#powder asks
vampirebbakshi · 2 years
What if I brought blood bags with me and just give the vampire those in exchange for being turned?
1. Where are you gonna get your blood bags from? I doubt you have the ability to just take them from the hospital like me or any other Vampire in the organisation do.
2. Having more blood on you whilst in the Wine Market and Red District is gonna draw more attention to ya buddy. No.
3. Not all Vamps drink from blood bags. It's still about 50/50 who don't drain humans completely.
4. Why do you want to be a vampire so bad.
5. How about no.
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sarafroot · 2 months
i humbly request vi and vander hugging bc they should’ve done that more 😔
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Agree 😢😢😢😢
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wispforever · 11 months
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gai has a rough mission and kakashi is relieved to have him back. bonus under the cut
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amber-jinx · 1 month
New Arcane 2 Clip & what it reminds me of
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also this angle shows Jinx's baby facial features ,, reminds me of young Viktor
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Poor Jinx, baby girl 😭
Also how I wish it's Vi who saves her from those who are after her...
Not sure how I feel about the potential collab between Jinx and Sevika cuz Jinx used to hate Sevika due to Powder disliking how Sevika betrayed Vander
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lepusrufus · 1 month
God gives her strongest battles (white cat) to her weakest of soldiers (girl who has mostly black clothes)
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Tired: the league getting mad at Bruce's contingencies [] Wired: the league arguing about who's contingencies are cooler
Batman, trying to maintain his Spooky Vibe: I have contingencies to take down all of you-
Flash: yeah yeah we all know. Like how if I go evil you’d probably provoke me into running myself into nothingness or something, that’s boring :( can you make a better one?
Green Lantern: Ha, loser
Flash: HEY. Well YOUR contingency is getting covered in yellow powder, that’s even stupider!
Green Lantern: at least it’s not as bad as Superman’s! His contingency is just getting a small rock thrown at him!
Superman: hey :((
Martian Manhunter: My weakness to fire is well enough known that I have no doubt my contingency plan involves a flamethrower or perhaps firebomb
Batman: Hn.
Wonder Woman: I do believe my contingency is the best. All of you would be involved in taking me down with a variety of magical artifacts until I’m eventually worn out and can be captured
Flash: okay, that one is pretty good
Captain Marvel: oh, yeah. Wonder Woman wins
Green Lantern: Hey, what’s Captain Marvel’s plan?
Batman, Done With Them: Because he’s a magic powered hero, my theory is that if I can get enough magic users and components together, an elaborate spell could be cast to rip away just enough of his magic to incapacitate him
Green Lantern: shit, that one’s really good too
Superman: Would that even work?
Billy, Champion of Magic (this plan would not work), has a very easy way to get depowered (get him to say the magic word): haha, yep! That would just about do it. Lol.
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cry-ptidd · 19 days
As a major fan of historical fashion with a current fixation on 18th century Versailles fashion, I desperately need to see Laura in 18th century Versailles fashion, pretty please? 🥺
(Also, did Laura take advantage of the Reign of Terror period of the French Revolution and basically saw and made it an all you can eat buffet? Taking the ‘eat the rich’ literal? Also Laura singing ‘Cą Ira’ would give me life lol)
Here's your Versailles Laura anon ✨ (she's not a fan sadly)
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Also, Laura during La Terreur is a well-fed Laura.
She didn't ideologically participate in the Revolution, but she loved the chaos and violence because it gave her a lot of coverage. Any sightings of her were dismissed and corpses littered the streets. She ate a lot in that period (which helped her recover from her wound) by eating the decapitated/hanged bodies all around and snatching the leftovers. She still knows the original revolutionary songs by heart in 1999.
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inluvwcaitvi · 10 days
This may be a hot take, but ah well. Here goes.
Vander lowkey fucked up both girls. Powder showed signs of neurodivergency from jump and it was just brushed off by everyone, including Vi (who seemed to view it as Powder just being different and sensitive). Not blaming Vi, because she was a kid herself that didn't know better. Just saying.
Vi got parentified from jump and it just got worse under Vander and him essentially training and drilling her to replace him if something went south. Girl hasn't had a break from having to take care of someone since she was 7 years old. And Vander most likely knew this, but allowed it to continue unchecked and added to the load. Being told that if your siblings fuck up, it's your fault as a leader? That's pretty heavy shit to bear as a (deeply traumatized) 15 year old.
Arcane, to me, is a story of what happens when the adults in a kid's life ultimately don't do what they're supposed to do. And the sisters' dynamic hits close to home for me. Not as a parentified child, but as a child raised by a parentified child. My older sister and I are similar to Vi and Powder, in how my sister was made responsible for me before she was old enough to even fathom the depths of what that meant. All because my mother was "exhausted" and "couldn't be bothered" and my sister "needed to learn responsibility"......at age 11.
you aren’t wrong at all, and i rly don’t think this should be considered a hot take when i see nothing but truth.
as unfortunate as it is, and as much as i rly rly RLY love vander, i can’t deny that he was unintentionally neglectful of both of his daughters (and it plays a part in their traumas to this day and has since then) and that he wasn’t the best father— he simply did the best he could, or rather, the best he knew how to do.
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rius-cave · 7 months
Not a request just thought this was funny.
I bet Adam makes fun of Lucifer for being short.
Bro won't be laughing when Lucifer brings him down to his knees for a kiss.
Imagine if you will:
"The hell are you gonna do? You can't even reach the cabinets!"
Lucifer fucking kicks the back of Adams knees, sending him folding like a lawn chair, he grabs Adam by the collar of his shirt and shoves his face so close to Adams that their nose's are touching.
"Say that again and you're gonna lose your kneecap privileges"
"O- uh... s-sorry?"
"Glad we came to an agreement!"
He then gives Adam the sweetest, and the most passionate kiss before he prances off like the gay little man he is, leaving Adam confused and a little scared on the floor.
Bonus points if someone saw, and that someone was Angel.
".... Would."
"Ok you little shit-"
Oohohohh. Lucifer just glares at him, ghosting a breath over his face, Adam is shaking slightly, unsure about what this is supposed to mean and just what is Lucifer doing?
Neither of them move an inch, Adam is bracing himself but he doesn't know what for. Then Lucifer smiles and goes "glad we came to an understanding" and just fucking walks off.
Now Adam is left on his knees, confused, flustered for some reason, and with the weirdest sensation of heat throughout his whole body that he doesn't even wanna start to unpack.
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yeoldenews · 9 months
Hi! It seems like fireworks and firecrackers were a very common item in Santa letters, to the extent that they’re often thrown in at the end along with fruit like a ‘default’ Santa gift. If you know, why and when did fireworks stop being a go-to present for kids to ask from Santa?
This is actually something I keep meaning to dig into more.
It was almost exclusively a Southern practice (particularly in the Deep South), but was so universal there that it's honestly more unusual for Southern kids to NOT ask for fireworks than to ask for them. I'm not sure if there were cultural aspects to this or was just because it makes more sense to give them where it's actually warm enough to shoot them off.
They seem to have been given primarily as a stocking-stuffers, as they are almost always listed alongside the standard fruit, nuts and candy.
From what I've seen, requests for fireworks dropped off sharply in the early 60s, though I as of yet haven't found any convincing reason as to why.
That's a bit early to coincide with the general shift away from little boys asking for firearms, which seems (from my observations at least) to be largely correlated with the advent of video games in the 70s and 80s.
It's possible it may have been a natural result of child safety standards evolving beyond the 'sure, give your six-year-old explosives, what's the worst that could happen?' that seems to have been the dominant attitude for the first half of the 20th century.
If anyone from the South has any insight on this I'd love to hear it.
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vampirebbakshi · 2 years
So if Poppy can't taste your blood bags... who else is off-limits? Am I off limits?
WHY DO HUMANS THINK THEY CAN DRINK RANDOM HUMAN BLOOD LIKE?? the blood I have is clean but wtf??? humans drinking blood??? it's giving Hannibal Lecter.
.... Maybe Ian can have some...
but that's an explanation for another day.
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hitwiththetmnt · 3 months
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You have been invited to be covered in paint and pain at the Paint Gun Campus! Will you accept?
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Paintball sounds fun! In more than one way :(;゙゚'ω゚')
Cabin #7 (7 Wonders of the Turtleverse)
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reality-detective · 6 months
Did you know lemon peels are packed with vitamin C and entirely edible? 🙌🏻
Don’t throw them out! After you’ve peeled your lemons, store in the freezer, then when you’re ready, dehydrate them either in the sun, or on the lowest setting of your oven until they are hard to the touch. Blend them up and you have lemon peel powder (similar to lemon zest). You can add a tablespoon of that lemon peel powder to 1/2 cup of salt for lemon salt (or the same with pepper)! This adds a beautiful citrus note to things like pasta, stir fries and more. 🤔
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temeyes · 11 months
I feel like if he were a younger millennial and got into the idiocy of the early/mid 2000s your Soap would have been one of those kids slamming back like 15 Pixie Stix in a row and it not ending well (source: I was that kid. At least i wasn’t the band kid who snorted them)
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after consuming 15 stixs straight, Soap had a breakthrough,,,
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solradguy · 5 months
that one ky kiske’s ass post that got us rollback for strive is making the rounds again mr. radguy. it’s funny seeing qrts calling ky flat, have you seen the man’s 6H?
Gamers are so hentaibrained that they have forgotten the simple joys of a decently plump behind
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If it's good enough for Dizzy, it's good enough for us all
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sarcasticmothdraws · 2 years
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I'm on the verge of madness and an alt version of the vash meme
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