#pro volturi
vintageseawitch · 2 years
if there are any twilight book sequels written then published, i promise to look up spoilers because if i find out the Volturi decide to create hybrids of their own (🤢🤮) then i will refuse to read let alone own them. as curious as Aro may be about it, it's horrendous that he would try it out himself. the creation of hybrids is legitimately terrifying body horror to me & even Aro's "indifference" towards humans doesn't automatically make him a psychopath about this sort of thing.
Aro, despite his penchant for ruthlessness, is a softie, too. i like to imagine the thought of putting a uterus-owner through such a specific & horrific form of torture fills him with revulsion & guilt. yes, humans are red-eyed vampires' food, but even humans get disturbed at the thought of animals they consume going through needless pain especially for selfish reasons.
at this point the canon of this silly franchise means approximately shit to me so if smeyers decides to make her refined, considerably more interesting clan of vampires into true monsters, she can fuck right off because they deserve better than that. they're not villains simply because they're doing what is natural to them & the Cullens are a creepier cult than the Volturi will ever be. at least everyone knows that the three kings are dangerous. the Cullens are too busy being gentrified hypocrites (completely beige & lacking a good, old-fashioned dungeon & set of coffins... the dark drama is what draws us to vampires in the first place & someone like Forever Emo Teenager McWalking Red Flag scoffs at such things like a good little boring creeper on top of them actually not giving a damn about humans considering how in midnight sun it's clear they wouldn't have batted an eye at killing bella because said little boring creeper - or the prodigal son 🙄 - can barely control himself around her like it's her problem to deal with. glob i hate that & his losing control around her would make their "lives" a Little Bit Uncomfortable lmao) with Whatever The Fuck Weird Dynamic they have going on.
if anyone would be cruel anyways, it would be Caius out of the three kings, but i refuse to believe even he would go that far. a part of it is the thought of needing to be close to a human like that would disgust him but another is at least when they feed it's quick. if anyone is to endure a terribly long torture it would be Nahuel's biological father because he's a real monster. like, yes, somehow the Volturi never found out about hybrids, but they never went & tried to find out what would happen themselves.
i like to think the more the three kings researched it the more horrified they would be, but that could just be my biases & preferences showing. bella & edward's daughter displays disturbingly similar compulsory "abilities" or however one would describe them like Immortal Children because everyone's sudden pull to her after she touched them is WAY too similar to the enchantment vampires experience around the latter type of child so i think the Volturi (especially Jane) would be weirded out by that connection considering how long they've studied them.
i'm not saying every hybrid is like bella & edward's kid, but i'm pretty sure Aro noticed that neither she nor the rest of the family really like or trust the Volturi that much PLUS the Romanians are some of her favorite vamps. pretty sure that has put the Volturi on their guard (so to speak) (also Carlisle what the FUCK why are you being so weird about the Volturi. why tf does edward have his stupid attitude about them whyyyy make them your enemy especially considering the drama in new moon & eddie blatantly disrespecting the ancient group by expecting them to be Suicide Assistance as though that's what they're there for & have nothing better to do & Aro doing you a MASSIVE favor). ya know, as pretty as he's portrayed in the movies, i'm liking him as a character less & less (he's the biggest hypocrite of them all & playing a dangerous game of delusions - like hun, sorry, but no matter how much you pretend, you are not a human any longer & maybe you don't realize it (or WANT to) but you totally think you're better than humans seeing as you bend their rules especially if it's for your extremely problematic red-headed "son" - but THEN AGAIN you're certainly good at wiping out local wildlife like big predators so maybe you're more like humans than you think & i mean that as a slur).
i totally get derailed in my little rants on here & i'm only a little bit embarrased since this is pretty much how my brain works & how i talk lmao so tl;dr if the Volturi become the worst kind of monsters in future books when it comes to hybrids (aka "making their own" 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮), smeyers can fuck right off some more & the Cullens & their creepy cult & creepier hybrid kid are the worst. i still like Emmett though even if he chooses to stick around the problematic bunch (pretty sure Carlisle has a gift as well; it's amazing that so many vampires are not only able to live with each other peacefully but rigidly stick to a diet that is unnatural to their kind - a kind of creature that follows their instincts above almost most things. oh Carlisle, you certainly transferred your wild need to repress almost too exceedingly well).
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
You know something, I can accept Alice being able to have visions of the Shifters in the second Breaking Dawn movie even though that's going against canon, but I can not accept Aro killing Carlisle in her vision fgreihudwoj. Aro likes Carlisle way too much, he would not kill him and honestly would probably kill whatever Volturi member would replace him as killing Carlisle in some alternate vision. No one kills Carlisle on his watch.
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Wildest dreams, pt. 34.
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Summary: Still in shock in light of Y/N's decision, Paul decides to share the burden with Embry. However, the morning takes a turn for the worse.
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing, GRAPHIC depictions of death and blood
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Paul stands before Embry and Daisy, the weight of Y/N’s decision pressing heavily on his shoulders. The words feel foreign, even as they leave his lips.
“Y/N said she will join the Cullens.”
“She actually wants to be one of them?” Embry’s voice breaks the tense silence, his hand dragging down his face in disbelief. “Wasn’t she the one that said she would never accept that kind of a life?”
Paul nods, remaining quiet as he collapses in the chair. He has barely spoken since Y/N uttered the words the previous night. The memory of her words sends a shiver down his spine, the intensity of the moment still fresh in his mind. Truth be told, he had no time to react because his body reacted for him. Their bedroom window’s shards can attest to that as well as Embry’s shorts that he barely got over his thighs. 
“Did she say why?” Embry’s question hangs in the air, but Paul remains silent, shaking his head. The sigh that escapes his lips is heavy with unspoken turmoil. He hadn’t given Y/N a chance to explain herself, but her resolve had been unmistakable. It’s what he had begged for, what he had prayed for countless nights. Yet now, faced with the reality of it, he is filled with a sense of dread and uncertainty. If it’s what he’s wanted all along, why is he so distraught over it?
Embry rises from his seat, determination etched on his face. “I should talk to her.”
Daisy’s grip on his hand stops him in his tracks. “I don’t think you’re the one who should be talking to her,” she says gently but firmly. “I’m not sure there’s much to talk about. If she’s made her decision, it’s only a matter of how and when.”
 “She told me she’d never forgive me if I even tried to turn her into one of them,” Paul’s voice is strained, the words coming out through gritted teeth. “This is a result of an emotional night. She probably feels pressured because of the wedding and our vows.”
Daisy’s gaze is unwavering, her voice filled with conviction. “It could also be that she’s had more time to think and inform herself of all the pros and cons of being a vampire. It’s Y/N! When have you known her to make a rash decision? She’s chronically overthinking every fucking thing. I highly doubt she’d say something so heavy without being absolutely certain that’s what she wants.”
Embry rubs his chin, biting his lower lip. “Daisy is right. I hate it, but if this is what she wants, then fuck it. We can figure it out.”
Paul’s frustration boils over, his voice rising. “The very possibility of her being one of them is what brought the death visions I still dream of every night. She won’t be just a vampire; she will be the reason the Volturi come back.” 
“They won’t touch her,” Embry growls, his instincts flaring. Y/N’s been a very big part of his heart for as long as he can remember, and every cell of his being demands her safety.
Daisy's running soothing circles on Embry’s back but it does little to ease the tension. 
She inhales sharply. “I don’t know the Volturi, but I know of them. If they come back, I’m not sure what you can do to survive their attack.”
“Last time, had it been a fight, I wouldn’t have survived,” Paul reminds them. “The only reason I got to live long enough to imprint on Y/N and have this amazing life with her is because we managed to stop the war before it began by proving Renesmee isn’t going to end their species. Y/N is a genuine threat.” 
Bowing his head, Paul covers his face with his hands, his voice breaking. “I want her to live and I want her to be safe, but either choice brings us to the same ending and I don’t know what to do with that.”
“We don’t know why she dies if she remains human,” Embry pulls Daisy closer to him. “All we know it’s by the tree we burned and in a violent manner. If we never let her near the forest, if you guys move somewhere barren, why would we expect her to die? She could be human and you two could live out the rest of your lives in a desert riding camels or something!”
“I don’t think that would work,” Daisy says softly, her voice trembling with the effort to hold back tears. She fears that if she speaks any louder, her voice will break. “If she’s destined to die, it would happen no matter how hard we try to stop it.” 
“Destined to die is a little dramatic, don’t you think?” Jasper chimes in, raising an eyebrow and suppressing a smirk. The three look at him and Alice in shock.
“I can’t see her future anymore,” Alice states begrudgingly, her frustration palpable. “The last of what I saw was her making a choice to be one of us. After that, everything goes dark.”
“Fucking great,” Embry exclaims, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“You saw it?” Paul stands, his knees shaking but determination fuels his movements. 
Alice nods ever so slightly. “She made her decision walking down the aisle.”
“And she wants me to do it,” Jasper announces cheerily as if it was a trivial matter. 
Paul’s hands form fists by his sides, his scowl deepening. “If anyone is going to do it, it will be Carlisle.”
“Jasper is right,” Alice interjects, her voice firm. “Y/N’s choice is not Carlisle.”
“This is ridiculous,” Paul chuckles dryly, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’m going to talk to my wife. She’ll clear everything up and I’ll pack us up to live in the Antarctic if I have to, but I won’t let her do something she didn’t want.”
“But she does want it now,” Alice reminds him gently, her eyes filled with empathy. “With no outside pressure, she chose to take a chance on your love. I don’t see much of her future, but if you storm in there right now all you’ll have is regret because she will get hurt and it will be your fault.”
“I would never lose control with her close by,” Paul huffs.
“You will,” Alice flinches at the certainty of her own words. “She’ll survive this time, but it will leave a gnarly scar on her back.”
Embry steps in front of Paul, pointing to the chair with a firm hand.  “Sit your ass down.”
“I think I’ll be sick,” Daisy murmurs, a hand slapping over her mouth as she rushes to the bathroom.
“Ah, fuck,” Embry mutters, running after her. “Don’t let him leave!” he shouts back.
Groaning, Paul reluctantly sits down, his mind racing. “You can’t see her future and I’m supposed to be fine with that? Even if she was going to die, wouldn’t you see it?”
Alice’s voice is tinged with frustration. “My visions don’t always work well. Especially with the pack.”
Jasper wraps an arm around her, trying to comfort her. “She struggles to accept that.”
“Would you enjoy being hindered by a pack of wolves?” Alice retorts, her eyes flashing with irritation.
Smirking, Jasper shrugs. “I’m superior in that way.”
Before anyone can react, Jasper grunts, doubling over from a punch Paul didn't even see coming. “I deserved that,” he admits, wincing.
“Yes, you did,” Alice chuckles.
“Why did she decide on Jasper?” Paul furrows his eyebrows. “Would Jasper even manage to do it without killing her?”
“I’m not sure,” Alice sighs, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, love.” Jasper tries to interject some lightness, but the tension in the room remains palpable.
Paul runs a hand through his hair, his mind racing. “I need to talk to her. If I leave now, will I still hurt her?” 
“No,” Alice frowns, her eyes distant. “I don’t...” She pauses, her face suddenly going pale as her gaze fixes on something only she can see. “I don’t see...” 
“Alice?” Jasper grabs her tightly, holding her steady. “What do you see?”
“She’s in the forest,” Alice gasps, grasping onto Jasper’s hand for dear life. 
“Y/N?!” Paul’s voice cracks with raw fear. His heart pounds violently, each beat echoing the urgency in his chest. He can tell something’s terribly wrong; Alice wouldn’t seem so agitated otherwise. Every cell in Paul’s body is itching to shift, to run straight to his imprint, but he doesn’t know where to go.
“She’s not alone,” Alice squeals, her panic contagious.
Grabbing her shoulders, Paul ignores the angry look Jasper shoots him. “Where is she exactly?!”
Alice shakes her head in horror, “I don’t know! I don’t see any clear markings!”
Hearing the commotion, Embry runs back to see what’s happening. 
“I think it’s happening,” Paul’s eyes are filled with tears as he meets Embry’s worried gaze. “I think she’s going to die.”
Embry’s jaw clenches, his eyes narrowing with determination. “I’m calling everyone. We won’t let that happen.”
“I will,” Daisy insists, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes. “You and Paul get going. I’ll call Sam, and Emily will help call the rest of them.”
“Babe –“ Embry starts, but Daisy cuts him off.
“Embry, I love you,” she states clearly, “but I need you to go save my best friend.”
Biting his lips, Embry nods.
“We’re coming with you,” Jasper declares, leaving no room for argument.
Paul and Embry shift almost instantly, their forms blurring as they leave the house in a rush, filled with shared desperation that’s driving them to find Y/N before it’s too late. 
Paul’s heart feels like it’s being squeezed in barbed wire. The thought of Y/N out there, alone and in danger, fills him with dread so profound it nearly paralyzes him. He can feel the bond they share, but he can't feel her emotions. She could still be safe and that thought alone is giving him strength to keep going, guiding him through the forest. He can’t lose her, not now, not ever. The fear of losing her to the very fate he’s been trying to prevent for so long is a weight that threatens to crush him, but he pushes on, driven by love and complete terror. 
“I’ve already told our family,” Alice tells Daisy. “We’ll all be out there.”
Holding back tears, Daisy sniffles as the vampires leave, the house now eerily empty. “I just hope it’s enough,” she whispers, her voice a fragile thread of hope in the overwhelming tide of fear.
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panlight · 9 months
referencing last post, i think Edward's biggest flaw isn't actually being judgmental. His biggest flaw is self consciousness, always wondering what people are thinking (hence the power). Part of that manifests in his dramatics and self deprecation, but part of that manifests in him judging others to make himself feel better
I think that's a valid interpretation! Do we think it would lead to the same outcome? If the flaw were more specifically self-consciousness, but it still resulted in judging others, does it still lead to the rebellion & judge, jury executioner thing? Or would it lead elsewhere?
I suppose the alternative is that he's so frozen with self-consciousness that he doesn't really ever do anything, being even more depressed, anxious and isolated than he already is in canon. Do we end up with a petrified Edward, like literally, like the Volturi? Do Carlisle and Esme bring him blood as he sit staring out the window as the room spins around him and the seasons change for decades?
I know I've said this a million times before, but Edward is much more interesting in Midnight Sun. I'm not saying that I don't want to throw the book across the room in frustration at times, just that the mess he is in from his own POV is more interesting than the ~**perfection**~ Bella is always talking about. Oh he plays piano like a pro! Oh he knows how to fly a plane! Oh he speaks fluent Brazilian Portuguese! Oh he has the most beautiful face and most glorious body and oh is the most decent and and loving and good person ever!
Midnight Sun Edward with his hang-ups and anxieties and calculating all the bugs in the meadow and hating boxy green sweaters and rhapsodizing about the profound significance of a white sleeveless button down shirt is at least more interesting than supernatural perfection.
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restinslices · 5 months
(I swear to y’all, imma go back to Mortal Kombat. But I have to rant. Imma pretend it’s the early 2000s and rant about Twilight. If you’re pro any of the Cullens, don’t even read this)
I’m not saying Jacob should’ve kissed Bella, but my thing is this; Jacob kisses you and you call him a dog and say you hope Edward kills him. Edward has done foul shit the ENTIRE SERIES and you let him slide repeatedly. There’s this part where Bella gets mad and says something like “at least Edward an act like an adult”. Bitch. He IS AN ADULT. What do you mean? Bella is way more harsh when it comes to Jacob and I don’t get why she holds so much anger towards this child and holds him to this high standard but has none of these feelings when it comes to the old ass adult she’s with. Since I’m typing, Stephanie Myers is weird and idc what y’all say. I remember Bella described Leah as beautiful in an EXOTIC way. MA’AM? It feels like she realized how asshole-ish the Cullens are and tried to make the wolves seem worse but all I’m thinking is “they’re definitely in the right when it comes to not liking the Cullens”.
The wolves don’t like vampires because they’re a safety risk. The Cullens being there (keep in mind, they’re rich enough to leave and never come back) is triggering these young ass people to turn into wolves. The Cullens don’t like the wolves because?? They have no valid reason. Edward constantly says the wolves are dangerous and yeah, they’re not the safest to be around but compared to vampires they’re a lot safer. Bella has only been harmed by vampires and only the vampires have tried to end her life. James, Laurent, Jasper, Victoria, the new born army that’s forming, the Volturi. She’s only been in danger because of the wolves once. Like, I don’t get how Stephanie expects us to agree with Edward when there’s proof that the wolves are way safer. Not 100% safe but better than vampires. And while I love Seth, I swear Seth is the “you’re not like the others” character. They only like Seth because he doesn’t hold animosity towards them as if that animosity isn’t valid. It’s giving “you’re not like other blacks, you talk proper” (ik he’s not black, it’s an example). I’m finishing the books because I’m too deep to quit but I wish they let Victoria finish the job.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
So are you pro Volturi? Do you think Aro was unfairly portrayed as the villain and evil?
I will say, though, that being pro something usually means you have to be contra something else, and I'm not. The Cullens had good reason to believe the worst of Aro, I'm pro them as well.
As for Aro, I'll actually go out and say that while the accusations laid against his leadership and justice seem to be untrue, that is not to say he's a cinnamon roll. He wound up at the top of an incredibly brutal society, and he rules through fear.
We know that when his sister became an obstacle, he murdered her. When a member of the guard he can't afford to have not on his side leaves the Volturi, he has them assassinated. He was ready to execute his best friend in Breaking Dawn, he orders massacres when they're called for (the Romanians, the newborn armies), he wipes out entire covens. In Bree's execution, the Volturi demonstrate a "better to kill too many than spare the wrong person" philosophy, a philosophy I imagine has served them well in establishing their reign of terror.
Does he seem to have a moral code, yes, is he shockingly fair, yes. Do his enemies have reason to hate him and tell everyone how evil he is... also yes.
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What if Renesmee was a fish baby? She still has her canon personality/gift/control, she’s just noticeably a fish baby at birth.
Thoughts on Renesmee's gift.
Depends if my and @therealvinelle's crackpot conspiracy theories are right or not.
If It's Just What We See in Canon
There's serious discussion over whether they kill Renesmee or not. Renesmee clearly isn't human, Edward I imagine is disgusted and no longer pointing out that 'she really thinks like a human' for all that Renesmee's now very important gift allows her to relay her thoughts to anyone that touches her, and while she doesn't seem to be flopping out of her pond in search of human blood, she clearly does have their thirst and that could change at any moment.
We get very large drama as those who really wanted the baby aren't sure they want a fish. Rosalie finds herself very conflicted as she's extremely disappointed and horrified by this turn of events (she just delivered something not human from a very human womb, this is the shit out of horror films) but she put so much hope into this child. Bella's horrified to learn that the adorable Edward Jacob she'd been envisioning is a fucking fish. All of those visions she'd had of a perfect Edward clone are ruined by this thing she can only put in her backyard.
Carlisle is pro not murdering sentient fish species in their backyard and argues that Renesmee appears to be perfectly controlled, perfectly sentient, she's just a fish.
There's much debate over this, the Denali come over and do not notice the fish (as it's in a pond when Irina comes). The trial never happens.
I imagine eventually, unsure what to do about the fish, with the Volturi breathing down their necks to learn about Bella, with Edward and Bella being even worse parents than they were in canon, and with Renesmee's life in constant danger as while she's clearly sentient she's the fish that no one wanted, Carlisle informs the Volturi that a) Bella has been turned so please don't kill us all and b) Bella gave birth to a fish, please tell my family it's sentient and controlled so we can move on.
Aro comes to see the fish in person because what? And sure enough, Bella gave birth to a sentient vampire fish. I imagine Renesmee gets relocated to Volterra for observation and Bella and Edward are very much glad to see the back of her.
The majority of the Cullens do their best to pretend the Renesmee debacle never happened.
What if Vinelle and the Muffin Are Right
The family loves this fucking fish. She may be a bit floppy, and a fish, but she's the best fish in the world and their baby. They constantly dote and worry over this fish. They give her a great pond with Alice putting in cute decorations, Rosalie learns everything she can about marine biology to help little Renesmee's development, Carlisle's doing constant checkups to make sure that Renesmee's doing well, and all the Cullens spend time chatting with Renesmee and touching her scales to have conversations.
When Irina comes, she's very weirded out but thinks the Cullens just have a neat fish. She has no idea Bella gave birth to that and thinks this is just the usual Cullen nonsense.
The trial doesn't happen.
When the Cullens realize that Aro will eventually be coming to check on Bella, and thus learn about Renesmee, there's much panicking. Edward demands they fight the Volturi now, before they come to destroy all of them over Renesmee. STRIKE FIRST, HISS HISS. Carlisle vetoes this in part because that's morally bankrupt but also because they will not win (they have a) no army this time and b) have no idea that Bella's powers would work the way they did). As the family descends into bickering with Edward offering worse and worse solutions, Carlisle decides to go to Volterra alone to show his memories and explain what took so long.
So, you see, Aro, Bella was turned into a vampire after a delay of surprise pregnancy. She also gave birth to a fish who is perfectly controlled and the sweetest little girl on the planet.
Aro, not sure what to think, accepts this answer but wants to see it for himself. Aro goes to meet Renesmee, Edward hissing and spitting the entire time, but says sure enough that's a sentient fish and seems... fine. I imagine rather than take them all to Volterra, which would be his first choice, Aro chooses to let the Cullens be but check in with them every six months.
Edward, Bella, and Alice loathe this.
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
Do you think Alice would be affected by her vision in BD? Would seeing Carlisle and Jasper die have a lingering effect on her? Would she even tell Jasper what she saw?
Another ridiculously late response but I love this question.
I absolutely believe Alice would be affected by her vision in BD because it was so close to an absolute fate. But how is the real question.
(And listen, I think the lack of fighting Jasper got to do in BD2 was stupid; Jasper would not go down without a hell of a fight. They missed a golden opportunity to have Jasper, Peter, and Charlotte fighting together referencing what was established in Eclipse and... I think the battle could have been done better, but let's work with what we have.)
I think there are two possibilities here.
The first is that Alice confides in Jasper, needs his reassurance that it's okay, that they one, that what she saw doesn't need to haunt her because she won the game. I think that Jasper would have been more protective of her and that they would have been slightly distant from the family as Alice dealt with the knowledge of what could have been. I also think that Alice would have had to weigh up the value that Carlisle places on her (and I mean, there's a lot of dark content there if you wanted to look at Carlisle rushing to the protection of a beloved daughter vs Carlisle trying to make sure he doesn't lose the most powerful weapon the family has - and failing.)
Would Carlisle have gone after Aro for anyone other than her, Edward, Bella, or Esme? Is it a paternal affection or is it an obligation? I can see Alice getting right up into the technicalities and Jasper would be there, talking her down and convincing her that it's okay, she saved everyone. And Alice just being terrified that she still got Jasper, Carlisle, Bella, and Edward killed in that future. That they came so close to cleaving the family in half; that she gambled and lose Jasper. I feel like this version of Alice, confiding in Jasper, would let her heal, let her appreciate her family, and even find more value as Alice Cullen, and not the family psychic.
Option two is the darker version, the version that really changes Alice. Internalizing that fight, realizing how close she came to losing Jasper and getting Carlisle killed makes her a little ... harder? A little less human, a little more serious. And that's entirely because of Jasper's death. That was her fault, and in her mind that is unforgivable. We think of Jasper as the overprotective one, but I honestly believe that Alice has the same streak of overprotectiveness. I think it would make Alice a lot more precise with her visions, a lot more critical and she would try to overcompensate in future-proofing them.
With Carlisle, she would really feel like she had let down the family, and everything that they had offered her. I think that everything she knows would be a wake-up call to how harsh the universe is.
Jasper would worry about her, and Alice wouldn't tell him what she saw, only that it was bad. I think Edward would end up telling Jasper and Carlisle what Alice saw to try and 'help', and whilst I think Jasper would definitely be able to support her better through that guilt and terror, and frustration, Alice would be fundamentally changed by internalizing it. And I don't think she'd play 'fair' with her visions again; I think that Alice would absolutely weaponize her visions for maximum damage when the Volturi return because of Jasper's death in the battle vision. Fuck around and find out, Aro.
That was fun, anon! Pro-violence Alice will live rent-free in my head for a hot minute now.
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Upcoming Requests for April-May!!
Hello friends! Just wanted to pop in and let y’all know I’m on the final stretch of my semester and finals are around the corner 😭 fear not I’m still working on requests and hope to get through the ones I currently have in my inbox before end of May. I have some family issues going on behind the scenes on top of school so writing usually for me is only available during the late hours of the night.
The list below are the upcoming requests in order of when they were submitting and will be posted (i do first come first serve & some of these at the top of the list were sent in back in late February so its taken me some time to get to them):
Before He Cheats | Dagger Squad blurb for anon
One Eyed Beauties | Beric Dondarrion imagine for anon
Ridin’ The Waves | Javy Machado x pro surfer!reader for @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby
The Doc Is In | Pete Mitchell x doctor!reader Imagine for @wildellaa
Hollywood’s Angel | Javy Machado x actress!reader for @stephthestallion
His Reason to Fanboy | Mickey Garcia x actress!reader for anon
Perfect Timing | Demetri Volturi imagine for @kpopgirlbtssvt
The Lake House | Bucky Barnes AU for anon
Family Of Spies | Everett Ross headcanon for @autistic-solar-fandom
Time Of Our Lives | Jake Seresin Dirty Dancing AU for @eternalsams
A Legend, An Icon, The Moment | Bradley Bradshaw x singer!reader for @pinkpantheris
All I ask from everyone who sent in a request is patience. I love to take time to develop the stories to bring your vision to life and sometimes it will take me a whole week to finish a work. I promise I will do my best to include everything you’ve sent in regarding details. Feel free to check out my other works in the meantime and be sure to check my WIP for updates!! ♥️
Note: if you send in a request at this moment be sure to check my rules for requests before submitting and note you may not see your work until possibly late May/June as the ones listed above are priority.
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felixschokehold · 2 years
Disclaimer: List is due to change over time as new things are learned about each character.
Ultimate Bias: Felix of the Volturi
He is TALL.
He has very little scenes in the books/movies but the back story I’ve given him and literally just my own story of him has made me very attached to him.
I also love Daniel Cudmore as Felix and I am perpetually Dead^TM.
Cannot help but to love fictional homicidal men.
Edward Cullen
Edward (and Bella) call to my BPD/bipolar so fucking hard. I understand the obsession. The mania. The self hatred. The lack of confidence in someone loving you because you don’t feel “good enough”.  
Love the vigilante vampire side story. Homicidal? Check. Justified killings? Double check. Love it. Living for it.
Leah Clearwater
An absolute badass.
She deserved much better.
Demetri of the Volturi
In the books he’s also Tall. 
In the movies he’s very charming and funny (i.e. shoving Felix to hoard food).
I feel very sorry for him since Aro literally kidnapped him from Amun’s coven.
Emmett Cullen
Everyone’s fave himbo. 
Felt very protective of Bella as a brother very early on (Midnight Sun describes this during driving away from the baseball scene). 
Marcus of the Volturi
His entire life was ruined by Aro and I feel so sorry for him.
He had the greatest love of all time and it was ripped from him. 
Is absolutely done with everything and is ready to die at any moment. Mood. 
Jane and Alec
Literally just two innocent children. 
Aro also basically ruined their life and turned them without their consent (afaik). 
Forcefully bound and kept content by Aro. 
So much pity for them. My children.
Anger issues. Same. 
Have you seen him?
Alice Cullen
Continuously and borderline obnoxiously tries to force Bella into her own picture of femininity.
Literally is okay with loving a non-repentant Confederate soldier.
She is nice but just kind of rubs me the wrong way ig.
Carlisle Cullen
Created his own “family” without any consent from them as they lay dying. 
Sam Uley
Seems like a hardass, but was probs just trying to be a leader and do what was best. 
Esme Cullen 
She is wholesome but not my cup of tea. 
Some motherly figures make me feel weird because mine is dead lmao.
The Pack
Unnamed members above and below go here, just no reason to like or dislike them.
The Denali Coven
I understand where Irina comes from. Kate is pretty cool ig. Tanya is alright. Eleazar and Carmen are hot af. I just don’t feel any certain way for the whole clan.
Anti|Non Favorites
Ultimate Anti: Jacob Black
Imprinting on a child; Smeyers writing imprinting as how wolves “find their mate”, and the “future” Alice saw in the movie of them acting kind of romantic to each other has made me have a very vile taste for Jacob Black. Pre-wolf Jacob? Totally cool. Post-wolf Jacob? Absolute fucking incel. 
Aro of the Volturi
Aro doesn’t “recruit”, he straight up kidnaps. He uses Chelsea and Corin’s powers to remove vampires he wants from covens they’re in and ties them to him for ultimate loyalty. He killed his own sister, Didyme, because he didn’t want Marcus to leave as he and Didyme were mated and wanted to dip from the Volturi. Aro is enslaving and kidnapping vampires on the reg.
Caius of the Volturi
He is the only member of the Volturi that Aro has not forced to stay. Caius stays on his own, he only uses Corin’s ability to cure his boredom when he isn’t committing mass murder or punishing lawbreakers. 
Rosalie Cullen (Hale) 
Supreme Bitch for literally no reason. 
Treats Bella like absolute garbage and almost gets her own brother killed because “Bella I eNvY yOu”
Was never a real mother to Bella, Bella had to mother her. 
Just annoying and a terrible person lol.
Charlie Swan 
Didn’t do anything in the movie when Jacob kissed Bella without consent. In the book, he praised Jacob for kissing Bella.
Jasper Cullen (Hale) 
I only put him here because he’s a Confederate soldier with no remorse. 
Probably a racist.
Also imprinted on a child.
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📌Please read before interacting💜
Minty|'94|Midwest, USA|Broader self summary| Click here to join a Fourth Wing discord server!
Main blog [Volturi themed]: @felixschokehold (I like/follow from this blog)
Video game sideblog: @rolansrighthorn
Thirst sideblog: @justasideofdelicious
What books are my favorites?
Shadowhunter books by Cassandra Clare
ACOTAR books by Sarah J Maas
Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas
Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
Night World by L. J. Smith
Empyrean series by Rebecca Yarros
Married to Magic series by Elise Kova
Blog tags:
Original posts: my post, own post, my meme
Only reblogs: reblog
ACOTAR fandom Warnings: I am the world's number one Nesta anti, anti Nessian, anti Tamlin | I am pro Feysand, pro Elriel, pro IC
This post is subject to change over time.
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threebooksoneplot · 1 year
Hello! On and off listener, because I like to save up episodes in case I have a long flight or drive, but I just started listening to Episode 9 where you discuss reading Twilight out of order, and I thought I would write in to share my confusion.
When I was in third grade, I actually read Breaking Dawn before any of the other Twilight books, because I heard that weird shit went down in that book. My experience? I was very confused.
I remember not liking it, but I was also definitely going through a not-like-other-girls phase. Flashforward to now, and I have recently read all of the books again because I decided to write a Volturi fanfiction. I'm still not the biggest fan of Breaking Dawn, but I will say that it does make more sense when I am not going "Who is Alice? Who is Jasper? Who is 90% of the characters in this book?" I would even go out on a limb and say that I enjoyed Breaking Dawn better than Eclipse during my re-read if I ignore the imprinting portion.
I will say that I vaguely remember finding the Volturi super boring, because I just did not understand who the hell they were and why I should care. Some context is given in the book, but my constant state of confusion did not help me absorb any of it. And now, they are my main area of interest in Twilight fandom... go figure.
I also didn't know that vampires had gifts.
I wish I could give more details on my reaction, but I think I was just confused the entire time.
all of y'all who have read the twilight books out of order are such an important part of this ecosystem that I never even knew we had. and re-reading twilight for fanfiction purposes is honestly so damn relatable
the volturi are SO fun because of how much you can DO with them in fic! I adore them to my bones and wish smeyer had just let them be more morally-neutral characters instead of turning them into a gang of one-dimensional mustache-twirling anti-love villains. like cMON steph!!! they're so much more than that!!!! I mean they have CLOAKS!!!!—shannon
speak for yourself I love that they're a gang of mustache-twirling pro-infanticide villains. if you're gonna have a secret vampire mafia cabal that secretly controls the world they better be Up To No Good or what's the point?? twirl that mustache harder
it's so FASCINATING that you did a complete 180 on them once you got context, anon! love hearing your experience (and everyone's experience) reading the books out of order. BD is definitely the wackiest possible point to join the story; thank you for your service!! —g
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knuddels-admins-team · 9 months
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The thing about the Volturi and the Cullens is that the vibes are just that the Volturi are pro LGBT and the Cullens are homophobic. Hope this helped <3
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baukasirp · 2 years
Tumblr media
Nome: Yun Baekgyu
Data de nascimento: 10/02/1816
Nacionalidade: Coreano
Identidade de gênero: Homem
Pronomes: Ele/dele
Ocupação: Professor de matemática na escola da cidade
Faceclaim: Taehyung - BTS
Plots de interesse: Fluffly, Smut, Romance, General, Crack
Twitter: @bks_baek
Data de criação: 1843
Como foi a criação: Ele foi criado como parte de um projeto de "catequese" dos Volturi.
Seu personagem nasceu vampiro? Não
Quem o criou: Anne Decroix
Clã: Nenhum
Já consegue se controlar? Sim, mas foi algo que teve de aprender só depois de muito tempo já que sua criadora acreditava piamente que humanos serviam apenas para alimentação.
Três qualidades: Educado, amigável, gentil
Três defeitos: Impulsivo, ciumento, possessivo
Gatilhos da biografia: tortura, assassinato.
Biografia: A vida de Baekgyu teria sido a mais normal o possível se não fosse aquele pequeno crush na lavadeira dos pais. Foi isso que levou ele a ir conhecer o projeto dos estrangeiros recém chegados que os pais não gostavam. Foi isso que o levou a conhecer Anne Decroix, a mulher que mudou completamente sua vida para pior.
Ele nunca gostou muito dos estrangeiros, franceses pareciam mal educados e o que eles pregavam era muito diferente do confucionismo em que acreditava piamente, principalmente distante da medicina a qual sua família direcionava. Não tinha gostado de Anne quando a tinha conhecido e só tinha piorado com o passar do tempo, mas tinha sido criado pra ser educado e priorizar as mulheres, então quando ela pediu ajuda para voltar para seu alojamento a noite, ele concedeu. Não tinha imaginado que seria a última vez que veria sua família.
Não sabia quanto tempo tinha passado nos alojamentos de Anne, quando tinha sido transportado, nada disso. Vivia num fino fio entre a consciência e o abismo do nada que só era acordado pela dor absurda que vinha toda vez que os dentes da mulher perfuravam sua pele. Até hoje ele não sabe o que levou Anne a lhe escolher ou a lhe transformar e levar de volta pros Volturi. Só sabia que um dia o fogo dentro de si começou e só parou depois de 3 dias de sofrimento quando seu coração parou de bater e tinha virado um deles.
As primeiras décadas foi educado como um Volturi, com abundância de sangue das vítimas que não sabia com o que estavam se metendo e ele nunca pensou que poderia viver uma vida diferente daquilo até a visita de Juniper, uma vampira canadense que tinha uma forma de se alimentar diferente: era vegetariana. Não se alimentava de humanos. Quando ela foi embora, ele foi com ela para aprender essa nova forma e vida e se sentia um homem muito melhor pelos anos que passou com Juniper. Usava seu tempo para aprender mais sobre os humanos e os vampiros e estudar sobre tudo que existia e sobre como a ciência evoluia.
Sua vida se desgraçou novamente quando pela segunda vez recebeu a visita de Anne Decroix, os Volturi tinham recebido a denúncia, de acordo com ela, de que Juniper tinha revelado o segredo pra um humano. Aquilo era passível de morte e ela aplicou a punição ali, na frente de Baekgyu, sem titubear. Ele ficou destruído, voltou a se alimentar de humanos, a não se importar com nada e estava no caminho de ser eliminado pelos Volturi também quando viu o sorriso de Anne que lhe seguia num propósito de "cuidar" de si e percebeu que estava exatamente como ela tinha planejado.
Desde então rearranjou sua vida decidindo por um caminho vegetariano e por conviver entre os humanos tanto quanto pudesse, se mudando pra Baukasi por ter uma sociedade vampira e humana ampla o suficiente.
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Ok so. What if questions. I admit I came across your blog by a fic linking to you while I was looking at all the spite fics, so my perspective may be shifted.
1. What if Bella was terminally ill. I know Edward would be full on for her dying human, but would his family agree? How aggressive would disagreements get? Especially since almost everyone in the family has the “was turned to save them from death” story that Bella would now be in the prefatory stages of
Pfft, well then, what a recommendation. I.. am now vaguely curious how that even occurred.
But onto your question.
What if Bella Was Terminally Ill?
Well, things get complicated.
And this is actually canon.
Canon, What You Talking About Willis?
We have two instances where this occurs, one is implicit and one is very explicit.
I'm going to focus on the implicit one as I think it best answers your question.
(The explicit is when Bella's carrying Renesmee and quite clearly dying of starvation, internal bleeding, organ failure, and god knows what else.)
The New Moon Vote
The implicit one is at the end of New Moon. Bella has been to Italy and personally met the Volturi, they ruled that she could return home but that she must be turned and that they would be checking in very shortly.
As of that meeting, Bella and the coven itself have a guillotine hanging over their heads.
Bella no longer has a human future: she will either be murdered by the Volturi or the Cullens will turn her.
Bella, no longer trusting Edward alone on this matter, takes it to the Cullens and puts it to a vote: is she turned or is she not.
Now, it's never explicitly brought up there that what they're really choosing is "Bella is murdered by vampires and we all die" or "Bella is turned and not murdered by vampires and none of us die". It, in fact, likely doesn't occur to most of the characters sitting at that table because... It's just not something they're inclined to think about.
Regardless, Bella is mortal and mortals die. It may not be immediate, but sooner or later, it's coming and a decision must be made.
We get the exact breakdown there on who sides where on the issue.
Edward chooses humanity and throws a fit when Carlisle, the patriarch and the one who will be doing the turning, votes against him and then spends the next novel trying to weasel his way out of that bargain.
Carlisle chooses to turn Bella for a variety of reasons but also in part because Edward has made it clear that as soon as Bella dies he will commit suicide and still intends to do this. If Carlisle chooses to allow Bella to remain human, he not only murders her and probably his family, but also murders Edward as well.
Alice chooses to turn Bella as she's been pro Bella being a vampire from the beginning and is convinced that this is the only legitimate and enviable future for the family. Edward just has to get with the program.
Rosalie chooses humanity as she projects onto Bella Swan and wishes for her to have the choices and future that Rosalie never had. Now, I don't think it quite registered for Rosalie that the Volturi are coming, there is no human future to be had here, but she nevertheless made the argument.
Jasper chooses vampirism as he doesn't want to eat Bella.
And we go on down the list.
The disagreements were... relatively mild but only because Edward then went behind the Cullen council's back.
Rosalie told Bella very dark trauma about her past in the hopes that Bella would reconsider and understand and Bella said "Cool story, bro, still gonna get myself vamped." And that was about the end of the conflict there as Rosalie more or less gave up and didn't talk much to Bella until the Renesmee debacle.
Carlisle thought Edward was going to attempt to turn Bella per Edward and Bella's agreement. He very likely thought that meant sooner rather than later and I'm sure he had extreme doubts regarding the very public wedding Edward and Bella had followed by the honeymoon of Man of Steel vs. Woman of Kleenex. But life is hard for Carlisle and then he got to spend a month faking Bella's parasitic infection while desperately trying to keep her alive when she decides she does want to carry Rosemary's Baby.
Edward decides to use his turning Bella as leverage to both delay the turning and get her to marry him first. In Breaking Dawn he's attempting to have Bella delay her transformation for several years, at least through university.
I have no doubt those goal posts would somehow keep moving until Bella remains human forever.
He later suggests that Jacob could supply her with children if she so desired. And also, of course, notes that the Volturi are old vampires who don't know a decade from a few weeks: they won't check in. (They had, in fact, sent Bella a wedding gift in the mail, reminding them that they remembered her and seen her two weeks earlier as of Breaking Dawn when Jane notes with some mild annoyance/bemusement that Bella's still very human.)
So, Your Question's Kind of Answered
There are disagreements but they're surprisingly mild in part because Edward kept his running afoul of the family decision on the sly from the family and Rosalie never had much hope for convincing Bella to begin with.
We also get Edward plotting Rosalie's dismemberment with Jacob so he can forcibly abort Bella, in part to keep her human, but I guess it never came to that...
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