angel-shaw · 10 months
I can’t belive I haven’t finished it yet but I promise Prince!Sam/Knight!Darlin au is coming 😭😭😭😭
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smallestchances · 2 years
Almost Royal (4)
Summary: You & Dean talk about logistics about bringing Opal to his country--and how to keep her away from the press that won’t stay away.
Pairing: King!Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None that I can think think of? Unedited.
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You can’t stand how nice the plane is. You’ve been in first class approximately once in your life, and you were crying so hard you couldn’t enjoy it at all. Dean’s private plan puts what little you remember to shame. The interior was gold and green, velvet and plush touching your skin so softly it felt inappropriate.
“I feel like it’s too expensive to breathe,” Opal mumbles to you, once you’ve reached the air and Dean went to the restroom.
“Get used to it baby bear,” you mutter. “It only goes up from here.”
She nods, looking out to the clouds in wonder, curiosity, and a smidge of anxiety. 
“Spill it.”
“I don’t know,” she sighs out, biting her thumbnail. “I’m so excited, and happy to be here with both of you but…but what if the more time we spend time together, the less he likes me?” Her eyes build with tears, and you immediately take her hands in yours, reaching across the table between you.
“Baby bear.”
“And, and what if I don’t fit in? What if they don’t like me? What if you end up hating me for making you go back?”
“Never.” You cut her off vehemently. “I could never hate you for anything you do. You could put an axe through my foot right now and I’d still love you until my dying breath–”
“And mine.”
You both look up to see Dean standing a ways away, clearly having heard most of your conversation. “I haven’t known for as nearly as long as I should, but I do love you Opal. Until my dying breathe I will not let you go again.”
A few tears slide down Opal’s cheeks, but Dean catches them quickly and sits down beside her. You watch them tenderly before getting back to the task at hand.
“So what’s the game plan?”
Opal gives you a confused look but Dean only nods. You both lock eyes, and a strange understanding settles between you two.
“I think our primary goal is the same,” he says. “We keep his far away from the press.”
“It’s a needed precaution,” you explain when you see your daughter’s face fall. “The press are vultures who will skin you alive for every single answer you give and then some. They’ll be looking for all the wrong things in your words–from stuttering to the wrong adjective to the wrong pronunciation. They’re waiting for you to fall.”
“And we won’t let that happen,” Dean continues. “We’re going to try and mask you both from the public as much as possible in order to control which way the story goes, and to ensure they see you for who you are.”
He waits for her to nod before moving on. “You both will be staying close to me in the palace under the guise of being Sam’s friends who are over for the occasion–”
“Sam? I get to meet my Uncle Sam soon?” Opal breathes. 
“You sound more excited to meet him than you did me,” Dean jokes, bumping her shoulder with his. Your heart warms at their collective laugh. It doesn’t take long before he gets serious again. “I plan to reveal you two at the Announcement Ball.”
You balk at his words, unable to keep your jaw from dropping. “Are you sure? Are you serious?”
Dean doesn’t shy away from your eye contact. “Of course.”
“Mom? Dad? What’s the Announcement Ball?”
You can’t answer her. “They won’t let you. You know that the won’t let you right.”
Dean only raises an eyebrow. “I don’t care who they are, I’ve made my decision.”
“If you’re even the slightest bit hesitant–”
Opal tugs on Dean’s sleeves with a soft calling of “Dad?” And despite the seriousness of the conversation, you smirk at how he melts instantaneously at her puppy dog eyes. 
“The Announcement Ball is a tradition my lineage has, where we officially name our successors for the throne, legitimizing who we decide is our blood.”
“And…and you want to announce…me?”
“If you’re up for it kid.”
Opal swallows before closing her eyes tightly. “I don’t want to cry anymore than I already have.”
Dean laughs, taking her hand in his. “When I told you I’m not letting you go, I meant it kid. After the announcement, we’ll have all the time in the world.” He then clears his throat. “To prepare you for court and the public, you both will be participating within 3 weeks worth of events to show who you are. That you belong here. So that by the time I name you Opal, no one would have any reason to oppose.”
She smiles so hard that both of you can’t help but mirror her emotion.
“Sam is going to pick us up,” Dean adds. “He’s also agreed to take you both on and be your benefactor for the events. He has access to both our funds to make sure you both fit in well. God knows you’ll need it.”
A bitter taste blooms in your mouth at his last comment. You try not to fidget with the 6 year old coat that you have yet to take off, but it must show on your face because Dean tries to backtrack. 
“That–I didn’t mean it like that–”
“Excuse me?” You ignore him, giving a kind smile to the one flight attendant you’ve seen. “What snacks do you have on board?”
“We have granola, trail mix, fresh cut seasonal fruit, smoothies–”
“Can we have some granola?” Opal interrupts, and the flight attendant nods. “No peanuts please!”
“Are you allergic?” Dean asks.
You nod as she’s handed the food. “Walnuts are the worst.”
He nods, sinking into his seat. “Seems like there's so many things I have to learn about you.”
“Well,” Opal says over the food. “We now have the rest of our lives.”
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You all fall asleep for the rest of the flight.
You’re the first to wake up, and realize you’ve stepped into a nightmare. The plane is slowly touching down, and you see massive amounts of cars, and people, and…
The press.
“Dean,” you almost scream out, shaking him vigorously from where he sits across from you. Opal’s head slips off of his shoulder when you gesture to the window. “They’re here.”
An expletive slips out of his mouth immediately, his face red with anger. He whips out his phone as you question him. 
“I don’t know–”
“Did they know you left?”
“This is our stealth plane, the royal crest isn’t anywhere near this–”
“If they hurt her Dean–”
“They won’t!” He snaps, determination set on his face. “They won’t.”
You nod, and both of you know. Digging into a backpack you kept with you, you pull out a large, old college sweatshirt. Dean grabs his sunglasses and a scarf the flight attendant hands him. 
Opal barely wakes up as you both help her pull the items on, just in time for the announcement that you could disembark within the next 5 minutes.
“Keep your head low,” you warn. “Don’t say anything, get straight to the car. We’ll be right behind you.”
“Sam’s ready,” Dean confirms. “Let’s go.”
All of you hold your breath. Dean is in front, you’re in the back with Opal in between you. The plane door lowers…
And they pounce.
Their words garble together, with blinding lights and yelling that causes a major sensory overload. You and Dean both have a strong hold on Opal, with Dean’s bodyguard strongly leading the way from where he came from the car. The press jostles all of you, the wave of the crowd ebbing strongly to try to get your line to break. The whole time you keep gently squeezing your daughter’s hand, her squeezing back just as grounding.
“King Dean! Is it true that this is your illegitimate daughter?!”
Opal flinches.
“Is this your new mistress?!”
You bite hard on your tongue.
“King Dean, is this another one of your charity cases?!”
Dean glares straight ahead.
“King Dean, is this the help that fled the palace? Was she hiding your secret love child?”
They continue to press in. And in. And in.
And finally you’re at the car door. Dean slips in, and then somehow your strong formation breaks. Opal ends up behind you, on the ground, on her hands and knees–
You try to get to her but you’re shoved inside the car. Without another thought you climbed straight over Dean’s lap to get out on the other side, scrambling to your baby girl.
Just to see that the crowd was silent.
They’re in a semi-circle around her, but she’s not actually on the ground…she’s helping a fallen reporter. Her scarf has fallen so that her soft smile shines, and beyond the camera clicks, you hear Opal ask if the fallen reporter is okay. They only nod in shock.
“Baby bear,” you choke out. Opal gets up with the person on the ground, nodding before following you to the car.
Inside, Dean doesn’t let her go. And you can finally breathe.
“Well,” a familiar voice says. Your eyes widen at Sam sitting in the passenger seat. “That was quite an entrance.”
If I don't get chapter 5 up by the 25th you have permission to spam me.
Tags: it won’t let me tag some of you :(
@that-one-gay-girl @fanfictionjunkie1112 @flamencodiva @hoboal87 @cutestdolans @anaissomnia @kbl1313 @fuzzycloudsz @hollymac79​@vicmc624 @roxytheimmortal @lunaticgurly @coffeebooksandfandom @A-dorky-book-keeper @Nihilismworld
@woodworthti666 @busy-bee-angel-misska @lizwinchester16
@ladyofmaidensandwine @babypink224221 @degeathesaviour
@chevyimpala6700 @superflurry @Lobveemo @supraveng
@mandxa @Deandrernp @thatsmyfavoritewhiteboy @donnaintx​ @spngi​
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thymeheals · 2 years
And Everything Begins to Go Rapidly Wrong Again.
Summary: Still at the ball. Lots of dancing. Begins in fluff, ends in angst.
POV: first person reader insert and Sam Winchester
Warnings: implied past abuse; abusive spouse; injuries briefly mentioned; kidnapping; character capture
Royal AU with the characters of Supernatural
Word Count: 1260
Part 5/? (7 so far) in process
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Sam’s POV
Finally, Dean was able to escape fathers itinerary of women for the evening. I made my way back to the edge of the room and grabbed a drink off a passing silver tray. I couldn’t help but look back and smile as Dean’s shoulders relaxed and relief was visible in his demeanor. Y/n really lit up in Dean’s arms. She had really become a great friend to us both. I kept hope that we could rid y/n of the sentence on her head.
“How could you put that fugitive whore in your mothers gown Sam?” I didn’t have to turn toward him to know my father had sought me out. “Did you think I’d forget it and not take notice?” I clenched my jaw to prevent my first responsive thoughts from exiting my mouth.
“Just put aside who you think she is, dad.”
“Put aside!”
“Look at him, that’s the happiest he’s looked all day. He’s carefree with her. Stop pushing him to make a decision on who will be his wife when there’s absolutely no reason tor him to be forced into this. Let him enjoy the time he has left of just being a prince. You know he’ll step right up and be the soldier king you’ve trained him to be when the time comes.”
His father sighed, “Sam this is beyond your brother having a fling. Arthur Ketch, the ambassador from Malta has also taken notice of her presence. Judging by the look on your face, I’m guessing you know that she’s his wife.”
“Father you can’t send her back with him!”
John held up his hand to silence his son. “He doesn’t wish to return to Malta with her, but she must be retained at the end of the night. She will return to her cell under heavy guard. Have I made myself clear? There is a public warrant for her life to be served a week from today. I suggest you stop playing matchmaker and get some sense into your head. Now not another word.” King John made his way to Robert the head guard and gave him his instructions. Then retired for the night to his bedchamber with his mistress.
Reader pov
After bantering with Dean to lighten his mood. I reach up on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek as I say, “I hope you’ve had a Happier Birthday than it began this morning.” I blush, smiled and continue, “its getting rather late and I should turn in before I’m tempted to have another drink. Goodnight Dean, I hope one of these ladies catches your fancy. Many of them are beautiful, but go dig deeper and find someone you can be friends with.”
I gather my skirts and head to Sam’s bedroom before Dean can respond and I’m tempted any further to tell this kind man how much he deserves to fall in love and marry one of the breathtakingly gorgeous women my heart is so jealous of. I don’t think I could keep pleasantries up for another second. Why couldn’t I have met him six years ago before I resigned that Arthur was the best I could do for my family. After all he’d gambled away my entire dowrey within the first month of marriage and blamed me for everything. My parents benefitted only the ability to say I’d married an ambassador. I avoided him at all costs when he was home from traveling for work. Luckily he had no interest in children and I was merely a guaranteed warm body when he was in town.
Lost in my thoughts of what could’ve been I opened the door to Sam’s room and walked across the rug covered floor to look out the window while I changed into bed clothes. When all of a sudden I felt two hands clasp around my mouth and arms, as I breathed in a sickening smell slowly I felt my vision go black.
Waking up in small cold dark wet metal room. I can only feel where I am. My hands are restrained behind my back and my ankles are bound. It’s hard to breathe and I realize there’s a fabric bag covering my head. I’m terrified. I don’t know for sure who captured me. It could’ve been King John’s men if he figured out who I was, or if he just saw me as a threat to his plan for Dean. It could’ve been Arthur’s doing if he found me. It could’ve been a random attack on the castle and they don’t even know who I am - just that I was a friend of the princes. It could’ve been a family of one of the women suitors wanting to take out any competition for Dean’s hand. So many variables. I couldn’t catch my breath now. My heart was beating as if I’d ran a race. It was too much. I collapsed into darkness. Again.
The next time I awoke, it was to cold water being splashed on my face and upper body. Shivering, I looked around to find out where I was and just who was attempting to drown me in freezing cold water. My continued panic was making me angry. I had to get a grip on myself. That’s when I saw him leaned against a table, holding a bucket.
“Did you really think you’d get away scathe free for making a fool out of me? Who all have you been with in the village? Just how many? Are they paying you? What a waste.”
“What are you talking about, Arthur?”
“You know good and damn well what I’m talking about, whore. It wasn’t hard to convince his majesty, King John, to allow me take you home and deal with your insubordination. When I told him I saw you kiss his eldest son on the very night the prince was supposed to choose a bride nonetheless. What are you getting at? Do you think you can wreck all of Milan by waging war against me?”
“Arthur, please..”
Smack. My head reeled from his backhanded slap. As I held my hands to my temples my fingers were met with a sharp stubble. I gasped as my hands continued to explore the rest of my scalp not finding the soft long locks of hair that should be draped around my shoulders. Horrified, I looked to my captor for answers.
“That’s right, good luck finding someone to take you in now. The entire country will know of your sins upon sight when you’re escorted through the streets to the gallows.” He walked over to a table to pick something up. I couldn’t see what was wadded up in his hands. But I found out with a stinging lash to my slip clothed back.
He’d whipped me within an inch of unconsciousness. I hadn’t stopped shivering since I had woken up. I had no idea how long I’d been locked away. He didn’t provide me with any food or water. Clearly me living to make it to the gallows wasn’t his priority. I’ve never been this exhausted or this cold in my life. It was simply frigid. There was a disconnect. I had no more tears to cry and no voice left from the screams he’d pulled from my body with each new stinging lick of his whip. I was ready for it all to end. I don’t know exactly when, but I had by now accepted my fate.
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sam-reid · 3 months
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Lestat de Lioncourt + outfits INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE SEASON 2 (2024).
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haflacky · 2 months
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Unbreakable bond
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k9effect · 7 months
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I've been rewatching avatar and these two boys have my heart <3
[Click for better quality, reblogs appreciated]
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brainman1987 · 4 months
So there’s this new Danny phantom au I’ve been drawing…. (Danny was booted to the infinite realms when he died- and the portal closed with him. Pariah takes Danny under his wing under Clockwork‘s instruction and Danny doesn’t know he has a human half for a long time. The only time Danny figures it out is when he accidentally flies through a natural portal ending up in a place of your choice alone, hungry, and scared. Yeah)
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I drew it myself :) (also why is cannon pariah so ugly?? I know he’s like. A warlord but. Seriously? That’s the bbeg for Danny phantom?)
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Creepy Little fuck (go listen to red flags by Tom Cardy)
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it’s not wine🥱🩸
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 292
“Oh I am blaming all of this on you T,” one of the beings in the summoning circle groans, burying their corpse-pale head in clawed hands as their white hair flickered. 
“Me? Excuse me, I wasn’t the one to accept the summoning!” another being protested, hood hiding most of their face save for molten-gold eyes and glittering runes or code on dark blue skin. “I was trying to figure out how to convince PK to change our schedule to include more sleeping, so don’t look at me, look at S!” 
“Well I didn’t accept it,” the only girl-sounding one scoffed, her crown of thorns seeming to writhe and bloom in her black hair for a moment. She crossed her arms, narrowing green eyes just a few shades darker than the white-haired one. “Maybe talk to whoever decided to summon us?” 
All of the sudden the cultists and heroes were being peered down at by a trio of… honestly whatever they were, because they didn’t seem to be the “Infinite King” the cult had been attempting to summon. Actually, they kind-of-maybe looked like kids… Which probably meant their parents or caretakers wouldn’t be too pleased. 
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traystreeter · 28 days
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The Vampire Lestat
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Corel Painter and Photoshop
I am so excited for season 3... it needs to come here faster.... its my will to live..
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dewphox · 1 year
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A quick lil thang b4 bed mwah.
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nillamoonstar · 3 months
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bloodofakashainme · 1 month
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sam-reid · 3 months
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The projections went off sync. Lestat went off script again.
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haflacky · 6 months
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You’re a perfect devil
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 10 months
some ideas i have for the Teen Villain Alliance
Dr. Danny "I stole my PhD from Harvard at gunpoint" Fenton is Damian's best friend despite being at least six years older than him, while Crown Prince Phantom Dark is more of a father figure to Damian despite them being the same flipping person.
Sam is still Damian's favorite though, she's the one who he approached to join.
someone suggested that each "squad" of teens has a different pest as their squad name. So the inner circle (Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tuck, Dani, maybe Klarion since he was there first) are Wolves, with each having a squad under them. Phantom doesn't have a squad, but Fenton's mad science squad are called rats, Jazz has mice, Sam reclaimed bats from the batfam, tuck has his flies, etc
Phantom and Pharaoh tuck pretending that they have no idea what Tennessee is because Wally mistakes them for the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Damian is convinced that the inner circle are Prince Phantom's harem and convinces Dick of that too when he joins.
I really want to add Dick to the Everlasting Trio guys, I really do, but this is about the Teen Villain Alliance, not young adult villain alliance, so the oldest I feel like I can make the trio are 20, with Dick being 24, so if anyone has any problems with that... i guess you can leave, I've already decided on this plan of action.
The first time Red Hood encounters the TVA, they threaten him into buying them alcohol, he buys the nastiest shit he can think of to mess with the brats. Klarion throws up, Sam drinks straight faced
Red Huntress originally liked being an official justice league recognized super hero, but the stress of work and being constantly relied on to save people wears her down. She confronts Phantom for setting these ghosts on her, but he hasn’t done anything, this is the regular amount of ghosts. In fact, he asked that most of his rogues limit their visits to once every two weeks, so its actually less. Valerie has a mental breakdown and joins the TVA
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