#power of the ancestral spirit
the-sciences · 4 months
Unlocking the Power of Ancestry: Exploring Astrological Family Therapy
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nerdie-faerie · 1 month
Very funny to think at the same time the supernaturals of New Orleans are bickering about who should be in charge and how to get more power, the Mystic Falls lot are fighting against the literal unravelling of all magic in the world
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astrojulia · 1 year
From the Underworld to the Surface: Your Connection to the Unseen World
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I want to acknowledge that my perspective on this topic may be biased, but I'd like to share the reason why I write these kinds of posts, like I always like to point my point of view to other people who wants to know a little more. Pluto represents the underworld and themes related to death. Growing up in a family with umbanda as our religion, I learned to connect with the unseen world through the dead. I believe this is a common experience for many Brazilians, and our intuition and divination practices are closely tied to spirits, ancestors, and other intangible forces.
In this post, I aim to explore the connection between our intuition and the spiritual realm, using Pluto and its placement in the different astrological houses as a lens. In my view, Pluto's influence is highly relevant to spirituality and the mysteries of the unseen world.
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Pluto in the 1st house: You have a natural inclination towards detecting subtle energies and hidden truths in your surroundings. Your piercing intuition allows you to see through facades and uncover what lies beneath the surface. You are someone who is not content with superficial explanations and always seeks to uncover deeper layers of meaning. Even when you are by yourself, you may experience a sense of being guided by an inner voice that communicates without words. This voice is your intuition, which can be both directive and forceful. You may feel a sense of urgency when your intuition speaks to you, as if you are being pushed to take action. You are a powerful agent of transformation, both for yourself and for those around you, and your presence can be both unsettling and captivating.
Pluto in the 2nd house: You have a heightened sensitivity to psychic energies that can manifest as inner voices or thoughts. These voices may have a distinct quality that feels different from your own internal monologue, and you may sometimes struggle to discern whether they originate from within yourself or from an external source. They sound alluring, almost sensual. You may have a natural talent for divination or other forms of psychic exploration, and may be drawn to exploring the mysteries of the unseen world, it’s like you want to make the “underworld” tangible in your life. At times, this sensitivity can be overwhelming, but it also gives you a unique perspective on the workings of the universe and the nature of reality.
Pluto in the 3rd house: You have a powerful extrasensory perception that allows you to pick up on subtle energies in your immediate environment. This heightened awareness can be both a blessing and a curse, as it may cause you to feel overwhelmed by the thoughts and emotions of those around you. However, it also gives you a unique ability to tune into the underlying currents of communication and receive information from unexpected sources. You may find that insights arrive to you at unexpected times, such as through casual conversation, overheard conversations, or even through automatic writing or other forms of divination. Your ability to access hidden information can be a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding, as well as for navigating the complexities of the world around you.
Pluto in the 4th house: Your psychological foundations are deeply intertwined with your intuitive and psychic abilities. You have a natural magnetism that attracts subtle energies and hidden truths, and may find yourself drawn to exploring the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Your connection to the unseen world is supported by a team of spirit guides who are always ready to offer protection, guidance, and warnings as needed. You may have a strong sense of home and family, and may feel a deep connection to your ancestral roots or the traditions of your culture. However, you may also experience intense emotional upheavals or power struggles within your family or domestic sphere, which can be a catalyst for personal transformation and growth. Through your connection to the spiritual realm, you have the potential to gain profound insights into the workings of the universe and your place within it.
Pluto in the 5th house: You have a potent creative energy that is deeply intertwined with your psychic and intuitive abilities. Your artistic expression is a powerful channel for receiving messages from the divine, and you may find that your most inspired works come from a place beyond conscious thought. You have a natural connection to the energy of children, and may receive profound insights or messages from the young people in your life. This may be especially true when it comes to your own inner child, which retains a deep connection to the spiritual realm and may have a powerful impact on your intuition and clairvoyance. Through your creative pursuits and connection to the energy of youth, you have the potential to tap into a wellspring of spiritual wisdom and insight that can guide you on your path of personal growth and transformation.
Pluto in the 6th house: Your psychic abilities are intimately connected to your role as a healer and servant. You have a natural talent for providing support and guidance to those in need, especially during times of crisis, illness, or fear. In these moments, you may find that you tap into a deep well of knowledge and wisdom that goes beyond your years, and that you are able to channel this energy to provide comfort and healing to others. The divine may work through you as a soul physician, using your unique talents and empathy to help others navigate the complexities of the human experience. However, you may also be challenged by intense power struggles or dynamics in your work environment, which can serve as a catalyst for your own personal growth and transformation. Through your connection to the energy of service and healing, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights that can deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
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Pluto in the 7th house: Your psychic abilities are deeply intertwined with your relationships and partnerships. You may find that your intuition is reflected and amplified through the people in your life, including friends, loved ones, and even business partners. These individuals may unknowingly serve as channels for messages from the divine, providing insights and guidance that you might not otherwise have access to. You may have a natural ability to tune into the energies of others, and may find that your own psychic abilities are enhanced through close connections with others. However, this can also be a challenging placement, as you may be prone to power struggles or intense emotional dynamics in your relationships. These struggles can be a catalyst for personal growth and transformation, allowing you to deepen your understanding of your own intuition and the ways in which it is intertwined with the energy of those around you. Through your connections with others, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
Pluto in the 8th house: Your psychic abilities are at the very core of your being. You have a natural talent for tapping into the hidden and unseen realms of existence, and may find yourself drawn to spiritual practices and beliefs that explore the mysteries of life and death. Your body may serve as a vessel for a wide range of intuitive experiences, and you may find that you are able to communicate with spirits and entities from beyond this physical plane. Relationships are a particularly powerful arena for your psychic abilities, and you may find that your romantic connections lead you on a journey of transformation and self-discovery. However, these relationships can also be intense and challenging, and may require you to confront and overcome your deepest fears and insecurities. Through these experiences, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and deepen your understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. You are a natural explorer of the unknown, and your psychic abilities can lead you on a journey of discovery that transcends the physical world.
Pluto in the 9th house: Your psychic abilities are strongly linked to your higher mind and your quest for truth and understanding. You have a natural curiosity and an insatiable desire to explore the mysteries of the universe, and may find that your psychic abilities are enhanced when you engage in philosophical or spiritual pursuits. Your connection to the unconscious is particularly strong, and you may find that you receive prophetic visions or insights that provide guidance and wisdom. You may also have a natural talent for interpreting symbols and uncovering hidden meanings, and may find that you are drawn to divinatory practices such as tarot or astrology. Your spiritual journey may be marked by profound experiences that challenge your beliefs and transform your understanding of the universe. Through your connection to the higher mind, you have the potential to access profound spiritual insights and unlock the secrets of the cosmos.
Pluto in the 10th house: You have a powerful sense of intuition that feels like guidance from a parental figure or authority figure. This intuition may speak to you in a forceful, almost threatening voice, urging you to take action and make changes in your life. However, this psychic voice can also serve as a valuable source of insight and guidance, pointing you towards your true calling and helping you achieve your greatest aspirations. In this way, your intuition can act as a messenger from your future self - the version of you that has already achieved success and fulfillment. By listening to your intuition and trusting its guidance, you can tap into your own innate wisdom and potential, and make your dreams a reality. This placement can also indicate a strong connection to the collective unconscious, and a desire to use your intuition to serve others and make a positive impact on the world.
Pluto in the 11th house: You may have a strong connection to the collective unconscious, and receive intuitive insights through the medium of nowhere, making you prone to Claircognizance. This intuitive message can feel electric and charged with energy, as if you are receiving psychic revelation directly from the universe. You may have a natural ability to see into the future or to receive visions that offer glimpses into the unknown. Your intuition may also be geared towards using your insights to help others and make a positive impact on the world. In this way, your intuition can act as a powerful tool for change, helping you to manifest your vision and create a better future for yourself and those around you.
Pluto in the 12th house: You have a powerful psychic ability that allows you to see through the surface and delve into the deeper layers of others' souls. Your intuition is not limited to any specific medium or channel; it is a constant companion that energizes and guides you through every social interaction. Your empathic ability is universal, and you can easily tap into the emotional state of others. This ability allows you to connect with people on a deeper level and offer comfort and support when they need it most. You may also find that you are drawn to helping others through your work or volunteer activities. In addition to your empathic ability, you are also gifted with visions and prophetic dreams. Your intuition can manifest in different forms, and you may receive messages through symbols or metaphors. You have a natural inclination towards the esoteric and spiritual realm, which can bring you profound insights and revelations.
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Astrocherry on tumblr // scottlewisastrology on tumblr
[7] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 1: Introduction. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[8] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[9] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 3: Planets in Houses. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
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booksbeansandcandles · 10 months
Moon Phases and Their Importance
This moon invites us to take on the new challenges we have always wanted. With the new moon, you can set your intentions and begin implementing changes that will lead to powerful results. This is the best time to begin a new habit. You can work spells to bring some freshness into any aspect of your life. The new moon’s energy will prove useful if you want to manifest something new.
The waxing crescent moon is the phase where the new moon begins to grow. This is the time when you should perform all constructive spells and rituals. It is the perfect time to draw forth everything you seek from the world of the unseen to the seen so that everyone else can witness the reality that you have created. It’s about going within to craft and fine-tune the manifestations you want to see on the outside eventually. If you want to encourage better behavior, cause a change in attitude for good, boost emotional well-being, or start implementing the plans you’ve made for certain projects, this is the time. The waxing crescent moon will fill you with the courage you need to fearlessly take the bull by the horns and make the best out of new, daunting situations. It’s the time to look within yourself and drink from the fountain of wisdom that lies within you. It’s time to seek the knowledge of the divine, work ancestral magic, and go into dreams to get the answers you seek from your ancestors, spirit guides, and spirit animals.
The first quarter moon is different from the waxing crescent. The latter (waxing crescent) is about pulling outcomes from yourself and higher guidance, while the former (first quarter) is about external attraction from the world around you. If you want to perform spells and rituals meant to attract things to you, the first quarter is an excellent period. Use this time to perform magic to bring back lost things, amass job opportunities, money, clients, friends, love, success, and whatever else you seek.
The waxing gibbous moon still involves construction. At this point, the moon’s energy is even stronger than ever, and there is nothing that can withstand its influence. If you have been struggling to get past something, get over a hump, or get out of a rut, this is the time to draw on the moon’s power to get things done. If you sense that there’s been a slowness in some aspect of your life, or another’s life, when it comes to healing, finances, inspiration, or anything else, you can draw on the moon’s power to force the tides to move in your favor. If there’s some project you have been dragging your feet on, work with the moon at this time and see if you do not amaze yourself with how quickly and efficiently you can get through it. If you are helping someone else, they will thank you for it because this is the time that can give them the strength to overcome their inner resistance to good things and progress while keeping them away from the temptation of wanting to put things off until the last minute.
The full moon is not to be trifled with. This is a very powerful time in the moon’s cycle. If you want something, and you work with the moon at this time to get it, you are going to get it. Thus, it would help if you thought about whether you want what you want and know that there is no going back. You must be able to deal with the consequences. This is not meant to sound ominous about getting your desire, but people want things without thinking about the consequences. For instance, if you want a better job, that might mean you should be prepared to do more than you already do. If you hate being responsible, do you want a job? Likewise, you may want a car, but are you ready to sink money into maintaining it? Feel free to work your rituals and spells when you’re sure that you’re okay with receiving whatever you want. This is a good time to address the most meaningful things to you. If you want to be even more in tune with your intuition, go deeper in spirituality, develop psychic power, and become better at divination, this is the time to do magic for that.
The waning gibbous moon is the phase when the moon wanes. We use this time to get rid of whatever is not wanted. It is a good time to work banishing and repelling magic and cleansing rituals. It does not matter whether what you want to get rid of is an energetic or physical thing. You can use the waning gibbous moon by allowing its energies to carry away whatever is no longer needed. This is a good time to look within and reflect on who you are and what you want out of life. As you dig deep, the moon will help you discover everything that doesn’t align with your ideas, and you can then deliberately work to end those things with her help.
The third-quarter moon is a good time to work on overcoming any obstacles you are contending with in life. When you need a boost or have not seen any progress in certain issues for a while, it is a good idea to use this phase of the moon to work magic to help you, especially if you have been tempted to give up on your dreams. Also, if you are dealing with changes, this is the time to make the transformation you’re undergoing even smoother and easier.
The waning crescent moon is good for banishing the bigger energy drains you have been contending with. If there is something that perpetually takes away your joy, makes you feel tired at a soul level, or is just too much of a burden to bear, the waning crescent moon has energy suited to intense banishing work. Want to get out of a project that is going nowhere? How about a friendship that’s horrible for your peace of mind? Or a relationship that has become torture to you? Perform banishing spells for them during this phase of the moon.
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astrolovecosmos · 3 months
Chiron in Aries as a spiritual warrior is confronting, impulsive, and strong. They embrace the bravery needed to navigate self-discovery, healing of the ego or identity, and empowerment overall. They fight for their soul. Despite this self-focus they can be good at getting others passionate about a cause or sense of justice.
Chiron in Taurus as a spiritual warrior embodies grounded healing, stability, and prosperity. They face issues of self-worth and material security with resilience. They can get stronger with a deep connection to nature, with self-acceptance, and seeing intrinsic value in things or people. Chiron in Taurus teaches that true healing arises from a strong sense of worthiness and connection to what you can create, nurture, or sustain.
Chiron in Gemini as a spiritual warrior is intellectually agile, communicative, and adaptable. They confront inner conflicts through dialogue, seeking understanding and integration. Embracing the power of words and ideas, they navigate the complexities of their psyche and relationships with curiosity and flexibility. They fight for clarity of thought and the liberation of the mind.
Chiron in Cancer as a spiritual warrior is the protector, guard, and natural healer. They address inner wounds with empathy and sensitivity, embracing vulnerability as a path to healing. Guided by intuition and the wisdom of the heart, they navigate the depths of their emotional landscape with compassion and courage. They fight for emotional security and the healing of ancestral patterns, fostering a sense of belonging and nurturing within themselves and others.
Chiron in Leo as a spiritual warrior is bold, creative, and fiercely authentic. They mend inner wounds related to self-expression and validation with heart and passion. Embracing their unique gifts and talents, they shine brightly as beacons of self-love and empowerment. They are guided by an inner fire and can inspire others to embrace their own sovereignty and creative potential. They fight for the liberation of the authentic self and the reigniting of a spiritual flame. They can also act as spiritual leaders at times.
Chiron in Virgo as a spiritual warrior is meticulous, analytical, and devoted to their causes or sense of justice. They must deal with inner wounds related to self-criticism and perfectionism with humility and acceptance. Embracing the power of self-care and service, they navigate the journey of self-improvement with precision and compassion. Guided by a desire for wholeness, they seek to heal themselves and others through practical, tangible means. They fight for inner purity and the integration of mind, body, and spirit.
Chiron in Libra as a spiritual warrior is guided by a desire for peace, they fight for inner equilibrium and harmonious connections. They fight and defend their inner peace and level-headedness. Logic and objectivity being tools for them on their healing journey. Embracing pros and cons of intimate or partnership-like dynamics, fighting for fairness, and seeking justice are all battles for this soul. Inner beauty, kindness, and grace are their weapons.
Chiron in Scorpio as a spiritual warrior delve into the shadows of the psyche, embracing the power of regeneration and healing. Guided by a profound understanding of the cycle of death and rebirth, they navigate the soul's journey with passion, intensity, and emotional strength. These are perceptive beings that must learn a lot about inner power and outer power dynamics. They fight for the integration of darkness and light, embracing the alchemical process.
Chiron in Sagittarius as a spiritual warrior seek a spiritual truth, they seek meaning and purpose. They are guided by a spirit of adventure and a thirst for higher knowledge, they navigate the terrain of their inner world with courage and optimism. They fight for liberation from limiting beliefs and dogma, embracing the transformative power of open-mindedness and philosophical exploration.
Chiron in Capricorn as a spiritual warrior navigates the rocky terrain of their inner world with patience and perseverance. They fight for self-reliance and the empowerment of their true potential, embracing the promise of hard work and follow the path to personal and spiritual growth. They are responsible, enduring, and ambitious spiritual leaders or followers. They have a deep sense of integrity and duty.
Chiron in Aquarius as a spiritual warrior breaks free from societal norms and embrace their authenticity. Guided by a spirit of innovation and a desire for social change, they navigate the complexities of their inner world with unconventional wisdom and radical self-acceptance. They fight for the freedom of the soul and the advancement of humanity, embracing collaboration and progressive thinking on the path to spiritual evolution. They inspire, rebel, argue, and shake things up.
Chiron in Pisces as a spiritual warrior transcends with profound empathy and spiritual insight. They are drawn to ideas and practices of enlightenment, seeking to dissolve boundaries and connect with the universal consciousness. They confront wounds related to vulnerability and sacrifice with a deep sense of compassion and selflessness. They fight to defend the sanctity of spiritual realms and to safeguard the well-being of all beings, embracing the archetype of a hero who fights out of love and devotion.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
great episode; some big story reveals tonight.
cassandra was possessed by some sort of rage spirit that caused her to mutate
that then spread around the mall, rampantly possessing wizards and making them buff
sidenote: the martial squad (fabian, gorgug, riz) did so well in this combat
fig's ancestral curse is from gilear; when she gives inspiration, profound bad luck happens either to her or her environment, accompanied by a sauce stain on her shirt. it is somehow related to the armor of pride that gilear used in the nightmare forest; maybe the curses melded? instead of dying when she gets too proud, fig tries to encourage others and is punished with bad luck.
the 'shatter-stars' are related to an unknown divinity that is somehow tied to the entity that lydia barkrock keeps trapped in her chest.
cassandra thought this entity was dead, and when she died in the time loop, she was 'summoned back to their side'. cassandra may be inaccessible for kristen if she's trapped by this entity.
we know galicaea and cassandra were sister goddesses that presided over the night (the moon, werewolves, patron of elves vs. mystery, night, doubt). perhaps the bbeg this season is an entity that presided over them?
it would tie into the night yorb; maybe the night yorb was a lesser being that gained power from cults in its name?
i could see the naming mechanic e.g. speak not of the night yorb if this was a dead god of some sort that transitioned into another state of being and then was brought back as a god.
the bad kids threw one hell of a party
the fact that aguefort is off on a jaunt means that all of the 'adventurous behavior' is being punished
also adaine doesn't have a job anymore if the synod is destroyed. girl's got to start getting all those elves from fallinel to pay for their prophecies.
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
make another valerian house that survived, make them protective.
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ 𓇼 ࣪ 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐀𝐑 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒⠀
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꒰͡ ⠀ ִ 𝑅𝑂𝑌𝐴𝐿 𝐾𝑁𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇𝑆 ⠀ׂ ⠀ ͡꒱
─ 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴, 𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𖤐
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House Valysar, a lesser-known house among the Valyrian descendants, has carved its existence into the tapestry of history not through wealth or power but through unyielding loyalty and an unwavering sense of duty. Their story is intertwined with that of House Celestyr, binding them in a tale of survival, allegiance, and unwavering courage.
The ancestral weapon of House Valysar is a slender, elegantly crafted spear known as "Silent Guardian." Unlike the typical Valyrian steel swords that many noble houses boast of, Silent Guardian's blade is forged from a unique blend of Valyrian steel and a mysterious, obsidian-like material found in the depths of old Valyria. This combination gives the spear an eerie, almost otherworldly appearance, with a dark, shimmering blade that seems to absorb light. It is said that the spear's creation was inspired by the house's protective and watchful nature, serving as both a symbol of their duty to those they vow to protect and a formidable weapon in battle.
The most renowned member of House Valysar was Rhaegor Valysar, a figure of deep loyalty and profound courage. His close relationship with Jacaelar Celestyr, forged through mutual respect and shared trials, became legendary. Rhaegor's role in safeguarding the future of House Celestyr, especially in protecting Maesella and guiding her children, Rhaevar and Nelaella, earned him a revered place in the annals of both houses. Despite their modest number, each member of House Valysar is trained in the art of combat and strategy from a young age, ensuring their capability to protect and serve with honor.
Their words, "In Loyalty, We Stand," speak volumes about the essence of House Valysar. It is a testament to their unwavering loyalty, not just to House Celestyr but to their own ideals of honor, protection, and service. These words serve as a constant reminder of their commitment and the lengths they are willing to go to for those they have sworn to protect.
The members of House Valysar are characterized by their loyalty, protectiveness, and disciplined nature. They are the embodiment of the devoted guardian, always ready to stand in defense of their allies and loved ones. Their intimidating presence is balanced by their affectionate and reliable nature, making them respected and cherished by those who know them well. However, their protective instinct can sometimes become overbearing, leading to conflicts with those they aim to protect. Despite this, their courage, devotion, and reliability make them invaluable allies and formidable guardians.
House Valysar, though not rich in gold or lands, possesses a wealth of honor and loyalty that surpasses many more affluent houses. In their story of unwavering allegiance to House Celestyr, through trials and tribulations, they embody the true essence of valor and dedication. Rhaegor Valysar, with his legendary deeds, stands as a beacon of the noble spirit that defines House Valysar. Their sigil and words are not just symbols but a solemn vow to always stand in loyalty, a vow they have upheld through generations, making them an indelible part of the legacy of Valyria.
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My other original house:
House Celestyr
House Lyrielle
@fragileheartbeats . Don't plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
@emily2003alzaga @nash-dara @altaircc @heavenly1927 @omgsuperstarg @asoiafhyperfixation
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vampirae · 1 year
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Lilith in Aries represents a fiercely independent and assertive nature. There may be a tendency to rebel against authority and express raw, untamed energy. The individual may struggle with anger or impulsiveness but can also harness their inner fire to initiate change and champion their own desires. Lilith in Taurus embodies sensual and materialistic tendencies. There may be a strong connection to the physical world, with a desire for pleasure, stability, and comfort. However, there may also be challenges in embracing change and a tendency to resist letting go of possessions or habits. Lilith in Gemini reflects intellectual curiosity and a need for mental stimulation. These individuals may have a natural gift for communication but can also struggle with scattered energy or duplicity. They thrive in environments that allow for constant learning and variety. Lilith in Cancer signifies intense emotional depth and sensitivity. There may be a strong connection to ancestral and familial energies, leading to issues of nurturing and emotional boundaries. These individuals may have a powerful intuition and the ability to navigate complex emotional landscapes. Lilith in Leo represents a charismatic and dramatic expression. These individuals have a strong desire for recognition and may be fiercely protective of their individuality. They possess a natural magnetism and often shine when given opportunities to express their creativity and leadership. Lilith in Virgo reflects a strong need for order and perfection. These individuals may be highly critical, both of themselves and others, and can struggle with feelings of inadequacy. However, they also possess an acute attention to detail and excel in fields that require precision and analysis. Lilith in Libra seeks harmony and balance in relationships. These individuals may have a strong desire for justice and fairness and may struggle with finding their own voice within partnerships. They excel in diplomacy and have the ability to bring people together through understanding and compromise. Lilith in Scorpio embodies intense passion and depth. These individuals have a powerful presence and may experience transformative encounters. They may struggle with issues of power and control, but when harnessed positively, they have the potential for profound healing and personal growth. Lilith in Sagittarius represents a free-spirited and adventurous nature. These individuals may have a strong desire for exploration and a thirst for knowledge. They value their independence and may struggle with limitations or dogmatic beliefs, seeking spiritual or philosophical truth. Lilith in Capricorn signifies a strong drive for achievement and success. These individuals may have a powerful work ethic and strive for recognition in their chosen fields. They may struggle with rigid expectations and find it challenging to balance their professional and personal lives. Lilith in Aquarius embodies a rebellious and unconventional energy. These individuals may have a strong desire for freedom and may challenge societal norms. They possess a unique perspective and thrive in environments that allow for individuality and innovation. Lilith in Pisces represents heightened sensitivity and intuition. These individuals have a deep connection to the spiritual realm and may possess psychic or empathic abilities. They can struggle with boundaries and may need to learn to differentiate between their own emotions and those of others.
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Hoodoo, Rootwork and Conjure sources by Black Authors
Because you should only ever be learning your ancestral ways from kinfolk. Here's a compilation of some books, videos and podcast episodes I recommend reading and listening to, on customs, traditions, folk tales, songs, spirits and history. As always, use your own critical thinking and spiritual discernment when approaching these sources as with any others.
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Hoodoo in America by Zora Neale Hurston (1931)
Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston (1936)
Tell my horse by Zora Neale Hurston (1938)
Let Nobody Turn Us Around: An African American Anthology by Manning Marable and Leith Mullings, editors (2003)
Black Magic: Religion and the African American Conjuring Tradition by Yvonne P. Chireau (2006)
African American Folk Healing by Stephanie Mitchem (2007)
Hoodoo Medicine: Gullah Herbal Remedies by Faith Mitchell (2011)
Mojo Workin': The Old African American Hoodoo System by Katrina Hazzard-Donald (2012)
Rootwork: Using the Folk Magick of Black America for Love, Money and Success by Tayannah Lee McQuillar (2012)
Talking to the Dead: Religion, Music, and Lived Memory among Gullah/Geechee Women by LeRhonda S. Manigault-Bryant (2014)
Working the Roots: Over 400 Years Of Traditional African American Healing by Michele Elizabeth Lee (2017)
Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" by Zora Neale Hurston (2018)
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisa Teish (2021)
African American Herbalism: A Practical Guide to Healing Plants and Folk Traditions by Lucretia VanDyke (2022)
These are just some suggestions but there's many many more!! This is by no means a complete list.
I recommend to avoid authors who downplay the importance of black history or straight out deny how blackness is central to hoodoo. The magic, power and ashé is in the culture and bloodline. You can't separate it from the people. I also recommend avoiding or at the very least taking with a huge grain of salt authors with ties to known appropriators and marketeers, and anyone who propagates revisionist history or rather denies historical facts and spreads harmful conspiracy theories. Sadly, that includes some black authors, particularly those who learnt from, and even praise, white appropriators undermining hoodoo and other african and african diasporic traditions. Be careful who you get your information from. Keeping things traditional means honoring real history and truth.
Let me also give you a last but very important reminder: the best teachings you'll ever get are going to come from the mouths of your own blood. Not a book or anything on the internet. They may choose to put certain people and things in your path to help you or point you in the right direction, but each lineage is different and you have to honor your own. Talk to your family members, to the Elders in your community, learn your genealogy, divine before moving forwards, talk to your dead, acknowledge your people and they'll acknowledge you and guide you to where you need to be.
May this be of service and may your ancestors and spirits bless you and yours 🕯️💀
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Kissed by Moonlight (Alucard x Witch! Reader) 2
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A/N: Thank you for your patience! I've been very busy with Monstober and have taken time to focus more on this story. Hope you enjoy it!
Follow the story on A03!
Chapter 2
In your dreams, you’re whole again, and the happiest you’ve ever been.
You jolt in a familiar bed, one cold and worn from the years melting away: a bed too small. Yet, it’s not the bed you had when you were under Bogdan’s roof, and it brought forth fond memories.
Your mother was situated by her workbench, humming a soft tune you remembered from your childhood. Standing behind her, you could only watch, observing how she had not aged since that day, and she looked as you remembered.
“You are very hard to communicate with, sweet girl,” your mother spoke, her dark dress swayed in the deadness of the air, keeping her back to you. “Your mind has been elsewhere.”
“I don’t understand how I’m speaking to you,” you wavered, holding a hand hesitantly but pulling away, afraid of touching her again, “you are not here anymore, mama.”
“I and my sisters are in the ancestral plane, my girl,” she continued. “I have always been with you, in mind and spirit.”
You could only choke on a laugh, bitterly replying, tears threatening to spill. “Then I must have failed myself for losing all my powers. I’m not the prophecy you spoke of.”
Your mother turned so you could see her face finally, and a veil covered her face, darkness shrouding her appearance. Despite not being able to see her face, you knew she was smiling.
“Why do you think that?”
 “I cannot do anything,” you held your hands out in front of you, trying to concentrate on anything, flames or cold to reach your fingertips, yet nothing came, “I am hopeless.”
“You are speaking to me through a veil of limbo, are you not?” She questioned and there was sadness in her tone, as if you had disappointed her.
It made you question her words, thoughtfully reflecting on them. “You did not teach me about astral projection—or how to reach the veil of the ancestral plane. I… did not know it existed.”
“It belongs to us,” she sang sweetly, “it has always belonged to us, my Y/N.” She reached towards you and placed a hand on your shoulders, her grasp as cold as death.
“There is one thing that has always made me proud of you, what has made the sisters believe in you,” she spoke, and you felt the chill spread like wildfire through your chest. “You were everything they needed in a witch.”
The comfort of dreams and darkness spat you out until you felt exhausted, shuddering back life into you.
Your mind felt as if it was in the middle of a fog, slowly clearing up as your heavy eyes opened and shut with the contrasting brightness. The burning sensation seemed to dwindle from your chest, and you were replaced with the cold that came harshly.
You shivered, groggily taking in the sight of flames that brightened the already dark room. You seemed to be in a reception or lounge, the Corinthia you were laid on was a deep crimson colour, and gold leaf trim took part most of its decoration.
“I see you’re awake.” The same voice cut through the sharpness of the air, startling you to stare at the entrance. Oh, right, your saviour—if you could call him that. You could still remember the blade, as cold as ice, pressed against your neck before you passed out, and you were suddenly very aware that you were alone with this stranger; a stranger with a habit of murder.
“Where am I?” You groaned, clutching your head as you found beside you a glass of water already by the table, gingerly picking it up and debating whether to drink from it. If he wanted you dead, he would’ve killed you by now, and the liquid was already being chugged, cooling and crisp down your throat.
“I’m surprised you didn’t even think twice before you stepped a foot inside these halls,” the dulcet voice sounded both bored and irritated by your mere presence. His silhouette moved like a black cat, sticking closely to the doorway. You heard his voice closer to you this time. “I can’t tell if you’re brave or a fool for coming here.”
It dawned on you finally and slowly that you were still inside Dracula’s castle—that the Vampire king himself owned it. It brought a shudder down your spine, but the curiosity in wanting to know why he was there.
“You don’t seem afraid to be here.” You questioned vigilantly.
“No, I would be if this had not been my home.” The figure finally emerged from the shadows, and you almost squinted at his appearance. The first thing you noticed was his wavy long pale blond hair, reaching past his waist, skin pale as moonglow. It was his eyes that were the most beautiful and eerie: golden as honey or the same colour of leaves that fell in the autumntime.
There was something unnatural about him: not exactly human that you could place, a sombreness that hung over him. You did not know what he had seen in his lifetime, but you could see it in his eyes.   
The handsome stranger was dressed in black leather trousers and boots, a simple shirt that showed some of his chest, and a long drawn scar was visible, grotesquely large and haunting.
It was only when you saw what was floating beside him, a long, thin sword, glinting brightly with silver and ornate beauty as it stood vigilantly by his side.
He seemed to notice quickly your eyes darting between him and the weapon beside him. “Will you put that thing away?”
He did not answer you but the sword pulled back from him to stand by the door as he inched closer towards you, watching you with suspicion. “Who are you?”
The stark contrast of his words was not as soft as they had been before, and with the sword standing in the background, you chose to answer him honestly rather than risk being another body staked outside. “My name is Y/N. I come from a village not far from here—”
“You do not speak the truth.” He snarls, and something glints as he opens his mouth wide enough, but is gone within seconds. The blond’s nose scrunches in almost disgust as if the most revolting stench fell over him “It reeks of sorcery,” there’s something feral in his demeanour and the way the sword flickers to move closer to his side, “witch.”
“Yes, I am a witch,” you reply honestly, eyes darting between the sword and him again, your life dangling on the edge. “Please, I don’t have anywhere else to go—I wouldn’t be here for long if you—”
“I do not have anything for you. Leave at once.” He interrupted tersely, circling you, posture tense as if he was either ready to lunge at you or flee. “I do not welcome strangers.”
No, if the bodies were not a warning already. You gulped. “I have no choice but to leave there. I had to for—” Your words stilled on your tongue, nervously tracing your fingers along your wrist in feeble comfort. “I cannot go back there. They… I fled for my life.”
The blond man doesn’t speak for a moment, instead, he watches in hawkish contemplation, studying you, examining if you are telling the truth. It felt as if you could be set on fire by his gaze alone, and finally, he looked away, eyes taking to the hearth.
“Very well,” he says after some time, “you have one month to stay here. One month, and then you can find your way somewhere new.”
Your heart leapt from your chest, ready to almost jump into his arms with gratitude. You watch as he turns, before saying over his shoulder. “There is a bathroom on the second floor, the last room to the left. You stink.”
There is no time to speak your thanks to him, as he’s gone in a hurry, away from the room you occupy. You don’t go looking for him, following up the winding hallways as you follow his instructions, finding the room after looking for some time.
The bathroom is as splendid as the rest of Dracula’s castle: all marble and gleaming white stones and a bath! You take your time to make sure you’re alone, before finding the way to get water through. It’s utterly incredible to witness true science, how hot water comes through without ever needing to gather it from a source. You laugh to yourself, believing how undeniably insane you look in front of his man, and how you too, would be wary of your presence.
It was obvious by your state when you looked in the mirror: your hair was tangled and difficult to even run your fingers through, with the odd chicken feather poking out. Your skin was riddled in mud and bruises covered your thighs and arms. Your cheek is still sore from when Bogdan smacked you, though it is not as red when you see splatters of red across your clothing.
My God, I look mad. You pluck the feathers as you try detangling your hair with your fingers, before stripping off your clothes as the water grows to a level that is good enough for you to get in. The water almost stings from how hot it is, your skin grows pinkish from the heat as you sigh in relief, submerging your body as the water grows clear to a greyish-brown hue.
Grimacing, you occupy yourself with the shelf of many bottles by your side, picking out shampoos and conditioners as you begin the long process of washing your hair. Your curls hid many secrets, as well as the knots that take forever to untangle until they’re smooth and soft to the touch. You dip your head to lean the suds, scrubbing your entire body with the bar of soap until it's red raw.
Not wishing to get out, the water grows cooler, and you grab a towel for your body and head, wrapping your hair up securely as you gather your dirty clothes. You debate on putting them back on or awkwardly trying to find the man of the castle, opening the door to feel something wedged in front.
You inspect the neatly folded clothes, a dress as seaweed green and looking a decade or two out of fashion, a clean chemise and stockings. You dress quickly in the bathroom, finding the kirtle fits you nicely, and you can feel that the material is good quality – as if it’s not been worn before.
Questions dance in your mind – why does he have dresses? Did they belong to a previous wife?
You kept them to the back of your mind as you let your hair air dry, keeping everything as neat as possible as you wandered back to where you could hope of finding the oddly handsome man.
You checked rooms on the second and ground floor: to no avail, was he around, until you found the kitchen on the ground floor, empty, except for the beautiful smells that wafted through the room. You didn’t realise how hungry you had been, not when the food smelt as amazing as it looked.
“You found the kitchen fine then.” A voice interrupted you.
You turned to find the culprit, the blond man was carrying a basket of apples, passing you as he placed them in the middle of the table. The apples were so large they didn’t look real!
He noticed you staring, looking at you for a moment up and down. “The dress you found I see?”
“Yes,” you gathered the material, feeling its softness, “it is very beautiful. Was it your wife’s?”
You see it for yourself, his pale cheeks erupt into a brightness you’ve never seen before, and he averts his gaze from you. “No, the dress is actually my mother’s.”
“Oh.” You say, awkwardness filling the room as he continues sorting out a meal. “Is fish okay for you?” He asks to break the ice.
You nod, watching as he preps two plates, filled with vegetables you’ve never seen before, as bright as anything that could be harvested. The two of you gather your plates as you go to sit at the table, and you fill your stomach with food before it reaches your eyes. The food is rich in flavour and you almost cry from having something so filling in your life.
Neither of you speak as you eat, and though you wish to keep asking him questions, he is quick to speak. “My name is Alucard.”
You choke almost on your fish, staring wide-eyed at him. “Like The Alucard? The one who defeated Dracula?”
“I do rather not like being used that title, but yes, I defeated Vlad Dracula… my father.”
It suddenly dawns on you: his pale skin and unnatural eye colour, how he moves on a whim and as fast as the wind. There was an ethereal beauty to him that you could not place at first, and you were now certain you weren’t losing your mind when you thought you saw fangs in his mouth.
“Oh.” That is all you can say, and Alucard is quick to scrunch his eyebrows at you incredulously, with a look that reads ‘Oh? Is that all you can say?’
“I’m sorry for your loss.” You finally manage to say, and you think you’ve said the wrong thing, but the look that flashes across Alucard’s face is one that you think he’s not felt before.
“No one has ever said that to me, that they were sorry,” his words are soft, tired from a life of grief. You can understand him, yet you wish for him to warm up to you. You notice his sword is still in the room, floating in the corner like a sleeping soldier, idly waiting for orders to strike. “It feels quite relieving.” It takes you a moment to realise that he’s trying to joke from the solemness of his tone.
The tension is still there, and quickly you notice that his softness is replaced by the cold exterior once again, as he stands from his spot, cleaning the dishes. “If you’re to be staying here as a temporary guest, you should find the bedroom on the first floor to the right is free to use.”
Watching him pass from the room and disappear is enough to make your heart sink, from the loneliness of the castle, and from the pain of having to share it with a living,  broken ghost.
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yanderestarangel · 7 months
TW: Sinful context, smut, masturbation, poetic language, angst, poem, priest!lbi han, corruption of values, unreliable narrator, cock warming, dom!reader, extreme worship, bi han's mind is distorted, nsfw, catholic context, inspired by edgar allan poe, angst.
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Always following the heavenly orders, written by ancestral men, an ancient prayer said in choir. The collective echoed off the walls of the church Bi Han was accustomed to as a monotonous future and present written by the god he dedicated to his mortality.
But you were anything but ordinary.
For Bi Han, you were perfection, not even in sacred verses did he see such perfection, but not on a carnal level but, yes, in the soul, as if your soul called and cried out the submission of him, the priest without any error in years of priesthood , you made him question his faith in some divine being, an unreachable and implacable being or perhaps, you made him redirect his worship towards you.
The priest struggled with deeply buried desires.
His eyes, once pure, now lingered and yearned, while forbidden flames within him burned.
He was on his knees daily, his sore flesh was proof of Bi Han's failed attempt to divert the sensations of desire for you.
The weight of sin pressed against his chest, what was right or wrong?
Bi Han didn't know what words to say, a sigh and whisper was heard through the piercing stillness of the space once sacred to him, but now, there was no logic shelf.
The only god he wanted to worship was you.
Your eyes, your lips, your face, your body, every imperfection and perfection drawn on you, your mistakes, your sins...
He needed the worst thing he had in you.
With trembling hands, he clutched the rosary, seeking redemption for the sins that kept him captive, nebulous and vivid fantasies entered his mind, the bitter taste of a pleasure denied by ties he himself chose.
Fool, lost in vain.
He wanted you, he wanted to adore you more than he adored everything about the breath of life he had.
Like a glass house, about to break, this was the real Bi Han.
The vows he took, a solemn oath, now he threatened to collapse, because his spirit was torn apart, by the lust you awakened him, and he...
He just wanted to accept all of this.
Through the stained glass windows the moonlight streamed, Enlightening a soul in turmoil, it seemed.
The priest, torn between the call of pure requiem and earthly lust. He looked in the moonlight at the silver bath that entered the dark fortress that should be full, far from iniquity and lasciviousness.
But that was a counterpoint, an illusion.
Bi Han's hand guided itself to his own throbbing member, while he used his other hand to muffle the sounds from his mouth, all of them, coming out your name, like a prayer, a prayer he was used to directing to another lord, but now, his lord... It was you.
Throwing his head behind the messy linen sheets, his black cassock now open between his legs, he shed tears down his face, tracing painterly lines that could be read by someone as some kind of regret.
But not.
He had found his lord, something perfect.
The thick, pearly ropes shot out of his thick shaft, making him completely dirty as he fell to his knees, smiling, thinking about you.
If he believes in hope, Oh Lord, he well believes!
His source is most divine, most sacred, you.
He looked at your hands, he wanted to kneel and kiss your feet at that moment, grab your legs and never let you go, spread the veil of power that you had on your head, because the pleasure.
It's the most splendid thing you brought and the thought of serving you was much greater satisfaction than continuing that farce.
Bi Han was madman devoted, but it was for you.
Hands tangled in two sweaty bodies, sculpted by perhaps divine perfection.
He lowered himself to you, his priest's cassock, completely rumpled by your brutal and rough movements on Bi Han's poor hole, skin-to-skin sounds echoed with each passage of time.
𝐁𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐦𝐨𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐝, 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.
Bi Han's round, pale ass, now marked by your hands, was a worthy tomb.
"-Please, please my lord-"
As he always did on the nights he lamented about being a weak man, and taking pleasure in thinking about your body dominating him.
But there he was... A delicious sin, a sin of Eden.
There was no regret for him, you were everything he needed and if there was a divine being, a delicious chill, with each thrust stronger and stronger, given by you.
He dirty the church floor, the image reflected in the marble was of a submissive Bi Han and a mess, a angelic mess.
"-Don't stop, please, Oh Lord-" He screamed at you, his hands and legs sought some relief from the lack of support in your body, he reached release, staining both bodies moments after begging and worshiping you.
And it was, at your feet, the world, all luxury.
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𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈. "𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐤, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧."
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servantofthefates · 8 months
How I Sanctify a New Home
With Jupiter being in my Fourth House, I am always pulled back to our ancestral home where I currently am. But previously, I have lived in four cities in three countries. Here is how I would always sanctify my new surroundings.
The Invocation
At my first witching hour in my new place, I imagine that the entire house is a square, and I position myself in its very middle. Sometimes that is in the living room; other times, in the dining room.
Dressed elegantly, with a white candle in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other as an offering, I invoke my higher power. I call upon The Fates, Authors of Destiny; Pluto, Lord of Power; and Venus, Goddess of Love. I thank them for my new dwelling. Anything I do from here on out, I perform with their blessing.
I make sure I am alone in the house. If that is not possible for you, at least ensure that everyone else is asleep, so that you are the sole forceful energy in your environment as you proceed.
The Shielding
Still imagining the house to be one big square, I now go to its four corners. In each one, I leave a piece of paper with a protection spell written on it using a consecrated pen.
The spell I use is something obscure from our family grimoire. If you do not have your own, feel free to use Siras, Etar, Besanar. It is rather popular, so I believe a little internet research would tell you more about these words. One of their oldest uses is to invite benefic spirits to keep you safe under their cloak.
I store the spell behind a plant, inside a vent or under a baseboard. Sometimes I put it in a small box first. The bottle of wine I leave on my altar, until it is time to replace it with another offering.
The Greeting
Now that my higher power has graced my home with their divine presence and me with their protection, I make myself known to its other inhabitants. Ghosts, entities, mysterious beings.
Still holding the candle, I tell them, “I am Diana, a seventh-generation witch who comes from an even older bloodline of pagans. The Fates themselves write my story. Venus herself grants me harmony. And Pluto himself punishes those who wrong me. This home is now mine. I understand you have been here much longer. I wish you no harm, so long as you too wish me none. I gladly offer you my friendship. Or we can ignore each other in peace, if that is your wish.”
I leave them a plate of homecooked food as proof of my good will. Because of this, every supernatural presence I have ever felt inside a house of mine has been warm and friendly.
The Celebration
Lastly, I hold a party the day after. Lunch or dinner. A small and humble gathering with my friends and new neighbors.
I do this to celebrate my higher power’s kindness and generosity in protecting my new home, and to show the occult creatures who have remained that I intend for the house to be filled with happiness, which they too can enjoy and harness.
I have found, from others’ experiences, that a house which has not been sanctified tends to give its inhabitants a rather miserable or unremarkable life. That is why even Catholics sanctify their dwelling. They call it a house blessing.
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lailoken · 2 months
The Gloaming Tethers
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The Gloaming tethers are a pair of ritual fetishes that hold great significance in my personal tradition.
The first of the two pictured here (from left to right) serves a talismanic link to my Witch-Queen—who I often call Bone Mother—and to the Chthonic Realm of the Underworld that she oversees. It was fashioned from a Black Basalt Hagstone, secured by a cord strung with 13 bone beads, including six beads made from Prehistoric Horse Bone, six beads made from Prehistoric Deer Bone, and one bead made from Antique Whale Bone that I inherited. The end-piece is a token of 6,000 year old Bog Yew, carved with a triskelion, and glazed with a wood varnish made using Storax resin. I utilize this Talisman when working with Ancestral Spirits, or with Chthonic Wights, such as psychopomps.
The second of these serves a talismanic link to my Witch-Father—who I often call Wilding King—and to the Upper Realm of the Elemental World that he oversees. It was fashioned from a White Quartz Hagstone, secured by a cord strung with 13 handmade wood beads of alternating Elder, Hazel, Hawthorn, and Rowan. The end-piece is a token of local Elk shed-horn, carved to resembled a great tree, and glazed with a wood varnish made using Amber resin. I utilize this Talisman when working with Animistic Spirits or Elemental Wights.
Each of these Ritual Tethers are sacred to me. They each rest in places of power, pertinent to their respective magical nature, when not in use.
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thebramblewood · 9 months
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Lilith and Caleb Vatore's lineage can be traced to Tartosa, from where their forebears emigrated in the early 1800s to establish Willow Creek's first and finest vineyard and winery. The future heirs to the Vatore Family Vineyard (and fortune) were born scarcely two years apart on the cusp of the 20th century. Although lauded and adored by polite society, they quietly resisted cultural norms by declining to pursue courtship well into their young adulthood. Before either could marry, both siblings disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving the fate of the family's accumulated wealth (which grew exponentially during Prohibition when underground operations continued alongside the legitimate production of medicinal spirits) to be hotly contested by long-time employees and distant relations alike. More than three decades later, two curious individuals came forward claiming to be their children. Apparently, the missing Vatores (long presumed dead) had assumed new identities, started families, and gone on to lead private yet unexceptional lives. No one could make sense of why the siblings left their inheritance behind, but the strong family resemblance was difficult to deny. Some even thought the resemblance too strong, but the conspiracy theories that arose from these suspicions were simply too preposterous to consider. The new Vatores promptly sold their ancestral estate and business, instead choosing to purchase a neglected Victorian manor in Forgotten Hollow, a strangely secluded and perpetually gloomy village where reported sightings of the same pair (having purportedly not aged a day) continue. Perhaps the old rumors hold some truth after all. Did they discover the fountain of youth, become initiated into a cult of immortality, or unknowingly stumble upon the dark knowledge of vampirism? Or are the Vatore genes simply so powerful that they persist through generations? The truth may never be known. (But some may say certain conclusions can be drawn from the spate of unsolved murders in the area that seemingly only started upon their arrival.)
- Introduction to Tangled Vines: A Complete Investigation of the Vatore Disappearances
Ran these through ArcaneGAN to make them look more like paintings, and I'm a bit obsessed with the results. Originals for comparison below. Special thanks to @sims4thehoes and @smok3inm1rrors for giving me the vineyard idea!
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Embracing African Heritage: The Significance of Shrines and Religion
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Africa, often referred to as the cradle of humanity, boasts a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and spiritual beliefs that have endured for millennia. Central to this heritage are the sacred shrines and profound religious practices that serve as pillars of community, identity, and connection to the divine.
Shrines, both natural and constructed, hold a special place in African spirituality. These sites are often nestled in the heart of communities or hidden within the vast landscapes of the continent. From the iconic pyramids of Egypt to the humble groves of the Yoruba in Nigeria, each shrine reflects a unique blend of history, mythology, and reverence for the ancestors.
One of the fundamental aspects of African religion is the veneration of ancestors. Ancestral shrines serve as focal points for prayers, offerings, and rituals aimed at honoring those who came before. These ancestors are believed to possess wisdom, guidance, and protection, and their spirits are invoked for blessings and assistance in times of need. In many African societies, the bond between the living and the dead is deeply cherished, with rituals and ceremonies reinforcing the interconnectedness of past, present, and future generations.
Moreover, African shrines are often associated with specific deities or spirits, each embodying different aspects of the natural world or human experience. Whether it's Oshun, the Yoruba goddess of love and fertility, or Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of the afterlife, these divine entities are revered through elaborate ceremonies, dances, and sacrifices. Through these rituals, devotees seek communion with the divine and seek guidance in matters of health, prosperity, and spiritual growth.
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However, the significance of African shrines extends beyond the realm of spirituality. They are also repositories of cultural knowledge, oral traditions, and historical narratives passed down through generations. Within the sacred precincts of these sites, elders impart wisdom, storytellers weave tales of heroism and creation, and artists imbue their craft with symbols and motifs that speak to the essence of African identity.
Unfortunately, the colonial era and the spread of Christianity and Islam have often marginalized indigenous African religions, dismissing them as primitive or pagan. Despite this, many communities continue to uphold their traditional beliefs, adapting them to the challenges of modernity while preserving their core values and rituals. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in African spirituality, fueled by a desire to reclaim cultural heritage and reconnect with ancestral roots.
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In conclusion, African shrines and religion embody the resilience, diversity, and spirituality of the continent's people. They are more than just places of worship; they are living testaments to the enduring legacy of Africa's past and the enduring power of its traditions. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, embracing and honoring Africa's rich heritage is not only a matter of cultural preservation but also a celebration of the human spirit's boundless capacity for faith, creativity, and reverence for the divine.
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nixieofthenorth · 8 months
October Witch Tip #3
October is the month of the year when the energies urges us to continue declutter our lives – physically, emotionally, spiritually.
It’s also a great time to work with ancestral magic, divination and ambition magic.
October is the most magical time of the year, as we approach the pagan sabbat Samhain (October 31st).
Samhain is a day of powerful intuitive wisdom and an opportunity to connect with spirits and ancestors. It’s also the perfect time to align with our witchy sides, because October, Samhain, and Halloween is the season of the witch – the time when our magic and intuitive powers are easiest to access.
I thought that I would for this month share some tips on how you can practice during this month.
Tip #3 - Altars
👵🏽Ancestor Altar
Anything that is a belonging of your deceased loved one.
Liquor/Beer (If they had alcohol problem then don’t offer them this)
White candles
Fresh flowers
Cigars/Cigarettes (If they were trying to quit, then don’t offer them this)
Crystals/Crystal skulls
Small plant
Food offerings
Ancestors money or money from their time
Written letters
Statues/Deities/Religious items
Stuffed animals (this can work with children who have passed)
Pet Altar
Food bowl
Pet treat
Pet tags/Collar/Bandanas/Leashes
Pet ashes/Pet hair
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