#post modern college au
moonlitriptides · 1 year
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WAVES: Chapter 2 "The Call"
Characters: GN!Yuu/Yuusona, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Trey Clover, Other character mentions, minor OCs of mine for support
Synopsis: Now with graduation come and gone comes the stage we all dread--adulthood! Yuu has been hard at work trying to find jobs to help cover their growing debt and costs of living, including applying to the city's largest attraction--The Mostro Aquarium & Café. Will the job be enough to cover expenses? Or does the job come with a fishy catch?
Tags: TWST, Twisted Wonderland, 21+, Aged Up Characters (Graduated), Violent themes, torture, romance, slight sexual themes, hallucinations, yandere, gruesome, mentions of blood, graphic images, angst, anger, merfolk, mafia violence, organized crime, chaos, somewhat established relationships (friendships), cursing, modern college au, magic does exist but it's not a major theme, overblot-like
// Summary of Chapter: After so many weeks of job hunting, finally you get a shining sliver of hope when you finally receive one singular phonecall.
______________________Chapter 2: The Call______________________
What felt like mere minutes to you was actually a few whole hours of you typing up applications and submitting them along with your resume. A lot of the jobs you applied to didn’t really seem to catch your eye, but one thing you were always told growing up was “a job’s a job”. Anything to pay your incoming debt and your current bills, really, ‘cause them savings are only going to save you for so long. Who knew ADULTING sucked SO HARD?
When you glanced at the little clock in the corner of your screen, you were quite impressed to notice it was only 10:30 in the morning. Hm, not bad timing, right? The Patisserie was still busy as can be since it was still mid morning, and when you glanced up from your screen you could see Trey serving customers from behind the counter and doing his usual routine. He was such a diligent worker and you always admired him for his work ethic… but sometimes you couldn’t help but worry about him. Did he ever take time to himself? Was he ever NOT working? Well… he was certainly in a better spot than you were, that’s for sure… or so you thought. Deciding to switch gears, you switched tabs to your email to look and see if there were any answers from previous applications. You had hoped there would be something but… nope. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Your online resume website you applied to a lot of jobs? As dry as the Scalding Sands. You had half hoped that all the applications you sent out weeks ago at least had some sort of update, regardless of what kind of update it was. A rejection is still a better idea than radio silence.
A some odd few 45 minutes go by with your endless searching when you feel your phone start to buzz next to you on the table. The screen lit up with an unknown number trying to call you, and at first your heart jumped not because you were anticipating any of the calls, but because you absolutely hated getting stranger calls and often ignored them. However, this was different, as any of these calls could be potential employers. With a big gulp and a sharp inhale of air, you picked up the phone and pressed the green phone button, putting the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
“Hello. My name is Allison and I’m calling from the Mostro Lounge HR Department, is this (Y/N) speaking?” “A-Ah y-yes it is!” You sat up at more attention, your heart skipping as you remembered the name being one of those that you applied for a position at.
“Splendid. I’m calling in regards to the application you submitted about our open Aquarist position. We have reviewed your application and would like to move forward in the process and would like to schedule an interview with you. Is this something you’d still be interested in?” “Y-YES! Yes of course I would be interested.” “Wonderful. We have open availability for interviews tomorrow afternoon if that works for you? If not I can schedule another time.” “Oh yes that works! I am free all of tomorrow, yes.” You didn’t want to get ahead of yourself right then and there, but this was the one sliver of hope you’ve had in weeks now.
“Splendid. Does 6PM at the Lounge sound good to you?” “Yes!” “Wonderful,” And there was the sounding of typing and clacking on the worker’s end of the call. “I put you in for 6PM tomorrow. You’ll be interviewing with Mr. Ashengrotto tomorrow night. He prefers to interview his staff himself, so when you arrive just ask for him and tell the front you’re here for an interview. Do you have any questions for me?” The worker asked, but her voice was more or less uncaring. Couldn’t blame her, a job was a job whether you liked it or not. “O-Oh uhm… no no I think I’ll save my questions for the interview process.” “Alright. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow then. Have a wonderful rest of your day.” “You as well!” And with that, and a click of the button, you hung up the call and let out a loud sigh of relief as you practically melted against the seat you were in. Finally, there was an opportunity SOMEWHERE and you did not plan on screwing this one up. Glancing at your phone again for the time, a smile cracked across your face. Perhaps things were finally about to turn around. Oh, you’d have to tell Trey when he was done with work! Oh but that would be a few hours, since it wasn’t even noon yet. Well, it would be soon, but the shop didn’t close til around 6pm. So for now, with new wind in your sails, you sat back up and went back to your laptop and continued to send out applications and check for any messages or notifications back from anyone. You knew you had to keep going because an interview doesn’t exactly mean you’re hired yet, so you’d have to keep casting your line for fish until you officially get the ‘You’re Hired!’ news.
Still, you were excited to see where this goes.
— A Few Hours Later —
Since you had known Trey for so long, you were allowed to stick around when they closed since they knew you were waiting for them. Once he was done cleaning up the counter, you saw a blur of pastels and green come slide in front of you. “So… I saw you got a call, any good news?” The young man asked, a gleam in his eyes. He was hopeful for you too, and he wanted to know all about it, too. He was a bit of a Nosy Rosy, of course!
“Mm! I got a call back from that big aquarium in the center of the city! I have an interview for them tomorrow!” “Oh. Well uh, good luck!” He seemed surprised. “I’m sure you’ll nail it.” With a placid smile upon his face, but something was the slightest bit off about it. You didn’t seem to notice due to being absolutely over the moon about your news. “I’m hoping this is the start of a bunch of return calls and emails. I know one interview doesn’t mean I’m going to get the job, but hey! It’s a step in the right direction, right?” “Mm. That it is. I do hope you get more offers, I’m sure there’s better positions out there for you, they just haven’t gotten a chance to look at you yet.” He said with a bit of a pleasant lilt to his tone to make it seem like he wasn’t worried or anxious. Again, you didn’t notice it. “So! You got any plans tonight? Or are you on babysitting duty again?” A hopeful gleam in your eyes, since you wanted to sort of “celebrate” with your friend, but he seemed to deflate with a little sigh. “Yeah, I’m on babysitting duty tonight. Sorry. My parents wanted to go to this show for months now and I told them I’d keep an eye on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tonight.” This caused you to bust out LAUGHING at how he just roasted his younger siblings. “HA! They sure do eat like them too! Gonna make sure they scrub their teeth real good, huh?” “Oh yeah. Who knows how they’ve been doing it without me there. They roll their eyes everytime I come over, but they can’t say no to their loving, doting big brother.” He chuckled fondly at the memory of his siblings all collectively groaned everytime he would say it was time to brush their teeth. Trey always made it like an olympic event, his one brother even said he could be a “Dental Athlete” with how fast and thorough he was with brushing his teeth.
“Well, I suppose I should get out of your hair so you can close up and head over to the Turtles, haha.” You laughed as you began to pack up your laptop and secure everything with what you came with. Sliding out from your chair, you made sure your little station was clean and even wiped it down with a napkin, cupping the crumbs in your hand and bringing it over to the trash can. Trey wiped down the table lastly and walked with you to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” As you met with him at the door, you looked up to those golden eyes who seemed to hold something behind them you didn’t notice. “Mm. I’ll text you, too. Just be careful, okay? Don’t be getting into any trouble. And be good at the interview. And uh, (Y/N)?” He paused his sentence, causing you to tilt your head. He had to think for a second before he inhaled and looked away, thinking for a split second before he turned to look back at you. “If it doesn’t work out, don’t force it. I’ve learned that uh… well, sometimes you really dodge a bullet if things don’t work out.” This threw you off, but you sort of understood what he meant? Just don’t push it at the job interview. Some jobs aren’t fit for you…. Or at least, that’s how you interpret it. Still, you nodded and cracked a little smile to him. “Alright. I won’t force it, but I’ll do my best! Thank you, Trey. You truly are a wonderful friend. May I have a hug?” You asked with open arms. You always loved his hugs.
“Of course you may. Be safe, I’ll talk to you later.” And the young man came forward and wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in for one soft, warm hug. He smelled like lemon from all the tarts he made today. Squeezing your arms around his back and placing your flat palms on his shoulder blades, you returned the hug with a big smile on your face. You could just hear his heartbeat just a little bit before you pulled away. “Alright. Good night Trey. See you later.” And with a little nod, you reached to place your hand on the door and pressed outwards to exit the shop. With a little hop in your step, walking back to your apartment seemed more optimistic than most days.
And as you left, Trey closed the shop door and looked on with a furrowed look on his face, frowning as he sighed and turned the sign on the door to ‘closed’. 
Perhaps some things are better off not coming true.
// Notes: Heeeeyyy! Sorry it took so long for this short little chapter to come out! I had written half of it out but got really stuck and unmotivated for a bit there, but then I got back into it! So here's a little Trey for all your Heartslabyul lovers ;)
I hope you all enjoy it! And thank you all for the support on my first fanfic in years!!! I really appreciate it!
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mayxo-hxh · 2 months
Love how in the hunter exam, Illumi sits at the front while Hisoka sits at the back. It says so much about their personalities.
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The obvious that Illumi is akin to an A+ student. He has his hands on his lap, hes at the very front of the room, and it hints to his personality as a very blunt and forward person.
Meanwhile, Hisoka sits at the back with his hands crossed. He's quiet, he keeps to himself when he doesn't want to be the center of attention. Also very much hints to his shyness thats revealed later!
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carpathiians · 4 days
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dont think i ever posted this
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broadwaytwitter · 2 months
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les mis twitter 11/?
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sekai au 👊😔
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Have a couple doodle pages for my Modern Devil au (couldn’t come up with a better name so lmao it’s that now)
I’ll happily make a lore post later, but for now a short summary is basically just:
Certain divine beings of many kinds live amongst humans in modern society, and they have specific jobs involving investigating stuff and just general office work. The building for angels and the building for demons are across from each other, despite working together, bc the large amount of them causes them to not be able to be in the same space.
But yeh :)
They <3
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intensely-reading · 5 months
What if we fell in love?
Word Count: 30.2k words (3/3 Chapters)
Relationship: Alhaitham/Kaveh
Tags: omegaverse, modern AU, college AU, scenting (so much scenting), possessiveness, a lot of dating, fluff galore, attempts at humor as always, Rated Mature for Sexual Content (top Alhaitham, bottom Kaveh)
Written for the Haikaveh Server Winter Exchange!
“Excuse me. May I sit here?” Al-Haitham looks up. He watches the student’s red eyes darken with recognition. Unfortunately, Al-Haitham recognizes him too. “Would you leave if I said ‘no’?” Al-Haitham asks. And just like that, the student is sliding into the seat, flipping up the desk and pulling his tablet out. He shoots Al-Haitham a glare just as the professor starts lecturing. (Al-Haitham, Kaveh, and the three semesters in between.)
Read it here!
Author’s Comments:
I was writing this during my own finals and was particularly vindictive when it came to writing in their exam seasons. Especially STEM major Kaveh
Alhaitham is annoyingly self-assured here, but I've been told that Alhaitham is apparently very cute and this whole story is cute ❤️
In case it wasn't obvious, one of my favorite parts of a/b/o is the scenting
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ramblesbiab · 5 months
girl who sits in college classes paying half attention cuz Vi and Caitlyn started arguing in her Arcane/Blue Eye Samurai Crossover Modern Day College/Coffee Shop AU and she needs to figure out how to resolve it
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cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
What are the Arc-V kids like in your college AU? I think it'd be funny if Yuya and the Yuyas were brothers with the exact same face but vastly different interests and personalities (and they frequently get confused for one another by the people around them).
IM STILL FIGURING SOME THINGS OUT once i've seen a bit more of arc-v i'll really have a good grasp on how i wanted to hit them with my AU beam...I know for sure a good solid chunk of them are high schoolers at a performing arts school, Victorius-style (their mascot is the Hippos. also yes Yuya wears the mascot costume at pep rallies,) and the You Show Duel School is instead a local small theater group (still run by Zuzu's dad OF COURSE!!) that is constantly on the brink of having to shut down 🥴
Yuboys as brothers is a very fun concept but I think in the Kansasverse theyre cousins actually (of varying ages; Yuya's the youngest at ~16ish...high schooler theater kid...), but are still routinely mistaken for each other </3
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emry-stars-art · 2 years
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Uh oh looks like someone pushed too far
(modern college au wip that is yet to be published)
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avionvadion · 2 months
Hrm. Do I wanna make M!Robin/Grima another husbando or another bestie for Irene in Desperate Decisions???
I don’t know why, but I was trying to sleep last night when my brain had a thought of Irene summoning Robin but it was actually Grima, and Irene summoning Robin but it’s not Henry’s Robin, although when she does summon her they are def gonna be besties.
And Irene just being like, “Uhhhhh this is super bad but also maybe a good thing because if Grima is here he can’t kill or cause havoc in his world? That said- ROBIN OH GODS WHAT DO I DO I SUMMONED ANOTHER VERSION OF YOU BUT YOU’RE POSSESSED.”
Also the thought of F!Morgan having Irene’s brown hair but Robin’s brown eyes thus making her the one most resembling Irene out of the entire fam is honestly kind of hilarious. Like one look at F!Morgan and it’s like, “Yup, that’s Irene’s kid,” but then Morgan talks and it’s like, “OH THAT’S ROBIN’S KID.”
Also. Chaotic under qualified surviving on coffee strategist Irene who has zero idea what she’s doing and calm cool collected definitely knows what he’s doing despite amnesia Robin is bound to be a delightful dynamic either way.
I’m planning for them all to live in Ylisse after the main story ends (whenever that is) so they could totally just go and hang out in Robin’s Ylisse. (Was originally planning for it be Henry’s Ylisse but my brain said HEY ROBIN.)
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ravendruid · 4 months
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 30
You can read the previous chapters here or on AO3. Here we are, folks. One year later, Part I of BIME comes to an end. I will return with Part II soon because these chucklefucks still have much to suffer. Content warning: Panic attack. Summary: Finals week is hell, but at least it brings Keyleth and Vax closer... but for how long?
Vax was glad that finals were almost over. The week had been horribly stressful between handing out final essays, studying for exams, and giving final presentations. Vax barely had any time left to do fun activities with his sister and friends, not just during the week, but the entire month. All his professors became even stricter than usual, often forgetting their class wasn’t the only subject the students had, passing mountains of homework and scheduling essays and other projects they had to deliver and present within a tight deadline. The only good thing about that was that the final evaluation for those subjects was divided between the final exam and the projects, so even if Vax had a bad grade on a final essay, he could still make up during the exam. On Conthsen night, Vax was anxiously counting the hours left until Keyleth’s last exam the next day, not just because he missed spending time with her—fun time, not study time—but because that was the sign that exams week would be officially over in apartment 7B and that was all Scanlan would need to open the case of beer they had saved in the fridge and turn on the music.
Vax remembered Keyleth was still in class and that she would probably get home exhausted and go straight to studying without eating, so he closed his book and flicked the light off. He would make her dinner and keep her company while she ate, and then they could study together if she wanted, even though Vax wanted nothing more than to have Keyleth curled against his side on the couch while they watched a movie and he played with her hair. Vax loved taking care of Keyleth, especially by doing small gestures like making sure she ate. It didn’t bother him to cook a different meal for her or to leave a serving from dinner in the fridge. He did it because he loved her and wanted to care for her. So Vax made a fresh batch of miso soup that Keyleth could eat anytime and prepared tofu, eggs and vegetables so that he only had to add noodles to the soup base when she got home. It would be warm and full of nutrients for her.
In hindsight, Vax should have noticed the first sign that something wasn’t right when Keyleth slammed the door and slid her back against it. But Vax was so distracted finishing Keyleth’s dinner that he thought she was just tired, and he certainly didn’t think anything else of her tight hug when she entered the kitchen. Keyleth was usually quiet on days she got home late from school, too socially exhausted to hold a full conversation, so Vax sat by her side at the table while she ate and let her fumble with his fingers on her lap.
The second sign came when Vax asked her if she wanted company to study and she said no. He still didn’t think anything of it because Keyleth sometimes asked him to study alone, which Vax understood. He could be quite distracting. So he kissed her forehead and headed back to his room, letting her know the door was unlocked if she needed anything.
Vax finally realized something was wrong when Percy and Vex returned. They were talking in hushed voices as they stepped into the room, and when Vax heard Keyleth’s name, he turned on his chair to look at his sister and his roommate.
“What’s wrong with Keyleth?” Vax asked. Vex’ahlia was still holding Trinket’s leash, even though the massive shaggy dog was nowhere to be seen.
“She’s acting weird. She barely acknowledged our presence.” Percy answered instead. “Do you know if something happened?”
“She was fine when she got home. Maybe she’s tired. Finals week has been hard on all of us.”
“Keep an eye on her, brother,” Vex said. She crossed the room to kiss the crown of his head, then gave Percy a peck on the lips and left.
Vax didn’t need to be told twice to keep an eye on Keyleth, especially when he looked at the clock and saw how late it was. He knew her classes started early the following morning and that if someone didn’t force Keyleth to close her books, she would stay up all night studying. Again, it didn’t bother him to go out of his way to make sure Keyleth got some rest. Everything he did was for her own good, even if it meant he would have to stay up until late.
Vax wasn’t surprised when he saw the mess on the kitchen table. Books were spread open, notes were scattered, a colorful rainbow of highlighters littered on top of papers, and an empty mug of coffee sat on the table. Everyone else had some level of stress before exams—even Grog and Scanlan—but no one beat Keyleth’s anxiety.
“Keeks?” Keyleth wasn’t at the table anymore.
In hindsight, things should have gone differently. Vax should have seen the signs, but he didn’t, so he was naturally concerned when he saw Keyleth sitting on the floor, her back against the wall and arms wrapped around her knees with her head hiding between them, rocking back and forth with shallow, rapid breaths giving way to sobs, and then chokes.
“Keyleth?” Vax called again, kneeling in front of her. When Keyleth didn’t answer, Vax softly placed his hands on her head and lifted it, seeing tears falling down her cheeks and the panic in her eyes. “Kiki, what’s wrong?” He asked. Keyleth didn’t react to him, as if she hadn’t noticed Vax in front of her. Instead, she tried to put her head back between her knees, but Vax held her steady. He knew what was going on: Keyleth was having a panic attack. He had helped Vex’ahlia through them after Saundor and Syldor, and he had forced himself out of a few himself, so he knew what to do.
“Deep breaths,” Vax cooed. Keyleth was still panting and choking, so Vax cradled her cheeks and asked her again, more firmly this time, to take deep breaths. The touch of skin-to-skin seemed to be enough to bring Keyleth out of it at least a bit, just enough for her to start mumbling incomprehensible words.
“What’s wrong, Kiki? I can’t understand,” Vax tried again. Keyleth was still rocking back and forth, still breathing hard, her arms still tight around her knees. She mumbled something again, and, this time, Vax made up the words “can’t” and “it.”
“You’re safe, Keyleth. Take a deep breath in through your nose,” Vax said, demonstrating. Keyleth stared at him, finally stopping her rocking. “And then out,” he exhaled.
“I–can’t,” Keyleth mumbled. She brought her hands to her chest and throat, leaving her legs free.
“You can’t breathe?” Vax asked, concerned. Keyleth had enough strength to nod, so he extended her legs in front of her and straddled them.
“Yes, you can. Breathe with me,” Vax whispered, placing her hands on top of his heart inside his shirt. Keyleth’s hands were burning, but her fingertips were freezing. “In–” Vax took a deep breath in, which Keyleth finally copied. “–and out…” They both exhaled. “Let’s go again.” Vax kept whispering and rubbing his thumbs across Keyleth’s cheeks. One of his hands slid to the loose hair behind her ears, where he started rubbing reassuringly, always making sure to breathe slowly and guide her.
“You’re doing great,” Vax whispered when Keyleth let out a soft sob. It was an improvement from the raspy chokes that made Vax fear for her life. The hand left on her cheek lowered to her neck, where he found her pulse point and remained guiding her breathing. After a while, Keyleth’s sobs lessened enough that Vax felt comfortable to try something different.
“Can you speak?” Vax asked. Keyleth mumbled a ‘yes’ with a ragged voice. “That’s good. Can you tell me five things that you see?”
“You, the floor, chairs, the table, and the trash can,” Keyleth enumerated. Vax nodded with each word, keeping his breath steady to guide her.
“Very good, Kiki. Keep breathing with me, okay? Now, tell me four things you can touch.”
Keyleth moved her frozen fingertips on Vax’s chest. “You, the floor, the wall…” Keyleth paused. She grabbed Vax’s hand on her hair and brought it to her chest, setting it right atop her heart, and said, “And your hand.” She finished with a long exhale.
“You’re doing great, Kiki,” Vax whispered lovingly. He leaned in, pressed a kiss to her forehead and then rested his brows against hers. “How about three things you can hear?”
“Your heart,” Keyleth said without hesitation. Vax smiled at that. She must have been truly focused on his heartbeat, which was good. “Your breathing and the fridge.” Keyleth’s breaths were slower now, almost back to normal, but Vax knew he had to finish the exercise before he could let her go.
“Good job. Can you tell me two things you can smell?”
“Just you. All of you,” Keyleth replied bashfully. Vax chuckled but accepted the answer since he was so close to her.
“Last one. What can you taste?” Vax asked, but before Keyleth could answer, he kissed her deeply, and against his expectations, Keyleth’s tongue found his. She hummed and pulled away, leaning her forehead against Vax’s again. Her body relaxed, shoulders sagging with relief, but her hand still remained on Vax’s chest, now fully warm.
“Home,” Keyleth answered. With her breathing and heartbeat back to normal, Vax allowed himself to relax and remove the hand on her neck (although he kept the hand on her chest). “Thank you.”
“Come here,” Vax pulled in closer and wrapped both arms around her, bringing her head to his shoulder. Keyleth leaned into his embrace and sighed deeply. “What happened?”
“I can’t do it. I’m so exhausted,” Keyleth admitted.
“You only have one exam left tomorrow, right?” Keyleth nodded in response. “You need to sleep. You’ve been studying non-stop for a month, Kiki. You’re more than ready. And if you’re not, it’s not the end. You can make up for it in a few weeks.”
“I can’t. I have to go home,” Vax’s heart leaped in his chest. It’s not that he forgot that all his roommates were leaving, but it hadn’t dawned on him that Keyleth would also be going home for an entire month. “I don’t think I can pass the exam tomorrow.”
“You will,” Vax whispered against her hair. The knot on his throat was so tight he couldn’t breathe from what Vax knew was a sign of anxiety for being alone, of not having Keyleth close to him. “I believe in you, Kiki. You’re going to ace it. But you need sleep, and I won’t take a no for an answer, so you’re coming with me.” Vax pulled away and raised to his feet. He helped Keyleth up and started leading her out of the kitchen, but she stopped. “Don’t look at the table, just follow me.” He said. He waited for a sign of acknowledgment, which came in the form of a silent nod, and led her by the hand toward his bedroom door.
“I—Percy,” Keyleth tried to stop him, but Vax shook his head as he opened the door.
“It’s okay,” Vax mouthed, bringing her inside with him. Keyleth looked at him confused and at Percy’s empty bed. “He’s in the shower,” Vax explained, seeing her look. He closed the bedroom door behind him and opened his wardrobe to grab a wrinkled T-shirt.
“Put this on,” Vax handed Keyleth the shirt. She nodded and started stripping out of her clothes, which made Vax take a step back. He stammered an apology and turned, not before he saw the soft white fabric of her bra.
“It’s okay,” Keyleth said, half amused, half tired. Vax heard the rustling of clothes and then her soft, “You can turn now,” and when he looked, she had also removed her pants and was standing in just his t-shirt that fell just at the top of her hips. Vax’s face heated, but he tried to play it cool and gestured at his bed. Keyleth didn’t wait to be told twice. She pulled back his blankets and laid with her back to the wall.
“Good girl,” Vax smirked. Keyleth blushed slightly at that. “I’ll be right back.”
Vax returned a few minutes later, after finding Percy and letting him and Vex know what happened with Keyleth. She was still awake, lying on her side with her knees pulled high to her stomach, but she didn’t speak, nor did she move when Vax started undressing with no reservations.
“It’s not like you haven’t seen me shirtless before,” Vax said, dropping his shirt in the hamper. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants but looked at Keyleth before he took them off. “Don’t get any funny ideas,” He dropped his pants to his ankles and took them off, then added, “You need to sleep.”
“Can you stay like that?” Keyleth asked bashfully. Vax cocked his head inquisitively, and she explained, “Skin-to-skin contact helps me calm. Can we do that?”
“If you’re comfortable with that,” Vax replied, lying next to Keyleth, wearing only his boxers. Keyleth covered him and then sat up on the bed. Vax tried to keep his gaze away while she undressed, but he could still see her from the corner of his eyes.
“Will you hold me?” Keyleth asked in a whisper once she was lying back on the bed. Vax swallowed hard and nodded, opening his arms. “Come here.” Keyleth laid her head on his shoulder and nuzzled her nose against him. The rest of her body was pressed against Vax’s, their legs entangled. Vax kissed the tip of her head as he wrapped an arm around her waist, doing his best to avoid thinking about the fact that they were touching from head to toe.
“Does this help?” He asked. Keyleth nodded. “Okay. Get some sleep. I’m right here.”
Keyleth was fast asleep within three heartbeats, but Vax remained awake for a while longer, watching the soft movement of her shoulders rise and fall against his chest, taking in her warmth and the softness of her skin against his body. His heart was both happy and sad. Sad because Keyleth was suffering so much from finals, but happy that she trusted him enough to let him in. In her panic-filled mind, Keyleth saw him and held onto him like a lifeline. She trusted Vax to bring her back because she knew he wouldn’t rest until she was safe.
Keyleth woke up confused, not knowing if what she remembered from the previous night had been a dream or real. The first thing that allowed her to discern reality was the headache that always appeared after a panic attack; the second thing was the fact that she had an arm wrapped around her waist with a hand splayed on her stomach and a warm breath on her nape. The final proof Keyleth needed was the fact that she was half-naked in someone’s bed—a man, from the pressure she felt on her behind. A small moment of panic made her turn around in bed, but then she sighed in relief when she saw raven-colored hair half-covering the tanned face of Vax’ildan, who, she realized, was also half-naked. The panic eased when Keyleth remembered everything that had happened. Even though she still had some gaps in her memory, at least she knew she had asked Vax to stay like that and remembered taking off the t-shirt he had given her. 
It didn’t matter that her underwear didn’t match (or that Vax saw her bare like that). Vax had seen her at her worst last night and hadn’t been scared like everyone else. Keyleth still remembered the times her panic attacks drove people away. She still heard what people called her and told her that day when she had to get dragged to the hospital by the school’s director. From that moment on, Keyleth refused to let anyone else see that vulnerable side of her, including her father (especially her father). Korrin had more things to worry about than her stupid crisis.
But Vax found her curled on the floor and helped her. The way he guided her through the panic attack with breathing and exercises made her want to cry from gratitude. No one had ever bothered to learn those to help her before, and if they knew those exercises, no one spared a second glance her way when she started choking on her breathing. The fact that Vax did that for her and forced her to rest when he knew she would drive herself to an early grave because of exams meant more than Keyleth could describe. 
Everything was easier with Vax. Coming home after late classes and finding dinner ready; having company for late-night study sessions, but at the same time someone who would remind her—and force her—to take breaks and take care of her needs; having someone to relax with, to laugh and talk and cry over her problems. Someone who would hug her and take her in no matter what or how bad her moods were. Vax was patient with her, always willing to listen, to wait, to care for her. He never once asked for more than Keyleth was willing to give and never took without asking first. Every kiss they shared was either initiated by her or after Keyleth gave her consent; every hug was respectful, and even the previous night, when Keyleth undressed without saying anything, Vax had looked away out of respect. Keyleth was the luckiest woman in the world for having Vax as her friend, and she would be even luckier if she had him as her boyfriend.
Keyleth turned in bed, facing Vax, who was still sound asleep. Even with the curtains closed, she could tell dawn would break soon, which meant she didn’t have much time left in the comfortable warmth of Vax’s bed. Vax’s bed. The idea of sharing a bed with Vax didn’t scare her, nor did the sight of his body pressed hard against hers underneath the blankets. Truth be told, thinking of Vax as more than a friend made Keyleth feel butterflies in her stomach, but more than that, Keyleth felt like she needed that, the easiness of not having to remind herself that she couldn’t kiss Vax willy-nilly, that she needed a reason to hold his hand (which wasn’t actually true). Keyleth wanted all of him, especially after knowing he wasn’t scared of her panic attacks, and this time, she was sure Vax felt the same way.
Even though Keyleth had only shared a bed (and a couch) with Vax a handful of times, she loved waking up before him and seeing him sleep. Vax had told her he often had nightmares, but every time they slept together, Vax was always relaxed. Keyleth never thought much of it, but considering that sleeping at Vax’s side eased her own nightmares, maybe her being there also did the same for him. Yet another sign that dating Vax could be a good thing.
“You’re thinking too loud,” Vax grumbled as a way of greeting. Keyleth turned her head to see a smile that made her melt in place. Vax’s eyes were still half-closed and crusted with sleep, his voice was hoarse, and his hair completely disheveled on his pillow (someone forgot to braid his hair the previous night). 
“Good morning,” Keyleth greeted, turning to kiss the tip of his nose. Vax opened his eyes, giving her a look and a smile that made her toes curl. He slid his hand up to the middle of her back, underneath the band of her bra, and pulled her closer to him, kissing the tip of her nose, then one cheek, the other, and, when he was about to pull away, Keyleth brought his face in to kiss him slowly on the lips.
“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?” Vax asked, rubbing his nose against hers. Keyleth shrugged, “I just felt like it.”
“Did you sleep well?” Vax asked her, scratching his nails up and down her spine. Keyleth squirmed with the feeling, getting closer to him, and nodded. “Me too,” He said. 
“I don’t want to get up, but I have to study before the exam today.”
“No studying, Kiki. You’ve done all you could. Studying today will not help any more than the rest of the month.”
“I need to review every—”
“No,” Vax stopped Keyleth by turning her on her back and straddling her hips. “Absolutely not. I’m going to make sure you do nothing but relax until your exam later, even if I have to stay up here all day.”
Keyleth’s entire body flushed red. She could feel him pressing against her like this, even more when he supported his weight on his hands at each side of her head and bent over to bring his face close to hers. They were painfully close and in a very suggestive position.
“What’s it going to be, Kiki? Are you going to do as I say, or do I have to make sure you—” Vax leaned further down, supporting himself on his elbows now. “—don’t go anywhere?”
“I–I don’t know,” Keyleth mumbled softly. Two could play the game. “I really need to study.” Just as she intended, Vax fully lowered himself on top of her, completely locking her in place. Keyleth couldn’t even move her hands as they were pinned to her sides by his arms.
“Keyleth…” Keyleth’s body turned gooseflesh with Vax’s sultry voice and look. Her cheeks were burning and her chest was as red as a tomato.
“C–can I at least go to classes?”
Vax glared at her for a moment, then sat up straight and said, “Only if you promise you will not study anymore.”
As much as it hurt her, Keyleth knew Vax was right. A few more hours of studying wouldn’t make a difference, so she might as well try to relax. “I promise.”
Vax nodded, seemingly satisfied with it, and started to get up, but, as he did, he turned his head over his shoulder to look at Keyleth and said, “If you’re a good girl and keep your promise, I’ll reward you after dinner.”
Maybe it was because they slept so close and bare, or maybe it was the wink that Vax gave her, but Keyleth felt her entire body burn like it was about to combust into fire, and before Vax gave her a second glance, she was hiding underneath the covers, trying to keep herself from squealing.
Vax was very keen on making sure Keyleth kept her promise, either by walking her to class or meeting her at lunchtime. Keyleth knew he didn’t do it because he didn’t trust her but because Vax wanted to make sure she wasn’t overexerting herself (and also because he wanted to spend time with her). They sat at an isolated table in the cafeteria, watching the snow falling outside as they ate in silence. Keyleth almost grabbed her books out of her backpack by instinct once she was done eating her sandwich, but she stopped herself and grabbed her laptop instead.
“When are you going home?” Vax asked, looking at Keyleth above the screen of her computer.
“My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon,” Keyleth still had to pack when she got home. She somehow had to find time to do it during the party Scanlan wanted to throw before they broke for the holidays.
“I’ll take you to the airport,” Vax said nonchalantly.
Keyleth stopped typing to stare in shock at Vax. “You don’t have to. I can take a taxi.”
“I want to spend as much time as I can with you before I have to lose you for an entire month.”
Valid argument. Keyleth blushed. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
“It’s still going to be torture,” Vax sighed. He leaned back on his chair, staring her in the eyes. Keyleth kept her gaze locked on his. Ever since their date to the botanical garden, Vax had been more open about his feelings, not thinking twice or measuring his words of affection towards her. The only thing he avoided saying was the three words Keyleth was starved to hear, but, to his defense, she had been pretty clear about not being ready, and Vax was nothing if not respectful.
“I’ll call you every day. You’re going to be so tired of me, you’ll end up blocking my number,” Keyleth joked. She looked at the clock and groaned. She finished typing the edits and delivered her last essay due later. 
“I’m never going to be tired of you, Kiki,” Vax said, getting up and standing behind her chair. Keyleth put her laptop back in her backpack and got to her feet, being immediately swept by an arm around her waist and a kiss on her cheek. “The day I grow tired of you is the day I die.”
Keyleth melted into his chest. Her heart was racing with an aching need to say what was on her mind, of what she almost blurted, but it wasn’t the right time, and it certainly wasn’t the right place. “I have something to tell you later,” She mustered. Vax looked at her in concern and tensed. Keyleth knew he was running every bad scenario in his mind because she certainly would be if he had told her that. “It’s nothing bad, relax,” She reassured him. Vax’s shoulders slumped and he finally let go of her waist.
“You’re going to be the death of me, Kiki.” Vax pulled away. They started heading out, not before Keyleth joked, “For my sake, I sure hope not.”
The party was blasting in the living room, but Keyleth took a moment of distraction from her friends to sneak back into her bedroom. Her suitcase was open on her bed, clothes strewn on every empty spot on the blanket. Most of her late autumn and early winter clothes were already packed and ready, but Keyleth still had a few things to sort through. Winter in Emon was harsher than she expected, and some of her clothes weren’t warm enough for the winter, but she had to decide if they would be good enough for Spring. She had been rummaging through her clean laundry basket for clothes to pack when she found something that didn’t belong and knew it wasn’t hers from the color alone: Vax’s black hoodie, the one with the silver wings on the back and the three daggers on the sleeve. Keyleth would recognize the sweatshirt anywhere just by the smell of the twins’ laundry detergent.
Even though black was not her color—or any color at all, in Keyleth’s opinion—and that common sense dictated that she shouldn’t steal her roommate’s clothes, the urge to put on Vax’s hoodie was stronger than any argument Keyleth could come up with, so, instead of setting the hoodie aside to give it back to its rightful owner, Keyleth pulled it over her head. 
The sweatshirt was soft and comfortable, and the familiar smell made Keyleth feel like she was burrowing into Vax’s embrace, which brought back memories from the nights they shared together. Blush crept up her cheek when Keyleth imagined it was Vax’s arms that were holding her and not her own, and that it was his chest she was nuzzling, and not the neckline of the hoodie. Keyleth felt so cozy and safe that she knew she could easily fall asleep wearing the sweatshirt, no matter where she was.
Keyleth was so entranced in the feeling that she didn’t hear the door to her bedroom open and close and the sound of footsteps approaching.
“Kiki?” Vax called her. Keyleth jumped in place, realizing she hadn’t heard Vax walk in. The music and voices in the living room were still loud enough to let her know everyone else was still partying.
“Are you wearing my hoodie?” Vax asked with a smirk. Keyleth’s eyes widened and she took a step back, nervously playing with the strings of the hoodie.
“It looks good on you,” Vax cocked his head. 
“I’m sorry. It was in my laundry and I–” Keyleth looked down, trying to hide her embarrassment. “It smelled like you and it’s so cozy.”
Vax closed the distance between them, asking, “Do you want it?”
Yes. Keyleth wanted to say. When she looked up at him, she saw the same look in his eyes he always had when he wanted nothing more but to kiss her. “No,” Keyleth replied instead. She knew Vax didn’t have many clothes and she felt bad for taking his only—and favorite—hoodie. She could not take something so important from him when he had already given her so much of himself.
“Are you sure? I can buy another one.” Vax insisted, grabbing at the fabric of the pocket on her stomach. 
No, you can’t. Keyleth thought. The twins’ finances were getting worse and worse by the day. Vax had told her that he and Vex would have to work the entire winter break to save up some money for the next semester. Vax could not afford another hoodie, and to be honest, Keyleth wasn’t sure if he could find one. The one she was wearing already looked like one of its kind. “I’m sure,” She said, smiling lovingly at him. 
“You can borrow it then. Just make sure you bring it back when you return,” Vax offered. He tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I promise it’s okay if you change your mind.”
“I won’t,” Keyleth answered quickly. Vax merely smirked and winked at her knowingly. 
“You said you had something to tell me?”
Keyleth bit her lip. She had wanted to tell him her feelings, but now that time had finally come, she was shaking with fear that it would be too late. “I–I’ve been thinking,” Keyleth said shakily. “About what you told me that day… that you l–”
Vax smiled at her hesitation and finished her thought, “That I love you, yes.”
“Yeah,” Keyleth’s face felt too warm, her chest was too tight and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. 
“Keyleth, breathe,” Vax reminded her. Keyleth’s eyes were wide open in his direction. He brought her hand to his chest, under his shirt like he had done the previous night, and started taking long, slow breaths for her to follow. Keyleth did, and when her heart rate decreased enough that she could breathe normally again, Vax reassured her, “No matter what you have to tell me, I’m not going anywhere Kiki. I’m right here. I promise I’m not leaving.”
“I know,” Keyleth replied, still shakily. Some tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, but Vax wiped them with his thumbs. “I love you, Vax. I have never felt so safe with anyone before. I’ve never felt so sure of my feelings. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. Last night, you showed me you weren’t scared of me and my existential crisis like everyone else is. You didn’t run away like everyone… you stayed and helped me. I don’t want to go through all that alone ever again.”
“You won’t have to, Kiki. I’ll always be with you,” Vax said, hugging her tightly. “I love you so much, Keyleth. I just want to make you happy, even if that means we’ll remain as friends.”
Keyleth pulled away to look Vax in the eyes and said, “I don’t want to be just your friend anymore.” This time, it was Keyleth’s turn to wipe the tears forming in the corner of Vax’s eyes. “Unless you changed your mind about—”
“Shut up,” He interrupted her with a kiss. Keyleth chuckled against his lips, then returned the kiss. 
“Can we keep it between us until I tell my dad?” Keyleth asked when she pulled away.
“I can try, but I’m pretty sure my sister will smell it a mile away.” Keyleth snorted and turned back to her suitcase, resuming her packing. Vax waited, hemming and hawing at something and biting his lip until he finally blurted out, “Do you want to sleep with me tonight? Just sleep, I promise.”
Percy had left for the airport soon after Keyleth got home, having waited only long enough to say goodbye to her. She had cried a bit on his shoulder for already missing her best friend, but she understood his need to go home to his younger sister as soon as he could, but not before Percy promised Keyleth to bring her something from Whitestone. Sleeping with Vax would not be a problem without Percy to worry about, and, to be honest, Keyleth knew if she slept on her bed, she would probably stay awake all night, tossing and turning with anxiety. Really there were more pros about the invitation than cons. 
“Just sleep?” Keyleth asked. Vax nodded, biting his lip nervously. “I think that’s a good idea. I sleep better when I’m with you and I need to rest for the flight tomorrow.”
“Yes, of course. That’s the only reason why I asked…” Vax teased, wrapping his arms around her waist from the back. 
“Mhm. You’re so concerned about me, aren’t you?” Keyleth teased back, looking over her shoulder. Vax smirked at her, gave her a soft peck on the lips, and said, “Of course. It has nothing to do with the fact that I just want to sleep with my girlfriend.”
Keyleth turned around in Vax’s arms and wrapped hers around his neck. Her smile was so big her cheeks hurt. “Call me that again, please.”
“Girlfriend,” Vax whispered against her lips and kissed her. Keyleth hummed, still smiling as they kissed, and when they broke apart, she pushed Vax away with a chuckle and said, “Alright. You need to leave because I have to finish packing.”
“But–” Vax pouted, trying to grab her again.
“No buts,” Keyleth put her hand on Vax’s shoulders, turned him away and guided him to her bedroom door. “You are a very yummy distraction, but the faster I pack, the faster I’ll go back to the party.” Vax stood outside Keyleth’s bedroom door, staring agape at her. Keyleth blew him a kiss before she closed the door and returned to her packing with the biggest smile and feeling of lightness she had ever felt in her life.
Vax was her boyfriend.
Vax was an idiot. A fool in love. And against all odds, the one he loved loved him back. For most of his life, Vax had heard all about how useless he was, how he would never amount to anything, how no one would ever love him, so much so that he believed it with his own heart. Vax never thought he would be in this situation when he started having feelings for Keyleth, he never thought he was deserving of anyone’s love, much less hers, but here he was, lying in bed with a halo of wildfire hair spread on his pillow, Keyleth’s cheek pressing warmly against his chest, and her long and nimble fingers spread out on his bare stomach. Vax was a selfish man because even though he had to wake Keyleth up soon, he wanted to steal these last moments of quiet and safety with her. The early hours of the rest of the morning would be reserved for silent breakfasts and last-minute packing and double-checking of luggage, then they would both catch a taxi to the airport, where Vax would finally let Keyleth go. 
No. Vax would steal these last precious moments with his girlfriend. But because all good things must come to an end, the alarm clock destroyed those final moments. Keyleth sat up on the bed, still half-asleep, but already half-anxious. The blankets pooled on her lap revealed the soft blue workout bra she had picked for the night and the flight (Vax hadn’t complained when Keyleth started taking her clothes off and dove under his blankets, and he certainly didn’t complain when he followed her in just his underwear. She was right, after all. Skin-to-skin contact was more relaxing than just cuddling), and when Keyleth pulled them away, Vax mustered all his self-control to not follow the lines of her back down to where her hips raised from the bed as Keyleth crawled over his legs.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Keyleth swore as she started putting on the clothes she left prepared on Percy’s bed. Vax remained in bed, lying on his side, watching her flutter around the room with a smile. “I still have to pack all my toiletries and brush my hair. I forgot to put it in a braid last night–” Vax didn’t say anything. Keyleth was mostly talking to herself rather than with him, and he let her be. It helped her to go through her to-do list out loud.
“Ugh. My hair is a mess,” Keyleth cried, combing her fingers through her locks, getting them tangled in the knots. She turned to Vax, who was still smiling fondly, and cocked her head to one side. “What are you smiling about?”
“You,” Vax said, sitting up. He stretched his arms high above his head and saw the way Keyleth’s eyes dropped from his face to his torso. “You’re adorable. You still have plenty of time. Grab your hairbrush and come here.” Vax said, leaning back against his headboard and patting the blanket between his legs. Keyleth rolled her eyes but did as he said, so Vax started combing and braiding her hair for her. When he finished tying the braid with an elastic, he pulled it softly and kissed Keyleth’s neck. 
“Stop it,” she scolded him playfully but turned away to face him and kiss him passionately. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, my love.” 
“I’m going to finish packing now,” Keyleth said, giving him a sad look before she got up and headed out of the bedroom. Vax stretched again (it didn’t feel as satisfying without Keyleth ogling him) and started getting dressed. He knew Keyleth wouldn’t make herself anything to eat before her flight, so he headed into the kitchen where he brewed a pot of coffee (which surely all his other roommates would be happy for since most of them were leaving, too), and prepared Keyleth and himself a quick breakfast. By the time Keyleth arrived in the kitchen with her fully packed suitcase and backpack, Vax was leaning against the counter, stirring a bowl of apple, cinnamon oatmeal with honey and walnuts.
“I made you breakfast,” He announced. Keyleth grimaced, but Vax said he wouldn’t take a no for an answer before she opened her mouth to reject the meal. They ate in silence, sitting next to each other at the table. Vax’s free hand rested on Keyleth’s knee the entire time, rubbing circles with his thumb with the intent to help her relax. Keyleth was wearing his hoodie (which Vax was trying to ignore because it made him want to hold her hostage and not let her go back home), but it was missing something. 
“Kiki, can you take that off?” He asked her. Keyleth gave him a look as if to say there’s no way I’m taking this sweater off ever in my life, but Vax insisted, wiggling his fingers, “Please? I’ll bring it right back.” She finally complied, so Vax ran to his bedroom, where he sprayed it with his cologne, and ran back to the kitchen, handing it back to Keyleth.
“Here, I think you’ll like it better,” He said as Keyleth put the sweatshirt back on. He was right because Keyleth buried deeper into it with a pleased smile. 
“Thank you,” Keyleth said, getting up. She fumbled slightly with the strings, hesitating for a moment, then finally found the courage to pull Vax by the opening of his jacket and kiss him. “This will make it slightly more bearable.”
“I figured it would,” Vax said, brushing her cheek. “We have to go. Are you ready?” Keyleth nodded. Vax placed the dirty dishes in the sink to wash later and helped Keyleth with her suitcase and backpack. 
Unfortunately, there wasn’t much traffic on the way to the airport, so the ride was short. Vax kept Keyleth’s hand in his the entire ride, only letting go of it when they arrived so she could pay for the taxi and when she checked into her flight. They still had a few minutes before she had to go through security, which Vax decided to spend glued to his girlfriend. 
“I’ll call you every day,” Keyleth promised. Vax nodded. He tried to keep his sadness down, but it was hard. This was the first time he and Keyleth would be apart for so long, and it was especially hard because they hadn’t had the chance to be boyfriend and girlfriend for long. 
“I’ll call you if you don’t call me. And I’m going to text you all the time so you don’t forget me.” Vax teased her.
“Oh, please. You’re unforgettable,” Keyleth teased back and kissed him, but then her smile faded. “Unless you’re the one who’s going to forget me…”
“Do you really think so?” Keyleth shook her head, but she still bit her lip nervously. “Of course not. I’m going to be here when you come back. In fact, I might stay and sleep at the airport to make sure I’m here on time for when you return.” 
Keyleth laughed. They both knew there was some truth behind the joke. Vax really would do something like that. “I’ll be back before you know it,” She said, hugging him tightly. Vax squeezed her as hard as his heart was breaking. His eyes were warming with tears, his throat was closing, he couldn’t swallow anymore, and his vision started darkening. Vax wasn’t ready to let go of Keyleth yet, not when he had just finally gotten her. The week they were apart as friends had already been horrible for both, and Vax knew this time would only be worse. 
“I already miss you,” He confessed. “You’ve been my girlfriend for twelve hours and I already have to say goodbye to you… it’s not fair.”
“I’m sorry,” Keyleth swallowed hard. Vax saw she was suffering just as much as he was. “I’ve had this trip booked since the beginning of the semester, otherwise I would stay with you.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m just grumpy.”
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get my head out of my ass,” Keyleth’s eyes were starting to fill with tears, but Vax wiped them before they could fall. 
“I would have waited all my life. I will wait all my life for you, Keyleth, and if I die without you by my side, then I will wait in the afterlife for as long as it takes until we’re finally together.”
“I love you, my sunshine.”
“I love you too, my grumpy raven,” Keyleth whispered against Vax’s lips before she kissed him longingly. “I have to go now,” She said, adjusting the straps on her shoulder.”
“Text me when you land?”
“Of course. I’ll miss you.”
“I’m right here with you,” Vax pulled the drawstrings of her hoodie. “I’ll always be with you, love.” Keyleth nodded. Neither could stop their tears from falling anymore, no matter how much they wiped at their eyes. 
“I’ll always be with you, too, Vax. I’m yours, forever and ever, and always.”
“And I’m yours, Keyleth. Forever and ever, and always.”
In hindsight, Vax should have known it would be the last time he kissed his girlfriend for a while, and Keyleth should have taken the five extra minutes to savor the taste of Vax’s tongue on hers. In retrospect, things could have been so much different than they were, had either of them known what would be waiting on the other side. But something deep inside Vax, a dark pitch that he had been trying to escape for years and that he finally thought he had gotten rid of with the help of Keyleth, crept closer and closer until, eventually, it swallowed Vax’ildan whole.
That is the problem with last kisses. Opposite of first kisses, last kisses aren’t usually memorable because one doesn’t always know it happened until it’s too late, and when one is finally faced with the truth, one can’t stop wishing they had just five more minutes of it. 
Just five more minutes with her. Just five more minutes with him.
Wishing they had just five more minutes together.
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citrusflowerss · 10 months
i love how it became a general consensus that clementine would be a jock in a highschool au but in canon the only sport she ever did was soccer bc her mom made her and she said she hated it 😭
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field-s-of-flowers · 4 months
Did I ever tell you guys about my aurora modern au
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moononastring · 2 years
Thinking about an Elucien College AU where Feyre and Nesta try to hook Elain up with Lucien post-Graysen breakup but Elain is resistant because a) she’s still processing The BreakUp™️ and b) she feels like it’s a pity date so immediately no and c) he accidentally killed one of her plants during a party at Feyre’s apartment and she’s been holding a grudge since. It doesn’t matter that he’s attractive or that he’s snarky in a way that secretly cracks her up. He’s annoying. She DOES NOT like him and makes it very clear to her sisters that she will not even consider it. And sure! Her sisters totally drop it! Until we fast-forward to a few weeks later and Nesta and Feyre are in front of Elain’s dorm to have a self-care night, getting ready to knock, and instead, hear Elain getting railed by the one guy she swore she'd never give a chance.
Nesta and Feyre share a look and slowly back away from the door where anyone passing her dorm can easily hear Elain very loudly enjoying herself with Lucien being very encouraging. Needless to say, Elain had started a different self-care journey without her sisters.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 9 months
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They’re Weird and They’re Wonderful
Adam/Belle, University AU
Word count: 1,520
Tags: Banter, Young Love
Adam smiled. He liked the idea of that; liked the thought of more future with Belle — knowing her friends, her family, becoming a part of her life. Goodness, he was smitten to a Shakespearean degree.
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