#predator x s/o
multific · 1 month
The Window of the Soul
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A'Tok x Reader
Summary: They kidnapped humans to use as slaves. He saw you the day you arrived at Yautja Prime.
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They took others too. You weren’t so special. 
But why was it so strange?
You noticed him from the day they took you from Earth. He was the only one who saw you more than a prey or slave. It was visible in his eyes. 
He pitied you. 
And you didn’t mind. You needed his pity to survive. 
When they started killing the others, you gave up on going home. 
But you did want to survive. 
At least live a life and not die a worthless death. 
It is what you aimed for. 
You hoped for a family to take you. 
You hoped the young alpha would take you to his care. 
He didn’t look as mean as the others. He held a certain kindness in his eyes. 
You failed to notice that this was only towards you. 
The next day, he took you home with him.
Well, you say home but your image of a home was very different from theirs.
You assumed you would be a slave to him, like the others you saw once they were picked.
You knew that he could do anything with you.
The last thing you would have guessed was that he would feed you.
He brought a huge plate filled with meat and fruits.
It was so big you ate it for two days.
But you could have it worse.
You heard the stories from other humans. You knew none survived for longer than two years.
You were already there for almost one and a half.
In his care, you were for only half a year.
Well, you say care, in reality, you took care of his home. Cleaning, and he did teach you how to cook for him.
He was a hunter, as you have learned. 
In the tribe you lived, he was a hunter along with other males. It was the highest and one of the most prestigious positions, the only one higher was the leader of the tribe.
You could only work off of your ideas as you didn't understand them fully.
You did learn a couple of words but other than that, clueless.
Although their traditions made a lot of sense, they were similar to the ones you learn about in school.
Except for his eyes. There was something about his eyes that you noticed the first time you saw him. Something different about him, something kind.
You stopped being so nervous around the time when he brought home more than enough fur for you to have a bed of your own. 
If you didn't know any better you would think that he was treating you as an equal.
You did find it weird that he didn't lock his doors, let you roam free and let you around huge knives.
Perhaps he wasn't afraid that you would hurt him, perhaps he knew you had no chance of hurting him.
He would be able to kill you long before even the thought could come to your mind. 
While you were thinking of the ways he could be hurting you, he did nothing as such.
Not even a finger of his touched you at any time.
“A’Tok,” he said one day. You weren’t sure how, but you knew it was his name. 
“Y/N,” you simply replied. When he said your name, it sounded so strange but it also sounded very nice.
You repeated back his name. 
Yautja could not show emotion on their face, but you swore you saw a small twinkle in his eyes. Those eyes spoke stories to you, even if you didn't know nor did you understand.
You chose to ignore this.
What you couldn't ignore however was the day you got sick.
You felt a fever coming a couple of days ago, and soon, you became ill.
A'Tok had no idea what to do.
He stayed by your side day in and out.
You got so hazy with the fever, that you reached out to him since he was the only living being there with you.
"Don't leave me, please." you said even if you knew that he didn't understand you.
But he didn't leave, instead, he laid down next to you and pulled you close to him.
His cold body comforted you as you fell asleep.
The next day you woke up exactly as you fell asleep, in his arms.
You still felt under the weather but you were rather hungry now.
Your slightest movement woke up A'Tok. And he soon realized what you needed.
He brought you to the kitchen and prepared a simple meal.
While eating, you realise that you will never go home. You will never be back to Earth and somehow, you were okay with that. Somehow, you didn't mind living here with A'Tok. 
It all hit you like a cold shower and yet, somehow you were okay with everything.
You looked into his eyes and you felt at ease, you felt like you could live the rest of your life with him or at least for as long as he kept looking at you like that.
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@castellandiangelo @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @manduse @jacalineiscomingforyou @mandoloriancookie @deliciousfestsalad @lilliumrorum @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fallout-girl219 @dracaryxzs @darlingmira @stygianoir @snowtargaryen
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Slashers S/O getting their period. Maybe?
I haven’t done a request in so long- but I’m on my period rn and felt inspired to write this! Enjoy to anyone who still follows me after my many disappearances.
S/O getting their period
Michael notices everything. And I mean everything. You’ve been more irritable lately but he hasn’t been able to deduce why… He enters the bathroom to use it when he sees strange wrappers in the trash. His first thought is that you’ve been hiding candy from him and he’s pissed. But when he unwraps it he sees a bloody pad/tampon. He stares through the item for a moment, trying to process what the hell is happening. He then throws it on the ground and stomps down stairs. You’re sitting on the couch playing the new Zelda Tears of the Kingdom game. He then takes the controller out of your hand and throws it to the side. He lifts up your shit and sifts through your hair for an injury or any blood.
“M-Michael!? What are you doing?” You say with surprise. He then grabs your pants and takes them off, leaving you in your undergarments. He is able to see that you are wearing the same thing he found in the trash. I points and looks concerned
“I-I’m just on my period! I’m fine..” You blush heavily and reassure your boyfriend that you’re not dying.
He doesn’t know what to do. His mom taught him about this stuff when he was a boy, but he only knows the basics. He’ll at first not understand why you’re being so ‘dramatic’ about everything. But when he realizes it really does hurt, he’ll try to help you, in his own little Michael way of course.
Thomas wakes up for the day and stretches his arms. He feels something wet in the bed next to him. He lifts his hand and sees blood. He instantly panics and looks down at you. He rips the covers off of you and sees a large red stain underneath you. He shakes you awake.
“Huh- what? Baby, is there something wrong…?” You say half asleep. He points to the stain and your stomach drops.
“Oh god I’m so sorry Thomas! I’ve been trying to use cloth for my period because we don’t have pads/tampons- oh and now I’ve stained your sheets..” You look apologetic and absolutely mortified. But as soon as he hears ‘period’ he relaxes. His mama raised him right, so he doesn’t make you feel bad about leaking on the bed.
He picks you up and takes you to the bathroom. He runs you a warm bath and puts bubbles in it. He kisses your forehead then walks back into his room. He takes off the sheets and brings them outside to be washed.
Throughout the day he checks on you, often getting yelled at Hoyt for ‘slacking off’. He brings you teas, chocolate, snacks, meals- anything you need. His hands are incredibly warm, so in the night he holds you close to him, putting his hand over your stomach, soothing the cramps.
You and your mate were training. You were running obstacle courses, they’re mad for yautja so they’re different. Think ninja warrior stuff. While running and jumping and climbing your pad shifts in your underwear and the flood gates open. You have blood running down your leg, but you’re too focused to notice.. but your mate does. He looks concerned.
“Bleeding. Why?” He uses the least amount of English possible to convey himself.
“Huh?” You stop at one of the platforms and then feel it running down your leg. You look down and feel mortified as your period blood runs down your leg for all to see.
“O-Oh god… sorry about that..” You also notice you’ve gotten blood on the course. You cover your face in embarrassment as your mate walks up to you.
“Are you hurt?” He asks softly, putting his clawed hand on your shoulder.
“I-It’s just my period. It’s similar to the thing that happens to some yautja after the breeding season, if they haven’t gotten pregnant…” You say embarrassedly and a bit shyly.
“Very well.” He seems unphased by it, happy to know you’re not hurt and that it’s just a natural occurrence.
“Why are you hiding from me? Blood does not scare a warrior such as I.” He purrs and runs his finger down your bloody leg. He then brings it up to his mouth and licks it off with his tongue.
You blush and nod, hugging him. He gives you yautja natural remedies for your period. If you have extreme cramps or excessive bleeding he’ll use some medicine or even quick surgery to fix the problem. Don’t worry, yautja pain meds are a lifesaver. You practically feel nothing, just a little sore is all. He will take care of you the best he knows how, and don’t be afraid to give him pointers. He’ll take notes.
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honkmesilly · 2 years
My Art the Clown Hcs
warning for nsfw / adult content / fluff
SFW vvvvv
If you sleep with a hair wrap or bonnet on he has to also sleep with one.
He has fluffy hair underneath his cap and it’s always extremely messy. Alternatively he is actually bald and likes you to draw on his shiny dome.
You complimented the Alice Cooper like spikes on his eye makeup once and he hasn’t forgotten about it since.
This mf ALWAYS has some sort of candy in his pocket. It’s always different variations of flavors and melted-ness.
He’d rather do a backflip onto a bed of nails than to touch cotton balls.
This man loves Chinese leftovers. There is no less than 3 take out containers scattered around his habitat at all times.
He has a ratty teddy bear and a blanket that has been fuckin THROUGH it. He’s sensitive about washing them. Don’t bring it up.
He will not cross a road unless you are holding his hand. He will drop that trash bag and honk at you for 20 minutes until you give in.
The trash bag of misc weapons ripped one time and his mouth opened only for him to immediately just lay face down on the ground giving his horn a half squeeze. It was as close to making a sound he has ever come.
If you ARE lucky enough to domesticate him he has to sleep right up next to you. He doesn’t care which spoon he is as long as he’s close enoigh that he can feel the pulse beneath your skin.
HONK! Oh don’t worry that was just you rolling over on his horn. It sleeps with y’all. You have to give it a kiss goodnight too.
If you have a plushy. No you don’t. Bc why aren’t you cuddling him? Now your plushy has been beheaded and dismembered. He didn’t like seeing you cry so he stitches it back together very very badly and it some how makes it even cuter? The frankenfuck of a bear you have now.
Nsfw vvvvv
It’s average in length and above avg. in girth. It’s veiny like his arms and hands.
Turning this man on is a chore because unless you are ready for the debauchery he will hump anything in sight like a dog.
Only wears condoms if they are fun colors and even then he just wants to make balloon animals.
Good and careful at oral but if you do not keep your eyes on him at all times he will put pop rocks in his mouth or drip liquid candy down your anatomy.
Once he’s inside he’s got a grip on you that could rival the gods. You’re not getting a break until he’s done.
Your little noises and moans bring out a new kind of twisted smile from him. He will find new ways to tease and torture you. Constantly looking for new ways to break your will.
The horn comes to bed with him. Just get used to the honking to the rhythm. He’s got fucking jokes.
Certified boob man. If you are braless or looking particularly thick up there the intrusive thoughts will win. Pinching, poking, biting, smacking, grabbing. He will try to pierce your nipples so check! His! Pockets!
If you have big thighs expect him to try and live there. Congrats you probably have some sort of rash or acne between your thighs now because he can’t go long without having his face smooshed between them.
After a busy night of being a menace & maiming he is particularly annoying and needy. He wants you to care for his hygiene. Wash away the blood and viscera..rub his chest.. hold onto his arms. He needs your attention in very specific ways and he will lash out if you can’t read what he needs. (Spanking, tie you up, bite you, write his name on you with something sharp)
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sochawrites · 2 years
Hello there! I saw that you make Yautja fics, so can I request a, Yautja x taskmaster! Reader? Headcanons. Like how would the Yautja react seeing the reader doing the same movement as them?
Note: Taskmaster, is a villain from the Marvel comics, he possess the ability to replicate the physical skills, be it combat or athletic, of anyone he observes thanks to his photographic reflexes.
Fell free to ignore.
Hope this turned out ok, enjoy!
Taskmasters abilities (HCs)
Yautja x GN! reader
This is my first time ever doing headcanons, so please, bear with me 😅
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You were bored, and being bored leads to stupid decisions, such as jokingly attacking your mate.
You were just happy that you managed to surprise him and didn't really think about what would happen after.
You bounced.
And he threw you over, getting into a fight stance, ready to rip the attacker to shreds.
What he didn't expect was you, perfectly mimicking his pose as your ability kicked in.
He did a few different combat postures just for you to mimic them perfectly again.
Confused™ even more.
Initiate head tilts.
Since when were you able to do this?
What do you mean "since forever"???
Why didn't you tell him??
Why didn't he notice??
He's a bit betrayed, but not really, just entertain him with it for a while and he'll be fine.
He's going to deeply analyze this ability of yours, it might take him some time.
If he wasn't training you before, he's certainly going to now, and he's expecting you to go sparing with him from time to time.
Maybe even set you up against some other Yautjas, only to see them just as confused as he once was. 
He might even take you on a hunt if you prove competent enough to him, but don't count on that. You might have elevated in his eyes as a fighter, but being a hunter is a mindset, something you can't replicate just by looking.
That being said, if you had experience with hunting before you met your partner? be prepared that he will take you with him on every. single. one.
All in all, he's super enthusiastic about it.
He was proudly showing you off everywhere even before he found out, but now? He will hold you up above his head for everyone to see you, boasting about what his little ooman is capable of.
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I have to draw a yaujta for the bracket sheet
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crackslashers101 · 2 years
Pet Play HCs (GN Reader) 18+ MINORS DNI
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Asa Emory 
Asa would readily agree when you suggest pet play. He may even demand it and suggest it even before you asked. 
He would only allow himself to be the “master” in pet play so you have to be the pet every time.
You will always wear a shock collar during it because he is just waiting for you to fuck up so he could shock you as a punishment. (It’s in his sadistic nature)
He would use hand signals to beckon you and use derogatory names such as “good bitch”. If you fail to respond to him, expect to be shocked. 
Asa would purposely put actual dog food in a bowl for you to eat and watch as you try to eat it while gagging. 
He would also put a leash on you and choke you while finger fucking you. He’d expect you to degrade yourself during it saying, “Please Master!” or “I’m your bitch! I’m your dumb puppy!” while becoming a drooling mess.
Asa would not let you touch yourself during your sessions but if you disobeyed him, he would shock you with your collar.
During aftercare, he would be attentive and handle most of the cleaning up for you, but he would be completely silent during it. He may drop a “good boy/girl” or “you did well” every once in a while if it was a particularly good session. 
Yautja (Predator)
The Yautja would not know what pet play is so you would have to introduce it and explain it to your alien boyfriend.
He would be unsure about it but he would be open to trying it with you. 
He’d love it if you wore a vibrating butt plug for him to control. Watching you squirm in pleasure under him would turn him on a lot. 
He would want you to wear wolf ears and tail. He would send you out into the wilderness on purpose to hunt you for fun. 
When he does catch you, expect to either be fucked quite animalistically on spot or dragged back to their home base to be animalistically fucked. 
On a good day, he’d be willing to be a bit subservient to you and become the pet. 
He would only allow himself to wear a collar with a leash for you to pull him closer or wherever you want. He may kneel before you but he would never crawl. 
Walk on all fours and he’d absolutely lose it. You wouldn’t even be able to consider crawling the next day. 
If you did irritate him, he would put you in a small cage to punish you. He would tie your feet and hands together behind your back and turn the vibrating butt plug to the maximum setting. 
He would leave you there until you were foaming at the mouth and no longer squirming.
He would also pet and stroke you as a reward and to rile you up. 
He would take care of you during the aftercare. He would check over your body to see if he left any bruises if he got too rough during the session, he would massage any body part of your body that feels sore. He would lower his head next to yours and purr to show his gratitude towards you for trusting him.  
Jennifer Check
Jennifer is very aware of what she is into so she would be the one to bring up pet play to you. 
She would expect you to do tricks for her such as following simple commands like sitting or coming to her. She would reward you by letting you touch her or suck on her titties. 
If you failed to obey her or listen to her then expect to be punished with a leather whip across your ass.
If Jennifer was in a subby mood then she wouldn’t mind being the one wearing the leash. 
She is a switch indeed.
She would enjoy it if you guys took turns eating each other out since she enjoys giving and receiving. 
She would dress up in a very sexy bunny outfit and have the reader dress as a fox to simulate a predator and prey nature. 
If you licked her feet and trail your tongue up her thigh, you would give her a massive power trip that would turn her on. 
Jennifer would be very cuddly with you during the aftercare. Depending on how long or rough the session was, both of you may either get cleaned up soon after a cuddle session or fall asleep together and clean up the next day. 
Stu Matcher
Stu would not even consider pet play as an option in the bedroom until you mention it to him.
He would be very excited to try it out with you and may go shopping for the items and supplies immediately.
He’d make you act as a cat and refer to you as his “little pussycat” or “kitten”. You wouldn’t be allowed to respond in words to him except in “meows” or any cat noises. 
Stu would deny you from using the bathroom and make you use a litter box as a punishment. 
He’d even make you eat off the floor while he’s eating at the table to look down on you. 
Stu would purposely dress up in his ghost face get-up and make you get off on his boot and then lick his boot.
He would fuck you doggy style right after. 
Stu may invite Billy over to his house to show off his new kitten ;)
He’d pour milk over his dick and make you lick it before having you suck him off.
He would hold you close and lay his head on your chest before saying “ that was fun” or “this is nice”. Although he wouldn’t be that helpful with the clean up, he’d be attentive since you were on the receiving end and would help with carrying and handing you material or supplies. 
Thomas Hewitt
You would be the one to bring up pet play into the bedroom. Thomas is very conservative when it comes to activities in the bedroom so he would be unsure about it.
After talking about what you want to do, he would be willing to try it out for you. 
He would want you to be a pig for him.
He wouldn’t allow the reader to talk and make them squeal like a pig if they had to respond to him.
If Thomas is in a subby mood, you would make Thomas be a cow (the whole ears, horns, and tail shit)
You would hog tie up Thomas like a cow and peg him until he squirted. You’d keep doing that until you’ve milked him out completely.
Put nipple clamps on him during the session to maximize the experience of reducing him into a cow. Squeeze it harder if you do want to punish him at any moment.
During heavy moments, you would say “aren’t you my good livestock?” 
Because Thomas is more on the receiving end, he would expect you to help most in the aftercare. He would want you to cuddle and reassure him first though before you do the clean up. 
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fortunxa · 2 months
Physical affection with Jinx
╰┈➤ requested
Jinx x fem!reader
cw: mentions of nsfw, hallucinations
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Jinx is such a touch-starved girl.
She doesn’t shy away from physical contact, but paradoxically, it can catch her off-guard if she’s not the one initiating it—blame it on her childhood.
As you get to know her, start off gently with some light taps that get her attention.
She’ll often nudge your shoulder, drag her nails across your arm or leg as you’re talking, doodle on your skin, or simply grab your hand as she’s excitedly leading you somewhere.
Jinx is just so curious as to how you’d react, testing the waters.
But once you gain her trust, her innocent touches turn into proper hugs. And I don’t mean duvet-like embraces that let you breathe, but cocoon ones where you can feel every ounce of her as she holds you tightly.
This is the moment you realize she’s now afraid of losing you.
Those hugs come unexpectedly, like a predator pouncing on its prey, and you often stumble from her sheer force.
She’s definitely a waist/torso hugger, and believe it or not, it’s not because of her height but because she genuinely feels safer that way.
Shoulder hugs are traps, so be prepared for a paint bomb to find itself attached to your back.
She will be impressed if you can throw her over your shoulder.
Loves piggyback rides.
Pinky promises. It’s a childish gesture but one that holds enormous significance to her. She would link her finger with yours with those wide, innocent eyes. No take-backs.
– “You know that’s legally binding, right?”
If you’re her first kiss—which, let’s be honest, you probably are—her Jinx persona is nowhere to be found. It’s Powder now, and she’s so cautious as she closes the distance.
Her lips ghost over yours so lightly it almost tickles, but you let her take her time as she grapples with the newfound closeness. You don’t rush her, and when she finally kisses you, it’s slow and tentative. She wants to feel and analyze everything.
– “Was that good?”
As she gains confidence, she starts experimenting with the mix of sensations.
She’s attentive to your reactions, and she soon finds all of your sweet spots.
Will randomly kiss you, and it doesn’t matter where or when.
Forehead kisses, angel kisses, kisses on your neck, earlobes, stomach, hips, thighs… You name it. She adores every single one of them.
She’s the type to swap a piece of candy or gum through a kiss.
Jinx is all about PDA. She wants everyone to know you’re hers.
Hickeys, hickeys, and more hickeys.
Unfortunately, when the wrong people figured out that you’re her partner, it did get you kidnapped once as a way to undermine Silco. Take Jinx’s favorite person away, and she becomes erratic, unfit to carry out his plans.
Heavy on ‘once’ because the hell she brought them was enough to terrify anyone else with the same strategy.
The number of explosions that day alerted Piltover itself.
Talking to Silco and/or Sevika? She’s holding your hand, slightly pushing you behind her in a protective manner. Neither of them approves of your relationship, they deem it a distraction.
Much to Silco’s dismay, she will drag you into most of their private meetings and fidgets with your fingers if she gets bored.
You’re ordering at the bar? She’s either behind you with her arms around your waist or next to you with her hand on your hip as she’s pulling you closer.
You’re on a mission together? There she is, fighting back-to-back with you so she knows you’re there, unharmed. If you’re separated, she can’t concentrate properly anymore, and she keeps seeking you out in between firing her gun. She’s prioritizing your safety over anything else, which has gotten her injured quite a few times.
She insists that she can patch up her wounds herself, but once you see that goddamn stapler approaching a gash, you’re frantically snatching it away from her hands.
You tend to her injuries in such a caring and gentle way that it brings tears to her eyes.
At first, you’re worried you went too deep with the needle as you were stitching her cuts.
– “What’s wrong? Did that hurt? I’m so sorry–”
– “No one has ever done that for me before.”
Whenever the roles are reversed, and you’re the injured one, she’s in a frenzy. She’s muttering to herself as she grabs the first aid kit.
Stern face and furrowed brows, but despite it all, she tries to be delicate—‘tries’ because the voices are making her movements jerky.
– “Are you crazy?! What were you thinking? No, no, she wasn’t thinking at all…”
She will absolutely kiss your wound better afterward.
Cuddle time on her couch after a long day.
She loves it when you sweep her off her feet and carry her bridal style to lay her down.
She likes to be the little spoon but face toward you because your scent and the sound of your heartbeat calm her down.
Occasionally, she’ll be the big spoon to switch it up and make you feel secure, too.
Your presence helps with her night terrors, and she sleeps more often with you around.
But you always wake up with her hair in your mouth, her elbow on your face, and covers on the ground, and she’s snoring—occasionally drooling—in a starfish position.
– “Where the fuck did your pillow go?”
Morning kisses!!!
Morning sex.
Showering and taking baths together.
Hygiene isn’t a big thing in Zaun (shocker), so when you have time to get clean, you do it together. Washing each other’s hair, trying to get all the grime—and occasionally blood—out.
It’s a tender moment that turns entertaining—or sexual—rather quickly.
You’re washing off, and you turn around to see Jinx with a bubble beard, her face completely stoic. She starts pretending to be a Piltovan man as you’re laughing.
Or she’ll come up behind you and press her soapy body to yours as her fingers dip inside you.
Physical affection while she’s working on a project can go two ways:
When she’s confident in her work: She loves having you close, whether it’s by having you sit on her lap and vice versa or grabbing your hands for an impromptu dance break when she’s feeling her playlist. She’s babbling about her ideas and designs, explaining each step as you play with her braids.
When she’s experimenting: Do not come close or she’ll scream. She’ll be too scared to have you near in case she messes up an equation and causes an explosion. She will actually make you go elsewhere as a precaution. But she’ll be more than happy to show you her progress after!
You love painting each other’s nails, but she often chips hers.
She straddles you as she does your makeup and vice versa.
Will use her own saliva to clean up any messes.
Jinx absolutely adores trying out new looks on you, and she treats you like her human canvas.
Not only with makeup but with markers and paint, too.
She will draw out tattoo ideas and judge each placement.
Speaking of tattoos, you constantly trace hers with a light touch that sends shivers down her spine.
Brushing and playing with each other’s hair. She actually melts in your hands once you take her braids out and start massaging her scalp.
Will bite your arm out of excitement. The urge to chomp is just too great.
You comfort her differently depending on how bad her episode gets:
You either hold her impossibly close, hiding her face in your chest as you stroke her hair and start humming or talking about something she loves to ground her.
If she gets to a point where you can’t even approach without her backing away—or worse, getting violent—you dim every bright light and reduce any other stimuli. You don’t call her by her name—neither Jinx nor Powder—as both can trigger her even more. She will use some of her bombs to try and muffle the voices with the sounds of explosions, but you do hide any other weapons. You don’t talk too much or too loudly to not confuse her even more. Once she’s calm enough, it’s back to scenario number 1.
You’re both crying by the time her episode ends.
– “Please… Tell me you’re real.”
Jinx is so in tune with your emotions, and contrary to popular belief, she’s very empathetic.
She notices any tone or mood changes immediately.
If you’re mad at something or someone, she’ll be mad with you, if not even madder. You have her unconditional support because her trinket can do no wrong. She’s tracing her nails down your back or stroking your thigh as you’re rambling.
– “And then Sevika called me incompetent. Can you fucking believe it? How was I supposed to know that they put the shimmer there?!”
– “Sevika’s a bitch. That barrel was totally in your way.”
If you’re mad at her, she’ll spiral. You want to leave to cool down? Nuh-uh. She’s holding you so tightly, shaking like a leaf, that it makes your anger dissipate.
– “Don’t leave me, toots. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’ll be better.”
If you’re sad or crying, she cups your face in her hands and makes you look at her as she praises you. She wipes every tear away. This is also the only other time she will reach for a hug over your shoulders/around your neck—no paint bombs included. She just wants to cradle your head and soothe you.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
That episode where raph goes feral bc he was lonely how would it play out with his s/o, like he becomes territorial,it can be fluff or spicy whichever one you're comfortable with.
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F!Raph x gn!reader
Warnings: smut, feral Raph, p in, biting and claws, a little rough, turtle noises?, swearing, would this be a predator/prey thing...?, Raph focused piece
A/N: My sister wanted Raph to make turtle noises, so turtle noises there will be. Figured it would be best with feral Raph. This is kinda short so I apologize. :)
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Raph had been left alone again. Not purposely of course, but he was separated from his team. The team said that he'd been lost for at least a few days, they weren't sure. Because of Raph's feral behavior, you and his brothers were the one sent out to find him. Going through the old bunker levels and tunnels that had been collapsed before Raph was able to move the rubble, you could hear hissing and growling.
Raphael turned his head toward your approaching footsteps, he tilted his head slightly; a confused expression on the broad face. His large tail swished, the spikes along the side of his tail were pointed directly at you. The feral tone in his voice did not seem to be welcoming of your visit.
"Hey, big guy..." You smile softly, kneeling a little ways away from him. You didn't want to alert him, you didn't want him to mistake you for a threat. You watched him smell the air, seeming to somewhat recognize your scent. The low rumble of his growls turned into quiet chuffs.
Raphael slowly crept towards you, his tail continuing to sway as he examined the surroundings. His claws dig into the dirt of the tunnel, his mouth opened slightly. A low rumble emitting from his chest, his eyes locked onto you asking an unspoken question. What were you doing here?
"Raphael?" You whisper, sitting down on the ground for him. You hold your hand out for him to get a better smell. "Do you remember who I am?"
Raphael looked at you, tilting his head in confusion at the words you said. He was able to recognize your scent, but he wasn't able to understand the words you spoke. He took a step closer, his claws digging deeper into the dirt as he began to examine you. Your scent was familiar, but Raph couldn't remember exactly who you were to him.
"Mate... I'm your mate, Raph." You explain softly, feeling him press his beak to your hand. "Mate... Your partner." You continue, wanting him to recognize you as his person, his lover.
A low rumble comes from his chest, the muscles in his shoulders flex as he tilts his head once more. This was his mate, his partner. Raphael began to sniff and circle you, his claws tearing up the land as he moved.
"That's right, big guy. Yours..." You whisper, moving to gently cup the side of his face.
Raphael moves closer, pushing you onto your back as he continues to sniff, lick, and nip at you. His body is practically hovering over you as he examined his lost lover. Raph lowers more of his weight onto you, he's trying to show his affection.
"Hey, big guy..." You smile as he starts to nuzzle your neck. He chuffs and sniffs against your skin, his claws tearing at your clothes. You'd never dealt with Raph after he'd been feral for so long, maybe it was normal? "You... Want them off?"
Raph chuffs in reply, continuing to tear at your clothes with his claws. But his teeth soon joined, tossing the tattered clothes aside. He presses his beak to your stomach, a low rumble filling the air again as he churrs. You gently pet his head, but Raph suddenly pulls you close, growling loudly.
"Oh shit…" You hear Leo say and more footsteps move closer. Raph's growls get louder as he pulls you closer. You were his mate - his. He had claimed his prize, he wasn't planning on sharing. "Raph, buddy…"
"I'm okay, get out of here before he rips your heads off." You huff at his brothers. They were reluctant due to how Raph was acting, but you assured them that you were okay and they quickly made their escape. "All yours, Raph." You sigh as his growls become chuffs again. His tail swished vigorously, still prepared to fight for what was his.
He wanted more... More love, more affection, more...
"You're okay, big guy... No one else is here, I'm all yours." You try to reassure as he moves to chuff against your thigh. You were his and he was taking you. His tough tongue licks along your body, you were his.
Raphael continues to lick along your thighs, his tongue flicking and tasting. His tongue felt like sandpaper, it was an odd sensation, but Raph made it enjoyable nonetheless. He seemed so eager to please and love, his warm breath fanning over your skin. His large hands gripped your legs, moving them further apart. He wanted more, he wanted it badly.
He slowly made his way back up your body, sniffing, chuffing, licking. You gently touch him, not wanting to overwhelm or anger him. He gently pushed you over, making you lay on your stomach. Raphael began to press more of his weight against you as he slowly mounted you. You gasp, your hips slightly lifting at the intrusion. His claws dig deeper into the dirt, sniffing and licking every part of you he could reach. Raph was still on guard, prepared to fight any intruder or rival that came near you.
Raphael began to slowly thrust, making sure that every movement was slow and steady in order to please you. His broad body remained on top of you, slowly gliding in and out. His snout nuzzles the back of your head, his large hands gripping your hips tightly.
You were his. There would never be another. He would mark you, keep you safe, loving you in a way no one else ever could.
Raphael continued to make slow and deep thrusts, wanting to make sure you felt his affection. He didn't want to go too quickly in fear of hurting you. His snout presses into your neck, making sure you felt every thrust. Chuffs and moans filled the air, echoing throughout the tunnel. Raph was pleased, this was what he wanted. To protect and love you. With the chuffs echoing along with his heavy breathing, and with every small sound you made, Raphael could tell he was doing something right. He was using everything to claim you as his.
Raph took his time, ensuring that you felt every moment of his love. Every time you made a noise, he felt proud of himself. He felt like a king and having his partner right there with him. With a hard moan, Raphael pressed his hips against you harder. His warm breath like a blanket on top of you, it was a welcoming sensation. He continued to pump slowly, using every bit of his form to please you.
A low rumble echoes around you as Raph quickens his pace. He was getting closer, the chuffs becoming shorter and faster at the same rate of this thrusts. His breathing becomes more erratic, his hand grips your hips tighter. His claws digging into your skin a little. He was so close, just a little bit more. He wasn't going to be able to contain himself much longer.
Raphael's pace began to pick up, he was at his limit. He couldn't contain himself anymore. He began to pump even deeper, even faster. His breath became more frequent as he neared completion. His tail slowly swayed back and forth as he pumped even harder.
Raphael could feel you climax, he increased his pace by just a little bit. His large hand held you tight, he wanted to show you how much he wanted you. His sharp teeth dug deeper into you shoulder, growling deeply.
He could feel himself losing control. He was losing focus, all he was seeing was you. His mate.
Raphael continued to pump, feeling the pleasure of your soft body. His breathing became more erratic — the muscles along his broad back flexed as he slowly picked up his pace.
Raphael could feel the release start to happen. All he could feel was the sensation of your soft flesh, your gentle whimpers. The snapping turtle mutant let out a primal growl as his hips slammed against your ass, pushing himself even deeper inside you. Raphael's breath became more shallow. His churrs filled the air as his hot seed filled you, slowly dripping down your thighs.
Raph began to slow his pace as he finally finished, his large body was twitching and trembling as the adrenaline finally started to fade. His claws loosened their grip and he moved his mouth off your shoulder With a slight chuff, Raph lifted off of you.
He proud. He had done it, this was his mate.
Raphael laid next to you, his large form seemed so content and at ease as he rested on his back. His large head resting on your back, his thumb gently caressing your soft skin as he started to come back to his true self.
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multific · 11 months
Provide and Care
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Yautja x Reader
Summary: After giving birth to your first child, your body needs some serious healing to do. You were thankful to have a husband who does take good care of you.
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It took you 45 long hours of hard labour.
Many of those hours you spent awake, in pain.
They couldn’t even give you pain relief, too afraid to use any dosage, fearing the side-effects of it on you or your baby.
You understood, but the pain was almost unbearable.
Due to Yautja customs, your husband had to stay out of the room, only the healer and a couple of her helpers were allowed to stay.
None of which knew exactly what to do with you.
They were used to Yautja giving birth, not humans.
Your husband nearly broke the door down, listening to you screaming in pain broke him.
And he was one of the strongest of the tribe.
But hearing his little human be in so much pain, knowing he couldn’t do a thing made him extremely anxious. 
You heard his footsteps from inside, loud strides along the hallway just outside of the door. It did help you a tiny bit, knowing he was right there. 
But as he stopped during his steps, silence followed.
It almost suffocated him. 
The complete silence was worse than the screams of pain.
He prepared for the worst.
He prepared for that he just lost his wife and child and he couldn’t do a thing, but then, a loud cry.
A cry of a youngling, so loud, so strong, he fell to his knees.
The child was okay, now, he was worried about you.
When a healer opened the door, he was quick to rush in.
Your eyes found his and he felt so full. 
All women left the room, leaving the couple with their child.
And once more, he fell to his knees, right by your side. He looked at the side of the bed, clicking his mandibles as he let out a sound.
“It’s a boy. We have a son.” he heard you, and even if human language still proved to be difficult for him, he understood the word son.
He looked up at you and then at his child, his son.
He ran a finger down your face, showing his gratitude towards you.
You were a family.
Your son liked to sleep.
That was clear, and you were thankful for the hours of silence.
Your body needed to heal as it went through a lot.
Giving birth to a Yautja was a difficult task. 
You wanted to take a bath.
Your husband helped you into the warm water as he stayed by your side in the bathroom.
Sitting beside the tub with one hand in the water to make sure the temperature was right.
He knew you needed to heal, and so, he tried his best to always help you with anything you needed. Let that be food or a bath, and even helping with the child.
He was a great father, he liked to watch you feed your son, he adored the way you would kiss his little forehead, much like how you do it to him.
His eyes never leaving you, you could have fallen asleep in the bath. 
When you got out, your husband make sure to wrap you in fur and carried you into your bedroom. You smiled when you saw your son sleeping on your bed, all curled up in his little fur, sleeping soundly.
Your husband placed you next to him and you were quick to pick him up and place him on your chest.
Your little one stirred in his sleep but soon found comfort again and fell asleep.
You smiled and placed a kiss on his little head.
You looked up and found your husband looking at the two of you as he sat down on the bed.
You smiled when you saw the shine in his eyes. When you first met, you were terrified, his eyes were the first thing you have seen when you woke up, his eyes looked empty.
But now, he had a purpose, a clan of his own. And his eyes filled with love and care.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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lyneira · 4 days
Hi! May I please request headcanons for how the Toji, Choso, Gojo, and Nanami would react to his gn crush kissing him because they're so in love with him? Thank you!
Headcanons of Toji, Choso, Gojo, and Nanami's reactions after their s/o kisses them passionately out of nowhere
Toji, Choso, Gojo, and Nanami (separately) x reader
fluff with some spice!
a/n: I changed the prompt a bit in which the reader is already in an established relationship with the characters rather than being their crush. I misread your ask the first time I read it and only understood what you meant when I had finally finished writing. So sorry anon, I hope this is okay anyway! 😭
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He'd chuckle, "Well, aren't you such a sweetheart?", before grabbing your chin and kissing you back, full-force.
He'd find it so endearing that you loved him greatly. Surely, he'd show you how much he felt for you as well.
You'll see it in the way his eyes glint dangerously at you, like a predator ready to capture his prey, as he kisses you relentlessly.
You'll hear it in the way he lowly hums with delight into your lips with each kiss.
You'll taste it in the way he pushes his tongue into your mouth, exploring every part of it before dancing with yours.
You'll feel it in the way his other arm is wrapped around your waist, pulling you in closer to firmly press his body up against yours. You'll feel something in particular begin to press up against you too.
Through all this, Toji would hope that you at least understand one important thing - You can't kiss him without expecting it to get steamy ;)
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He's as over the moon for you as you are for him. He'll kiss you back with the same intensity, if not more.
Choso will never hold back in terms of expressing his love for you. So when you openly and freely express your love for him, it brings his heart so much joy that he could cry. (and no doubt he would)
He'd cup your cheeks and smother your face with kisses, each kiss holding tons of affection. (His adoration for you would grow tenfold if you would do the same)
In general, with Choso, once you show him even an ounce of affection, he'll never hesitate to give it back. If you two continue to reciprocate each other's affections, then it'll be a long night of giving each other love and much more~
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I could imagine he'd grin, "Oh, you're too cute, Y/N. C'mere", and pounce on you with a big kiss.
Sure, he might be used to being fawned over and being the object of others' affection, but he doesn't take any affection from you for granted. You're special to him, after all. He'll love any gesture of affection from you the most and will always show his appreciation for it in fun-loving ways.
So I think he'd be the type to continue kissing you playfully: leaving light kisses on your lips, down your neck, around your collarbone, and maybe even further down, all while keeping his hands on your hips to ensure you're grounded underneath him. His firm grip on your hips was his way of telling you that he isn't letting you go any time soon.
Anyway, you'll end up finding quite a lot of love-bites all over your body, also in the most intimate places, once he's done with you.
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He'd probably get caught off guard from the sudden gesture of affection.
Yet, in that moment, he'd feel at peace. Looking at your smiling face full of happiness and seeing your beautiful eyes shine with love and adoration staring back into his own couldn't bring him more joy.
Knowing that there's someone who loves him this much warms his heart and soothes his mind. Especially after a long day from work, he's incredibly grateful that you're the one he can come home to.
He'll wrap his arms around your waist and pull you in closely while keeping his gaze upon you, his eyes so gentle as he admires your visage.
"I love you", he'll whisper with a soft smile before going in for a kiss.
As he kisses you back, you'll feel the passion he has for you in his lips, claiming them over and over again as he embraces you tighter.
Your hearts would be so close to one another's, and each heartbeat would be his vow to protect you, the most precious thing on earth to him, with all his might.
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sochawrites · 2 years
Here I am again, with another request! So Yautja x gn! S/O, where the reader fights like this guy in this video. Oneshot or Headcanons you choose.
Synopsis: it has been a while since you moved to the Yautja’s spaceship with your new alien boyfriend, all of the Yautjas have been mean towards both of you, since your boyfriend is warrior who fell in love with a mere and powerless human. But there is one Yautja that made you finally snap! You challenge him into a knife fight! Your boyfriend tried to intervene, but little did he know that you are great in combat! With your interesting movements and fight style.
You can choose if it’s going to be a draw or the reader wins.
Feel free to ignore for being too confusing.
Thank you!
I'm sorry it took so long! qwq I have to get back into the mind space I had and it's not as easy as I thought...
Hope you'll be satisfied with what my head chewed up!
The Rasputin style (HCs)
Yautja x GN! reader
For those curious, here's the vid
You were supposed to stay on the ship
But 'supposed' never cut it with you, not when there was an infinite quantity of vast worlds you could explore
So there you were, currently on Yautja Prime, once again, trailing close behind your mate 
After you had to promise and swear on your life to not provoke other yautjas, and to keep a low profile
You were on thin ice ever since you met another one of his species, and you didn't even get to make a proper impression! 
They were quick to judge you based on the fact that you were human, a species not even worth the time and effort to hunt most of the time
Sure, there were some exceptions, but they had a lot more than just another yautjas word to back up their skill 
Although, you were content with the rules 
You were the intruder here, after all, you and your mate breaking the long-set rules his race lived by for centuries, you'd probably get the same looks if you ever went back to Earth
If only looks were the only thing you received
You were with your boyfriend long enough to learn their body language, to know that they were laughing at you
And at your mate as well, presumably
He noticed it too, but he didn't react, just to keep his face, a sense of dignity
So you let it slip as well
Until their remarks got verbal
You were prepared for a lot and ready to let plenty of things slide, you didn't want to cause any trouble for your boyfriend, but you had to draw the line somewhere
So you turned around and ran your mouth, more or less calling out one of the loudest ones for a fight
You were kind of glad you didn't get to see the flashes of emotional turmoil on your partner's face
The mix of fear, confusion, anger, disappointment...
Yeah, you didn't need to see that, you had a lecture coming your way either way
You spilt your mind, hoping they had their translator on, not realizing a crowd started to form
And two sharp razors were glistening in the sun soon after
Good thing you noticed those
You swiftly moved out of the way and circled the attacker
Well, danced around them really
They were slow to turn around, giving you enough time to pull out your own weapon
The confusion was quite evident on their face
They growled and charged at you 
And you twirled around, again, leaving a little cut on your opponent's side behind as a warning
A warning they didn't head
You hold back, for the most part, they had a physical advantage after all, but you managed to avoid getting hit, along with slashing them here and there when you got an opening
You twirled, and jumped in an expressionistic manner, working up your opponent, exhausting them and slowing them down
You might have been lucky with them being young blood, more experienced fighters would not let your movements deceive them so easily
You caught a few looks at your mate during the fight, he looked quite disappointed, which was understandable, you broke a promise after all
But the fight had to come to an end at some point, and ending it without a winner wasn't an option, you were not going to try and break the honour codex, it was you who challenged them after all
So you waited and waited until your opponent's movements started to get sloppy
These fights were meant to be a life-and-death situation
They finally fell to their knees, and two options open for you
Slow and painful
Or fast and painless
They were not very nice to you, sure, but that wasn't enough to let them bleed out
So you chose fast and painless
You twirled for the last time, getting enough force in your movement to lent the final blow, and slice the other's head right off with your blade
Looking around at the crowd, they all looked baffled, bamboozled
Humans were a weird race
You tiptoed back to your partner, an innocent smile on your lips, and embraced his arm
"So, where were we going?"
He ruffled at your hair, patting it at the process with his free hand, clicking slowly with his tusks
He might not be angry, he certainly wasn't happy with you, but he was certainly proud you were able to stand your ground against someone who wasn't him
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lace-coffin · 9 months
Updated Masterlist!
you can find all my works here <3
multiple slashers
How slashers would react to Accidently hurting their S/O?
How would slashers comfort their S/O on a bad day?
Slasher kinks headcanons (nsfw)
Slasher autism headcanons
How would the Slashers react to their S/O being attracted to their movie? (Nsfw)
Slashers with captured!police!S/O (Nsfw)
Slashers with a mommy kink x fem!reader (Nsfw)
Bubba Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
How would Reader fit into the Sawyer household as Bubba's S/O? (Slight nsfw)
How would Bubba Sawyer react to sibling!reader tickling them by surprise?
Reader comforting Bubba on a bad day
Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre- The Beggining)
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Asa Emory x gn reader who’s secretly into bondage (nsfw)
Receiving comfort after a punishment Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory comfort reader when they’re having a panic attack? Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory react to finding his new pet coddling his bugs? Asa emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa react to finding out his victim has an attraction to slashers?(nsfw) Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
What kind of meals does Asa Emory like to cook and eat? Asa Emory x Gn!Reader (slight nsfw)
How would Asa Emory feel about a gay bear s/o? (Nsfw) Asa Emory x Gay bear!Reader
how old do i think Asa Emory is?
How would Asa Emory react to a member of his collection having a phobia/phobias? Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory punish a bratty s/o for hiding from punishment? (Nsfw) Asa Emory x Gn!Reader
How would Asa Emory comfort his pet/so on their period? (Nsfw) Asa Emory x gn!reader
How would Asa Emory cope with a bratty s/o? (Nsfw)
Asa Emory x lonely!fem!reader
What rules does Asa Emory have for his pet/SO? (Nsfw)
How would Asa Emory react to a co-worker leading his cop case?
How would Asa Emory react to his pet/SO injuring themselves to save one of his bugs?
Wanted! Asa Emory x Sheriff bounty hunter!Gn! Reader (nsfw)
Period sex with Asa( nsfw)
Asa Emory x Feral! Gn! Reader
Asa Emory x Autistic!FTM!Reader with an oral fixation/stim
Asa Emory x gn!reader! Who needs a stuffed animal to sleep
Caregiver! Asa Emory x Little!Gn!reader
How would Asa Emory react to a child breaking into his hotel?
Asa Emory x picky eater!Reader
Asa Emory x Autistic!Gn!Reader with a new hyperfixation
How would Asa Emory react to teens breaking into the hotel to smoke?
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas)
Jason Vorhees (Friday The 13th)
Is this too corny? Jason Vorhees x Reader (Freddy Kreuger is your older brother and you meet/fall in love with Jason at the corn maze)
Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)
Michael Myers (Halloween)
Yautja (predator) (Female or Male)
Yautja x gn autistic partner (platonic)
Five Nights At Freddy's
Feathery friends until the end 🐣 Agre!Reader x Platonic!Cargiver!Chica
How would Moondrop and Montgomery gator react to an exhausted reader on their shift? gn!Reader
Montgomery Gator x overstimulated autistic!gn!Reader
Resident Evil
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r0-boat · 2 days
Hello there! Can i request a Lycaon nsfw with a fem neko reader?
if its not too much trouble, maybe like a slight prey/predictor with some biting??
Von Lycaon Headcannons with a Cat Thiren!S/O
Von Lycaon x Fem!Reader. Hi I went a little crazy...
Cw: Nsfw, biting, size kink, knotting, heats/Rutts, predator/prey, breeding.
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You're so small. So tiny and cute, Lycaon always catches himself staring at you, and he must desperately pull himself away. But this is normal. It is usual for Von Lycaon to be so enamored with you that he's practically attached to you by the hip. However, recently, it's been different. Some kind of scent clinging to you makes him drool; it's sweet yet savory, faint yet strong. When it hits his nose, he gets dizzy and wants more. He could feel himself beginning to salivate at the delectable scent, which he had to stop himself from doing. He can't be drooling on the job or in front of you.
The urges bubbling up inside him are beginning to scare him. The images of your tail wrapping around his hand as he pulls your body into him, His big hand gently petting your small ear before choking you while he makes you scream on his cock. Making you mew and cry out when he sinks his teeth into your body is as clear as crystal.
He's always had thoughts about having you underneath him, like any man would. But this wasn't just sexual desire. It was more than that something primal and deep, something that turned him into more of an animal. He's always taken pride in self-control but now, every time he looks at you, he wants to throw it all away.
He understands now; He has been on his own suppressants for as long as he can remember; maybe that's why he's having such a primal reaction to your scent. He was so careless to avoid you. He's still holding back even now as you knew and beg him to touch you, fuck you. This tail is wagging, and he's drooling, but he's still gentle as he asks you if you're sure. You just want his knot inside you, and you command him to claim you. "As you wish," He growls as he takes you into the sheets, grabbing you full force to manhandle your body. Fully letting go of all restraint.
He feels terrible for trying to avoid you, But he feels like that. He's almost at his limit, And he is scared of what he might do to you if he slips even once. But you had other plans, feeling the heat in your core bubble over. You needed him more than ever since your first heat is in forever. It's going to hit you like a truck, and you need him.
Sure, the two of you had sex before, but this was different. Von Lycaon was always a gentleman in and out of bed making sure to treat you like glass. Which you loved however, this is not what you needed. Every Thiren knows that heat/rut sex is very different from the regular thing.
His big hands grab at your wrists; His red eyes glaze down at you like a piece of steak. You could hardly even recognize him in this desperate and feral state, and you loved it.
He has full control over your body, moving you like a rag doll until his naked hips are against yours. His hard monstrous cock is ready to penetrate you with force. You're already so wet from your heat. He doesn't need to prep you. Part of him doesn't even want to.
Your tiny cunt squeezes around his massive knotted cock as you hear him pant incoherent words, "Fill you up." "Mine." "So perfect." He growls about his big knot filling you up as he digs his teeth into your shoulder, his claws digging into your hips as he forces you deeper, causing you to take his knot.
Feeling you milk his cock with every vise grip squeeze your calm coating his cock; von Lycaon howls as you feel spurt after spurt of pent-up cum.
He's still coming even after the two of you finish. Who knows how long he needed this? Even as you lay there, Your heat satisfied, for now, he's not done his knot deflates, but his cock is still hard. He holds you close to his chest, letting out a whimper as he mutters in your ear, "I-I feel it... My rut, why is it here? "
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Mihawk with his S/O
Mihawk x FemReader
Fluff Fluffy + Some Body Dis
Also so Implied Spicy Spice
Support on Ko-Fi
• Mihawk seems like the type to get some Sympathy weight if you're pregnant- While at the moment t he doesn't notice after his child is born he will definitely go back to training harder then ever-
• Because Genetics he drops the extra weight like nothing- making his bigger then ever. So here you are feeling like a beached whale nursing your newborn he looks like a Greek God.
• You first felt embarrassed but in truth you were more sexually frustrated than anything- He looked just so good and you felt like you looked- Horrible
• It was a endless cycle of Mihawk saying words of admiration for you and clearly trying to initiate some Intimacy however you'd turn him down.
• You were getting dressed one evening, having fed the baby and put her to bed. You'd taking a nice hot bath and felt truly wonderful- The lavender and witch hazel products Mihawk had given you worked wonders.
• Mihawk stood in the doorway, in his evening trousers and nothing more arms folded under his pecs as he stood there. You saw how his yellow eyes traveled your form, the despire in his gaze as he stared at you like a starving predator finally seeing its meal.
• You quickly pull the baggy dress down over your form suddently causing Mihawks gaze to be forced away from your figure to your eyes. Seeing the mild panic in your gaze-
• "Why is my wife hiding herself from me? It's not like I haven't seen you before" He said a bit sharply, clearly irritated that you had covered yourself- however you could hear the twinge of worry in his voice
• You scrambled to think of an excuse and worry filled your soul- unsure were to even start. You watched him fully walk into the room and close the door behind him as he waited for your answer- "I..." Sighing you looked away "I look ugly now- and I don't want you to see me this way..."
• You admit and sit down on the coner of the bed. He looked at you utterly confused at this point walking to you fully.
• "That is foolish- You look sexy to me. Your body has only matured due to you having a child, it makes you look more attractive if anything" He says truthfully before sitting next to you and pulling you onto his lap.
• You blush at his brass words or for sitting in his lap, trying to lift yourself in fear of your weight but he firmly keeps you grounded on his lap.
• "I am.. heavier now" You say nervously, Looking to the side "And my body looks so different"
• "Your weight is not an issue, and your body is pleasing to me- I dislike you hide yourself" He stated calmly, clearly still not liking you had covered yourself so much.
• "But I have stretch marks-" You say as he slips his hand under your dress calmly
• "All great warriors carry scars from important battles" He states calmly as his other hand snacks its way to the front of your dress, his calluses hands running up the side of your form.
• "As your Partner I have failed you if you feel so undesirable" He states and kisses your neck, You leaning into his touch and blush deeply at his words. Feeling a gently tug of your dress as you realize he had pulled it all the way up over your breast- Him leaning back to admire you.
• "Allow me to make sure you never feel undesirable again~" He says with a smile as he captures your lips in a deep kiss, Pulling your naked hips flushed against his own.
• 3 Weeks later you were pregnant again-
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multific · 1 year
Every Scar Tells a Story
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Dau'ja x Reader
Requested by @itzalyaa17
Warnings: mention of blood, injury, angst, alien-animal carcases
Summary: When a group of six people are taken from Earth to get hunted, every Yautja was surprised to see a young woman surviving, you. Your life on Yautja Prime took a turn when you married Dau'ja.
A/N: Yet another Yautja made up by me based on a request, the picture is NOT MINE, credit goes to the owner.
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You woke up in a cage, alone, confused and scared.
The last thing you remembered was heading home from work and now, here you were on a strange ship in a cage.
You were so scared.
But then, you were out again.
Then, you woke up in a forest, surrounded by woods and what was the strangest, no noise of animals.
Nothing but you.
Then, you met a group of people.
But they were so different from you, all of them different ethnicities with different jobs, but all were male.
As you learned, all were rich, stupid rich.
"We are being hunted and watched." one of the men said. Then he suddenly grabbed your arm and started pushing you. "You can die for me, you are nothing." you tried to fight him, ask the others for help but he just kept pushing you further into a place you all knew was a trap.
You were begging but he didn't listen. But then, he tripped and you took advantage of that, pushing him as he fell into the trap and died. 
Everyone was shocked, then they all blamed you.
Stupid men, you were on a different planet and yet they made you be the villain when you defended yourself!
Now, you not only had to hide from the things hunting you but these men.
And somehow, you survived. You watched as the huge alien creatures skinned those men and you were ready for death.
But instead, they kept you.
You weren't stupid, you knew what they were doing, they were selling you.
You can only imagine what the were saying about you but then, then one of them bought you.
He looked very old.
And thus, your life on Yautja Prime started.
Being only a human living amongst Yautja, you knew you were at a disadvantage.
So far, your mate has been perfect. He even made an earpiece so it can translate what he is saying to you.
He cared for you and protected you.
It was exactly what you wished for and more.
Dau'ja started courting you not too long before you two got married. 
You were another Yautja's helper when you two met. An old Yautja who could barely care for himself. So, you became his caretaker.
In the beginning, you feared what the Elder might do to you, but he turned out to be kind.
Dau'ja started courting you when the Elder was still alive and before his death, he allowed you to marry Dau'ja.
The Elder knew that Dau'ja was a respected member of the hunting tribe. he knew that Dau'ja wouldn't hurt you and would care for you as a husband should. 
And after the Elder's death, Dau'ja took you into his home officially.
He was fascinated by humans, his intentions were to study you.
Out of every human they took that day, you were the only one who survived.
You adapted to a life on Yautja Prime, you adapted and became the mate to one of them.
It is what made you so different.
Your will to change and to move forward.
It was what Dau'ja had been looking for in you all along.
He wanted to know, how, and he needed to why.
So, taking you as his was an obvious choice for him. He never expected to become so attached to you.
Whenever you showered he watched you. Watching your skin, your marks, memorising each and every one.
By now, he could possibly point out all of them on your skin with his eyes closed.
He loved to go on hunts.
Arriving back from hunts was always very stressful for you. It was the time he presented you with furs to make into clothing. He gave you skulls and carcasses to cut and prepare.
During the first time when he brought back a bloody carcass, you threw up.
You did cut it, poorly, but you did it.
He looked disappointed, well not really, Yautja couldn't move their face like humans but his eyes said it all.
And just like then, now he looked even more disappointed.
"You humans are really fragile beings. Can't even do anything." his words cut deeper than anything. Your hands started to shake as you looked at him. You were covered in blood, he asked you to prepare a meal for him from the meat he hunted. You felt so disappointed with yourself.
Yautja women would never fail like you did.
Dau'ja stood up behind you and walked over, taking the knife from you as you backed away.
"I-I was never taught," you said, trying to defend yourself but he didn't reply, instead he prepared his own meal.
You headed to have a shower, you cried as the water washed the animal's blood off of you.
He heard you, yet he did nothing.
He wanted you to be better, and stronger. In his eyes, this was part of the process.
"I will go on a hunt with the others, we will be back later this afternoon." he basically threw this at you the next morning.
You could only nod before he stormed out of your home.
You were once again, alone with your thoughts.
You weren't good enough for him. He must have realized it by now, he must know you are a failure and once he had enough of you, he will dispose of you. You have seen it done, males rejecting females.
You needed to do something to prove yourself.
You already proved that you are good at taking care of his home and that you can be a valuable member of his tribe. Now, you needed to prove that you could be a hunter.
Whenever he took you hunting before, you always just stood there, awkwardly as the males did their job. You weren't exactly useful, but you were not in the way either.
You need to find a way before he finds a way to get rid of you.
And so, you grabbed one of his knives and headed out of the border and into the deep dark forest.
You let out a deep sigh as you came across your final prey. You tried your best to use your memory of the males hunting.
You tried to be stealthy as the wolf-like creature stood not too far from you.
You needed to kill it, so you can prove yourself, so you can prove you are not just a fragile human.
You are not a burden.
You moved into the perfect position behind the animal. Hiding by a tree as you moved swiftly.
Too many thoughts running in your mind.
And just as you thought, you had this, you stepped on a branch.
It immediately alarmed the beast as it turned, it took a moment before starting to run at you.
You quickly turned the other way and started running back to the tribe.
But the animal was faster, it jumped on you making you fall face-first onto the floor with a loud thud and a groan.
You quickly moved your hand to your neck, protecting it as you tried to turn around, when you did the animal stepped onto your chest with its huge paw as you put your hands up. It grabbed your wrist, you felt each and every one of its teeth sink into your flesh as blood began to run down and drip onto you.
You let out a loud yell which did surprise the beast but not for too long.
It began its assault on your wrist, pulling on it so hard you thought it would rip your entire hand right off.
Then the beast let out a loud yelp of pain before it ran off.
With the adrenaline rushing through your body, you failed to notice for a moment that two Yautja stepped over to you.
You looked at them, and you recognized both. They were what you would call on Earth your neighbours.
One said something which didn't really register in your brain, While the other made sure that the beast was dead, as he followed the creature and then you heard another yelp.
You were rushed back to the tribe and to the healer.
Once the pain got better and the reality of the situation set in, you thanked the males who helped you and the healer who bandaged up your wrist and hand.
Filled with shame, you returned home.
Your wrist was throbbing with pain as you just sat there.
Dau'ja will be home soon, you know it, and he will see what a failure you are.
Dau'ja arrived home, and barged through the front door, looking for you.
When he found you in the living space, he dropped to his knees, letting out a sound of relief.
"I thought..." he looked up at you, your eyes meeting his. "I smelled blood."
"I failed you." you said as you too knelt down on the floor, away from him as you looked at your hands, tears gathering in your eyes. "I'm useless. I went to hunt so I can prove myself to you and I failed, I will accept your rejection and leave your home."
"We are mates. Mates don't reject or leave," he said as you looked at him with wide eyes.
He moved closer to you on the floor.
"What do you mean?" he touched your bandaged-up wrist as he looked at it and then up at you.
"Humans are fragile, so I want to protect. As your mate, you are mine and I am yours. I failed to protect you."
You were still confused by his words.
"I failed as a wife. I couldn't prepare the meat for you."
"You keep the home warm. Warm and clean. Knife is not for you, and it's okay. I saw you try and cut, you nearly cut yourself many times. I got... angry. Angry because I should have prepared the meat for you to cook."
"Oh." so it was all a misunderstanding.
A huge mistake on both of your parts.
"So, I don't have to leave?" you asked after a couple minutes of silence.
"If you do, I'll bring you home." you smiled at that as you moved closer to him, hugging him as his arms moved around you, you fit perfectly into his huge frame.
His fragile human.
Something you now call this place.
You made his dull hut into a home.
A home he liked to return to, to have you there at the end of the hunts or just a long day, to keep you safe and sound.
Dau'ja's regret never faded after that day. The scars on your wrist were a constant reminder that he had to keep you safe.
You were his human after all.
His wife and mate.
He knew you were perfect. He often found himself running his fingers along the sensitive skin on your wrist to soothe your pain but more so to soothe his deep regret.
You will be the perfect mother to his children. He didn't need you to prove yourself as a warrior or hunter. He assured you that it was his duty to do such things.
And he even promised to teach you how to handle knives.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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pauli-writes · 5 months
Could I request Aventurine with a jewelry maker s/o?
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warning: light 2.1 spoilers (just that aventurine shattered his cornerstone), references to gambling, aventurine is a little mean
pairing: aventurine x reader
author’s note: thank you anon! i had so much fun writing this! (it was a good distraction from thinking about my presentation for class) this is really short again and beware that i know nothing about jewels or the likes that part was all google, but i hope you enjoy it anyways!
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“so, you think it’s possible?” he was insane, out of his mind. he wanted you of all people to shatter the cornerstone the ipc has given him, something like that could probably be considered blasphemous by the ipc, you could be put on trial or worse for this.
However you didn’t say anything close to this to his face, instead only nodding along like a good little partner. “yeah, but we could get in trouble for it. i mean real trouble-“
“i know, i know,” he cut you off with a wave of his hand, starting to walk around you like a predator circling his prey. it would be unsettling for most, but you were already used to it. “but you’ll still help me right?”
you paused and looked at the beautiful aventurine stone lying on your worktable, before slowly looking back up at your blond partner in crime. “aventurine… can i be honest with you?”
“always, my sweet.” he mused with a charming smile, but you could tell inside he was not pleased about you making a fuss about this simple task he asked of you.
“this is a big gamble.”
“you’re saying that like i’m not aware of it.”
you shook your head apologetically, “i didn’t mean to insult you. it’s just- what if the risk isn’t worth the reward this time?”
his smile momentarily turned into a fake frown as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, before turning back into an amused smile. “my dear, have you not been listening to me? don’t you know? the house always wins.”
“and we are the house...“ you finished, turning aventurine’s smile into a smirk as he let go of your face.
“so, you do remember after all.“ he mused, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you both gazed at the stone in the table. his grip on you tightened subtly, a small reminder that he was the one with a position in power and you only had a small little jewellery shop that you could barely keep afloat. “just don’t think too much about it. i have everything under control, so take this ugly cornerstone and turn it into something elegant, presentable and most importantly undetectable.”
you nodded and he let you get to work. you sat in front of the stone, inspecting it before even attempting to shatter it. after all this stone was said to have sealed the authority of an emanator of preservation within it, which basically meant it was dangerous as heck and you had to be careful about it.
you let out a sigh and picked up the stone, painfully aware of aventurine’s careful and scrutinising gaze on you.
“aventurine is such a pretty stone, you know?”you began, turning it in the light, letting light refract from it, “it’s a symbol of good luck, but you probably already knew that… it’s also very easily mistaken for jade for the untrained eye…”
his expression shifted slightly as you mentioned that, “oh, really?”
he stepped closer again, standing right behind you and examining his stone as well. you knew aventurine liked pretty and expensive things, he dressed up to the part he wanted to play, you remembered when he first stepped into your shop he had no clue about what was fine expensive jewellery and what was just something cheaply made and sold for an expensive price. it’s almost funny that his own stone was never a part of those conversations.
you nodded your head, presenting the aventurine in such a way it would sparkle a little. “yeah. you can’t really tell at a glance, but aventurine has a slight glittery shimmer to it. i can barely tell the difference half the time.”
“you’re so smart, reader.” he said, making you blush a little. you were very easily flustered by praise. “i think you just gave me an even better idea. i have to leave and make a call, i’ll be back later. love you.”
he gave you a kiss on the cheek before starting to walk out of your store with a hurried step. you could barely register what he had said, a new idea? how did your info dumping give him a new idea?
you shook your head, it was futile trying to figure out what he thought. quickly you stood up and shouted after him, “love you too! don’t come back too late!”
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