#prompt 65
promptsbytaurie · 10 months
prompt #65
"You exist when he looks at you."
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katiesharms · 9 months
34 & 65, jakebradley, xo
(ignoring the fact that you did numbers and not dates :squint:) 34/feb 4 2023 - a sunday kind of love
and i'm on a lonely road that leads to nowhere/i need a sunday kind of love
bradley's first (and probably, if he's being honest with himself, only) memory of father is hazy. warm, dreamy, diluted, like it's been soaked in sepia. if he thinks hard enough, he remembers (or invents) his dad's curly hair, his long limbs, his boisterous laugh, all of it wrapped around his mother as they sway in the kitchen.
for a while, to him, that's what love was. holding your wife in the middle of your kitchen on sunday morning, swaying clumsily to the record playing from the living room, not caring about the pancakes getting burnt. bradley never cared that his breakfast was late and messed up; he wanted to live in that love that blanketed their whole house.
he spent a lot of his 20s chasing that feeling, that half dream, half fantasy of the perfect life. fell into and out of beds and relationships and had his heart pulverized by jake seresin.
(here is where jake would always interject. "i think we were equal opportunity pulverizers. we liked to take turns," he'd say, with a wink lascivious enough to make bradley shiver).
love, after that, became even more of a pie in the sky. just another thing out of bradley's reach. until it's not.
post-mission (pretty much immediately post, as soon as bradley walks out of medical), jake corners him against a wall and kisses the lights out of him. and then he follows bradley home when they dock, and never leaves.
bradley keeps waiting for it to be difficult. for it to fall apart like it did the first time. for jake to look at him and decide he isn't worth it, isn't worth bradley's high walls and terrible communication, worth the nightmares that predate the mission but have only gotten worse since, worth the stupid arguments they still can't stop getting into.
but no matter what, bradley wakes up every morning to see jake's sleeping face. it seeps in slowly, through early mornings and late nights, afternoon runs and evenings at the hard deck. bradley pays it no mind but all of a sudden, his life has that dreamy quality that he hasn't experienced since he was 3 years old.
"i love you," jake says first, because he was always the brave one. it's early in this new relationship, but deep into their knowing each other.
"i—" bradley starts and stops, the words like a brick in his throat. after a pause, jake speaks again.
"i know," he says softly, "take your time."
he's spent so much time thinking that this kind of love wasn't in the cards for him. that he used it all up too early on, soaking in it like a greedy, ungrateful child. bradley had come to think of love as something that doesn't come easy.
but maybe it is easy. maybe it's letting jake try to distract him while he makes their eggs. it's listening to jake complain about the same pilot he's been complaining about for weeks, humming in commiseration and feeling at home as jake's voice blankets him. it's wrapping his arms around jake and swaying with him in the kitchen, the same etta james record his father would play every sunday on.
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robininthelabyrinth · 2 years
Could you do Accidental sworn brothers NHS, JC, WWX?
“So,” Jiang Cheng said.
It was a very ominous sort of ‘so’.
“Hi, Jiang-xiong,” Nie Huaisang said. “Have you eaten? I trust you been well. I’ve been all right, myself. Things are pretty quiet. The weather’s been pretty nice, though I don’t think it’s ever as nice in Qinghe as it is in Yunmeng. Has it been raining much?”
Jiang Cheng was giving him a death glare.
“…lots of rain, huh?”
“I don’t care about the vast majority of what you did to get revenge on Jin Guangyao,” Jiang Cheng said flatly. “But you put Jin Ling in danger.”
“Not…much danger.” At Jiang Cheng’s incredulous look, Nie Huaisang shrugged. “He kept him alive this long, didn’t he? I figured Jin Ling was pretty safe, as these things went. It was only at the very last moment that he actually threatened him directly – and Jin Ling wasn’t even supposed to be there.”
Judging from Jiang Cheng’s expression, he wasn’t buying Nie Huaisang’s argument.
“All right, fine,” Nie Huaisang said. “Still, you came to visit me, which means that you’re not just here to yell and tell me that our friendship is over, you could do that by letter. You want something from me?”
Jiang Cheng struggled for a moment, then grimaced. “Yeah, I want something.”
He was so predictable sometimes.
“Tell me what you need me to do to get your friendship back, and I’ll do it.” Nie Huaisang thought about it for a moment. “Within reason.”
“I want you to help me fix my relationship with Wei Wuxian.”
“…I said within reason, Jiang-xiong,” Nie Huaisang said, horrified. “Do you want me to bring the moon down and give it to you while I’m at it?”
“It’s not that bad!” Jiang Cheng protested, except, no, really, it was exactly that bad. Years and years of deception and betrayal and bad feelings on both sides, an incredibly knotty tangle of emotions with no one completely right and no one completely wrong and debts and anger and – it was bad, okay? “Anyway, you managed to fix Jin Guangyao, didn’t you, even though he was Chief Cultivator and you had basically no evidence? Fix this, too.”
“It’s in no way comparable!”
“Listen, you said you wanted to know what you needed to do to get us to be all right with each other again, right? This is it. Do it.”
Nie Huaisang opened his mouth in protest.
“I won’t accept anything else,” Jiang Cheng said, and crossed his arms in a way that suggested finality. “You’re the mastermind, aren’t you? So mastermind!”
Nie Huaisang really didn’t want to lose Jiang Cheng’s friendship, now that he knew there was a possibility of keeping it, but he also had no idea how to even start going about fixing the unfixable. He flattered himself to think that he knew Jiang Cheng pretty well after all these years, but based on everything that had happened, he didn’t understand Wei Wuxian well enough to know where to start.
Clearly, he needed help. No, more than help – he needed expertise.
Currently, Nie Huaisang was sitting in one of the rooms in the Cloud Recesses the Lan sect used to host guests waiting to see the sect leader on business. Of course, with Lan Xichen in seclusion at the moment, the actual person taking petitions was the person Nie Huaisang come to see: Lan Wangji.
He didn’t expect to be seen to quickly, the way he might have when he’d been on familiar terms with Lan Xichen – he was a Great Sect leader, yes, and an allied one, and so ought to be accorded first priority, but Lan Wangji was also a petty little brat sometimes. Lan Qiren had come by in an unofficial capacity, looking long-suffering, and they’d had an unexpectedly enjoyable conversation on the subject of the rules relating to filial piety and revenge, which Nie Huaisang interpreted as possibly the first time Lan Qiren had ever voluntarily given him a good grade on anything.
(He was weirdly moved by it, but mostly still traumatized. He’d hated school.)
After the old teacher left, Nie Huaisang sat around waiting and drinking tea, amusing himself by thinking of all the ways this forthcoming conversation could go wrong, and just when he’d gotten to the end of the fourth scenario, Wei Wuxian himself came strolling in.
“Oh, hi, Wei-xiong!” Nie Huaisang said brightly, not allowing considerations like shame to apply. “How’ve you been?”
“I’m good, I’m good,” Wei Wuxian said. “And you?”
“Well, I’m –”
“It works out quite well that you’re here, actually,” Wei Wuxian said, barreling onwards without waiting for the answer. “There was something I was hoping you might help me with.”
Nie Huaisang hid his face behind a fan. “Who, me…? I mean, I’m always glad to help, if it’s within my power – and, I mean, I’m glad you asked! And here I was worried that Wei-xiong didn’t like me anymore.”
Wei Wuxian waved a dismissive hand and sat down.
“I’m sure it’s something you can help with,” he said, smiling in a way Nie Huaisang didn’t like. “After all, you led the entire cultivation world around by the nose to catch Jin Guangyao, didn’t you?”
“I wouldn’t say that…”
“Well, I would. This should be no problem in comparison!”
Which meant, of course, that it was going to be a problem, because anything was easy in comparison.
“Oh, Wei-xiong, I really don’t know…”
“Don’t give me that! At least listen to it, okay?”
Nie Huaisang was always willing to listen. He nodded.
“I need you to use your mastermind skills to help me fix my relationship with Jiang Cheng.”
Nie Huaisang blinked once, long and slow. “With…Jiang Cheng?”
“That’s right!”
“But…why me…”
“Everything is just a complete mess between us,” Wei Wuxian said plainly. “It’s probably mostly my fault, and I’ve probably wronged him in ways I don’t even remember, but – I’d like to fix it. I’ve tried to fix it. I even tried leaving it alone to see if that would help, and it definitely didn’t. Everything I’ve done only makes it worse! So I need someone else to manage it.”
“And you picked…me?”
“Don’t put yourself down, Nie-xiong. You’ll manage!”
“I haven’t even agreed yet!”
“You need something from Lan Zhan, don’t you?” Wei Wuxian said, grinning at him. “You’ll agree.”
“Of course I’ll agree,” Nie Huaisang said with a huff, tossing his head. “You’re a dear friend, Wei-xiong! Why wouldn’t I agree?”
Anyway, he had to do the work for Jiang Cheng anyway. Might as well score some points flattering Wei Wuxian while he was at it.
“You’re so kind,” Wei Wuxian said, rolling his eyes at him. “Thanks, Nie-xiong. I look forward to hearing what our next move is. Have fun having tea with Lan Zhan!”
“You did this to yourself,” Lan Wangji said solemnly.
“I know,” Nie Huaisang said. He was lying on the floor, arms and legs splayed to the sides as he stared up at the roof in an effort to express the depths of his desolation. “I’m well aware.”
“I’m having a crisis over it, even.”
“Mm. Could you have the crisis elsewhere?”
“Don’t be mean, Lan Zhan. Of course not. I need your help!”
“Denied,” Lan Wangji said, as if Nie Huaisang really were just one of the random petitioners he had to deal with these days.
“If you don’t help me, I’ll fix up their relationship so good that you’ll have to deal with Jiang Cheng all the time,” Nie Huaisang said threateningly, and noted with amusement the way Lan Wangji’s brow twitched at the thought of having to share either space, time, or Wei Wuxian with Jiang Cheng. “Listen, no matter what the others think, I’m not really a schemer or a mastermind! I just ran with the course of events and tried to change them when they looked like they weren’t going my way, that’s all.”
“I wish you luck,” Lan Wangji said, immoveable as an iceberg.
“If I try to solve this, I’m only going to make it worse,” Nie Huaisang said. “That’s not even a threat. It’s just a fact.”
“I look forward to seeing the end results,” Lan Wangji said.
Cruel, indifferent man.
“I don’t even have a good model on how to solve this,” Nie Huaisang complained. “I mean, I don’t think I know of any relationships that splintered and then were actually repaired? The only thing that comes even close is what er-ge was up to with da-ge and san-ge all that time ago, when he was trying to get them to like each other again – of course, san-ge ruined that by committing murder, but I think we can probably avoid that here! I mean, I think we can. And it’s not workable, anyway, because…”
He frowned. Nothing was coming to mind.
Nothing at all.
Well then.
Lan Wangji actually put down his brush. He looked mildly alarmed. “Nie Huaisang,” he said. “What are you thinking of doing?”
“Nothing, nothing…nothing at all…”
“How did this happen?” Jiang Cheng wondered.
“No idea,” Wei Wuxian said. “But at least we’re friends again, right?”
“Not just friends,” Jiang Cheng said. “Isn’t that right, da-ge?”
Wei Wuxian puffed himself up like a peacock. “You bet, er-di!”
“The sacrifices I make for my friends amaze even me,” Nie Huaisang said to a stunned-looking Lan Wangji. “I’m really all heart, aren’t I?”
“Nie Huaisang,” Lan Wangji said solemnly. “I am going to kill you.”
Nie Huaisang cackled. “No, you’re not,” he said cheerfully. “Or else my da-ge and er-ge might have something to say about how you’re treating their san-di…and I, at least, promise not to kill either of them!”
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choicesflashfics · 9 months
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Week 65 Prompts:
“Sometimes, being with you feels so much like a dream … and I don’t ever want to wake up.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m done waiting.”
“What makes you think I would do something like that?”
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The Greatest Gift - @storyofmychoices (Open Heart; Bryce Lahela x F!OC)
You’re All I Need - @liaromancewriter (Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Marabelle Chapter 8: A Princess for a Prince - @tessa-liam (The Royal Romance; Liam x F!OC)
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Holiday Prompts fics:
Blame It On The Mistletoe - @kristinamae093 (The Royal Romance; Liam x F!OC)
Beneath the Mistletoe - @storyofmychoices (Blades of Light and Shadow; F!MC x OC / Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury / Mal Volari x F!MC / Tyril Starfury x OC)
Holiday Cheer - @storyofmychoices (Open Heart; Bryce Lahela x F!OC / Ethan Ramsey x F!MC / Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Jouluyö - Christmas Night - @aalltarenunelma (Immortal Desires, ILITW, ILB Crossover; Multiple Pairings)
Impossibly Perfect - @storyofmychoices (Open Heart; Bryce Lahela x F!OC)
You’re All I Need - @liaromancewriter (Open Heart; Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Marabelle Chapter 8: A Princess for a Prince - @tessa-liam (The Royal Romance; Liam x F!OC)
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
you can't even say leftist white people need to go fuck themselves without someone mansplaining racist voters to you anymore
#just had this happen to me on twitter. what's crazy is i don't even think the guy meant anything by it he's just annoying as hell like do#you think i dont know that poor people vote for them in part because they think the left betrayed them (in 65 years we've had TWO socialist#presidents for a total of...19 years and yes objectively they betrayed the people who voted for them. the last one from 2012 to 2017 had#EVERYTHING the two chambers the regions the cities literally the majority of everything was left-wing and the only good thing that happened#was: gay marriage but not after 10 months of debate where homophobia was rampant. macron was literally his minister of economics. like#awful awful man. anyway) what's very annoying and frankly condescending (to poor people voting for the far-right) is that they also do it#because they're RACIST and xenophobic like respect them enough to acknowledge that it's not an innocent silly mistake the woman that#prompted the tweet that prompted my tweet is 60 years old! she's an adult! she's lived a life! she knows racism is supposed to be bad!#like i'm very sorry that i don't think being poor is a good reason to hate immigrants muslims and people of color and to think we're great#replacing you by literally just being here#(did you know that the great replacement theory comes from the french far right...pas mal non c'est français)#there's something VERY sinister about only thinking about everything with a socioeconomic lens like just because they're poor doesn't mean#they can't be our political enemies lmao#and like i say: brf slt
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
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A series of illustrations I did for the "Fairytale AU" prompt for the @daredevilexchange . I chose the story of Snow White because I wanted to explore other versions of the apple imagery that I associate with Murderdock.
The general idea here is that Matt is the king of the land, who has grown bored of his place of power. Every day his asks his magic mirror, "Foggy" who the strongest in the land is, and every day the answer is the same. After years of this, Foggy can't bring himself to say the words yet again, knowing they will only sink Matt further into his depression, and spins a yarn about a young girl who has the potential to exceed even Matt's strengths. This piques Matt's interest and he begins a series of trials to test this "Gwen Stacy" and see if she is indeed a worthy opponent.
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umprompted · 1 year
The Bone Woods are, as expected, made of bones — though just exactly whose or what bones they are made out of remains a mystery.
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prompt-verse · 2 years
Do Inversians get some holidays? What are they about?
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silhouettecrow · 2 years
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 65
Adjective: Primordial
Noun: Butterfly
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Primordial: existing at or from the beginning of time, or primeval; (especially of a state or quality) basic and fundamental; (biology) (of a cell, part, or tissue) in the earliest stage of development
Butterfly: a nectar-feeding insect with two pairs of large, typically brightly colored wings that are covered with microscopic scales, distinguished from moths by having clubbed or dilated antennae, holding their wings erect when at rest, and being active by day; having a two-lobed shape resembling the spread wings of a butterfly; a showy or frivolous person; (informal) a fluttering and nauseous sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous; a stroke in swimming in which both arms are raised out of the water and lifted forwards together
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hermitadaymay · 5 months
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I'm thrilled to bring this challenge to you all for the second year in a row! Hermit-a-Day May is a challenge inspired by Hermitober, but with a twist: instead of theme prompts, we focus on a specific Hermit every day!
THE RULES: 1. Any type of fanwork is welcome so long as it features, or is otherwise inspired by, the Hermit of the day. 2. Tag #hermitaday to have your fanwork reblogged, or submit it directly to the blog (Please note that while I recognize the value of fanworks involving more mature themes, and they can certainly count toward challenge completion if you're keeping track for yourself, content on this blog will be kept "PG-13" so that all may enjoy.). 3. Fanworks for one Hermit posted after the day rolls over to another Hermit's day (per the US Central time zone) will be reblogged in a big queue in June. 4. I am not interested in seeing captions or tags in which you disparage your art/skills. We're all improving all the time. Be kind to yourselves.
WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE? To show love to every Hermit, from the most to least subscribed, from those who have been on the server from day one to those who only joined this season! And because challenges are fun! And because, this year, there's an extra dimension to the event: a fundraiser for Gamers Outreach, featuring art incentives by @rendiggitydog and @belmarzi.
GRAND TOTAL INCENTIVE: For every $150 we raise for Gamers Outreach, belmarzi will make 10 seconds' worth of animatic, featuring as many Hermits as she can fit into the time frame.
INDIVIDUAL DONATION INCENTIVE: For every $50 (formerly $65 - changed 5/3) you personally donate to the fundraiser during the month of May, Rae rendiggitydog will draw you a shaded flats commission of a Hermit of your choice.
WHO’S RUNNING THIS? Hi! My name is Luna! You can use she/her, he/him, ze/hir, or ro/ros/roseself pronouns for me. My main blog is @as-if-unreal. Yep, before you ask, it really is just me, but to be fair I've had a lot of help.
TFC - May 5th While he may no longer be with us physically, TFC left behind him a legacy of quiet care and good humor, and Hermitcraft would not have been the same without him.
FRIENDS OF HERMITCRAFT - May 12th There are plenty of shows, podcasts, competitions, other servers, and more woven into the internet ecosystem around Hermitcraft, and plenty more people involved in them: just as a small number of examples, Season 9's Rift opened up to a whole server of Emperor friends, and there are always allies to be made in MCC and enemies to be made in the Life Series. Today is for celebrating all of those who, while they may not be Hermits themselves, exist and entertain in proximity to them.
FAVORITE "ALT" HERMIT - May 19th HoTGuY and Poultry-Man. Helsknight and Evil Xisuma. Renbob and - look, you get the idea. This server is full of theater kids ready to toss on an alternate skin and play into a brand new character at the drop of a hat. Who's your favorite?
GROUPS AND COLLABS - May 26th This month is all about one Hermit a day... but what we really love is when they interact with each other. What does your favorite duo or group of Hermits get up to together?
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palms-upturned · 10 months
Al-Shifa Hospital director arrested by Israeli forces
Nov 23rd, 06:56 GMT
The director of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City has been arrested by Israeli forces along with several other medical personnel.
“Doctor Mohammad Abu Salmiya was arrested along with several other senior doctors,” Khalid Abu Samra, a chief of department at the hospital, told the AFP news agency.
The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has also confirmed the arrest.
Israeli forces alleged that Gaza’s biggest hospital was used as a command centre by Hamas before it was occupied, without providing evidence.
Brutal scenes unfolded at the hospital this month, with Israeli forces besieging and raiding the medical complex. Snipers spent days shooting at anyone trying to move from one medical building to the other, prompting international outcries.
Al-Shifa is seen as a nerve centre for the Gaza government’s administrative bodies. Health Ministry officials have held news conferences surrounded by bodies, and the government’s Media Ministry has operated out of the hospital.
Israel orders Indonesian Hospital evacuation in 4 hours: Health Ministry
Nov 23rd, 07:02 GMT
Munir al-Bursh, the director-general of Gaza’s Health Ministry who is inside the Indonesian Hospital, says the Israeli army has warned people in the facility to evacuate it in four hours.
Speaking to Al Jazeera, he said the bombing continues around the hospital in northern Gaza from all sides.
More from inside Indonesian Hospital
Nov 23rd, 07:10 GMT
The director-general of Gaza’s Health Ministry has told Al Jazeera there are 65 dead bodies inside the besieged medical facility that they cannot bury.
Munir al-Bursh said there are about 200 patients left at the Indonesian Hospital after some 450 patients were evacuated yesterday.
Each ambulance is carrying up to seven people at a time, he added.
As we reported earlier, the Israeli army has ordered the evacuation of the hospital within four hours.
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airaibunny · 9 months
1. “i need you, right here/now”
2. “i’ll go slow/i’ll be gentle”
3. “tell me what feels good”
4. “do you trust me?”
5. “do you like that?”
6. “please teach me”
7. “i want you, now”
8. “you look so pretty on your knees”
9. “it’s okay, im right here”
10. “i got you”
11. “don’t hold it in, it’s okay”
12. “don’t call me that, that’s what everyone else calls me”
13. “we can go for as long as you want”
14. “does it taste/feel good?”
15. “you’re doing so well”
16. “i want you, now”
17. “i love you so much”
18. “i want you to fuck me, *name*”
19. “you look so pretty right now”
20. “don’t stop yourself, let me hear”
21. “please don’t stop”
22. “do you want to take it off of me?”
23. “do you want to touch?”
24. “can i touch?”
25. “what about you?”
26. “let me do it for you”
27. “does that feel good?”
28. “you’re so cute”
29. “like that, i like that”
30. “can i touch you too?”
31. “am i going too fast?”
32. “can you do that again?”
33. “do you want more?”
34. “your *body part* are/is so pretty”
35. “do you want to stop?”
36. “i’ve wanted this for such a long time”
37. “aw, poor baby, do you want me to take care of this for you?”
38. “kiss me, i don’t care where”
39. “i don’t care where you touch me”
40. “i don’t care what you call me” - “can i call you mommy?”
41. “are you comfortable?”
42. “let me help you”
43. “do you need help?”
44. “keep going”
45. “you taste so sweet”
46. “do you want to try?”
47. “breathe for me”
48. “you’re doing such a good job”
49. “i’m so proud of you”
50. “tell me what you want”
51. “let me try”
52. “don’t cover up/don’t be embarrassed”
53. “i want you to touch me”
54. “you sound so pretty”
55. “turn around for me”
56. “louder”
57. “quieter”
58. “you look so hot right now”
59. “play with me”
60. “i’ve been waiting all day”
61. “harder, please”
62. “i think i deserve a reward”
63. “you’ve been so good lately, you deserve a reward”
64. “i love your tits/ass/etc”
65. “you’re the only one that gets to touch, pretty girl”
66. “this is exactly how i imagined it”
67. “keep doing that, please”
68. “you feel so good”
69. “kiss/touch me, everywhere”
70. “you’re so gorgeous”
71. “i want you to keep going, forever”
72. “you’re all mine” - “hm…” - “say it” - “i’m all yours”
73. “i want to do so many things to you”
74. “you look amazing, really, but i think i prefer the dress on the floor”
75. “i need you”
76. “i love making you so flustered, you get so cute”
77. “do you like it when i touch right here?”
78. “let me eat you out while you do that, please?”
79. “can you teach me?”
80. “can i call you mommy?”
81. “shower with me”
82. “i want to taste you so bad”
83. “i don’t care how, i just want you to touch me”
84. “i want to feel you inside”
85. “you’re not going to fall, i’ve got you”
86. “you looked so hot out there”
87. “breathe, please"
88. “you’re being such a good girl for unnie”
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minty364 · 1 year
DPXDC Prompt #65
Danny dies and gets reincarnated into the DC world, Lex Luther had made a second stable clone from half Superman and Batman, he used lazurus water as a stabilizer and Danny’s soul was perfect for it. He was going to keep him as a weapon against Batman but when he and Connor get freed everyone is alarmed. Danny wasn’t done growing and comes out as a 10 year old and is basically Connors little brother.
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scp4palestine · 2 months
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What is this?
This is an ongoing event organized by members and fans of the SCP Wiki in an effort to fundraise for Gazan families. In exchange for donations to the listed vetted and verified fundraisers, you can receive commissioned works from both artists and authors in the SCP fandom! This is an independent and fan-organized event, and is not indicative of the official policy or views of any specific associated group or organization.
↓ More information in the undercut ↓
How do commissions work?
1) Donate $5 or more to one of the 5 selected and vetted GoFundMes OR the Palestine Children's Relief Fund
How much you donate equates to the amount of detail your prompt will receive- separated into 3 tiers. Refer to the third image in this post for more details
2) Screenshot your receipt with the amount visible, then fill out the commission form
3) From there, an artist/writer is randomly selected to fulfill your requests. Requests are expected to be finished within 1–5 weeks of being submitted. If your request takes longer than 5 weeks, please contact us at our socials. They will then be posted to both our Tumblr and Twitter
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Currency exchange rates: Tier 1 - $5 USD = €4.50 -- £4 -- $7 CAD -- $7.50 AUD Tier 2 - $30 USD = € 27.50 -- £23 -- $41 CAD -- $45 AUD Tier 3 - $70 USD = €65 -- £54 -- $96 CAD -- $105 AUD
Any questions? Contact us at our Twitter or Tumblr
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Song Prompt #65
Reminiscence - Olafur Arnalds
You can feel your life slipping away. The world is getting dark and fuzzy. Accepting your fate, you decide it's time to let go. Just then, a hand yanks your wrist and you are standing, uninjured.
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years
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You Set Yourself On Fire - A Murderdock Playlist
Black Sheep (Brie Larson Version) - Scott Pilgrim vs the World OST
Top of the World - Kimbra
Sinistero - Spider-Man Off The Dark
Wrong - Depeche Mode
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) - Will Wood
You're Dead - Norma Tanega
Mr. Fear - SIAMÉS
Arsonist's Lullaby - Hozier
Believe - The Bravery
Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths
Feeling Good - Michael Bublé
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
For the @daredevilexchange 2023 Prompt Fest. Prompt was simply, "Murderdock" :)
Listen to the whole thing >> here <<
Textless cover art under the cut
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