#psychological projection
baldudiable · 1 month
Tarot and Psychological Projection
When doing a Tarot reading about two individuals and the relationship between them, we may have a tendency to separate these individuals and attributing distinctive traits to them. On the surface, they may differ through their manner of expression, their status, or their appearance. But if these people end up meeting, it is because on an energetic level, they are alike. We attract to us what we are. We attract the situations and people we need to grow and evolve.
We may not embody the same traits on the same degrees because after all, we are our own person, and we are following our own path. But if we end up meeting and merging, it's because generally, we possess a quality that the other wants to acquire, or a flaw that the other has but refuses to see.
This is due to the psychological projection phenomena.
We attribute what Robert A. Johnson calls the Inner Gold to other people. The Gold is made all of the qualities that we possess deep down and that may allow us to elevate to our Higher Self. The problem is, most of us refuse to embody our Gold, because it would ask us to challenge ourselves and change. Because of that fear, we end up admiring individuals who own the traits that we wish we had, and we put them on a pedestal.
Inversely, the Shadow, a term that was first coined by Carl G. Jung, represents another unconscious attribute that we reject as it is composed of the traits that people close to us or society deem negative. It is a set of behaviors that we find particularly repulsive in others, which make us deeply uncomfortable because we also possess them. Criticizing someone else's attitude is easier than recognizing that we are not perfect and that there is inner work to be done.
Basically, not integrating our Gold or Shadow means staying in our comfort zone. Which will eventually make us dissatisfied with ourselves.
The good news is, the Tarot can help us discover what and how we can transform through our relationships. Let's see how.
Let's say you meet someone and want to know what energy each of you are bringing to the table. You draw the Magician for yourself, and the King of Wands for that person.
This would mean that as the Magician, you are a person that has really big dreams, and the will necessary to make them come true. Your curiosity and open-mindedness have allowed you to gather a great number of disparate ressources. These ressources can be mental, material, emotional, or spiritual. They might appear absurd or obsolete to others, but as the Magician, you have been gifted with a creative and innovative spirit. You have a strong capacity for utilizing your ressources, and translating vast and complex pieces of knowledge in a language understandable by anyone.
The other person is represented as the Knight of Wands. This arcana can represent an authority figure in real life. They are a strong, proud and determined leader towards whom we turn to reach a definite goal. Deeply interested in accomplishment and status, they want to be admired for what they have managed to achieve.
The Magician believes in his capacities and in a Higher Power. He is not afraid of taking risks, because he trusts everything will work out somehow. He knows he was given all of these gifts for a reason. However, his boundless curiosity and adaptability can pull him in too many directions, so much so that he forgets what his vision actually was. His spiritual nature can also make him passive and push him to go with the flow. The King of Wands, the embodiment of willpower, can (consciously or unconsciously) teach him to be more focused and decisive, which would help the Magician bring his projects to completion and remind him to go after what he wants.
Inversely, the King has a thing or two to learn from the Magician. As the ultimate power and authority figure, the King makes sure that he has control to provide security both to himself and the people he protects. His desire for stability encourages him to follow a conformist path that can be repetitive and void of meaning, consequently betraying his inherent creativity and desire for growth. The Magician will show him that authenticity and success can coexist. The King will learn how to let go of his need for control and believe in something that is greater than him.
So that was one way of getting to know your unconscious traits and someone else's. I don't think you need to be a Tarot expert to read into the Arcana. Knowing the symbolism can help, but the most important thing lies in having the ability to see yourself and others in the cards. You must ask yourself : "How am I/are they like this figure?" "What is their purpose and how is it like mine?" "Why did I manifest this person into my life and why did they manifest me?"
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Have YOU🫵 experienced being called a pathetic jew hater for fighting against misinformation propaganda by pathetic truth haters?
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sunder-the-gold · 9 months
When you want to justify hating someone, accuse them of hating you first.
That’s what children do when Mommy says ‘No’ to McDonalds because they have food at home.
Mommy must hate them, so they can feel entirely justified when they scream, “I hate you, Mommy!”
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kellymagovern · 20 days
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Have you ever considered that possibly the reason you fixate on religion and spend every waking moment of your day thinking about God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ is because, deep in the depths of the heart of your heart, you know that it is all true?
Certainly. And I can assure you that not only could nothing be further from the truth, but we know as a historical fact that Jesus, the character of the bible, never existed, the fables on which he depends (Genesis, Exodus, etc) never occurred, and that Jesus does not even fulfil the Jewish prophecies, and therefore Xianity literally cannot be true.
Have you considered the possibly the reason you are fixated on non-believers, can't leave them alone to do their own thing (since I'm not on your blog), and message them is because you're a closet non-believer yourself? Like the little kid who punches the boy she likes, an attention-seeking way of trying to abandon superstition and magical thinking because deep in your heart you know it's the most idiotic nonsense you've ever heard of and inherently self-contradictory? That the quiet little voice in the back of your mind that won't go away might have a point?
Sweetie, it's okay that you don't believe. You don't have to play this game with me. I accept you.
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xtruss · 3 months
Anti-China Narrative Psychological Projection of US
— By S.L. Kanthan | February 08, 2024
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Illustration: Tang Tengfei/Global Times
The US has struggled with a congenital defect - its addiction to wars. President John Quincy Adams famously said, "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy." However, history tells a very different story, with the US having spent about 94 percent of the time in wars since 1776. The American Empire now has 800 military bases in 140 countries, and keeps doubling down on perpetual wars. Not satisfied with the current proxy and real wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria - and possibly Iran soon - the cackle of American think tanks and corporate media is clamoring for a delusional hot war against China.
The narrative against China can only be described as psychological projection. Using twisted logic and fallacies, the China hawks scream that China is a threat to the US and the world. But they forget to mention that the US has been waging non-stop economic war and propaganda war against China for years. Also, it is the US that surrounds China with hostile military bases - building new ones in the Philippines. Yet, in the world of inversion, China is the bad guy.
The US tries to hobble China's economy in countless ways, and then claims that China's slower GDP growth - relative to China's past performance, but still much better than the G7 nations - is an indication of China's intent to "invade Taiwan."
From Monday through Wednesday, US media gloats that China is collapsing. And Thursday through Sunday, the same media cries that China is on the cusp of taking over the world. Which one is it - China is weak or omnipotent?
Another popular talking point among anti-China hardliners is the rapid growth in China's defense investment. China's military strategy is mostly defensive like the Great Wall. China is a "threat" only to rapacious invaders.
As for Taiwan, here is the bitter pill for imperialists: there will be reunification. When China was weak in the 19th century, it was attacked by vultures who plucked off strategic regions. However, as China regained its rightful position in the world, former colonialists retreated, giving back the stolen lands. Remember how Portugal returned Macau and the UK returned Hong Kong? Similarly, the US will one day let go of Taiwan. The sooner the Americans accept this inevitability, the better the world will be.
"America Does Not Go Abroad in Search of Monsters To Destroy." — President John Quincy Adams
There was a time when one could tell the difference between a sensational tabloid and serious journalism in the US, but not anymore. Now, the once respectable media outlets such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal are filled with fake news, disinformation and war propaganda.
A recent article by Hal Brands in Foreign Policy is an exemplary case for this decline in American intellectualism. By the way, Mr. Brands has stellar credentials - educated at Stanford and Yale, author of numerous books, and a regular columnist. However, his article is filled with misinformation and sensationalism. Lacking any real evidence of "China threat," he quotes the CIA, the organization that lies, cheats and steals - to paraphrase Mike Pompeo, former CIA director.
Finally, Hal Brands' entire premise about the state of China's economy is deeply flawed. In his echo chamber, nobody talks about China's 5.2-percent GDP growth in 2023, a trade surplus of a staggering $800 billion, China becoming the world's #1 exporter of cars, BYD surpassing Tesla, the resurgence of Huawei, and a long list of other accomplishments.
China watchers have been wrong for long but nobody gets fired for being wrong about China. Why? The goals of incessant big lies are to convince Americans that they have the greatest economic and political systems, and to manufacture consent for a war against China. Sadly, the propagandists are quite successful - the number of Americans who view China favorably dropped from 53 percent in 2018 to 15 percent by 2023 (Gallup Poll).
This is not the old Cold War. Today, the US economy is intricately linked to and dependent on China. From Apple and Tesla to Walmart and Starbucks, American corporations' fortunes depend on Chinese workers and consumers. Even the US military cannot function without Chinese products - for example, the CEO of Raytheon admitted that his company relies on "thousands of Chinese suppliers." Decoupling is a pipe dream.
US elites need a grand reset in their understanding of the world. A multipolar world is emerging. The US needs to stop being the "most warlike nation in history of the world," as Jimmy Carter put it. It's time to discard the paradigms of the military-industrial complex, and instead embrace a future of multilateralism, development and peace.
— The Author is a Geopolitical Analyst, Columnist, Blogger, Podcaster, and Writer Based out of Bangalore, India. His work can be found on Substack, X and more.
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makiruz · 4 months
Oh my god, the projection!
So I had an argument with this zionist (@nightmist123) and they end up telling me I think I'm always right and what do you know about wars? This is the same person who told that if an Israeli soldier raped anyone they would be trialed and punished
As if zionist weren't always twisting everything around to be on the right always; all the human rights organizations say Israel is doing war crimes? Well, all the human rights organizations hate Jews; Jewish people condemn Israel? Well, they're not actually Jewish, they're faking it
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emperornorton47 · 7 months
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She's always right about Trump. Always.
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hezigler · 2 years
Republicans and the crisis of "manhood": Who are the real sex-obsessed pervs in America? | Salon.com
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France Inter: Ce que révèle la sortie de Sergei Lavrov sur la Belgique et la langue française
France Inter: Ce que révèle la sortie de Sergei Lavrov sur la Belgique et la langue française.
C'est vous européens qui êtes restés bloqués dans le monde soviétique, que vous secrètement regrettez, de simples projections psychologiques sur le chef de la diplomatie russe.
Il y a 3 millions de personnes dans le Dombass qui ne sont pas d'accord avec le gouvernement de Kiev, ce qui explique l'intervention de défense à ces populations face à l'intransigeance de Kiev.
C'est l'Ukraine qui utilise la force pour mettre au pas les "séparatistes" du Dombass, c'est eux qui ne comprennent que l'usage de la force.
La derussification est effectivement mise en oeuvre par Kiev, ce qui est inacceptable culturellement et ethniquement pour la fédération de Russie.
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madalenadrops · 8 months
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Ain't he just one adorkable fella?
Welcome Home Restoration Project belongs to @partycoffin
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okulki · 2 months
Oh no
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Round 4: Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Amane Momose (MILGRAM)
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Propaganda below the cut
Mabel Pines (12):
I literally saw a tiktok today about how Mabel is a bad person. She’s 12! Like yes, she has made some mistakes and bad choices, but so has everyone else. And I never see any of the other characters in the show criticized the way she is. Everyone in the show has made mistakes (Grunkle Stan commits crimes practically every episode ffs) but because Mabel is a 12 year old girl and acts like it, she gets the most hate. Mabel deserves to be loved 🩷
girl gets so much flack for being... immature and kind of selfish at age 12? like she had whole video essays made on why she is a horrible person who deserves punishment. god forbid girls be silly
!!! Spoilers for Gravity Falls last 5 episodes !!!
This has gone down a lot but when the Weirdmaggedon arc was happening, the finale of the series, a big part of the fandom started hating Mabel because she accidentally caused the Weirdmaggedon (basically an apocalypse + bizarre shit like the water tower becoming an eight-legged monster with a giant mouth).
For context, in the episode that starts this arc, "Dipper and Mabel vs The Future", Mabel is really excited to the end of their summer vacation at Grunkle Stan's house, since it will be her and Dipper's 13th birthday and they will enter high school (her idea of high school of course coming from teen movies). But then this whole idea starts to shatter when Wendy tells her that high school isn't like a Disney musical, but it's okay, she will get through this since she will be with Dipper, her twin brother...
Except, that Dipper receives an invitation by Grunkle Stan's scientist brother Ford to become his apprentice after summer ends, staying in Gravity Falls, without Mabel. When she discovers it, she gets really mad at him and in a fit of rage, she accidentally picks Dipper's bag instead of hers and runs off to the woods.
When she gets there, Blendin, a time-travelling friend of theirs finds her and tells her that he has a way of making her brother stay with her, and make the summer take a little more to end, and that he just needed a little thing that Dipper has in his bag. That thing is a dimensional rift that Dipper and Ford contained to not cause the Weirdmaggedon, but Mabel didn't knew about that and gives it to Blendin. Blendin then breaks it and it's revealed that Bill Cipher was controlling Blendin to get the rift and release the Weirdmaggedon. He then traps Mabel in a bubble, starting the final arc of the series.
So, a few episodes later, that bubble she's in is revealed to be a world of fantasy that she controls, and that she didn't want to leave that world, as she was scared of growing up etc.
Context given, A LOT OF PEOPLE HATED HER FOR THIS. Suddenly people started seeing Mabel as just a selfish girl who wanted things only her way, when she was only a 12-year-old scared of growing up without her twin brother (they do end up going back together at the end but still).
The worst part is that apparently the people behind it took note of this, and on the comics that where released after the finale, she is a selfish spoiled brat. I haven't read the comics though so I'm going off what some people said about it.
Amane Momose (12):
Amane was voted guilty in the first trial so that she would acknowledge her guilt. It backfired, and now she’s considered a threat. Well, everyone is a threat, but nobody’s threat level has been as heavily discussed and debated as hers. Consider the next prisoner in line, Mikoto. He’s objectively more dangerous and cannot be restrained. He beat up the guard in trial 1, and he was able to hold his own when the other guilty prisoners were attacked. But a good incentive to forgive him is so that he will calm down. You know what? That’s a good incentive to forgive Amane too! But she *can* be restrained, so a good portion of the discussion went into how she should be voted guilty so she *will* be restrained and not a threat. Since her vote was a near 50/50, of course a good chunk of the voters expressed dissatisfaction with her forgiven verdict. Some are already planning to vote her guilty for trial 3, calling her a “lost cause”. She hasn’t even done any concrete harm yet. Hold the pitchforks until she actually causes harm, please? And what if she *was* voted guilty in trial 2? We’ve been warned that she will continue to deny our judgement. A second guilty verdict won’t make her better either, and then what? She’d be called a “lost cause” as well. There is no winning with her.
Where do I even start? So first of all she’s an cult child who was physically and mentally abused and tortured by her parents and then (presumably) murdered her mother after her mother killed a cat that she took care of.
Now everyone in Milgram is a murderer but when Amane came and her MV showed her murder and circumstance in an admittedly highly fictionalized depiction of it the audience decided to…repeat the cycle of abuse!
She was voted guilty for the main reason of “teaching her” and helping her “realize that she was abused.” I would like to note that this tough love approach is something her parents utilized against her. “We are only doing this to help you.”
So the audience replicates Amane’s abusers and repeats the cycle of abuse and that’s pretty shitty but it isn’t exactly “Fuck Em Kids” level.
And then Trial 2 happened. Cause Amane is bitter and angry and horrifically traumatized so she acts aggressive and hostile. Especially towards another prisoner.
Now, again, everyone here is a fucking murderer (of atleast could be constructed as one) These people being able to Harm is a core concept of this series.
Yet for some reason it feels like people treat Amane as a “delusional creepy kid who wants to kill people” which completly takes away the nuance of her character. She does have the capacity to harm! Everyone here does! She’s not Uniquly Dangerous! She just has a Reason to be Dangerous. A Reason we GAVE HER by REPEATING THE CYCLE OF ABUSE.
In short: In a series full of Murderers I’m honestly a bit pissed that the 12 year old abuse victim is the one who’s treated like the guy from American Pyscho.
TL;DR: "We metavoted this abused, indoctrinated child guilty in trial 1, but it didn't work. Now she is a threat to three grown adults: one who is fully free and two whom she has been shown to get along with. Please metavote her guilty again so she will be restrained and unable to attack them, even though that means subjecting her to further psychological torture." Amane Momose is the youngest of ten murderers, prisoners of Milgram who are to be judged innocent (forgiven) or guilty (unforgiven). In the first interrogation (voice drama), she said that what she did was in line with her religion's doctrines. If we judged her the "wrong way", she said she will just deny the verdict. Combining the voice drama and music video, you could piece together that she was raised in a cult and abused, even though she is cheerful and downplays her pain. She never shows *who* she killed, only *why* she did. After the first day of her vote, she was 81% innocent, but this wouldn't last the whole three months. Many people voted her guilty so she would "see her sins", part of the practice commonly known as "metavoting". Her innocent percentage rapidly decreased, and she hit guilty in the last 15 days, finishing at 51% guilty. At the end of the first trial, Jackalope (who is something like a host) went over all the prisoners' verdicts and commented on the general reasoning. When he got to Amane, he *laughed* at the audience for voting that way to make her realize her sins. Trial 2 rolled around, and it was revealed that Amane's victim was her abuser. On day one, she was at 74% innocent. Seems like a cut-and-dry case now, right? Well... in the intermission, two of the prisoners (Fuuta and Mahiru) were badly beaten up and became reliant on the care of Shidou, a doctor. Amane became hostile to Shidou because what he was doing was against her beliefs. She visited all three of them on their birthdays to convince them to change their ways. She seems to be especially close to Fuuta, who is now murmuring about salvation. Guilty prisoners are psychologically tortured, forced to listen to voices that reject their beliefs. Fuuta and Mahiru both say that the mental strain is worse than their physical injuries. But Amane, who also looks worse for wear, was thrown under the bus because she isn't injured and is considered a physical threat to them (never mind that she gets along with them). She's considered a threat to Shidou, a grown man who is twice her size and fully free, while she is partially restricted by the long sleeves in her trial 2 uniform. She might indoctrinate Fuuta even though, in a prison of ten people and one guard, she's the only voice of her cult. Fortunately, she got a break. Her vote was falling at a similar rate to the first trial. But this time, it stabilized at 51% innocent, 12 days before the end of her vote. But there's no way this is over.
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kellymagovern · 2 months
Gary Zukav on why it's painful to judge others. [x]
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heterorealism · 7 months
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
I wonder how many business majors turn out like I did: disillusioned leftists who view all they learned for that degree with a healthy dose of skepticism.
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