#sdc sam
dewphox · 1 year
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A quick lil thang b4 bed mwah.
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preseriesdean · 2 years
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SAM AND DEAN + reunion hugs
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the prettiest girls and the dirtiest water
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Rest in peace Sam Winchester 🙏 What a shame you never got to listen to Shauna Dean Cokeland, you would have loved Moving in Place 🙏🙏
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
Hiii! For the Hanahaki event can I request Vil (romantic) with prompt #7? A gender neutral reader would be appreciated, thanks!!
Also if youre up for it maybe prompt #12 with Ace (Platonic) with the reader’s object of affection still being Vil? This prompt with Ace is too funny for me to ignore I just HAVE to sneak him in 😭😭
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vil schoenheit, platonic!ace trappola x gn!reader [tags] – fluff, humor, semi enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, sickenly sweet [wc} – 3,458 prompt 7: “I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.” prompt 12: "No, I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. Why would you even ask that?!” note - writing this was surprisingly hard. but i got it and i think it's very cute, i just hope Vil is mostly in character :skull: also i don't know german so idk if the nickname is an accurate translation! comments loved and appreciated! a floral inconvenience
Marigold: often used during festivals like Diwali and Navratri, marigolds symbolize purity, auspiciousness, and the divine.
You were going to murder him. 
“Heyyyyyy Prefect!” Ace gave you a cheeky grin as he held your glass bottle of very expensive salicylic acid serum, balancing it precariously between his fingers. “What about this? Can I take this—whoops!”
You shrieked as the bottle slipped from his fingers, only to be caught by his other hand, an infuriating grin still on his hand. 
“Hehe, relax! I’m just messing around—oh shit!” The bottle slipped again from his fingers as a now panicked Ace scrambled to capture it. “Oop. Got it. It’s fine.”
“Oh my gooooooooood, Ace, I’m going to fucking kill you, give that back!” You snatched the bottle from his hands, giving him a good kick behind the knees as you walked past him. 
“Owwwww, Prefect, why are you so mean to me?” Ace pouted as you put your serum back on your desk with the rest of the skincare Vil had gifted everyone at the start of the SDC training. Ace continued whining as he packed his bags to go back to Heartslabyul, being left behind by Deuce who went to get snacks from Sam’s with Epel. 
He felt bad that all the food you had was cursed by Vil at the beginning. 
“It’s almost like you want me out of your dorm, kinda rude, you know.”
“You know what’s rude?” You smacked down the pillow Ace threw your way as you huffed, “Your face. Ugly ass, you know you had a room next door, how’d all your stuff end up in my room?”
Ace shrugged as he shoved his wrapped up sweater into the now bulky backpack he’d brought over, throwing himself onto your bed and grunting as he bounced on the squeaky frame. 
“I don’t know, how’d you burn the Queen of Hearts’s statue—”
“That was you—”
“—the world will never know.” 
You rolled you eyes as you laid on your stomach next to him, hugging a spare pillow to your face. Closing your eyes, you sighed as the events of the last few weeks replayed in your head. Between acting as manager for the SDC group, to barely keeping up with classes, to Vil’s overblot, you were utterly exhausted. Speaking of Vil…
“Ah, that’s right, I should check on Vil before he leaves. I wonder if he’s doing okay?”
“With you at his beck and call? Perfectly fine, I guarantee you.” Ace yelped as you smacked his side, giving him a red-faced glare. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ace turned on his side with a teasing smirk. The kind of smirk he gave you whenever he wanted to fluster and embarrass you in front of your friends and teachers. 
“It means whatever you want it to mean. Maybe someone should consider not acting like a little kid with a crush whenever they’re around Vil—owowowowowow—stop hitting me!”
You pounded your fists onto Ace’s sides and back as he tried to roll away from your reach, arms cradling his head in meek protection. He managed to roll off the bed, turning over to look at you briefly to stick his tongue out and politely flip you off. Ace let out a small shriek as you launched off the bed after him, running out of the room into the hall and turning into a goosechase. You could practically hear the yakety sax song playing in your head as the two of you pushed past Jamil and Kalim, the former crying out at you in annoyance. 
“Watch it!”
Ace practically threw himself down the stairs, jumping past four whole steps, using the banister to whip him around into the main hallway where he ran into the living room. Finally catching up to him, Ace positioned the coffee table between you two as he continued egging you on. 
“Ayeeeeeee, embarrassed Prefect? Gonna throw a fit?” Ace let out a low cackle as you both shifted around the table. 
“Gonna throw your ass into the fucking sun, little bitch ass! You got something to say then fucking say it!” 
Ace snorted as he pointed behind you. “You’re one to talk, you wanna talk about the marigolds coming from behind you? It’s like you’re growing a garden out of your ass, wanna talk about that?”
“The fuck? I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. The hell you’re talking about,” You turned your head to look behind you, still growling at him now with confusion. “Why would you even ask that—WHAT THE FUCK!?”
You hissed as you jumped backwards into the table, the edges jamming into your skin. Behind you had been a long trail of beautiful, shimmering orange flowers. Upon closer inspection, you were pretty sure they were marigolds. 
“...Ace, this is your fault.” 
“What! Nuh-uh, I’m not the only with flower sickness—”
“The fuck is flower sickness?”
“You know, hanahaki? The love disease? How do you not know what flower sickness is, it’s like basic 8th grade bio—”
“I didn’t go to school here, dumbass!”
Ace’s mouth formed an ‘oh’ shape as he remembered. “Oooooh yeah, I forgot.”
“Forgot what? You little potatoes are acting awfully rowdy so early in the morning.”
You looked up to see Vil standing in the hallway, a bemused Rook behind him inspecting the flowers on the ground. Vil briefly made eye contact with you, both of your sharing a small smile before an irritating, itchy feeling made its way in your throat. 
You felt a hand pack your back as you started roughly coughing up several bunches of marigolds into your hands as Ace grimaced. 
“I forgot that they’re not from here, so they got no clue about hanahaki…or any other illness…huh it’s kinda a miracle they haven’t gotten sick from something else yet.” Ace hummed, as he leaned down to look at your face. 
You made eye contact with your peripheral vision, motioning Ace to lean closer into you and horasely whispered, “Come… closer…”
Confused, Ace obliged, ear up to your lips, giving you the perfect opportunity to sock him straight in the gut. Your dear, beloved friend gagged from the pressure, hands cradling his stomach as he fell to his knees, groaning in pain. 
“Y/N…” Vil sighed in exasperation, walking over to give you a gentle flick in your forehead as he chastised you. 
“It’s unbecoming of a friend of mine to be so belligerent, do you really have to be so crass with all your friends?”
You clicked your tongue, licking the spit from your lips. “I’m not with you, besides Ace deserves it, you know how he is.”
“Mm-hmm, and how long have you been coughing out the flowers, meine Süße?”
A pleasant warmth flooded your cheeks at the nickname. You choose to ignore the tickling sensation of marigolds growing from the tops of your head, which instead formed into sneezing fits. 
“I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.” He remarked, leaning down to observe the blooms. “Now, answer my question, meine Süße.”
“Achooo! Ugh,” You sniffled as you replied, “Um, not that long—achoo!—ago, ugh. Just today—”
“Ah! The little trickster started expelling the belles fleurs approximately a month and a half ago!” Rook chirped, a little too happily for your tastes. “Two weeks after we began training for the SDC.” 
Vil let out another sigh as you whipped your head to glare at Rook, hissing out, “What. The. Fuck.”
“Excuse me?! Language Y/N!” Vil barked at you, making you flinch and burst into another coughing fit. Noticing this, he softened his voice, though the blonde still sounded angry.
“That’s nearly two months with the flower sickness, have you been taking potions to help with the symptoms?” 
You shook your head, clearing your throat. “Ahem, no, uh. I didn’t know that there was medicine for this kinda thing, haaaaa I just figured I was being pranked by someone.”
You heard a snort behind you as Ace stood back up, grumbling, “Of course you would, dumbass.” 
“I will actually kill you—”
“You will actually not.” Vil placed a gentle hand on your upper back, guiding you to the front door. “Rook, ensure everyone packs up and cleans their mess by the time we get back, I believe Kalim may still need help packing up.”
“Oui! How kind of you Vil to escort our lovely Trickster to get them a remedy for their affliction!” 
Rolling your eyes, you let Vil guide you out of the dorm, calling out to Ace, “Don’t forget to grab the rest of your stuff, it’s still in my room!” 
With that, the door shut behind you two as you began a pleasant walk over to what you assumed would be Sam’s shop. A pregnant silence fell over you two as you walked down the pathway leading to main street, having to maneuver past the alchemy building and botanical gardens. You were hyper conscious about his hand that remained on your back, which is when you started another coughing fit. 
“Oh you poor dear, did you really have no clue what was going on all this time?” Vil spoke to you in that soft tone that he’d been reserving for you since you first became friends, a few months ago. You’d gone into the Film Research Club interested in working as a stagehand, plus you had a good working knowledge costume design and general clothes repair, which was sorely needed. 
It’d been an incredibly rocky acquaintanceship at first, as Vil made subtle, snide remarks on your disheveled appearance, while you shot back with loud, brass comments on his ‘Regina George wannabe’ act. Now, he didn’t know who Regina George was back then, but took offense that a ‘dirty, lumpy potato would have the audacity to insult him’. 
He only kept you on in the club because no one ever willingly signed up for backstage work, and you only requested free access to spare cloth and sewing materials to fix your clothes. Vil was also more than happy to point out how scruffy the patches all over your uniforms made you look: 
“You certainly fix the part of the ramshackle Prefect, now don’t you?”
Though, looking back on it now, you’re pretty sure he wasn’t aware that everything of yours was either found in Ramshackle’s attic or bought with the meager allowance Crowley gave you. Shortly before finals, Vil found you crying in an isolated part of backstage because another first-year permanently bleached your only jacket during a botched potions class.
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“What’s going on back here, practice your scenes upfront with the rest of us, I don’t care how ugly you look crying—Prefect?”
You jumped, scrambling to get back up from the dusty corner you’d shoved yourself into. You awkwardly wiped the tears from your face, wrapping your arms around yourself as you gave Vil a feeble glare.
“What do you want Vil, I already told the others that their costumes wouldn’t be ready yet, if you want me to get stuff done, you gotta stop annoying me—”
“You’ve been crying.” His simple statement shut you up, as he approached you with a firm look on his face.
“…Yeah, stating the obvious much?” you muttered back, finding the scuff marks on the ground very interesting. Vil let out a sigh, reaching into his jacket to take out an off-white, embroidered handkerchief.
“I’m trying to be sympathetic. Ugh, you’re all red and puffy, let me see.” Vil tipped your chin up with his fingertips, gently patting at the tear streaks on your cheeks. “You look worse than normal…is the red bleach stain on your uniform meant to be a fashion statement?”
Pausing at the stuttering breath you took, sniffling, you answered, “No, some dumba—”
“—Some jerk,” you drawled, “from my last class messed up his potion, and it got all over me. Stained my only jacket, right when it starts snowing, too.”
Vil raised a brow at you, leaning back once he was satisfied with your dried cheek.
“Only one? Even Ruggie has a few spare uniform jackets from Leona, did you seriously not think ahead to purchase a spare?”
You half-laughed, half-scoffed at his statement.
“You think Crowley gives me enough money to buy another jacket for his bougie ass—I mean, fancy, school? I barely have enough to feed myself and Grim between the roof caving in and the water pipes breaking. The bathroom flooded again last week.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you felt a migraine coming in, unaware of Vil’s growing horror.
“I was lucky enough to find my uniform in the attic, it waaay too big and makes me look homeless, but at least it keeps me warm…now it just looks even more like shit.”
You finally looked up at the blonde, expecting him to lecture you on your foul language. Instead, you were surprised to see Vil’s horrified expression.
“What do you mean, you barely have enough for food?”
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It was then that you discovered that no one outside your group of friends were really aware that you were stuck on campus, victim to Crowley’s whims and needs. You know the others in Heartslabyul were faintly aware of your predicament, being from another world and stuck until Crowley found you a way home. Ace and Deuce did their best to help repair things around the dorm, but could only do so much. Savanaclaw and Octavinelle knew of the disarray of your dorm, but based on comments from Leona and Floyd, weren’t aware of just how much you were struggling just to eat and sleep. 
Ruggie definitely was, seeing as he occasionally slipped you a spare meat bun or snack that he happened to buy extra of when running errands for Leona. Ruggie was a real one, as long as you didn’t point it out. 
Since that day, Vil had sort of taken you under his wing, along with Epel who you hadn’t met yet at the time. You had to give him credit, he wasn’t the villain you’d made him out to be in your head. And Vil admitted, he enjoyed that you were quick on your feet and enjoyed your banter, as long as it was unique to him. 
He spared you his previous uniforms that he’d grown out of his freshman and sophomore year, minus the band and vest, watching as you mended the waist and ends to fix your stature. More often than not, especially after hearing that you’d be stuck by yourself during winter break, Vil was sending you care packages with personal hygiene products from brand deals he never took. He’d send fabrics and sewing supplies with sewing patterns. Vil even started buying you breakfast and lunch once back to school, though you refrained from joining him for dinner in Pomefiore. 
In exchange, you managed to replicate, with his help, some of the scripts for the more famous musicals from your world. You even told him who Regina George was! He still wasn't fond of the comparison, but did find the musical intriguing. Vil was fascinated by the works of art your world produced, and just slightly enamored in the way you described them with glee and fondness. Still, the exchanges still felt a bit uneven.
You’d once made the joke that he was practically a sugar daddy, just without the sugar. He snapped back, “Well, I’m not stopping you, now am I? I’ve never had a sweet tooth, but you’re more than welcome to give me thanks, meine Süße.” 
(You spent that night screaming into your pillow with a red-hot blush while Grim looked on with concern.)
Truly, you two had developed an unlikely friendship, one where you both spoke your minds to the other with no hesitation or fear. Which is why the lack of conversation at the moment was slowly driving you insane. 
You sneaked a peek at Vil, taking a sharp breath as your eyes met his own. It seemed that he was watching you with his very lovely, sharp purple eyes. The thought sent a hot flash through you as you sneezed a flurry of petals and pollen. 
“Ooof, ugh, this is gonna make my allergies go haywire.”
“Sam will have some potions that will help with the symptoms, though you will have to confront the root of the cause.” Vil slid his hand down to rest in your mid-back, rubbing his thumb against you in a soothing motion, though it cause you to shiver and flush. 
“Yeah, okay.” you managed to squeak out, groaning as you felt the tickle of glowing marigolds pop up on your skin and in your hair. “Ummmm, so how do you get rid of, uh, Ace called it hanahaki?”
Vil nodded and opened his mouth to speak before being interrupted by the faint screaming of your name. Both of you looked down the path, where you saw Deuce running over to you two, followed by a confused Epel chasing after him. 
Yelping as Deuce skidded to a half and grabbed you by your arms, shaking you with intense concern, you managed to reply a stuttered, “W-w-what?” 
Deuce paused his shaking to give you a concerned lecture, “You didn’t tell us you had the flower sickness!? Why didn’t you say something, you’ve been running around for SDC all this time—”
“You too—”
“But I’m not sick!” Deuce dug through the paperbag you’d just notice he was holding and shoved a pale pink potion in your hands. “Here! Take this!”
Before you could even touch the bottle, Vil plucked it from a confused Deuce’s hands, studying it with scrutiny. 
“Hmm…This is an average allergy relief potion for hay fever, did you actually ask Sam for a hanahaki symptom relief potion, or did you just grab the first thing you saw off the shelf?”
Deuce visibly deflated, opening his mouth to sheepishly reply before Epel interrupted him with a harsh, “I told him to ask, but he got all riled up and started yammerin’—I mean, uh, talking about getting the Prefect help immediately.”
Vil sighed, handing Deuce the potion back and shooed the two away with a wave of his hand. 
“Just go back, I’ll handle it, just make sure your messes are all cleaned up before we get back.”
The two replied, “Yes sir!” and continued on their path, waving goodbye to you. Though you could hear Epel mumble to Deuce, “Those are marigolds, right? I think Vil’s favorite flowers are those, you don’t think…”
You slowed down to ponder Epel’s words, remembering what Ace initially called the illness. 
“Vil…Ace called it a love sickness…would these flowers related toooo, I don’t know, a hypothetical crush somehow?” 
Vil briefly opened his mouth, closing it as he hesitated to speak. You think you could make out a soft blush on his cheeks. 
“Yes. Your hypothetical crush must favor marigolds. Can’t say I blame him, I’m fond of them myself…” 
The two of you made eye contact, a knowing look in his eye and tone making your heart skip a beat and you look down in embarrassment. 
“Oh…I see…” You coughed awkwardly, a few petals flying from your mouth. “So you said there was a way to get to the root cause?”
Vil hummed, stopping at the entrance of Sam’s shop to turn to you with an unreadable expression. 
“Yes, as an illness based on love, appropriately the cure is to confess your feelings to the one you’ve found yourself fancying.”
A cold flash went through your body as your stomach dropped. Again. “Oh.” The thought of confessing to Vil made you sick, like you could puke at a drop of a coin at any moment.
“I wish you’d mentioned something sooner, I could’ve helped you…ease into it.” Vil murmured,  his hand moving to cradle your cheek. He squished your cheek with a fond look in his eye. 
“I know it’s a daunting task…I won’t rush you into it.” Vil moved his hand to brush your hair away, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your forehead. “When you’re ready to say something, just let me know.”
Leaning back, VIl covered his mouth to hide his amused smirk. Your face was a blazing red as the marigolds grew a trail down your neck and chest. He motioned for you to follow him into the shop, holding the door open as he held a hand out to you. At the moment, you’re having a hard time imagining why he’d only ever been typecast in villain roles, he looked more like an enchanting love interest catered for you specifically. 
“For now, I’ll be by your side. I will wait for you, meine Süße.”
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hi! May I request the reaction of the twst boys, if they already have an S/O but they meet their soulmate? What would they choose between, their S/O or their soulmate?
Summary: Ace/Rook/Sebek/Sam/Leona x. Gn! Reader
A/N: this got long, but I had souch fun thinking about this. So feel free to request other boys for me to look at!
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Ace knew just as well as anyone that in modern day society, it was common to not end up with your soulmate. Some people never met their soulmate, some people's soulmates were just not a good match, some people seemingly didn't even have a soulmate. It was fine. Nothing to get butt hurt about. 
Ace's soulmate mark on the palm of his hand had never even sparkled, let alone lit up. And he'd found someone that he had fun with. He wasn't sure if it was really love, but that was fine since he couldn't be sure if he was even capable of love.
He probably wasn't. His only other relationship, he'd ghosted them once he got bored. So a fun relationship, with no love, was probably all he deserved.
Until the day the you'd poofed into the mirror chamber, and his soulmate mark had glowed for the first time in his life. He saw you looking around in confusion, and at the time, he had assumed you were looking for him. Later he would realize you were too scared to even notice your mark. He was so god damn selfish.
He quietly slipped a glove on that was supplied with his uniform, and decided to wait and scope you out.
You'd both just defeated a monster of some kind, and you, Deuce, and the cat monster were laughing together, but he was just thinking of you.
You. You were too good.
He couldn't do this with you. You'd be hurt at first, but it would be better than knowing your soulmate was a heartless asshole who would leave you when he got bored.
You never had to know. He'd take solace in what he had, and give you your best chance for happiness. 
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His string of fate had finally become a natural color. And during the SDC auditions, he'd found it belonged to you. 
He'd told you the truth. That he'd been seeing many people, believing that you were dead, or he'd never been destined to meet you. He was practically pleading with you to forgive him for the crimes he'd committed against you, but you told him you'd done the same thing once you'd realized your string wasn't the correct color.
He fought back a wave of intense jealousy, by kissing you, and telling you he'd break up with the one he'd been dating immediately. Hell, he'd be doing it right this moment, if you hadn't told him it'd be cruel for him to do it over a call.
How could he even care about cruel when you were right in front of him? Ready to help him find his happily ever after! 
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Lilia had always told him about soulmates, and how they would change your life. When you saw them, your world would literally expand, the otherworldly "colors" flooding your vision, but all you'd be able to focus on is their eyes.
He'd started at NRC, and Riddle Rosehearts had brought up the fact that a marriage of convenience would help Malleus more than being with his soulmate would. Silver had stepped in, repeating what master Lilia had always repeated. But Rosehearts was one that his lord respected dearly. There was no harm in trying it.
And one date with the rich merchant's kid had turned into two, had turned into three, had turned into a full relationship. For Sebek, the connections were very helpful to his king. For his partner, connections to the fae court, which were normally hard to come by, were completely open to them. 
While Lilia often gave the disappointed dad look,  and Silver wanted no part in the relationship, Sebek saw no reason to end it.
At least until the two of you made eye contact, and he finally got to experience color. 
You were ecstatic! But he was torn… could he give up this boon he had for his master, just for his own happiness.
He told you he needed time. You looked disappointed. Perhaps you had your own Lilia back home who had filled you with beautiful promises. But you told him you understood. Albeit with tears glimmering in the corners of your eyes.
He spent three days straight training. He didn't think to stop, even with the sweat streaming into his eyes, causing them  to burn more than they already were. 
It wasn't until he felt his Lord's calming presence entering his periphery, a steaming mug of hot cocoa, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream floating in it, in his hands.
"It would be foolish to work yourself to death."
Sebek halted his moves, sheathing his sword, and quietly grabbing the mug.
"It is not often you are rendered speechless," Malleus smirked,but Sebek could barely nod.
Malleus sighed. "Humans do not live very long. To have one for your soulmate is a blessing few get to share. You will have centuries to be bound to someone you do not love.Do not lose your chance to hold them while you have them."
Malleus vanished as quickly as he appeared. Sebek stared at his hot cocoa, before running to find you, while he still had the chance.
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He was always so cold. No matter where he was, he never could find the warmth of his soulmate. He'd ask his friends every once in a while to see if there was a soul that was destined to truly belong to him. The answer was always no. So he lived in eternal winter.
Those trapped in the cold seek warmth. And he'd found solace in a simple witch. There was no love. The relationship was purely to bring warmth to one another.
Then one day, he felt a moment of relief, as his friends came running for him, all of them speaking over one another. The only word he could consistently catch was , "Soulmate". The worst part was that he was literally in the arms of his little witch.
It wasn't that he didn't want you. He desperately did. Especially when Everytime you walked into the room, the cold numbing his fingertips dissipate, and he'd feel like he was in a warm embrace.
But you never pushed him, because of the conversation he had with you the moment you walked into his shop for the first time.
"I can't."
"Not yet. I have someone relying on me. I'm their only source of warmth. Can you wait for me?"
You truly were perfect for him, because you never brought it up. And if you were anything like him, you desperately wanted the warmth you would feel if you held him close to you. But you were so patient. Pretending everything was fine, while he searched tirelessly for a soulmate that might not exist, for a potion that would simulate the warmth. 
One day though. He promises that one day, he'll have it figured out. And then both of your patience will have paid off.
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no one could ever love him. Which is why he wasn't bothered that no one's name was scrawled on his arm. And why he wasn't bothered when his brother had nervously asked if he'd be opposed to a betrothal to someone from another country. It's not like anyone was waiting for him.
It was a comfortable relationship. They definitely didn't love each other. But at least there was someone who had to at least pretend they cared when you complained about something. Comfortable. That's all he could ask for.
Until he'd felt pain on his arm, and found a name scrawled onto it for the first time. In a sea of new freshmen, he could pretend he didn't notice. He could pretend he didn't see.
And he hadn't run into the person the name belonged to, until you stepped on his tail in the greenhouse.
And after that, you were trying. You were trying so damn hard. It was endearing, and he almost let you in.
But deep down, he knew you'd one day seem him for who he was.
So one day, on edge from you asking him questions about himself, he snapped and told you to stop wasting your time, and get out of his life. Stop lying. No one could ever love him.
You glared at him. You called him a coward. And he growled back at you.
"I don't need you!"
For a moment, you seemed startled. Then you glared at him, and held your head high as you told him you wished him the best but doubted he'd find it.
And as he watched you storm off, a part of him knew you were right.
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howlingday · 3 months
No Ad-Block?
Jaune: Alright! Time to test out this new armor!
Jaune: Whoa... Paladin on the word go, huh? Okay, this is definitely gonna be a tough fight for me.
Armor: Activating body armor... Armor: ...after these messages~!
Jaune: What?! What messages?!
Yang: Splazzers is now free~!
Jaune: Wh-What the hell is this?!
Yang: (Moans)
Paladin: (Rams Jaune)
Jaune: (Launched, Glides down)
Yang: Don't play by yourself when you can play with me~!
Jaune: Haha, guys, very funny. Now stop with these ads and give me my damn armor!
Armor: Do you wish to skip this ad?
Jaune: YES! (Barely dodges missile) That was too close!
Jacques: Landscape! For the closest shave to your manhood.
Jaune: Another ad?!
Jacques: Don't trust any other razor near your-
Jaune: (Punched across the grounds) How many ads am I gonna have to skip through?!
Armor: Do you wish to skip this-?
Jaune: YES! (Rammed again) Rgh! Okay, focus! If I can just keep my cool, I should be able to-
Terra: What are you doing, little brother in law~?
Jaune: OH GOD, SKIP! (Punched again) I don't think... I can last much longer...
Paladin: (Picks him up, Tosses him)
Jaune: He's gonna kill me!
Blake: You won't last thirty seconds playing this dating sim~.
Jaune: If I get one more ad, I am going to save the paladin the work and kill myself!
The Curious Cat: Are you feeling down? Personal Assist will pair you up with a licensed therapist who got their certification at the SDC.
Jaune: Dammit, skip!
Paladin: (Rams him)
Jaune: (Catches ramming, Deflects) Alright. If I can't take him head on, then I'll just have to hit him from above!
Jaune: (Jump with gravity dust)
Paladin: (Launches SAM, Hits Jaune)
Jaune: Dammit! How does he keep finding me?!
Nora: Worried about people finding your location? Then you, my friend, should use NoraVPN~!
Jaune: Will you stop with these ads so I can stop getting raided?!
Armor: Did you say RAID?
Ruby: RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS! New DLC available now-
Jaune: SKIP! (Jams sword in Paladin) Gotcha!
Paladin: (Steps forward)
Jaune: Oh no...
Paladin: (Rockets flare)
Jaune: No, no, no! NOOOOOOOOO-
Paladin: (Rams Jaune into the wall)
Jaune: Dammit... I'm going to die... And after coming so far...
Armor: Ads annoying you? Would you like to pay for a premium subscription to bypass all ads?
Paladin: (Steps on Jaune)
Jaune: (Holds Paladin in the air)
Jaune: (Shoves off paladin) SKIP! (Slices) SKIP! (Hacks) SKIP!
Paladin: (Pile of scrap)
Jaune: (Panting)
Pyrrha: I sawed this cereal box in half~!
Jaune: Skip.
Armor: You have successfully completed all of the ads! Now equipping battle armor~!
Jaune: ...Fuck you.
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the-fab-fox · 2 months
I come bearing a request! If it doesn't make you uncomfortable — ignore this if it does — could you please write platonic headcanons or a oneshot about the Pomfiore trio helping yuu who's on her (or their) period and has cramps & is just feeling gross?
| Request Fill for Anonymous. To find out how to request your own, check out this post here. |
Absolutely, I can, my friend!
I enjoyed writing this so much. I love seeing these three and Yuu getting on so well in Book 6. It makes my heart so happy to see it.
So naturally, I wanted to include that same vibe with this one.
As a note, since I don't really mention it until further in the oneshot, this takes place during the SEC group preparing for the SDC.
I hope you enjoy, sweet anon! And if you feel up to it, in case you don't want to comment directly on the fill itself, feel free to shoot me a dm if you wanna let me know how you like it.
Thanks again for the adorable request!
Platonic F!Reader with Vil, Rook, and Epel.
[Fill under cut due to length.]
The Ramshackle Prefect watched the dancers closely. She smiled to herself with a soft chuckle. 
The chuckle quickly became a grimace as, yet again, her uterus decided to give her a swift horse kick back to reality. 
This sucks. I'm grateful that Sam had the things I needed but they don't really have anything like Tylenol or Ibuprofen here. 
Sam had given her a little protip though, before she had left his shop. 
“Talk to Professor Crewel about this.”
She did just that. 
Crewel had told her that he would make a potion which would likely act in the same manner as the medicines from her world but it would take two days. He frowned at her and snapped his riding crop in his hand. 
“In the future, you are to inform me at least four days before your cycle starts so you won't have to wait so long for relief from the cramps. Is that understood?”
She snapped to attention. “Yes, sir!”
Crewel smiled empathetically. “Good girl. You may go but before you do, here—”
He opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out what looked like a Hershey bar. He passed it to her and she took it tentatively. After all, Crewel didn't seem like the type to give gifts or rewards to students. 
“It's chocolate. It won't do as much as the potion will but it is something that is already made so we'll take what we can get, won't we, pup?”
The otherworlder nodded and smiled. “Thank you for helping me with… all of this.” Out of nerves, she waved vaguely at the lower half of her body. “You and Sam have been so helpful and nice about it.”
Crewel nodded. “It's nothing. Especially since I know exactly how you feel.”
She tilted her head and frowned. 
What on earth did that mean? What was he—
No way! 
Her eyes widened and she blurted out the question that immediately came to mind before she could stop herself. 
“Professor Crewel, did you just subtly slip in the fact that you're a transman?”
Crewel grinned. “Well spotted, Prefect. I swear, you have more intuition and common sense than most of the students at this school combined.”
She blushed at the compliment. She never had been good at accepting them. Most of the time, they made her uncomfortable. 
Even with how uncomfortable she was, the compliments still pleased her. In her mind, Crewel was one of the best teachers at the school. Even with his weird BDSM vibe he had going on with that ridiculous riding crop. 
Maybe she was being a little unfair. She just hated it when Crewel would appear by her and her friend’s desk and snap that thing. 
It wasn't her fault she was easily jump scared. 
She thanked him instead of commenting on the compliment—what would she even say to that?—and had taken her leave. 
Brought out of the memory but yet another sharp squeezing sensation, the Ramshackle Prefect let out a little whimper. 
Damnit. Why did I eat all that chocolate bar in one sitting? I'm sure Crewel wouldn't mind giving me another, if he even has one. And Sam should have them in stock. I should go after practice and grab one. 
Unfortunately, there was no telling how long practice would be. 
“Mademoiselle Trickster. Forgive me, but tu vas bien? Are you feeling alright?”
She blinked up at Rook. There was that sharp, observant gaze but just behind it, she saw genuine concern. 
She smiled. 
Well, she tried anyway before another cramp hit her. This one was more intense than the last as well. She could also feel the beginnings of a migraine and bemoaned her lack of the potion. 
“Ouch,” she groaned. 
“Rook! Why are you over here? You're supposed to be with the others, practicing.”
Rook didn't look chastised in the least. She had always found that pretty impressive. The fact that Vil could just bark his disappointment and Rook would apologize genuinely but that would be that. 
Unfortunately, she was nothing like Rook. Vil was also unfathomably beautiful, famous, snarky, and direct. Those combinations very often did not suit people like her. She was grateful, however, that Vil seemed to be an exception. 
Yeah, he could be harsh, but only when it was necessarily or well deserved. To her, Vil seemed more like a bossy but supportive big sister. She was just intimidated by the rest of him. 
“Oui,” Rook replied. “I simply came over because I could tell that our dear Trickster here is not feeling well.”
Vil turned those lavender eyes on her and she found she could not look away. His eyes narrowed as he looked her over. 
“What's going on?”
The Ramshackle Prefect surprised herself as she suddenly burst into tears. 
Okay, it wasn't as dramatic as all that, but she did end up crying. 
Vil's tone was still firm but had softened significantly. 
She sighed as she looked at him. “I'm sorry… I… well, I started my period and there's no medications here like back home that can help with it,” she said, her voice sounding whiny to her own ears. God, she hated how whiny her period made her. And how utterly disgusting she felt being a foot from Vil Schoenheit. 
She sucked in a breath, and continued. “Crewel is making a potion for me…he's so nice… he doesn't show it but he is. But he said it's going to take 2 days, maybe 3, before the potion will be ready. But the cramps are so bad and now my head is starting to hurt. It's definitely the beginning of a migraine.”
Vil was suddenly all action so fast that she felt a little lightheaded for a second or two. 
“Rook. Go to Sam’s and get anything you can think of that helps with a period. Then go get one of my silk pajama sets, a pair of my softest slippers, and my facial kit. Bring the lavender scented—no!—bring the ginger infused facial products. And a bit of our peppermint tea.”
Rook snapped to attention. “I won't be but a moment,” he assured them both before leaving quite dramatically. But that was normal for the odd third year. 
Vil looked at her before scanning the others practicing their dance moves into the mirror. 
The periwinkle-haired first year glanced over in question. 
“Ah—yes, sir?”
“Please come here a moment.”
The Prefect watched as Epel did as ordered, coming to stand before them both. He glanced at her, obvious concern in his eyes now that he could see her up close. 
“Hey, what's wrong?”
She sighed and shook her head, no longer feeling emotional enough to blurt it out. She nodded instead at the silent question in Vil's eyes. 
“The Prefect is on her period. Unfortunately, she didn't think to bring this up with Crewel prior to getting it but it's understandable, considering everything she's gone through since her arrival. I'm assuming this is your first period since coming here?”
She grimaced and nodded. Back home, it wasn't often that she skipped periods. The times she did, however, were usually due to stress and the next one she did get was always worse. That was what was happening here, to the letter. 
She looked at Vil with surprise. It was her understanding that Vil had no siblings. He smiled at her surprise. 
“In my line of work, you get to know a great number of people. Many of them get periods. It's also imperative to familiarize oneself with others’ physiology and not just one's own when making potions.”
The Prefect just nodded her head. It made a lot of sense but she felt too exhausted to do anything more. 
Epel looked at her with sympathy. “What can I do to help?”
Vil smiled. “That's precisely why I called you over. Will you please tell the others that something has come up that couldn't be helped so the rest of practice is canceled.” He paused for a moment, considering the group. “Also inform them that I want them to practice their moves for an hour in front of a mirror tonight. Wait… Spudling 1 and 2 should do 2 hours. Then I'd like you and Grim to ask the chefs if they wouldn't mind making a simple chicken and noodle soup for her. You don't have to answer any questions. If they push, have them come talk to me. That should take care of things nicely.” He tilted his head imperiously. “Did you get all of that, baby spudling?”
He'd do well as an owl, she thought out of nowhere and was grateful that she hadn't voiced the thought aloud. 
“Whatda I lookit to ya—erk—I mean, yes, sir. The rest of practice is canceled, but they are to do 1 hour of practice back home. 2 for Ace and Deuce. Then I'm to go to the kitchens with Grim to get Chicken and Noodle soup for the Prefect.”
“Very good. Go on now.”
Epel hurried off. 
Vil smiled sympathetically at her now. She sighed her feelings on the whole matter. 
“Do not worry, my dear. We'll get you sorted. Tomorrow you will be off duty as well. If you would like, I can inform the Headmage that you will need to be out of classes as well due to being sick.”
Her eyes widened. “Really? You'd do that for me? They'll be okay with that?” 
In her experience, people with periods were generally just expected to get on with life despite the pain and feeling like complete garbage. Pick oneself up by the bootstraps, and all that.
Vil snorted. “They trust me. I've earned their respect and with good reason. They'll accept with no other details aside from being too sick to come.”
She was suddenly filled with the desperate urge to hug him. She was that thankful. Luckily, she was able to hold back. 
Tears began to creep at the corners of her eyes again and it was with a softer voice that she thanked him. 
“Think nothing of it, Prefect. While I am empathetic, especially with things that are unavoidable, I'm also thinking of the group and the SDC. With a period there's no way you wouldn't be distracted and understandably so, therefore it would be a waste of time to make you do your job when you feel as you do.” He smiled apologetically once more with a sigh. “Better to have you miss a couple days and come back to us fresh and rested than to make you suffer and possibly lengthen both the period as well as our training. You're also not one of the performers so it's not absolutely necessary for you to be at every practice. Preferable, definitely, but not necessary.”
She beamed at him. “You're a really good person Vil, I don't care what anybody else says.”
Vil raised a brow. “Oh? Well thank you, but let's not hurry away from the topic. What is it that others are saying?”
A confused expression crossed her face before she realized she'd used a joke phrase from her world. He, obviously, would have no idea what she was talking about. 
“Sorry… that's just a thing we say where I'm from. Basically, you're just saying it as a joke because no one is really, actually saying anything. It's just…” she waved her hand in frustration and sighed. “Is not important.”
“Don't talk like that, Prefect. What we have to say must always be treated as important. Why would we say it if it wasn't important to us? Besides, I understand what was meant from your explanation. I know well that not everyone is able to or even wishes to handle my intensity and dedication to putting forth one's best self at every opportunity.”
It was her turn to smile empathetically. 
“Their loss,” she said, meaning every bit of it. Vil smiled. 
“Thank you kindly, my dear. I don't need the reassurance but I'm happy to know that you think so. Furthermore, I agree completely.”
They both laughed softly and she felt a little better. 
The door opened and the miserable girl noticed the room was empty aside from Vil and herself, as well as Rook who had returned as promised. 
“How is our little Trickster?” He asked as he joined them, quickly pulling a table over before setting all the things he carried upon it. 
The Ramshackle first year rolled her eyes but it was in a fond manner. She had to admit that Rook’s odd tendencies were growing on her a little. He was weird as fuck but he was also a really good guy when it came down to it. 
Neither she nor Vil had a chance to answer as the door opened again. Epel came in, bearing a large bowl with a utensil sticking out. It was still steaming; the gentle clouds billowing behind Epel as he hurried to her as fast as he could without spilling any of it's contents.
The scent of the soup reached her nose not long after that and her stomach growled loudly. The others laughed as she blushed and covered her face with her hands. 
A bowl was now in her peripheral vision and she looked up at Epel with a smile of thanks. He smiled back at her as she took it, breathing in the steam with a happy sigh. 
“Your stomach growling as it did also suggests you have not been keeping hydrated. Be sure you're taking breaks throughout the day to drink plenty of water. Understand?”
The Ramshackle Prefect nodded. 
“Good. Now, the three of us are going to take care of you for a little while. That will relax your body and your nerves. It'll likely alleviate your migraine as well. The cramps should lessen for the evening, at the very least.”
“I took the liberty of getting a heating pad for you—non! I will not accept payment. This is a gift between friends.”
Vil nodded. “Likewise.”
“The same goes for me even though I'm not sure what I can do.”
Vil smiled at him. “I'll show you.”
The girl looked from Vil, to Epel, to Rook. Yet again, overcome with emotion, she felt tears rush to her eyes and she grumbled as she tried to brush them away. 
“Oh, you poor dear,” Vil said. His tone was the softest she ever heard it.
Then he did something that surprised her tears into stopping as if she was some protagonist in a shoujo anime. 
He hugged her, taking care not to spill the bowl still in her hands.
Vil Schoenheit had just hugged her. 
Was she dreaming? Had she passed out?
While she wasn't interested in him, at least not like that, he was famous and impossibly beautiful. Besides, she probably smelled. She really hoped she didn't smell. 
Vil didn't seem to mind it if she did at that moment though so she did the only thing she could think of…besides just standing there. 
She hugged him back, using one hand to carefully hold the bowl of still steaming soup.
That seemed to be the cue for Epel and Rook who hugged them both. 
The group hug went on for a few more moments before Vil pulled away, causing the other two to do so as well. 
“Alright! Eat your soup, my dear, and then the real work begins.” He smirked. “I finally have the perfect excuse to take care of those dreadful pores.”
The Prefect tried to fake glare at him, but in the end, she just chuckled and shrugged. 
“Thank you for this, you guys. It… it means a lot.”
Vil just shushed her. 
“Eat your soup, Stage Manager. My time is precious and, by now, you've learned well that I don't like to waste it.”
Smiling, the Ramshackle Prefect and temporary Stage Manager did as she was told.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
coconut flavored toothpaste
Genre/Tropes: Established Relationship, Blanket Forts.
Summary: You sneak into Kalim's room during his stay for the SDC.
Author's Comments: this was inspired by one of kalim's new years dialogue thingys thats like "i love coconut flavored toothpaste!" so i took that as a writing prompt and went with it. i love this man he is perfect thank you.
A cold chill seeps into your socks as you creep across the floor, counting room numbers in your head as you make your way to Kalim’s room. The hallway is darker and dustier than you’d like, especially with guests over (especially when one of those guests was Kalim), but you know your way around. You can make it to your lover’s room without the help of lights because you’ve walked these halls a hundred times over so there’s no way anything will surprise you—
A door to your right creaks open.
You jolt and whip your head around, only to see Jamil peeking out of his room at you. His gaze is fixed on you, eyes full of suspicion and exasperation. You stare back like a deer in headlights, one leg raised dramatically in the air and your arms curled in like a T-rex.
You must look pretty stupid right now.
The eye contact lasts for longer than socially acceptable, but you refuse to look away. If he won’t give you the go ahead you’ll just stay here all night until he falls asleep or gets bored and then you’ll be able to infiltrate Kalim’s room no problem!
It’s foolproof, and it’s totally going to work—
But Jamil just sighs and shakes his head, waving you off as if to say “fine, go and see him.” and you whisper a loud thank you as he shuts the door. You turn to the door on your left, and snatch the doorknob, cranking it to the side and pushing the door open as quietly as possible despite your overwhelming excitement.
A fumbling hand reaches out from inside the room and grabs your wrist, tugging you past the door frame and into the room. You stifle a laugh as the door swings the shut behind you, the dull thud probably louder than it should have been. Oops. You can only hope that it didn't wake anyone up.
“Hey.” Kalim whispers, still holding your hand as he beams at you.
“Hey.” you whisper back, an equally excited grin on your face.
“I made a blanket fort.” he shakes your hand a bit, pointing to the far corner of the guest room, “I made sure to bring those little snacks you like, too.”
You cover your mouth with your hand as you smile, taking in the—pardon your pun—ramshackle chairs he collected to drape the moth bitten quilts over another pile of quilts. It’s such an endearing clusterfuck that you find yourself tearing up a little. Great Seven, you don’t know what you did in your previous world to earn the affection of someone as lovely as Kalim, but you’re going to try your best to keep him.
“I got you something special, too.” you joke, pinching his cheek, “I’m gonna treat you so right tonight.”
You slip a pack of those juice filled gummies he loves so much out of your pajama pocket and shake it back and forth in front of his face, the crinkling sound much louder in the nighttime silence of your dorm. You bite your lip and rub your chin as Kalim gasps, the soft sound fading into a quiet giggle as he gently takes them from you. He rushes over to his bag and tucks it in one of the pockets like it’s precious, and you know that the absolutely delighted look he has on his face will stick with you forever. Once his gummies are safely stowed away, he jumps on top of you and throws his arms around your neck in a crushing hug. You wrap your arms around his waist as he kicks his legs in the air, squealing into your shirt about how lucky he is to have someone like you in his life.
Seems like you can keep him with a 24 pack of juice filled gummies from Sam’s.
“Thank you so much! I loooove you-” he coos, smearing a kiss against your jawline and peppering them all over your cheeks, “Love you so much, my special little strawberry gummy-”
“Kalim!” you whine, laughter disrupting your whispery cry of his name. He only giggles and slips out of your hold, leaning backwards as he uses your hands to hold himself up.
“What? You’re cute and squishy and-” he darts upward and smacks a kiss right on your lips, the taste of his favorite coconut toothpaste shocking your senses, “You taste good.”
There’s a flaming heat that creeps up your neck at his comment, but before you can say anything in response he’s yanking you towards the blanket fort. Kalim hunches over and ducks inside, only to peek his smiling face back out and gesture for you to enter. He holds the makeshift curtain out of the way as you clamber inside, the quilts soft under your palms. He lets the quilt fall over the entryway and fumbles around for something in the darkness of the fort.
You don’t have to wait long.
A burst of pink fills the space as an array of fairy lights turn on, revealing Kalim’s furrowed brow and slight pout. His face lights up once he realizes that his lights worked, the little pink flowers flickering in the darkness.
“It’s lovely, Kalim.” you say as a way to thank him, even though he never asks for anything in return when he gives you something. That’s just the kind of person he is.
“I was hoping you’d say that!” he cheers, still trying to keep his voice as quiet as possible for your other residents, “I really wanted to make this special since this is our first sleepover at your place, and even though we’re usually at Scarabia I always wanted to come here-”
You sink into the pile of quilts, watching him carefully as he rambles. Kalim seems to sense that you’re tired, now that you’re all wrapped up in his warmth and love and care, and he shuffles around the fort while he talks.
“-I always thought you were a bit unreachable.” he muses, selecting a quilt that has your favorite color along the borders and a beautiful scene of cranes flying through a sky pieced together and draping it over your form, “I’m so glad I was able to reach you after all.”
“Why’s that?” you huff, amused as you snuggle into the fabric.
“You’re so mysterious! I mean, you’re from another world, and...” he trails off, brow furrowing, “And...I guess I wasn’t sure how to approach you at first. But it’s fine, because I talked to you like I talk to everyone else, and it worked! We got closer, and you love me, so it’s all okay. And I love you too. So it’s okay...”
“Kalim, is something wrong?” you prop yourself up on your elbows, lifting the corner of the blanket and tugging him under.
“I don’t want you to leave.” he murmurs, and the sound of your heart beat becomes so much louder in your ears.
“I don’t know if Crowley will let me stay.” you whisper, pulling him close as the pink light bathes his face in a gentle glow, “But I’ll do everything to get him to reconsider if he does find a way home, but I don’t want to make any promises and give you false hope, but I promise I will do everything I can to stay here with you.”
“I’ll do my part too.” he sniffles, and it’s only then that you see the tears just beginning to form in his eyes, “I’ll make sure you get where you want to be. Wherever makes you happy.”
He’s still smiling, even though he looks like he’s about to cry.
“I want to be right here.” you say, voice so certain and confident because truly, there isn’t anywhere else you’d want to be, “And I want to do this, for as long as I can.”
You kiss him again. His lips are soft and warm and they taste just like coconut. He tastes like summer days and clean fresh air and flowers and running through Ramshackle’s front lawn and laughing and singing and ice cream and fluffy blankets and stargazing. Kalim tastes like everything good in this world because to you, he is.
Kalim is the reason they call his home a wonderland.
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mr-laveau · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by a darling, @autisticempathydaemon! Thanks for the tag!
Tagging @agentplutonium because I wanna pull some SH style interrogative shenanigans/lh
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
Seventeen, not a lot but it's to be expected somewhat I suppose since I'm busy writing NeXus.
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
64,509-Oh look I beat Lexi/j/pos
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Redacted mostly, I have some unreleased Castle Audios fics, an unfinished JJBA SDC fic to finish and a Scott Pilgrim fic to start.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1 is an Ironpanther Marvel Fic of Avenger's Academy I have not touched in forever called "How Tony Stark landed a king and how T'Challa landed a genius". It was fun tho cuz my hc of T'Challa being demisexual was really well received to my knowledge. #2 is "Spitfire", which admittedly is a good FL/Damien fic and people should read it. #3 is "Ghost of the Past", my Sam/SH fic where they both used to be roommates in DUMP. #4 is "Friends...Am I right?" which was a really fun Darlin/Sam & BE+Fred fic. Finally, #5 is "Moments That Flash By" which is a really good Darlin/David fic for my soul.
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond when I remember...ADHD makes me do silly silly things like forget that stuff exists. I like comments and they let me know I'm doing s good job.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Easy! "Shattered Glass Makes a Good Weapon" Gods, I love that fic so much. It was really fun for me to reach deep down and write Darlin and Quinn like that.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhhhhh I dunno, probably a Marvel fic called "Crossing Buckies and Dotting Hawkeyes", I am a winterhawk girlie and I had fun writing that, others might think it's "Spitfire" or "Break time, Gorgeous" but subjectively, it's that fic.
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
If I have then I haven't seen it. I don't really engage much with fandom to care about hate comments because "haha, look at you getting mad over words about fictional characters kissing", like shut your goofy ass and move on.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have but I'm not releasing it. I don't feel compelled to do it-mostly cuz it's for me and I like toying with the idea in my head and the people of my current fandom are not ready for the depravity I could unleash.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
No? I have ideated one but I'm still not sure if I want to do it.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nuh uh.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Uhhhh no but I have ideated with Lexi about one and I have been too busy to finish the first chapter.
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
My redactedsona/redacted men What? who said that? It's Darlin/Sam/David/Angel/Damien/Asher/Baaabe/SH/Milo. It's my ship and yes, they're all poly, yes, they're a network and yes, I am happy with myself.
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
"Platinum Portrait", It was an old JJBA fic with my OC/Jotaro and I really liked how it was going. Dunno, we'll see how it goes.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I'm good at dialogue and characterization as well as pacing(?).
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Gore, writing long fics, Dead Dove Do Not Eats (I wanna do those at some point with Quinn or Hush OR Porter OR OR OR Imperium Vincent) I like dark shit, idk what to tell y'all and I wanna get better at exploring darker topics properly in my writing.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Gods, I love doing it. If you've read "Break Time, Gorgeous" then I want you to know, I love you and it was fun as hell to write.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. Specifically it was my Ironpanther fic.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
An unreleased Sam/Darlin smut fic where they fuck in an alleyway. I think it's fun.
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
Enchanted Rose University
Saw others make posts like this, so here are some of the major OCs at my all girl's fan school and the counterpart to NRC.
Things to Note:
I'm listing student characters from most important to least important to the main plot of my own fic series.
This post will reference my own worldbuilding where NRC and RSA are universities. So if you are wondering how the hell a girl can work at Mostro Lounge and why I'm spouting out random country names, that's why.
Everyone mentioned in this post is 18+.
I might make a part 2 of this if there are enough OCs from this school. Either way, I'll make another general OC post sometime, because there are a lot more than what you'd think.
(Warning: This post will contain spoilers for upcoming characters in my TWST fics. You have been warned.)
Enchanted Rose is respected and prestigious all-girls university in the Land of Pyroxene. It honours King Adam and his princess consort Belle. The school is even in their former estate. Students come from all walks of life, and many go on to excel in their careers.
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Ava Smith
Twisted from Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet
She's a cat beastwoman and a former ship captain with an interest in science, especially astronomy and astrology. After she retired from the military, she got her doctorate and became vice-chancellor at Enchanted Rose. She has a sharp wit, enjoying to tease people and have fun with her friends, including Divus Crewel, during her off time.
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Ruth Warwick
Twisted from Prudence from Cinderella 2
She's the headmistress' secretary. She's a very prim and proper woman, being rather uptight about her job and a stickler for the rules. Despite her being...a lot, Ava places a lot of trust in her.
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Alyssa “Lyssa” Étienne
Twisted from Princess Tiana
She is a hardworking and resourceful young woman from Port of Jubilee. She originally wanted to attend a uni closer to home. One day her best friend, Carlotta, suggested they should both attend Enchanted Rose to be closer to Royal Sword and Night Raven to meet rich hot guys. At first, Alyssa dismissed the mere prospect, especially if it was such shallow reasoning behind it. But after her mom urged her to go, she decided to take Carlotta up on it, wanting to have a bit of an adventure and to bond more with her cousin, Sam, who she hadn't seen in years.
Alyssa now attends Enchanted Rose while working part time at the Mostro Lounge, visiting her cousin at his shop and swimming in her little spare time. She often works herself to the bone, taking on more than what she can chew. But she thinks it's all worth it in the end, so she can earn enough money to open up her own restaurant and help out others in her community.
Love Interest: Azul Ashengrotto
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Mahina Kapule
Twisted from Lilo from Lilo & Stitch
One of her teammates for SDC, who takes Rook's spot and goes to Enchanted Rose. She's a bold, spirited and compassionate oddball, who will do anything for her close family and friends. She's also rather rambunctious, emotional, doesn't always think things through, has a thing for getting into trouble and has a hard time seeing other's perspectives. She is also close friends with Makoa, her adoptive brother, along with Jade, Floyd and Reille.
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Aurelia Cadwaladr
Twisted from Princess Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron
She is princess of Prydain, one of "rose leaves" next to Rose Queendom, and heir to the throne. She takes her duties seriously, wanting to learn how to become a good future queen, sharpen her magical skills and fiercely protective over those she loves. Her stubborn, brash and hardheaded nature sometimes gets in the way of this goal. She is also quite sporty, enjoying to do magift, archery and fencing in her spare time, which are things she bonds over with Maisie and Leona over.
Love Interest: Leona Kingscholar
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Astrid Benum
Twisted from Elsa from Frozen
She's a famous actress from the Wynderlands, who starred in plenty of queen bee roles, including some alongside Vil. Like the infamous Vil Schönheit, she has a reputation for being an icy bitch, but in reality she's loving, protective and fiercely loyal to those dear to her. However, she's also incredibly moody, secretive and insecure. Despite being Vil's ex, she is still on good terms with him and are still friends.
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Aziza Hamed Faisal bint al-Asim
Twisted from Princess Jasmine
She's the crown princess of the Scalding Sands, and is forced to marry her cousin, Kalim, despite wanting to make that choice for herself. She is compassionate, outspoken, feisty and sharp-tongued, having a strong sense of adventure and longing for freedom. However, she's also rather sheltered and naive, reckless, stubborn, proud and has a hard time seeing other's perspectives.
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Carlotta "Carly" Patin
Twisted from Lottie
A spoiled rich girl from Port of Jubilee and life long friend to Alyssa. She wanted her and Alyssa to attend Enchanted Rose in order to get rich hot boyfriends from RSA and NRC. After some convincing, Alyssa comes along for the ride. While can be ditzy, careless and selfish, she cares a lot about Alyssa and will do anything to help her out.
(As a side note, I wanted to make her a tanned-skinned blonde girl, but I couldn't find a model like that, so I went with that. Just imagine her as a blonde.)
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Sana Al Siaf
Twisted from The Genie and Dalia
Sana is Aziza's retainer and trusted friend. She's a descendant of the same cursed Genie who was set free by Sultana Yasamina and Sultan Jafar. Despite this, she's fairly down to earth, gives good advice and is able to help a friend in need. That doesn't stop her from rubbing people the wrong way sometimes due her mischievous and tricky nature and her tendency to get herself into trouble.
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Noémie Boumount
Twisted from Marie from The Aristocats
Noémie is a noble cat beastwoman from the Land of Pyroxene. She lives with her mother, stepfather and two brothers. Noémie is very girly, often opting for pink and bows wherever possible, and a huge romantic. Her upper class upbringing made her know proper etiquette. She even wants to get into theatre and has plenty of piano training to boot. She likes to believe she is as regal as her mother, however, she more often than not acts in a way that is rather unladylike. She never starts anything, but she most certainly has no problems joining in the trouble once it begins. She also has a tendency to stick her nose into other people's business and is a huge gossip, especially if there's romance involved.
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Maisie Macanroy
Twisted from Merida
She's bold and fearless princess. She loves archery. Despite being brash, hot-headed and hating everything she deems as "girly", she is close friends with with Noémie and Aurelia along with Rook.
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preseriesdean · 2 years
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Did you know that there are, like, 6,000 kinds of tomatoes? SAM AND DEAN + groceries
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it’s actuallly sooo riverdale core
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little-bisexual-intern · 10 months
info about me !!
my name is ana!
im 15!
grown men and blank blogs don’t message me. or do idgaf but i’m not going to answer 🤗
my favorite music artists are waterparks, fall out boy, mcr, chappell roan, hole, paramore, sabrina carpenter, shauna dean cokeland (she’s my pfp), reneè rapp (she’s my header), towa bird, mckenna grace, noahfinnce, cher lloyd, victoria justice, and avril lavigne
my favorite social media creators are the sturniolo triplets, ali and sara (on tiktok), brittany broski, tara yummy, sam and colby, noahfinnce, kallmekris, ange mariano, sdc, of herbs and altars, and brooklyn and bailey
my favorite movies and tv shows are euphoria, breaking bad, clueless, the perks of being a wallflower, jennifer’s body, phineas and ferb, bluey, my sisters keeper, supernatural, modern family, young sheldon/tbbt, frozen/frozen 2, inside out 1 and 2, full house, shameless, two broke girls, and the parent trap (the lindsay lohan one)
my pronouns are she/her
im bisexual!
probably autistic
FREE PALESTINE!!!!!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🍉🍉🍉
looking for friends!! asks and dms always open
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
I don't know if this was in your Fortune in Twisted Wonderland masterlist, but what is Fortune/Yuu's relationship with the NRC staff? And how would she react if she met Neige during or after the events of Book 5?
I feel like I did touch upon Yuu's relationships with the NRC staff at some point, but I think it was in several separate posts so I'll just answer your question here because that'll make things easier for us lol 😂
For starters, thanks to her background, Yuu is naturally distrustful of all adults. However, she still does her best to remain cordial/polite around the NRC staff since she's rational enough to realize these particular people haven't done anything to her to deserve poor treatment, and she's worried about what could happen to her if she's not on her best behavior.
Her relationship with Crowley is about what you'd expect. He treats her as his own personal assistant/free labor and gets her to take care of things around campus that he doesn't wanna do. Yuu finds it exasperating, but she realizes that she's getting a lot from him (free housing, food, education, etc.) so she thinks she's just doing the work necessary to earn her keep.
This is basically one of those relationships where Yuu puts up with Crowley because she has to, not because she wants to, since he does get on her nerves a lot lol
Unlike Crowley, Yuu actually likes and comes to eventually respect the rest of the NRC staff since they're all reliable adults who treat her well.
Yuu gets along the best with Sam since he takes her under his wing early on and lets her work part-time at his shop since he knows she needs the money, and she's a helpful hardworker. Plus, he's got an eye for things, so he can tell that she's had it rough up until getting to NRC so he can't help but wanna do what he can to help make her life marginally easier at NRC.
Trein takes a quick shine to Yuu because she reminds him of his daughters, and they both share a love of cats. He also appreciates that she's one of the few students who never falls asleep in his class.
Instead, her issue is that Lucius distracts her, which is exasperating but he can't really fault her for that since he knows Lucius is also to blame which is why he'll intervene and stop Lucius whenever he's talking about something particularly important in class.
Vargas likes that Yuu is in such great shape and handles physical activities so well. She's not the fastest or the strongest, but she's got great stamina, so he thinks he could mold her into a great athlete if she ever showed an interest in competitive sports.
While Crewel often complains about the trouble Yuu often finds herself in, there's no denying that he has a soft spot for her since he's always quick to arrive at Crowley's office whenever she gets sent there and will reprimand Crowley if Crowley ever forgets to tell him that she's in his office.
Yuu is one of his pups, so Crewel intends to take good care of her since it's obvious to him that her past trainers did not. That's why he'll team up with Sam to ensure she gets all the things she needs and will reprimand Crowley anytime he goes too far with taking advantage of Yuu's free labor.
Pretty much all of the NRC staff have a soft spot for Yuu since she's a good student, a hardworker, and someone who's clearly not used to adults treating her right.
The only one who doesn't know this is Yuu herself since she's oblivious on this matter due to being so used to adults not caring about her. Plus, all the staff members usually are subtle whenever they're looking out for her, so only those who are really paying attention/who know the teachers well notice the special treatment they give Yuu.
Now, onto your second question!
Yuu first sees Neige in that commercial that comes on while the NRC boys are practicing for the VDC/SDC.
When she sees him, she's beyond shocked cause he seriously looks like a male version of Snow White. Yes, she's used to meeting guys who are similar to the Disney characters she grew up with, but none of them look as much like the character they're based on more than Neige lol
During this moment, I see someone commenting on Yuu's reaction, which leads to Ace teasing her about falling in love at first sight with Neige cause she can't stop staring at him.
Yuu is quick to correct him, saying that she was just surprised cause Neige looked so much like a fairytale princess from her childhood.
She then says that, while she thinks Neige is cute, he's not really her type. Because he seems so pure and innocent, she could see herself wanting to protect him from all the evils of the world, like one would do for a child, but she couldn't see herself liking him to a romantic extent.
Vil subtly perks up at that since he's not used to someone saying they don't have an interest in Neige. However, what really improves his mood is, when Rook inquires about her taste in beauty, Yuu saying that she prefers a more mature beauty like what Vil and Leona possess.
While Yuu sees nothing wrong with Neige, she just likes the cool/elegant/mature vibe that Vil and Leona have more. They're the real definition of beautiful in her eyes, along with Jamil and Silver. They're her NRC Beauties Top Four. (Cue flustered Jamil trying to hide his face with his hood XD)
As far as actually meeting Neige is concerned, she would first see him in person when he approaches the group prior to rehearsals, but he only talks to Vil at that time like in canon.
However, after the competition, on the second day of the festival, Neige seeks Yuu out because he wants to thank her for helping out Dominic and his other friends.
(When she was walking around with Riddle and Trey the previous day, Yuu immediately got involved when she saw the Savanaclaw students trying to pick a fight with Neige's friends. The SC guys quickly backed off cause she's friends with Leona and basically an honorary member of their dorm.
She made a really good first impression on Dominic and the others for how she so quickly came to their defense, so they were quick to tell Neige about her.)
Since Neige is the type to get along with everyone, I see him taking a quick liking to Yuu, especially since she seems to be a friend of Vil's and in his book any friend of Vil's is a friend of his.
Plus, Neige has also heard about Yuu from Che'nya who often likes to drop by Ramshackle when he's visiting NRC. Neige has always wondered who the "little kitten" that his upperclassman always talked about was, so when Che'nya confirmed that the girl that saved Dominic and the others was the same person that Che'nya likes to get snacks from at NRC, Neige wanted to properly meet her even more since he heard a lot of good things about her from his upperclassman.
Neige is so unlike the majority of the guys at NRC and all the guys from the underworld, so it's honestly refreshing for Yuu to hang out with him since he's so nice and friendly/has no ulterior motives.
I could see them eventually exchanging contact info to stay in touch since they hit it off so well. Cater gets so jealous since this also entails Neige following Yuu on the Magicam account Cater helped her make 😂
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dotster001 · 2 years
So I was thinking about who would be the best in a Phantom of the Opera au...
And I was at first thinking about the obvious ones, like Malleus and Idia, heck even Rook would be great but then I thought about that one line Christine has,
"who was that shape in shadows?"
And I was like...oh my god...Sam!
Here me out!
You first come to the school from another world, and you're trying to blend in. Especially at NRC, most attention is negative attention. But it's hard when you don't even know where to begin with the work and chores you're assigned. Until one day you start to hear a voice tell you the answers. Or you'll go to work on a task from Crowley, and it's alright finished with no one in sight except for a shape you thought you saw in the corner of your eye.
One day, a small box is on your desk. It's a necklace that is one of those two way mirrors, but you don't know that, so you just put it on, because it's pretty and it's probably from one of your friends. You find that it's a lot easier to hear the helpful voice when you wear it, and sometimes you think you can see him in the mirror's reflection.
Because this is a phantom au, of course singing has to come into play. The voice in your necklace, who you've started referring to as your guardian angel, has heard you sing around your room, and encourages you to try out for the SDC. He even offers some coaching and encouragement so that you feel more confident.
When you're in the training camp portion, he's oddly quiet. You honestly start to wonder if you'd made him up because you were lonely and homesick, and now that other people live with you you don't need him anymore.
You still lose the SDC, but you all go viral, both from the group itself, and also the solo Vil had given you at the last second after being worn out from the overblot. People are swarming you after the competition, so it's hard for you to get a chance to enjoy the rest of the festival. But you're getting offers from lots of people to sing or perform in other capacities, and you go to sleep, exhausted, but feeling some solid hope that you can survive here until you go home.
That night, the voice enters your dream, and you find your body walking towards the voice.....
Bonus! Best phantoms in other fandoms...
Ayakashi Romance Reborn: Akiyasu (honestly a no brainer here 😂)
Court of Darkness: Dia (although he'd also be a great Christine let's be real), Lou, and maybe Toa honestly
Ikemen Prince: I mean the Obvious is Sariel, but I could see Keith and Licht being great Phantoms
Tears of Themis: Vyn already has some phantom imagery, but I love him, so I'm including him on the list
Obey Me: Okay I could do a whole extra post on Simeon as the phantom, because the potential oh my gosh, but Barbatos could be really good too, heck even Dia in some ways
Ensemble stars: Mayoi is already someone who is directly compared to the phantom so that's pretty obvious, but like, Madara? And Shu and Mika? Maybe even Ibara....
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