#proton (pokemon) headcanons
one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
Executive Proton from Pokémon was?????? a yandere????? for a player-like character????? AND I HEADCANON HIM AS AROACE??????????????????
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minty-the-marill · 1 month
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Here is a weird headcanon I have. Proton looks like he could be Spinel’s dad (or another relative). Both are pretty green haired guys that everyone is scared of. It’s just that I don’t know how much time there is between HGSS and SV.
In my headcanon, Spinel was born before the events of GSC/HGSS. For now, Spinel being the son of Proton is just a fun headcanon that I probably won’t stick with.
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exec-proton · 3 months
I swear-
[Image ID: A very dazed looking Proton on the couch, he is half-rolled over onto his back, and looks like he's been blue-screening for a while. He (Metaphorically) has the apple loading circle on his head, and even that is lagging. His blanket has mostly fallen off. Missile, his Zubat, is sitting on top of his chest.]
He literally has a bed. He has his own BEDROOM. WHY does he keep sleeping on the couch. Why does he CHOOSE this. The next time sleeps on the couch I'm going to drag him out into the hallway. Arceus.
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plagues02 · 6 months
Admin Proton
Summary: Grunt Proton feels like she must come clean before accepting the position of admin. Characters: Proton, Arianna, Giovanni Word Count: 1038 Note: This was written back in 2021 and originally posted on Ao3.
Proton sat in front of the mirror of the empty room. She tugged at her slowly growing hair before her eyes trailed down to her body. Sure, her size was small, but nothing about her body screamed female. The Team Rocket grunt didn’t feel safe enough to express herself. She was most likely scared of nothing, but that fear was still in the back of her head. 
All the members of the executive board of Team Rocket were LGBT in some way. Archer and Petrel were gay, and Ariana was pansexual. Petrel and Giovanni were on the aromantic spectrum, and Giovanni was also on the asexual spectrum. They accepted her as bisexual. But why? Why was she so scared to come out as trans?
"Growing your hair out? It looks good on you," a feminine voice echoed throughout the room, where Proton thought she could be alone for a while. Proton looked over to see the red headed Ariana walking over. "So this is where you've been hiding? Giovanni's been looking for you, kid."
A pit fell in Proton’s stomach as she heard this. Playing this off, she raised an eyebrow. "Did… I do something wrong?" She asked, running her fingers through her growing hair before placing her hat back on her head.
"I'm not sure. All he told me and Archer was 'Where is that Proton boy? I need to speak to him'," The executive mimicked her husband's voice with a small laugh before noticing the grunt's discomfort. "Proton? Did I say something wrong?"
Yes, I’m not a boy, Proton thought, but those words won’t leave her mouth. Instead, Proton simply shook her head. "No," she said in a small voice. "Boss is in his office, right?" And without waiting for an answer, she left the room. 
Ariana watched as the grunt walked out. "I worry for that kid. He seems to have his head in the clouds," she mumbled to herself. "But only relating to himself."
While walking, Proton rubbed her face to calm herself down. She didn’t need Giovanni seeing her like this. Cloudy minded and lost in thought. Before she knew it, she was in front of Giovanni’s office. With a sigh, she walked in.
"Sir, you were looking for me?" Proton asked, making her presence known to Giovanni.
Giovanni looked up from his computer before motioning for her to sit in the chair across from him. Proton was tense as she sat. A million questions were on her mind.
Did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble? Is this about the last mission? I thought it went well. Does he know?
The final question scared her the most. Proton had not grown up in the most accepting environment. It took forever to talk her family into Proton as a nickname over her deadname, without calling it her deadname. She felt as if that was all she could do in her current situation. Any other part of her transition was off limits for her own safety. Even in the safety of Team Rocket, Proton was terrified to live how she wanted to. No, how she needed to.
“No need to be tense, boy,” Giovanni started before noticing the slight flinch. He paused, looking at her before continuing. “This is about your last mission.”
Proton shifted in her seat. “Is something wrong?” She finally asked before shaking her head a little. “I mean, did something go wrong, sir?”
Giovanni shook his head, silently watching the grunt in front of him. The silence was unsettling to Proton, but she did her best to hide it.
“Everything went extremely well,” Giovanni told her. “One of the best mission results I’ve seen a in a while, in fact.” He explained, moving some papers on his desk.
Proton’s eyes followed Giovanni’s hands before looking back at Giovanni’s face. “Then, what is this about?” she asked.
Giovanni leaned against his desk before standing up. He walked around his desk with Proton’s eyes following him, her head never moving. The boss left her vision, and she felt his hand on her shoulders.
“Proton, I would like to promote you,” Giovanni finally told her. Proton’s eyes widened as the information came to her ears. “You have proven time and time again that you are one of my best grunts, and I believe you have proven yourself of the title, admin. Same as Petrel.”
Giovanni moved his hands away, allowing Proton to stand up. She turned around, looking Giovanni in the eyes. Despite Proton trying to stay neutral during this own thing, her expression for shock gave away her true feelings. This causes a chuckle to leave Giovanni’s mouth.
“Me? An admin?” Proton asked, staring at Giovanni with wide eyes.
A small smile came to Giovanni’s lips as he gave a small nod. “That’s correct,” he said, holding a hand out to her. “What do you say?”
Proton stared at his hand, slowly raising her own to shake his, but she pulled away before she did. Giovanni raised an eyebrow at her, silently questioning her.
The grunts sighed softly, crossing her arms. “Before I agree… before I become an admin, can I come clean on something? I don’t believe you would want… a lair on your executive board.”
The boss raised an eyebrow before his eyes narrowed. “What is it, boy?” He asked with a stern voice, causing a chill to run down her back.
Proton looked down at her feet, trying to hide her words. “I… am not a boy,” she finally said. “I knew since I was young, but… I never could…”
“Come out and say it?” Giovanni finished the sentence for her. He knew of her background. He knew of a lot of grunt’s backgrounds. It never bothered him. As long as they were loyal to him, he could care less. Proton nodded.
Giovanni watched her for a while in silence before raising a hand out to her again. “Thank you for being honest with me, Proton. Boy or girl, you have proven yourself worthy for the title admin,” he told her. “Will you take it?”
Proton looked back at Giovanni, staring for a while before nodding. She uncrossed her arms and took Giovanni’s hand, shaking it. “I will.”
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Is it possible to just send you character for you to submit what you think fits them best? (Your headcanon) , if so could you do Proton from Pokemon?
I suppose I could do that!
I don't know much about Pokemon but Proton is giving me heavy bipan gay/turian vibes.
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plagues01 · 2 years
A redraw of my Proton drawing from last year. Might become my yearly pride month redraw. You never know. Anyway! I headcanon Proton to be a trans woman(so please only use she/her for my verison) as well as bisexual!
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hwpn-gurire · 14 days
i'm really happy that people want to hear the Rocket AU headcanons so here's my ramblings out of order, time to yap!!
before I start I want to thank all of you fic writers who write heart wrenching fanfics where Professor Oak is an absolute shithole for the brain inspirations, you're the real goats
After losing the championship to Red, Green gets into a bad physical fight with his grandfather who 'lectures' him and yells at him for having brought disgrace to the Oak name with his behaviour
Green manages to run away, but gets chased by the professor
At some point due to the panic Green slips and ends up falling down a cliff
He survives albeit heavily injured and is found by Giovanni
Giovanni who experiences a lot of conflicting emotions upon his discovery ends up saving Green
Green gets treated by the best doctors Giovanni could assemble, but despite their efforts they aren't able to save one of Green's eyes so loses his eyesight on it after the accident
Green spends a long time in the hospital in Team Rockets care and he's super hostile and suspicious in the beginning, not eating anything
Cue to Proton playing the royal taster to show Green that they mean no harm and didn't poison his food HAHAH
After some while Green actually warms up and accepts the fact that Giovanni had some kind of change of heart
After building trust with Green, Giovanni asks him about the accident and what happened that day
Green actually opens up and ends up letting everything out as he cries
And that's basically the moment where Giovanni's like "I'm going to adopt that boy and ruin Professor Oak"
Baby Silver's super excited to have a big brother!!! Silver and Green become super close
Ariana becomes like Green's mum figure
Green grows up to become the new head of Team Rocket and restructures Team Rocket with Silver's help into a successfull business of some kind (basically TR redemption arc, they take over the business world HAHAH)
Green seems like he's super evil and could probably destroy you (and he probably could), but also he's still the same machineguntalking dork
Green's also a successful model and has insane beef rivalry with Elesa
He's absolute besties with Iono and they trade all sorts of tea with eachother (also imagine him on Iono's livestreams wearing the cutest eyepatches imagineable...)
Green spoils all his Pokemon so much, but especially Eevee!!! No matter the AU, she's always his little princess
Red quits being a champion in this AU too and oneday reconnects with Green whom he thought had died
It's very emotional
At some point Red ends up becoming Green's secretary (very important point, they make out in Green's office!!!)
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chounaifu · 1 year
Potentially hot take/unpopular headcanon, but, I think that the frequency of Rocket actually going out and stealing individual Pokemon like the boogeyman is something that has drastically decreased over the years, in this essay I will--
Alright, serious time actually because I am very normal and I research organized crime a normal amount.
Larceny is an extremely risky crime, and the majority of the time, when theft is happening, it takes at least four or five people involved to pull it off successfully. From a business stand point, robbing people of individual Pokemon is not worth the risk in Rocket's current climate. HOWEVER. When the organization was still very young, very small, and not completely united into one operational body, I imagine the theft and poaching of Pokemon was extremely common place.
The organization likely had no major resources yet, extremely limited funding, and even less reach, because massive organized crime empires do not crop up over night; it's years, generations even, of growth, usually among communities that are failed by governing bodies and law enforcement. Larceny is naturally going to be the most basic crime that people lean into when they are struggling financially. Low risk, high yield, when it's just one person, versus high risk, low yield when you are putting the freedom of multiple parties on the line.
As Rocket grew, and the advent of technology such as the Global Trading System (essentially a universal data base of everyone tbh), trainer ID tracking, and more sophisticated trainer gear, I imagine they had enough established businesses, labs and properties to start funding breeding programs to stock their Game Corners and fill their sub markets. A good majority of Pokemon distributed by Rocket have legal, clean IDs-- or, in the case of a successful theft and laundering, the flags set off to indicate a stolen Pokemon were likely scrubbed somewhere in Rocket's tech department.
Crime adapts to its environment, and to technological waves. It's why we see cyber crime at an all time high-- and why we aren't seeing jewel heists and bank robbery nearly as much.
Of course, Rocket's reputation and effect is going to stick; they have absolutely stolen Pokemon, so it is very easy and believable to pin theft on them-- ESPECIALLY if you have purchased a Pokemon from them with the promise to pay for it later, and a repo man has come around to take your Pokemon back after failing to make payment. It makes for a better news story, and it keeps the image of the person in question clean, if they claim that they had been robbed, instead of making them admit that they made a deal with the yakuza, and their property was being seized.
TL;DR: If this Proton muse gives you a Pokemon, it's likely not stolen, he's especially not going to hand out stolen Pokemon to high ranked officials or ANYBODY he suspects would be able to track the ID.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
ok here’s even more: I had the idea that Lance is obviously has a darker side in this idea(au?) which is encouraged by his rocket dealings. He’s smitten, but you’ve already (politely) refused his advances and you keep meddling with rocket business. He needs you secured somewhere before the radio tower plan. He has reservations about involving an executive at first, but again that darker part of him is being encouraged so the longer this goes the more he rationalizes it. He’s so good at being a gentleman, but the things he wants to do to you… surely it’s alright. He’ll make sure it feels good for you too. Of course, the problem is easily solved when you have a run in with whichever executive is interested in you. With Proton, he sets up the “disposal” of one of your possible suitors where he knows you’ll stumble across him. He lets you escape because he knows you’ll go right to Lance. With Archer and Ariana I’m not sure, maybe a failed abduction attempt? With Petrel though, the betrayal hurts even more. You’ve been convinced that someone has been following you, but you can never prove it. Every stranger scares you, little coincidences add up… eventually you break down, and Lance is there for you. You never told him who you suspected, so the pain of him entering your room with Petrel behind him… he knew the whole time, didn’t he? Regardless, you’re rightfully upset with Lance. He understands. Obviously there will be an adjustment period. You can try to refuse him, or find your pokemon, but you won’t get far. He’s very calm about it. He starts by talking about how wonderful you are, how you’re so very talented and truly care for your pokemon… but you aren’t nearly as strong as him. He could crush you with or without his team. So just come to bed, won’t you? This little incident can stay between you and him. He smiles so gently while he tells you how weak you are.
Thank you for the food anon. I love everything about this.
ABSOLUTELY agree that Lance is that type of yandere to downplay your strengths, but he does acknowledge that you're strong. Just... Not strong enough to make it in the world alone. The type of yandere who will tell you that you need him. The ones who thrive on your reliance on them. No matter what you say, you're still someone who can't handle the weight of what life can throw at you. That is why he had to take you. It's for your own good... But Lance can admit he was also being a little selfish.
I feel like Lance would butt heads with Proton the most. In the latter's general headcanons, I mentioned how insanely possessive he is when it comes to his darling. Proton only agreed to the arrangement purely because he'd have you in the end but also since seeing your fear after witnessing the death of a suitor is enticing to him. Though, one of the things that the two have in common would be making you reliant on them. Lance is more direct while Proton just gaslights you to oblivion.
With Ariana and Archer, yeah, I can definitely see you managing to escape from them. Though, I think Ariana would do it on purpose. You know, give you a little scare before decided to let you scamper away like a frightened Mareep. Lance can tolerate her to an extent, maybe a little more than Archer but there are moments. She thinks your betrayed face is cute as she mocks sympathy. She's a little forceful too and isn't one to sugarcoat things, which is where she and Lance would argue about. With Archer, you escape his grasp and is later frustrated. He still is so when he arrives with Lance in the room you're staying in. Oh, he'll forgive you for running away, sweetheart. You just gotta make sure you mean it. The reason Lance would tolerate Archer a little more is because he's okay with letting you adjust. To him, it's more satisfying to see you come to them on your own accord (as well as boosts his ego). It's just that... If you peeve him off, he won't be against throwing manipulation and threats towards family. Of course he'll apologize later, but he just gets really scary when angered. Slightly frenzied...
And oh Petrel. You've explained clearly what it's like to be the object of his obsession. The master of disguise himself makes you utterly paranoid. Like Lance, in a separate scenario, he'd 100% convince you that he's the most trust worthy person in your life (all while hiding his connections with Team Rocket) and bam! The day you find out shatters your heart since you believed something/someone was stalking you wherever you went—leaving you scared and vulnerable. Petrel is the one Lance would probably tolerate the most out of the executives due to how lax the man is. He's cunning and sometimes likes to mess around with his darling, but just like Lance, he's considerate even though there's a darker side to him.
But even so, no matter which of the four he collaborates with, Lance will remain the same. I can definitely see him having a good level of patience with you in adjusting to your captivity but the executives like Proton and Ariana, egging him on to give in to his darker urges... It gets harder. They just like to push his buttons, you know.
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insecateur · 1 year
I call this the bathroom hookup universe inspired me and I am too ashamed to send this off anon, yes I HC professor Rowans first name is Oskar
Friday night in Sandgem. Usually Professor Oskar Rowan would still be busy or would be winding down by reading stories from his personal secret stash. Lucas was out of town on vacation, and the silence of the lab was only occasionally by the soft sound of Kricketot.
Oskar was already bored out of his mind.
'Maybe I can talk to Charon' before remembering he broke off with him, joined a terrorist organization, and was now in jail. So he was probably not willing to talk.
'Maybe text Samuel or Magnolia' as his brain quickly shut down that idea, no he did not, and he has never thought about them.
Maybe talk to one of his previous flings who had all somehow gotten his phone number? Although most of them did not even live in his same time zone, they might be having gym duties, or school or tending a garden.
Maybe he could have something sweet and fruity for tonight.
Oskar arrived at the Ursaring Cave pretty soon, and sat down on the bar, asking for a Blue Margarita.
From across the bar he heard a voice "Alone on a Friday night?"
He turned to look. A young man with blue hair, a white flat cap and a V-Neck Liepard print shirt looked at him and gave a little smirk.
"Maybe I'm just here for business" Oskar said as the young man moved closer.
"What business would a renowned Pokemon professor have at a gay bar?" The twink said as he took a long, uninterrupted sip from his cocktail until he finished the drink, never taking his eyes off Oskar.
"Hmm… Let's see… I used to be a regular here a long time ago, I needed to make sure the quality was still good"
"Does it still hold up?" The young man said inching closer.
"Maybe I need help determining that" Oskar said as his hand brushed against the young man's.
"We should discuss this somewhere private Professor" He practically purred as he got up.
"My name is Proton. Care to come with me?"
anon thank you for this gift. proton should get to fuck that old man
(oskar is a good name! when i was brainstorming names for him i settled on sven bc nana (like nanakamado) can mean seven lol. never had any occasion to use it so far tho. i like knowing people's name headcanons, it's nice)
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rejaytionships · 1 year
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inspired by @/roboticromantic, here's part 1/2 of my pokemon f/o lgbt headcanons!
(f/o type and flag descs under cut)
bill (romantic, bf) [genderqueer + bisexual] proton (romantic, ex-bf) [bisexual] roark (platonic, best friend + first crush) [transmasc ftm + bisexual]
giuseppe (familial, godfather/"uncle") [achillean] crasher wake (familial, adoptive dad) [transmasc ftm + gay] byron (familial, close father figure) [achillean]
jessie (queerplatonic, qpp) [transfem nonbinary + lesbian] james (queerplatonic, qpp) [transmasc nonbinary + gay] burgh (familial, cousin) [genderqueer + achillean]
emmet (romantic, bf) [bisexual transmasc acespec arospec] elesa (platonic, close friend) [sapphic] ingo (platonic, friend/in-law) [bisexual transmasc asexual]
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exec-proton · 3 months
Headcanon question: what do you think Proton would had pursued as a career, had he never joined Rocket?
That's a good question!
I somewhat explored this idea before with the whole "Normal-guy-Proton" mixup thing, but I never really went in-depth about it.
It's a hard question, because the answer is a solid it-depends.
A simple answer is, probably something to do with either cooking or engineering. I ramble for quite a bit under the cut about the specifics of his potential "Non-rocket" paths, however!
Proton was, in a way, forced into Rocket. He had a violent father as a young kid, and took odd-jobs from Rocket to have enough money to feed himself. Eventually, his father got much more physically violent, which ended up with Proton killing the man.
In short, he panicked. He had nowhere to go, other than the gang. He wouldn't be persecuted there, so that's where he went.
What he would do as a job, if it weren't for that really depends on what happens after he kills his father, or if we're going with a sort of AU where he isn't pushed to do that, whether because he managed to leave with his mother before the abuse becomes really bad (Normal-Guy-Proton), or because someone else notices the situation and calls the Pokemon equivalent of CPS.
Let's say that he does still kill is father, but instead of running to Rocket, he calls the police and confesses. He's sixteen at the time.
What happens next depends on what exactly he's charged with, and whether or not he's prosecuted as an adult. If the court agrees that it's self-defense, then Proton presumably gets sent somewhere better equipped to take care of him, which at this point is practically anywhere. This is the best case scenario. He gets to actually acquire life skills he wouldn't have a chance too otherwise.
If he's charged with murder, it would probably be second-degree. The killing wasn't premeditated, and it could certainly be argued that his intent wasn't to actually kill his father. In this case, I presume he would either be prosecuted as an adult, and sent to jail, or sent to a juvenile center. In this case, once he gets out, he probably struggles a bit, again, because of the lack of life skills. Not only that, but a criminal record would make it hard for him to find a job. In this scenario, he would probably end up falling in with Rocket anyways.
Now, if he doesn't kill his father, his prospects are far better.
What I affectionately call Normal-Guy-Proton is the scenario where his mother leaves his father, taking baby Proton with. She returns to her family, or otherwise finds a way to provide for herself and her child that isn't an abusive, alcoholic man, and Proton ends up with a fairly normal childhood. He goes to school, gets a job, and all of that. This is the one where I think he'd get a job in engineering. He enjoys tinkering with things, and he'd actually be able to pursue that. This is the overall best case scenario, and one I explored a bit for one of the Muse Mixup things that happened.
The other situation is where someone else actually decides to do something, and Proton is removed from his father. Again, this could go either way, depending on whether or not he's screwed by the system, but I'm going to go ahead and say that he manages to come out of it without much trouble. He's still troubled, but it's not quite as bad as the "I just killed my own father oh shit" trauma. This is where I think he'd go more into cooking, as he would still have some of the childhood experiences of having to fend for himself, making use of whatever he can have to eat.
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drifting-rocket · 4 months
For the canon ask game, how about 8, 10, 14, and 25?
Does everyone believe in mythical Pokémon?
Mm, I hesitate to say yes because legendary and mythical pokemon are definitely less well documented than most other pokemon. But at the same time there are definitely some legendaries (cough Kyogre and Groudon cough) that have featured more prominently in recent events and thus there's more knowledge of the species and they're a lot harder to dispute the existence of.
Can legendaries be caught?
Yeah! They're just a lot more difficult to keep, and usually the only people crazy enough to go after them are the ten year olds tasked with saving the world for some reason.
Why are most Pokémon Professors named after trees?
I think it's a coincidence kind of thing, especially considering the new professors aren't named after trees.
What's a headcanon or lore drop you've desperately wanted to talk about but haven't gotten the chance to?
So after Team Rocket split (the Team as a conglomerate was officially "done" after the radio tower, but each of the executives went off and did their own thing really.)
Archer followed in Giovanni's footsteps and retired. Deciding he was done with a life of crime.
Ariana went back to Kanto, and has been pretty successful in growing her splinter. She has her hands in just about every major political venture and is raking in that blackmail money.
Petrel is doing...well. something he roams with a little theater company that mostly makes it's money in pick pocketing people. He still keeps in contact with the other executives.
Proton is also doing mostly his own thing though.. makes his money in mercenary work mostly. He's only really gotten more ruthless as he's aged.
And Drifter of course is doing as Drifter does.
(And as a side note, Giovanni is not dead yet- but he's off in retirement.)
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rocketruled · 2 years
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25 and 26 For Red~ | headcanon prompts | @fangs-and-knives​
What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
Red doesn’t tend to gossip too much himself, but he likes to listen to gossip. He’s from a small town, he knows how essential gossip is to finding out things that are useful. If you find him spreading gossip, it’s almost guaranteed its because he’s currently fishing for information related to whatever the topic is.
What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine.
Prior to his promotion to Proton’s squad, he’d generally wake up around 7;30, 8, and have his pokemon train before he did anything else. He’d have breakfast at 9, 9:30, then check to see if he had any assignments before looking for people to battle.
Depending on where in his journey he is at the time gym wise, he might forgo the above, however, to wake up at the crack of dawn and travel to another town and challenge their gym. He’s an ambitious sort, after all, and neither becoming champion or rising the ranks of Team Rocket alone would be enough for him.
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jfsindel · 2 years
“Hello, Gorgeous” - Notes from the Author
Hello, my friends! If you’ve been following my longfic “Hello, Gorgeous”, then thank you! I appreciate it!
I have some notes that I want to share, just so you understand how much hard work has gone into it! I think details and things like that are wonderful. I also think it helps understand the mindset of the author.
Headcanons, if you will. At least, for this particular fanfic.
Let’s go!
- Proton is not exaggerating when he calls him “gorgeous”. Lance is quite tall (6 foot six inches) with a sculpted body. On an off-day, his body looks like Dwayne Johnson and Joe Manganiello put together. On a good day, Lance looks like a literal personification of a sex god. 
- The reason he isn’t snatched up like a hot roll is that while his face and personality is to die for, he’s actually quite shy and clueless about romance. He also doesn’t dress in anything but his jumpsuit and cape, so he hides up his body.
- Lance is also quite religious and he chocks up his inability to keep girlfriends due to “lifestyle differences” (ahemmmmm).
- Lance knows martial arts, specifically the Dragon Clan style. He is a master expert.
- Proton cooks better than Lance. The only thing Lance is good at making is eggs.
- Lance can bench up to 600 pounds. 
- Lance’s favorite genre of movie is action. Specifically, he enjoys the police/detective action flicks.
- Lance’s favorite snack are cinnamon rolls and protein shakes.
- His full title is Indigo Plateau Pokemon Champion Lance.
- His League title is “Special Operations Detective”. This title is entirely made up by the League so Lance can feel good about breaking up raids and whatnot. But Lance really does believe he’s a detective.
- Lance is actually bad at guessing twists or answers in movies/books. 
- Lance is a frequent visitor of the Kimono Dance Theater. His favorite dancer is Miki. He likes her silent observation as well as her slender figure (which looks boyish). 
- Lance was raised as an heir to the Dragon Clan along with Clair. While he is older than Clair by several years, he is considered the first born son. Therefore, a lot of his education did include things like diplomacy, creative pursuits, and mannerisms.
- He passed his Dragon test at the age of 11, which allowed him to leave Blackthorn to pursue training. Much to his grandfather’s dislike. Lance is the youngest one to do so.
- Lance’s mother is named Miriam and his maternal grandfather is the Dragon Clan Elder. His father’s name is Siegfried. 
- Lance is his birth name (by his mother’s admission) but his Clan names are different. His “juvenile” moniker roughly translates to “Child at Water’s Edge”. His current moniker is “Dragon Between Sea and Sky”. When he ascends as Dragon Clan Elder, he will be given a new name.
- Lance speaks three languages. He speaks (English/Japanese) but he also speaks “commoner” Dragon Clan language as well as a secret “royal” Dragon Clan language reserved only for the family of the Dragon Clan Elder. These languages are not available for anyone outside the Dragon Clan.
- Lance is considered a Pokémon battling genius. 
- While Lance has a kind and stern personality, he has a terrible temper. When he’s drunk, he flies into a totally different kind of person. He is belligerent, obscene, and gets into fights. (Kind of why he’s not allowed to drink anymore).
- In bed, Lance tries very hard to be patient and loving. He lasts about a minute before he gets... very, very rough. Dragon blood, you know.
- Lance likes Proton and his confidence. The most attractive thing about Proton to Lance is his ability to feel assured and secure in himself, regardless of the situation. 
- Lance also likes it when Proton stands up for him or asks for more ketchup packets. He also asks Proton to send food back for him. So it makes sense that Proton “runs” his household. 
- Lance’s favorite accessory are his capes.
- Lance has a kimono fetish and will definitely buy one for Proton.
- Lance is overly concerned with “image” and “appearance”, mainly because it was instilled in him at a very young age. 
- Proton is his first boyfriend.
- Proton is not his real name. He has three names depending on the organization. He is known as “Lance” to the League (which causes confusion). His title in Team Rocket is “Eyes of Giovanni”. 
- Proton is from Nimbasa. His mother was a working class single mother and very rough. She had several boyfriends as he grew up. Not all of them were nice men. 
- Proton is about 5′10 or 5′11. His eyes are what people notice first. 
- Proton lives for roughness and tenderness at the same time. He likes the idea of a traditional household where he can play “housewife”. But he also gravitates towards the idea of a “rough” boyfriend/husband that can dominate him.
- His IQ level is considered genius, but he lacks discipline.
- Proton’s favorite movie genre is sci-fi. Specifically, the ones about space. He might be a nerd about some movies.
- Proton drinks more coffee than normal people. His favorite snack are Slowpoke tails, which he eats in secret from Lance.
- All of his methods of intimidation, torture, and murder are shocking, if not original. His crimes make the front page and have inspired horror movies. 
- Proton is the most popular Team Rocket Executive, often popular with young girls and boys. He’s aware of this and uses it to his advantage in order to gain new recruits/get what he wants.
- He is considered extremely handsome and trendy. His build is a slender athleticism that is more flexible and lightweight compared to Lance. 
- Proton practices yoga to keep his body trim and flexible.
- It’s not known what Proton’s mental disorders include, but it’s speculated he has antisocial personality disorder (sociopathic), sadism, and manic delusions bordering on obsessive behaviors. He also is thought to have an aggressive trigger that is often separate from his sociopath tendencies, meaning that he truly enjoys the infliction of pain and recognizes the need for business. 
- Before Lance, Proton had a string of male lovers that he often disposed of when he was bored with them or sucked them financially dry before doing away with them. Most of them were built, muscular men that were not very smart.
- Proton is an artist and knows a great deal about art. He has sold some paintings.
- Proton is an expert in technological devices and gadgets. He built the tracker in Lance’s Gear as well as the texting system that Teru uncovered. He also built the bomb used to kill Mr. Game. He also created the invisible device that helps him sneak around.
- Proton spends half of his fortune on clothes. He has entire closets filled with clothes and shoes. He moved his clothes into Lance’s home closer to the date they were to finally meet (the infamous raid that went wrong) and put some of them in the back of Lance’s closet. The other clothes are actually hidden in parts of Lance’s home.
- Proton is a master of changing clothes.
- Proton loves Lance and is the first man that Proton ever truly loved. Lance is also the only man that Proton considered marrying and having children with.
- Proton’s favorite quality about Lance is his willingness to be kind and protective. Seeing Lance be a hero makes him melt every time.
- While Proton loves Lance, he does think very little of his intelligence and considers Lance to be the “hot one”. 
- His favorite accessory is his circular sunglasses.
- While Proton claims that he “knew he was gay at the age of five”, the closer truth is that he had a suspicion he was gay when he turned 13. He seduced a another male classmate (who had previously bullied him) and fucked with his classmate’s head afterwards. The classmate wound up being committed after an attempt due to a broken heart and Proton thought the idea of being that crazy for him was hot.
- Proton did have sex with a girl, but he did not like it and killed her. 
- Petrel was the one who found and recruited Proton. Petrel mentored him through Rocket’s businesses, but everything else was Proton’s own natural ability to lead and strike fear.
- Proton often stands up for Lance or does things that Lance might be too shy to do (such as sending food back). He also kills people who mock Lance for being gay.
- Proton was Petrel’s best man at the wedding. This was where Proton decided he wanted to pursue Lance after years of pining after him.
- Proton’s natural accent used to be thicker, but he dropped it so people couldn’t identify him. 
- In the bedroom, Proton is often the one to take charge. However, he has a secret (even to him) desire to be submissive and only lets Lance see that. 
- Contrary to his position on Pokémon, Proton’s favorite Pokémon are Slowpokes and would like to catch one. Not just for the tails, but because he likes the “cute, dopey look”. Much like Lance’s cute, dopey look...
- Proton specifically trained his Golbat and Victreebell to eat people.
- At this point, Proton has already picked out the engagement ring, the wedding colors/themes/decor, wedding location, honeymoon location, and their children’s names. He also picked out their shared grave plot. He’s just waiting for Lance to “catch up”.
- If someone comes between him and Lance, Proton will do anything necessary to remove them.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Proton is probably the newer of the executive rockets members, given how he was just a simple rocket grunt before.
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