#precure fanfic
witch-craft-works · 9 days
New Chapter!
Chapter 19 of Twisted Hearts has been posted! If you're interested go check it out!
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magical-demigirl · 8 months
Someone should write a fanfic about Cure Ace and Regina being sisters bonus points if Ai is in it
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goldtheostrich · 6 months
Mepple’s Discovery, Nagisa’s Weakness!
(So far, the only precure I have fully watched was Futari Wa Precure season 1, so this won’t have anything related to season 2, nor the finale few episodes. This is a bit before Pollun/Porun appears.)
Mepple: Finally done with that lacrosse tournament I see~mepo!
Nagisa: Geez, it sounds like you were waiting for me to stop just to give you attention!
Mepple: I mean, I am a adorable little thing after all~mepo! Who wouldn’t want to~mepo!
Nagisa: Give me a break.. is there anything you really need right now, though? I’m starting to get just a bit worried..
Mepple: Yep! I want you to see a very happy Nagisa~mepo!
Nagisa: *causally falls from the fact that that’s all he needed* GIVE ME A BREAK!!
Mepple: People are going to notice~mepo..! *whispering*
Nagisa: Look, let’s just go back home or.. maybe see what Honoka and Mipple are up to? The science club seem to be here still..
Mepple: Well, you don’t want to interrupt, huh~mepo.. WAIT MIPPLE~MIPO?!
Nagisa: Shut it..!
Shiho: Nagisa, what was that?..
Nagisa: Hahahaha nothing!
Shiho: Mhm..
Rina: So glad we won! We all did so amazing!
Nagisa: Yeah!
Shiho: Hehe!
(Back at Nagisa’s home, Mepple was complaining to the chef about his “ridiculous” food.)
Chef: Fine, I don’t want to hear you complaining any further!
(A bunch of takoyaki appeared)
Mepple: Whatever you said I didn’t do~mepo! Time to dig in~mepooooo!!
Nagisa: That looks so good!!
Mepple: Come on Nagisa~mepo! I know you want me to do something for you to be happier, not complimenting this takoyaki~mepo!
Nagisa: What makes you care about me so suddenly, Mepple?
Mepple: I-I actually don’t know~mepo..
Nagisa: It’s okay, you can tell me anything..
Mepple: Do you want me to make you happy~mepo?
Nagisa: I think it’s adorable, of course!
Mepple: Oh really, then? Are you suuuure~mepo?
Nagisa: *nodding cutely* Wait.. are you trying to teas-
Mepple: Okay~mepo.. *goes out of his gadget and tickles Nagisa’s sides*
Mepple: Haha! Tricked you~mepo! Well… I kinda did, maybe didn’t trick.. I want to see you happy always though~mepo!
Mepple: You’re lucky I am not tickling your feet~mepo!
Mepple: I am not tickling your feet if they probably smell from lacrosse~mepo..
Mepple: *he began to aggressively tickle her ribs*
Mepple: Geez, you’re quite the sensitive one~mepo!
Mepple: You sure~mepoooo? *poking under her knees*
Mepple: You’re 1000 times more ticklish than I thought~mepo!
Nagisa: Whew.. give me a break you cutie..
Mepple: Hehehe!
Nagisa: Hahahahaha!
(The first gif definitely was Nagisa in this fanfic fr)
Also @fukastarr the one of my many fic ideas you’ve been waiting for XDDD
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flightfoot · 1 year
Tarnished Wings
So I really, REALLY liked Cure Wing's introductory episode, and I just had to write a fic about it! Especially with how easily, how willingly he let go of Ellee's baby basket to plunge to what would have been his death, if she hadn't saved him. He places far too little value on his own life.
“Tsubasa, can we talk?” Ageha asked.
Tsubasa blinked, looking away shyly. He hadn’t had an opportunity to talk to her before - on the occasions she’d shown up, he’d still been pretending to be an ordinary bird from Earth. What could she want? “Sure, I guess? I mean, we’re talking right now…”
“Yeah, but…” she glanced over at Sora and Mashiro, who were laughing and talking.
His heart ached. If he’d revealed himself sooner, could he have had that same sort of friendship? He’d never had a lot of close friends - most of them thought he was weird and delusional with his insistence that his father had flown that one time, and his persistence in trying to fly himself - and he’d told himself that he was okay with that.
But ever since he revealed himself, had actually gotten to talk with kids his own age, he couldn’t help but yearn for that friendship, that companionship. When he’d opened up to Sora and been met with praise instead of scorn, when she’d looked up to him instead of looking down on him, he’d felt a warmth in his chest he hadn’t had for a very long time. 
Maybe if he talked with them more, got to know them better, he could have with Sora and Mashiro what they had with each other.
Ageha caught his look. She smiled at him reassuringly. “I’m sure they’d love to be friends with you. I might not know you very well, but I can tell you’re a nice person. Just talk with them, it’ll be fine.”
He startled. “How did you know?”
“It was written all over your face,” Ageha said, giggling slightly. She sobered, a more serious expression taking its place. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. Could you walk with me as we head back? After I tell Sora and Mashiro where we’re going and make sure that they know they’re going to need to take Ellee home.”
“We can’t do that?” he asked. 
She winced. “We could, it’s not like she’d understand what we were talking about, but… I think this is best done without interruptions. Ellee’s sweet, but she’s still a baby and needs attention.”
He nodded, a lump starting to form in his throat as his anxiety rose up. Ageha seemed nice so far, but it’s not like he knew her all that well. And even if someone was usually nice, they could have something devastating to say. The more she insisted on it just being the two of them, the more he worried it wasn’t something good. “O-Okay,” he stammered out, trying to conceal his growing fear. He was pretty sure he failed miserably.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” she said soothingly. “It’s just… well, I’ll explain as we go.”
He nodded, as Ageha turned and marched over to the other Cures to tell them where they were going. ---
They slowly walked up the hill, Tsubasa panting slightly. He hadn’t gotten out much while staying in the human world, afraid of revealing that he was more than a normal bird, and being too shy to want to try to talk with others as a human. He was really regretting that lack of exercise now.
Thankfully, Ageha was happy to slow down her pace. She could easily have strode past him - her longer legs made her faster than him naturally, and she seemed to be in a little better shape than him - but she didn’t, instead trying to keep at a speed that he could maintain without too much trouble. 
“I saw you up in the sky,” she said at last. “I couldn’t hear what was going on of course, but my eyesight’s pretty good.”
She stopped, turning to face him. “Your grip didn’t slip off of Ellee’s baby basket, did it? You let go.”
He looked down, the lump in his throat growing. He nodded.
“I- I couldn’t let Ellee be captured,” he said. “Her attempt at rescuing me is what got her captured in the first place - without me, her baby basket would have been fast enough to get away. Her refusing to leave without me was gonna result in the same thing happening. I- I couldn’t let that happen. I won’t let her get hurt. Not over me.”
Her eyes shined as she shot him a fierce look. “What did you think would happen when you let go?”
“We- well,” he looked off to the side, not wanting to meet her gaze. “I- I mean-”
He couldn’t make himself finish the sentence. 
He hadn’t expected to live past that fight.
Ageha reached out, gripping his shoulders. “You know that people care about you, right? That we’d be sad if you were gone?”
“You barely even know me,” he pointed out. 
“That doesn’t mean I’d be okay with you dying!” her voice raised. He flinched at her shout.
She winced. “Sorry, sorry. I shouldn’t have lost my cool like that. It was very noble, trying to save Ellee despite the high risk to your own life, but… please value yourself more. If- if Ellee hadn’t-” tears welled up in her eyes. She wiped them away. “Sorry, sorry. I just… don’t want to see that happen. Not again.”
“Again…?” he asked hoarsely.
She shook her head. “I’m- I’m not ready to talk about that. Not outside of therapy. Maybe someday.”
He nodded. No wonder she’d reacted so poorly to him letting go. “Don’t worry, I don’t want to die, I just- Ellee was more important.”
“So you were willing to sacrifice your life for her escape,” she said sadly. She stared him straight in the eyes. “But it felt kind of like a relief in a way, didn’t it? Letting go?”
He looked away again.
She let out a deep breath. Pulling a piece of paper and a pen out of her purse, she scribbled something on it, pressing it into his hands. “Here.”
He took it, glancing at the sequence of numbers. “A phone number?” he wondered.
She nodded. “Mine. If you ever want to talk about anything, just give me a call. Or text, I’m not picky. I don’t know whether Yoyo has given you a phone yet, but I’m sure Mashiro would let you use hers if you asked.”
“Don’t worry, she got me one soon after she arrived,” he assured her. “She wanted to be able to contact me in case anything happened.”
“I’m not surprised, she’s thoughtful like that,” Ageha said. “She’s also a good person to talk to about this kind of thing, and…” she hesitated for a moment. “I know that you haven’t been here for very long, and dancing around the Skyland and Pretty Cure parts could be difficult, but… I know a good child therapist. They might be able to help, if you think you’d be comfortable with that.”
“I-I’ll think about it,” he said after a moment. He didn’t really think he’d take her up on that, but maybe… well, he’d see. 
At least he had other people to talk to, like Yoyo and now, apparently, Ageha. He didn’t have to deal with his worse thoughts alone.
Her eyes softened. “We all want to be there for you, if you let us.”
“O-okay,” he stammered out, unsure of what more to say. 
“Now then…” she shot him a mischievous smile. “Race ya!”
She suddenly sprinted forwards.
“He-hey no fair!” he complained, picking up the pace. “You have longer legs than I do!”
She paused for a moment… just long enough to stick out her tongue at him, before turning around again.
Oh it was on now. 
He ran as fast as he could, huffing and puffing heavily, but smiling.
It seemed like he had made a friend.
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My Heroes (one-shot HiroPre fic)
Summary: The wings I fly with are gifts from them. 
Word count: 750
*This fic is also posted on Quotev and Ao3
I flew. 
By the time night falls and I curl up on my small bed in the corner of my aerodynamics study room, those words still haven’t left my head. 
I flew. I flew. I flew. 
It wasn’t me, it was a miracle. But it was me, I was the miracle. I flew. 
I flew like father did all those years ago. He was a miracle too. When I was falling through the air and the wind whipped my small wings and I flapped them until I couldn’t tell whether they hurt from the wind or from the movement; when I opened my eyes to see the endless plunge down and then the wind whipped my eyes until they watered but the moment I caved and held my breath and closed my eyes again was the moment father screamed my name louder than the wind and he caught me and he grabbed me tighter than he had ever grabbed me before and he flew. 
The blue of the sky was what melted my tears, the heart in his voice was what made me look up. Such a big, strong, embracing heart full of fear for what could have happened to me. 
Father was my first miracle. 
And it did not matter that he had not intended to become a miracle. It did not matter that he had had enough of the sky. It did not matter that he was content with staying grounded again because he brought me above the clouds, in the sky, and to the sun that day. 
My second miracle was a girl who was the blue of the sky. She does not have wings but I thought she did when she shook my hand and said I do what a hero does because I was so sure there were large, warm wings wrapping around my body and pulling me in close to tell me that all the nights I spent dreaming were not stupid and all the days I spent trying were not a waste. 
And it did not matter whether what she believed in was true or reasonable or rational, she believed in it with me. 
Sora-san was my second miracle. 
My third miracle was when I let go and thought I’ve had enough of dreaming. If it puts Elle-chan in danger, then it comes at far too high a cost.
I let go but she didn’t. She held out her little hands — they were little but not small — and even as she was being torn away by a monster and terror whipped her eyes until they watered and her tears dropped onto my cheek, her hands were still firmly held out, holding me in place, and in her whimpering voice I felt she had a big, strong, embracing heart full of fear for what could have happened to me. 
There was a fire bursting inside of me that I have never felt before and it asked me how I could stand and watch as she, a child, a frightened child, gets taken away while I do nothing. And suddenly I was full of fear for what could happen to her, a fear that thrust my limbs to move in ways I never thought was thinkable. 
She was my third miracle. I was desperate. 
And then I flew. 
I flew, father, like how you flew when you were desperate to save me. 
I flew, Sora-san, like how you believed I could. 
I flew to Princess Elle and I looked at the way she opened her arms and made little squeals of happiness, the way her little fists grasped ever so lightly onto my vest and the way she weighed in my arms made me hope she didn’t feel me still trembling in the thought that if a single thing had gone wrong and I had lost her, I would’ve thrown myself onto the ground a thousand times over. 
She was my third hero. 
And it did not matter that her hands were barely the size of my thumb, she was so brave. She was so brave because even though she closed her eyes, she did not cave in to the terror that pulled her from me, so as she sent me off to the battle in the sky with a cheer, I smiled at her and promised myself that I would never ever let her go through that again. 
She gave me my wings. They gave me my wings. They made me my own miracle. 
The End
A/N: There are a million things that touch me deeply in this season (and we’re only 9 episodes in!!) but this is one of the deepest of the deep — our titular heroes are inspired by other heroes, magical or not. It’s just so beautiful and my previous fic already kinda touched on how Mashiro was inspired by Sora, but now I want to explore this theme more fully with a Tsubasa fic because he is awesome and precious and I love him 😭
This message is so important to me because it illustrates that everyone has the capacity to make a positive change in someone else. Tsubasa’s father was a hero even though he never wanted to be one, Sora was a hero to Tsubasa even though she did not physically save him from a dangerous situation, and Elle is just self-explanatory cuz she’s kinda both. Heroes can come in all shapes and sizes, and that just means there’s no reason we can’t try to be a hero to someone too. 
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na-na-namine · 4 months
HSR fandom, y'all disappoint me. (Penacony spoiler warning)
We've literally been fed Stelle/Firefly tragic yuri on a silver platter, and so far I've seen zlich in terms of fan recs. ZLICH
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druh19 · 5 months
Pode fazer icons das personagens de Smile Precure ou Suite Precure? Por favor 💕
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otherkinberry · 2 months
Anyone taking therian fanfic requests????
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artistic-moth-man · 6 months
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Pretty cure imposters, nagisas friend shiho and honokas friend Ryuko!
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 3 months
Summary: Shortly after arriving at the prestigious Mirai Academy, Hiroko Tsubasa learns that she and several of her classmates hold the power to become the legendary warriors Pretty Cure. Together, they fight against the monarch of the Shade Kingdom and his underlings, who plot to conquer Earth.
Author: @darkprincecait
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witch-craft-works · 23 days
New Chapter!
Chapter 17 of Twisted Hearts has been posted! If you're interested go check it out!
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magical-demigirl · 8 months
Precure Fanfic Idea #3
A older Hikari revels or is forced revel to Akane that she is Shinny Luminous
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red-rose-corner · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: プリキュア | PreCure | Pretty Cure Series, わんだふるぷりきゅあ!| Wonderful Pretty Cure! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Inukai Iroha | Cure Friendy & Nekoyashiki Mayu | Cure Lillian, Inukai Iroha | Cure Friendy/Nekoyashiki Mayu | Cure Lillian Characters: Inukai Iroha | Cure Friendy, Nekoyashiki Mayu | Cure Lillian, Nekoyashiki Yuki | Cure Nyammy, Inukai Komugi | Cure Wonderful Additional Tags: Headcanon, Developing Relationship, Developing Friendships, Pre-Relationship, Fluff, Makeup, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Short & Sweet, Friendship/Love, Drabble Summary:
"My first time getting a makeover! This is exciting!"
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zerorock41 · 3 months
So I don't know if this is a thing in Japanese fanart scene, but it's crossed my mind: Precures drawn as if they were from a different season. Things like changing artstyles would be nice, say Hibiki being drawn like she was in heartcatch, or Laura if she was a mermaid from Witchy Precure, but I specifically have had the idea (more than once) if Happiness Charge had done it's anniversary elements by reimagining earlier Cures as if they were Blue-type Cures for one shot episodes.
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curekibouka-writing · 2 years
Hi if you are still accepting writing request , I would like to request a scenario AU for suite where Kanade ended up brainwash by Noise during the season and how Hibiki reacted to it .
Walking In Time 
Word count: 590
i’m so sorry it seems tumblr images are acting up again
In music, the importance of timing is not to be underestimated. 
A harmony would clash if one side does not abide by the timing. A beautiful phrase would fall apart if the timing is off. Things that are supposed to go right could go very wrong. 
When Cure Melody lays eyes upon the dull coloured earphones clad on her friend’s ears, the realisation that they have drastically mistaken the timing becomes all too clear. 
They shouldn’t have come this early. They were not ready. They were not worthy. They were not enough to conquer the Evil Forest and obtain the Healing Chest. It was too early, and now it’s too late. 
The duet crumbles as one performer falls. 
“I’m fed up, Melody.” 
It’s a sentence Hibiki often hears in their everyday arguments. She is used to associating it with the image of Kanade planting her arms on her waist, rolling her eyes, and her sighs punctuate a certain tenderness that makes her… her. 
This is not spoken by Kanade. This is not her. This is distant, removed from the homely places in which they have spent half their lives bickering with each other. This is not a squabble that can easily be resolved by dancing fingers on black and white keys at the end of the day. 
“I’m fed up with waiting for you, waiting for you to change, to understand me!” Rhythm screams, her arms slicing through air to paint out anger, and yet Melody can tell there is no emotion in her voice no matter how loudly she rasps, “You keep doing all these things that frustrate me, and you think nothing of it! So maybe we’re just too different. We don’t see from the same angle. I hate having to match your pace every single time!” 
Melody clenches her fists so tight that it hurts, but with some sensations, it can help remind her this is not Kanade. 
“Me too, I hate being in disagreement with you,” Melody mumbles begrudgingly. “But! But even so, you can’t bring yourself to say you hate me, can you? I know, because I can’t either.” 
Rhythm bites back, “I—“ But she stops. 
Melody does not give her a chance to continue, “No matter how silly and childish we sound when we’re at each other’s throat,  that’s not all we do. That’s why I like the real Kanade. And I will get her back no matter what.” 
She tenses her shoulders and spreads her legs, ready to fight. 
Rhythm giggles coldly, “So eager fight me? And here I thought a good friend would at least hesitate a little.” 
Melody barely hesitated, because she knows, from their everyday bickers, that all fighting ends. They just have to get through this, and at the end of the day, they’ll be sitting in front of the piano playing their favourite duet again. It’ll all return to normal, all in due time. 
But she doesn’t answer her. She isn’t sure of it enough to put it into words. A storm whirls inside of her somewhere beneath her calm exterior — what if they don’t get through this? What if she can’t get her back? 
She fears that outcome too much, so she lets herself charge into action before her brain can think. Just like playing piano, you let your body take the lead. 
So on the battlefield they dance. In simple hopes that they can walk in the same pace again, at home through the streets of Kanon Town. In hand. In peace. In time. 
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sundove88 · 1 year
The Day The Demon Cat Came to Town (A PreCure Villains Ft. Kyubey Fanfic Based on Wormy + Baby Bottle)
Synopsis: George Kurai tells the villains to not even open a box containing the “Ultimate Weapon” while he’s on vacation. Chaos ensues.
“Sunscreen? Check. Vacation clothes? Check. Looks like I’m all prepared.” George Kurai said as he shoved everything into the suitcase that he was going to use for his vacation, alongside his personalized coffee cup. “Mr. Kurai, don’t forget to say hi to our former ally Gentlu aka Cure Finale for us.” Narcistoru replied as he carried a mixing bowl. “Spaghetti tacos await your return.” He whispered as a tiny Recipepe perched on his shoulder. “I’ll surely look forward to that.” George Kurai replied as he made his way towards the door, but not before passing a box with holes in it and Wolfrun + Akaoni, who were playing a video game. “I’m gonna be going on vacation for a few days. And I have two rules for you all.” He said as everyone immediately shut up.
“Rule number one… don’t even think about opening that box. It contains the ultimate weapon against the Precures and I want nothing to do with it- got it from an interdimensional black market or something like that.” He started, pointing to a box that had holes in it that said “DO NOT TOUCH”. “Rule number two… no fighting!” He said as he made his way out the door. But rule number two was broken in more than just a few seconds, as Wolfrun and Akaoni immediately started a fight cloud; with more of their comrades joining in. Moments into the fight cloud, Wolfrun broke the silence. “HOLD IT! Say, guys, why are we fighting again?” He asked. “Well… because we’re evil!” Akaoni replied. “Good!” The wolf replied and the fight continued.
A few minutes passed, and everyone started feeling… bored, for lack of a better term. That was when they noticed the box had opened up on its own. No one had touched it, and no one had gone near it. What could’ve happened?! “How did that open?!” Wolfrun said as he approached. Suddenly, a white cat like creature popped out of the box, with red eyes, gold rings, and a very suspicious smile. “Awww! It’s a little kitty cat!” Bad End Happy said as she took the creature in her arms. “Wait. Didn’t Mr. Kurai say that was his Ultimate Weapon?!” Kabaton said, pointing to the cat. “You make a good point, porkchop. What is your name?” Battamonda asked as he approached the tiny creature. “Kyubey.” He said.
“Ah, hello Kyubey! How are you-!” Wolfrun began. But his sentence was cut off by the small cat like being saying, “And I have come for your souls.” At those words, everyone screamed and hid behind a table. “What IS that thing?!” Akaoni said as he peeked behind the table. “I don’t know! I thought it would be a cute pet or something like that!” Kabaton said as he began to set up a trap. “Yeah! But one of us has to act as bait so we can get that… that… THING… outta there!” Wolfrun shouted. The other villains hesitated, knowing that they didn’t want to be bait for whatever had arrived before them. “I’ll be the bait!” Akaoni said as he stepped before the demon cat and stood his guard while Wolfrun waited with the biggest butterfly net he could find. “Here, kitty kitty.” The giant Oni said as he coaxed the cat into his hands. But the moment he picked up the incubator, Kyubey bit back. “I’ll burn you into ash without hesitating.” He threatened as Akaoni gave a girly scream and leapt into the same net Wolfrun was going to catch Kyubey in.
At the same time, George Kurai was checking into his hotel room and soon decided to hit the swimming pool, sunscreen in hand. Why are things gonna get really bad back at the base?! Eh, it’s only just your imagination. He thought as he went down the elevator and made his way towards the pool. But back at the base, things weren’t going as well. Kyubey had escaped into another room, and Majorina was photographing Joker holding an Akanbe nose… only for their comrades to interrupt the picture and ruin it. “Why would you ruin this glorious moment?!” the clown snapped. “THAT THING!! THE DEMON CAT!!” Wolfrun pointed to Kyubey as he trotted over. “That?! That’s not a Demon Cat! It’s adorable!” Majorina replied as she picked up the incubator. Both her and Joker laughed until Kyubey spoke yet again. “I will grind your faces into head Cheese.” He threatened as both of them screamed and ran for it.
Both the Oni and the Wolf knew they had to do SOMETHING. So, without hesitation and after seeing their comrades devoured, they decided to warn EVERYONE about the demon cat and the danger he posed. “Ok, Akaoni. We only have ONE SHOT at this. We have to do it, and it’s crazy enough to work.” He said to his comrade. “On it.” Akaoni replied. “RUN, EVERYBODY, RUN! DEMON CAT!!!” They screeched as everyone who heard them ran for their lives. Their plan was working! After that, they started putting up posters of Kyubey, with the titular incubator paying them a visit only seconds later. When that didn’t work, they convinced Yango to go into his powered up form. “ATTENTION EVERYONE THERE’S A DEMON CAT WHO’S GONNA KILL YOU ALL!!” Akaoni announced, causing everyone below on the ground to scatter. Even rallying the other baddies together didn’t work, with Kyubey walking into the middle of the assembly, causing everyone to run away, street lamps to crash down, and everything to be set ablaze unceremoniously; followed by the giant witch Walpurgisnacht floating in the sky above the flames.
At the same time, at Dyspear’s penthouse suite, she was enjoying a cup of tea when suddenly… “ATTENTION! ATTENTION! THIS JUST IN: A DEMON CAT IS ON THE RISE AND CAUSING TERROR EVERYWHERE IT GOES!!” The newscast said, causing Dyspear to scream and fling the porcelain cup and saucer away, later throwing herself out the window; with twins Stop and Freeze failing to catch her in the trampoline below. “MY LEG!” Shouted someone as everyone raced around in terror and fear. Joker, on the other hand, was dialing George Kurai out of desperation. Ring-a-Ling! Went the CEO’s phone. “Yes? What is it?” George Kurai asked as he sipped a Pina colada. “DEMON CAT!!!” Joker yelled as loud as he could. “Oh gosh… I’ve gotta get back, FAST!!” The CEO replied as he rushed around, gathering his things and running out the door of the hotel to find a taxi. “We did it, Akaoni! We saved everyone! Just think what could’ve happened if we didn’t tell everyone about the Demon Cat!” Wolfrun said. “About the What?” Akaoni replied, confused.
At that moment, Kyubey appeared, sending everyone running. During said chase, they ran and screamed through all the towns their worst enemies resided in- from Hope Academy to Marchenland to even Hagukumi City, in hopes that they would be able to lose the pale white hellspawn, but to no avail. Not too long after, George Kurai arrived back. “I’m back. So, why did you call me- Did a hurricane hit this place?!” He said, stunned. Breathless, everyone else pointed to Kyubey, sitting on an armchair that was STILL burning. “You.” George Kurai said as he approached. “Yes, good sir?” Kyubey asked. “YOU!!!” The CEO yelled as he grabbed Kyubey and shoved him into a box, only for him to send the box to another world. “I hope we never see that THING again…!” Kabaton replied before fainting.
At the same time, in another world, Kyubey popped his head out of the box; only to see reds everywhere. At that moment, a trio of demons approached and looked at it. “Where did that thing come from, Blitzo?!” He said. “Don’t you F***ing ask, Moxxie.” Blitzo replied to Moxxie and Millie as they took the box and placed it on the table…
The End?
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