#psychich readings
psychelis-new · 3 months
pick a pile: "You are..." - Loving and encouraging words for you
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read some loving warm words about you. it's always nice to hear about our positive traits, right? here you can find yours and some encouraging words about your next steps/healing. keep going and take care of you! and also, be ready to let love in, you deserve it :)
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
You are sunny, cheerful, bright and warm. You're also pretty welcoming and you like to hug people or generally enjoy physical displays of affection. I think people like to be around you, you basically cheer up everyone and "set the mood for the evening" (I just heard that, IDK). You have a lovely smile, everyone is in awe with it and you in general; maybe you also have a particular way to laugh? Like you maybe make a strange sound, and everyone is fond of it. They love to make you laugh honestly just to hear it. I feel like you take emotional care of others and you may feel like a sip of fresh water to many. You're extrovert (or at least seem so in specific context), confident and you know exactly what to do or say to make the day of the people you are in contact with. I think you may share smiles with people on the street and even help them if they need (eg. like if they drop something you may pick it up for them, especially for older people or you may leave your seat to them). I think you are very funny and smart, and like to joke a lot. Okay for some of you you may have changed after something happened and keep this sunny side of you a bit hidden (or maybe you occasionally fear being judged about it, or you have been), but honestly I think you only need to reconnect with it and let it flow from you. It's hurtful when some things happen but it's also something that... just happens in life, sadly (I'm not trying to invalidate your experience/pain, at all). We don't have to let those negative things change us so much, especially if we still feel that flame/desire inside. I mean... don't feel guilty for being happy, if that's what you feel. You can be happy no matter what happened. You have to be happy. Find new ways for that happiness to flow within but reach it "and let it rain" out of you. Enjoy it, let it be there and help you heal what hurt as well, if you need. You can find new happiness anytime. New reasons to be happy, too. This is also true for the few of you who tend to hide pain behind a smile, pretending it's all good. Toxic positivity won't solve it, as avoiding problems. Be more balanced (maybe you were called by pile 2 as well) and accepting of what is wrong: it doesn't mean you let it take over you (ask for help if it's too scary), it means you're not being blind to it but you're listening to it and trying to make it better (ofc you can wear a smile while you do that, you totally have to! Healing happens also with taking breaks to enjoy life and hobbies/passions...). You are such a beam of light for everyone, confront your problems (if there's any) and then keep on shining!
song: chicken noodle soup | j-hope; wake me up before you go go | wham! (I channeled the first song while doing your reading, anyway the mood for you is: jitterbug!)
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pile 2
You are strong, pure and very special. You stand out, and honestly you don't even have to do much to stand out. I think it's your energy: it also has something healing for those that comes near you, something comforting. You should be more confident in yourself: maybe you also doubt about your looks or how you may be seen/perceived by others but honestly you have/are nothing less than anyone else. You are caring and have a good heart; maybe you have buildt some walls around yourself out of past traumas, and this is blocking you a little when it comes to sharing with others or creating deeper relationships. It's okay take your time to work through those walls. You have beautiful eyes, and maybe you like to look at others in the eyes too? I think you are also sincere, honest and humble, at times also to a fault: please do stand up for yourself when you need, and set your boundaries. You may also be a bit too strict on you, especially when you make some type of mistakes or something? Maybe it's the fear I mentioned in the beginning of being perceived as you're not or in a bad way, or maybe... at times you may be scared of your thoughts somehow. It's not just the anxiety you may get from them and how they may make you spiral so you tend to stop them (it's okay to do this and distract your mind when you start feeling overwhelmed, but please come back to those thoughts when you feel calmer: to avoid thinking about a problem won't help you solve it at all, it will come back stronger. And please ask for help if you need), but there's also something else. Remind yourself usually the first thought is what we learned, our instinctive first reaction to a situation (usually comes up to "protect us") while the second thought we have is the one that comes from the heart, it really expresses what we think with a calmer and more balanced mind. I mean, eg. let's say someone says they got something you always wanted and this triggers you: your first reaction could also be being envious of them and feel not enough compared to them and potentially say or think something negative/feel resentful or angry, but if you stopped and thought about it again, you may just be really happy for this person and see yourself as on a different path: your time will come too. Be more kind with yourself, more patient: you're unlearning a negative mental pattern and that's not easy, it will take time and practice and lot of patience. You are so lovely you have no idea, please try to see and show that yourself too.
song: a little bit yours | jp saxe (indeed come back to your core self and show yourself love, and accept it too; closing chapters, changing and unlearning stuff is hard, but you can make it)
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pile 3
You are multilayered. You have lovely rosey cheeks, people may want to squeeze them lol. You are sweet and cute, you probably are also a little shy or maybe you feel anxious in social settings and you may end up blushing a lot. You may also be stubborn occasionally (not too bad tbh) and can be determined or at least you reach good results in job/school. I think you tend to hide a part of yourself though or find it hard to deal with it/not like it. There's something you fear showing or that you don't want others to see about you, probably your pain, probably something from your past that you keep inside (also cause you can't accept/understand it -it could be abuse for someone, I hope you are safe now). Maybe you're also "scared"... of being loved/seen for real (having your "mask removed"?) or feeling vulnerable... Your energy feels younger or maybe just unexperienced in some fields or situations (maybe you also feel uncomfortable in some situations or you felt so in the past and you avoided joining them so now you feel a little behind maybe: honestly, there's nothing bad in this. You're not behind, you just did what was better for you and you still have time to make more experiences. You have all the time you need and want). I think there's indeed something about time here, it could be you are nostalgic about something that now you are missing/lacking, maybe feelings you could experience in your childhood, or you want to delete something from your past, or it could be that you fear running out of time, as mentioned, as you want to experience many things still but maybe you are scared you won't make it or you don't know where to start from. Just take a break: the moment you'll feel more grounded, it will come to you. Focus on taking care of you and also do take naps if you need and can. If it's about your childhood, eg. if people taught you have to "grow up" or have dimmed you in any way (or you had to, in order to gain their approval), remember you don't really have to forget about your inner child nor to be someone you're not. You can be an adult and still be in touch with your inner child. It's not that one thing excludes the other. And you can be yourself without any fear (it's hard to believe it but you won't be pushed away by everyone if you aren't as they wish). Maybe your inner child now really needs you to be closer to them, they need your appreciation and support, probably also after something you had to go through in your past: your inner child totally did great back then with all they had. Hug them and show them love. I think some of you may also love to work or be around children or pets as they may help you feel more in touch with your own inner child and more grounded. Again, be attentive to your needs, and meet them: maybe you were *unwillingly* taught you don't deserve that much (you had to accept crumbles in relationships) but it's not so, you deserve the moon: remember this. You're already perfect, there's nothing about you in your past or present that you need to fix, my love. Heal your fears about being yourself, receiving (love in particular) and don't run away from it, don't run away from yourself: you'll get all you wish for. Give it and yourself time. And, if you need this: it wasn't your fault, you were not responsible for that event/decision for which you feel like you were (and maybe you didn't even had to take). Whatever it was. You were trying to win the approval of someone who couldn't love you as you wished. Build boundaries around people (adults) and remember you are not responsible for them and what they do/their mistakes: you're not here to save them from anything. You have your own self and life to care about now.
song: heart attack | demi lovato
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owlyspirit · 1 year
accidentally didn't go to college for two days whoopsie
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glamourzombie · 6 months
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Seasonal reading!
Women and Other Monsters: Building a New Mythology, by Jess Zimmerman
The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery and Magic of the Quiet Curse, by Antonio Pagliarulo
Subtle Energy Techniques, by Cindy Dale
Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction, by John Polkinghorne
Psychich Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation, by Mat Auryn (currently reading)
A Walk through the Forest of Souls: a Tarot Journey to Spiritual Awakening, by Rachel Pollack (TBR)
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voicesfromthelight · 5 years
On The Role of Imagination in Psychic Development
One of the more challenging aspects of getting started in the discipline of psychic development is the apprehension many of us feel about whether or not, when tuning in with our clair-senses, we are simply “making stuff up.” Especially if we do not immediately find ourselves able to distinguish between our own thoughts and those that are translating Spirit or energy in an evidential way, our egos can quickly get tripped up and shut down our psychic receptivity. Today, for those of you who might struggle with this,  I’d like to help set your minds at ease. Guess what? Imagination and clairvoyance exist on the same continuum! They are not at odds. You can’t have one without the other. The word “imagination,” after all, stems from the word “image.” In order to imagine something, you must be able to picture it. Similarly, clairvoyance is an act of creating an image in one’s mind of something we cannot otherwise see.
Clairvoyance is, arguably, the most talked-about and well-known clair-sense. It consists of the ability to see things beyond what is physically in front of us, and to communicate with Spirit through the language of visually conveyed symbols. It is also one of the clair-senses that is taken most seriously. There is something about visual information that feels so tangible and real to us (as one often hears, “I’ll believe it when I see it!”), that it is easier for people to accept than, say, clairaudience, which can more easily be mistaken for “hearing voices” - a potential symptom of mental illness. People who have functional eyesight will generally be easily visually stimulated, and many of us have our first psychic experiences as an extension of a fairly universal human experience: that of dreaming. This can work both for and against us, depending on what our particular sensitivities are. Since we are so intimately familiar with envisioning our thoughts, memories, plans and dreams as primarily visual experiences, how can we trust something that comes so naturally to us, and can be manipulated so effortlessly through thought, to convey information that is independent of our inner workings?
One of the first psychic visualization exercises I ever did, when I first started learning about psychic healing at 14, was a simple exercise involving imagining a person’s aura as a rose, from Amy Wallace’s excellent manual, “The Psychic Healing Book.” In the exercise, you read a person’s energy by imagining a rose, and then observe the color and texture of it to determine the energetic state of the person. The healing is then done by manipulating the image of the rose, to restore the energy of the person to optimum health. Now, if you were to ask two people to tune into someone’s energy and do this exercise based on the same person, they might see different things. This doesn’t necessarily mean either of them is wrong. It just means that their particular nervous system is interpreting the energy in their individual way, and picking up on different things as translated by the image they see. This is the same principle as when evidential mediums develop their own “vocabularies” of visual symbols to convey specific information: a ring signifying marriage; a pot of gold symbolizing sudden wealth; a syringe signifying drug addiction; a heart symbolizing love. It is also similar to the system of correspondences I maintain with my guides when they communicate in verbal shorthand. I know, for instance, that the word “forgive” can also mean “heal,” “let go,” “walk back” or “neutralize,” and the expression “greetings to…” may signal welcoming a new influence, or situation, not just a literal person. Another person reading these messages might think they were gibberish, but because my guides know how my mind personally references things, they know I will interpret them correctly. Our way of making sense of psychic information is highly individual, and the act of doing so is a process of making the ephemeral, tangible. This goes for all the clair-senses.
So, does this mean that we can just see whatever random pictures pop into our head, and they will be correct? Well, yes and no. It’s all in the interpretation. The whole point of learning to do psychic or mediumistic reading is to be able to gain access to useful information that can help people for their highest good. There will be right and wrong answers. This is where developing your talents within a group setting can be really helpful, since you can compare notes and learn how different people perceive information. You will eventually want to be able to verify whether the interpretations of what you are seeing, hearing, feeling etc., are correct or not. However, in order to get to this phase, it is first important to establish a system of communication, and that is where your imagination comes in. Figure out what works for you! If we can let go of the fear of mistakes and just allow ourselves to explore how we receive impressions, we will progress much faster than if we are worried of making fools of ourselves. Furthermore, the more we engage our imagination and creative thinking using all of our senses in our everyday lives, the stronger our ability to receive psychic information will become. It’s like a muscle that can be trained.
So, when you are getting to know your own psychic abilities, do not be afraid to play with your imagination, and try out different things. You are training yourself to pay attention to how your particular nervous system interprets energy, and strengthening those neural pathways. Your ability to discern “objectively” correct information will come from making mistakes, not in spite of them. It’s all part of the process.
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belxgno · 6 years
psychic: [reads my mind]
my mind: [constant reciting the scene of eowyn and faramir in minas anor by memory]
psychic: what the fuck
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glodrop · 4 years
For just £12.50 PSYCHIC CHAT/DETAILED EMAIL READING PSYCHIC CHAT Cheap eye-opening Same Day psychic instant messaging chat through WhatsApp, Messenger, or Skype. Unlimited Questions within time limit! Schedule the reading for the same day. (Often within the hour!!!) I also chat in the early hours if it's urgent ☺ Operating on the principal of first come first served, I promise to deliver within 24 hours. Become a part of changing your destiny with this interactive text chat. (Not a video or voice call) EMAIL READING Or if you prefer with this listing, I am able to deliver a highly detailed email 1, 2 or 3 question reading in under 36 hours. This reading is to cover all aspects and worries about your health and future issues, though if you have any alternate questions I am able to read on nearly all subjects. You name it :)
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Psychic Reading Online: Best Psychics Can Find Answers To Life’s Questions https://lonersoul.com/life-path-psychic-readings-connect-us-to-find-the-purpose-of-life/ #psychic #psychicreading #psychics #psychicmedium #psychicreadings #psychicreader #psychicsofinstagram #PsychicAdvice #PsychicAdvisor #psychicreadersofinstagram #Psychicdevelopment #PsychicPowers #psychichealer #psychicabilities #psychictarot #psychicamyashley #psychicenergy #psychicpassage #psychichelp #psychicart #psychicArts #psychicattack #PsychicEye #psychichealing #psychicprotection #psychicreadingsonline #psychictv #psychicability #psychicaleducation #psychicanswers
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psychelis-new · 6 months
pick a pile: "Your true colors - (7/7) Violet"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a message for you from the color violet, the seventh and last of the 7 rainbow's colors. in this serie of readings about the rainbow's colors, I will try to channel about your true colors, so to help you look inside and see your most beautiful self, appreciate yourself more and hopefully provide some type of guidance if necessary. as cindy lauper would say: "your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow", so let's look at them and hear what they have to say to you and how they (you) can help you look at things in a more positive way.
violet is the color of luxury, mystery, elegance, ambition, royalty, awareness, intelligence, wisdom, miracles, passion, enlightment, knowledge (crown chakra)... in this reading, I'll try to analyze this side of your character.
you can find the other colors' readings in the pacs list in my pinned post
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
Let's start off noticing that you have a triangle shape in your pic: this is a sign of the Divine, and a very strong-based shape, often connected with the masculine and feminine too. I do think you're spiritually protected and have a good connection with the 5d, no matter if you're aware of it or not. Despite this though, at times you may doubt and spiral a bit: your wounded ego/mind may get in between your downloads and make you doubt of yourself and your ability to receive messages/your knowledge. I think you are called to shed a light onto this habit of yours so to be more in control of your abilities and self power/grounded and trust them and yourself more: this would totally help you get further in your life and more easily towards your goals (or at least give yourself the permission to try, which is something you may have learned to avoid doing for different reasons: fear of judgement, lack of self control, downplay yourself to leave space to others... you're as deserving, dear). You're ambitious and powerful, so just give it a try and you may even receive.
I feel like at times you may lose trust in the 5d too? It's like... you may stop believing. You feel like you need to focus more on your material life and get away from the spiritual one, as you need to get more practical (probably again in order to feel included and appreciated by other people around you or cause you feel like you're not being listened to as you're not receiving anything and it brings you to feel disappointment as it's probably what you've often had to experience in your life -but honestly, this could be just a test). Such feelings are normal, especially if you come from a specific background/environment: things may get confusing for your mind, you may lose hope or come back to your old self victimization pattern ("I'm not deserving/not enough"), and your doubt and self trust issues as well, may make it all more complicated, but... You have a lot inside of you, also as per your spiritual abilities, so do not let them slid away cause you fear no one would get them (if that's the case). You're the only one in need to welcome and understand them and believe in them and use them the way you feel they may resonate with your life (meaning you don't have to become a spiritual figure, you can become a doctor, for example, and still also trust your intuition when it comes to healing someone or any other kind of download).
You can manifest miracles in your life if you want to. And, especially if you're someone already into spiritual practices/divinations (but not necessarily), you can also bring enlightment to those who want to listen to you (but you need to be the first one believing in what you download and how). At times it's only a matter of finding the right people for us instead of insisting with those who are just not for us. It's okay to be different. Take your time to dig within, to bring enlightenment within yourself first and to really know yourself, your triggers, your fears, to welcome and nurture them and to realize what you really want to do and who you want to be. It's all for you, and it's up to you. Remember you're free to do what makes you feel better, but if you started trusting and being more confident in yourself at least, you could become unstoppable. Take a time out to realize all I mentioned above, follow your guts and the signs you may get (number 3, 6 and 9 may be around you or you may be born on those days/months or your astrological chart may have a focus on those houses. Whatever it is, these numbers may also hint to the Divine, self balance/enegetical balance and spiritual awakening/soul mission). Insects may sign change and transformation (you may see/hear them around you): be kind with yourself as changes are hard to deal with, so doubts and insecurities and triggers may arise more often and harshly (take it slow when it happens, give yourself time). Take care of you and stay hydrated (water may also cleanse you/help you relax).
songs: blue moon | the marcels; miss perfect | abs, nodesha
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pile 2
Pile 2, it's okay if things are unclear and confusing. The veil may not be removed for you yet, or not entirely, and you're probably called to trust and believe at this time. Even believe that your personal changes that you may be experiencing now (and may indeed add confusion to your life), are just for you and your good. Similarly to pile 1 but not exactly in the same way (you're more an evolution of that pile): I feel like you already know about this. You're already trusting, at least 99% of times. It feels as you have decided to trust yourself and fate or the Universe, despite you may not understand it entirely or be sure about it. You know that things can change at any time, that transformations require time and that you cannot control it all but can only let it flow. I feel like, deep inside, you have the belief that things are gonna be okay and you are even kinda hyped about it (despite you tend to keep yourself grounded still and not let this thought sweep you away: I think that's an okay approach, just keep being hopeful though). You can feel there's something in store but you cannot grasp it and even if at times you try to get more about it and end up hitting a wall, you know that things will still be clear at the right time. And you don't mind a little surprise here and there: like it's good to know, but it's also good to not know everything.
You seem passionate, smart and someone who likes to learn more and more. At least on your best days (which is what you're trying to move forward to, leaving pile 1's energy, almost). Your learning happens in different fields (and fields that are "different" from the usual) and maybe also your career or something about you is different or unusual; you have many interests, you like different cultures and stuff, but you also feel an attraction towards the occult and unknown and ofc you want to know more about spirituality too. If this is speaking to you, please do not block yourself and ask questions or search for resources (on youtube, books, websites...) or even through travels if you can or will get the chance (it's still a travel even to move in a different side of your town). You're someone transforming, shedding old skin like a snake, and a change of environment and mental pattern is what can make you feel renewed (also from a creative point of view, if this resonates with you: you may try to start a creative career but feel blocked. I think your crown chakra may get more downloads and guide you better the moment you find a new balance under different circumstances or in different places, seeing/experiencing something new. The more you grow comfortable in your whole new self).
Indeed try something new, do something for you. Gift yourself something. I do think you are already doing this or are on the way to, so take this as a confirmation for you being on the right track. You're slowly moving towards holding more control over your emotions (at times you may still get overwhelmed so please do also find ways to recharge/sleep/nap and set clear boundaries that won't make you downplay your needs in order to make others feel better), keep believing that you will be able to even if now you have no idea of how you'll get there. You're being guided from above even if you'r enot noticing it, so trust that you're going to be where you are supposed to be (and very likely where you want to be too). Stay open to receive and follow yourself and your guidance in the weirdest places, even where you think there's nothing for you: you never know what are Universe's plans and what can pop up for you even from a slightly negative situation (or what you perceive as such). The moment you'll find ways to be even more in control of your thoughts and fears, you're gonna reach your peak of abundance. You'll get miracles falling in your lap without you having to move a finger exactly cause you're trusting Universe's guidance. Keep going, keep trusting, keep working on you and be hopeful as you can. You're being cleansed to start a new amazing trip. And also, if you're trying to close with the past, you'll make/you're making it. Universe has your back and you kinda already know it.
song: touch | shura (canvas remix); never change | jeremy passion, melissa polinar
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pile 3
Hello pile 3, it's an honor to be around you. You know your worth, your energy is very refined, almost high mantenance. You almost feel otherwordly. Woah... You have lot of wisdom in whatever is your field, you're also gaining more and probably will get some recognition too like you may be posting online lot of stuff and have many people recognize your effort and resonate with your words. I am getting astrologers but also people good with words/communication in general. Ofc you may just be writing about some particular studies you're doing or scientific researches or anything else (maybe a thesis?). Maybe even a book. I do feel a lot of writing-communication related energy but ofc it could also relate to other fields like therapy. At times though, or for some of you, this refined energy may be more of a mask you wear to feel better about yourself or to feel like you're deserving, especially if you resonate with the online world or public world versus private world. It feels like in real life (or in private) you may look or act or be different from how your energy feels online/publicy, and you're kinda avoiding it or neglecting that. I think you may still fear being judged for your looks(?) or for what you believe, while online it got easier for you to find your audience and even more your place. Do not block your light: let it shine. It's okay to be different (I said it in another pile too, so if you were called by it as well.. well, confirmation x2) and it's so very okay to be you.
Let yourself shine the way you're supposed to. Others will judge you anyway, let them be triggered and don't mind. They're just projecting their insecurities and fears onto you, it's not you the problem anyway. You have a way with words and you can bring so much clarity to others for the way you connect all the infos and dots, and maybe you also have clairs' abilities that support you in this, so do not stop yourself when you feel like you can use your words to help: cause you can really help and heal those around you, even simply through your presence and true energy (the one you show shamelessly online). Stand strong, be true to yourself and follow your heart guidance. And heal your heart too (I suggest you to take the Green and Blue pac too, if you want/feel called to).
I think you have many dreams, you are ambitious and a huge desire within you, and honestly the moment you learn how to take control over your mind and balance it so that your insecurities and past throat chakra blockages (you may have been downplayed or shut up/talked over often, or not listened to, so you kinda lowered your voice out of habit, feeling unworthy and not good enough.. but it was others not being able to listen to your wisdom and inner knowledge -you may download directly from the Source, how amazing!), you'll find your place, your happiness and your stage and public. You'll shine so much and be a very important figure in the life of many. Be it online or in your area/where you're gonna be (Erin Brockovich-style). Keep working on your emotional side, ground yourself, and see your worth most of all. Don't shut down please, we need you and your abilities. I think you may be called by a specific field/volunteering/association maybe even human rights-related ones, so just follow your own guidance and take your own time to let your voice be heard also irl. You're here to help us but also to make yourself happy the way it resonates the most with your soul, so do not close off to that to let others have control and power over you. You're a special being, please shine bright and let yourself be found, seen and heard with no fear.
song: nowhere fast | ateller; one of a kind | the gaia corporation
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rael-rider · 4 years
Have you been reading Immortal Hulk? If so, what are your thoughts?
Yes, I've been liking it a lot and the art is phenomenal and it appeals to the horror enthusiast to me. Dario got what he deserved but still what Xemnu spits out after what he eats is pretty gross.
I am a bit upset with the whole reveltion between Rick and the Leader because poor Rick cannot catch a break. But it makes sene as to why he's been acting so calm amidst the horror and the way he ws brought back. The Leader and Rick also had a psychich connection I believe so I guess that's what allowed the Leader to take over him.
Also what better way to get through Bruce and the Hulks than through Rick Jones but it's also the quickest way to getting get them angry and possibly do the worst they can think to you.
It was also pretty nice to see Green Scar again.
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So, I found some info on psychics. What do you think Psychic!RosexJuleka would be like? Also, I used to think psychic was spelled psykick.
Psykick would be an excellent name for an association football league for psychics. I keep trying to spell it as either phsychic or psychich (or physychich)
Rose generally tries not to read other people’s minds and getting to know them organically, but her level of success at this varies
Rose uses her ability to unlock doors. She never uses her key to get into her own home
Rose is very open about being psychic
If you want to combine this with an aged up AU, Juleka is a scientist who is studying psychic abilities
Still with the aged up AU, Rose has a job that involves a lot of multitasking and she uses her powers to make it easier
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1-800-444-tune · 5 years
Services I am Offering Tonight !
Deals on all of these, all of my Readings are going to be 50% off tonight, and love oracle Readings will be set down to 75% off, which I'll list these price changes below in x sec, for tonight only and the rest of tomorrow too, I will likely be accepting also anonymous asks in my ask box with one Free question per person, as long as it is an open ended question, and as long as you definitely become a future customer, thankyou, and hey, do not be shady. Make donation too, I deserve it. I work very hard posting daily blog horoscopes and daily and weekly cards in Tarot xnd my Oracles , so please give something- at www.paypal.com/4tunef8
#tarot #psychic #onlinepsychictarot #theempress #thehighpriestess #eyeoftheuniverse #iamalsopsychic #astrologer #Astrology #Numerology #numerastra #vedicastrology #esoterictarot #occult #wiccanpriestess #polytheist #positivethinking #PositiveVibes #energy #sourceenergy #energyhealer #enerfgyhealing #healing #psychichealing #ListenToThis #GoalOfTheDay #1kfollow #follow4follow #sendmeasks #psychologist #psychology #psych101 #physics #angelcasrds #tarotdeck #aewaite #tarotreadingservice
Angelic Guidance: I use my one of three Angel Healing and Angelic Answers Oracle Decks to give you your spiritual messages that will definitely give you the answers your looking for even if you did not know that's the answer you were truly seeking, because it's true our spiritual messengers with wings seem to ill-defined, and the messages they bring us daily constantly sometimes are not even heard, so, this is a great tool. Which bring us into the next thing in the spiritual realm which can range from
Ancient God's Wisdom and the Diety Knowledge that we are seeking, or
Spirit Messages, from, anybody who's crossed over, is in heaven now, or your guardian ancestor spirits that have guidance and want to share wisdom with you so often as they really do always have the most compassionate need-to-hear today type of messages, or if you yourself would like to contact a loved one that's deceased and do not know how to create x line if steady communication with this person, I have got tons of great guidance for you, trust me when I say this, truly, I really do have the answers that you are seeking on this very day!
Get to know your Guardian Angels, ever wonder what it would be like to talk to someone who knows you inside xnd out, well, my Guiding Light Oracle deck knows how to connect to this divine source of energy, send bring to you , messages of hope, faith, and encouragement, at all the right times! My Angel decks also prove to be accurate sources of this great energy, I just need to tune into your guardian angels energy which is very simple for me to do, and also another great tool I have to offer tonight the great wisdom from
Getting to know your Spirit Animal, and the messages they carry to you in this specific time in your life. Allow me to read into your energy and feel out your spiritual sources of Animal guides , such a calming and wisdom enhancing experience.
Now I offer something new, Chakra Readings, I tell you just where your energy is currently blocked, which chakra, and explain what you need to do about it also what will happen if you leave it to continue to be blocked, the current symptoms you should have from it being blocked plus the symptoms that are soon to manifest then if you do not do the unblocking routine!
I CHING Readings, very smooth, Insightful, reality check for you.
Rune reading , I use actually a technology that reads yoyr energy and converts this into a rune on my screen, this is something great if you are into good deeper meanings into life's messages and what's going on around yourself. Also comes with 1 connected Tarot card and its meaning and interpretation, description, details below on prices for all of these Readings, thanks
Currently reading also Crystal Winds Oracle deck for Women xnd their love questions , is this karma, was this z lover from a past life? I'll answer these difficult questions for now and the reset of March for half off ,
Shaddowscapes Tarot , to read your shadows self and ask those deep questions about your life that you need a definitive clear answer on, the best type of guidance you can get without paying a full priced psychic too much!
Joy and Sorrow Oracle deck for the depressed, lost, or confused women and men on this planet that need to hear a must hear message in this time of grief, or just some compassionate guidance that tells them something softly, this is for you and I usually charge full price for this one, okay.
The prices do not really vary much, I will tell you my set prices, I am currently reading at least 5 cards in a spread per question you ask, unless it is for the Spirit Animal Guidance or the Chakra Spread (which is actually only 3 cards in spread complete) if you'd like only a partial reading then you'll have to post that, but I do not know why on earth your mind would only want to know the first half of your reading and not the outcome? Or the advice depending on layout choice, I'm also doing the Celtic Cross Spread which has more cards than this, it has ten, ×10 cards in the cross! Okay, and I do actually offer more spreads, it's up to personal client preferences when we get chatting such spread would be most useful, then we will go from there.
Okay, so, basically per card I am going to be charging 2$ to read and send to you the details, explanation, and introspection, on each card I always go into deep details unless the first part of it is pretty self explanatory. I could be charging my clients 5$/minute we chat, but that seems unfair approach and bad business sense, if I were getting a reading I would totally want to pay this way, xnd you can very easily make your payment to me through PayPal. I have a new business account set up, I will create invoice and send you recieve of purchase if you request this, I am very very reasonable and easy to get x long with, I should be charging more for my Readings yes? I know I am making them affordable to every bracket of the public, I want everyone to get a chance to experience this wonderful world of Tarot and Oracle visions , they're so true, honest, inspiring, gracious, humble, accurate and Insightful.
My PayPal account to make donations big small medium, or just to make your payment now is this link here :
This service includes a bonus numerology report if you so desire, you must request it at the beginning, please , and thankyou, very muchly.
#oracle #oracledeck #visions #mission #lifereading #quoteoftheday #pieceofyourlovechallenge #payment #paypal #pagan #paganism #occult #tarotcards #fortune #fate #free #freetarotreadings
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8elieveitornot · 5 years
New Moon / Pick a Card / 1,2,3, or 4?
Use your inner or higher self; intuition is key here! Pick the first card that you're currently drawn to, this is going to be a part of my interactive *NewMoonRitual*.
You cannot go wrong and pick the wrong card in this game; you'll definitely relate to whatever card you pick I almost 80% accurate on these, I have been rated a 5/7 ratio reading accuracy level. Stats don't lie, cards don't lie, and neither do I.
Hey? What do you have to lose? It's a fun way to start your New Moon, get an insight on what it will bring into your life with its energy!
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March 6th, New Moon Energy is in the zodiac of ...(here's all the stats completely) ..............🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌙🌚🌛🌜🌚🌛🌜🌝🌠☄
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Just like this post, & please comment the card you felt most drawn to out of this row of 4 Cards, I am counting them from left to right, the typical usual way you'd think, right? (It's the direction in which you read a sentence, from start to Finnish, begin at the , what? Left side. Yes, and make sure you SHARE with your friends so they can play this epic game too! To get their Fortunes read quickly for free and by a real deal psychic !
#psychichealing #ListenToThis #GoalOfTheDay #1kfollow #follow4follow #sendmeasks #psychologist #psychology #tarotreading #tarotcards #pickoftheday #picoftheday #moonphases #moonphase #tarotcard #$$$ #divinelight #paganism #occult #wiccanpriestess #polytheist #positivethinking #PositiveVibes #energy #sourceenergy #energyhealer #enerfgyhealing #healing #psychichealing #Astrology #Numerology #reporting #Reading #questiontime #question #Angels #energytwitter #WhatMenWant #relationship #love #careeradvice #justlikeheavenfest #tarotreadingfree #fortune #fortunecookie #LoveStory #loveforever #lovefortune #fortunetelling #fortuneteller #freepsychicadvice
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bussinpoots · 2 years
i wrote it so fast i didnt proove read . fuck. i'll ask again another day, I think i ineed to take 2 to recover from psychich damage
Misha is that you, you godless heathen ?
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edwincourtenay · 2 years
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Healing To Go Now Available To Preorder Each preorder copy comes signed and contains a message from your Healing Guide. This offer will end on Nov 22nd. Cost: £16 + p&p Healing To Go is a guide book - for those new to the existence of healing, those already developing and utilising their healing power and those well advanced and professionally practising as healers in the world. It can be dipped in and out of - as a reference book or manual or read from cover to cover providing an ever deepening experience and knowledge of what it is to be a healer and how to explore and develop such a gift. Drawing upon his 30 years of experience as a trained healer in the field Edwin Courtenay, spiritual teacher and author uses his clairvoyant ability and channelling of spirit to provide a comprehensive insight into the spiritual anatomy of mankind, its potential malfunctions and how to remedy them - revealing new elements of the energy system never written about before! Packed full with exercises, scripted meditations and references to healing gods, saints, masters, angels and crystal the book also explores … How to channel healing energy The light body and and transpersonal chakras How to heal the self Absent healing Earth healing Healing rays and esoteric fires Plunge into a world of light and blessing - the power to heal both yourself, others and the world rests in your hands - now is the time to take the power and use it for the greater good of all in bringing lasting harmony and peace. Go to the linktree in my bio and hit Healing To Go to preorder your copy now! #healingtogo #healing #spiritualhealing #faithhealing #reiki #angelicreiki #crystalhealing #edwincourtenay #togoseries #booknumbernine #psychichealing #psychic #spiritual #newagebooks #spiritualbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CVyntESNUb8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theroyalnumerology · 3 years
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Follow The Royal Numerology] Discover what your number says about your life * Claim Your FREE Numerology Reading Now * Visit the link in my bio The Royal Numerology] #psychicreading #spiritualgrowth #enlightenment #lawofattraction #spiritualawakening #psychicmedium #psychicreader #psychicadvice #metaphysical #twinflame #psychicreadings #angelcards #healingjourney #manifestyourdreams #dailyaffirmations #psychichealing #psychicenergy #soulmatereading #divinepurpose #numerologycalculator #palmreadings #tarotreading #vibrationalenergy #intuitivereading #subconscious #psychicloveexpert #lawofattractionmoney #lawofattractionexperts #manifestwhatyouwant #astronumerology https://ift.tt/3BemnYS
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Evening all, currently doing some readings on my live chat service. Come on over and see who wants to connect with you. Available worldwide from my website or app www.im.johnspratt.co.uk #psychicreading #psychic #unhappiness #depression #sad #love #soulmate #chakras #foreveralone #foreverlove❤ #astrology #tarotreader #terazi #tarotcards #psychicmedium #tarotdaily #psychicadvisor #tarotnerd #psychichelp #psychicpowers #tarotcardoftheday #tarotaddict #tarotcardreaders #loveadvice #tarottribe #psychichealing #tarotgram #psychichealer #freepsychicreading #johnspratt
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