#poor ali is just tired
suckmyarschkarte · 1 year
"var! who was it? mohamed!"
"no, not me!"
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superspoonie24 · 1 year
Anyone else's pov change while writing a scene in a way similar to how a camera changes focus in a tv show? Or am I just bad at writing...
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boobo13cambridge · 1 year
A Mother's Remedy | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x f.Reader
Warnings: none just Papa Kylian fussing over his “perfect hattrick”
Summary: You fall asleep on Kylian after spending the whole day taking care of the triplets who had the flu.
A/N: Hello, everyone! I’ve been trying to get all my previous requests done. I hope you guys like this one, it was way too cute to write. My requests are open again if you guys want to send me more. As always, please leave me feedback and don’t forget to reblog. I would greatly appreciate it. Enjoy, lovelies ❣️
The room was filled with a soft glow, courtesy of the bedside lamp casting its warm light upon the scene. The day's exhaustion had finally caught up to you as you lay nestled in the comfort of Kylian's arms, your head resting against his broad chest. It had been a long and arduous day, one that tested your strength and patience as you cared for your three precious children who were struck down by the flu.
The abrupt shift in weather proved overwhelming for your spirited young boys, whose boundless energy knew no bounds. They loved playing football outside in your backyard, and wouldn't miss a match at the Santiago Bernabeu if they could help it. Watching their father play was their greatest joy, and you couldn't help but fall in love each time seeing your precious four-year-olds donning their father's jersey proudly, their voices joining in unison with the fervent chants reverberating throughout the stadium. Ali, being the eldest among the trio, would often lead his younger brothers, Zain and Ilyas, in a rendition of the French national anthem before playing their ‘friendlies’, as he liked to call them, in the yard. Kylian found it absolutely adorable, officially dubbing them his ‘favourite hat trick’.
Kylian's fingers gently caressed your hair, soothing away the remnants of stress that clung to your tired mind. His touch was a balm to your weary soul, bringing you a sense of peace and tranquillity. The rise and fall of his chest against your cheek served as a rhythmic lullaby, coaxing you slowly to sleep.
As your eyes fluttered closed, the image of your children flashed across your mind. Their little faces flushed with fever, their once lively eyes dimmed by illness. My poor babies, you thought as you snuggled closer to your husband. You had spent the entire day tending to their every need, feeding them medicine, wiping away tears, and comforting them through the long hours of discomfort. 
A few hours earlier…
As the sun cast its golden rays across the room, you woke up with a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. Stretching lazily, you slowly tried to get out of your husband’s embrace, the latter’s arms tightening his hold not wanting to let you go.
"Bébé, stay just a few more minutes," he murmured softly, nestling deeper into the curve of your neck. Letting out a quiet giggle, you turned towards him, placing a tender kiss on his nose and gently caressing his cheek.
"Kyky, I have to go wake up the triplets and get them ready for school," you explained, a fond smile gracing your lips.
"Mmmhhh, d'accord. But give me a kiss first," he playfully whined, his lips puckering in an adorable pout. Shaking your head affectionately at his antics, you indulged his request, pressing a chaste kiss on his waiting lips, before deftly extricating yourself from his embrace and making your way towards the room where your precious cubs slept.
The triplets' room was conveniently situated just across the hall from your own, one of the many reasons you both decided on this house after Kylian signed with Real Madrid. As you opened the door to the bedroom and stepped in, the sound of faint whimpering halted your movements. 
Alarm surged through your veins as you rushed towards the beds, the scene that greeted you shattered your heart into a million pieces. Lying in their beds, your little ones were flushed and perspiring, their small bodies consumed by fever. The sight of their usually bright and energetic faces now pale and tormented sent a wave of panic coursing through your veins.
Laying your hand on their sweaty foreheads, you felt how warm they were.
“Maman…” whimpered Ilyas the youngest of trio, slowly opening his eyes, “Je me sens pas bien.”
“Oh, mon pauvre petit chou. Maman’s here now,” you said, gently caressing his face. 
As you continued to caress Ilyas's flushed face, offering him reassurance and comfort, the other two boys, Zain and Ali, began to stir from their sleep. Their delicate brows furrowed in response to the discomfort that plagued them, their faces contorted in the grip of illness. The sight was a poignant reminder of their vulnerability, igniting a fierce determination within you to ease their suffering. 
With a heavy sigh, you braced yourself for the demanding day that lay ahead. Gathering your strength and summoning the resilience that only a mother possesses, you whispered soothing words to Ilyas, gently coaxing him to rest as you hear the distinct sound of Kylian’s footsteps approaching.
"Ils sont où mes petits footballeurs?" your husband boomed, entering the room with a wide smile that quickly faded upon witnessing the state of his babies. His expression transformed into one of deep concern, etching lines of worry across his handsome face. "Mon dieu, what happened?"
"They have a fever, Ky. They're burning up real bad," you replied, your voice laced with concern as you watched Kylian's eyes flicker with worry.
"Papa... Arrête de parler si fort, t’es pas un haut-parleur là," Zain weakly croaked, his voice barely audible, but still managing to convey his cheeky spirit, even in the midst of illness.
Kylian, ever the doting father, couldn't help but chuckle softly at Zain's response. "Roh là là, regarde le tit gamin," he remarked affectionately, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "Even while sick, he'll give his dad cheek, eh?"
Moving softly across the room, Kylian approached Zain's bed, his presence exuding a comforting warmth. His large hand gently rested upon Zain's fevered forehead, the contrast between his cool touch and the heat radiating from the young boy's skin sending a shiver of concern down his father's spine. Soft words of comfort and reassurance spilled from Kylian's lips, offering solace and a father's unwavering love.
After giving Ilyas a soft kiss on his cheek, you stood up, knowing you needed to make some food for your little ones and help them regain their strength. Your heart ached at the sight of Ali, still sleeping restlessly in his bed. You quickly made your way to his side, gently brushing his dark tousled hair away from his forehead, and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. 
"Ky, can you stay with them? Get them a wet towel for their foreheads. I'll make them some porridge and give them their medicine," you suggested, softly running your hand through your oldest’s hair.
"Sure, mon amour. You go ahead, I'll take care of them," Kylian reassured you, his voice filled with tenderness. With a gentle squeeze on his shoulder, you left the room, your mind racing with the urgency to prepare a comforting meal for your hungry little ones.
In the kitchen, you swiftly gathered the necessary ingredients, your hands moving with practised efficiency. As the porridge simmered, you took a moment to grab your phone and dial your mother's number.
With years of experience as a mother herself, she was a source of guidance and wisdom in times like these. You explained the situation and sought her advice on caring for your sick cubs, soaking in her comforting words and practical tips.
On the other end of the line, your mother's voice greeted you with warmth and concern. "Hello, my dear. What's going on? You sound worried."
"Hi, Mom," you replied, your voice tinged with a mixture of relief and anxiety. "The triplets are down with a high fever, and I'm not sure what to do. They're feeling really miserable."
"Oh, sweetheart. I'm sorry to hear that," your mother empathized. "First, make sure they stay hydrated. Offer them small sips of water frequently. And if they have any appetite, light, easily digestible foods like porridge would be good."
You nodded, taking mental notes. "Yes, I'm making them porridge now. It's almost ready."
"That's a good choice, my dear. Warm and comforting. It will help soothe their throats too," your mother advised. "And don't forget to give them their medicine. Keep a close eye on their temperature and monitor their symptoms. If things worsen or if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to call their paediatrician."
"I will, Mom. Thank you so much for your guidance," you expressed your gratitude, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over you.
"You're welcome, my love. Remember, you're a wonderful mother, and you'll get through this. Trust your instincts and remember the best remedy is a mother’s love," your mother encouraged.
As you hung up the phone, you turned off the stove and took a moment to collect yourself. The conversation with your mother had given you a boost of confidence, reminding you of the strength and resilience within you.
Carrying the tray of steaming porridge and Tylenol back to the bedroom, you found Kylian gently coaxing Ali to wake up from his restless slumber. Your heart ached as you saw the worry etched on Kylian's face, his focus solely on their oldest, who seemed to be more affected by the fever than the others.
"Ali, mon petit lion," Kylian murmured softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "Wake up, Maman is bringing some food. It will make you feel better, je te promets, mon coeur,"
Placing the tray on the table near Ali’s bed, you placed a hand on Ali's forehead, feeling the heat radiating from his skin. His eyelashes fluttered, and his drowsy eyes slowly opened, revealing a mixture of confusion and discomfort. His weak voice quivered as he tried to speak.
"Mama... Papa," Ali croaked, his voice barely audible.
"We're here, mon amour," you reassured him, your voice gentle and soothing. "You're going to be okay. Just take your time and try to eat a little. It will help you get better."
With Kylian's support, you lifted Ali into a sitting position, propping pillows behind him to provide comfort. The fragrant aroma of the porridge filled the room, its warmth wrapping around Ali like a healing embrace. Kylian scooped a spoonful and blew on it gently to cool it down before offering it to Ali.
"Open wide, Ali," Kylian encouraged, his voice laced with both concern and determination. "Just a little bite. It will give you strength."
Ali hesitated for a moment, his tired eyes meeting yours and Kylian's. The love and support shining in your gazes seemed to embolden him. With a deep breath, he parted his lips, allowing Kylian to feed him a small spoonful of porridge. The taste brought a flicker of renewed energy to his weary body, and he managed a faint smile.
"Good job, Ali," you praised him, your voice gentle. "You're doing great."
As Kylian took care of your eldest, you attended to your other two brave little boys, who patiently waited as you served them each a bowl of warm food. Zain and Ilyas were capable of eating on their own, but as the ever-doting mother, you couldn't help but worry, despite their constant reassurances that they could manage. You moved back and forth between your sons, gently wiping the sweat off their foreheads and assisting them in drinking water. Once all three boys finished their meal, you and Kylian administered fever medicine and gently coaxed them back to sleep, hoping they would recover soon.
Seeing them in such a state made you feel helpless. Usually lively boys, they now lay there, struggling with high fevers. Observing your worry, Kylian tenderly wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him and planting a kiss on your hair.
"Don't worry, my love. They'll be fine," he whispered softly as you sought solace by burying your head in his chest. "I can't help but worry, Ky. Especially Ali, I've never seen him like this before."
"Shh, he'll be alright," he soothed. "If you stress too much, you'll make yourself sick, and that's the last thing you want, right? The boys will be back to normal soon, my heart, okay?"
You nodded, releasing a faint sigh, as Kylian slowly closed the boys' room and led you to your shared bedroom. He was right; there was nothing more you could do but allow the fever to run its course and nurse your children back to health in the meantime. You felt grateful to have your caring husband by your side, knowing that despite being in the middle of a busy season, he always prioritized his family.
As you gently lay down, resting your head on Kylian's chest, you prayed for your family's well-being, filled with immense gratitude for your own mother, who had spent countless nights fussing over you to ensure your well-being. Your mother's words echoed in your mind, reminding you that a mother's love is the best remedy. With that thought, you allowed yourself to drift off to sleep, serenaded by the soothing rhythm of your lover's heartbeat.
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triplemystery · 26 days
loved the ocean - s.geto
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summary; you try to figure out why suguru loves the ocean as much as he does
triggers; suicidal ideations
tags/warnings; slightly ooc, gender-neutral reader, suguru geto x reader
inspired by; Loved the ocean by Emilia Ali
word count; 1031
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Suguru loved the ocean in the 'I only like to look at it way' you assumed, because, for someone who said he loved it so much, he never acted like it when you two would visit the beach.
"I'll just stay here on the shore" are the exact words he'd send you off into the water with every time you would drag him to the beach whenever the two of you had any free time.  He would watch you swim in the waves whilst he collected shells and rocks to show you on your way back to the dorms, from an outsider's perspective it would seem like he had no interest in being there at all.
It wasn't until you were far away, miles away, that he would start on his rants about how much he loved the ocean. He would talk about the ocean like the water was a real person. Like he needed his love for the ocean to sustain his love for himself. 
"The ocean is life" he had told you once just as you were about to doze off on his chest, his confession vibrated through your head and ended up nowhere. He stroked your head like it would push the words to make sense but you couldn’t understand. How can you love something you aren't even willing to touch?
Maybe he loved all the life that the ocean held, you sat on a harbor while watching Suguru and Gojo harassing some poor bird. It could be that he thought something as simple as dipping his toes in would disrupt its beauty. Like his mere presence would haunt the life it held. You really didn’t think he could haunt anyone though, your Suguru, he was too beautiful to. All the creatures in the ocean would probably turn in envy if they got a glimpse of his beauty.
You now lay on the warm sand whilst Suguru and Gojo went off to look for some shells to add to their collections, seemed they had gotten tired of chasing around animals they could never catch. It could be that he loved the power the ocean held. All the life that lay inside was protected by it, for what’s a protector without power? Maybe he never went inside because he knew he wasn't as strong as it, maybe he just never wanted to feel weak.
You smiled to them as they ran up to you, showing off the shells and rocks you picked up. Both of them competed with each other to see who could spout out a fact that would impress you the most. Gojo conked out after a while of walking, but you and Suguru stayed on the beach walking hand in hand along the shore.
Suguru had started drinking water a lot more you had noticed. It could be the summer heat getting to him, wearing him down, and making him seek out the liquid to keep himself going. Everyone needs water to live, even seemingly untouchable sorcerers like Gojo and Suguru. Maybe Suguru likes the ocean because he doesn't know what to do without it. Why would you not love something you need to live?
Except Suguru hadn't really been doing much living these days. He had lost weight you had noticed, like he was forgetting to eat and simply drank his weight in water thinking it was enough. You were brushed off every time you brought it up with him though, you were unsure if he could even register the fact that he was changing. It had been a Thursday evening when he knocked on your door and practically dragged you down to the beach with him, this time you didn't swim. You sat curled up on the sand watching the near black waves crash on the sand and end up nowhere. There is so much empty space in the ocean, maybe he feels like it's the only thing that can understand him these days.
Not a word was exchanged between the two of you on the walk back. No rants about how much he loved the ocean, no mundane facts spouted out about something you probably had no idea existed. Maybe his love for the ocean had faded away, or maybe it was his love for you that was waning.
"Why do you love the ocean Suguru?" you mumbled into his hair that night, but he didn't answer so you could only assume that it was because the ocean had too many possibilities not to be loved. The ocean is far too large for anyone to truly wrap their head around, maybe Suguru was in love with things he couldn't fully understand.
So why the fuck did he love you?
You weren't much to love, you weren’t anything like the ocean. You weren’t the most powerful, you didn’t understand him, he didn’t need you. You watched him and Gojo sparring in the gym wondering why he didn’t just spend all his time loving him. What was the point of pretending that he loved you when he could turn his energy to Gojo? He was strong, he could understand him, he had his back on all their missions. What was one without the other? What was the ocean without the earth?
Maybe if you become like the one thing Suguru loves more than Gojo, you would finally be the strongest in something.
You stepped out onto the beach, alone this time. The tide was particularly high tonight, waves crashing too powerfully along the shore to reflect the light glowing from the moon. You supposed it would help conceal you, maybe there was no point in doing this if you wouldn’t even be seen. You were already too far gone to think rationally though.
You thought he loved you, but maybe it was only ever because you were swimming in the one thing he loved the most. You fell in love with a boy who was destined to break your heart, but it would always be the taste of saltwater on your tongue that would cling to the memories you would carry after death.
If it weren't for Suguru, you might've loved the ocean as well.
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a/n: i'm kinda dissapointed in this because i had such big hopes and so many more ideas for it but i slumped so so hard midway writing it and just could not imagine myself finishing it :(( I hope it's still nice to read, maybe one day i'll be able to revisit it any do everything i wanted with it
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oncasette · 1 year
congrats on 2k! <3 can i request johnny lawrence w/ the song prompt "girl you really got a hold on me. so this isn’t just puppy love" for your 2k celly?
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you were sick of this. of bandaging up your boyfriend because he couldn’t keep his head cool. because he just had to keep getting into fights, both in and out of the dojo.
“i swear this is the last time i’m doing this,” you gruff as you apply your third set of bandaids to his knuckles in the last two weeks.
“you say that every time,” he says. and you can see the way his lips quirk up, every so slightly, as if he knows you’d slap it off of him if he let his smirk win over.
“i mean it this time, johnny,” you say as you slam your first aid kit shut.
“i mean it this time, johnny,” you say as you slam your first aid kit shut.
“i mean it this time, johnny,” you say as you slam your first aid kit shut.
“it’s not my fault larusso is so punchable,” he says. he leans back against the toilet from where he’s perched on the closed lid. you’re knelt in front of him, knees knocking against the cold tile.
“you know, i’m getting real tired of you beating up that poor kid. for what? because he kissed your ex-girlfriend?” you scoff. “it’s pathetic.”
“don’t call me pathetic,” his hand finds your wrist, but there’s no strength in his grip. you could easily break free of him if you tried hard enough. “i don’t keep fighting larusso because of ali and you know it.”
“yeah? because i’m starting to think that’s all it is.”
“you don’t know anything—”
“i know enough—”
“yeah, we’ll why don’t you go and run off with him like he wants, huh? the way i think you’re secretly wanting to, the way ali did,” he nearly growls. his chest heaves as he drops his hand to his knee, leaving you to stand in the space between his thighs.
“johnny,” you say softly.
“that’s what you want, isn’t it? that’s what everyone wants. to leave me in the dust,” he says.
“johnny, no,” you say again, bringing your own hands down to rest on his shoulders. “look at me please.”
he does. he’d burn the world down if you asked him to.
“i want you,” you say. “i want you.”
“i want you, too,” he rasps. “more than anything.”
join my celly!
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The crew arrive at the hospital, the staff take the three to the room Tsukasa was in. They eventually get to the room as Kanade hesitantly opens the door. Tsukasa was alying in bed but he looked so...tired. Poor guy...he tried his best to smile, to speak, to tell Saki that he was going to be alright, to wipe the tears forming in her eyes...but his body didn't let that happen.
Don't talk Tsukasa...you need to save up your energy...
Yeah...y-you have to!
...No. Brother...tell me. Is this the first time this happened?
Tell me!
I knew it. That place is fcking with your health. You're not going there ever again!
Saki don't be ridiculous!
But if his "dream" is causing him so many problems, then why should he continue chasing after it?! He'll be a piece of dust until he actually accomplishes that dream!! Heck, he probably won't be alive to accomplish that dream because of this!!
Saki. Shut up.
Shut. Your fcking mouth. Before I rip out your disrespectful a$$.
Why...would...you say...that...?
I...don't under...stand why...!
...I'm sorry. I was just mad that you wouldn't take care of your health while chasing your dream. Because...you know why I hate the hospital...and because of that, I hate seeing you in the hospital...
...I understand Saki...but please be more kind next time...
Why does she hate the hospital? Maybe because it was scary to her as a kid? No...it was much worse from that.
So doc...what is wrong with our little angel?
Well, your "little angel" might not be much of an angel! You see, habits like pulling out hair or throwing tantrums out of nowhere is a big sign that your kid may be a lunatic!
Excuse me?!
To be completely honest with you Ms.Tenma, Saki here may be dealing with psychological problems! The habits she does now, can lead to her hurting her sister. So I suggets we keep her in a psych ward for a while until she becomes someone safe!
I see...Thank you doc.
Walking down those halls were a nightmare for Saki
M-mom? Are you gonna put me away?
Not yet...I have to talk to your father first. But with what you've been doing, we may have to do this...because your behavior and what the doctor has said is concerning. Understand?
That's my girl...
Tags: @aspenii @a-120 @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @mai-mai-mai @tealthingy @scodscod
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bella-rose29 · 4 months
episode 2 commentary - Let Go of Me
major spoilers for show and books, swearing, me obsessing over lockwood's hands probably (edit: definitely, and George's)
why did I immediately think jellyfish
omg the flowers
Luce you really shouldn't have taken that
just like @demigoddess-of-ghosts said, why tf are deprac asking if there's anyone else there when Lucy is quite literally screaming 'lockwood'
"miss lockwood" and "lockwood's my partner" 🤭
"we called your mother" ok well her mother is a Bitch so that wasn't a good idea
"rest up until he's given you the all-clear" like fuck she's gonna do that
omg the flowers!!!
ooo spooky green lighting
omg the ghost lock victims ward 🥲
I would love to know what they were planning on doing with this scene actually bc I feel like it sets up some sort of ghost lock victim storyline for the future - maybe using them for science? idk I'd just love to know
oof lockwood's hands
just this whole scene of lockwood
barnes is not fucking around lol
the way he sits back in the chair has me WEAK
can you tell I'm going feral
George's lil run omg
George is so neurospicy I love it
George your posture needs sorting out my love 😭
"You're meant to say no, Lucy" well it's difficult to say no to lockwood when he looks at you with his beautiful eyes and smile and-
"I'd say like a house on fire" 😭
my poor baby looks so tired :( and he definitely needs a shower oh dear
I didn't think I would hear lockwood with his queen's English call someone 'mate'
I love that George just says straight up facts
"posh one who thinks he's god's gift" sounds about right
"his weird mate with zero social skills" also sounds about right
I love that they included the tapes for norrie bc actually it's a great way of adding to the narrative (bc we don't have any voice overs) and we get lucy's view on stuff
and we see her survivor's guilt too - "like how I should have helped you" omg 🥲 (excuse me while I go cry in a corner)
ruby stokes the woman you are
"no it doesn't, it looks like I cooked it in an active volcano" pfffft George I love you
"Andrew lockwood"
"girls are funny about baths" he's trying goddammit
"she's not unhinged" "you're hardly the best judge of these things" "you need normal people around you" "you really think you're normal?" your honour I love their friendship
"the world's mad, and normal never fixed anything" gonna make it my motto
"let me... sleep on it" BOY YOU DON'T EVER SLEEP
oh Luce
okay but these special effects are so fucking cool
hang on why the hell did Lucy go to sleep holding the ring
Jesus Christ that scared the shit out of me
ooo green lighting!!!
pfft goes to hold his hand to wake him up
I love the disgruntlement of george
"trousers are for wimps" ICONIC
omg I love that we get to see George's Touch!!! also his hand??? brb gonna go melt
omg Georgie it's not a wasp I'm sorry
I am dying how the hell did Ali manage to make his voice say "oh shit" like that
"I can't believe you stole a Source" GEORGE YOU ARE ONE TO TALK
yeah Luce call him out
"we need to destroy her source and move on. let her go" I have so much to say about this omgggg bc on the one hand the episode is called Let Go of Me and rn I'm 1/3 of the way through this episode and they've repeated those words in different ways so many times it's unreal. and then on the other hand (spoilers for the books) there's the way that Lockwood isn't doing this himself, because he hasn't destroyed the source in his house and let his own ghosts go 😭
omg George loves an experiment you can hear the joy in his voice
NOT THE WAY HE PHYSICALLY MOVES TO PROVE HE'S ON LUCY'S SIDE omg they're becoming friends even if they don't know it yet
OH LORD THE HOODIE??? I wanna steal it
his smile omg
ruby stokes the woman you are omg
lockwood's face omg he's so conflicted bc on the one hand he's worried but on the other he's trying to not say yes when she goes 'you love me don't you?'
lockwood immediately pushing her aside
lockwood you need to stop taking sole responsibility for things
the sadness in his voice when he says 'this place is all that's left of my parents' omg
"Jesus, lockwood, we're screwed!" yep (also the way George says it is so funny help)
barnes isn't taking any shit omg
such an ominous phone call
George's prison outfit (I can't remember who called it that)
omg I want lucy's playsuit
also lockwood get your shoes off the table you heathen
no bc I actually want her playsuit
"not a braying gallery for bellends" George I love you
Lucy going straight in with the hard facts I love her
omg the scoff
kipps is such an arse
the way he says "yes you do" has me in a chokehold
the sMIRK
"irrelevant prick" love it
when the mutual friend leaves and you're left with the one you don't get on with
George you might be a weirdo but I love you for it
Lucy getting the juicy gossip and immediately becoming besties with george
ok well your mum is a bitch
oh lockwood wtf are you doing
"he's a little shit sir"
lockwood why
he looks so proud of himself I can't help it
"you're our biggest asset" oh boy
the regret on his face oops
"my judgement's been a little off recently" yeah bc you just met the love of your life
ok but women with swords 👀 bonus points if they're angry
pink socks again
barnes once again not taking shit
she is a child sir you can't just spring that on her
omg Lucy :((((((
"let me go" - is that another reference to the episode title I see?
"lockwood's a charlatan" pfft
"they always make the most boring, unimaginative moves possible, don't they" - it's giving Cameron saying that everything is basic
lockwood read the room (cab)
"You were brilliant" boy's in love
"can we talk about this in the car" *taxi drives away*
"you might be able to turn your feelings on and off like a tap, but I am drowning here, lockwood" 😭
"You know sometimes I just... I just think I'd be better off dead" oh Luce 😢
also lockwood's reaction to that omg he pauses for a while and is all glassy eyed and then: "I understand that"
never mind them I am drowning here (in my tears)
"We need you, and it's not because you're an asset" "why then?" "because... because you're..." *looks away and clenches jaw* "Lucy Carlyle" *smiles really widely (I feel like he was considering telling her his feelings)
"We're lockwood and co. you, me, and George" FUCK YEAH YOU ARE
"please stay" 🥺 (anything for you my love)
"so you'd look cool" lol
"you're more of a liability than an asset, Lucy" HE SAYS WHILE LOOKING AT HER WITH HEART EYES
oh Georgie
green lighting!!!
"I'll take him" says boy with immense confidence
"can I offer you a cup of tea while you ransack my house? one lump or two" *throws torch and misses*
oh my god the still I paused it on to write the above comment is gonna make me pee myself with laughter 😭😂 I wish I could screenshot to show everyone
ooo I might be completely delusional but Lucy smashes the mirror with her elbow in this scene (and the camera pauses on it for a good couple of seconds) and then plays a part in smashing the bone glass later on??? am I delusional or am I making connections???
Georgie omg
LUCY PICKING UP HIS GLASSES!!! I love this omg I would be lost without mine
fuck me that neck crack was hot (also could lockwood fuck me please?)
green lighting!!!
also how did I never notice the stairs were spirally?
George you are so funny and I love you
George hauling those chains around like it's nothing 👀
green lighting!!!
yeah you better run bitch
"we should have people round more often" lolllllll
lockwood can kick me-
"why are you making that face?"
"that's not your normal face, that's your 'I know something you don't' face"
sweaty lockwood
George's face when she pulls the ring out is so funny to me 😂
"you lunatic" *lockwood grinning widely* I love their reactions
aww let Georgie swear :(
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deadsnothere · 1 year
Drunk Stable Girl
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Synopsis - A heartfelt conversation in the dining room of the party.
Request - nope
Word Count - 1.5k
Speak Ali! - I'm boreeeeddd send in request for either Lockwood or Cynthia and i will try my best to get them done!!
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Richie, who picked up the T-birds car, was now on the way to Jane's house with four of five Pink ladies in the car.
Apparently there was an emergency campaign meeting and it was their tias birthday, and if there's something I know about hispanic parties, they don't disappoint. Once we pulled up to Jane's house the two people in the front seats, Olivia and Richie both got out and started hitting her window with pebbles while Nancy, Cynthia, and I were sitting and leaning against the car. Once she opened the window, I threw Olivia Jane's jacket and she held it up to her. “You forgot this.” Jane looked sad from the window, but at the same time I forgot my glasses at home and couldn't tell. “You don’t have to give it back” Well now she sounds disappointed. “I know I let you guys down.”
“No kidding” Cynthia said from the cover of the tire to the T Birds car. “Exactly.” I spoke next, In Between Cynthia’s dangling legs. “That's for sure,” Nancy said last, leant on the car beside us. We all got a dirty look from Olivia before she turned back to Jane to try and cheer her up. “We can fix this! emergency campaign meeting, my house. Let's go.” she nodded her head towards the car while poor richie started to get antsy. Jane looked back into her room as if Olivia were crazy. “Now?!” Olivia looked back at her as if saying “Yeah!” Jane was now leaning halfway out of the window. “You want me to sneak out?!” Poor antsy Richie finally got a word in. “It's my Tia’s birthday! We're having a party.” I yelled out after. “Yeah! And this is a party you don't wanna miss.” He looked over to me, giving me an air high five before going back to jane. “Come on, you really gonna leave me hanging out here again?” AGAIN?? I looked up to Cynthia who looked just as confused.
Jane smiled at us and waved us away, saying “go” but we all knew she was coming with us. I grabbed Cynthia's hand, picked her up and threw her into the backseat gently. Knowing I’d have to sit on her lap for all of us to fit anyways. She looked surprised but accepted her fate. I took my jacket off and put my hair into a ponytail climbing in after her and sitting down in my rightful spot.
When we walked into the house there was Spanish music playing on a record player and people dancing on hardwood floors. Cynthia, who held my hands and closed the door behind me, was looking around the house, interested in the different decor. Finally bringing out attention back to the dance floor which I was killing to kick my shoes off and start dancing on. Cynthia had already started pulling me and Nancy away. “We're gonna grab some grub for this- business meeting.” she dragged me into the kitchen while I dramatically reached for Richie's mother who was my normal dance partner at these parties.
Nancy hung her jacket up on the door nob, while I kept mine over my shoulder, my skirt was flowy and perfect for dancing while being tight at the top and showing my curves off perfectly. “What are we going to talk about anyways?” Cynthia said while holding a plate filled with food. “I mean, I feel for her.” I snorted laughing. “I don't-” Cynthia gave me a soft glare before kicking me in the shin and continuing to talk. “she made us look like cowards!” I looked over to her with a raised eyebrow. “She made ya’ll look like cowards.” She glared at me, a bit more aggressively this time. “And I’m no coward! You're a singer, shut up.” Nancy agreed. “Me neither.”
Nancy, Cynthia, and I had finally spotted the holy grail of every hispanic party. “Ooh, mezcal!” Nancy had the idea first. “Let's chug it.” at the time it sounded amazing. I was nodding, while Cynthia looked a bit nervous. “Yeah..Ok.” Nancy picked up the bottle and put it out towards her with a smile on her face. “You first.” Cynthia looked offended, saying back. “You first.” World's greatest come back-
Nancy and Cynthia both looked down at the bottle nervously, Nancy who was practically saying, ‘Fuck it, let’s throw the god damn balls to the wall.” Popped open the bottle, slowly tilted it up against her mouth and started chugging. She drank a good bit of it before she finally stopped. I know it burnt the back of her throat and BAD. Cynthia was looking at her as if she was crazy. Nancy was groaning either in disgust or pain, as she slammed the bottle back down on the table making a face to tell me it was definitely disgust. Nancy looked to Cynthia in a “Your turn” kinda way nodding her head at her. “Well now your mouths been on it.” Nancy looked over to me, I put my hands up in defense, in the moment I couldn't do anything. “So you are a coward.”
Nancy taunted Cynthia, I hope that doesn't set her off “No, I'm not!” Cynthia was getting defensive looking away from me and Nancy. “Then do it!” I stood back watching this go down. They moved towards the other side of the small round table across from me. “Don't be a fraidy cat!” She kept taunting Cynthia, her hands wrapped around the bottle and Cynthia's hands in her pockets. Just to add fuel to the fire she started meowing and hissed as much as I want to say I didn't laugh…I did-
“Stop it?!” Cynthia wigged out on Nancy looking over at me to, for laughing. “I'm not afraid!” She practically cried. Nancy, who as much as she was aware was joking, looked surprised. “What happened?” she looked over at me, who didn't look as shocked as her but definitely more apologetic. “I'm sorry..” While Cynthia was rubbing her eyebrow, trying to make sense of whatever was going on in her head. She sighed “I just don't like being laughed at.” From the corner I reminded them I was there by speaking. “You like when people laugh with you.” I tried my best to cheer her up, hoping to redeem myself.
Cynthia looked up at me for a millisecond before trailing her eyes down. “Those stupid thespians!” Oh god here we go again- She’d spent 15 minutes complaining about the thespians at my house when she drove me home on her motorcycle. “With their stupid black shark eyes, Just staring at you, waiting for you to look like an idiot!” She went on ranting, while Nancy and I just stood there confused. “So?” Nancy looked dead serious. “Just be an idiot with them and they can't laugh at you.” I nodded towards Nancy as if it was obvious. Cynthia was really thinking about it. “Maybe that's what being fearless is anyway.” Nancy now looked dead serious, walking closer to Cynthia, I finally made my way to their side of the table standing in between them both. “Maybe that's what being a pink lady is.” Nancy said swaying. “Maybe I'm really drunk now.”
Cynthia looked down at the bottle with almost fear. I was confused so I looked at it too. “Nancy.” Oh my god- “The worm is gone-” I think I almost threw up- Nancy lifted the bottle up to look inside it. “I can feel it inside me.” EUH- NO. NO. Cynthia grabbed the bottle from Nancy and chugged about a shot and a half worths, while plugging her nose. For some reason Nancy did this little shoulder shimmy towards the floor while Cynthia struggled. When she put the bottle down, she made a disgusted face and groaned in disgust to, coughing her lungs up. I smiled laughing at them both, grabbed the bottle from Cynthia and chugged the rest of it with ease. wiping my mouth and I stuck my tongue out to try and get the taste off. Both Nancy and Cynthia were staring at me like I was crazy, because of the reaction I gave, or lack of.
Cynthia made an audible gulp before reaching up to kiss me with one hand and covering Nancy's eyes with the other. “MMMPH-” I was surprised by the kiss at first but didn’t pull away until Nancy got free from Cynthia's grasp and ran off into the living room. “That- that was hot.” She was stuttering and her face was blushing red but it was pretty cute. I pulled her lips into mine, pushed her against the wall to the left of us and grasped onto her shirt. “You taste like drunk.” She giggled out, in between heavy breaths.
“I think you're the drunk one-” She looked up and down my body, licking her lips and lazily trailing kisses down my neck. “I may be drunk, but I'm sure you’re pretty!” I laughed pushing her head away from my neck. “Than you'll also know that you can't do that here, come on stable girl we got places to go.” She laughed at the name, attaching herself to my waist. “Yay! I get to be with my princess..” I laughed back at her, my vision only a bit blurry but I'm also more tolerant than her, my poor poor stable girl.
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dani-the-mark · 30 days
So, as some of you may know, we got a new QR code tonight. This one led to a 55-minute stream. I know not everyone has time for that, but we all deserve to be a part of this family. So, I wrote a play-by-play to the best of my ability. Because it is so long, part one will be the first 30 minutes and part two will be the last 25. So, hopefully, my brain doesn't explode before this is over. Uncle Howdy, I miss you.
It opens with Vickie Guerrero Introducing Kane on Raw. It cuts to a room with a chair, bookshelf, and a mirror. There are background noises: mostly wind/AC, occasional shuffling and maybe footsteps. 
A few images flash on screen intermittently: a crescent moon, blurry silhouette (could've been Bray or Bo),  skull(?), Sister Abigail(?), and House of Horrors room(?). Then, in quick succession - same crescent moon again, lion, bones. Lastly, a close up on mirror before we hear the sound of knocking, and a woman enters the room. It seems like therapy. From this point on “she” will be referring specifically to the therapist character unless otherwise stated. She sounds very familiar, like maybe from one of Bray’s phone calls? 
She asks questions and flips through a notebook, but we don't hear any response. We do hear the turning of pages that are independent from hers. More flashing images: the same bird and aly chemical-type symbol we've been seeing. From this point, I will just call it a/the symbol. Then a figure in a sheet a la Sister Abigail. Close up of an eye, then a front porch that definitely reminds me of the House of Horrors.
Woman asks about feelings and if “anything has changed”. The last few words are repeated, but distorted. A flash of the figure again, and it's almost DEFINITELY Abigail. Then a hand reaching around a door and dripping thorns, both in black and white. She asks about sleep. Image turns yellow, then flashes of many pieces of paper with the symbol drawn on. They are identical to the one's in the first video we received tonight (WWE.com/22423). 
She asks about dreams. The word “dreams” is also repeated and distorted. WWE logo flashes with the words “LEFT IN CAVE TO ROT” overlaying it. Then the words “TO BE FORGOTTEN”. The same door from before flashes again. More flashing of the symbol, a rotting animal corpse (I think a rabbit), scarecrow-like figures, the road from inside a vehicle, the porch, and Abigail. Abigail is pointing at the viewer. The last image is very unclear. It looked like hay or fur. We also see some of the previous images included in the last few QR codes (the man looking at the bird). 
She asks about eating. A bird in flight and a fly in distress flash. Symbol and ANOTHER QR CODE. It's an old one that leads to wwe.com/qrisme. It stays on screen for an extended amount of time. 
She asks about getting out and socializing. The road flashes again, and we hear a quiet “he is waiting for you”. Then Sister Abigail again, from the same angle we saw in the “We Be(o)lieved” video. We see the porch again, and a paper that reads “remember who you are” is thrown in front of the door. 
She mentions social media. The words “I DIDN'T FIX THEM” appear, then “I ACCEPTED THEM”. Lines from the poem The New Colossus (from the plaque on The Statue of Liberty) appear: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. Then we see an eye again and a face with a triangle of negative space in the center. “THEY WERE BROKEN” flashes after she asks how the things on social media “made you feel”. 
We are about 10 minutes in. 
“I ACCEPTED THEM” appears again. We hear shuffling, pages turning, and pages ripping. A new (?) QR code appears leading to https://www.wwe.com/ysnsy51s. It's a very unnerving. The file name is “imagehttps://www.wwe.com/f/all/2024/04/strabizo--47c610e3e7c872be6561bb243c69dd2f.jpg”. The bird and symbol flash again. 
She asks about distinguishing between reality and imagination. The “REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE NOT” reappears, as well as the blurry silhouette, the symbol, and Abigail. The silhouette is not any clearer. She asks about the effects of “episodes” on day-to-day life, and the porch and silhouette flash again. She gets up and begins to walk towards the camera, picking up a piece of paper or note card and slipping into her notebook before sitting back down. 
It's a picture of some sort, but it's not immediately visible. She turns it towards the camera, but it's drowned out by light. She asks “what this means to you”. The image then appears, and it's a crudely drawn bird similar to the one that has been appearing in various hints and throughout the stream. Then there's another quick suggestion of images: the symbol, the bird, and the words “BECAUSE WE BELIEVED”. 
She asks what emotions the bird represents/elicits. We hear more paper ripping. Once again we see the symbol and bird, followed by a single frame of white text over a red background that reads “ALL_WE_EVER_WANTED_WAS_A_CHANCE.”. Then the outline of the bird is cut into the wall of text. 
She says “you're quite the artist” before the drawing, symbol, and bird appear once more. She asks  “how long have you been drawing pictures like this?”, then the crescent moon reappears. Next is a new silhouette: black with its arm raised over a textured light gray background. Another QR code leads to https://www.wwe.com/kintsugi. This one was also new to me. It includes a video with many of the images from the stream, as well as the words “LAGRANGE POINT”. The code also stays on screen for a significant amount of time, before the bird covers it and it disappears. 
She asks about a deeper meaning to the drawing. The symbol, bird in flight, and black and white silhouette reappear. She retrieves another piece of paper, and reads out “can you keep a secret? I set them free”. The paper flashes. What is written is only “I SET THEM FREE”, and is once again followed by the bird.  Following this is the text “I ACCEPTED THEM” and “THEY WERE BROKEN”. She asks if the picture and note are connected, and we hear more paper ripping. She asks “who did you set free?” which is repeated and distorted. The symbols and the “REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE” note flash again. A clip from the video in the kintsugi link plays before the text “YOU WILL UNDERSTAND”. 
She attempts to encourage an answer to the question, then we see the symbol, poem, “I DIDN'T FIX THEM”, and “I ACCEPTED THEM”. Then the screen is filled with “THEY OPENED THE DOOR” repeatedly. At the bottom is “WE CAN BE A FAMILY”. This is also identical to a previous video. Admittedly at this point they have all run together so I can't remember which one. 
Another QR links to https://www.wwe.com/derisive, also new to me. Warning: there is a jump scare at the end of the video. This page also includs the words “years in metonic cycle” and some sort of letter/word puzzle at https://www.wwe.com/f/2024/05/evkairia.pdf. I am very openly bad at these, so I will leave that for one of you if you’d like. This code also says on screen before the bird appears to remove it. She attempts to encourage more openness, and there's the sound of paper shuffling. She gets up again and grabs another paper. She says “you want me to understand”, and the words “YOU WILL UNDERSTAND” flash. 
The paper appears to read “THEY WERE TRAPPED. I SHOWED THEM HOW TO OPEN THE DOOR”. She reads the note aloud, and the last sentence is once again repeated and distorted. She asks who the note is referring to, and the image of the note flashes again before the “WE CAN BE A FAMILY” screen reappears. 
There is the sound of shuffling. She asks more questions, trying to understand the note. After a moment of silence, she takes another paper. The note appears “DO YOU SEE? AM ALREADY FREE :)” after she reads this aloud as well. Flipping it over, the other side appears “I AM ALL OF US”, which she also reads. There's another paper rip. She asks for help understanding, and “YOU WILL UNDERSTAND” flashes again. 
Another QR code, this one is familiar and leads to https://www.wwe.com/404 (the Be(o)lieved video).This code disappears with the bird as well, but is on screen for less time than the others. She asks about childhood and early memories. Two images flash: a sonogram and baby sleeping. After another moment and more ripping paper, an artistic image (maybe a painting) of a man in a complicated cave system flashes. 
22 minutes.
A close up of an eye flashes, followed by the bird, “WHILE YOU DID NOTHING”, the symbol, and the baby picture. There's another long silence. Then, another QR code leads to https://www.wwe.com/RRMBHPAW. This is another new video to me, but it's quite simple. VERY interesting, however. This code disappears on its own. 
She gets another note, which flashes “I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN”. She also reads this aloud. She asks a few more questions about the note potentially being connected to childhood or triggered by something while the ripping noises start once more. There's an especially long silence before another code. This once takes us to https://www.wwe.com/121212 and it's…it's a lot. There are a series of photos, the first few being either notes we’ve seen during the stream or notes that appear to be related. There are also a few photographs and a newspaper clipping describing the woman in the video, who’s name is redacted, as missing. This code also disappears on its own. 
She retrieves another note, which is included in the last link. It appears on screen occasionally as she reads it. It says “I REMINDED HIM OF WHO HE WAS. I SHOWED HIM HIS LIES. NOW HE SHOWS ME HIS VISION. IT IS BEAUTIFUL”. The text “EVEN NOW” appears with a new clip of birds flying over a forest. 
She asks for elaboration on who the note is referring to, with the “HE” written in the note appearing. She asks if there is someone the patient is trying to protect, and the “THEY WERE TRAPPED” note flashes again, as well as more of the symbol. There is the sound of ripping again, and a repeat of the WE CAN BE A FAMILY screen. 
After another silence, which seems to be longer now each time, she picks up another note. The note flashes “THEY WERE LEFT ALL ALONE. I OPENED THE DOOR. NOW THEY ARE NOT ALONE ANYMORE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”. As she is reading it, a video of a door opening plays and the last two sentences are repeated and distorted. 
30 minutes. End of part one.
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seeing ayo edebiri get backlash over her comments about jlo is frustrating. It's like the Rachel Zegler/Snow White discourse all over again
ok so sorry this took me a few days to get to. I have been mercifully in a bubble of my home life and work.
so for those like me that didn't know here's the full story
Like to me... its hard to really blame Ayo but I think the treatment that Ayo is MUCH worse than the treatment that Rachel Zegler got tbh. And I'll tell you why.
First of all Rachel Zegler... lets face it she's benefitting from being a light skinned latina. and it shows in a myriad of ways. Like the fact that instead of casting a darkskinned actress for Maria to update West Side Story Rachel got the part instead and she could be like twins with Natalie wood
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(also trigger warning I'm very sorry but that gif of natalie wood is literally from a movie that uses the g slur in its title)
And like I know that the white supremacists have been having a field day with Rachel over some stupid comments that didn't offend anyone. But she still has a much bigger footprint in movies than Ayo does. (and Rachel's 6 years younger than Ayo so even though Ayo is an award winner she's still probably not earning as much as Rachel)
Which is frankly bullshit.
If you read the article I linked above they literally referenced Ayo's comments on JLo in a skit!!! They didn't just make her apologize they laughed at her for daring to say what lots of people say about Jlo anyways.
its the whole "oh a black woman exisiting and speaking her mind is a threat to a lightskinned woman."
Like don't get me wrong I've been a fan of Jlo's for literally decades (saw her in Selena in theaters). but I truly don't think that what Ayo said was in poor taste. Jlo's vocals are not great. and she profitted from a highly specific type of song. one that was pioneered by Mariah Carey. (the whole pairing a singer with a rapper was literally Mariah's thing but JLo got popular off of it first).
I'm just... doubly tired. First i'm tired about the fact that Ayo's success is being ruined by some 4 year old comments. Second JLo is filthy rich she sang at Biden's Inauguration. She sang at the superbowl. She does not need to be apologized to by a Black woman. You don't need to rake Ayo over the coals over this shit. but yes to answer your comparison woc are hyperscrutinized in media and white ppl get to run their mouths without consequences.
/end rant
mod ali
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hqfeatbetty · 2 years
May i request setters with an s/o that talks too much and someone tells her "you talk a lot" as a joke but it's not a joke you know, please ^^
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hello! enjoy it :) this is not the best but hope you like it. also sorry for the wife and the girlfriend she always the bad guy lol.
warning: slight manga spoilers and very poor vocabulary hehe. also boys over heels for reader <3
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you were with your boyfriend at a party to celebrate the last win of ali roma. currently chatting with one of his teammates and his wife. you were telling her about the game because she couldn't attend there in person so you thought if you told her what happened would be nice but unfortunately it wasn't, because while you were talking animatedly about the last point "-and then when we started losing hope tobio did-""yeah i saw that on tv haha" she interrupted you with a fake smile "it's surprising that you're talking this much with someone you just met i envy you for being this comfortable with new people haha" she said as if she joking but you weren't a little kid you knew she was annoyed. her husband tried to change the awkward mood but he also was interrupted but this time by You lover, "and i love that about her" he said looking at you with a soft smile "her voice and the expressions she does with her face make me happy, when i get home tired i want nothing but hold her and listen to she has to say, from the little details of her day to the big announcements she has for me, and she's the sweetest that she wanted you to experience what you missed because it's not the same when watch it on TV" he give your hand that he was holding a little squeeze and your heart melt at his antics. you heard his teammate chuckles and when you turned to his wife she was giving you an apology smile.
it's Friday. you and your husband were invited by his coworker and his wife for dinner. the evening at first was nice, their little daughter stole your attention with her cute acts. then when dinner is eaten and the little princess is asleep, the four of you were sat in the living room exchanging small talk, then you started talking about your niece that at the same age with their daughter "and recently she started to get jealous when her father hugs her mother. oh also do you know that she has the same mole that i have?" "does she talk a lot like you too?" the woman asked suddenly and when all of you went quite she added "haha just kidding love" "no she doesn't talk a lot like her but i do hope that if we have children they take a lot of her including 'talking a lot' and then I'll be so lucky" your husband answered with a tight smile, and then he excused the two of you to head home. after telling your farewell you walked to the car thanking your lucky stars for this gorgeous husband.
you and tooru came back home to Japan for a quick visit cause your big baby missed his family and his bros. so today you were at a club with the boys and their partners having fun and enjoying your youth. you danced a little with iwa, matssun and their girls then you joined oikawa, makki and his girlfriend in the booth. the boys were talking about Argentina so you joined them talking about the cool weather and showing them pictures you took when you go to those dates when you exploring new places "this pic we took it last month, it's not that far from our place but we only discover it lately" "OMG how do you have this energy to talk this much" makki's girl spoke a little bit harsher than she meant, maybe the alcohol did its affect you assume not wanting to make a big deal but the boys didn't want this to slide, makki's first when he glared at her telling her to be nicer and then oikawa said with his annoying attractive smirk "aw are you jealous of my baby ? she has this amazing energy that whenever she talks steal the attention of whoever listening, makes them interested with the topic even she telling them about a cartoon show" his features softened when he glances at you "i actually fell in with her from the very first encounter between us when she was talking about her cat" you smiled to yourself remembering the first time you met tooru, you just moved in next to him and your cat run to his house when he accidentally left his door open. after that the girl apologized felling guilty for ruining the mood.
you two were having a date in your favorite coffeeshop relaxing after having a long week. after a while one of Keiji's former classmates entered the place and as soon as he saw your husband he joined you to catch up with him. so when the conversation is now about you two and how you met you started telling him about how you met him and how he asked you out and how he proposed "he was so nervous he almost dropped the ring twice" you said grinning to your husband remembering the precious little memories "but Keiji i didn't expect to see with someone talk this much, i thought you liked girls on the calm side like yourself" his 'old friend' said with a chuckle only to be cut by akkashi "well that's the point, we're totally the opposite yet we understand each other the most, it's like we complete each other with this difference, i really like to hear her talk all time about anything and everything" keiji took your hand in his and brought it to his lips kissing your knuckles sweetly, the other man smiled as he apologized explaining he doesn't meant anything bad excusing himself to let you go back to your little date.
It's only a few days left and the new season begin and then atsumu is gonna have to travel a lot due to the games held in other countries. So of course your fake blond boyfriend is going to visit his twin's restaurant to eat his favorite food as much as he can before iwaizumi know about this unprofessional, unhealthy behavior. While he was having his way with the plate in front of him you were talking with osamu telling him about the adventures you and tsumu went through during the vacation in some beautiful island. "And then we dive in so deep in the ocean and your stupid brother told me he saw a mermaid just to scare me" osamu was laughing at his idiot twin when A Friend of Osamu's showed up laughing at what you said "and i thought atsumu is the talkative one in the relationship" this said friend blurred out his joke a little bit meaner than he intended to, the plate is long forgotten when atsumu looked the guy upside down then he answered with the coldest tone he can master "and what that supposed to mean ?". The guy shook his head smiling "it doesn't mean anything buddy, really it's just nice that you have someone like you", at the explanation atsumu looked like he calmed a little then smiled at you, winking playfully "yeah you're right about that".
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raeynbowboi · 2 years
I'm Starting to Get Tired of Getting Invested in Big Mouth
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I want to start by making it clear that I do not hate Big Mouth. I like it fine. There were moments in season 6 that I liked. But there is a fundamental problem with the show's writing: almost nothing ever sticks. Things that seem like they should have a lasting impact are swept under the rug and forgotten. Remember how last season Charles Lu cheated on Gina with Jay and did nothing with that? The writers clearly don't because it's never addressed. Or how bout Jesse's crush on Ali? Guess they forgot that too. Hell, Sonja was Jesse's love bug and we got nothing about that being an issue for Jesse? Which is why I don't buy Marty making up with Barbara. Next season, they'll be right back to default, just like how Andrew dropped Sensitive Andy between seasons quietly and reset to default. Or what about Jesse moving? Nick and Andrew not being friends anymore? Remember when Jesse and Matthew were best friends? Leah's relationship with Val? (Who was also reset to standard Billzarian this season.) Speaking of which, Jay cum-bending the house clean and having a healthy evening with his family, marking the beginning of growth for the Billzarians? What a surprise, a hard reset returned his family to an abusive, dysfunctional default. And when characters don't get hard reset, they get tossed aside. Remember when Gina was important? How about Lars? Devin and Devon haven't done anything in two seasons. I don't recall much of Coach Steve, Caleb, the Johnson Twins, Lump, Ali, barely any Duke. none of them. You'll notice that they stopped pretending we cared about the new principal who was doing the Masked Singer teaser. I'm frustrated with how Andrew left things with Bernie, that was a poor way to handle that. Aiden got put out of our misery, only for Matthew to throw Jay away for complete bullshit reasons. Jay was better off and beginning to become well-adjusted. They were looking like a real couple. And Matthew threw that all away so quickly? He just needs to be less judgy of Jay's magic hobby and less bossy. Do that, and their relationship is fine. Probably one of the healthiest in the show. He got Jay over the pillows. We cannot gloss over what a big step that is. Only for it to be thrown back in our faces a couple episodes later. And Nick has pretty much had the same exact 'stop acting like a spoiled rotten bastard' since at least season 4. Early Nick was arrogant and entitled, but it wasn't the only thing the writers did with him. I think the problem is that there's too many characters fighting for attention in the main cast, and then they added Missy's new boyfriend on top of all that. If you're not going to give Matthew a decent relationship, at least let him go through non-gay-specific experiences. There's no reason he shouldn't deal with peer pressure, body positivity, or social media addiction like other characters. Otherwise, drop him back down from main cast to supporting side character so that the main characters actually get the screen time they need. And Lola too. Time and again, I think they're going to make significant changes and get excited for the future, only for the writers to backpedal and retcon the cliffhanger that hooked my interest. And I'm tired of pretending like the cliffhanger drama is going to actually mean anything.
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stormoflina · 7 months
Hi my essay for the defense of Dominik 😁
As an Asian-European-Canadian mix, more of Asian %, I completely understand about the cultural difference. It's so hard to understand, interconnect and correlate each other culture. We are just so different. And I'm not sure but I think Hungarian culture feels more like some Asian culture. We are enthusiastic, friendly open, polite, sometimes shy but I think some of our inside jokes and local jokes will be dark and rude in the eyes of others. And the lapses in the use of words. It's the biggest problem I've had all my life. Other than what I intended even though I said it according to the dictionary translation I've learned, from their point of view, it is rude and kind of insults, things like this happen often all the time. And their words did hurt me too vice vasa. Only After living In Europe for long time, I can weigh in on the choice of words. Perhaps that's why I never felt such ego and arrogance things and felt attacked about Dominik. But in last night case I was kind of glad that he got that treatment under not that serious circumstance. He is not arrogant by any means but he needed that humbling at some point like Ali and his early days and that Leicester match I think, right? He is just too young to know all 360° of everything. He is smart and clever boy so he will be fine sooner than others. I have no worry at all. I do believe that it happened for the better.
And other fact, He joked 'he wants to play.' Line to not only Wataru but Quansah as well. And I was kind of love and glad that tbh. I even thought 'aww he and Wataru have such friendship and Wataru is not that lonely and feels left out in the squad then.' because Wataru and him are like North and South poles different in vibes and energy. I even thought they didn't have any connection each other off the pitch. 😅😅 And I'd definitely do that to my friends if I felt close enough to say so. Maybe it's my Asian energy thoughts. 😂😂 i said what I said. Rate my essay out of 10 please. 🤣🤣🤣
Essay rate is 10/10, you ate with this 💅
I do agree, there are a few similarities between the hungarian and asian cultures, I think they are much more direct and blunt in general, than other 'western' cultures.
You are so spot on with the lapses in the use of words! Yes, that is so very true!
Yes, I think this slap in the face came at the right time for him. I mean, yeah, he had a poor game, especially after how the entire week he had all this very confident interviews coming out. It's a bit funny how he had to drop a stinker right after all of those, but still, some people are really overreacting. He didn't make a crucial mistake that lead to a goal or an injury, he wasn't horrible by any means (in my opinion), he was leggy, tired and lacked focus. Just like you said, this might have come in the right time, I mean, it's not realistic to always deliever and so far, ever since he debuted in LFC, he did. A poor performance was overdue, and honestly, in one way I'm glad it happened, so hopefully he can get back to his otherwise fantastic form 😂 It would be the most Liverpool thing ever, if they barely got a 1-1 away against Luton, then would manage to win against City. (I'm manifesting it.)
What is important now, is to move on and react in a way that will silence all those haters, who finally have something to eat after waiting for months, starving for him to have a bad game. I feel like I should make a Hungary joke rn, but can't think of anything funny, so I will close my own essay (😂) with saying I believe in him and I know that he will be back with brilliant performances!
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maria021015 · 2 months
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Most of the school day went past as normal, though there was an added sharpness to Lydia’s attitude directed not at Zaida but at Allison. Whilst Zaida knew Allison hadn’t technically done anything untoward to deserve such treatment, she couldn’t exactly blame the redhead. She’d be mad too if her boyfriend and best friend had been acting like that in front of her, especially with the way Jackson treated his own girlfriend.
Awkwardness aside, Zaida spent whatever free moment she had in between classes to go over her chemistry notes. Despite everything that was going on, she still needed to keep her grades up. It appeared that Scott didn’t have the same concerns, instead opting to run out of the classroom not even halfway through. All things considered, she felt she had done pretty well, and comparing notes with Lydia after the exam alleviated her worries about the questions she wasn’t sure she had answered correctly. The duo headed to their lockers first, wanting to switch out their books before lunch, whereas Ali said she would meet them in the cafeteria. Once they had lined up and gotten their own lunches (pizza today, thank God), they turned towards their usual table but Lydia froze in her tracks, leaving Zaida a few inches away from crashing into her back.
“Whoah, Lydia, a little warning next time would be nice.” Zaida rebalanced her tray which threatened to tip over.
“On second thought, I’m not hungry.” The redhead stated and handed her tray to a random ninth grader who had been about to line up for food.
“Wait, wha-” Zaida’s brows met in a frown until she glanced over at their table to find Allison seated beside Jackson, smiling as the boy wiped a crumb from her lips seductively, sucking his thumb afterwards. “Oh my gosh. That’s disgusting.”
“I think I’m gonna barf.” Lydia’s skin paled to almost a greenish hue and her heel clacked against the floors as she stormed out of the cafeteria.
“But…it’s pizza day.” Zaida whined, grabbing her paper plate off her tray and dumping the rest of it on an empty table as she hurried after the distraught girl, almost tripping on someone’s lunch tray as she went. Who ate on the floor? She looked back to shoot the guy a glare only to realise it was Scott, and his eyes were glued on the same scene she had just witnessed. Poor guy.
“Lydia, wait!” Zaida hurried, dodging and weaving through the crowded halls, following that flaming red hair until the girl slipped into the library. She was about to follow after her when the Librarian stopped her.
“Hey, you know the rules. No food or drinks.” she wagged a finger, nodding towards the slice of pizza on the paper plate. Zaida sighed in frustration and shoved the entire thing into her mouth, dumping the plate in the bin beside the entry doors. There was no way she wasn’t going to eat that pizza. She chewed the mass of dough, cheese and sauce in her mouth as she searched through the library, finding Lydia sitting on the carpet between the furthest stacks. She slid down to sit next to her, swallowing her food in separate chunks until her mouth was free.
“You want me to run him over?” she offered. Zaida had never been the best at comforting, but she was trying her best right now to think of what would make her feel better if their situations were reversed. “I’d get away with it. My brother’s a deputy.”
“Ignoring the fact that it would be highly illegal, you don’t have a car to run him over with.” Lydia pointed out the flaws in her plan.
“Damn, you’re right. It’ll have to be a good old-fashioned Carrie Underwood moment then. I’ll key the Porche, and you can slash the tires?” She offered instead. “I heard that if you only slash three, insurance won’t cover it.”
“Jackson’s parents are loaded. They wouldn’t need insurance to cover it, but even if they did, that’s a myth.” Lydia shook her head, but her lips upturned with the ghost of a smile.
“Look, I think you can already tell, I’m not the best at this whole uplifting girl-talk thing. But just know that I would one-hundred percent help you bury his body. Digging the grave, covering it in lye, the whole shebang.” Zaida assured the redhead, noticing her humour seemed to be working at least a little bit.
“Oh, you would one-hundred percent be doing it by yourself. Me digging a grave? With these nails?” she flashed her fresh manicure. “There’s no way.”
“There’s the Lydia I know and occasionally tolerate.” she twisted the saying and nudged the redhead with her elbow playfully, earning a soft and short laugh. “Look, I won’t ask if you’re okay because you’re obviously not, and I wouldn’t expect you to be. But, if you think talking about it might help, I’m all ears.”
“Something tells me neither of us are the heart-to-heart type.” she shut down that option. “But, I could do with some company at Lacrosse practice after school?”
“I mean sure, I’ll come, but…you’re still going to go watch him play? After everything he’s been doing to you?” Zaida shook her head in disbelief.
“I just need to remind him that I’m the one who has been there for him since seventh grade. That he loves me .” Lydia insisted. Looking at Zaida’s disapproving and concerned expression, her features softened. “Things haven’t always been this way between us, Zaida. For three years, things were good. I just don’t know what’s gotten into him recently. He’s completely shut me out, and he won’t tell me why.”
“Sometimes people change.” Zaida tried, deciding it was better if she didn’t mention the fact that she found it hard to believe anything with Jackson could be good for more than ten seconds.
“Then maybe I can change him back.” Her voice had a slight edge to it this time, and Zaida knew that meant the conversation was over.
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“Is he okay?” Lydia asked as they crowded around an injured Danny on the Lacrosse field. Scott had gone ape, bowling over his teammates left and right and knocking Danny to the ground. One thing was for certain, if Zaida had known Lacrosse was this interesting she’d have started watching practice a long time ago.
“It looks like he just has a bloody nose,” Jackson answered, taking a double glance at Lydia when he realised something amiss.
“What?” she asked him, pulling Zaida’s attention away from the incapacitated goalkeeper being inspected on the grass.
“Your lipstick,” he stated, and the girl pulled out a compact mirror to inspect her face. The raven-haired girl peered closer, seeing what she hadn’t previously noticed.
“Oh, wonder how that happened.” Lydia wiped the smudged product away nonchalantly.
“Yeah.” Jackson agreed, his voice dangerously low as the couple exchanged charged glares. “I wonder.”
Zaida noticed she wasn’t the only one eavesdropping on the conversation when Stiles’ mouth dropped open and he turned to look at Scott. The realisation of what must have happened hit her like a bus. Lydia had disappeared for a long moment between school ending and Lacrosse practice starting. Zaida had assumed she’d just gone to the bathroom, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. The coach had called an end to practice early due to the injury, with Jackson offering to drive Danny to the hospital to be sure he wasn’t concussed. Zaida walked with Lydia to her car, having organised a ride home from her earlier on in the day.
“What did you do?” she finally broke the silence between them.
“What do you mean?” Lydia feigned ignorance, but Zaida had seen her play this act a hundred times before and she wasn’t buying it for a second.
“Your lipstick was smudged. You are absolutely neurotic about your appearance, you never would have missed that. You left it smudged on purpose.” Zaida sighed heavily, dreading the following conversation but knowing it needed to be had.
“Now why would I do something like that?” The redhead tossed her locks over her shoulder and unlocked her black Beetle with a beep.
“Oh I don’t know, Lydia. Maybe you made out with someone and left the evidence because you wanted Jackson to find out in an attempt to make him jealous. But hey, what kind of person would do something like that, am I right?” she scoffed sarcastically, slipping into the passenger seat of the car.
“So I wanted to recapture his attention. So what?” Lydia shrugged and started her car. “Now we’re even.”
“If there is one thing I know about you, it’s that Lydia Martin doesn’t do anything halfway.” Zaida shook her head. “You would have picked the person you knew would rile him up the most.”
“Lydia Martin also loves karma.” the girl interrupted, checking her rearview mirror before reversing out of her parking spot.
“And Jackson wasn’t the only person you were mad at today.” Zaida continued. “You kissed Scott, didn’t you? After spending the whole day convincing Allison she’d made the right decision to dump him.”
“Allison deserved it.” Lydia snapped, gripping the steering wheel so hard her knuckles turned white.
“If what you did today meant you ruined your friendship with Allison for good, would you be okay with that?” she asked, and silence met her. “Then maybe she didn’t deserve it.”
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“Did you want to come up for dinner?” Zaida offered when Lydia pulled up outside her apartment building. “I know your Mom doesn’t really cook, and you skipped lunch. I wouldn’t want you to starve. Losing a few more pounds might make you even more insufferable. You wouldn’t shut up about it for at least a week.”
“Or maybe you just don’t want to admit you actually care that I had a bad day and want to cheer me up?” Lydia tilted her head as she mused aloud.
“I’ll let you tear apart my wardrobe?” The brunette offered with a smirk. Lydia was right. The girl had experienced an awful few weeks, really, and had no one there to care about it. Her Mom was nice enough but was always too busy with work to notice anything amiss. Jackson was…well Jackson , and Allison had been so caught up in her own Scott-shaped bubble that she didn’t even bother to check in with the redhead. Zaida knew what it felt like to be that alone when she had needed someone.
“Now that sounds like fun.” Lydia’s lips broke into a beaming smile.
Xander wasn’t yet home from his shift, and he wouldn’t be for a while. After eating some leftover stir fry, the two moved to Zaida’s bedroom. The redhead wasted no time before diving into Zaida’s walk-in closet.
“Okay, I assumed the reason why you dress…well, like that , is because you don’t have any cute clothes. But, these are adorable!” Lydia went through the racks, eyes widening at the selection before her. She pulled out a short floral dress and held it up to her body. “Oh my god! I am so going to borrow this.”
“Yeah, I have a lot of clothes, take your pick.” Zaida shrugged. “You’re definitely a few sizes smaller than me though, so you’ll have to belt it.”
“Why do you never wear these?!” Lydia tossed the dress onto the bed and kept rifling through the rest, pulling out a brown leather jacket.
“I used to love it; the clothes, the jewelry, the makeup. Mom would take me shopping, and we’d grab lunch in between filling our arms with bags of the stuff.” she reminisced upon those days fondly, her smile fading when she remembered the reason why she didn’t find it as enjoyable anymore. “Then my Mom died, and I guess I haven’t been able to look at it the same way.”
“Just because it was your Mom’s funeral, doesn’t mean it has to be yours.” Lydia looked down at her all-black ensemble before grimacing at her own joke. “I’m sorry, that was tasteless. You said you moved here with your brother. I had just assumed your parents were still back in San Francisco.”
“Nope,” Zaida flopped back onto her bed with a loud huff. “They’re both gone.”
“How did it happen?” The redhead set down the jacket atop the dress and took a seat on the mattress, her tone uncharacteristically tender.
“Believe it or not, it was an animal attack a few years ago. At least, that’s what the police said it was.” Zaida mumbled, finding it hard to believe that she was here talking about this to Lydia of all people.
“You don’t believe it was?” The redhead frowned, scooting closer.
“There were just so many dots that didn’t connect. I’ve been told it’s all in my head - a trauma response,” she answered vaguely. “It really messed me up.”
“My parents divorced a couple of years back. I know it’s not the same thing at all, but it feels like I lost both of them. Dad is never around anymore, and Mom threw herself into her career to cope.” Lydia opened up hesitantly, still seeming uncomfortable with it. “Through all of it, I kinda only had Jackson left. I think that’s why I can’t let go, even though I know I probably should.”
“It’s your decision, but for the record, I think you can do so much better than Jackass Whittemore.” Zaida pretended to retch at his name, sticking a finger into her mouth and gagging.
“Yeah, right.” The redhead rolled her eyes. “He’s at the top of the social ladder, apart from Danny, who - in case you haven’t noticed - is gay.”
“Why do you care so much about the social ladder” Zaida groaned. “Just because everyone knows who he is, doesn’t mean he’s worth knowing.”
“Maybe, I just want to be seen.” Lydia’s admittance was quiet, almost impossible to hear. She immediately covered up her vulnerability with a spike of her usual attitude. “Go ahead, call me an attention whore.”
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be seen. But having to hide your intelligence so you don’t bruise his ego? Having to cover up your true self with an unbothered persona because anything less than perfection pisses him off? Needing to play mind games to keep his interest? That’s not being seen, Lydia. That’s being dehumanised and paraded as a trophy.” The brunette explained. “No one at that school sees you , they see what he’s made you. And I think I’d like the real Lydia.”
“I guess maybe we are good at heart-to-hearts.” Lydia’s laugh came out in a soft puff of air.
“Maybe we are.” Zaida smiled back and nodded towards her closet. “You wanna help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow?” The redhead practically launched herself into the clothes rack.
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sappho-ism · 11 months
Some quotes me and my best friend have said in our conversations because we are idiot lesbians.
A: “I love hydrogen, hydrogen is a ball.”
F: “yeah because it’s H2O.”
A: “what.”
F: “because water droplets are round…”
A: “hydrogen, flick.”
(She’s a chemistry lesbian and while I’m a musician I’m more physics pls I was tired.)
F: “theres this particle collider on the Sweden-France border and it’s the largest one there is called the large hadron collider.”
A: “Why are they colliding the large hadrons.”
A: “Egg, capital E.”
F: “which E?”
A: “………. the E in egg.”
F: “yeah…. Which one……..
A: “flick cannot charge they phone. all they know is cook, twerk, write sad lesbians and lie.”
F: “is this because you can see my phone battery going down?”
A: “yes.”
F: (in Portia’s voice from Barbie: Princess charm school) “Delancy, is eating pussy cannibalism?”
F: “Did you search up Lego cunnilingus, Ali?”
A: “Yes I did.”
F: “Why?”
A: “Just curiosity.”
And my favourite:
A: “You and the queen of England have never shown up in the same room at the same time”
F: “yeah, because I’m fucking poor and she isn’t.”
A: “how do I know you aren’t the queen of England?”
F: “because I don’t live in a massive fucking house and I’m not dead.”
A: “how do I know you’re not the secret double life of the queen of England so she can fully commit to being flick the secret lesbian goth she is inside.”
A: “yeah but how do I know?”
F: “because I’m telling you I’m not the queen of England.”
A: “but you can’t prove it.”
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Her afternoon had been filled with body tremors.
I honestly love the little details you have put about Violet's EDS. It's so interesting yet painful to read how it is not just the people she loves but also her own body which is betraying her.
There would be questions if the whole second-year floor was able to hear her scream every time she fell asleep.
I wish we could see more of Violet's emotions in canon. You have perfectly portrayed the what ifs I wanted with your words. Kudos to you!
Navarre would keep lying, and the rebellion would keep acting under the radar, never having enough riders to make a difference because they were too scared to cause a scene, to stir rebellion from the inside.
I was honestly concerned how Violet could not see the parallels. Just because the rebellion wanted to fight against the venin and end it for good did not mean their approach was correct.
“Power is a ladder, trust yourself only, watch your back. Riders fight, and soon you’ll be flying for the good of the continent.” had been the Princess’ words in Morraine.
There is NO WAY she does not know. I'm sure she knows about the rebellion too to some extend. But if she does not, does it mean there would be a civil unrest because of the people in the wards who do know?
It was baffling how no one in the rebellion saw they were doomed to fail due to their pride and fear.
I honestly don't know how the Assembly members reached their current positions. Turns out people throughout the continent have the same arrogance issues 🤣 🤣
Who shows such sense of ownership and belonging in public and yet every truth has to be ripped out of them by force? Xaden, apparently.
He does not know how to be in a relationship, apparently. I'd love to see him grovel in your book now.
That’s when both she and Alys started to learn how to master the art of manipulation.
This sentence somehow made me see the resemblance between Lilith and Xaden. Both of them would do anything to protect their loved ones (In Lilith's case her kids and in Xaden's it's Violet). They honestly don't know how a healthy relationship works. We readers often say that we can excuse murder but not cheating, but we cannot actually do that. Lilith here got the rebels killed, made the bargain with Xaden and did much more cruel things just to keep her children safe. Xaden would do the same thing if it comes to Violet.
He had blamed Violet for their behavior because a member of the Royal Family could never have thoughts of their own when it came to controversial matters.
I'd love to have a friendly conversation with Tauri. Just for a few minutes please 😀🔪
“You don’t need me to be an open book. We’re allowed to have boundaries. If you want to know something you only need to start asking.”
But then what's the point if she does not even know the basics about you 😭😭
Then Rhi’s face softened. “But also terribly tired, are you sure you want to go? We can just cuddle in your bed and cry to sleep.”
Rhi is that ride or die friend every Violet needs and I'm hear for it.
“Fight harder then.” A pause. “Two can play this game Xaden, If you want me to ask about things I’ll make you the same rule.”
“Do be careful who you share your war stories with, Violet. I’d hate to see your mother lose either of her daughters.”
Him threatening Mira had me on my last nerve. Can I have 5 minutes with him too? Please 🔫😀
“Secrets make for poor leverage. They die with the people who keep them.”
Oh I am SO ready for him to die now
Ok so this post is extremely long.
Just ending this with the fact that you're doing an awesome job and this chapter was splendid. I'd love you to explore more dynamic about Alys and Violet and love to see more of Mira. I honestly miss her so much, even in canon. Keep up the excellent work!!
I'm gonna start crying in about 3 seconds, what a lovely comment !! thank you so much <3
Portraying Violet's EDS in a realistic way is very important to me, I don't want to get it wrong and diminish people who have these kinds of issues with their own bodies, so I try to be really mindful of her pain.
Listen the Assembly in Aretia is dumb and it baffles me how no one states the obvious in canon.
civil unrest will happen one way or another, but if people know and decide to act ... it'll get ugly and I can't give much much away without spoiling but yeah
Xaden will grovel don't worry !!
Xaden and Lilith are soooo alike !! i love writing them both bc none of them are good people exactly but they're not terrible either. they do bad actions but its all bc they think its 1) the right thing to do or 2) to protect the people they love
Tauri is a king and a king will always be a king and act superior to everyone else
Rhi and Violet are very very special to me they're it !!
No one threatens Mira on my watch, we'll see more of her soon, Alys did make a promise to Violet after all. I'm so amazed that people like Alys so much it makes me really happy !!!
thank you so so much for this comment and pls don't feel shy I welcome them every time <3
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