#potential hallucination
astroeatsurass · 18 days
Someone pls make a small animatic of Mis by Alex G with Dick and Jason
oh my god this came to me in a dream. Like okay, imagine this is pre-utrh, in the recent aftermath of Jason’s death.
“I said, ‘I miss you so bad.’” — Dicks telling jason how much he misses him, jasons giving a soft smile but the rest of his face is blurred
“She says, ‘🎹’” — dick realizing hes only talking to h!jay and cut scene to where dicks standing over his grave, the camera slowly zooming out like a sense of realization from dick that jason’s truly gone as the song hums in the background
I CANT DRAW im too unmotivated to be bothered, but i need to share this 🥲🥲 anyways thats it
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vyacinths · 2 years
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months long sleepover at the noceda household
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harmonicabisexuals · 5 months
no but two of the main points of conflict in the hameron relationship were 1) cameron wanting house to live without pain and 2) house trying to get cameron to be more decisive and stand by her decisions. and both of these points are subversively addressed in the finale when house's hallucination of cameron tells him to die so he won't be in pain anymore but then calls him a coward for delaying his decision about whether he wants to live or die. which ends up being the final catalyst for him to walk out of the burning building........she comes to him as an angel of death but ends up being his savior. don't talk to me.
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irate-iguana · 11 months
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agnesandhilda · 1 month
wow! nice shounen battle series. do you give your characters enough time to develop so their fights have emotional weight or is it all just spectacle?
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copia · 1 month
i might have been making things up but is there perchance a 2024 ghost kinktober list going around 👀 if anyone knows, i'd be in the market for that
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the-elusive-soleil · 11 months
Been thinking (as a thing to maybe write in the far future) of an AU where Fingon essentially Dernhelms his way back to Beleriand during the War of Wrath, and comes and finds Maedhros et al at Amon Ereb or wherever.
Context: since his death in the Nirnaeth, Fingon has been watching the tapestries in Mandos for news of how everyone is doing. So he knows how disastrous things are generally, and he also is aware of how Maedhros specifically is Not Doing Great after Fingon's death. In a battle that Maedhros organized. If Fingon were able, he'd tell Maedhros that it's fine and he doesn't blame him, but he just has to watch.
He watches through the Second and Third Kinslayings, grieving for what his cousin/best friend/person is going through and becoming, and then he finds out about Earendil and Elwing making it to Aman with the Silmaril and pleading for aid. Against all odds, it seems like they might actually get what they're asking for.
If he can get out, maybe he can find a way to tag along with whoever/whatever is going to Middle-earth. If he can get to Middle-earth, maybe he can track down Maedhros and...something. Not kill him, he's almost certain, not if there's anything of the person he knew still in there. Honestly, he doesn't have a detailed plan beyond "get back to Maedhros and hope that this helps somehow".
In a stunning display of dissembling, Fingon manages to convince Namo that he's fully healed and ready to return to life and definitely not going to do anything reckless once that happens. This works somehow, and Fingon finds himself back in Aman. His still-living and reembodied family members are delighted to see him, and also very clear that he is not going to join the Host of the Valar and jump back into a war.
And Fingon completely agrees! He's not joining the Host so much as hitching a ride with them, after all, and he has other priorities than getting tangled up in the war.
So he basically sneaks out and disguises himself as an ordinary Amanyar soldier, and is able to keep from being discovered until they complete the crossing and start marching through Beleriand. And then once he reckons they're as close to Amon Ereb as they're going to get, he grabs a horse and slips away and rides as hard as he can.
(It's been maybe a few months since he was last able to check the tapestries for news, and he's fairly sure that nothing more can have gone wrong in such short time, but then again...)
As luck would have it, as he's approaching, he runs into Maedhros, who's out on a patrol ride and doesn't have anyone with him (because there just isn't enough manpower left to send multiple people on a patrol when one of the people in question is him).
This might also be a bad thing, though, because it means that there's nobody else around to assure Maedhros that yes, they're all seeing the same thing he is. Which means Maedhros' first response is to ignore Fingon, thinking he's an illusion/hallucination.
Fingon loses his patience with this pretty quickly and reaches out and grabs Maedhros' arm to prove he's real and. Maedhros' eyes get very scary very fast.
Namo said that Noldor who died in Beleriand would receive little pity when it came to reembodiment, and everyone has pretty much interpreted that to mean that none of them will ever be reembodied. So Maedhros' first instinct is to assume that this isn't really Fingon come back.
And he spent time in Angband. He knows how orcs are made. He knows exactly what kind of twisted makings Sauron and Morgoth are capable of.
And they never got what was left of Fingon's body back, did they?
He wrenches his arm away, hissing, and goes for his sword. "You cannot fool me. I see you for what you are--I should have known such a torment would be devised eventually. Does your master truly value my pain above the havoc you could wreak in these lands? Or does he simply believe I am maddened and desperate enough to accept the deception that others would see through?"
Fingon has no clue what is going on.
He tries to get out some kind of explanation, but Maedhros raises his sword to his throat.
"Perhaps he thought I would not be able to kill something that looked like him," he muses. "A foolish assumption. I have killed him before, if not with my own hand; I can strike down an abominable copy, when I know that his fea at least is safe in Mandos, beyond all harm."
But for all that, Maedhros can't bring himself to do it right that second, because this thing, this shell, is looking at him with Finno's eyes and speaking with Finno's voice, and once he moves, there will be a bleeding body on the ground looking like Finno's to haunt his nightmares.
And that ends up giving Fingon time to talk Maedhros down, and convince him that it's really him and that he talked his way into reembodiment and came across the sea with the Host of the Valar so that he could find Maedhros, because he saw everything via the tapestries and knew he needed to.
Maedhros makes a small, broken noise,
drops his sword,
and stumbles forward, and Fingon just barely catches him in a tight hug before he falls.
And I have no idea yet where to go from there besides the obvious plot points of Fingon meeting his great-great-nephews and of a less murdery and fiery solution to the Silmaril Problem at the end of the war, because my plan is also basically "get Fingon back to Maedhros and hope that this makes things better somehow".
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go-to-the-mirror · 4 months
bipolar ruby sunday you agree reblog
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bloomxng-per4wxnkle · 11 months
All the jokes apart..I think the amount of angst potential this chapter has is so..crazy. IF this is not a hallucination and Suwon does end up dying, and Kyeshuk and Judoh survive, they will blame themselves so badly for not being able to protect him...also Kyeshuk..he was the one who gave the order to restrain and not hurt the blue dragon in any way when he lost his mind, even after it had bitten off his leg, he experienced all that, and yet he ordered them to restrain it..and then all that happened.
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echoheart0324 · 2 years
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Haunting the narrative
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sight song
Henry thinks he's seeing things. But then again, most hallucinations don't include music.
Rated: G Warnings: potential hallucinations AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58889335 Length: 250
Henry was seeing things. Correction: there was something wrong with Henry's vision.
Perhaps, that is not the case, but there certainly was something rather off about the spectacle parading before him. The loops tended to be boring, and, as the title suggests, repetitive, and so seeing something completely different always was a bit of a shocking experience.
The instruments were playing by themselves. No musician, no conductor, no strings or sleight of hand- believe him, Henry checked. No, he was simply surrounded by drums that beat without percussion, a piano that plinked without a hand to the keys, violin bows swaying sans specialist, guitars strumming in a melodious, haunting croon.
It was nearly reminiscent of the music that had played in that hall so long ago, and yet, not at all alike. The main discriminator was the adagio, pianissimo tremors that inflicted that eerie and disquieting aura. Henry drifted through the empty music hall as a ghost, essentially a depiction of caesura at its finest.
He sat on the floor where Sammy would have typically stood, allowing the crests of music to shift through his body like sand in a sieve. Despite the slow, piercing notes, there was a degree of comfort to be eked from the straining, soft sounds.
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Henry stared; refusing to blink- because surely this was a trick of the light, and the instant he would cease his gaze the magic would dissipate.
So Henry kept his eyes open as long as possible, basking in a mirage.
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yeonban · 7 months
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Do you guys realize how batshit Dan Heng's story is. And this is AFTER the dozens of years he was forced to spend in the Shackling Prison. This was his freedom before meeting Himeko and Welt.
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brofightiscancelled · 2 months
fighting yowai....
#what must it be like to be 10 years old only child#and then suddenly you have a little sister that eberyine adores and fawns over#like i just kniw they spoilt totoko so bad (canon) and neglected fighting for it (my delusion)#he probabky tried to bully her and got heavily reprimended by his parents for it#probably would lead to him still being childish at 20... suddenly not getting attention anymore -> regression and acting out#maybe anger issues too. hence boxing#idk. i feel like he mustve grown upcresenting her to some degree#little girl who gets everything#i mean their parents did let him live at homr still at 20 but that seemed contingent on him inheriting the fish shop#idk. im hallucinating. im delusional. but man. what must their relationship have been like...#now that theyre both adults they can get along as equals. but oh.. the gaps from childhood they cant fill#considering their age difference i wonder if they even felt like family at a certain point....#tragedy of the spoilt girl and her forgotten brother....#the way it ruined theur lives (potentially) in different ways#sorry. im thinking too hard abt it im hallucinating. sorry#aughhh i love totoko as a study of a spoilt girl grown up though#the sextuplets and her both pampered as kids and never grew up#vs fighting at 20 who wanted to be an adult but didnt want to grow up.. now with child..#potentially reconnecting w parents for first time in years??#sorry. im thinking too much abt a character who showed up for 3 seconds. sorry#sorry i started relating the character w 1 manga appearance to my own personal familial dynamics and now im invested. sorry
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sugarysakurakitty · 23 days
I love when I get a notification for six new notes and it's just one of my moots liking my posts... thank you <3
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puuuders · 28 days
I'm in such a yappy giggly mood rn idk why so I want to share something completely unrelated to what I usually post under the cut
So this might sound weird but when you guys are falling asleep or something do you start hearing voices or random auditory hallucinations and shit bc I do
But it's not what you think. It's the most incomprehensible nonsense and it makes me laugh most of the time
So what I've started doing a couple weeks ago is when I'm sleepy I will open my notes app and just lay there with my eyes closed, but not letting myself fall asleep. Just listening
And then when I hear something worth noting I'll open my eyes and write it down
I probably sound fucking crazy right now but it's not a mental health thing it's just something my brain does when I'm tired idk
Anyway I would like to share these notes with you
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Second screenshot is to show you Im not just making it up I've had this list for a month now
There was one like a year ago that said "yeah I'm ugly but you know what you are? Ugly as hell" and it has stuck with me
And sometimes it'll just be sounds like yelling or booms and stuff
I wanna know if anyone else experiences this and what is the strangest thing your brain has come up with
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shynerdwantscuddles · 6 months
The overwhelming urge to go “boo” to this old bitch who was staring at me in the waiting room because she’s never seen a trans fag before vs the consequences
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