#post brought to you by the doom patrol
shaylogic · 14 days
Queer Synchronicities
I watched the Doom Patrol episode that had the Dead Boy Detectives in it (Season 3, Episode 3, "Dead Patrol").
Edwin, Charles, and Crystal looked more like the comic versions of those characters, but their personalities, character points brought up, and even the mannerisms in the acting of the characters were SO similar to the new TV show. I wonder if the current actors were inspired by those portrayals to some extent.
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Ayyyyy Charles fans, please watch the Doom Patrol Ep: Charles is afraid to take a boat over the lake because of how he died and I wanted to cry
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[could not for the life of me find DBD!Charle's parallel scene giffed]
The Doom Patrol episode Charles actor (Sebastian Croft) seemed familiar and uhhh he also played Charlie's asshole toxic ex Ben in the Heartstopper show!!!!
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==>More convoluted synchronicity to this point: Sebastian Croft's birthday is December 16. Comic book Charles Rowland died "during the Christmas holidays". I know Heartstopper's a very different media to DBD but I'm!!!
Also the night nurse in the Doom Patrol ep and the Dead Boy Detectives TV show were literally the same actress (Ruth Connell) I lost it!!!
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Anyway, if you want a little more of these characters and never saw Doom Patrol like me, watch that episode just for our ghost squad. Still very gay, sassy, and angsty. EVEN THEIR MUSIC WAS SIMILAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also gif-maker gods of tumblr I eagerly await compairson gifset posts between the Doom Patrol ep and The DBD Netflix Show similar scenes
Edit: Twitchy Ricky was wearing a Doom Patrol t-shirt when they interrogated him
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dc-polls · 6 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Entry #12
Submission Withheld Due to Copywrite
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[ID: Two comic panels. The first shows Disappointment approaching the Doom Patrol members. He wears a red cape but is otherwise only a white silhouette with a stamp that says "Withheld due to copyright". He greets them saying, "I am what comes at the end... I am the disappointment."
In the next panel he says, "I am wreck and I am ruin. I'm so much nothing I am everything. I am burst and bloated dreams, and I am a mountain of unforgivable things." /END ID]
What Happened?
The Doom Patrol fought a supervillain called the Dissapointment who was only ever shown on panel as an outline with the words 'image withheld due to copywrite' stamped across it. It is revealed that he was a fictional character within the DCU who was brought to life, but then the TV show he originated from got cancelled, so now he doesn't own the rights to his own face and cannot appear in reality with the 'withheld' warning.
Tournament polls will be posted after all entries are up. As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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bapydemonprincess · 5 months
Imagine Grelle briefly popping in at the manor around the Book of Murder arc because of the weird wombo combo of deaths listed for that night and... wait... INCLUDING SEBASTIAN MICHAELIS??
And when she arrives she comes face to face with some charming older man named Jeremy who meets her in the rain as if he heard she was coming, and he smiles amiably with a twinkle in those eyes and tells her.
"Fear not, madam. I have it on good authority that the tangles and twists going on under this mansion roof will work themselves out post haste."
And Grelle tries to come off as unbothered, waving him off.
"Ooh, I'm sure they will, good sir. I'm sure they will. This isn't my first dive into the doom and gloom of Phantomhive Manor.."
"Then whatever could have brought you out here, then, might I ask. Surely with that fine lovely suit you're wearing, you are a busy lady, I imagine."
"W-Well, yes, normally.." Grelle cannot believe this. This classy gent is taking her for a turn! Even if... unintentionally. Almost as if it comes naturally...
"However there's a man that works in the service under the Earl here, and I... erm.. fancy him you could say, hehee.."
"Ahh," Mr. Rathbone responds... Pauses as if in thought; as if caught off guard, and then.. his visage seems to turn solemn, eyes closing, head bowing.
"This man wouldn't happen to possibly be the head butler, would he?"
Grelle flounders and merely hums her ascent, nodding. She cannot, for the death of her, get over her own current state!
"Hmph, well, I'm afraid I must inform you that.. that very man has perished this evening. After a surprise attack last night on his evening patrol, while he was stoking one of the fireplaces."
"THAT-" Grelle shouts outright at first, looking absolutely scandalized by this news, finger pointing accusingly at the Vicar.
"That... that isn't true." She goes on, voice lower, shakier, but still firm.
The man still has his eyes closed. Not budging nor flinching an inch.
"I'm afraid it is, my dear. I've seen his lifeless form with my own eyes, by now. Though I was not present at the time of his death's discovery, everyone else in this manor was, and if you wish, you yourself can slip in to ask.."
He does then open one eye, that pins the reaper in place with it's stern and serious look.
"Might I suggest in particular the other servants that served under him, for they will most definitely will have something to say, I believe, to anyone who'd object to this wretched truth they must now live with."
His other eye opens then too, and his stern look appears even sterner.. If that is possible.
"Or perhaps the boy Earl himself who now appears even younger, weaker, without that butler by his side."
Grelle still frowned, having crossed her arms tightly during his spiel, and merely stared him down.
Gone was the floundering brief glimpse of a debutante-like version of herself.
And here stood a woman with even more questions than before.
"I'll have you know, Mister Jeremy, this butler in particular that I speak of, and I know is much more formidable than you've likely imagined possible. He. Can't. Be. Dead. It's.... IT'S. JUST. NOT. POSSIBLE, do you hear me??"
And again, the man still stood perfectly in place, not even blinking before the enraged woman as she snarled her insistences through sharp gritted teeth.
"Oh yes, I can hear you quite well, my dear. But it appears to me as if there's a clear barrier between what I'm telling you and what you are hearing. And perhaps it could be the wretched weather we are currently prithee to, or perhaps it's something possibly.. unseen at work. Like a certain foolish human device in ones chest cavity shouting above my words, drowning them out. But there's unfortunately nothing I can do about that. And alas,"
He swiftly took out a pocket watch, and checked the time.
"I must leave you to return to the others. As I explained earlier I've put it upon myself to help the Earl and his remaining guests solve this case, so,"
He clapped it shut, and looked up at the reaper again.
"I wish you well, madam, and pray that if perhaps we next meet it'll be on better terms. For both our sakes."
And his smile then at her was as smooth as a pearl, eyes closed and cheery wrinkles presenting themselves even more so.
He means only the best.. A voice insisted to Grelle, and she found her muscles relaxing.
Her eyebrows remained firmly pressed down, though, her mouth a single line.
"Yes," she heard her own voice murmur over the rumble of thunder, "for both our sakes, indeed."
And she automatically turned away as the man himself turned too.
Both parties quietly trudging away from the scene.
And yet Grelle's mind spun round and round at break-neck speed.
Something was definitely up here. For there was too many peculiar things going on in this one moment alone!
This Jeremy himself. A Vicar?? At Ciel Phantomhive's place?? In the middle of this storm that had likely been going on since earlier that day.. No, even since yesterday Grelle was certain the rain had been falling.
And his stance. How he was the one to come to her in this moment. Not any other servants! He was merely visiting wasn't he?? He surely wasn't planning on staying much longer after this event!
And and and..
Grelle wanted to hold her head and curl up.
He... He was either ACTUALLY the one somehow to KILL SEBASTIAN or.... or... OR....
The pocket watch.
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panther-os · 1 year
human biology is so fucked probably literally every other species in the gffa including the near human human passing and human compatible ones have an estrous cycle instead and most of them think menstruation is a myth from a popular horror fairy tale or something
this post brought to you by:
the latest tbb episode giving me force sensitive omega thoughts
the idea of omega meeting/being trained by ahsoka
every fic ive ever read where ahsoka joins tbb and helps omega with her first period (also smn write phee and/or cid doing that please bc they're clearly women canonically significant in omegas life - im thinking smth like the scene in doom patrol with the gas station attendant who gets dorothy pads and new clothes and tells her everything's gonna be okay)
my headcanons that jango and therefore also the clones aren't 100% human
my frustration at having a uterus
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stargazingellie · 8 months
lazarus is risen
chapter three: ghosts of asphodel
(masterlist) (part 1) (part 2)
hello beautiful people!! here's part three :)
(ellie williams x reader, post-tlou2, useless lesbians, slow burn, cross country road trip, lots of references to greek mythology, etc.)
Asphodel: Portion of the Greek Underworld where ordinary souls are said to go after death. Asphodel lilies are said to symbolize the sentiment, “my regrets follow you to the grave.”
Ellie woke with a start as several sharp knocks came from the door. Covered in a thin layer of sweat, she tried to remember what she had been dreaming about. All she could recall was the sensation of falling, falling, fallin and the overwhelming feeling of impending doom, but even those were fading as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and pushed her hair out of her face.
It was not unlike any other night, since she couldn’t remember a time recently where she hadn’t been woken up by a horrible nightmare. The knocking was new, though; she hadn’t reconnected with most people since returning, and certainly not enough to warrant a visit after dark. Reaching over to turn on a lamp, she threw off the covers and crossed the small room to open the door.
“Oh, uh, Maria, I–” Ellie began, surprised to see the town’s leader standing there.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, Ellie,” Maria interrupted. “I know you said you needed some space when you got back, but something… urgent has come up. I need you to come with me, please.”
Ellie looked around nervously, confused as to why Maria would need her help with something so important when there were plenty of other capable, more congenial options available. “I mean, I’m happy to help if you need me, but… is there not, I don’t know… anyone else?” Ellie asked awkwardly.
Maria looked at her with a sympathetic expression, remembering how traumatized Ellie had been after what happened in Santa Barbara. “Ellie, if there was someone else I could ask, I would be at their doorstep right now. But there are some people here who, uh… who need to talk to you.”
Ellie furrowed her eyebrows. “Me? Why? There are a lot of people who aren’t very happy with me right now.” Her socks suddenly became very interesting as she thought of the long, long list of people who might want to kill her.
Maria quickly shook her head. “No, no, it’s nothing like that. I think… I think you might be able to help them. But I think you should hear it from them.”
Still looking at the ground, Ellie stood silently, unsure how to respond. Me? Help them? Why am I so special? She ran a toe along the edge of the floorboard.
Sensing her indecision, Maria placed a hand on Ellie’s shoulder and gazed at her softly. “I think this could be really good for you, Ellie.”
Maria’s words brought Ellie out of her thoughts. She looked up and made eye contact with the older woman, almost shocked by how gentle the usually-stern Maria was being.
After a moment of consideration, Ellie replied, “Okay.Let me put some shoes on.”
“I’m not gonna do this again.”
“That’s up to you.”
Their last words to each other rang in Ellie’s head as she gripped the envelope in her hands. After returning from Santa Barbara and finding their farmhouse empty, she knew things with Dina would never be the same. While she was away, Ellie thought about Dina and J.J. every day. She knew her decision had created an irreparable rift between them, but that didn’t stop her from caring deeply about the little family she had left behind.
Ellie hadn’t spoken to Dina in the few weeks since returning, partly because Ellie hardly left her house, but mostly because she made a point to avoid places she knew Dina might be. Ellie hadn’t been on patrol, she only took meals to-go, and she definitely didn’t attend Jackson’s infamous parties – parties just like the one being held that night.
She desperately wanted to talk to Dina – to apologize, to explain herself, to ask Dina to forgive her – but she knew better. She knew Dina meant what she had said that night at the farmhouse all those months ago, and she didn’t want to make Dina’s life any more complicated than she had already managed to make it.
Still, at the very least, Ellie wanted Dina to know how sorry she was. A letter, Ellie thought. So she wrote. And wrote, and wrote, and wrote, but she could never seem to get the words right. When at last she drafted something decent, she sealed the paper in an old envelope and grabbed her jacket.
Though she hadn’t spoken to Dina, she had learned from other people around the community that Dina and J.J. moved in with Jesse’s parents after abandoning the farmhouse. Knowing everyone would be attending the party in the town square, Ellie made her way to Dina’s new residence until eventually she found herself standing in front of a red mailbox, nervously considering the envelope in her hands. Lost in thought as she considered if the letter was a good idea, she didn’t hear the soft footsteps approaching from behind her. A voice called out to her – a voice she hadn’t heard in a long, long time.
The last time a group of strangers came to Jackson looking for someone, it turned out to be one of the worst days of Ellie’s life. As she followed Maria towards the center of town, Ellie grew more and more anxious about meeting the newcomers awaiting her. When Maria’s house came into view and the pair approached the front door, Maria paused for a moment before reaching for the knob. Putting her hand on Ellie’s shoulder, she said softly, “Just hear them out, okay?”
Ellie forced a small smile and replied, “I’ll try.”
Maria returned the smile and opened the door to step inside. As Ellie followed her to one of the plush couches in the living area, Ellie quickly scanned the room. There were two people she had known from patrol, but four strangers occupied the space opposite her and Maria’s couch. Two burly men stood menacingly behind the sofa, and their military-esque uniforms and posture reminded Ellie of her various interactions with FEDRA soldiers.
The two seated strangers stood out in almost comical contrast to the large men behind them. There was an older man – probably older than Maria, by the looks of it – who awkwardly adjusted the round, wire-rimmed glasses sitting on his nose. Though he was sitting down, Ellie could tell he was a lanky, unassuming type of person.
The final stranger was a girl – probably around her age, Ellie guessed – sitting next to him. She wore her curly, strawberry-blonde hair in a long ponytail and donned small silver hoops in her ears. Ellie noticed the girl and the older man had the same bright, brown eyes, and wondered if it was a familial resemblance. As she pondered the similarity, Ellie realized a moment too late that the girl’s eyes were looking straight back at her, and quickly looked away when she noticed.
Maria cleared her throat and set her tightly folded hands in her lap.
“Alright, well… start talking.”
The older man adjusted himself on the couch so he could sit up straighter. “Yes, well, I realize you probably don’t get visitors like this very often, and I do apologize for any commotion we might have created. My name is Doctor Steven Reynolds, and I’m one of the head researchers at the Administration for the Research and Containment of Cordyceps. A.R.C.C, for short.” He gestured to the girl sitting next to him. “This is my daughter Lucy. She’s one of the junior researchers at A.R.C.C.”
So they are family, Ellie thought to herself.
Dr. Reynolds motioned to the large men behind him. “These are Officers Jacobs and Alvaro. They made sure we got here in one piece. As I explained earlier, our organization is based in Atlanta, out of what was formerly the Centers for Disease Control. A core group of experts has been conducting research there since the outbreak, and we’ve made substantial progress in understanding the contagion, but far less in terms of being able to combat it.
“All of our previous research samples have been conducted on recently infected subjects. Obviously we don’t purposely infect people – that would violate just about every ethical and moral code there is – but when one of our own gets infected, they have the choice to voluntarily submit themselves to testing as they… ah… as the infection spreads. Unfortunately, when the infection spreads too far, well – I'm sure you know all too well what happens then. It gets too dangerous for us to keep them contained, so our sampling time is limited at best.”
For the first time since entering the house, Ellie spoke. 
“What does that have to do with me?” she said, arms crossed protectively in front of her chest.
“It has everything to do with you.” Dr. Reynolds grinned. “Ms. Williams, right? It really is a pleasure to be meeting you in person.”
“Um, just Ellie is fine. And thanks, I think?” She looked skeptically at the group of strangers in front of her. “Although I’m not really sure what I did to be so worth meeting.”
Dr. Reynolds chuckled as if she had just told a joke. “Ms. Williams – Ellie – you are a walking medical miracle. Even before the outbreak, our methods for treating serious fungal infections were almost nonexistent. I’ll admit, in the past couple years even I was beginning to worry there really wouldn’t be a way out of this. And then we heard about you.” He paused. “You were bitten, correct?”
Ellie shifted in her seat. “Uh, yeah. A couple times actually.”
Dr. Reynolds’ eyes lit up as he listened. “And what happened in the hours that followed, may I ask?”
She nervously ran a hand along the back of her neck. Only a handful of people in the entire world knew about her condition, and she didn’t have much practice answering these kinds of questions. “Uh, well, they kind of got all red and itchy. And there were some cysts too. But eventually they just scabbed over and left some pretty nasty scars.”
Dr. Reynolds ran his hands through his white beard as he thought about what she said. “Fascinating. Utterly fascinating.” He mumbled some scientific jargon to himself that Ellie didn’t even try to understand. “Could I… could I see one of them, perhaps?”
Suddenly, Lucy gasped and gave him a light slap on the wrist. “Dad! You can’t just ask to see something like that.” She turned to address Ellie directly. “Sorry about that. You don’t have to show him anything.”  Lucy gave her father a pointed look as she said, “He just gets… carried away sometimes.”
Ellie gave a small laugh, amused by their interaction. It obviously wasn’t the first time he’d said something less-than-appropriate while excited about his research.
“No, it’s okay.” She leaned forward and showed him the side of her left hand, just under where her pinkie used to be. The crescent-shaped scar was still visible, but only just.“This one’s about two months old. Healed a lot better than the first one.”
Dr. Reynolds gently took her hand and examined the bite. He shook his head in disbelief. “Never, in all my years, have I seen anything like this.” After a few moments, he said to Lucy, “Here, take a closer look.”
Lucy’s eyes darted nervously in Ellie’s direction, as if unsure about subjecting the other girl to such intense examination. Ellie noticed her uncertainty and reassured her, saying, “Really, it’s okay. I don’t bite.” Ellie could have sworn she heard one of the guards snort under his breath. 
She held her hand out to Lucy, who gingerly took it in both of her own. She still hesitated a moment, but her curiosity got the better of her and she leaned in to look closer, their foreheads now only about a foot apart. They were close enough now that Ellie noticed a small tattoo on Lucy’s left wrist that she hadn’t noticed before – a small spattering of dots which at first appeared to have no pattern, yet somehow seemed to form shapes that were vaguely familiar.
Ellie was surprised by how soft the other girl’s hands were; she seldom met anyone whose skin hadn’t been calloused by years of manual labor. Lucy brushed her thumb over the arc of the scar. Quietly, Lucy asked, “Does it… does it still hurt?” As she spoke, she lifted her gaze to meet Ellie’s, brown eyes meeting green.
Ellie smiled sadly. “No, not really. It’s just kind of… ugly. Hurts more to look at, I guess.”
Lucy returned a sympathetic smile. “Well, for the record, I don’t think it’s ugly. I think it’s pretty badass.” She gave Ellie’s hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it and sitting back in her seat.
Ellie ran her own thumb over the faint scar and smiled shyly, considering Lucy’s statement. “Thanks,” she replied, almost inaudibly.
Dr. Reynolds continued, “It’s my belief that we have not achieved much success on the treatment front because we haven’t had the right subject. Ellie, you – your immunity – could be invaluable to the research we’ve been conducting. I have every reason to believe that understanding the mechanism behind your immunity is the breakthrough we’ve been waiting for.”
Looking at her shoes, Ellie said solemnly, “Last time someone said that, they wanted to cut out my brain. Which, like, if that’s the only way, then sure. Just wanna know what I’m getting myself into.”
Dr. Reynolds furrowed his brow. “I don’t know who exactly was involved in that operation, but I do know the Fireflies were never known for their medical brilliance. It seems quite foolish to permanently incapacitate your only subject, wouldn’t you agree? No, at our headquarters we have access to all of the equipment and machines formerly used by the CDC itself. There would be no need for complete internal extraction.”
Ellie considered his explanation. A cure? And it wouldn’t kill me?
Maria placed a hand on Ellie’s knee and gave her a gentle smile before turning to the traveling party. “Can she have the night to think about it?” she asked.
Dr. Reynolds nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, of course. I want you to be sure about whatever you decide.”
“Thank you,” Maria said. “We’ll find somewhere for you all to stay tonight. Ellie, why don’t you get some sleep? I’ll come get you in the morning.”
Ellie nodded reluctantly and stood up from the couch. She gave a small, awkward wave before opening the door and exiting without saying a word.
Startled, Ellie turned around and stared wide-eyed at the two familiar faces staring back at her.
“Dina – I –”
“What are you doing here?” Dina’s expression was almost unreadable. Anger, confusion, sadness, hurt – it was impossible to tell what she was thinking. On her hip, a sleepy J.J. stirred at the sudden shift in his mother’s demeanor.
“I was, um… I thought you’d be at the party,” Ellie stammered.
“We were. But he’s, you know, a baby. And we’re both tired,” Dina said shortly.
Ellie looked between the two faces that had once been her entire world. “Right, sorry, I was just…” she trailed off.
“What? You were just what? You leave in the middle of the night, you’re gone for weeks, and when you get back you still say nothing? Then you show up at my doorstep hoping I’d… what, exactly? Take you back?”
Ellie shook her head vigorously. “No, no, that’s not –”
“Newsflash, Ellie, you’re the one who left. You chose this. We had something good and you abandoned it,” Dina spat out the words like acid. “For what? To chase someone who might’ve already been dead? Just so you could, what, kill her?”
“No, I didn’t – I couldn’t –”
“It seems like the only thing you’re good at is getting people killed. If we hadn’t gone after her in the first place, Jesse would still be here. J.J. would still have his dad.” Dina’s words stung. Ellie wanted to protest, but she knew deep down that everything Dina said was true.
Sensing the tension in the air, J.J. started to whimper. Dina averted her attention to the child on her hip as she comforted him, cooing softly at him while she swayed him gently. When he calmed down, she sighed, and it was obvious how tired she was.
“So what are you doing here, Ellie?”
At a loss for words, Ellie became aware of the item in her hand again. “I… I wrote you a letter. I wanted to apologize,” she said weakly.
Dina shook her head. “You really don’t get it, do you? I meant what I said. I’m not doing this again. I can’t have you coming in and out of our lives every time someone wrongs you.  I can’t let him get hurt like that again. I don’t want your letter. I don’t want you in my life. We’re done, Ellie.”
Ellie stepped out into the cool night air and pulled the door closed behind her. Dr. Reynolds’ offer bounced around her head like a ping pong ball. It seemed too good to be true, but everything he said seemed to check out. For years, she had thought of her immunity as something she had to hide, something that had only ever brought horrible things into her life. But with a team of scientists who actually know what they’re doing…  couldn’t it be more than that? Wouldn’t a cure make her life matter again? 
Hadn’t that been what she’d told Joel, all those years ago?
She was no stranger to traveling outside of Jackson, but another cross-country trip would always be daunting. There was no telling what kinds of people were out there now – alive or infected. And she didn’t know anything about these strangers other than their names. Still, that hadn’t stopped her the first time.
As she made her way through the dark streets, she passed the house with the red mailbox. Two handprints in white paint adorned one side, one adult-sized and one much smaller. Ellie smiled sadly as she imagined Dina and J.J. pressing their painted hands on the metal frame, and the mess that inevitably followed. Curtained windows let light spill out into the darkness, and Ellie could see the silhouettes of the family inside.
Pausing for a moment, Ellie quickly walked over to the curb. She took a deep breath and reached out to hang something on the little signal flag attached to the mailbox. As she walked away, the light from inside reflected off of a small metal charm bracelet. For good luck, Ellie thought.
As she neared her house, she found her feet leading her down a separate path. Before she knew it, she was sitting on the soft grass of the cemetery in front of Joel’s headstone. A few feet away, a more recent headstone had been erected.
Son, father, friend.
Ellie glanced sadly at the words as she picked idly at the grass in front of her. Unlike the other stones, no grave had been dug for Jesse since there was no body to be buried. She thought about their last night in Seattle, and how Jesse’s corpse was probably rotting right where they had left it. The thought made her nauseous. Her chest filled with the heavy sensations of shame, guilt, and regret.
Ellie lay down on her back and ran her fingers through the grass that had grown over Joel’s burial site. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. After all we’ve been through, everything that I’ve done… it can’t be for nothing. Her conversation with him in Salt Lake City echoed around her head.
It won’t be for nothing, she decided. I won’t let it.
When Maria knocked on her door the next morning, Ellie was wide awake and had already packed a bag. Maria took note and said, “I guess you’ve made your decision?” Ellie nodded.
“Alright. Let’s get you some food for the road, then.”
Ellie nodded again. She turned off the light for what she knew would probably be the last time, and shut the door behind her.
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thefaeriefeatherdark · 9 months
Which version of Gar and Raven are you talking about. Because Pre New 52 and Post New 52 Gar and Raven are essentially different characters, updated Backstories, designs, and characterizations. PreN52 they had little chemistry, until Teen Titans Vol.3 where the idea of a romance between them was first floated. Post N52 had been teasing a romance between Raven and Beast Boy since they first met, way back in 2013 in Ravengers #12. And while New 52 has since been shuttered, most of the continuity has remained the same, with some preN52 continuity stapled on top, frankly. In which I'd say that Raven and Gar have a lot of chemistry together.
The Pre and Post-Crisis versions of the characters.
While N52 is sort of still in continuity it is also sort of out of continuity.
The New 52 specifically had the Kents be dead and this has clearly been undone (unfortunately).
Furthermore Lian didn't exist in the N52, nor did the New Teen Titans. Most of these things were restored slowly piece by piece, but a lot of it is a result of the Rebirth era (which has all other kinds of fucked up things like leaning heavily into the conservative Superman).
The continuity post IF says all things are in continuity but that seems to be a "you can write what you want as the continuity" rather than a hard line literally everything being in continuity.
I'd argue any view that claims the N52 continuity is the primary one seems to miss what was actually established in N52 continuity.
If the N52 continuity was the main basis for things that would utterly change 90% of the characters ages, the original founding of the Teen Titans, Superboy's origin, whether Tim Drake was Robin, the existence of YJ, if the NTT ever existed.
The only character who really seems to keep their N52 Continuity is Cyborg and even that is in the weirdest way possible for half of it.
It'd be far more accurate to say that characters have the continuity of their past few years of comics, but with the restored continuity and origins of Pre-Crisis (along with some minor Post-crisis elements).
Donna is a good example as she is now once again a child saved by Wonder Woman and brought to Paradise Island.
My point is that Garfield and Raven's relationship is entirely an invention of the TT '03 shows fandom and attempts to tie into that rather than any of the actual characterization they had in the first 23 years of Raven's existence (Longer for Changeling who is a Doom Patrol character originally).
Also the Raven of both the 03 show and the attempts to capitalize on that version have been incredibly boring (also once again more like Lilith).
The entire current status quo is based on the NTT stuff being in continuity so saying that the n52 is the main continuity (where the NTT didn't exist) is kind of just untrue.
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sp00kies · 2 years
what are the toon patrol in your headcannon
Gonna assume this is both for my au and also general headcanons so let’s go!
General headcanons
-Smart-Ass and Psycho are brothers and have a decent bond
-Wheezy was the only one wary of Judge Doom unlike the rest of the patrol
-Greasy and Smart-Ass have something going on, y’know? 👀
-Stupid and Psycho are besties and have slumber parties, try to convince me otherwise.
-Speaking of, they both rob candy stores whenever they’re not hunting down other toons
-Out of all of them, Greasy is the more serious one but can be brought down with laughter as we’ve seen in the movie
AU headcanons
-Post movie, they do feel some sort of guilt once they realize that they were basically about to help kill their own kind. They might be clinically insane but they do care about their fellow toons a little bit
-Smart-Ass has the most trauma as he was killed by being launched in Dip. Once he was revived, he’s lost some of his confidence
-The gang normally hangs out in the Neutral Side of town, an area where neutral or some redeemed/turned evil characters reside in
-Hades and Hook are pretty cool with them since they remind the two of the imps/Hook’s pirate crew. All the other villains find them annoying
-Like all the villains, the Toon Patrol is a bit intimidated by Gus due to his past but only Stupid and Psycho regularly talk to him from time to time
I don’t have many headcanons for them but I still hope you enjoyed these! ^^
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undertheknightwing · 2 years
you mentioned in the tags of this post that you think Gar and Jane would have been chaotic besties, and I would love to hear any headcanons or thoughts you have about those two, if you'd be open to share? Or I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on Gar and Jinx if you'd rather talk about that
(also! hi! we haven't talked but my teen titans blog is bilingual-beast-boy. it's really great to find another blog who loves gar :) )
hi! thank you for the ask,, I love talking about my hcs for Gar and his relationships with other characters lol
for Jane (if she was in the Titansverse that is), I can't imagine she was very happy when she learned Chief brought a kid to Doom Manor and that it was his next "save" because they all know what it really means when Chief "saves" someone. He probably caused their accident and now is gonna use/treat them like an animal.
Ya know, "not being very happy" is an understatement. Jane would be PISSED. She's extremely protective of children because of what happened to her. And then here's the Chief strolling back into the manor with some sickly, terrified-looking thirteen year old boy with green hair at his side, that he informed will be living with them now. If that didn't make her upset, learning that Chief completely stripped this kid's humanity away and turned him into something beyond science's understanding, ruining an innocent kid's childhood, sure would make her want to put her fist through Chief's face.
I can see her threatening Chief too, telling him if she finds out he's been using Gar as a lab rat or gets his gross hands anywhere near him for anything besides check ups on his powers, she'll bash his face into the pavement.
since Jane is permanently in her 20s, she'd be the member closest to Gar's age (13 at arrival) so she takes up the role of big - probably.. maybe.. not the best influence - sister, who makes sure Chief stays the fuck in line.
Out of all the Doom Patrol's powers I always thought Gar's matched Jane's in a sort of way since he also has a bunch of different beings living inside him that are able to affect his thoughts/actions. They're just animals with their own feelings and thoughts instead of differently personalities.
and since Gar went years without having his powers, he was very overwhelmed and scared when they started giving him animal urges and the animals themselves began to communicate with him in their way. Because only Jane could put herself in his shoes, understand how he was feeling- at least a little, she was the one to help him quiet all the voices in his head and teach him how to live with it since his powers aren't going anywhere.
For the chaotic hcs:
-Gar's favorite swear of "bullshit" he picked up from Jane. She said it A LOT, especially to Cliff. Like she and Cliff will be arguing about something, Jane will end it with "That's such bullshit, Cliff. Fuck off, you metal dick!" before leaving and Gar, who was in the room, has to add "It was bullshit, man", which makes Cliff snap at him with "Don't you start, you little shit!" and then Gar follows after Jane with a dumb grin on his face.
-Jane taught Gar how to sneak out and very much encouraged him to keep doing it with a "Niles can go fuck himself, go out and have fun" and would add "If you need me to buy you a 6 pack or anything else, I will" which Gar always declined. When Gar started filling his room with stolen stuff and Jane found out, she just gave him a fist bump, telling him "Keep up the good work, your room looks sick". then suggested easy places to steal from.
-And speaking of sneaking out, Gar would often follow Jane when she'd leave Doom Manor and join in whatever she was doing.. sometimes. If what she was doing is something he's comfortable with, he'll join, but stand and ignore it if he wasn't.
now onto Jinx, there isn't as much as Jane but I can see her getting a kick out of messing with people but gets annoyed when she can't get under Dick or Rachel's skin, so moves onto the softie Gar Logan, sure she'll be able to bug him. Surprise, surprise, she can't bug Gar because Gar is also secretly just as chaotic as her and isn't bothered by her jabs at all.
So instead of Jinx seeing him as someone to mess with, she lowkey sees him as a teammate and lets him add his sarcastic comments and jokes after hers, which gets on Dick's nerves.
If they went on a duo mission, something would probably be caught on fire or blown up, even if by accident. Like Jinx would call Nightwing, tell him "Hey Grayson, something happened on our mission and now we're stuck in an elevator" and in the background Gar is laughing his ass off because he's the reason they're in that situation. If something chaotic and dumb was gonna happen on a mission, it'd be to them. Neither Gar nor Jinx have the best luck.
While Rachel and Tim are investigating the proper way, Jinx would be spray painting "if you're evil and a part of a cult please call this number, I wanna join" on a building's wall while Gar helps.
Dick and Kory wouldn't like how Jinx is influencing Gar and Rachel would be jealous (in a "hey, wait, that's my best friend" way, not a romantic way) Gar has buddied up with someone else to joke around with instead of her.
if Gar was a villain, he and Jinx could absolutely be partners in crime tbh so i'mma add Jinx to the list of villains Gar would vibe with, right below Poison Ivy, who's definitely number one.
sorry about the wait! This was so much fun to write! also I love your Beast Boy blog!! It's always nice to meet someone who loves Gar as well 💚
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esonetwork · 2 years
Doom Box Patrol - Soul Forge Podcast 264
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/doom-boxes-are-boxes-containing-random-items-that-have-been-stored-together/
Doom Box Patrol - Soul Forge Podcast 264
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Doom Box Patrol is another fun conversational episode where we learn about a few weird and random topics. You are going to learn what a doom box is, how it relates to ADHD and what to do about these boxes. We are also going to cover parenting, being a GEN-X kid, trauma, and more!
Doom Boxes – whether created accidentally or on purpose – are a space to stash items together with the intention of organizing them later. Most Doom Boxes though remain in use for years to come. They become the go-to storage place for old receipts, spare parts, and memorabilia. Doom boxes are boxes containing random items that have been stored together because they don’t have their own place in the home yet. Rather than signifying a gloomy or disheartening situation, ‘Doom’ is actually an acronym in this context (Didn’t Organize Only Moved). They become an interim storage method and might be part of an intial attempt to organize a bedroom, office or living space.
People with ADHD are more likely to possess a Doom Box because they have strained executive function, which is the cognitive process responsible for essentially all self-regulation. This can drastically impact one’s organization skills. Doom Box Patrol is most important in this regard.
Also in this episode, we talk about my tendency to procrastinate — especially when it comes to moving houses. Not unpacking has become kind of a coping mechanism. This ties nicely into our chat about childhood trauma and parental issues.
The latter half of this episode deals quite a bit with parenting. Is it wise to be the better person, or should you allow yourself to be petty for the momentary satisfaction? This and many other questions and brought up and discussed. Doom Box Patrol is episode 264 of the Soul Forge Podcast.
This week’s podcast promo: Blurred Nerds
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dashiellqvverty · 3 years
i was gonna make a jokey “jeremy carver i just wanna talk” post but quite honestly i would love to talk with him like if i could learn any writer’s genuine thoughts and intentions re: dean and cas it would be him
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theboost · 5 years
Cliffthomas is truly novel because cliff finally gets to be the smart one in the relationship
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I’m not reading Wa/y D/oom Pa/trol because it looks like I’d hate it and I don’t like him.
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pikahlua · 2 years
Been seeing a lot of tweet about how Izuku is avoiding Katsuki.
One led me to remember a certain post how Izuku is an unreliable narrator and after seeing chapter 342, it felt weird that there was a lot of panel without even a single narration. In chapters before the doom, Izuku would have some kind of narration like thoughts on what to come. He's not just probably avoiding Katsuki, but also himself. What do you think?
This may surprise everyone to know, but with chapter 342, the morning when class 1-A moves to Troy is the third morning Izuku has awoken at UA. It’s only the beginning of the third day since Katsuki’s apology.
Day 2 was Izuku learning of Star(s) and Stripe(s)’s death and then training outside with his classmates and then all the Aoyama shenanigans and then Mei repairing his equipment and then going out on patrol and then returning and talking with All Might about their action plan. That all happened in one day. I’m gonna go against the grain here and say Izuku isn’t avoiding anything on day 2--he’s just busy as fuck.
Day 1 is a mystery. We can probably assume Izuku took the time to rest. All we know about it for sure is this:
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and maybe this:
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and even then, there’s no way to know if this second panel set is referring to a conversation that occurred on day 1 or perhaps early on day 2.
There is a chance day 1 did contain some sort of reconciliation between Izuku and Katsuki that we’ll only become privy to via a flashback at a crucial moment à la chapter 284. But even if we say Izuku just slept all day, I would still feel comfortable saying this:
Izuku is not avoiding Katsuki.
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This is not Izuku avoiding Katsuki. This is Izuku noticing his chance to thank Ochako and taking it.
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This is not Katsuki being shunned by Izuku. This is Katsuki caring about Shouto and being a good friend.
There are even bigger hints in all these panels.
“Kacchan and the others even agreed to spar with me to help me complete One For All.”
This could be implying Izuku has updated his class on pretty much everything to do with One For All, including what he knows about the Second and Third and whatever else the vestiges all told him in his hospital coma dream.
“Sorry for making you all worry. I’m fine now.”
This could be implying Shouto just had a moment and we weren’t shown it, but his friends were there and followed him to his room as emotional support.
You brought up all the panels that lack narration like we’re used to, but there was narration. It just wasn’t clearly marked as narration.
And it wasn’t from Izuku.
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This is our big hint about what the next panels are telling us. The next panels are showing us which characters are the “small number of people” who get to know the whole plan.
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These are the major players.
The roles some of them have to play in the endgame are obvious. But there are definitely some faces here that are curious. Like, sure, we know Katsuki has a big role to play because of META, but...in-universe, what are they asking him to do? Why are they singling him out in the plan?
Ohhhh I’ve had such fun theorizing about that this past week.
But I digress. Now to address your other two major points:
1. Izuku the Unreliable Narrator
I do agree Izuku is an unreliable narrator (I mean, I wrote an article titled that), but be careful about what that means: he’s unreliable to us, the audience.
There are different types of unreliable narrators. Izuku never outright lies to us when he misleads us. He either shows us a limited perspective (his own perspective) or he leaves out key information either by speaking ambiguously or not mentioning important things. My go-to examples are:
Chapter 1: “I forgot to mention this, but...” and then he proceeds to tell us information that would have contextualized the whole story had he said it at the beginning of the chapter.
Chapter 9: “[Kacchan] wasn’t ‘bad’ or ‘good.’ Just full of confidence, and I admired him for that. But after his quirk manifested... he started down the path towards ‘bad.’” This primes us to expect Katsuki to defect and become a villain, which is why his rejection of Tomura at Kamino was so unexpected for many--and thus, epic.
Chapter 1: “...this is the story of how I became the greatest hero.” Horikoshi drops this at the end of the chapter so that we don’t get as suspicious of it as we would IF he had put it at the beginning of chapter like I mentioned in bullet-point #1. But who the hell gives away the ending in the first chapter? That should have been the largest warning sign that there was something about this line we were not understanding, which ultimately was revealed in chapter 324: the Japanese language can be ambiguous about plurality, which means Izuku’s chapter 1 narration actually is meant to be read as “...this is the story of how I became [a part of] the greatest heroes.”
So what’s happening in chapter 342 with all those silent panels? It’s very simple.
It’s serving the same purpose as this moment from FMA:
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Horikoshi is showing us that the heroes have strategized, but he just won’t tell us what the strategy is yet. That’s for later. That’s for the big dramatic moments in the endgame fights/arc. That’s for when the heroes get to flip over the trap card and read the description to their opponents in a very smarmy voice.
It’s just a standard narrative device.
2. Avoidant Izuku
Now, let me be clear: just because I said Izuku isn’t actively avoiding Katsuki or anyone else right now doesn’t mean he has opened up.
Two days (or really just one day of rest) isn’t much time for Izuku to fully process all that has happened. I don’t think he’s avoiding thinking or talking about things actively, but it is in his character to bottle up his feelings on certain important topics.
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I do think there are some things Izuku has not yet properly grappled with, and they are likely to come to a head mid-battle during the final arc (or crop up at the end if there’s an additional reckoning after the second war). I think it’d be a little excessive if Horikoshi showed Izuku trying to avoid those topics right now because it would feel like too much hubris for Izuku to carry with him into the war. MHA has always been very good about avoiding overly-contrived hubris. Izuku’s got just the right, tiny amount of fate-tempting naivety that results from his overarching character flaw since the beginning of the story, and that’s the kind of subtle storytelling I’m here for. He would have benefited from being more honest with himself about his feelings a long time ago, but that’s also a part of growing up.
And what is the shounen genre if it’s not chock-full of coming-of-age stories?
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bakugohoex · 3 years
“i want you to have me...all of me”
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pairing: hitoshi shinso x female reader
cw: virgin!reader fluff, porn with a plot, nsfw (MINORS DNI! loss of virginity, corruption kink, dacryphilia, kissing, fingering, spit kink, oral fixiation, creampie, consensual sex, protected sex, nipple play, nipple sucking, jaw grabbing, praise kink, degradation, bondage by capturing weapon, biting and marking, hair pulling, cunt slap)
word count: 5300+
a/n: i haven’t posted in a week cause of revising but yeah this is for a collab and i have one more collab event going on so yeah from now to the 21st they’ll only be this fic and another fic coming out, enjoy.
other information: corrupt a virgin collab by @seita
summary: in which shinso finally takes the next step with his sidekick after being unable to confess he finally works up the courage finding out your own secret as you both decide to take the next step in your newfound relationship
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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He couldn’t help but stare at you, stare at how pretty you looked on his arm, you were more than just your looks though. The way you silenced a room with your quirk, the way you were able to easily fit into any conversation and the way you always eagerly spoke to the pro hero.
It had been a long night of mingling at the event for pro heroes that Shinso almost forgot the real purpose of it. It wasn’t like the two of you were dating, you were his sidekick and that was it, you had a powerful quirk that would get you far in the hero society. But most of all you were so damn innocent.
Your lingering eyes on his form as he entered the agency, the way you’d give him those tender looks whenever he explained the day's tasks. He couldn’t help but stare at you from a distance, the way you spoke calmly to the other side kicks. He had brought you along to the event more for his own benefit than what he had told you the day prior. Words of getting you to talk to other pro heroes when in reality he had just wanted you on his arm for the night.
The stupid purple dress that clinged to your body had made him unable to resist the temptation. You looked too good to be left alone, so as he remained at your side, introducing you to other pro heroes, Midoriya and Todoroki both smiling happily at you. You seemed to easily converse with the two pro heroes even speaking to the rowdy Bakugo as he arrived with drinks for the three of them. Midoriya offered his to you which you had happily taken, Shinso didn’t need to worry, of course he didn’t.
But another feeling had taken over him as he watched you converse, watched you happily take the drink. Fingers brushing against Midoriya’s fingers, a feeling of an unknown jealousy that made him begin the walk towards the four of you.
His arm moved to your back as you gave a sweet disgusting smile at him, “haven’t been getting into any trouble, have you?”
“No…of course not,” you stifled as he smirked looking down at you.
“We should get going,” he led you away as his hand remained on your back, he turned to meet the three men who watched you leave. A sickly smirk on his face as he couldn’t help but feel a burst of energy hit him as he talked to you.
You were too perfect for him to not resist, for him to not touch. “it’s so early though Shinso.” You whined as he didn’t meet your gaze, you were nothing more than his sidekick, you have no feelings for him, he could tell from the way your gaze lingered back at the hall. “We sh…”
“We have an early morning,” he interrupted as you closed your mouth, your proposition to spend more time with him seemed to have gone over his head as he began stepping down the steps towards the car park.
You hated how cold he could get in a matter of seconds, how every time you’d see him smile and it would turn into a scowl once he realised what he was doing. On many occasions your friends at work had told you about the many occasions of when Shinso would get pissed off and the whole agency would become annoyed as well.
Shinso watched as you hadn’t followed him as you looked up at the night sky, thinking – most likely about how much you wanted to be nowhere near the man. His dull eyes focused on you as he saw you take the steps towards him cautiously. You were too pure, too vulnerable for him to ever have, and as he kept you at an arm’s length he knew tomorrow was already doomed to be an uneasy day.
Shinso had dropped you off to your apartment without a world, he watched you enter the complex before leaving. He was about to drive off when he banged his hand against the steering wheel, if only he had confessed, the event was supposed to be the alone time he had wanted with you. But his insecurities and nerves had gotten in the way, as he banged his head against the wheel he couldn’t help but feel almost pathetic.
He had gotten over the torment of his quirk being villainous years ago but now with someone so filled with a painting vitality that was unknown to him he couldn’t handle it. What was even worse was the way you banged your head against the door. You could’ve said something more, reassured him, asked to spend more time. But you had remained frozen even in the car ride, your gaze on the wisps of black and everlasting speckles of white shine through the mist.
Both of you remained tormented by your overthinking as neither realised the feeling that was ready to explode tomorrow.
You walked into the agency bright and early as you were met with one of your friends, Mai grabbed your hand as soon as she saw you. Taking you to where some of the offices were and most of all where Shinso’s own office sat, the glass separating everybody from him. As you looked through the transparent material, “what’s happening?”
“He’s been in his office just staring outside of the window for the past two hours,” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Okay and why doesn’t someone just go and ask if he’s okay?” You questioned as you were about to step forward and go yourself.
That’s when the feeling of multiple arms stopped you in your tracks, “listen newbie, there’s one rule you have to follow here and that is to never go into his office without him asking.”
You chuckled at how stupid they were all being, “what’s the worst that’ll happen?”
“You don’t want to know?” One of the sidekicks said as he shivered.
You raised an eyebrow giving an unamused look as you barged past the hands, they looked at you hesitantly but didn’t stop you, “newbies gonna learn the hard way.” One of the sidekicks said as Mai elbowed them watching what was to occur.
You knocked on the glass as you didn’t hear a response but still walked in, “Shin…”
Half way through your speech you felt his capturing weapon wrap around your body as he turned the chair, his eyes widened as he saw you caught in it. He let go in a matter of seconds, but eyes remained still as he looked at how you still gave a toothy smile. “I…I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I got warned so it's my fault…” you trailed off as he began to unwrap the cloth off of you. The image ingrained of you wrapped in it as he was able to fuck into you, shaking his head as he put it back around his neck. “…is everything okay?”
“Yeah…” Shinso looked outside seeing how people seemed to be doing everything but their jobs. He stepped past you going to the glass as he opened the door, “don’t you all have patrols to go too?”
His eyes flashes into a haze as everybody seems to scurry to grab their things for patrols as they leave the building. “Come on…” he murmured as he began walking out of the building, if he was going to go on a patrol he was going with you,
He had spent too long of a time without you that if he wasn’t going to confess today then he’d forget about you. He was giving himself today, he had to do it, he was a Pro Hero, he had everything he had wanted. His dream was a success  but your arrival had made him want you and now with you so close in his grasp he had to try at least.
His eyes flashed to the way you walked beside him, you seemed tense, quiet even. Your hero costume ordaining you perfectly, the whites and lilacs making the pure vessel you had ready to be tainted. He licked his lips as he fingers went through his hair, the Artificial Voice Cord around his mouth.
You always loved the way it worked, having heard Shinso speak about it when you had first arrived. It was interesting and the start of what you would call a friendship when you had asked to see how it worked. “Your staring Y/n,” he said, “focus on the civilians.”
You nodded as you looked back to the surrounding areas, it seemed like villain attacks were on a low at the time, even with petty crime it was easily handled by the both of you. You wanted to speak about last night, how he seemed to want to confess of something but instead the silence and awkwardness that occurred instead.
“Shinso…is something wrong?” You murmured as you both walked passed an alleyway.
He looked down at your face, the way your hero costume clinged to every part of your body. He had no idea how you didn’t get cold from wearing it especially when winter occurred. But your question made him think instead, he was only irritated this morning due to not confessing to you.
But his liking of you stemmed from more than just wanting to ruin the purity you had, he liked how you spoke to others, how you easily became friends with the other sidekicks, how you looked was an added bonus. But most of all he liked that stupid goddamn smile you’d have whenever you saw something you liked. And at that moment Shinso was seeing that stupid smile, the way your eyes crinkled, and lines formed as your lips were full and cheeks pushed to show even more of your smile.
He stared at you, the way you continued to look up and smile at him he was silent, and you didn’t care because he finally looked at peace. The startling noise of an ice cream van to the side had made you focus away from him, the way you stared at the kids holding their ice cream as it dripped to the side of their fingers. “Come on, I’ll get us one,” Shinso didn’t let you answer, instead taking your sleeve as you both went towards the truck.
He was avoiding the matter at hand, he hated how he couldn’t be his normal blunt self, he was able to talk to people. He knew he was that’s how he had made friends when he had finally joined the hero course. But as he looked over at you, the way you looked at the different ice creams before pointing at the one you wanted…you were someone who wouldn’t glance at him twice.
As he passed the ice cream to you, you took a lick of it as you looked at him take his own. He didn’t even know if you knew what you were doing, licking at the sides as he watched your tongue. He shook his hair trying not to stare but as you both continued the patrol of a less crime filled area. The ice cream dripped to the side of your hand and finger.
There was a silence as you both ate in silence, as you both turned to see the agency. Your fingers with the white dairy as you sucked on it, he couldn’t help but watch as each finger came out of your mouth with saliva sticking to it.
It was Denki who had got him out of the trance, stopping the both of you as he came from his own patrol, “Shinso,” the man looked at his friend as he gave a tired look.
“Oh Kaminari, what are you doing here?” He questioned as he watched his blond friend look down at you.
Denki already knew of you, having seen you last night but not spoken to you. He had seen Shinso’s lingered looks and had often heard the man speak fondly about you, “just passing by you must be the Y/n I’ve heard so much about.”
“You’ve heard about me,” you smile out, it wasn’t the same one you had given to Shinso but Shinso was able to witness you converse with his friend. How much he loved that about you, how whatever situation you were put in your ease to become friends with another pro hero.
Denki nodded as he looked back at Shinso, “all good things, you were right she is very pretty Shinso.”
Shinso glared at his friend as Denki chuckled, “I better leave before I get punched by lover boy.”
“Kaminari,” Shinso murmured as he just wanted his friend to leave. Denki left with a wave as you gave a confused look tilting your head to the side to look at Shinso.
“I…I…” Shinso knew it was now or never to confess. Knowing that the rest of his day would end up becoming busy with other sidekicks and scheduled meetings he had. He stopped you in your tracks as he looked down at you, your soft gaze staring up at him lightly.
“You are…You’re pretty…”
“Oh thanks, I don’t really see it, but I guess the quirk makes me look more pre…”
Shinso interrupted quickly, “No…no it’s not that. Fuck…” his hand went to the back of his neck as he didn’t dare look into your eyes, “I like you, okay? I don’t want to ruin anything though and you probably don’t like someone like me because of my quirk and…”
Your hand went to his cheek as you stopped his rambling, “you’re such an idiot.”
“If you’re going to reject me you could be n…”
You interrupted him once again, “I’m not, I like you too…you’re the first person I’ve ever…ever liked and I guess I’m not very good and showing my feelings…but I do like you too.”
He met your gaze as your hand remained on his cheek, he looked at you, how small you seemed. Your eyes flashed to his lips as he looked at you softly, “we can take things slow, whatever you want.”
Before you both could lean into one another, the sound of sidekicks coming through the corner made you both move apart from one another. An unnerving silence between the two as Mai came towards you, “let’s get some lunch Y/n.”
“Okay,” Shinso had been taken by some of his other sidekicks over an issue that occurred as you and Mai left on your break.
Giving one last look behind you as you looked at the man, he had a new glistening to him as he licked his lips. He was finally accomplished as he couldn’t wait to finally have you be his.
The day continued with Shinso being busy with the issue that occurred, you had barely seen him as you and Mai went on another patrol, both speaking about the events of the weekend. You spoke about the pro hero event you had been to and how nice the number one pro hero had been. A shocking surprise for Mai who seemed to feel intimidated by the green haired man. “I’m telling you he was so nice, like he offered me his drink.”
“Ugh I wish Shinso had invited me now, I want to meet him so badly,” you chuckled lightly as you both watched the sun begin to set. You could understand why he had invited you of all people last night now, how his stuttering of how pretty you had looked in the dress you wore for the event. It had all connected and all you could think about was the man.
When you both arrived back at the agency, an uneasy emptiness had settled, Shinso was missing alongside other sidekicks. You and Mai didn’t question it as you both grabbed your stuff to leave, just as you both stepped outside the doors, you saw Shinso pulling at his hair as he seemed angry about something, taking aggressive steps as he walked towards his office. You would have gone to see him if the pull of Mai didn’t stop you, instead taking the long walk back to your apartment instead.
Shinso had become pissed as soon as his sidekicks spoke of what occurred, having to spend the whole day sorting out their mess. He had finally come back to the agency after hours of running around the city. His mind had been on you and with you having already left and unfinished business occurring.
His mind was focused on just you, wanting to only see you, wanting to only have you. As he took his car keys, leaving the agency as quickly as he could, a few goodbyes here and there. There was only one thing on his mind, and it was you, corrupting you.
You had finally felt free after the confession this morning, lying on the sofa as you flicked through some shows. Shinso had been your first crush ever since you had first seen him when he was starting out. But for him to like you back, you felt like a kid. A worry settled through you, you were inexperienced, not even having had your first kiss let alone slept with someone.
Under the guise you had of wanting to seem pure, an unsettling urge to have Shinso in you had taken over you. The way his hero costume clung to his frame, his hands moving through the capturing weapon. The said capturing weapon wrapped around your wrists as he fucked your mouth, you couldn’t lie and say that even if Shinso had spoken of taking things slow all you wanted was him.
The sound of the door being knocked at made you jolt as you opened the door to see the man in question. He was still wearing his hero costume as he looked at you with a fiery lust, “I can’t wait,” he murmured.
His hands went to your neck as his finger brushed against your cheek, lips smashing against one another. You didn’t know what you were doing, instead hands moved to his hair as you followed his movement with your own. His tongue gliding through your mouth as it skimmed against your tongue, he heard your low moan as his other hand moved to your back making you arch into the kiss.
He let go as your faces stayed close to one another, the fury remained not subsiding. He looked at you with lust as his mouth moved to your neck, “I need you Y/n…please.”
A soft kiss placed against the crook of your neck as you leant your head backwards to allow him more access. You had been thinking of this for too long, wanting him but his edge as his fingers played with your shirt. Slipping under as his hand gripped your sides, feeling your skin under him.
“Shinso…” you whispered as his mouth continued to kiss at your neck, he looked up at you. A realisation flashed through him as he let go of you.
“I’m sorry Y/n…I shouldn’t have…I said we should take things slow and I…I…forgive me today has just been…” he had begun pacing around, as he went to close the door.
You didn’t know how to react, you wanted this, wanted to help him and as you interrupted him, your own lust took over, “I want you.”
He stopped in his tracks as he looked at your form eyeing you up and down as he moved towards you once again, “are you sure?”
“Yeah…” you looked down as you didn’t want to admit the truth.
“Y/n…” his hand moved to cup your face, forcing you to stare up at him as his lips were close enough for you to touch, to feel once again, “tell me properly that you want this.”
“I want this…it’s just…” he waited for the response giving you a tender look as you looked at him with a soft glow “…I’m a virgin.”
He always thought the persona you put on was a façade that someone capable of fighting any villain and talking to anyone would have had one-night stands. Especially with how pretty you were, everything about you was pretty from the way your hair sat to the way you spoke. Shinso’s quirk relied on people talking but whenever you spoke he felt more enchanted than any of the people influenced by the brainwashing.
“That means I can ruin you…myself.” He felt even more turned on as he watched you stare up at him, he pushed you back on the arm rest of the sofa. You sat on it as one of his legs spread your legs open, hands gripping your face, his thumb skimmed against your lips as he pushed it inside watching as you sucked at it. “You gonna let me ruin this pretty…” his thumb moved out of your mouth as he skimmed your saliva across your mouth and cheeks, watching the spit fall down.
“Yes…” you were breathing heavy as he smirked seeing how dazed you looked. Your face tainted in a matter of seconds, gripping your jaw with one hand as his other went under your shirt. He went under your bra as his finger moved to flick against your nipple.
The instant you moaned, mouth agape, the build of spit he had in his mouth was spat right into your tongue. You moaned as his finger continued to pinch at your nipple, the spit mixing with your own as Shinso was able to see the strings of saliva against your tongue and mouth. “You’re already doing good baby.”
The praise sent a flutter through your body as he noticed how your eyes glossed, “let's finish this in your room.” He gripped your thighs bringing your legs to wrap around his waist as your arms moved to his neck.
You kissed him as he could taste his own saliva and your spit mix between both of you, as he kicked the door open, seeing how your room reflected you perfectly. He put you on the bed as your mouths remained connected. Spit on the sides of your mouths as he saw how much you craved him, your hands moving to grab onto his capturing weapon.
He closed the bedroom door as he knelt on the bed, one knee between your own as he wanted to feel how wet you were. Taking the capturing weapon off of his neck, he watched as your eyes lingered onto it, putting it to the side where he could easily grab it. He kissed you softly, leaning down as your back hit the duvet.
“You sure you want to do this?” He whispered as his hand lingered across your shirt, his hand waiting to hear your response.
You nodded as he waited to hear you verbally say it, “I want you to have me...all of me.”
It was all he needed for his hand to lift your shirt above your head, the way your breasts sat in your bra, hard nipples from his fingers already having flicked against them. “I’ll make you feel so good, baby…make you scream for me.”
You moaned as his mouth sucked at your nipple, his fingers flicking against your other one, as his other hand moved to your joggers. Hand about to divulge into your underwear, your hand had moved to pull at Shinso’s hair as he continued to suck and nibble at your tit.
“Hi…Toshi”, at the sound of his name, his hand went into your underwear, feeling how wet you had gotten. His fingers beginning to play with your clit, feeling the nub between his fingers as your moans intoxicated the room. “M…more…please..” you arched your hips to feel his fingers against your slick filled clit.
The movement made Shinso stop sucking at you, he looked at you, how slutty you had become to feel even more of him. He took his hand out of your underwear as you whined to feel more of him, his fingers filled with your slick, “already wet…isn’t that slutty of you…” He watched as you tried to get passed his legs to feel some more but he put his fingers across your lips instead, “you want to taste yourself…open up.”
He was too close to your lips as just as you opened your mouth, he moved his fingers and sucked on them himself, “you took too long.” He teased as he sucked each finger forcing you to watch as your hands tried to get to his trousers, but his other hand had restrained both. “If you keep moving I’ll have to tie you up…or is that what you want?”
You both looked to the side where the capturing weapon was, he leant against you, the imprint of his cock through his trousers pressing against your clothed cunt. You rutted against him, he gave a groan at the movement against his cock as he took the capturing weapon, the carbon coil flicking between his hands as he grabbed your hands. His cock skimming past your cunt once more, as he put your hands above your head, using the cloth as it wrapped against your wrists, tightening it at each movement you made against him.
“You want to be tied up for me…if you’re going to act like a slut, I’ll treat you like one.” He watched how your chest became full and raised as you arched to feel more of him, he took his shirt off as he was left shirtless.
Your eyes filled with a hunger as he went down to kiss you, “reply to me or I won’t fuck you baby.”
“I…I want to be tied up…” you whispered acknowledging how turned on you had become just from his action.
“Good…” his hand moved to your underwear, going past it as his hand patted your cunt, “…girl”
Both his hands moved to pull your joggers down your form, pulling your underwear down simultaneously. He watched how flushed you had become from being exposed, “pretty virgin cunt baby.”
“Take it…” you murmured as your hands ruffled against the material.
He undid his belt as he looked at you softly, “I intend too,” fingers moving past your clit as two fingers divulged into your cunt. The feeling of your walls pushing against his fingers, “you touched yourself baby.”
“I…I…” as his fingers moved inside of your cunt, you moaned as he went further into you, “Y…yes…”
“Naughty girl aren’t you,” he watched you squirm, your legs twitching at the feeling of his thick fingers pumping back and forth into your wet cunt. “Want to cum? Want to cum on my fingers baby?”
“To…Toshi, ple…please let me…cum…” your mouth had widened, drool coming from the corners as you felt a coil in your stomach.
He pumped into you continuously, his fingers moving into the back of your cervix as he watched you twitch even more, “cum for me baby.”
“Toshi…” your loud scream of his name as the coil snapped the gush of cum being pushed back into you as his fingers continued to move past your first orgasm. “Wan…want your…” you didn’t have to finish the sentence, already knowing what you wanted as he watched his fingers were soaked in your cum. Stepping out of his trousers as he took his own boxers off, the imprint of cock made you lick your lips. He went into his pocket finding a condom as he looked down at you.
Cum dripping onto the bed sheets as your cunt looked plump and swollen, ready for him to take something no one else had even seen. Rolling the condom onto his cock, his fingers moved to your mouth, letting you have a taste of any cum that was left on his fingers. “You ready for this baby,” he whispered as his arms trapped your frame, he leant down to kiss you as you moaned a yes. “This is gonna hurt a little bit…”
His indigo hair damp as it rested against the back of his neck, he watched your hands squirm wanting to touch his hair as he moved one hand to unravel the capturing weapon. As soon as your wrists were free your hands went into his hair, pushing him to kiss you more, his cock moving past your clit and first orgasm.
“I want you…” you whispered as your faces were only a mere inch away from one another, he looked down at you as your eyes were filled with a different feeling. Not of a lust that you both had experienced, but a passion to finally become one.
His cock moved past your clit, he pressed into you slowly as he watched you moan, eyes watering. Wiping the tears with one hand, “you’re doing amazing baby, just a little bit more.”
His cock was half way into you as he began to thrust back out of you before going back in, your eyes watered even more at the feeling of his thick cock stretching your cunt out. “To…Toshi, I can…can take m…more,” he nodded as he pushed into you, his base finally meeting the entrance of your cunt as you moaned his name.
He began to thrust back and forth into you, going deeper into you at each thrust, your legs wrapped around his waist as his knelt feeling his cock go into your even more. His mouth went down to kiss you softly as saliva missed between one another once again, the feeling of his spit sticking to the corners of your mouth were prevalent as he continued to fuck into you. “Yo…you’re so fucking pretty baby,” he whispered as you he moaned into your ear.
The sounds of him groaning and moans of your name making you want to feel him forever, “To…Toshi please more….” His thrusts became quicker as he watched your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your hands limp around his neck as even your legs seemed to have fallen due to the impact of each thrust.
As you gained your high, eyes opening as you saw his form, the way his hair fell across his face, his perfect body and cock, but most of all the look of love he had for you as he met your eyes. “I want to...be with you,” you whispered into his ear, his form changed as his thrusts became even more sloppier, “Hitoshi…I…I love you…”
“I love you too Y/n…” the sound of his voice making the coil snap in your stomach, feeling the white gush out of you. Each sloppy thrust becoming even sloppier as you moaned his name at the feeling of your release. The use of your cum being used to help him get even more into you, “I fuckin…love you baby.”
His words repeated as he felt his own high, groaning your name out loud as the cum gushed into the condom. Sliding out of your cunt collapsed beside you, sweat across both your forms as you gave a tired look at him, the night sky reflecting from outside, the small lamp to the side illuminating the room as he turned to see. The way your chest rose, cum dripped down onto the bed and hands moved to move his hair away from his face, “I do love you Toshi.”
He took the condom off as he tied it letting it drop as he watched you move to rest against his chest, fingers against his lower abdomen. He smiled watching how your eyes became tired and began dropping down slowly, the feeling of his body against you remained.
Kissing the top of your head, he pulled the covers on top of you both as he watched you snuggle closer into him. Almost wrapping your body against him as he looked up at the sky seeing the wisps of new stars and new colours, looking down at your sleeping form and the new relationship that had formed.
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
your posts about legends of tomorrow are making me want to watch it, I was wondering if you know of a guide or anything? like the only dc shows I’ve seen any of are supergirl when I was like 14 lol and doom patrol so should I watch arrow first or at the same time or something? no pressure to answer, just thought I might as well ask :) I love your blog !
ohhhh i'm so glad my legendsposting is making ppl want to watch it hehe. the short answer is that you don't need to have watched the other shows, you can just start with season 1 episode 1 of legends of tomorrow and youll be able to follow along just fine.
the long answer is that several of the characters on legends of tomorrow debuted on either arrow or flash, and in some cases watching those episodes is helpful for understanding the characters on legends of tomorrow, and in other cases not so much. take ray palmer - though he technically was introduced in arrow season 3, his character is changed so much on legends (for the better, i might add) that it's really not necessary to watch his appearances on arrow. same goes for mick rory and leonard snart, although if you want the tragedy of snart to hit you with maximum force then you might want to watch his episodes of flash beforehand. jax and martin stein and kendra and carter all get introduced on flash/arrow but they get reintroduced at the beginning of legends so you really don't need to watch their episodes beforehand, and i would probably discourage you from doing so because they're not that interesting.
that leaves sara lance. although legends of tomorrow is an ensemble show, sara is the default protagonist on account of becoming the captain of the time ship and also being on the show for every season. she's also the character who is most fully established and developed before legends begins. sara is the younger sister of laurel lance, oliver (the arrow)'s ex-girlfriend. sara was believed to have drowned years ago, when she was on a fancy ship with oliver and was having an affair with him even though he was her sister's boyfriend at the time. however, after having been believed dead for years, she returns to starling city (where arrow takes place) and goes around wearing a costume and beating up criminals with the cool assassin skills she acquired in the past few years, but avoids her family because she doesn't want them to see what she's become.
early episodes of legends season 1 provide a good explanation of who sara is, where she's been, and where she is now. however, i do feel that watching some episodes of arrow is helpful to get a more full understanding of her character. it's tricky because she is in so many episodes of arrow, but i can try to narrow it down to just a few.
arrow 2x04: reveals that the mysterious female vigilante of starling city is sara, and that she is avoiding her family
arrow 2x05: reveals that sara gained her fighting skills through joining the league of assassins
arrow 2x13: establishes sara's bisexuality and also shows how sara wants to leave her dark past behind. insanely racist and homophobic/biphobic episode but worth watching for sara's sexy assassin ex-girlfriend nyssa
at the end of arrow 3x01 sara is murdered, and in 4x03 she is brought back to life (albeit with a new bloodlust due to having been resurrected by the lazarus pit, a detail which legends of tomorrow season 1 reckons with), but you don't actually need to watch those episodes. you could probably get by just reading the wiki summaries or watching select scenes. and then you can just start watching legends :)
ummmm i hope that's helpful lol. it really is up to you how much background arrowverse viewing you want to do before watching legends of tomorrow. like i said before, you can watch zero episodes of arrow or flash and still be able to follow what is happening on legends of tomorrow and understand the characters. but i do think sara's character arc on legends hits harder if you've seen where she's been before. i watched all of the arrow episodes featuring her because i'm ridiculous and a completionist and also because susanna thompson was in them playing oliver's mom and she's hot but you definitely do not need to do that. you can just watch the 3 that i've recommended and you should be good :)
if you have any more questions about starting legends of tomorrow, or about the characters' backgrounds or sara lance or anything please let me know and i will try to help as best i can! i love this show and these characters so much and i want people to enjoy them :D
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enigmalynne · 3 years
Something to be Thankful For - Chapter 2
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Title – Something to be Thankful For Pairings – Jensen/Reader Word Count – 1,459 Warnings – RATED R FOR LATER CHAPTERS: Violence in the form of a mass bombing/shooting, injuries both explained and detailed, cursing SPNMixedBingo Square filled – Thanksgiving
Jensen Ackles’ life changes when he walks into his favorite coffee shop and meets Y/N, a Florida girl making a new start in Austin, Texas, as a Sheriff’s Deputy with the help of her sister. The two hit it off and quickly become an item that even the tabloids can’t tear apart. Jensen is excited to show his girl off at Thanksgiving dinner with his family, but she has to work the parade that morning first. What starts out as a normal event filled with balloons, clowns, and cheery faces soon turns deadly as one of the floats explodes and gunfire fills the air. Soon, Y/N is in a fight for her life as she and the rest of the deputies fight back against whoever it is trying to take over Downtown Austin.
Is Jensen doomed to watch the woman who brought love back into his life perish in a tragic mass attack, or will he have Something to be Thankful For after all?
Chapter 2
I don’t want it to be Thanksgiving yet. Wasn’t it just Halloween? Y/N read on her mobile phone as she stood in her bathroom, getting ready for work. She smirked at the text message from Jensen and typed out a quick reply.
What are you complaining about? You get to stay in that warm bed and sleep in. I’m the one who has to go stand out in the cold for like 6 hours. Carefully setting her phone down, Y/N focused on making sure all the strands of her hair were tucked up in the French braid she styled her long locks into and off the collar of her shirt as the uniform code required. She was carefully checking her make-up one last time when her phone chirped a reply.
I’m lonely in this warm bed. You should have stayed the night, he replied promptly. Her smirk grew into a full-on grin. Gently shaking her head, she replied.
If I did stay the night, then I would end up late to call. Again. That was a glorious morning, and she would have been happy to repeat it. Instead of spending the 45 valuable minutes getting ready to leave, she willingly spent them in the shower with Jensen. She invariably ended up showing up 15 minutes late to the briefing with wobbly legs, still wet hair, and a few beard burns on the inside of her thighs.
I’d be happy to make a repeat performance of that morning anytime you want, sweetheart. Just get that tight ass back here in my bed, he replied eagerly.
Maybe I’ll stay the night tonight after Thanksgiving dinner with your parents. How’s that? Y/N responded before setting her phone down to make sure her shirt fitted correctly across her bulletproof vest. Grabbing her phone and walking out of her bathroom, she felt the buzz of his reply.
It's a date, he sent. Y/N felt herself smile widely before sliding the phone into her back pocket. Their first date was the day they met at her sister’s coffee shop. Their second date was the next night. It went on like that for a few days before they shared their first kiss. It was a few weeks later when a photographer caught them. The next day, a celebrity rag ran the photo of them sharing a kiss in front of a fountain in Austin with the headline “Jensen Ackles Post Divorce Fling!”
Feeling wrecked, Y/N waited for the inevitable to come. She was certain he was coming over and telling her that he couldn’t be with her because of the publicity. She was genuinely shocked when he shrugged the article off as no big deal.
“So they ran the story before I could formally ask you to be my gorgeous girlfriend. Nothing they wrote changes how I feel about you,” Jensen said with a shrug that afternoon when he showed up at her place. Y/N looked at him in surprise, making Jensen stare at her. “What?”
“I just… I expected you to tell me you had to stop seeing me is all,” Y/N said quietly, staring off into the distance, trying to wrap her head around what was happening.
“Do you want to stop seeing me?” Jensen asked, suddenly very nervous. Y/N shook her head sharply, snapping out of her reverie.
“No!” she exclaimed fiercely, causing Jensen to let out a startled chuckle. Y/N instantly closed her eyes, intentionally took a deep breath, and looked at Jensen. “No. I don’t want to stop seeing you. I was just afraid the unfavorable publicity was causing you or your… publicist… or… whatever stress. I mean, it’s only been a few weeks and suddenly there’s a big deal about how a TV show superstar shouldn’t be dating a cop,” she said quietly, her voice sneering a little when she mentioned her occupation. Jensen took Y/N into his arms with a soft smile and rested his forehead on hers, forcing her to look up into his emerald eyes.
“I may have only known you a short while, Y/N, but I already know how I feel. I want to see where this goes. I don’t give a rat’s ass what any celebrity magazine, publicist, or whatever has to say about it. And I don’t have a problem dating a cop. I appreciate your concern about this, but I actually want to make this official, if you’d have me,” he breathed. The radiant smile that graced Y/N’s face lit up her y/e/c eyes.
“Really?” she asked tentatively. Jensen gently pressed a chaste kiss to her mouth.
“Really,” he confirmed.
“I can’t imagine us being anything else than together,” she whispered tenderly to him. His delighted grin widened before he pressed his lips against hers again, deepening the kiss that left them both breathless. When they broke apart, they were panting.
“You know, I…” Y/N started, her eyes wide as they stared up at Jensen. She never finished her possible declaration, but Jensen nodded slowly in agreement anyway. He knew what she was about to say because he felt the same way.
“Yeah, me too,” he replied eagerly. That was precisely four months ago, and they are still going as strong as ever. Now it was Thanksgiving, and Y/N was heading out to work a security detail at the annual parade while Jensen got to sleep comfortably in his warm bed. Jealous, party of one.
Glancing at the clock as she walked out of her bedroom, she noticed that it ticked close to 4:15am. That gave her just enough time to grab her gear, grab a coffee, and head downtown to be at the meet location at 5am. She picked up the key to her safe and unlocked it to pull out her service weapon, two extra magazines, and her agency-issued taser. Sliding them into place, she turned and grabbed her radio and earpiece to do the same with them. Snagging her agency-issued laptop and her jacket, she walked out her front door, then skipped down the steps to the door that led her to the café.
“Got your coffee ready, Y/N!” she heard Holly shout at her as she carefully locked the private door to the stairs. Y/N snagged the paper cup out of her hand without missing a step.
Holly was already in the café with one of her employees, getting it ready for the onslaught of parade watchers who were sure to be heading downtown in just a few hours. She planned to take full advantage of all the people heading out in the cold weather thanks to a freak cold front by graciously offering discounted coffee and tea.
“Thanks, girl! Love you, Holly!” Y/N called out as she walked toward the door.
“Love you too! Be safe!” Holly yelled back.
“I’m on parade security, what’s there to worry about?” Y/N said, laughing. Holly promptly stopped what she was doing, turned at her sister, and glared fiercely. Y/N held her hands up in surrender and nodded understandingly. “You’re right, I’m sorry. Anything could happen. I’ll do my best to remain safe, I promise. I’ll call you when I’m done and heading back.”
“You had better,” Holly said, pointing a knife in her direction before she went back to cutting whatever she was cutting. Y/N shook her head with a smile as she left the café and walked over to the side lot where her patrol vehicle was. Reaching into her pocket, she pushed the button on the key fob that unlocked the doors. At the beep, she opened the front door.
She placed her coffee into the cup holder and pulled her phone out of her back pocket. She dropped into her seat and set her laptop up on the stand before opening it and turning it on. As it booted up, she sent out one last text.
About to head out to the parade. Stay warm for me, okay? And go back to sleep! Why are you even awake?? She tapped out on her phone to Jensen. She looked over and saw that her portable computer was up, so she logged in. Once it was set up, she pulled the car radio up and turned over the engine.
“3888, Travis,” she properly said into the portable radio.
“3888,” she heard back. Her mobile phone buzzed at the same time. She reached over to grab it as she called back.
“3888, I’m 10-8. Heading downtown for parade briefing but available if necessary,” she responded as she opened her text messages.
I’m awake to see my favorite girl off to work. Stay safe out there, love. I can’t wait to see you later today.
“3888, 10-4,” the distinctive voice said. Y/N let herself swoon to the new nickname Jensen had taken to affectionately calling her: pressing her phone to her chest, letting her head fall back against the headrest, and smiling herself silly. After her moment, she focused on the job at hand. Today was going to be a breeze.
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Something to be Thankful For Taglist:
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