckle at her, before actually looking at the drawing. My eyes widen as I become mildly impressed. It was an almost finished drawing of Zooble and Gangle sitting together on the stage. It was surprisingly good. The jester had managed to capture the uncaring nature of Zooble in the way their leg was slung over the edge of the stage, the other stretched out in front of them, one hand raised as though they were speaking. Gangle was only partly drawn, only her happy mask, but somehow Pomni had managed to make the mask look reflective in the picture, though it was only drawn with a normal pencil. I flip through the pages, thoroughly enthralled now. There were drawings of Ragatha, of Kinger, Bubble, even Caine. And, of course, the exit door. I quickly flip past those pictures, ignoring the squirmy feeling in my gut. I was about to throw the notebook onto a high pile of junk so Pomni would never be able to get it, when something catches my attention. Drawings of a tall rabbit, smirking as though he didn't care about anything, as though he was hiding a million secrets and wasn't planning on telling anyone. Like he had the perfect words to piss someone off, but was waiting for just the right moment to say them, waiting for the target of his bullshit to be on the verge of snapping. Relaxed postur@, wide smirk, small pupils and faded overalls. I stare at the pictures of me for a heartbeat before snapping out of it and hurling the notebook into the pile of junk.
"Not bad, PomPom." I drawl, striding away and smirking at the sounds of annoyance I left in my wake.
It had taken me a full 20 minutes to climb the pile of junk to get my notebook back, but I had done it. I grin and hold it up triumphantly, like it was a trophy, before cautiously beginning my descent. I make it about 2% down the pile before I slip and plummet to the black and white checkered floor, the impact knocking the wind out of me. I groan, staying still for a moment.
"Pomni! Are you ok?" Gangle asks, hurrying to my side. Zooble had left after Jax's stunt, wishing me luck on getting my notebook b#ck.
"I think I'm fine." I say, slowly sitting up and wincing at the already receding pain. "I...think I'm gonna go to my room." I mumble, standing. Gangle gives me a slightly worried look.
"...Ok." She says, watching with with blank black eyes. I sigh and start walking toward the direction of my room, before pausing. Did I really want to go back there? Back to the claustrophobic prison of red and blue? I look over my shoulder. Gangle wasn't anywhere to be found, probably having left to find Zooble. I glance at the entrance of the tent, suddenly wondering what was out there. I had of course been out of the tent a few times searching for an exit, but I hadn't really looked at any of the locations, hadn't really processed what anything looked like. I step out of the tent, squinting at the bright daylight. I look left and right. To the right was the long path to the Digital Lake, and to the left was the Digital Carnival.
After a moments pondering, I decide to go left. I frown at the too-bright grass, kicking a few pebbles and rocks that I found along the winding path. It all felt too happy, too positive. I glance at the carnival and want to vomit. The carnival was surrounded by small plastic rainbows, with a tall slide, Ferris wheel, and a small assortment of tents within it's perimeter. I punch a rainbow, growling softly as I walk in. I make a beeline for one of the tents. It was small, striped blue and white. But it seemed the least nauseatingly cheerful, so I step inside. I blink, rubbing my eyes. It seemed a lot bigger on the inside. And...not tent-like at all. In fact, it seemed like a normal room. The walls were not the walls of a tent, but were completely solid like the walls of a house. They were a comforting dark blue, and there were random gadgets and screens thrown everywhere. I pick one up, frowning, before something rectangular and re$ catches my attention. An exit door? My head snaps up-but it's just a normal door. I stare at it for a moment, before a loud noise suddenly grabs my attention.
I flinch. It sounded like it was coming from outside the tent. I slowly walk out, my eyes snapping from side to side trying to identify the source of the sound. It was high-pitched, almost a hum. I slowly creep toward the direction it was coming from. It becomes louder and louder with each step I take, until I stand in front of the source. It was a cotton-candy machine. I slink a bit closer, peering into the bowl where the sugar was supposed to be poured. My eyes widen. Inside was a small, light purple creature. Bubble. The AI pet was munching on the spun sugar, making a high-pitched humming noise of joy with each bite. I watch, entranced for a moment. The bubble turns a little, looking for more cotton candy to eat, and sees me. We both don't make a single movement, as though frightened of startling the other. Then Bubble shoots out of the machine like a cannon from a rocket, zooming past me.
"Hey!" I shout, spinning around to chase him. I hadn't seen him since the day Caine had disappeared. Did he know where he is? What was happening? The small bubble dashes into the tent I had just been in. I rush in a second later, watching as he phases through the door I had been puzzling over just minutes before. I've got you now, I think to myself, racing for the door after the normally cheerful nuisance. But instead of going through it like Bubble had, I slam into it at breakneck speed, falling backwards. My last though before I lose consciousness is fuck.
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pmni · 3 months
there's a comfortable silence between the two, as they sit together in the starting area of caine's newest adventure. wally hums, quiet and thoughtful, a glance shot the player's way, before, suddenly: an idea. " pomni? " wally speaks, quiet and monotone, but with a subtle smile on his face, " since, you didn't want to, go on the adventure-- " " would you, be, willing, to be, my muse for today, instead? i want to, paint, you. if you'd, allow it." (he says this rather casually, tucking his paintbrush behind his ear for the moment, gesture absentminded.)
·˚ 🎪 ⸝⸝ ꒰ unprompted ask : always accepting !
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the   jester   had   told   the   rest   of   the   crew   that   she'd   (   eventually   )   catch   up   to   them,   but   first,   she   had   some   business   to   attend   to,   which,   obviously,   was   a   bold   lie.   lying   wasn't   something   the   feline   put   into   practice,   but   just   this   once   she   found   it   justified   -   the   exhaustion   was   starting   to   accumulate   within   confinements   of   chest,   and   it   was   visibly   bothering   her   -   making   her   behavior   more   aggressive.   perhaps   that   was   why   they   were   so   understanding,   or   maybe   they   simply   didn't   care   ...   either   way,   she   now   found   herself   sitting   next   to   wally,   enjoying   the   sound   of   the   backround   music   playing   in   the   distance   as   they   simply   stared   at   the   scenery   before   doublet.
when   opposite   calls   out   to   her,   the   tips   of   her   hat   perked   up   instantly,   the   bells   attetched   to   its   ends   chiming,   as   cartoon   eyes   quickly   settle   on   the   smaller   man,   indicating   that   not   only   did   she   heard   him,   but   also   that   she   was   paying   attention.   head   tilts   ever   so   slightly   to   the   side,   tail   swaying   slowly   as   she   heard   him   talk   -   and   when   the   offer   is   made,   her   pupils   grow   immensely,   the   movements   of   her   white   tail   coming   to   a   halt.   did   she   ...   heard   him   right   ?   he   wanted   her   to   be   his   muse   ?
a   shade   of   light   red   coats   her   cheeks,   and   gloved   hand   instanly   reaches   up   to   scratch   the   back   of   her   hat,   unsure   of   how   to   respond.   it   felt   weird,   flattering   !,   but   weird   ...   she   did   not   view   herself   as   someone   worthy   of   being   painted,   considered   herself   to   be   too   common   to   ever   evoke   some   sort   of   desire   inside   someone,   yet   it   seems   it   wasn't   so   true   ...   maybe   he   was   just   being   nice   ?   after   all,   he   was   just   a   npc,   his   actions   weren't   necessarily   acted   out   upon   emotion,   but   ...   it   was   still   a   really   sweet   gesture   on   his   end.   even   if   he   was   programmed   to   act   this   way.
realizing   she'd   been   silent   for   far   too   long,   the   brunette   nods,   mouth   becoming   agape   to   verbalize   her   consent,   though   she   was   quicker   to   stutter   rather   than   speak   any   actual   words.   "   u   -   uhm   ...   y   -   y   -   yes   !   i'd   -   i'd   really   like   that,   wally   ...   i'd   be,   hm,   super   honored   to   be   your   muse   ...   "   spoken   shyly,   demeanor   coy   as   gaze   flees   from   the   man   beside   her,   feeling   far   too   bashful   to   face   him   in   that   moment.
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sam-dugesian · 11 months
Had my mind blown away by a shocking revelation about the Digital Circus and Microsoft Office 98's animated assistant
Each avatar has a parallel in the show
in one avatar there are a pair of masks one laughing and one crying with a red ribbon below them and the only real animation they have is on the faces which somewhat aligns with the way gangle is animated in the digital circus if you take gangles slumped posture and slow movements as the best they could really do with a body that doesn't really move though the face does animate in exactly the way the faces do on the avatar character however their name is "Tragedy and Comedy" owing to the expression on each mask being reminiscent of the theatre masks representing these two forms of theatrical plays
there is also a clown that looks exactly the same though unlike how we see them in te show they are very happy in the avatar obnoxiously so i might add maybe being abstracted is when they start acting out of character
there's also an avatar that looks just like moodle and they have much the same character in the way they act and are animated even including the way they fall apart
yet again there's a ragatha analogue yet again they look very much the same and yet again they act very much the same
there's a barrel of monkeys again it's the same
there's even a wooden posing doll which we see several of in the show
there is a character just like kinger though they are animated differently their avatar exudes a lot of confidence and they generally rather slow and deliberate when it comes to their movements something that the character in the show seems to be the exact opposite of but they did say in particular that he had become deranged
on the doors there is also crossed out a yellow dog that may be reminiscent of rover makes sense since they were a hand me down an avatar that featured in assistant but was made for microsoft bob a forerunner to the program
likewise there is also a ringleader avatar which would match their counterpart apart from them being different at everything above the shoulders however there was also another avatar that was just a pair of false teeth so omitting the eyes for a second (we'll get back to that later) it does seem to be a mixture of the two things put together but weirdly enough their animation and very much their character in general is completely different to either avatar however it does directly correlate to one avatar in particular Clipit almost as if clippy ripped the ringleaders head off stuck the teeth avatar in their place and started controlling the pair of them like a puppet from the inside
now there is a rabbit avatar but they are wildly different to te character we see in the show in fact Jax looks a lot more like a certain rubberhose animation character from a certain rather well known company who canonically has a way of entering fictional worlds they don't belong in and causing a lot of chaos by doing whatever they want for their own enjoyment much to the distress of the characters of said world but in doing so causes said world to break down which they try to cover up to avoid being detected as an outsider
even pomni has an avatar analogue though this might require you to stretch your imagination a little since there is no jester character but there is a beach ball that has 6 segments around it that alternate red and blue and if you looked at it from the top down you would see the same pattern that can be seen in the character's eyes which also explained the stripey design the rest of the character has but just a minute here the face of the character looks exactly like another avatar a character called "The Period" that is a.. red.. dot... oh dear
one obviously absent character in this entire lineup is einstein but there may be a copyright issue on that
merlin the wizard is also absent which is distinctly odd since there's no reason they should be
even the gloinks feature in a fashion there are random 2D shapes the same shape and color as the things we see in the show but they are just background pieces and have no eyes but move in very much the same way
of course you might ask what the bubble is well you might have to twist your brain a little but the assistant character communicates to the user via speech bubbles now hold on there's more to this if you take the way the dialogue is structured and the way the software progresses and interacts with the user's input then the way the bubble is acting is very similar to how that opperates being helpful but controlling in a way much like how it interrupts Caine while he is trying to make a length dialogue oh i think we can relate to that also that line Caine says "oh bubble, you always know how to make me say this exact sentence" would definitely make sense in this context
back to Microsoft Bob, the forerunner to the assistant in that game there is a world that very much resembles the overworld of the game we see there is a lake there and a fairground but where Bob's house is supposed to be there is now the bigtop tent
also in Bob are various set pieces that can be found around the tent the building blocks with the rainbow arches the corridor where the characters' bedrooms are a door that leads to a carousel a door that leads to room full of water a door that a punching glove comes out of and a door that leads to a bathroom not to mention that Bob's house has lots of framed pictures on the walls and both the moon and the sun can be seen through windows in Bob's house and if that's not a coincidence i don't know what the hell is
Caine's dialogue is also very reminiscent of exactly the way the assistant avatar actually talks in the software including nerding out on the legal issues and chastising you for entering a name that has a curse word in it
Caine also mentions a ball pit which was a hidden easter egg in Microsoft Bob
Also, on the release of Windows ME they removed the assistant character after many negative reviews and there was a magazine article calling for its return that had the following image as the front cover
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though it's not exactly what we see in the show the grime is indeed very similar looking and the bust out and burned drive can also be seen on the computer in the show not to mention the mouse being split open but just to confirm it even more the warped power strip is also in the shot
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now if you look at the headset in the image it looks very similar to this specific headset by Microsoft that was supposed to be available for use in Windows 98
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but it never came to fruition and wouldn't you know it but the reason it never did is because the microsoft assistant popups crashed the software it was using
also if you'll look to the right you'll see the old design of pc tower ibm used to use or somewhat an approximate to it and wouldn't you know it but that itself was the very first iteration of the microsoft assistant
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now we are still missing some specific characters those being a 2x2 jigsaw puzzle but as that was the logo for the assistant i can understand why it's missing
a 3D model of the planet earth well that's just kinda boring
bonsi buddy well that might be to avoid vinesauce fans
but there's seemingly no reason why the avatar known as F1 should be missing
except.. maybe the name..
you see in windows 98 when using the assistant by typing the button combination F1, F5, F9, F4 quickly in succession you unlock a game known as "software developer hunter" where you basically play spyhunter except you are hunting down the developers of the assistant software while playing as one of the avatars killing them in a cartoony explosion while they scream a very familiar scream in fact it's this one that pomni makes after seeing the computer just before going through another door
not only that but when you play this game the avatar characters say specific dialogue on killing the developers
and if you wonder why i mention these in the episode one of the characters says each of these lines maybe with a couple of words changed here and there like Gloink in place of rectangle for example although interestingly Pomni is the only speaking character that doesn't and of these lines Jax says most of them
and even more interesting than that considering the connection to the assistant software being phased out around the turn of the millennium take a wild guess when this particular easter egg game was actually released
in fact all of the stuff we've seen not only includes stuff in a version of windows 98 set just before the millennium and just before they were phased out but it noticibly does not include one particular piece of software and this might be the clue that reveals the whole thing
at the turn of the millennium there was a big fear of that when the clocks rolled over to the new century it would cause a bug in the software that would break people's computers and so there was an update that was sent out to all PC's to change the software and prevent this from happening
said software made certain changes to these assistant programs and those changes are completely absent and not only that but in the office space when Pomni is running through it the yellowing computer is the only one of a design that predates when this feature was made as standard
not only that but in the various rooms she runs through you can see the exact tech used specifically for updating PC's to prevent them from the millennium bug almost as though they had just been preparing for such an event moments before whatever happened to Pomni
and on a side note i wonder what else microsoft released just before the millennium
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yep a computer watch not quite the design of Caine's but it is also roughly square which in case you didn't know was very unusual at the time
and why yes that is the case for the watch sitting on the mousepad on the computer desk with the keypad for it sat on top of it in case you didn't notice (in not exactly to scale)
so i think i'll take a sip of my wine here for i do believe i
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but that's just a..
Mat? wanna play me out?
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