#badass sam manson
charlietheepicwriter7 · 5 months
some ideas i have for the Teen Villain Alliance
Dr. Danny "I stole my PhD from Harvard at gunpoint" Fenton is Damian's best friend despite being at least six years older than him, while Crown Prince Phantom Dark is more of a father figure to Damian despite them being the same flipping person.
Sam is still Damian's favorite though, she's the one who he approached to join.
someone suggested that each "squad" of teens has a different pest as their squad name. So the inner circle (Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tuck, Dani, maybe Klarion since he was there first) are Wolves, with each having a squad under them. Phantom doesn't have a squad, but Fenton's mad science squad are called rats, Jazz has mice, Sam reclaimed bats from the batfam, tuck has his flies, etc
Phantom and Pharaoh tuck pretending that they have no idea what Tennessee is because Wally mistakes them for the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Damian is convinced that the inner circle are Prince Phantom's harem and convinces Dick of that too when he joins.
I really want to add Dick to the Everlasting Trio guys, I really do, but this is about the Teen Villain Alliance, not young adult villain alliance, so the oldest I feel like I can make the trio are 20, with Dick being 24, so if anyone has any problems with that... i guess you can leave, I've already decided on this plan of action.
The first time Red Hood encounters the TVA, they threaten him into buying them alcohol, he buys the nastiest shit he can think of to mess with the brats. Klarion throws up, Sam drinks straight faced
Red Huntress originally liked being an official justice league recognized super hero, but the stress of work and being constantly relied on to save people wears her down. She confronts Phantom for setting these ghosts on her, but he hasn’t done anything, this is the regular amount of ghosts. In fact, he asked that most of his rogues limit their visits to once every two weeks, so its actually less. Valerie has a mental breakdown and joins the TVA
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thebiggestfuckgiven · 6 months
Ectoberweek 25: Will-o’-Wisps
Rating: T
Warnings: mentions of death, of being buried alive, descriptions of gore, brief mention of vivisection, true crime-esque horror, and general spooky vibes
A/N: I really wanted to do a lil something for the spooky month and what better to write than something for the fandom i’ve been sickeningly hyperfixated on for the past four months. Actual prompt had a two-sentence prompt as well, and i went with both <3
- 💜 -
October 2004
The things everybody tells you about small towns- everyone knows each other, ni things big happens, every day is a slow day, and the biggest local teen hotspots are the walmart parking lot or the big chain pharmacy/corner store —are true. The thing that everyone knows about small towns except for the majority of the people living in said town is that their minds are as small as the local post office.
This is especially true of the teens of Casper High in Amity Park, Illinois.
Sam’s black combat boots stomped against the warm pavement as she ran for the next block. Her breathing was ragged, coming out in harsh puffs of air in the autumn cold. She had gotten an SOS text message from Tucker seconds before the last bell rung.
Normally, she didn’t take the Foley kid very serious. They didn’t know each other that well and they barely hung out save for the couple of school projects they’ve worked on together and those rare lunch hour occasions where he’d sit at her table uninvited. Usually to avoid Dash, Kwan and the rest of their jock entourage.
She stumbled to a stop at a crossroads borderline wheezing. Running was so not her forte. Maybe it was cruel of her, but Same fully intended to ignore his SOS. That is, until she saw Tweedledumb (Dash) and Tweedledumber (Kwan) shove a screaming Tucker into their run-down jeep and speed off.
Hence, why Same was ruining her sickly goth pallor by chasing after them.
She glanced to her left just in time to see the run-down jeep screech to a halt. Christ, the stabbing in her sides was killing her. Sue her for walking. The jeep wasn’t going anywhere anymore. She stumbled a few steps, feet burning, as she held a hand to her sides like that would help her.
Dash jumped out from the passenger side, Kwan following shortly after, from the driver’s side. They opened the back doors on each side, where Tucker was. They cornered him. Dash reached in and was soon pulling Tucker out by his feet. Sam could hear his scream now.
“C’mon, guys, please just leave me alone! Let me go, Dash!”
The Wonder Jocks laughed in response. Kwan slammed his door shut, confident that Dash had Tucker handled now that he was out of the car. Kwan rushed to the sidewalk to roughly grab Tucker’s free arm.
“Guys, this isn’t funny!”
Sam was halfway down the street now and she dreaded the idea of having to run again to keep those two muscle-headed idiots from beating the crap out of the geek that for some reason imprinted on her. Ugh, caring for people was overrated anyways. She could still walk away. Save herself the hassle. No one care about her in this stupid town anyways. So, why should she care?
She slowed to a stop. Her feet ached.
Dash and Kwan were dragging Tucker towards the street corner, which just confused Sam, amidst her inner turmoil. Why even drag Tucker all the way out to his own neighborhood? His house was literally a street away, and there wasn’t even a bare-bones playground here. So what—
“No, no! Don’t put me in there, Dash, Kwan, please! Just let me go, guys, it’s not funny!”
Sam felt a sharp chill run down her spine. Something heavy dropped in the pit of her stomach at the sudden realization of where, exactly, they were.
She broke off into a sprint as fast as she could.
Another thing about small towns is that they all have a well-kept secret. A dark past, usually. Sam found that she thrives on such darkness; on those unwanted and discarded things. As it turned out, Amity Park had a surprising amount of those. She made it her personal business to grow intimate with her town’s buried gutter.
The things she learned were both shocking and, for all her boasting, a little horrifying. Things that would be permanently burned into her retinas. Unseeable and unforgettable. So, she scolded herself for not realizing sooner where they were dragging Tucker to. She would’ve run a little faster, cared a little more, if she had.
She zoomed past the jeep and turned the corner so sharply she nearly fell flat on her face.
Tucker wasn’t screaming anymore, but there were tears streaming down his face as he stared in terror at the behemoth of a house towering over them.
In all its abandoned, festering glory: the infamous Fenton House. Even in bright daylight, the house was obscured in awkward elongated shadows, made worse by the house’s freaky, Frankenstein-esque structure. As if imitating a child’s building blocks tower, there were partial structures jutting out of the house’s main body. They creaked in the cold wind, threatening to snap off and crush any trespassers. At the very top, there was a round dome of sorts with something resembling letters across it. They were black with rot now. Unreadable.
Sam wasn’t a fearful person, but she was a believer. The Fenton House was more than haunted. She’s read enough testimonies to not take it lightly. People have gone missing in that house. Hell, they’ve been found dead in there. She may not be friendly with Tucker, but that didn’t mean she was about to leave him to a tragic fate.
Body running on a sudden burst of adrenaline, she grabbed the nearest thing she could find (a sizable stick) and marched towards the two jocks.
All three of the boys turned to look at her. She stood two steps below them, resolutely ignoring the way the house seemed to want to swallow them whole. Tucker’s terrified face shifted into one of pure relief. A new wave of tears was visibly threatening to spill over.
“Sam,” he croaked.
Dash barked out a laugh.
“Samantha Manson? What the hell are you doing here?”
“Hey, wanna help us lock this dweeb in the Fenton House?” Kwan smiled brightly, pointing at Tucker.
Sam scowled. People always confused her apathy for cruelty. She hated it.
“It’s Sam, and like hell I do. Drop the nerd, assholes, or else,” she said, pitching her voice lower in an attempt to sound intimidating.
Maybe she should’ve spent her time running thinking up a plan instead of hating on Tucker for making her run in the first place. She clutched the stick in her hand tightly.
Kwan scoffed.
“No way. I just said we’re gonna lock him in the house.”
“Yeah! We wanna know what happens when you put a techno dweeb with murder ghosts,” Dash said, smiling cruelly at a Tucker.
“He short-circuits. It’s not impressive. Let him go.”
Dash must’ve realized, finally, that Sam was being serious. He narrowed his eyes at her, the stick in her hand, and smiled.
“Or what? You’re gonna hit us with the creep stick? Ha. Last I checked, Sam, girls don’t have the balls to pull that off, so why don’t you get lost and forget you were ever here,” Dash said before adding to Kwan, “And Paulina says I’m not a gentleman.”
It was Sam’s turn to smile. She went up a step as she spoke.
“Like any girl would let you get that close, Dash. Besides, I promise mine are bigger than yours. Here, I’ll prove it.”
Before he even had time to blink, Sam jabbed the stick hard into Dash’s crotch. A gentlemanly oof broke past his lips and he let go of Tucker’s arm to clutch at his wounded pride.
“Augh, bitch.”
Kwan also let go of Tucker to check on his friend. Sam didn’t waste a second and grabbed Tucker’s hand.
They bolted down the stairs, Tucker nearly slamming into her from the sudden force.
“Sam, I didn’t think— I mean— shit, thank you. I thought- Ah!”
“Shit. Let me go, jackass!”
They had barely cleared the Fenton House’s shadow when a large, thick arm slammed into Sam and Tucker’s bellies as Kwan— just Kwan —grabbed them by the waist and lifted them up.
Note-to-self: never piss off a linebacker.
Sam knew Dahs and Kwan were big for their age, being football players and all, but jesus fuck this was insane.
She kicked and punched for her freedom, but either rage was a hell of a pain nullifier or her punches were child’s play.
Crap, and she dropped the stick when he grabbed them. Just her luck.
“You better let us go right now, Kwan!”
“Or what?”
He was effortlessly taking them up the stairs and— oh that’s the door.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, they— they can’t actually lock us in. There’s no key. We-we can just leave,” Tucker whispered, panicked.
“You don’t know much about the Fenton House, do you?”
Sam’s voice was small. She felt small.
They were about to be locked in a horror house.
Dash opened the door. Sam didn’t even see him get there.
“Sayonara, losers. Have fun in the Fenton House.”
The world tilted and blurred for a split second, Sam’s stomach lurching at the weightless sensation, before she and Tucker landed hard on the linoleum floor. Pain shot up her elbow and hip. Beside her, Tucker groaned.
“If you even make it the whole night! Ha!”
Tucker scrambled up at once, but as soon as his hand touched the doorknob a sound like a lock sliding into place echoed throughout the empty house.
Sam waited with bated breath. Then—
A low droning sound buzzed across the floor, seeping through Sam’s hands in an odd pins-and-needles sensation. Red emergency lights flickers throughout the house, bathing everything in muddy crimson, and the droning sound was replaced by the most horrifying screech of twenty-year-old rusted metal scraping against itself.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Thick sheets of metal began dropping over every conceivable entry. Including the windows and, of course, the door. Sam pulled Tucker back by the collar of his shirt just in time to keep his hand attached.
Tucker yelped, clutching his hand close.
“What the fuck—”
Warbled, distorted speech boomed from somewhere in the house, the voice and the words long ruined by time. It was like someone was trying to speak underwater. The message was only a few seconds long, but it was disgustingly haunting. Sam knew exactly what it said.
Ghost attack imminent. Fenton Security measure Christmas Ham activated.
If she remembered correctly, the measure lasted six hours. But the last time it was activated (that anyone knows of) was five years ago. Who knew how much the technology had deteriorated at this point. They could be here for a whole day.
Sam broke from her thoughts to glance at a hyperventilating Tucker. She couldn’t blame him. The Fenton House was creepy enough on the outside. Inside? With flickering red lights? Sam was making an active effort not to throw up from the fear writhing in her intestines.
The shadows kept moving in the corner of her eyes, she swore she kept seeing a green glow (but she couldn’t tell where from), and it was freezing cold. Colder than it was outside, which should be impossible, but it was the Fenton House. Impossible was inconsequential.
Sam shuddered. They had to find a way out.
“Sam- ohmygodSam- this is- I mean what the fuck was that? We’re literally trapped here. In a tomb with linoleum floors. Shit, and you’re trapped, too, cuz of me. I shouldn’t have sent you that text. Fuck it I shouldn’t have flunked Dash’s essay. Now we’re gonna die here and—”
Sam grabbed him by the shoulders, shaking him lightly. Their eyes met, both wide with incessant panic.
“Calm down,” she spoke slowly. Tucker gulped and nodded shakily.
“Okay, okay, yeah.”
“Breathe. You’re good with computers and stuff, right?”
Tucker scoffed, but more in a self-deprecative way rather than an offended one.
“Sure am. It’s what gets me in trouble, isn’t it?”
Sam shook him again.
“Forget that. We need good with computers. The Fentons were notorious for their unorthodox advancements in technology. Supposedly had patents on really futuristic shit. Most of it buried, obviously. But they were good enough that their security system still activates nearly twenty years after their departure.”
Ridiculously good, she thought bitterly.
There was a moment of weighted silence as they looked around the house. The lights, the rusted yet intact panels over the windows. It was eerily quiet. She stepped a bit closer to Tucker, who thankfully didn’t say anything about it.
“Yeah, alright, okay,” he muttered to himself before clearing his throat. “The-there should be, uh, a circuit breaker somewhere. We could cut off the power—”
“Won’t work,” Sam stated, eyes furtively glancing around them. She had the weirdest sensation they were being watched. “The town cut the power away from the Fenton House ages ago. It runs on some kind of external power source, but nobody knows what.”
Sam kinda hoped they didn’t get to find out.
“Shit. Man, what the fuck. Who the fuck were these people?”
Sam let out a manic sort of laugh. The hysteria was boiling up in her like toxic chemicals.
“Do you want the short answer or the long one?”
“I have a feeling we’re gonna be here a while. Long answer?”
A pause.
“We should find a way out.”
Neither of them moved an inch. They stood in the middle of the living room. A trashed one at that. Although, looking closely from where they were, the whole house looked trashed. Wasn’t the place SWATted?
She spotted a flash of green in the hallway, right there in the corner of her eye, and snapped her head towards it with a small gasp. There was nothing there.
“Hey,” Tucker said softly. “Let’s check out the windows for loose panels or something and you can tell me about the Fentons’ own loose panels.”
Her mouth went dry, but she nodded.
“Sounds good, yeah. So, uh, what do you know about the Fentons?”
Tucker shrugged and went towards the first window, by the door. Sam followed closely by. He didn’t mention it.
“What everyone else knows. Mad scientists who went so crazy after their son’s disappearance that they tried to summon him from the afterlife. They got so obsessed that they never left the house and just, died here, waiting for their son to come back. Pretty sad.”
That window was a bust. So was the next, as well as the door. They ventured into the hallway. There were a few square and rectangle imprints on the walls, but only one hanging frame left. With a picture. Hands shaking, Sam reached up and snagged the picture from where it was, careful not to cut herself on what was left of the glass.
It was a family picture. A wall of a man stood at the back with a practiced, dashing smile. To his left and a little below him was a woman with short, bright red hair. They were both in brightly colored hazmat suits, goggles hanging around their necks.
In front of them were two teens. A girl with bright red hair as well, but styled much longer. Next to her was a boy, younger and slightly shorter than her, with black hair. They were all smiling wide and bright, except for the boy. His was more hesitant, not quite reaching his eyes.
Sam pointed at the young girl.
“Did you know the Fentons had a daughter, too?”
Tucker’s eyebrows went up slightly.
“No… Something tells me I won’t like why.”
“You won’t. Um, kitchen?”
Sam saw another green flash and was anxious to get away from it. They bee-lined to the kitchen, and Tucker checked the windows there.
“So… There’s a few things you got right. The Fentons—” Sam pointed at the two adults in the picture “—were renowned scientists. They did some impressive breakthroughs. Like the kind they still teach in universities, but with a disclaimer attached. The more they went into their work, though, the more obsessed they got…” she trailed off in a whisper, tensing.
The house was creaking.
Tucker stopped in his tracks, too, eyes wide but lips pressed tightly together.
Nothing happened. The house stopped creaking.
Tucker let out a slow breath, eyeing the cabinets.
“Think there’s anything edible left around?”
She glared at him sharply.
“If you open any fridge or cabinet doors, I’m leaving you here alone. This place is bad enough, we don’t need to add rats or rotted food to the list.”
Tucker pouted but conceded.
“Fine, I’ll just starve. Keep telling me about the creepy doctors and their stupid creepy house while we check upstairs.”
Sam sighed in temporary relief. She didn’t think she could handle seeing a fridge full of maggots. Even if it has been almost twenty years.
They continued up the stairs, carefully, and Sam went on with the Fenton tragedy.
“The Fentons started growing obsessed with other dimensions. Specifically… the afterlife, and its inhabitants.”
“Like… ghosts?”
Sam nodded.
“Exactly like. They became convinced they could create a doorway into the afterlife, at the cost of their reputation. They got ostracized by the academic community once they started referring to themselves as ‘ecto-scientists’.”
“Yeah, who wouldn’t. Bunch’a wackos,” Tucker muttered as they ventured into an organized room with cool colors. Light blue walls, light green bed sheets coated in blankets of dust, so the only reason Sam knew they were light green was because she’s seen pictures of what the room looked like twenty years ago. She ignored the uneven pattern of small dark spots on the wall.
It was the girl’s room. Jasmine Fenton’s.
Tucker went straight for the window, but Sam hung back near the entrance.
“They didn’t actually open a doorway, right?”
His voice broker her out of her thoughts. She blinked.
“Hm? Oh, uh, allegedly, yeah.”
This house probably sat on an open portal. There probably was an infestation of something murderous in it. Sam shook the thought away. She’ll drive herself crazy worrying about that.
“Supposedly,” she continued. “The doorway was one of their patents. They had the science backing it up and everything. But they… There were rumors, around the time the supposedly opened the doorway, that there was an accident in the house involving their youngest. Daniel Fenton.”
Tucker frowned at the blocked window. A bust. They made their way to the next room. A queen bed bare of any bedsheets, and a large chest of drawers with an equally large mirror attached to it. The Fentons’ room. It had an extra window.
“What happened to Daniel?”
Sam shuddered, goosebumps breaking out across her arms. The room got colder, so much colder than it had been. A soft crackling sound broke out, like frost taking over with a vengeance. She opened her mouth to speak but her breath got stuck in her throat.
She closed her mouth. Breathe. Another flash of green, this one brighter than the others. Breathe. It was so cold, her teeth started chattering.
“Y-ye-yeah, I’m-m ignoring it,” he said simply, tugging at the panels.
Fuck, how can he ignore this. Sam was so uncomfortable, consumed by such a sudden unease, she wanted to claw off her skin. She tried to ignore it anyways.
“Daniel— jesus I’m freezing —he was out of school a couple of days after neighbors heard a scream. That same night, the power went out in the whole town, except for the Fenton House.”
The freezing cold seeped away, leaving behind a frost pattern that didn’t melt on the mirror despite the warming room. Sam blew out a breath, sending out a silent thanks.
She frowned, unsure why she did that.
“A lot of people theorize,” she went in, rubbing the remaining cold in her fingertips away. “That one of two things happened that night. One, a backfired experiment drove the Fentons all the way crazy to the point that they started experimenting on both their kids, thinking they were ghosts.”
“Wait, both of—”
“Two, Daniel died because of said backfired experiment and his parents somehow managed to either bring him or his ghost back.”
None of the windows opened. They started for the next room.
“That’s… actually insane. And what do you mean, both their kids?” Tucker stopped for a moment, meeting Sam’s eyes.
“Did something happen to their daughter, too?”
Sam pressed her lips into a thin line. That’s the part rarely anyone knew about the Fenton horrors. Daniel wasn’t their only kid. He certainly wasn’t their only victim.
“I’ll get there,” she replied instead, looking away. “It only gets worse.”
“Christ,” he muttered.
They walked onwards.
“A couple of weeks after that, Daniel disappeared. But in those weeks, the Fentons became obsessive, borderline manic, with ghosts. Their nature, their morality. How to trap them, contain them… kill them.”
They were nearing then end of the hallway, where the last room was.
Tucker shuddered, sporting his own goosebumps.
“I don’t like the way you said that.”
Sam grimaced, sticking close to him once more.
“Yeah, it’s pretty bad. What’s worse, the Fentons called off the search party after just one night. They claimed they didn’t want false hope, they just wanted to lay their son to rest. They buried an empty casket, and Daniel hadn’t even been missing three full days.”
Her voice was hollow.
“Shit. They…”
“Killed their own son because they were convinced he was a ghost? Most likely,” she said bitterly. As far as true crime went, Amity Park’s dark secret was the worst she’s ever read.
Neither said a word. For one long minute, intentionally or not, they remained quiet, mulling over the terror a kid must feel when they realize their own parents saw them as something to be killed. And to think, they were standing in the house where it happened. Where two parents killed their son. Allegedly.
And their daughter…
As if reading her mind, Tucker quietly asked, “What about the girl? It gets worse doesn’t it?”
Sam swallowed, her mouth dry and throat sore.
“They—” she sighed. “After their son ‘becoming a ghost’, they got paranoid. Extremely so. If one of their kids was a ghost… They couldn’t stand the idea of having an imposter in their own home. There were reports of screams two nights after the funeral. Like, really awful screaming that went on for nearly an hour, I think. Authorities broke into the house after multiple calls to find the Fentons in the basement and their daughter on a table just… cut open. She died before the paramedics could get to her.”
Again, neither said another word. Sam wished she’d run faster. Hit Dash harder. This house was tainted in blood and betrayal.
Tucker clutched at his chest and Sam realized his breathing was short and sparse. Crap.
“I fucking,” he gasped, trying to catch his breath. “Hate that we’re here. We’re trapped in like they were, but they— Fuck, they were kids. Their kids. Who does that.”
“Tucker, breathe,” Sam insisted lowly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
He nodded, but only got a few gasps of air.
“I’ve been t-trying to hold it together but I just can’t— what if we can’t find a way out. What if we die here.”
“We’re not gonna die here,” she stated fiercely despite being unsure of it herself. “If the windows are a no go then we’ll just find a way to deactivate the security system, okay? We’ll be fine.”
Tucker nodded again, quiet.
It took another few minutes until he finally got his breathing under control. Sam squeezed his arm comfortingly, giving him a small smile. They’ll make it.
He returned the smile without a word and turned to the last room. They had windows to check.
She suspected it was Daniel’s room. It was the only one they hadn’t seen yet. Tucker tried to turn the knob but it didn’t budge. She frowned. Weird… thinking about it, all the other rooms had been wide open.
Tucker shook his head, shaking off another involuntary shudder. Sam suppressed her own. It was getting colder again. Tucker tried again to open it. No dice. The knob wasn’t budging. He let go of it, hissing through his teeth as he rubbed his hands together.
“The metal is freezing. It, uh, must be something with the heating.”
Sam gave it a try and immediately drew her hand back. Freezing was an understatement. A second longer and she would’ve gotten the world’s worst case of freezer burn.
“Tucker, I don’t think we’re allowed to go in this room,” she whispered, hugging herself to keep warm.
He gave her a look like she was crazy.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That’s Daniel Fenton’s room. All the other rooms were open but this one—”
“—is locked.”
“No. Look at the handle. There’s literal frost on it. There was frost on the mirror in the other room, too. I think—”
“If you say ghost.”
Sam glared at him.
“After everything I told you. Scratch that, haven’t you been feeling all the weird stuff in this house? The creaking, the frankly extreme cold spots, the fucking creepy green light!”
Tucker’s eyes went wide at that, mouth dropping open.
“I-I didn’t think you could see them. But that— that doesn’t mean—”
The house gave a violent creak, causing the floor to rumble threateningly. The temperature dropped drastically, covering the entire hallway in a light frost.
Sam’s teeth immediately started chattering from the cold.
“This is too much,” Tucker whispers, that underlying panic settling back in.
Impossibly, finally finally finally, they both saw the green flash at the other end of the hallway, flickering desperately before disappearing.
“Tuck,” Sam let out, mesmerized, overtaken by the overwhelming urge to follow that light. An itch she had to scratch, to claw at until it broke open. “He’s here.”
She didn’t know how she knew that, but she’s never spoken truer words. This she knew with absolute certainty.
He was struggling not to fall for the light, but he couldn’t ignore this forever. Sam thought he’d be an idiot to do so.
She moved forward without another word. Shortly, she heard Tucker follow after.
When they reached the stairs, another flash of light burst to life at the landing, flickering that desperate staccato.
They continued to quietly follow the light wherever it appeared. It led them down the hallway of missing picture frames. Sam clutched the picture in her pocket. They reached a closed door. It was colder in this area, but the door knob was warm. It opened easily to reveal stairs to a basement showered in white fluorescent lights.
They went down the stairs with no hesitation, following that green light that was growing more and more desperate with each step they took. At the bottom, they were greeted by an empty expanse of white floor.
There were various metal tables, but all devoid of any machines or materials that one would expect in a lab. Because no doubt that’s what this basement was. There were discarded cords and metal scraps scattered across the room. But most notably, there was a large, round arch-like structure at the center of the furthermost wall. It was huge, its top scraping the basement ceiling. It had an indent, with two metal panels that interlocked in the center. As if it were a… door.
“Sam… is that—”
“Tucker, look.”
The little flash of green stopped by a blue button on the wall. It flickered swiftly, faster than any of the other times before it went out entirely.
They stayed there, standing, for a moment.
“Are we… are we about to find a dead kid’s twenty-year-old decayed corpse?”
Sam nodded shakily, not believing it either.
“I think so.”
They still didn’t move. God, it was so cold. She couldn’t feel her fingertips.
“What if something happens to us?”
“The thought crossed my mind.”
Two dead people found in the house during its abandonment. Three missing.
She looked back at him, a soft smile edging its way onto her face.
“He deserves to rest. Doesn’t he?”
Tucker glanced between the blue button and the closed, arch-like door. Determination set into his features. He nodded.
They went towards the button. Tucker settled his hand over it first, Sam placing her hand over his. Their eyes met.
“This had to have been the world’s worst nap.”
Sam snorted and pressed his hand onto the button. The technology down here must be in better conditions because the effect was instantaneous. Concrete scraped against concrete as a rectangular hole opened up in the center of the lab.
From where they were, they could see it. A homemade metal casket that weirdly resembled more of an iron maiden. They found him. Daniel Fenton. He could finally, truly rest.
That’s when the pounding began.
Sam and Tucker turned to each other in horror. She felt a visceral tug in her gut she nearly threw up then and there. Instead she ran to the metal casket, dropping to the ground halfway there so she slid across the floor. The pounding grew louder, and it was definitely coming from inside. Tucker was frozen stuck by the button.
It only gets worse.
A faint sound, behind all the pounding. Sam leaned closer, listening. Her stomach dropped. Her head snapped towards Tucker, eyes a desperate frenzy.
“He’s crying. He- He’s still- o-oh my g- Tucker, help me get him out!”
This broke him out of his horrified stupor and he kneeled on the ground next to her. His hands were shaking.
“What do we do? What do we do?”
“Fuck, idunnoidunno- uh, grab, shit, shit, go to the other side. Maybe we can lift the lid.”
Stumbling, trembling, Tucker did as he was told and crawled to the other side. But he saw what was on the lid. Fuck.
“There’s a lick. Sam, it’s locked.”
She looked back up at him on the verge of tears.
“What! No, no it can’t be- it—”
“Just, hold on. I’m gonna go back upstairs. Maybe there’s something we can use. I’ll be back, I promise.”
She got the feeling he wasn’t really talking to her. The pounding quieted down but there was a muffled sound. A strained whimper.
“Shit,” Tucker whispered before running out and up the stairs.
Sam sniffled and laid a hand in on the biting cold metal of the casket.
“We’re gonna get you out,” she whispered, wiping at the tears streaming uncontrollably down her face. “I don’t really understand how this is even possible, but we’re not gonna leave you here.”
There wasn’t a response. Not a whimper or a knock. She was gripped by the fear that maybe they were too late. Twenty years buried and they were five minutes too late.
Tucker came stomping down the stairs, taking two at a time. She looked up to see he had an honest-to-god metal bat in his hands. Fully intact and not rusted at all. His hat was askew and his eyes seemed wild.
“He- he helped me find it. Nearly ran all over the house,” he said, panting heavily.
“Hurry up and break it,” she begged, not bothering to disguise the desperation in her voice.
Without another word, Tucker aimed the thicker end of the bat downwards and plunged it against the lock.
It broke apart with a resound clang.
“Help me with—”
But Sam was already crossing to where he was. Kneeling, side by side, they gripped the edges of the casket and lifted. A cloud of freezing cold air puffed up, obscuring their vision for a few seconds. They couldn’t see if they really did save a boy’s life, or if it was just his corpse playing tricks on them. But they heard heavy breathing coming from rattling lungs and not from either of them.
They’d both been holding their breaths.
The cloud dispersed. In front of them lay a young boy with matted white hair, brilliant green eyes drowning in tears and a grotesque muzzle caked from within with old and fresh blood. Metal clinked against metal. His wrists were chained to the casket. His knees scraped and bloodied from banging on the lid.
Tucker immediately removed the muzzle, which thankfully wasn’t locked. Sam’s heart broke. Shattered. The boy’s cheeks were caked, blanketed, with that same mixture of blood, his lips horribly scarred.
He sobbed, screwing his eyes shut against the bright lights.
“Thank you,” he rasped. His voice scraped against his throat.
Tucker and Sam held his hand. They cried with him.
“You’re safe with us.”
He always would be.
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trappednyourheart · 5 days
I really love how people make headcannons about the infinite realms and how vast and unexplored by so many dimensions like spiderwebs *coughs* spider verse *coughs*
I thought to myself, if the infinite really is so vast and powerful like the whole multiverse in it, is there any which a time ghost? Not like clockwork, but more like every single ghost on different times, minutes or seconds as they died, like imagine Danny met Thomas Wayne when he was in a mission to retrieve a artifact for clockwork, and as he goes back, he would send farewell to the Wayne couple and zooms out of the gala, and just mostly a few minutes he meets the ghost of both the Wayne couple💀. It's such a fun concept and kinda freaky
I have a Danny phantom character name “Martina” she's dub as a Perfect Wife, mostly likely she wears and acts like those wife's you've seen in televisions like as if its the 80s, but she's died at 2020, she's not that old.
Most likely 17 and her obsession is to have the perfect family, and who's mostly rich and not as perfect? The Manson's ( yeah sorry Sam we gotta take your mother out this one)
So she targets the Manson's and take Pamela? Yeah PAMELA Manson's place,
Yeah you know how it goes, she gets caught,the team fight and stuff now she's friendly but still causes trouble to find the perfect family.
( and yes she's from the DC universe, she knows supes, Gotham, and even the heroes there, and lets just think she's from Gotham and maybe one of Red hood's people- like those badass women from the fanfics?)
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kitsune024 · 9 months
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Puss in Boots
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Is Yourself by FriendlyFrat_Boy I Chapters: 11/? I Ghost King Danny Fenton, Dark Danny Fenton, The Ultimate Enemy..kind of Echoes by @phantomtwitch I Chapters 23/30 I No One Knows AU, hazmat au, Overpowered Danny Fenton, Eldritch Danny Fenton Mini-Bang: Crawling In My Skin by @skarlettskwrl I Chapters: 1/1 I One shot BAMF Danny Fenton, Eldritch Danny, No One Knows AU, Hurt No Comfort, Dark Harvest by @wastefulreverie I Chapters: 2/2 I Completed 👻 Halloween fic, Ghost Hunger Days of Future Past by Acidwing I Chapters: 12/12 I Completed Dan Fic, Danny & Dan, Canon Divergence, Dark, The Ultimate Enemy The Consequences of Amnesty Forest by princessFanona I Chapters 2/2 I Completed Eldritch Danny, Ghost Hunger Terrarium by @ventisettestars I Chapters 5/5 I Completed Undergrowth, Plant Danny Watching the Horizon by SQ_Scrawls I Chapters 6/6 I Completed Danny dies for real this time, Grief, Angst, Full Ghost Danny, Space Obsession Danny, one sided Danny Fenton/Sam Manson Deranged Senses by @scarletsaphire I Chapters 5/5 I Completed POV Multiple, Loss of Control, Descent into Madness Cannibalism Gore Identity Reveal Feral Danny Fenton
Bookmark Series
Something’s Wrong With Danny Fenton by @ghostly-cabbage I Part 1 - 2 I No One Knows AU, Horror Danny, Creepy Danny Everything Was White by @lexosaurus I Part 1 - 2 I GIW, Identity Reveal, Torture, Aftermath Torture, Hurt Danny The Gravity Of Time by @punchspeedchunk I Part 1- 3 I Ghost King Danny Fenton, Identity Reveal, Badass Danny Fenton Rites of Kingship by @maskedemerald I Part 1 - 2 I Ghost Portal!Danny AU The Ultimate Saga by Firefury_Amahira I Part 1 - 5 I Completed Dan Fic, Dan/Valerie, The Ultimate Enemy, hate!ship ------ Series by @haikujitsu FFN Part 1. Phantom of Truth I Chapters 22/22 I Hurt/Comfort & Suspense, Danny, Maddie. Part 2. Shadow of a Doubt I Chapters 65/65 I Drama & Family, Danny, Maddie, Valerie, OC -------
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winterflwers · 8 months
bts' rap line as the danny phantom trio 👻
kim namjoon as danny fenton
- both look good in silver/white hair
- clumsy af
- duality kings
- protects the people they love and care about
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min yoongi as sam manson
- wears black 24/7
- super rich
- looks intimidating
- are actually softies
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jung hoseok as tucker foley
- ball of sunshines
- can also be badasses
- the coolest guys you'll ever meet
- super funny without even trying
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halfagone · 11 months
I've been listening to A LOT of Sabaton lately, and I found that i really like especially the song Night Witches.
Which is, as all Sabton songs are, based on a real life story. Specifically about a group of Soviet women who learned to fly bomber planes, formed the Night Bomber Regiment 588, and terrified the Germans so badly they earned the nickname "Night Witches".
Now, the entire Phandom seems to agree Geandma Ida Manson is a badass.
What if, in her younger years, she was a part of the Night Witches, partly because she was vicious as a teenager (Sam had to get it from someone) and partly because, as a witch herself, it was hilarious to hear people call her a Witch but not the right kind of witch.
Ooh~ I think theoretically it could be possible, I am just unfamiliar with the history of Soviet Jews especially during WWII. (And we know Sam's paternal side is Jewish since her father has been seen wearing a kippah in canon.) But you are totally right, and I too like to headcanon Grandma Ida to be a badass both in her youth and in the present, even if in a different way than before. lol I would have to do more research before I said for sure, just to be safe, but I definitely think Sam would find it funny if it were true. 🤭 Fate works in funny ways, and it has a wicked sense of humor.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Broke: danny dami twin au. Woke: literally anyone else is dami's twin. Jazz? Sam? Valerie?? Youngblood????
I thought for a hot second you were talking about Dani. I was so confused as to your leap in logic in making any of these characters a twin of Dani but then I realized that I am the fool here.
God I don't remember Youngblood in the slightest but having Sam have her fraternal twin brother be an absolute badass would be incredible. The Manson's adopted Sam either because they wanted to or because they just wanted a kid that they could dress up and get affirmation from.
Either way, She knows that she's adopted but her parents genuinely have no idea who the mother is. Oh boy is Sam in for one hell of a surprise.
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sorensouls · 2 years
Anyone else just kinda not like Canon sam Manson especially phantom planet sam cuz GOD do I have a few choice words to call her I do like people's fanon sam tho
Just Canon Sam comes of as an bitch and every thing she says is right or has to be right aditude and fanon sam is just a protective badass lesbeion ❤
And lesbion sam is VALID ❤
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Everything is Something to Somebody
by nerdpoe
After being outed to his parents and hunted down by an officially-lost-it Vlad, Danny finds himself down one home, two parents (who had gone full blown Hunter on him), a stable life and education, and a lot of blood.
The only thing he had going for him was that the weird British guy he'd landed in front of seemed nice. Maybe he wouldn't turn him over to the Hunters.
Meanwhile, Alfred just found a meta clone of Young Master Damian bleeding out in the Foyer, and is definitely Not Freaking Out.
Words: 2241, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Danny Phantom - Character, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, Harleen Quinzel, Katherine Kane, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Clark Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jon Kent, Oliver Queen, J'onn J'onzz, Diana Prince, jasmine fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Vlad Masters, Danny Fenton, Vlad Plasmius, Box Ghost, Fright Knight, Lunch Lady Ghost, Walker, Guys in White, Valerie Gray, Clockwork, Cujo, Superman, Superboy, Martian Manhunter, Batman, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Orphan, Oracle, Signal, Robin, Red Hood, Nightwing, Black Bat, Arthur Curry, Dinah Lance, John Constantine, Shayera Hol, Billy Batson, John Stewart, Wes Weston
Relationships: Danny Phantom & Batfamily, Danny Phantom & Jazz Fenton, Danny Phantom & Tucker Foley, Danny Phantom & Sam Manson, Danny Phantom & Dani Phantom
Additional Tags: Protective Batfamily (DCU), Danny Phantom Fanon here we go, better than canon anyways, Jack and Maddy D- parenting, Negligent Jack and Maddy, Liminal Danny Fenton, Liminal Jasmine Fenton, Damian and Danny are twins separated at birth, But they think the other is a clone for a bit, badass alfred pennyworth, Badass Sam Manson, Hurt/Comfort, Danny Whump, Danny Phantom fanon typical gore, Ghost King Danny, Not Phantom Planet Compliant, Mr. Lancer - Freeform
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41065596
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floq · 2 years
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they are horror lesbians <3
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gyancastle · 2 years
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1-Valerie Gray.
2-Sam Manson.
3-Jazz Fenton.
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Manson, Foley, and Fenton were different, junior year. And Casper High doesn't really know what to do with that.
Rating: T (for swearing)
Relationships: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Team Phantom, including Valerie and Wes, centric fic because you know at some point they just got ripped over the summer and no one knew how to react.
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lets-summon-danny · 3 years
[2]Danny Phantom AU where...
The accident never happens.
Danny is a curious cinnamon roll who went into the portal with a flashlight. Saw the on//off buttons and hit his forehead because ''Really Dad? Put the on-off button inside? Wth??''
So they take the photo Sam wanted, power up the portal and Danny's still alive. Nice right? One problem tho, the ghosts are still coming through the portal.
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tsubaki94 · 4 years
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School time vs Ghost time
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ghostgothgeek · 4 years
Hello ghosties this is your daily reminder to stop shitting on Sam Manson
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ppl who say that sam is pushy/bossy/whatever... i just couldn’t disagree with more 
like, yeah she has strong opinions but she doesn’t actually force them onto anybody. if she was that unreasonable, she wouldn’t hang out with tucker at all considering how much he loves meat. but no, she hangs out with him and danny and will buy food with meat for them. tucker’s actually the one who’s way more extreme about his dietary choices 
“bUt WhAt abOuT mYsTeRy MeAt”...
it was a suggestion on sam’s behalf to introduce a vegan menu at lunch--a suggestion, not a demand. it was something new to try out and her intentions were clearly good. plus, the school are the ones who decided to serve unappetising food, not sam. on more than a few occasions, she’s seen eating more than salads: tofu melts, veggie burgers, etc. 
“buT wHaT AbOuT gIrL’s niGhT oUT”...
sam had every reason to doubt jazz’s competence. beforehand, jazz had repeatedly thermos’d danny and proven to be an all-around nuisance. then she came up in sam and tucker’s faces trying to give them schedules and tell them how to do what they had already been doing for so long. wouldn’t anyone be annoyed by that?? not to mention that when jazz did prove herself, sam massively praised her and was super kind afterwards 
“sAm OnLY loVEs/LiKeS DaNnY phAnToM”...
no way bucko, prior to danny’s molecules getting all rearranged, sam and tucker had been friends with him for several years. and judging by how other characters react to the idea of them being a couple, they’ve been cosy for a long time. rather, i think that danny doing heroic things only makes sam love him even more. she obviously cares about justice and he’s out here being the embodiment of it, of course she’s going to dig it. oh and she was completely right to tell him that giving up his powers wasn’t going to stop the ghosts. she’s usually sensible and level-headed and real friends are honest with each other 
anyway, sam is brave and very fucking selfless, not many other ppl would stick around and put their neck on the line to both help their friends and the greater good. obviously she’s not flawless (no decent character ever should be!), but the things ppl say she does wrong are ridiculously overblown. none of the trio are perfect and that’s what makes them relatable and fun! 
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