#provocation fic
thatswhatsushesaid · 28 days
i think fandom spaces would become much more enjoyable across the board if people stopped flipping their pancakes over other fans enjoying characters that they don't like. or, god forbid, like them but in 'the wrong way.'
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kindahoping4forever · 4 months
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bibewilderedandbuck · 4 months
how did the homophobic reverend even get into their apartment???? like you know they vetted these people. carlos did a background check on tk's fucking sponsor and you dont think hes gonna do one on the officiant to their wedding??? when two minutes ago he was held hostage by what looks like a nice lil old lady????
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brittlebutch · 6 months
idk if i can fully articulate this but i find it like, Interesting how often people seem to flinch away from the notion of a character having a genuine difficulty in academic settings that is caused by Intellect — how often people will seemingly try to get around the idea by writing something that amounts to, like “No this character is Smart, they just struggle with XYZ and if they were Accommodated for that, then they wouldn’t struggle in school” but it’s like,, why do they Have to be ‘smart’ though?
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Started Reforged this morning and it made what would have been a boring day fly by!! I usually NOPE out anything that has Prowl in more than a mere mention but the way he's getting beaten up at every turn makes it tolerable. I was half-way through when I realized that this was 200k It'll keep me occupied tomorrow. Learned new words again totally captivated by the amazing tale you're weaving. 8/10 (because Prowl xD)
Oops, I didn't mean to give you a time fast-forwarding device, but I'm glad it's helped make your day better!
I'm so glad you're enjoying the ride (even with Prowl, uh, prowling around).
In my partial defense: I love Prowl, but more specifically I love tormenting him. Even in my fics where he is nominally a protagonist, I make him suffer in various ways. There is no escape for him.
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synonomy · 2 months
What are your Remus and Sirius HCs that you try to incorporate in your fics?
Oh mannnn there’s a lot lol but here’s a general picture of how I see them and their dynamic:
My Remus is modelled heavily on young David Thewlis, which is why he’s always a nerdy beanpole with legs for days. Like David, I think he’s unconventionally attractive— even average at first glance, but his hotness kinda sneaks up on you as you get to know him. He wears a lot of comfy old man clothes and never knows what to do with his hair. But he was born to wear tweed. And he looks incredible (in mine and Sirius’ opinion) with a light beard/stubble. He’s also hung like a horse (don’t @ me, it’s just true).
I draw a lot from David’s portrayal of Remus in the films too— that hot professor energy just hit so right, you know? 😩 So he’s calm, deliberate, sensible, soft spoken, witty. A little socially awkward and emotionally repressed, though he does his best to be kind and understanding with people. He’s highly articulate due to a lifetime of reading books and writing, which is why he’s a master dirty-talker, though paradoxically he rarely ever swears or uses vulgarity. He is an avid user of terms of endearment for Sirius (love, sweetheart, darling). He’s academically inclined and quite intelligent, though not naturally gifted the way Sirius is; he has to work at it.
I also think growing up as a poor and ostracised person has given him a few complexes which, in my head, basically translate to him being a soft dom lol. He has a need for control (because God forbid a dark creature such as him lose control) he despises the idea of being a burden or people feeling pity for him, and he often sucks at taking care of himself— since, subconsciously, he doesn’t think he deserves it. So he turns his attention outwards, doting on and providing for and taking care of other people instead. I get into this pretty explicitly in Starting a Stone, though that universe is set in a time where Remus (and his relationship with Sirius) has experienced a shitton of growth. Thus, I write him more sincere and emotionally forthright than I would otherwise.
By contrast, my Sirius is a vulgar and defiant little shit (affectionate) who wears his heart on his sleeve. Coming from the oppressive and pompous nightmare that was his pureblood upbringing, his complexes revolve around a need for ‘freedom’, or the need to be himself unapologetically, for better or worse. He cannot abide dishonesty, repression or passive aggression. Naturally, this can cause a hell of lot of conflict with Remus, but that’s exactly why they’re so good for each other. Remus benefits from Sirius calling him out on his bullshit, and Sirius benefits from Remus’ voice of reason/calming presence when he gets too caught up in his emotions and frustrations. Definitely see him as a somewhat bratty bottom, demanding and determinedly unashamed of what he wants (in further defiance of his puritanical upbringing).
Physically, the dude is very conventionally gorgeous and he knows it, though he doesn’t attach much significance to it. He dislikes wearing formal/stifling clothing for obvious reasons, but he enjoys seeing Remus wearing it (this trope has somehow snuck its way into both my major series lol). He keeps his hair long as another measure of petty defiance, but he also dislikes the faff of dealing with it, which is why his standard hairdo is a quick and messy bun.
Oh, and he’s average height, he just looks miniature stood next to the giant lank that is Remus lol
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whysamwhy123 · 1 year
Welp. This fic is turning out way longer than I thought it would be. I figured it would be two quick scenes to set everything up, and then the Big 'Un. But those two scenes ended up getting longer and then I realised I need a little aside where I address that moment outside the ring after their match at WrestleDream, so more set-up. 2.8k words in and we're not even in the meat of the story yet.
If I'm being honest, I don't think what I've written so far is particularly good. Like, at all. I'm not doing a good job of conveying the necessary emotions, it's not particularly funny and you can definitely tell that I don't have a handle on how to write this pairing yet. But I kinda don't care? Before this, I spent almost two months not being able to write a single word, so I'm just happy to be writing again; and enjoying it too. I guess I'm happier with writing poorly than not being able to write at all? But sorry in advance to anyone who reads this thing, LOL, it ain't good.
Also, I've apparently made it my mission in life to include ''Pretentious filmbro Hook judges his partner's lowbrow taste in cinema,'' into every one of my WIPs. It's too perfect for OrangeHook though - OC's super into Fast and Furious and Hook would just be like ''...judging you.''
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ahsokathegray · 2 years
An Arousing Provocation
Pairing: Rexsoka
Prompt: Rexsoka Week '22 - Day 4 - Soulmates / Seduction
Summary: Participating in a rather scandalous mission changes Rex and Ahsoka's friendship forever. Hidden feelings and desires are revealed when someone else engages with the Captain in ways Ahsoka has only wished of.
Tags: 18+ language, prostitution, another woman, detailed depictions of sex (this smut is unapologetic), creampie, praise, overstimulation, cum play, squirting, loss of virginity, dominant Rex, the slightest hint of dumbification?
Word Count: 6,020
A/N: this is both the filthiest and longest thing I’ve ever written. my google doc is 15 pages long. I haven't written smut in years, but my credentials are that I've read so much more since then. pls let me know how I did!
read on ao3! / rexsoka week '22 masterlist
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Rex hated this plan. He hated it then, and he hated it now. At least, she wasn’t a child this time around. He’d never been so angry at her Masters than during that mission to Zygerria. 
He looked down at her, “I don’t like this idea, Ahsoka. I can’t watch you do that again. Once was enough. I know this time you at least have a say in the matter, but I can’t go along with this. We have to find another way to get that intel.”
Ahsoka contorted her face.
“What?” he asked, sick over what other information she could possibly offer.
“It’s actually the other way around,” she winced.
He narrowed his eyes, “The other way around?”
She nodded and continued reluctantly, “I would be your handler this time around, and you would be the…”
“The pleasure slave.”
“Prostitute,” Ahsoka corrected. 
“Kriff, Ahsoka. If we didn’t need this information so badly…”
“I know. I’m sorry, Rex.”
He wanted to be sorry. That was the last thing he wanted to do, but if it meant that she didn’t have to be posing as the pleasure slave, it was a plan he would have to go along with. Comfortability would be difficult to say the absolute least. 
Rex sighed, a sense of dread flooding him, “Alright. Brief me again.”
She nodded, “This Leisure Zone is our target’s most frequented brothel. They have an overwhelming majority of female pleasure workers. Recently, they put out a request for more male workers as well. There’s apparently been a high demand for them. I reached out… They said that a clone deserter would be very enticing to the patrons. It’s common for the workers to assume backstories, so the reality of yours would only contribute further to them turning a profit.”
More like contribute to their libidos.
He tried to steady his breathing and process this information, “I wouldn’t actually be expected to sleep with these patrons, would I?”
She tried not to show how disgusted she was at his question. The thought of her actually selling his body off to other people against his will filled her with a rage she was too overwhelmed to address.
Ahoska had never seen what anger looked like on the Captain, but this would be the closest thing to it if she had to imagine. Never in a million years would she ask this of him if it wasn’t so imperative to the Rebellion. But with a valuable informant in the brothel, there was no other option that would work successfully. 
“Of course not, Rex. It would be a quick job, one night is all we need. The informant has valuable intel for us that an Imperial patron gave to her — information that could help us prevent the TIE Defenders from getting shields.  She can’t leave the brothels, her handler is a very strict individual. We have to go to her. “
Rex looked at the woman next to him, for the first time in his life feeling small.
She gave him a sympathetic hand to the shoulder, “If it makes you feel any better, it’s a high-class brothel. Very expensive. My price for you will be set too high for anyone to pay. I promise.”
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He didn’t think he’d ever worn something so revealing in his life. The most physically vulnerable he’d ever been was when he was solely in his body glove. But this… This was the definition of vulnerable. When Ahsoka handed him the disguise, he didn’t expect her to hand him so little. In fact, he’d waited for her to hand him more. 
Upon being told that it was the entire disguise, Rex felt his whole body lose its color.
That put him where he was now, in the ship’s ‘fresher, too nervous to step out. He looked at himself in the mirror, gripping either side of the counter and squeezed. 
It wasn’t that he felt exposed in the material, nor was it that he thought he even looked bad in it. In fact, he thought he pulled off the role of prostitute too well. It just felt like he had stepped into someone else’s skin. If the Republic had given him this mission, he knew he’d be able to carry it out successfully. It was the fact, however, that Ahsoka would be involved, seeing him in this state. He felt so exposed like this. 
She’d given him nothing to cover his upper half. Rex was just bare chested, scars and muscles all on display like they were meant to induce the arousal of others. That wasn’t their purpose. He was built because he had to be, because he was a soldier! He had scars because the fight he fought had at one point meant something to him! They signified the countless times he’d placed his life on the line, not trophies or traits to be desired and fawned over.
Rex had felt like an object his entire life, assigned a number at birth and treated as if he was disposable. But this brought a whole new shadow to that familiar feeling.
How could he walk out there knowing she was on the other side of the refresher door? He couldn’t let her see how red he got when he was embarrassed, how the blush didn’t just gather in his cheeks, but his neck and chest as well. Any and all modesty would forever be ripped from him. Ahsoka would never be able to unsee or unlearn what he looked like under his armor.
This mission changed the dynamics of their relationship forever.
He looked at the scantily clad reflection of himself. The gold metal vambraces and rerebraces he didn’t mind. They were gaudy, but they were the least of his complaints on the ensemble. The part he did have an issue with was the metal apparatus that sat low on his hips. It was situated below his hip bones and cold. At every move he felt as if it might slip off and leave him completely bare. The gold accessory, impersonating as a garment, held up two nearly-sheer pieces of black fabric — one covering his front and one covering his backside. That was all. Any wrong movement and everything would be out in the open.
Rex had swallowed his spit so many times that his mouth had gone dry. His nerves were buzzing, putting his body into a pseudo fight-or-flight mode. Anxiety wasn’t something that he’d ever experienced before, he hoped that after this, he wouldn’t ever have to experience it again.
He thought back to his personal mantra: Experience outranks everything.
Yeah, he really hated that right about now.
Ahsoka called to him from the other side of the door, “Rex? Everything alright in there?”
“Yeah. Yeah… I just had trouble figuring it out. I got it,” he rushed out. His heart felt like it truly might burst. Stepping away from the sink, he faced the door. His finger hovered above the panel, hesitating before pressing the button, in no way ready to reveal himself to her. Swallowing his pride, he decided that he’d never be ready, and opened the door.
His Commander stood barely a meter away, appearing quite concerned. She backed away as soon as the door slid open, realizing how close she was to her practically naked Captain. Her mouth dropped open as she began to apologize, “Rex一”
“Let’s get this over with,” he quipped, cutting her apology short. 
She held a cloak in her arms, pressing it too tightly to herself as she took in his appearance. He stood in the doorway with his head turned to the side, too embarrassed to make eye contact. Ahsoka lifted her jaw, acutely aware that she’d been staring at him open-mouthed for too long. He looked… He looked the part. It was quite the shock. Rex looked…
Ahsoka blinked, reminding herself to offer the cloak to him, “Here. Take this, it will um… It will keep you covered until we’re inside the establishment.” She released her tight grip on the fabric, handing it over to him.
Only after he put the cloak on did he finally face her. 
She, however, looked anywhere but him. She didn’t want him to think that she would betray his modesty in such a way. Rex was her longest and most trusted friend and the last thing she wanted to do was make him feel less than or as if he couldn’t trust her. 
“Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“We should go ahead and catch transit there, they’re expecting us soon.”
The ship’s ramp lowered and the night sky greeted them, the bright lights of Morlana One beckoning them to join in the seediness that it had to offer.
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Ahsoka had been right. Their target brothel was very high-class. Everything in sight dripped of major expense. Even the back entrance was grand, guarded by several able-bodied humanoids. Rex felt his contribution would be better utilized if he were to serve in their position instead.
To everyone else, Ahsoka came across as unassuming, her muscles covered by a thick trench coat. Rex knew something that any potential di’kut did not. She was more than capable of handling any missteps. She was a Jedi survivor. 
Rex knew that if anything went awry tonight, that she was more than qualified to hand everyone in the establishment their asses. 
She’d handled half a legion with only the help of himself and a few droids.
The bouncers verified their chain codes and cross-referenced the schedule before allowing them inside. When they stepped through the thick door, more guards stood inside, the process repeated.
Ahsoka checked them in with the hostess, putting them on the menu as ‘Clone offered by Ashla’. 
Rex flexed his jaw, keeping his posture rigid. He was no offering. 
Ashla gave him an in-character smirk and he remembered himself. He became more lax, compliant, and falsely willing. His weight shifted to one leg, trying his damndest to appear sensual. 
Acting as his handler, Ahsoka beckoned him to the back where they’d been given a prep room. Not to be mistaken with the other set of back rooms… The long hallway of private booths.
He reminded himself not to be so tense, as he would not be passing through that hall. 
Down their assigned hall, they began to see the other workers. Most of them were of female designation, a few gender fluid, and one other male that he could see. Rex felt more comfortable. These people were in the same boat as he was, just with more experience. 
He noticed how they all sauntered instead of merely walked, stalking out their destination as if it were prey. It was safe to assume that applied to the paying customers as well. The one male he saw was Zabrak. He walked with confidence, head tilted down, pupils peering upward from underneath his brow bone. 
Rex could make this charade convincing. He would mimic exactly that. 
“How are you feeling?” she rushed out once they were secure behind the door of their little room. It was dimly lit and furnished with a plush chaise lounge, a compact vanity, and clothing rack. 
He towered in front Ahsoka, realizing he maintained his height over her without his armor on and the addition of her platform boots. Her big eyes searched him, already feeling his emotions through the Force. 
“It’s definitely a culture shock,” he started. 
“Yeah, this is my first time on Morlana One as well.”
He shook his head, “No. I mean, this just isn’t what I expected out of a brothel.” 
Oh. He’d never been in one before.
She looked surprised, “I’m sorry… I guess I just assumed… You’d visited between missions.”
He pressed his mouth into a line, laughing dryly at his own inexperience. It seemed to be a recurring theme for the night. “Nah. The other men? Of course. I was always preoccupied with mission reports to join.”
She bit her lip, something inside of her deflating at his response. He saw and quickly decided to refute the white lie. 
“I used that excuse to turn the offers down. I was never interested, ‘Soka, even when I’d wrapped up the desk work,” he corrected. 
Ahsoka nodded, concealing the fact that his reveal of the truth had caused her heart to surge. That was something she knew he’d never told his brothers. He’d given her a piece of information that he’d kept close to himself. When the rest of the men were out reveling in the pleasures of sex, Rex had abstained. 
She selfishly wondered if he had… If his virtue still remained after the many years of the war, after the countless opportunities he’d gotten to be rid of it. 
“Our informant. The Twi’lek woman with purple coloring. Did you see her when we turned down the hall?”
He nodded. 
“She’s on the floor at the same time you are. You’ll have an hour and a half to make contact. Either in the hallway going in and out or discreetly on the floor.”
A sweet chime rang throughout the establishment, signaling that one round of workers were on break and the next round were to step out onto the floor. Rex’s round. 
Ahsoka let out a deep exhale, “Okay. We can do this. In and out. One round. The datarod is small, you’ll need to find somewhere to conceal it. I think the best option you have is under your tongue.”
His entire body was vibrating and he knew it was time to remove the garment that had provided him some sense of temporary comfort. He fingered the edge of the cloak and pulled it back over his shoulders, feeling the cold of the room settle in his pores. The material fell to the ground, exposing him to Ahsoka yet again. The peaks of his nipples hardened with the temperature and the blush he hadn’t wanted her to witness began to spread over him. 
Their proximity was suffocating. He backed away a few steps and made way to the door, picking his shoulders up and narrowing his eyes to channel the daunting look that the Zabrak had managed. 
His back muscles were on display to the woman behind him. Ahsoka caught herself scanning every inch she could see. The muscles were lean and chiseled, expanding and contracting with his breathing. The gold belt was dangerously low, showing off the dimples situated at the low end of his back. She could make out how taut his backside was… the long fabric that hid it giving her limited visibility. 
“I’ll be out there soon, with the rest of the handlers on the wall by the door. Good luck, Rex.”
Rex felt her eyes burning into him despite not facing her. He gave her a confident nod over his shoulder and stepped into character as soon as he passed through the doorway. 
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Once on the floor, Rex had more peace of mind. Every one of the workers all had next to nothing on. He had immediately established eye contact with the informant, repeating the action several times now. The Twi’lek was clad in a skimpy green outfit, the entire ensemble consisting of straps all around her body. She seemed aware that he was the one sent to receive the information. 
As promised, he found Ahsoka taking her place alongside the rest of the handlers by the entrance. 
He blended in well, but it was her who looked as though she belonged. Ahsoka was dressed in all black, several layers of leather wrapping her up, a utility belt cinching it all in. Her arms were crossed as she leaned cooly up against the wall, a hard expression on her face. If he were a customer, he wouldn’t want to do anything to get on her bad side. The whole wall was lined with some of the most treacherous looking people. Unbeknownst to them, Ahsoka was the deadliest of them all. Her trench coat was hanging by her elbows, grazing the top of her intricate boots. 
Rex had been so absorbed with how his own costume looked that he hadn’t registered Ahsoka’s disguise until now. This was the most of her legs he’d ever seen. Fit, orange calves and thighs were encased in ripped fishnets, disappearing under her tiny black leather shorts.
Music pulsated in his ears, the upbeat sounds matching his heart rate. His pupils had blown wide at the sight. He’d undressed her with his eyes before, but never so obviously. It took every fiber of his being to will away his arousal, not wanting her to notice any potential tent or wet patch on the fabric that covered him. 
Her presence was all the encouragement he needed to let this evening roll off his shoulders. It was easier to ignore the way the customers were ogling him. She was the only one in the room that he wanted to look at him with that hunger. 
He kept by the bar, not yet approaching any of the patrons. Many of the workers did the same, having the freedom to choose who got their service and who didn’t. He reminded himself to thank Ahsoka for arranging a night with low occupancy.
The Twi’lek leaned over the opposite side of the bar, beckoning him with a sharp-nailed finger.
Rex removed himself from the counter, taking short strides in her direction. The metal apparatus clinked as he walked, the fabric flowing with his movement. He crowded the shorter woman, mimicking a move he watched a customer do. She reached out with both hands for his abdominal muscles, rubbing the entire surface area with cold palms. He flinched for a split second, not having expected her to be so physical. 
It’s just an act. She’s just playing a part. This needs to look convincing. He swallowed his doubts and fell back into character. 
Taking what he knew about Ahsoka’s anatomy, Rex reached out and stroked one of her headtails. 
The informant licked her lips and pressed her chest against him. Her native Ryloth accent was thick, “Hello, Clone.”
He was thankful for the loud music, their proximity was indeed a tactic and not for her own pleasure. She then stuck a finger in her mouth, sucking on it and pulling it out slowly, tracing Rex’s jaw with the sheen. He understood. The datarod was in her mouth, she didn’t have a Rylothian accent. A purple leg was wrapped around one of his own, pulling him further into her, pulling his mouth to hers. 
It was lengthy and wet as she transferred the datarod into Rex’s mouth with her tongue. 
Ahsoka watched from the opposite side of the room, feeling her entire body become heated. She was seething at the display she’d just witnessed be performed on Rex. She’d tasked him with making contact. This is not how she meant for him to interpret that. Her hands balled into fists and her nails dug into her skin, clenching her teeth at the pain. 
The Twi’lek pulled away from him, but not before licking down his neck. Rex peered down at her as she removed her tongue and backed away from him to give her attention to the whistling Weequay in the booth to her right.
Rex instantly looked to Ahsoka, who was evidently displeased with what she’d just seen unfold. 
The booming music roared in her montrals as the two of them endured the remaining time in the round. Before they knew it, the chime sounded through the brothel once more and she escorted Rex back to the prep room. 
“Did you get the information?” she bit out, all business. 
He made a noise and reached up to pluck the datarod from underneath his tongue, “Got it.”
So, that obscene display had been a tactic. 
Ahsoka’s expression didn’t change, “Good. Let’s get out of here.”
Rex placed the small object in her outstretched palm, privy to exactly how bothered she was at how it was obtained. He became aware of just how little they were both wearing and how close they were. His chest rose and fell with a quicker pace than usual. He could feel her every exhale on his skin. 
For a moment, Ahsoka’s better judgment faltered. She forgot that she was upset, as Rex towered over her wearing that and looking good in it. 
Her other hand reached between them, shaky and hesitant. The practically nude man in front of her took her hand in his and placed it on his chest, spreading her fingers apart, pressing it into him. 
A gasp escaped her mouth, lips parting lightly. His heart was beating at the speed of light. 
This small act was the most provocative thing he’d experienced the entire night. Not even the informant's method of delivery had enticed him as much as this did. 
She looked up to see his dark eyes trained on her and she tore her hand away. The welcoming heat of his skin was quickly replaced by the cold air of the room. Rex squared his shoulders and donned his cloak, following Ahsoka out the door. 
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The trip back to their freighter was a silent one. Ahsoka was fuming with every step but feigning as if she didn’t care. 
The pair departed Morlana One as quietly as they’d arrived, making the jump to hyperspace with home in the navicomputer. Ahsoka wanted nothing more than to crawl into her own bed at the South Pole of Saleucami and forget all about this mission. 
Rex excused himself to the ‘fresher, desperately needing to wash the events of the evening away. 
The metal excuse of an outfit clattered to the floor and Rex willed the touch of it and the informant off of his skin. The spray was as hot as he could get it, fogging up the small room and deeply cleansing every pore on his body. He began tugging at his neglected cock, milking himself dry of the sexual tension that had lingered between him and Ahsoka. His head leaned up against the durasteel wall for support, as he fucked his fist, pretending it was hers. 
He moaned through gritting teeth, the evidence of his need for her coating his hand. The warm water washed it away, leaving him with the guilt of disrespecting her in such a manner when she was just one room away. 
She just wasn’t a woman that you could masturbate over and feel honest afterward. 
In the other room, Ahsoka relentlessly fidgeted. She kept her hands busy with the controls of the ship, fighting with her inward emotions. The jealousy is what sickened her most of all. She attempted to ignore its demanding hold on her. Her hands rubbed her eyes, trying to pull herself out of it, but nothing could erase how the woman had touched Rex. 
She was just doing her job. She made it look so convincing! It was the reason we have the intel and are off of that kriffing planet!
Ahsoka shed her trench coat, skin not losing the heat of her anger. She had no one but herself to blame. If she would’ve just made her move the first time she felt things for him, she wouldn’t have to worry about knowing if they were reciprocated. At least, if they weren’t, tonight would’ve been less painful. She had settled on taking decisive action. The ship was switched to auto-pilot and she made the nerve wracking trip to the refresher door. Deja vu. 
He’d been in there quite a while. She couldn’t hear if the water was still running or not and hesitated. Nervous knuckles rapped on the door anyway, “Rex?”
No answer. She tried again. Still, there was no response from the other side.
She sucked in a deep breath, filling her lungs with air and courage, and pressed the button that opened the door. 
Rex was standing in front of the mirror again, a towel slung around his waist, water from his shower still in beads on his skin. His blonde hair was buzzed again, the slight bit of length that he had earlier was now gone. He didn’t seem to notice her standing there, but then again, the entire room was clouded with vapor. 
How hot had Rex had the water?
The quiet man must’ve seen her out of his peripheral vision, his head snapping in her direction. He had a bit of depil cream by his ear. 
Ahsoka said nothing and slinked over towards him, standing behind him in the mirror. He watched with attentive eyes as she once again placed her hand on his middle. She made eye contact with him through the reflection, hands splaying as wide as they could over his abs and dipping into the crevices of each muscle, eliciting a twitch in his groin. He turned around to meet her, finding that she was still in her disguise as his handler. 
She closed the little distance that was between them and pressed her chest to his, drinking him in, waiting for him to stop her and tell her that this wasn’t something he wanted.
He didn’t. 
A slender, orange finger disappeared into her mouth. His chest heaved as she sucked, feeling the same sensation underneath his towel. It reappeared, accompanied by a popping sound, returning her lips to their full size. She lifted it up to his face and hooked her finger under his jaw where it met his ear, sliding the depilatory cream down the length of his jawline. 
He reached out and grabbed her hand, ceasing her movements. “Ahsoka,” he growled.
Her confidence shuddered, the role she’d stepped into falling away from her. What had she done? She shamefully anticipated his anger and disgust.
“If you think this is what you have to do to seduce me…” Rex breathed, “You’ve got it all wrong.”
Had she understood his meaning correctly?
She picked her shoulders back up, “Tell me what I have to do.”
Rex shook his head and used his other hand to grab her by the waist, “Absolutely nothing. Just your very essence is the definition of alluring, ‘Soka. You have me utterly wrapped around this finger of yours. The definitive hold you’ve had me in for so long一”
But Ahsoka didn’t let him finish. She decimated the millimeters that separated their lips, kissing him with more than just need. Their jaws moved in sync as they tried to soak up as much as they could out of one another. He released her hand to cradle her face, bringing her to meet his rhythm. Rex momentarily pulled away and looked her up and down, going straight for her belt. The hefty accessory fell to the floor at her feet, leaving the rest of her clothes free to be removed. He slipped his hand inside her opened vest, feeling the curvature of her figure that the belt had denied him access to.
He walked her backwards into the durasteel wall, placing one hand on her back lek to soften the blow. She moaned. Rex felt weak in the knees at that, praying that the sound he’d elicited from her didn’t falter his balance. His hands clapped the wall on either side of her head, kissing her hungrily. Ahsoka clung to him, her fingers pressed into the nape of his neck, swiping where he’d just buzzed his hair. 
Their chests rose and fell in unison and Rex pulled away, looking down at her exasperated state, “Jump.”
Ahsoka complied and he used his hands to hoist her over his hips, supporting her as he strode them to his quarters. She placed passionate kisses along his jaw and down his neck as he carried her to their destination, groaning as she sucked and grazed her teeth along the sensitive skin.
The dimly lit state of his quarters ushered them in, already matching the mood. Rex knelt onto the bed, signaling to her that she could drop onto the surface below. The short drop was soft and allowed her to see the full view of her Captain. His skin was warm and still wet, a blush coloring the skin from his face to his chest, his towel no longer slung loosely around him. She bit her lip, figuring it must’ve fell in their change of location, wondering if she was welcome to look down…
A tanned and veiny hand reached down there. Ahsoka’s eyes followed as Rex wrapped his fingers around the appendage between his legs, slowly stroking. The tip was swollen and weeping, a sticky substance coating his fingertips. 
She peered up at him through heavy lashes, propping herself up by the elbows. He neared her and she gulped, realizing how big he was as he leant down over her.
“Let’s get you out of these,” he whispered, lips grazing a montral. 
Ahsoka could’ve combusted just then. Rex’s strong hands took hold of her long vest, pushing them down her muscular arms. Her nerves bounced between them in a frenzy. She couldn’t tear her focus away from his face, watching as he undressed her both figuratively and literally. He reached around to her back and popped open her corset top, causing her breasts to bounce.
She yelped at the sudden movement and sucked in air. The material fell beside her and her chest was left bare. Rex let out a feral growl as he took the sight of her in and attached his mouth to her neck, hands immediately reaching out and palming her right breast.
Oh. Ahsoka hadn’t thought that could feel good.
The man above her continued his assault on her neck and chest. She threw her head back, attempting to contain the explosive pleasure erupting within her.
She could feel Rex smile against her skin, before he pinched her nipple and turned it around in his fingers. That was a moan she was unable to contain.
All the while, he continued the pumping motion between his legs, breathing hot and heavy on the inside of her lekku.
“Rex,” she groaned, and he pulled away.
“Are you okay with this, ‘Soka? Say the word now and we won’t go any further,” he whispered against her neck. “Tell me no and I’ll never touch you again.”
She whimpered at that and shook her head slowly.
His teeth scraped the sensitive mark on her neck, “M’gonna need a verbal response, ‘Soka.”
Ahsoka swallowed, “Please don’t stop, Rex.”
Her Captain crashed his lips into hers, reconnecting them and their fervent passion. Ahsoka dug her nails into this scalp, scratching as his tongue entered her mouth, swiping at her bottom lip. His hands had abandoned his angry cock and felt around for the zipper of her leather shorts, making quick work of getting them down her legs. They got caught on her knee-high platform boots and he removed himself from her, moving downwards.
He pulled the buckles free from their latches and gently guided them from her legs, kissing each of her calves afterward. He felt the texture of the tattered fishnets with buzzing fingertips, running his hands up the length of her legs before stopping on her thighs. Rex looked down at what awaited him. 
A wet patch had formed on Ahsoka’s underwear, giving away just how aroused and ready she was for him.
“Kriff… All for me?”
Ahsoka’s lekku had darkened, orange skin now blushed and ablaze. Before she could respond, Rex’s knuckles met and he ripped a hole in both her fishnets and her underwear. Her cunt clenched around nothing, juices covering her lower region, on display for Rex to see. The pupils of the man above her widened, taking in just how swollen and soaked she was. He dipped his middle finger and swiped between her orange lips, collecting her arousal and sticking the digit in his mouth, swirling his tongue around, tasting her. 
“Weepy little pussy just couldn’t help itself, huh?” he purred.
Her pussy trembled at his words, unable to close her legs with how he kept one hand on her ankle. He repeated the action again, dipping his finger further inside.
That pulled a whine from her, legs shaky as she waited for him to taste again. Instead, he held it up to her, “Suck.”
Without question, she let Rex push his middle finger in her mouth. She mimicked his actions and sucked hard, using her tongue to detect the tang of her own excitement. 
He let out a guttural moan, feeling the act around his leaking cock. He looked down at himself. It was rock hard and standing further at attention than he’s ever seen. Ahsoka’s lips popped as he drew his finger free, a sheen of spit coating her lips. What he wouldn’t give to have lips like that wrapped around his dick.
Rex hooked his arms under her thighs and dragged her to him. He placed one hand on her hip and one hand on himself, aiming for her dripping entrance.
“Rex…” Ahsoka trailed.
His jaw flexed. He looked sinful, naked and taut and more toned than she’d previously been under the impression of. Lust was heavy in his voice, making it deeper, “Use your words.”
“How many… How many times have you一”
“This would be the first,” he divulged.
She nodded, content with his answer, and watched as his cock lined up with her entrance. The thick head kissed her slit, sliding between them. A shockwave ran through her body at the foreign sensation. She caught her breath and he continued, pushing further and further into her tight, hot hole, never once breaking eye contact. Ahsoka cried out at the new feeling. Rex slowly sunk into her, stretching her out and moaned at how she felt wrapped around him, all hot and tight and wet. 
He bottomed out inside of her and Ahsoka breathed heavily, eyes fixed on one another. She nodded, adjusting to how good and full she felt. Rex began to move his hips in short back and forth movements, a hand holding her hip firmly in place. When he drew back, Ahsoka started whimpering at the loss of him. He pushed back in, “Shhhh. Hold on, m’gonna go faster.”
Rex attached his mouth to her jaw, sucking and licking as he rammed into her, thrusting at a vigorous pace. She mewled in his ear, desperately grabbing and scratching at his toned back. An obscene squelching sound came from between her thighs, her juices coating the hair at the base of his cock.
“That thing… uhn you did with her lekku…” Ahsoka moaned.”
He groaned, “Good fucking girl, using your words.”
The hand that wasn’t being used to hold her still, moved up to her lekku and lightly stroked. 
Ahsoka whined, pleasure making her entire body vibrate. It was all starting to be too much to handle. Her nails dug into Rex’s shoulders, crying out with each of his thrusts. He had found the sweet, spongey spot in her drenched little cunt, ramming into it over and over. She wailed at the increase in his pace and her legs began to tremble, eyes squeezing shut. All of the pleasure curling up inside her had burst, rippling as her high came to a peak. Rex stiffened above her, moaning at how her climax had her squeezing his sensitive cock. He looked down and smirked, having fucked her to the point of squirting all over his thighs. 
Her lashes fluttered as she opened her eyes, the kisses on her cheek making her smile. Rex pulled out of her to watch his seed dribble out of her cummy pussy. He rubbed it around with his thumb and she bucked, still tender from the result of their desires. 
Rex could only look on her with awe, her skin in a thin sheen of sweat. She was ethereal and he was helplessly in love.
What the repercussions of their actions on their friendship would be, they would decide in the morning. Tonight, they were not held to the standards of the Jedi, the Republic, the GAR, or any other organized group. Tonight, they took back the pleasures that their former lives had denied them. 
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theajaheira · 1 year
and i truly do not know if “semi-consensually” covers what is going on in scarlet women but so much of that is bc i wanted the sex to be super uncomfortable and violent to be in line with what we know about angelus and his proclivities and the norm he and darla established within the fanged four. so like there is definitely desire there but there’s also revulsion and it’s questionable re: how much of the desire is authentic and how much is a trauma response to literally being groomed by this man. BUT this is still also how love is communicated among these vampires and so there is an element of horror-romance to it.
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explainslowly · 2 years
part of the appeal of abo seems to be the ability to give your fave male character Nightmare Period from Hell, with optional side serving of Fuck or Die
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kohakhearts · 1 year
ever since i watched the os ive had this essay festering in my brain about, like. gary oak and the themes of femininity and self-acceptance but the problem is the only thesis i can really come up with it He’s Gay, Your Honour, which while true isnt really that exceptional of a conclusion to draw based on the fact that the narrative makes certain gendered associations with him late in his arc
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
Bad things can provocate good things.
by Spaghetti28
Harry and his son are kicked out of their home a few days before Christmas. Harry works for Louis' company but they don't really know each other. They end up sleeping in the office, when CEO Louis Tomlinson notices, he welcomes them into his home.
Words: 8056, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Hurt Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson Loves Harry Styles, Protective Louis Tomlinson, Rich Louis Tomlinson, Poor Harry Styles, Crying Harry Styles, Harry Styles Has Panic Attacks, Harry Styles Needs a Hug, Harry Styles-centric, Single Parent Harry Styles, CEO Louis Tomlinson
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/1FbDPck
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Valaenas husband and aemond fought in the same war.
Aemond totally didn’t make sure valaenas husband died in battle, totally an accident of war😢
Aemond comforting his widowed niece like a good uncle (the targ way, swoop her up before anyone undeserving gets her)
Aemond absolutely wasn’t the commander of that battle! He absolutely was not friendly firing that man!
He absolutely was not jacking off in his tent to memories of Valaena the night before
And really,,, if he’s heading home covered in blood and sweat and ash to tell Valaena first that’s just being a good uncle,,, and taking her away to grieve in her own way by getting fucked senseless,,, that’s just the targ genes baby!!!
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grey-wardens · 8 months
really wish playing as origins also gave you a version of their act 3 scene to play through for romances. too many thoughts below the cut...
origin wyll should be able to do the acorn scene, proposing marriage to the person he's romancing and they should be able to discuss their plans with him as blade or grand duke. gale would definitely accept the proposal, i think karlach would too but that would be very bittersweet. not quite sure about the others! as a wyllstarion head i'm thinking of that foxflowering fic...
origin shadowheart (if she took the selune path) should be able to take the person she's romancing out for a swim. it would be very cute with all of them (do lae'zel or astarion actually know how to swim? more reminiscing about mermaid smut with wyll! impromptu hot tub with karlach!). not sure about dj shart... from my understanding you don't get the swim scene at all with her, just the one where she desecrates selune's shrine?
origin karlach should be able to take her romance out for a date! she already has unique dialogue for each origin when she's their romance and it's a travesty you have to miss out on that cuddle or sex scene on a karlach origin playthrough 😞 they'd just have to add unique lines for halsin and minthara but that's not so hard. karlach's romances always try to convince her to go back to avernus but i think this would be a good place to have that discussion before the literal end of the game
origin astarion (spawn version) should be able to take his romance to his grave. i think that all of them would have very sweet things to say. as for ascended... lol. luckily i can't imagine any of them taking him up on his "offer" so this would probably provide plenty of opportunities for a break up if you don't play it right
origin lae'zel should be able to take her romance to see the sunrise! i don't have too many thoughts here other than all of them would have very sweet things to say!
and finally, i actually haven't seen gale's act 3 romance scene yet so i'd love to hear what thoughts people have on that (if you read through all this rambling 🤐)
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bluhtack · 29 days
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“I’m a Pop-Tart,” says Crowley… well, tartly, popping the p’s provocatively. He leans against the Bentley next to Aziraphale, tracing a finger around one of his pom-pom sprinkles. “Fabulous American contribution to world cuisine, the Pop-Tart. Come on, you know you want to eat me up.”
absolutely obsessed with @quitequaintrelle's south downs fic we shall have the world for our own where they enjoy retirement and beef with senior citizens
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sweet-as-an-angel · 10 months
MW2 w/ a Sex Slave
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Warnings: 18+, Implied Initial Dubious Consent, Stomach Swelling, Cum Inflation, Unprotected Sex, Degradation, Slut-Shaming, Victim Blaming, Mean MW2, Rough MW2, Gentle MW2, Sex Slave! Reader, Kidnapping, Dark Fic !!!, Captive/Captor Relationship, Mention of Pregnancy, Implied Contraceptives, Implied Stockholm Syndrome, Kidnapping, Descriptions of Smut, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except 'You'.
MW who saw you shopping alone once and decided they had to have you, following you home and slapping a soaked rag over your mouth and nose before you could scream.
MW whose intentions with you are unclear. Until you notice the bulge in their trousers and the purr in their voices, their provocations, as they watch you writhe against the restraints, watch you helplessly struggle against a fate they’ve already decided for you.
Ghost, König and Soap are the roughest with you, often the ones to just tear your pants off when they’re desperate, filling you not long after.
They’re rarely gentle, instead opting to take you raw and use you for their own ends, slamming their hips into yours as they call you their ‘Cumdump’ until you hear them release a guttural roar, emptying days’ worth of hot semen inside you.
Your first time with Ghost almost left you feeling like you were about to burst with how backed-up he was, his balls bulbous and slapping the skin of your backside red and raw with each thrust, primal in his disposition as all he could do was growl, your body tight around him, driving him over the edge of frenzy.
He’d made sure to leave his mark on you, the prominent bulge in your stomach slowly deflating as he pulled out and his semen leaked out of you, his teeth marks embedded deep into the juncture of your shoulder and throat, bruising you.
And while Soap and Ghost’s loads are somewhat palatable given how frequently they use you, how little time passes between when they last had you and when they’ll take you again, König almost always leaves you feeling like you’re about to rupture.
Given his height, he’s the biggest of all your captors. Not only that, but his cock is thick enough to leave you feeling like you have rocks in your stomach whenever he forces himself into you, his strokes long and pounding, making sure you feel every inch of him.
And just like Soap and Ghost, he’s degrading. Merciless.
“Pretty little whore – only good for being used and fucked,” he pants, a cruel smile hidden beneath his veil as he slams into you, making you yelp. “I bet you wanted us to follow you home – wanted to be used as nothing more than the dumb cockslut you are.”
Price, Gaz and Alejandro are a lot more gentle, understanding that, while you’re there solely for their pleasure, you’re still fragile. Human.
They’re soft and slow with their thrusts, giving you time to adjust to their size before continuing.
Whenever they’re being intimate with you, they try to comfort you as best they can. A stark contrast to Ghost and Soap’s incessant name-calling, degrading and claims that you’re their “Good little slut whose only use is to take what we give you.”
They’ll stroke your hair, press their forehead to your shoulder (only to feel you tense beneath them, anticipating a love bite or harsh suck) — anything to try and make you feel less like you’re a sex slave and more like a friend with benefits.
They’ll ease you onto them, telling you you’re “Doing so well, Love,” as your nails drag down their back, insides spasming as your body tries to accommodate their girth.
Of course, you worried the first few times they had their way with you that their pumping you full of their seed would leave you pregnant.
However, they always provided you with means of preventing that.
But, much to your horror, you felt as if they’d impregnated you with an idea, a feeling.
That being that you enjoyed what they were doing to you, ravaging you, pumping you full of their load until they were satisfied and your stomach was swelling.
And while your sanity tried to reason your way through your acceptance — that you were being held prisoner by literal military-men-turned-kidnappers — your mind, for better or worse, didn’t care.
Not when they were providing for you, bringing you luxury food, clothes, anything your heart desires — things you were certain would be nigh impossible to obtain were you working an ordinary 9-5.
Or, perhaps you were rationalising your willingness to stay here with them, to live as their human sperm bank, reduced to an existence of bending to the will of militant captors whose semen dripped down your thighs, whose hands forced your face into pillows or made you bounce on their cocks while looking at them, giving you a glimpse into their eyes, the monsters they hid behind a veneer of humanity; whose stamina and strength leaves you whining, crying and almost begging for more whenever they finished, more often than not forcing orgasms out of you, making you push back into them, body willing to take every ounce of their cum and inch of their cocks.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
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