#protect my poor lil emo boy
not-lame-llama · 7 months
My thoughts on Percy Jackson as someone who is reading it for the first time (i’m on the Last Olympian) spoilers ahead!!!
- Past Nico would absolutely lose it meeting Present Nico. He’d be like strong emo boy? I lov him.
- Clarisse and Thalia have kissed at some point. They never spoke of it again.
- I love Sally Jackson. I’m waiting for her to have a seen where she grabs a sword and just cuts down a mf for her son. stab Kronos in the foot Sally! You got it bbg!
- Tyson tries to teach himself how to sew and makes a pegasus plushie for Percy. Nonnegotiable. He stabs himself in the fingers, has to get help from a crowd of cyclopes.
- Zoe is baby. Shoulda been better protected, deserves her place in the stars
- Dionysus has a stick up his ass or smth bro calm down why is your enemy a child. Same with Ares
- Percy coming back to find that Grover is dating a bush is fucking hilarious
- Percy seeing Aphrodite and saying she looked like Annabeth? Top tier.
- Also, I know Percabeth is the THING but him and Rachel was kinda cute
- Percy, dyslexic, solemnly reading the prophecy INCORRECTLY to a room of other dyslexics is just….Chiron, darling,,,,read it out loud or smth. Spare the poor boy
- OH MY GODS AND the way Annabeth said she’d heard it when she was ten and had had nightmares ever since??? Gurl literally admitted she had dreamed of Percy dying and it scared her real bad for YEARS
- There’s literally no way the prophecy actually means Percy permanently dies. Someone else does, or he does and then is reborn. There’s no way he just dies in five days
- bro has no chance against Kronos, why does he keep trying to stab him and then acts surprised when his sword just bounces off the Titan’s skin??
- ADHD does NOT help with battle sense. I speak as an ADHD who was tried MMA. It did not work out. These halfbloods are fucking lying.
- Why no Persephone children? I wanna be a Persephone child
- Grover shoulda become the next diety of the wild, or just a part of it, something stronger and magical tho
- Poseidón and Percy calling Paul Mr.Blowfish. That’s it. They’re twin dumbos
- Oh and that lil bitchy boy that corrects Poseidon all “I’m Poseídons son and HEIR” no. he’s a no. doesn’t exist. nasty.
- Luke is a no. Why do people like him?
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starryylies · 7 months
Hi !!! Idk if you've done this already but can you do my angel boy Gaz and Ghost with a girl who love scary movies ??? I feel like they'd totally have the mentality of "I gotta comfort her when she's scared" but Gaz specifically flinches and I think Si would like "brace" if that makes sense like wincing his eyes. I dunno if you've done something like that but your emo story reminded me of me and it made me so happy I'm a metalhead and I was gonna ask for more but it was already in there and that just mad emy day ilysm already okay bye -🫀
Simon n Gaz watching a horror movie with s/o
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HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Again so sorry (I’m sorry for saying sorry sm) but like Omg I love this cuz I love horror smmmm!!! Insidious,suspiria,Bwp, conjuring you name it I love them omgggg.
So thank you so much for the awesome ask and I hope you enjoy it 🩷🩷🩷
Also I used the movies sinister and lights out for the references :))
♰ he thought watching the movie sinister will be fun cuz he thought he could protect you from the jumpscares
♰ he needs to be protected from the damn movie tho (okay this movie is fucked up tho and it’s totally normal to be scared)
♰in the beginning he thought it will be some poorly made movie with shit ass jumpscares but boy was he wrong
♰ when the scene of the family hanging themselves comes on he was taken aback and he lets out an audible wince shutting his eyes
♰ he genuinely finds the movie scary and gory, cannot help but find himself wince and shut his eyes whenever he thinks there will be a jumpscare
♰ as the movie progressed and the other tapes were revealed he just couldn’t take it anymore, his limit broke off when the mowing scene came
♰ but you seemed to be enjoying the movie, anticipating what the next scene will reveal
♰ he shut the tv before he could see further, it was too much for him
♰ “fuckin hell love this movie is a fuckin nightmare” he groans
♰ “noo It’s a well made film :( plus I enjoy a good scare ya know”
♰ god how could you be so chill with it, he can’t tell if he should admire you or keep his distance
♰dw he admires you :)
♰ keeps on ranting about how he’d never do such a stupid fucking thing
♰ says Ellison was a stupid fuckin idiot for getting his family there and curses him for the rest of the day
♰ asks you your opinion on the movie and who you think is recording the tapes
♰ ends up going on the net to see how the movie ends cuz he can’t let it go
♰when he finds out the ending he has an ‘aha’ moment.
♰ tries watching the movie again but ends up stopping in the beginning itself cuz he can’t handle it.
♰ probably doesn’t want kids after this movie
♰ Awh this poor guy just wanted to watch a scary movie with you to hold you when you’re scared but it kinda ends up being the opposite
♰ you both decide on watching lights out (I wanted to pick hereditary or mother but too much cuz I’m writing this at 3am)
♰ see lights out is a Pretty chill film but Diana is creepy as hell and sadly gaz became a victim to Diana’s jumpscares
♰ when she killed the dad gaz visibly flinched like on the edge of the sofa hoping the dad would survive
♰ but boom the bitch killed him :/
♰ felt really bad for the brother (Martin)
♰sympathised with him a lot by saying he’s a good kid and that he’s really strong.
♰ surprised on how you’re not getting scared or anything
♰ thinks that you have watched this film before
♰ gaz got shit scared during the scene where Rebecca and her boyfriend came and Diana creeped around them
♰ the end made him tear up just a lil :(
♰ you ended up comforting him holding him close cuz he felt bad about their mom
♰ thinks it’s adorable how you give lil facts about the movie from time to time though.
♰ cursed Diana for the rest of the day,
♰ if you take any medications, don’t worry you’ll never miss them now cuz gaz will make sure you eat yours on time
♰ keeps the bathroom and living room lights on that night
♰ will search for movies like lights out
♰ will never watch them though
♰ is proud that he got closer to you tho
♰ will definitely hold you the entirety of the movie
♰ will never have a horror movie date again tho
♰ but will watch a horror movie with you if you ask him cuz how can he say no to you :))
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echonvoid · 1 year
Ninja go art dump of shit I didn’t post back in 2022
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Most of these are just character sketches from when I was first trying clip studio out.
Pics in order from top left over:
1) glowy lava arms cole with newly found baby wu. Because I adore children and dad cole and lava cole are both great. So of course I did both
2) slightly pissed lightning Jay, that or he’s happy, I don’t really remember. And fun fact, in this headcanon/au/rewrite, Jay is bigender and/or genderqueer. They’re still figuring this shit out.
3) full body emo genderless lloyd. Has both oni and dragon traits, but they’re apart of their natural physical form. So all the traits you see here are non-optional. Pronouns: they/them
4) lloyd heads! Sweet baby boi! They desperately need therapy. And they unlocked their oni form back in March of the Oni. The purple eye is just something they were born with too. Purple eyes are relatively common among the oni
5) the Lilly Griefstriker family tree. God I love how they handled coles mom and her sickness and badassery. Lilly was goddamn fantastic. Anyway here she was a mixed race kid from between the Geckles and Munce from a small tribe from further down the mines near where the Upply lived. The tribe was killed by a cave in so she fled towards the surface and was met with hostility. So she ran off and was eventually adopted by the dude who’s canonically her dad. She trains and becomes the earth master and goes and frees her people from the dragon. She also helped the only woman there who was kind to her in the beginning while she was giving birth to Gleck (his vibe gave off much younger sibling or cousin vibes). After she killed the dragon she left again because she couldn’t take the hatred between the clans. She would come visit ever couple of months and eventually gave Gleck that locket. And then she has a kid and dies of a horrible chronic sickness that she suffered from for about 10yrs. Oh yeah cole and CJ are there too! Cole definitely takes after his dad but still has a lot of Lilly in him. And CJ is baby Wu. Except he is a full reincarnation/rebirth and so he ages like a normal kid. And totally is, he’s lil Cole Jr. Cole and Jay are his main parents, but everyone else is still around to help out and help guard and protect him. He’s like 7-9ish here.
6) fun sketch dump of all the gender
7) and last but not least, Cole Golems. Cole sustained severe injuries after the fall, to the point the earth completely cocooned him to help the healing process along (which was definitely Lilly’s doing). During which, his consciousness transferred to these handsome rock bois. He had to mime to wear his body was at which nobody got till after MOTO was finished and done. And during clean up someone found his slowly healing/slowly fading body. Fun fact: he has to use mobility aides for the rest of his life! He got real good beating the shit out of people with his crutches. CJ loves wheelchair rides
Well, that was more of an infodump than I thought it was gonna be, but holy fuck my poor thumbs. Carpal tunnel be damned I must share the hyperfixation
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macknashell · 2 years
so am i the only person that prefers Hubert's hairstyle for FEW:3H over his hairstyle for 3H??
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narutomaki · 5 years
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the face mask stays on during *** ahkgjskf
im partially joking theres like 3 reasons he wears it but number 1 and 2 are intense and 3 is "i like it" (he has facial scars and also since he can't grow a beard he uses it in part to relieve gender dysphoria)
the last pic is my friend and Naruto begging him to make different foods and hes like no no no I'm making what I'm making now out of the kitchen.
and a pic of him and Jiraiya bcus it didnt fit in the collage well
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hollandorks · 2 years
Bestie Shelby!! Chapter 20 was amazing!! I read it when it came out but I died a lil last night so I wasn't able to reply (stupid human battery!)
"I KNEW IT!" amazing. Very good. The same vibes as "I told you so". 10/10
The way Bruce told the reader she didn't have to stay is so sweet. The way the reader was like "it's my turn to patch you up anyways" is both sweet and hilarious. Sweet because she really cares about him and his wellbeing. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but it's given me the impression of the reader being a lil insecure like she doesn't wanna be a burden because she's literally keeping score of how many times he's helped her vs. the other way around. I appreciate that. It makes sense.
I'm pretty sure Bruce is also keeping score, except in a way more skewed way of Times Reader Has Gotten Hurt Because of Me, in which case he only loses because he's the emo king who needs onesies and hugs.
“You are…” he trailed off for a moment. Inhaled sharply. “An extraordinary creature.”
“I hope that’s a compliment and not you calling me a freak.” 
We love running away from being vulnerable by cracking jokes totally can't relate *sweats nervously*
Alfred being extremely prepared for this moment breaks my heart. You know the man was so scared that he prepared to the best of his ability to protect his surrogate son when the time came, but it only does so much. I wanna hug him. Poor Alfred. He must've been terrified but also a little mad at Bruce (and himself) for being in this situation. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Alfred blames himself for things the same way Bruce does. The man taught Bruce how to fight probably because he was afraid that if he didn't, the boy would be killed just like his parents and he wanted to protect him in the way he couldn't protect Martha and Thomas. But to see Bruce like this despite his efforts to keep him safe? Alfred needs all the hugs.
The reader finally realizing she's in love!! Yay! We are all now on the same page, except for Bruce, who continues to be stubborn and think love is but a bruise on his chest.
Finally, finally he looked at her. Her heart turned over. “Because you helped me. Because–Because you’re good.” 
PROOF. She's insecure indeed. Especially after Marie who she still blames herself for her death.
She flushed. Laughed nervously. “Um. I was trying to catch you. In the armor.” 
Bruce and the reader are terrible liars. They'd be a great couple (of horrible liars). Catch you in the armor? Sure, more like "wanted to be comforted by your presence because I love you, you dork".
Bruce knowing CSI and not the Incredibles is so typical of him. Edgelord Wayne could never skip an episode of his favorite TV show.
ALFRED AND THE READER!!!! YES! I've been waiting for this! I await more tea parties with the two!
All in all, very fantastic. Sorry my notes are a bit short. I'm still a little dead and my dog wants me to go to bed. You're amazing! I love you bestie! (AND YES I WILL CALL YOU BESTIE)
Missed you bestie!!! Hope your finals went well! Idk if you're finished with them yet so good luck if not!
She's definitely a little insecure! Glad you picked up on that. Bruce is also keeping score because, obviously, he's just a big ball of angst so how could he not
Loving all the different reactions to him calling her an extraordinary creature 😂 I knew Bruce wouldn't be the smoothest guy and that's what came out when I tried to make him compliment her.
Can't relate to cracking jokes in vulnerable moments either 🥵🥵 I definitely can relate
Your analysis of Alfred's feelings *chef's kiss* but yes he needs a hug too. They all just need to talk and hug it out.
Alfred and the reader will become besties & that's not even a spoiler. You can already see it happening 😂
As always, I'm mute on certain things just in case! THANKS FOR THE ASK BESTIE!! I also love you and will call you bestie!! Also tell your dog I love them, even though I don't even know what type of dog it is. All dogs are good
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cosmik-homo · 3 years
sometimes when you do these character ask memes i try to pick a less predictable death gate character but you know what, screw it, we're gonna be basic today and ask about ALFRED
Thank you I was literally hoping for this
Sexuality Headcanon: demi and bi :D
Gender Headcanon: *officious cough, unrolls scroll* lost grandpa Feygaleh edition. World's most jewguy. Grand Wizard Of Jewel Tones. Prince.ss of nerdery. Whatever gender threepio is supposed to be drag of (The Alfred J. Prufrock Gay) (now for a more serious answer, He's a weird lil femme man and his gender ties a lot in my head to botb jewish masculinity and my own non-binary femininity though I think he is just coming to it from a Cis But Queer And GNC Way. Although I do sometimes get emo about they/themming Alfred in my head so. John Mulaney voice could be a he/they. Except again I'm invested in his GNC Guyness so.)
A ship I have with said character: year, what, seven???? Since my first message to you was YOU SHIP ALFRED AND HAPLO TOO?
A BROTP I have with said character: this is a Marit & Alfred truther house. Honestly like I was so swept away rereading seventh gate recently like. :') they really did happen I'm not crazy. They love each other and protect each other. It's real
A NOTP I have with said character: emmmmm idk 😶 weird shit ig. I never got too much into his deal with Orla beyond vauge vibes.
A random headcanon: stims by randomly vocalizing v often, is always singing. Other stims of his include tapping his collarbone or tapping the back of the neck, fidgeting with his sleeves and/or passing his thumb over his wrist repeatedly, and spinning with his upper body as a happy stim (I can't explain that one with words but urghh). Also used to chew on hair when he was young and, had that.
General Opinion over said character: my poor lil. philosophy major meow meow. Turtle man. holder of my trouble. Specialest boy. And dyspraxic icon!
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Are you going to finish the Tiny Virgil AU? Cause the last chapter ended on a cliffhanger. If you don't feel like finishing the whole thing, you could maybe give us bullet points of what was supposed to happen?
Ahaha whoops, I kinda forgot that fic. at the rate I'm going, it'll take like ten years for that or any of my other fics to get finished. Tbh, I actually have a whole outline for that one? Acantha (@theeternalspace) and I brainstormed the rest ages ago and then I took our thoughts and bullet-outlined it out.
The thing is? Like, emotionally I want to hold onto my thoughts and finish it, but if I am to be completely honest, realistically it probably won't happen. Because I wanna prioritize Gibbous over it and all.
so tldr: I'd like to write more installments, but in the case I never finish it and/or you don't care about spoilers, check the read more for what happens.
warnings: hurt/comfort, crying, morally grey sides (all sides are present so beware idk its been awhile im not up to date with how the fandom handles this sorta thing)
Chapter 5
Anx cant believe he forgot about Thomas!
He was so caught up in Creativity wanting to play with him, he's forgotten about his whole purpose
He goes to the real world, worried about all the things that could've befallen his host without his guidance
Anx is confused to be faced with adult Morality and another...side?
Thomas is big, Anx is not
This can't be real, can it? How can he protect Thomas like this?
Roman shows up, but the damage is dealt (Ro and Pat converse a bit)
Virge starts panicking and panics even more when he sees Thomas affected by it
Ro & Pat try to comfort Virge but no use
It's Thomas who gets to him. Who is...helping? Why?
"Wh-why are you so nice? I'm bad, I hurt you--I do bad things."
Thomas looks sad at that. He tries to explaining that he doesnt think Virge is bad, he can be good
Virge doesnt really understand but at the same time...Thomas loves him??
Thomas offers him a hug and he accepts it. Still so confused but at least his host loves him.
Chapter 6
Virgil ends up tuckered up in Thomas' arms
"Crying is exhausting, don't like it" He complains to Roman.
"I know. You've been very brave, little prince."
It's not that late but Thomas seems nervous. "I should go to bed." (Basically feels like if he doesnt adhere to his childhood bedtime, he'll get in trouble aka lil Virgil's influence)
Patton asks if he'd like for him to accompany him and Thomas nods
Roman and Virgil end up back in the mindscape with Patton promising to follow soon after
Roman tucks him into bed
Patton comes back, looking tired, and both Roman and Patton agree to talk with Logan in the morning about things
in the morning with Virgil still asleep, Lo, Pat and Ro talk briefly
Logan shares some theories (Age regression maybe?)
Patton tells them what's up with Thomas
Roman decides to bother the Dark Sides. "If this happened before in the past, they would know, wouldn't they? And if they're behind it this time then I can get them to stop it"
They decide to have Patton look out for Thomas again and for Logan to watch over Virgil while Roman ventures out to the Dark Sides
Chapter 7
Logan mulls over what is happening
Grateful that Thomas is going to bed early at least
He is not worried, he is Logic
Tries focusing hard on his book
Virgil wakes up, disappointed to see Logan and not Roman
Roman ventures through the dark mindscape
infodump detail on how it differs vs. the regular mindscape, quiet, silence nobody is around
"HELLO" Roman screams as his brother pops up
"What do I owe brother dear for this visit?"
Virgil is worried about Roman, but Logan placates him a bit
The two end up doing a puzzle
During which Virgil randomly hugs Logan
When Logan asks why, Virgil explains "You're scared. Hugs make me feel less scared"
Logan thanks him for the sentiment but insists he is not scared
"You're scared, I can feel it. It's okay, I get scared lots of times so you don't have to." Virgil says
And then Logan's fear dissipates
He stares at Virgil, shocked, because did tiny virge take his fear away??
And if so, if tiny virge knows how to do this, has adult Virgil been doing it without them knowing??
Chapter 8
"I know you did it" Roman growls. It makes sense really. Remus did random things for sh*t and giggles
Remus blinked "Oh! You found out about ____, didn't you?"
"What no!" Roman says, disgusted. "I'm talking about Virgil."
"Wait, you think I did it with Virgil? Mr. Emo?"
"NO!" Roman snaps. "Stop playing dumb!"
The two have a scuffle, ending up with Remus having a sword at Ro's throat (who is stuck in green goop)
"I really don't know what you mean." Remus says, "What is it exactly do you think I did again?"
Logic must hate him, Anx thinks, otherwise why would he be looking strangely at him?
but its okay, even if it really really really hurts, Anx has done it before and would do it again to keep from any of them feeling pain
He asks if Anx took his fear away and he nods
surely this must be a happy thing but Logic seems even more upset
the fear grappling tiny virge is foreign. It's so different than fears he's taken before. He finds himself drowning in it. he doesnt quite understand most of it. But there's fears about himself, Logic being scared for him, not of him. (basically oh boy adult fears are much harder to process for a child Anxiety)
Logic grips his hand and asks for his fears back
"I can't" Tiny Virge says, shaking like a leaf
Logan asks it again. Virge shakes his head "I can't, I--I don't know how!"
He really doesnt know how. Usually he just holds it all in until it explodes.
Logic echoes some of what the fear is telling him, that Logic cares for him. And weirdly, it means a lot for him to hear that Logic actually cares.
But noooo he must only care because of Thomas, right?
Anyways this is resolved somehow idk lmao and then Logan is called to help with Thomas
Virgil promises Lo he'll be okay, not wanting to stop him from being able to help their host
Logan promises he'll back momentarily
Virgil squeezes Zola and tries his best to stay calm
Previously on Rem and Ro
Roman spills the beans on whats up
Deadbeat silence
Remus then babbles about how he has no clue what Roman is talking about, but is super intrigued and wants to check this out for himself
He sinks out as Roman grabs onto his ankle, but isn't enough to stop him from sinking out.
Chapter 9
Little Anx squeaks, shadows gathering at his feet, ready to strike at....
A Green-Dressed Creativity? He dresses fancily like him.
Green laughs. "No, I'm The Duke! Princey's my brother!"
And Lil Virge is kinda confused but rolls with it because Creativity pretending to be someone else/splitting himself into two is a very Creativity thing to do and isn't too worried about it.
Roman shows up, fuming
However, because of Virgil, he has to play nice
They end up having a pretend tea party
Roman finds himself shocked that Remus is decent with kids? Or at least a Kid Anxiety??
He still says outrageous things but Virge giggles at them (Basically kids really have no baseline for moral right-or-wrong, they find talk of murder funny)
Roman feels a bit guilty/regretful realizing he never played much with Remus growing up
Eventually, Logan pops up slightly frazzled
He's relieved to see the twins there looking after Virgil
Explains the situation w/ Thomas to Roman while Remus and Virgil play
Patton pops up, looking slightly weary, leading Roman and Logan to insist he take a day off from watching Thomas
Upon seeing Logan & Patton, Virgil runs up to hug Logan, but shies away from Patton
Patton tries to hide his disappointment about this
Remus tries to leave upon seeing Lo and Pat are here
but Virge clings to him, insisting he stays
The Others agree, and Remus perks up a bit.
Somewhere, there's a discussion about Virge again, late at night?
Logan reveals Virgil taking fears from him
At some point it's decided to leave Janus out of it as it's unknown how little Virge would react to him and the fact that Janus most likely knows what's up and has chosen to stay out of it
It's decided that Remus and Roman will traverse the Imagination to see if there's a solution there
Logan will be with Thomas
Meanwhile Patton will look after Virgil
Chapter 10
Patton's POV
Little Virge is upset about both Remus and Roman leaving
they try to placate him but it does little. (Telling him how they'll stay safe and they don't want him going because they want to keep him safe)
Patton's heart breaks but he has to holds back Virge.
Eventually the two have heart-to-heart
Apparently the two had a classic childhood spat, that means a lot to Virge even tho poor Pat doesnt remember the spat at all.
Pat tells them they're the best of friends now, even shows him evidence
Virge feels a little better
Sees a snake stuffy in Pat's room, asks about Dee
Patton deflects
The two end up making cookies together
The Imagination is a bust, although the twins return squabbling in a good mood
And Remus has a "present" for Virgil, who delights in it.
They chat, when suddenly Virgil screams
Chapter 11
Virgil's POV
He's been trying his best to stay calm, to hold back the anxiety gained from Logan and also the other fears swelling inside of him
But it's too much, and push comes to shove. A burning sensation occurs
And it explodes
He has a panic attack and realizes it extends into the real world
Overwhelmed and upset, he runs off.
He runs off to his hideaway and sits there
Getting bombarded with fears
He's there for what feels like hours when--
"Oh my dear Anxiety" A crooning, unfamiliar yet familiar voice says
Virgil looks, surprised, to see Deceit!! There's a lot more scales and he's wearing a funny outfit but it's him
He is happy to see him albeit sobbing into his capelet because of what happened.
Dee holds onto him going, “Shhhh everything’s alright. Shhh it’s not your fault. It’s my fault, I’m sorry—“ and Virgil interrupts shrieking it can’t be his fault, because in his mind Dee would never do anything bad and it hurts Dee to know that young Virge has so much faith in him.
"You'll hate me" But Little Virge refuses to accept that. "You're lying, you don't mean that"
"Okay, you caught me. "We stay best friends forever" OR something along those lines
Dee convinces him to bring back to the others, that they don't hate him
When they return, the others "freaking out" is a mild understatement.
Dee slowly produces tiny Virge out of his capelet.
Hisses at them to keep their distance because crowding Virge will only freak him out
Apologies and misunderstandings are made clear
Thomas summons all of them and they all have a sleepover
Virgil falls asleep snuggled between Remus and Dee
Chapter 12
Maybe Roman's POV?
Along with Thomas, they have a discussion
Dee waits a bit, before revealing that he's behind the reason for Virge's current state.
As his role Deceit, he has access to both truth and lies. One lie is that Virgil believes his kid self died and is no longer a part of him--attempting to actively repress those memories
He then points out the childish aspects of each side's function. (Maybe Logan input something about growing up and stuff)
P: "But why would Virgil think this?" J: "oh gee, I wonder why. It isn't like he was made to feel like an outcast from a very young age or anything"
Instant Guilt for all
Anyways Dee explains some mishap occurred, thus reverting Virgil back to this state
You get the sense Janus isn't telling the whole truth.
Janus says he has a way to fix things, and that's when there's a noise
Virge is there, standing incredibly still, slightly heavy breathing
"Anx, it's okay, we're not upset"
Little Virge heard everything and is upset but he understands
He knows Thomas needs big him, and the others reassure him that they'll be there for him, each having a small moment with him
Then he starts glowing brightly, causing them all to be alarmed, Janus included
Chapter 13
Virgil is back and boiiiiiii is he freaked the heck out
The Others including Thomas are all there, F*CK how can he ever recover after they saw him like that?
He's both embarrassed and mortified
Not to mention it hurts to have two sets of childhood memories rattling inside his head. One that was lonely and painful, and the other that was happy but fake
He snaps at Janus and ends up fleeing in his room
He doesn't duck out
He cant do that
He just doesnt....go out. He doesn't want to hear the jokes start. He doesnt want the babying or the pitying to start.
He does his job and that is that.
(inwardly he knew this would happen, but not like this)
They try summoning him (Thomas included) but he wont come out. His door is locked.
Patton slips a note under the door but Virge refuses to look at it.
Blares MCR
Somehow Zola appears in his room, and he'd like to tear it apart or something, but he can't help but squeeze the stuffed bat tight and cry for the childhood that never was.
A week passes, and there's a very sad prince at his door
Virgil ends up letting him in because look, he's not a monster
it's very...awkward at first
but they eventually have a heart-to-heart and some snarky banter
and Virgil is very confused when Princey feels the need to apologize to him
They also discuss Janus and Virgil very reluctantly agrees to talk to him
Virgil ends up talking with Janus over tea
Janus doesn't really look at him, staring at his teacup as he explains himself
and dammit, Janus has hurt him (but then again so has Virgil hurt Janus)
But a part of him really misses him. A part of him that has always missed him.
Janus explains he just wanted to know where he went wrong in their friendship, that he went the round-about way because knew Virgil wouldn't talk to him but messed with things he shouldnt and accidentally caused Virgil to revert to the age before their friendship started fraying by accident.
He admits that he almost wanted to leave Virgil that age, to take advantage of it as a way to start again, but ultimately couldnt let himself take advantage of virgil in that way
He also apologizes, telling Virgil "Showing weakness isn't bad. I told you once that you had to stay strong and not let anyone see it, but I was wrong" and that he understands if Virgil doesnt accept his apology right away or if ever
And Virgil doesnt completely accept, not yet, but he's willing to try
It ends happily with them going down to dinner with the others. (possibly Virgil having moments with the others??)
the end
BONUS, Written Scene from Chapter 11 w/ Virge's and Janus's reunion because I was self-indulgent and wrote ahead
“Oh my dear Anxiety,” A silky voice croons, so achingly familiar.
He sniffles, raising his head to meet eyes with the much older face of his best friend; Deceit. It has to be, there is no other side whose left side of face is reptilian in nature. He’s crouching beside Virgil, only one set of arms present at the moment. He’s wearing a funny outfit, but then Deceit has always dressed funny, just like Creativity. Neither of them have ever been worried about standing out.
“Dee!” Anxiety cries out, all but flinging himself onto the older side. The velocity of it flattens the two onto the ground, with Deceit letting a small grunt from the impact. He’d be more worried about possibly hurting Deceit if he wasn’t too busy bawling his eyes out into the strange cape Deceit is wearing.
Deceit strokes his hair, so soft and gentle. Then two sets of arms hoist Anxiety upwards, settling him onto Deceit’s lap. Deceit hugs Anxiety, cocooning him in a warm embrace. For a moment, everything feels normal again. As if they’re all kids still and Anxiety had sought Deceit for comfort after a bad nightmare.
Then Deceit speaks, saying words meant to be comforting. They are comforting at first, until Deceit says things that don’t make sense. And Anxiety knows Deceit is a liar, that he says things that aren’t true. But he knows when Deceit isn’t lying. They’re best friends after all.
“Shhh, it’ll be alright. Shhh, it’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s not your fault. It’s mine. I hurt you and I’m--”
“No?” Deceit repeats.
“No, it--it--you didn’t do anything bad, you wouldn’t!” Anxiety says, nearly shrieking, “You’d never, ever, hurt me. We’re best friends and best friends don’t do that.”
A strange, choking noise erupts from Deceit. Anxiety looks to see Deceit’s human eye glistening. His best friend’s lips quiver, like Anxiety gets when he gets too scared to speak. Except Deceit is never scared. He always knows what to say in a situation, confident in ways Anxiety could never be.
“Oh, I’ve forgotten what you were like at this age,” Deceit whispers, so low that Anxiety thinks he wasn’t meant to hear it. Then Deceit shakes his head, a weird laugh escaping him. “You’re going to hate me, Anx. Or rather, you’re going to hate me more after this is all over.”
“You’re lying,” Anxiety accuses, his fingers tightening around the fabric of Deceit’s cloak, “You don’t mean that. I love you, Dee, you’re my best friend and--and...Big Me is still best friends with you, right?!”
Deceit inhales sharply, as if there’s something stuck in his throat. Before Anxiety can even grow concerned for his well being, he breaths out a long dramatic sigh.
He rolls his eyes, smirking, “Alright, you caught me.”
“I did?”
“Yes. I was only lying to scare you out of crying,” Deceit assures him, “I didn’t mean to scare you into thinking we weren’t best friends still. Of course we are.”
“G-good,” Anxiety huffs, “don’t scare me like that, Dee, I don’t like it!”
“I won’t do it again, I promise,” Deceit says, his smirk fading a bit as he takes on a somber expression, “it still isn’t your fault for what happened, Virg--Anxiety. Neither I or any of the others think it is. They certainly despise you for it.”
“Despise?” Anxiety’s heart jumps a bit, “Oh! You mean...you’re saying...they don’t despise me?”
“I don’t know,” Deceit raises an eyebrow, “Why don’t you try reaching out? See what their fears tell you.”
Anxiety closes his eyes, sticking his tongue out in concentration. If he thinks super hard, he can envision everyone's fears like spider webs, branching all over the mindscape, interconnected in some ways and in others, completely disconnected in each side's little corner.
And he is the itsy bitsy spider, that scuttles about and maintains the webs to some degree. Because a little bit of fear is good, it helps keep Thomas alive. So he traces the webs and searching for what Dee suggested. There is one thread present, in every nook and cranny of the web, he searches, even in the splinter-offs. One fear that repeats and loops through the whole network that he has never seen before.
"Oh." Anxiety breathes, eyes widening. They're not afraid of him. They're afraid for him, worried about his safety and wellbeing. Anxiety doesn't know what to think of that.
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Today has been a very stressful day, so guess wtf time it is? Drunk Breaking Dawn Pt. 1. Here is what I soberly remember of the movie (I have not watched it since BD2 came out): 
1. There’s a wedding.
2. There’s a honeymoon.
3. There’s swimming in the ocean.
4. There’s an accidental pregnancy.
5. The baby almost kills Bella.
6. The canon incident that we all hate happens.
7. The Volturi evilly laugh. 
Same as Eclipse, my drunken narration of the movie will be below the break.
A brief intro statement, I was 100% sober and just beginning to drink at the beginning of the Eclipse post and progressively got more drunk. For BD1, I’m throwing back before I even start watching this shit show.
- I love the effects of the intro. it’s very calming. THe putting away childish things quote is literally a Bible verse. I hate that Stpehen appropriated Quileute culture, Christian culture, and every culture. I know she’s mormon but sitll. THis shit feels real appropriated.
- Idk why rennee is all happy. she never gave a shit before.
- carlisle carryign the bench is literally the hottest hting i’ve ever seen fck
- lowkey kinda creeprd out because she’s literally sacrificing her humanity to marry this deud she’s known for like a year but everyone other than jacob is super supportive
- damn she’s looking @ this dreamcatcher and it’s making me sad but tbh that shit probably caused half her nightmares because she’s not native so sleep paralysis (if you know you know).
- he just todl her hes killed people and explained it and it didn’t work she’s still down to clown with this vapire emo boi
- i just wama ne im loved amd ne loved in retun plz
- this dream sequence is awful also fck the volturi is til hate that they never overthrew that crabbyass monarchy bullshit they were powerful enough
- i just wanna be like rosalie when i greow up
- charlie knew shit was off when he saw those crapsk 
- why the HELL is renen actin liks she cares? bitch go the fuck back home
- jessica is the only one with any damn common sense in this whole series talking about they’re too fucking young for this shitt bitch true and itm akes sene now why she was the valedictioajrn 
- damn id’ be fuckign panicking too your lfie is over hoe 
- stpeheen sto pwiht your racist ass smiling its offensive
- this wedding is gorgoeus though i live for hte fuckj g aestiec 
- carlisle is the love of y life
- sth is a lil ray of sunishen 
- i just reaized howd fucked it is that sue and chalrie are starng to catch feelz ut sue knows his daughter is funckugn off with a unded vamp emo iboi
- charlie is gget ing drunk as hell my spiritn animel
- jesica is smart and beautiful she needs t os stop being jealous and petty know ya wotht girlie you got itl
- edwar lves her so much fck im all alone\
- how haoph hacob is when they hig i hate canonn they were best friends fc,
- jacob stay the fck outta her sex life she;s been wanting this for ad dman year fkc steohe let them jsut befriend
- steh is so swert but e is a chidl fck the is reacist plot bulshit
- bela looks os ad she knows it’s goodbye but edward’s family is all smiling because they have her now hwat fthe ckc
- jac0bs cryng my heart brke
- i love bineg dunk 
- the scene isn rio is my faorite isn any of the movies eveyrhting looks warm and happy
- this bich can drive ab oat too damn he can just fod evryhin cant he
- deis this honeymon scene make anuone else unconmfy becuae same
- marying a vampire would be horrying af but also hot af and good af becuase htye oculd love so much and protect you from everythign fck 1-/10 woukd efeel safe
- bwll gaving a panic attakc ism e anyt tinme i try talking to an attractive man
- slepeign at last fckign ti up agin bit ch theis m yshit 
- when he said it was the best night i cred 
- tstoehe added the chess game like this shit is a hoje but i would love to play chess on my honemodn idk how uut  i want a man to each me but not mansplin
- i know i sadn it was horryig but i want a hotass vamp emo boi husband plas 
- damn jacob is being too emo she aint really gonan be ded for ever youll see her agianb itch
- i fucking hates these vamp racist bitches but i want a nonracist va,p husband bitch thus hot afck
- how tf does she not know shes rpegr yet eatin this weid ass shit?
- poor bella her life chaned so uqick and she[s soc scared fck dcnaon
 - this montage is turopy a f when youre drunk waht the helc por jake thugh
- im sorry but i;n laughign my ass off at these fuckugn wolf vocie overs lmaoooo this shit hilarious
- calisbe is fos unicngn hot
- i just reaized robert is like the best fuckugn actor like this diolaguge is wha k as fuck btu he’s acitng all emo boi oscar worhty shti
- they realy had her fuckin drink blodo i hate cannjnonnn
- ifelel the same as kaje watchign this 
- but carlisle’s prety face made it all fuckig hetter
- okay ut id is cute as fkc whe nedward hears the baby 
- esme and calrisle wilougn to risk their lives for bella i cryi
- fkc i really do hate cnaon because jake is acting liek an adult now and trying to do the honrble thig bue he should be a hpaoy chidl 
-  resnemsien is a ficking ridjcils name and we all fuckj nnew
- i ahte this part i’n bot even wathcing this shit rgros me rout 
- literlaiy fuick the dynamics of this whole moty hfknfucjg storyline plot bitch
- aw hell here the fucks we hgo with theu ickgn im************** bulshit i ghate cnaojn canon can suck ad ick
- rosalie is literally perfect when cnai b ehr 
- im real glad im drunk rin now because ioculd nto sit throguh this shit sober
- imp&******* is the worst plotline fkc]
- bit iamgiben falling alseo lookin gsick and waking up fhot as uck goals
- this sogn making me cry literlalu imcruing ims o alone lmao
- rheye really ended htoe move wirh red eyws lmaoooo
- hodl the fick up a damn minute stpeehebn producre htis cufkcng shit?
- now heres the hoes iv’ve been waiting on burnt the monarch fuckwits i hate thes epompis fuckers
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justafandomlove · 5 years
Okay wow that was. An episode.
I am so fucking in love with Jorah Mormont you have no idea and I fucking SOBBED when he died and Dany started sobbing over his body. I just. My hEART
Jaime, Brienne, and Pod are all alive and I’m so relieved I’m crying over that too. Every time it made it look like they were gonna die I screamed. And uhhh Jaime and Brienne repeatedly going to rescue each other and keeping their eyes out for each other no matter where they are? I fuck stan
I cried a lil when Edd died like hey my heart hurts he was one of the OG Wall Squad
I hope Sam is okay? My tiny boy
Okay I KNEW it was coming but. I still started sobbing when Theon died. And Bran. “Theon. You are a good man. Thank you.” My fucking HEART was ripped out of my CHEST. Theon NODS at the Night King then CHARGES HIM. I cried so hard. I miss him so much already
Okay and. Arya. Fucking. Stark. She’s SUCH a badass I stan her SO FUCKING HARD. She is probably MASSIVELY concussed, scared out of her mind, terrified for her brother(s). And she comes FLYING at the Night King. She is. God what a fucking legend. I REALLY loved it when Melisandre and her interacted. “Eyes you’ll shut forever. Brown eyes, green eyes...blue eyes.” And then Arya GETS IT. IT CLICKS. S H E KILLS THE NIGHT KING. THE ULTIMATE BLUE EYE BASTARD. GOD I JUST. IM SO IN LOVE WITH HER
Also what happened to Rhaegal? I know Drogon is alive but. Where did Rhaegal go after he dumped Jon? I need ANSWERS
Okay I have to rewatch on Wednesday so I can screech again in peace so I’m done for NOW
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Stray Kids in College/High School
[@softbuntaes requested:
“Stray kids and bts college at drabble”
stray kids | bts
always sleep deprived
he’s really friendly tho
but for the most part he keeps to himself & his friend group
everyone goes to him for english tips
but they have no idea you’re fluent too kekekek
you find him really cute
like you don't like him but you find him pleasing to look at
bc you don't know him that well
but his friends catch you glancing at him a lot & tell him
he looks at you while you're taking to someone and he's like oH
he finds you so so gorgeous
so when you glance at him again he's LOOKING AT YOU
you both blush & look away from each other
so your friends end up setting y'all up
"soomin said she wanted help w english??"
"really? that's what i came here for, too. to help her.. with english."
you're blushing lol
"you know english too? are you fluent?"
"uh, yeah. aha.. i lived in (country) for a few years.."
and that lead to a beautiful friendship
lots of english speaking to tease everyone else lmao
he confessed at a coffee shop via the barista & a note 
he tol
teddy bear!!1!
well-respected for his grades & personality
so when he saw some jock shove you into a locker
he was not having it
he shooed the asshole away & helped you
he was so concerned honestly
after seeing you’re all right he’d smile & tell you that you can come to him anytime you need protection
you’re all uwu
you smile at each other in the hall a lot from that day on
you ended up going to him abt being friendzoned by someone
through his comfort you realized that you really really liked him
so your friendship grew & blossomed from there
until he asked you out one night on a hill under the stars
what a man istg
talking to you was a dare tbh
like his friends saw you, thought you were hot, and went like “MINHOOOOO GOGOGO”
so minho, the school’s king, did it
he hasn’t dated much but girls are falling at his feet
his good looks, up-kept grades, and talents make him everyone’s ideal type
but he’s not a playboy
he wants someone he can keep to cherish & love
so he talked to you
and you were like lmao no
bc you kinda judged him based on his status ngl
but he’s stubborn sooooo
“i’ll make you fall in love w me!”
he tried
he always hung out w you, was touchy & affectionate w you..
lmao you couldn’t resist his charm
but you never let it show
you stayed rock solid on the outside
on the inside you were all fikshrfksi
after a few months he got frustrated and confessed that while “failing” to get you to love him he’d fallen head over heels for you
you almost cried bc he honestly seemed so heardbroken
y’all got together & had your first official date the next day :’)
“i like dark”
soft emo bby™
keeps to himself & his friend group
doesn’t say much to anyone else tbh
but if you talk to him he’s chill
you’re quiet as well
not unpopular tho
quite the opposite actually
everyone knows you as the cute shy bean
& a lot of people can see that you have a crush on binnie
but ofc he can’t
he eyes you a lot as well bc you’re too adorable
his friends obviously see all of this
so one of them befriends you over a couple weeks and convinces you to tutor changbin in english
you can bet your ass that friend was chris
he just wanted a break
so you had a hard uwu and agreed bc that poor bab
so you met up w changbin and y’all were all blushy the whole time
he let you hold gyu
you were like :o
you loved gyu
n’ he was all
y’all got together a couple weeks later when he randomly kissed you bc you were being too fkn cute
you’re not complaining tho
pretty boi!!
he’s kinda reserved but loved nonetheless
always has anything anyone needs in his bag
like he’ll straight up pull out a curling iron or smthn
y’all met in the library 
you were too short to get the book you wanted lmao
so he grabbed it for you
it was short & sweet, a simple occurance
but he found you so so pretty
so when he found you crying in a closet the next day
he was like bitch who the F-
he comforted you despite not really knowing you
you got in a fight w your best friend & they said some really nasty things that really hit home
after that you found yourself clinging to him a lot
he didn’t mind at all
he introduced you to his friends & they became your new friend group
they all ship y’all hardcore
felix set y’all up lmao
“felix said he was going to give me my chemistry notes back??”
ofc y’all ended up confessing & sharing a sweet lil kiss
the school’s closeted class clown
like he thinks of some amazing things to do/say that would be really funny
but he doesn’t have the balls to do it bc he’d probably get in trouble
so cute tho
he’s pretty popular
party boi
you find him cute
so you actually started leaving cute little anonymous notes in his locker
not love letters but like
selfcare notes
“don’t forget to get lots of sleep!”
“know that you’re loved no matter what”
god he was so SO soft for whoever this person was
bc holy shit i can’t even
he became obsessed w finding out who it is
seungmin was like !!! that’s (Y/N)’s handwriting!!
so felix shyly confronted you one day and you owned up to it
you were so so shy and kinda scared
until he basked you in affection
“you’re mine. please be mine.”
sunshine boi
will happily talk to anyone
has girls falling at his feet
but is so oblivious to it lmao
he sees you one day and he’s like :o
bc you’re at a lunch table w no food
that & you’re stunning
so he happily sits next to you & strikes up a convo while subtly giving you food
 you find his upbeat personality endearing
so you shyly give him your number
he’s over the moon abt this
so y’all call & text on the daily
you’ll facetime him at like 2am crying and he picks up
you panic but he’s already on the defensive
“who hurt my little sunshine??”
your family was being harsh on you
so he told you to move in w him once y’all are out of school
you’re like
throws rocks at your window in the middle of the night
confessed by climbing in your window
you love him tho
he’s pretty reserved
he’s chill if you talk to him but he’s kinda shy
has good grades
awkward bean
y’all met when you were at chris’ house
he was helping you w some of your studies
& seungmin just walked in lmao
he got all shy & apologized but y’all were like no no
so chris introduced you two
all was well
but from that point on seungmin couldn’t help but notice you more in school
like damn you’re so gorgeous & cute
so he works up the nerve to talk to you
you’re like :D
and he’s all uwu
so y’all have lots of study dates
he asks you out by leaving a note in your textbook what a cutie-
suddenly y’all are the power couple lmao
he’s just a lil cutie
that’s it
he’s the school cutie ok
kinda reserved? he keeps to himself most of the time but is totally cool w someone else talking to him
loves new friends
so when you talked to him bc of a dare he was all uwuwu
bc you’re a lil cutie like him
tbh your classmates shipped y’all
so you two became good friends lmao
his friends adore you
they always tease him saying that y’all would be perfect together
and he gets all blushy
after a growing friendship he asks you to a school dance
that’s where y’all share your first kiss :)))
sings for you at said dance
you just,, fall for him
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doreile, caetain, and uh what else do we got. if u got it in u swing a bat and do what it lands on
okay so i’ma do doreile and then put the rest under the cut! 
who asks the other on dates: dori! éile does too but the dates are more his thing. she does a lotta gifts and touchiness and he likes to get her outta the house so that she doesn’t go crazy n he just likes. goin and doin things w her i reckonwho is the bigger cuddler: éile! she initiates it and once he gets used to it he always welcomes it. she just likes to have physical contact, even if it’s just the smallest thing. she likes being sure that it’s not just a dream. just flat out lying on top of him and closing her eyes and doin nothin is her favwho initiates holding hands more often: éile is touchier but i do feel like dori holds hands more! i think he just really likes it. i feel like it’s calming for him n there’s just somethin real nice about her letting him hold her tiny, soft lil hand in his big, rough one and like his whole hand swallows her but it feels just rightwho remembers anniversaries: éile better than dori but he’s not bad at it! he’s really sweet about their anniversary actually he knows it means a lot to her bc she never thought she’d get anything like what they have who is more possessive: i think éile?? it comes from a spot of being absolutely fucking terrified to lose him. she feels guilty for it but she does get possessive. she won’t act on it too much tho she’ll just stew. i’d WANT dori to be possessive tbh and i think lala would enjoy it as well but i know for a fact she’d have a hard time w this who gets more jealous: i would say éile again but i think i could also see dori being a bit jealous?? like i feel like he would start feeling unworthy and stuff more than jealous but. i could see it for both of them! but not super intensely. and dori would just feel crappy he wouldn’t do anythin (except maybe Sexy Times later) who is more protective: éile. she will fuckin destroy anyone that upsets him and god fuckin help ya if you HURT dori oooh boy- not to say that dori isn’t protective but he is so in a way that involves sheltering her rather than destroying people sdhgjfwho is more likely to cheat: um neither? they’re a pretty loyal pair and just… they wouldn’t. god, they just wouldn’t everwho initiates sexy times the most: oHOHOOOO they’re both fuckin horny on main who are we fuckin kiddin here like. You Know Matthew. You Know. although i’d reckon dori might feel worried he’d be pressuring her if he asked so he probs is thinkin bout it n lala just rolls her eyes and tackles himwho dislikes PDA the most: dori. éile is v touchy w him she just doesn’t realize it all the time. she has no problems with smoothin him rather intensely in public bc she’s an impulsive lil bitch and that’s her Mans! she’s gonna kiss him if she feels like it who kills the spider: why do i feel like it’s éile? i reckon neither of em care too much who asks the the other to marry them: dori- éile would want to be asked and she’d be way too terrified to do the asking who buys the other flowers or gifts: éile!! dori does for sure but she just. fuckin bombards the poor man. he has never lived down her bringing him roses at work one time. she mostly writes him cute lil notes thowho would bring up possibly having kids: both! by accident tho. they’re both too nervous to purposefully say anything i think and they’d just push it aside afterwardwho is more nervous to meet the parents: i think dori? éile knows richard’s kind of a dick and therefore is less nervous and more confrontational feeling i thinkwho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: dori tries to but éile argues that he’s to big and throws shit at him when he tries to pick her up to move her (they always end up on the couch or in bed together anyway) who tries to make up first after arguments: both of them are p good about this BUT dori wins more on this one. éile feels her emotions REALLY strongly and it’s really hard on her when they fight plus it’s hard for her to calm them down enough to like. be logical and start talking it out. dori goes to her and then they sort it out, quiet and calm, from therewho tells the other they love them more often: tbh i feel like they both show it a bit more than they say it, but éile feels the need to say it more (despite how that kinda scares her). she’ll say it after every rough time p much. just to make sure that he knows i guess
who asks the other on dates: cael! étaín like never leaves her house (and her kids) so he makes it his mission to get her out and living life morewho is the bigger cuddler: neither of them are cuddly per se but cael is more touchy with her. étaín is more hesitant about it and has to be eased into physicality more who initiates holding hands more often: i feel like they both just grab each other all the time bc they’re constantly on edge and tugging each other away from dangers and whatnotwho remembers anniversaries: étaín but she won’t admit that she doeswho is more possessive: cael. no man who even looks at her for too long is safe, as says my gut who gets more jealous: étaín (her name even means jealously lmao). she hates the idea of him with anyone else. it drives her mad, she’s kinda awful about it tbh. she can’t help it he’s all she has in a sense. the only link to a real life, her only chance at something like love and maybe happiness one day (but that’sa  fool’s dream, isn’t it?) for now he makes her feel alive and she doesn’t want to share that who is more protective: oh they’re both extremely protective… but cael is used to hurting people and étaín is used to defending people (her kids) so maybe étaín? don’t poke the mama bearwho is more likely to cheat: cael. he has more opportunity and i feel like he doesn’t wanna get too attached to her so…who initiates sexy times the most: i feel like it’s pretty damn equalwho dislikes PDA the most: both of them!! but esp étaín bc she’s divorced and has kids who kills the spider: both of them. with like 1200 weapons just fuckin thrown at the corner the spider is in. with deadly accuracywho asks the the other to marry them: it’d be étaín and it’d be very difficult for her to- in her mind- beg a man to marry herwho buys the other flowers or gifts: cael. the one nice thing the bastard does (jk). he probs brings her stuff from his travelswho would bring up possibly having kids: neither. étaín has two already and cael doesn’t strike me as someone who’d want a kid, esp given his line of work. if a kid were to happen it’d be an accidentwho is more nervous to meet the parents: i’d reckon both sets of parents are dead but if they WEREN’T it’d be étaín funnily enough bc she’d worry a lot about what they’d think of her being divorced and already having kids etcwho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: cael. as fuckin if étaín would let him in her bed when she’s pissed at him lmaowho tries to make up first after arguments: i would’ve said étaín BUT she is absolutely HORRIBLE to deal w when she’s angry like it’s intolerable so i’d reckon cael would end up trying to make amends first bc her being angry is hell for the rest of the word who tells the other they love them more often: hjsdfgj fuckin neither of them!! these two are absolute fuckin messes and i’d guess they just leave it unsaid a lot. like “i presume you just know this.” i could see them saying it when they’re fighting tho. like yelling angry etc
and what the hell i’ma do tate and sef too! tasef! 
who asks the other on dates: both do! they’re v equal on this front n it’s v cutewho is the bigger cuddler: tate do i even need to go into detail about this you know how sweet and touchy tate is who initiates holding hands more often: sef! i feel like that’s his way of being more tate-style affectionate (and also making sure that tate doesn’t run off and blow something up) who remembers anniversaries: again sef… sorry sef. tate’s a scatterbrain and he always has a lot going on and a lot to remember. he never knows what day it is unless he’s told who is more possessive: tate. mostly outta insecurity but also he’s kinda clingy anyway… who gets more jealous: tate? sef doesn’t seem like the jealous type who is more protective: tate is SUPER protective i mean he’s had éile to protect all his life, right? he’ll protect anyone but himself p muchwho is more likely to cheat: i’ma say a strong neitherwho initiates sexy times the most: hmm idk! who dislikes PDA the most: sef. tate is ALLLL over that shit! all over it. handsy bastardwho kills the spider: sef bc tate can be a fuckin wimp and he would not shut up about the spider until it was deadwho asks the the other to marry them: sef bc tate would be terrified that their relationship isn’t actually all he believed and he’d get a no. he’s afraid sef would realize that he’s not worth it etc who buys the other flowers or gifts: tate like TAAATE! he loves that shit, loves spoiling people and doing cute stuff and spoiling his bf who would bring up possibly having kids: both, i think! maybe sef more bc tate’s insecure- tate would just LIGHT UP whenever it happened like god i’m makin myself emowho is more nervous to meet the parents: tate. he thinks he’s a whole ass mess (which he only sorta is and he’s v loveable)who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: i feel like tate just fucks off to éile’s? idkwho tries to make up first after arguments: sef. tate gets SUPER wrapped up in his feelings and it takes him awhile to sort through emwho tells the other they love them more often: tate. he just does it without thinking. it’s basically a reflex to him after the first time. he’ll say it in response to anything if he’s not paying attention lmao 
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idealisticrealism · 7 years
Blindspot recap 2x18
(Aka the one where Roman gets to go on another excursion, Weitz wants to date literally the entire team except for maybe Patterson bc he’s intimidated by her brains, Reade is Touched By An Angel, and Nas falls on her sword for reasons which will probably never become entirely clear to anyone)
Okay, yes, I am the world’s worst procrastinator, and so am only just managing to get this posted now despite the three-week break. Tbh I intended to do it a couple of days ago, but then ended up getting distracted doing some writing of a different kind (stay tuned for that one very shortly!) and as such ended up with very little time for this-- hence why it’s a little shorter and kinda all over the place lol. But anyhow, if you were wanting a refresher on last ep before the new one tonight, you’ve come to the right place haha.
Okay I'm confused by this very large number of phenotypically-diverse children in one house. Also this blonde lady looks suspicious. Oh no and now the shouting girl is dead... after jumping from the second floor onto dirt? It would be unusual to die from that kind of injury, especially as a young person with strong bones, though it‘s certainly within the realm of possibility, depending on the type of impact. Also it's times like this that I'm reminded that both this show and I are kinda grim haha
Naaawwwww look at the Mayhem Twins in their little domestic bubble. Jane's so excited about her new 'bring your little bro to work' sitch and Roman is all *grumble grumble emo teen* about it, which lbr is pretty fair, but like Jane says, ‘freedom is something you have to earn’. Just bc you can't remember all the bad things you've done, doesn't mean everyone else can just forget it too, buddy! And considering you were literally the enemy not too long ago, it’s actually pretty impressive how much the team has let you in and treated you kindly. If anything demonstrates that the team (*cough* especially Weller *cough*) truly loves Jane, this is it. So be nice to your sister, bucko, because she's the reason that you actually have a chance at living a normal life for literally the first time ever. Sigh, my poor little battered babies. Why must you suffer so much and be hugged so little. Also well done makeup team on remembering to keep Jane's face bruised haha
Lol I love this scene, bc now without Reade, the team consists of poor beleaguered Weller and four badass (and currently rather displeased) ladies. The varied responses to Weitz’s inquisition are hilarious though-- Patterson is all (ง'̀-'́)ง , Zapata is all eye-rolls and being so done with this shit, Nas is already planning and scheming and looking at it from all angles, and Jane is there solely to support Weller and get his support in return, bc MARRIEEEEDDDD. And ugh Weller is such a good leader and reassures them all and then ugh he and Zapata having that little moment of worry over Reade and ugh my babiessss 
Speaking of Reade, he’s apparently busted both his face and his phone lol. He's also in a very weird hospital room; like this is a huge space for only two beds. I wonder who found him though? Also given his recent expensive habits, can he even afford the price of medical care?? If he was here in Aus, it'd be free, but in the States??? Good luck, bro...
Naww the team is soldiering on, with Patterson telling them about a new tattoo to check out-- a tattoo with numbers somehow linked to the girl that died. As usual, Patterson's explanation of just how that happened went in one ear and right out the other, for both me and the team, it seems. Oops. But ugh poor Jane looks a little bit sick at the thought of the girl's death being linked with her tattoos-- it must be so hard sometimes, to be covered in (what is sometimes the equivalent to) people's death sentences? Seriously Weller needs to hurry up and kiss all of those tattoos and remind her that in carrying them, she helps the team save people. Ugh, that woman just really needs a good long hug. 
Oh and look who it is, the ADA that everybody loves to hate. Gotta say, I still kinda ship him with Zapata a little bit. Like, in a 'hate each other so much they occasionally meet up and have angry sex' kinda way. But then again I kinda ship her with Roman, but then kinda also don't at the same time... Idk, imagining her and Roman kissing would be a little weird. Like he's just such a lil puppy and she's all wildcat. But aaaaanyway, ooooohhhh I love Weller's teeny tiny eye-twitch when Weitz mentions Jane. It's like turning his Protective Hubby mode onto vibrate-- none of the big loud shouty anger, just a subtle 'come near her and I will end you' vibe that radiates through him lol. I dig it. Apparently Weitz has no sense of self-preservation though, so not only threatens them all with suspension, but also steps directly in Weller's way, AND refers to Patterson as a lab rat. Oh boy. I'm so proud of our Weller though, clearly he's been working on his anger management haha. Plus, he totally just won that round and Weitz knows it. 
Dude they totally wouldn't be letting bystanders that close if the body was still right there. But whatevs. Also I like Weller's boots. And now oooh all the kids and the foster mom have disappeared, whatever could have happened....
Ughhh I love that Weller, Nas and Jane are all blatantly watching Patterson being interviewed, and Weller's all casual about it like 'yeah she's tough she's got this', but you just KNOW that if Patterson looked to be in any distress at all, Weller would be storming through those doors in a fury, with Nas following behind ready to provide some kind of excuse, whereas Jane would have slipped quietly away and set off the fire alarm or something before shimmying through the vents and dropping down into the room behind Weitz's guys, basically forming a pincer-maneuver with Weller, ready to kick the crap out of anyone that dares upset their lil Patterson. Of course Zapata would be flying in there right beside Weller (except when he would put himself in front of Patterson, she'd just launch straight at Weitz lol) but she's not present in the equation rn. Oh but here she is now, actually, with a lead-- she's found streetcam footage of the teenage boy from the foster-house. If they can find him, maybe they can solve the whole mystery and save the other kids.
Ughhhhh speaking of Patterson and Weitz, he's grilling her about Borden, and ugh my baby is being so tough and not taking any of his shit and for once I feel kinda grateful for that slimy weasel Fisher bc at least he gave her good practice for dealing with scumbags like this? Ugh I know my baby had somewhat of a breakdown in last ep (I wonder if she's cleaned her apartment up at all after that) but she really seems kinda... battle-hardened... now. Which makes me sad, but at the same time, we know that Jane has been through a whole ton of awful crap and she's still a little cinnamon roll despite it, so I have high hopes for Patterson to do the same. Especially with Jane there to help mentor her through it.
Oooh the Power Trio (by which I mean Jeller and their sidekick, Nas) are in Weller's office, and lbr this is very much a scene about a married couple having a debate, with Nas hanging in the background trying to be unobtrusive haha. I love that Jane was just reminding Roman this morning that these things take time-- but the first chance she gets she goes to hubby and is like 'let's put him on the team' haha. And lbr here, Weller puts up a half-assed argument purely for appearances’ sake. We know he's going to allow it, bc he's whipped a caring and supportive hubby and he wants the woman he loves to be happy. And also he wants Roman to be redeemed, bc if there's hope for Roman then there's hope for them all. He makes an excellent point that today is literally THE WORST day to be thinking about doing this-- literally a single thing goes wrong out there, even something that's not at all Roman's fault, and Weitz is going to be all over their asses. The dude's just waiting for an excuse, and letting a 'known terrorist' (sorry puppy, you know I don't mean that) out on a case is bound to be exactly the kind of thing he's after. But who cares, those are all far too sensible and logical things to be worrying about. Nas, surprisingly, has done a 180 from her shared opinion with Dr Sun that Roman is a monster, and encourages Weller to let him out in the field. Is she deliberately doing that to try to get them to play right into Weitz's hands, or is she just doing it bc she knows Weller's going to give in anyway and so she adds her support, letting Weller pretend he's been 'out-voted' (despite him being the highest-ranking person in the room) rather than actually just being the big marshmallow that he is? And ugghh he finally says yes and Jane is trying really hard to look mature about it and not beam at him and he's trying really hard not to seem pleased about making her happy and ugh these two giant dorks are gonna be the death of meeeee
Dude you're really not gonna use your work insurance? I suppose maybe you can't, since you quit like yesterday, you big dumb idiot. And then ugh the other guy asks him about his PTSD, and it's very convenient that the sole other occupant in the room is someone that can give Reade some real insight into his situation and help him get on the right path. If this was a daytime movie, we'd find out at the end that this guy was actually an angel the whole time, placed there to help him find his way. But it's Blindspot, so more likely he's a Sandstorm plant or something lol, since they seem to be literally everywhere haha. Also Reade denies being a veteran, and is he just trying to cut off the conversation, or is that answer honestly a no? I feel like my understanding of his character was that he WAS in the army before the FBI. But hey, maybe I just made that up.
Naawww Roman is like 'wait I'm coming out on a case that's not directly related to me?? Really??' and Jane is all 'yep now let's go out there and show them how great you are' and he snarks back about getting tossed back in a cage if he doesn't, and I love that there's a hint of reproach in her tone when she tells him that it's important, and a big opportunity-- like okay bro I know you’ve had a tough time but everyone is trying super hard to be inclusive and give you a fair shot so maybe ease up on the attitude mmmkay?? I love that Jane is Roman's biggest advocate when talking to others, but when he starts to get a bit whiny she (gently but firmly) puts him back in his place. Man, she’s such a big sister. Also dude they're gonna have to be even more careful with what they say about Sandstorm etc now, considering that Roman's detail is in the lab with them? Though I suppose all Patterson's lil lab techs are usually hovering around all the time, so maybe these are all high-clearance people. Rn Patterson's concerned about Weitz twisting everything they say, worried that telling the truth may not be enough to protect them. But Weller is all 'truth or nothing, we die with honor*' (*paraphrasing lol) and ugh I'm so proud of him for being such a good, incorruptible man. And so now they have another lead-- the teen's music teacher lives near where he was seen on the cam, so maybe he's gone there for help. Weller wants to check it out, but Patterson's already got plans at the morgue (that's where I'd go too tbh, autopsies are fascinating) and Zapata's got a date with Weitz, so that doesn't leave many other options. Jane's quick to suggest Roman, ratcheting the tension level up to about 300 before Weller is all like 'screw it, alright come on but just don't mess up okay bc wifey will be really upset if something bad happens' and Roman is all 'yes sir I would never intentionally make my sister unhappy sir' while Jane practically skips out of the room behind them haha
Weitz is asking Zapata about Reade-- ooh is someone worried about competition, Weitz?? Don't worry, she and Reade are just friends. And you are dirt on the sole of her shoe. But hey, maybe that's one of your kinks or something. Anyway oooh it comes up that Nas gave the order to enter the Sandstorm compound and that Weller wasn't there. The writing in the scene is clever and focuses on the Weller side of things, but it's also a setup to Nas getting blamed... wonder if they'll pounce on her later?
So it's snowy again, which means weather-wise, we should be approaching somewhere close to a full year since Jane was found in Times Square. Though since my theory is that she was found in January, I'm going to assume we're maybe around November now. Anyway I love that Weller allows Jane and Roman to head around back while he takes the front-- so much trust in Jane ugh (and some in Roman too, obviously). And he said Roman's detail would have to come out with them, but I don't see them anywhere... maybe scoping the perimeter? Round back they find Eli playing on a little pitch-pipe (it kinda looks like little plug-adaptors for TV aerials-- did he make it himself?) and ugh Weller reassures him and is doing his whole fatherly thing and ughhhh I love it (almost as much as Jane does hehe)
Meanwhile Patterson just found out that their girl's body has been basically snatched from the morgue, which is unfortunate. Clearly there was something about her body that could give the bad guys away??
I think Nas is trying to psychoanalyze Roman. But he's doing a better job of it himself tbh, and indirectly admits that he's scared of himself. Ugh, my puppy. Let me hug you. In the interview room, the Jeller dream team are talking to the kid, with Weller looming over him a little as the stern dad-figure and Jane sitting at his level, being the sensitive, understanding mom figure and ughhhhh I am having premonitions of them talking to their own teen after they go out drinking or stay out past curfew or something and ughhh I better not fall down this rabbit hole rn bc it'll be hours before I pull myself out of it, so let's focus on the present instead okay. Patterson has no leads on the body-snatchers, the music teacher has been out of town and has no idea about anything, and so all their hopes rest on getting Eli to open up. Roman suggests giving him back the pitch-pipe, recognising it as a sentimental item, much like the coin he and Jane shared. And ugh Weller approves and Jane is so proud and ooh Zapata just came into the lab and looked at Roman with a guarded expression and ugh stop making me ship it okay?? Anyways Jane's up next to talk to Weitz, and man does she look eager about the prospect lol
Aaaaaahhhh Weitz's first question is whether she's been in a romantic relationship with Weller (dude do you have a crush on Jane as well as Zapata?? Fair enough, I understand) and ugh I love that she doesn't go straight for a 'no', she instead questions its relevance to the investigation. And yaaaaasss I love that it's only after Weitz pretty much implies that she slept her way onto the team that she denies the romantic relationship. Because after all, it's kinda true; they definitely have (or as she thinks in his case, HAD) romantic feelings for each other, and they have had romantic interactions, but they have never been in a literal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, therefore her answer is not a lie. (Though I hope one day it will be hehe). And then he attacks her about zipping Roman, acting like she has something to hide, trying to get her to slip up and somehow incriminate Weller, claiming that her loyalties are with Roman and (basically) that Weller's loyalties are with her, meaning he believes Weller would choose her over the FBI if it came down to it, and ugh I know this guy is trying to cause problems and everything but I kinda love him for laying it out to Jane like that, putting the thought in her mind that maybe Weller WOULD choose her, maybe Weller cares enough about her that if it somehow came to it, he would turn his back on the agency that has been his life for a dozen years in order to stand with her. And lbr, he would. Heeeeelllllppppp.
Aaaand Reade is still ignoring calls and being an all-round butthead. Also I've suddenly decided Reade needs a dog. Oooh and angel-Trevor not only has PTSD, but he's dying bc of his drug and alcohol abuse, having already lost his family because of it. Yep, this guy was definitely put here to teach Reade a valuable life lesson. Good luck Trevor, hope you succeed. Also sorry to hear about the dying thing.
Naww Weller is being the understanding dad now, since mom-Jane isn't there to do it, and Zapata has taken on the role of that cool aunt that you can tell anything to. Also this kid must be kinda in awe of the hotness of the women in this place lol. He is like 16, after all. And then ugh he finally tells them that their foster mom was giving them pills-- and then BAM, he breaks open the pitch-pipe and there's one of the pills. Score one for Roman! Also I very much enjoy watching Roman watch the interviews. Handsome, emotionally troubled men with hearts of gold are definitely part of my aesthetic. Zapata takes the pill to Patterson to be tested, whereas Weller is accosted by Weitz, who looks positively delighted to get to have some alone time. Well, if a bunch of observers and a camera counts as alone time, anyway.... (#kinky)
And ughhhh yet again his first question is Jeller-related. We definitely have a shipper here. And ugh Weller describes his relationship with Jane as professional, which is technically true. Their relationship is multifaceted, and a big one of those facets is their work partnership. Especially lately, while the personal stuff between them is only just beginning to delicately blossom again. Then when Weitz pushes-- clearly desperate to know if there's hope for his OTP or not-- Weller hedges, saying that they go out for drinks as a team sometimes. Again, true; that is another facet. I love how he is very much skirting around the head-over-heels-in-love facet. Well played, Weller. It's Weitz’s fault for not asking you directly if you're in love with her. For once he's probably somewhat relieved for the conversation to move onto Shepherd-- well, until Weitz starts claiming that she's Weller's benefactor (slash future mother in law) and that he may actually be working for her somehow. Remember those anger management lessons, son, you've been doing so well. Just get through this and you can go find Jane so she can be outraged on your behalf. 
But nope, instead he walks into the lab, and when Jane asks how it went, he grumpily changes the topic. Sigh. I guess it would be a little hard for him to seek support from her when all the team-- including Roman and Roman's detail- are standing right there. Plus he probably still feels a little awkward about nearly getting caught out on the whole being in love with her thing. Kinda makes sense that he's a little touchy. Anyway Patterson has discovered that the foster kids are being used as guinea pigs in illegal drug tests. And cue a scene with labcoated people talking about euthanising the kids, which the foster mom initially argues against, but then accepts. Wow, messed up, much? Thankfully the drug has to be out of the kids' systems before they kill them, so that buys them another hour for our team to come to their rescue.
Lol Trevor and I seem to share feelings about home-renovation shows. I'd sure as hell rather watch hockey too, buddy. Reade catches him right before he falls over trying to change the channel, seeing that his legs are too weak to even support him anymore, and angel-Trevor then tells him to get control of his life 'the right way' by talking about his pain, getting it all out. And Reade starts to open up to him and ughhh I really hope he is an angel and not some kind of plant bc if the wrong person finds out about this, Reade could be in some serious shit...
Nas' contacts are closing in on Sandstorm's bank account after tracking that transaction Roman made, but Weller's more fixated on the fact that his unwanted 'link' to Shepherd is a threat to the team (now you know how Jane feels, bud!). Thankfully though Patterson has found a lead-- the capsule that holds the pill's contents is (very fortuitously) only used by four companies, and they showed photos of employees to Eli until they found the doctor he'd met-- a man with a very Polish-looking name, which Patterson can't pronounce, and Weller thinks he can, but can't. Literally I'm an Aussie who has never been to Poland, and while I'm definitely not sure exactly how it's meant to sound, I know enough to know it's not whatever he just said. But anyhow, let's add another uncle to Weller's list haha-- he seems to have been collecting a few lately. I wonder which side of the family they were on? Not that it matters, since he's estranged from both, I guess... but anyhow there's only one way to find the doctor, and that's to use Eli as bait. I appreciate that they get his consent first, bc lbr they probably didn't have to. 
And like a sucker, the doc fell for it, and they traced the call to a warehouse. Roman's detail is assigned to cover the back entrance (good, keeps them out of the way) and Weller puts Jane together with Roman while he and Zapata take another entrance. I love the Roman/Jane teaming up thing because again, it shows Weller's trust in Jane... but I want my Jeller combo back. How long til we can have Zapata and Roman teaming up? Bc I am veeeeery interested to see how that goes. I do appreciate that Zapata raises no concern about Roman being out with them though. It's nice to see him being accepted more ughh. Sounds like the foster mom has had a change of heart, and doesn't want the kids to die. Too little, too late, lady. And then she literally tries to grab a gun to shoot at Weller (rude) but he fires a warning shot, bc he believes in JUSTICE not vigilantism and ugh I just love my sweet honorable boy. And speaking of sweet honorable boys, as the team approaches the kids, Roman runs straight to them and starts cutting them free ugh, while Weller chases a bad guy and Jane finds the power source for the machines (not sure why, like she could literally just pull the IV's out of the kids' arms)-- but it's lucky she does, bc it puts her in the perfect spot to grapple with another suddenly-appearing bad guy. Roman nearly gets shot in the head about five times in the process, and he and the kiddies make a run for it while the rest of the team is locked in their own individual battles. Zapata personally kicks the shit out of the doctor guy, which I appreciate. They all dispatch their opponents and regroup at the same time, realising Roman is nowhere to be found. Jane looks super worried but also convinced that he'll pop up at any second, while Weller's just like 'shit I can't deal with this rn' and then ta-da Roman appears with all the kids safe and sound and Jane is practically bursting with pride and rainbows and Weller just gives this little nod like 'good work... u lil shit' and we didn't get to see Zapata's reaction but I stg she would have been frowning bc she found the whole situation worryingly hot lol 
Ugh now they're all at the hospital and Roman and Jane walk up to Weller together but she lets Roman take the lead bc lbr seeing the two men she loves most in the world interact is probably like her favourite thing ever, plus it's good for Weller to be reminded that Roman really does care ugh. And then Jane tells Roman how great he did and Weller agreeeeeeeeessss (bc now it's just them there so he doesn't have to keep up the cranky-boss appearances anymore and can just be the approving bro-in-law and ughhhhh save me). Oh and it seems Zapata is here to do just that, bc she's discovered Eli is missing from his room-- turns out he's gone to confront foster-mom. Also according to the decor, this is literally the same hospital that Reade is in. Imagine if the team ran into him in one of the corridors?? Awkwaaaaard. But anyhow the team finds Eli, and Weller approaches and starts talking him down while the rest watch from the doorway, and ughhhh "don't let what she's done ruin the rest of your life"/ "the things that you've had to go through, they can make you stronger, but you have to make the right choices" and ughhhhh his words literally could relate to any member of the team, but are clearly hitting Roman especially hard rn. Yaaaas give me all the Roman/Weller bonding. And omg the kid drops the knife and then walks straight into Weller's arms and I'm screaming bc ALL THAT SPECULATION ABOUT WHICH OF THE WOMEN THE HUG WOULD BE WITH, AND IT'S A FREAKING TEENAGE BOY. Oh, man, that promo sure got us good. I'm so amused by this haha 
Oooh Weller has called his ladies (sans Nas, which imo is the way it should be) into his office-- he's giving Tasha the lead on the Sandstorm op, which makes them all go "??What???" so he explains that in order to prevent Weitz taking the whole team down, he's going to fall on his sword, take the hit to spare the rest of them. And lol yet again it's a mixed-bag of reactions-- Patterson is all (ง'̀-'́)ง  again, whereas Zapata-- as a bureaucracy-understanding agent like Weller-- clenches her jaw, telling him they'll fight it together but knowing why he's doing what he's doing; but ugh Jane's eyes are locked on Weller's face, voice rough with emotion as she insists there IS no team without him. Because to her, there isn't. There's nothing without Weller-- she can't even comprehend existing in a world where he is not at its center. And when he insists that this is the plan he's going with, she looks to the others, hoping they'll help her talk him out of it-- but they're silent. There's nothing they can do. He's still their boss, and this is his final order. Weitz has his victim at last.
But not, apparently, the one we were expecting. While Weller was saying his farewells, Nas Kamal-- the sneakiest of the sneaky-- is already in with Weitz, claiming full responsibility for literally everything (did you know she shot JFK, too??). So, okay... what is actually going on here? Was this literally the point of her character all along, to provide someone else to be offered up as a sacrificial lamb, when all the shit that has happened this season finally catches up with them? I just... idk. I don't get it. I feel like Nas' character makes no sense, like she's some kind of shape-shifter, initially one thing, and then another, and then another, based on the whims of the writers. After nearly a full season I have no idea what her motivations actually are, and I have no idea whether any of the things she said or did were genuine or by design. But, well, better her on the chopping block than Weller, I guess? Well... so long, Nas, and thanks for all the fish-y business!
Ugh my precious Weller catches up with them just as they're leaving, though clearly dreading what he's about to do but ready to do it anyway to protect his team. And then Weitz is all "Boy, bye"... though not before offering to take him out on a date. Does this man literally have a crush on EVERY member of the team, or??? 
Reade is getting out of hospital, and he leaves his number for Trevor (silly boy, angels don't need phones to speak to you), and the last bit of advice he receives is not to face his demons alone. So c’mon, Reade, who you gonna call?
Okay I am super uncomfortable with drinks being poured on top of the touchscreen table thing. I can't believe Patterson is allowing this. And aww the team thanks Nas for her sacrifice, but lbr they're all secretly glad it's her and not Weller. And then she says a mildly emotional goodbye (she's not really one for touchy feely stuff, lbr), passing the torch to them to continue on her quest against Sandstorm-- and giving them the bank account details, which will no doubt be their next lead. Aaaand yep I am still no closer to understanding anything about why she does what she does or what she wants or anything, really. Which either means that the writers are waaaaay more clever than I am, or they have no more of an idea about it than I do lol. Personally, I'm kinda leaning toward the second...                                                       
Aaaaaahhhh Reade called Zapata. GOOD BOY.  THIS IS THE FIRST GOOD THING YOU'VE DONE IN WEEKS. And ugh he thanks her for coming over and she thanks him for calling back and they HUGGGGGG and I still do not ship them in the slightest but man have I missed their awesome friendship!!!! And then aaahhh he picks up the tape (apparently he's found a VCR at a thrift store or somewhere lol) and tells her that what he was doing wasn't working and that he needs to know so he can move on and then ughhhhh they sit on the couch together and she holds his haaaaaaaand and ugh I so desperately hope that it's just a game tape and ugh I'm terrified to find out and oh man I can’t even imagine watching that with someone knowing that they may be about to see you violated in that way, knowing that this is something they will always be aware of in the back of their mind when they look at you, and mannnn I just can't get over the incredible depth of the relationships in this show like yes this particular situation is horrible but these connections are so what I came here for ughhhhhhh
Ew, Shepherd. I was enjoying a few episodes without you. And okay blah blah blah you've bought something very expensive and very toxic looking in Bangkok. Whatevs. Hope it backfires on you somehow.
And okay that's the ep done, just in time haha. About the promo: my prediction is that the Jeller kiss we saw will actually be interrupted before it happens, but that Jeller will find a way to ensure that some uninterrupted smoochin' happens by the end of the episode. And lbr they are so DUE for a kiss. Like it's a legit pattern; both of them kiss somebody else. Then they kss each other. Then they both kiss someone else again. Then kiss each other. Then, most recently, they've both kissed other people again, people whom they no longer have any relationship with. Which means: this Jeller kiss is a definite guarantee. It's pure science. Just wait til tonight's ep; you'll see. And after that, the pattern’s gonna end, bc these two won’t be kissing anybody but each other ever again ugh
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