#promised myself not to gif anything before may 12 but here we are
wardenparker · 1 year
The Viper's Bride - ch 15
Oberyn Martell x female reader x Ellaria Sand x OC Co-written with @absurdthirst
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The second Prince of Dorne has lived under the illusion that he would not be forced to wed for his entire life. He has enough lovers and illegitimate children to make him a legend across Westeros, and the love of his soulmate Ellaria Sand to content him. But a contract between his brother and a lord from the north will catapult him into a match that may prove to be as complicated as it is intriguing. Especially when he learns that you already have a soulmate of your own.
Rating: Mature, but as always this blog is 18+ Word Count: 11.4k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: terrible parents, age gap 10+ years, arranged marriage, classicism, cursing, food and alcohol, internalized homophobia. Reader is described as having hair long enough to braid. This is a MMFFF polycule, folx. Get on board or don't click to keep reading. Pregnancy!* Talk of previous grievances, incest reference (Lannisters gonna Lannister), blink and you'll miss it mention of homelessness. As always, there is sexy talk. It is Oberyn, after all. Summary: The day before Oberyn is to represent Tyrion in the Trial by Combat, your extended and elaborate family comes together to celebrate in anticipation of the fight. Notes: First up, I'm working extra shifts and even though it's my dream job I'm tired y'all 😂 so sorry for any errors I missed. But also! We're almost at the end here, folx! We'll have one more chapter after this and then the epilogue. Thank you all so much for sticking around to watch this polycule grow!
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14
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It is three days before the Mountain arrives in King’s Landing. The Trial by Combat had been announced throughout the capital on the day it was agreed and the days since had been dedicated to the building of a great arena for the event. Every noble in the keep thought of it as no more than sport — every noble except the members of your party and Tyrion Lannister himself, who all had far more at stake. For the group of you, the days of anticipation have been agony.
“They are simply playing a game.” Oberyn hisses, standing in nothing but his breeches as he sharpens the spear he wishes to take into the ring. He’s already discarded several, broken in training, though he is now resting until the time where he faces Gregor. “Wishing to gain the upper hand by delaying, thinking I will become impatient.” He scoffs. “As if I have not waited years for this.”
“They have no idea of your true determination, lover.” Ellaria has seen so many shades and versions of this need for revenge that no part of it could surprise her anymore. She knows it could have been the singular focus that drive him mad, and that it is oddly fortunate that he escaped that fate.
“They do not know me or the Dornish need for justice.” He muses grimly. “They will discover it, publicly.”
“And then we will be rid of this place.” You have Margaery’s hand in yours as the two of you sit on the nearby chaise together, and you squeeze it gently in your fingers. It has only been a few days but the news of her marriage to the new Dornish lord had caused an outpouring of sentiment against her family and her specifically. Thankfully, Olenna Tyrell seemed more amused by it than anything and promised her granddaughter that they would all forget when the next scandal broke.
“I am looking forward to seeing Dorne.” She admits as she glances over to where Raeden is sprawled with Ellaria on another chaise. “I have heard about it and wish to marvel at its bright beauty myself. Especially the Water Gardens.”
“You could have your honeymoon there,” Ellaria suggests, leaning over to kiss Raeden and glad to talk about something other than tomorrow’s fight. “Locked up in your rooms fucking to your heart’s content until you are full of your lord’s babe, and then you can rest in the Gardens for all your pregnancy.”
“Perhaps I can also sample the prince’s cock once I am carrying Raeden’s heir.” She wears a small smirk as she greedily watches the lean lines of the older man. She’s sucked his cock, several times, but like Raeden with you, he would not risk her husband’s true heir being called into question.
“I would very much like to watch that,” you hum, turning your head to nip at her neck and pulling the younger woman into your lap. The two of you have become much closer in just a few days, much to the delight of your husbands.
“I will be very eager to sample your cunt.” Oberyn chuckles, looking up from his spear. “Although tonight.” He grunts, his eyes dark and lusty when he looks at Raeden. “I want to have your husband tonight.”
The statement hangs in the air between all of you, and Raeden is the first to nod. “You will. You will have me.”
It has been a long time coming, Margaery knows this, even with as short a time as she has been tangled in this group. Not once has she felt slighted because she does not bear any marks on her skin from the four of you. “It will be a night to celebrate.” She decides. “In anticipation of your victory.”
“You will witness true victory tomorrow.” Ellaria agrees, fire in her eyes as she gazes up at Oberyn. “They all will.”
He’s sure of himself, almost to the point of brashness, but he has also commanded his own company with the Second Sons. Survived the fighting pits and his reputation was well earned. Still, he is grateful for the support of his soulmates and his lovers. “Yes they will.”
“We should feast tonight.” The idea had formed in your mind yesterday and lingered, something that you have learned to pay attention to. The idea that it could – however unlikely he seems to think the possibility – be your last night with your husband makes you want to sob like you have just heard the news that he would be champion all over again.
Oberyn turns towards you, watching you for a moment before he nods. “Get dressed, Princess.” He decides. “You and I will go to the market and order our feast.”
There is no reason to point out that Cal or Leyth could easily see the Dornishman in the market. Everyone here knows that. But he wants to spend time with you, and you want more than anything to hold his arm while you walk and pretend it is simply a normal day. “I will only take a few minutes,” you promise him, pulling yourself up off the chaise and away from a reluctant-to-let-go Margaery.
“Take your time.” He smirks. “Wear something beautiful.” He wants you to be seen, wants to be seen with you. Firmly believing appearances can affect the memory of the day.
“I have just the thing.” Enough weeks had passed in the Capitol that you had been able to order gowns from a dressmaker with knowledge of Dornish fashion, and you had intended to save it for your arrival in your new home, but this seems far more important. You disappear into the next room to extract it from your trunk with a smile. Oberyn will be quite surprised.
Oberyn sets the spear down and walks over to the table that has a bowl of clean water with soap and cloths next to it. As much sex as everyone has been indulging in, it had seemed prudent to keep the water on hand. He starts to bathe his chest, sweaty from the day and wishing to freshen up while he waits.
The group of you have all packed. Determined to leave King’s Landing in just two days’ time, most things have been put away for the journey. What is left to amuse yourselves with is sex, books from the keep’s library — and usually more sex. The difference is only when Oberyn and Raeden are in the practice ring, but when they return they are usually ravenous for company.
It takes little more than ten minutes for you to emerge from the chamber in the gown that you had carefully selected the colors and fabrics of weeks earlier — gold trim making the colors of fire seem to dance with every step you take. The sheer outer layer sparkles and shines, and the layer underneath flows while still showing off your figure. It preserves that feeling of modesty that you are accustomed to with significantly less fabric and a form unmistakably Dornish flare. Even your slippers are more like the ones Ellaria wears each day, leather platforms tying halfway up your calves with amber lacing. “Are you ready, my prince?”
“Star.” Oberyn’s eyes widen and he groans as he takes in your appearance. “I will have to wear my sword so no one could try to steal you from me.” He hums, cock twitching in his breeches. “The seamstress who made this for you deserves every coin you paid her and then a hefty sum.”
"There are others," you promise him, glad to see the light in his eyes even over something as simple as a dress. "I gave her double her fee when I saw how fine the work was. Do you...do you truly like it? I know you have said many times that you wished I wore more Dornish style gowns."
“If I could show you now how much I like it, we would not feast tonight.” He growls, fingers tracing over your bare shoulder and sighing softly at your softness.
"You will show me later." Later, when he has all of you at his beck and call for whatever it is he might desire. But for now you take his hand and kiss his palm tenderly. "Let us go and walk. We will show the capitol that Dorne is not afraid."
“That’s my girl.” He curls his arm up and wraps your hand around it, looking at Margaery, Raeden and Ellaria. “We will be back. And I will want all of us in bed. So make sure you do not tire yourselves out.” He chuckles.
"I swear it," Ellaria chuckles, with one hand over her heart. "I will teach our newlyweds about edging if they need attention."
Margaery tilts her head curiously and smirks at Ellaria. “What is that?” She asks innocently.
The chuckle turns to a throaty, pleased laugh, and Ellaria sits up to kiss Oberyn before bringing Margaery into her arms. "Go and enjoy yourself, lover," she tells him with a lascivious grin. "We will be well occupied here."
“Come, Star.” Oberyn smiles as he guides you out of the chambers and immediately runs into one of Cersei’s servants. “Splendid.” He hums, leaning into the girl. “More water is needed.” He tells her. “There will be an orgy in these rooms tonight.”
She looks positively affronted by the notion but nods nervously, scurrying away as fast as her feet will carry her. "I suppose it does not matter that Cal could easily have fetched our water?" You ask, raising one eyebrow at him as you continue down the hallway. "You would far rather that it get back to Cersei's ears."
“Absolutely.” He chuckles and starts the slow, unconcerned stroll with you towards the front doors of the Keep. “She will either stay far away or have to come interrupt. Either way, I will now that she is wondering who is in the chambers moaning.”
"Whomever we want to be." A few months into your arrangement - and your marriage - it is safe to say that you are far more comfortable with yourself and with sex than ever before. "And that bothers her, too."
“I would like Cal and Leyth with us tonight, my love.” He ventures, patting your hand. “Do you have any objections? Only if they wish to join.” He won’t force them to, of course. He wouldn’t do that, but he wants to touch them again and tonight seems to be a fine night to do so.
"No objections at all." He could ask you for the moon and you would only tell him that you need to find a ladder tall enough. "They have missed being invited to your bed."
“As long as you are comfortable with it.” There has been plenty to keep him occupied and satisfied throughout the last weeks, especially discovering the relationship with you, so he had not ventured to invite anyone else.
“My love,” you squeeze his arm gently under your hand as you walk together. “There is very little you could ask for tonight that I would hesitate to grant you. I hope you understand that.”
Exiting the keep, Oberyn is quiet for a little while, thinking of what he wishes to say. It is only when the crowds begin to gather, farther away from the castle does he begin. “My love,” he sighs softly. “I have sent word to my brother.” He tells you. “Informing him of our valid marriage and my expectant heir.”
“That is good.” Once, he had thought to breeze into Sunspear and amuse himself with informing Doran of what was technically your elopement. The fact that he has done otherwise is sobering, but somehow comforting in its realism. “I am sure he will be very glad of the news when it arrives, considering how upset you were when you left Dorne.”
“Word would have already reached him.” He tells you quietly. “I sent a raven the day I took on being Tyrion’s champion.” He admits, looking past the merchants stalls as they come into view towards the harbor. “I also made sure that Raeden’s house is secure. My brother would do right by him.”
“Thank you, my love. I know it means the world to him.” It sounds as though Oberyn has been getting his affairs in order, and the implications of that make your shoulders tighten and your limbs feel heavy as you walk together. Tomorrow he will fight to the death to honor and revenge this sister, and the terrifying truth is that he could be the one to lose. As cocky - and as talented a fighter - as he is, Oberyn is not a stupid man. “Should the need come, I will make sure your Sand Snakes are as well cared for as you could ever wish. Ellaria and I will not let them want for anything.”
“I will be there to see them.” Oberyn promises. “However.” He slides his arm down to take your hand in his and bring it up to his lips. “Every Dornish lord here, all their men, will see you safely from the city.” He promises. After he had accepted the role, he had gone to see them, without Raeden so he could speak frankly to them. He wanted to make sure the other lords would wholly accept your lover as Lord Sunstone. They were happy to have a new lord amongst the ranks, especially one who chose Dorne. “You need not fear any abuse.”
“I do not.” And that, thankfully, you can count on the truth. The lords of Dorne had been surprised by your sudden appearance in Oberyn’s life but accepted you fully. “And I know that you will do everything in your power to come home with us. I do not doubt that even for a moment.” You do not doubt it, but you have learned a healthy fear of the unknown.
“I will.” He agrees, squeezing your hand and smirking at you. “Let is plan this feast. I wish to make sure that we have a night to remember.”
“It would be impossible to forget a night with you.” As sentimental a thing as it is to say, you truly do mean it. Oberyn has changed so much about your life and all of it has been for the better — how could you forget even a moment of that?
“I wanted to tell you this privately.” He admits quietly. “I know that you are scared and I will win, but I thought it would making you feel better. In case the worst happens.”
“I am scared.” There is no use denying that and you would not be cruel enough to disrespect him like that. “But only because I know that life is unpredictable. And I am grateful that you are open with me. That you understand it is not that I do not believe in you. Because that is the furthest from the truth.”
“All men must have some fear.” Oberyn admits quietly. “Do not have fear is to not wish to live. And then you have already died.” He watches the people that move past the two of you and hums. “The true test of a man is conquering that fear and not letting it turn him into a coward. Using the fear for his own purposes.”
“I will have to remember that.” In the meantime, because the fear you have is for him, you lace your fingers together tightly as you walk. “May I ask you something, love?”
“Anything.” He insists. “You know that, my love. I will hide nothing from you.”
“You may object to the request and I would understand that.” He nods when your eyes meet his and you return the gesture, biting your lip slightly. “I—it is only that…I cannot stop thinking of the baby.” So much so that your hand has been unconsciously resting on the side of your still unchanged belly as you walk. “If anything were to happen to you tomorrow…I wondered if we might be able to choose a name? You should know your ninth daughter’s name, if the worst happens.”
“I think we should also pick out a son’s name.” Oberyn grunts, even though he is smiling. “For the boy the babe might be.”
“I think if I were to bear you a son, no one would believe he was yours,” you half-joke, glad that Oberyn is humoring your anxieties and making the topic sweet instead of calling out your nerves.
“They will when he looks just like me and fights at the first insult to his mother.” He predicts with a proud grin.
“Perhaps that would be enough.” You smile at the thought, though it is a thin thing. Somehow in your heart you know that carrying another of his daughters is more likely than anything. Still, it is best to be prepared. “But you would not have him named for you.”
“I believe the boy needs to forge his own reputation, not live in the shadow of mine.” Names have meaning in this time, and he would not saddle his son with his. Giving him freedom to be whomever he chose to be. “That is why I would not name a son after me.”
“Then you would not want to name him after any family? Our only after you?” The logic does make sense to you, and you nod as you walk. The marketplace is open and though people may stare you have learned to pay them no mind.
“Only after myself.” He pauses and turns towards you. “But I forbid you naming the child after your bitch of a mother.” He warns, not wishing the revisiting the past every time you looks upon a girl with that name.
“I would rather name her after my father’s soulmate that I never even met then name her after the woman who abused me,” you agree, shaking your head sadly.
“Apologies, my love.” Oberyn leans in to kiss your lips softly. “Forget I mentioned it.”
“Mentioned what?” Willing yourself to simply forget the mention of her and move on, you offer Oberyn a bright smile and steal another kiss. “I believe we were choosing names for a son?”
“Do you have any ideas?” He asks curiously. Wondering if you had imagined the names of your children before now.
"I used to tease Antony that I would name my son for him any time he did me a small favor." The sweet, nostalgic memory of an older brother doting on his younger sister brings a bittersweet smile to your face. As much as you might have told your brothers that they drove you crazy, you miss them desperately. "Anytime he did something as little as bringing me a pencil to write with, I would dramatically declare that I would honor him with naming my son Antony. It was...just a silly thing. But I suppose I never thought of anything beyond that."
“Would you wish to use that name or a piece of it?” He asks, smiling softly at the image of a young girl promising her older brother to name her son after him.
"Antony is a good name." Strong but not harsh, you had always thought it a very nice name aside from all the of the teasing. "And...Antonia is lovely, as well?"
“Naming our daughter after your brother?” He barks out a laugh even as he seriously thinks about it. “I like it.” He admits. “Antonia Martell.” He shrugs. “Rolls off the tongue better than my thought towards a name.”
"What was yours?" He has named eight daughters already, you cannot discount any ideas he might have with so much practice behind him.
“Marella.” He shrugs slightly, unconcerned. He will name the babe whatever makes you happy and be proud of it.
"Oh, that's lovely." Rolling it over in your mind though, you frown a moment later. "Although Marella Martell would be quite the tongue twister."
“Technically, she would be Princess Marella of Dorne, when people address her.” He teases. “But Antonia is much nicer.”
"I wish she was here already." It feels like a ridiculous thing to lament, but you wish it so that he could hold her. Because the fear that Oberyn might never meet his next child is creeping up your neck as if it were high tide on the rocks.
“She will come when she is ready.” Even if he teases you about giving him a male heir, he feels like you are carrying a girl. “Squawking and screaming as she shakes her fist at the world.”
You squeeze his hand again as you swallow your fears, and turn into the marketplace with him. “She will be so adored.”
“By so many.” He agrees, sighing softly. “I cannot wait to show you Dorne.”
“I hope you will show me everything.” In the weeks and months since your marriage, you have become more and more eager to see your new home. “Every time Ellaria speaks of the Water Gardens, I ache to see them.”
“We will swim in the gardens naked.” He tells you with a grin. “After the children are asleep.”
“I see you already have plans for conceiving your tenth child,” you tease, knowing he means sooner than that.
“Perhaps.” He chuckles and reaches over to rub your stomach. “I do not think we will stop at one child.”
“I certainly will not stop sharing your bed.” You could be more vulgar, but you are in public.
“It would be a dour day when you decided to stop sleeping in my bed.” He grunts. He does not think that would ever happen, despite originally thinking you would never share his bed.
“Dour would be correct,” you hum with equal dislike for the idea. “The only way it would happen would be very sad circumstances.” Very sad as in one of your deaths, and you are reminded again what tomorrow morning will bring.
“Do not think on it.” He can tell you are worrying about tomorrow again. He cannot give you more guarantees than he already has, and he will not insult you by demanding you not worry.
"I will try." Strolling together a little further, the stall where the Dornishman you have come to know as Salin sells his prepared foods is swarming with people. Since word had gotten out that Prince Oberyn enjoyed his recipes, he had been receiving more and more business.
“Salin.” Oberyn greets the man warmly, like he would any of his countrymen. “How does your day fare?”
"Very well, my prince and princess." Salin has come to recognize the sight of all of Oberyn's household, and always welcomes all of you with open arms. Today, he reaches for a fried pastry full of chopped roasted nuts, honey, and sweet dates and offers it to you. "I have heard a rumour, your Graces," he admits, smiling broadly when you accept the pastry with glee. "That you are to be congratulated?"
The prince huffs, even as he grins proudly. “Which one of them told you?” He asks, sure that Ellaria would have mentioned it since you were craving dates lately.
"I was not sworn to secrecy, so I do not fear telling you that it was your lovely paramour." He smiles even more broadly and puts one hand over his heart. "I would like to offer, if it pleases you, to send the recipe for my date cake with you when you return to Sunspear. Your cook will have no trouble recreating it, and I was told the princess enjoyed it very much."
“I would be very grateful for it.” Oberyn nods and tilts his head towards the man. “If you ever wish to come back to Dorne, I will give you a place in the palace to cook for our house.”
"You are..." Salin swallows thickly, looking between the two of you. "Your Grace is most generous." His voice wavers and his other hand comes up to his heart. "I left my mother and siblings there when I came to King's Landing and...until your patronage...did not have the money for passage to go home again."
Oberyn frowns, hating King’s Landing as much as the next Dornishman and looks towards you. “We are leaving King’s Landing. After the tournament.” He informs the merchant who has provided so many meals for his lovers and his wife. “The ship will be crowded, but I am sure we can find room for you if you wish to sail home?” He asks.
"I do." He murmurs, expression still aghast. "I wish to return home more than anything." The man looks as though he could cry, and something inside of you cracks a little, making your reach out to gently squeeze his arm in reassurance. "We had come to ask you to prepare us one last feast, but this is far better. We are happy to have you return with us."
“I-- I will prepare you the feast that would put all feasts to shame.” He agrees quickly. If he is leaving, he will need to deplete his stores. “And if your offer is genuine, I would be honored to prepare meals on the ship for your family.”
You do not even need to look over at Oberyn to know that the offer was real, but still your eyes find your husband's profile and you nod to Salin with a smile. "We will be the ones who are honoured, Salin. And thank you for this," you hold up the pastry, which you have already tried a bite of and will have demolished the sweet treat in less than another minute. "Truly, your talent is unparalleled. You either had a remarkable teacher or your talents are a gift from the gods."
“My mother.” He informs you proudly. “She runs a small tavern in Sunspear.” He beams and nods towards your pastry. “Although that is something special. It is a treat that she had made for her soulmate.” He frowns slightly but recovers to smile at the both of you.
"He had very good taste." The shadow that falls over his face does not escape you, but you do not feel your have the right to press. Instead you simply add, "And must have been a very lucky man."
“Perhaps.” That is all he will say about the man he has never met, although he looks back at the pair of you expectantly. “Do you wish me to just send whatever I make or is there something special you wish to have?” He’s not unaware that Oberyn will be in the tournament tomorrow, that he could possibly die. So tonight is a celebration feast in preparation for his victory.
"The prince favours your spicy lamb, but everything else is up to you. Whatever you feel your finest or favourite dishes are to prepare. And there are seven of us, so be generous." Everything he makes is delicious, so you have no doubt that it will all be wonderful.
Bobbling his head eagerly, Salin immediately starts to think about what he can send to the Keep. “I will have it prepared. Is there a time you will need it?”
"No sooner than usual," you assure him, knowing that your intention to eat and spend the rest of the night indulging in pleasure is shared by everyone in your small household.
“I will deliver it myself.” He promises, shaking his head when Oberyn pulls out his coin purse. “No, please. It would be my pleasure.”
"We would be remiss in offering you a place in our household and then not paying you for that talent of yours we so appreciate." The shake of your head matches his and you reach out to touch his arm again. "Please. Allow us to show you the respect you deserve."
“You are kind and gracious.” His lip trembles slightly. “My mother will be very grateful to have her oldest son back.”
Nearer now to being a mother than you ever have been before in your life, you already cannot imagine what separating from your oldest child would be like, other than being positively devastating. '"Whatever brought you to King's Landing, I hope that it was worth the trip, and that returning home will bring you just as much joy."
“My trip was in vain but I learned a valuable lesson.” He promises. “The return trip home will be much sweeter, although your patronage has made my little stand a success.”
"Perhaps the gods have given you something just as valuable that you have not yet realized." Wishing not to leave the man feeling poorly about anything at all - if you can help it - you find yourself wishing it was as easy as offering to spend time with him. To listen to his story. To find out what had happened and see if there is some way you can help. But again, you remind yourself not to force the situation. You are already giving him a way to return to his family, and that seems to be a help in its own right.
Salin nods and smiles at the Princess of Dorne and her husband. “The gods gave surely shined down in my humble soul.” He acknowledges before handing you another pastry. “For your walk, your highness.”
“You are very generous, my friend. Thank you.” With a nod of your head, you and Oberyn continue walking, leaving Salin to his work. There is much to be done before tonight, apparently, because he disappears into the back of his stall immediately. “He seems to be very glad to go home again.”
“Is there anywhere else you wish to go?” Oberyn asks you indulgently. The dress you are wearing is fine and causing many heads to turn, making him grip your hand proudly as you continue towards the water.
“I would visit every seller here just to prolong our walk,” you admit, nibbling at the treat that Salin handed you as you walk hand in hand with Oberyn. “Perhaps we could visit our smith friend once more before we leave?” An amused smile forms on your lips when his eyes slip past your face to your chest. “Or would you like to also offer passage to my dressmaker, since you seem so fond of her work?”
He snorts, and sends you an amused smirk. “If I could cart all the talented workers away from King’s Landing as a strike against the Lannisters. I would.” He jokes. “But perhaps we should see what other baubles we can purchase for amusement.”
“I know one that would amuse both you and Raeden.” You hum, making yourself walk by the bookseller’s stall without stopping. If you do, you might simply stay there the whole day. “I wonder if the goldsmith might have another necklace of thin chains for Margaery to match with myself and Ellaria.”
Oberyn grunts, his cock twitching and he hums in agreement. “It would be a very pleasant view, three gorgeous women, completely naked except for the chains around their necks.”
“It would be lovely to see.” You and Margaery seem to be the only ones who were surprised by how close you have become and how quickly, and your may or may not be looking forward to the sight yourself.
“Perhaps there is another bauble we can find for the three of you to wear tomorrow.” Oberyn muses. “I wish to see all three of you in very revealing dress. You will be on the sidelines.”
"We will wear anything you choose, love." It is very literally the least that the three of you can do, and you know that although you will all - Raeden included - be worried, you will be a united front of pride for Dorne.
“Good.” While there will be some who do not care what the lovers of Oberyn wear, just the three- four- of you being there will be an insult to the people who matter most in the private portion of this skirmish. Until he brings all their sins to the light for the Seven Kingdoms to see.
"It will be no small statement to have Margaery beside us. For the four of us to appear united in appearance as well?" It is an incredibly simple yet effective means of making your delegation seem all the more powerful, and you know that every small tactic counts. "It will disarm some of those in the capital who foolishly think Dorne to be less civilized."
“Exactly.” He is always pleased with you when you know why he is doing something. The cleverness of your minds makes him think that you would have been named your father’s heir of you had been born a man.
"Would you have us matching?" You ask him, thinking that that would take some effort to achieve by the morning. "Or wearing an emblem somehow?"
“Perhaps we will find something. If not, then there are…dresses in my trunk you could wear.” He admits with a small chuckle.
"There are more dresses in your trunks?" By this time you would have assumed that Ellaria had wore every stitch of clothing brought from Dorne to the northern capital, but apparently that assumption would be incorrect.
“If you wish to call them dresses.” He smirks. “There is more skin showing than fabric.”
"If only my belly were already swollen," you smirk up at him as you slow in your walk and come to a stop at the jeweler's stall. "That would be quite a sight to be shown off."
“One I will love to see when it happens. Especially since the dress will show off your belly.” Oberyn’s eyes narrow as he takes in the jewels on display.
"Your Graces." The man bows deeply to see you approach, the sight of the two of you together being most welcome to him. He knows it will end in a large purchase, if nothing else, and others had taken notice of the Dornish prince's patronage of his business. It had brought him enormous good fortune in the months since your first visit. "What is it you search for today?"
“Another necklace.” Oberyn informs him with a smirk. “Just like the one for my wife and my paramour. I wish to clasp it around our other lover’s neck.”
"I confess, I wondered if you might desire another." Disappearing from view for just a few seconds, the merchant comes back again with a small wooden box. He lifts the lid, showing off another glinting necklace of delicate chains. "Your reputation, after all, precedes you."
“Do you have a smaller version of this?” Oberyn asks as he traces the necklace with his fingers. “More…masculine?”
"Smaller as in…fewer strands?" The man's head tilts to one side, making sure he understands correctly.
“Fewer strands, more…” he turns to you with a frown. “I want one for Raeden.” He tells you.
"I assumed as much, when you wanted one more masculine." The expression on his face is half frustration and half plaintive, and you cup his cheek in your hand lovingly. "Do you want it to be worn under his robes tomorrow, or do you want it to be worn in bed, my love?"
“Both.” He grunts, looking at you with dark, lust filled eyes. “But I want him to wear it tomorrow. Showing on his bare chest to match your. United and under House Martell’s protection.”
"The prince desires another necklace with fewer, thicker chains," you inform the jeweler, squeezing Oberyn's hands in yours and pressing a kiss to his lips. "And it should be made to accommodate a broader chest."
The jeweler has questions but he keeps them to himself. Although the design might be on display after the custom jewelry is sold and discreetly mentioned that the Prince of Dorne bought for a male lover. It might be of interest to the right discreet party.
“It will be needed by tonight.” Neither you nor Oberyn would be willing to wait until morning and risk not having it be ready, but you are certain that Oberyn will want Raeden to wear the chains tonight, as well.
“Of course.” He knows now that the prince will not blink at the cost so he does not even warn him about the extra price for expedited work. The prince is a man who wants what he wants when he wants it with no regard to cost.
“What other new baubles have you? Any of your clever wife’s designs?” The puzzle ring that you gave to Oberyn is a favorite, and your eyes start to search through the trays of fine pieces right away.
“There is a wide selection.” He agrees eagerly, rushing over to show them to you. “Your interest and admiration has made her designs improve and her love of it increase.”
“I am very glad to hear it.” Oberyn has begun searching a different part of the stall, and you follows the merchant’s lead to look at the designs that his wife has made. “What is the piece she is most proud of? I wish to see it.”
“There is a bracelet design that my wife is very pleased with.” The latest designed may have been with a slight Dornish flair due to the Prince’s patronage. The bracelets have several bangles wove in between each other and can be pulled apart, but when they are in a solid mass, they give the illusion of being one solid piece, the bursting sun of Dorne etched into the gold.
“Oh, she is clever!” You hum happily when the merchant presents you with the multi-strand bracelet. “And your craftsmanship is exquisite, ser. It seems that no matter you you make, you and your wife are quite the formidable team.”
Delighted that you like it, he moves to grab the other ones. "I took the liberty of making several." He informs you. "Because I know that your group likes to have matching sets."
“We certainly do.” The stone in the middle of each Dornish sun is the only difference between the bracelets - one deep green, one pink-red, one orange, one yellow, one milky white, one rich blue, and one clear purple. They are stunning together and you beckon Oberyn closer to look. “There are seven, my love.” Your face shines with delight.
"Why seven?" Oberyn asks curiously. He could see if there were eight, for his daughters or two because of his last order of necklaces.
“You, Raeden, and Cal.” You have three bracelets beside your right hand, and then beside your left you point out the other four. “Ellaria, me, Margaery, and Leyth.”
"No, my love." He grunts. "I was asking the jeweler why he crafted seven bracelets."
The jeweler in question blushes, clearing his throat at the prince’s pointed attention. He was not going to call attention to the number after you seemed so delighted with the fact that there were seven. “In truth, your Grace?” He would shove his hands in his pockets in embarrassment if he had any. “There are three or four more being finished just this day. I thought to have a wide collection of colors for your Graces to choose from, that is all.”
"I will take them all." Oberyn decides, looking back at you to find you smiling down at the bracelet with a dreamy expression on your face. "What do you think, my love? For any others we might bring into our fold?" He hums. "Or perhaps..." He slides his hand around your waist and your stomach. "Perhaps as gifts for our children."
“They seem fitting for your girls, don’t you think?” If there are so many, that is. The idea of more cannot be banished from your mind. You must remember that Oberyn has a plan. “Hopefully they all have different favourite colors.”
The mention of ‘his girls’ makes Oberyn’s head snap back to the jeweler. “These bracelets.” He tells him. “I want eight more. Except instead of bursting suns, I want snakes. Coiled snakes with the different colored jewel in the eye.”
“It…is too much to do in one night.” The jeweler tells him with obvious regret and just a touch of fear. “Perhaps it could be done in two if everyone worked through the night…but I know that you are not one to wait, your Grace.”
"We will be leaving for Dorne in two days." He tells the jeweler. "Have them done by the time the ship leaves the harbor and I will give you a bonus to make it worth the effort."
“Yes, your Grace.” The man bows rather frantically, scooping up the few things that he had already talked to the two of you about, and dashing into the back of his stall. When his apprentice appears just a few moments later, you smile with the knowledge that he is going straight to work. It is not even the man’s own son he has sent to man his stall. He will be working well into the night.
"I will give my sand snakes the bracelets he is crafting now." He tells you with a proud smirk. "They will love them." He had been searching for gifts for his girls, always bringing them something when he has to travel and the bracelets would be perfect.
“They will make a beautiful gift, my love.” For his eight - soon, nine - children, a token from the trip when their father wed will hopefully be something to celebrate and not frown upon. “They will look well with the necklaces that Ellaria is bringing to each of your daughters.”
“She loves all of them.” He hums happily, smiling softly. “You will love them too, I hope.”
“I have no doubt.” One of your hands rests gently on his arm and you smile. “I cannot wait to meet them.”
“They will be waiting for us when we arrive in Sunspear.” He informs you with complete surety. “Expect many questions.”
“I expect they will have many.” Just imagining it makes you giggle, thinking of the youngest ones especially. The older girls you will be able to be more straightforward with. “Luckily we are bringing them a new grandfather as well, who will dote on them endlessly no matter who their mother is.” Being able to acquaint your father with the situations that resulted in all of Oberyn’s daughters’ births, he has been excited to meet them ever since. Once he saw how loving your husband can be and how happy you are, nothing else mattered.
“He had been surprisingly welcoming.” He had anticipated a bit of distance from his wife’s father, but he has been to dinner several times. “He will enjoy Dorne.” He frowns slightly. “I have written my brother about Marlee as well. To see if we can find her.”
“You are entirely too good, my love.” Losing her — and discovering why he had lost her — has been a reopened wound for your father, who has clung to all news and stories of Dorne in response. As though he might hear her name in one of them unwittingly.
“There is no stone I would leave unturned if my soulmate was lost to me.” He tells you, his hand sliding along your arm to tangle his fingers with yours.
“I believe I can confidently say that neither Ellaria nor I will ever leave your side.” Still, your fingers tangling tightly in his as though trying to convince him. “There is nothing in the Seven Hells that could ever tempt me away, my love.”
“That is good.” He squeezes your hand and smirks. “I will be very satisfied with being surrounded by my soulmates and our lovers for a long time.”
“Our trip home will be an interesting one, with so many of us in such close company,” you smirk up at your husband as you walk. “I imagine we will spend much time in our quarters.”
Oberyn chuckles. “I do not think Cersei imagined her gift to her daughter would ferry so many of her people away on it.”
“I suppose I can only be grateful that my family had a long-standing connection to Dorne and not to Casterly Rock.” You shudder slightly at the idea and cringe. “Imagine my mother’s victory if she had sold me to the Lannisters instead.”
“I would not wish such a fate on you.” He growls, protective of you despite the fact you are safe in his arms. “A husband with one hand who fucks his sister.”
“I would not wish such a fate on anyone.” It would have been her triumph, to manage something like that. You know how lucky and how grateful you are to have been promised to Oberyn. “I am grateful to be madly in love with my husband instead.”
“What is not to love?” He asks arrogantly with a small wink. He looks around the market again and then turns you back towards the books. “Should you not pick another dozen books for the trip to Dorne?”
“You have been so generous with growing my library that my trunks may weigh more than Margaery’s dowry.” Still, you are not about to protest. Not for a moment. “I may spend the entire journey home with my nose in a book.”
“The captain I have hired for the trip home is strong. He will have crew to move them.” He’s unconcerned with that, more interested in your happiness than anything.
“My husband indulges me.” And the adoration on your face is very clear as he leads you back toward the bookseller. “He is soft and tender hearted and sweet.”
“If you think me soft, do not be frightened tomorrow.” He jokes. He knows that you mean he is soft when it comes to you and Ellaria and how he indulges you.
“Ellaria has told me about Mereen,” you admit, leaning close to his side as you come to stop in front of the bookseller’s stall. “How you fight. What to expect.”
“I have survived many battles.” He nods. “I expect to survive many more.” He let’s go of your hand and pats your ass affectionately. “Go find the books you wish to read to me while you are sitting on my cock later on.”
There is a thickness, a palpable tension in the air, when you and Oberyn return from the marketplace. The jeweler had already sent by his delivery of the things Oberyn purchased which were already made, and the note from him listed the price for the items being created, which Oberyn barely glanced at. The delivery of your books, the scarves you found for Ellaria and Margaery, and the baby blanket made by the dressmaker who had crafted your Dornish-style gowns — all of it is waiting for you when you finally return. But the truest shock is that your father has apparently been spending time with Raeden, Ellaria, and Margaery this afternoon.
He hugs you when you drift into the room on Oberyn’s arm and shakes Oberyn’s hands warmly. “I thought I would pay my respects tonight instead of distracting you with well wishes in the morning.” He tells your husband honestly.
While he had not thought much of your father when he first met the man, he had been sorely impressed with his insight since your mother’s departure. They had several frank and interesting conversations and Oberyn had refrained from engaging in his normal pleasures that he might with another lord, taking him to a whorehouse. “Many thanks.” He offers with a smile. “Join us, we are having a Dornish feast delivered by the best cook outside of her boarders.” He boasts. “In fact, I have offered him a place in the palace kitchens and he will sail with us when we depart.”
“We are bringing Salin home with us?” Ellaria sounds delighted with the idea and her fingers trace up your arm. “I think the princess had a hand in this. For the love of date cakes,” she teases.
“It was Oberyn,” you admit, laughing at how right Ellaria is about your craving. “But I am certainly not upset about it.”
“I would be delighted to stay.” Your father perks up at the mention of Dornish food. “It has been some time since I have had a good Dornish meal. The cooks would alter the recipes at home to their tastes.” He huffs, aware that his mother had written them done very specifically.
“Salin is extraordinarily talented.” Even Margaery is looking forward to the meal, having been fully converted to the cuisine of her new home with the first meal she tried. “He prepared the feast we are the night Raeden and I were wed and I have never tasted anything more magnificent.”
“Then I am eager to sample this cooking. My Marlee was a magnificent cook and I would often tease her that she would make a fortune selling her food.” Your father hums, knowing no one would fault him for speaking of his soulmate.
“I would like to hear more of her, if you are willing.” Speaking of Marlee seems to soothe your father and you must admit to being curious about the woman who could have been your mother.
“She was always smiling, always humming a little tune under her breath while she worked.” He tells you. “Making these delicious little tarts. I could eat a hundred of them.”
"How did you meet?" There is tea from the keep's kitchens while you await Salin's arrival with your dinner, and you offer a seat in front of the fire to your father.
“In Dorne.” He looks over at you fondly, smiling with the bittersweet smile of a man who is remembering a better time. “We had traveled back for my grandfather’s funeral. Mother was beside herself and my father could not leave. So I volunteered to escort her.” He had been brash and young, but already a good soldier. Handy with a sword. “I was bored by the grieving in the house, so I had snuck down to the kitchens.” He sighs. “She was baking. Flour on her cheek and singing a song as she mixed bread dough.”
“She worked for Grandmother’s family?” That is a surprise, and certainly makes you wish you had been bold enough to tell him about Raeden sooner. He would have been far more sympathetic than you knew.
“Yes.” He nods, his eyes sliding over to where Raeden is sitting with Margaery. “Although I think your path was leading you here.” He tells you, knowing what is whirling in that clever mind of yours. “She was beautiful. Raven black hair and yet…she had green eyes. The color of a watery jade.”
“So you fell in love over a secret meeting and a loaf of bread?” There is nothing sad or even melancholy in the life you have now, so you try to keep the conversation happy.
“The scar on my neck.” He pulls down the edge of his undershirt and his robe to expose the old, silvery scar. “It was new and fresh. Her dress showed it.” He shares a knowing grin with Oberyn. “She was mine from the first moment.”
“That sounds terribly romantic,” Margaery sighs, still softly envious of anyone who knows their soulmate or who has ever known them. “To have such definitive proof. To never wonder. It sounds remarkable.”
Her husband tightens his hold around her, offering her comfort. Everyone in this room knows that Margaery’s soulmate died without her ever knowing who it was. “If matching marks are ever discovered.” He murmurs softly. “They will be welcomed into our home.” It is the least he could offer considering the two sets of marks he bears, and the relationships he has with both women.
“If I ever have a set of marks appear?” Margaery nuzzles against him, glancing over at you before looking back to his eyes. “I hope that they will be yours or Star’s.”
“I would wear three sets of scars proudly.” He murmurs, bumping his nose against her cheek and then kissing her lips.
“As would I.” If the gods ever saw fit to give you three soulmates, you could not be happier to have one of them be Margaery.
“You are too generous.” Despite her inexperience, she has come to love to dynamic between the three of you especially, although she also enjoys time with Ellaria and Oberyn. Even if Oberyn had not yet fucked her.
“The gods have twice blessed you, pumpkin.” Your father chuckles. He still not quite understand the dynamic at play, but has decided that as long as you are happy, he does not need to. “To heap more upon you would be showing favoritism.”
“I would not expect anything less from gods concerning Star.” Ellaria chuckles quietly. She winks at you. “Perhaps the gods will send another wonderful person into Margaery’s life to add to our blessings.”
Glancing over at your husband, you bite back a grin and you wink at his as he so often does to you. "We will need a bed the size of you entire chamber if we continue to add members to our group."
You father clears his throat, reminding himself that he does not need to ask questions about things he does not wish to know. You are happy, and that is a rarity in life. “Dinner will be delightful, I’m sure.”
"It will." Leyth appears in the doorway, blessedly distracting from your embarrassment and ushering in Salin with his baskets upon baskets of delicious food.
“Salin, you outdo yourself every time.” Ellaria rises graceful and moves to greet the man with a charming smile and a hug. “Oberyn tells us you will be sailing back to Dorne with us?”
"The prince has most graciously offered to allow me to return home with your party." His hand is over his heart as he sets down the baskets from his other arm and Ellaria begins to unload them all over the large dining table. "I am most grateful to be able to see my family again."
“You must join us tonight.” Oberyn decides, motioning to the table. “We will be spending time together in much less spacious confines, let us drink and celebrate with delicious food tonight.”
"I could not impose--" Salin begins, but you immediately shake your head to stop him.
"Please," you insist, motioning for everyone to gather around the table. "We will not stand on ceremony tonight, but feast and celebrate as friends and family. We insist."
Looking around the table, Salin sees nothing but encouraging smiles and the murmurs of agreement, and he nods. "Your Graces are very kind. It would be my honour to join you."
There is something familiar about the young man. It tugs at your father’s thoughts but he tries to dismiss it as simply being nostalgic for his soulmate and everything to do with a culture he had much preferred to the rigid standards of the North.
Sitting down together at the table is indeed like an odd group of friends and family, but it is welcoming for that. Cal and Leyth join you instead of eating separately. Ellaria's mood is bright and boisterous. She speaks with Oberyn and Salin of home with such nostalgia that your father practically sighs with longing, and the rest of you who have never been to Dorne are hanging on every word.
Raeden leans back, watching the group with a smile as he strokes Margaery’s arm. Looking at the group that he has come to care for very much and squirms slightly in anticipation for things to come. It was not as if he had meant to wait to be with Oberyn. The moment had just never really come to be quite yet, but he want it so badly he cannot wait for the night to continue.
“I hope you will all forgive the indulgence,” Salin is saying as he begins to unpack the beautiful containers of sweet treats he prepared for dessert. “I have catered to her Grace’s cravings for our final course. Date cakes, figs with soft cheese, honey soaked fried dough, and crispy pastry with honey and nut filling. All of the princess’s favourites that I have been fortunate to discover so far.”
“Salin.” Your eyes grow as wide as saucers at the spread, practically giggling with glee. “You are far too kind and far too indulgent.”
The pastry with honey and nut filling makes your father tilt his head curiously as he finishes up his own meal. Easily enjoying the best Dornish meal he has had since he has been to the country. Watching as you pile a clean plate high with the delicacies with an indulgent chuckle.
“Try them, Papa.” You insist, moving the plate of crispy, sticky pastry toward your father. “I promise you will not be disappointed. Salin is a magician.”
Once offered, your father eagerly reaches for the pastry, likening it to one he has had many years ago and takes a bite quickly. "Mmmmmhhhhh." The moan is immediate and louder than he would have normally given over any good food. "I-- this tastes exactly like the tarts my soulmate would make."
“Are they traditional?” The question is for anyone at the table who would know - Salin, of course, but Oberyn or Ellaria, too.
“Not especially, your Grace.” Salon’s expression is apologetic. “They are a family recipe. My mother would make them for special dinners. Birthdays, usually.”
"This-- this is exactly like Marlee would make." Your father groans again after another bite. "She added a touch of anise. Not too much or it would overpower the nuts, she always said." He shoves the rest of the tart into his mouth and reaches for another.
Confused, Salin tilts his head and watches as your father seems entranced by the sweets. “You knew my mother?” He asks, not entirely sure how that could be.
The air is sucked out of the room and the tart in his hand falls to the table as your father's head whips around to gape at the man who had served the food. "Your mother?" He chokes out. "Your mother is Marlee Sand?"
“I—yes?” Confused even further as to why this fact has caused such a reaction in the older nobleman, Salin nods. “Marlee Brude, after marrying my sisters’ father. But she was born Marlee Sand.”
"She-- she's dead." The blood rushes to his ears and his head is swimming as he rolls his eyes over to you desperately. "She told me she was dead." He whispers, begging you to confirm that your mother told him that his soulmate was killed.
“I am sure it is a coincidence.” Although, which your father clutching your hand so tightly, your confidence wanes. “Sand is the most common name in Dorne. And surely Marlee is—”
“Is an unusual name.” Ellaria cuts in, glancing between the two of you and Salin. “Not unheard of, but not common.”
“And my mother is very much alive,” Salin adds, still not quite understanding what is happened. “I had a letter from her not a fortnight ago.”
"I don't understand.." He shakes his head, clinging to you and looking at Salin with a more critical eye before he gasps. "Boy." He barks, although Salin is a man grown and not a boy. "Do you have your mother's eyes or your fathers?" He demands.
Salin huffs, being well past thirty years of age and no longer a boy. “My father’s, according to my mother. Much good though that may do me.”
“Pumpkin.” He reaches for your jaw and cradles it gently as he looks from your eyes, his eyes, and then towards the man who shares those eyes. “How-- is it possible?” He whispers quietly.
"You cannot be my father, sir, no matter how much coincidence maybe at play tonight." It is all a little too much for Salin, and he pushes away from the table with a frown. "My father was some far-flung Northern lord who chose money over his soulmate. He married a shrew of a woman and never gave my mother a second thought."
That makes him frown, shaking his head and letting go of your chin to stand, swaying slightly at the revelation that this is his son sitting in front of him. “I can swear on my honor I have thought of your mother every day I have been apart from her.” He tells Salin. “I was led to believe that she had returned to Dorne when my betrothal was announced, as I was trying to convince my father to let me marry Marlee.”
"It cannot be." The color drains from Salin's face even as he stands to face your father. His father? There is something familiar reflected in the older man's face that makes him hesitate, but as he glances away to try to take a shaky breath, his eyes fall on your father's neck. Or - specifically - on the decades old scar that mars his skin. It is that scar that makes him gasp and his eyes dart up to the older man's again. "Tell me how you got that scar." He demands.
“A small skirmish on the northern boarder of our lands when I was young.” It was the first time he had killed a man, and he had barely escaped with his life. He had told Marlee about it one night after sex, her giggling as he had re-enacted it completely nude. He sees that Salin might believe him. “Have you see it before?”
"Do you know what truly happened to the Marlee Sand that you knew?" There is anger there, or at least frustration and surprise, and Salin bristles slightly when your father's story matches what his mother told him of the scar she wears from her soulmate. "Why she returned to Dorne?"
“My bitch of a wife had confessed just weeks ago that she had paid a solider to have her killed.” Your father’s anger rides across his face, a dark storm cloud of emotions that has him curling his fists. He had missed Marlee for years and then mourned her over the past weeks, now to find out she was still living? It is almost too much to bear.
"That soldier had a change of heart." Salin murmurs, feeling the impossibility of the situation slam through him with determination. "He told her to run, and she did." His shoulders hunch, disbelief clouding his features as he shakes his head. "I am Salin Sand because she was driven from your lands. It was many years before she even acknowledged a man's attention. My sisters are young, yet. Young like Lady Sunstone."
The chair in front of him is the only thing that keeps his kneels from buckling as your father learns his soulmate is really alive. Still bearing no marks from her on his body, he had never considered she was alive. “Son.” He chokes out, nearly sobbing at the fact that this man is his grown son. “Tell me she is well. That she is happy?”
Before Salin can even think, he finds himself embracing your father - his father - with tears pooling in his eyes. "I think she will be again," he admits, shaking a little as he processes everything that has happened today. He has gone from simply being able to return home to returning home with his father. "She has been a widow these last few years, but I know she has never forgotten you. In fact--" He pulls away just enough to look at the scar again, fully digesting its existence and the existence of the man who wears it. "She had sent me to learn of you. That...that is why I left Dorne."
“She-- you did?” He’s astonished because he had never seen you before tonight. “I-- did you ever come to the Vale?” He asks, immediately suspicious of his bitch of a wife. Even if she hadn’t rubbed the knowledge of his bastard son in his face, she might have sent him away and never let him know.
“I was robbed on my first night in King’s Landing.” Salin sighs. “I opened my stall in the marketplace as a way to earn the money to return home, but clearly I have been unsuccessful.” Living hand to mouth is difficult for anyone, but it had been particularly embarrassing to have to live in his stall the first few weeks. Things had improved, but not enough. Not until Prince Oberyn.
“I-- I didn’t know of you.” He tells him, hating that they had pulled apart to continue talking. Even as the rest of the table looks on with great curiosity, he only had eyes for his eldest child. “Or I would have- I would have brought her home.” He knows that marriage wouldn’t have been allowed but Marlee and Salin would have been safe, protected and loved.
“It seems I was meant always to have sisters.” The younger man laughs, finally looking over to where you are still sitting - dumbfounded - at the table before his eyes cut back to his father. “Mother will be glad to know you have not forgotten her.”
“I will-- would you allow me to see her?” His eyes are hopeful but there may be too much resentment there to let it be possible. The idea of seeing his soulmate again has him wishing he was already in Dorne.
“It will be up to her.” Even as a young boy who wished to defend her, Salin understood that his mother was strong enough to choose her life for herself. “I have already sent a raven home to tell her that I will be returning with the prince and princess. She will be waiting at the docks for my arrival. I only ask that you allow me to tell her you are there first. To not ambush her.”
It is nearly a miracle that he does not make himself lightheaded, he is nodding so quickly. “Of course.” He agrees before he looks around the table at the rest of the group. “Would you--” he clears his throat. “Would you like to come to my chambers?” He asks, knowing you are eager to celebrate with your husband and he wants to talk to Salin more. “I have wine, or stronger spirits. We can talk?” He is hopeful, biting his lip as he looks at the son that he has missed out on his entire life with. Wishing to know everything about him.
“You are not going anywhere until I am allowed to embrace my oldest brother.” The idea of all of it has overwhelmed you, but the smile on your face is soft and dreamlike. How utterly right that your father should be able to have again what had been stolen from him. That he will have the chance to know his eldest child.
Salin seems almost shocked that you would be wanting a hug, but he’s opening his arms immediately and moving towards the woman who he now knows is his sister. “Gladly. Without you and the prince, this would not be.”
“We will all have time to get to know each other much better on the voyage home.” The warmth of the embrace is genuine — two shocked individuals taking what is in front of them and fully accepting it head on. “And I hope you will find it a comfortable thing to call us by our given names now that we are family.”
“It-- it will take time, Princess.” Salin admits with a small smile as he pulls back. “Perhaps his feelings will change once we change his last name to mine.” Your fathers interjects. “If he is willing to be claimed.”
“We will have that conversation.” There are many mixed feelings that Salin has had about his father over his lifetime. Now, with an entire family being offered to him, the thing he wants first is simply to know this man. “But tonight, let us simply begin to know each other. More will come in time.”
“Come.” The older man nods and motions towards the door. “If we talk too late into the night, there is another bed you can sleep in if you have no wish to walk the roads of King’s Landing.”
It is almost surreal to watch your father and brother step away together. The tension that had filled the room seems to dissipate all at once, and you fall down again in your seat beside Raeden with a sigh. “That was…unexpected.”
“Completely astounding.” Oberyn muses thoughtfully, still reclined in his chair and shaking his head. “Fate is playing in your life, Star. The Gods have truly taken an interest.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie
My Masterlist!
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {12}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, media being the usual pain in the ass - this is a work of fiction and the events are not based on reality. Chapter: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven* || Twelve || Thirteen || Fourteen || under construction
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Barcelona was as beautiful as I remembered and the weather was stunning when Pierre returned to the pit after finishing the second free practice session. Tensions were high between him and Esteban when we entered the Alpine space but Pierre gave me a kiss and told me not to worry. That was like asking me not to breathe.
I would always worry about the people I cared for. 
“Mama, I’m hungry.”
“Okay, sweetheart, just wait here a second and then we’ll go out.”
Pierre was just climbing out of his seat and in a heated discussion with the technicians about the car's braking when I reached him. “No, it’s not good, I’m telling you.”
He wasn’t even looking my way but his arm opened for me before I reached him and I stepped into the hug to hear the technician apologise and promise to double check the data again. 
“I’m going to take Addie to lunch, there’s a place I haven’t been to in years, they do amazing Caribbean food. Do you want me to bring you anything?” 
He shook his head and brushed his hair back out of his eyes when it flopped over his face. “I would love some, but I don’t think it fits into the pre-race nutrition plan.” He pulled me closer so no one could overhear us. “There’s nothing to stop me from tasting it on your tongue when you get back though.”
“You are a dirty man, Gasly. You look so sweet but some of the things that come out of your mouth…” 
“You love it.” His smirk was hidden by the curtain of my hair but I knew it was there nonetheless and I couldn’t deny it. He knew how his words affected me when we were in the throes of passion.
I rose on my tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the lips as I answered, “You know I do. I’ll come find you when I get back.”
“Okay, be safe.”
I found Addie drawing on a copy of the race schedule Otmar had given her and promised her we would drop it in the driver’s room for Pierre on the way out. It may have looked like a bunch of scribbles to me but she had an entire story that went along with it to somehow put it into context. Even if he didn’t understand the picture he would still be happy to receive the gift.
The walk to the restaurant wasn’t far but an old ache began in my bad hip along the way and Addie had to slow her pace so I could keep up. 
“Mama, hurry up!” she said, tugging my hand. 
“I can’t, sweetheart.”
“Get hurt?” she asked inquisitively as she watched my slight limp.
“A long time ago.”
She frowned with concern and slowed down. “Need besos?”
I chuckled at her kindness and stopped so I could kiss the top of her head.
“Not me, you, mama.”
“But it worked, I’m feeling much better now.”
She grinned at the news that wasn’t quite true. I was feeling better but my hip wasn’t. Thankfully we had reached the restaurant that looked unusually busy.
“Crap,” I muttered to myself thinking the queue would be huge but the group of people milling about were there for another reason.
“Bri,” Lewis called out over the crowd and their heads turned my way. “Can you please let my friend through?” 
They parted for him like Moses and the Red Sea and felt their stares burning a hole in my back as we walked into the restaurant. Addie rushed to his side first and he picked her up to pop her on his hip so he could keep signing items with one hand. The perks of being an uncle to his own nieces and nephews meant he was totally at ease carrying the extra weight around. 
“Still coming here,” I noted when I was safely inside and he had thanked the crowd for their support and apologised that he didn’t have time to sign more autographs. “Shouldn’t you be at the practice session?”
“Came straight here from it. The gearbox was acting up so we boxed it before the practice timed out and I was starving.”
My walking had obviously slowed us down more than I thought if he had got here as quick as he did. I only hoped I got back before Pierre was off to the next pre-race weekend event the PR team had planned.
“Do you still have the pepperpot or have you expanded your palate?” I asked, knowing the answer already as we walked up to the counter to order. 
“I like what I like,” he said with a laugh.
“Can I please get one vegetable pepperpot, one chicken with rice and one fried sweet plantains?” I ordered for us while Lewis took Addie to the drinks fridge and grabbed two waters and a juice box. 
The older gentleman who owned the restaurant rang up the cash register and looked at me for a moment before his eyes widened. “I recognise you now,” he spoke in the local dialect with a wide grin. “It’s been a while since you last came here with Mr Hamilton, we missed your pretty face.”
“Thank you.” I blushed at the compliment and handed over more than enough cash to cover the food. “I am long overdue for your delicious food and I promise I won’t be away so long next time.” 
“Good, good, it’s sad to see Mr Hamilton eat here alone each year.”
I took the change and dropped it into the tip jar beside the counter and sat down at the table Addie had chosen. 
“What’s this you’re wearing now?” Lewis asked her, tapping the Alpine hat she had hung on the back of her chair. 
“Pee-year gave it to me,” she said with a grin.
“Correction, you stole it from him,” I pointed out to Lewis’ amusement. “He didn’t even get half a carrot for it.”
Lewis pierced the straw into the juice box and held it just out of her reach. “How about you wear a Mercedes hat and I’ll give you this?”
“Resorting to bribery?” I teased but it didn’t work anyway as Addie shook her head adamantly and grabbed her hat with a stern, “I like this one.”
“She must really like Gasly if she’ll sacrifice her juice box for his hat,” Lewis commented. “What about you?”
“Oh, I would definitely sacrifice a juice box for his hat too.”
He laughed and sat back in his chair to stretch his long legs out under the table. “I’ve been in F1 for seventeen years now, known you since you were a pimply teen running round the paddock.”
“I didn’t have pimples!”
“That’s beside the point.”
“Tell that to my ego.”
“Okay, you were the only teen in the world who never had pimples, is that better?”
“I appreciate the lie.” 
He cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter. “Are you two serious or is this just a summer thing? I’m only asking because it’s great having you back and it would suck if you left again. No one else eats anything remotely hot aside from you.”
The platters of food arrived at that moment and the aroma of spices that filled the air was mouthwatering. Addie didn’t even wait for me to dish up some food on a plate for her before she grabbed a slice of crispy plantain and yelped when it was hot. 
“That’s for dessert, but only if you eat some of this first,” I said as I wiped the grease from her fingers and handed over a small plate of chicken and rice. 
When I finally settled in with my own food dished up I found Lewis still waiting for an answer and I reluctantly put my fork back down. “Why is everyone so interested in my love life?”
“So it’s love huh?” he said with a grin.
I rolled my eyes and stuffed a forkful of food into my mouth so I didn’t have to entertain him with an answer. The silence was all he needed though and he stabbed at the chunky cut vegetable on his plate with a quiet laugh. “I'm happy for you, Bri.”
“I’m happy too.”
“Me too,” Addie chimed in before looking longingly at Lewis’ food until he pushed his plate closer so she could get a spoonful. 
Lewis ate faster than us, constantly checking his watch before he sighed and said, “sorry ladies, I have to get back for this panel.”
“Go,” I waved him off, “she’ll still be eating for another 20 minutes at this rate.”
He swiped a sweet plantain from the plate and I couldn’t help ribbing him for the deep fried treat, “Are you allowed that much sugar and fat, Sir?”
He grinned and popped it in his mouth as he shook his head. “I won’t tell if you don’t. I’ll see you two round the paddock, stay out of trouble.”
I pretended to zip my lips before remarking to his receding figure, “I never go looking for it, it just finds me.”
His deep laugh echoed back before he disappeared out the door and the few people that had hung around the restaurant soon went with him. 
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My leg was aching more with the pain radiating from my hip when we started on our own way back so we took it slow and window shopped along the way. 
“Pretty necklace,” Addie gushed as she pressed her nose to the display window of a jewellery store. “So shiny.”
I looked over at the diamond pendant she was eying up and shook my head before a gold chain in the next display caught my eye. “Come on my little magpie,” I said as I walked to the door and was greeted by a middle aged woman. “Can I have a look at the cross necklace?”
She was happy to unlock the display and bring out the piece, an 18k gold crucifix on a long figaro chain. I draped it over my hand and took a closer look at the detailing on the piece before holding it up to Addie. “Do you think this will suit Pierre?” I was already going to buy the item but I was glad she gave an eager nod. “I’ll take this please, and can it be gift wrapped?”
“Certainly, it won’t be a moment,” the saleswoman said as she took the necklace behind the counter and started packaging it up. While waiting, I felt my phone vibrate and saw dad had sent me three messages in quick succession.
From Dad: I love you my darling daughter but when you’re in the paddock there are always fires to be put out. From Dad: Where are you? From Dad: Brianna Valentina Vowles To Dad: 🏃🏽‍♀️🔥🔥🔥 From Dad: What the hell is that meant to be? To Dad: That’s me, running from the flames. What’s happened? From Dad: Image attached
The picture loaded and I rolled my eyes as I saw it was taken by one of Lewis’ fans while we were in the restaurant. Lewis was holding Addie while we spoke and the caption implied I was making my way ‘round the paddock in more ways than one.
From Dad: There’s no doubt they will bring this up in the interview about to start. From Dad: <link to live feed>
I opened the link and it showed an F1 interview panel with half of the drivers, the other half in the wings of the stage waiting for their turn next as was usual with so many people to interview and never enough time. 
“Excuse me,” the saleswoman said quietly as she presented the gift wrapped box and opened her hand towards the eftpos machine. I barely spared her a glance as I quickly swiped my card and paid for the jewellery while keeping one eye on my phone screen. “Thank you, have a lovely day.”
“You too,” I said distractedly as I shoved the box into my handbag and took Addie’s hand to rush back to the paddock. 
Most of the guys were on their phones until their attention was pulled away as the interviews got started but the camera kept panning back to Pierre and Lewis who were sitting beside each other. They were talking too low for the stage microphone to pick up but Lewis shook his head at whatever Pierre said and the tension that had been brimming eased. 
“Lewis,” the male interviewer drew his attention away from Pierre and a microphone was handed over to him, “Good to see you, you’re looking well.”
“Thanks man, you too.”
“I know you guys take your pre-race diets pretty seriously in the lead up to make sure the weight in the car is optimum. I guess that’s why it was surprising to hear that you stepped out of the paddock for a date with Brianna Vowles who, for those of you who haven’t been following this, has been romantically linked to Pierre Gasly just last week.” The camera zoomed in on Lewis and Pierre as the crowd waited for a response.
Lewis held the microphone away and whispered to Pierre before replying. “Romantically linked? Is that what you call it?” He shared a laugh with Pierre and tilted the microphone over to him. “What do you have to say about that?”
“I mean it’s a little old-fashioned for me,” he said with a chuckle. “I call her my girlfriend.”
“I know I’m probably going to get an earful from the team about going to Jerk Hut but if you tried their food you’d know it’s worth a slap on the wrist,” Lewis joked and pointed knowingly to a loud cheer that went up in one corner of the crowd. “They know it too. And getting to catch up with Bri was a bonus. Ask anyone in F1 who’s been here for more than half a decade and they’ll have a story to tell about her, all good ones I assure you.
“So, Pierre,” Lewis paused as he clapped his fellow driver on the shoulder, “you should know there’s a lot of us who consider her like a little sister, and I don’t need to tell you what happens if you break her heart.”
Pierre crossed his finger over his heart and promised in front of thousands of fans, “no heartbreaking here.”
We had just reached the Paddock Pass entrance and I scanned my card before stepping into one of the many tents set up for shade so I could quickly text my dad and we could both rest our legs after the fast pace Addie had set trying to get back to see Pierre and Poppa Otty.
To Dad: Put the fire extinguisher away, old man, they had it under control. From Dad: Ok, he’s more mature than I gave him credit for. Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight? Pierre too. To Dad: It’s team dinner tonight, why don’t you come with us? From Dad: I’ll give Otmar a call now.
I closed the chat with dad and opened the one with Pierre.
To Pierre: Where are you? From Pierre: Just finished the panel, heading back to the pit now. Did you see the interview? Where are you? To Pierre: I did. I’m sorry you got blindsided by that but I got a gift for you. I’m five minutes away. From Pierre: I don’t need gifts when I have you. To Pierre: Keep saying sweet things like that and I’ll give you something else too babe. From Pierre: Merde. Now I need another ice bath.
I snorted aloud and pulled my cap down lower over my face as a few people turned to the sound. If only they knew how dirty my boyfriend could be, then they would be flushing too.
Click here for chapter thirteen.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife
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nancypullen · 11 months
Halloween Eve
I haven't posted much about my excitement over Halloween. I figured everyone is sick of hearing me talk about it. But never, ever doubt that I'm counting the hours until the streets are filled with happy children, generous adults, and the pure magic that is All Hallow's Eve.
Our holiday here in Maryland looks different than it did in Tennessee. There, I'd decorate the yard and porch and my sweet friend Vicky would come over. We'd spend the evening laughing and handing out candy to kids. We did that together for twenty years. Here in Maryland the mister and I get to walk around the grandgirl's neighborhood with her, and let me tell you, it is fun. Her neighborhood does Halloween right, it reminds me of the Halloweens of my childhood. Hordes of children running house to house in costume, laughing, screaming from minor scares, and having the best time. Adults walk along behind, talking, laughing, and enjoying the fun. It's safe, it's wholesome, and it's absolutely delightful. I'm really excited about our Halloween! We've been watching Halloween shows together, so sharing the big night together is only right. She really enjoyed the dipped strawberry ghosties I made the last weekend.
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Two things will make this Halloween fabulous - it's supposed to be chilly and we get to bring the grandgirl home with us. She's got no school on November 1st (smart school) and what better place to spend a free day than at Grancy's house? Autumn is really showing off around here and I couldn't love it more. No matter which window I pass in this house, I get a beautiful view of jewel tones.
Our bedroom...
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the kitchen...
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the grandgirl's room...
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my craft room...
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isn't it wonderful?
Of course, I brought in plenty of pumpkins and mums. They are CHEAP up here!
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Geez, of course I left a milk jug on the porch when I snapped that photo. I'd just watered the mums, got distracted, and now it's part of history. This one is messy too - the shadow of my big head, leaves everywhere before they were raked up. I don't care, it just screams FALL!
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Those big pots of mums? Most of them were four dollars. Some of them were just two dollars! There's a guy just down the road who grows them for commercial sales but he also lets locals purchase from him. Last Saturday he marked all of the four dollar mums down to two dollars so I went back for more!
These six pots were just $12 total! Those pink Sheffield mums will be planted in the front garden. They're gorgeous.
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I replaced the summer impatiens with mums and now Sassafras Woods is dressed for the season.
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Everywhere I go around town is a feast for the eyes.
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Turning onto our little street is a treat, too.
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And when I pull into our driveway, get out of the car, and look up...it's dazzling!
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I just can't get enough. I believe Lucy Maud Montgomery gave Anne of Green Gables the best words for it.
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The only thought that makes it possible to loosen my grip on October and autumn is the promise of a cold, snowy winter. Maryland doesn't necessarily promise that, but the Farmers' Almanac is giving me hope. Autumn is still my first love, but a frosty winter is some comfort while I mourn the end of all of this glorious color. Come on, Jack Frost, glitter my world!
But I'm getting ahead of myself, I can't worry about the winter forecast when my high holiday is just hours away. I can't wait to frolic with the kids and listen to their shouts of glee while they enjoy their big night. I'll wear my witch hat, a big fake witchy nose, and this sweatshirt.
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Would you believe that I have a job interview in the morning? Yep, when I received the email inviting me for an in-person interview I was given a choice of two days and Halloween felt lucky. It may be hard for me to contain my excitement
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Again, they should probably know who they're dealing with up front. I mean, I won't wear my witch hat or anything...yet. That's what's happening around the Pullen Patch right now. I'm trying to act normal while Halloween is just hours away, I get to spend it with my favorite little witch, and I'm trying to hold on to every last bit of the gorgeous color and fluttering leaves. I have nothing against November, but let's all admit that it represents the end of autumn and the start of a lot of work for women. I'm already tired from cooking Thanksgiving dinner and decorating the Christmas tree and I haven't started yet. The scariest thing you'll hear on Halloween is that Christmas is just 55 days away.
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I've purchased four small gifts so far. I am way behind. Way behind. This may be the year everyone gets socks. Who doesn't like a nice, soft pair of socks? Gahhh, I'm old. Anyway, I hope that wherever you are you are cooking up some Halloween fun. If answering the door every five minutes and passing out candy isn't your style, I highly recommend popping popcorn and watching a favorite scary movie. Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp is one of my favorites. I also find joy in some of the good ol' Disney favorites like Halloweentown or The Worst Witch. Not scary, just fun. Whatever you're doing when the veil thins on Halloween night, I hope it makes your heart sing.
Sending out so much love on this beautiful fall evening. Stay safe, stay well, and have FUN! XOXO, Nancy
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
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I posted 534 times in 2022
That's 534 more posts than 2021!
108 posts created (20%)
426 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 169 of my posts in 2022
#nmw - 42 posts
#mcyt g/t - 28 posts
#mcyt gt - 21 posts
#g/t - 19 posts
#g/t community - 15 posts
#beckyu answers - 14 posts
#beckyu arts - 13 posts
#gt community - 13 posts
#brick my beloved &lt;3 - 13 posts
#gt inktober - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i have literally never tired art in this style nor in g/t so i'm actually flippen proud of myself for how well this came out asdfghj
My Top Posts in 2022:
Don’t forget to mention that...
Well I never expected this to be the first finished bit of writing I posted here. I promise I’m still writing that other one I’ve hinted at, I just want it to be perfect!! I actually wrote this back in August and was re-reading it and thought: huh its not bad so edited it a bit and here we are. (this is literally the 2nd fanfic I’ve ever written as well as g/t piece and I haven’t even finished the first so please be kind qwq)  This was inspired by an artwork that @dingbatnix created! Original post here  I hope you like it ❤️
cw: mcyt g/t, soft, slight panic, mention of death man I hope that’s right
word count:  2375
“A nap in the sun would be nice right about now.” George said as he made his way to the top of a big red toadstool. Winter was fast approaching and the time for napping in the sun would soon be over while the cold months of snow and ice overtake the world. George didn’t mind the thought of snow though. I mean, when you’re 2 inches tall, snow isn’t exactly your friend when even a light powder can have you buried and frozen alive. It was going to be tougher to find food and shelter soon too. Part of him wishes he hadn’t left the colony; that he had stayed with his own kind rather than travel the vast world. But he had lost his parents long ago and had never made any real friends back home, so what real attachment did he have in staying? So George had instead chosen a life of adventure. He’d been wandering the forest and plains for a few years now. Learning about its hidden wonders and knowledge unknown. While he wasn’t exactly born for magic, he had certainly picked up the odd spell or two. He had once befriended a size-shifting fire-born demon named Sapnap, that he had spent the winters with in the past and learnt some basic spells anyone with enough practice could use. Although he had never actually seen his friend's bigger form, he missed Sapnap dearly. He had left to go meet with an old friend of his for a while and George had decided he wanted to continue to explore. But whilst George was curious and loved discovering new things, he tended to stay away from anything larger than a bush. Or if he was being more specific; Humans. When you live in a world that’s 100x bigger than you, sentient beings 100x bigger with it are terrifying. He’d seen the destruction beings of such caliber could cause. If they wanted to, they could tear through trees with massive iron blades, light fires and cause havoc in an instant. But at worst? They’d stamp out life in a heartbeat. And while you think they may only be stories told to young children to keep them within the safety of the colony walls, George had seen it first hand. His parents had hidden him in a small grotto before leading the monsters away. And because of that, he’d never actually encountered a human in person. That was definitely something he could be grateful for. He’d only seen a little of what had happened to his parents before they had passed and he had opted to drown out the sounds of destruction rather than watch it in horror. Who knew it would be the last time he would ever see them. He missed them dearly but was thankful that in all his time traveling, he’d never seen a human and hopefully never would. Hope might have been an understatement….
George placed his little toadstool hat to the side of him as he removed his satchel from over his shoulder. He brushed over it lightly, a small smile gracing his face as he reminisced in fondness. He had fought with Sapnap over how to do smaller stitches rather than big uneven ones that left room for holes, rambling on how his attention to detail was just George being picky similar to his other friend. George then smoothed out his moss cloak to lie on and laid back onto the toadstool, resting on his back using one hand to cushion his head. His other hand fiddling idly  with his light blue shirt. He adjusted his white rimmed goggles on his face with delicate care and closed his eyes as the warmth of the evening sun shone upon him. It’s ray’s practically dancing along his skin as it warmed each cell of his very being. It was nice. On rare occasions he would find himself being able to enjoy the sun like this. Too often this world was out to get him and yet somehow he would find the odd times that he could let himself drift away in bliss. Drift away…. Maybe to sleep? Yeah, that sounded nice. 
George continued to keep his eyes closed and began to focus on the sounds around him. Despite his loud and rowdy personality, Sapnap had shown him how to enjoy moments like these. He missed him dearly. Perhaps their paths would cross again during the winter? It was unlikely since he could size shift and had said his friend traveled around a lot, but George was happy for him. A small part of George wished he had stayed with him. Sapnap had even offered for George to accompany him and meet his friend, always saying how he thought they would get along so well and how much he knew they would just love George. But the fact that Sapnap was a size shifter implied that his friend was also one and that scared George. He wasn’t ready for that no matter how much Sapnap insisted that they wouldn’t harm him. George shook away those thoughts for now though, because he was going to drift away. Just for a bit… 
The sounds of rustling leaves in the breeze began to get fainter as George felt himself lulling off to sleep, the sun continuing to blanket him in its warmth. He was almost asleep when he suddenly felt the surface beneath him move. ‘Probably the wind’ he thought. Then it moved again. ‘Okay maybe there’s a deer nearby. That’s ok.’ And again. George opened his eyes slowly. “So close to a nap” he grumbled. The toadstool shook again. George’s mind quickly came back to reality. He could hear the steady sound of massive footsteps approaching as his world began to shake over and over. “Ok, maybe not a deer.” George said out loud as he slung his satchel back on and his hat. Whatever was coming was big and that was never good. The footsteps continued to come closer and the shaking worsened. The steps were timed and even, something that animals rarely did. Whatever this was wasn’t an animal. “Oh no.” George said as the realization dawned on him. “Please don’t be that. Oh please anything but that.”
George raced to slide off the top of the toadstool. He was practically exposed if he didn’t get off there fast enough! He managed to make it off the top and landed to the ground with a thud as the sound of tree branches parted. The sound of footsteps ceased right in front of where George was hidden beneath the toadstool. Not a single sound followed. Carefully, George peered his head around the side of the Toadstool and let out a small gasp. In front of him mere inches away was a giant boot. Starring up and up at the giant being before him was his worst nightmare. A human. The man wore a bright green hoodie, blonde hair just in view peeking out from behind a white smiley face mask that covered most of his face from view. But the most terrifying thing about this being was the black shiny purple axe he held in his hand. He’d seen weapons like that before. It was an enchanted netherite axe: one of the most dangerous weapons in existence, and it was held by a human. 
“Hello? Is someone there?” It said.
George slapped himself in the face as he clasped his hands over his mouth. What a fool he was. He was trapped with the only cover being the toadstool. The next closest cover was too far away to run too without being exposed and even if he ran, the human would probably reach him within seconds. He stayed perfectly still. It felt as if he moved even slightly the toadstool would disappear and he’d be discovered. The human had yet to move. George could only imagine it was scanning the area searching for something. Someone. Him. Carefully he peered out from under the toadstool, trying to get a better idea of what the human was doing. Said human had its back turned to where George was and as predicted was scanning the area looking and listening intently. He watched as the human turned its head slowly as it scanned the area once more. As it began to get closer to looking in his direction, George ducked back out of view. His breathing picked up a little as he did so but he focused on the matter at hand. There’s no way the human saw him right? Right?!? Without warning, the toadstool was suddenly yanked up out of the ground and into the air. George shrieked, eyes wide as his only cover was ripped away leaving him completely exposed and at the mercy of the human. The human and George suddenly fell deathly still, shocked by each other’s presence. Even though the human wore a mask, George could still feel the human's eyes burning a hole through his soul. It had found him. What was he going to do now?
“Wow.” The human whispered in amazement. “Look at you.” Well George didn’t care how amazed the human sounded, his words were enough to snap him out of his frozen state and make a dash for cover. “WAIT! NO! Come back!” The human yelled as he suddenly made a move for him. George ran for the closest bush he could find. He didn’t care where he hid, anything was better than being in the open at the humans mercy. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it far before a large hand gripped itself around his body. He wasn’t held overly tight but it still felt suffocating. It was too warm, too big, too strong! All it would take is one good squeeze and the human could pop George’s head off! 
George tried kicking and thrashing in the Humans hand. His arms were pinned to his body so he was limited but anything was better than nothing in hopes of getting the human to let him go. He felt gravity shift as the human lifted him up higher and higher from the ground. Sapnap had tried to take him flying on a bird once and he had not enjoyed it being up so high. Finally, the grasp loosened around George and he found himself sitting cupped in both the humans massive hands. The human still wore the mask but while he couldn’t make out the human's eyes, he now felt as if it was studying him over. Taking in every last detail of his appearance and it was terrifying. “You’re actually real.” The human said as he poked him with a finger. George hugged his legs to his chest and curled in on himself, willing himself to just disappear. “Please let me go.” He whispered out. He could feel tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. He didn’t want to meet the same gruesome fate his parents had. Maybe if he was obedient it would show him mercy? “I’ll do whatever you want, please just let me go!
“Hurt you?? Oh no, is that what you think I’m going to do?” The human said the sound of disbelief coating his voice. “I just can’t believe you’re actually real. I thought all this time he was just making you up.” George dared to open his eyes. The human still had its mask on but somehow he looked calmer, gentler. “But still, he never said just how small you were. You barely even fit in the palm of my hand.” 
Now it was George’s turn to be in a state of disbelief. This human was speaking as if it knew George but couldn’t believe he existed. That someone had told him about himself. “What do you mean ‘He’ was making me up? Who on earth are you talking about??” George asked. “Oh Sapnap did. He kept going on about how he met this tiny person called George and that you used to live together.” The human replied. “He always goes on about how much we’d get along and how much I’d like you.”
Sapnap? SAPNAP?!?! This was the friend he was always talking about?!?!?! A human friend. How had Sapnap failed to mention the one most important detail that his friend was a human? Sure he’d said that his friend wouldn’t hurt him but never once had he mentioned or implied that his friend was Human. George began to fume. “I’m going to murder him first chance I get!” George yelled. “He never said you were a human! He always said the same thing to me too about how great you were and that we could be like some dumb Dream Team!” George said steaming.
“Really? I rather like the name Dream Team.” The human said, laughing a bit at the end. “Then again, I’m biased with my name literally being Dream.”
“Wait, your name is Dream???” George said as he stared up at Dream, the apparent human. “Wait he didn’t tell you my name? Oh Sapnap’s an idiot I swear.” George laughed in response. “Oh don’t I know it.” They both laughed for a bit at the dumbness of their friend. “Well it’s nice to meet you then Dream. I’m George, but I’m guessing you already knew that huh?” George said as he began to relax. Dream shifted George into his left hand as he grabbed his mask with the right and lifted his mask. A face dotted with Freckles adorned with a mischievous grin and bright green eyes looked back into his own brown and blue eyes. “Yeah I knew and man I’m gonna mess around with Sapnap for not telling you more about me when we get back.” Dream said as he turned and started to make his way out of the Forest.
And as the two trekked back to where Dream and Sapnap had set up camp, George couldn’t help but be at ease. Even though Dream was a human, he couldn’t help but feel safe in the human's grasp thanks to Sapnap and all those stories he had shared. Even if he’s never told him once that his friend was a human, he knew he could trust Sapnap and that was enough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I actually finished a story. I never thought this day would come T-T. I really hope everyone enjoyed this it was a lot of fun to write and I’m glad I did get around to finishing it. Thank you @squishys-soft-stories for reading the draft ❤️ Stay tuned for the first fic I’ve been writing tho!!! I’m dying at not just sharing it now but its not far off being done!! I promise its going to be worth the wait! Thanks all again if you read to the end ❤️❤️❤️
60 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Crimeboys it is.
And would you know it, it be a fluffy Crimeboys prompt with an instinct driven Giant Wilbur and a human Gremlin Tommy.
The prompt starts with Wilbur not letting Tommy go as he woke up with instinct begging for him to take Tommy everywhere he goes.
Tommy tries to bite Wilbur's fingers so he can put him down but Wilbur ain't buggin anytime soon.
Anywhere Wilbur goes, Tommy is right there since Wilbur isn't letting him go.
Like you can have Wilbur be at work and he still brings Tommy with him as an example.
Just make it as fluffy as you can, you can add anything you want.
If you're up to make this prompt then pog, that is if you want to do it.
Also, if you wanna send me a random g/t prompt that u have, go for it.
This has been in my inbox since I joined Tumblr.
Orchid gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I've rewritten this twice!!!! It took me awhile as I got stuck at one point BUT! I had a new idea today so while its short, I'm very happy with it! I hope I did the prompt justice and you like it!!!
Mine to hold close
cw: mcyt g/t , soft, fluffy, tiny tiny death mention. Words: 607 [One shot]
“Can you put me down you prick?! I’m not gonna freeze I swear!!!” Tommy said with huff as Wilbur scooped him up.
“After the last time it snowed? I don’t think so.” Wilbur responded as he tucked the little human close to his chest. 
“But Wiiiiiiilllll!! I’m not even outside this time!” The giant always tended to get extra clingy around this time of year. His instincts in high gear and on Tommy the second he was awake, worried that Tommy wasn’t warm enough. Tommy didn’t blame him though. Not when he literally met Wilbur in the midst of a snow storm. He hadn’t meant to lose the trail and get stranded in Giant territory, but stuff like that always seemed to follow the Great Tommy Danger Kraken Innit! He’s just lucky that the giant had found him in the snow before he became a frozen popsicle. And even luckier that this Giant didn’t eat humans. So yes, Tommy understood that Wilbur was going to be a little extra cautious about him almost dying of Hypothermia again. But he didn’t have to be so damn cuddly and touchy all the f***** time!!
“Wilbur I’m fine! I’m not gonna get cold! The fires going and keeping everything nice and toasty warm, so stop being a d*** and put me down!!” Tommy said as he squirmed in Wilbur’s hold.
“Tommy. You are literally the most chaotic little gremlin I’ve ever seen. If I put you down, I guarantee you’ll be screaming for help in less than five minutes trying not to freeze your a** off!!” In retaliation, Tommy started biting and scratching at Wilbur’s hand. It didn’t hurt of course, but Wilbur found it cute watching the attempt at escape. He loved Tommy like a brother and ever since he found him had sworn to protect him no matter what, his instincts often being a little overbearing at keeping the chaotic child safe. And if that meant holding onto him for hours at a time, then he’d happily oblige. So what if he had to do his work with one less hand? He’d take holding Tommy any day. That and his instincts kept screaming at him to keep the human close.
After a few minutes Tommy eventually resigned himself to his fate and just chilled in Wilbur’s hand. Though he’d never admit it, he secretly loved it when Wilbur would hold him. He felt safe knowing nothing could hurt him when he was with the giant. He didn’t have to worry about anything and could just be content with his pseudo brother. Staying with the giant being the best decision of his life after their first initial meeting. 
Tommy stayed in Wilbur’s hand all day. They chatted while Wilbur did his chores, Wilbur singing songs to Tommy, Tommy sharing wacky insane ideas with Wilbur, all the while the giant's instincts to keep the human close not faltering once. As day turned to dusk and dusk turned to night, Tommy eventually curled up in Wilbur’s hand. Snuggling in as he fell asleep, hugging one of Wil’s fingers close. Wilbur had to resist the urge to coo at the small sleeping human in his hand. Tommy was so small, so fragile but you’d never guess he had such a boisterous personality and was as lively as what he is. Slowly and carefully, Wilbur made his way to bed, getting in and tucking the human close to his heart. He sighed contently knowing nothing could hurt his brother, his instincts finally satisfied. 
“Good night Tommy.” Wilbur whispered quietly as he drifted off to sleep. The brothers comfortable in each other’s warm embrace.\
I swear I'm still writing the other fic! I swear! I swear! I swear!!! It's gonna be worth the time its taking! PROMISE
64 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
I finally did it!!!!! I got one of these miniature sets!!!! I know people have done them before but this one’s mine with a few personal touches as I didn’t quite do it ‘By the Book’!! That and my silly brain also won’t allow me to glue any of it down either because it’s like: But what if you meet a tiny person? Then they can’t move anything 😭!!!!! So yeah I’m happy!!!
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72 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
Day 5 and 6 of @aaytaro-gt gt Inktober!!!!!
Yes I missed the day to post 5. but anyways we have Dance and Jar!!
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Jar also features one of my fav people @a-tiny-frog-girl love ya Froggie 💚
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75 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I have found another thing to give a shot in amongst everything else I’m doing this month! I’m going to take part in g/t InkTober using @aaytaro-gt prompt list! I want to take the opportunity to practice drawing certain positions and I’ve never really tried to draw gt art before so here’s to hoping I stick to it and make some improvements 😊 might switch between traditional and digital art who know.
Day 1. Acorn
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85 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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goddessofmischief · 3 years
Blue Monday, Chapter Thirteen - Loki x Reader
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TW: Mention of the word ‘suicide.’ Not discussed in graphic terms.
Author’s Note: It’s been a long journey! There is still so much more story to tell, so please send me questions or feedback if you liked this chapter!
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The last day of Amora Freyadottir’s life had begun like... well, almost any other.
Loki had woken up next to you. His Amora.
The pair had risen in synchronization, methodically buckling up armor after armor, sword after shield.
And when you were both ready, you’d descended down the stairs together, one perfect unit, marched down to the castle courtyard, where Odin and several other highly-trained soldiers were assembled. He’d instructed you on the mission-
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to escape the flood of memories that had suddenly fallen into your mind.
"I’m... I’m what?”
“You,” said Mobius. “You’re Amora. You always have been.”
“Loki, I don’t... I don’t understand,” you stammered. “You lied to me, you swore you knew I wasn't her, you swore it-”
“I didn’t,” Loki promises. “You aren’t. These lies are simply a diversion to distract us from Mobius’ misdeeds.”
“Oh, Loki,” said Mobius. “Poor, poor Loki - if only that were true.”
He gestures, and a T.V.A. guard rushes in, restraining you both.
“Our story begins in Asgard, I think,” Mobius spoke, sipping from a tumbler of whiskey that had magically appeared. “Yes, that’s the one. Asgard. You and Loki had just marched off to the battle of Vanaheim... a terrible, terrible battle. Oh, they found you in pieces, Y/N. You died a warrior’s death.”
“Not me,” you said, stubbornly. “Amora did.”
“Yes, well... Loki got kinda despondent after that... not all that surprising, since he obviously loved ya-”
You glanced at Loki. He paled.
“And, well, Loki usually gets what he wants... and he decides he wants you back. Only problem is, he wasn’t sure how to do it. You were about as dead as it gets, sweetheart. So he studies, right? He studies for months and weeks, until he finds the plan that works best for him... that he’s going to reincarnate you.”
“No,” you argue, stubbornly. “No. No, that’s not true, it’s not true, it can’t be-”
“Crazy, right? I thought so, too. But I saw potential, in his failures, cause, the thing was... I’d started to see where things were going, even then.
The Earth was on the verge of nuclear war. The stars, divided by piracy and battle. In the middle of all of it... the two of you. I’d been trying to leave this universe for a long, long time - only problem is, the Watchers have kept me here. Something truly cataclysmic would have had to happen in order to let me destroy it - and, well... this little Romeo and Juliet story was a pretty good disaster-in-the-making, if I do say so myself. I knew if I stoked the fires of it, Loki would find a way to make the universe burn.
Soon enough, our friend Loki here uses a considerable amount of dark magic to reincarnate your soul into that of a mortal. He’d thought... well, I imagined he thought that once you reached a suitable age, about the age you are now, he’d give you your old memories, and find a way to make you immortal again. But you just couldn’t stay away, could you, Loki?”
“What does he mean?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” Loki stammers, and Mobius snaps his fingers - and suddenly, Loki’s eyes glow bright green, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.
“I visited you,” Loki whispers, slowly. “In your dreams, I -”
He paused, removing his glove and resting his palm on your forehead. You couldn’t see everything, not just yet - so many of your memories were still blocked out.
But you saw him. You saw him... throughout your life. Long walks, chess games, dives into swimming pools. He’d appear in your dreams, even. You were never alone.
“You didn’t have any friends,” Loki said. “And... I didn’t want you to be alone.”
“But if you were there, for everything... why can’t I remember any of it? Why can’t you?”
“Well, you can’t remember much of anything, can you?” said Mobius. “Only... the moments without him. The moments with your father. And, of course... your would-be death. But you never could remember what drove you to make that choice, could you? Only that you did, that cold Monday morning, and that I saved you, and swept you away to a life with us. You have wondered, haven’t you?”
You had.
“That was my work. I needed you to get to a point of desperation, so that the T.V.A. would seem the perfect option for you, so that you’d feel you had nothing else left. The thing was, when I made Loki forget... I kinda altered his memory two years before yours. So I doomed you, you see. I left you for two years, without him. He abandoned you... or, so you thought. And without your protector, well, you were a mess, weren't you?”
You had been.
“And without him to stop you, you made the rashest decision you could. You made an attempt upon your own life - and thus, my plan fell into place.”
“So it’s my fault,” said Loki. “If I’d never visited you... none of it would have happened. You’d never have thought I left you. Mobius never would’ve been able to manipulate us. It’s my fault you... died. Or, almost did.”
This was almost too much for you to comprehend. You were Amora? Loki had known you all your life? His leaving caused your depression, and set Mobius’ plan into motion?
But something more important stood out, too -
You loved Loki.
And he loved you.
Somehow, that had to mean something.
With a growl, you kicked Mobius across the room.
Loki turned to you, and without wasting a moment -
The two of you ran.
“Loki!” you found yourself shouting, tempted to shake him and make him listen to you.
“We can’t just run!”
“Why ever not? I’ve used this strategy - it’s worked for me, many times.”
“Because your last enemy didn’t have access to every timeline in existence! We can’t hide - he’s just gonna follow us there!”
He considered this.
“Fine,” Loki said. “How about this - we’ll fetch some back-up.”
You had to admit, your heart began to pound a little faster about the idea, just imagining the heroes you and Loki could recruit.
Alternate Iron Man. Alternate Black Widow. Perhaps even Thor himself-
“I’m sure me, being me, would be more than willing to help.”
Just like that, all those hopes came crashing down, all at once.
“Uh... what?”
"Well, in this scenario, I can really only trust myself, darling. You of course can understand. We’ll simply locate a variant of me... and enlist their assistance.”
You shrugged, helplessly.
“I... I guess.”
By this point, you figured you were going to die, anyway. You may as well just give in to his flawed logic and see where it would lead you.
“But I’m not dealing with another Lady Loki,” you insist, as Loki started to focus his energy on programming the tesseract with coordinates. “Not again.”
“No, no, of course not... then again, we would have gotten along, had I not possessed something she wanted. So, it seems to me... all I have to do is find a ‘me’ that hasn’t yet lost his Amora.”
“Okay, how do we do that?”
Loki focused on the tesseract.
“There,” he uttered, after a moment. “It’s... it’s programmed. It’ll take us somewhere, I know not where... to me. A me who has a version of Amora with him. That me will have no need for jealousy, and I’m sure I can reason some way to tempt them to aid us-”
“And... we’ll take her with us, too? The other Amora?”
“Jealous already, darling?”
“No,” you said, raising your gun to blast an approaching T.V.A. soldier. “Never.”
He grinned, and takes your hand.
And together, you both disappear into the icy-blue light of the Tesseract.
@bepo-is-sorry @the-obelisk @buckybarnes1982 gorgeourrific-nerd @suwupremeleader​​ @sserpente​ @tripleyeeet​ @kcd15 @rorybutnotgilmore 
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giowritess · 4 years
— prompt & trope list  —
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p r o m p t & trope l i s t  —   m a s t e r l i s t
 — under the cut you have a compilation of prompts and tropes I’ve created and found here on Tumblr and internet. 
— don’t forget to check my fandoms post to see who and what I write for!
1. Christmas
2. New Year
3. Valentine’s Day
4. Mother’s Day
5. Father’s Day
6. Wedding
7. Arranged marriage
8. Babysitter
9. Coffee shop
10. Book store
11. Fake dating/marriage
12. Forbidden love
13. Pet store
14. Parent
15. Teacher
16. Flower shop
17. Locked in a room
18. Bed sharing
19. Stranded due to weather
20. Next door neighbors
21. Bakery
1. You seem like a bad boy/girl/person type. 2. Oh my god, did you just say that out loud? 3. You expecting someone? 4.Do you need a place to stay for tonight? 5. Look at us, we’re basically a couple already. 6. Compliments won’t pay my drinks. 7. Maybe, just maybe, if I get a free drink I might consider talking to you. 8. That won’t work. Try again. 9. You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions. 10. Do you trust me? 11. Can I kiss you? 12. It’s lonely here without you. 13. Is that my shirt? 14. You own my heart. 15. We’re more than friends and you know it! 16. I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight. 17. It was you the whole time. 18. I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you. 19. I’m not going anywhere. 20. You make me want things I can’t have. 21. Steal the blankets again and I’ll put my cold feet on you. 22. You’re in love with her. 23. I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge. 24. Are you even listening to me?! 25. I didn’t think you could get any less romantic. 26. You make everyday worth living. 27. You’ve shown me what love feels like. 28. You’ve always felt like home. 29. I can’t imagine a world/life without you. 30. I am home. 31. I’m right where I belong. 32. Can’t you stay a little longer? 33. You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to. 34. You make me want to be better. 35. I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me. 36. I think you’re just afraid to be happy. 37. Why haven’t you kissed me already? 38. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. 39. I can’t stay away from you. 40. I’m better when I’m with you. 41. I tried my best not to feel anything for you, but I failed. 42. I don’t want to be alone right now.  43. I don’t trust myself around you. 44. I don’t think anyone’s ever said that to me before. 45. Can we just lie here for a moment? 46. I’ve never hated you. You just... make me feel things I don’t understand. 47. If you don’t tell me to stop, I’m going to kiss you. 48. I could get used to waking up next to you, actually. 49. Please, don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry. 50. You’re a terrible liar. 51. You’re the only person I want to be with tonight. 52. You’re not going anywhere. 53. You were always good for me. 54. You’re more than just a one night stand. 55. I’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met.
1. I can’t stand the thought of you. 2. Don’t fuck this up. 3. How stupid do you think I am? 4. You broke my heart and all you can say is sorry? 5. Don’t you dare to leave me. Not now. 6. I’m dying. There’s nothing you can do about it. 7. I’m not gonna lie. This isn’t how I planned for this to go down. 8. I can’t do the things you do. 9. I might never get another chance to say this. 10. Tell me I’m wrong. 11. How much of that did you hear? 12. I thought I could trust you. 13. Are you just going to leave me here? 14. Don’t. I don’t have to hear your pathetic excuses anymore. 15. You knew about this all along, didn’t you? 16. I still believe there’s a good person in you. 17. It was necessary. 18. I’m sorry this had to go down like this. 19. What the hell is wrong with you?! 20. Is that how little you think of me? 21. I’m too sober for this shit. 22. It’s not that easy. 23. You’re more than that. 24. She’s hot, but she’s evil. 25. Well, behaved women rarely make history, do they? 26. That’s not what I meant and you know it. 27. I have to tell you something. 28. Why am I not surprised? 29. She’s not yours. 30. There’s no us. There never was. 31. I made a mistake. 32. Please, don’t walk out that door. 33. When were you going to tell me? 34. The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you. 35. Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds? 36. If i asked you to stay, would you? 37. I don’t know who you are anymore. 38. I trusted you. 39. Hang on. You’re gonna be okay. Keep breathing. 40. You crossed a line. 41. There’s no turning back from this. 42. I needed you, and you weren’t there.
SMUT — 18+
1. Don’t make me take you home and punish you. 2. I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly. 3. You’re more than just a one night stand. 4. Like what you see? 5. Try to stay quiet, understand? 6. We’re in public, you know. 7. I really don’t care. You still look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now. 8. Are you sure? Once we start, i might not be able to stop. 9. Make me. 10. Stop teasing me so much. 11. You’re in trouble now. 12. First one to make a noise loses. 13. Mine. 14. Behave. 15. What did you just say? 16. Come here. 17. Watch me. 18. If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god. 19. If you insist. 20. Could he make you feel as good as i do? 21. You make a sound and its game over. 22. If i have to stop what i’m doing, you wont be able to walk for the next week. 23. I haven’t even touched you and you’re already this wet. 24. C’mere, you can sit on my lap until i’m done working. 25. What? Does that feel good? 26. If we get caught i’m blaming you. 27. We have to be quiet. 28. Tell me again. 29. Say it. 30. If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning? 31. I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole. 32. You better shut that pretty little mouth before i put it to work, doll. 33. I really want to kiss you right now. 34. Then do it. 35. You’re not taking me to bed. Ever. 36. Who said it had to be on the bed? 37. She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but i bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips. 38. Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. Thats cute. 39. Don’t fucking touch what is not yours. 40. I’m not sure if its a sexual thing or not. 41. There’s people here. 42. I don’t care what you do,  just fuck me. 43. Fuck you. 44. I’m not going to touch you unless you beg. 45. You can’t tease me like that and expect not to be punished. 46. I’m gonna strangle you. 47. Is that a promise? 48. You look a bit tied up, want me to come back later? 49. Stop distracting me. 50. I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that. 51. Saddle up doll. 52. What are you doing in my bed?! 53. If you're going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat. 54. You'd better be quiet or everyone's going to know what a naughty little slut you are. 55. Look at you, I've only started using my fingers and you're already shaking. 56. I can't wait to be on my knees for you later. 57. Oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me. 58. If you keep making those sounds I'm not going to be able to stop myself. 59. Such a needy little thing, aren't you? 60. You better watch your fucking mouth. 61. I love the way you look with my fingers inside you. 62. Wanna see what I'm wearing underneath all this? 63. I wonder what your girlfriend/boyfriend would do if they knew what you were doing right now. 64. Do you know how beautiful you are? It's truly distracting. 65. If you leave the house wearing that then the second you get back home I'm going to bend you over that bed. 66. I'm gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you're spreading your legs for me. 67. Let me show you what happens to little brats who don't follow the rules. 68. You know, there wasn't a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in.
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bi-bard · 4 years
A Plan For the Future- Spencer Reid Imagine (Criminal Minds)
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Title: A Plan For the Future
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Reader
Requested: Nope...
Word Count: 1,265 words
Warning(s): prison, mentions of murder and violence in the context of the show
Summary: (Season 12, episode 13) When the team gets an emergency call about a situation in Mexico, (Y/n) and Spencer find themselves in one of the worst and strangest situations of their relationships. 
Author’s Note: Connected to my original character! Find information here! I think I’m writing the Season 12 stuff in separate parts because... it’s a lot. (I think I have three planned...?)
Buy me a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/khoward0 
“Jet, now,” Emily said as she walked by me. I furrowed my eyebrows. She looked at me from the elevator. “Reid’s in jail.”
“What,” I yelled, following her. Luke and Rossi were right behind me. Luke handed me my go-bag.
As soon as the doors shut, I felt my stomach drop and hands start shaking. Emily wrapped an arm around me. I let out a sigh. 
“He went to Houston to help his mom,” I said. “How the fuck did he end up getting arrested?”
“In Mexico of all places,” Rossi added.
“He was arrested in Mexico,” I snapped. I placed my face in his hands. “I knew I should’ve gone with him. He wanted me to stay back. I thought he wanted me to stay back so I could check on his mom. Oh my god, I have to call his nurse.”
“Hey, it’ll be alright, we’ll figure this out,” Luke promised. The doors of the elevator opened and I quickly walked out, heading straight towards the jet. “J.J offered to call the nurse because she didn’t want you to worry about anything else.”
“That woman is really just a mom to everyone,” I mumbled. He chuckled at me. 
I subconsciously picked at the leather of the watch that Spencer had given me. He thought it was more useful than a simple bracelet. He was right... of course. God, what had he gotten himself into? 
--Time Skip--
I crossed my arms, trying to comfort myself as we were led back towards the holding cells. Spencer stood up when he saw us. I felt tears in my eyes. 
He looked like a mess. Heavy bags under his eyes, clothes weren’t put together. And he was clearly disorientated. He didn’t look like he even recognized any of us. 
I wish I could’ve focused on what was being said. I was just studying Spencer as the other three were questioning him. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t sit here and interrogate him. I didn’t even know what the right question was. I finally looked down, wanting to just disappear.
Luke walked away to call the others back in D.C. I stepped back a little bit, wiping any tears that may have fallen just as he walked back over, holding up a picture on his phone. Spencer nodded at the picture and Luke explained that Garcia had tracked her down to a motel just outside of town.
“We need to take Castenada and his officers with us,” Emily said. 
“Do you want company here,” he asked. Spencer looked over at me. I nodded. 
The other three headed out to the motel with the other officers. I pull my jacket off of my shoulders and set it down before sitting on it. Spencer mimicked me, sitting on the ground. I grabbed one of the bars and he imitated me. I out a small sigh when he touched my hand with the tip of his finger. 
“Why didn’t you tell me where you were going,” I asked. He shrugged. 
“I really don’t know,” he said quietly. “I thought I could handle this by myself.”
“Spence,” I replied. “I’m going to support you through everything. Do you think I sleep on your couch three nights a week because I like the back stretches I have to do in the morning?”
Spencer let out a small laugh before going silent for a minute, “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” I jokingly shrugged. “We’re going to figure this out, Spencer. I promise.”
“I know you will.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” he mumbled. 
--Time Skip--
The rest of the case was a blur. Nadie Ramos was found dead. Emily tried a cognitive interview, which Reid failed. We were on a time crunch before Spencer was going to be transferred to a prison. We were now all standing in Reid’s cell, including Matt Simmons and Clara Seger with Garcia on the phone.
“Where is Nadie Ramos from,” Clara asked. 
“She lives with her family just north of Matamoros,” Garcia replied. “She crosses the border like a lot.”
“Why is that,” I asked. 
“Well, she works at the clinic in Houston,” she explained. “She also helps at a low-income healthcare center. I can’t find a visa on her, which is double weird. And finishing the weird trifecta is, there’s a social security number on her W-2 form.”
“She’s an American citizen,” Matt asked. 
“Yeah, she has dual citizenship.”
“Wait, if she’s an American citizen, that places Spencer in U.S custody, right,” I asked.
“It’s time for the transfer,” Castenada walked in.
“We’ve had a break in the case,” Emily turned around. “The victim was also American. That calls for extradition.”
“I’ve got orders, sorry,” he replied. I closed my eyes, terrified as guards came over to get Spencer ready to go.
Emily pulled her phone out, calling the consulate and speaking as fast as possible. Rossi touched my back. I took a deep breath.
“My dad would’ve dragged Spencer out of here before giving up,” I mumbled. “Why do I feel so fucking powerless?”
Rossi pulled me into a hug. Not promising that it was going to be okay or that it was all going to work out. None of us actually knew that. I was almost happier that he didn’t say any of that. 
“Come on,” I said, standing up straight. “We have a job to do.”
I walked out of the cell just as Luke walked off. I looked over to Emily. 
“We got him,” she promised. “This isn’t going to be good but he’ll be back in D.C.”
I nodded before hugging her tightly, “Thank you so much.”
I stayed back as Spencer was led to the jet. Everyone was gathered at the center of the jet and talking. 
“Okay, here’s the agreement that Cruz made,” Emily said. “You can stop by the B.A.U when we land but then we have to drive you into the district and take you to the federal prison. Since you are under investigation for murder, these cuffs are going to have to stay on until you are arraigned, but you’re not a flight risk up here.”
“Can I...,” I trailed off, pointing at Spencer. 
“Just don’t say anything,” she nodded with a smile. 
I pulled Spencer into a tight hug and closed my eyes, “We’re going to get through this. No matter what. I promise. I’m by your side every step of the way.”
“Thank you,” Spencer replied. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I mumbled before stepping back.
We all took our seats on the plane. Spencer and I were sitting on one side of the table. Emily and Luke were on the other side. I hadn’t let go of Spencer’s hand since we had sat down.
“Can I ask you something,” Spencer asked quietly. I nodded. “You were talking about how you spend three nights a week on my couch. After this is over, I could invest in one of those pull-out couches... and you could stay there all the time?”
“You want me to move in with you,” I asked. He nodded. “That sounds great.”
“Really,” he grinned at me. 
“Yes, of course, it does,” I chuckled.
“I’ll make sure Garcia knows,” Luke jumped in. “She needs the appropriate amount of time to plan the housewarming party.”
“I’ll talk to her,” I promised, making Spencer chuckle. 
Everything had gone completely wrong today. Everything. But having a plan for the future, for something beyond this situation, gave me some weird sense of hope. We were going to be okay... and that’s what mattered.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Grey’s Anatomy Prompts
I’m going a tad stir crazy, so I decided to make a prompt list of 80 Grey’s quotes I love. This may have been done before but I don’t care. It’s mostly angsty prompts and it’s long as hell. (Break at 15)
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1 “When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done. So all the boys, and all the bars, and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared? Because I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I’m all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.” —Meredith Grey
2 “Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he is not the sun—you are.” —Cristina Yang
3 “Your choice, it’s simple: her or me? And I’m sure she’s really great. But I love you. In a really, really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” —Meredith Grey
4 “If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.” —Mark Sloan
5 “It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love. And then you find somebody else, and it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.” —Lexie Grey
6 “Don’t let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice, so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence.” —Meredith Grey
7 “Not everyone has to be happy all the time. That isn’t metal health. That’s crap.” —Meredith Grey
8 “Breakthroughs don’t happen because of the medicine. Real breakthroughs happen because someone is scared to death to stop trying.” —Derek Shepherd
9 “We don’t get unlimited chances to have the things that we want, and this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.” —Addison Montgomery
10 “And if you can't do it, if you aren't willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places without stopping, even when it seems impossible, you will never succeed.” —Amelia Shepard
11 “Oh screw beautiful! I’m brilliant! If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.” — Christina Yang
12 “You were like coming up for fresh air. It's like I was drowning and you saved me.” — Derek Shepard
13 “The only time I don't feel like a ghost is when you look at me, because when you look at me, you see me. You see me. This is me.” — Owen Hunt
14 “It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose.” — Richard Webber
15 “You are my person. You will always be my person.” — Christina Yang
16 “It doesn't matter how tough we are. Trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home, it changes our lives. Trauma messes everybody up. But maybe that's the point. All the pain and the fear and the crap. Maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving forward. It's what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up, before we can step up.” — Alex Karev
17 “Please, don't chase me anymore, unless you're ready to catch me.” — Callie Torres
18 “Change … we don’t like it, we fear it. But we can’t stop it from coming. We either adapt to change, or we get left behind. It hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t, is lying. But here’s the truth: Sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes, change is good. Sometimes, change is … everything.” — Meredith Grey
19 “Intimacy is a four letter syllable for- here’s my heart and soul, please grind them into a hamburger and enjoy. It’s both desired and feared. Difficult to live with, impossible to live without” -Meredith Grey
20 “You can have the worst crap in the world happen to you and you can get over it. All you gotta do is survive.” -Alex Karev
21 Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought. You loved. You Lost. Walk tall.” -Mark Sloan
22 "Just because people do horrible things, it doesn't always mean they're horrible people."-Izzie Stevens
23 "I am woman. Hear me roar." - Miranda Bailey
24 "I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think you love me too. Do you?" -Jackson Avery
25 “If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, stop accepting crap and demand something more.” -Cristina Yang
26 “You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!” - Callie Torres
27 I am not an ugly duckling. I'm a swan."-April Kepner
28 “Okay, here it is, your choice... it's simple, her or me, and I'm sure she is really great. But Derek, I love you, in a really, really big 'pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window', unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” - Meredith Grey
29 “I’ve had to give up things but what I’ve learned is that I don’t need much. I don’t need much to be happy.” -Arizona Robbins
30 “I need the day off. For drinking.” -Addison Montgomery
31 "It turns out sometimes you have to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right. Mistakes are painful, but they're the only way to find out who we really are." -Denny Duquette
32 “In the beginning everyone is there, but then they forget.” - Amelia Shepherd
33 "Knowing is better than wondering. Waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying." -Meredith Grey
34 “You have to go back to the beginning to understand the end.” -Teddy Altman
35 “Yeah we’re friends…I mean right now I’d probably say you’re one of my best friends.”-George O’Malley
36 “I’m just gonna feel bad that I made it so you can never love again” -Jo Wilson
37 "The future is the home of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes." -Owen Hunt
38 “There’s a land called passive agressiva, and you’re their queen” -Derek Shepherd
39 “Let’s play a game of whose life sucks the most. I’ll win. I always win.” -Meredith Grey
40 “I take things personally. I get emotional.” -Lexie Grey
41 “Stop looking at my like that. Like you’ve seen me naked” -Meredith Grey
42 “Pretty good is not good enough, I want to be great.” -Cristina Yang
43 "Don't let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence." - Meredith Grey
44 “Let’s just make-out on the couch.” -Nathan Riggs
45 "Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop." -Meredith Grey
46 “Deal with your jealousy. Deal with your shortcomings. Don’t put your crap on me.” -Stephanie Edwards
47 "I know I'm not a lot of things that you've gone for in the past - I know, but I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you.." -George O’Malley
48 “Sometimes you have to be a shark.” -Lucy Fields
49 “Don’t look at me like that. Like I’m damaged goods. I’m still me. I’m still here.” -Adele Webber
50 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
51 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
52 "For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something. You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head, so that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere. A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air. You can't cheat your first kiss. Trust me, you don't want to. Cause when you find that right person for a first kiss, it's everything." -Alex Karev
53 "You can't be an ass to me all day and then expect me to give you respect." - Lexie Grey
54 “Some days, the whole world seems upside down. And then somehow, and probably, when you least expect it, the world gets right again.” -Meredith Grey
55 “Shut up. Dance it out.” -Cristina Yang
56 “We may only be together five minutes every two months, but when we do we will savor every second. We know how valuable those five minutes are.” -Ben Warren
57 “There comes a point when you have to suck it up and stop whining and start living” -Callie Torres
58 “Please don’t give up on me. Promise. Promise me you won’t.” -Arizona Robbins
59 “Bad things happen, but you have to move past it. Leave it behind. The sooner, the better. Or it’ll eat away at you and stop you from moving forward.” -Miranda Bailey
60 “This is the way the world changes. Good people, raising babies right” -Catherine Avery
61 “The problem is we are human. We want more than to just survive. We want to love.” -Lexie Grey
62 "There's a club. The Dead Dads/Moms/Parents Club. And you can't be in it until you're in it. You can try to understand, you can sympathize. But until you feel that loss... My dad/mom/parent’s died when I was AGE. NAME, I'm really sorry you had to join the club." -Cristina Yang
63 “I’m going to die because these people aren’t properly trained” -Derek Shepherd
64 “I believe if you were dead, the world would be a better place” -George O’Malley
65 “You think you broke me, NAME? You’re the one who put me back together.” -Mark Sloan
66 “I want so much for you. For both of us. So much more than this. More than being stuck with someone who feels stuck. I want you to feel free.” -Callie Torres
67 “Every kiss before the right kiss doesn’t count anyway” -Derek Shepherd
68 “The expected is what keeps us steady. It’s the unexpected that changes our lives forever.” -Meredith Grey
69 “Promise that you’ll love me, even when you hate me.” -Meredith Grey
70 "The problem is, fairytales don't come true. It's the nightmares that always seem to become the reality." -Meredith Grey
71 “How are you fine? How are you just completely fine? I am ruined, okay? I am dead, I am wrecked." -Cristina Yang
72 “I didn’t like teenage girls when I was a teenage girl.” -Cristina Yang
73 “So you fight. Until you can’t fight anymore.” -Amelia Shepherd
74 “Don’t analyze everything. Just do it.” -Alex Karev
75 “Some lies aren’t lies. They’re love.” -Meredith Grey
76 “That’s where love exists, in delusional fantasies.” -Meredith Grey
77 "Friends are the family we choose." -Meredith Grey
78 "Don't ever date a man who can't handle your power." - Meredith Grey
79 "It’s not hard. It’s painful but it’s not hard. You know what to do already. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be in this much pain." —Miranda Bailey
80 “You’re my heaven. But maybe ... maybe I’m your hell.” — Denny Dequette
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Jungkook's One-Shot
Topic: His ex comes back to your lives when you two married and tries to get him back by creating problems inbetween you two...
Genre: Angst/Smut/Fluff
Warnings: Smut (Dirty talks/games)
Rating: 18+ along with angst and drama
The following first few chapters would be though fluff and a little smut...
Part 2/Chapter 2
Steps could be heard from upstairs as Jungkook left the shower and made his way down... His wet messy bangs fell down till his eyes as his muscular body covered in the comfortable PJ's appeared from the staircase and made their way to you... You were so much into those beautiful orbs that you didn't realise when the gap between the two of you had decreased to null...
He called your name sweetly but you were too much into the beautiful work of art that his voice never reached your ears... He waved his hands infront of your eyes but still no movement from your side... He smirked finally knowing what had happened to you and with one swift movement his hand went around your waist just to grab your body tightly and press it against himself... Your chest and entire front side pressed tightly against his... But what brought you back to senses was when your nipples underneath the shirt rubbed against his nipples...
The movement send shivers down your body.... And you quickly responded to the touch with a muffled moan... the moan was suppose to be loud but you muffled it... You still hadn't forgotten about the secret guests at home afterall... "Am I that handsome that someone can't resist herself for falling for my beauty!?" he asked more like a challenge... This handsome bunny of yours could be competitive and challenging over anything... Like literally anything... Just yesterday he got challenging over who can drink the most banana milk and in the end it was Jungkook ofcourse who won...
"You know dear, Daddy really wants to fuck his baby right away... But you're on your periods so I just can't... I wish so badly if I could just rip of those PJ's and slid my cock into that tight pussy of yours but it seems to be on a bloodfall :(" he said... Gosh! This man got you wet in seconds... But it was unusual for him to talk dirty when you were on your periods cause he didn't wanted you to be turned on during such a time and then couldn't help yourself... Though you weren't for real... "Leave for today, but I really wanted to fuck you hard, atleast on our wedding anniversary just like every year but it seems like this year I have to jerk myself off and help the growing problem... "....
Someone please stop this man!! If you had put your finger in your vaginal folds by this time, then for sure you could be easily able to hear the wet erotic sounds loud and clear judging by the wetness there... His lips then suddenly attacked your neck making you moan and throw your head backwards as your body leaned in his tight embrace......... "J-Jungkook... W-what a-are u d-doing...?" you managed to speak in the worn out state of yours... "Mmmmm! I'm just showing my love to my wifey! Can't I?" he asked yet sucking at a weak spot on your neck... Where he knew it drove you crazy... A couple of more moans left your mouth until you finally remembered that the other boys weren't far from you two... Just like the floor underneath... And thus you half-heartedly pushed him away from yourself...
"Horny Bun! I said na, that I'm on my periods, then why are u teasing me!? Huh!?" You asked... "Y/N... I'm really turned on baby! I can't fuck you so atleast let me kiss you and keep u close..." ... "Jungkook that's not like u! You never do any such thing to turn me on during periods! Cause you don't want me to suffer by not being able to get rid of a new problem when I already have this stupid problem of blood and cramps!?" you asked not being able to accept the fact that it was your same bunny boy doing such thing... No reply from the other side... Then suddenly he grabbed you be your thighs and picked you up before throwing you on his shoulder and taking u somewhere... You screamed in shock from his sudden move and then worriedly asked where he was taking you cause the expression u saw on his face before lifting you up was like when he was mad at something...
He took u to your bathroom and let u down while u asked rather confused that why he did he brought u here and like that? He then finally spoke up... "Y/N! You know I hate lies!! And if u didn't wanted to have sex with me or u don't like me touching u like that any longer, so you could have just told me that! I must have been hurt but atleast you must have said the truth to me!! Instead you opted for lying about periods to keep me away!?!!" he said as his eyes started to get teary and the hurt clearly shown by his voice... You took sometime to process what he said and spoke up...
"Who told you that I'm lying about my periods!?"... He gave a sarcastic laugh and said, "You still care how I got to know that instead of explanaing yourself!? Anyways... I checked the number of tampons and pads and they were exactly equal to the number last time left... If you were on your periods, atleast one pad or tampon must have been used but no! Not even a single one missing!".. "You seriously count the number 😑 Jungkook" you asked in disbelief... " Yes I do! But that doesn't matters any longer... You don't like my touch... Have u found someone else... Better than me.... If yes... Then don't worry just tell me... And I'll make sure not to come between the two of you..." he said in a low tone as a tear strolled down his cheek... Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Where is this hell going too!!??? You though to yourself.... Fuck Y/N! You really mess up the things!!
You were really hyped up seeing where this shit was going as you looked at your wristwatch... Just 20mins more... And it's 12:00... Till then u have to keep yourself from telling the truth but also keep him engaged in something.... You finally spoke up, "My fluffy Bunny 🐰! Don't cry *wipes away his tears, cups both his cheeks and lifting his head up, makes his pouty self look her in the eyes* It's not like what you're thinking... I love u and only u! There isn't anybody on this earth who is better than u! You are the best, the most perfect one for me!! And for that lie... Well... I fell down today in the morning and hurt my back....*another lie* I didn't wanted to worry u by telling you about the accident and thus lied... But seems like I needa tell u now seeing the situation..."
His face lowered down again and his baby sniffs were all that was heard in the room... He turned into a 3yrs old kid sobbing his heart out 😭 seeing whom u too felt bad... He then moved closer and wrapped his arms around u as his face buried in the crook of your neck where he sniffed and let out muffled sobbing... You lightly swayed your palm on his back in a to and fro motion while your other hand moved along his neck to his hair massaging there... You two stood there for about 10mins in absolute silence after which Jungkook slowly detached himself from u and looking into your eyes... Spoke up, "My lovely bunny girl!!! Sorry for accusing u for cheating 😔😞😓...
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GIF's owned by me 😁❤️
I'm really sorry! I would never ever blame u again for anything!! I am sorry... I don't know what happened to me... I just thought like I was loosing u and that made me so scared and angry that this happened...." And he peppered your face with thousand sweet pecks.... You then tip toed and kissed his forehead... The soft feeling of your wet, plumb lips on his forehead gave him a feeling of contend and relaxation and the ache in his head just vanished away!! He changed back to your smiling happy bunny!! You checked the time... Just 7 more mins and it's 12:00!!
"Wifey! You hurt your back 😞... So come let's go to our room and let me massage your back and apply some antiseptic lotion! ☺️" he said... Aww! He's always so caring!! "Bun! Just wait... You lifted me up like that and my back hurts a bit... I need some rest... Just let me stand here for a while and I'll be better and then we may go..." *another lie 😐* "Sorry 😓😔😞 Hmm... We can wait as long as u want"... And after it was exactly 1min left to be 12:00 you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulling his face towards yours, you attached your lips with his, as you roughly kissed the "Jungshooked" boy though he kissed u back more roughly than u did.... And for the next 1 min it passed in a blissful moment until it was interrupted exactly at 12:00 by six dopes!
To be continued in the next chapter... I know I promised to make it a smutty truth/dare chapter but then I got this angst or I must say more of fluff scene in mind... So truth/dare skipped for next chapter... But I promise, next chapter will definitely have the truth/dare game! ☺️😁 DO NOT COPY MY WORK! OR REPOST IT ANYWHERE!
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sejanusbaby · 4 years
I’m Sorry — PS4!Peter Parker
[Chapter One], Chapter Two
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Summary: Peter Parker was still caught up grieving the lost lives of his loved ones. The one thing that was his priority now was making sure you were safe.
Warnings: Lots of angst. Brief mentions of death.
He always worried you, Peter did. You knew he was Spider-Man and you would always respect that part of him. Alas, it still ate you up inside to see him on his rough nights. The nights with no phone calls, him coming home at two or three in the morning, and his body aching with tears in his eyes.
Sure, Spider-Man is tough and so is Peter. Just because he’s stronger than the average man, though, doesn’t mean he still doesn’t hurt. Half of the time it’s an emotional hurt. A lot of what Peter deals with ends up hurting people he loves or people he was close with.
When Otto turned and ultimately destroyed himself, Peter felt helpless and guilty. It consumed him from the inside out. To top it all off, though, his aunt passed away. His own flesh and blood. Somebody that he was related to. It broke him apart. May was a sweet woman and she had always loved you. You recall many times working at FEAST where she made comments here and there.
“You know, you and Peter would make cute babies.” She would say with a well-meaning smirk on her face. Your face would flush bright red and you would laugh.
“May!” Peter would complain. Sure, it seemed aggravating then, but he would do anything to have May back. He felt like he missed so much, like he should have been around more. He was always hesitant about being in a relationship with you after May passed away. A few months ago after her death, you two got into a heated exchange one night about the risks.
“What if something happens to you, Y/N? What the hell am I going to do then, huh? I can’t promise you all of my time, either!” He yelled at you. Peter never raised his voice at you, but it was tearing him up. Tears filled your eyes, not spilling, but they were more than visible enough for Peter Parker to notice.
“I’ve never asked for every second of you time, Peter.” You stated calmly. You couldn’t lose your cool. Peter was already dealing with so much. “When we agreed to be together, because we love each other, I agreed to always respect who you are. Spider-Man and Peter Parker.” He had stared at you for a moment. You could have sworn it was like he had seen someone get shot.
“I’m—I don’t want to lose somebody else. Not you. I can’t. I’d kill myself, Y/N.” He began to sob, sinking onto his knees, wrapping his arms around your legs. “I can’t.” He cried. You gently ran your fingers through his hair.
“We’re going to be okay, Peter. I promise.” You whispered, staring off into the city from your apartment’s view.
Since that night, Peter had never broken down like that. There had been no arguments or mentions of guilt. You were pleased, to say the least, about his growth. You could only imagine how hard if must be to be Peter. He frequently made it home early, most of the time. Early for Peter meant 11 or 12 at night. That was good enough for you, though. All you wanted was to be sure he was always going to make it back.
Tonight was one of those rough nights. It was about 2:36 AM when you decided to brush your teeth and get into bed. You knew it would take you a bit to fall asleep anyway, so you had your fingers crossed that Peter would show up last minute.
You rinsed your face with some warm water and gentle soap, before brushing your teeth. You hair looked a little greasy, but you would fix that in the morning. Your bare feet dragged across the hard floor of the apartment you and Peter shared. You were too tired now to change, so you just threw on a oversized t-shirt that your boyfriend had bought you so long ago.
Taking one last glance at your phone, you noticed that there were still no missed calls or texts from Peter. You checked to be sure one of the windows was unlocked and turned out all of the light. Well, all except the one lamp that sat next to one of the windows. With Peter usually being tired and slightly disoriented, you didn’t want him to come in and trip of everything possible.
You fell asleep as soon as your head hit your pillow, but you were only woken up just as fast. The sound of the window gently closing had woken you, but you knew it was Peter. Deciding to wait for him in your shared bed, you laid back down and waited. After about 10 minutes of laying down, you sat back up. Still, Peter had not come into the bedroom.
Rubbing your eyes, the sound of soft sniffling caught your attention. Was he crying? You hadn’t seen Peter cry since May had passed. You made sure you were quiet as you approached the hall leading into the living and dining area. Peter sat with his back to you, his face in his hands. His entire body shook, as he swallowed the painful sobs that attempted to tear themselves out of his throat. He assumed you were asleep and didn’t want to risk waking you up.
“Peter?” You spoke softly, leaning against the wall. He turned to you slowly, revealing bloodshot eyes and a sticky face, completely covered in the residue of his tears.
“Baby, what are you doing up so late?” He asked softly, steadying his breathing, and wiping his face off quickly. It wasn’t quick enough, though, because you knew something was wrong. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m awake because I wanted to wait for you, Pete.” You said, walking over to kneel down next to him. You looked up at him, but he turned away, biting his lip in an effort to keep himself from crying again. “What’s wrong, honey?” You asked, reaching up with your hand and stroking his face. He leaned into your touch and looked down at you, a small smile on his face.
He inhaled slowly before speaking. “I’m just still grieving, Y/N. I’m sorry I was out so late. I swung by the cemetery to visit Aunt May and I ended up staying longer than I meant to.” His voice faltered as he spoke. “And then I started to think about what happened with May. How I couldn’t protect her. Then I started worrying about you and what I would do if I lost you.” He teared up again.
“Oh, Peter.” You sighed, standing up and pulling him into a hug. “I’m always going to be here. I’m not going anywhere. I’m so sorry about May, honey. I promise you, I won’t let that happen to me.” You reassured him, tilting his head up to face you. “Yeah?” You asked him, to which he nodded.
“I need to get cleaned up.” He spoke softly, making his way to the bathroom. “I’ll be out to join you in a few minutes.” He mumbled, limping into the bathroom. You smiled, but it hurt you so bad to see him like this.
You laid back on your bed and stared up at the ceiling. How could you fix his hurt? How could you prove to him that you were here to stay?
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19mrs-barnes17 · 4 years
Wrong Turn
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Summary: You’re a hunter arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D. due to a misunderstanding, now you would have to prove your innocence.
Part: 1/3
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: mentions of death
Word count: 2,242
A/N: Something I worked on to keep myself less stressed with all the work I have to get done. Enjoy!
The cool metal pressed against the flesh of your wrists, tugging and rubbing at the skin uncomfortably with every movement. This was officially the most difficult bind you had ever had to get yourself out of and there wasn’t much of a good idea in your head. Between the heavily guarded facility and the grade A pat down, you were running low on options. Even if you could get the bobby pin from your hair there was still the matter of escaping the interrogation room of a government intelligence agency. Sincerely, your ass was absolutely screwed with no chance of rescue. Any attempt would be idiocy, the best you could hope for was to be transferred somewhere accessible. 
Stray strands of hair, too short to be contained, began to slide into view as you lowered your head into your hands. This was going to be a long month, you just knew they would keep you for ages but you wouldn’t give up a thing. Torture was not really a concern of yours. The vents were far too small to fit you. You had been poked and prodded plenty. The glass is probably shatter proof. Most likely the worst part was going to be the monotonous and repetitive questioning. Perhaps if you got a hostage you could make your way to an exit. They may leave you alone a while in an attempt to drive you mad through isolation. A hostage is too dangerous and no certainty you would even make it a foot past the door before being surrounded. They’ll probably send some lower level agent to do the interrogation, no way you were high enough for an Avenger or anyone of importance. God you would kill to have a brain like Sherlock in a moment like this, though if you did you wouldn’t have gotten caught.
No words, the man entered, slapped a typical manilla folder on the table, and sat down in the chair across from you. All this you saw through your hair as you lifted your head, shaking it to clear your field of vision. He wasn’t very impressive in his build, but then again you’ve seen a woman who looked like she had a foot in the grave toss a 180 pound man through a wall, so who were you to say. So far his silent tactic was already worse than him tossing questions at you, but you had seen Good Will Hunting, you knew what he was doing and you wouldn’t crack. 
You wanted to say hours ticked by, the hand of the clock moving so slowly time almost seemed as though it were at a standstill. However, there was no clock. Time either flew by or it moved sluggishly, either way you could have cared less. This was simply the beginning so if you could get used to time no longer existing, the better of you would be. It was only a social construct anyhow. 
“I see you’re not much of a talker Ms… Y/LN.” His gaze scanned you as if he didn’t see what all the fuss was about, his facial expression growing difficult to actually gauge. The happy go lucky act didn’t really convince you, seemed more like a cheap trick to make himself appealing. “You can go ahead and drop the cuffs, I know you picked them 17 minutes ago.”
The clank of the cuffs seemed so loud in the deadly silent room, and yet neither of you flinched an inch. As you rubbed your wrists gently the man finally opened the manila folder, his fingers lifted pages until his eyes found what they were looking for. 
“My name’s Phil Coulson by the way. I know you don’t care, but at least this way you have a name to curse at while you sit there silently staring a whole through my head.” He smiled softly, eyes moving back to the file with a certain flicker of curiosity occasionally popping in. “You’ve got quite the record here: parents dead at 12, taken in by a drunk uncle, arrested for grave robbery at 14, assault of an officer at 15, served two years in juvie before disappearing for 8 years, and then popped back up at 25 with a murder charge before disappearing again. Now here you are, sitting in a S.H.I.E.L.D. interrogation room because one of our agents came across you shooting something they couldn’t quite explain.
“Oh, and we have the body as well as your DNA all over the murder weapon. And yet you sit here, not in a police station, because a man I have known for 6 years claims that he saw the woman you shot transform into an exact replica of you before his eyes. Now, we would have typically written this off as some sort of psychotic break… if not for the fact that the victim looks remarkably identical to you. Down to the DNA, Ms. Y/LN. But there is no record of you having an identical twin sister or any sibling for that matter.”  The man let the folder slip from his fingers and shut itself on the table. “Did I miss anything?”
You arched a brow at the agent, leaning back into the chair with your arms crossed, a shrug manifesting from nowhere. Phil seemed pleased to receive even this tiny gesture and you were mentally kicking yourself for cracking in the slightest. 
“A shrug, that’s progress.” He smirked at you with the strangest look in his eyes, as if he knew he’d crack you in the first go. As a result you stared at the wall until he bid you farewell, it only took a few minutes at most before your cuffs were replaced. The first of your many bobby pins was confiscated and then an escort shoved you to a cell. 
Days passed with the same level of excitement filling them, questions came rarely from Phil Coulson and it perplexed you. His strategy almost seemed like he wanted to gain your trust rather than interrogate you. None of this was what you expected the agency’s interrogation tactics to look like. They never bribed you with good food or promise of television or a book, only ever giving you the same sandwich and water every day. Twice. 
Sure the isolation bugged the hell out of you, but you had spent so much time alone on the road that it didn’t really feel all that different. What actually drove you mad was having to sit through that agent telling stories the entire time of your questioning. Every day you heard what you assumed to be figments of his imagination, and boy did they compel you to speak. You almost held your silence for two weeks, Phil was impressed. But you cracked again, so you only allowed yourself snarky comments and bullshit. Anything close to a real answer was out of the question.
“I’m telling you, totally died for like two days. True story.” 
“Yeah? I know a guy who died for six whole months. What else ya got?” Phil quirked a brow and made a strange face before shaking his head. 
“I’ve saved the world a few times.”
“Join the club, we have cupcakes.” 
Eventually enough time passed that management was less than pleased with the lack of useful information gathered. So today, instead of the slightly-growing-on-you-like-a-weird-uncle Phil Coulson, a man you had read about in history books sat before you. And yes he smelled like freedom, if freedom smelled like a Macy’s cologne and kind of musky. The strangest part was how compelling his disappointment was, almost made you sing like a canary a few times.
With Mr. America now in place, every interrogation was exactly how you pictured it on your ride here. Well, minus the torture. You were quite shocked at how civilized they all acted and how they never seemed keen on raising a hand to you. Sure the impression that they were different had come from years of television and monsters acting to the contrary, but it still caught you off guard. This didn’t mean they were Ellen DeGeneres kind, but they weren’t like that shifter who held you for a whole day before you came to and got loose. 
Today was different. Usually the man walked in, twisted round the chair and sat, but not on this particular day. No he seemed unusually upset, not in a fit throwing way but in a ‘I’m going to stare impatiently at you and huff a lot’ sort of way. It was strange to see a man you had once considered your childhood hero look at you with such displeasure. This entire situation seemed to be getting on his nerves, and quite frankly you had been tired of it from the moment that agent tasered you. He watched as you pulled a bobby pin from your hair, your very last one that you had saved for an escape attempt that you now felt was never coming, and picked the lock of your cuffs with ease. When he moved to undo what you had done you stood and he froze, waiting for you to make a move but was baffled at what you did do. 
“When my parents died and my uncle Bobby took me in, I was unreachable. He thought I was never going to come out of the dark hole that I had crawled into. But when I heard the sound of one of your weird film segments, the ones where you were in a white room and you do that thing you do every day where you flip the chair around and look disappointed.” He furrowed his brow, moved his chair so he could see you as you lie on the floor and stare up at the ceiling. “Well when my depressed 12 year old self heard your voice telling me it was going to be okay… heh, I guess I naively believed it. I was still never the same, but who would be after being orphaned because a monster decided your parents were the perfect dinner.” 
You turned your head to the side, eyes trailing up to those world famous blue eyes that stared at you with uncertainty. He made no move to interrupt you and so you went on, eyes remaining on his.
“Some things you just can’t unsee, and no hero in a colorful outfit can restore what was stolen from me that night. Not my parents nor my childhood. I got 12 years before I had to punch my card and grow up.” His eyes almost looked as though they had a hint of sadness in them, but you ignored this trick of the eyes and returned your gaze to the ceiling. “I began to learn about what killed my parents and the things that go bump in the night. My uncle Bobby helped me safely navigate my new reality, even tried to stop me from hunting. I’m a stubborn woman however, so he had no choice but to teach me the ropes and train me. He said and I quote, ‘If you’re going to do something stupid, you might as well be smart about it’. That was before I lost him too.”
“You’ve lost a lot of people, but you’ve killed just as many.” He leaned forward in his seat, elbows resting on his thighs as his hands clasped together. “This isn’t going to change anything, I still need to know the truth.”
“You want the truth, you have to go through the mud to find it. And yes I’ve lost people, but you get used to that in this life. None of us expect to survive very long, and no one ever successfully leaves the life. Most hunt alone, like me, it’s easier to not allow attachment.” 
“Sounds like a lonely life.”
“The price for other’s safety is always high. I’d have thought you of all people would know that Captain.” You sigh, sitting up and crossing your legs. “Are you letting me sit on this dirty floor because I’m giving you information?”
“Is it unreasonable to bargain for a better chair?” 
“Ouch. Dirty floor it is.”
“The floor is not filthy.”
“Oh, yeah? When’s the last time it was cleaned?” He shrugged and you were almost compelled to get up from the floor, likely crawling with bacteria, but it was too late and you were far too lazy to move. “Guess it's my home now.”
“Would you please stop talking about the floor and continue?” 
On it went, for an unknown amount of time you sat on the very likely dirty floor and told Captain  America about your life. From your first hunt all the way to the job that got you caught. It was the therapy session you had expected, and he certainly didn’t seem to believe you when you finished, but it was done and so were you. After he placed your handcuffs on you and confiscated your last bobby pin you were sent back to your cell, no further words. 
“Prove it.” The first words you had heard after a day of solitude and they made absolutely zero sense to your tired brain. Sluggishly sitting up in your bed your brows furrowed and eyes narrowed at the man behind the door. 
“I’m sorry our psychic link seems to be malfunctioning. What am I proving on this fine… morning? Afternoon?” 
“Your innocence.” 
Tags: @qtmeryr​ @broken-hearted-barnes​ @asphalt-cocktail​ @gstran18​ @cantnkrusshedevil​
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originofjaehyun · 4 years
Interlude: No More Drama | Part 5 | Day Dream
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Interlude: No More Drama Masterlist
Word count: 3,496
Warnings: None
Part 5 | Day Dream
“Oh you and I falling further for love.”
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The amber flickers at the end of his lighter, lighting up one of the ends of his cigarette. He took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke into the air, leaving a trail of grey smoke. A tall dapper figure approached him, with the sound of the ice hitting the plastic glass filled with deep-brown liquid.
“Mind if I join?” Johnny said to him, already hung his cigarette in between his lips.
“I can use a company,” passing him his lighter, this is the usual afternoon after lunch for both Johnny and Jaehyun. They would go for a cigarette break at the smoking area while catching up on things. It can be work-related, or sometimes on personal subjects.
“So, it’s been three months. How’s everything?” Johnny asked while passing back the lighter after successfully lighting up his cigs.
“If you’re asking me how she’s doing, I think you know it better than I am. You’re constantly emailing her with the project. I bet you talk to her more than I did.”
“Seriously?” He lets out a puff, filling the room with his smoke. 
“Dude, it’s been three months and there’s no progress? I won’t be surprised if [Y/N]’s going to leave you for another man.”
Jaehyun tried to keep his calm, inhaling another breath of his cigarette, “It’s not like that,”
“I’m just… trying to be careful. We went on a few dates and she’s wonderful. I feel like every time we went out, even just to the nearby street food stalls, everything just sparkled and I could listen to her laughter every day.”
Johnny furrowed his brows, “You know that doesn’t add up, right? Did you hear yourself? You’re smitten, Jaehyun!”
Glints of flame appear on the end of Jaehyun’s cigarette. He is lost in his thoughts, not answering Johnny.
“Hey, look. I know you’re in… a difficult situation Jae. But think about it, she might be the one, but she might not be either. There’s no harm in trying, right?”
“But what if she’s the one, Johnny? The last thing that I would want to do is to hurt her feelings.”
Johnny used the hands that he didn’t use to hold his cigarette to support his forehead, grumbles, “I get it, and I get you can’t just tell anyone out of the blue about it too. But I hope you can give this one a chance. It’s been a long while since I saw you all over someone, and I know [Y/N]’s is not as weak as you thought she was. She’s amazing, I think she’d be the one you can tell about this.”
There’s a pause in between, space only filled with their huffs. The smoke waltzes in the air, making the room tasted like a jaundiced tar.
It’s been too long since he was selfless.
“Now you said it that way,” Jaehyun said, exhaling the grey smoke, “I might have to put my dib on her first. Who knows, someone might steal her away.”
Crescent moons emerged from Johnny’s eyes, “That’s what I’m talking about!” He then used his free arm to embrace Jaehyun, pulling his shoulder.
“By that someone,” Jaehyun then rolled his eyes to Johnny, “I mean it’s you.”
It replaces the dark, cloudy room atmosphere with laughter.
“Baking class?”
“Yes, I thought I can prove to you that I can cook fairly well.” The sound of the car’s engine was heard from the other side. It seems like Jaehyun just went home, and it’s almost 10 PM.
“Well cooking and baking is an entirely different thing, you know?”
“And that is exactly why I think the baking class is a great idea. I’m a great cook, if I may say so. I baked a bit during high school but that is when I…”
He paused.
“Jaehyun? Hello?” You called for him, wondering if the signal was disturbed.
“Oh yeah, I was saying,” He cleared his throat, “I think it would be fun. I actually already booked two tickets for us in advance, because the class that I’m taking is actually quite popular.”
That’s very sweet. You thought to yourself, “What if I say I wouldn’t come? That’s very brave of you thinking that I would just agree to it.”
He chuckled, “I don’t know, I guess I’ll take Johnny. I pretty much know his schedule and he’s free that day. I think.”
You burst out in laughter, “Two male adults taking a baking class? That’s adorable!” You pictured Jaehyun and Johnny both in aprons, decorating their cakes as you tried to bite your laughter. “You sure I wouldn’t get in your way to have the perfect date with Johnny?”
“Of course I would prefer to do it with you!” He sulked, “I mean, we’ve been going around coffee shops and I think a different date setup would be nice, no?”
“I'm just kidding, Jaehyun.” You decided not to tease him any longer, “I’ll see you on Saturday?”
He can finally sigh in relief, “Great. I’ll pick you up at your place. I’ll be there at 10 AM?”
“Wait, when is the baking class again?”
“It actually starts at 12. I think we’re not going to make anything that’s overly complicated so it won’t take that much time, but I thought we could grab some coffee first before we went to the class?”
Sweet as ever.
“But it’s Saturdaaay, don’t you think I deserve to have more time with my bed?” You whined, pretending that you have the cutesy charm when in reality you almost don’t have it at all.
You can hear the familiar sound of him letting out a soft chuckle at the other end, “I promise you I can give you better cuddles than your bed? Or we can cuddle first if you want… then I can bring coffees to your place instead.”
“Oh how smooth of you!” You shrieked, grateful that he’s not in front of you to witness your flushed cheeks.
“I’ll take the first coffee offer, thank you. I would probably need it anyway to fill up my daily caffeine intake.”
He laughs, genuine but there’s a slight hint of disappointment, “Alright, I’ll see you on Saturday. I almost reached my place so I’m gonna end the call.”
“Sure, I’ll see you soon.”
You paused before continuing, “Jaehyun?”
“I’ll also take the cuddle offer if that’s ok with you.” You said to him before planting your face to your pillow out of embarrassment.
He finally laughed, lovingly, “Sure, [Y/N]. I’ll give you plenty.”
You took a sip at your hot latte, surprised with how perfect it was.
“How do you know my coffee order?”
He smiled, proceeded to blow his own cup while he guided you to walk to the baking class’ direction, “We went to a lot of coffee dates, [Y/N], it would be weirder if I don’t know your usual order.”
Jaehyun insisted that he would be the one who’ll take the take-away order. He asked you to just sit down and wait at one of the waiting chairs at the cafe. He told you that you’re going to walk to the class from the coffee shop since it is within walking distance but you know he actually wants to talk to you for a bit before going to the lesson. 
You took a glance at him, how could a person be so attentive? You wonder. He took a sip of his own coffee, immediately pushing the cup away from his lips then sticking his tongue out, indicating that the coffee is currently too hot for his liking.
“Aw Jaehyun, I didn’t know you have a cat’s tongue! You always order an iced americano so I never know.”
“Well, today is special since we’re walking outside, and it’s still quite chilly to get myself an iced americano,” He said while licking his lips, trying to subdue the numbness, “But yeah I guess there’s another free fact I give to you, huh?”
He stretched out his hands, asking for yours. Shyly, you took his hand and you intertwined your fingers with him. The weather was indeed rather cold, but Jaehyun's hand was warm. You walked together while he would occasionally swing his hand in excitement. He’s like an adorable golden retriever. You can’t help but to grin every time, and it is contagious as he would lovingly smile at you too.
You finally reached the shop, where the sign reads Kitchen Beat. The store was indeed well known for their pastries. It is a humble bakehouse, but it has recently become very popular due to a reality-show coverage. The cakes they sell are nothing that’s overly groundbreaking, but the taste feels very authentic and feels like a passed-family recipe, therefore gathered loyal customers. Because of that, they’ve been expanding their business to having limited baking class each month. 
“We’re here,” Jaehyun reaffirms that you will certainly attend a class here. “The class is on the second floor. Let’s go.”
He said while still refusing to let go of your hand. The store is busy, but not bustling with people. The atmosphere is cozy, and it feels like Christmas. 
“Hi!” A warm smile came from one of the staff, “Are you going to join our baking class today?”
Jaehyun replied to her smile, dimples poking both of his cheeks, “Yes, I already book 2 slots under the name Jeong Jaehyun.”
The staff nods, while checking the tablet she’s holding. “Yup, two adults for the couple, I assume?” She glanced at the sight of your hands that are still holding Jaehyun's.
“Oh!” You flustered, reactively letting go of his hand. “We’re actually not.”
“Yet.” Jaehyun intercept.
Your cheeks start to flushed in the color bright pink while you shoot a glare at him, embarrassed at why he’s so open about his feelings. The staff burst in laughter, “Well I hope our cakes can help you with that. They really are very good.”
“Please go to the room that has the label Kitchen One. We’re waiting for two more couples to come before we can start our class!”
You and Jaehyun walked to the designated room, and after a few steps you threw a slap onto Jaehyun’s arm.
“Ouch!” He rubs the part of his arm where you landed your slap. “What was that for?”
“Why did you have to tell her about us! You can just lie to her or something.”
“Oh?” He raised one of his brows, “So I can just tell her that we are official?”
You smacked his arm again, followed by him pretending that he’s hurt when in reality you know he can handle your soft punches. 
“You really are like a little firecracker, feisty as always.”
He opened the sliding door, exposing you and him to the audience inside. You are about to reply to his teasing, before you suddenly saw the change of the color on his face.
His apron was tied very well to his slim waist. His eyes met Jaehyun’s, only causing Jaehyun to tense his jaws. That person immediately approached where you and Jaehyun were, as Jaehyun stopped his steps after that person called him. He was another stunning man, and it makes you wonder what Jaehyun did in his past life to be surrounded with attractive people. 
“Taeyong.” Jaehyun’s voice was low, and faint, signalling that he didn’t want to be the center of attention since now few pair of eyes were in your direction.
“What are you doing here?” Taeyong finally breaks the tension in between them. His tone is not aggressive but you can sense that it is very territorial.
“I’m joining the class. I should be the one...” Jaehyun saw the name tag hanging on Taeyong’s apron. “Right, it makes sense for you to teach here.”
The silence grows louder. Jaehyun still remained in his position, not moving a single inch. You want to try to calm him down, trying to ask him to enter the room first and continue the conversation at one corner instead of in front of everyone. Taeyong finally saw your figure that has been hiding behind Jaehyun.
“So, you got plenty of time,” Taeyong looked briefly at you, “But you can’t afford to contact him?”
“Do you know how much he holds on? Can you imagine how he would feel if he saw you neglecting him, just to see you having the time of your life with some random girl?”
“Yong!” Jaehyun finally raised his voice, “She got nothing to do with this. And if that is how you saw me, by all means label it to me, but don’t drag her.”
Realizing that now you have full attention of the other audiences that had been rudely eavesdropping onto Jaehyun and Taeyong’s conversation, you decided to step in, “Jaehyun? I think we should… move to the side for a bit.”
You can see his facial muscles start to relax. It seems that your voice managed to calm him down. He then holds your hand, trying to find an empty kitchen island so that you and him can start to prep yourself for the class, brushing Taeyong off.
Taeyong tried to stop you, fortunately the staff earlier came in with the last two couples. There were six couples in total, including you and Jaehyun. Thankfully Taeyong got stationed at the other end, and you tried your best to distract Jaehyun from him. You can see Taeyong took a glimpse at your table, every now and then, but you make sure Jaehyun didn’t notice it.
“Good afternoon everyone!” A woman in her mid-40s gathered everyone’s attention. “I’m going to be your main instructor today and we have few teachers that are stationed nearby you to help you during the baking process. For today’s class, we are going to bake our signature fresh cream cake. It’s pretty simple for beginners and it is very suitable to be eaten at this time of the year!”
She clasp both of her hands, “Alright now! Shall we begin?”
“I’ll put the cake in the fridge first, yeah?”
You’re back at your place, as there’s no way either you or Jaehyun going to finish a whole cake by yourself. You decided to eat them after having your dinner outside.
The baking class started off pretty rough, with how sensitive Jaehyun was. But you choose not to pry to his personal issues. So you just playfully smudge some cake flour, poking it to his dimples. He almost got his revenge but you’re in luck because the teacher was looking at him and told him not to play with the ingredients. Afterwards, the Jaehyun that you know is back, the warmhearted Jaehyun. It’s also a good thing Taeyong didn’t bother you much during class, as he was also occupied with teaching the other students. He did try to talk to Jaehyun after class, but Jaehyun just simply told him that today is probably not the best time for them to talk.
“Do you want to open the beers now?” He asked you while you’re busy re-arranging the content of your fridge.
“Ah, just leave mine on the counter. I’ll catch you up at the balcony.”
Jaehyun nods in agreement, leaving your share at the counter as instructed. He took his can and walked to the balcony. You’re almost done and you can hear the sound of his lighter.
You opened your can, making him turn his head to you. You walk to his side, resting your head to his arm. 
“You’re not going to ask?” 
You look at him, you were about to fire up your cigs, postponing it by drawing them out of your lips, “I believe you’re going to tell me on your own once you’re ready.”
“I know whatever happened today is probably something that I should never dig without your permission. Besides, it would also feel nicer if you’re going to tell me from your own will. Feels like you fully trusted me, you know?”
You ended your sentence with a smile, causing him to move his head downwards, before making another eye contact with you.
His lips are now pressing together, exposing his smile, “And this is the very reason why I’m grateful that I fall for you.”
You didn’t expect him to suddenly confess like this, so you are a bit taken aback with it. You awkwardly shift your gaze somewhere else, fidgeting on your unlit cigarette.
Jaehyun puts down both his cigarette and his share of beer, moving closer to you. He swiftly crossed his arms over you, forcing you to be within his arm and look at his eyes once more. 
“Oh, uhm, well…”
“I actually don’t understand why you do, actually.” You said as you look at the direction of the skyline, feeling too embarrassed to see him eye-to-eye. “I’ve mentioned that there are prettier girls than me, I bet you’ve met better ones in any other aspects too…”
“[Y/N], I wish you could see how much I love you.”
He cuts you before you could continue. He locks eyes with you and you could see just how deep they really are. The soft warmness of them wraps around you affectionately, but not in the way of those cheesy romance novels. You can tell that what he’s trying to say was true.
“Yes, I might be attracted to you because you’re different. The first time I saw you and talked to you, I can see a bit of me in you. You know, I probably longed for you because you don’t fawn on me in the first place.”
“But that night when I saw you again at Wolfgang’s, I just know I’m not taking anymore chances. The dates we’ve spent, you’ve let me discover a side of me that I didn’t know. I never know I could expose my feelings to someone like this.”
You can feel the heat starting to pile on your face, showing your now flushed cheeks over his confession. Noticing that the wind was a bit harsh, he pulls you closer in his arms. Not that you need another heat-pack, human-sized for it matters, you can also feel Jaehyun’s starting to get very warm too. You return his embrace, snuffling your face to his chest.
“The more days I spend with you, the more I fall for you.”
You swore you can feel the butterflies in your stomach start to fly in every direction. 
“I’m glad I found you. Loving you feels like I’m dreaming.”
He lets out the most genuine smile, eyes glistening with his droplets showing how sincere he is. “[Y/N], I really like how we are right now but I guess I’m quite the ambitious man.”
“Will you let me take care of you?”
You would regret it if you kept hiding in his hug, so you didn’t. You saw him directly to meet his gaze, and can’t help to admit that you feel the same way too.
“You know, Jaehyun, you’re an oddball. You just fall for a stranger, how dangerous could that be?!” 
“But then again, I guess I’m an oddball too. I don’t know, it’s probably the wind, but it keeps pushing me, one step at the time closer to you. And you’re warm, and I like that.”
Realizing where you’re going, Jaehyun couldn’t hide his smile.
“I guess, I’m falling further for love?” You said as you smile at him, making his smile grow even wider that you’re scared his dimples might be poking his cheeks a little bit too hard right now.
“If you’re sure you’ll have me, then I’ll be glad to have someone like you to take care of me. Only if you promise you’ll let me take care of you too.”
Your reply instantly filled him with joy, as he rushed to hug you tighter. 
“Thank you,” He said while caressing your head, “I promise I’ll treat you well.”
“Also,” He continues, “It’s not that I don’t trust you, nor did I try to hide anything from you. It’s just… the timing is not right yet. I promise you when everything is all good, you’d be the first person I tell.”
You let go of his hug, so that you can see him in the eyes, “Jaehyun, I understand. There’s no need to rush anything, yeah? I still love you for who you are and I don’t think that feelings could change that easily.” You cupped your hand to his cheeks, making sure Jaehyun knows that you’re being sincere.
Just before Jaehyun could reply, his phone rang.
He looked at the caller’s name on his screen, “Sorry, I think I should take this call. Do you want to smoke first? I’ll go inside for a while, I’ll come back soon.”
You nod, and he only answered after he’s inside so you didn’t catch the caller’s name.
How you wish you’d push yourself to know who the caller was.
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A/N: Hehe eek is this chapter too sweet? I hope you guys are still around for the fluffy chapters T_T
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Off Limits (Spencer Reid) #12
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Tag List: @on-my-way-to-erebor​ , @haileymorelikestupid​ , @angryknightstatesmantrash​
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Later the team arrived, and they all sat down for dinner.
“So, baby girl how have you been feeling?” Morgan asks Ava.
“I’ve been better.” She laughs softly “I will not plan on getting shot again anytime soon.”
Spencer tensed. He didn’t plan on letting her get shot ever again either. Noticing him tense up, she rubbed Spencer’s back. “and Spencer’s been great during this whole recovery process.” She looked at Hotch, “and I promise I’ve tried to get him to get back to work.” This caused Hotch to laugh.
“It’s fine. It’s been pretty quiet around the office.” Hotch looked at Spencer, “We do hope you’ll be back soon though.”
“Yeah we miss you!” Penelope pipes.
“It’s been so quiet without your inputs on everything.” Emily laughed.
Spencer nods, “A few more days. I just want to make sure she’s good and healed before I leave. And after everything, I’d like to keep an eye on her.” He looks at Ava then at Hotch.
“Well, maybe we’ll all be able to keep an eye on her if she’s back at the BAU.” Hotch looks between Spencer and Ava then stops on her, “I would like to offer you your job back.”
Ava was shocked, but she quickly nodded, “Oh I would love too.”
“Great. As soon as you get cleared for work, you’re welcome to come back. Your job will be there waiting.” Hotch says, “But you two will be professional at work if you’re to keep dating and working at the BAU.”
Ava sat on the couch while Spencer cleared the table. The team had just left. She’d had a great night. It had been nice to see the team and see someone other than her parents or Spencer.
“So, Hotch offering my job back. Did you have something to do with it?” Ava asks.
Spencer is rinsing the dishes before putting them into the dishwasher, “Actually that I didn’t have anything to do with.”
She hums in response, “Well it was really nice of him. I mean we did break the rules, so I did deserved getting fired.”
“I think he feels bad after everything that happened to you. With the stalker, you getting shot.”
“Oh, great so I got my job back because he felt bad for me?” She sighs.
“Well not only that but the way he responded to the photos. While you were in the hospital, h apologized for reacting the way he did. Said he should have let us explain ourselves first before punishing us.” He wipes off the table before heading over to the couch and sitting at the other end, “You’re a great employee. He knows that. That’s why he offered you your job back.”
Ava nods before carefully snuggling up to him, “Can we watch a movie?”
Spencer intertwines her fingers with his and kisses her hand, “Yes we can.”
It was a few weeks before Ava was cleared to go back to work. But she was instructed to still take it easy. Spencer had already been back to work for a few weeks. He had returned a couple days after that dinner. “It’ll be good to see your beautiful face around here again.” Morgan had said to her when she and Spencer arrived at work. He gave her a gentle hug as the rest of the team gathered.
“It’s good to see you back.” JJ said, hugging her.
Emily did the same, “Welcome back!”
“Glad to see you back. Now Morgan can bother someone else besides me.” Penelope commented hugging her. The team laughed.
“How about we let her get settled in and back to work?” Hotch had said walking over.
“Oh, come on Hotch, we’re just saying hello.” Penelope had teased.
Hotch chuckled and looked at Ava, “Well, it’s good to have you back. I’ve left plenty on your desk there to keep you busy. At your desk.” He points to her desk, “No lifting and moving boxes.”
She laughed and nodded, “I guess Spencer had a talk with you?” She looked up at Spencer who blushed.
“I may have made sure everyone knew you were to stay at your desk and take it easy.”
Soon after, everyone went back to their desks. Spencer kissed her head, murmuring I love you and headed back to his desk. It was good to be back at the BAU.
Ava was reaching for something in the cabinet in the kitchen. She winced as she tried to stretch a little further for it, when someone reached for it and grabbed it for her.
“Why didn’t you ask for someone’s help?” Spencer asked, putting the cup down on the counter, “You’re suppose to be taking it easy.”
Ava sighed and put her hand on her stomach, wincing a little, “I’m fine Spencer. I didn’t want to bother anyone.”
“Well you could have asked me.” Spencer states, grabbing creamer out of the fridge and handing it to her.
“Actually, I couldn’t. You were in the briefing room with the team.” Ava mumbled, fixing her coffee. She knew what that meant. They’d most likely been asked to take a case.
He leaned against the counter next to her, “I’ve told Hotch I’m going sit this one out and work from here.”
Ava shook her head, “You should go. I’m well enough to take care of myself now.”
“Are you sure? Hotch understands. He’s letting me work from here.” He put his hand on her back, rubbing circles.
Ava looks up at him, “I’m sure. Penelope will be here, so it’s not like I’m alone.”
“Maybe Penelope can come stay with you? Or vice versa? You girls can have a sleep over or something.”
Ava laughed, “Spencer, I’m not going to ask Penelope to come baby sit me. I’m perfectly fine on my own.”
Spencer sighs before nodding, “Fine. But I’m going to call to check on you every few hours. I hope you know that.”
Ava leans up a little to kiss him, “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“We’re heading out to San Francisco in 20 minutes, so I’m leaving from here.” He wraps his arms around her.
“You guys be careful. Call me when you land.”
“I will. I love you.” He smiles.  
“I love you too.” He gives her one last kiss before heading out to the jet with the team.
I’m so sorry. I know this was a suuuuper boring chapter. Don’t worry, the next few will be better. I’m planning on doing a time jump in the next one to speed up the story. So, I just wanted to close out unfinished business (i.e her getting her job back) before doing a time jump. 
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Everlasting Love
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Part 1: Eternal Love
Part 2: Everlasting Love
Part 3: Endless Love
Part 4: Enduring Love
It’s getting darker and darker by the second. It feels like it’s dropped 30 degrees in a matter of 20 minutes. I stopped hearing Snout’s barking but instead, I would see him. He looked like a ghost almost. Foggy but I could tell it’s my baby. We were playing until it started to get darker and colder. Now, I’m under this tree that I’ve run around countless times. Holding myself together to create warmth. Snout comes up to me and although he is a ghost-like figure, I can feel his warmth, feel his heart beating out of his chest. His face pressed up against my neck while I hold on.
I want to let go. I’m tired, lost, and don’t know what is going on. I kept running around this forest, but it never ends. I’m alone… if this is my death, then all I ask is for one thing.
Let my family and friends know I love them.
Paul POV
The ride home is silent. Sam says nothing and I won't attempt to start anything. I replay the conversation that we just had in Y/n room. She can change, but can’t be on La Push grounds, even if she’s resistant towards humans. Normally, I’d say “fuck this” to anything that has to do with immortality. But because my one reason for being happy at this point is on the verge of leaving, I’m willing to throw in the towel just to have her in my arms again.
We pull up to my house. Dad’s not home (shocking) so it won’t be hard to grab some stuff and leave without playing a million questions.
“I’ll be back in an hour. Or if you’re hungry, just stop by our place and we can leave from there.” I nod my head and head inside. As soon as I close the front door, I lean back on it and breathe. I let go of everything right there and attempt to hold myself together. It took me a minute, but I eventually made it to my room and started packing my stuff. As I was doing so, I was brought back to what happened earlier that day.
Before everything went downhill.
Morning of the Accident: August 24th, 2020
Dad came home late last night, again, and we started to argue that morning about the mess HE made that I was supposed to know about THE NEXT MORNING. So, like I normally do, I (unwillingly) clean up the shit he did and headed over to Y/n place in Forks. We were supposed to meet up later, but after the shitty morning my dad decided to put me through, I didn’t care too much about it.
As I pull up, Mrs. Vargas—her neighbor— and Y/n group home “mom”, Chrysanthemum (Chrys), was walking out of the house laughing to something I didn’t care to pay attention to. I step out of my truck and it grabs their attention. I can hear Chrys’s heartbeat twice as fast. Yeah…. I have that effect on people.
“Good morning ladies. Is Y/n awake? Or is the still snoring like a lion?” I smile and they chuckle a little bit.
“No, she’s awake, just being lazy,” Chrys says pointing toward the house. “Go on in, maybe then she’d get up.” She smiles.
“One can only hope. I will see you guys later.” I gave a polite smile and headed upstairs. I go through the garage entrance and wave to Kyle (group home dad) and a few of the boys nearby. I exchange a few words with them and went inside. Before I could reach the stairs, I can hear her coming down.
“PAUL!!!” She runs down, damn nearly tripping, falling into my arms. “Hi.” Is all she says, looking up at me with her cute smile that shows her small dimple on her left cheek. I can’t help but smile down at her and kiss her nose.
“Hi, troublemaker. Want to do something today until later or be lazy?”
“Can we be lazy. I love the pack, but I need to mentally prepare for what’s going to happen.” I laugh with her going up the stairs.
“What? It’s just painting.”
“Yes, but it’s you guys. Babe, I love each of you guys and hope you never change, but dear Lord…Emily, Kim, Clair, and I have to clean up after you guys like five-year-olds.” She says looking at me lazily. I smile,
“But, I’m your five-year-old.” I smile at her. She rolls her eyes and points to the bed, where we continue to have a lazy afternoon.
Current Day: August 30th, 2020
I was interrupted by my thought by knocking at my bedroom door. I turn to see my dad, surprisingly, looking at me with bloodshot eyes. I turned away, not in the mood to deal with everything. But what shocks the hell out of me is when he catches me off guard by grabbing my arm and pulling me into a hug. I stand there frozen for a few seconds before I hear him say,
“You’re not alone son. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you since your mother died. And I’m sorry for what happened to Y/n. You’re going to be okay in the end.” I didn’t realize until he finished talking that I was holding onto him too and crying with tears that I thought that had run out. You never realize what you need until it hits you full force.
After mom died, dad turned to drinking and drugs. I grew up with this hell since I was eight. And all it took was to see my pain, the same pain he experiences, to get the love from a man I used to look up to. The thoughts scared me. If I lost Y/n, would I be him? I stepped away from those thoughts as we heard the doorbell ring. Dad went to go open the door and I grabbed the last bit of my things and headed to the front of the house.
“You’re ready?” Sam asked. I just nodded my head and headed towards the truck.
“Paul!” I turn to see dad walking up to me, “Here. Take this.” He hands me a ring. “It was your mothers. She’d want you to have it.” he places it in my hand. I look up at him and he smiles at me. “Go get her…son.” Tears form in my eyes as I give one last hug to my dad and head off to the Cullen’s house to test faith with the future.
As we pull up to the Cullen’s oversized mansion—seriously? Who needs a place this big? —Sam and I sit in the car. After what just happened, after everything that just happened, I look over to Sam and ask,
“Take care of him. Make sure he gets help…and to know that I love him. Always have, always will.” Sam nodded at me and promised he would as I headed out of the truck. Before I could take a step, the little pixie leech was in front of me.
“Everything will be okay. Your father will be fine, and so will you.” She says smiling.
“How is she.” I blurt out. Not specifically at her, but at anyone who knew. The Good Doctor Cullen replied,
“She’s stable. She’s recovering perfectly after the procedure. How are you though Paul?” I shrug my shoulders. I look at all of them and I bite my tongue. I hate how I had to turn to them, but I hate that I had no other choice. Either we both stay on this earth, or we both go. Not one or the other.
“Let’s go. The faster we get there, the faster we can start the transformation. Our plane leaves in an hour.” Edward said. He hugged Bella and their kid before getting in the car. I followed and before I knew it, I was back to my memories of before I even met Y/n. Before hell broke loose. Before my mom died.
12 years ago
Mom and Mrs. Black went to the store for the BBQ we were having later tonight on the beach. I was with Jacob and Embry wrestling outside after our mom’s told us to not get our clothes dirty. It wasn’t even 20 minutes later after they left, did Mr. Nhavio, our next-door neighbor ran up to Billy and my dad yelling something about my mom and Mrs. Black. Without a glance at us, they took off. We all looked at them and ran after them. Embry was a little slow, and Jacob wasn’t any faster. But I was able to keep up with them.
I wish I hadn’t.
There I saw, Mrs. Black’s car, tangled with a tree and another car that was rammed into the guardrail. I looked up and saw dad and Billy run to Mrs. Black’s car but was stopped by the police. Something told me something was wrong. It wasn’t until I got a better look that I saw red spots, dripping, out of the broken window. Blood. I saw the blood. And before I knew it, I was running up to the car and screamed for my mom. I dodged everyone and made it to her. She looked up at me with a smile before her eyes closed forever. I didn’t know who grabbed me, but I fought them. I fought until I was out of their arms, but I didn’t make it that far. Eventually, I was in my father’s arms.
Later that night, everything was silent. Dad and Billy went to the hospital and Jake and I stayed with Mrs. Call. I never told Jake what I saw, no matter how much he begged, no matter how much he pleaded, I wouldn’t budge. What I saw was horrifying. Something that haunted me for years. The nightmare that consumed me. Eventually, Jake did see what I saw. He understood why I didn’t say anything. There was a silent understanding afterward. I didn’t mean to show him, I was just lost in my thoughts. Luckily, the nightmares ended, and I saw and remembered mom differently. But that only happened because of her. My Y/n cleared all the darkness and pain away weeks after getting to know her. And I couldn’t be any more grateful.
Current Day: August 30th, 2020—At the Airport; Cullen’s private jet.
At least I can say I rode a jet, a private one at that. It was weird, again, just plain weird to be anywhere around the lee-Cullens longer than 5 minutes. I figure the least I could do is call them by their name and not call them out their name. They don’t have to do this. So, the least I could do is be grateful.
“Do not fret about its Paul. We are happy to help in any way we can.” Edward said. I forgot; they have the mind reader.
“Can I get some privacy?” I tell him, attempting to control my anger. He nods his head and turns to Carlisle to discuss whatever they need to talk about. After a while the soothing motion of the plane lulls me to sleep, and it may not have been a restful one, it was at least one that I needed.
My Love (for the series)
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san-station · 5 years
Come home • Hwang Hyunjin
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
WARNING: kinda angst?
↝Word count: 2k
A/N: Imagine it's around 1940 - 1950
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You were slowly dancing in the living room, all alone, while the jazz music from the record player flowed through the house into your ears, making you breath in a small bubble of nostalgic and happiness. Your beloved friend, Seungmin, was taking care of your children, well informed of the special evening so you decided to embrace yourself with your traditional ritual. 
You arrived home pretty late, tired of working all day, although, the warm feeling of your home inviting you to relax on that special day was very promising, so nothing could stop you from opening that bottle of red wine, taking off your hurtful shoes and setting the music up. It brought you a bit of tranquility in a whole industrialized country where working was the first priority for safety.
You glanced at every little detail around you, the shelves where pictures and some toys rested, paintings that your children did gathered over the floor, promises made on those walls that will never be true… and so, you finally saw it. It was a small velvet box covered with a few dust particles. You slowly stepped near it and grabbed it with your free hand. 
You sighed and opened.  
It’s a special evening, you remembered. 
“March 20th. 
Today is a special day, right? How are you doing? Are you eating well? This nostalgic is sickening the walls from our place, darling. Can you imagine the green walls getting darker and darker each time we say your name? We know you probably won’t read this on time but… happy birthday! It’s the first one away from us… How does it feel? Do you miss us? Sure you do, mister 'I love mi family so much I'll die for them'. That letter was cute, to be honest.
Anyway, remember we’re happy for you! Oh, and Rodie wrote a poem for you, it says ‘One day I’ll be tall, one day I’ll be strong, one day I’ll be like you, that day might be soon’. Isn’t it cute?! He misses you so much, I really hope you’re okay. Stay safe and you’ll come home very soon. 
Yours forever, 
Y/N ”
“April 19th.
Today, Rodie wanted to go stargazing, he said he saw a shooting star and wished you were here. Then, he cried because he was pretty sure that saying the wish out loud won’t make it happen, but I made sure to let him know that we will see you soon, Jinnie! You know... while I looked at the stars, all I could think was you, you and your beauty, you and your kindness, you and only you...
Your eyes are watching the same sky as we are, did you know? So basically we’re all stargazing together!  We still have this, tho haha.
You’re the brightest star of all the galaxy, darling. Also, thanks for your letter and the little poem, Rodie was bragging about it at school all the week, even the teacher said he should stop but he’s a proud boy showing how much you care about him. 
Anyway, stay safe.
Yours forever, 
 “April 27th
I got fever for the whole week, Jinnie, my sister took care of me the whole time, don’t worry! Yet, as I was sleeping with the delusional heat, I suddenly felt your warm arms around my waist, back hugging me while we sleep. I could listen to your heartbeat, and I was trying to match mine with yours. And I heard you whispered that you'll be here soon! Was it all a dream? I wish you were here.
Sometimes I dream you’d touch my belly and ask if I'm doing okay, if we are doing okay. And I’d say that you don’t need to worry about the growing life that’s getting stronger everyday inside of me, we've been through this before, this is just another round!
  I didn’t want to wake up, however, Rodie asked to write you something again since we didn’t received a response from the previous one. He says ‘Dad! Did you know that elephants can’t jump?! And that pandas can be 12 hours eating?! I once ate for three hours because mom’s food is awful but I couldn’t throw it away, I love her too much... When are you coming home? Uncle Chan just arrived and he said he was with you for a couple of days but you had to go to another place… Where are you know? Take care, goodnight, Dad!’ 
He learned a lot today… I hope you’re doing fine and come home soon, love. We’ll wait for your letter. 
Yours forever, 
Y/N and Rodie.”
“May 14th
Your best friend Chan came home today, he says I’m getting fatter and I almost punched him in the face. Well, he’s not wrong, I hope you’d be here when the time comes. 
Some days I miss you more than others, but some days I miss myself more than you… I can’t recognize myself in the mirror if you’re not here, my love. Rodie wakes up every morning asking for his daddy but he knows you’re doing your best. Be safe, Jinnie… We love you.
Yours forever,
Y/N. "
“May 25th
Once again I’m standing here with my tainted fingers, today is colder than yesterday but warmer than the day before… I keep searching for answers to an unsaid question, and all I can think about is you, your soft lips against my cheeks, your bright smile making my heart skip beats, your loud laugh catching everyone’s attention, your sweet voice asking me to dance with you even if there was no music playing… Gosh, even if you're not here I fall in love more and more with you. I miss you...
We’re waiting for you, my love. It’s been a while since we got one of your letters but I’m certain you’re getting ours… We love you! Come home!
Yours forever,
“June 30th
Today… Today was a nightmare, Hyunjin. I couldn't bring myself to write this but ... I found a letter at the mail station a month ago, it was from someone called Seungmin, he said you worked together for a while… I waited a month to write this but here it is. 
I’ll never forget you for doing this, Hyunjin. My heart is broken, I don’t think my tears will ever stop from falling, I feel like dying whenever I look at your pictures and… I can’t do this anymore.  Even when I know you’ll never read this, I need to write to you because, someday, this feelings would get to you in a way, meanwhile, I’ll let myself suffer because of what you did...
“July  6th
I yelled at Rodie today… He was demanding to see you but I can’t, not now. Chan visited us, he told me to stay strong but how? Does he even know how much a broken heart can swell and tear you apart from the pain? Does he know how difficult it is to breath when your chest is constantly on fire? It’s killing me inside every second, Hyunjin. I don’t want this, I don’t like to feel this way when I know you can’t feel anything… I don’t want to tell Chan how I feel… I… I’m broken because of you. 
“July 13th
My sister looked at my belly and she cried… You made my sister cry, Hwang Hyunjin… You make me cry every single time of the day… I know you probably would be so sad knowing this, knowing you’re the reason I walk numbly from a place to another, the reason why Rodie can’t sleep, the reason why Chan and my sister have to take care of us. I said I don’t need their help but they insisted, they always do.
Now we’re having a beautiful dinner with your favorite food, my speciality… I miss you, and I know someday I’ll feel better, but right know I want to die slowly and painfully, it would hurt less than this mess. 
“July 19th 
I finally stopped crying, Jinnie… but everything feels wrong. It feels… empty… my heart… 
Rodie won’t talk to me anymore after we fought, he speaks more to Chan than me. I don’t know what to do and I know you won’t answer, but… what should I do? 
Oh, we met Seungmin today, he visited us supresily. He’s kind. He told us about your stories together. After he left, I cried one more time… Listening how considerate you were with him… I love you. 
You know? This is not what I asked for. If you would ask, I would give all for rewriting an ending or two for the family that I knew, for the girl I used to be… For being yours one more time. 
Yours forever?
“September 16th
Hi… Her name is Sam. Did you remember when we were joking about that name? I must say, she deserves that name. She looks like me, but she has your little mole below her eye and I kissed it, they same way I used to kiss yours. Congratulations, Jinnie, you have a daughter! (...)”
The music stopped playing a while ago, and the only sound filling the house was your little sobbs reminiscing the whole escenario. 
I can’t do this anymore... “ 
“December 24th
Rodie wrote a letter to Santa. He asked for his dad, he asked to turn back time and stopped this, but he realized destiny is very machiavellian and sometimes, wishes won’t come true. 
By the way… Your friend Seungmin, he volunteered to take care of us, he said he owned you this for saving his life one time, he’s really generous. He saw how lonely I was and he’s trying to put a smile on my face, but only Sam and Rodie can do that. Sam, Rodie and you.
The idea of you still next to us as a family... that hunts me everyday. How beautiful would that be? Sam would climb to your back till she can see everything from your height. Rodie would make me chase him and ask for ice cream, and I’ll eventually buy ice cream for everyone… Hyunjin, I miss you so freaking much… this is just so unfair...
Yours forever,
Y/N, Rodie and Sam.”
“December 31st
Hyunjin, happy new year… The war is over! I miss you more than I miss the old me, now, when I look at the mirror, sometimes I don’t even know who’s the one in front of me, all I know is that my heart belongs to you and will always be yours. Sam is getting bigger every month! She started to make weird baby noises trying to repeat my voice. Also, she loves music! She moves her little body when we play music.
We all wish you were here. This is the first December without you. I can't keep asking you this because is impossible... Come home, baby.
Missing you,
Your family. "
“February 14th
Rodie got lots of candies from a lot of girls and boys in his class! They said he looked like his handsome father and they’re not lying, my love. Happy Valentine's Day.
This is going to be one of the last letters I’ll write for you, not because I don’t love you anymore, ok? It’s because I think it’s time to keep the good memories we made in my head, my safeplace. And writing this is a reminder of you being gone. I don't like that, you're here with me.
I took Sam and Rodie to the first place we met, the college cafeteria! Rodie hated it for a second, then he got a lot of attention and felt like the prince he is. Sam slept all the time placed in my chest, I love her… she’s so calm… I wish she knew how much her father loved her without even being born… We love you, Hyunjin.
Yours forever,
Hwang Family.” 
“March 20th
Happy birthday, my love! 
I know you can’t love me anymore, but you did it once and, for me, it meant the whole world. So, now. my love for you stays still as if it was the first time we said ‘I love you’... I was shaking so much that day… Thank you for loving me the way you did, thank you for giving me the opportunity to raise a family next to you. You’re gone, but you’ll always be in our hearts and minds, I’ll be sure to talk to Sam about you non-stop. 
You broke my heart by losing your life that day. I know it was for your country… that doesn’t mean you lost your family or friends, we will always remember your laugh, your face, your warmth, your cute smile, your bright eyes, the ways words came easily from your mouth, the way you showed your love so intense, the way you existed was... wholesome.
I love you, Hwang Hyunjin… And, like the old times… 
Come home.
Your one and only.”
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hollyethecurious · 5 years
New Year, New Fics
Another New Year, and already we are blessed with event after event for the CS fandom! Are you excited? I know I am!
At the end of 2019 I Marie Kondo’d my wips folder and anything that did not Spark Joy got moved to the dead files. This left me with 12 wips that I am committed to finishing/getting ready for posting this year. The plan is to post one a month, with updates for MCs hopefully adhering to some sort of posting schedule (no promises, though!).
So my question for all of you is...
Are you a part of the Curious Crew? 
If not, do you want to be?
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I started over with my tag list last summer of those who wish to be notified any time I post new or updated works. If you’d like to be added, or re-added, to the list, just let me know! 
What sort of works am I talking about? Well, I’m glad you asked! Here is a list of the wips I’m currently trying to move out of my works in progress folder:
1. Mystery Pregnancy fic - one shot (posting Jan. 18th for the @csjanuaryjoy​)
2. Band AU - MC (first chapter posting in Feb as part of the @csconcertseries​)
3. Here Lies Killian Jones - two/three parter (my @cssns​ submission)
4. CS Season 3 New York Serenade canon divergence - one shot
5. The Deal: A Hook’s Neverland Years fic - one shot
6. Lieutenant Duckling Shipwreck AU - two/three parter
7. Marriage of Convenience Land Run AU - MC
8. Mob Boss Killian fic - MC
9. CS Dark Hook fic - two/three parter
10. DHCTS Sequel - MC
11. Captain Wench AU - one shot
12. Vampire!Killian / TVD (books) inspired - one shot
This list does not include finishing off the two posted wips (Avowed and Into the Darkness of My Mind) that need to be finished.
Now, I can already hear some of you... Hasn’t she teased some of these before? Yup. Guilty. But if I don’t keep pitching them publicly as a way of holding myself accountable then they may never see the light of day. So, here we are.
Thank you to everyone who has read and supported my works over the past few years! Looking forward to sharing more ways these two idiots find one another and fall in love with you all!
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