#prefect remus
sirius definitely begged remus to pierce his nose with remus’ prefect badge pin, and then proceeded to bawl like a baby afterwards because ‘moony it hurtssss :(’
(he denies ever even wincing at the pain and remus just sits there and tries not to laugh)
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ch1llyic3y · 1 year
To everyone who believes in James Potter slander. Just a friendly little reminder. He was headboy. Meaning that after all he did. After all the chaos and the pranks. He had to change or mature in order to become headboy. Without even being a prefect. AND. Lily. Who dispised him. MARRIED him. And had his CHILD. Please never forget that! Thank you. Goodnight.
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munacy · 2 years
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Tell me why I made this instead of sleeping.
Idec Remus is so hot and me n Sirius can simp together
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marvelomadness06 · 1 year
You cannot convince me that the boys didn’t get absolutely wasted one night when Remus was out on patrol, and that the morning after didn’t go something like this:
Remus: clutching a huge jug of the coldest water known to man, preparing to dump it on James face.
Remus: rise and fucking shine you little shit.
James: startled out of his mind, jolting so hard he almost fell out of the bed.
James: What the actual fuck Moony-
Remus: you tell me.
James: noting the toilet paper covering almost every square inch of the dorm, and one of Remus’s jumpers that was pinned lopsidedly to the wall in what he vaguely recalled as a game of pin the jumper on the Remus- the Remus being a very badly drawn, ridiculously tall stick figure that he’s pretty sure Sirius drew in unerasable ink on the wall.
James: yeah- yeah okay thats fair.
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Sirius: ah shit
Remus: watch your fucking language
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teaformoony · 2 years
james: *talking to a first year* we don’t use bad words here
remus: *in the distance* FUCK
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sliebman10 · 1 year
“C’mon, I have something to show you,” Remus said one night.
 Sirius looked up from his homework, intrigued. “Why Moony…fancy some rule breaking?”
Remus rolled his eyes. 
They stole out of the Gryffindor dormitory and Remus led the way to a door Sirius had never seen before. He opened it to reveal a large bathroom, with what appeared to be a pool in the middle of it.
“What is this?” Sirius asked, looking around, taking in the details of this hidden oasis.
“Prefect’s bathroom,” Remus said.
“Oh…this is why you were alright with being a Prefect?”
Remus shrugged. “This. among other things. Want a swim?”
Sirius looked at the array of golden taps in front of him. He turned one and a cloud of blue soap bubbles poured out. “Wicked!”
Remus watched as Sirius played with the taps until the pool sized bathtub was full. “C’mon, Moony…let’s give it a try.” Sirius said, shucking his clothes off until his pants, and diving into the water in a graceful arc. Remus froze for a moment as he watched Sirius; these new, inconvenient feelings creeping up on him when he least expected. But he shucked his own clothes, and slid into the water, where thankfully, his bottom half was covered by the bubbles.
Word count: 211
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thesauruswerewolf59 · 2 months
not me just randomly finding this in some antique stall
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solarisburns · 3 months
Regulus Black is an asshole, it's common knowledge throughout Hogwarts. Some would argue that he's cruel and might actually be a demon. He knows old magic and magic that is most likely outlawed as dark magic. He also has a group of first and second years that follow him around like lost ducklings.
He was their prefect and a little scary. But when one of the meaner gryffindors snapped at them in the hallways Regulus was the one to tell him to go fuck himself. When they 7th year didn't listen regulus rolled his eyes and hexed him. It cemented him as a legend in their minds.
As homework started picking up and the few muggleborns in the house were struggling because unlike the other houses none of their classmates were willing to help. And the teachers seemed to forget that there are slytherin muggleborns to. Regulus found them about to start crying in the library, he took one look at them sighed, loudly, and sat down and explained the entire concept. He was patient and was willing to explain things more than once. And slowly more kids would go up to him with questions and he answered them without protest each time.
He was also best friends with Dorcas Meadowes, who literally every first year had a crush on.
The first years quickly learned if you asked (and possibly bribe) he would teach you magic that they won't teach you in class. Anything from hexes to ancient runes.
While Regulus would never admit when someone pulled a prank on the first years he was totally the one who got revenge for them. Half of gryffindor had green hair for weeks.
All of his friends find it hilarious, he refuses to admit to any form of fondness for the strange children that follow him around.
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seriousbrat · 21 days
Do you think lily was a prefect? We know she was headgirl I assumed that to become headgirl/boy you had to have some experience in student leadership before hand (which is why I also assume James was quidditch captain making him qualified).
I think it's definitely very possible that she was! It's likely that head students are usually chosen from prefects, with James being something of an exception, and I also feel like Lily is a student that Dumbledore would have chosen to be prefect. She's kind and empathetic and defends others who can't defend themselves, and those are qualities Dumbledore admires. It's not mentioned in SWM whether she had a badge but also Harry didn't really pay much attention to Lily the way he did to Sev or the Marauders until the emotional climax of the scene, so it's very possible he just wouldn't have noticed. The same goes for her appearances in the Prince's Tale; her being a prefect or not isn't really relevant so the fact that it wasn't mentioned doesn't mean it wasn't true. My view is that she was, it just seems so likely to me that Dumbledore and McGonagall would have chosen her.
However I do think it's very unlikely that Sev would have been a prefect. I don't think Dumbledore would have chosen him, and Slughorn definitely wouldn't have.
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Remus: *closes a cabinet* 
*a crash is heard behind the cabinet door* 
Lily: What was that? 
Remus: The sound of someone else's problem.
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tillygirl · 1 year
Ok, so everyone keeps saying that McGonagall has totally seen 4 students out of bed in the same night before, but I don't think she has.
Instead, she would have seen Remus Lupin doing his Prefect rounds and a stag, a dog, and a rat trying to make themselves look natural in the corridor.
That, or four pairs of feet barely concealed and stifled giggles that seem to come from nowhere.
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boxbeetle-mp3 · 2 years
hahaha funny meme
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this based on
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this 👍👍
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impishtubist · 1 year
Someone: Hey, how do I get your brother’s attention
Regulus, fervently wanting people to quit asking him for advice on dating his brother, halfway convinced that Sirius is not aware that 99% of the students exist, has never seen Sirius notice anyone romantically (he can’t quite tell if the James-Sirius dynamic is super intense best friends or romantic and he frankly does not care), also knows that Sirius would rip the world apart to protect Regulus if he needed to: You can try hitting me, that would get his attention
Remus, unfortunately nearby: No, don’t do that, Sirius would actually kill you if you did that
(This has the unfortunate side effect of this person asking Remus for advice since Regulus is useless for it, and Remus hates every life choice that led him to this moment. He’s scowling at Regulus as he lives, Regulus gives him a bright grin and a mocking wave, and Remus genuinely considers about what would happen if he punched Regulus, before deciding Sirius might curse him in his sleep so he won’t do it)
Hello we are past the point in the evening where I can respond semi-intelligently to asks but YES I need this fic immediately, please and thank you.
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In the common room at some point probably:
Remus deadpan to Lily: be a prefect they said
*from another room*
James: now lets stay calm and not panic-
Sirius*on the verge of tears*: WE’RE ALL GONNA DIIEEE
James: *yelling nonsense*
Sirius: *demonic screeching*
Lily taking a shot without breaking eye contact with Remus: it’ll be fun they said
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solemilyswear · 1 year
Prefect Remus helping out students having anxiety attacks with the 5-4-3-2-1 method (name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, etc…) and when they get down to 1 thing they can taste he offers them a chocolate frog
(Alternatively: 11 year old Remus doing this to help Sirius when he’s freaking out that he got sorted into gryffindor)
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