wyrdle · 2 years
@ameftowriter to avoid the long chain of revlogs lol. BUT YES. I love penny and Clavell bonding time, and Clavell being able to show some programming/engineering chops. I thiiiiiink either route works, tho for simplicity sake they get yeeted through time 🤣
As for Larry. YES. LoL. Geeta and Tyme would never let him live it down fhsbsjw.
Also I have a very distinct image of the turn of events at the end, how Clavell returns to the academy worse for wear. Will see if I can draw it lmao, but the gist is Clavell being more exhausted than he initially thought (stretched himself a little thin, juggling regular director work, kids arcs, as well as battling both AIs on his own.) Once the group reach school, he dramatically falls over and the lights go out. Poor dude wakes up in the nurse's office, surrounded by concerned kiddos napping in the corner and Tyme on the other seat.
"They didn't want to leave you alone." she tells him.
Alternatively, I could draw the other angsty option, wherein the fight with AIs results in more grievous injury 🥲 LOL bits of both maybe. Dreamt this in a dream lol, but Clavells office had an unused warp pad to the Zero lab, and after reconfiguring the thing from the Zero lab with bloodied fingers + weakening body, he manages to make it to the academy to call for help. Tyme finds him in a crumpled heap, horrified, rushing him to the hospital. The AIs usher the kids through the teleporter just a little after him, concerned for the old man because they never made it to the final battle to see what happened.
Anyway that's just my brain dreaming up angsty dramatic scenarios. But oughhhsjshsjs Clavell getting some much needed TLC after getting messed up by paradise protection protocol..
As for name of Au... @k-chips said MClavell au LMAO. Mainclavell au, TrainerClavell au? Clive's debut au lol. AcademyClavell Au. PSFT. I think trainer clavell au works..?
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ask-zerotrio · 2 years
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[SEARCH QUERY: "Disaster"]
"So what if I did, *******!?"
*deep sigh*
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dickgraysonass · 2 months
Shatter me in pieces
Batfam x neglected reader part 4
Warning: child neglect also again not proof read
Summary: to day is the day you snap. You’ve taken enough of being ignored so its time you they hear your voice.
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Being in a school play wasn’t really your thing . Like at all . but here you were, making the final touches ups to your outfits before the day of play.
As you finish the final touches you here your drama teacher call out to everyone.
“ ok listen up class” she claps her hands loudly, grabbing everyones turns their attention to the teacher.
“Tomorrow is the big day so i need you guys to rest and prepare for tomorrow . We have worked for this for the few months.” As your drama teacher continues her dramatic speech you hear something that catches you attention.
“ psft” you hear from below you
You turn slightly to your right side to see Your friend , crouched down on one knee looking holding her finished costume
“ what is it? ”you quickly whispered making sure your eyes faced the teacher as she talked.
“ i was thinking, maybe we could hang out at your house someday?” She asked her voice laysed with mischief .
“ hello no” you replied. You knew what she meant by that . she wanted to your family to see if she could fancy one of them but the brother that was the same age as you was tim and he wouldn’t have time for her.
“ aww why not?” She whined dramatically .
“ you wouldn’t don’t want to meet them , they wouldn’t pay attention to you marly anyways” you chuckled trying to make the comment light hearted.
“ thats not true , they would be dilighted to meet me ! I maybe you oculd consider me your sister il law” marly eesponds
“Pftt trust me there is already enough people in my family” you countered shutting her comments down .
“ yeah i guess well what can you say when your dads a whore”
After that you both start laughing like , forgetting that your teacher was in the middle of a speech.
“Eh hem” a rough scrachy voice says recognizing it as your teachers.
“ yes ms, parker” both of you say in sync,immediately straightening up .
“ what do you young ladies find so funny” ms parker ask her voice bombing with authority now grabbing the attention of the whole class
“ nothing ms parker, it as only fulish nonsense” marly answers on the behave of both of you while tou stay quite. Both of you lower your heads in shame .
“ well i guess it wouldn’t be a problem in detention. Go now” she commands shooing you guys off
Both of you look at each other in disbelief but you guys followed orders leaving class. Feeling the eyes of your classmates and the disappointed gaze of your teacher deciding to walk faster.
You and marly walked there tho it didnt take too long becuase it was only a few classes away and it flet shorter as you chatted sbout mindless rumors and banter. Once inside it didnt take you guys long intil school ended as that was your last class of the day .
You were never a bad kid so you bad never gotten detentions before unlike damien but you assumed that by now your father had gotten an email or something enforming him about your detention notice.
The bell rang, ringing thru your ears , a sign to get the hell out of there. You grab your bag that carries your school supplies and your play costume.
Gotham city was one of those that by September snow covered almost every visable part of gotham. So when you walked out it was dnowing lightly snd it was getting dark .
You wave goodbye to marly who quickly zipped up her winter coat and sand which in hand, grinning from ear from ear, returning the wave .
You chuckle to yourself wondering how you got a friend like her. You didn’t deserve her and you knew it.
Alfred by now had already picked damien and probably wouldn’t have time to pick you up. It didn’t matter tho because you usually walked anyways , no matter weather or time .
The streets were empty like always , post sane people didn’t want to be out at night at night. Too many criminals and villains out. But you didn’t have a choice, there was no-one that would pick you up at this time plus you were almost home . Gotham high was farther away then you would have liked , about 30 minutes walking. It got easier as time went on.
You remember that on a day like this, chilly , snowing snd getting dark was the first day that you had to walk on your own because the car had broken down and it wasn’t fixable. He had assured you that he would be there in 20 minutes but he never came. Turns out that damien had to be driven to his tae kwon do after school.
“Either you wait until i drop of master damien or you can walk home miss (name) ” thats what pennyworth told you over the phone. It wasn’t really much of a choices, it was getting dark and you didn’t want to look like an open target tho walking wasn’t any better.
That evening you walk all the way from your high school to the manner clutching your bag , weary of any sound and sharp corner. You were about 14-15.
You reach the manner openning teh door in silence, immediately bieng hit with the scent of Alfreds cooking. pasta.
You walked past the kitchen without a glance , you planned on getting food later in the night and your brothers and dad was probably on patrol like every night.
As you walked past you hear a deep voice calling out to you. You walked backwards taking another look at the kitchen and saw something that you never thought you would .
Your eyes wide and hearty rises at the sight of your whole family there. Bruce , Jason , dick , damien even Alfred was sat down and they were all looking at you.
Part 5
Sorry about all the flash backs. im not too good at writing character to character interaction so I apologize for that. Also tysm for everyone that has been supporting me i love you guyss❤️❤️🤞✨
Sorry if this is one is quite shory
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3xm-draconic · 9 months
Sanguinivore (werebat Cyris short story)
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HEY another fic! i am enjoying writing about my boy Cyris and I hope you all like reading about him, ENJOY!
Summary: Cyris meets a fellow blood sucker.
“I’am surrounded by weirdos” Cyris thought as he traversed the woods with his…his adventuring party.
He had Lae’zel the proud Githyanki warrior, Gale the wizard of Waterdeep, Wyll the blade of frontiers, Karlach a barbarian fighter with a hellforged heart, Shadowheart the aloof cleric, Roger and Allegra and a new guy…Astarion.
Astarion…oh Astarion.
When he and Cyris first met, the twunky little bastard pulled a knife on him…Cyris could not blame him though, that would have been his first instinct too had he been in his shoes. Getting snatched up by Mind flayers and being told you’ll turn into one is one hells of an ordeal.
They were on their way to help out a druid named Halsin, to rescue him from some goblins, if they did that then his grove would help them out and this refugee group of tieflings.
Cyris couldn’t care less about the tieflings but if given the chance to kill goblins, he’d take it any day.
They were coming up on an abandoned town when Cyris spotted something in the pathway, a dead boar, “hold up, dead animal…looks fresh, there might be something around here” he called to the others.
He approached the boar and examined its body, no claw marks or and bite wounds…say for two small punctures on its neack, Cyris pondered for a moment “hu?...drained of blood?...could there be another werebat out here?”, “what are you doing just gawking at it…ugh can we leave now, I mean it's just a dead pig!” Astarion whined.
“From the looks of it I’d say it’s been exsanguinated” Gale said as he joined Cyris “most likely from a vampire”, “niet! great Goblins and now bloodsuckers, these woods are just full of fun little things” Allegra hissed. 
“Psft, a vampire aint no problem” Roger mumbled “practical no more harmful than a mosquito”, Astarion glared at him “oh I’am sure one could still, oh I don’t know, RIP YOUR THROAT OUT while you slept” he maliciously grinned, “stop all of you, vampires or not we have a job to do, we’ll just be a little more cautious at night” Wyll mumbled.
Cyris did not like that.
Cyris had been slipping away in the wee hours of dusk when everyone was asleep and dreaming to go and feed, to hunt.
With everyone on high alert…
Roger and Allegra were the only ones who knew, who knew he was a werebat and was a sanguinivore, he could trust them…but he knew not if he could the others.
Cyris caught something in the corner of his vision, a look on Astarion’s face, a look of worry, “why are you all worried?” Cyris pondered “what do you have to hide?”
Cyris shrugged and took out his knife and began to skin and field butcher the boar, “welp, waist not want not, camp’s getting a bit low on rations and I’am not letting a nice big fat boar just rot in the sun”.
Later that night in camp Cyris got to work cooking up dinner, Cyris was sort of the…designated cook of the camp.
Gale was too fancy with what little spices they had, Wyll didn’t even know how to fry an egg, Karlack could burn water, Lae’zel…Lae’zel had an odd taste for food, Shadowheart nearly burned down the whole camp last time they let her cook, Roger was drunk most of the time, Allegra preferred to eat things…raw… and Astarion…
Well Astarion complained about cooking… the whole time he did cook…but what he made the time he did wasn’t half bad.
Still, everyone left chef duties up to Cyris, being raised by halflings meant Cyris knew how to make a meal out of just about anything in the wild. Take the boar for instance, tonight the boar was going to be stewed with mushrooms, wild onions, potatoes and parsnips. It would all go wonderfully with that bread and cheese they found in that goblin infested town they cleared out.
Some salt and pepper…and “soup's on everybody” Cyris called out as he tapped the ladle against the side of the cooking pot.      
As Cyris served everybody he noticed Astarion being more aloof than usual, he fixed up a bowl for him and brought it over “Starry are you hungry?” he said as he offered the bowl, Astarion suddenly looked up at him as if he were just snapping out of a trance “oh…food, yes I’ll have some” he politely took the bowl  from his hands. 
“You…ok?” Cyris studied him, “oh?..yes, yes I’am fine just a little…hungry…that's all” he said “nothing the soup won't fix” he smiled at Cyris as he dug in. Cyris wasn't fooled, something was wrong, Astarion’s body language said it all, he was hiding something…but what?
“OW!” Gale shrieked “damn papercut!” he hissed. Cyris’s head snapped over, not for the concern of his comrade but…the smell, warm…fresh…sweet. “Get a grip” he scolded himself mentally “you’ll hunt tonight when everything is quiet…”, then Cyris heard it. 
A faint sound…a whimper.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Astarion looking at Gale…the same way he was, with hunger in his red eyes.
Later that night as he lay on his bedroll, feigning sleep so he could later go hunting, Cyris sensed something…someone crawling over him.
His eyes shot open to see…Astarion…about to bite his neck.
“Shit…” Astarion froze, like a deer in a lamp light, “what are you doing?” Cyris said more curious than mad, “well…I..I..just need a little…you know…blood” Astarion sighed.
It was there in the dim firelight that Cyris could see it, his fangs, Astarion…was a vampire. “I…I wasn’t going to hurt you…I’am just so”, “go on” Cyris said as he pulled back the long curtain of thick, wild black hair from his neck “feed”.
Astarion paused, “you…you're really letting me?”, “it would be wrong to let you go hungry while I fed everyone else, go on Starry, feed till you're full, don’t worry about hurting me, I can take it” Cyris smiled.  
It was wrong of Cyris to let Astarion starve of blood, at least Cyris had somebody who KNEW what it was like…maybe he could also tell him…about his secret. 
Astarion’s eyes light up, “this is a gift you know…I won't soon forget it”.
Astarion sank his fangs into Cyris’s neck
Cyris sat there as the pale elf fed, the feeling of sharp coldness in his jugular soon fading into a dull numbness. He could feel himself ebbing away, Astarion drinking in his lifeforce, stealing away his essence…yet the tattoos kept him from dying, they restarted his heart every time his vision started to fade…
Astarion unlatched from him gasping for air, he licked his lips and smiled…almost drunkenly, his eyes had a blissfulness to them, he had the look of someone completely lost in a high.
“Starry?” Cyris said as he delicately tapped the vampire’s shoulder ,“HU!” Astarion jumped “oh!...oh…oh~” he muttered softly “darling thank you” he smiled coyly “you were…invigoratingly delicious”.
“That's nice but can you get off me please?” Cyris said flatly, “oh” Astarion had not realized he was practically straddling him. Cyris got up, “where are you going?” Astarion pondered, “well…” Cyris wanted to tell him…but he couldn’t…“I need to go for a walk, I’ll be back in a while, don’t worry about me” Cyris shrugged.
Astarion cocked his head “you are an odd fellow…”. 
Cyris knew he would have to tell them at some point…but just not now, at least he was happy knowing he had someone like him…in a way… a soul of kindred tastes.
Another… sanguinivore.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
Now all those kisses got him feeling a bit... needy lol (@bloodylariat)
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Oh, psft! When isn't he? ... Not that's she complaining, it been a while anyway. The man deserves a break... & honestly so does she!
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writingsofwesteros · 3 months
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"Dammit," Nora muttered as she tried to light her cigarette. She couldn't smoke in her and Helaena's dorm, because Helly hated the cigarette smoke, and had been on her and Aemond's case to stop smoking because it was bad for them. And they were trying, really. Kinda. "Need a light?" A hand appeared and lit her cigarette, and Nora looked up to two familiar smirking faces- Martyn Reyne, and Leon Estermont- or as she referred to them, Aegon's sidekicks. "Thanks," She hummed, taking another hit from her cigarette. "What'cha reading?" Martyn leaned against the wall, peering down at her book- or at least trying to make it look like that's what he was doing, when he was really checking out how big her tits were through her school shirt. "A book, Martyn. Ever tried it?" She asked with faux innocence, and Martyn elbowed Leon as he snorted a laugh. "Well yea- but to be honest, I'm kinda struggling with English Lit- maybe you can tutor me?" Matryn smirked, his finger dancing along her stockinged leg.
"I can put you on to Aemond. He's the top of every class," Nora raised a brow, as Martyn said, "No no no- I mean- I just think that well, we have a similar learning style, y'know?"
Nora chuckled at his blatant fear of Aemond- like most people. "I'm not sure, Martyn," She outed her cigarette. "I don't think you can keep up, sweetie." "What're you guys doing here?" Aegon's voice cut through, and Martyn practically jumped back. "Hey, man-" Martyn said nervously as Aegon came over. "You hitting on my sister again, man?" Aegon said firmly, as Nora looked on with amusement. "Psft, No way, bro-" Nora chuckled, sliding off the ledge she was sitting on. "Thanks for the light, boys." She leaned in to kiss Aegon's cheek slowly, whispering to him to remember they were getting dinner off campus tonight before grabbing her book and walking off with a smirk. "See you around, boys." she hummed, walking off with her hips swaying in her school skirt. Martyn and Leon's eyes followed each sway of her hips, and Aegon tapped each of them upside the head. "She's not gonna fuck you, jeez." Aegon muttered.
Nora chuckled at his blatant fear of Aemond- like most people. HOT
Helly knows when Nora and Aemond have smoked and will give them the silent treatment..much to Aegon's delight as he gets her all to himself
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reiasindia · 2 years
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paynnincorporated · 2 years
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More on that de-aged Word AU. more rambly thoughts:
I’m more than aware of how canon Word is nigh impossible to redeem satisfactorily. That brief flashback from Connor, paints a pretty damning picture of Word (It is from Connor’s POV though, but Alchemist sort of affirms it). So canon Word’s defection is personally motivated, yadda yadda.
In my tweaks I enjoy the idea of Word and Connor being pressured a whole lot in the Priesthood to study and train (as child soldiers lbh). Given the seclusion and indoctrination... guess what preoccupies their minds? The DHW and being strong enough to survive/fight it. So it’s not farfetched to rewrite Word’s dabbling into foreign, potentially unethical gear experiments, as an attempt to revive the craft to arm the Priests against the coming war.
This motive + his banishment, leads to a bitter Word who struggles on the streets. Word meets Zulay Paynn (yasss he took her last name because doing this also gives the family name more history/depth seeing that Zulay’s the Dragon Eye’s leader), long-time Down City citizen and leader of a notorious crew of crooks, with dubious morals and greed and ambition for Sun City, her influence on him results in Word going “Fuck it, I’m going to use this knowledge for myself.” Basically, I envision Word to have lived a life of asceticism and probs has less reason to envy life above (The DHW is most important of all), until he becomes disillusioned with his banishment (Because rationally, if I’m training like hell for a war already, why the hell are we not making weapons??) and with Zulay’s less than positive influence... that results in the Word we see in present day. Zulay’s death likely cements his obsession even further, IF Zulay doesn’t chicken out at motherhood like in canon lol (this show’s track record with women I swear). Because she died for this war, this goal of theirs, what kind of partner would he be if he didn’t follow through it to the very end?
And then of course, we come to the neglect of Moordryd, and just ouch. There’s so much potential there, for this narrative of Word finally, finally, letting go of the past, and living for a future with his son by the end of the series. IF we had gotten a more complex Word and Moordryd whose redemption is hinted from the very beginning (imagine.. a Moordryd who sympathises Lance losing his father in the very beginning, who feels bad after being an ass in the races because of that? IMAGINE). Give me a Word that actually tries to parent, whom I don’t question after the BBEG is defeated. In canon, after Armeggadon is defeated, what happens to Word?? How on earth do we resolve the series satisfactorily??? Attempting to redeem canon Word in his current state leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’m not saying he needs to do it out of the good of his heart lol, but that he’d do it for his son? Oogh, that’s the good stuff, putting down things with Zulay after almost 20 years of doing it alone?? Yeah.
Gosh, the emotions that we could’ve milked from the extremely fraught Paynn family.
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kaitycole · 3 years
post break-up songs (p.1)
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Summary: Songs the OM boys listen to after a break-up
Word Count: 1488
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of break-ups.
A/N: It started as songs I thought the boys would listen to after a break-up and then took a little turn and started to look like songs that describe their relationships. I think I started putting too much pressure on myself to find songs that fit them perfectly rather than my own thoughts, so I hope you can still enjoy it!
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Lucifer: “Stay with me” – Sam Smith.
He's not one to give his heart away so willing, but giving it to you, well that was practically effortless. Lucifer didn’t want the relationship to affect his outward appearance, not wanting others to think he had grown soft, but no matter how hard he tried, his newfound tenderness wasn’t lost on all. But when you ended things, his pride didn’t let him sulk or wallow where his brothers could see and tease him (that would surely be death wish), no he acted like it was business as usual. It’s a different story in private though, there’s where he looks at a picture of the two of you, Sam Smith playing in the back, tears slipping down his cheeks, a few dripped onto his never-ending stack of paperwork. It was when he was alone that he let himself wonder when he, the demon who willingly carried the weight of the world so others wouldn’t have to, when he would be able to find someone he could lean on when he was tired and the weight on his shoulders got too heavy. A few choice lyrics resonating with the demon: “Why am I so emotional? No, it’s not a good look, gain some self-control” and “stay with me, cause you’re all I need.”
Mammon: “Needed Me” – Rihanna
Need more be said? But seriously, there’s no way in any of the three realms that Mammon would let you think that the break-up affected him at all because it’s not like he dated you because he had feelings for you or anything, psft, Mammon the Great, feelings for a human? Ha! To further prove his point that he didn’t need you (a point no one believes) he very loudly plays this song, making sure to scream certain lyrics. A few of his favorites are these gems: “You was good on the low for a faded fuck,” “didn't they tell you that I was a savage” and of course “but baby ooo, you needed me.” But even as he scream sings this song as it plays on repeat, it does hit him deep down that maybe he’s not as unbothered as he wants to come across, but instead he’s actually hurt that you would come into his life and just leave so effortlessly when you got bored. Allowing the negative thoughts to drown him during the few seconds it took from the end of one play until it started playing again, wondering if you thought he was the idiotic scum his brothers thought he was because he really had tried to show you the best side of himself, though it seems if you did see it, it wasn’t enough to keep you around.
Leviathan: “When I Was Your Man” – Bruno Mars
Levi never realized just how different things could look or feel after someone came into your life and then left. If he was honest, he never really saw himself being with someone, he stays in his room with all of his favorite things and reluctantly leaves when he has to and if/when he needed to talk, he had Henry. But you pushed your way into his life, inserting yourself within all the things that he loves, making it almost impossible for him to think of anything without also thinking of you. Then just as suddenly as you had pushed your way into his life, you walked right back out of it. His room, his safe place, was now riddled with memories of you, all the things he loved and enjoyed were now tainted with you. He had overheard from one of his brothers that his introverted tendencies got too much for you even if he tried to go out every now and then and that’s when he realized how true the Bruno Mars lyrics fit his predicament and it’s often what’s playing in his headphones while he tries to relearn how to enjoy Ruri-chan without you, “same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now…”
Satan: “Waves” – Dean Lewis
It was to no one’s surprise that Satan found a partner at the library and it was even less of a surprise that the meeting happened when both of you reached for the same book. The relationship seems to be going well until it isn’t, it was a tiny misunderstanding, but Satan’s anger made a mountain out of a mole hill and the relationship never fully recovered. For a while it was less of a relationship and more of just going with the flow, staying together instead of breaking up just to prevent others from asking, but then it ended. He happened to look up just in time to see you with someone else, a crystal-clear announcement that the empty relationship was officially over with. But what really affects the demon is the aftershocks of the break-up, the fleeting moments when he forgets you aren’t together and he reaches for his D.D.D. to call you about a book, when he’s cooking and looks to his left to ask you to pass him something, or when he wakes up, reaching out to cold side of the sheets, each time remembering you aren’t there anymore. The song about how the excitement in life keeps reducing as we age, resonates with the wrathful demon, simple lyrics repeating in his mind: “It comes and goes in waves, and carries us away.”
Asmodeus: “I Will Survive” – Gloria Gaynor
Despite popular belief, Asmodeus has insecurities, worries that people don’t actually see him as anything other than the Avatar of Lust, but then you walked into his life, swearing to him that you saw him for him. He was thrilled, the two of you quickly becoming two peas in a pod and he even declared he loved you as much as he loves himself, but then one day you left, reinforcing all those negative thoughts and he was a mess. He found himself in a blanket fort, a pillow pressed to his chest as he watched bad 90s rom-coms while devouring pints of ice cream, but then he stumbled across Gloria Gaynor’s iconic lyrics and something changed in the demon. He started to live again, to go back to how he was before because he realized that you were just a mere moment in the rest of his life he has to live. That there will be others to shower him in love and he takes the words “and you see me, somebody new” to heart because Asmo refuses to ever let someone bring him down the way you did.
Beelzebub: “Stitches” – Shawn Mendes
You captured Beel’s attention faster than any kind of food ever had, captivated him in a way that caused him to forget the constant desire to eat and it soothed away the lingering pain from losing Lilith, so it’s safe to say that when the relationship soured, his world was turned upside down again. Instead of sitting around, eating his feelings, he decided to throw himself in working out, this song was added to his gym playlist and he often finds himself putting it on repeated, a few lines reminding him of how bad your breakup is for him: “You watch me bleed until I can't breathe,” “And now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches,” and the one lyrics that sums up you, “your bitter heart cold to the touch.” It doesn’t take long though for the demon to understand that no amount of food or bench presses could erase you from his memories, that whether he likes it or not, you’ll be part of his past for some time and that stitches tend to leave scars when they’re removed.
Belphegor: “Sorry”– Halsey
Belphie made sure you knew his distaste for humans, that he blamed every single one of them for him losing his sister, Lilith, but you still chose to be by his side, claiming that you would be the one who melted his icy heart. For some time, you fit seamlessly into his life, like the way his favorite pillow curves perfectly to his chest as he clings to it while napping, until one day, you didn’t. He thought you had been right, that you could change him to a demon that didn’t despise humans, but Lilith’s birthday came around and he realized he missed her more than he cared about you, completely shutting you out after that, essentially banning you from his life. For him, life went on like usual, nothing changed as far as he was concerned, but he heard from Beel that you weren’t doing well at all, that it seemed you were falling apart for the both of you. He found this song soothing, even if the lyrics cut deep, he often fell asleep to it, feeling like the lyrics were truly written about him. “And so, it seems I broke your heart, my ignorance has struck again.”
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likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!
interested in more? –> masterlist
Part Two
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nightwingvixen23 · 5 years
Tim : i want a tattoo
Jason : psft, how the fuck are you gonna get a tat when you cant even find the commitment to stick a sticker somewhere ?
Tim : ...
Tim : fuck you. i’m a bad bitch
Jason : noted. want some cookies ya bad bitch ?
Tim : and milk you mediocre ho
Jason : *slams milk down* okay listen here mother fucker—
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wyrdle · 11 months
brain: You must draw Simon and Seville discussing Betty's contribution to locating the Selkie's Cove
also brain: these two need to fall onto each other and make out desperately
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ask-zerotrio · 2 years
Excuse me? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
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Sada: And don't tell Clavell ofc
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mannytoodope · 4 years
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Ace: Everybody checkin' you, checkin' me, all flashy and what not. That's not my thing.
Keisha: You're just borin', that's all. That's all.
Ace: I ain't that boring.
Keisha: Oooh, oooh.
Ace: I really ain't that boring.
Keisha: Big stuff. What, I'm supposed to make this and go shopping?
Ace: If I'm so borin', then, you know, why you with me?
Keisha: First of all, I ain't impressed by that.I'm with you cause I'm borin', too.A'ight?
Ace: Psft
Keisha: Give me that money back and give me a kiss.
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thedivineelite · 4 years
"#NOT US POSTING THE SAME GIF SET KINDA" djhfhshs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 if iwould've known you were making it i wouldn't have omg
psft, who cares!!! i was laughing because it was literally the same thing at the same time and was like, yeah we literally would. 😌😂
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harryforvogue · 3 years
psft he’ll be fine. he has his OTHER billions of dollars worth of stuff. he can buy like... premium four ply tissue or smtg to wipe his tears.
ok no but at times like this i even miss the ramones t-shirt wearing harry. 19 year old harry’s casual wear was ON POINT :’)
true! i miss the half unbuttoned shirts and chelsea boots
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divisibleby12 · 4 years
Explorations of Samurai Champloo and why Fuu is the strongest character (in my opinion)
It’s such a powerful story: chance, luck, journey, your blood family and the family that you choose... your past, and almost one-shot or “drabbles” where each episode is some random adventure that doesn’t “flow,” but it does... in how in these random adventures, their friendship grows, each character grows, and they get one step closer to finding forgiveness, or redemption... peace from their past... so that each of the can move forward, on their own… “back to where they started.” It’s a very realistic take on life (even when it’s not). And because of the friendships and memories they created none them of the same anymore at the end. I find myself repeatingly being drawn back to Samuria Champloo—when I find myself back at a “forkway” in my own life—when I am sentimental about the goodbyes I have had to say, but also trying my best to move forward.... like Fuu, Mugen, and Jin.
1. Each character, in his or her own way, are somehow rebelling against the government. They refuse to obey in one way or another, rejecting the written rules that society has created. And yet Jin and Mugen are held to a some wisp of a young lady by an individual sense of duty they can’t ignore—a promise held down only through spoken word and understanding. When you really think about it, its almost ridiculous: Jin and Mugen are both two extremely powerful and dangerous men who have only relied on their own ability, strength, and words for survival. They both, for their own different reasons, reject the arbitrary rules and standards this new changing society is being built on... and yet, they are held to an innocent teenage girl by nothing more than a “pinky promise.” Furthermore, we are are constantly reminded of the importance connections and ties of family or groups, and yet in a world that money and contracts (written word) is increasingly becoming important, Jin, Mugen, and Fuu, who owe absolutely nothing to each other and aren’t family, are put through life and death experiences, and are delicately held together only by spoken word and understanding—by a pinky promise. It’s almost comical, and that’s espeically true in Mugen’s case (explored and more starkly highlighted in the episode where Mugen’s past is confronted). But that’s extremely powerful too, in a world in and age where only the written rules or words matter, here are people who still trying to do the right thing... abide by the unspoken rules of honor, duty, and virtue... even if for the initial reasons may be somewhat misguided or selfish. 
2. Which brings us to the dynamic and growth of each character. Mugen and Jin are opposites; Mugen is the anti-hero and Jin is the traditional hero... the “perfect samurai.” So of course they hate each other; they each represent to each other what they despise or hate about the world. Jin believes in order, rules, and structure (although he rejects this new society where honor means nothing), and Mugen rejects society and all its rules because he’s the “lowest of the low;” he has no place in society so he forces his way through. And then there is Fuu, not a samurai herself, but the daughter of a samurai. And she’s the youngest, and the “weakest,” but also have the strongest heart. She isn’t tied down by titles or rules and from the beginning, never judges other by their title, appearances, or past: she has an open-mindedness that Mugen and Jin don’t have.  No matter how much they try, both Mugen and Jin are still tied down by society and it’s rules... Mugen because he can never have a place, and Jin because he doesn’t know what his place is anymore. Mugen, no matter how hard he tries, cannot bring himself up... branded by his tattoos and his past. And you can see that through their dynamics. Jin is ironically, although the most quiet, is also the most honest (I owe this to his upbringing; he was trained to put emotions aside so his skills could progress, devoting one self completely to a cause greater than yourself. That doesn’t just happen; that comes only with hardwork and devotion). Mugen and Fuu are on the other hand, are much more emotional, with Mugen being the most dishonest; that although he is rather dumb and simple (where his actions always reveal what he is really feeling), he never actually speaks those truths. Mugen is brash and angry, bringing chaos wherever he goes... but that speaks to the hurt he is carrying.... hurt that he won’t ever admit to... maybe doesn’t even realize he is carrying (since that’s all he knows). Society rejects him, so he rebels through actions and chaos; forcing their acknowledgement, even if its scorn; kill or be killed. Fuu is dishonest too, but that is because she is young, immature, and scared. But she grows, and because of her heart and care, faces those fears and herself as well. 
3. Which brings me back to Fuu. Fuu represents, to me, the power and hope of our youth. She’s not tied down by the same things the boys are; instead, she must struggle with how to bring forward the values of the samurai-- honor and a strong sense of duty-- into this new world. But she is young... and alone. She doesn’t have the same skills the boys do... so she must provide for herself another way: by asking for help and rely on others. And to many, that would be defined as weak, but that’s actually why I believe she is the strongest character. At every turn, she literally gambles her life on the whim of others... and she’s scared. It’s why she constantly nags them, and is so annoying (prompting them to abandon her at the beginning)-- she knows they could leave at any time. Her own blood father abandoned her and her mother... and her mother is died; she is no stranger to being left behind. And here she is, two strangers tied to her only with a flimsy promise that she helped save their lives once. She knows it’s a gamble, and due to her youth, can’t help but complain about it or get into throwing petty arguments at them. She’s insecure and scared, and she desperately doesn’t want them to leave her, but if her own mother and father left her... well... I think she knows this reality deeper than any of them. She’s pragmatic, although a bit crazy, and forgives extremely easily... being both selfish but never really caring about herself at the same time. 
You see this when the first time they left her and they’re reunited at the brothel. Instead of scolding them for leaving her -- no use really -- she scolds them for not remember their promise not to kill each other. But it’s not Jin that comes back and saves the day.... it’s Mugen.... Mugen ,the “anti-hero.” Mugen, who has a flashback of her, and can’t ignore her, for whatever reason: honestly, their “duty” has probably already been fulfilled when they saved her the first time... thus the reason why Jin probably doesn’t save her (no need?). But Mugen relies on his instincts, and something about her he couldn’t ignore. Maybe it’s stubbornness... of never having to get by without any help from anyone, and here is some little bitch who decided to help him (psft, he doesn’t need her and refuses to be in debt to anyone), or because too... of who she was.. because of her overwhelming kindness and even bravery... and we see how she forgives people over and over for unforgivable things. And Mugen... deep downs... I think wants to be forgiven too... to be given a place.. to be cared for. And Fuu forges a place for both men; both men who were lost and passive... just... going with the flow, but Fuu, even though she was scared, took action, and took them along with her by sheer will. She saved them... even if they were the ones always saving her. 
For Fuu was never afraid to speak up for what was right. Mugen had no means to “speak up” except to well… kill. Jin had no means either, except to protect the weak against corrupt lords and government. But it didn’t necessarily change much; still stuck and lost. But Fuu’s determination to never back down, and with the two protecting her, making sure her voice of justice didn’t (literally) die… maybe still, in the end, didn’t dramatically bring any change… it didn’t bring down the government or anything… but it did change them. It gave them all the courage and the ability to face and reconcile with their pasts. And throughout their whole journey… they were able to bring small changes and victories throughout the different places and people they touched… and that does, in the end, make a difference… even if it’s just small grain in the sand… but it’s still something. And Mugen... found peace... and even forgiveness... the “anti-hero” who ended up being the hero who helped Fuu complete her mission of meeting the samurai who smelled like sunflowers (while Jin was there to help clean up the remaining mess). Mugen didn’t believe he was worthy... for all his bark and fighting back, he was insecure too... no room for forgiveness.. that he was unloveable. But Fuu... believed in him, gave up her own selfishness so Mugen didn’t have to be alone (because they all understood each other quite well at the end). That was Mugen, and even Jin’s... way of thanking her, and giving her back love. Jin would have stayed with her; he would have been content with that I think. Maybe he didn’t find a master or lord to serve... didn’t find a cause to serve... but he found friends... and thus found a new definition of “how to serve.” Mugen, who never obeyed anyone, and never ruling over anyone else... willingly choose to sacrifice, willingly choose to listen to others...  isn’t that love? And Fuu... who never tried to bend others to her will... she just accepted, let her own heart grow instead of trying to change others; let go of control, and ultimately... letting go of that control is what gave her freedom, I think.. to just accept others for who they are. And that acceptable, in the end, saved them all, I think. They were stronger together (when the boys rather just believe they could be strong on their own) and Mugen and Jin would have never been able to understand or see that, if it was not for Fuu.... bringing them together. 
And just like in real life… may be we don’t always live to see how justice plays out… and we come to say goodbyes to the ones we love. But those small changes stay with us... and it makes us all stronger, as we move forward with the blood family we had no choice with, with the family & friends & actions we choose, and love throughout this journey.  
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